Inflammation of gastritis symptoms. Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis): symptoms and treatment, diet

Gastritis is a term used to refer to inflammatory and degenerative changes in the gastric mucosa (GM) of various origin and course. Usually gastritis is manifested by pain and dyspeptic disorders of the digestive system.

If a person often eats spicy, salty or spicy foods, the epithelium of the stomach becomes thinner, the cells lose their ability to resist gastric juice, and it begins to corrode the walls of the stomach, which causes this disease.

Symptoms of gastritis of the stomach develop gradually with chronic course. The acute form appears 7-12 hours after the ingestion of a provoking factor (poisonous substances, spoiled foods, alkalis, acids).

Considering that the stomach is a key link in the breakdown of food entering the body, it is understandable why gastritis affects not only the entire gastrointestinal tract, but also all body systems without exception, significantly reducing the patient's quality of life. Allocate acute (catarrhal, erosive, phlegmonous) and chronic gastritis, symptoms and treatment this disease we'll review today.


The causes of acute gastritis, most often, are exposure to the gastric mucosa of aggressive environments or bacteria. It will depend on the cause how and how to treat gastritis.

The following factors can lead to the development of the disease:

  • consumption of low-quality food;
  • dry eating "in a hurry", "on the go";
  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • infection, toxins;
  • frequent use of certain drugs (aspirin, analgin);
  • the stresses that our lives are filled with;
  • taking certain medications.

The main reasons are infection, malnutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking, frequent stress, neurosis, depression, long-term use of drugs with ulcerogenic properties, industrial hazards (coal, metal dust, lead compounds, etc.).

Treatment of gastritis is much more expensive than its prevention. Therefore, healthy eating should become your favorite habit, since the onset of the disease may pass without visible symptoms.

Signs of gastritis

You can suspect the development of gastritis of the stomach by certain first signs:

  • aching or sharp burning pain in the upper abdomen, which worsens or disappears in the process of eating;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • belching;
  • feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating;
  • weight loss

If you find these signs, it's time to think about how to treat gastritis at home. Otherwise, symptoms may worsen or complications may develop.

Symptoms of gastritis

First of all, with gastritis, the symptoms directly depend on the form of the disease, as well as the acidity of the stomach.

To identify symptoms acute gastritis distinctive: sudden, paroxysmal or persistent pain that occurs either on an empty stomach or some time after eating; symptoms of periodic or repeated nausea; a burning sensation in the chest after eating - heartburn, can also be a symptom; vomiting with a sour smell and taste; belching sour; ; constipation either; decrease in appetite.

For chronic gastritis with high acidity the symptoms are: hungry pains and night pains in the upper abdomen; nausea and vomiting; eructation of sour contents; constipation; feeling of heaviness in the abdomen after eating.

For chronic gastritis with low acidity symptoms are:

  • disgusting taste in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • nausea in the morning; constipation;
  • belching with air;
  • rumbling and transfusion in the abdomen.

Chronic gastritis can cause symptoms of periodic exacerbations, which consist in the fact that the main functions of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract are again violated. The tissues of the stomach walls do not heal as expected.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis and its symptoms occurs in those who have not cured acute bronchitis, or in some way provoked a new attack. In order for chronic gastritis to recede, a new course of treatment is required.


Diagnosis of the disease includes the following studies:

  • gastroscopy - examination of the gastric mucosa with the help of special equipment;
  • laboratory research gastric juice;
  • biopsy of the gastric mucosa;
  • laboratory analysis of blood, feces.

In the course of diagnosing a disease, a specialist needs to establish the main cause of the pathology. This will largely depend on how to treat gastritis.

Treatment of gastritis

And now about how to treat gastritis. The acute form of the disease is much easier to treat than the chronic form. The patient is prescribed drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

For this, the following medicines are used:

  • almagel, phosphalugel;
  • ranitidine,
  • famotidine;
  • platifillin,
  • atropine;
  • astrin,
  • pyrene,
  • gastropin;
  • omeprazole,
  • rabeprazole

From folk methods treatment of gastritis is not badly proven enveloping substances based on a decoction of flax seeds, treatment with white clay, smectite. To normalize the digestive function in the treatment of ggastitis, femento-containing drugs are prescribed:

  • pancreatin,
  • festal,
  • digestal,
  • mezim-forte, panzinorm

When diagnosing infectious gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, antibiotics are indicated for admission:

  • omeprazole,
  • esomeprazole,
  • pyloride,
  • clarithromycin,
  • tindazole,
  • amoxicillin.

A specific drug is selected by a specialist, taking into account general condition the health of the patient, the presence of contraindications, etc. Treatment of gastritis is a multifaceted process that includes diet, drug treatment, and strengthening the body's defenses.

Diet for gastritis

Nutrition depends on the form and course of the disease. In acute gastritis and exacerbation of chronic, in the remission phase of the chronic form, the diet can be expanded. For any type of illness, alcohol, smoking, fried, fatty, spicy foods are categorically excluded. You can't go hungry either.

The patient's diet should be fractional, he needs to eat food in small portions up to 6 times a day.

How to treat gastritis folk remedies

Along with traditional methods of treatment, folk remedies are used to help successfully get rid of gastritis. Consult your doctor before using traditional methods.

