Homemade clay hair masks: blue, white, black, green, pink, red and yellow. hair clay

And indicated that it can be used to care for curls. But how? Of course, there are subtleties here, and the right recipes are needed. Today I will just tell you how to make a mask of white clay for hair.

Clays are different, but kaolin is one ...

There are many types of clay, and they differ not only in color. The main difference is in the composition, on which, by the way, the color depends. Therefore, on curls different types Clays work in different ways.

For example, there is a lot of zinc in green, although it is also found in clay of other colors, just in a smaller amount. Zinc is one of the best means from dandruff, which means that masks with green clay will be effective against it.

If you want to strengthen the hair follicles, masks are made from white and blue clay, as they contain a complex of minerals necessary for hair growth, in particular, silicon and calcium, which are the building material of hair shafts.

The unique composition of white clay allows not only to strengthen the strands from the roots, but also to “repair” them along the entire length, because it contains a lot of silica, which contributes to the rapid assimilation of other elements. As a result, the use of kaolin masks can solve such problems as:

  • thin and brittle strands;
  • oily scalp, seborrhea;
  • slow growth of curls;
  • hair loss;
  • quick salting of curls;
  • lack of shine, dull strands.

I had to use the Kera-Nova shampoo from the Floresan company, it is just based on white clay. I can say that the effect is amazing. And the reviews say that I liked it not only for me. However, it seems to me that it is even better to make cosmetic masks from kaolin at home, choosing their composition in such a way that it suits as much as possible. I personally decided to go this route and have no regrets.

Rules or moments?

Should warn that it is necessary to apply according to certain rules. If they are not observed, the result will be disastrous. It is very important here not to dry out the curls and scalp, especially if they are not very oily anyway. So the main points are:

  1. How and what to breed. You can dilute white clay with water, whey, milk or kefir, herbal decoctions, cucumber or tomato juice, other products. The consistency should be quite liquid and slightly viscous so that it can be easily rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the strands.
  2. How to apply. White clay has a beneficial effect on both the skin and the curls themselves, helping to restore their structure. For this reason, kaolin products are usually applied to the skin, dividing the strands into partings, applying a little product with a brush and rubbing with light fingers. massage movements, after distributing the rest of the mass along the entire length of the strands. To do this, you can simply type it in your palms and run them through your hair. The main thing is to do everything very quickly so that the mass does not have time to thicken and even more so dry.
  3. How to keep. Keep funds with kaolin on your head under a plastic cap. This is necessary, otherwise the mass will quickly dry out and begin to take moisture from both the strands and the skin.
  4. How much to keep. The exposure time is usually 15 to 25 minutes. It is not necessary to keep it on your head for more than half an hour, otherwise, instead of benefiting, it will cause harm. You can’t leave the mask on at night - this will be a very big mistake: then you will have to restore your hair for a long time, not to mention severe irritation of the scalp.
  5. How to flush. If the mask does not contain strong-smelling products and oils, then it is best to wash it off with just warm water. Otherwise, you need to use shampoo.
  6. How often to do. When strongly oily skin head and hair, you can make a kaolin mask twice a week, with a slight fat content - once a week, and with normal and dry skin - after 14-15 days, be sure to introduce it into the oil. On average, the interval should be 5 days. After a month and a half, take a break for at least a couple of months so that the hair does not get too used to such luxury.

Attention! Always be careful when using new components:be sure to test them. This rule is valid in all cases and at all times.

All clear? Not complicated, right?

Kaolin placers

Already decided on the need for kaolin masks? Let's start practicing? Well, choose the right recipe, because I have selected the best for you.

with herbs

To begin with, I will offer a completely uncomplicated version of a regulatory mask for oily hair.

Prepare a decoction or, dilute kaolin with it to a suitable density, add 3 drops of grapefruit oil. This mask can also be used for curls that are oily at the roots and dry at the ends, if, before applying the main product, treat them with any cosmetic oil from about the middle of the length.

With egg and sour cream

It will require:

  • kaolin - a tablespoon,
  • one egg and
  • sour cream - a tablespoon.

The latter with oily hair is better to replace with kefir or yogurt. Keep in mind, the mask has a pronounced flushing effect. What it is? And this is if your hair was dyed, then after such a mask you will get a color half a ton paler.

With apple cider vinegar and henna

A wonderful revitalizing mask. However, if you are used to dyeing your hair with chemical dyes, test it first on the bottom, inconspicuous curl.

Mix three tablespoons of kaolin with 20 ml, for dry hair, add a spoonful of mineral oil. Pour a tablespoon of colorless water with a small amount of warm water. Combine clay mixture with henna and apply to hair.

This is one of the few kaolin masks that are suitable for blondes - most clay masks can give their curls a different shade.

For hair ends

In addition to clay in the composition: cranberries and milk. But! This is how cosmetologists recommend it, but personally I don’t have cranberries. Therefore, I replace it with viburnum (what is not an option?). So:

Grind a tablespoon of fresh or frozen cranberries in a blender. Pour milk (30 ml) into kaolin (two tablespoons), stir. Combine with cranberry puree. This mixture helps to repair split ends of hair, but can also be used to improve the condition of curls along the entire length.

With bell pepper and kefir

You already understood the composition from the name. Pepper, pre-grind in mashed potatoes with a blender. Combine the prepared tablespoon of clay with a spoonful of kefir and mix with the same amount of pepper. If suddenly the mixture is thick, feel free to add more kefir. Use the resulting mass as a mask to improve the structure and density of hair.

