Why can't you drink citramon? Citramon P. Proper use Who is contraindicated in citramon

But is it right? Is citramon harmful? Let's find out.

Is citramon dangerous?

Like any other medicine, before using Citramon, you must read the instructions and indications for use. It turns out he has several side effects. But let's go in order.

Citramon contains: caffeine, vitamin C, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol (the main active substance). This combination allows you to achieve the fastest possible relief of mild to moderate headaches. moderate. Citramon can also help with pain in the muscles and joints, and even with severe toothache. And due to the ability to reduce body temperature, it can be taken with colds.

However, not everyone can drink Citramon and not always. Pregnant women should take these pills with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that aspirin, which is part of the drug, can adversely affect the development of the fetus, as well as worsen blood clotting. Nursing mothers should consult with their doctor before using Citramon. Children under 15 years of age are also at risk and it is not advisable for them to be allowed to drink these pills.

If you have gout or the doctor speaks of poor blood clotting, it is better to refrain from using citramone so as not to harm your body. Problems with internal organs(in particular, the liver and kidneys) is also a reason to think about the harmful effects of citramone on health.

Thus, the question of whether citramon is harmful to health can be answered as follows - it certainly harms the body with frequent and prolonged use, but there are situations when it quickly relieves pain and alleviates the patient's lot.

What are the symptoms and consequences of an overdose of Citramon?

Citramon can bring many benefits in certain life situations. But, as with any medicine, harm to the body is not ruled out if it is strongly carried away. Therefore, it is necessary to know what symptoms and consequences of an overdose may occur with uncontrolled use of the drug.

After all, a dangerous overdose of Citramon occurs when more than ten tablets of the drug are consumed during the day, or six tablets in the case of a single dose.

It is quite common, often used, as it is widely known, and at the same time it is really able to save a person from the occurrence discomfort and if you feel unwell after drinking alcohol, a hard day's work or a long stay in a stuffy room.


The drug Citramon owes its positive properties to a balanced combination of acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Each separately given component is aimed at improving the blood circulation of the brain:

  1. Caffeine enhances blood flow, stimulates the work of the myocardium, speeds up heart contractions, increases the minute pumped blood volume.
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid ( trademark"Aspirin" - under this name the drug is best known among consumers) promotes blood thinning, which makes it possible to significantly increase the transport of oxygen through the vessels of the brain, providing an intensive metabolism, as well as the timely removal of decay products that cause pain.
  3. Paracetamol is a pronounced non-narcotic analgesic that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain syndrome of varying severity, is a stimulant that does not affect the process and course of the disease, but levels out vivid symptoms.

Special purpose

Citramon is used quite widely, especially by those who have experienced its fairly effective effect, that is, real benefits. Reviews among specialists about the drug are positive, and it is recommended for use (single or systematic treatment) in the following situations:

  • It is prescribed and used as an analgesic for the relief of headaches, relieving acute toothache, and for joint (rheumatic) inflammation.
  • It is used during the treatment of colds, influenza manifestations - as a means to reduce body temperature.
  • It is used for overwork in people of mental labor to treat symptoms of fever of the face, dizziness from prolonged monotonous work, with confusion during a change of scenery - going out into a crowded place, speaking to an audience, conducting lengthy negotiations.
  • Involved in the treatment system inflammatory diseases: arthritis, arthrosis (their exacerbations), rheumatism, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, vascular spasms and acute conditions in infectious diseases.
  • Assign in cardiology, as a means for the prevention of thrombosis and sclerosis of the coronary vessels of the heart; in angiology, as a means for the prevention of cerebral ischemia. For these purposes, they are used in short courses to prevent poisoning with Citramon, and when complex conditions improve, for long-term treatment acetylsalicylic acid is used in combination with magnesium and potassium salts.

Possibility of overdose, consequences

However, the drug Citramon, which is quite complex in composition, is commercially available. Prescription documents are not required when purchasing it in a pharmacy network, and there are no restrictions on the amount of the drug sold for one buyer.

However, in such an uncontrolled and free style of offering, using and distributing the drug, there is a certain danger - the possibility of poisoning. This can happen when an overdose of Citramon occurs, with long-term use drug and, especially, with its inept use.

By using the drug, a person has the right to know that at certain doses it is harmful, that there is an established therapeutic dose of Citramon and that possible Negative consequences in case of an overdose.

Many people ask a reasonable question - is it possible to get poisoned with Citramon? Naturally, this is a medicine that, like any other, can harm the body, and sometimes cause irreversible negative processes in the internal organs.

To relieve pain or as a prophylaxis, a single dose of one tablet is recommended. The same dosage is used for headache and toothache, fever (presence of fever), mild hangover and feeling unwell after drinking any dose of alcohol. The next reception is allowed in 6-8 hours. The maximum safe dose is 6 tablets per day.

When using Citramon as an analgesic, the drug is recommended to be used for no more than 5 days in a row, in the amount of 2-3 tablets per day; when used to reduce fever, reduce temperature - the drug is used for 3 days in the above dosage.

Manifestations of an overdose of the drug

When using a large amount of the drug (accidentally or intentionally), the following symptoms are observed and side effects:

  1. Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia ( liquid stool, diarrhea, bloody issues with stool, flatulence).
  2. Background tinnitus, increasing headache, dizziness.
  3. Symptoms of developing internal bleeding (pallor, weakness, cold sweat, feelings of fear).
  4. Pronounced sweating, tremor, skin cold to the touch.
  5. A disturbance of consciousness develops at a high concentration of the drug in the blood (more than 300 mcg / ml).

To prevent such situations, it is important to conduct timely explanations among young people, who are often addicted to such facilitating methods of getting rid of a hangover and pain in the head. It must be reminded that any drug, even if it is freely sold and inexpensive, can cause irreparable harm even to the strongest and most trained body.

Video: how often can you drink Citramon?


Citramon is a drug that contains dangerous for many chronic diseases Components. Therefore, patients with such ailments should be warned in advance about the possible consequences.

The drug is not used for such diseases:

  • ulcerative intestinal formations in acute form;
  • liver failure (fatty degeneration, cirrhosis);
  • renal failure (nephropathy, inflammatory processes);
  • blood diseases (hemophilia, hemorrhagic diseases);
  • vascular thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • severe course of diabetes.

It is necessary to prescribe antihypertensive drugs, monitor blood pressure throughout the day, and ensure compliance with all doctor's recommendations to prevent the development of severe, life-threatening conditions - stroke, heart attack, and blood disorders.

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How does citramon affect the body?

Pharmacological action of "Citramon"

The pharmacological action of "Citramon" is determined by the influence of each active substance that is part of it. Acetylsalicylic acid has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves the pain symptom caused by inflammation, improves blood circulation at the site of the inflammatory process. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and psychomotor centers, it dilates blood vessels, reduces fatigue, drowsiness, has a slight analgesic effect, and stimulates physical and mental activity. Paracetamol has an antipyretic, analgesic and moderately pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

"Citramon" relieves pain syndromes of moderate severity. It helps with headache and toothache, pain in muscles, joints, neuralgia, feverish conditions and painful menstruation. The drug should be taken one tablet three times a day.

Contraindications, side effects of Citramon

"Citramon" is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity, hemophilia, constant high blood pressure, erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer, hemorrhagic diathesis, hepatic or kidney failure, in severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and coronary disease hearts. Do not give the drug to children under 15 years of age. The drug is contraindicated in preparation for surgery, as it increases bleeding.

In general, you can not drink "Citramon" in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, since acetylsalicylic acid can lead to the appearance of congenital anomalies of the fetus. In the second trimester, the drug is taken only as directed by a doctor. For headaches, measure arterial pressure if it is increased, "Citramon" is contraindicated, as it contributes to an even greater increase in it. You need to lower the pressure with the help of other drugs.

According to reviews, "Citramon" can cause the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, visual disturbances, the appearance of tinnitus. With prolonged use of the drug, the appearance of erosive gastritis, development of liver disorders, blood clotting disorders, increased headache, dizziness, impaired renal function. "Citramon" can also cause a variety of allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, epidermal toxic necrolysis (severe and acute illness with defeat skin and mucous membranes).

Citramon is rightfully considered one of the most popular drugs that have come to us since the days of the USSR. At that time, its composition was slightly different, but nevertheless, due to its rapid action and effectiveness, the drug was no less famous. Due to its low cost, it is easy to find in almost every first aid kit. After all, drinking a pill of citramone from the head was a common thing.

A little about the drug

Citramon - what is it, what helps? It is a non-hormonal agent that relieves inflammation, pain lowering the temperature. The original formulation of the drug was changed due to the prohibition of phenacetin.

With its help, migraines, toothache and other pain sensations of various genesis are easily removed.

The composition of the medicine

At the moment, the drug is produced by different pharmaceutical companies, so the composition of citramone changes slightly, but the main components remain unchanged.

  • Acetylsalicylic acid. This component of the drug relieves fever and inflammation, anesthetizes, improving blood flow in the focus of inflammation.
  • Paracetamol relieves pain, affects the thermoregulation of the affected area, relieves high temperature. Virtually no anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Caffeine. Thanks to this component of citramone, the feeling of drowsiness is removed, there is an exciting effect on reflexes spinal cord the blood vessels dilate.

Produced forms of citramon differ in concentration and proportion active substances, but the mechanism of action on the body is the same.

Action on the body

Like any medicine, citramon brings not only benefits, but also harm to the patient's body. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on the topic of the harm of citramone. Let's try to figure them out.

Expands or narrows blood vessels?

Caffeine selectively acts on the vessels in the body. It dilates the vessels of the muscular corset of the skeleton, the vessels of the kidneys and the heart muscle. And on the vessels of other internal organs and the brain, it acts in a radically opposite way, narrowing them.

Such an effect on the vessels of the brain can put the patient at risk, because a long course of treatment with Citramon may be a prerequisite for a stroke.

How does it affect blood pressure?

Citramon affects the patient's blood pressure.

  1. If a person has normal performance pressure, the drug will not have a special effect, and the caffeine contained in its composition will simply dilate the blood vessels.
  2. With a slight increase in pressure parameters, the medicine will not give a special effect, and the caffeine in its composition can both make the vessels wider and narrow them.
  3. Citramon at elevated and very high pressure is dangerous to take, because it can lead to a stroke. Such vasoconstriction at elevated pressure can lead to rupture of cerebral vessels. Given the fact that citramone contains aspirin, the blood does not coagulate well. This will make the stroke even more severe.
  4. It is possible to take Citramon if a person suffers from headaches and single pressure rises, but one-time. In this case, the patient should not suffer from hypertensive crisis and constantly high blood pressure.

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Forms of release of the drug

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs under the brand name "Citramon" with a slightly modified composition.

This form of medicine affects the lowering of the patient's elevated body temperature. With this composition, caffeine improves the effectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol. This drug is not recommended for children under 15 years of age. Dosage for an adult patient: 1-2 tablets two to three times a day.

If there are problems with the kidneys or liver while taking the medicine, then the interval between taking the pills should be at least eight hours.

Citramon-Lect is easy to purchase at any pharmacy kiosk without a doctor's prescription. It contains: acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Citramon-Lect is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. Citramon-Lect should be taken only by adults and adolescents over 14 years of age.

The composition of the drug includes acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. It is effective for pain of moderate to low intensity. The duration of the course of the drug should not exceed more than 10 days, and the dosage is three to four tablets per day.

The maximum amount of medication per day that a patient should take is 8 tablets.

This medicine is made in the form of capsules with a shell. Inside the granules is a powder of acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Dosage of the drug: one or two capsules three to four times a day.

Advantages of Citramon Ultra in comparison with ordinary Citramon:

  • The film that covers the tablets of Citramon Ultra protects the gastric mucosa from irritation. This makes it easier to take the drug for patients suffering from high acidity of the stomach.
  • The packaging of the drug is more convenient than that of ordinary citramone, thanks to the blister.
  • The composition of Citramon Ultra is enriched with paracetamol, which enhances the effect of pain relief and helps to reduce the temperature. Such a medicine is stronger than ordinary citramone.

