How much does a human bladder weigh. Normal bladder volume at different ages

The bladder plays a very important role in the human body: it is involved in the processes of accumulation and excretion of urine.

One of the indicators of normal functioning is its volume.

The walls of this organ are very elastic and with a strong accumulation of urine they stretch.

The article will analyze the normal value of this indicator for men, women and children, as well as what consequences arise if it changes.

General information about the bladder

To understand how this organ functions, you need to understand its structure. This organ is hollow, located in front of the symphysis. The intestines are adjacent to its back wall; in men, the upper part of the organ is covered with a special serous membrane.

Sizes vary by gender. The bladder consists of a body, neck, apex and fundus. The top of the organ is slightly narrowed, and from below it expands. In men, anatomically, the bottom of the bladder is adjacent to the anus.

From his neck begins the urethra. It is worth noting that the size of the male urea is several times larger than the female. At the same time, in the context, the ratio is completely opposite. The volume of the organ in children depends on their age.

The main function is the accumulation and excretion of urine through the ureter. Fluid accumulates due to the high capacity of the walls Bladder to stretch. After the volume reaches a certain size, an impulse arrives at its top and the urine is excreted.

It is worth noting that a person can control functions by delaying urination. This is due to special sphincters that are located in the neck of the bladder and the urethra of the pelvic region. With their relaxation, the contraction of the walls of the urea and the process of emptying begins.

normal body size

The formation of the bubble begins even during fetal development (approximately from 6-7 weeks of pregnancy).

After the birth of a child, the organ continues to grow in accordance with the growing body, the exact size is formed by the age of 14.

In men

Normally, in the male half of the population, the volume is in the range of 0.3-0.7 liters. May vary depending on the height or weight of the person.

Among women

The volume of the urea in a woman is 0.3-0.5 liters. Dimensions change throughout life, which is associated with processes such as pregnancy and childbirth. With age, this indicator also lends itself to change.

In children

For children, the volume of the bladder envy by age category:

  • up to 12 months - 0.035-0.05 l;
  • from 12 to 36 months - 0.05-0.07 l;
  • from 36 months to 8 years - 0.1-0.2 l;
  • from 8 to 10 years - 0.2-0.3 l;
  • from 10 to 14 years old - 0.3-0.45 liters.

The growth of the organ stops at the age of 14 and acquires volumes characteristic of patients of different sexes. It should be noted that when filled with urine, the walls can increase in volume.


The child of the first days of life is about 50 ml. As it grows, it increases. It depends on changes in the baby's body, as well as on the amount of food eaten.

Standard wall thickness

At healthy person the body has a round shape, a clear structure.

The wall thickness is in the range of 0.3-0.5 cm, while if urine accumulates, they can increase by several millimeters.

Normally, the outflow of urine is carried out in 14 seconds, and its filling occurs at 0.05 liters in 60 minutes. It is important to note that it is not completely emptied, it is about 50 ml.

What affects the size of the urinary cavity?

Throughout life, an organ can change both in the direction of decrease and in the direction of increase. The following factors play a role in this process:

There is evidence that it can change under the influence of emotional upheavals. To return everything back to normal, you just need to restore normal functions. nervous system.

There are changes that independently return to their original place after the cessation of negative factors on the human body. In all other cases, surgery will be required.

How changes appear in the system

Signs of sizing are:

  • (more than 5 times a day);
  • increased urination at night;
  • strong urge to go to the toilet;
  • the volume of urine output is low, while the frequency of urges is not reduced.

Due to the decrease, it fills up faster, so the patient often undergoes emptying processes. With an increase in the walls of the organ, the level of residual urine rises, the urges become frequent and false.

How to calculate the exact size?

This value depends on the age and sex of the patient. Next, we will consider this process separately for adults and young children.

Ultrasound is used to determine the exact numbers. You can also get them yourself.

In adults

In addition to the standard ultrasound procedure, adult patients use the so-called "manual" calculation. It is used to determine the amount of residual or not excreted urine, as well as to diagnose diseases of the urinary system.

The formula for men and women is the same, it looks like this: a special coefficient (0.75) is multiplied by the width, height and length of the organ. These values ​​are found using the catherization method.

The following formula looks like this: a factor of 10 is multiplied by the patient's weight in kg or 73 + 32 * patient's age.

In infants up to a year

After birth, it will grow accordingly with the child.

For the age group up to 10 years, the calculation is as follows: 600+(100*(child's age -1)).

For older children of this age, the calculation is carried out as follows: 1500 * (S / 1.73). S is a constant value of the patient's body surface, which can be found using a special table.

Reasons for the decrease

Regardless of gender, all causes are divided into two groups:

In the first case, the so-called appears, during which the patient has frequent urge to go to the toilet. The second group of factors appears due to frequent inflammatory processes, after which the walls of the bladder are injured. During these processes, the tissue in the walls is replaced by connective tissue and the organ begins to shrink.

Among the diseases that provoke a change in size, there are:

  • intercystial nature (inflammatory process, the cause of which is not bacterial microflora);
  • body;
  • schistosomiasis (cause - the presence in the body of a helminth - a flatworm);
  • long-term (during the rehabilitation period after surgery).

Unfortunately, many of these diseases are difficult to treat, and it is almost impossible to fully restore functions.

Etiology of volume expansion

Among the pathologies that affect the increase in the size of the organ in a big way, there are:

  • the presence of mineral deposits in the bladder or urinary canals;
  • foci of inflammation in the prostate (typical for men);
  • formations of a malignant nature;
  • (neoplasms benign) in the organ cavity.

