Nourishing masks with henna for dry hair. Colorless henna mask for hair at home

Henna is commonly referred to as a natural plant dye. It is prepared from the lower leaves of a plant with the romantic name Lavsonia. When applied to hair, henna gives them a red tint, so natural henna for masks is not recommended for blondes.

Fair-haired girls and those who do not want to change their natural shade should purchase colorless henna for care. This tool keeps everything beneficial features henna ordinary, but does not paint.

It can be said that henna hair mask is a tool that will suit almost everyone, it is suitable for any color and type of hair.

Any kind of henna can significantly improve appearance hair, due to its composition. This substance contains:

  • Rutin. This is a vitamin that penetrates the cells of the hair follicle, providing strengthening of the roots.
  • Carotene. This element has a positive effect on the structure of the hair, making it smoother and shiny.
  • Emodin. This substance effectively strengthens, prevents loss.
  • Chrysophanol. A natural antibiotic that fights fungi, bacteria, helps in the treatment of various diseases of the scalp.

On condition correct application henna-based hair masks can significantly improve the health and appearance of your hair.

When to apply?

Henna can be used for preventive care and for treatment. Regular use of these funds allows you to:

  • strengthen the roots, preventing loss;
  • restore hair shafts along the entire length;
  • avoid split ends;
  • help in the treatment of diseases of the scalp.

There are few contraindications to the use of colorless henna, the only thing you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the substances that make up the mask.

As for the use of colored henna, it is not recommended to use it with a light shade of hair, and also, with in large numbers gray hair. In this case, the result of staining may be a bright orange tint.

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Procedure Rules

It is not difficult to use henna at home, however, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the basic rules.

  • To make a henna mask, the powder from the package is poured into a glass or faience cup and poured with hot water, but not boiling water (the recommended water temperature is about 80 degrees).
  • Liquids should be taken about three times more than powder. However, you can pour "by eye", the main thing is to ensure that you get a creamy mass.
  • Apply the prepared composition to the entire head. That is, first divide the strands into partings and rub the mixture into the roots, then distribute it over the strands with a comb. If colored henna is used, it is very important to use gloves and do not try to rub the composition into the roots, since the composition dyes not only the hair, but also the skin.

  • Warming- an important condition for the effectiveness of the procedure, therefore, immediately after applying the composition, it is necessary to wrap the hair with a film, and put on something warm on top - a hat, a “turban” from a scarf or towel.
  • Carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is worth limiting yourself to a thirty-minute exposure. Subsequently, it will be possible to extend the duration of the mask up to 2 hours.
  • The formulations containing henna are washed off quite simply, you must first simply rinse the strands in a large volume of water (in a basin), and then, if necessary, use shampoo.
  • The frequency of procedures is determined by the goals set. If this is prevention, then it is enough to carry them out three times a month; for treatment, you can do procedures every three days.
  • The full course is 16-20 procedures. At the end of the course, it is better to take a break by switching to masks of a different type.


It is necessary to choose recipes for hair masks with henna depending on your goals. If you plan to achieve a bright shade, then you should choose colored henna.

Toning compositions

If the main goal is to obtain a certain shade, then colored henna should be used.. In order not to be disappointed in the result, you must follow the following rules:

  • Do not attempt to color damaged, bleached or chemically colored hair. Before applying the mask, it is recommended to cut your hair to remove split ends.
  • Prepare a mask by diluting henna powder with hot water. If it is planned to get not a bright red, but a different shade, then an additional substance, basma, is introduced into the coloring mask. If you mix these dyes in equal parts, you get chestnut color. The more henna in the mixture, the lighter the shade will turn out and vice versa.
  • If the hair is dry, then henna can be diluted not with water, but with kefir. Basma is bred only with water.
  • Before applying the mask, you need to apply a greasy cream along the hairline, you can additionally make a bandage from gauze folded into three or four layers. This will help protect the skin from streaks of the coloring composition.
  • Apply the composition to freshly washed and slightly damp strands.
  • You need to keep the tinting composition from 1 to 8 hours, it depends on the desired brightness of the shade.
  • You can wash off the composition without using shampoo.