  1. The nausea that occurs with this ailment quickly passes if St. John's wort is used. To do this, a tablespoon of dry grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink three glasses twice a day.
  2. Calamus marsh - 1 part, nettle (grass) - 1 part, chamomile (flowers) - 1 part. This recipe is used for gastritis with increased secretion. 1 tbsp with the top of the collection in a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. Set aside, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Also, home treatment is carried out with the help of infusion of yarrow and buckthorn. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of dried yarrow and buckthorn, pour them with two liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. After that, the broth must be insisted in a thermos for 5 hours. Take half a glass before bed for a week.
  4. Herbal treatment is recognized as one of the most effective. To prepare a remedy, take equal proportions of St. John's wort, calendula flowers and yarrow herb. Grind and evenly mix them, take 2 tablespoons of this mixture and pour boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters. Then insist for 50 minutes. You need to take such an infusion 100 g half an hour before meals - as many times as you eat daily.
  5. Gastritis with high acidity is treated with infusion of fireweed. Pour 15 g of a leaf of fireweed into 200 g of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Alternate with infusion of comfrey roots. 4 days to drink a decoction of fireweed, and then 2 days a decoction of comfrey. Prepare comfrey like this: 2 tbsp. roots pour 200 g of boiling water, insist and drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  6. You can mix aloe with honey and red wine. Mix aloe juice and honey in an amount of 200 g with 500 g of wine, put in a dark place for 2 weeks. The resulting juice, take 1 spoon 3 times a day.
  7. Cabbage juice. To prepare it, squeeze a glass of juice from cabbage leaves on a juicer. Warm it up before use. If the juice makes you sick, then drink it more than four hours after squeezing. Take juice should be half a glass 2 times a day for an hour before meals. Cabbage juice can even be prepared ahead of time. Its shelf life is 36-48 hours (if more, then it will no longer have an effect). This recipe is especially useful for people with low stomach acidity.

However, treatment of gastritis at home can only be carried out after an accurate diagnosis has been established and the acidity of the stomach has been determined.

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gastritis ( lat. gastritis)- inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to an imbalance in its work, and as a result, to a violation of the digestibility of food. As a result, a person does not receive the necessary energy and strength to maintain the health of the whole organism.

Like most other diseases, gastritis occurs in acute or chronic form. But gastritis is usually distinguished with low, normal and high acidity of the stomach.

Acute gastritis- characterized mainly by inflammatory changes in the stomach, caused by a single exposure to strong irritants (see Causes of gastritis).

Chronic gastritis- accompanied by structural restructuring and progressive atrophy of the mucous membrane.

Gastritis is dangerous because if it is not properly treated or if the mucous membranes of the stomach are damaged by concentrated acids, alkalis or chemicals, the disease can be fatal. In addition, gastritis can be harbingers of oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

ICD-10: K29.0-K29.7
ICD-9: 535.0-535.5

Causes of acute gastritis

In addition, there are also mixed - AB, AC and additional (drug, alcohol, etc.) types of chronic gastritis.

atrophic gastritis. It is characterized by atrophy of specialized cells in the deep layers of the gastric mucosa.

Hypertrophic gastritis. The main manifestations of this form of gastritis are a pronounced thickening of the gastric mucosa and a significant proliferation of its epithelium.

Polyposis gastritis. It usually occurs against the background of widespread atrophic gastritis as a result of dysregenerative hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa. Its clinical manifestations most often correspond to those in patients with chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, and sometimes may be absent altogether. In rare cases, polyposis gastritis is a source of gastric bleeding.

The most common signs of gastritis:

  • aching or sharp burning pain in the upper abdomen, which worsens or disappears in the process of eating;
  • lack of appetite;
  • belching;
  • feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating;
  • weight loss;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • the tongue is covered with a dirty yellow or grayish-white coating;
  • , irritability;
  • violations by of cardio-vascular system- cardialgia, arterial instability;
  • in patients with atrophic chronic gastritis, a symptom complex may develop: sudden weakness, sweating, drowsiness that occurs shortly after eating), sometimes combined with intestinal disorders;
  • in cases of infectious gastritis, it may appear.

Chronic gastritis develops gradually and proceeds with frequent relapses.

Complications of gastritis

  • internal bleeding: more typical for erosive gastritis;
  • , : characteristic of purulent phlegmous gastritis;
  • , deficiency: develops due to inadequate absorption of vitamin B12 in the stomach. For the same reason, it can develop;
  • : gastritis can be an impetus for the development of inflammation of the pancreas, especially in the presence of additional risk factors - drinking alcohol, taking medicines, smoking;
  • : with prolonged;
  • anorexia: loss of appetite and metabolic disorders can lead to significant exhaustion of the body;
  • : in the absence or inadequate treatment, progression of damage to the walls of the stomach is possible;
  • gastric cancer: gastritis is a risk factor for the occurrence of gastric cancer.

Diagnosis of gastritis

Stages of diagnosis of chronic gastritis:

Clinical diagnostics - the patient's complaints, anamnesis, patient examination data are analyzed, a presumptive diagnosis is made and a rational plan of instrumental examination is drawn up.

Endoscopic diagnostics with mandatory biopsy - the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the nature and localization of changes in the gastric mucosa, the presence of precancerous changes in the gastric mucosa are specified. For a biopsy, at least 5 fragments are taken (2 - from the antrum, 2 - from the body of the stomach, 1 - from the corner of the stomach).

Respiratory diagnostics - the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is specified. This method involves the patient taking urea of ​​a normal isotopic composition and subsequent measurement of the ammonia concentration using a gas analyzer.

Intragastric pH-metry - determination of the state of secretion and diagnostics functional disorders with acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Electrogastroenterography is a study of the motor-evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract in order to determine duodenogastric reflux.

Manometry of the upper gastrointestinal tract, which determines the presence or absence of reflux gastritis (normal pressure in the duodenum is 80-130 mm of water column, in patients with reflux gastritis it is increased to 200-240 mm of water column .).

1.1 Treatment of acute gastritis

Treatment of acute gastritis depends on the condition of the patient, the form and prevalence of the inflammatory process.

1. Treatment of gastritis as a result of poisoning. Therapy begins with gastric lavage. Further, the patient is recommended fractional drinking saline solutions and non-carbonated mineral water, to replenish the loss of electrolytes and fluids.

In acute gastritis, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet (see Diet for acute gastritis).

