Psychological trainings prevention of emotional burnout. Burnout Prevention Training

Working with teachers is a very important direction of accompanying the educational process. In connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers need psychological support, since the introduction of any innovation for many teachers can be accompanied by stress, emotional and nervous overload. This is due to the fact that it can be difficult for teachers to adapt to the new conditions dictated by modern education, especially those who have a fairly long work experience.

The emergence of new requirements for paperwork, the introduction of children with disabilities into the basic classes, the introduction of interactive teaching methods, open lessons, participation in competitions and other related factors put the modern teacher in completely new conditions that exacerbate their already stressful activities.

It is known that an emotionally balanced teacher, who copes with his tasks, perceives his students more adequately and fairly, is more friendly in communicating with them and their parents. A calm teacher is not only able to give knowledge according to the program, but is also able to form and develop UUD by organizing a pedagogical space, using in his practice methods, techniques and techniques of an individually personal approach to teaching each child. A teacher who does not experience emotional difficulties, work is a pleasure, such a teacher creatively and lovingly fulfills his duties. Preserving the mental health of students is impossible without working with teachers in this direction.


We decided to start the study of this problem with a survey of the teaching staff of the school. According to our observations and research, teachers often tend to give preference to the intellectual achievements of schoolchildren, and inner world insufficient attention is given to the student. For example, the existing system for assessing students' knowledge, their achievements and successes forms an inadequate self-assessment of students. At the beginning of my professional career and to this day, teachers often ask for diagnostics in a particular class of just some kind of intellectual parameters. Or there is a request from the teacher to investigate the level of development of a child who is not coping with the curriculum.

An analysis of requests allows us to draw another, not unimportant, conclusion: the teacher is often hindered by the child's behavior in the classroom, which he regards as inadequate, unacceptable. For example, the child behaves aggressively or is disorganized or slow in completing tasks. Of course, there are exceptional teachers who are sensitive to the problems of students, and this fact is inspiring. Such teachers often use in their work individual approach and more often than others they turn to a school psychologist for help, trying to understand the child and help him overcome difficulties in learning or in adaptation.

In order to identify such difficulties in the work of teachers, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire, the instructions for which were as follows: “What difficulties in pedagogical activity do you most often encounter in your work (you select several options from the list)?” (see annex 9). This questionnaire is our author's work and compiled independently.

41 teachers took part in the survey. The main difficulties in the work of teachers are:

1. Disorganization of students, which interferes with work - 63% of the teachers surveyed.

2. Inadequate behavior of students (aggressiveness, anxiety, irascibility, talkativeness) - 46% of respondents.

In addition, 36% of primary and secondary teachers believe that poor knowledge of the subject is a problem in teaching. It is interesting that none of the teachers noted that it was difficult for themselves to have some personal problems of the student associated with crisis, age-related moments in the development of the student's personality.

Thus, we see that to this day, school teachers pay the most attention to the organizational, behavioral and intellectual characteristics of students and attach little importance to the true causes of student failure. Exaggerated requirements for abilities, ignoring age characteristics often form in students a negative attitude towards learning, towards school, negative thinking in general and an attitude towards themselves as a student.

Goals, objectives, conditions for the implementation of the seminar - training on the prevention of emotional (professional) burnout of teachers

This development of the training seminar contains both well-known methods and author's developments - positive technologies.

The purpose of the workshop: create conditions for the prevention of the syndrome emotional burnout and mental health support for teachers.

Workshop objectives:

  • update the process of self-analysis of employees;
  • introduce self-regulation techniques;
  • to teach psychotechnical methods of self-regulation of the emotional state;
  • optimize self-assessment of teachers;
  • relieve emotional stress;
  • to form teachers (self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality).

Materials and equipment:

Interactive whiteboard, projector or computer (laptop) for demonstrating a slide presentation (theoretical part of the seminar);

Slide presentation (see Annex 8); - pre-prepared pictures from magazines for warm-up (exercise 1 "Picture");

Cards with incomplete phrases for exercise 3 “Frankly speaking” (see Appendix 1);

Galoshes, preferably colored and large, and cards with situations (see Appendix 2 on the disk);

a reflective cube (see Appendix 3 on the disk) for exercise 5 "Galoshes of happiness";

A pre-drawn tree on whatman paper, a magnetic board, leaves of two colors for exercise 6 "Plus or minus";

A tape recorder and recordings of calm relaxation music (musical compositions from the album "Eolia. Love in the Wind" were used at this seminar), relaxation text, A4 paper, felt-tip pens, pencils, markers for exercise 7 "Garden of my soul" (see Appendix 4) ;

Pre-prepared cards with affirmations for exercise 8 "My affirmation" (see Appendix 5);

Pre-printed questionnaire for teachers "Feedback" (see Annex 6);

Reminders-booklets (see Appendix 7).

Implementation conditions: a specially equipped psychologist's office with subdued lighting, soft chairs (as practice shows, teachers feel uncomfortable in a regular classroom, the familiar environment does not allow you to relax well), good sound insulation.

Time: approximately 1.5 hours. Total time depends on the number of participants.

Members: teachers working in primary level, young professionals. Exercises can also be used in work with high school students, students, parents.

Choice of methods and techniques

The fundamental methods are positive technologies aimed at developing teachers' positive thinking. Positive technologies are based on the NLP method - “the art and science of personal development”. For example, the exercises “My Affirmation” and “Galoshes of Happiness” are aimed at developing positive thinking. These exercises were successfully carried out at the city festival of creative achievements. These exercises are unique in that they can also be used with teenagers.

We used the methods of positive technologies in our work with children in the CCM class, in work with maladaptive children at a training for fifth-graders as part of the program “First Time in Fifth Grade!”. Exercise "I - well done!" borrowed by us from the author of the psychological training program “Formation and development of stress resistance of teachers to the influence of the external environment” E.V. Sharypova (Tomsk, 2005). This exercise can also be attributed to the methods of positive technologies, since its main goal is to develop the skills of positive self-perception. Here we present it without any additions.

The choice of art therapy and meditation techniques are increasingly being used as universal methods in working with children and adults. The value of art therapy lies in the fact that it refers to the internal self-healing resources of a person. Meditation techniques are effective and helpful in group work. These techniques are used in teaching physical and sensory relaxation and as a result are reduced to reinforcing the skills of self-regulation and auto-suggestion. The meditative exercise “The Garden of My Soul” was borrowed from the same author, this wonderful exercise was supplemented by us with an art-therapeutic fixation of the effect.

The choice of projective methods is interesting in that they allow you to "pull out" what worries the teacher, determine the range of problems, and enter into a group discussion of these problems. The projective method is widely used as a set of psychological methods for diagnosing a person by analyzing his actions and statements about semi-structured material. The most significant feature of projective methods is the use of vague stimuli in them, which the subject himself must supplement, interpret, develop.

Exercise "Picture" It is unique in that it can perform both a developing and a diagnostic function, which is why we used it as a warm-up and in order to understand the mood with which the teachers came to the lesson. Choosing this or that picture, a person unconsciously projects his inner emotional state onto it, which can be difficult to describe in words. Pictures help to define this state, it.

We found it in the same program that was mentioned above, but the text of the proposals was supplemented and compiled by us on our own. This exercise is interesting precisely from the point of view of verbalization and awareness of the problems of the teacher, since these two accompanying processes help the participants to “speak out” and create a sense of community, which of course contributes to the “exit of emotions”. Joint discussion of problems brings together and, thus, helps to discharge emotionally in a safe environment for teachers. The “Plus-minus” exercise is quite well-known, it allows you to see both negative and positive aspects of the teacher’s work, makes it possible to objectively evaluate your activities.

Forms, methods and techniques of work

  • Positive technologies (NLP methods)
  • Meditation and relaxation techniques
  • Elements of art therapy
  • Reflection method (discussion)
  • slide presentation
  • Reminders
  • Questionnaire

The listed methods and techniques are selected taking into account the representative system of teachers:

  • Visual system - slide presentation, pictures, tree drawing, reflective cube, cards, memos, questionnaires.
  • Auditory system - a mini-lecture on the topic, relaxation music.
  • kinesthetic system - practical experience in exercises, visualization of text accompaniment, flower drawing.

The course of the seminar - training on the prevention of burnout syndrome

1. Warm up (10 min.)

Exercise "Picture" Purpose: emancipation, rallying, informal teachers.

Materials and equipment: pictures of various emotional loads cut out from old magazines.

Instruction. Choose one or more pictures that reflect your mood, attitude, belief, or that you just like. Tell us why you chose these pictures. (Teachers explain their choice.)

Expected result: teachers become emotionally liberated, become more united.

2. Theoretical part (10–15 min.)

Slide presentation Purpose: introduction to the topic of the seminar, acquaintance of teachers with ways to prevent emotional burnout.

A slide presentation is shown (see Annex 8).

3. Practical part

Exercise "Frankly speaking"(5–7 min.) Purpose: verbalization and awareness of the problem of emotional burnout by teachers.

Materials: cards with incomplete phrases (see Appendix 1).

Instruction. You need to draw any card with an unfinished sentence and try to finish the phrase frankly and honestly.

Expected result: the exercise helps to understand the problems of the teacher, to verbalize them, to unite the group of teachers, to understand that the problems of all teachers are similar.

Exercise "Well done!"(5–7 min.)

Purpose: optimization of self-esteem of teachers, removal of emotional stress.

