How long does it take to recover from general anesthesia after surgery? Recovery of the body after anesthesia (anesthesia) How long does it take a person to recover from general anesthesia.

When organizing the care of patients with a surgical profile, it must be borne in mind that any surgical intervention is accompanied by the development of stress in them, and most operations are performed under general anesthesia. Both circumstances require close attention to the patient in the next few hours after surgery.

With full recovery of consciousness, stabilization of breathing and hemodynamics, the patient can be transferred to a specialized department. In the same case, when there is the slightest doubt or the likelihood of a complication, the patient is transferred to the postoperative (post-anesthetic) ward, which should be directly adjacent to the operating unit. If there is no such ward, then the patient is transported to the intensive care unit and intensive care.

The patient is transported on a stretcher, accompanied by an anesthesiologist who performed anesthesia. During transportation, cardiac and respiratory arrest may occur, in which resuscitation is immediately carried out.

In the ward, the patient is laid on his side, thereby, in case of vomiting, they prevent the ingress of vomit, saliva or mucus into Airways. After the restoration of protective reflexes and consciousness, the patient is given the desired position. The patient, who is in a state of excitement, is fixed with soft straps. Then the monitoring equipment is connected. Observation of patients is organized by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator and conducted by an anesthetist nurse.

Main tasks of maintaining sick shortly after surgery are:

 prevention of respiratory failure;

 prevention of circulatory disorders and homeostasis;

 relief of pain syndrome;

 Prevention of infectious complications.

AT postoperative period may be observed respiratory depression due to the ongoing action of substances that were used during anesthesia (anesthetics, narcotic analgesics, muscle relaxants). Weak diaphragmatic breathing and paradoxical movements of the chest (during inspiration, it rib cage are indications for artificial lung ventilation.

Recovery of synchronous respiratory movements chest and abdomen (diaphragmatic breathing), as well as sufficient muscle strength, when the patient can shake hands, raise his head and hold it in this position for at least 2 seconds, indicates the cessation of the influence of drugs.

During the period of the patient's recovery from anesthesia, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) can be observed, the most important sign which is cyanosis (bluish tint) of the skin, but its absence does not exclude hypoxia. main reason hypoxia - a violation of the free patency of the respiratory tract. Especially dangerous is vomiting and regurgitation of gastric contents. Vomit due to the action of anesthetics and narcotic analgesics, as well as as a result of hypoxia during anesthesia and in cases where the stomach is full. When the patient lies horizontally or with the head down, regurgitation(flow of fluid in the direction opposite to the physiological) of gastric contents, i.e. its passive flow into oral cavity.

If vomit enters the respiratory tract, i.e. with them aspiration, occlusion of the bronchial tree may occur. Patients develop mechanical asphyxia, which ends in respiratory arrest and death. This complication is prevented by gastric emptying using a probe before surgery, and at the end of the intervention, the contents are once again removed from the stomach. Laying the patient down after surgery side position, prevent aspiration of gastric contents, and retraction of the tongue which can also lead to asphyxia. This situation does not completely exclude the occurrence of these complications and is standard when transporting unconscious patients. As an exception, it is applicable when protective reflexes are insufficiently restored during the removal of the patient from anesthesia. In order for the tongue not to sink, they use an air duct or resort to the so-called triple Safar technique (tilting the head back, pushing the lower jaw forward and slightly opening the mouth).

In the event of this complication, the head end of the patient's body is lowered down. Then the mouth is cleaned with a napkin or suction. The trachea is freed from vomit by pressing from the sides on the chest. The patient is intubated and the bronchial tree is washed in small portions with a solution of baking soda with suction of the liquid, or sanitation bronchoscopy is performed.