Read also: Hairstyles with a bandage - a fashionable look in a few minutes

If there is a lot of gray hair

For toning gray hair prepare a mixture of equal amounts of henna, ground coffee beans and basma. Pour the mixture with hot water, let stand. Apply to wet strands, hold for two hours, rinse without using shampoo.

Care compositions

If the main purpose of the procedure is care and treatment, and if a henna mask is being prepared for fair hair, then you need to use a colorless variety of henna.

To strengthen

Henna is great for hair loss. To prepare a therapeutic mixture, you will need two types of oils, an egg, honey. Cooking order:

  • we prepare henna, as usual, using 150 grams of powder;
  • beat two yolks, adding 25 ml of olive and almond oil, as well as a teaspoon of honey;
  • mix the prepared mixture and henna, beat.

To combat greasiness

Composition for oily hair should have a drying effect. Such a hair mask with white henna is being prepared with the addition of white or blue clay powder. We mix the components in equal amounts (we take 4 tablespoons of both), pour water until a creamy mass is obtained. Pour in the juice obtained from half a lemon. This composition should not be kept on the hair for more than half an hour.

To restore overdried strands

Nourishing hair mask with colorless henna is prepared with the addition of avocado and burdock oil. First, we prepare henna by pouring 150 grams of powder with water. While it is infused, we clean the avocado, removing the stone, and beat the pulp of the fruit with a blender in mashed potatoes. Mix puree with henna and two tablespoons of oil, beat.

Long and beautiful hair provide the elegance and sophistication of a woman. However, not every lady can boast of strong and attractive curls. Poor ecology, poor water quality, frequent use of dyes and hair dryers lead to the fact that over time the hair loses its beauty and volume. In this case, henna hair masks come to the rescue, which are considered one of the most effective and in demand on the market.

Distinguishing properties

Colorless henna is a popular remedy of natural origin. The presence of unique components allows you to strengthen the hair, as well as get rid of diseases skin heads.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the antibacterial and therapeutic effect henna, thanks to which the masks from this product successfully cope with dandruff, irritation and brittle hair.

Benefits and medicinal properties

Most experts point out that henna is one of the most effective and beneficial natural hair products. Its beneficial properties are provided by a large number of unique components that make up the composition, among which the following can be noted:

  • Crisofanol it has an antibacterial effect, therefore it allows you to get rid of most of the pathogenic bacteria on the head;
  • Carotene plays an important role in the process of hair growth, as well as in restoring their structure. In addition, it is thanks to carotene that human hair is stiff and does not fall out;
  • Emodin improves skin circulation, which, in turn, has positive impact on the rate of hair growth;
  • Betaine moisturizes the scalp and provides strands with nutrients.

It is thanks to the healing abilities of henna that masks from this product are gaining popularity at such a fast pace. It allows you to add volume to the hair, healthy look, moisturize them, and provide more fast growth. The use of similar cosmetics Even professional hairdressers and stylists advise.

Thanks to its unique antibacterial property, henna helps in the fight against dandruff, and also allows you to quickly get rid of scalp irritations. In addition, such masks are actively used to accelerate hair growth, since some henna components have a positive effect on follicles.

This product has countless benefits, among which are the following:

  • Helps get rid of dandruff, as it is a natural antiseptic;
  • Helps strengthen hair follicles, and also does not allow hair scales to exfoliate;
  • Provides smoothness hair;
  • Includes unique tannins, contributing to the regulation of activities sebaceous glands and a significant improvement in the condition of the scalp;
  • Has no contraindications therefore, masks based on it can be used even during pregnancy;
  • Helps eliminate fragility of strands.


In order to get the maximum benefit from the use of various masks, some features of this natural product should be taken into account.

First of all, it should be noted that people with blond hair should use such masks with extreme caution. The fact is that due to some components, the hair may turn yellow, so it is recommended to keep such masks on the hair for no more than 15 minutes.