With honey and castor oil

Castor oil is an ideal tool not only for the shine of curls, but in combination with honey and kaolin, all its qualities only benefit. Two tablespoons of kaolin should be mixed with the same amount of castor oil, add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture, before that, of course, melting it. The mask is ready! Only, despite the oily composition, do not forget to close your hair with a hat.

with mustard

Very interesting mask, active against hair loss:

  • yolk and
  • mustard.

Dilute a spoonful of white clay (I have Anapskaya from Phytocosmetics) with the same amount of lemon juice. Mix all this with a spoonful of honey (it should be melted to a liquid consistency in a steam or water bath), and a small piece (about 8-10 g) of softened butter. It remains to grind the mixture with the yolk and a spoonful of mustard (in powder).

You already know how to apply clay masks. Just do not forget about the mustard in the composition - it will be hot.

Attention! In general, hot masks stimulate the hair follicles well, after which they begin to work in a completely different way. Speaking in Russian, this is a kind of kick, after which the hair significantly accelerates growth and reduces losses in its ranks. The main thing is to remember moderation.

With burdock oil and cinnamon

Another option for a hot mask, with the skillful use of which you will get lush hair. Compound:

  • Kaolin - 1.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • Ground cinnamon - 2 teaspoons,
  • Burdock oil - 2 teaspoons,
  • one yolk,
  • Red pepper - a pinch.

Clay, by the way, can be either white or blue in this composition, mixed with pepper and cinnamon. The main thing, at this stage, is not to overdo it with pepper! And then we begin to dilute our dry ingredients with liquid ones: first we introduce the yolk and oil, dilute it with water or decoction to the desired density.

Did you mix everything until smooth? One more component needs to be added. Which? But it depends on what type of hair you have. If they are greasy - pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice, if dry - 5 drops essential oil rosemary.

Attention! Lemon in hair masks acts the same as for the face - it brightens. Keep this in mind when using it.

For brittle hair with vitamin E

I do not advise diluting tocopherol (aka vitamin E) in water, it will be poorly absorbed. I prefer to do with, but it can be almond or, even simpler -. Proportions:

  • a tablespoon of clay
  • tea - oils,
  • one yolk, and
  • a couple of capsules of tocopherol.

We mix the composition in the following sequence: add the yolk and oil vitamin to the clay, and in conclusion, bring it to the desired density with water (or a decoction of herbs).

With beer and yeast

For the volume of hair, this is the most lethal option. Compound:

  • dry yeast - a teaspoon,
  • beer - 0.5 cups,
  • white clay - 3 tbsp. spoons.

We fill the yeast with beer, let it brew in a warm place and begin to “work”. The working composition is carefully mixed with kaolin. Apply to hair, close, insulate, “stand” for half an hour and rinse.

There was no oil in the composition, therefore, it can be washed off without shampoo. However, to enhance the effect, I advise you to rinse your hair with water mixed with beer.

As you can see, masks with clay are so diverse - it's just that your eyes run wide. I think it's worth trying a few. If in doubt, I suggest watching the video:


Kaolin masks are suitable for almost everyone. Perhaps some of you doubt whether it is possible to do them with dry skin. I assure you - you can! The main thing is to choose the right recipe and not keep it for a long time so that the clay does not dry out. There are restrictions on the use of kaolin hair masks, but they are different:

  • the presence of open wounds on the head;
  • light hair color (shade may change);
  • allergic to one of the components of the mask.

For this reason, be sure to perform a sensitivity test before starting the procedure. I personally never neglect this rule.

I hope to see you on my blog more than once - I have a lot of useful and interesting information in store for you. And do not forget to share the knowledge gained with your friends - perhaps mask recipes will be useful not only for you. Waiting for you again!

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Clay is a natural ingredient that has been used for beauty care since ancient times. ancient egypt and China - women at all times with the help of clay bleached and cleansed the skin, as well as masked cosmetic defects on the face. Currently, clay is widely used for nails and hair, being an inexpensive, but at the same time a useful element in many peels, masks and therapeutic baths.

Application for hair

A variety of products with the addition of cosmetic clay can amaze the imagination: based on the mineral components of clay, products are produced that have a healing, cleansing and moisturizing effect.

With the help of various recipes, you can achieve a wide range of cosmetic improvements: soften hair and skin, cleanse excess fat,. Several varieties of mineral clay are used for hair, they differ in composition and have various therapeutic effects on the hair.

For each type of hair, you can choose an individual recipe that can be used at home. There are several rules for using clay as a medicinal and cosmetic ingredient:

  • The mask is prepared immediately before use., otherwise it dries up and has no useful properties.
  • When breeding clay, no metal utensils and tools are used, they need to be replaced with ceramic ones, porcelain or wooden containers and spatulas are suitable.
  • The minerals contained in the mask tint the hair if a change in shade is undesirable, must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

When applying, do not allow the mask to get into the eyes and on the skin of the eyelids; in case of accidental contact, immediately rinse your eyes with cool water.

Before applying clay, you can not use balm: it will wash off and will not have a tangible effect.

If there are abrasions, cracks or cuts on the skin, you need to wait until they heal, and only then resort to using masks: if they get into open wounds, the products can cause irritation.

When treating hair, it is also necessary to take multivitamin complexes and monitor nutrition so that the diet receives the optimal amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals.