Of the medicines for acute gastritis, enterosorbents, antispasmodics are prescribed. With severe vomiting, the use of antiemetics is allowed.

2. Treatment of catarrhal gastritis. Therapy begins with the removal of the contents of the stomach, causing vomiting. Before giving the patient a few glasses of warm water to drink. Sometimes gastric lavage is prescribed: warm water, 0.5% solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution. Next, you should follow a sparing diet (see Diet for gastritis). Also, within a few days, it is necessary to observe bed or semi-bed rest, clinical nutrition. If necessary, add to the patient enveloping means: bismuth compounds 0.5-1 g 3 times a day. For pain - preparations of belladonna, which relatively quickly normalize the condition of a patient with acute "banal" gastritis.

3. Treatment of bacterial gastritis. For the treatment of bacterial acute gastritis and gastroenteritis, antibiotics are used: "", "", "Neomycin", "Ampicillin", "", in appropriate doses.

4. Treatment of chemical gastritis. Treatment of gastritis resulting from the action chemical substances, especially concentrated acids and caustic alkalis, is to eliminate pain, agitation and the phenomena of acute vascular insufficiency and remove toxic substances from the stomach. Toxic substances should be removed from the stomach as soon as possible. If there are no contraindications, then a thick tube is inserted into the stomach, the gastric contents are removed and rinsing with water is carried out until the rinsing waters become clear and do not lose the smell of chemicals. Sometimes the patient is injected through the nose with a thin gastric tube, lubricated with petroleum jelly, gastric contents are pumped out and the stomach is washed. When washing the stomach, you can use warm milk with egg white and vegetable oil.

In case of damage to the mucous membrane with strong acids, burnt magnesia with milk, aluminum hydroxide are injected. In case of contact with caustic alkalis, it is recommended to inject citrus juices, lemon or acetic acid(2-4 g in solution).

Experts in the field of emergency therapy oppose the use of the method of neutralizing organic acids with alkaline solutions: in their opinion, an attempt to neutralize acids with a solution of sodium bicarbonate is unacceptable because of the danger of perforation of the stomach wall. In case of perforation of the stomach, surgery is necessary. The operation is also indicated for the development of strictures of the esophagus, cicatricial deformities of the stomach.

To stop the pain, apply: 1-2 ml of 1% Sol. morphim hydrochloridi; 2% Sol. omnopony; 2% Sol. promedoh; 0.005% solution of fentanyl and 0.25% solution of droperidol, 2 ml of 0.5% solution of seduxen.

5. Treatment of purulent gastritis. Surgical intervention such as gastrotomy with drainage of a purulent focus, resection, or gastrectomy. The operation is performed against the background of treatment with antibiotics: "Polyglukin", "Hemodez", cardiovascular agents.

Diet for acute gastritis

With exacerbation of gastritis, a sparing diet is necessary.

In the treatment of acute gastritis due to poisoning, as well as catarrhal gastritis, it is recommended to adhere to the following diet:

Day 2-3: you can add liquid food to the diet - slimy soups, low-fat chicken broth, kefir, if tolerated - milk with egg white.

Day 4: the diet includes liquid semolina, oatmeal or mashed rice porridge, jelly, fruit jelly, meat soufflé, meat and fish dumplings, soft-boiled eggs, white flour crackers.

Day 5-7: diet number 1 (table number 1).

Patients with acute gastritis are contraindicated: coffee, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, canned food, spices, spices, as well as fast food products, concentrates and surrogates of any products, dishes that provoke fermentation (milk, sour cream, grapes, black bread, etc.) .), smoked, fatty and fried foods, pastry products. At the same time, nutrition should be varied and rich in proteins and. At the end of the acute state, nutrition should become complete with the observance of the stimulating principle during the period of remission in patients with low acidity. Recommended fractional reception food, 5-6 times a day.

1.2 Treatment of chronic gastritis

The treatment of patients with chronic gastritis is aimed not only at drug treatment of gastritis as such, but also at combating the causes of the disease, taking into account, first of all, the morphological variant of the disease and the level of acid production (gastritis with increased level acidity or low). In addition, an appropriate diet is prescribed, and sometimes spa treatment.

1. Diet for chronic gastritis

The first thing that is provided for in the treatment of chronic gastritis is the appointment of a sparing diet, the diet of which depends on the state of the acid-forming function of the stomach, as well as on the presence / absence of concomitant diseases of the intestines, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs.

In chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretory function of the stomach, diet No. 1 is recommended: foods that stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid and irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded from the diet. These are: strong meat, fish and mushroom broths, fried foods, smoked meats and canned food, seasonings and spices (onions, peppers, mustard), pickles and marinades, coffee, strong tea, carbonated fruit waters, alcoholic beverages. In some cases, it is advisable to limit the content of refined carbohydrates in the diet, which contribute to the occurrence of symptoms of acidism in some patients (sour belching).

In chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretory function of the stomach, foods with good buffering properties are recommended: boiled meat and fish, soft-boiled eggs, etc. The diet also includes pasta, cereals, stale white bread, dry biscuits and dry cookies, milk soups . Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower) are preferably stewed or cooked in the form of mashed potatoes and steam soufflés. In addition, patients are allowed kissels, mousses, jelly, baked apples, cocoa with milk, weak tea.

In chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, diet No. 2 (table No. 2) is prescribed: food should be physiologically complete, varied in composition and contain foods that stimulate gastric acid secretion and improve appetite. These are: soups on low-fat fish or meat broth, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, parsley, soaked herring, black caviar. Patients are also allowed stale Rye bread(with its good tolerance), boiled, stewed and baked vegetables, crumbly cereals with water or milk, soft-boiled eggs, mild cheeses, low-fat ham, fruit and vegetable juices, soft apples.

In chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, products that require long-term digestion in the stomach, irritate its mucous membrane and enhance fermentation processes in the intestines (fatty meats and fish, spicy and salty dishes, cold drinks, fresh white and black bread, fresh rich products) are not recommended. from dough, a large amount of cabbage and grapes). Patients suffering from chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency often do not tolerate whole milk. In such cases, acidic dairy products (kefir, yogurt), cottage cheese (fresh or in the form of a casserole, pudding) can be recommended.

In addition, for gastritis with a tendency to diarrhea, diet No. 4 is prescribed, in the presence of symptoms or - with the exclusion of whole milk and the restriction of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The duration of dietary treatment is determined individually. A more strict diet recommended during an exacerbation of the disease is usually prescribed for 1-2 months. The basic principles of a particular diet, patients must comply with for many years.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, manifested by increased pain and dyspeptic disorders great importance has the principle of mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing. Meals should be fractional, 5-6 meals a day. Food - moderately hot, carefully mechanically processed.

2. Drug treatment of chronic gastritis

The expediency of using various drugs in the treatment of patients with chronic gastritis is also determined to a large extent by the level of gastric acid secretion.
Medicines for gastritis with high acidity.

  • Medicines for gastritis with high acidity

Patients suffering from chronic gastritis with preserved and increased secretion of hydrochloric acid are shown to prescribe antacid, adsorbent and enveloping drugs. At the same time, to use one of the most popular antacids- sodium bicarbonate - must be treated very carefully. Despite its quick effect, often allowing you to immediately stop the pain and heartburn, it should be borne in mind that it turns out to be short-lived. In addition, the carbon dioxide formed as a result of the neutralization reaction provokes belching and.

Sodium bicarbonate is completely absorbed. With its frequent use, alkalosis can develop, and in the elderly - fluid retention in the body.

It is also recommended to use calcium carbonate (0.5-1 g per dose), magnesium oxide (0.5-1 g per dose), as well as basic bismuth nitrate (0.5-1 g per dose), which has a good astringent action. These drugs are often used together (and also in combination with kaolin) in the form of antacid suspensions. The composition of such a suspension may vary depending on the nature of the patient's stool: with a tendency to it is advisable to increase the dose of magnesium oxide and reduce the dose of calcium carbonate, or completely eliminate this drug. On the contrary, with diarrhea it is advisable to increase the content of calcium carbonate and reduce the dose of magnesium oxide.

For the treatment of patients, antacid drugs that adsorb hydrochloric acid can also be used: magnesium trisilicate (0.5-1 g per dose), aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate, which are part of the well-known drugs Almagel, Almagel A and phosphalugel and are prescribed 1- 2 dosing spoons 3-4 times a day. Antacids and enveloping drugs are usually taken after meals in order to time their effect in this way at the time of the onset of pain.

In pain syndrome, the appointment of peripheral anticholinergics is indicated: gastrocepin (0.05 g 2 times a day before meals), metacin (0.5-1 ml of a 0.1% solution parenterally and 0.002-0.004 g orally before meals and on night), platyfillin hydrotartrate (1-2 ml of a 0.2% solution parenterally and 0.0025-0.005 g orally).

In cases where pain is due to increased gastric motility, the use of myotropic antispasmodics is indicated: Noshpa (2 ml of a 2% solution parenterally and 0.04-0.08 g in tablets), Papaverine hydrochloride (1- 2 ml of a 2% solution parenterally and 0.02-0.04 g orally), "Galidor" (1-2 ml of a 2.5% solution intramuscularly and 0.05-0.1 g orally).

With a weakening of the motor function of the stomach, concomitant duodenogastric and gastroesophageal reflux, it is advisable to use metoclopramide (cerucal) at 0.01-0.02 g orally 2-3 times a day before meals and 2 ml 2-3 times a day intramuscularly.

With erosive gastritis, the use of cytoprotective drugs (within 2-3 weeks), which increase the resistance of the gastric mucosa, is justified. For this purpose, sucralfate (Antepsin, Venter) is usually used, prescribed 1 g 3-4 times a day before meals or 2 hours after meals and at night, as well as colloidal bismuth subcitrate (Denol), prescribed 2 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes - 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.

For the complete destruction of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori (HP) in the gastric mucosa, the combination of Denol (daily dose of 480 mg (4 tablets) for 14-28 days), metronidazole (500 mg 3-4 times a day for 7 -10 days) and amoxicillin (500 mg 3-4 times a day for 7-14 days).

  • Medicines for gastritis with low acidity

In chronic gastritis with a reduced secretory function of the stomach, drugs are prescribed that enhance the secretion of hydrochloric acid: juice (15 ml 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals), plantaglucid (0.5-1 g 2-3 times a day before meal), various bitters (tincture of bitter wormwood herb, root infusion, special appetizing tea, etc.). With severe flatulence good effect have an infusion of chamomile flowers, an infusion prepared from a special carminative collection.

In the treatment of patients with Achilles gastritis, one has to resort to replacement therapy. Assign natural gastric juice (1-2 tablespoons during meals), "Acidinpepsin", or "Betacid" (1 tablet 3 times a day), containing pepsin and acidin (betaine hydrochloride), which separates free hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as preparations prepared from the gastric mucosa of calves or pigs and containing proteolytic enzymes: Pepsidil (1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day) and Abomin (1 tablet 3 times a day with meals).