Instruction. Divide into two circles - inner and outer, stand facing each other. Participants standing in the inner circle should talk about their achievements, and in the outer circle they should praise their partner, saying the following phrase: “And you are great - once! And you are a good fellow - two! etc., while bending your fingers. The participants in the outer circle, on command (clap), move one step to the side, and everything is repeated. Then the inner and outer circles change places, and the game is repeated until each participant is in the place of the praising and braggart.

Expected result: emotional release of teachers (as a rule, this exercise is very fun), increased self-esteem of teachers.

Exercise "Galoshes of happiness"(10 min.)

Purpose: development of positive thinking of teachers. Tasks: development of self-knowledge skills, formation of skills for a positive perception of the world, development of a positive self-concept, development of emotional self-regulation skills.

Materials and equipment: "galoshes of happiness" (a game element, ordinary rubber galoshes, preferably a large size with a cheerful design), cards with situations, a reflective cube (see appendices 2, 3).

Instruction. I want to invite you to play a game called "Galoshes of Happiness". Andersen has a fairy tale with this title. In this fairy tale, the fairy was presented with galoshes of happiness for her birthday, which she decided to give to people so that they would become happier. The person who put on these galoshes became the happiest person. Galoshes fulfilled all his desires, he could be transported to any time or era. So, I suggest you put on these galoshes and become a happy person. I will also read you various situations, and your task is to put on these galoshes and find positive aspects in the situation offered to you. In other words, look at the situation through the eyes of a happy optimist.

Expected result: the participants of the game, wearing "galoshes of happiness", respond to the proposed situation in a positive way. To those who find it difficult to give a positive answer, the other participants in the game help by offering their options. Participants receive emotional release and a positive attitude.

Exercise "Plus-minus"(10 min.)

Purpose: to help teachers realize the positive aspects of pedagogical activity.

Tasks: verbalization of negative and positive aspects of their pedagogical activity; group cohesion.

Materials and equipment: drawing paper with a painted tree, which is attached to the board; self-adhesive stickers in the form of leaflets; pens for each participant.

Instruction. You need to write on pieces of paper of one color the cons of your work, and on pieces of paper of another color - the pros of your work.

Participants write, and then take turns attaching their pluses and minuses to the tree. Each participant voices what he wrote. This is followed by a reflection exercise. Participants discuss what turned out more - the pluses of pedagogical activity or the minuses - and why. Expected result: teachers should see that there are still more advantages in the work, and come to the conclusion that the work of a teacher is hard, but pleasant. And also to see all aspects of pedagogical activity, to realize that teachers have similar difficulties.

Exercise-meditation "Garden of my soul"(15 minutes.)

The 1st part of the exercise is meditative and relaxation visualization.

Purpose: stress relief, restoration of a harmonious state.

Materials and equipment: a tape recorder or a music center with recordings of calm, relaxation music, comfortable soft chairs or armchairs, a text for meditation visualization (Appendix 4). Instruction. Now I will read you a text - meditation. Try to imagine everything that I tell you.

After visualization, teachers are asked to describe impressions, feelings, sensations and images. Everyone shares their experiences. Describes his condition and what he saw.

Expected result: relaxation of all muscle groups, removal of psycho-emotional stress. The second part of the exercise is art therapy.

Participants are given paper, pencils, felt-tip pens and are invited to make a drawing of what they presented - a flower or a garden.

Exercise "My affirmation"

Goal: creating a positive attitude, developing a positive self-perception, consolidating the acquired skills of positive thinking. Materials and equipment: cards with positive statements - affirmations (see Appendix 5).

Instruction. I suggest you pull out cards with positive affirmations. If you do not like some card, you can draw another one that is close to you.

Participants take turns drawing cards and reading them out. After completing the exercise, you can ask how the participants feel about this exercise. Expected result: consolidation of positive experience; positive attitude.

Summing up the seminar

Purpose: sharing - verbal reflection of the seminar, summing up.

Materials and equipment: questionnaires "Feedback" (see Appendix 6).

Instruction. Our seminar has come to an end and you are invited to complete a short questionnaire where you can write your impressions of the seminar. Your opinion is very important to us. After you write down your impressions, take turns talking about them.

Expected result: teachers fill out questionnaires, say what they liked and what they didn’t like, and you say your wishes.

Applications 1-6.: "".

Application 7.:.

Application 9.: .

Presentation: "Burnout prevention and mental health support for teachers"

teacher-psychologist, MAOU secondary school № 7
with in-depth study of individual subjects,
Strezhevoy, Tomsk region

Burnout Syndrome is a process of gradual loss of emotional, cognitive and physical energy, manifested in symptoms of emotional, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue, personal withdrawal and decreased job satisfaction.

It is seen as the result of constant stress in the workplace.

High rhythm, plans, reporting, processing, conflicts between employees, management pressure, unfair evaluation of the contribution, etc., all this leads to chronic stress among the staff, and as a result, loss of labor productivity, reduced involvement, conflicts between employees.

Many employees note the presence of mental conditions that destabilize their professional activities (anxiety, despondency, depression, apathy, disappointment, chronic fatigue).

Real practice shows that today the fact of loss of interest in work duties within 1-2 years is quite clearly traced.

All this causes an urgent need to work with staff to prevent emotional burnout.

Training program

The training is held for two to three hours with a group size of 10-15 people.

The group is selected from employees who show symptoms of stress or burnout, either by HR managers or on the recommendation of the head of the unit.

The form of the training is a circle, it is possible to move freely around the hall when performing the exercise in subgroups.

Premises, equipment and materials:

– auditorium accommodating 15 people with space for active action, equipped with PC, projector, speakers;
– chairs according to the number of training participants;
- desks, according to the number of subgroups of participants (2-3 pieces);
- pens, felt-tip pens;
- A5 paper cards;
- camera.

Training goals:
1. Prevention of psychological health of employees.

2. Familiarize employees with techniques to deal with stress and procrastination.

3. Collecting information for holding corporate events, improving the microclimate of the company, creating conditions for a favorable working environment.

Training objectives:
1. Reducing the level of emotional burnout of employees.

2. Planning through "brainstorming" of measures to prevent burnout.

3. Increasing the level of team cohesion.

The training consists of three parts.

The first (introductory) is aimed at getting to know each other, creating an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and acceptance by the training participants of each other.

The second (main) is aimed at finding opportunities, individual motivators and activities in the work of the team to reduce emotional stress, create a comfortable working environment.

The third (final) - to get acquainted with the methods of rapid stress relief, emotional and physical stress, breathing and sound gymnastics.

Training "prevention of emotional burnout"

Order a free consultation on organizing and conducting trainings on team building, communications, management, sales, etc.

During the entire training, it is desirable that quiet relaxing music be played in the hall.

1. Beginning of the training. Greeting, rules, identifying expectations and adjusting.

Leader greeting.“I am glad that we met, today we will try to relax a little, relax, play and, most importantly, do something to prevent emotional burnout.”

During the introductory speech, the facilitator talks about the goals of the training, briefly reveals the main concepts used in the course of the training, discusses with the participants the principles and mode of operation of the training group.

1. Establish group rules.

The facilitator explains that each participant must have rules for full and effective work.

Rules for discussion:
confidential communication
communication on the principle of "here and now"
honesty in communication
identification of personality strengths
the inadmissibility of direct assessments of a person;
imposing sanctions for violating the basic rules.

2. Expectations and fears.

Target: Identification of the expectations of the participants of the training. Request correction.

Going to today's training, you may have wondered: “What kind of event will it be?”, “How will everything go?”, “Will it help me?”

You have your own expectations, perhaps fears. It will be logical if we now say these EXPECTATIONS and FEARS. Try to briefly formulate your personal expectations and concerns, and we will write them down so that later we can announce what we can do today, what you need to be especially attentive to.

Think again, what are you willing to invest in training?

Participants in a circle say their expectations from the training and their contribution.
Request correction.
Much will also depend on the overall activity. At the end of the training, you and I will have the opportunity to analyze your expectations.

3. Description of the problem.

To begin with, it is necessary to define what "Burnout Syndrome" is.

Emotional burnout is a mechanism developed by the individual psychological protection in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions (lowering their energy) in response to selected psycho-traumatic effects.

The list of main and optional features of this syndrome:
1) exhaustion, fatigue;
2) psychosomatic complications;
3) insomnia;
4) negative attitudes towards customers;
5) negative attitudes towards their work;
6) neglect of the performance of their duties;
7) increase in the use of psychostimulants (tobacco, coffee, alcohol, drugs);
8) decreased appetite or overeating;
9) negative self-esteem;
10) increased aggressiveness (irritability, anger, tension);
11) increased passivity (cynicism, pessimism, a sense of hopelessness, apathy);
12) feeling of guilt.

Procrastination is another employee trouble.

Sometimes there's nothing wrong with putting things off until later.

But if you do this with many important things, putting them off day after day, or replacing the necessary activities with easy household chores or entertainment, then you will procrastinate.

Procrastination (from English procrastination - delay, postponing)- a tendency to constantly put off even important and urgent matters, leading to life problems and painful psychological effects.

Procrastination differs from laziness in that in the case of laziness, a person does not want to do anything and does not worry about it, and in a state of procrastination, he realizes the importance and urgency of the work, but does not do it, finding certain self-justifications.

Self-motivation techniques.

This is unobtrusive programming of oneself for success and achievement of goals. You don't have to wait for something to change or for an opportunity to come along. We need to work on ourselves already here and now! Moreover, this process does not require much effort. It passes naturally and even imperceptibly.

Talk about self-motivation techniques

The main question of the training: how to deal with stress, procrastination and emotional burnout?