Any recipe can be changed, depending on the needs of the hair, add decoctions of herbs, fresh juices, and other natural ingredients. Before use, you need to listen to the sensations, do not overexpose the mask on the hair and prevent discomfort. To avoid unpleasant side effects, you must read the instructions that come with the clay packaging and follow the instructions.

Clay is applicable to any hair: short, long, light and dark, dry and oily. You can buy a dry mix in a cosmetic store, as well as in a pharmacy.

Blue clay is a source of valuable minerals that saturate the skin and hair, helping to fill the nutritional deficiencies that occur in everyday life.

Actively penetrating deep into the skin, it nourishes the bulbs, awakening dormant cells, and restores elasticity and strength to the strands.

  • Greek recipe for complex treatment: two teaspoons of powder will require 10 ml of fresh lemon juice, 10 ml of honey and olive oil, one chicken egg. The butter should be melted in the microwave, honey, if it is thick, steamed, mix thoroughly, then add clay and lemon juice, then separate the yolk from the egg and beat it into the resulting composition. It is necessary to achieve uniformity of the mask. The product is applied to wet strands after bathing, rubbed into the hair roots with careful movements, then the strands are wrapped in a warm scarf. Clay is aged on the hair for half an hour, then washed off with warm water with the addition of lemon juice. If necessary, you can use shampoo.
  • Growth activator with blue clay: for cooking, you need to take two tablespoons of clay powder, a clove of garlic, a tablespoon of lemon juice and water to dilute the clay. The powder is diluted in water to a state of sour cream, the garlic is crushed into gruel, diluted with lemon juice and added to the clay base. The composition is applied to each strand separately, aged for 20 minutes, then washed off under a warm shower. To improve the tone of the vessels of the head, it is recommended to take cold and hot shower after the procedure - it will nourish the hair roots and give them strength and shine, in addition, the mask eliminates dandruff and normalizes the work of hair follicles.
  • Nourishing Yogurt Mask: for preparation, you will need two tablespoons of natural yogurt without preservatives and dry clay powder from a pharmacy, as well as a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. To distribute the mass along the entire length, you can comb the hair with a rare comb and leave for 35 minutes. Hair after applying the mask becomes less greasy and easier to style.
  • Mask with mustard for recovery after lightening or perming: one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, one egg, 10 grams of clay and mustard powder and clay powder each. The yolk is separated from the protein, the honey is heated in a water bath, then the egg yolk is driven in, and then the rest of the ingredients are added. The mixture is stirred until the lumps disappear completely. The mixture is applied to cleanly washed hair - about a third - to the hair roots, the rest is distributed along the entire length. In order for the product to penetrate deeper into the root zone, a massage is performed with the fingertips for 2-3 minutes, then left for a period of 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Rinse off the mask in warm running water using shampoo.
  • Rosemary mask: for half a cup of clay, 2 drops of sage oil and 3 rosemary, the mask is diluted to a batter, wet hair is covered along its entire length. Due to the presence of ether, discomfort or burning may be felt. The procedure strengthens the hair and adds thickness. Rinse with warm water, then rinse under a cool shower.

The power of zinc

Green clay contains essential minerals such as magnesium and zinc, which give strength to hair, normalize metabolism and eliminate excess sebum. good remedy against oily dandruff, suitable both for hair with excess fat and for strands of moderate fat content, relieves oily seborrhea, soothes irritated scalp, fights against negative consequences thermal styling, nourishes and moisturizes the hair follicles.

  • Mask against seborrhea and peeling: you will need 20 g of clay powder, dilution water, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of fresh lemon juice. Green clay added to the mask will protect the scalp and stop the formation of dandruff. Clay powder must be diluted to a state of sour cream, honey should be melted a little in a microwave oven, if it is candied, liquid honey does not need to be heated. Honey and lemon juice are alternately added to the diluted base and mixed thoroughly. The mass is applied to clean hair for an hour, to enhance the effect, the hair must be wrapped with cling film. Rinse off with a neutral pH shampoo.
  • To combat excess oily hair prepare 100 g of dry clay per 100 ml of water and a tablespoon of vinegar 6% concentration. The mass is diluted to a state of sour cream. It should be ensured that there are no lumps left and vinegar is introduced.

White clay is a source of salts and minerals. Active substances form a dense layer, envelop strands and give additional volume, strengthen weak and brittle hair, renew the top layer of hairs and give curls shine. It is recommended to use masks for 2-3 months - this will help and enhance their growth.

