Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies. Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies at home

To cure psoriasis at home, you need to take a number of systemic measures to get rid of the disease. This will allow you to quickly and permanently cure psoriasis, and in the most severe cases - to control the remission period for a long time.

How to cure psoriasis at home

At home, it is necessary to use all possible methods of local therapy for psoriasis, which can be successfully applied without resorting to the need to visit medical institution. Cure psoriasis at home not all patients succeed, but if the doctor's recommendations are followed, it is possible to significantly improve the health of patients and do it quickly enough.

To cure psoriasis quickly at home, you need to apply a number of medicines different orientation. The preparations are presented both as oral tablets and local preparations - it is possible for the systematic treatment of psoriatic lesions.

When treating psoriasis at home, one should not forget that patients should avoid stress, protect their skin from the sun, but at the same time it is enough to walk in the fresh air. You can quickly cure psoriasis at the initial stage, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and start taking psoriasis medications.

How to permanently cure psoriasis

cure psoriasis permanently at home - the main goal of doctors struggling with the disease. However, it is not so easy to fight autoimmune pathologies, so achieving long-term remission can be considered significant progress.

For the treatment of psoriasis, glucocorticoids were previously used, but recent studies have shown the harm of such drugs to the body. However, with a progressive psoriatic attack, the use of this group of medications is a necessity. Treatment of psoriasis is based on the use of long-acting glucocorticoids. Such drugs are administered intramuscularly. You can do this at home on your own or arrange a nurse call at the clinic. The courses of therapy are short due to the longer action of the drug.

Consider, how to cure psoriasis quickly and efficiently at home:

  1. The most well-known means are pills and injections - they have been used in therapy for more than forty years. Methotrexate acts directly at the cellular level. A drug is indicated for the treatment of significant lesions, when psoriatic plaques cover more than twenty percent of the surface skin. The tool copes well with such forms of the disease as psoriatic arthritis, pustular psoriasis, erythroderma. Methotrexate can cure psoriasis of the nails on the hands, if the disease affects not only the skin, but also the nail plates.
  2. Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent that is also used in the treatment of psoriasis. The drug is produced by the world's leading manufacturers of pharmaceuticals. Thanks to the suppression of immunity with Ciclosporin, patients have a much better state of health when severe forms ah psoriasis. The drug is available in capsules, and can be done with an injectable form of Cyclosporine. The tool works great against torpid psoriasis and fights psoriatic erythroderma.
  3. Acitretin is a drug of recent developments. It has been used in practice relatively recently, but has already received positive feedback from patients and doctors. It will not be possible to cure psoriasis once and for all with the help of Acitretin, as well as with the help of other drugs, however, the agent significantly suppresses the proliferation of the epidermis, contributes to the timely keratinization of the skin, and also has an immunomodulatory effect.

How to cure psoriasis on the body

As a means for local treatment on the body, it is necessary to use ointments, which can be both hormonal and non-hormonal. Psoriasis on the breasts is best treated with non-hormonal agents. But you can cure palmar-plantar psoriasis and hormonal drugs. They can also cure psoriasis on the elbows and other hardened parts of the body affected by psoriasis. For the treatment of complex forms, it is used that activates psoralens under the action of ultraviolet radiation.

Means help to cure the disease psoriasis and its symptoms - itching, burning - but they cannot be used for a long period. Effective drugs are funds based on:

  • hydrocortisone - Sopolkort, Gyoksizon;
  • mometasone - Uniderm, Elokom;
  • betamethasone - Rederm, Daivobet;

To cure psoriasis on the face, products based on zinc pyrithione - Zinocap, Skin-cap, and tar-based - Picladol will help. These drugs have a good exfoliating effect, improve the condition of the skin and promote the healing of microcracks. If it was not possible to cure psoriasis on the hands forever, and the patient developed nail psoriasis, which spread from the hands, then here you need to select local remedies for treating the nail plates. To cure nails from psoriasis will help a special varnish Clobetasol.

  • hydrating agents;
  • vitamin D3;
  • keratolytic agents;
  • interferon;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibacterial drugs.

Preparations of these groups help not only to improve the action of glucocorticoids, but also protect the body from the negative effects of active substances.

How and how to cure psoriasis on the head

In most cases, you can cure psoriasis on head mild form or achieve a state of remission during systemic therapy. The main principle of therapy to cure psoriasis forever is to suppress the inflammatory process and autoimmune reaction that reject epidermal cells. For this, local therapy is used, in which, if it has not turned into severe forms that require systemic treatment of the body.

  • salicylic ointment;
  • preparations with tar;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • naftalan ointment;
  • Solcoseryl.

If the disease is severe, scalp psoriasis is treated with glucocorticoid agents - Belosalik, Flucinar, Xamiol, prednisolone ointment. Psoriasis on the head can be cured forever with a mild stage, Psoril, Skin-Cap, Squafan, Kertiol.

Treatment of psoriasis at home depends on many factors - the severity of the disease, the success of the prescribed therapy, the complications that accompany psoriasis. For quick treatment it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and stop the exacerbations of the disease in a timely manner.

Playlist of videos about psoriasis (video selection in the upper right corner)

Psoriasis belongs to the group of the most complex diseases. The nature of this pathology is not yet fully understood. The fact is that not only the skin is involved in the process, but there is also a violation of the functions of some internal organs. That's why this disease very difficult to treat. Moreover, there is no such method of therapy that would be equally effective for all patients with psoriasis. Given this circumstance, the treatment this disease each patient is selected an individual treatment regimen, and in the complex of therapy, physicians must include, in addition to traditional medicines, folk methods.

The positive attitude of professionals to the methods of alternative therapy is explained by the fact that even with the most severe forms of this disease, they often give better results than drug therapy. But the most important argument in favor of time-tested methods is that in relation to psoriasis, traditional healers use exactly the same approach as modern doctors: the disease is treated both from the outside and from the inside.