4. Acquaintance of the group, establishing contact.

The specificity of the training is related to the features of the program, for the implementation of which it is necessary from the very first steps to create a friendly environment in the group - an environment that encourages manifestations of creative thinking and behavior.

It is recommended to break it into three stages of several exercises:
Stage 1 - acquaintance of the group.
Stage 2 - the exchange of information, raising the self-esteem of the group members.
Stage 3 - preparation for the main part of the training.

It is advisable to use 2-3 trainings for getting to know each other and establishing contact in the group. Some options for meeting the participants of the training group.

Acquaintance of the participants of the training group.


“Let's start our work with an introduction: each in turn will name his name and three qualities inherent in him, starting with the same letter as his name.”
Such a presentation requires ingenuity, flexibility of thinking from the participants, offering a somewhat unusual approach to consider their qualities, personality traits. The action to which the group members are motivated by the task is consistent with the characteristics of the creative environment.

The task requires considerable effort for its informal completion, since the temptation to name the first qualities that come to mind with the right letter sometimes turns out to be stronger than the readiness to search for more accurate characteristics that correspond to one's own ideas about oneself.

The group members sit in a circle.

“Let's get to know each other and do it like this: everyone in turn, in a circle, clockwise, will say their name, as well as one of their real hobbies, hobbies, and one desired hobby, the one that you would like to have, but for now this for one reason or another did not come true, the one who will introduce himself as the second, before talking about himself, will repeat what the first person will say, and starting from the third, everything will repeat what the two previous people will tell about themselves. So, the name, the real hobby and the desired hobby…”.
The coach pauses, giving everyone a chance to think. If someone expresses a desire to start, the trainer starts the training, but only after making sure that everyone is ready, and invites the person who wants to start.
As a result of this acquaintance, there is a tangible change in the emotional state of the group: everyone appears before everyone in a new capacity: the group learns that someone is skydiving, and someone is planting flowers.

Among the hobbies that have not yet been realized, there are often very unexpected, non-standard, which corresponds to the content of the training, and creates an atmosphere corresponding to the goals of the training.

The group members sit in a circle.

“Now we will get to know each other and we will do it this way. Each in turn will name three words that are somehow related to his name. In this case, the name itself does not need to be mentioned. All of us, after three words have been spoken, giving information about the name of the one who named them, we will try to understand the name of this person and say his name.

This task significantly increases the activity of the participants, the degree of their involvement in the work. In addition, the exercise provides material for discussion of many phenomena related to the content of the training: associative thinking, barriers to creativity (in particular, stereotyped thinking), the influence of unlikely factors on human interaction, etc.

Completion of the task has a motivating effect on the participants, since by itself there is a comparison of representation options in the minds of each participant, based on the subjective criteria of standardity - non-standard, adequacy - inadequacy.

Continued acquaintance, exchange of information, raising the self-esteem of participants.

This, as well as the next version of acquaintance, is best used after the group members have introduced themselves and told a little about themselves.

The group members sit in a circle.

“Let's continue our acquaintance. Imagine that there is such a situation that you need to reincarnate into some object of the material world, an animal or a plant. Think and say what object, what animal and what plant you would choose.

This version of the representation activates one of the mechanisms of the creative process, in which the problem is repeatedly processed by logical means (left-brain processes) and its translation into a figurative form, the association of emerging ideas with the content of experience (right-brain mechanisms). Group members follow different strategies in completing this task. These strategies are not analyzed at this stage of the work, however, the facilitator records their manifestations. Subsequently, the experience gained is used to illustrate data on the stages and mechanisms of the creative process.

The most common are two strategies. In the first case, the reincarnation occurs as if by itself, and then the participant seeks to immediately pronounce the images that have arisen, or he thinks over them for some time, clarifies them. In another case, the participant identifies several of his characteristics and selects an object of the material world, an animal and a plant that symbolize them.

The group members sit in a circle.

“Now we will get to know each other and do it in a somewhat unusual way. Think about what you can work in, besides your current profession, and, stating your name, list several options for these possible professional roles. At the same time, be careful, try to remember what the other members of the group say.

The group members sit in a circle.
“Compliment to the next seated participant” Participants need to think of a compliment to the next seated participant, using the information received about the participants from the previous exercises.

The group members stand in two lines facing each other. Each participant passes between the lines. Everyone in the line strokes the head of the passer-by. It is welcome to give compliments to the passing.

Exercise from the theory of "strokes" by Eric Berne. The word "stroking" reflects a child's need for touch. Bern noticed that as adults, people still tend to touch each other, as if confirming their physical existence. But coming out of childhood, people find themselves in a society where physical contact is strictly limited, so you have to be content with replacing this need with other forms of “stroking”. A smile, a short conversation, or a compliment are all signs that you have been noticed, and this gives us joy.

Preparation and setup for the main part of the training.

The group members sit in a circle.
The coach stands in the center of the circle.

“Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: standing in the center of the circle (for a start it will be me) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some kind of skill. He calls this skill. For example, I will say: "Change all those who can drive a car," and all those who can drive a car should change places. At the same time, the one who stands in the center of the circle will try to take one of the vacant places at the moment of transplantation, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a place will continue to work.

We use this situation to learn more about each other. In addition, one must be very careful and try to remember who changed seats when this or that skill was called. During the exercise, the trainer encourages participants to name a variety of skills, noting especially original and interesting ones.

The group members sit in a circle.

“Let's get to know each other and do it this way: everyone will name their name and their 2-3 motivators, which encourage them to be creative, create something new, to non-standard, creative behavior.
These acquaintance options encourage participants to talk about themselves, which contributes to the rapprochement of group members, creates a more trusting atmosphere. In addition, there are many ideas that can be useful in the future when discussing ways to deal with burnout.

In the course of performing the exercises, a significant change in the group atmosphere occurs, emotional freedom appears, and tension, which is so characteristic of the beginning of the work of the group, decreases. Participants sometimes open up from unexpected, new sides.

5. Brainstorming “Emotional burnout. What to do?"

The main part of the training.

Purpose of the exercise: Increase motivation and the degree of emotional involvement in the training. Formulate personal motivators, a list of activities that reduce emotional tension.

The results of the "brainstorming" should be planned for work on the prevention of emotional burnout of employees in the company.

I. Stage of generating ideas. “Emotional burnout. What to do?"

Participants are divided into several teams (3-5 people each). Teams receive a stack of empty cards.

New ideas will be recorded on them - how to deal with emotional burnout. One idea, one card.

Topic Suggestions:
1. Methods of individual work with stress.
2. Self-motivation.
3. Improve working environment.
4. Corporate culture.
5. Work-life balance.

The facilitator informs about the mandatory rules of this stage:

Absolutely all put forward ideas are accepted and recorded. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the free flight of creative thought.
It is necessary to praise any thought expressed, even if it seems absurd. This demonstrative support and approval is very stimulating and inspiring to our internal idea generator.

The best ones are crazy ideas. Give up templates and stereotypes, look at the problem from a different point of view.

We need to put forward as many ideas as possible and fix everything. One idea per card.

The time for this step is 30 minutes.

At the end of the allotted time, the facilitator asks for the number of ideas put forward in each group.

II. Stage of analysis of ideas.

The main task is deep processing, polishing of the expressed proposals.

Rules for this stage:

The best idea is the one you are considering right now. Analyze it as if there were no other ideas at all. This rule implies an extremely careful attitude to each idea. Although criticism is no longer forbidden, it should not be indiscriminate.

It is necessary to find a rational grain in every idea. This means that you need to focus on finding a construct in any, even seemingly nonsense idea.

You can't discard ideas.

The execution time is approximately thirty minutes, sometimes it takes more time. If necessary, the participants write their thoughts on the cards, developing the idea expressed.

III. The stage of searching for implementation opportunities.

The best ideas will remain ideas if the steps to implement them are not thought out.

Participants are invited to review all proposals again in terms of their compliance with two criteria − originality and feasibility.

Each idea card should be labeled with two types of icons:

+ + – very good, original idea;
+ - not a bad idea;
0 - could not find a construct.

And on the feasibility of the idea:

PP - really implement;
TR - difficult to implement;
HP - unrealistic to implement.

Of course, a variety of combinations of these icons are possible. After all, an idea can be brilliant, bright, unusual, but there are simply no opportunities for its implementation at the moment.

The time allotted for this step is thirty minutes.

IV. The final stage.

Let's move on to the final stage of "Brainstorming". Everyone gathers in a common circle.

Each representative of each group is invited to make a report on the results of the group's work.
The groups should be told about those ideas that received either two pluses, or the PP badge, or both of these badges.

Obtained in the course of a rather lengthy work, "suffered", the results have great importance. Therefore, it seems appropriate to draw up the best ideas from the brainstorming and present them in the form of recommendations for staff and management.

Read cards are collected in envelopes by category:

1. Methods for individual work. Self-motivation.
2. Improving the organization of the working environment and office space.
3. Corporate culture.
4. Work-life balance.

Ideas labeled “PP” (actually implement) should be included in the company's plan for the prevention of emotional state.

Discussion of the results of the brainstorming session.

An understanding is being developed that emotional burnout and stress is a serious problem in our lives, but it can be effectively dealt with.

In the course of the discussion of the work done, the idea that is important for the training usually arises that common teamwork is necessary to combat stress and emotional burnout. Compliance with the rules of communication, politeness, mutual respect and mutual assistance, and for this you need to be attentive, observant, receptive and interested.

Participants of the training group speak more openly about what causes them discomfort in the working environment, more sincerely express their painful problems, and resolve protracted conflicts.
New ways of dealing with stress, burnout and procrastination are being invented.