  • Wine Vinegar Mask: for 3 teaspoons of dry clay, one teaspoon and 10 ml of wine vinegar are needed. Clay is diluted with water to a slurry state, then vinegar solution is poured in and henna is added. The hair roots are covered with a thick layer of the product, performed with fingertips for a couple of minutes, then the product is left for 60 minutes. If necessary, you can extend the session up to 1.5-2 hours. Wash off the drug with warm water.
  • In order to give volume to liquid and dull hair and achieve the perfect styling of protruding curls, a preparation is prepared from a powder with the addition of sea buckthorn and cranberries: For 2 tablespoons of powder 10 g of cranberries and the same amount of sea buckthorn, the mask is diluted with skim milk. A gruel in milk is prepared from the berry mass, the consistency should be like pancake dough. Berry puree is added, the composition is stirred until a homogeneous consistency. The product is applied to clean, damp hair in a circular motion, especially the root zone should be treated. The duration of the drug is 30 minutes, then the mask is washed off with running water without shampoo.
  • To eliminate fat at the roots, a wrap with lemon squeeze is suitable: for 30 g one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, for mixing the base - a decoction of the string. The drug is diluted to the desired consistency, similar to batter, lemon juice is added. The mass is stirred until completely homogeneous. Hair must be cleaned of impurities and dried. The drug is applied to moderately damp curls, wrapped to retain moisture. The wrap is aged for 40 minutes, then the curls are thoroughly rinsed. After the procedure, you can apply a healing balm to enhance and consolidate the result.
  • perfectly helps to eliminate seborrhea, reduce the formation of dandruff and restore oxygen metabolism of the scalp: for its preparation, you will need to prepare 250 ml of milk, a tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, one ampoule of vitamins E, C and A. Milk is heated over low heat or water bath, while you can not let it boil, then honey is added, then clay and cinnamon. The mixture is thoroughly mixed so that the clay dissolves completely, no dry grains should remain. the substance is applied to moistened curls. The mask should be distributed evenly from the roots to the ends of the hair, massaging the scalp, especially carefully at the temples and on the back of the head, where the hair suffers first. The mask works on milk for two hours, after which it is washed off with warm running water and shampoo. At the end, curls are washed cold water and then dried naturally.
  • Bath with apple cider vinegar and gray clay: in order to perform the procedure, 15 g of dry powder will need to be diluted in a liter of water, add two teaspoons of red wine. With this composition, the hair is washed after shampoo, while it is necessary to carefully massage the hair roots for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water with the addition of a tablespoon of citric acid.

Fine-grained pulverized rock, which acquires plasticity when moistened, is called clay. It contains minerals of kaolinite, aluminosilicates, particles of carbonate, sand and other sedimentary rocks. Such a description is suitable for defining a building material, but not a beauty product. However, clay is successfully used just in cosmetic purposes including hair restoration and strengthening.

The benefits of clay for hair

What is the secret of the clay composition, if it is able to have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the hair? One of the main effects of mineral pulverized rock is adsorption capacity dirt accumulated on the hair as a result of exposure to the external environment and natural secretion sebaceous glands heads. At the same time, unlike artificial cosmetic formulations, clay does not clog the spaces between keratin scales, so that the hair structure retains the ability to “breathe”. Clay also contributes to the rapid regeneration of damaged hair structure due to the presence of silicon in its composition.

To additional useful properties clays include:

Popular articles:

  • Elimination of increased sebum secretion, a beneficial effect on skin damaged by yeast fungicides of the Pityrosporum ovale species, which provoke the appearance of seborrhea;
  • Natural adsorption of toxins by clay;
  • Clay acceleration of the growth phase of hair follicles;
  • Moisturizing the scalp.

Cosmetic clay for the preparation of masks can be bought at any pharmacy. In order to achieve the desired result, it is recommended to use such compositions with clay no more than twice a week. However, it is important to choose the right type of clay for you and your hair type.


There are about a dozen types of cosmetic clay, depending on the color, indicating its geological origin. For cosmetic purposes, the following are suitable types of clay:

  • green clay- the most popular means for the manufacture of masks applied to hairy part scalp. It is used for hair prone to rapid pollution and to eliminate oily seborrhea. Green clay is used to cleanse and relieve itching, as well as protect hair from aggressive environmental influences. The composition of the substance contains rare useful trace elements, such as silver, magnesium and zinc. Green clay actively strengthens the hair structure and reduces the intensity of sebum production by the sebaceous glands;
  • - suitable for masks designed to activate hair growth. It stimulates the hair follicles to exit the resting phase, due to which the hair grows at a faster rate. Also blue clay used to treat and/or prevent alopecia, restore the natural shine of the hair and eliminate increased brittleness. The chemical structure of the clay contains aluminum, silicon and iron, which help to strengthen the hair and improve their health;
  • - suitable only for hair prone to dryness, as well as in the presence of split ends. It is not suitable for oily hair. The advantages of gray clay include a regenerative effect and a moisturizing effect;
  • - renders beneficial effect on thin, depleted hair, supplying them with the necessary natural recovery elements. Red clay is good there, that it can be used even with high sensitivity of the skin of the scalp;
  • - regenerates damaged hair structure and restores shine and silkiness to the hair. White clay is considered one of the most potent remedies among analogues. Masks based on it are designed to give volume to the hair, moisturize curls, prevent hair loss and brittleness;
  • - is a mixture of white and red clay, combining best performance both kinds. It is added to the composition of masks intended for damaged hair and scalp after intensive coloring, use of low-quality hair dye, aggressive perm. The use of pink clay helps to normalize the acid-base balance. skin head and activates its blood circulation;
  • yellow clay- effective for suppressing the excessive work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which is the cause of the rapid pollution of the hair. Also helps to eliminate dandruff;
  • - reduces hair fragility, helps to "seal" the layered keratin scales that cause split ends. It is composed of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphate, silica, magnesium, strontium, iron, quartz and radium. Such a powerful composition has an instant tonic effect on the hair and eliminates the effects of even the most severe damage.

If you decide to try clay hair masks, you should not change the type of product every time you try to decide on your preferences. Such an experiment can adversely affect the condition of the hair, and the recovery will be delayed. We advise you to change the composition of the mask no more than 2 times a month.