Citramon-Darnitsa is quite well known for patients. Release form: tablets in a blister. Citramon-Darnitsa should also not be consumed by children before adolescence due to the presence of acetylsalicylic acid. In its composition: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, starch, cocoa, other auxiliary components.

Citramon-Darnitsa contains caffeine, but in smaller proportions compared to other drugs.

Citramon forte

Release form: tablets. Ingredients: citric acid, starch, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, caffeine, etc. Dosage: one to two tablets 2-3 per day. It is recommended to take the medicine only for adults and children over 14 years of age.

Indications for use

What helps Citramon? The medicine is used to overcome pain before menstruation, toothache, headaches of various origins.

What do citramone granules help with? The medicine relieves febrile conditions with influenza and colds, eliminates pain with neuralgia, myalgia.

The use of medicine for children

Citramon is contraindicated in children under 14 years of age. Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the product, negatively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Use of medicine for pregnant women

The drug should not be used by pregnant women who are in the 1st trimester and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This may lead to congenital pathology fetus and lead to anomalies in its development. In addition, acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of bleeding during childbirth.

Even if a pregnant woman decides to take Citramon in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, she will definitely need to consult a doctor

Application during breastfeeding

It is not recommended to take the medicine of a nursing mother during this period. Reasons to refuse the drug:

  • At this time, citramon can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, causing gastritis or an ulcer.
  • Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, and together with milk, this substance enters the body of a newborn. Negative symptoms of caffeine intake include insomnia, irritability, vomiting, and nausea.
  • In addition, paracetamol, contained in many forms of citramone, has a negative effect on the liver. The child's body is unable to cope with it and the drug will have a toxic effect on the child's liver.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid badly impairs blood clotting, and when feeding it is easy to harm not only yourself, but also your baby.


  • Allergic reactions to drug components
  • Blood clotting problems (hemophilia)
  • Severe form of arterial hypertension
  • Stomach ulcer and gastritis
  • Acute liver or kidney failure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Ischemic disease
  • Age of the patient (does not apply to children)
  • Upcoming surgery

drug and alcohol

Citramon categorically cannot be combined with the use of alcoholic beverages. This leads to bleeding, stomach ulcers, erosions. The consequences are neurological abnormalities: tinnitus occurs, partial hearing loss is possible, anxiety, hallucinations, and convulsions often occur. Taking citramon with alcohol in exceptional cases causes loss of consciousness, nausea, anaphylactic shock.

Citramon has a toxic effect on the liver.

Instructions for use, dosage

How to take Citramon? Tablets are drunk during a meal or after a meal. Recommended dosage: one tablet no more than once every four hours. If the pain is severe, then the dosage is adjusted: the patient can drink 2 tablets. Daily dosage: about 4 tablets per 24 hours.

Instructions for use of Citramon says that the medicine can be drunk no more than 8 tablets per day. The duration of the course of taking the medicine is not more than 10 days.

Taking Citramon tablets, according to the instructions for use, is enough for 5 days to remove acute pain, but in order to reduce elevated temperature: 2-3 days.

Changes in dosage and duration of the course must be agreed with the attending physician.


If the dose of the drug is exceeded, then the patient experiences attacks of nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach. The patient complains of tinnitus; his reactions are inhibited; breathe heavily; urine is difficult to excrete. In particularly difficult cases, convulsions begin, the patient loses consciousness.

An overdose of citramon does not endanger a person's life, but in the long term, a long-term overdose threatens with a stomach ulcer, anemia, arrhythmia, tachycardia, kidney and liver problems.

In case of an overdose of the medicine, you should rinse the stomach and see a doctor.

Side effects

The use of the medicine can cause allergies, stomach pain, nausea. The patient's blood pressure rises, toxic damage to the liver and kidneys begins, blood clotting is disturbed.

Often, patients report difficulty in excreting urine from the body and exacerbation of gout.

Interaction with other drugs

If you take medicine with heparin, barbiturates, epilepsy drugs and a number of others medicines, then, perhaps, an increase in the toxic effect on the liver and kidneys. Before taking other medicines, the patient should consult a doctor.

special instructions

The drug is not used in renal and hepatic insufficiency. For other diseases of the liver and kidneys, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The cost of drugs under the brand name "Citramon" varies depending on the markup of the pharmacy chain, the patient's region of residence and the purchase price from the supplier.

On average, Citramon-Borimed can be bought for 2-5 rubles, Citramon P will be a little more expensive and costs from 8 to 15 rubles. Citramon-Lekt at average pharmacy prices will be 18–25 rubles, Citramon-MFF will be slightly cheaper from 15 to 18 rubles. And Citramon-Ultra (in the shell) is sold at a price of 45-50 rubles.

Storage and dispensing from the pharmacy

The medicine is kept out of the reach of children. It is desirable that the storage place is cool. Shelf life from 36 to 60 months from the date of manufacture.


Despite its popularity, there are not so many drugs similar to citramone. Almost all of them contain acetylsalicylic acid.

  • Askofen. The composition is similar to Citramon, enriched with vaseline oil, talc, etc. It is used to treat headaches, fevers, lumbago, radicular syndrome. The price is about 25 rubles.
  • Acepar. The composition does not differ from citramone. Available in granules for suspension, capsules and tablets. Price: 30–35 rubles.
  • migrenol. Ingredients: caffeine and paracetamol, auxiliary components. Available in the form of coated tablets. The average cost is from 160 rubles.


Patients characterize citramon as effective remedy from pain with an affordable cost, marking it among many medicines of a similar profile. Most people consider it a good drug, which has proven its effectiveness for many years, which is easy to buy at any pharmacy.

Does citramon thin the blood?

Yes, the drug contains components that thin the blood, which makes it inappropriate for patients who have a tendency to bleed.

If a person is preparing for an operation, then taking Citramon is also not worth it.

An allergic reaction to a medication can occur even when taking one pill. The most common allergen is aspirin in its composition.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

Much less often, patients are allergic to paracetamol or caffeine, which are part of citramon.

Frequently asked Questions

Use during menstruation

This medicine is effective for the relief of pain before and during menstruation. In addition, it helps with vegetovascular dystonia, the manifestations of which often occur during this period. Caffeine in the composition of the tablets relieves depression, eliminates headaches and increases blood pressure.

Citramon helps relieve discomfort in the mammary glands, removing excess fluid from the tissues. Eliminates headaches, helps to defeat weakness and lethargy, improving performance, increasing the endurance of the body.

What is better citramon or askofen?

Both drugs have a similar composition and effect. Their difference is in the proportion of active substances. Askofene contains more caffeine and paracetamol, but less acetylsalicylic acid. Askofen can be used as a substitute. Both drugs are equally effective, but for patients with blood clotting problems, it is better to use askofen.

Both drugs have a similar spectrum of action, but they have a different composition. The mechanism of action of analgin on the source of pain is different from the action of citramone.

Analgin, thanks to sodium metamizole, does not allow pain impulses to pass to the brain, relieves the excitability of the patient's pain centers. It has less effect on the gastrointestinal tract than citramon, has an antipyretic effect. It lowers the temperature better than aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is an antispasmodic.

Analgin has a stronger effect in comparison with citramon, in those moments when you need to relieve spasm or reduce the temperature during fever. But it is banned in many countries because of the risk of agranulocytosis, which sometimes leads to death.

In some cases, analgin is more effective than citramon, but more dangerous for the human body.

Are Citramon and Paracetamol the same thing?

No. Paracetamol is an antipyretic drug. It is one of the active elements of Citramon, along with caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid.

Can I drink with a cold?

Citramon does not cure colds, but it can extinguish a number of cold symptoms, including muscle pain, eliminate headaches, relieve feelings of fatigue and drowsiness.

Citramon reduces the temperature, relieves febrile conditions with flu and colds, thanks to paracetamol in the composition.

Citramon is an effective remedy with an affordable cost for any patient. It perfectly relieves pain of low and medium intensity of different genesis, helps women to relieve premenstrual syndrome. At the same time, like any drug, it has a number of side effects (allergies, complications with the liver and kidneys, a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract). Its big disadvantage will be the impossibility of application for pediatrics. Like any medicine, it is best to use it after consulting a doctor.

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Read the opinion of doctors on this issue

Having listened to the advice of friends and acquaintances, we thoughtlessly take medicines, considering them harmless and rather weak.

However, the composition of any drug includes substances that affect our body in different ways. Therefore, before taking a medicine, it is still better to learn more about its effect on the body, especially if it is taken regularly.

Citramon is a popular pain reliever that people can use without any control, without thinking about how it affects the body. There is even a myth that this medicine helps get rid of a hangover. Knowing the composition of this drug will help to understand the meaning of its action.

It cannot be said that citramone has so many contraindications. However, there are quite serious ones: it should not be taken during pregnancy; after childbirth, if the woman is breastfeeding; before operations; with gout and diseased liver.

Most of the drugs currently marketed under the name "Citramon", "Aquacitramon" and "Citramon-P" include only aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), caffeine and paracetamol. Modern Citramon no longer contains phenacetin, as it is recognized as a toxic substance.

This drug is most helpful for headaches of various origins, and also slightly reduces toothache and muscle pain. It is also used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The composition of the substances in citramone is selected so that they enhance and complement each other's action, so the effect of taking the medicine comes quite quickly:

Aspirin relieves inflammation, lowers body temperature and reduces pain in body tissues;

Caffeine has an invigorating effect and enhances overall blood circulation;

Paracetamol neutralizes the substances that cause headaches.

As for taking citramone with a hangover, this is just a myth. main reason A hangover is a violation of the water-salt balance, which the drug cannot fix. It undoubtedly has a short-term effect, but it can bring great harm, because paracetamol will heavily load the liver, and together with decay products, it can lead to an increase in hangover. In addition, caffeine will increase tissue oxygen demand, which can increase nausea and even induce vomiting. Aspirin can harm the gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, it is also necessary to study well-known medicines so as not to accidentally harm your body.

The drug Citramon has been known for several decades as a universal pain reliever. Previously, its active ingredients were: phenacetin, aspirin, caffeine. Today, the traditional version is not produced, and the composition of the drug has changed somewhat - instead of phenacetin, paracetamol is added to it.

Citramon is most effective for headaches, but, thanks to the improvement of the drug, it is also prescribed to relieve inflammation in muscles, joints and bones, from algomenorrhea, febrile syndrome.

Does Citramon help with headaches?

described pharmacological drug able to stop pain, but only mild and moderate severity. Intense attacks of pulsating, squeezing, stabbing and other pain Citramon will not be able to eliminate.

An analgesic is sometimes prescribed to treat migraines. It is worth noting that in this case, Citramon helps only at the very beginning of the development of pain or at the first signs of an aura. These pills do not stop an acute migraine attack.

How does Citramon work for headaches?

The drug is based on 3 active ingredients:

  1. Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. The compound produces an antipyretic effect, and also stops the pain syndrome provoked by the inflammatory process. Additionally, aspirin improves blood microcirculation and prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  2. Paracetamol. The ingredient directly affects the body's thermoregulatory centers in the hypothalamus, reduces the production of prostaglandins. Due to this, a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect is achieved.
  3. Caffeine. In a small dosage, this component normalizes blood flow and increases the tone of cerebral vessels, thereby enhancing the effect of the use of the 2 compounds described above.

The action of Citramon in headache is due to the combination of the considered ingredients. Taking the pill allows you to simultaneously stop inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, improve blood supply to brain tissues and oxygen supply to them, reduce blood viscosity and platelet count, increase efficiency, mental and physical activity.

Is it possible to drink Citramon with headaches and high blood pressure?

Given the content of caffeine in the presented medication, patients arterial hypertension they are afraid to take it because of the risk of an even greater increase in pressure. However, the concentration of this component is extremely low (30 mg), which does not allow it to have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Accordingly, Citramon is allowed to be used even by hypertensive patients at the time of an increase in blood pressure.

The only exception is portal hypertension. With this diagnosis, the combined anesthetic drug is contraindicated.

Is Citramon harmful with frequent use for headaches?