Management receives valuable feedback from employees on the working environment in the company and suggestions for improving it.

6. Familiarization of training participants with techniques, exercises to relieve stress

The facilitator suggests moving on to the next part of the training “Everyone worked very fruitfully, and now we move on to exercises and stress relief techniques.”

The facilitator, at his choice, can conduct several exercises with a group of those proposed. For other exercises, simply inform the participants.

Breathing exercises to relieve stress

Exercise number 1.

Slow inhale and exhale. To begin, take a slow breath, while counting to 4, then when you count to 4, hold your breath for 5-6 seconds and exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times. You can also do this exercise before going to bed in order to make it easier to fall asleep later.

Exercise number 2. "Breathing" in the stomach.
The first thing to do is to sit in a comfortable position for you. Straighten your back and lift your chin slightly up. Take a slow full breath through the nose so as to first fill the stomach with air, and then chest. Hold your breath for a while. Then, as you exhale, first relax and lower your chest, and then slightly retract your stomach. Perform 10-15 cycles, while trying to take as deep a breath as possible.

Psychological exercises in the fight against stress

Exercise number 1 "Problem".
To relieve emotional psychological state you should find out the problem that influenced its appearance. After eliminating or dulling the irritant, it is necessary to perform actions that help to achieve inner peace: you should take a comfortable position, relax and present your problem from the outside. An effective way in this situation is to compare the sore problem with more global catastrophes on a global scale, which will minimize it;

Exercise number 2 "Inner light".
It takes 5 minutes to relieve stress in this way. For this exercise, a visualization technique is used to visualize a light beam appearing at the top of the head and moving slowly from top to bottom, illuminating the face, arms, shoulders with a pleasant warm glow. One should imagine not only light, but also its beneficial effects: the disappearance of wrinkles, the fading of tension, charging with inner strength;

Exercise number 3 "Mood".
Helps to cope with stress after quarrels for 15 minutes. To perform, you need pencils or felt-tip pens, with which you need to state your condition on paper, choosing the appropriate colors and images. After drawing, you can express emotions in words by writing them on reverse side sheet. Having finished expressing your mood, the “masterpiece” should be broken, getting rid of negative emotions.

Exercise number 4 "Simple statements."
Goal: increase self-confidence, focus on your strengths.

The repetition of short, simple affirmations helps to cope with emotional stress and relieves anxiety. Such statements are also called "affirmations".

Here are some examples:
Now I feel better.
I can completely relax and then quickly get ready.
I can control my inner feelings.
I deal with stress whenever I want.
Life is too short to waste it worrying.
Whatever happens, I will try to do my best to avoid stress.
Inwardly, I feel that everything is in order.

Make up your own statements! You can repeat them whenever you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Important Rules making statements: they sound in the present tense; the particle “not”, the preposition “without” are missing.

Exercise number 5 "Questions to yourself."

Purpose: rationalization of fears and anxieties, reduction of situational anxiety.

When you feel that you are facing a problem, and even more so, exaggerating its significance, ask yourself the following questions:
Is it really a big deal?
Is anything really important at risk right now?
Is it really worse than everything that was before?
Will it seem as important in 2 weeks, half a year, a year, 10 years..?
Is it worth it to be so worried?
Is it worth dying for?
What can happen if I don't do it?
Can I handle it?

Remember that your nerves and mental health are more precious than all the problems in the world!

Close your eyes so you can more accurately determine what is going on in your body and mind.
Notice how you react during the first five seconds. What is going on in your body (breathing, heart rate and areas of muscle tension), what are your thoughts or images, your feelings? How do you talk to yourself?
Mark your reactions without making judgments or comparisons. Just observe and then make notes about your automatic responses to stress and confrontation. And write again:
a) physical sensations;
b) thoughts or images;
c) internal dialogue.
Stay in these stressful conditions for 30 seconds (that's 5-6 deep breaths) and get a "vaccination" that will help you become less succumbing to fears and stress in the future. When you decide to be alone with what you previously avoided, you tell your primal reflexes that “the leader solves the problem, not

Exercise number 6 "Laughter".
Laughter helps relieve stress.

American psychologist Don Powell advises "Every day to find a reason to laugh at least a little." The healing power of laughter is known to everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, laughter helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

On the Internet, the presenter can pick up funny videos or coobs with a total duration of 5-10 minutes, and show them to the group using a projector.

Relaxation exercise (relaxation)

Exercise number 1 "Relaxation".

Purpose: relieving mental stress, agitation, reducing feelings of anxiety, since stress and anxiety are associated with muscle tension.

To conduct the exercise on your own, you should record the instructions on the recorder in a calm, even voice, pausing in time with the breath. Recommended to be done daily.

Free yourself from tight clothes. Turn on calm music. Dim the light. Lie on your back, close your eyes. Mentally give instructions to certain muscle groups.

“Relaxation begins with the tips of the toes ... The feet relax ... the ankles ... the calf muscles ... knee joints… hips… We feel as if a warm wave is rising from the bottom up from the tips of the toes to the top of the head… The gluteal muscles are relaxed and hip joints... Then the hands begin to relax ... the wrists ... the forearms ... the elbows ... the shoulders ... shoulder joints... The muscles of the back relax from the bottom up ("fan") ... The body seems to go limp ... it becomes heavy ... motionless ... There is no desire to raise either arms or legs ... There is no desire to utter a single word ... The muscles of the abdomen begin to relax ... the chest ... The muscles relax internal organs, very deep ... Breathing becomes even and calm ... The air seems to penetrate into the chest without much effort ... Very well, the muscles of the neck and tongue relax deeply ... Relax eyeballs... all the muscles of the eyes and all the muscles of the face ... All wrinkles are smoothed out ... The face takes on a calm, peaceful expression ... And, finally, all the muscles of the head relax.

Immerse yourself in a sense of relaxation for 3 to 20 minutes.

Physical exercises for relaxation.

Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Exercise number 1 "Ice cream".
Stand up straight, raise your hands up. Stretch and tighten to feel it with your whole body. In this state, linger for a few minutes to get used to the tension and even get tired of it. Imagine that you are frozen like ice cream. Now imagine that the sun appeared above you, and its rays began to warm you. Start slowly "melting" under the invisible rays. First relax the hands, then the forearms, then the shoulders, then the neck, then the body, and then the legs. Relax completely. You will see: there will be no trace of tension.

Exercise number 2 "Reach for the stars."
Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. While inhaling, stretch your arms up and stretch as if you are trying to reach for the stars. As you exhale, release and shake your hands, take the starting position. Repeat 5 times. For greater effect from the exercise, try to breathe very deeply and spread your fingers at the moment when you stretch to the top.

Exercise number 3 "Tangle".
The participants stand in a line and take each other's hands, then the first one begins to spin around its axis and pulls the others along until a “spiral” is obtained. In this position, participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group at the end of their movement to carefully squat down.

Exercise number 4 "Lemon".
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Sit comfortably: put your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine what you have in right hand lies a lemon. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in the left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace.

Exercise number 5 "Sound gymnastics."
Purpose: acquaintance with sound gymnastics, strengthening the spirit and body.

Before starting sound gymnastics, the presenter talks about the rules of application: a calm, relaxed state, sitting, with a straight back. First, take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound loudly and energetically.

We hum the following sounds for 30 seconds:
A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
E - affects the thyroid gland;
And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;
O - affects the heart, lungs;
U - affects the organs located in the abdomen;
I - affects the work of the whole organism;
M - affects the work of the whole organism;
X - helps cleanse the body;
HA - helps to improve mood.

Exercise number 6 "Typewriter".
Goal: mobilizes attention, improves mood, increases activity.
Let's imagine that we are all a big typewriter. Each of us is the letters on the keyboard (a little later we will distribute the letters, each will get two or three letters of the alphabet). Our typewriter can type different words and does it like this: I say a word, for example, “laughter”, and then the one who gets the letter “s” clap his hands, then we all clap our hands, then the one who whom the letter “m”, and again a general clap, etc. A space between the words - everyone needs to stand up.

The coach distributes the letters alphabetically in a circle.
If our typewriter makes a mistake, we will print from the beginning.

And we will print the phrase: “Health is more precious than gold” William Shakespeare.

Exercise number 7 "Yoga".

Yoga helps with stress and various muscle stretching exercises. They allow a person to calm down and quickly recover. At home, you can perform the following version of the stretching exercise:
stand on your feet, keep your back straight;
inhale deeply and as you exhale, stand on your toes;
while inhaling, simultaneously raise both hands up, while exhaling, lower them down, while tensing your muscles strongly;
then lean forward, imagining that you are releasing all tension from yourself;
stay in this position for about a minute, try to relax as much as possible at this moment;
then abruptly return to the starting position and begin to shake the body, like animals after bathing.

Exercise #8

Show some youtube videos on relieving stress and tension. To highlight that on the Internet there are a lot of materials about stress relief.
For example: Qigong Lee Holden. Relieve stress and tension

End of training

Target: establishing feedback, analyzing the experience gained in the group.

Each member of the group must complete the phrase: "Today I ..."
What stress management tools can I use on my own?
How can I motivate myself?
Were your expectations justified?
Summing up the lesson.

Have a nice day everyone!

The ideas of the participants of the training on the prevention of burnout suggest further use of the recommendations in the discussion and planning of the company's development strategy.

Key words: burnout prevention, burnout syndrome, stress relief, emotional and physical stress relief, exercises, self-motivation.