Application features

Before applying a clay mask, calculate exactly how much crushed rock you will need for your hair length and volume. It is logical to assume that curls below the shoulder blades will require more composition than shorter hair.

There are several unspoken rules on how to use clay to prepare a nourishing mask:

  • It is not worth applying dry clay to the hair. In order to make a clay mask, you should dilute a small amount of powder in a liquid (water or other component). The consistency of the composition with clay should resemble thick sour cream and stay on a spoon, and not flow down. If you are kneading a mask with clay on water, it is better to take mineral water without gas, settled water or melted snow;
  • Some traditional healers recommend use for kneading clay burdock or Castor oil . However, the most useful option would be a herbal decoction of nettle, burdock roots, chamomile, mint or calamus. So that the mask with clay has pleasant aroma, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it;
  • The clay mask should be stirred in a ceramic, glass or wooden bowl. Plastic and metal are not suitable for this purpose;
  • When preparing a clay mask, do not get carried away by adding additional ingredients. You should not show imagination and violate the recipe of the remedy, otherwise you can achieve an unpredictable result;
  • Clay mask before applying to curls heated 3 - 5 minutes in a water bath. Do not overcook it on fire so that the mixture does not bubble up. If you still overheated the composition with clay, wait until it cools down to an acceptable temperature, and only then distribute it over the strands;
  • Total mask exposure time should not exceed 40 - 60 minutes. Other sources indicate a period of half an hour. In order to determine the time period that suits you individually, we recommend starting with a short period of time (25 - 30 minutes) and, in the absence of side effects, gradually increase the duration of the procedure to the permitted maximum. It must not be exceeded, otherwise an allergic or unwanted chemical / thermal reaction may develop;
  • The effect of the mask will be more effective if, after application, you wrap your hair with a film, and insulate your head with a hat or cap;
  • It is better to wash the clay from the hair with warm, but not hot water. After the procedure, you can rinse the curls again with an infusion of herbs or water acidified with lemon juice. Please note that it may take about 2-3 washes with shampoo to completely wash the product out of the hair. Therefore, it is useful after moisturizing the tips with a nourishing balm or conditioner.

Please note that standard duration course of therapeutic clay-based masks is at least 10 procedures. They can be repeated every 3-4 days. Do not use clay masks daily, this will lead to overdrying of the scalp. Also for this reason, clay formulations are applied to dirty oily hair before washing.

Hair Clay Mask Recipes

Since there are many types of cosmetic clay suitable for different type hair, the formulation of masks based on it is also quite diverse. It is advisable to use additional components with a greasy texture, which will help create a homogeneous mass, convenient for application to the hair, and facilitate subsequent shampooing.

The most popular ingredients to add to a clay mask are:

  • Kefir, sour cream, whey or natural yogurt;
  • Raw egg yolk;
  • Vegetable oils - burdock, olive, argan, castor, rapeseed;
  • Essential oils (ethers) - geranium, tea tree, camphor, lime, myrtle, lemon, orange, basil, sage, rosemary;
  • Aloe juice;
  • Herbal decoctions based on chamomile, linden, nettle, burdock, succession, calendula;
  • Gelatin;
  • Glycerol;
  • onion juice;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • Alcohol tincture on green nuts;
  • Sea salt;
  • Grated nutmeg;
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice.

We remind you that it is better to dilute the mask with mineral or melt water, but not tap water. Other recipe features are listed below depending on the type of clay.

With red

Red clay is a real salvation for girls who often have to wash their hair because of their quickly greasy hair. An additional component of the treatment mask is kefir: lactic acid in its composition has a cleansing effect and gently moisturizes the scalp, while the clay dries it, preventing increased accumulation of sebum. To prepare the mask, heat half a glass of kefir in a water bath to a moderate temperature (so that the protein does not curl) and add enough clay to it to make the mixture thick enough.

Apply the mask to the hair, smearing the roots well, and rub into the skin with massage movements. Put on a protective cap on your head. After an hour, you can wash your hair with cool water (shampoo is not needed). The mask fits and to moisturize dry hair, however, in this case, it is kept half as much, and pounded egg yolk is added to the composition.

C blue

On the basis of blue clay, many masks are prepared for damaged hair or other problems associated with the condition of the hair. We recommend the following four recipes:

  • To strengthen the roots- two tablespoons of clay are diluted with warm water in half with lemon juice. Thicken the mixture with honey and add the raw egg yolk. The mixed mass is applied to the hair roots. Warm your head and wait 30 minutes. Then wash off the composition with warm water, without using any additional cosmetics;
  • To boost growth- mix three tablespoons of clay with mustard powder(1 tsp). Pour a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into the mixture and drip a little alcohol tincture arnica. Heat the resulting mass in a steam bath and soak it on the roots for a quarter of an hour;
  • For normalization of the sebaceous glands scalp - soak a bag of gelatin with warm water, and when it swells, heat it over a fire until the granules dissolve. Mix the liquid mass, warm water (at the bottom of the glass), a tablespoon colorless henna and the same amount of blue clay. Apply the mask to your hair and keep it on for 30-40 minutes. The composition is washed off with water without shampoo;
  • Against hair loss- mix clay powder in water in half with onion juice (about a quarter of a glass), add a teaspoon of honey. Warm up the mask and distribute through the hair, massaging into the scalp. Keep your head warm with a hat. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask from your hair with warm water.