Principles of home treatment of psoriasis

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many effective recipes that can reduce the intensity of the symptoms of scaly lichen. This is what is called psoriasis, which cannot be completely cured. For external treatment are prepared:

  • creams and ointments;
  • shampoos (for psoriasis of the scalp);
  • healing lotions;
  • baths with herbal infusions, which help with the defeat of the whole body.

External agents are equally suitable for adult patients and children. And funds for internal use may have age restrictions, since some formulations contain components that are contraindicated for children.

According to folk recipes at home, you can cook the following dosage forms intended for internal reception:

  • powders;
  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • complex mixtures.

Important point! Since most folk formulations for the treatment of psoriasis contain potent and sometimes toxic components, any method must be agreed with a doctor. This will help reduce the risk of negative consequences.

Rules for home treatment

  1. During the period of treatment with external agents, it is necessary to protect the skin, as well as the nails, from drying out. This condition is especially true if the course of therapy includes baths.
  2. The initial stage of psoriasis responds well to treatment with light herbal preparations.
  3. To medicinal composition had a better effect on the skin, it is necessary to regularly remove scales and crusts from its surface.
  4. The recipe chosen for treatment should be followed exactly, including the manufacturing process and application features.
  5. It is not recommended to use several drugs at the same time, since such a treatment option will not allow determining the effectiveness of each technique.

All the precautions listed here will help you get the most out of home psoriasis treatment and avoid possible complications.

Popular Recipes

Activated carbon
I want to start the presentation effective ways with a tool that can be found in almost every home first aid kit. It's activated charcoal. With the help of this inexpensive drug, it is possible to localize even pustular psoriasis.

The medicinal product is prepared in the following sequence: activated charcoal tablets are crushed to a powder and dissolved in water. The number of tablets is easy to determine by the formula: 1 piece per 10 kg of weight. It is necessary to drink the composition long before meals (1.5 -2 hours). The course of such therapy is designed for 45 days.

Important! With this form of treatment, you need to follow a dietary diet and not drink alcohol.

Baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate is present in many folk recipes. Unlike pharmacy products, it is absolutely harmless and gives a good result when applied externally: it quickly removes signs of inflammation, which is always observed in psoriasis, and softens the skin. There are three uses for baking soda:

  1. The affected areas are treated with a solution of standard concentration (2 tsp per 200 ml).
  2. You can make soda lotions from a thick mixture of powder with water. Dip a cotton pad or gauze pad into the resulting composition, and then apply it alternately to the damaged areas of the skin.
  3. A hot soda compress also helps to cope with inflammation. Already after the first procedures, the intensity of rashes decreases, inflammation subsides. For this method, a liquid solution is prepared at such a temperature so as not to cause a burn. In the solution, the tissue is moistened and applied to the problem area. The compress must be completely cool.

And another unique recipe involving regular soda. This tool has more complex composition, because for its manufacture you will need the following ingredients:

  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken fat - 1 cup;
  • tar - 2 l. Art.;
  • laundry soap - 2l. Art.;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • bile (pharmacy) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chaga mushroom - half the volume of an ordinary glass;
  • fir oil - 1 l. h.

First, the fat is heated and boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling, chaga and other ingredients are added to it. When adding each component, the mixture must be mixed well, bile is introduced into the mixture at the very last. The resulting ointment should have a uniform texture. Treatment is best done before bed. During the night's rest, the product is well absorbed.

This is perhaps one of the most popular remedies used for psoriasis. In fact, grease is a technical lubricant, which is prepared from fatty acids and calcium soap. The composition is obtained by thickening, as a result of which it becomes slightly viscous, and the consistency resembles an ordinary ointment. But, if pharmaceutical products are easily washed off from the surface of the skin, grease is difficult to remove. Distinguishes its specific persistent smell.

Of course, for treatment it is better to use pharmacy drug. But due to the fact that in its pure form, pharmacy grease is practically rare, it is very difficult to acquire it. True, the pharmaceutical industry produces a whole line of special ointments designed to treat psoriasis, but their effectiveness is a big question. Therefore, traditional healers, in order to get a real result, are advised to use pure grease, preferably pharmacy. The fact is that in the production of technical grades, all kinds of additives are added to the composition, and this threatens with an allergic reaction. It follows from this that it is still more reasonable to use a medical preparation.

Advantages of grease
Solidol has been used for decades to treat severe forms of psoriasis. Over this long period, he has shown amazing results more than once. The advantages of this simple tool should include the following qualities:

  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • low risk of developing allergies and other side effects;
  • quickly relieves itching, burning (usually after the first two procedures);
  • stimulates the process of epithelialization of the skin;
  • reduces the intensity of peeling;
  • after treatment, the lasting effect persists for a long time.

In more than 60% of patients, after several courses of treatment, there was an almost complete disappearance of the external manifestations of the disease.

Important point! It is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before using grease, applying a little product to the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow. If after half a day there are no signs of irritation, you can start treatment.

Recipes based on grease

  1. This homemade composition is effective for psoriasis of the scalp. It is prepared according to the following recipe: grease (300 g) must first be mixed with two egg whites, add to the mixture a tablespoon of honey (preferably lime) and celandine herbs. The plant component must first be crushed to a powder state. The resulting ointment should be lubricated with damaged areas.
  2. And another universal recipe that is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis of any localization. It is extremely simple to perform: grease, you can even use technical clean brands, is applied in a thick layer on the body and left for 10 minutes, then washed off. To eliminate the pungent smell of the drug, it is recommended to take a shower with tar soap. Similar procedures are recommended to be done daily, increasing the time by 10 minutes every week. When the time parameter is equal to an hour, you can switch to night compresses with grease. Of course, this option is possible with good tolerability of the drug.

Therapeutic baths
With large areas of psoriasis lesions, warm baths greatly facilitate the condition of patients. Water procedures have a calming effect, eliminate itching and promote the rapid healing of damaged areas. Moreover, special means for therapeutic baths will not be required, because many of them are in every home.