Training for teachers on the prevention of emotional burnout

The problem of emotional burnout of educators is always relevant. This training will help teachers find a suitable technique, a way to prevent emotional stress. The emphasis is on the participants' independent search for ways to prevent neuroses. This additionally encourages teachers to believe in their abilities.
The material will be useful to psychologists

Target: Prevention of emotional burnout.
Formation of a positive emotional state, with the help of positive pronunciation.
Prevention of neuroses with the help of positive positive communication experience.
Learning techniques for self-regulation, relieving emotional stress.
Equipment: sheets of paper, pens, pencils, valentine blanks with a pasted parable

I. Introduction. Warm up

Exercise "Hello with elbows"
Purpose: establishing contact between the participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.
Move: it is proposed to pay for three. Number 1 put their hands behind their heads. Number 2 rest their hands on the thigh. Number 3 holds crossed arms across the chest. In all cases, the elbows are turned to the sides. The host gives a signal and the participants try to greet as many of those present as possible, touching each other with their elbows. In this case, the name of the participant must be mentioned.
Exercise "My Animal"
Purpose: warm-up
Instructions: “Take turns to come up with and show the feature of your imaginary animal. The next one names the features of the previous animal, and shows his own. So we continue in a circle.

I. Main body

Host: - The profession of a teacher is very energy-intensive. It requires huge intellectual, emotional and mental costs.
And today the problem of maintaining the mental health of teachers is especially relevant. Every year, the requirements for the personality of the teacher, his role in the educational process are growing. Changes in the education system also raise the bar: a creative approach to work, innovation, project activities, pedagogical technologies are welcomed.
Along with the study load, neuropsychic stress and overwork increase. All this is aggravated by various fears: fear of being abandoned, not finding support; fear of being unprofessional; fear of control.
This situation can lead to emotional exhaustion, known as "burnout syndrome." "Emotionally burned out" teachers are characterized by increased anxiety and aggressiveness, categorical and strict self-censorship. These manifestations significantly limit creativity and freedom, professional growth, and the desire for self-improvement. As a result, the personality of the teacher undergoes a number of such deformations and he becomes absolutely closed and immune to any innovations and changes.
Today we will learn techniques that will help you avoid and prevent emotional burnout.
Exercise "Transmission of feelings"
Goal: relieve emotional stress

Course: Participants stand one after another. The latter turns the penultimate one and conveys to him some feeling (joy, anger, sadness, surprise, etc.) by facial expressions. The second person must convey the same feeling to the next. The first is asked what feeling he received, and compared with what feeling was sent at the beginning.
Reflection: share your impressions of the exercise. What didn't work, why? What did you like. What are you feeling right now.
Conversation "Emergency Self-Help"
Purpose: to develop techniques for dropping negative emotions, experiences
Progress: the facilitator sets the problem: how, with the help of what techniques in working conditions in kindergarten You can quickly get rid of negative momentary experiences. Participants in the "brainstorming" mode discuss the problem, share their experiences. Answers are written on the board.
Instruction: “There are cases when a person in a certain situation is sharply seized by negative, unpleasant emotions. They should not be succumbed to and they must be disposed of, while in no case suppressing. Think about how you can quickly get rid of negative momentary experiences in the conditions of work in kindergarten.
Answer examples:
stand up abruptly and walk;
draw a piece of paper, crumple / tear and discard;
Shout into the pillow / beat the pillow;

Exercise "Portrait of a teacher"
Purpose: activation of mental activity, "inclusion" in the problem of professional burnout of the teacher.
Group work.
Instruction: “Draw or metaphorically depict a portrait of an emotionally burnt out teacher. Tell us about the resulting image.

Instruction: “Draw a portrait of an emotionally well-off teacher. Tell us about the portrait you got.

Instruction: “In groups, develop and write down recommendations that will help prevent or overcome burnout.”

Reflection, discussion. The facilitator emphasizes that the participants themselves developed recommendations, found ways to solve the problem.

Conclusions: in overcoming prof. burnout depends a lot on you. Therefore, the teacher's own internal reserves are especially significant.

Exercise "Pleasure"
Purpose: finding individual ways to relieve emotional stress.
Action: Participants write down at least 5 daily activities that bring them pleasure. then they need to be ranked to the most pleasant. The facilitator explains that these actions are the teacher's recovery resource.

Exercise "Relaxation"
Action: participants are invited to close their eyes, sit down as comfortably as possible (if there is a carpet, it is better to lie down) and relax. The facilitator reads any relaxation text to the music.
Reflection: discussion of impressions.

Exercise "I'm in the sun"
Purpose: self-determination, reflection, the use of self-hypnosis.
Host: “One of the ways to regulate your emotional state is self-hypnosis and self-reward. So praise yourself during the work more often. Praise yourself even for small successes.
Instructions: “Draw the sun with rays. Write your name in the middle. For each ray, write something good about yourself.
Participants work to pleasant melodic music.

“Hang the sun in a prominent place. Draw rays. And if it becomes bad at heart or it seems that you are good for nothing, get it.
Exercise "Wishing a friend"
Goal: Creating a positive emotional background.
Instructions: "On this Valentine's card, write a nice wish or a phrase that you would like to hear."
The facilitator collects valentines in a bag and invites the participant to pull out one at a time.
On the back of the postcard you will find a parable that will allow you to understand a lot about empty experiences (The Parable "Two Monks"). Save these valentines and use them when you are in trouble.

Alexandra Karelina
Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers"

training« Prevention»

Target: prevention mental health teachers, familiarization teachers with self-regulation techniques.

Tasks: familiarity with the concept emotional burnout, its characteristics; defining one's attitude towards professions; analysis of the manifestation of signs burnout, allocation of sources of dissatisfaction professional activity; level reduction emotional burnout of teachers.

We start our training session. Any training The job has its own rules. I invite everyone to work actively, to participate in the proposed exercises, to speak only from their own faces: I think”, listen to each other carefully.

The principle of our lesson is “Tell me and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Involve me and I will understand and learn something.”

Man assimilates:

10% of what he hears

50% of what he sees

70% of what he experiences

90% of what he does.

Problem emotional burnout of teachers. Teaching profession, educator (in other words - the work of the heart and nerves, requires daily, hourly expenditure of mental strength and energy. Research has found that representatives of these professions subject to gradual symptoms emotional fatigue and devastation - syndrome emotional burnout.

AT last years mental health problem teachers has become especially relevant. Modern world dictates his regulations: increased demands on the part of parents to the individual teacher, its role in the educational process. Changes in the education system also raise bar: a creative approach to work, innovation, project activities, pedagogical technologies.

Not only the study load is increasing, along with it, the neuropsychic stress of the individual, overwork, is also growing. Various kinds of overload are exacerbated by numerous fears: fear of being abandoned, not finding support; fear of being non-professional; fear of control.

According to modern data, under "mental burnout"means the state of the physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, manifested in social professions. This syndrome includes three main components:

emotional exhaustion,

Depersonalization (cynicism)

reduction professional achievements.

Under emotional exhaustion means feeling emotional emptiness and fatigue caused by their own work.

Depersonalization involves a cynical attitude towards work and the objects of one's work. In the social sphere, depersonalization implies an insensitive, inhumane attitude towards clients. Contacts with them become formal, impersonal, the emerging negative attitudes may at first be hidden, manifest themselves in internally pent-up irritation, which eventually breaks through and leads to conflicts.

Reduction - the emergence in employees of a sense of incompetence in their professional field , awareness of failure in it.

1. Exercise "Pose of Napoleon" Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed on the chest, arms extended forward with open palms and hands clenched into fists. On command leading: "One two Three!", each participant at the same time with others must show one of three movements (whatever you like). The goal is for the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement. Comment leading: This exercise shows how ready you are to work. If the majority showed their palms, then they are ready for work and open enough. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's posture - some closeness or unwillingness to work.

2. "Imaginary Flower".

3. Exercise “Carousel of communication”

Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader.

“I love…”, “I am happy…”, “I am sad when…”, “I am angry when…”, “I am proud of myself when…

4. Exercise "Stairs"

Target: awareness of oneself as a person who is at a certain interval in the life path and professional activity . All participants training leaflets with a schematic representation of the stairs are distributed, and it is proposed to carefully examine it and mark your location on the stairs today. As the exercise progresses, the facilitator asks the participants questions:

Think and answer, are you going up or going down?

Are you comfortable with your location on the stairs?

What's stopping you from being at the top?

Are you able to eliminate the reasons that prevent you from moving up?

5. Mushrooms got up. An exercise "Washing machine". All participants stand in two lines facing each other. The first person becomes "machine", last - "dryer". "Car" passes between the ranks, everyone wash it, stroke it, carefully and gently rub it. "Dryer" should dry him - hug him. Past "sink" become "dryer", from the beginning of the line comes the next "car".

6. Exercise "Spread in order"

Target: convey to the participants training the importance of switching skills social roles to maintain mental health and creative activity; awareness of one's "I". For teachers proposed to be sorted (in order of importance, in their opinion) next scroll:

Husband (wife)

Friends, relatives

After some time, propose an option for the optimal distribution list:

2. Husband (wife)

5. Friends, relatives

Participants are then asked to reflect on their findings.

7. Exercise "Pleasure"

One of the common stereotypes of everyday mental hygiene is the idea that the best way rest and recovery are our hobbies, favorite activities, hobbies. Their number is usually limited, because most people have no more than 1-2 hobbies. Many of these activities require special conditions, time or the state of the person himself. However, there are many other opportunities to relax and rejuvenate. Participants training sheets of paper are handed out and they are asked to write down 5 daily activities that bring them pleasure. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain teachers that this is a resource that can be used as " ambulance» for recuperation.