For the purpose of substitution therapy, polyenzymatic preparations “”, “Festal, “Digestal”, “Panzinorm”, “Pankurmen”, “Mezimforte”, etc. are also used, containing a set of various pancreatic enzymes and bile extract and prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day with meals. After the disappearance of the manifestations of the syndrome of insufficient digestion and absorption, the dose of enzyme replacement preparations can be reduced, and with good health and the absence of dyspeptic phenomena, they can be canceled altogether. In severe cases, especially in the presence of concomitant chronic pancreatitis and, treatment with enzyme preparations is carried out for a long time, and sometimes permanently.

supporting role in drug treatment patients with chronic gastritis is played by the use of drugs that improve trophic processes in the gastric mucosa, extract (1 ml subcutaneously), "Methyluracil" (0.5 g 3-4 times a day in tablets), "Pentoxyl" (0.2 g 3 times a day orally after meals), vitamins. Treatment with these drugs is carried out in courses lasting 3-4 weeks, more often in winter and spring. In cases where chronic Achilles gastritis occurs with severe anorexia and is accompanied by weight loss, it is advisable to use anabolic steroid hormones (Nerobol, Retabolil, etc.).

Treatment of gastritis with normal and high acidity

In the treatment of various diseases, it is advisable to take a minimum amount of drugs, especially to take drugs that cause functional or organic disorders of the stomach and intestines.

Which doctor should you contact if you have gastritis?

  • Nutritionist

Video about gastritis

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is one of the most common human diseases. Approximately 80-90% of people during their lives had at least one episode of this disease. In old age, up to 70-90% of people suffer from various forms of gastritis. The chronic form of gastritis can transform into a stomach.

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the stomach, leading to dysfunction of this organ. When gastritis occurs, food begins to be poorly digested, which results in a breakdown and lack of energy. Gastritis, like most diseases, is acute and chronic. In addition, there are gastritis with low, normal and high acidity of the stomach.

Currently, gastritis can already be called the disease of the century. They hurt both adults and children. And according to health statistics, in Russia about 50% of the population has gastritis in some form.

Gastritis is characterized by a variety of external and internal causes leading to the development of pathology. Clinically, it occurs in the form of inflammation (acute or chronic). Acute inflammation is short lived. Damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach with concentrated acids, alkalis and other chemicals is dangerously fatal.

A long-term (chronic) flowing disease reduces the quality of life and manifests itself in the form of pain, as well as:

    Heaviness in the abdomen;

The chronic form is dangerous atrophy of the gastric mucosa. As a result, the glands of the stomach cease to function normally. Atypical cells are formed in place of healthy cells. An imbalance in the process of self-healing of the cells of the gastric mucosa is one of the causes of ulcers and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

The stomach is the most vulnerable section of the digestive system. At least three complex processes of digestion take place in it: this is the mechanical mixing of the food coma, the chemical breakdown of food, and the absorption of nutrients.

The inner wall of the stomach, the mucous membrane, is most often damaged, where two mutually exclusive components of digestion are produced - gastric juice and protective mucus.

Digestion in the stomach is a finely tuned biochemical process of the body. This is confirmed by the normal acidic pH of the gastric juice (its main component is hydrochloric acid), but also by the difference in acidity parameters in its different parts. High acidity (pH 1.0-1.2) is observed in the initial part of the stomach, and low (pH 5.0-6.0) - at the junction of the stomach with the small intestine.

The paradox is that the healthy person the stomach not only does not digest itself, but also the gastric juice produced by the glands in different parts of the body has different properties. At the same time, the pH environment in the esophagus is neutral, and in the duodenum (the first section small intestine) is alkaline.

An unpleasant, painful sensation of a person with gastritis - heartburn - is primarily the result of a violation of the acid-base balance in one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the deviation of the acid balance from the norm in certain parts of the stomach underlies the pathogenesis of gastritis with low or high acidity.

Gross impact on the digestive process: food or chemical poisoning, the release of bile into the stomach, intestinal infections, regular intake of certain medications, carbonated drinks, alcohol and other factors negatively affect the condition of the gastric mucosa. The serious influence of the microbial factor on the development of gastritis has been proven.

Short-term emergency effect on the digestive process is limited clinical manifestations as acute inflammation of the following nature:





Catarrhal gastritis is associated with poor nutrition and mild food poisoning. Fibrinous and necrotic gastritis is usually caused by poisoning with heavy metal salts, concentrated acids and alkalis. Phlegmonous gastritis is caused by traumatic damage to the stomach wall.

Prolonged exposure to a weakened organism ends with the development chronic pathogenesis aggravated by ulcerative processes on the walls of the stomach. Gastritis can be harbingers of oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The variety of manifestations of gastritis of the stomach in humans is confirmed by their complex classification. Detailing the clinical symptoms of gastritis is essential for gastroenterologists when prescribing medical procedures. In our case, this is an illustration various forms diseases in order to form a generalized idea of ​​gastritis in the reader.

The causes of gastritis can be microbes, etc. In some cases, specific microorganisms provoke approximately 80% of gastritis. Helicobacter is not the only cause of this disease.

Another group of gastritis is not associated with microbes, although this relationship may appear at certain stages.

Non-microbial gastritis are divided into several groups:

    Alcoholic. The disease develops under the influence of regular use of strong alcoholic beverages (alcohol has an alkaline pH) against the background of numerous other factors associated with the general negative effect of large doses of ethyl alcohol on the body;

    NSAID-induced gastritis. NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are used in many diseases as antipyretic, analgesic and antiplatelet drugs. The most famous drugs of this pharmacological group are acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), analgin, diclofenac, indomethacin, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, piroxicam. Uncontrolled use of NSAIDs stimulates the development of gastritis, and then its transformation into gastric ulcer.

    Post-resection. Such gastritis develops after forced surgical removal of part of the stomach.

    Chemically caused gastritis. They develop as a result of accidental or special ingestion of chemicals that have aggressive properties against proteins of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

    Gastritis of unknown origin.

In professional medicine, other classifications of gastritis are also used, including, according to the type of spread of pathogenesis:

    Autoimmune gastritis (type A);

    Exogenous gastritis (type B), provoked by Helicobacter pylori;

    Mixed gastritis (type A + B);

    Gastritis (type C) provoked by NSAIDs, chemical irritants or bile;

    special shapes gastritis;

    Gastritis against the background of a decrease and increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid;

    Other forms of morphological and functional manifestations of gastritis.