  1. Salt baths are recommended twice a week. Already after the first two procedures, the effect of the treatment is usually noticeable. But the course of water therapy is designed for a longer time - 3 months. It is very important to observe the regularity of procedures. It is better to use sea salt, which is sold in the pharmacy chain. For one procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 1 kg of salt in a bath filled with warm water and completely immerse the body.
  2. Turpentine baths warm up well, as a result of which blood circulation increases. The frequency of procedures - 2 times a week. It is recommended to use pharmacy turpentine. The product is poured into water heated to 36 degrees. After five minutes of being in the water, the temperature should be raised to 40. After a therapeutic bath, you need to rest in bed for a couple of hours, warmly hiding. An important point: Before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the genital area, anal area and open wounds with Vaseline.
  3. Starch baths are recommended for children and the elderly. Any type of product is suitable for the procedure: potato, rice and other varieties of starch. After taking a bath, it is not necessary to wash off the therapeutic composition from the body.
  4. Soda baths are carried out similarly to other methods. The procedures increase the peeling of the skin, which indicates the beginning of its recovery. To slightly reduce the dryness of the skin, it is recommended to apply olive oil to the body after the bath. Itching and other negative symptoms subside after the first procedures, and positive result observed after several weeks of treatment.
  5. Baths with coniferous extract activate regeneration processes, and also enhance the potential of the body's immune forces. You can prepare raw materials yourself, but it is better to purchase a pharmacy drug. First, the extract is diluted in water, and then it is poured into the prepared bath. If psoriasis affects certain parts of the body, such as the feet or palms of the hands, you can make local baths with a decoction of pine buds.

All the procedures listed here can be easily organized at home. In sanatorium conditions, patients with psoriasis are prescribed hydrogen sulfide and radon baths.

Shampoos for psoriasis
The scalp is often exposed to various skin manifestations including psoriasis. This is a particularly sensitive area. Therefore, plaques and scales, which are the main symptom of scaly lichen, deliver a lot to patients. discomfort. In hot weather, when sweating increases, itching and burning increase. These symptoms disrupt sleep and worsen the general well-being of the patient, not to mention the aesthetic side of the problem. To minimize these manifestations, you need to use special shampoos, which are in a large assortment in any pharmacy. But you can cook effective remedy on one's own. As an example, we give the recipe for two effective homemade shampoos.

Recipe 1: Fresh celandine grass (300g) is passed through a meat grinder. Then juice is squeezed out of the green mass, to which a small portion of red wine (30 ml) must be added. The resulting mixture should be treated with the scalp, leave the composition for a quarter of an hour, then rinse the hair well.

Recipe 2: You need to combine the egg white with a spoonful of liquid honey, add a little of any baby shampoo, mix everything well. The composition is applied for a quarter of an hour, then washed off abundantly with running warm water.

Means for oral administration
As noted above, in addition to effective external home remedies, you can independently prepare healing decoctions for internal consumption. These are all kinds of decoctions, infusions, combined formulations. All herbal preparations use the internal reserves of the body, helping it fight the disease. These popular recipes have helped heal many sick people.

  1. Chaga has long been used by the people for psoriasis. Birch fungus contains substances that stimulate many vital important processes. With psoriasis, you can use infusion and decoction. The infusion is best prepared in a thermos. Dry raw materials are placed in a container, poured with boiling water, insisted for five hours. The resulting composition can be drunk in a tablespoon three times a day, or you can add it to the bath or lubricate the affected areas with it twice. Therapeutic baths with chaga also help with dermatitis and various skin infections. The decoction is prepared in a similar way and is taken strictly after meals. On the basis of chaga, you can prepare a homemade ointment by combining vegetable raw materials with laundry soap, tar, egg yolk and soda.
  2. Bay leaf in the form of a decoction is also recommended to drink in complex forms of psoriasis. But since the laurel is saturated essential oils, this treatment option should not be used by pregnant women, as well as people with pathologies of the heart and kidneys. To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take 10-15 medium-sized leaves, pour them with a liter clean water, put the container on a weak light. The tool should simmer for about half an hour. Strong boiling of the composition should not be allowed. After straining, the laurel decoction is ready for use. Single dose - 1 liter. Art. The same solution can be used for a therapeutic bath. Since laurel contains phytoncides and an ethereal component, water procedures will remove inflammation from the skin and accelerate the healing of existing wounds.
  3. Useful for psoriasis. This medicinal herb is easy to find, so there will be no problems finding raw materials for making a decoction. Two tablespoons (tablespoons) of raw materials are enough to cook healthy drink. The plant base is poured with hot water, brought to a boil, cooled. It is recommended to drink three times a teaspoon. A string is suitable as a basic component for preparing homemade ointment. In addition to grass, you will also need petroleum jelly and 70% alcohol. All components are taken in equal parts, the grass is crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. Damaged areas should be lubricated once.
  4. Tar soap is always present in the complex of therapy for psoriasis. It cleanses the skin well, stimulates regeneration. Although this tool does not have much pleasant aroma, its use helps to cope with complex dermatitis and psoriasis. Any distinctive measures when using this soap are not required, it is enough just to treat the problem areas well. After washing, it is recommended to rinse with herbal decoction.

natural oils
Any vegetable oil will also benefit inflamed skin. It is better to choose an unrefined product for medicinal purposes. In this line of products, the most effective linseed oil. With regular external treatment, it will relieve irritation, protect against the penetration of infectious agents, and will promote the rapid healing of damaged tissues.

Not inferior in medicinal properties Olive oil is a source of natural polyphenols. These components have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil with psoriasis, small doses can be taken orally, adding it to salads and other dishes.

Burdock oil is more suitable for extensive lesions of the scalp. It is recommended to apply it before going to bed, fixing it with a film on top. After several procedures, the skin condition will improve significantly.

In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that only an integrated approach to treatment and strict implementation of all recommended measures can ensure success. Psoriasis is a very complex disease. In addition to therapy, to improve the patient's condition, one must strictly follow a diet, reduce sun exposure, and follow recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

Video: psoriasis treatment without drugs!