8. The flowers have risen. An exercise "Handshakes" Target:Activation of group members, establishing initial contact. teacher offers group members, randomly moving around the room (or two rounds indoor and outdoor) and when meeting with someone, say hello to the proposed way: a nod of the head, palms, heels, backs, shoulder, knees, air kiss, hug.

9. Exercise "Snowman"Leading: Let's get up and turn into a snowman - "freeze". Offered "freeze" as much as possible. The psychologist touches some of the participants, checking how hard the arm muscles have become. Then it is reported that the sun came out and our snowman melted. Checked degree "defrosting": the participant's hand, raised up by the leader, falls freely without any tension. Leading: Pay attention to how nice it is to be a melted snowman, remember these feelings of relaxation, peace, and resort to this experience in stressful situations.

10. Exercise "Which part of the car do you feel like?"

11. Exercise "Pros and cons" Instruction. You need to write on pieces of paper of one color the cons of your work, and on pieces of paper of another color - the pros of your work.

Participants write, and then take turns attaching their pluses and minuses to the tree. Each participant voices what he wrote. This is followed by a reflection exercise. Participants discuss what happened more - pluses pedagogical activities or cons - and why. Expected result: teachers should see that there are still more advantages in work, and come to the conclusion that work teacher is hard but pleasant. And see all sides pedagogical activity to realize that the difficulties teachers are similar.

1. Learn to discard negative thoughts as soon as possible. emotions and not to force them into psychosomatics. How can this be done in a child care setting? garden:

sing loudly;

Get up and walk quickly

Write or draw something quickly and sharply on a board or piece of paper;

Grind a piece of paper, crumple and discard.

2. If you have sleep disorders, try to read poetry at night, not prose. According to research by scientists, poetry and prose differ in energy, poetry is closer to rhythm human body and have a calming effect.

3. Every evening, be sure to get under the shower and pronounce the events of the past day, "wash away" them, since water has long been a powerful energy conductor.

4. Start recovering now, don't delay!


Hello, hello! Can I talk to God?

Hello! I connect!

Hello my soul! I am listening to you carefully!

Lord, I ask You to fulfill my desires!

Of course, dear, whatever! But first, I'll put you through the department.

wishes fulfilled: try to understand what mistakes you made in the past!

Wish Fulfilled Operator”… I’m waiting…

Greetings! What do you want to know?

Hello! The Lord redirected me to you and said that before

make new wishes, it would be nice to listen to the old ones.

I see, just a minute ... Ah, here it is! All desires of the soul. You listen?

Yes, carefully.

Starting from the last of the year:

1) Tired of this work! (executed: “tired of work!”)

2) The husband does not pay attention! (executed: “does not pay!”)

3) Oh, I would like some money! (executed: money - a little)

4) Girlfriends are fools! (performed : they are stupid

5) I would like at least some apartment! ( executed: on the 10th floor under the

roof, the roof is leaking. She asked for "any")

6) I would like at least some small car! (executed: get "Zaporozhets" shaggy year)

7) Oh, well, at least on vacation, at least somewhere ( executed: to the mother-in-law at the dacha,

She just needs a manpower

Well, what is it, no one will give flowers (executed: will not give)

Continue? Here for about a year of reading!

No, no, I got it! Transfer my call to the Creator!

Lord, I got it! And now I want to think carefully. Can I call back later?

Laughter on the phone...

Of course, my dear Soul... Anytime!

14. Smoothly move on to the next exercise "Wish Flowers" (write a wish on the flowers and put it in the water).

15. Tree of cooperation (draw a hand cut and write wishes to your colleagues, stick on the tree of cooperation).

16. Reflection.

Thank you for your attention! Let's clap for ourselves Good work. Good luck and happiness!

training"Prevention of burnout syndrome in the professional activities of a teacher"

Creation of conditions conducive to the prevention of SEV;

Transfer of psychological knowledge about the syndrome of emotional burnout, its causes and ways to overcome it;

Development of communication skills, emotional sphere; solidarity and trust, removal of emotional stress;

Formation of skills of self-knowledge and self-development of the personality as a whole.

The number of participants is 15-20 people.

Course of the training:


Exercise "Introduction".

Each in turn says his name and a positive line beginning with the letter with which the name begins. For example: my name is Tatyana - tactful

After we have met, we will begin to discuss the basic rules of group work. I will offer rules, you can add or change them.

Group work rules.

Address each other by name.

Accept yourself and others as they are.

Be sincere.

Avoid judging each other.

Everything that is done in the group is done on a voluntary basis.

Active participation in what is happening.

speaker respect.

Each member of the group - at least one good and kind word.

Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group.

Communication based on the "here and now" principle.

Mini lecture « Professional “burnout” of a teacher and its prevention”

According to psychologist D. Grinberg, “Professional “burnout” is an unfavorable reaction of a person to stress received at work, including psychophysiological and behavioral components.” "Burnout" can be characterized by emotional, physical and cognitive exhaustion and manifest itself with the following symptoms: a worse sense of humor, an increase in health complaints, a change in work productivity, a decrease in self-esteem, etc.

Occupational burnout syndrome medical diagnosis, and does not mean at all that such a state is inherent in every person at a certain stage of his life, career.

However, it is possible to name a number of specialties, the owners of which, to a greater extent than others, are at risk of professional “burnout”, since they use the resources of their psyche in working with people. The professions of teacher and psychologist belong to this category. These professions are associated with communication with people, require special interaction skills and are associated with the need to control their own words and actions. In this regard, such work requires special efforts and causes emotional overstrain. Tension situations at work (difficulties in interaction, violations of discipline by pupils, conflict situations with parents, administration, employees) lead to the depletion of the emotional resources of the teacher.

Studies by psychologists have shown that after 20 years, the vast majority of teachers experience emotional “burning out”, and by the age of 40 all teachers “burn out”. Low level wages force many caregivers to work double shifts, and often additional work related to tutoring or childcare. To all this, representatives of these professions often do not experience satisfaction from their activities: it seems to them that, despite all the efforts, the children with whom they work do not possess the necessary skills and abilities well enough.

Overload at work cannot but affect the personal life of specialists. Raising one's own children sometimes goes into the background, which is the reason for the formation of feelings of guilt, one's own incompetence in matters of education, apathy, or, conversely, irritation and aggression directed at oneself or others. Thus, the consequence of professional “burnout” can be problems in the family, disruption of relationships with relatives and, first of all, with children.

Greenberg gives the following tips to help the teacher cope with the state of emotional devastation, to return to effective interaction with others. So, he suggests doing the following:

1. Make a list of real and abstract reasons that motivate you to work. Determine the motivation, value and meaning of the work.

2. List the things you enjoy doing in descending order. Think about the last time you did this.

3. Meet regularly with friends and co-workers - this is your "support group".

4. Start taking care of your physical health: do exercises, eat right, fight bad habits.

5. Start taking care of mental health: use relaxation training, negotiation, assertiveness. and etc.

6. Do something frivolous every day: skateboarding, jumping rope, blow bubbles, etc.

Exercise “Our expectations» (work in pairs)

Each of us expects something from a new business. What do you expect from this training? (Each participant writes down their expectations in the right column on the sheet.)

What are you willing to invest in training? (Each participant writes down his contribution to the training on the right side of the sheet)

Participants read out their expectations from the training and their contribution.

What we have written down, of course, can change throughout the training. You may get something you didn't expect. Much will also depend on your activity. At the end of the training, you and I will have the opportunity to analyze your expectations.

In order for our communication to be effective, I propose to adhere to the following rules:

To be active;

Stick to time frames;

Don't criticize your neighbor

All ideas are good

feedback rule.

In order to warm up a little, I suggest that you perform warm-up exercise Pencils".

The essence of the exercise is to hold the pencils between the fingers of the participants standing next to each other. First, the participants perform a preparatory task: breaking into pairs, they are located opposite each other at a distance of 70-90 cm and try to hold two pencils, pressing their ends with the pads of their index fingers. The task is given: without releasing pencils, move your hands up and down, back and forth.

After completing the preparatory task, the group stands in a free circle (the distance between neighbors is 50-60 cm), the pencils are clamped between the pads of the index fingers of the neighbors. Your task, without releasing the pencils, is to simultaneously perform the following tasks.

1. Raise your hands, lower them, return to their original position.

2. Stretch your arms forward, return to the starting position.

3. Take a step forward, two steps back, a step forward (narrowing and expanding the circle).

4. Sit down, stand up.

When performing the exercise, the participants are required to clearly coordinate joint actions based on non-verbal perception of each other. If each participant thinks only about their actions, then the exercise is almost impossible. It is necessary to build your actions taking into account the movements of partners.

What actions should each of the participants perform so that the pencils in the circle do not fall?

What helped you complete the exercise? What got in the way?

Psychologists believe that realizing what the problem is and verbalizing it means half solving it. Well done!

- thinking about the good, pleasant (situations, actions, etc.),

- various movements such as sipping,

- observation of the landscape outside the window,

- viewing flowers in the room, photographs,

- "bathing" in the sun,

- breathing fresh air

- expressing praise, compliments to someone just like that. Is there anyone who wants to compliment, for example, their colleagues?

However, there are also special methods of psychological rehabilitation specially developed by specialists.

Exercise “Fire - Ice”

The exercise involves alternating tension and relaxation of the whole body. The exercise is performed while standing in a circle. On the command “Fire”, you begin intensive movements with your whole body. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements is chosen by each participant arbitrarily. At the command “Ice”, you freeze in the position in which the command caught you, straining your entire body to the limit. Then the teams alternate.