Secondary reasons include:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • neoplasms that are localized in the part of the brain responsible for the process of excretion of urine;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • age of the patient (often diagnosed after 40 years, especially in men due to problems with the prostate);
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • improper placement of the catheter;
  • long-term use of certain groups of drugs (sedative, narcotic, etc.).

At the first unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications.

What to do when a pathology is detected

After receiving the results of a comprehensive examination, doctors decide on the tactics of treatment: conservative or surgical. Carry out such therapy:

In addition to the two main methods of treating organ enlargement, various procedures are used:

  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • medicinal preparations;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • medical diet.

The decision on the treatment regimen is made by the doctor, depending on the severity of the patient's disease. At severe pain it is allowed to put heating pads on the painful area. It is very useful to have a relaxing massage, to improve the excretion of urine, it is allowed to take a warm bath or shower.

For prevention, it is recommended to healthy lifestyle life, monitor your diet, at the first urge to urinate empty, as the prolongation of the process leads to the expansion of the walls of the bladder. In case of violations of urine excretion, it is recommended to adjust your drinking regimen so as not to overload the organ.


The volume of the urea has a certain size in men, women and children. Physiologically, a deviation from the norm by several mm is allowed when filling with urine, in all other cases, doctors diagnose pathology.

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Bladder volume in children table

Bladder volume: norms of indicators and methods of measurement

The volume of a person's bladder can change throughout life up or down. In some cases, such as during pregnancy or severe stress, these changes are reversible and do not cause concern. However, more often a decrease or increase in the capacity of this organ indicates some kind of pathological process occurring in the body. In order to recognize the disease in time, one should know the norms of organ size in children and adults, and also be able to calculate individual parameters.

  • generally accepted norms
  • Measurement methods
  • What are the deviations?

generally accepted norms

The average bladder capacity of an adult is 500 ml. Due to the ability of the walls of the organ to stretch, in men of high stature and large complexion, its volume in the most filled state can reach 750-1000 ml.

The capacity of the largest organ of the urinary system depends on the age of the patient, as well as on his gender.

The average volume of the bladder in men is 400-750 ml, in women - 250-550 ml.

In normally developing children, the bladder, like other internal organs, increases its volume as it grows.

Volume norm for children:

  • infants up to 12 months - 35-50 ml;
  • children 1-3 years old - 50-70 ml;
  • 3-5 years - 70-90 ml;
  • 5-8 years - 100-150 ml;
  • 9-10 years - 200-270 ml;
  • 11-13 years - 300-350 ml.

A teenager of 14-16 years old already has a fully developed organ of an adult size. In the future, the volume of the bladder remains unchanged throughout life and changes only under the influence of additional factors.

Factors affecting the change in the size of the bladder:

  • pathological formations of a benign and malignant nature in the bladder itself and adjacent organs;
  • pregnancy in women;
  • enlarged prostate in men;
  • neurological disorders;
  • age-related changes occurring in the body of the elderly;
  • surgical interventions in the treatment of pelvic organs;
  • taking certain medications.

In some cases, a change in the size of the bladder can be observed in people with severe stress caused by a strong emotional shock.

Measurement methods

Typically, bladder volume is measured using a portable ultrasound machine.

The simplest method for automatically calculating the capacity of an organ is based on the following formula:

V = 0.75 x B x L x H, where V is the volume, B is the width, L is the length, and H is the height of the bladder.

The resulting data have the highest correlation coefficient with the result obtained in the process of urinary catheterization (draining fluid from an organ using a catheter inserted into the urethra).

To obtain more accurate data, the shape of the bladder in the filled state is conditionally taken as geometric bodies of revolution - an ellipsoid and a cylinder. Additional automatic formulas used in ultrasound machines:

  1. Cylinder formula: V = 3.14 x R² x H, where R is the radius of the cylinder and H is its height.
  2. Ellipsoid formula: V \u003d 4/3 x 3.14 x R1 x R2 x R3, where R1, R2, R3 are the semiaxes (radii) of the ellipsoid.

In order to evaluate the condition of the organ, take an anamnesis, determine the amount of residual urine or retention, and also to make sure that the automatic calculation is accurate, many urologists and therapists manually calculate the size of the bladder using various formulas:

  • V (in ml) = 73 + 32 x N, where N is the patient's age;
  • V (in ml) = 10 x M, where M is the mass of a person (this calculation is not suitable for people who are overweight).
  1. For children: V (in ml) = 1500 x (S: 1.73), where S is the value of the surface area of ​​the child's body, depending on his weight and height at the time of measurement (see Table 1).

Table 1

Weight, kg / Height, cm 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 120
110 1,04 1,09 1,14 1,19 1,24 1,32 1,40 1,47 1,54 1,66
120 1,11 1,17 1,22 1,27 1,32 1,41 1,49 1,56 1,64 1,77
130 1,17 1,23 1,29 1,34 1,40 1,49 1,58 1,66 1,73 1,87
140 1,24 1,30 1,36 1,42 1,47 1,57 1,66 1,75 1,83 1,98
150 1,30 1,37 1,43 1,49 1,55 1,65 1,75 1,84 1,92 2,08
160 1,37 1,44 1,50 1,56 1,62 1,73 1,83 1,93 2,02 2,18
170 1,43 1,50 1,57 1,63 1,69 1,81 1,92 2,01 2,11 2,28
180 1,49 1,56 1,63 1,70 1,77 1,89 2,00 2,10 2,20 2,37
190 1,55 1,63 1,70 1,77 1,84 1,96 2,08 2,18 2,28 2,47
200 1,61 1,69 1,76 1,84 1,91 2,04 2,15 2,27 2,37 2,5

Comparison of the data obtained by various methods helps to obtain a result that is almost 100% reliable.