Like any other analgesic, Citramon is undesirable to take. long time or abuse it. Otherwise, a number of negative side effects, often irreversible, often occur. Among them, the following pathologies are most common:

  • hypocoagulation;
  • chronic headache;
  • constant tinnitus;
  • nosebleeds;
  • visual impairment;
  • kidney damage;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • frequent and severe dizziness;
  • bleeding gums;
  • papillary necrosis;
  • hyperpyrexia;
  • decreased aggregation and functionality of platelets;
  • purpura and other hemorrhagic syndromes;
  • deterioration of liver function;
  • regular vomiting;
  • deafness;
  • disorders of the psyche and the central nervous system;
  • Reye's syndrome.

Citramon benefit and harm

Tell me, when was the last time you went to the pharmacy and bought Citramon, did you take along with the purchase the instructions for it? Once upon a time? And when did you read it? How much did you understand from this?

Do you know that Citromon DO NOT take:

Children under 15

For gastritis or ulcers

With severe arterial hypertension (high blood pressure)

After drinking alcohol

For insomnia (sleep disorders)

Caution in liver disease

And how do you like folk thoughts about citramone: your head hurts - take citramone - it will help anyone - and if it doesn’t help, it won’t hurt; menstruation interferes with living with pain - citramone, citramone is the safest medicine, take citramone for a cold, and so on, yesterday you had a good rest - it will help again, drinking citramone often is not dangerous, it helps from everything, if a child - then half a tablet, a cat - a quarter. Sounds like what you think of citramone? If not you, then your acquaintances, friends, parents. I'm just scared of people who come to the pharmacy and take popachek right away - this means that they drink it all the time. It is especially a pity for pregnant women, who only by the end of the term find out that citramon is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Let's figure out what citramon is, is it useful or harmful.

So, the truth about Citramon

1) What is included in the composition of citramon

Citramon contains aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. Different manufacturers call this drug differently and slightly vary the amount of active ingredients:

2) What are the indications for taking Citramon:

Pain syndrome of mild and moderate severity (of various origins):

  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • toothache;
  • neuralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • algomenorrhea.
  • febrile syndrome with acute respiratory infections and influenza
  • 3) To whom citramon is contraindicated:

    These are various allergic reactions to any substance that is part of citramone, including not only active, but also auxiliary substances.

    For any gastritis-like pain, the drug is contraindicated, especially if you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer or intestinal ulcer in the acute (unhealed) phase. Even when using low doses of aspirin - mg / day (as an antiplatelet agent) - aspirin can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and lead to the development of erosions and / or ulcers, which are often complicated by bleeding. The risk of bleeding is dose-dependent: when administered at a dose of 75 mg / day, it is 40% lower than at a dose of 300 mg, and 30% lower than at a dose of 150 mg. Even slightly, but constantly bleeding erosions and ulcers can lead to a systematic loss of blood in the feces (2-5 ml / day) and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

    The first sign is a change in the color of feces to dark

    Characteristic for some asthmatics: a variant of endogenous or mixed bronchial asthma in which one of the factors contributing to the narrowing of the bronchi are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including acetylsalicylic acid; consists of a triad of symptoms: polyposis rhinosinusitis, asthma attacks and intolerance to NSAIDs

    Hereditary disease associated with impaired coagulation (the process of blood clotting); with this disease, hemorrhages occur in the joints, muscles and internal organs, both spontaneously and as a result of trauma or surgery. With hemophilia, the risk of a patient's death from hemorrhage increases sharply, even with a minor injury, since it is very difficult to stop it (weak blood clotting).

    Hemorrhagic diathesis includes diseases based on disorders vascular wall and various parts of the hemostasis system, causing increased bleeding or a tendency to its occurrence. On the globe, about 5 million people suffer from primary hemorrhagic manifestations. Given that secondary hemorrhages, such as DIC in the pre-agonal state, are not always fixed, one can imagine the prevalence of hemorrhagic diathesis.

    Deficiency of the clotting factor prothrombin in the blood, as a result of which a person has an increased tendency to bleed. Hypoprothrombinemia may be hereditary or may develop as a result of any liver disease, vitamin K deficiency in the body, or the use of anticoagulants in the treatment of another disease.

    This is a syndrome of increased pressure in the portal vein system caused by impaired blood flow in the portal vessels, hepatic veins and inferior vena cava. In most cases, portal hypertension is a consequence of cirrhosis of the liver, schistosomiasis (in endemic areas), structural abnormalities of the hepatic vessels.

    Vitamin K deficiency may develop due to intestinal malabsorption (such as bile duct obstruction), therapeutic or accidental absorption of vitamin K antagonists, or, very rarely, dietary vitamin K deficiency. As a result of acquired vitamin K deficiency, Gla-radicals are not completely formed, as a result of which Gla-proteins do not fully perform their functions. The above factors can lead to the following: profuse internal hemorrhages, cartilage ossification, severe deformation of developing bones, or salt deposits on the walls of arterial vessels.

    With prolonged use of paracetamol more than 1 tablet per day (1000 or more tablets per life), the risk of developing severe analgesic nephropathy, leading to terminal renal failure, doubles. It is based on the nephrotoxic effect of paracetamol metabolites, especially para-aminophenol, which accumulates in the renal papillae, binds to SH groups, causing severe violations functions and structures of cells, up to their death. At the same time, the systematic use of aspirin is not associated with such a risk. Thus, paracetamol is more nephrotoxic than aspirin and should not be considered a "perfectly safe" drug.

    Citramon is contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy due to its constituent acetylsalicylic acid. And caffeine, which is part of citramon, enhances the effect of acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin has a teratogenic effect on the fetus; with prolonged use in the first trimester, it can lead to a malformation - splitting of the upper palate; in the III trimester - to inhibition of labor activity, to the closure of the arterial duct in the fetus, which causes hyperplasia of the pulmonary vessels and hypertension in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. Citramon causes increased bleeding due to impaired platelet aggregation and inhibition of prothrombin synthesis in the liver, which during childbirth is dangerous with severe bleeding.

    Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of Citramon, is excreted in breast milk, which increases the risk of bleeding in a child due to impaired platelet function, can also lead to Reye's Syndrome, therefore, maternal acetylsalicylic acid should not be used during lactation.

    Paracetamol is excreted in breast milk: the content in milk is 0.04-0.23% of the dose taken by the mother, paracetamol is contraindicated in the neonatal period.

    Patients develop hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia varying severity.

    The incidence of arterial hypertension in Russia among men is 39.2%, among women - 41.1%. However, 58% of women and 37.1% of men are informed about their illness, drug treatment carried out in 45.7 and 21.6% of cases, respectively. The therapy is effective only in 17.5% of women and 5.7% of men.

    The incidence of arterial hypertension increases as the age of patients increases. In Russia, approximately 80% of people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with elevated levels HELL. In the world, this figure reaches 60%. Approximately 65 million people in the United States suffer from arterial hypertension. At the same time, only 79% are aware of their illness. Courses of treatment are 59% of patients.

    Ischemic heart disease (CHD) - pathological condition, characterized by an absolute or relative violation of the blood supply to the myocardium due to damage coronary arteries hearts. Coronary artery disease is a myocardial disorder caused by a disorder of the coronary circulation resulting from an imbalance between the coronary blood flow and the metabolic needs of the heart muscle. In other words, the myocardium needs more oxygen than it receives from the blood. IHD can occur acutely (in the form of myocardial infarction), as well as chronically (periodic attacks of angina pectoris)

    The incidence of glaucoma in adults is 1-1.5 cases per 100 people.

    Caffeine, which is part of citramone, increases nervous excitability

    Insomnia often occurs in older people, caffeine, which is part of citramone, aggravates insomnia

  • surgical interventions accompanied by bleeding
  • Before surgery, to reduce bleeding during surgery and during postoperative period you should stop taking salicylates for 5-7 days.

    Up to 15 years - the risk of developing Reye's syndrome in children with hyperthermia on the background of viral diseases.

    Reye's syndrome - develops when aspirin (part of citramon) is prescribed to children with viral infections (flu, chicken pox). It presents with severe encephalopathy, cerebral edema, and liver damage that occurs without jaundice, but with high levels of cholesterol and liver enzymes. Gives very high lethality (up to 80%). Therefore, aspirin should not be used for acute respiratory viral infections in children of the first 12 years of life.

    Overdose or poisoning in mild cases is manifested by symptoms of "salicylicism": tinnitus (a sign of "saturation" with salicylate), deafness, hearing loss, headache, visual disturbances, sometimes nausea and vomiting. In severe intoxication, disorders of the central nervous system and water-electrolyte metabolism develop. There is shortness of breath (as a result of stimulation of the respiratory center), acid-base disorders (first respiratory alkalosis due to loss of carbon dioxide, then metabolic acidosis due to inhibition of tissue metabolism), polyuria, hyperthermia, dehydration. Myocardial oxygen consumption increases, heart failure, pulmonary edema may develop. The most sensitive to the toxic effect of salicylate are children under 5 years of age, in whom, as in adults, it manifests itself as severe disorders of the acid-base state and neurological symptoms. The severity of intoxication depends on the dose of aspirin taken (Table 6).

    Mild to moderate intoxication occurs at mg/kg, severe poisoning occurs at mg/kg, and doses greater than 500 mg/kg are potentially lethal. come back

    4) Who needs to take Citramon with caution:

    Acetylsalicylic acid, even in small doses, reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body, which can cause an acute attack of gout in predisposed patients.

    Paracetamol is hepatotoxic when taken in very high doses. Its simultaneous administration at a dose of more than 10 g in adults or more than 140 mg / kg in children leads to poisoning, accompanied by severe liver damage. The reason is the depletion of glutathione reserves and the accumulation of intermediate products of the metabolism of paracetamol, which have a hepatotoxic effect. AT last years data appeared on the hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol with its moderate overdose, with the appointment of paracetamol in high therapeutic doses and the simultaneous administration of inducers of the microsomal enzyme system of the liver P-450 ( antihistamines, glucocorticoids, phenobarbital, ethacrynic acid), as well as in alcoholics.

    Even when taken in therapeutic doses (1.5 g / day, according to GF X), paracetamol can cause serious liver damage in alcoholics, as well as in persons who systematically drink alcohol (for men - a daily intake of more than 700 ml of beer or 200 ml of wine, for women - doses are 2 times less), especially if paracetamol was taken after a short period of time after drinking alcohol. With the simultaneous use of aspirin with ethanol (alcohol), the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastrointestinal tract may be enhanced.

    Think about how often, how many times a week do you while away the evening with a bottle of beer? And so - taking citramone as a remedy for a hangover is very harmful to your liver. In various kinds of advice on the Internet, how to get rid of a morning hangover, advice such as take a citramone tablet + a paracetamol tablet is far from the last place. And many practice to drink coldrex maxigripp or teraflu extra (the maximum possible content of paracetamol) from a hangover. Helps, I do not argue - but at what cost?

    With prolonged use of paracetamol more than 1 tablet per day (1000 or more tablets per life), the risk of developing severe analgesic nephropathy, leading to terminal renal failure, doubles.

    Caffeine, like other CNS stimulants, is contraindicated in hyperexcitability, insomnia, severe hypertension and atherosclerosis, in organic diseases of cardio-vascular system, in old age, with glaucoma.


    I do not protest against taking citramone for pain - this is good remedy. But you need to use it with an eye on contraindications and make sure that it does not become a habit, that citramone does not become a panacea for all types of misfortunes. And please - do not give Citramon to children and pregnant women!


    Good afternoon! Please tell me, is it possible to drink Citramon from a headache at an early stage of pregnancy? And if not, what is still possible?

    And one more question: I drank the antibiotic Augmentin in the first or second week of pregnancy (I didn’t know that I was pregnant). The contraindications say that pregnant women should not. Tell me, how dangerous is this in my case? Can this really harm the baby? This issue is very worrisome. Thank you in advance.