Their differentiation involves the use of complex medical laboratory or instrumental techniques at the stage of diagnosing the disease. Therefore, the description of gastritis, which have approximately the same clinical symptoms, but differ in the underlying mechanisms of pathogenesis, is not of interest to a wide range of readers.

Let us dwell in detail on the main signs and symptoms of gastritis, which can serve as a basis for a person to contact medical institution for help.

Signs and symptoms of stomach gastritis

Gastritis is characterized by a variety of symptoms, but can occur without pronounced manifestations. Most characteristic symptom- pain in the solar plexus, aggravated after taking certain types of food, liquids and drugs, especially those with increased aggressiveness to the gastric mucosa. Sometimes the pain gets worse between meals. With gastritis, spicy foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks and other foods, the use of which leads to an exacerbation of gastritis, are contraindicated.

important but less permanent signs gastritis are heartburn, vomiting and belching. The disease is sometimes manifested by bloating and frequent gas discharge. The appearance of two or more of the above symptoms against the background of abdominal pain is a reason to suspect gastritis.

The disease is also indicated by the intake of spicy food, drugs and aggressive liquids shortly before the onset of pain.

It is much more difficult to identify the symptoms of chronic gastritis. long time signs of the disease are limited to irregular stools, tongue coating, fatigue, rumbling and overflow in the abdomen between meals, flatulence, recurrent diarrhea or constipation.

Chronic gastritis usually does not have a significant effect on clinical condition patient, except for a decrease in the quality of life. AT mild form chronic gastritis is characterized by constipation and diarrhea. In severe form, except for those indicated - frequent discharge of intestinal gases, drowsiness, cold sweating, increased peristalsis, halitosis.

Symptoms of high acidity

The most common signs of gastritis with high acidity, except common symptoms(vomiting, nausea):

    Prolonged pain in the solar plexus, disappearing after eating;

    Frequent diarrhea;

    Heartburn after eating sour food;

    Frequent urge to pass gases from the mouth - belching.

Symptoms of low acidity

The most common signs of gastritis with low or zero acidity:

    Persistent bad taste in the mouth

    Heaviness in the abdomen after eating;

    "" Belching "rotten eggs";

  • Nausea in the morning;

    Problems with bowel regularity;

    Disgusting odor from the mouth.

The recurrence of chronic gastritis is characterized by a variety of symptoms, the most common symptoms are:

    Constant or periodic pain in the solar plexus, which increases immediately after eating, or vice versa, with prolonged fasting;

    Belching with air, burning in the sternum, heartburn after eating, metallic taste in the mouth;

    Nausea, morning vomiting of semi-digested food with a characteristic sour taste, sometimes vomiting of bile;

    Increased salivation, thirst, weakness;

  • Pain in the stomach with gastritis

    Gastralgia - pain in the abdominal wall (cavity) - an important symptom of gastritis. Meanwhile, pain is accompanied by other diseases of the organs. abdominal cavity which are collectively referred to as "acute abdomen". Unpleasant sensations are manifested in the form of pain, as well as stabbing, pressing, shooting, burning and other types of pain.

    Syndrome acute abdomen- it can be appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, stomach cancer, reflux, intestinal blockage and other pathologies. All pains in the above diseases are to some extent combined with other symptoms characteristic of gastritis - vomiting, nausea, belching, constipation, diarrhea, changes in body temperature.

    At home, you can recognize the pain caused precisely by gastritis. The most characteristic of gastritis and distinguishing it from other pathologies of the "acute abdomen" are pains that increase after:

      Eating, especially spicy and smoked;

      Drinking alcohol or certain medicines in particular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

      Prolonged break from eating.

    Other options for the occurrence of pain in the stomach in the absence of clinical skills and the ability to use laboratory and instrumental methods studies can be easily confused with symptoms of other ailments.

    Causes of gastritis

    Of greatest interest are the causes that cause the chronic form of gastritis. Distinguish between external and internal factors leading to the development of the disease. Interestingly, in some people, gastritis develops much more slowly and does not have a significant effect on the body. That is, most likely, the causes of gastritis are hidden behind many factors and their combinations.

    The most significant external causes of gastritis:

      Impact on the walls of the stomach of bacteria Helicobacter pylori, less often other bacteria and fungi. Approximately 80% of patients diagnosed with gastritis secrete acid-resistant bacteria that actively penetrate into the wall of the gastric mucosa, secrete specific substances that irritate the mucous membrane, stimulate a local change in the pH of the walls and their inflammation. The final answer, why these bacteria cause significant harm to some people, and not to others, is still unknown;

      Eating disorders. It has been established that malnutrition is common cause gastritis. The statement is true for both overeating and undereating. It is necessary to diversify the diet with plant foods rich in vitamins and plant fiber, which normalizes peristalsis. However, with the development of the initial stages of gastritis, it is necessary to avoid foods containing coarse vegetable fiber, as well as fatty, spicy, canned and pickled foods;

      Alcohol abuse is isolated as a separate cause of gastritis of the stomach. Ethanol in small amounts is an important component of the biochemical processes in the body, however, a large amount of alcohol provokes an acid-base imbalance in the body. In addition, alcohol in large doses with regular use significantly harms other digestive organs - the liver, pancreas, and also has a detrimental effect on metabolic processes in the body;

      It has been noted that some drugs widely used in medicine as anti-clotting (antiplatelet), analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs have a serious side effect - they irritate the gastric mucosa. Most often, gastritis is caused by non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, analgin) and glucocorticoid hormones (prednisone). These medicines are recommended to be used strictly for medical purposes, fractionally, in small doses, after meals;

      Some researchers note the impact on the development of gastritis of helminthic invasions, aggressive chemicals, swallowed accidentally or intentionally.