What are the deviations?

The obtained automatic or independent calculations that differ from the norm indicate the need for a deeper examination of the body. The doctor may appoint:

  • additional ultrasound examination;
  • chromocystoscopy;
  • cystoscopy;
  • excretory urography and other necessary examinations.

If a pathology is detected, appropriate treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the root cause that caused changes in the size of the bladder.

Bladder Capacity: Size Matters

A healthy bladder of normal capacity accumulates urine flowing down the ureters from the kidneys until it is sufficiently full for the person to feel the urge to urinate. Normally, urine can accumulate and remain in the organ cavity for about 2-5 hours. But with pathological changes, as a result of which its volume increases or decreases, various urination disorders develop. Consider what should be the capacity of this organ in adult women and men, in children, how to determine this parameter and what pathologies can lead to a change in the volume of the bladder.

Normal bladder volume

The normal capacity of this organ varies by gender and depending on the age of the person:

  • in women, the volume of the bladder is approximately equal to 250-500 ml;
  • for men, this figure is slightly higher - 350-700 ml.

But depending on the individual structure of the organ and the extensibility of its walls, up to a liter of urine can be retained in the bladder.

In children, its capacity increases as the child grows:

As can be seen from the table, the organ reaches adult sizes after 11 years.

What can affect the size of an organ?

The volume of the bladder throughout life can change up or down. The following factors can affect its capacity:

There are studies that confirm the possibility of changing the size of the bladder as a result of a strong emotional shock, and this is possible in both women and men. The solution to this problem is to restore the general emotional background, when a person can fully control all the functions of his body.

Some of these changes are reversible, and the capacity of the organ returns to its previous figures after the cessation of exposure to the provoking factor. Such an outcome of changes is predicted after childbirth or discontinuation of medications. In other cases, the return of normal organ capacity is possible only after adequate therapy or surgery.

How do changes in organ volume manifest themselves?

Changes in the size of the bladder cannot go unnoticed for women and men, as the problem worsens their quality of life. Patients experience the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination when the number of trips to the toilet exceeds 5 times a day;
  • frequent nighttime urination;
  • the presence of imperative (strongest, imperative) urge to urinate;
  • the amount of urine excreted is less than usual, but the urge occurs more often.

When the bladder becomes smaller, it fills up faster with urine and therefore needs to be emptied more often. When an organ enlarges, the amount of residual urine in it also increases, and problems with urination are manifested by frequent urge to empty.

How to find out the capacity of the bladder and why is it needed?

The modern and most accurate method is an ultrasound examination of this organ, when it is mistaken for a cylinder or an ellipse (conditionally), and the equipment automatically determines the volume of the bubble. These data are necessary to assess his condition, the presence of diseases of the urinary system, to determine the amount of residual urine or its retention.

Formulas to determine bladder capacity (UBC) in adult men and women:

  1. EMP (in ml) = 73 + 32 x N, where N is the person's age.
  2. EMP = 10 x M, where M is the mass of a person who is not overweight.
  3. UMP = 0.75 x A x L x H, where A is the width, L is the length, H is the height of the organ, determined by the catheterization method.

For children, a different formula is used:

EMP = 1500 x (S / 1.73), where S is the average surface of the child's body. Doctors take this indicator from ready-made tables, the accuracy of such calculations approaches 100%.

Studies conducted by scientists have shown that the capacity of the bladder does not change from the moment of the final development of the genitourinary system, if there was no influence of provoking factors (disease, surgery, etc.).

Reasons for downsizing

In men and women, they are identical and are divided into two groups:

  1. Functional, associated with a violation of the functions of the body.
  2. Organic, arise due to a violation of the structure of its wall.

The first group includes the disease of an overactive bladder. It is associated with a violation of the supply of the organ with nerves or their insufficient work. The disease is manifested by frequent and imperative urge to urinate.

In many cases, these changes are irreversible, so the return of the previous size of the organ is possible only through surgery.

Reasons for the increase in size

It can increase as a result the following diseases urogenital area:

  • ischuria: characterized by acute urinary retention, when the bladder overflows, but is not able to empty;
  • bladder stones;
  • stones in the ureters, while they cause an increase in the bladder more often than stones in the organ itself. This is due to blockage of the lumen of the ureters, as a result of which the outflow of urine is difficult;
  • tumors in the ducts of the organ;
  • prostatitis in men acute form accompanied by a very rapid change in the size of the bladder and pain in the abdomen;
  • benign prostatic hypertrophy;
  • prostate tumor in men;
  • malignant tumor of the bladder;
  • benign tumors - polyps. They are not inclined to rapid growth and may not show up at all. But when the polyps begin to grow rapidly, most likely, their malignancy (malignancy) has occurred, and the patient urgently needs an operation.

Other provoking factors that can cause an increase in this organ are:

  • cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • a brain tumor that causes dysfunction of brain neurons and interruption of control over urination;
  • multiple sclerosis, when urinary problems are caused by neurological disorders;
  • functional pathologies of the prostate in men over 40 years of age;
  • endocrine disorders associated with damage to the autonomic nervous system in diabetes;
  • adnexitis - a disease of the female genital organs - inflammation of the appendages;
  • catheterization of the bladder, when the tube was installed incorrectly, and urine was retained in the body;
  • other medical manipulations, which caused irritation of the urinary organs, resulting in swelling of the bladder and retention of urine in it.