Increased pain in the area of ​​operation limits the depth of breathing and prevents expectoration of sputum. Insufficient ventilation of the lungs, including blockage of bronchioles with mucus, leads to the formation atelectasis when part of the lung loses airiness, it subsides and inflammation develops here. To prevent this, it is necessary rational anesthesia. Important breathing exercises, every hour the patient should take 5 deep breaths and exhalations, also independently or with the help of staff change in body position, early active movements up to getting up and breast massage. When sputum is discharged every 3-4 hours for a few minutes, the patient is given postural position(on one side or another, on the back), in which the mucus moves well into the large bronchi and is coughed up relatively easily. With a large amount of sputum, direct laryngoscopy is performed, a thin catheter is inserted through the glottis and the mucus is actively aspirated.

Circulatory disorders in the postoperative period is often associated with hypovolemia (decrease in fluid in the body), which exists before or occurs during and after surgery. In order to prevent these disorders, the missing fluid is replenished by transfusion of electrolyte solutions and plasma substitutes. To determine the required volume of infusions, an accurate record of the excreted fluid with urine, feces, vomit, through drains, fistulas, gastric and intestinal tubes is kept.

For infusion therapy, venipuncture or venesection is performed. The most optimal catheterization of the main vein. The catheter can be a conductor of infection, and while caring for it, the contaminated material is changed in a timely manner, with which it is fixed to the skin. With phlebitis, infusion into this vein is stopped and the catheter is removed. The venous catheter is thrombosed, blood clots form around it. Thrombus rupture leads to thromboembolic complications, to avoid which the catheter is regularly, 2-3 times a day, washed with saline with heparin.

With dehydration, negative central venous pressure is observed, its suction action contributes to the ingress of air through the dropper into the vascular bed and the occurrence of air embolism. For its prevention during infusions, the absence of air bubbles in the system and its tightness at the junction with the catheter are monitored. After the end of the infusion, the catheter cannula is closed with a special stopper.

After general anesthesia Absolutely everyone feels bad, although no ethers are currently used.

It is well known that after their use in many patients the liver stopped working.

Is general anesthesia harmful or is it a myth? Does anesthesia affect life expectancy, human health?

Modern drugs for anesthesia are slightly toxic to human organs.

If the dose is calculated correctly for you, the drug is administered correctly, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But we are afraid of anesthesia, pain, although we understand the inevitability of the operation and its necessity.

Now there is a lot of new: equipment, drugs, a lot of new technologies, but we are still afraid, maybe we don’t know what anesthesia is? What to expect from him?

Anesthesia implies safety during and after the operation.

The patient's condition after general anesthesia, qualitative in a good clinic:

  • Absence of nausea, vomiting after surgery.
  • Absence of chills, trembling (sometimes it is impossible to do without these symptoms after the operation).
  • During operations, continuous monitoring of respiration and blood circulation is carried out.
  • Monitoring of the electrical activity of the brain, control of muscle conduction, temperature control.
  • After the operation, the patient is given anesthesia, if this is not enough, the patients themselves inject themselves by pressing a button.

    For this, special devices appeared that the patient always carries with him.

    Doctors then control how many times the patient pressed the button, according to these calculations, the degree of recovery of the patient is determined.

    Thanks to this, the time after the operation passes comfortably.

    Before taking general anesthesia, take into account:

    • Your weight or body mass index.
    • The medical history, tests, permissions from specialists for anesthesia are studied.
    • The age of the patient.
    • Current medications taken and allergic reactions on them.
    • Consumption of alcohol or drugs by the patient.
    • Dental examination, as well as the oral cavity, respiratory tract.

    General anesthesia, what is it:

    General anesthesia, a state of coma, sleep in which the patient does not feel pain. It doesn't hurt, he doesn't react. The man appears to be unconscious.

    General anesthesia is administered intravenously or inhaled.

    Medicines are administered by an anesthesiologist, a specialist who monitors the patient's vital signs, breathing during surgery.

    There are four stages:

    Induction or first stage:

    It is characterized by the onset of drug administration and loss of sensation (consciousness).

    Stage of excitation - the second stage:

    There is delusional, excited activity. Heartbeats and breathing are erratic.