This skin disease is one of the most ancient and unsolved ailments. Numerous methods of treating psoriasis, alas, do not get rid of it completely, but help to achieve a long-term subsidence of the disease. Since the effect of drugs is exclusively individual, an effective remedy has to be sought experimentally.

Alternative treatment of psoriasis

Non-traditional healers - healers of all times - prescribed to fight this disease both from the outside and from the inside. How to treat psoriasis? External means used for adults and children:

  • creams, ointments;
  • lotions;
  • shampoos;
  • herbal baths.

Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies that are taken orally:

  • powders, pills, tablets;
  • infusions;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • complex mixtures.

Effective treatment of psoriasis at home is possible subject to the following important rules:

  • it is necessary to constantly protect the skin, nails from drying out with water procedures and moisturizing creams;
  • the disease in the initial stage should be treated with light herbal remedies;
  • it is necessary to remove softened scales, crusts - under this condition, the drugs penetrate deeper into the skin;
  • it should be treated to the end, strictly following the recipes and all prescriptions;
  • you do not need to use several drugs at once, otherwise it is impossible to find out the effectiveness of each of them.

Thanks to a popular folk remedy, vulgar (simple, plaque) psoriasis often recedes - the treatment is carried out with activated charcoal. Sometimes even pathology in teardrop-shaped and pustular forms lends itself. Coal, absorbing toxins from the body, heals the skin. Powdered tablets (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), stir in water and drink 1.5-2 hours before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. An important condition: do not drink alcohol, salty, spicy, fatty foods.


Sodium bicarbonate is considered safe means to suppress the disease at home. Treatment of psoriasis with soda helps to relieve the severity of inflammation. This food product dries up small ulcers, stops the peeling of the skin. Soda is mixed with boiling water to get a mixture of sour cream consistency, which is applied to the affected areas, insulated and kept until the compress cools down.


Popular medicinal plants- field horsetail, aloe, black elderberry. Treatment of psoriasis with herbs at home has been tested for centuries:

  • Turn the fleshy leaves of aloe (or Kalanchoe) into gruel and apply to sore skin in the morning and evening. Long-term treatment - 1.5-2 months.
  • 2 teaspoons of black elderberry flowers brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, warm, 1.5-2 hours. Drink half a glass three times a day after meals.


You can use pharmacy ointments based on it:

  • Antipsor;
  • Magnipsor;
  • Cytopsor.

However, many patients claim that technical solidol is more effective for psoriasis, that is, in its pure form, but without automotive additives. The agent covers the diseased areas, 10 minutes later, remove and wash the skin with tar soap. Every week, the time of daily procedures is increased by 20 minutes, bringing up to 1 hour. Treatment lasts 1.5-3 months.

birch tar

The treatment of psoriasis with tar in its pure form is more often practiced. They lubricate sore spots, then wash off with tar soap. The initial exposure of the compress is 10 minutes, after 2 weeks the maximum is 30-40 minutes. Pharmacy ointments with tar:

  • Anthramine;
  • Anthrasulfonic;
  • Alfozil;
  • Antipsorin;
  • colloidin.


Many are relieved by two to three months of its ingestion of 0.5-1 g at any time of the day. The treatment of psoriasis with propolis is more effective with simultaneous compresses with 10% propolis ointment. You can try to achieve a gradual destruction of painful plaques using lotions of 10-15% propolis tincture. The tool is not toxic, but the dosage of drugs should not be exceeded.

Treatment of psoriasis with medicines

Modern therapy has a considerable arsenal of drugs that help to resist this disease. Medical treatment psoriasis is carried out in the complex use of drugs. Unfortunately, the positive effect of many pharmaceuticals is accompanied by negative consequences(an alternative to traditional methods of therapy is homeopathy, which offers safer herbal remedies).

A variety of tablets, ointments, sprays, capsules, injections, droppers have a versatile and very fast action:

  • take the edge off inflammatory process(for example, Diclofenac);
  • eliminate allergic reactions (Loratadin);
  • block autoimmune reactions of the body (Cyclosporine);
  • normalize the process of skin renewal (Acitretin);
  • suppress the reproduction of diseased cells (Methotrexate).

Hormonal treatment of psoriasis

The need for preparations containing hormones arises with a complicated course of the disease, when it is not possible to cure with lighter drugs. Hormonal treatment psoriasis is often the only acceptable treatment for seasonal exacerbations of pathology. Such drugs cannot be used for a long time, since the skin can gradually become dead, and the adrenal glands can fail.

Such drugs can be divided into two groups:

  • relatively weak ointments - Hydrocortisone, Fluticasone, Prednisolone;
  • preparations of an average degree of activity - Fluorocort, Lorinden, Triacort, Afloderm;
  • potent ointments - Flucinar, Betamethasone, Advantan, Sinaflan, which give a fast, but dose-dependent healing effect;
  • the most potent ointment - Dermovate.


You can try:

  • exposure to an ultraviolet (blue) lamp, the rays of which cause the breakdown of affected skin cells;
  • external treatment of psoriasis is often started by applying celandine juice or apple cider vinegar to sore spots;
  • you can irrigate the skin with a spray bottle with a solution of sea or table salt (3 tablespoons per half liter of water);
  • compresses are often effective with a 3% pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide, diluted in half with water.


Non-hormonal agents are more preferable, since they have much fewer side effects. Although it takes much longer to be treated with these drugs, the remission period is longer. So that effective ointment from psoriasis does not necessarily have to contain hormones. The choice of non-hormonal agents is wide:

  • Zinc ointment - dries the skin well, relieves inflammation;
  • Skin cap - based on zinc;
  • Antipsoriasis, Akrustal, Kartalin - based on natural herbal ingredients;
  • Salicylic ointment - acts gently, relieving inflammation;
  • Naftaderm - based on naftalan, has analgesic and wound healing effects;
  • Daivobet is an ointment that is especially effective for lesions of the palms, elbows, and plantar psoriasis.