Owners of dark hair do not have to worry about this, so they can stretch the procedure for 40 minutes. When using a mask, close attention should also be paid to some technical points. For example, the product should only be applied to clean and slightly damp hair. During the application of the mask, it is necessary to massage the head with circular movements. This allows you to increase blood circulation, which contributes to a better penetration of nutrients into the scalp. Despite the natural origin and effectiveness, henna-based masks can be used no more than once a week.

Other contraindications include the following:

  • Do not use henna-based masks more than once a month if your hair is extremely dry. The point is that one of side effects of this product is the fact that it dries the hair a little, especially if Iranian henna (basma) is used;
  • The powder cannot be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as painting or laminating.

Application rules

To get the maximum benefit from the use of henna, you must follow some rules. The powder must be diluted in water, the temperature of which is not more than 80 degrees. The fact is that the use of a hotter liquid can cause a decrease in healing properties funds.

To dilute the mixture and create masks, it is recommended to use only porcelain and glass products, since metal utensils can enter into a chemical reaction. The duration of the procedure depends on the purpose for which the mask is used. For a normal cosmetic effect, you need to keep the product on your hair for no more than 30 minutes, but to get a therapeutic effect, you can extend the time up to an hour.

After the gruel is applied to the head, you need to put on a special plastic cap or an ordinary bag. This will keep it from getting dirty and also prevent moisture from evaporating.

Most ladies believe that the more often the mask is used, the faster the result can be achieved. Such an opinion is extremely erroneous. Of course, henna is a natural and harmless product, but the excessive use of even such a simple remedy can be harmful.

For maximum results and beauty, one session will be enough.

When creating home remedies, you do not need to deviate from the instructions and experiment, as this can lead to a change in hair color and other unpleasant consequences.

Use at home

Using henna masks at home is quite simple.

The powder itself must be diluted with warm water, and then mixed thoroughly until the consistency of the product resembles thick sour cream. After that, you need to wait about five minutes, and then you can apply the gruel to your hair.

Henna itself boasts a huge range of useful properties, however, despite this, you can try to enhance its effect with the help of various ingredients and additives. Among the most popular and effective are the following:

  • Essential oil- just a couple of drops will help improve the condition of the scalp and get rid of dryness;
  • Olive oil, which also has a positive effect on hair elasticity and helps get rid of dryness;
  • Various vitamin drops of groups A and E.

Healthy Recipes

The unique properties and versatility of henna cream allow it to be combined with various products and substances. As a result, it is possible to provide best effect from the use of a mask and nullify all the negative properties of henna. Proven recipes will help you make a mask that will be effective and safe.

With added greens

To obtain such a mask, you need to pour two tablespoons of the product with green tea. After that, you need to leave it for a few minutes and finely chop the parsley or other type of greens. Greens need to be crushed to get its juice. Now it remains to combine the green mass with henna and apply the product on the head.

Owners of blond hair can keep such a remedy on their heads for no more than 10 minutes, but brunettes can do it for 20 minutes. If you believe the reviews, after the first use you can see the results.

from avocado

Avocado is a unique vegetable that, in combination with natural henna, will provide the head with nutrients. First of all, you need to fill the product with hot water. The avocado is peeled from the white peel, after which it will need to be mashed. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the head. Such a mask should be kept for no more than 20 minutes.

To create this stimulating mask, Indian henna is perfect. The frequency of using a vitamin mask is twice a month.

Today I will talk about my universal hair mask for all seasons and occasions. I got her recipe from one master 10 years ago, I tried many others, but this one is the best.

So, I have dry, thin, “thin hairs” by nature, paint does not adhere to them, hairstyles, styling, volume is not observed. And the hair looks damaged, “split” and from time to time begin to fall monstrously!

In my life, I very rarely had a good haircut or combed, because the master must be handy and from God! I often leave the master in tears, because with such hair and crooked hands, the result is terrible, and in pursuit I hear: “What do you want with such and such hair?”.
And then one day a craftswoman told me: “Yes, your hair is normal, you just need to help them, I will give you the secret of the miracle of the mask and you will forget about all the troubles!”. And it turned out to be right...