There are some medications that can cause swelling of the bladder:

  • parasympatholytics;
  • opiates;
  • sedatives;
  • ganglionic blockers;
  • some anesthetics.

The bladder, enlarged in size, can be easily palpated, but with such a study, the pathology can be confused with a tumor abdominal cavity, cyst or volvulus of the intestine. Therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is examined rectally by the posterior wall of this organ, and also catheterizes it.

What to do if the size of the bladder has changed?

First, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound, excretory urography, chromocystoscopy, and possibly cystoscopy. Based on the results of these studies, he will select best option fix this problem. It is important to eliminate the very reason that led to such changes.

If the bladder has become smaller, the following conservative therapies may be prescribed:

  • hydrodilation - a procedure during which fluid is injected into the organ and thus gradually increase its volume;
  • injections of neurotoxins administered through the urethra into the wall of the bladder. They disrupt the functioning of the nerves, thereby reducing the frequency of urination and increasing the storage function of this organ.

Surgical methods for increasing the volume of the bladder:

  1. Myomectomy. A part of the muscle tissue of the detrusor is excised - the contractile muscle of the bladder.
  2. Transurethral detrusorotomy. Through the urethra, a microsurgical instrument is inserted into the cavity of the organ, which crosses the nerves in its wall.
  3. Augmentation cystoplasty. Removal of a part of the organ, which is replaced during the operation with a section of the stomach or intestines.
  4. Cystectomy. The bladder is removed completely and replaced with a portion of the intestine. This operation is usually carried out in the case of malignant tumors in the organ.

If the patient has an enlarged bladder, the treatment of the disease that provoked this condition is primarily prescribed. At the same time, a catheter can be placed in the patient to normalize the drainage of urine. Additional therapeutic measures that the doctor selects individually:

  • medicines, the action of which is aimed at improving the tone of the body;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, heating, ultrasound, etc.);
  • physiotherapy which will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

If the increase in the size of the organ was caused by cancerous tumors, the patient undergoes a cystectomy - complete removal of the bladder, followed by replacement with intestinal tissues.

If such changes are left untreated, then a person can expect unpleasant consequences in the form of chronic renal failure, vesicoureteral reflux, chronic pyelonephritis, and many others.

What is the volume of the bladder in adults and children?

The bladder is located in the small pelvis, it is a hollow muscular organ in which urine flows from the kidneys accumulates.

When the bladder fills, a person feels the urge to urinate, and thus urine periodically leaves the body through the urethra.

There are a number of formulas that calculate the volume of urination.

Bladder volume in adults

A very accurate dependence is considered - ten milliliters per kilogram of mass. However, with excess weight, this formula begins to falter.

There is a formula that takes into account age.

Volume V (in milliliters) = 32 x n +73, where n is the age (years).

Recent studies suggest that the volume of the bladder does not change, but the regulation is disturbed, in particular, the sensitivity of acetylcholine receptors, which is one of the biologically active active ingredients. In this regard, in some cases, with increased contractility of the bladder, an acetylcholine receptor blocker is indicated.

Bladder volume in children

  • from a year to ten, the calculation of the daily volume is carried out according to the formula

600 + (100 x (n - 1)), here n is age (years);

  • for older children, the formula changes markedly

1500 x (S: 1.73), here S is the surface of the body, the average values ​​of which, depending on weight and height, are taken from the table.

Below is a table with a ready-made calculation of the body surface depending on the height and weight of a person.

S (body surface area) taking into account weight and height

Weight, kg Height, cm40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 120
110 1,04 1,09 1,14 1,19 1,24 1,32 1,40 1,47 1,54 1,66
120 1,11 1,17 1,22 1,27 1,32 1,41 1,49 1,56 1,64 1,77
130 1,17 1,23 1,29 1,34 1,40 1,49 1,58 1,66 1,73 1,87
140 1,24 1,30 1,36 1,42 1,47 1,57 1,66 1,75 1,83 1,98
150 1,30 1,37 1,43 1,49 1,55 1,65 1,75 1,84 1,92 2,08
160 1,37 1,44 1,50 1,56 1,62 1,73 1,83 1,93 2,02 2,18
170 1,43 1,50 1,57 1,63 1,69 1,81 1,92 2,01 2,11 2,28
180 1,49 1,56 1,63 1,70 1,77 1,89 2,00 2,10 2,20 2,37
190 1,55 1,63 1,70 1,77 1,84 1,96 2,08 2,18 2,28 2,47
200 1,61 1,69 1,76 1,84 1,91 2,04 2,15 2,27 2,37 2,5

Bladder capacity

The capacity of the bladder is about half a liter, but its walls are able to stretch, and this is an individual indicator. As a result, the bladder can hold up to a liter of urine. Currently, the volume of this organ is determined using ultrasound. Here, to determine the volume of the bladder, it is conditionally taken as an ellipse or cylinder and calculated using special formulas that are available only to a doctor. This is necessary to determine the volume of residual urine or its retention, it Additional Information to help diagnose bladder problems.

Norms of bladder volume and diagnosis of its pathologies

The bladder acts as a kind of reservoir, designed for the accumulation of urine with subsequent withdrawal through the urethra.

Features of the unpaired penis

On average, the maximum volume of the bladder is approximately 750 milliliters. However, a person feels the need to go to the toilet with a volume of 150-250 ml. Capacity primarily depends on age, gender and general condition health. In women, it is characterized by smaller sizes. This is due to the fact that in the pelvic area they have internal genital organs.