    Nausea, dilated pupils may occur.

    There is a danger of suffocation. Modern drugs limit the time for the two stages described above.

    Surgical anesthesia or third stage:

    When it occurs, all muscles relax, breathing is suppressed. Eye movement slows down, then stops. The patient is ready for surgery.

    Overdose stage, if you have incorrectly calculated the dose of anesthesia:

    Leads to respiratory failure.

    As you understand, the fourth stage is an exception to the rule, but it sometimes happens, as everywhere and always.

    Why do they do general anesthesia, and not anesthesia of only the necessary part of the body.

    Under what circumstances is it appointed?

    • The operation takes a long time.
    • Risk of major blood loss.
    • according to the patient's condition.

    Contemporary surgery is an absolutely safe intervention.

    Immediately after anesthesia, you may feel:

    • Difficulty in passing urine.
    • Bruising, soreness on the arm due to a dropper during the operation.
    • Constant nausea, possible vomiting.
    • Trembling and feeling cold, you will be shaking, warming up at first is problematic.
    • Sore throat (due to the presence of a breathing tube during surgery).
    • You will not feel pain, nurses will constantly administer pain relief.

    But there are more serious risk groups for the consequences:

    Elderly people with long-term operations are at risk of serious consequences.

    After anesthesia, they can get a heart attack, amnesia (memory loss), stroke, and even pneumonia.

    Of course, it is good that now you can have an operation, recover, if not for the consequences after it. They are.

    Consequences are early, and appear later.

    Early consequences are immediately visible, the person does not get out of the state of anesthesia, a cerebral coma occurs.

    The effects appear after a few days or weeks:

    • Severe headache that is difficult to relieve with analgesics. Often they have to be removed with drugs.
    • Sleep apnea - people stop breathing for a short period of time during sleep.
    • rises arterial pressure.
    • may last up to a day.
    • Arise panic attacks, fear interfering normal life. The person does not understand where it comes from, what to do.
    • Cramps in the legs, calves, bringing incredible suffering to the patient due to their frequent occurrence.
    • The heart suffers, malfunctions appear in its work, the pulse is frequent with.
    • The kidneys and liver, the organs of purification of our body, suffer. Whatever the drugs for anesthesia, but in order for a person to feel nothing, an incredibly huge dose of them is needed. Naturally, in order to cleanse everything, healthy organs are needed.
    • Sometimes alcoholism develops.
    • body.

    Help yourself after surgery :

    It is very good to drink courses:

    • Piracetam, cavinton (improve blood circulation and brain nutrition). Memory will recover faster, headaches will pass.
    • Go through the ECG (electrocardiogram) again, see what is happening with your heart after the operation.
    • Donate blood, go with the results to the therapist. Don't waste time.
    • Avoid anesthesia anytime, anywhere. Treat your teeth under local anesthesia.

    Sometimes life and health force us to take extreme measures in the methods of recovery - to perform an operation, undergo anesthesia and crawl out after general anesthesia, get rid of the consequences after general anesthesia.

    It's life, everything happens in it. Fewer such episodes in your life. Health and longevity!

    I always look forward to seeing you on my site.

    Watch the video, allergies and anesthesia:

    For surgical operations, including dental treatment, anesthesia is often required. Perhaps every person experiences excitement after learning from a doctor about the need to use general anesthesia. Although all patients understand that the use of painkillers facilitates the condition during treatment, many of them are concerned about possible subsequent complications.

    What is anesthesia

    Anesthesia is a general anesthesia of the body, accompanied by artificial sleep. It is necessary so that the patient does not feel pain during the operation; Under the influence of anesthesia, the human body loses pain sensitivity.

    Before the operation

    The main task of the anesthesiologist is to select the most effective drug, the use of which is associated with a minimal risk of adverse effects on the patient's body. There are currently different kinds and methods of anesthesia, and medical scientists continue to conduct research in this direction and improve the drugs used.