Let's get started...

The mask recipe is very simple: henna, kefir, yolk.

Henna: The healing properties of henna have long been known throughout the world. It has an antiseptic, firming, regenerating effect. Prevents hair loss, strengthens hair follicles. It is also an excellent remedy for dandruff.
Recently I read in the instructions for henna, bought in a natural cosmetics store, that henna still slows down the “hair aging process”.
It also makes hair stiffer, voluminous, smooth, shiny, and is a natural dye. Women in India and Iran widely use henna for hair care and are famous for good, thick, beautiful hair.

Kefir: Probably everyone has heard about the benefits of kefir shampoos. It turns out kefir - just what you need for hair - is a pure protein, in other words, protein. It strengthens, nourishes the hair, fills it with vitality, makes it smooth and shiny. Do you want to feed your damaged hair- serve kefir for them!

Yolk: It's just a vitamin bomb. The yolk of a chicken egg is a store of vitamins and nutrients. It contains in large quantities: calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, vitamins of groups A, E, a shock dose of vitamin B and phosphorus (they are contained in shampoos for hair loss in large quantities and strengthen hair roots), as well as proteins.

As you understand, using all this together we get: A vitamin, nutritional, healing, strengthening hair bomb!

Preparation and application:
For shoulder-length hair, I take 1 pack of natural henna, pour it into a deep plate. I add the yolk there (previously, I put the egg on the table or in warm water so that the yolk is warm, not cold from the refrigerator).
I add 2/3 cups of warm kefir (I first put a glass of kefir in hot water or in the microwave for a couple of seconds), mix everything thoroughly with a fork.
You should get a homogeneous warm mixture of the color of childish surprise, in consistency, like sour cream (not thick and not too liquid). If the mixture turned out to be very thick (this happens due to the different fat content of kefir, if the kefir is homemade or high fat, the mixture is thick), you need to pour in a little hot water (for example, 2-4 tablespoons).

I put on a T-shirt for hair coloring or whatever, I cover my shoulders with a scarf made of film (a bag). I apply the mask first on the hair roots, massage the scalp well, then distribute the remaining mass on all the hair, cover the hair with a film, wrap it in a towel (preferably dark, henna colors). After that, you should wash your hands well, wipe the henna with a cotton pad from the face and skin on the neck. And go read a book or do your own thing.

The mask must be kept for at least 1 hour - as long as you want. I usually do it on a day off in the morning, while I'm doing the cleaning, I wash it off after 2-3 hours. We wash off the mask first with warm water (not boiling water, otherwise you will boil the egg and kefir into protein pellets, they are difficult to wash off), after washing my hair, as usual, with shampoo (preferably 2 times) and balm.

You need to make a mask once a week. A good result was visible after 3-4 times.
With abundant hair loss, I do it 2 times a week, after 5-6 times not a single hair falls from the head, the loss completely stops (I can wash my hair, put it with a hairdryer and in the bathroom, on the floor, clothes, comb).

Thick, shiny, smooth hair. Hair becomes denser and “thicker”, for me, as the owner of thin and liquid hair, this is important. No dandruff and most importantly - complete elimination of hair loss(with regular use), no split ends. Volume appears, this is due to the fact that henna makes the hair more elastic. Hair grows faster and thicker.

The picture below shows that the hairs are “thick” and elastic, there is a small volume! My hair looks normal and thick enough, despite the fact that I have it “very thin”, I think you can count it overnight!

I am very satisfied with this recipe. Now I come to get a haircut, I start whining, they say, I have such problematic hair, the master looks crooked and says: “What are you, you have beautiful hair, you still don’t know what bad hair is! Such rat tails are killed! Haircuts now look better and the volume lasts all day.