What sensations and emotions did this exercise evoke?

Well done! But you must admit that the indicator of team cohesion also affects the emotional state of each of us. That is, how comfortable we feel among colleagues, how much we can count on their help. And each of us has our own idea of ​​the concept of "team", for example, our school.

In any case, it is necessary to strive for unity. But, I think you will agree that in some situations there must be a spirit of competition. For this reason, I suggest that you do Exercise "Tower of Babel"

It is aimed at rallying the team, but is competitive in nature. You need to split into 2 teams. Each team is given a set of paper, a stapler, and scissors.

Your task is to build a tower within 15 minutes. You determine the principle of construction yourself. Within each team, you develop a work strategy, discuss ideas, etc. You can only use what you have been given. At the end of time, you must present a lofty creation, which must be maintained without your help.

What emotions did this exercise evoke? Have you drawn any conclusions for yourself?

Exercise “Ordinal Counting”

This exercise helps to establish eye contact with all participants. Everyone sits in a circle, one person says “one” and look at any participant in the game, the one he looked at says “two” and looks at the other.

Exercise “Sound gymnastics

Now I want to introduce you to sound gymnastics. But before proceeding with its implementation, one should adhere to the rule: a calm, relaxed state; performed standing, with a straight back. First, take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound loudly and energetically.

A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;

E - affects the thyroid gland;

And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;

O - affects the heart, lungs;

U - affects the organs located in the abdomen;

I - affects the work of the whole organism;
M - affects the work of the whole organism;

X - helps cleanse the body;

HA - helps to improve mood.

Exercise “Emphasing commonality”

The exercise is carried out in a circle with a toy. The participant throwing the toy to another must name the psychological quality that unites him with the person to whom he throws the toy. At the same time, he begins his phrase with the words: “I think that we are united by ...”, and calls this quality, for example: “You and I are equally sociable”; “I think we both tend to be a bit blunt.” The person who receives the toy answers: “I agree” if he really agrees, or: “I will think about it” if he does not agree. The one who got the toy continues the exercise, passing the toy to someone else, and so on until everyone gets it.

Diagnostics of the psychological atmosphere in the group

Participants are given forms to fill out. Here are 10 pairs of words opposite in meaning, with the help of which you are invited to describe the psychological atmosphere in your group. Put up a sign? (asterisk) closest to the trait in each pair that you think is more pronounced in your group.


Friendliness - Hostility

Agree - Disagree

Satisfaction - Dissatisfaction

Productivity - Unproductive

Warmth - Coldness

Collaboration - Inconsistency

Mutual Support - Malevolence

Enthusiasm - Indifference

Amusement - Boredom

success - failure

Relaxation exercise

Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day… The sky is illuminated by a rainbow and a particle of this radiance belongs to you… It is brighter than thousands of suns… is filled with a cleansing healing light, in which your sorrows and anxieties, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dispersed by a gentle wind. You are free from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!


An exercise "Greetings with elbows"

Target: Establishing contact between the participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

All participants count on 1, 2, 3. Participants with number 1 fold their hands behind their heads so that the elbows are pointing in different directions; No. 2 - rest their hands on the thigh so that the elbows are also directed to the sides; No. 3 - they hold their arms folded crosswise on their chest, while the elbows are turned to the sides.

After the participants take their starting position, they are invited, on a signal (ringing a bell), to greet as many of those present as possible, saying their names and touching each other with their elbows. After 5 minutes, the leader gathers participants into 3 subgroups: No. 1 - at the red pin; No. 2 - at the blue pin; No. 3 - in yellow. They greet each other inside each of them (the first numbers greet only the first, the second - with the second, etc.)

Exercise "Feeling"

Participants write on sheets of paper any feeling. The cards are collected and shuffled. Then each participant chooses any card. He needs to portray the feeling that is written on it. The display can be mimic or pantomime. The rest speak about the perception of this show.

The host is silent, not revealing the secret immediately after the first guesses made. All participants must speak. Each depicts several feelings.

Issues for discussion:

Have you been received adequately?

Why was it difficult to define feelings?

· Tell us about your impressions.

Exercise “List of emotions”

The group is asked to name as many words for emotions as possible. Then someone comes out and depicts the emotion with facial expressions and gestures. Everyone guesses. The first person to guess shows their emotion.

Complication: The exercise is carried out in a circle. One person names an emotion - everyone shows it.

Issues for discussion:

What was the hardest word to show?

Did everyone have the same facial expression when expressing emotion? Why?

Can people experience the same emotions and have completely different facial expressions? When? (Give an example.)

Exercise " Restoration of strength, general readiness to continue previously performed work".

Take a deep breath - exhale. Repeat 5 times. Mentally repeat the following verbal formulas:

1. I had a good rest...

2. My strength was restored...

3. I feel a surge of energy throughout my body ...

4. Thoughts are clear, clear ...

5. Muscles are filled with vitality ...

6. I'm ready to act ... It's like I took a refreshing shower ...

7. A pleasant chill and coolness runs through the whole body ...

8. I take a deep breath ... Sharp exhalation ... Coolness ...

9. I raise my head (or stand up) ... I open my eyes ...

Exercise "Transmission of feelings"

Participants stand in the back of the head one after another. The latter turns the penultimate one and conveys to him some feeling (joy, anger, sadness, surprise, etc.) by facial expressions. The second person must convey the same feeling to the next. The first is asked what feeling he received, and compared with what feeling was sent at the beginning.

Exercise “Associations”

What associations does the word “work” evoke in you?

Exercise "Methods of self-regulation of the emotional state."

Participants are divided into groups and answer the question:

How do you deal with negative emotions?

During the discussion, a list of ways to deal with negative emotions is compiled. The resulting list is corrected and supplemented by the coach of the group.

Test "Do you know how to control yourself?"

Participants are told: "Listen to the statements and answer yes or no."
1. I find it difficult to imitate other people.
2. I would, perhaps, be able to play the fool on occasion in order to attract attention or amuse others.
3. I could make a good actor.
4. Other people sometimes think that I am experiencing something more deeply than it really is.
5. In a company, I rarely find myself in the spotlight.
6. In different situations and in dealing with different people, I often behave in completely different ways.
7. I can only stand for what I sincerely believe.
8. In order to succeed in business and in relationships with people, I try to be what they expect me to see.
9. I can be friendly with people I can't stand.
10. I am always what I seem.
Give yourself one point for answering "no" to questions 1, 5, 7 and for answering "yes" to all others. Calculate your points. If you answered sincerely, then, apparently, the following can be said about you:
0–3 points. You have low communicative control, and you do not consider it necessary to change it depending on the situation. You are capable of sincere self-disclosure in communication. Some consider you "uncomfortable" in communication because of your directness.
4–6 points. You have average communicative control. You are sincere, but restrained in your emotional manifestations. You should be more considerate in your behavior with the people around you.
7–10 points. You have high communication control. You easily enter into any role, react flexibly to changes in the situation, and are even able to anticipate the impression that you make on others.

Mini-lecture "Methods of relieving neuropsychic stress"

Purpose: to introduce the concept of self-regulation and to offer effective ways relieving mental stress.

Time: 10 minutes.

Ways to relieve neuropsychological stress:

1. Relaxation - tension - relaxation - tension, etc.

2. Sports activities.

3. Contrast shower.

4. Laundry.

5. Washing dishes.

7. Crumple up the newspaper and throw it away.

10. Blind your mood from the newspaper.

12. Loudly sing your favorite song.

13. Shout loudly, then quietly.

14. Dance to the music, both calm and "violent".

15. Look at a burning candle.

16. Inhale deeply up to 10 times.

17. Walk in the forest, shout.

I would like to quote the words of Walter Russell: If you do something that you hate, because of hatred, destructive toxins begin to be produced in the body, and as a result, you begin to suffer from chronic overwork or get sick. You need to love everything you do. Or, in other words, do what you can do with love. So says the ancient Eastern wisdom. Do everything with joy, do everything in the best way you know how. The love of learning, the lessons that you have to do, will replenish the supply of physical and mental strength, save you from fatigue, from the disease known as "boredom". ».

What to do to neutralize stress?

Firstly, under stress, the supply of vitamins in the body, especially group B, is quickly consumed. Many doctors advise taking vitamins daily, but be aware of an overdose. Everything should be in moderation!

Secondly, very useful physical exercises. Go to the gym, do exercises, dance, sing, walk around the city, visit the pool, sauna.

Thirdly required mental and physical relaxation. Try the following ways: listen to relaxing music, look at the night sky, clouds, dream.

Fourth For a harmonious life, the support of family and friends is necessary. Go to psychological training, do not shy away from family celebrations, meet new interesting people. Pay attention to your parents, grandparents, sister or brother, because they especially need your love, care, affection.

Exercise "But ..."

2) Then the trainer collects all the sheets, mixes them up and offers the participants the following discussion procedure:

each written situation is read out to the group and the participants should give as many reasons as possible to the fact that this situation is not at all intractable, but simple, funny or even beneficial with the help of connectives like: “but ...”, “it could be worse!”, “I didn’t really want to, because ...” or “great, because now ...”;

after all situations are read out and all possible attitudes towards them are expressed, the coach proposes to discuss the results of the game and the real help that each participant received for himself.

Exercise "Who is faster?"

Purpose: team building. Time: 10 minutes.

Course of the exercise: The group must quickly, without words, build, using all the players of the team, the following figures:


bird hutch.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group. Discussion: Was it difficult to complete the task? What helped you do it?

Breathing exercises

Exercise "Rest"

Starting position - standing, straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely to the floor. Breathe deeply, watch your breath. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then slowly straighten up.