Laser treatment of psoriasis

Excimer devices emitting radiation close to solar ultraviolet have received wide application in clinics. The laser beam is directed to the area with plaques, and under its influence, the reproduction of diseased skin cells slows down. As a result, the inflammatory process is blocked, and the risk of developing a tumor is also reduced. Treatment of psoriasis with a laser is also indicated for lesions of the hairy parts of the body.

Complex treatment

Regardless of which methods of psoriasis treatment a dermatologist chooses, the maximum effect is brought by an integrated approach to solving this problem, which involves:

  • use of external means;
  • oral administration of medicines, vitamins, biologically active additives;
  • connection of physiotherapy procedures;
  • treatment in sanatoriums mineral waters, mud, leeches;
  • appointment of a diet, curative starvation.

To understand how to treat psoriasis, you need to know the causes of its occurrence and the features of the course of the disease. Pathology most often manifests itself from 16 to 22 years and in the period from 57 to 60 years. The disease does not pose a threat to life, is not transmitted through close interaction, does not affect the general condition of the body.

Psoriasis and its features

Psoriasis occurs as a result of a violation of the division of skin cells. The epidermis, during normal functioning, is updated within 30 days, with a tendency to psoriasis, the process accelerates several times. Cells do not have time to take root on the surface, resulting in plaques. There are several types of the disease:

  1. Nail psoriasis.
  2. Seborrheic.
  3. Drop-shaped.
  4. Pustular.
  5. Palmar-plantar.
  6. Psoriatic erythroderma.
  7. Psoriatic arthritis.
  8. Back.

the disease occurs as a result of a violation of cell division of the skin

The type of pathology is determined depending on the localization of psoriatic plaques. The disease refers to chronic inflammatory processes of a non-infectious nature, it is not transmitted to another person through close contact. The risk of occurrence increases in those whose parents suffer from this problem.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

Psoriasis develops as a result of dysfunction immune system, allergic reaction. The disease occurs under the influence of external and internal stimuli, which include:

  • a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • malnutrition;
  • mechanical and chemical effects on the skin;
  • constant stress;
  • disorder of the nervous system;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • mental trauma.

Pathology can appear as a result of frequent infectious diseases, with hormonal disorders, after taking certain medications. Psoriasis in adults develops due to a malfunction of the organs endocrine system and with a weakened immune system.

the type of disease depends on the localization of psoriatic plaques

AT childhood occurs with improper functioning of the liver, pathologies of the kidneys, damage to the skin. If one or both parents suffer from psoriasis, then the likelihood of its occurrence in a child increases several times. Symptoms appear depending on the stage and type of the disease. Experts have identified 3 stages of the course of pathology:

  1. Progress stage.
  2. stationary stage.
  3. Regression.

All are united by the presence of psoriasis plaques, which are accompanied by itching and flaking. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of a round or oval stearin spot. Scales of white or gray color are visible on its surface. The layer is easily removed and does not bring discomfort.

At the stationary stage, a terminal film appears under the scales. If you remove the top layer of the stain, then it will appear as a thin pink layer. During this period, the skin is easily susceptible to mechanical damage. Exacerbation of psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of bloody dew. After removing the terminal film, small drops of blood are visible along the perimeter of the borders of healthy skin and spots.

Symptoms of pustular and guttate psoriasis have a different focus. The first type of pathology manifests itself in the form of small bubbles, inside of which there is a clear liquid. With guttate psoriasis, peeling is practically not observed or it manifests itself in mild form.

treatment of psoriasis should be carried out in a complex by means of internal and external use

Principles of psoriasis treatment at home

Pathology therapy is carried out to restore the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, accelerate the regeneration of skin tissues and cleanse the body from plaques and other rashes. Complex treatment psoriasis is carried out by means for external and internal use. The most difficult to deal with the symptoms of palmar-plantar, seborrheic, inverse types of psoriasis.

Alternative methods of treating psoriasis are aimed at alleviating general condition patient, so you need to strictly follow the instructions for various drugs. Psoriasis in a mild form can be cured with ointments and herbal decoctions. The disease of the last stages is stopped by drugs and injections. It is important to remember that it will not work to cure psoriasis forever at home, therapy is aimed at reducing symptoms and cleansing the skin.

Use of ointments and creams

An ointment is an external fat-based remedy, a cream is its lightweight form, which contains less fat and more water. Psoriasis remedies have moisturizing, keratolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. The most effective are keratolic ointments, which accelerate the process of exfoliation of skin tissues.

the pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of drugs for the treatment of psoriasis

Hormonal ointments are no less effective, but they cannot be used without a doctor's prescription, otherwise a withdrawal syndrome may occur - the return of symptoms after the end of the course. Experts recommend using:

  1. Advantan.
  2. Akriderm.
  3. Komfoderm.
  4. Oxycort.
  5. Sinaflan.
  6. Uniderm.
  7. Triderm.
  8. Triacort.
  9. Flucinar.
  10. Elokom.

Non-hormonal ointments do not contain glucocorticosteroids, they include salicylic acid, tar, zinc oxide and others useful material. The most popular ointments of this type: Vishnevsky ointment, Kartalin, Zinc and Sallicylic ointments, Psoriasin. The preparations are applied to the skin according to the instructions enclosed in them.

Preparations intended for internal use. Tablets and injections for psoriasis

Preparations for internal administration are prescribed in severe cases of the disease to suppress physiological processes that contribute to the development of pathology. The most popular drugs are: Methotrexate, Adalimumab, Etanercept. Experts advise using Ustekinumab and Apremilast, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Depending on the signs of the disease, microelements, probiotics, enzyme preparations, enterosorbents are prescribed for its treatment. Antihistamines and sedatives must be prescribed, which include:

  1. Zyrtec.
  2. Suprastin.
  3. Diazolin.
  4. Erius.
  5. Claritin.

With an accompanying gastrointestinal disorder, Linex or Mezim is prescribed, if there is a bacterial infection, then Amoxil or Ormax is prescribed.