  • The recipe is cheap
  • Available Products
  • Simple (I described everything in such a boring way and in detail)
  • Good performance and versatility
  • Suitable for girls using henna for hair coloring
  • Has an obvious effect against hair loss (postpartum alopecia a la Bruce Wheeles hair loss was completely stopped in 2 weeks)


  • Like any care - requires regularity
  • Time (if the dearest half is not accustomed to your “female secrets”, you need to fuse don’t know where, don’t know why and for longer. My husband is accustomed, I’m trying to tie a beautiful turban from a towel on my head, but he still neighs that I him the most beautiful woman in the world in a bag. And I walk around and laugh, they say, you see how I make you happy, in short, we have an idyll, but it’s better not to shock the faint of heart).
  • Henna has a specific smell, some people don’t like it, if it’s bad to rinse their hair, the smell of grass from the hair can still last for 1 day (But I really like it, and my husband too, sits sniffing me Says that it smells delicious, natural)

Recipe Improvement

  • If you want to accelerate hair growth, pour a tablespoon of sweet almond oil (it is a well-known hair growth activator) into this mask.
  • If you have very strong fallout hair - add a tablespoon of burdock oil (it strengthens the hair roots).
  • If you need an anti-age effect for hair - add a spoon olive oil(it is rich in vitamin E and is a well-known antioxidant and anti-aging agent). With oils, the mask is washed off worse, it takes longer and more difficult to wash the hair.
  • Long noted and beneficial effect coconut oil for hair Having a dense structure, it completely covers the hair, protecting the cuticle from various damages, both chemical and mechanical. And, importantly, it prevents the loss of protein. And this, in turn, makes the hair healthy, smooth and shiny.

And the last thing: I advise everyone to try the mask - do it for the first time on a day off. To calmly endure the time, rinse your hair well. The usual natural Iranian Henna gives a red tint to my dark hair, I like it, and also paints over gray hair.
If you do not need coloring properties, take colorless henna.

Today I went to a natural cosmetics store for henna, they sell herbs, vitamins, herbal supplements, teas, etc., and accidentally found henna different colors, it is used for coloring hair and temporary tattoos on the body. So, her shades range from light blond and golden to deep black. And a tattoo on the body can be done, both black and red. I did not know that henna comes in different shades for so many years I have been using this mask, maybe someone will be able to choose the right one for themselves.
I don’t dye my hair with paint, I don’t know what result henna gives on dyed hair ... I heard that it can turn blond dyed hair into a “chicken”, give a green tint and other horror stories. I have not verified the info, I will not say anything about this. If you use hair dye, ask your stylist if you can use henna masks.

Nadezhda Suvorova

Henna is a popular plant dye made from lavsonia non-prickly, which gives the hair a sunny shine and a perky redhead. In addition, it has useful properties that make the roots strong and the curls thick. If you do not want to have red or red hair color, then use colorless henna, it is obtained from another at least useful plant cassia obtuse.

For coloring and masks, buy only fresh henna, made no earlier than six months ago. Pay attention to the color of the powder, it should be green, not yellow, orange or brown.

How to make henna masks

It is not difficult to find it in the store, it is inexpensive, but the benefits are great. Henna, makes strong and durable, thickens the core, stimulates growth and skin diseases, .

To properly make a mask, you need to follow some rules:

Use glass or plastic utensils and a spoon, as henna reacts with metals and loses its beneficial properties.
Please note that the mask can give a yellow tint to the hair, even if it is made from colorless henna. Therefore, blondes should not keep it longer than 15 minutes.
Apply the mixture while it is warm, but not hot, for maximum effect.
In order for the substances to penetrate the skin and hair, first wash your hair and dry it slightly.
After application, cosmetologists recommend doing a light massage for blood flow to the hair follicles.
Do not forget that henna dries hair. Therefore, add nourishing oils to masks.
If you want to not only strengthen, but also color your hair, then keep the mixture for at least 60 minutes and do not wash your hair for the next 3 days.