In women, the norm is from 250 to 500 ml. For men, this value is not significant, but it is getting higher and is about 650 ml. The amount of urine content in the organ is primarily influenced by the individual structure and extensibility of the walls of the organ. Depending on this, a person is able to hold up to one liter of urine.

Characteristics of the organ of the excretory system in childhood

The organ of the urinary system in children is located higher than in a mature person. With the growth of the baby, he imperceptibly descends into the pelvic area. At this age, the mucous membrane of the organ is well developed, but the development of elastic and muscle tissue is insufficient. The normal capacity of the bladder in a newborn baby is no more than 50 ml.

The physiological amount of organ capacity depends on age:

  • The child feels the urge to urinate at 40 ml per year.
  • At the age of 2 to 5 years - at 50 ml.
  • Children over five years of age experience the need to go to the toilet with the accumulation of urine in a volume of 100 ml.
  • At the age of over ten years, the child feels the urge to urinate from 100 to 200 ml.

Various pathologies

People who suffer from incontinence very often face such a phenomenon as leakage of urine before the bladder is completely filled. This is due to the fact that the volume of the bladder has decreased in a person. In this case, he needs to be examined by a urologist to study the situation and determine the effectiveness and acceptability of treatment. In some situations, the reduced capacity of the organ is characterized by persistence and no treatment is able to restore normal value. In other situations, therapy allows you to restore the usual volume.

Babies have a small bladder capacity. This is due to the fact that the child's body is just being formed. However, this does not prevent him from stretching and contracting, acquiring the required size. In older people, there is an increase in the prostate, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in the amount of space intended for the expansion of the organ.

In women during pregnancy, the capacity of the bladder decreases several times due to the growth of the fetus. In women in position, frequent urge to urinate is observed due to the fact that the body is alerted to the emptying of the bladder by nerve signals before the moment the urine is retained by the muscles.

The cause of violations of the capacity of the organ of the excretory system

Various pathologies can also lead to a change in bladder capacity.

The development of some pathologies leads to a decrease in the volume of the bladder. As a result, the expansion process is much more complicated. Very often, such changes are caused by interstitial cystitis, which is characterized by chronic inflammatory processes in the organ of the urinary system. Interstitial cystitis is dangerous with scarring and a decrease in bladder capacity. Also, in people suffering from dysfunction, a decrease in the amount of urine retention is observed. This is caused by a rapid increase in pressure in the organ, resulting in the opening of the sphincter of the bladder.

If such a problem is suspected, the doctor prescribes a series of tests to the patient, which involve determining the amount of urine content using a contrast agent. The contrast is injected directly into the organ through a catheter. In some cases, therapy has a positive effect. Treatment allows you to increase the amount of urine content. Otherwise, the patient must adhere to and observe precautions in order to avoid incontinence. In especially difficult situations, or an adult does not have the opportunity (he simply cannot) urinate on his own, catheters are used to remove urine.

What causes a change in organ size?

The amount of urine content throughout life varies both up and down. It is influenced by such factors:

  • Surgical intervention performed on the pelvic organs.
  • Pathological disorders in adjacent organs.
  • The use of certain medications.
  • Neoplasms in the bladder.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • An interesting position of a woman.
  • Changes in the body of the elderly.

There are some studies in which a change in the size of the organ was noted due to strong stressful experiences. Such phenomena were found not only in women, but also in men. It is possible to solve such a problem only with the help of normalization of the general emotional state.

The manifestation of changes in the volume of the body

Violations that occur in it, of course, cannot go unnoticed by both women and men. Because it negatively affects the quality of life. For patients, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • Frequent trips to the toilet - more than five times a day, not only during the day, but at night.
  • Presence of violent urge to urinate.
  • The volume of urine excreted is much less, but the urge is characterized by a high frequency.

When the organ of the urinary system decreases in size, it fills with urine much faster, as a result of which there is an urgent need to remove urine. In the event that the organ has increased, and the urine contained in it has not increased, there are also problems with urination and are accompanied by a frequent desire to empty.


In order to designate the range of the bladder, they resort to predominantly modern and reliable research methods - ultrasound diagnostics. With such an examination, the organ is conditionally compared with a cylinder, and with the help of special equipment, its volume is determined. The data obtained make it possible to assess the state of the organ, to determine the presence of pathologies of the urinary system.

Ultrasound also determines how much urine is left in the system. Scientists have found that the capacity of the above-described organ remains unchanged from the moment the formation of the genitourinary system is completed. Changes can be caused by diseases, surgery, and so on.

How to be and what to do when changing the size of an organ?

First of all, the patient is prescribed ultrasound, excretory urography or cystoscopy.

The obtained results of the examination make it possible to prescribe the optimal treatment. Also Special attention is given to the elimination of the factors that led to the occurrence of such violations.

With a decrease in the volume of the bladder, the following conservative methods of treatment are used:

  • Hydrodilation is underway.
  • Through the urethra, neurotoxins are injected intravenously into the very wall of the organ.

Surgical treatment includes myomectomy, cystectomy.

With an enlarged organ, a special tube (cathetor) is installed for the patient in order to normalize urine drainage. The doctor also prescribes additional drug treatment, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. If the increase was provoked by neoplasms, the patient undergoes a cystectomy.

Refusal of treatment can adversely affect the health of the patient. He later developed chronic kidney failure or pyelonephritis.

By secret

  • Incredible… Chronic cystitis can be cured forever!
  • This time.
  • No antibiotics!
  • This is two.
  • During the week!
  • It's three.