Most fast way cure psoriasis - take a course of injections. Injections are prescribed from the category of immunomodulators, they help to strengthen the immune system and stabilize the metabolism. Improving the general condition leads to a decrease in the inflammatory process on the skin. Specialists prescribe:

  1. Methotrexate.
  2. Diprospan.
  3. sodium thiosulfate.
  4. Stelar.
  5. Plasmapheresis.

tar soap is a therapeutic agent for psoriasis

Use of non-traditional means

Psoriasis at home is treated with tar, grease, mud, clay. Tar is used as soap, as well as in its pure form to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. Plaques are also treated with grease, which is applied to the damaged surface in its pure form for 10 minutes 2 times a day. The mixture is washed off with tar soap. The procedure time can be increased every week by 1 minute, but not more than 20 minutes. The duration of the course is 90 days.

Solid oil for psoriasis can be used together with crushed elecampane root. You need to take 300 g of the main tool and 4 tbsp. l. roots, mix everything, pour 100 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath on a small fire for 15 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, strain the product, apply to the desired area for 60 minutes, rinse with warm water. The procedure should be carried out no more than 2 times a day after the same period of time.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies is carried out with the help of mud and clay, which have a drying effect on the skin, relieve inflammation and itching. Specialists for the treatment of pathology use Anapa sulfide, Tambukan, Saki silt mud and white clay. The selected product must be heated, then applied for 1.5 hours to the desired place, rinse with warm water. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

for the treatment of psoriasis, there are various recipes of traditional medicine

What are folk remedies for psoriasis. Recipes

Methods for the treatment of psoriasis are selected based on the type of pathology and the stage of its course. Symptoms are eliminated with the help of home-made ointments, decoctions, compresses, lotions. You can treat psoriasis on the head with essential oils that are rubbed into the skin.

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • rosemary;
  • peanut;
  • tea tree.

You can treat psoriasis of the head at home with one of the decoctions. They need to wash their hair and leave it to dry naturally.

baking soda is a good remedy elimination of pathology

You can cure psoriasis and soda. It is necessary to prepare a solution of 0.5 tsp. the main component and 250 ml of hot water. After cooling, divide the medication into 3 times during the day. The recipe is contraindicated for people who suffer from high acidity of gastric juice.

Effective natural ointments

A remedy of 150 g of propolis and the same amount of tar has proven itself well. The ingredients must be placed in a suitable container and put it in a water bath. Keep the mixture on low heat until the moment when it acquires a homogeneous consistency. Cool the ointment, add 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and sea buckthorn oil, mix everything thoroughly, apply to plaques 4 times a day. You can get rid of psoriasis in 2 weeks of the course.

Ointment for psoriasis at home can be prepared from dried chopped wormwood and melted pork fat. The ratio of components depending on the capacity used is 1:13. The ointment is applied to the affected areas until the general symptoms are relieved.

An effective remedy is a mixture of eggs and lemon juice. You need to beat 1 chicken egg, then add 1 tbsp. l. the second component and mix everything. Spread the finished ointment on the desired areas and leave until completely dry. Wash off with tar soap and warm water.

The best decoctions for oral administration

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body in the form of herbal medicine have long proven themselves on the positive side, but before using any of them, you need to check the body for a possible allergic reaction and consult a doctor. The most effective grandmother's recipes for psoriasis are:

  1. Soapweed + burdock. 1.5 st. l. each component must be poured into 600 ml of water, put the mixture in a water bath, bring to a boil, turn off after 10 minutes, strain after an hour. Take orally throughout the day in equal doses.
  2. Burdock roots + dandelion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. of each ingredient, pour them into 250 ml of hot water, put the container in a water bath for 10 minutes. The decoction is taken in the morning, afternoon and evening, 100 ml warm.
  3. Bay leaf. Pour 20 g of crushed raw materials into 500 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath over low heat for 10 minutes. The daily norm is drunk for 3 times. The decoction should not be used by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, renal failure.

Sarsaparilla root must be crushed, 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of cold water, leave for 12 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, put the container in a water bath and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the medicine, cool, after it reaches room temperature, drink a glass of broth immediately, take the rest in 2 cl. l. during the rest of the day.

Compresses and lotions

Compresses and lotions are used as retraction therapy for resorption of inflammatory processes on the skin. The most effective mixture for lotions is 5 crushed tablets. activated carbon and 2 tsp. boiling water. The consistency in density should resemble sour cream. The resulting product should be applied for 20 minutes to damaged areas of the skin, then rinse with water. After the procedure, lubricate the treated area with a cream containing glycerin.

a good therapeutic effect is given by compresses with propolis and butter

Psoriasis can be cured with a compress based on propolis and butter. You need to take 100 g of both products, melt the butter in a water bath, rub the propolis on a grater and mix everything. Apply the resulting product with a thin layer on the spots for 20 minutes. Wash off the remaining substance with soap and water. Propolis can be replaced with honey, the ratio of components is the same.

A boiled garlic compress is applied to the skin all night. It is necessary to cook 15 cloves of the plant until tender, crush them, mix with 150 g of honey. Distribute the agent over the affected surface, wrap it with cellophane on top, then with gauze and do not remove it until the morning.

Local and shared baths

Therapeutic baths help relieve general symptoms diseases and have a calming effect. Procedures are prohibited for people suffering from heart disease and those who have benign or malignant tumor. General rules taking baths: water temperature - not higher than + 38 ° C, duration of manipulations - 10-15 minutes. As a medicinal raw material for psoriasis, add:

  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • blue clay;
  • potato starch.

Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies involves the use of baths with decoctions or infusions of St. John's wort, valerian, celandine, needles, sage, flax, horsetail, pine buds, succession. After the procedure, do not wash, but simply get out of the water and leave the product to dry naturally. After a couple of hours, a moisturizer should be applied to the body.

prevention of the onset of pathology is healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition

Prevention. Diet and daily routine

It is difficult to prevent the onset of the disease, because the causes of its occurrence are not fully understood, and the factors that can provoke its development do not cause an exacerbation. You need to stick to the general preventive measures and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin:

  1. Follow the daily routine.
  2. Give up alcohol, smoking.
  3. Avoid stress and other disorders.
  4. Minimize the effect on the skin of products with a high content chemical substances.
  5. Regularly drink vitamin complexes to support general and local immunity.
  6. Avoid injury to the skin.
  7. Stick to a diet.