    Citramon is contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy due to its constituent acetylsalicylic acid. And caffeine, which is part of citramon, enhances the effect of acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin has a teratogenic effect on the fetus; with prolonged use in the first trimester, it can lead to a malformation - splitting of the upper palate; in the III trimester - to inhibition of labor activity, to the closure of the arterial duct in the fetus, which causes hyperplasia of the pulmonary vessels and hypertension in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. Thus, taking Citramon during pregnancy is contraindicated. If you have frequent headaches during pregnancy, you need to find out their cause. Paracetamol can be used for migraine headaches, as well as tension headaches (with the permission of your doctor). From painkillers, you can also take No-shpu.

    Augmentin during pregnancy is taken with caution and under the supervision of your doctor. Amoxicillin, which is part of Augmentin, does not have a teratogenic effect. In several studies that I found mention of, there was no adverse effect of amoxicillin / clavulanate (Augmentin) on the fetus when using the drug in pregnant women in the first trimester.

    At your next visit to the doctor who is managing your pregnancy, be sure to tell him about the medicines you are taking on early dates. He will prescribe additional studies that will help eliminate the possibility of malformations.


    Unfortunately, paracetamol and no-shpa do not help at all with my frequent severe headaches (ultrasound of the vessels of the head, tomography, and other studies did not reveal the cause of the migraine). I have been married for four years, but I am afraid of getting pregnant precisely because of a migraine. The first pregnancy was unsuccessful (at the 6th week there was a miscarriage after taking two tablets of Citramon). Help, please, in my case.


    I can't recommend anything new. Of the analgesics for migraine during pregnancy, only paracetamol (acetaminophen) can be used in small doses in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. In the 3rd trimester, it is contraindicated. Other analgesics are contraindicated. If paracetamol does not help you, try combining it with caffeine (how to take it is described below). Citramon should not be taken during pregnancy. The component of citramon that could cause a miscarriage is acetylsalicylic acid. It is contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimester.

    It is necessary to identify the patterns of migraine occurrence - perhaps this is a reaction to the following factors: stress, nervous and physical overexertion, nutritional factors (cheese, chocolate, nuts, fish), alcohol (most often beer and red wine, champagne), hormonal causes (menstrual cycle, taking contraceptives), sleep (lack or excess), weather factors (change of weather, change of climatic conditions). Try to avoid these factors.

    With migraine, intestinal motility slows down and is often accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting. With nausea and vomiting that accompanies an attack, you can take cerucal (metoclopramide) - but it is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Due to the slowing down of the intestines, it is recommended to take migraine medications in combination with caffeine, which facilitates the absorption of drugs and accelerates their action. Caffeine sodium benzoate for normal patients is prescribed 200 mg during an attack of pain, then 100 mg 2-3 times a day for several days. I have not found any serious contraindications for pregnant women. But the dose definitely needs to be reduced. Consult with your doctor. Sometimes papazol also helps. It is not contraindicated in pregnant women.


    Hello! I was in the clinic, I had a miscarriage, doctors allowed all pregnant women to have citramone for headaches, I thought it was harmless, I’m now 4 weeks pregnant, I drank 10 pills during these 4 weeks, of course not every day, how serious is it?


    The instructions for the drug Citramon clearly state that it is contraindicated in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of citramon, has a teratogenic effect, so taking the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly prohibited in order to avoid the occurrence of congenital anomalies in the development of the fetus. Why some doctors allow him to take it is not clear to me. When planning conception and pregnancy, before taking any drug, be sure to read the instructions (contraindications) even for the simplest and most well-known drugs in your opinion. Because otherwise you can take something harmful to the unborn baby. Try to take less medicines, even those allowed according to the instructions. How serious it is for your unborn child to take citramone in the first trimester can only be found out by your doctor who leads the pregnancy. Tell him as soon as possible about the fact of taking Citramon.


    Children under 15

    For gastritis or ulcers

    With severe arterial hypertension (high blood pressure)

    After drinking alcohol

    For insomnia (sleep disorders)

    With glaucoma

    Caution in liver disease

    Impressive, huh?
    And how do you like people's thoughts about citramone: your head hurts - take citramone - it will help anyone - and if it doesn't help, it won't hurt; menstruation interferes with living with pain - citramone, citramone - this is the safest medicine, take citramone for a cold, and so on, yesterday you had a good rest - it will help again, drinking citramone often is not dangerous, it helps from everything if the child - then half a tablet, a quarter for a cat. Sounds like what you think of citramone? If not you, then your acquaintances, friends, parents. I'm just scared of people who come to the pharmacy and take 10-20 packs at once - this means that they drink it all the time. It is especially a pity for pregnant women, who only by the end of the term find out that citramon is contraindicated for pregnant women.
    Let's figure out what citramon is, is it useful or harmful.
    So, the truth about Citramon

    1) What is included in the composition of citramon

    The composition of citramon includes, and. Different manufacturers call this drug differently and slightly vary the amount of active ingredients:

    2) What are the indications for taking Citramon:

    Pain syndrome of mild and moderate severity (of various origins):

    • headache;
    • migraine;
    • toothache;
    • neuralgia;
    • myalgia;
    • arthralgia;
    • algomenorrhea.
    • febrile syndrome with acute respiratory infections and influenza

    3) To whom citramon is contraindicated:

    • hypersensitivity
    These are various allergic reactions to any substance that is part of citramone, including not only active, but also auxiliary substances.

    • uh rozivno-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract(in the acute phase)
    For any gastritis-like pain, the drug is contraindicated, especially if you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer or intestinal ulcer in the acute (unhealed) phase. Even when using aspirin in low doses - 75-300 mg / day (as an antiplatelet agent) - aspirin can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and lead to the development of erosions and / or ulcers, which are often complicated by bleeding. The risk of bleeding is dose-dependent: when administered at a dose of 75 mg / day, it is 40% lower than at a dose of 300 mg, and 30% lower than at a dose of 150 mg. Even slightly, but constantly bleeding erosions and ulcers can lead to a systematic loss of blood in the feces (2-5 ml / day) and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

    • gastrointestinal bleeding
    The first sign is a change in the color of feces to dark

    • "aspirin" asthma
    Characteristic for some asthmatics: a variant of endogenous or mixed bronchial asthma, in which one of the factors contributing to the narrowing of the bronchi are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including acetylsalicylic acid; consists of a triad of symptoms: polyposis rhinosinusitis, asthma attacks and intolerance to NSAIDs

    • hemophilia
    Hereditary disease associated with impaired coagulation (the process of blood clotting); with this disease, hemorrhages occur in the joints, muscles and internal organs, both spontaneously and as a result of trauma or surgery. With hemophilia, the risk of a patient's death from hemorrhage increases sharply, even with a minor injury, since it is very difficult to stop it (weak blood clotting).

    • hemorrhagic diathesis
    Hemorrhagic diathesis includes diseases based on violations of the vascular wall and various parts of the hemostasis system, causing increased bleeding or a tendency to its occurrence. On the globe, about 5 million people suffer from primary hemorrhagic manifestations. Given that secondary hemorrhages, such as DIC in the pre-agonal state, are not always fixed, one can imagine the prevalence of hemorrhagic diathesis.

    • hypoprothrombinemia
    Deficiency of the clotting factor prothrombin in the blood, as a result of which a person has an increased tendency to bleed. Hypoprothrombinemia may be hereditary or may develop as a result of any liver disease, vitamin K deficiency in the body, or the use of anticoagulants in the treatment of another disease.

    • portal hypertension
    This is a syndrome of increased pressure in the portal vein system caused by impaired blood flow in the portal vessels, hepatic veins and inferior vena cava. In most cases, portal hypertension is a consequence of cirrhosis of the liver, schistosomiasis (in endemic areas), structural abnormalities of the hepatic vessels.

    • beriberi K
    Vitamin K deficiency may develop due to intestinal malabsorption (such as bile duct obstruction), therapeutic or accidental absorption of vitamin K antagonists, or, very rarely, dietary vitamin K deficiency. As a result of acquired vitamin K deficiency, Gla-radicals are not completely formed, as a result of which Gla-proteins do not fully perform their functions. The above factors can lead to the following: profuse internal hemorrhages, cartilage ossification, severe deformation of developing bones, or salt deposits on the walls of arterial vessels.

    • kidney failure
    With prolonged use of paracetamol more than 1 tablet per day (1000 or more tablets per life), the risk of developing severe analgesic nephropathy, leading to terminal renal failure, doubles. It is based on the nephrotoxic effect of paracetamol metabolites, especially para-aminophenol, which accumulates in the renal papillae, binds to SH-groups, causing severe violations of the function and structure of cells, up to their death. At the same time, the systematic use of aspirin is not associated with such a risk. Thus, paracetamol is more nephrotoxic than aspirin and should not be considered a "perfectly safe" drug.

    • pregnancy (I and III trimesters)
    Citramon is contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy due to its constituent acetylsalicylic acid. And caffeine, which is part of citramon, enhances the effect of acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin has a teratogenic effect on the fetus; with prolonged use in the first trimester, it can lead to a malformation - splitting of the upper palate; in the III trimester - to inhibition of labor activity, to the closure of the arterial duct in the fetus, which causes hyperplasia of the pulmonary vessels and hypertension in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. Citramon causes increased bleeding due to impaired platelet aggregation and inhibition of prothrombin synthesis in the liver, which during childbirth is dangerous with severe bleeding.

    • lactation (breastfeeding)
    Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of citramon, is excreted in breast milk, which increases the risk of bleeding in a child due to impaired platelet function, can also lead to, therefore, maternal acetylsalicylic acid should not be used during lactation.
    Paracetamol is excreted in breast milk: the content in milk is 0.04-0.23% of the dose taken by the mother, paracetamol is contraindicated in the neonatal period.

    • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
    Patients develop hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia of varying severity.

    • severe arterial hypertension
    The incidence of arterial hypertension in Russia among men is 39.2%, among women - 41.1%. However, 58% of women and 37.1% of men are informed about their illness, drug treatment is carried out in 45.7 and 21.6% of cases, respectively. The therapy is effective only in 17.5% of women and 5.7% of men.
    The incidence of arterial hypertension increases as the age of patients increases. In Russia, approximately 80% of people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with elevated blood pressure levels. In the world, this figure reaches 60%. Approximately 65 million people in the United States suffer from arterial hypertension. At the same time, only 79% are aware of their illness. Courses of treatment are 59% of patients.

    • severe course of coronary artery disease
    Ischemic heart disease (CHD) is a pathological condition characterized by absolute or relative impairment of myocardial blood supply due to damage to the coronary arteries of the heart. Coronary artery disease is a myocardial disorder caused by a disorder of the coronary circulation resulting from an imbalance between the coronary blood flow and the metabolic needs of the heart muscle. In other words, the myocardium needs more oxygen than it receives from the blood. IHD can occur acutely (in the form of myocardial infarction), as well as chronically (periodic attacks of angina pectoris)

    • glaucoma
    The incidence of glaucoma in adults is 1-1.5 cases per 100 people.

    • hyperexcitability
    Caffeine, which is part of citramone, increases nervous excitability

    • sleep disorders
    Insomnia often occurs in older people, caffeine, which is part of citramone, aggravates insomnia

    • surgical interventions accompanied by bleeding
    Before surgery, to reduce bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period, salicylates should be discontinued 5-7 days in advance.

    • childhood
    Up to 15 years - the risk of developing Reye's syndrome in children with hyperthermia on the background of viral diseases.
    Reye's syndrome - develops with the appointment of aspirin (part of citramon) to children with viral infections (flu, chicken pox). It presents with severe encephalopathy, cerebral edema, and liver damage that occurs without jaundice, but with high levels of cholesterol and liver enzymes. Gives very high lethality (up to 80%). Therefore, aspirin should not be used for acute respiratory viral infections in children of the first 12 years of life.
    Overdose or poisoning in mild cases is manifested by symptoms of "salicylism": tinnitus (a sign of "saturation" with salicylate), stupor, hearing loss, headache, visual disturbances, sometimes nausea and vomiting. In severe intoxication, disorders of the central nervous system and water-electrolyte metabolism develop. There is shortness of breath (as a result of stimulation of the respiratory center), acid-base disorders (first respiratory alkalosis due to loss of carbon dioxide, then metabolic acidosis due to inhibition of tissue metabolism), polyuria, hyperthermia, dehydration. Myocardial oxygen consumption increases, heart failure, pulmonary edema may develop. The most sensitive to the toxic effect of salicylate are children under 5 years of age, in whom, as in adults, it is manifested by severe disorders of the acid-base state and neurological symptoms. The severity of intoxication depends on the dose of aspirin taken (Table 6).
    Mild to moderate intoxication occurs at 150–300 mg/kg, 300–500 mg/kg leads to severe poisoning, and doses greater than 500 mg/kg are potentially lethal.