It's important to know! × Bladder diverticulum in children

Bladder cancer symptoms

Normal bladder volume differs between men and women, taking into account physiological features. The size is also affected by various pathologies that can increase or decrease it. Normally, the volume of the bladder does not exceed 1 liter. To determine the size of the cavity, they resort to using ultrasound (ultrasound) or special calculations.

The size of the bladder has clear indicators depending on age, and deviation from the norm is a signal for the development of pathology.

What is the normal size of the bladder?

Norms for men and women

The capacity of the adult bladder is related to gender:

  • in women - 300-500 ml;
  • in the male - 400-700 ml.

Newborn and older child

The organ in the fetus has a size of up to 8 ml, becoming larger by weeks. The bladder in a newborn increases with age:

How to find capacity using formulas?

For adults

Calculation of the size of the bladder can be done independently without specialized instruments.

To determine the capacity of an organ by age, use the following formula:

  • bladder capacity (UBC)=73+32xN, where N is age.

For example, if the patient is 35 years old, the calculation would look like this:

  • 73+32×35=1193 ml.

If you want to know the size of the body by the weight of the patient, then resort to the following formula:

  • EMP \u003d 10xM, where M is the weight of a person.

If the patient weighs 80 kg, then the volume of his body is:

  • 10×80=800 ml.

It is important to note that this formula is used only when the patient is not overweight or underweight. For calculations, the average weight is taken.

Definition in children

In newborns, the volume of the cavity varies, depending on the fullness. In older children, up to 10 years old, the size is calculated using the following formula:

  • EMP=600+ (100x (N-1)), where N is age.

If the child is over 10 years old, the formula is as follows:

  • EMP = 1500x (S: 1.73), where S is used to denote the surface of the body.

ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination allows you to clearly determine the norm or deviation in the volume of the bladder.

The most accurate way to determine the size of the bubble is an ultrasound examination. The device used to conduct an ultrasound scan calculates the size of the cavity independently in automatic mode. In the process of manipulation, specialists are guided by the following indicators:

  • height (H);
  • width (W);
  • length (D).

The following formula is used:

  • EMP = 0.75 x W x D x H.

What is the normal wall thickness of an organ?

To obtain results on the thickness of the bladder wall, resort to ultrasound. Only a specialist can decipher the data obtained on an ultrasound of the bladder. Health workers pay attention that normally the body has the following indicators:

  • oval or round outlines;
  • smooth borders;
  • wall thickness 3-5 mm (with a full cavity, the walls can be thinner);
  • urine outflow - 14 sec.;
  • bladder filling - 50 ml/60 min.;
  • residual volume of urine - 50 ml.

What indicators are reflected in the size of the body?

The size of the bladder in men and women sometimes changes throughout life. This is caused by the following reasons:

  • surgical interventions on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • failures in the development of nearby organs;
  • the use of certain pharmaceuticals;
  • bladder tumors;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • advanced age.

Many studies have been carried out, the purpose of which was to determine the factors that affect and change the size of the cavity. Doctors note that severe stress can also affect the volume of the organ. To restore the normal volume of the urinary cavity, specialists prescribe to the patient psychological trainings and medications that allow you to relieve overvoltage. At the end of the course of therapy, the person again controls the urination process, and the bladder becomes its former size.

There are factors that provoke a change in the volume of the bladder, which are reversible. For example, after childbirth or completion of taking medications, the body will independently accept the capacity that it had before. As for the change in the size of the cavity, provoked by other reasons, the return to the original volume occurs only when the specialist prescribes the required course of treatment. In exceptional situations resort to the help of operations.

Signs of organ volume disorders

If the rate of the bladder in men and women changes, this condition brings a lot of discomfort to a person. Patients report the following symptoms:

The diameter of the bladder becomes smaller, mainly due to its overactivity. The disease provokes a violation in the provision of the urinary cavity with nerves. But diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature can also provoke a decrease in the organ:

  • Cystitis. When the disease occurs, inflammation occurs in the bladder. Patients complain of frequent urge to empty, pain in the lower abdomen, blood in the urine.
  • Tuberculosis of the urinary tract.
  • Schistosomiasis.
  • Artificial excretion of urine using a catheter. Often used after surgery.

Why is the bubble getting bigger?

The volume of the bladder increases when the patient has the following diseases:

  • urinary retention;
  • urolithiasis;
  • stones in the ureters;
  • tumors in the urethral canal;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the prostate;
  • prostate tumors;
  • polyp formation.

Doctors note that the following reasons can provoke an increase in the organ:

The organ also increases in situations where the following medications are used:

  • medications to relieve spasms;
  • medicines to relieve severe pain;
  • sedative pharmaceuticals;
  • medications to lower blood pressure;
  • anesthesia.

The bladder is an organ of the urinary (in women) or genitourinary (in men) system, located in the pelvic cavity. Its main purpose: the accumulation and withdrawal of urine. The organ is elastic: it can shrink if the amount of excrement is small, and stretch if there is a lot of urine. A normal bladder volume in men and women indicates healthy work excretory system. Under the influence of individual factors, the size of the organ can change, which negatively affects health in general.

What is the function of the urinary organ

The organ acts as a reservoir of urine, from which it is subsequently excreted under the action of detrusor (smooth muscle) contraction.

Through excretion and reabsorption, secretion and filtration, the kidneys form urine, which accumulates in the bladder. Per day human body can produce up to 1.5 liters of liquid excrement. Some drugs can affect the production of urine.

The organ that accumulates urine does not contain so much. The normal volume of the bladder in men is 350-750 ml. In women, the capacity is somewhat less - 250-550 ml. With the accumulation of 200 ml of excretory fluid in the body, a person feels the urge to deurinate.