    In a state of anesthesia, a person completely loses control over what is happening. Therefore, it is necessary not only to choose the most effective and safe painkiller, but also to properly set up a person psychologically. Before an operation with the use of anesthesia, the patient is often overcome by understandable fears: will he wake up at all, what will be the consequences, how will the anesthesia affect his future life? Anesthesiologists say that the likelihood of adverse effects of anesthesia on the human body is minimal.

    Getting out of anesthesia

    With anesthesia, the body's response to surgery and the associated trauma is inhibited. Therefore, it is impossible to belittle the importance of the patient's exit from the state of anesthesia, because at this stage all the vital processes of the body are restored. The time for a person to exit the state of anesthesia is from 1.5 to 4 hours. Postoperative patients are under constant supervision of medical staff in the intensive care unit. Anesthesiologists monitor their condition not only during the operation, but also in the postoperative period, since after anesthesia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, postoperative pain, as well as neuropsychiatric problems may appear - changes in sleep and wakefulness, inadequate reactions and behavior.

    To determine whether the effect of anesthesia has stopped, only a specialist doctor can, based on the current indicators of the state of the body. The postoperative patient is characterized by a state of half-asleep. This is quite normal, as the effect of painkillers used during anesthesia lasts for several hours.

    Consequences of the use of anesthesia

    Some patients experience intense arousal when coming out of anesthesia. This reaction is typical, as a rule, for people suffering from mental disorders and those who abuse alcohol.

    The medical staff does everything necessary to help a person come out of anesthesia with minimal losses. To prevent thromboembolic complications and bedsores, the patient should move as much as possible, turn from side to side, sit on the edge of the bed. To avoid vomiting, you should not eat or drink anything for the first 2-3 hours after anesthesia. Your doctor will tell you when you can start eating.

    Too long a stay under anesthesia can adversely affect. To avoid this, after the operation, you need to drink 2.5-3 liters of water daily for 6-12 days (depending on the duration of anesthesia). Drinking plenty of water speeds up the cleansing of the body from anesthetics and reduces their negative impact.

    Pain therapy during the early postoperative period is mandatory. If the attending physician believes that the upcoming operation can be performed under local anesthesia, you should not insist on general anesthesia, since the drug-containing drugs used for him, in addition to the negative symptoms they cause, form physical and mental dependence.

    Many people after surgery under anesthesia for some time have residual effects - fatigue, weakening of attention, inability to concentrate. Their cause is usually not the anesthesia itself, but postoperative complications- For example, circulatory disorders due to lack of oxygen.

    Of course, it is unacceptable to tell a specialist doctor which anesthesia is safer. Only an anesthesiologist can determine the method of anesthesia, based on individual health indicators, the type of surgical intervention, and even on psychological state patient. In this case, the qualifications, personal qualities and professional experience of the doctor play a key role. Be healthy!

    Many are afraid of surgery because of anesthesia, they think that they won’t wake up. Others are sure that anesthesia can cause the development of cravings for drugs. There is another group of patients who believe that suddenly the anesthesia will not work and they will have to experience pain, see the horrors of the operation. These are all made up myths. Before choosing the type of anesthesia, anesthesiologists carefully check, evaluate, and carefully study the patient's history. Therefore, very rarely make mistakes that lead to tragedy.

    Features of anesthesia in modern medicine

    It is worth noting that today powerful drugs are used for general anesthesia. The doctor takes into account their impact on the heart, respiratory system. When choosing an individual dosage, the patient's condition must be taken into account: in case of violations of the functions of the heart, lungs, the dosage is reduced, otherwise the patient may die. It is difficult to select the required dose for general anesthesia, if it is greatly reduced, the patient may wake up during the operation.

    Among the people you can hear many myths about anesthesia, ranging from the development of impotence in a man, ending with "eternal sleep."