These tips will help make masks as useful as possible and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Henna and burdock oil

Prepare henna as usual. While it is hot, add honey to it so that it mixes better. When the mass has cooled to 36-38 degrees, pour in the yolk. Rub the mask into the roots and lengths, wrap and wait 40 minutes.

Henna and kefir

It will help to give the hair a well-groomed appearance, shine, softness and accelerate growth. It is prepared very simply:

20 gr. henna;
10 ml of kefir.

Heat the kefir in a water bath until it becomes hot. Pour henna, mix and cover with a lid for 15 minutes. With a paint brush, spread over the scalp and hair to the ends, cover with cellophane and a towel, and rinse after half an hour.

Henna and clay

Before making this mask, pay attention to the clay you are going to use. White is best for hair, it strengthens, thickens and thickens them. nourishes the bulbs, yellow moisturizes, red regulates the production of sebum. Make your choice based on your hair type.

Mask Ingredients:

20 gr. henna;
10 gr. clay;
1 yolk;
150 ml of kefir.

Heat kefir, dilute henna in it and leave to brew for 20 minutes, then add clay and yolk. Apply to hair, cover with a shower cap and wrap with a towel. Leave on for 25 minutes and rinse.

Henna and coffee

With the help, you will not only strengthen your hair, but also give it a chocolate shade. To do this, take:

Henna - 20 gr.;
Hot water - 100 ml;
Coffee grounds or ground coffee - 20 gr.

Brew henna and, while it has not cooled down, pour coffee into it. Stir, cover and let stand 20 minutes. Then treat the hair and roots with the mixture and keep it under a towel for 1 hour.

Henna and cocoa

Cocoa in the composition of hair masks helps prevent hair breakage, gives shine and softness, protects against ultraviolet radiation, strengthens roots and accelerates growth. Try this recipe:

Henna - 30 gr.
Kefir - 150 ml;
Cocoa - 30 gr.

Heat kefir to 60-70 degrees, add henna to it, then cocoa, mix and cover. After 20 minutes, apply to hair and leave to act for 30-40 minutes.

How often to make henna masks

If you have oily hair, then make masks once a week. If or normal, then 2-4 times a month. Practice shows that this is enough to strengthen and restore hair.

Oils and kefir will help smooth out the effect of drying. If you add these ingredients to the mask, you can use it more often: 2 times a week for oily hair and 1 time in 7 days for dry and normal hair.

If you want to cure hair loss, dandruff or other dermatological conditions, then apply masks only on the scalp so as not to dry out the ends. You need to do this 2 times in 7 days for a month.

have beautiful and healthy hair every girl can. To do this, it is worth making a little effort and completing a course of homemade masks. You will be surprised how much henna transforms hair for the better, and you will fall in love with it for its beneficial properties and ease of use.

February 2, 2014, 15:08

Colorless henna is increasingly being used in homemade hair masks, let's see which henna hair masks are easy to make at home.

Useful properties of colorless henna

Henna hair masks are rapidly gaining fans - colorless henna gives hair volume, shine, moisturizes hair, eliminates dandruff, strengthens and restores brittle and split ends, so even professional hairdressers recommend henna hair masks.

Colorless henna is a natural product that can solve any problem with hair and scalp. First of all, it is worth noting the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of colorless henna, so henna hair masks fight dandruff, soothe and relieve irritation of dry scalp. In addition, henna masks are used for hair growth and strengthening, as henna components act on the hair follicle, nourishing and strengthening it from the inside. Also, colorless henna masks will help to cope with thin, dry and brittle hair due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Features of masks with colorless henna

To get the most out of henna hair masks, you need to know some secrets of colorless henna. First of all, according to the site, it is worth mentioning the danger that colorless henna masks bring to owners of blond hair - they can turn yellow, so fair-haired girls can keep henna masks for no more than 15 minutes. Dark-haired people do not face this problem, so they can stretch the procedure up to 30-40 minutes. Technical points are also important - for example, henna masks are best applied to clean, slightly damp hair. Third, when applying the mask, make the head massage light in a circular motion, so you increase blood flow and nutrients will better penetrate the scalp. And finally, the last recommendation is to use a henna mask, even in medicinal purposes, you need not more than 1 time per week. And now to the recipes.