With pink

A mask made from a mixture of white and red clay is used if you are tired of fighting seborrheic dermatitis and its consequences, namely, a white "coat" on clothes called dandruff. An effective composition for oily, dry and mixed seborrhea is prepared in this way:

  • Two tablespoons of fine-grained powder from a powdered rock are bred in an herbal infusion of calendula or chamomile. Herbal decoction should be warm. The consistency of the finished gruel has the texture of thick sour cream;
  • In the mixture, add the mashed raw egg yolk and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • Apply the mixture to the hair, without touching the ends, and wrap your head with a film and a scarf;
  • After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and moisturize the ends with a balm.

If, in addition to seborrhea, you are overcome by itching, and the scalp itself is different hypersensitivity, try mask of another composition:

  • Take an equal amount of pink clay and sea salt and dilute them with a decoction of a string to a thick consistency;
  • Apply the mass to damp hair, paying attention to the root zone;
  • After half an hour, wash your hair with water without shampoo.

The second mask is suitable even for those who suffer from psoriasis, dermatitis or other dermatological diseases of the scalp.

With white

White clay is very popular for kneading masks, but the following two recipes give the most noticeable results:

  • Dilute two tablespoons of clay substance with kefir until a thick slurry is formed and add one bell pepper crushed in a blender. The mask is applied along the entire length of the strands and lasts for about an hour. This composition well removes the increased oiliness of the hair and at the same time nourishes the hair follicles;
  • Take half a glass of high-fat milk, heat it for 20 seconds in the microwave and dilute the required amount of white clay with it to get a thick mixture. When applied to the hair, the composition has an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp, nourishing and moisturizing damaged hair.

With sulfur

Gray clay quickly tones dry hair and adds extra volume to normal hair. To prepare such a booster mask, mix a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil with 10 g of dry mineral powder, add fresh honey and add the pounded yolk to the mixture. Mix the mass thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Before applying, heat it in a water bath. To better distribute the mask over the strands, use a brush.

Lubricated hair is insulated with a cloth (remember that sea buckthorn oil strongly stains the elements in contact with it orange and does not wash well). After an hour, wash off the mask with foamy water.

If you want to prepare a vitamin "cocktail" for hair based on gray clay, dilute it in fresh carrot juice. It must be prepared at home (packaged juice with added sugar will not work). Apply to clean, damp hair and wrap with cling film. Wash your hair after half an hour. The light orange tint that the scalp will acquire should not be embarrassing: this is the effect of carotene contained in the pulp of carrots.

With black

Black clay is an excellent adaptive component for making hair masks, but it is better not to use it in its pure form. It has an effective effect in combination with ingredients such as sour cream, honey, oils, apple cider vinegar, egg yolk and decoctions of lemon balm, mint or nettle. The most popular recipes are:

  • For hair growth- mix a spoonful of clay substance with raw yolk and a teaspoon of honey, apply to the hair roots and leave for 20 minutes. The product is washed off with warm water without shampoo;
  • To eliminate excess fat- dilute 1 tbsp. l. clay in a quarter cup mineral water without gas and add 10 g of apple cider vinegar. When applying the mask, make sure that the composition does not get into the eyes. Wrap the treated head with plastic wrap and insulate with a cap. After 25 - 30 minutes, wash your hair without using shampoo. Rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice;
  • For dry depleted hair- knead the clay mask (10 - 15 gr.) in warm milk (200 ml). Drop one ampoule of liquid vitamin A and E into the mixture, add a pinch of cinnamon. Spread the composition along the entire length of the strands and leave the mask under the cap for an hour, and then rinse with cool water.

Please note that black clay masks are used only once a week. Blondes this species clay is not suitable due to the presence of a weak coloring effect.

Hair care has always been and will remain one of the most popular topics for discussion on women's forums. Clay has been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes since ancient times. Clay hair masks help cleanse curls from dead cells and provide therapeutic effect. Depending on the type of clay, its effect is also distinguished.

Unique homemade clay hair masks

Cosmetic healing clay heals, strengthens and nourishes the hair roots. Any spa procedure with its use is not only pleasant, but also useful. Homemade clay masks, depending on their composition and color, have different properties. You can buy any at the pharmacy depending on the problem with the hair.

Agree, the range of action is so wide that it is simply amazing.

Types of clay for masks

It remains only to decide what color is the solution to your particular problem:

  • With the help of green clay, hair follicles are strengthened, sebum secretion is normalized, irritation is removed;
  • The composition of blue clay affects the stimulation of hair growth, prevents hair loss and brittleness, treats seborrhea;
  • Thanks to the mask with gray clay, the former shine returns to the curls. It also helps to strengthen and revitalize hair, cure split ends;
  • After a course of pink clay masks, your thin and brittle hair will become much thicker and stronger;
  • Masks with red clay will soothe the skin after hair coloring, improve blood circulation;
  • With the help of a course of masks with white clay, health, elasticity, volume and shine are restored to curls;
  • Thanks to the mask with yellow clay, the scalp is cleansed and disinfected, enriched with oxygen;
  • A black clay mask cleanses the skin of dandruff, dead cells and everything else that prevents hair from looking luxurious;
  • Regular use of masks with Moroccan clay will help get rid of split ends, dandruff and dull hair color;

When preparing a clay-based mask, carefully follow the instructions on the package. Dry clay can be diluted with ordinary clean water, mineral water or herbal decoction. The finished mask cannot be stored, so consider the length of the curls. The effectiveness of the mask can be improved by adding ingredients such as kefir, egg, honey, lemon juice, oils, vitamins and much more.