Exercise "Respite"

Usually, when we are upset about something, we begin to hold our breath. Releasing the breath is one way to relax. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes. Enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, imagine that all your troubles disappear.

Exercise "Mobilizing breath"

Starting position - standing, sitting (back straight). Exhale air from the lungs, then inhale, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale - the same duration as inhalation. Then gradually increase the inhalation phase. Below is a digital recording of a possible implementation of this exercise. The first digit indicates the duration of the inhalation, the pause (holding the breath) is enclosed in brackets, then the exhalation phase:

4 (2) 4, 5 (2) 4; 6 (3) 4; 7 (3) 4; 8 (4) 4;

8 (4) 4, 8 (4) 5; 8 (4) 6; 8 (4) 7; 8 (4) 8;

8 (4) 8; 8 (4) 7; 7 (3) 6; 6 (3) 5; 5 (2) 4.

Breathing is regulated by the account of the teacher conducting the classes, even better with the help of a metronome, and at home - by the mental account of the student himself. Each count is approximately equal to a second; when walking, it is convenient to equate it with the speed of steps.

Exercise "Castle"

Starting position - sitting, body straightened, hands on knees, in the “lock” position. Inhale, at the same time raise your arms above your head, palms forward. Hold your breath (2-3 seconds), exhale sharply through your mouth, hands fall to your knees

Relaxation exercise

Goal: Emotional rest, awareness of their problems and their overcoming, getting positive emotions.
Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Imagine the following. You enter the spring apple orchard, slowly walk along the alley, inhaling the smell of delicate white and pink flowers and enjoying it. Along a narrow path you come to the gate, open it and find yourself on a fragrant green meadow. The soft grass is swaying, insects are buzzing pleasantly, the breeze caresses your face and hair... There is a lake in front of you... The water is clear and silvery, sunbeams are chasing each other. You slowly walk towards the island, walk along the shore along a mischievous stream and approach the waterfall... You enter it, and the shining jets purify you, fill you with strength and energy... Behind the waterfall is a grotto, quiet, yourself. And now it's time to return. Mentally go all the way in the opposite direction, exit the apple orchard and only then open your eyes.


Exercise "Greeting for today"

Let's start our work by saying wishes to each other for today. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wishes for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Exercise "Are we the same?"

The aim of the exercise is to get the participants acquainted with each other, to increase trust in each other.

At first, the participants randomly walk around the room and say to each person they meet 2 phrases starting with the words:

You are like me in that...

I differ from you in that...

Another option: in pairs for 4 minutes, have a conversation on the topic "How are we similar"; then 4 minutes - on the topic "What makes us different". At the end, a discussion is held, attention is drawn to what was easy and what was difficult to do, what were the discoveries. As a result, it is concluded that we are all, in essence, similar and at the same time different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can force us to be different.

Exercise "Seat those who .."

Participants sit in a circle, the coach stands in the center of the circle. “Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: standing in the center of the circle (to begin with, I will be it) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common feature. He names this sign. For example, I will say: “Seat all those who have sisters,” and everyone who has sisters should change places. At the same time, the one who stands in the center of the circle should try to take one of the seats, and whoever remains in the center of the circle without a place will continue the game.Use this situation to learn more about each other.

When the exercise is completed, the trainer can address the group with the question: “How are you feeling?” or "How are you feeling now?"

Mini-discussion in subgroups "What prevents you from getting satisfaction from your professional activities?"

· Divide into subgroups of 3-5 people. Make a list of barriers to job satisfaction

· Present them for writing on the board, dividing them into organizational and individual.

Activity: Three drawings “I work as a teacher »

the beginning of the career path (or the introduction of the student, if the specialist has very little work experience)

· currently

· after 5 years

Those present share, first of all, their own feelings from their drawings. It is important that they themselves be able to see possible differences in the content, elaboration, color scheme of the depicted.

Mini-discussion: "What are you working for?"

Game "Guess the style of communication"

Purpose of the game: to teach participants to diagnose the style of communication - their own and the interlocutor, to find out the factors influencing the choice of a particular style of communication, to develop quick choice skills the best option own behaviour.

Participants are divided into three subgroups of five or six people, each of which prepares a scene for showing, reflecting a certain style of communication - conventional (business-like), manipulative, primitive. ( Short description communication style is offered to each subgroup on a separate card).

Discussion: Participant-spectators analyze the scenes they have shown, answering the following questions: What is the style of communication shown by the subgroup?

Exercise "I want - I do not want, but I do ...".
Participants are invited to write on separate sheets:
· Three things (this can be responsibilities, activities, entertainment, affairs, etc.) that you would like to do more often.
· Three things that you would like to stop doing to the extent that you do them, or not to do at all.
Now explain why you don't do enough of the first and do too much of the second

Strengths exercise.
Participants are divided into pairs. The first member of the pair tells the partner about his difficulty in teaching practice for two minutes. The second, after listening, should analyze the current situation in such a way as to find strengths in the behavior of the partner and tell him in detail about them. Then the partners change places.
As a result of this exercise, there is a discussion of what caused difficulty on the part of the training participants.
During general analysis During the course of the lesson, the facilitator draws attention to the awareness of the needs, life goals and professional motives of the participants in the training.

Exercise "House"

Goal: awareness of one's role in the group, style of behavior. Time: 15 minutes. Resources: Animal cards.

Course of the exercise: participants are divided into 2 teams. The host gives instructions: “Each team should become a full-fledged home! Each person must choose who he will be in this house - a door, a wall, or maybe wallpaper or a piece of furniture, a flower or a TV? The choice is yours! But do not forget that you must be a complete and functional home! Build your house! You can communicate with each other."

The psychological meaning of the exercise: Participants think about what function they perform in this team, realize that they are all needed in their “home”, which contributes to cohesion. Discussion: How was the discussion in teams? Were you immediately able to define your role in the “house”? Why did you choose this particular role? I think you all understood that every part of your “home” is important and needed in it, each has its own specific function, without which the house cannot be complete!

Exercise "Without a mask."
All participants in the training take turns taking cards lying in the center of the circle, and without preparation they continue unfinished statements. They must be sincere and frank. The rest of the participants evaluate the degree of sincerity. Possible incomplete statements are as follows:
What I really want sometimes is...
I know the acute feeling of loneliness, I remember ...
I especially don't like it when in class...
I really want to forget that...
It happened that colleagues called me ...
Once I was frightened by the fact that my students ... etc.
At the end of the exercise, the sincerity of the participants is assessed and the difficulties encountered during the exercise are discussed.
At the end of the session, participants give feedback to each other and share their impressions.

Exercise "White Cloud"

“Close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on your back in the grass. A beautiful warm summer day. You are looking at an amazingly clear blue sky, it is so extraordinary. You enjoy it. You enjoy a wonderful view. You are completely relaxed and satisfied. You see how far on the horizon a tiny white cloud appears. You are mesmerized by its simple beauty. You see it slowly approaching you. You lie down and you are completely relaxed. You are at peace with yourself. The cloud is moving towards you very slowly. You enjoy the beauty of the magnificent blue sky and a small white cloud. It is right above you. You are completely relaxed and enjoy this picture. You are in complete agreement with yourself. Imagine that you are slowly getting up. You rise to a small white cloud. You soar higher and higher. Finally, you have reached a small white cloud and are stepping on it. You step on it and become a small white cloud yourself. Now you are a small white cloud. You are completely relaxed, harmony reigns in you, and you soar high, high in the sky.


Exercise "Wonderful greeting"

Purpose: to create a favorable relaxed psychological atmosphere in the group. The coach talks about the existence of many different ways of greeting each other by people, which really exist in a civilized society and are comic. The participants of the training are invited to stand up and greet each other with their shoulder, back, arm, cheek, nose, invent their own unusual way for today's lesson and greet them.

Exercise "Kinoproba" (to develop a sense of self-worth)

1. List five things in your life that you are proud of.

2. Choose one achievement from your list that you are most proud of.

3. Stand up and say to everyone: “I don’t want to brag, but...”, and complete the phrase with words about your achievement.

Issues for discussion:

How did you feel sharing your accomplishments?

Do you think that at the time of your speech, others experienced the same thing as you? Why?

The purpose of the exercise: to help participants in mastering the ranking of values, building them in a hierarchy.

Participants are asked to come up with 10 commandments - some universal laws that are mandatory for every person to follow. The facilitator at this stage writes down each proposal received. After 10 commandments are collected, the task is given to rank them: first choose the least valuable commandment out of ten, then the least valuable out of the remaining nine, etc. The host fixes all the commandments on a board or paper.

Exercise “Virtues”

Participants sit in a circle. Each, clockwise, names his virtues, and then repeats the virtues of the others in the order in which they were named.

Exercise "Suitcase"

One of the members of the group leaves the room, and the rest begin to collect a “suitcase” for him on a long journey. This “suitcase” contains what, according to the group, will help a person in personal and professional growth, all the positive characteristics that the group especially appreciates in him. But it is also necessary to indicate what hinders a person, his negative manifestations, over which he needs to actively work.

The "secretary" is selected. It divides the sheet vertically in half, on one side a “+” sign is placed, on the other “-”. For a good “suitcase” you need at least 5-7 characteristics on both sides. Then a member of the group enters, and this list is read out to him and given to him.

Exercise "Good Catcher"
Whatever happens to you, try to find the positive side in everything. Let's practice. Find and write down, please, positive moments in the following situations:

1. You are going to work, the weather meets you with heavy rain.

2. You missed the bus.

3. You don't have money to go somewhere on vacation.