    The main internal (related to the violation of homeostasis) causes of gastritis:

      Congenital human predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases;

      Duodenal reflux - pathological throwing of bile from the duodenum into the stomach. Bile, getting into the cavity of the stomach, changes the pH of the juice and irritates the mucous membrane. Initially, inflammation of the antrum of the stomach develops, and then its other departments are involved;

      Autoimmune processes, damage at the immune level of the protective properties of the cells of the gastric mucosa. As a result, the cells stop functioning normally and lose their original properties. This phenomenon triggers a cascade of small reactions that change the pH of the juice, and leads to constant irritation of the stomach walls. There is endogenous intoxication and a violation of the resistance of the mucous membrane to the aggressive environment of gastric juice;

      Violations of hormonal and vitamin metabolism, the reflex effect of the pathogenesis of organs adjacent to the stomach.

    With the help of instrumental and functional methods, many variants of gastritis were diagnosed. However, everyone is divided into gastritis with:

      Normal or increased acidity;

      Zero or low acidity.

    Symptoms of gastritis with low or high acidity can generally be distinguished, however, the final diagnosis is made on the basis of a study of gastric juice obtained by probing, as well as intragastric pH-metry using special sensors inserted into the stomach. The latter method is convenient in that long-term monitoring of gastric juice parameters is possible. In some cases, the pH of gastric contents is determined indirectly, in the study of urine pH.

    Gastritis with high acidity

    It is characterized by severe pain in the solar plexus or in the navel, usually of a paroxysmal nature. The pain subsides after eating dietary food, intensifies in between meals. Pain in the right hypochondrium - evidence of ingress of gastric juice into duodenum. Pathology is characterized by heartburn, morning sickness, rotten belching, rumbling in the abdomen (constipation is more common in gastritis with low acidity), a taste of metal in the mouth.

    In some cases, the disease proceeds subclinically, with periodic exacerbations after drinking alcohol, drugs of the NSAID group, cardiac glycosides (digitis), potassium preparations, hormones (prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone). The attack can be provoked by the use of "heavy" food. The type of gastritis is determined by medical research.

    Gastritis with low acidity

    The acid in the stomach is involved in the primary breakdown of coarse food fibers.

    The pH level of 6.5-7.0 is a low acidity of gastric juice. With a decrease in the level of acidity, the denaturation and breakdown of proteins slows down, and, as a result, intestinal motility. Therefore, along with pain, important symptoms of anacid gastritis (with low acidity) are constipation, halitosis, and putrefactive, fermentative processes in the stomach.

    Gastritis with low acidity is more often manifested by heaviness in the abdomen, rapid saturation after eating, increased formation of intestinal gases. In some cases, the disease can be corrected by taking digestive enzymes (festal, gastal). You can treat anacid gastritis at home, it's very simple. Since gastric juice has reduced properties, you should chew food for a long time. Careful grinding of the food coma in the oral cavity and processing it with saliva is an effective non-medical method of treating gastritis.

    Acute gastritis

    Catarrhal gastritis develops under the influence of aggressive drugs (aspirin, other NSAIDs), harmful drinks (alcohol, carbonated lemonades with frequent use) and heavy foods (fatty, salty, smoked, pickled). Acute gastritis is also known against the background of toxic infections (and others), as well as against the background of renal and hepatic insufficiency. Acute forms of gastritis can be provoked by pathologies not directly related to the gastrointestinal tract (,). This is due to the accumulation of under-oxidized products in the blood in severe cases, which causes inflammation of the walls of the stomach. Describe also acute gastritis on the background of stress.

    Fibrinous and necrotic gastritis develops with a special or accidental ingestion of strong acids (acetic, hydrochloric, sulfuric) or alkalis. The disease is accompanied by excruciating pain.

    Phlegmonous gastritis- a consequence of intentional or accidental injury to the walls of the stomach (swallowed pins, glass, nails). The disease is manifested by purulent fusion of the walls of the stomach.

    Symptoms of catarrhal (simple) acute gastritis appear 5-8 hours after exposure to a crisis factor. Pathogenesis begins with a burning sensation in the epigastric region (synonyms: in the pit of the stomach, in the solar plexus). Pain develops in this area, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth. Toxic-infectious gastritis is supplemented by fever, persistent vomiting and diarrhea. A serious condition is characterized by bloody vomiting - this is a corrosive (necrotic) gastritis. Phlegmonous gastritis is manifested by the phenomena of peritonitis: a tense abdominal wall, a state of shock.

    Chronic gastritis

    In the initial stages, the disease proceeds without bright symptoms. Periodically manifests itself hypersensitivity to certain types of food in the form of heartburn and bloating. Often there is a feeling of heaviness with a full stomach, a plaque and a peculiar pattern are found on the tongue.

    The chronic form of gastritis can develop at any age: from 20 years to old age. The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. During the period of exacerbation, the signs of chronic gastritis do not differ from the symptoms of the acute form of the disease - pain, combined with nausea, sometimes vomiting. Unpleasant sensations are intensified after eating certain types of food. Usually this is a certain set of products that you should remember and try to exclude from the diet or limit consumption.

    Most dangerous consequence chronic gastritis is stomach bleeding. It is manifested by black feces, pallor of the mucous membranes and skin of the patient.

    Pallor of the mucous membranes may be a sign of another disease - atrophic gastritis. It occurs against the background of a deficiency in the body of vitamin B 12. This vitamin is very important for blood formation. Atrophic gastritis may not have other striking signs, except for pallor. The danger of the disease is that it is a harbinger of the development of cancer cells in the epithelium of the stomach. The detection of anemia against the background of signs of gastritis is an occasion to more closely examine the state of health.