    4) Who needs to take Citramon with caution:

    • gout
    Acetylsalicylic acid, even in small doses, reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body, which can cause an acute attack of gout in predisposed patients.

    • liver disease
    Paracetamol is hepatotoxic when taken in very high doses. Its simultaneous administration at a dose of more than 10 g in adults or more than 140 mg / kg in children leads to poisoning, accompanied by severe liver damage. The reason is the depletion of glutathione reserves and the accumulation of intermediate products of the metabolism of paracetamol, which have a hepatotoxic effect. In recent years, data have appeared on the hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol with its moderate overdose, with the appointment of paracetamol in high therapeutic doses and the simultaneous use of inducers of the microsomal enzyme system of the liver P-450 (antihistamines, glucocorticoids, phenobarbital, ethacrynic acid), as well as in alcoholics.

    • when taken with alcohol
    Even when taken in therapeutic doses (1.5 g / day, according to GF X), paracetamol can cause serious liver damage in alcoholics, as well as in persons who systematically drink alcohol (for men - a daily intake of more than 700 ml of beer or 200 ml of wine, for women - doses are 2 times less), especially if paracetamol was taken after a short period of time after drinking alcohol. With the simultaneous use of aspirin with ethanol (alcohol), the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastrointestinal tract may be enhanced.
    Think about how often, how many times a week do you while away the evening with a bottle of beer? And so - taking citramone, as a remedy for a hangover, is very harmful to your liver. In various kinds of advice on the Internet, how to get rid of a morning hangover, advice such as take a citramone tablet + a paracetamol tablet is far from the last place. And many practice to drink coldrex maxigripp or teraflu extra (the maximum possible content of paracetamol) from a hangover. Helps, I do not argue - but at what cost?
    With prolonged use of paracetamol more than 1 tablet per day (1000 or more tablets per life), the risk of developing severe analgesic nephropathy, leading to terminal renal failure, doubles.
    Caffeine, like other CNS stimulants, is contraindicated in hyperexcitability, insomnia, severe hypertension and atherosclerosis, in organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, in old age, and in glaucoma.


    I do not protest against taking citramone for pain - it is a good remedy. But you need to use it with an eye on contraindications and make sure that it does not become a habit, that citramone does not become a panacea for all types of misfortunes. And please - do not give Citramon to children and pregnant women!


    Good afternoon! Please tell me, is it possible to drink Citramon from a headache at an early stage of pregnancy? And if not, what is still possible?
    And one more question: I drank the antibiotic Augmentin in the first or second week of pregnancy (I didn’t know that I was pregnant). The contraindications say that pregnant women should not. Tell me, how dangerous is this in my case? Can this really harm the baby? This issue is very worrisome. Thank you in advance.


    Citramon is contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy due to its constituent acetylsalicylic acid. And caffeine, which is part of citramon, enhances the effect of acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin has a teratogenic effect on the fetus; with prolonged use in the first trimester, it can lead to a malformation - splitting of the upper palate; in the III trimester - to inhibition of labor activity, to the closure of the arterial duct in the fetus, which causes hyperplasia of the pulmonary vessels and hypertension in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. Thus, taking Citramon during pregnancy is contraindicated. If you have frequent headaches during pregnancy, you need to find out their cause. Paracetamol can be used for migraine headaches, as well as tension headaches (with the permission of your doctor). From painkillers, you can also take No-shpu.
    Augmentin during pregnancy is taken with caution and under the supervision of your doctor. Amoxicillin, which is part of Augmentin, does not have a teratogenic effect. In several studies that I found mention of, there was no adverse effect of amoxicillin / clavulanate (Augmentin) on the fetus when using the drug in pregnant women in the first trimester.
    The next time you visit your doctor who is managing your pregnancy, be sure to tell him about the medicines you are taking in the early stages. He will prescribe additional studies that will help eliminate the possibility of malformations.


    Unfortunately, paracetamol and no-shpa do not help at all with my frequent severe headaches (ultrasound of the vessels of the head, tomography, and other studies did not reveal the cause of the migraine). I have been married for four years, but I am afraid of getting pregnant precisely because of a migraine. The first pregnancy was unsuccessful (at the 6th week there was a miscarriage after taking two tablets of Citramon). Help, please, in my case.


    I can't recommend anything new. Of the analgesics for migraine during pregnancy, only paracetamol (acetaminophen) can be used in small doses in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. In the 3rd trimester, it is contraindicated. Other analgesics are contraindicated. If paracetamol does not help you, try combining it with caffeine (how to take it is described below). Citramon should not be taken during pregnancy. The component of citramon that could cause a miscarriage is acetylsalicylic acid. It is contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimester.
    It is necessary to identify patterns in the appearance of migraine - perhaps this is a reaction to the following factors: stress, nervous and physical overexertion, nutritional factors (cheese, chocolate, nuts, fish), alcohol (most often beer and red wine, champagne), hormonal causes (menstrual cycle, taking contraceptives), sleep (lack or excess), weather factors (change of weather, change of climatic conditions). Try to avoid these factors.
    With migraine, intestinal motility slows down and is often accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting. With nausea and vomiting that accompanies an attack, you can take cerucal (metoclopramide) - but it is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Due to the slowing down of the intestines, it is recommended to take migraine medications in combination with caffeine, which facilitates the absorption of drugs and accelerates their action. Caffeine sodium benzoate for normal patients is prescribed 200 mg during an attack of pain, then 100 mg 2-3 times a day for several days. I have not found any serious contraindications for pregnant women. But the dose definitely needs to be reduced. Consult with your doctor. Sometimes papazol also helps. It is not contraindicated in pregnant women.


    Hello! I was in the clinic, I had a miscarriage, doctors allowed all pregnant women to have citramone for headaches, I thought it was harmless, I’m now 4 weeks pregnant, I drank 10 pills during these 4 weeks, of course not every day, how serious is it?


    The instructions for the drug Citramon clearly state that it is contraindicated in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of citramon, has a teratogenic effect, so taking the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly prohibited in order to avoid the occurrence of congenital anomalies in the development of the fetus. Why some doctors allow him to take it is not clear to me. When planning conception and pregnancy, before taking any drug, be sure to read the instructions (contraindications) even for the simplest and most well-known drugs in your opinion. Because otherwise you can take something harmful to the unborn baby. Try to take less medicines, even those allowed according to the instructions. How serious it is for your unborn child to take citramone in the first trimester can only be found out by your doctor who leads the pregnancy. Tell him as soon as possible about the fact of taking Citramon.

    According to Wikipedia data, traditionally Citramon tablets included 240 mg acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), 180 mg, 30 mg caffeine , 15 mg cocoa, 20 mg citric acid.

    However, at present classic recipe the manufacture of the drug is not used due to the withdrawal from circulation of one of its active components - phenacetin (This is due to the high substance nephrotoxicity ).

    Numerous manufacturers produce medicines with the word “Citramon” in their names, but they all have a slightly modified composition, in which, as analgesics and antipyretic instead of phenacetin used .

    In tablets from different manufacturers, the uniformity of active substances is maintained, however, the concentration of each of them may differ.

    Citramon P, Citramon U and Citramon M contain active ingredients (ASA, paracetamol and caffeine ), for example, are contained in the same concentration as in original preparation. But in the composition of Citramon-Forte, their concentration is already different: each tablet contains 320 mg of ASA, 240 mg paracetamol and 40 mg caffeine .

    The composition of the tablets Citramon Borimed includes 220 mg ASA, 200 mg paracetamol and 27 mg caffeine . The concentration of these substances in Citramon-LekT tablets is 240 mg, 180 mg and 27.5 mg, respectively.

    But the main difference between Citramon Ultra and Citramon is the presence of a film shell, which facilitates the swallowing of the tablet, acts as a reliable barrier between the mucosa of the digestive canal and the active ingredients contained in the tablets (in particular, the shell protects the stomach from the aggressive effects of ASA) and accelerates the absorption of the drug.

    Release form

    All manufacturers produce Citramon in the form of light brown tablets with a cocoa smell. The tablets are heterogeneous in appearance, have blotches and inclusions.

    They are produced packed in strips (6 pieces each) or blisters (10 pieces each). Packing No. 10*1, No. 6*1 and No. 10*10.

    pharmachologic effect

    The action of the drug is aimed at relief of pain, fever and inflammation .

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


    Citramon is a combined remedy, the action of which is due to the properties of the components contained in it ( non-narcotic analgesic , Psycostimulator and NSAIDs).

    ASA relieves fever and inflammation, relieves pain (especially if the pain is caused by an inflammatory process), has a moderate antiplatelet action , prevents the formation blood clots , improves microcirculation in the focus of inflammation.

    Paracetamol reduces the intensity of pain, knocks down the heat, has a weak anti-inflammatory action . The properties of this substance are associated with its effect on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamic region and a weakly expressed ability to inhibit the formation of Pg in peripheral tissues.

    Caffeine has a direct stimulating effect on the central nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of increased excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, vasomotor and respiratory centers, increased motor activity and strengthening of positive conditioned reflexes.

    Stimulates mental activity, temporarily reducing or eliminating drowsiness and fatigue, shortens reaction time. Reduces platelet aggregation .

    As part of Citramon tablets caffeine present in low concentration. Because of this, the substance has practically no stimulating effect on the central nervous system, however, it improves the tone of the brain vessels and helps to accelerate blood flow.

    Combination of ACK and paracetamol potentiates analgesic effect drug. How anesthetic , and antipyretic effects ACK and paracetamol increase with the simultaneous use of these substances with caffeine .


    After oral administration, the components contained in the tablets are absorbed quickly and almost completely. Caffeine at the same time, it helps to increase F (bioavailability) of ASA and paracetamol .

    During absorption, he and ASA are intensively biotransformed with the formation of pharmacologically active metabolites. From ASA in the process of deacetylation in the liver and intestinal wall is formed .

    Under the influence of the hepatic CYP1A2 isoenzyme, caffeine forms dimethylxanthines ( paraxanthine and theophylline ).

    TSmax of all active components of Citramon - from 0.3 to 1 hour. In blood plasma from 10 to 15% paracetamol and approximately 80% of the accepted dose of ASA are associated with albumin condition.

    All components of the tablets easily penetrate into any fluids and tissues of the body (including easily overcome the placental barrier and enter the breast milk). Minor concentrations of salicylates are found in brain tissues, while levels caffeine and paracetamol comparable to plasma levels of these substances.

    With the development acidosis ASA passes into a non-ionized form, due to which its penetration into the tissues of the NS increases.

    Metabolism of the active substance occurs in the liver. ASA has 4 metabolites (gentisuronic and gentisic acids, salicylovophenol glucuronide, salicylurat). Paracetamol forms sulfate (80% of the total) and paracetamol-glucuronide (both pharmacologically inactive), as well as a potentially toxic substance - N-acetyl-benziminoquinone (about 17% of the total).

    Metabolites caffeine - derivatives of uridine, mono- and dimethylxanthines, mono- and dimethyluric acid, di- and trimethylallantoin.

    Caffeine affects the pharmacokinetics paracetamol , slightly increasing (up to 20-25%) the formation of N-acetyl-benziminoquinone.

    Metabolites are excreted by the kidneys. About 5% paracetamol, about 10% caffeine and about 60% of salicylates are excreted unchanged.

    The elimination half-life is from 2 to 4.5 hours (all components of the drug are excreted at approximately the same rate). An increase in the dose of Citramon leads to a slowdown in the excretion of ASA in comparison with other substances up to 15 hours.