People who are prone to psoriasis should use the Pegano theory. According to her, you need to calculate the ratio of alkaline and acidic products (4: 1). The first type includes meat and protein foods, the second - all the rest (cereals, vegetables, fruits). Eat more plant-based and low-fat foods fermented milk products, drink a sufficient amount of useful liquid (fruit drink, compote, juice). It is forbidden to use fried, smoked, pickled, salty, sweet, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks.

Problems with the skin in humans are quite common due to the fact that this organ has the largest area and it is constantly in contact with the external environment. One of these fairly common ailments is psoriasis. About 4 percent of the inhabitants of the planet face it, but not everyone understands how the disease can be fought. That is why many are interested in the question of how to treat psoriasis at home.

What is this disease

Psoriasis is a chronic noncommunicable diseases, which, judging by the latest scientific discoveries, has an autoimmune nature of its occurrence. This disease mainly affects the skin of the human body, starting from the elbow and knee zones. But this does not mean that the process cannot affect hairy part heads, palms and feet, other parts of the skin, as well as nail plates, both on the upper and lower extremities.

Statistics show that both men and women suffer from psoriasis with the same frequency. Age also does not play any role, since the symptoms of the disease can appear both in childhood and in old age. Most often, however, this happens in the period from 15 to 25 years.

How does home treatment

In order for the treatment of psoriasis at home to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that significantly help in the fight against this problem. Among them, doctors focus on the following:

  1. Regular intake of medications, clearly following the instructions for use.
  2. Therapy should correspond to the severity of the symptoms. Do not use strong drugs if the symptoms of the disease are mild. In the same way, it is also not necessary to limit yourself to weak tablets with a significant severity of skin changes.
  3. Moisturizing the skin should be at a sufficient level, for which you should use the appropriate creams.
  4. It is necessary to remove the crusts and make them softer very carefully and carefully. This must be done in order to local preparations better absorbed into the skin structure.
  5. Do not take many at home various means treatment, as this may cause their interaction with each other. It is best to start with simple medicines.
  6. Between different courses of therapy, it is necessary to give the skin a little rest - from a month to six months.
  7. Be sure to limit the impact of provoking factors that can contribute to the development of the disease.
  8. Periodically, you should consult with doctors and undergo examinations. Self-prescribe certain medications or folk methods treatment is not worth it.

If you follow all of the above rules, you can even get rid of psoriasis forever.

Ointments and creams

PsoriControl - an innovative remedy for psoriasis

The remedy of 2016, the development of Israeli scientists and physicians, has become a breakthrough in the treatment of psoriasis and demodicosis. A laboratory-derived formula of smart cells that detect damaged skin cells, gently exfoliate and restore the functioning of the tissues of the dermis and epidermis. PsoriControl effectively eliminates psoriatic plaques, itching and flaking. This remedy completely safe and allows you to get rid of psoriasis in a short time.

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These types of medicines, such as ointments and creams, are easy to use and have a minimum number of side effects. Preferably, psoriasis therapy begins with them. The most popular drugs for this disease pharmacologists include the following:
  • zinc ointment, which can relieve the inflammatory process and dry the skin;
  • Skin-cap, acting in the same way as zinc-based ointment;
  • PsoriControl, Antipsoriasis, Akrustal and Kartalin, differing in plant component composition;
  • Salicylic ointment, which can quite gently affect the manifestations of psoriasis;
  • Naftaderm, which can not only relieve inflammation, but also promote wound healing;
  • Daivobet, well helping with psoriasis of the palms and feet.

Only in the absence of the effectiveness of the above funds, you can switch to the use of tablets and hormonal drugs.

internal therapy

Self-treatment of psoriasis at home is not recommended. You can take drugs only those prescribed by the doctor.

  1. When the symptoms of the disease worsen, therapy should be carried out antihistamines(Diazolin, Suprastin, Fenkarol).
  2. New generation drugs (Zirtek, Claratin, Semprex, Telfast, Erius) are quite effective.
  3. With poor functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend such drugs: Creon, Festal, Panzinorm.
  4. To protect the liver, hepatoprotectors are taken. Among them, the following drugs can be distinguished: Essentiale, Karsil, Silimar.
  5. Antibiotics may also be recommended if the patient is also suffering from infectious diseases: Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Macrolides.
  6. Pain syndrome is most often stopped by NSAIDs, such as Ksefokam, Nurofen and Nise.
  7. With severe intoxication, specialists may prescribe Enterosgel, Polysorb and Enterodez.

With psoriasis of the head, treatment should be carried out not only with internal preparations, but also with special shampoos.

Treatment of psoriasis with soda

Use baking soda to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis on the body at home, it is possible in various forms:

  1. Adding to baths. For 40 liters of hot water, you need to use 900 grams of this alkaline substance. It costs about 30 minutes to take such a bath every other day for 14 days.
  2. Treating the skin. 2 teaspoons of the substance must be diluted in a glass of water. The solution must be applied to the body three times a day.
  3. Applying compresses. Used for this 2 tablespoons of soda and 200 milliliters of water. A cotton swab should be soaked in the solution and applied twice a day to the affected areas of the skin for 14 days.

You can use soda only after consulting with your doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis with herbs

At home, psoriasis can be treated with folk remedies using various medicinal herbs. The following methods are effective:

  • kvass from oats;
  • infusion of crushed bay leaves;
  • infusion of dill seeds;
  • gruel from aloe leaves;
  • decoctions of black elderberry flowers, etc.

The above remedies have almost no contraindications and side effects, but they are not able to completely rid a person of psoriasis. In some cases, such methods only alleviate the symptoms of the manifestation of this disease.

Treatment of psoriasis with solid oil


You can buy grease at any pharmacy, as it is a medicinal ingredient. It can be used both as the main means of therapy, and as a basis for the preparation of other creams and ointments. Instead, in the second case, you can also use Vaseline.