The process of urination is carried out with the help of the innervation of the organ.

Why you need to know the volume of the bladder

Information about the volume of the organ of the urinary system is very important for establishing the recognition of diseases and issuing a medical opinion. Such information is obtained using non-invasive studies (ultrasound, sonography). These types of diagnostics not only allow you to find out what volume of the bladder a man or woman has, but also determine the indicators of residual urine.

The capacity of an organ is calculated using formulas. Ultrasound machines use different techniques to automatically calculate volume. In order to make sure that the device accurately performs calculations, they are preliminarily done manually.

Normal volume of a hollow organ in adults

The size of the organ depends on the gender and age of the person. The minimum volume of the bladder of an adult male is normal - 350 ml. Due to the features anatomical structure the smallest capacity of the female hollow organ is 250 ml. The maximum volume for men and women is 750 and 550 ml, respectively.

This difference is due to the localization of the bubble. In the representatives of the weaker sex, the back wall of the organ borders on the organ in which the fetus is born. The indicators change slightly, they are influenced by age, lifestyle, number of pregnancies and childbirth. In men, the bladder is located next to the urea can be so easily stretched due to the smooth muscles that form the wall of the organ. If the volume of the excretory organ is lower or higher than normal, it is necessary to analyze its walls.

In the absence of pathologies, the configuration of the organ should be elliptical or cylindrical. The shape of the female bladder has characteristic distinguishing features in comparison with the male one and resembles a cylinder: it is squeezed from above and most expanded on the sides.

A healthy bladder has a clear and even outline. In the filled state, the wall thickness is 2-3 mm, and after emptying - no more than 15 mm. After the act of deurination, urine always remains in the organ, it is called residual. Normally, it should be 50 ml.

What is the normal size of an excretory organ in children

The volume of the bladder in men and women differs significantly from that of a child. The rate of the indicator directly depends on the age of the child. The body begins to form before birth in the womb, and ends when a person reaches 13-14 years. Normally, in men, the volume of the bladder is almost the same as in healthy young adolescents.

At puberty, the reproductive organs are finally formed. Before this period, the volume of the hollow organ of the urinary system in boys and girls is the same and depends only on how old the child is.

  • up to a year, the capacity of the urea is 35-50 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 50-70 ml;
  • 3-8 years - 100-200 ml;
  • at the age of 8-10 years, the volume of the organ of the urinary system is 200-300 ml;
  • 10-14 years - 300-450 ml.

Puberty in girls occurs a little earlier. This affects the size of the organ, which will remain unchanged for a long time.

How is organ capacity calculated?

How more people knows about his body, the better he will be able to withstand the effects of various negative factors. In order to calculate the volume of the bladder in an adult man or woman, you can use certain formulas:

  • Automatic calculations. The simplest and most accurate affordable way counting with an ultrasound machine. During the study, the parameters of the bladder are measured: width (W), length (L), height (H). The data is substituted into the formula V (volume) = 0.75 x W x L x H.
  • Definition by weight. A person is weighed, the data obtained is inserted into a simple formula: V (volume) \u003d m (body weight) x 10. Such calculations are used if a man or woman does not suffer from underweight or excess weight.
  • cylinder formula. The calculation can be done knowing the parameters of the hollow organ obtained during the ultrasound examination. V = 3.14 x r (radius) 2 x H (height).

What affects the increase in size

The volume of the bladder in men and women varies slightly throughout life. The factors influencing the modification of an organ are very different and are not always associated with diseases. The capacity of the bubble may decrease or increase due to age characteristics. In women, the main cause of changes in volume is pregnancy and childbirth. Prerequisites for transformation:

  • neurological disorders;
  • surgical operations;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • the formation of polyps;
  • course drug therapy.

With the normal functioning of the body, a person goes to pee 8 times during the day. If the desire occurs much less often or more often, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. The main reasons affecting the increase in the body:

  • Cystostomy.
  • Difficult process of deurination even with a full urea.
  • Stones in the ureter.
  • Pathologies in which the prostate is affected.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Hyporeflexivity of the bladder.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Salpingoophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages.

Not always exceeding the maximum volume of the bladder in men and women is a consequence of any pathologies. The cause of the increase may be overwork, lack of sleep. The body is in tension for a long time, and this affects all systems and organs, including the urea.

Incorrect placement or prolonged use of the catheter can contribute to organ enlargement.

Reasons for the decrease

When the volume decreases, the bladder fills up quickly. There are frequent urges to parure, which brings significant discomfort to a person's life. If these symptoms occur, you need to make the necessary diagnosis.

The main factors affecting the decrease in bladder volume in men and women are impaired innervation and infectious and inflammatory diseases. Among the many pathologies, the most common are the following:

  • diabetic angiopathy.
  • Koch stick lesions (tuberculosis) of the excretory system.
  • Inflammation leading to dysfunction of the mucous membrane of the ureter.
  • Non-infectious lesion of the inner lining of the excretory organ
  • Bilharzia.
  • Overactive bladder.

The above diseases are difficult to treat. Restoring the full functionality of the body is extremely difficult.

Ways to increase the size of the bubble

After carrying out all the necessary studies, the cause is determined. If the volume has decreased due to infectious diseases, course therapy is prescribed. After the patient gets rid of the root cause, the doctor re-diagnoses and, depending on the results, prescribes a conservative or surgical method treatment.

Non-surgical options include:

  • drugs that block the urge to deurinate;
  • hydrodistension - a method in which high pressure is injected into the bladder saline solution or a solution of glycine to increase it.