    In smokers, on the contrary, there is an acceleration of excretion caffeine in comparison with other components of the drug.

    Indications for Citramon's use

    Why Citramon P?

    When asked what Citramon P helps with, the manufacturer in the annotation to the drug replies that the use of tablets is advisable to relieve pain of mild and moderate severity, as well as to alleviate the patient's condition when febrile syndrome , which are accompanied and .

    Effective Citramon from the head (including migraine attacks), with joint and muscle pain, algomenorrhea .

    What are Citramon-LekT tablets for?

    Indications for the use of Citramon-LekT are the same as for other drugs, which are based on ASC , paracetamol and caffeine , namely: pain syndrome at algomenorrhea , neuralgia , myalgia , arthralgia , head and toothache , migraine .

    The drug can also be used as a remedy for fever with fever against the background and .

    Does Citramon help with toothache?

    Toothache is one of the indications for the use of the drug. The effectiveness of Citramon is due to the properties of its constituent NSAIDs, non-narcotic analgesic and psychostimulant .

    Reinforcing the action of each other, these components have a complex effect on the body, relieving any (including toothache) pain, especially if this pain is associated with inflammation. With an exacerbation chronic pulpitis , against which the temperature often rises, Citramon helps not only to relieve pain and reduce the severity of inflammation, but also has antipyretic action .


    The instructions list the following contraindications for Citramon:

    • full or partial combination recurrent nasal/sinus polyposis , and intolerance to NSAIDs or ASA (including history);
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets;
    • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
    • gastric or intestinal bleeding ;
    • portal hypertension ;
    • hemophilia ;
    • hypoprothrombinemia ;
    • hemorrhagic diathesis ;
    • beriberi K ;
    • IHD of severe course;
    • pronounced arterial hypertension ;
    • kidney failure ;
    • deficiency of the cytosolic enzyme G6PD;
    • pregnancy (especially its first and last trimesters);
    • lactation;
    • increased excitability;
    • dissecting aortic aneurysm ;
    • sleep disorders;
    • surgical interventions accompanied by bleeding;
    • children's age (in children under fifteen years of age with hyperthermia on the background viral infection high risk of developing Reye's syndrome );
    • concomitant use anticoagulants .

    Relative contraindications are and available liver pathology .

    Side effects

    Side effects of Citramon:

    • gastralgia , anorexia , nausea, the formation of erosions and ulcerative elements on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, gastric and intestinal bleeding;
    • liver failure ;
    • hypersensitivity reactions (including the development of symptoms Fernand-Vidal triads );
    • interstitial nephritis , nephrotic syndrome , necrotic papillitis , with long-term use - ;
    • anemia , thrombocytopenia , leukopenia ;
    • acute fatty liver , toxic hepatitis , acute hepatic encephalopathy (Reye's syndrome );
    • aggravation heart failure , manifestation of its latent forms (with prolonged use);
    • dizziness, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, headache, tinnitus, hearing and vision disorders, aseptic meningitis ;
    • increase in blood pressure, , ;
    • development of tolerance and weak psychological dependence (with prolonged use of high doses of the drug);
    • drug headache after the abolition of Citramon (if the drug has been used for a long time).

    In animal experiments, the teratogenic effect of the drug on the fetus was also proven.

    Citramon tablets: instructions for use

    Preparations from different manufacturers have an excellent composition, and since they often contain active substances in different concentrations, you should read the instructions very carefully so as not to mistakenly exceed the permissible daily dose.

    Common to all drugs is that as an analgesic, they can be used for a maximum of five, as an antipyretic - three days.

    Instructions for use Citramon P and Citramon-LekT

    Citramon P and Citramon-LekT can be taken from the age of fifteen. Tablets are drunk one at a time 2-4 rubles / day (during or after meals). The break between doses should be at least four hours. The average dose is 3-4 tablets per day.

    Citramon from headache high intensity (as well as in other cases when it is necessary to calm down severe pain) you can take 2 pieces at once. Permissible upper limit daily dose - 8 tablets.

    Treatment lasts from one week to ten days.

    If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a different dose of the drug or choose a different treatment regimen.

    Instructions for use Citramon forte

    Citramon-Forte is used in patients older than sixteen years. Daily dose - 2-3 tablets. You need to take them one at a time, 2 or 3 rubles / day. To stop an attack of acute pain, you should immediately drink two tablets.

    The permissible upper limit of the daily dose is 6 tablets.

    Citramon-Darnitsa is taken according to a similar scheme (the only difference between the drug is age limit- these tablets are prescribed from the age of 15).

    Instructions for use Citramon-Borimed

    Citramon-Borimed is preferably taken immediately after meals or between meals. The drug can be used in adults and adolescents over fifteen years of age. Tablets are taken one at a time 2-3 times a day, maintaining intervals between doses of at least 6-8 hours. The highest single dose - 2 tablets, daily - 4.

    As antipyretic used at temperatures exceeding 38.5 ° C (with a tendency to febrile seizures - at a temperature of more than 37.5 ° C). Single dose - 1-2 tablets.

    Instructions for use Citramon Ultra

    Citramon Ultra is prescribed from the age of fifteen. Daily dose - 1-3 tablets. If necessary, up to 6 tablets can be taken during the day.


    A slight overdose manifests itself in the form of nausea, dizziness, increased pallor of the skin, gastralgia , vomiting, ringing in the ears.

    Symptoms of severe intoxication of the body: circulatory and respiratory disorders, anuria , anxiety, dizziness, nausea, headache, hyperthermia , tremor , drowsiness, restlessness, sweating, collapse , bleeding, convulsions (with pathological enhancement of tendon reflexes), .

    If signs of overdose appear, the tablets should be discontinued. to prevent the absorption of the drug in the digestive canal, the patient is washed with a stomach, given enterosorbents and a saline laxative.

    If the plasma concentration of salicylates in a child exceeds 300 mg / l, and in an adult - 500 mg / l, it is advisable to carry out forced alkaline diuresis. To maintain the pH of urine at the level of 7.5-8, alkalizing agents are introduced.

    Carry out activities to restore the bcc and acid-base balance.

    At cerebral edema IVL is prescribed with an oxygen-enriched mixture in the mode of creating PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure). Hyperventilation should be combined with osmotic diuretics .

    If there are signs of liver damage, N-acetylcysteine, which is a specific antidote, should be administered. paracetamol . The solution is used orally and injected into a vein. In total, the patient is required to enter seventeen doses: the first - 140 mg / kg, all subsequent doses - 70 mg / kg.

    The most effective is the therapy started in the first ten hours after the development of intoxication. If more than 36 hours have passed, treatment is ineffective.

    With an increase in the value of the prothrombin index (PTI) to 1.5-3, the use of phytomenadione (vitamin K ) at a dose of 1 to 10 mg. If the PTI is greater than 3.0, infusion of clotting factor concentrate or native plasma should be started.

    Carry out hemodialysis antihistamines , GKS or acetazolamide (for alkalization of urine) in case of intoxication with Citramon is contraindicated.

    These activities may lead to the development acidemia and enhance the toxic effect of ASA on the patient's body.


    In combination with Citramon it is strictly forbidden to prescribe with:

    • MAO inhibitors (when used simultaneously with caffeine these drugs can lead to a dangerous increase blood pressure );
    • methotrexate at a dose exceeding 15 mg / week. (this combination increases hematological toxicity methotrexate ).

    Citramon also enhances toxicity barbiturates and valproic acid , effects opioid analgesics , oral hypoglycemic and sulfa drugs , digoxin and triiodothyronine .

    Long-term use of painkillers for treatment headache often leads to chronic headache .

    Taking Citramon may distort such indicators laboratory research as: plasma concentration of uric acid, plasma concentration heparin , plasma concentration theophylline , blood sugar level, concentration of amino acids in urine.

    The drug may alter doping control tests in athletes. Complicates the diagnosis of "acute abdomen".

    In case of long-term treatment with Citramon before taking a doctor's consultation is necessary.

    The use of drugs containing ASA in surgical interventions(including dental surgery) increases the likelihood of occurrence/intensification of bleeding.

    The drug may affect the rate of neuromuscular transmission, and therefore during the period of treatment they should refrain from administration vehicle and work with dangerous machinery.

    The effect of the drug on pressure: do Citramon tablets increase or decrease blood pressure?

    Headaches are a fairly common occurrence in people prone to changes in blood pressure . Therefore, questions naturally arise here: is it possible to drink medicine at elevated pressure, is the drug harmful for hypotensive patients, how are Citramon and pressure related?

    Pain relief effect at headache provided primarily due to the presence of ASA and paracetamol .

    The third component of the drug is caffeine - increases the flow of oxygen to the tissues, stimulates blood circulation in the brain and rise in blood pressure , thus contributing to a decrease in the intensity headache and enhancing the effects of other components of Citramon.

    High doses caffeine provoke

    For some viral infections (in particular, infections caused by the virus chicken pox or influenza A viruses or B-type ) there is a possibility of development acute hepatic encephalopathy (Reye's syndrome ) that requires immediate medical attention. One of the signs Reye's syndrome is prolonged vomiting.

    Given the above reasons, the use of tablets in patients under the age of sixteen is contraindicated.

    Because the drug has a large number of side effects, children with a headache or when a toothache is better to choose safer remedies.

    Alcohol compatibility

    During the period of treatment with Citramon, the use of alcoholic beverages should be avoided, since alcohol increases the likelihood of toxic effects. paracetamol on the liver and ASA on the gastrointestinal tract.

    The use of ethyl alcohol with ASA contributes to damage to the mucosa of the digestive canal. Synergism between alcohol and ASA also results in prolonged bleeding time.

    Citramon for a hangover

    Citramon for a hangover is not the most advantageous option, since the use of this drug makes it possible to alleviate headache only temporarily, but does not eliminate the underlying causes feeling unwell- violation of the balance of water and electrolytes, as well as intoxication.

    The headache that accompanies the hangover syndrome is associated with a violation of the venous outflow from the head, tissue edema (in particular, with swelling of the meninges ) and inhibition of the analgesic (antinociceptive) system, of which the action is serotonin and dopamine .

    ASC partially unloads the membranes of the brain, caffeine stimulates metabolism in neurons and has an invigorating effect, cocoa reduces the relative deficiency intracerebral serotonin and dopamine , citric acid reduces the severity of symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

    Citramon during pregnancy and lactation

    Can pregnant women drink Citramon?

    During pregnancy, you should avoid taking Citramon tablets, since the ASA contained in them has teratogenic influence .

    The use of Citramon during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can cause splitting of the upper palate , the use of the drug in the 3rd trimester leads to a deterioration in labor activity (suppression of Pg synthesis) and closure of the ductus arteriosus at the fetus. This in turn provokes pulmonary vascular hyperplasia and pressure increase in the vessels of the small (pulmonary) circulation.

    Thus, the answer to questions like “Is it possible to drink Citramon during pregnancy?” and “Can pregnant women take Citramon?” unequivocally - it is impossible.

    Can Citramon be taken by a nursing mother while breastfeeding?

    The use of the drug in HB is contraindicated. The active components of the tablets and their metabolites are excreted into breast milk, which increases the likelihood platelet dysfunction and the occurrence of bleeding in the child.

    But how safe is citramon, does it harm our body when taken? The composition of the drug itself includes 3 main components: aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine, the combined action of which quickly eliminates a headache. However, you should not abuse this drug, it also has a number of contraindications, including:

    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • diseases of the liver and kidneys,
    • gout,
    • blood clotting problems and many others.

    Also, this drug is not recommended for children under 15 years of age as an antipyretic. medicinal product, since subsequently there may be a risk of developing a disease such as Reye's syndrome, which can most often occur in children at this age.

    It is also worth recalling once again that citramon is categorically contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers, as it contains acetylsalicylic acid, which, when consumed, will certainly enter the body of your child, and this can very negatively affect its development.