In order to prepare an ointment from grease, you should use 0.5 kilograms of this product, as well as a few tablespoons of honey. To these components, you also need to add a fat cream. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed together, and then applied to the affected skin.

Psoriasis can be cured at home with solidol-based cream if the disease has caused only minor changes in the skin. In this case, you need to use the remedy twice a day.

Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar

Birch tar

Many are interested in how to treat psoriasis on the body if it is provoked by stresses that cannot be eliminated. In this case, it is good to use birch tar. This product is sold in pharmacies. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for about 60 minutes. After that, they should be washed with soap, subsequently using celandine infusion.

The course of treatment of psoriasis with birch tar requires 14 procedures. At the same time, you should be prepared for a not very pleasant smell that people around you can feel.

Treatment of psoriasis with propolis


Therapy of psoriasis at home can be carried out with the help of such medicinal product like propolis. To do this, you need only 15 grams of this resin and about half a glass of not very warm butter. These ingredients should be mixed together, additionally adding only three drops of vitamin A to them.

The application of a remedy with propolis for psoriasis follows through lotions. In the prepared mixture, for this you just need to get a piece of gauze wet, and then apply it to the affected area. You need to remove it after a few hours. You can continue this treatment until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.


In some cases, a solarium can help get rid of psoriasis at home. This device is intended for use at home to compensate for the lack of ultraviolet radiation.

The attitude of physicians to this method of treatment is rather ambiguous. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet radiation can both improve the patient's condition and contribute to the progression of the disease. The negative impact most often occurs when a person has a summer form of the disease. In other cases, a home solarium can be used, but only after consulting a specialist. This is related to the fact that this method there are some contraindications.


One of the recently popular methods of treating psoriasis has been the impact on the changed areas of the skin by means of a laser. For this, special excimer devices are used, which are capable of emitting rays similar in appearance to the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

As a result of laser treatment, the inflammatory process stops, and the risk of tumor-like processes also decreases. This method is indicated not only in the treatment of open areas of the skin, but also in cases where psoriasis has affected the scalp.


To get rid of psoriasis at home is possible only through complex treatment. One of the types of therapy is dietary nutrition. It must be based on certain rules. The following foods should be excluded from the diet of a sick person:

  • chocolate and other products that have it in their composition;
  • coffee and caffeinated drinks;
  • too spicy dishes and various spices;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, etc.);
  • products, among the ingredients of which there are preservatives, dyes and flavors;
  • vegetables and fruits that are red;
  • all types of sodas;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Completely refuse meat products, eggs and sugar is not worth it. But their use must be limited. This also applies to smoking.


Psoriasis refers to such diseases that can manifest themselves in the form of relapses, that is, repeatedly. To avoid this, as well as prevent the possibility of progression of symptoms, you should adhere to certain rules for the prevention of the disease. These include:

  1. Protection of the skin from exposure to chemicals and certain aggressive environments.
  2. Careful implementation of the washing process, without injuring the skin.
  3. Baths should be taken along with various decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  4. Preference should be given to the soul than the bath.
  5. As means for washing, medical cosmetics or neutral soaps should be used.
  6. Altered areas of the skin should not be forcibly torn off or scraped off.
  7. It is necessary to avoid various injuries and damage to the skin.
  8. Any infectious disease must be treated immediately.
  9. Head psoriasis does not like it when hair is combed with hard metal combs.
  10. Limit time spent in direct sunlight.
  11. Tight things, shoes and hats should be excluded from your wardrobe, as they can injure the changed areas of the skin.
  12. Psycho-emotional overstrain and stress must be avoided.
  13. It is worth paying attention to the compatibility of the medications taken, especially if psoriasis is treated at home.

The above rules should not be treated as general advice, but as real recommendations that sometimes play a very important role.

The reasons

In essence, psoriasis is an incorrect functioning of the human immune system, which begins to fight the upper layer of the human skin as a result of a reaction to any irritant. Thus, skin cells begin to intensively divide, which occurs in just 3-5 days. Normally, this process takes a whole month.

The main global cause of psoriasis is currently unclear to scientists. To date, the most likely theory is that the disease is hereditary. This means that there is a certain group of genes that can be passed from parents to children. In this case, the disease itself does not manifest itself, since certain factors are necessary for this. Among them are the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violations of metabolic processes in the body;
  • pathologies in the immune system;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • neurological disorders, psycho-emotional overstrain and stress;
  • injury and damage to the skin.

Despite the fact that experts still cannot clearly say anything about the origin of psoriasis, it is known so far that this disease is not infectious. That is, it means that it is not possible to get it from another person.


Symptoms of such skin disease, like psoriasis, manifests itself in the form of certain outbreaks. That is why experts distinguish the following stages of the development of the disease:

  1. Progression, when the first signs appear, spread throughout the body and progress quite quickly.
  2. The stationary stage, when the symptoms do not change their manifestation in any way, either for the better or for the worse.
  3. Regression, when the signs of the disease gradually disappear, which happens, both completely and partially.

The beginning of the development of psoriasis is most often acute in its course. Red spots appear on the skin, which eventually increase along their perimeter. Some of the altered areas merge together, thus creating psoriatic plaques. In most cases, it occurs on the scalp, on the elbows and knees, or on the front of the legs. In a third of cases, the patient may feel itching and tightness of the skin.

The rashes of psoriasis on the human body themselves have several characteristic features. Among them are the following:

  1. Stearin spots. They are grayish-white scales that scrape well from the surface.
  2. Terminal film. Under the stearin spots, if they are completely removed from the skin, you can find a smooth pink surface.
  3. Spot bleeding. Often, when the external manifestations of psoriasis are completely removed on a smooth surface, bleeding appears under them in the form of pinpoint injections.

Any of the above symptoms may indicate that a person has psoriasis. In such cases, be sure to contact medical institution to a qualified doctor for a comprehensive and comprehensive examination and the appointment of an appropriate method of therapy.