Colorless henna - recipes for hair masks

Classic henna hair mask.
Pour 3 tbsp. l. colorless henna with a glass of hot, but not boiling water. Let sit for 15 minutes, then apply to skin and hair.

Henna and green hair mask.
2 tablespoons of colorless henna are poured with hot green tea. While the henna is infused, finely chop a bunch of parsley or dill, crush them with a mortar to extract the juice from the greens. After that, we combine henna with a green mass, rub it and apply it to the hair along the entire length. Blondes need to keep this mask for 10 minutes, brunettes - 20.

Vitamin hair mask with henna and avocado.
Avocado is a vegetable that, when combined with colorless henna, will give your hair mass beneficial vitamins. While henna is being prepared, filled with 100 gr. boiling water, peel half of the avocado, remove and mash the pulp. Mix the components of the mask, let stand together for another five minutes and apply to the hair, paying special attention to the ends of the hair. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water and rinse with vinegar - 50 gr. 9% apple cider vinegar half a liter of pure mineral water.

Strengthening henna hair mask.
Pour 3 tbsp. l. henna with strong brewing of black tea (1 cup), after the mixture has been infused (15 minutes), add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Rub part of the mixture in a circular motion into the scalp, distribute the other part of the mask along the entire length of the hair. If the hair is dry, we recommend adding 1 tbsp to the recipe. l. olive oil.

Mask for oily hair with henna and blue clay.
Mix 2 tbsp. l. henna and blue clay, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then add tea tree essential oil (5 drops) and apply to the skin and hair. Combine with others oily hair masks to eliminate their increased greasiness and return a beautiful appearance.

Nourishing hair mask of henna and kefir.
Put a glass of kefir in a saucepan with hot water, when the kefir warms up, pour 3 tbsp. l. henna. Wait 15 minutes, then add one beaten chicken egg and apply the mask. Change recipes periodically hair masks with kefir for the best result.

Henna hair growth mask.
Heat the mixture of burdock and castor oil 2 tbsp. l. to a temperature comfortable for the scalp. Pour this oil mixture over 3 tbsp. l. henna, stir and leave for a quarter of an hour, then spread over the entire length of the hair and scalp.

Cocoa-based henna hair mask.
This henna and cocoa hair mask has a firming and moisturizing effect, besides, the mask will give a pleasant chocolate shade to dark hair, hence it is recommended for brunettes. So, for the mask you will need a bag of ordinary colorless henna (about 3-4 tablespoons - it all depends on the length of the hair), 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, a glass of milk or cream and 1 tsp. honey. Mix henna with cocoa, add honey and pour a little warm milk, mix and apply to hair, carefully distributing along the entire length. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Henna hair mask for dandruff.
To prepare a henna mask for dandruff, you need 3 tbsp. l. colorless henna, pour half a glass of boiling water, let stand, then add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice plus 3 drops essential oil eucalyptus and myrtle. Mix the mixture and apply to the hair along the entire length, after 40 minutes remove the mask with warm water.

Ekaterina Beautiful All rights reserved

Reviews and comments (6)

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I was just crazy about red hair. When I was a student, I dyed my hair with red henna. They were beautiful, strong and silky. But now the red hair color has become irrelevant for me. I began to dye my hair in a beauty salon. I noticed that even from expensive paint they become thinner, I’m not even talking about shine. I was very happy when I read about the possibilities of making hair masks on colorless henna. To put my hair in order, I decided to do a course of masks with henna. I take a simple recipe: I brew a pack of henna with boiling water and add two tablespoons of hair oil from grandmother Agafya (you can just take olive oil). According to my observations, without the use of oil, henna dries out the head, you have to wash your hair often. And so the oil is washed off with shampoo after two latherings, and the hair stays clean longer. My hair structure has noticeably improved after a course of masks. I made 10 henna hair masks, one a week.