    Like any drug, Citramon carries a number of contraindications and various consequences with prolonged and thoughtless use. Of course, this is a very effective remedy for a one-time relief of acute headache, but it is also not recommended to take this drug for more than three days in a row. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor in case of a persistent headache, which can be the result of not only a hard and busy day at work, but also some other more dangerous disease that is better identified in the early stages.

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    How does citramon affect the body?

    Pharmacological action of "Citramon"

    The pharmacological action of "Citramon" is determined by the influence of each active substance that is part of it. Acetylsalicylic acid has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves the pain symptom caused by inflammation, improves blood circulation at the site of the inflammatory process. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and psychomotor centers, it dilates blood vessels, reduces fatigue, drowsiness, has a slight analgesic effect, and stimulates physical and mental activity. Paracetamol has an antipyretic, analgesic and moderately pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

    "Citramon" relieves pain syndromes of moderate severity. It helps with headache and toothache, pain in muscles, joints, neuralgia, feverish conditions and painful menstruation. The drug should be taken one tablet three times a day.

    Contraindications, side effects of Citramon

    "Citramon" is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity, hemophilia, constant high blood pressure, erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer, hemorrhagic diathesis, liver or kidney failure, in severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and coronary heart disease. Do not give the drug to children under 15 years of age. The drug is contraindicated in preparation for surgery, as it increases bleeding.

    In general, you can not drink "Citramon" in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, since acetylsalicylic acid can lead to the appearance of congenital anomalies of the fetus. In the second trimester, the drug is taken only as directed by a doctor. With a headache, blood pressure should be measured, if it is elevated, Citramon is contraindicated, as it contributes to an even greater increase. You need to lower the pressure with the help of other drugs.

    According to reviews, "Citramon" can cause the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, visual disturbances, the appearance of tinnitus. With prolonged use of the drug, erosive gastritis, the development of liver dysfunction, blood clotting disorders, increased headache, dizziness, and impaired renal function may occur. "Citramon" can also cause a variety of allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, epidermal toxic necrolysis (severe and acute disease with damage to the skin and mucous membranes).

    Citramon is rightfully considered one of the most popular drugs that have come to us since the days of the USSR. At that time, its composition was slightly different, but nevertheless, due to its rapid action and effectiveness, the drug was no less famous. Due to its low cost, it is easy to find in almost every first aid kit. After all, drinking a pill of citramone from the head was a common thing.

    A little about the drug

    Citramon - what is it, what helps? This is a non-hormonal remedy that relieves inflammation, pain, and lowers the temperature. The original formulation of the drug was changed due to the prohibition of phenacetin.

    With its help, migraines, toothache and other pain sensations of various genesis are easily removed.

    The composition of the medicine

    At the moment, the drug is produced by different pharmaceutical companies, so the composition of citramone changes slightly, but the main components remain unchanged.

    • Acetylsalicylic acid. This component of the drug relieves fever and inflammation, anesthetizes, improving blood flow in the focus of inflammation.
    • Paracetamol relieves pain, affects the thermoregulation of the affected area, relieves high temperature. Virtually no anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Caffeine. Thanks to this component of citramone, the feeling of drowsiness is removed, there is an exciting effect on the reflexes of the spinal cord, and the vessels expand.

    Produced forms of Citramon differ among themselves in the concentration and proportion of active substances, but the mechanism of action on the body is the same.

    Action on the body

    Like any medicine, citramon brings not only benefits, but also harm to the patient's body. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on the topic of the harm of citramone. Let's try to figure them out.

    Expands or narrows blood vessels?

    Caffeine selectively acts on the vessels in the body. It dilates the vessels of the muscular corset of the skeleton, the vessels of the kidneys and the heart muscle. And on the vessels of other internal organs and the brain, it acts in a radically opposite way, narrowing them.

    Such an effect on the vessels of the brain can put the patient at risk, because a long course of treatment with Citramon may be a prerequisite for a stroke.

    How does it affect blood pressure?

    Citramon affects the patient's blood pressure.

    1. If a person has normal blood pressure, then the drug will not have a special effect, and the caffeine contained in its composition will simply dilate the blood vessels.
    2. With a slight increase in pressure parameters, the medicine will not give a special effect, and the caffeine in its composition can both make the vessels wider and narrow them.
    3. Citramon at elevated and very high pressure is dangerous to take, because it can lead to a stroke. Such vasoconstriction at elevated pressure can lead to rupture of cerebral vessels. Given the fact that citramone contains aspirin, the blood does not coagulate well. This will make the stroke even more severe.
    4. It is possible to take Citramon if a person suffers from headaches and single pressure rises, but one-time. In this case, the patient should not suffer from hypertensive crisis and constantly high blood pressure.

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    Forms of release of the drug

    Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs under the brand name "Citramon" with a slightly modified composition.

    This form of medicine affects the lowering of the patient's elevated body temperature. With this composition, caffeine improves the effectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol. This drug is not recommended for children under 15 years of age. Dosage for an adult patient: 1-2 tablets two to three times a day.

    If there are problems with the kidneys or liver while taking the medicine, then the interval between taking the pills should be at least eight hours.

    Citramon-Lect is easy to purchase at any pharmacy kiosk without a doctor's prescription. It contains: acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Citramon-Lect is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. Citramon-Lect should be taken only by adults and adolescents over 14 years of age.

    The composition of the drug includes acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. It is effective for pain of moderate to low intensity. The duration of the course of the drug should not exceed more than 10 days, and the dosage is three to four tablets per day.

    The maximum amount of medication per day that a patient should take is 8 tablets.

    This medicine is made in the form of capsules with a shell. Inside the granules is a powder of acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Dosage of the drug: one or two capsules three to four times a day.

    Advantages of Citramon Ultra in comparison with ordinary Citramon:

    • The film that covers the tablets of Citramon Ultra protects the gastric mucosa from irritation. This makes it easier to take the drug for patients suffering from high acidity of the stomach.
    • The packaging of the drug is more convenient than that of ordinary citramone, thanks to the blister.
    • The composition of Citramon Ultra is enriched with paracetamol, which enhances the effect of pain relief and helps to reduce the temperature. Such a medicine is stronger than ordinary citramone.

    Citramon-Darnitsa is quite well known for patients. Release form: tablets in a blister. Citramon-Darnitsa should also not be consumed by children under adolescence, due to the presence of acetylsalicylic acid. In its composition: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, starch, cocoa, other auxiliary components.

    Citramon-Darnitsa contains caffeine, but in smaller proportions compared to other drugs.

    Citramon forte

    Release form: tablets. Ingredients: citric acid, starch, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, caffeine, etc. Dosage: one to two tablets 2-3 per day. It is recommended to take the medicine only for adults and children over 14 years of age.

    Indications for use

    What helps Citramon? The medicine is used to overcome pain before menstruation, toothache, headaches of various origins.

    What do citramone granules help with? The medicine relieves febrile conditions with influenza and colds, eliminates pain with neuralgia, myalgia.

    The use of medicine for children

    Citramon is contraindicated in children under 14 years of age. Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the product, negatively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

    Use of medicine for pregnant women

    The drug should not be used by pregnant women who are in the 1st trimester and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This can lead to congenital pathology of the fetus and lead to abnormalities in its development. In addition, acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of bleeding during childbirth.

    Even if a pregnant woman decides to take Citramon in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, she will definitely need to consult a doctor

    Application during breastfeeding

    It is not recommended to take the medicine of a nursing mother during this period. Reasons to refuse the drug:

    • At this time, citramon can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, causing gastritis or an ulcer.
    • Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, and together with milk, this substance enters the body of a newborn. Negative symptoms of caffeine intake include insomnia, irritability, vomiting, and nausea.
    • In addition, paracetamol, contained in many forms of citramone, has a negative effect on the liver. The child's body is unable to cope with it and the drug will have a toxic effect on the child's liver.
    • Acetylsalicylic acid badly impairs blood clotting, and when feeding it is easy to harm not only yourself, but also your baby.


    • Allergic reactions to drug components
    • Blood clotting problems (hemophilia)
    • Severe form of arterial hypertension
    • Stomach ulcer and gastritis
    • Acute liver or kidney failure
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Ischemic disease
    • Age of the patient (does not apply to children)
    • Upcoming surgery

    drug and alcohol

    Citramon categorically cannot be combined with the use of alcoholic beverages. This leads to bleeding, stomach ulcers, erosions. The consequences are neurological abnormalities: tinnitus occurs, partial hearing loss is possible, anxiety, hallucinations, and convulsions often occur. Taking citramon with alcohol in exceptional cases causes loss of consciousness, nausea, anaphylactic shock.

    Citramon has a toxic effect on the liver.

    Instructions for use, dosage

    How to take Citramon? Tablets are drunk during a meal or after a meal. Recommended dosage: one tablet no more than once every four hours. If the pain is severe, then the dosage is adjusted: the patient can drink 2 tablets. Daily dosage: about 4 tablets per 24 hours.

    Instructions for use of Citramon says that the medicine can be drunk no more than 8 tablets per day. The duration of the course of taking the medicine is not more than 10 days.

    Taking Citramon tablets, according to the instructions for use, is enough for 5 days to relieve acute pain, and in order to reduce fever: 2-3 days.

    Changes in dosage and duration of the course must be agreed with the attending physician.


    If the dose of the drug is exceeded, then the patient experiences attacks of nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach. The patient complains of tinnitus; his reactions are inhibited; breathe heavily; urine is difficult to excrete. In particularly difficult cases, convulsions begin, the patient loses consciousness.

    An overdose of citramon does not endanger a person's life, but in the long term, a long-term overdose threatens with a stomach ulcer, anemia, arrhythmia, tachycardia, kidney and liver problems.

    In case of an overdose of the medicine, you should rinse the stomach and see a doctor.

    Side effects

    The use of the medicine can cause allergies, stomach pain, nausea. The patient's blood pressure rises, toxic damage to the liver and kidneys begins, blood clotting is disturbed.

    Often, patients report difficulty in excreting urine from the body and exacerbation of gout.

    Interaction with other drugs

    If you take the medicine with heparin, barbiturates, epilepsy drugs and a number of other drugs, then it is possible that the toxic effect on the liver and kidneys will increase. Before taking other medicines, the patient should consult a doctor.

    special instructions

    The drug is not used in renal and hepatic insufficiency. For other diseases of the liver and kidneys, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

    The cost of drugs under the brand name "Citramon" varies depending on the markup of the pharmacy chain, the patient's region of residence and the purchase price from the supplier.

    On average, Citramon-Borimed can be bought for 2-5 rubles, Citramon P will be a little more expensive and costs from 8 to 15 rubles. Citramon-Lekt at average pharmacy prices will be 18–25 rubles, Citramon-MFF will be slightly cheaper from 15 to 18 rubles. And Citramon-Ultra (in the shell) is sold at a price of 45-50 rubles.

    Storage and dispensing from the pharmacy

    The medicine is kept out of the reach of children. It is desirable that the storage place is cool. Shelf life from 36 to 60 months from the date of manufacture.


    Despite its popularity, there are not so many drugs similar to citramone. Almost all of them contain acetylsalicylic acid.

    • Askofen. The composition is similar to Citramon, enriched with vaseline oil, talc, etc. It is used to treat headaches, fevers, lumbago, radicular syndrome. The price is about 25 rubles.
    • Acepar. The composition does not differ from citramone. Available in granules for suspension, capsules and tablets. Price: 30–35 rubles.
    • migrenol. Ingredients: caffeine and paracetamol, auxiliary components. Available in the form of coated tablets. The average cost is from 160 rubles.


    Patients characterize citramon as an effective pain reliever with an affordable cost, marking it among many drugs of a similar profile. Most people consider it to be a good drug that has proven its effectiveness over many years, and is easy to buy at any pharmacy.

    Does citramon thin the blood?

    Yes, the drug contains components that thin the blood, which makes it inappropriate for patients who have a tendency to bleed.

    If a person is preparing for an operation, then taking Citramon is also not worth it.

    An allergic reaction to a medication can occur even when taking one pill. The most common allergen is aspirin in its composition.

    Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

    Much less often, patients are allergic to paracetamol or caffeine, which are part of citramon.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Use during menstruation

    This medicine is effective for the relief of pain before and during menstruation. In addition, it helps with vegetovascular dystonia, the manifestations of which often occur during this period. Caffeine in the composition of the tablets relieves depression, eliminates headaches and increases blood pressure.

    Citramon helps relieve discomfort in the mammary glands, removing excess fluid from the tissues. Eliminates headaches, helps to defeat weakness and lethargy, improving performance, increasing the endurance of the body.

    What is better citramon or askofen?

    Both drugs have a similar composition and effect. Their difference is in the proportion of active substances. Askofene contains more caffeine and paracetamol, but less acetylsalicylic acid. Askofen can be used as a substitute. Both drugs are equally effective, but for patients with blood clotting problems, it is better to use askofen.

    Both drugs have a similar spectrum of action, but they have a different composition. The mechanism of action of analgin on the source of pain is different from the action of citramone.

    Analgin, thanks to sodium metamizole, does not allow pain impulses to pass to the brain, relieves the excitability of the patient's pain centers. It has less effect on the gastrointestinal tract than citramon, has an antipyretic effect. It lowers the temperature better than aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is an antispasmodic.

    Analgin has a stronger effect in comparison with citramon, in those moments when you need to relieve spasm or reduce the temperature during fever. But it is banned in many countries because of the risk of agranulocytosis, which sometimes leads to death.

    In some cases, analgin is more effective than citramon, but more dangerous for the human body.

    Are Citramon and Paracetamol the same thing?

    No. Paracetamol is an antipyretic drug. It is one of the active elements of Citramon, along with caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid.

    Can I drink with a cold?

    Citramon does not cure colds, but it can extinguish a number of cold symptoms, including muscle pain, eliminate headaches, relieve feelings of fatigue and drowsiness.

    Citramon reduces the temperature, relieves febrile conditions with flu and colds, thanks to paracetamol in the composition.

    Citramon is an effective remedy with an affordable cost for any patient. It perfectly relieves pain of low and medium intensity of different genesis, helps women to relieve premenstrual syndrome. At the same time, like any drug, it has a number of side effects (allergies, complications with the liver and kidneys, a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract). Its big disadvantage will be the impossibility of application for pediatrics. Like any medicine, it is best to use it after consulting a doctor.

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    Read the opinion of doctors on this issue

    Having listened to the advice of friends and acquaintances, we thoughtlessly take medicines, considering them harmless and rather weak.

    However, the composition of any drug includes substances that affect our body in different ways. Therefore, before taking a medicine, it is still better to learn more about its effect on the body, especially if it is taken regularly.

    Citramon is a popular pain reliever that people can use without any control, without thinking about how it affects the body. There is even a myth that this medicine helps get rid of a hangover. Knowing the composition of this drug will help to understand the meaning of its action.

    It cannot be said that citramone has so many contraindications. However, there are quite serious ones: it should not be taken during pregnancy; after childbirth, if the woman is breastfeeding; before operations; with gout and diseased liver.

    Most of the drugs currently marketed under the name "Citramon", "Aquacitramon" and "Citramon-P" include only aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), caffeine and paracetamol. Modern Citramon no longer contains phenacetin, as it is recognized as a toxic substance.

    This drug is most helpful for headaches of various origins, and also slightly reduces toothache and muscle pain. It is also used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The composition of the substances in citramone is selected so that they enhance and complement each other's action, so the effect of taking the medicine comes quite quickly:

    Aspirin relieves inflammation, lowers body temperature and reduces pain in body tissues;

    Caffeine has an invigorating effect and enhances overall blood circulation;

    Paracetamol neutralizes the substances that cause headaches.

    As for taking citramone with a hangover, this is just a myth. The main cause of a hangover is a violation of the water-salt balance, which the drug cannot fix. It undoubtedly has a short-term effect, but it can bring great harm, because paracetamol will heavily load the liver, and together with decay products, it can lead to an increase in hangover. In addition, caffeine will increase tissue oxygen demand, which can increase nausea and even induce vomiting. Aspirin can harm the gastrointestinal tract.

    As you can see, it is also necessary to study well-known medicines so as not to accidentally harm your body.

    The drug Citramon has been known for several decades as a universal pain reliever. Previously, its active ingredients were: phenacetin, aspirin, caffeine. Today, the traditional version is not produced, and the composition of the drug has changed somewhat - instead of phenacetin, paracetamol is added to it.

    Citramon is most effective for headaches, but, thanks to the improvement of the drug, it is also prescribed to relieve inflammation in muscles, joints and bones, from algomenorrhea, febrile syndrome.

    Does Citramon help with headaches?

    The described pharmacological drug is able to stop the pain syndrome, but only of mild and moderate severity. Intense attacks of pulsating, squeezing, stabbing and other pain Citramon will not be able to eliminate.

    An analgesic is sometimes prescribed to treat migraines. It is worth noting that in this case, Citramon helps only at the very beginning of the development of pain or at the first signs of an aura. These pills do not stop an acute migraine attack.

    How does Citramon work for headaches?

    The drug is based on 3 active ingredients:

    1. Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. The compound produces an antipyretic effect, and also stops the pain syndrome provoked by the inflammatory process. Additionally, aspirin improves blood microcirculation and prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
    2. Paracetamol. The ingredient directly affects the body's thermoregulatory centers in the hypothalamus, reduces the production of prostaglandins. Due to this, a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect is achieved.
    3. Caffeine. In a small dosage, this component normalizes blood flow and increases the tone of cerebral vessels, thereby enhancing the effect of the use of the 2 compounds described above.

    The action of Citramon in headache is due to the combination of the considered ingredients. Taking the pill allows you to simultaneously stop inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, improve blood supply to brain tissues and oxygen supply to them, reduce blood viscosity and platelet count, increase efficiency, mental and physical activity.

    Is it possible to drink Citramon with headaches and high blood pressure?

    Given the content of caffeine in the presented medication, patients with arterial hypertension are afraid to take it because of the risk of an even greater increase in pressure. However, the concentration of this component is extremely low (30 mg), which does not allow it to have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Accordingly, Citramon is allowed to be used even by hypertensive patients at the time of an increase in blood pressure.

    The only exception is portal hypertension. With this diagnosis, the combined anesthetic drug is contraindicated.

    Is Citramon harmful with frequent use for headaches?

    Like any other analgesic, it is undesirable to take Citramon for a long time or to abuse it. Otherwise, a number of negative side effects, often irreversible, often occur. Among them, the following pathologies are most common:

    • hypocoagulation;
    • chronic headache;
    • constant tinnitus;
    • nosebleeds;
    • visual impairment;
    • kidney damage;
    • metabolic acidosis;
    • frequent and severe dizziness;
    • bleeding gums;
    • papillary necrosis;
    • hyperpyrexia;
    • decreased aggregation and functionality of platelets;
    • purpura and other hemorrhagic syndromes;
    • deterioration of liver function;
    • regular vomiting;
    • deafness;
    • disorders of the psyche and the central nervous system;
    • Reye's syndrome.

    Citramon, how harmful?

    How harmful is citramone? what happens if you drink it every time you get a headache?

    As one familiar chemist said, that citramon is the safest pill of those headaches.

    Despite its effectiveness, availability and low cost, citramon has a number of contraindications. Citramon should be used with caution in people with ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems. Citramon can be taken no more than three days in a row, under the supervision of a doctor, up to a week. With prolonged use, coordination, vision, and migraine may worsen. Due to the deterioration of blood clotting, bruises may appear on the body.

    It is not as harmful as other medicines, which are released at three expensive prices.

    Citramon has been known as an inexpensive pain reliever since ancient times.

    It used to be a favorite remedy for many people, until the hype for other painkillers went.

    It probably really helps, but I haven’t drunk it for many years, more than thirty, because the following story happened.

    Headache. As always, he drank citramone and began to swell.

    The reason is a terrible allergic reaction.

    I don’t know which of the contents in the composition of the medicine reacted so much to my body. I did not experiment to clarify.

    Since then, I have been using other pain relievers.

    Is citramon harmful

    One of the most popular headache medicines according to statistics is Citramon. Morning migraine from yesterday's party or headache after a hard day's work - we are trying to solve all this with this healing pill. But is it right? Is citramon harmful? Let's find out.

    Is citramon dangerous?

    Like any other medicine, before using Citramon, you must read the instructions and indications for use. Turns out it has a few side effects. But let's go in order.

    Citramon contains: caffeine, vitamin C, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol (the main active ingredient). This combination allows you to achieve the fastest possible relief of headaches of mild and moderate severity. Citramon can also help with pain in the muscles and joints, and even with severe toothache. And due to the ability to reduce body temperature, it can be taken with colds.

    However, not everyone can drink Citramon and not always. Pregnant women should take these pills with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that aspirin, which is part of the drug, can adversely affect the development of the fetus, as well as worsen blood clotting. Nursing mothers should consult with their doctor before using Citramon. Children under 15 years of age are also at risk and it is not advisable for them to be allowed to drink these pills.

    If you have gout or the doctor speaks of poor blood clotting, it is better to refrain from using citramone so as not to harm your body. Problems with internal organs (in particular, the liver and kidneys) are also a reason to think about the harmful effects of citramone on health.

    Thus, the question of whether citramon is harmful to health can be answered as follows - it certainly harms the body with frequent and prolonged use, but there are situations when it quickly relieves pain and alleviates the patient's lot.

    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    Do you often take citramon? Does it happen sometimes? When the weather changes, when you drank too much yesterday, or when your head hurt from the tension before a responsible meeting. How often have you seen instructions for using Citramon? Probably never in my life. Because Citramon is not sold in boxes and one instruction is attached to a dozen blisters. So, if you did not study to be a pharmacist or a doctor, then this annotation is unlikely to come across your eyes. But citramon has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, if you take citramon from time to time, read this article to the end.


    To begin with, about how citramon acts in the body. All components of Citramon: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, caffeine and vitamin C act together, enhancing each other's action. Once in the body, citramon is ninety percent absorbed by the body. Within half an hour after taking the drug begins to act. Paracetamol blocks in the central nervous system production of certain substances that cause pain. Aspirin relieves pain in the tissues, somewhat softens inflammatory process and lowers body temperature. Caffeine invigorates the body, improves vascular permeability, brain function, activates blood circulation. And vitamin C activates the body to fight any painful manifestations.

    Indications for use

    Citramon can be used for mild and moderate pain of various origins. Citramon will help with headaches, and with muscle and joint pain. If the tooth does not hurt much, then citramon will be useful, if the bruised limb hurts, then taking citramon will alleviate the condition. Citramon can also be taken for colds. It will reduce fever and help the body fight the disease.


    However, citramon has a number of contraindications. Never take Citramon if you are pregnant. This drug, and specifically the acetylsalicylic acid contained in it, can adversely affect the development of the baby. And at the end of pregnancy, taking citramone can worsen labor and blood clotting. If you are breastfeeding your baby, then a single dose of Citramon will not harm him. But course therapy is not worth it. If your child is not yet fifteen years old, do not give him Citramon. The reason is the same - the presence of acetylsalicylic acid, which is harmful to children.

    Citramon should not be taken by patients preparing for surgical interventions. The drug makes the blood more liquid, and it coagulates worse. It is not advisable to be treated with citramon in patients suffering from gout. Citramon inhibits the excretion of urea from the body and, taking it, you can provoke an attack of gout.

    If you have a diseased liver, then paracetamol, which is part of citramon, can worsen its condition even more. Of course, do not take Citramon if you have intolerance to at least one of its components. This can provoke allergic reactions and any unpleasant consequences.


    Citramon is taken with plenty of clean water or milk. Do not overdose. It is allowed to take a maximum of four tablets per day. If you take Citramon for too long, or exceed the recommended amounts, then Citramon can cause digestive disorders, bleeding in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, rashes on the body, and many other serious conditions.

    To maintain the body and remove harmful substances accumulated during treatment, you can take dietary supplements together with Citramon (biologically active additives) manufactured by Tianshi Corporation. In this case, Herbal Essence works well. The use of Tiansha Plant Essence will prevent the occurrence of side effects from taking Citramon.