    Of course, every anesthetic drug has a negative effect on a person. It can cause severe vomiting, nausea, weakness, severe headaches, and also significantly lowers blood pressure. When the drugs are removed from the body, the person becomes much easier. Men can be reassured - potency does not suffer after anesthesia. On the contrary, in some men after the operation, the craving for sexual life increases.

    As for the "eternal sleep", there is also no need to worry. After the introduction of anesthesia, indeed, brain cells are damaged, some neurons die. Within a few days, memory problems may occur, concentration of attention also decreases, but in general, a person normally comes out of anesthesia and continues to lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

    How long does it take for a patient to come out of anesthesia?

    In the case of using short-range modern medicines, a person comes to his senses in half an hour. Some drugs have a longer effect, but after them the patient is lethargic and drowsy for a long time.

    Video: After anesthesia :) Where is my hand!?

    It is important to consider the response to a particular type of anesthesia. In medicine, it is believed that there are no people who come out of anesthesia for a long time, do not tolerate it at all. All the consequences are associated with the low quality of the drug, as well as the lack of control over the patient's well-being during the operation.

    Attention! Previously used anesthesia with halothane, ketamine, nitrous oxide - this is very dangerous methods, they have a number of side effects and negatively affect the state of the brain.

    Video: Immersion of the patient in drug sleep

    Does a person run the risk of not getting out of anesthesia at all?

    Statistics prove: only 1 death 200 thousand during the operation. Most often, complications and death are associated with surgical causes. But recently it was proved that if a person has been under deep anesthesia for a long time, he can die from various diseases during a year. This pattern was revealed by the Americans, who analyzed more than 10 thousand patient histories. But they warned that the study is incomplete, there is still work to be done.

    Features of intravenous anesthesia

    For a simple operation, intravenous anesthesia is used. Most often it is suitable for gynecological interventions. For example, it is carried out during an abortion.

    Here it must be borne in mind that drugs perfectly lull, but not always anesthetize well. Some doctors solve the problem by adding drugs. Subsequently, for a long time, attention and consciousness are upset, thought processes are disturbed. It's no less dangerous view anesthesia.

    New inhalation methods of anesthesia

    Now Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Xenon are actively used. The main advantage of drugs is their minimal effect on internal organs. In this case, the use of potent drugs is not required. This type of anesthesia is simple, comfortable and safe.

    Will the patient wake up this method anesthesia? Indeed, there are such cases, but they are very rare. More often the patient comes out of anesthesia if ketamine, nitrous oxide is used. In medicine, there were situations when a woman woke up during an emergency caesarean section or the patient was recovering from a serious injury.

    Frequently asked questions about anesthesia

    Is anesthesia required for minor surgeries?

    Video: Truth and myths about anesthesia

    Many experts believe that anesthesia should always be used, even for minor operations. A person cannot endure pain for a long time, such a condition can negatively affect his central nervous system, endocrine glands, heart, intestines, stomach.

    How are anesthesia and drug cravings related?

    It has long been proven that everything medications, which are used for anesthesia, do not lead to the development of drug addiction, even if you have to take a drug in the postoperative period. Psychologists consider this feature a protective mechanism: in memory, the drug does not remain a means for obtaining pleasure, it is a drug for relieving pain.

    Why does one person come out immediately after anesthesia, and the other only a day later?

    It all depends on the type of operation performed, as well as the anesthetics used. In the event of complications during surgical intervention to protect the patient, anesthesia is specifically prolonged. But most often, the injected anesthesia is enough, so the person immediately wakes up in the ward.

    Thus, anesthesia is a forced measure, which cannot be dispensed with during the operation. A person is not able to endure severe and prolonged pain, which is why anesthesia was created. No need to believe different rumors, it's best to pass necessary examination and consult an experienced and reliable anesthesiologist.