If these procedures are ineffective or there are contraindications to them, surgical methods of therapy are used:

  • Removal of part of the detrusor of the excretory organ.
  • Excision of part of the internal sphincter.
  • An increase in the urea due to the tissues of another hollow muscular organ (stomach or intestines).
  • Cystectomy.

What needs to be done to reduce the organ of the excretory system

To reduce the volume of the bladder in men and women, they resort to conservative therapy, since it is considered the most effective.

With a not very strong increase in the organ, the patient is recommended to change his lifestyle (get rid of bad habits lose weight, change your diet). If this is not enough, the specialist may suggest other treatments:

  • A course of special medicines.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Therapeutic exercises.

Bladder modifications often indicate the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of the body. To avoid chronic pathologies, a timely appeal to the doctor will help.

The volume of a person's bladder can change throughout life up or down. In some cases, such as during pregnancy or severe stress, these changes are reversible and do not cause concern. However, more often a decrease or increase in the capacity of this organ indicates some kind of pathological process occurring in the body. In order to recognize the disease in time, one should know the norms of organ size in children and adults, and also be able to calculate individual parameters.

The average bladder capacity of an adult is 500 ml. Due to the ability of the walls of the organ to stretch, in men of high stature and large complexion, its volume in the most filled state can reach 750-1000 ml.

The capacity of the largest organ of the urinary system depends on the age of the patient, as well as on his gender.

The average volume of the bladder in men is 400-750 ml, in women - 250-550 ml.

In normally developing children, the bladder, like other internal organs, increases in volume as it grows.

Volume norm for children:

  • infants up to 12 months - 35-50 ml;
  • children 1-3 years old - 50-70 ml;
  • 3-5 years - 70-90 ml;
  • 5-8 years - 100-150 ml;
  • 9-10 years - 200-270 ml;
  • 11-13 years - 300-350 ml.

A teenager of 14-16 years old already has a fully developed organ of an adult size. In the future, the volume of the bladder remains unchanged throughout life and changes only under the influence of additional factors.

Factors affecting the change in the size of the bladder:

  • pathological formations of a benign and malignant nature in the bladder itself and adjacent organs;
  • pregnancy in women;
  • enlarged prostate in men;
  • neurological disorders;
  • age-related changes occurring in the body of older people;
  • surgical interventions in the treatment of pelvic organs;
  • taking certain medications.

In some cases, a change in the size of the bladder can be observed in people with severe stress caused by a strong emotional shock.

Measurement methods

Typically, bladder volume is measured using a portable ultrasound machine.

The simplest method for automatically calculating the capacity of an organ is based on the following formula:

V = 0.75 x B x L x H, where V is the volume, B is the width, L is the length, and H is the height of the bladder.

The resulting data have the highest correlation coefficient with the result obtained in the process of urinary catheterization (draining fluid from an organ using a catheter inserted into the urethra).

To obtain more accurate data, the shape of the bladder in the filled state is conditionally taken as geometric bodies of revolution - an ellipsoid and a cylinder. Additional automatic formulas used in ultrasound machines:

  1. Cylinder formula: V = 3.14 x R² x H, where R is the radius of the cylinder and H is its height.
  2. Ellipsoid formula: V \u003d 4/3 x 3.14 x R 1 x R 2 x R 3, where R 1, R 2, R 3 are the semiaxes (radii) of the ellipsoid.

In order to evaluate the condition of the organ, take an anamnesis, determine the amount of residual urine or retention, and also to make sure that the automatic calculation is accurate, many urologists and therapists manually calculate the size of the bladder using various formulas:

  1. For adult patients:
  • V (in ml) = 73 + 32 x N, where N is the patient's age;
  • V (in ml) = 10 x M, where M is the mass of a person (this calculation is not suitable for people who are overweight).
  1. For children: V (in ml) = 1500 x (S: 1.73), where S is the value of the surface area of ​​the child's body, depending on his weight and height at the time of measurement (see Table 1).

Table 1

Weight, kg / Height, cm 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 120
110 1,04 1,09 1,14 1,19 1,24 1,32 1,40 1,47 1,54 1,66
120 1,11 1,17 1,22 1,27 1,32 1,41 1,49 1,56 1,64 1,77
130 1,17 1,23 1,29 1,34 1,40 1,49 1,58 1,66 1,73 1,87
140 1,24 1,30 1,36 1,42 1,47 1,57 1,66 1,75 1,83 1,98
150 1,30 1,37 1,43 1,49 1,55 1,65 1,75 1,84 1,92 2,08
160 1,37 1,44 1,50 1,56 1,62 1,73 1,83 1,93 2,02 2,18
170 1,43 1,50 1,57 1,63 1,69 1,81 1,92 2,01 2,11 2,28
180 1,49 1,56 1,63 1,70 1,77 1,89 2,00 2,10 2,20 2,37
190 1,55 1,63 1,70 1,77 1,84 1,96 2,08 2,18 2,28 2,47
200 1,61 1,69 1,76 1,84 1,91 2,04 2,15 2,27 2,37 2,5

Comparison of the data obtained by various methods helps to obtain a result that is almost 100% reliable.

What are the deviations?

The obtained automatic or independent calculations that differ from the norm indicate the need for a deeper examination of the body. The doctor may appoint:

  • additional ultrasound examination;
  • chromocystoscopy;
  • cystoscopy;
  • excretory urography and other necessary examinations.

If a pathology is detected, appropriate treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the root cause that caused changes in the size of the bladder.