You can use clay masks for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Clay mask for oily hair: a simple recipe

Making a mask for oily hair at home is much easier than it seems at first glance.

You will need:

  • Clay powder - 1 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Honey - 1 tsp

When all the components of the mask are in front of you, proceed to its preparation.

This sacrament is accessible to all:

  1. Separate the protein and yolk;
  2. Beat the egg yolk;
  3. Heat castor oil in a water bath;
  4. Mix everything until creamy.

Apply the resulting mixture along the entire length of slightly damp hair, rub into the roots with light massaging movements, cover with polyethylene and a scarf, leave for half an hour and rinse after with shampoo. To avoid feeling stiff hair, do not ignore the conditioner. You can specially prepare an herbal decoction for rinsing.

Pink clay hair mask (video)

Useful blue clay hair mask

Cosmetic blue clay is considered the most healing among the variety known species. It helps to strengthen hair follicles, treats seborrhea, relieves dandruff, accelerates growth and restores former strength to curls. This clay mask is truly a miracle cure for hair loss. It is very easy to cook it.

You will need:

  • Clay powder - 2 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp;
  • Filtered water - 3 tbsp.

Prepare everything in advance so that you don’t have to look for anything later.

Getting Started:

  1. Melt honey in a water bath;
  2. We squeeze the lemon;
  3. Separate the protein from the yolk;
  4. We mix clay, egg yolk and other components of the mask to the consistency of sour cream.

We apply the mixture on the hair with gentle massaging movements, then cover the head with polyethylene and a towel. Leave it on and after half an hour wash off with shampoo and rinse with conditioner.

Attention! If you have blonde hair, use a tinted shampoo.

Also, if you wish, you can enrich the mask burdock oil. Clay masks are useful not only for hair, but also for the face. As you can see, blue clay is a great option for spa treatments at home.

Undeservedly forgotten white clay hair masks

For thousands of years, beauties have used white clay to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of their skin and hair. But today it is gradually returning to the ranks of especially effective cosmetics. This type of clay has antimicrobial, absorbent, bactericidal action.

White clay is also effective in cleansing the face.

A white clay hair mask is beneficial for any type of hair. They prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

The recipe itself is more than simple.

You will need:

  • Clay powder - 4 tbsp;
  • Filtered water - 4 tbsp.

Mix everything to a homogeneous liquid consistency and distribute over clean, damp hair, wrap with a film and rinse after half an hour with shampoo, soften with conditioner and comb. Apply at least once a week.

This truly magical gift of nature will restore your hair to health, shine and strength only with regular use of the mask.

Always up-to-date clay hair mask: reviews

The topic of medical and cosmetic masks based on clay for hair is inexhaustible. Their diversity allows you to constantly change, enhancing the effect of each. Judging by the reviews of visitors to beauty forums, blue clay is especially popular. No less flattering reviews are received by Moroccan and black.

Cosmetic clay is a unique natural remedy that can solve numerous problems with skin and hair.

The "clay" theme will not dry up, while the enchantresses of our time get the secrets of beauty from their grandmother's chests, improve, try and share the results, give advice on the most effective application masks.

Mask for hair growth from blue clay (video)

Talking and listening about the action of ordinary clay on the skin and hair is good, but it is better to check the words in practice. Do you agree?

Kefir can be safely called the most affordable and popular hair care product. It was also successfully used by our great-grandmothers, so why shouldn't modern beauties take an example from them? Moreover, the kefir hair mask is really unusually good and effective!

How does kefir-based cosmetics work?

The healing power of kefir lies in its unique composition. Calcium, yeast, chlorine, vitamins E, C, A and B, lactic acid bacteria, potassium, magnesium and protein are just some of the elements that this drink is famous for. And all of them will be presented to your hair absolutely free of charge.

Leading experts in the beauty industry do not get tired of studying the microflora of the sour-milk fungus in order to recreate it artificially. By the way, their attempts were not successful, so at the moment, not a single store product can be compared with a natural product.

Now let's find out how it affects the strands?

  1. Oily hair care. The organic acids that make up kefir eliminate oily sheen, stabilize the activity of the sebaceous glands and prevent the strands from getting dirty very quickly. By the way, there is a little secret here: the lower the fat content of the drink, the more organic acids it contains and the more suitable it is for the intended purposes.
  2. Nourishing and moisturizing dried strands. Potassium normalizes the water balance and retains water in the cells, due to which both hair and skin are saturated with life-giving moisture.
  3. Protective functions. Kefir envelops each hair with a thin film that protects them from salon procedures (curling, highlighting, dyeing, drying with a hairdryer) and atmospheric phenomena (snow, frost, wind, ultraviolet radiation). The same film protects the strands from brittleness and increases their immunity.
  4. Strengthening weak bulbs. The presence of vitamins B12 and B2 (riboflavin) turns the fermented milk product into the strongest vitamin bomb that improves blood circulation, increases the number of red blood cells and stops strands from falling out. Hair almost stops falling out!
  5. Stimulation of new hair growth. Thanks to nicotinic acid, niacin and vitamins PP and B3, kefir activates growth processes, speeds up metabolism, prevents premature cell death and the early appearance of gray hair.
  6. Volume increase. Kefir hair mask makes them much thicker and stronger, and this directly affects the volume of hair.
  7. Gives hair elasticity, shine and shine.
  8. Soldering split ends.
  9. Moisturizing and nourishing overdried strands.
  10. Restoration of the hair structure.