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    The procedure of anesthesia always raises a lot of questions in patients. Common stories and unpleasant memories of feeling unwell after anesthesia make you worry about the condition after the operation. To reduce the likelihood of developing unwanted symptoms after general anesthesia, it is recommended to find out in advance how to remove anesthesia from the body and whether it is possible to speed up this process.

    Woman after surgery under anesthesia

    The stage of exit from general anesthesia after surgery is considered very responsible and requires the anesthesiologist to fully concentrate on the patient's condition. Recovery from anesthesia begins at the moment when the anesthetic supply stops. Consciousness and sensitivity begin to return to the patient: first, muscle tone and reflex muscle reactions, excitation occurs nervous system which can be manifested by incoherent speech and motor restlessness. After that, consciousness slowly returns and the patient wakes up - in the first minutes he is disoriented in space, lethargic, inhibited, speech and expression of emotions are difficult.

    During the awakening phase, the anesthesiologist conducts a series of tests that allow you to correctly assess recovery. respiratory function. Only after positive result The patient is extubated and given permission to be transported to the ward.

    In most cases, after the operation, the patient is transported to the ward of his department, where he was before surgery. The exception is those situations when the patient is in serious condition - in this case he is transferred to the intensive care unit.

    Transportation of the patient after surgery

    Ways to quickly recover from anesthesia

    It takes some time for the body to fully recover from general anesthesia. It is difficult to name the exact timing of the withdrawal of anesthesia from the body, since the speed depends on many factors. These include the length of time and traumatic nature of the operation, the type of anesthesia used, the individual properties of the patient's body, his gender and state of health before the operation - older people are more difficult to get out of anesthesia.

    Usually, modern drugs for general anesthesia are excreted from the body quite quickly - within a few hours, so the recovery stage itself is short. Older generation drugs take a little longer to be eliminated, causing more unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache and severe tremors throughout the body. To relieve these symptoms, you can take certain measures.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Most common side effects anesthesia. To reduce discomfort, you should follow a starvation diet, it is undesirable to drink even water. Nausea and vomiting respond well drug therapy, so you can ask the nurse to give an injection of an antiemetic drug - this will help get out of an unpleasant state.


    During anesthesia in the body, the thermoregulation system malfunctions, so after waking up, the patient may feel chills. To prevent this condition, it is recommended to cover yourself with a warm blanket immediately upon arrival in the ward.


    Severe headaches are often caused by the effect of the drug on the brain. To stop the pain attack, you can use conventional analgesics.

    As a rule, about 4 hours are enough for the body to remove anesthetics and move away from anesthesia. In the postoperative period, the patient is often administered tranquilizers and analgesics, so the first 12 hours after the operation, he is in a state of drowsiness. In the case when the patient feels satisfactory, he is not bothered by nausea and vomiting, it is possible to accelerate the withdrawal of drugs by taking a large number liquids. This should be done after consultation with the doctor - in some cases it is contraindicated to give an extra load on the kidneys.

    Acceleration of recovery from anesthesia is possible with the help of medications, which contribute to the rapid metabolism of drugs for anesthesia and neutralize the toxic effect of the narcotic substance on the body.

    Patient care after surgery

    Rapid recovery from anesthesia is facilitated by early activation - with good health, the patient should start moving and eating as soon as possible. It is recommended to ventilate the ward as often as possible, oxygen saturation of the body contributes to rapid recovery.

    After the operation, you should stop smoking, as nicotine contributes to a sharp vasoconstriction, due to which the excretion of the drug for anesthesia slows down. The same applies to alcohol - in addition to vasoconstriction, it gives an extra load on the liver and kidneys, which are already loaded.

    Folk remedies for recovery after anesthesia

    In combination with medical support, the patient can use folk remedies. Arnica officinalis extract helps the patient recover faster and improves cerebral circulation after major surgery. Passionflower (passion flower) and chamomile have a relaxing and calming effect. It is better to buy the necessary herbs at the pharmacy - they are available in the form of filter bags that are convenient for use, they should simply be poured with boiling water and insisted for several minutes.