These qualities of kefir have been proven by the research of modern scientists, so you can trust them unconditionally.

Have you already gathered in the kitchen to prepare a miracle cure for your hair? Give us a couple more minutes and take note of a couple of important tips.

Tip 1. Do not use fermented milk product for colored strands. Kefir not only washes away the natural pigment from the strands, but also partially removes the paint from them. If you want to make the strands a little lighter, feel free to use this property for the benefit of your beauty. Of course, you will not get a dazzling blond, but you can protect your hair from hydrogen peroxide and other aggressive substances.

Tip 2. The shelf life of natural kefir is only ten days. Otherwise, preservatives were used in its production, which are unlikely to bring any benefit.

Kefir recipes

The most uncomplicated version of the mask

In the absence of free time, you can do a very simple and quick mask using pure kefir. Just rub it into the root zone and stretch through the hair (unwashed and dry). Next, wrap your head with a film in order to create a steam effect, and wait an hour and a half.

You need to repeat the procedure every week for at least a month.

Many girls try to replace store-bought shampoo with kefir, but this recipe is only suitable for dry hair types. The fact is that this fermented milk product makes the strands somewhat heavier, as a result of which they become very dirty.

Dry hair mask

  • Oil (castor oil, olive or burdock oil) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Kefir - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.

Step by step preparation:

  1. We mix all the components.
  2. We apply the mixture to the strands and hide them under the film.
  3. Wash off after 60 minutes with shampoo.

Universal mask for any type

  • Kefir - 2 teaspoons;
  • Milk - 200 grams.

Mask preparation:

  1. Boil milk and let it cool down.
  2. Add kefir and mix.
  3. Use on wet and clean strands.
  4. Wash off after half an hour.

Another recipe for a universal mask:

Anti-fat mask

  • Kefir - 150 g;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Dry mustard - 2 tsp;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • Almond or burdock oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ether (rosemary or lemon) - 3 drops.

How to make a mask:

  1. We mix all the ingredients.
  2. We add one of the esters.
  3. Lubricate the strands with the mixture.
  4. We warm the head and wait half an hour.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.

By the way, do you know how to wash your hair so that your hair does not get greasy? .

Mask that accelerates the growth of hair

  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Burdock oil (1 teaspoon) and yolk - optional.

How to make a mask:

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the onion.
  2. We mix it with kefir.
  3. Adding the rest of the components.
  4. We distribute the mask over the head.
  5. We warm it with a cap.
  6. Wash with shampoo after an hour.

Kefir and egg

  • Kefir - 100 grams;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Burdock oil or castor oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Mask preparation:

  1. Beat the yolk with a fork.
  2. We connect all the components.
  3. We apply this mixture to the strands and warm them with a cap.
  4. Wash off the mask after 60 minutes.

Kefir, nettle and burdock for dandruff


  • Burdock root or nettle leaves - 2 teaspoons;
  • Water - ¼ cup;
  • Kefir - ¼ cup.

How to make a mask:

  1. Grind burdock root or nettle leaves.
  2. Fill them with water and let it brew.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. We combine the decoction with kefir.
  5. We put on a mask for an hour.
  6. Wash off with shampoo.

Nourishing mask for oily and normal hair

  • Blue clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Kefir - 0.5 cups.

How to make a mask:

  1. Fill clay with kefir.
  2. Lubricate the hair with this mass and rub it into the skin.
  3. Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.

Kefir and black bread

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups;
  • Crumb of bread - a small piece;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to make a mask:

  1. We moisten the crumb with kefir.
  2. Add vegetable oil.
  3. Stir the mixture and apply it to the strands.
  4. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Mask against split ends

  • High fat kefir - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to make a mask:

  1. We beat the yolk.
  2. We mix it with honey and kefir.
  3. We distribute the mask over the root zone.
  4. We wrap the head with a cap and warm it up from time to time with a hairdryer.
  5. Wash off no earlier than an hour later.

Mask for accelerated growth of strands

  • Kefir - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Oil (castor, butter, burdock, olive) - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix butter and kefir.
  2. We impregnate the entire length of the strands with the product.
  3. We warm the head with a cap.
  4. I wash my hair in half an hour.

How to use kefir-based masks correctly?

Kefir hair masks will fully work only if you can observe all the nuances:

  • Choose only homemade product;
  • With a dry type of strands, you will need kefir with a fat content of 6% or 3.2%; with fatty - 1% or fat-free; at normal - 2.5%;
  • Before use, kefir must be steamed;
  • If you are using this remedy for the first time, do an allergic test on a separate strand;
  • Most masks are applied to unwashed and wet strands;
  • The steam effect is another necessary condition for the full action of the remedy;
  • Kefir products can only be used in the root zone, or you can rub along this length - it all depends on the composition;
  • It also affects the exposure time of the mask. If it contains aggressive components (lemon, onion, mustard or cognac), the period is limited to 30 minutes. Otherwise, the mask can be done at least all night;
  • Kefir leaves behind an unpleasant odor. You can get rid of it with the help of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water);
  • Rinse off kefir masks with a mild shampoo;
  • The course of treatment consists of ten procedures performed once every 5 days. As you can see, in order to save your hair, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products.

Home therapy with kefir masks in practice confirms its effectiveness.