    The human body has large-scale protective resources, so lifestyle changes, adherence to a dietary regimen and properly prescribed complex treatment significantly increase the likelihood of a cure for any form of gastritis.

    A common cause of gastritis is the excessive consumption of the following two substances:

      Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid);

      Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol).

    Aspirin and its analogues are prescribed by cardiologists for long-term daily and mandatory use for the purpose of prevention and strokes. Tens of thousands of people daily take aspirin as a means of inhibiting the formation of blood clots, which makes the problem very urgent. safe application NSAIDs.

    Acetylsalicylic acid preparations have excellent antiplatelet properties, that is, they prevent the development of blood clots in the vessels. Blood clots are the main cause of myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke. However, aspirin and other NSAIDs have an unpleasant side effect - they irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Hypertensive patients use these drugs daily in combination with other drugs. Excessive intake of aspirin and its analogues can provoke an additional problem for a sick person - gastritis. This is true for all people of the older age group who suffer from, have undergone or are at risk of developing myocardial infarction.

    Alcohol, widely consumed by certain categories of citizens. In people predisposed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, even moderate consumption of ethanol can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis. Alcohol has alkaline properties. Regular neutralization of the acidic environment of the stomach with ethanol creates a condition for irritation of the walls.

    Meanwhile, there is no reason to exclude aspirin and other important drugs(iron, potassium, hormones, others) from the list of useful medicines. Carefully read the annotations to the medicines and take them according to the scheme recommended by the doctor.

    In particular, reduce side effects from taking aspirin in the following ways:

      Reduced single dose (consult your doctor);

      Taking the drug on the eve of a meal;

      Drinking large volumes of water;

      The transition from aspirin to modern shell analogues (THROMBO-ASS).

    When prescribing aspirin and other NSAIDs, caution should be exercised if the patient has:

      Erosive and peptic ulcer disease in the acute stage;

      Individual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid preparations;

      Tendency to gastrointestinal bleeding;

      Pregnancy in women.

    Always tell your doctor if you have any restrictions on the use of aspirin. This will help the doctor to navigate, choose the correct dosage of the drug, replace it with more suitable analogues or drugs of a different pharmacological group, adjust the methods of application, and reduce the frequency of aspirin use.

    In some cases, to reduce side effects aspirin and other NSAIDs are prescribed - drugs that neutralize the acidity of gastric juice.

    The irrational use of any drugs can have negative consequences and impede the absorption of other prescribed drugs. Antacids containing aluminum in large doses cause constipation, potassium-containing medicines reduce the acidity of the stomach (in some cases this useful property). Potassium is also useful for women during their period.

    In case of intolerance to certain groups of drugs, they are replaced by others. For example, histamine-H2 blockers can be such substitutes. Drugs in this group (cimetidine, ranitidine) are over-the-counter drugs. These tablets are prescribed as a means of regulating acidity in the stomach, and, as a result, reducing pain in hyperacid gastritis.

    As for alcohol, you should stop using it during an exacerbation of gastritis and use pharmacological agents, which have an aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Regular alcohol consumption is a real threat to the development of gastritis of the stomach.

    Medicines for gastritis of the stomach

    In the arsenal of gastroenterologists for the treatment and prevention of gastritis, there are several pharmacological groups of drugs, including:

      Detoxifying drugs (antidotes) - Activated carbon, smecta, specific antidotes;

      (adsorbents) - activated carbon, alum (diamond, aluminum phosphate, bismuth subnitrate, bismuth tripotassium dicitrate), hydrotalcite, diosmectite, sucralfate, Antareit;

      Antiseptics and disinfectants (bismuth subnitrate);

      Antidiarrheals (diosmectite);

      Tetracycline antibiotics (doxycycline);

      Antihistamines(H2 subtype) - famotidine, cimetidine.

    Gastritis, expressed in inflammation of the gastric mucosa, is of two types: acute and chronic. In the first case, the main symptom is strong pain which appears suddenly. Often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dehydration, weakness appears.

Considering modern look of human life, many of us have encountered the problem of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, and we know what gastritis is. Due to the self-healing ability of the glandular tissue lining the inner walls of the stomach, the disease often goes unnoticed. However, the process of pathological deviation can acquire an acute and even chronic form. The acute phase of the disease affects the inner epithelium of the walls of the stomach. The problem is exacerbated by the presence of infectious agents. The chronic form of gastritis (we will consider the symptoms and treatment in the article) lies in wait for those people who did not see a doctor on time, did not take preventive measures and neglected treatment for early stages.

The role of the stomach in digestion

Before we know what gastritis is, let's talk about the role of the stomach in our body. It is a muscle of a hollow structure. As part of the digestive system, this organ is located between the esophagus and the duodenum, and has a number of properties.

  1. Mechanical and chemical processing of food products coming after primary processing from the oral cavity through the esophagus. The accumulated food mass after enzymatic and hydrochloric acid action moves into the intestine.
  2. Suction of a range useful substances. This process occurs in almost all organs of the digestive system. Absorption of a large amount of water, dissolved impurities of mineral salts, a small amount of amino acids and glucose molecules predominates in the stomach.
  3. Protective and bactericidal function. In case of violation of the excretory work of the kidneys, this role is taken over by the stomach. Gastric juice has a strong bactericidal effect, adversely affecting the activity of microorganisms. Basically, this is due to monobasic hydrochloric acid.

Signs of acute gastritis

Acute gastritis can develop under the influence of various chemical, mechanical or bacteriological factors. Typical signs of gastritis are: malaise and acute pain in the epigastric region. Perhaps a state of nausea and even vomiting. In such cases, food remains will contain impurities of mucus and bile. There is a general feeling of weakness in the body. In exceptional cases, the patient decreases arterial pressure, pulse quickens, and skin become pale. If the patient's elevated body temperature is a symptom of gastritis, treatment should be started immediately, as ignoring it can lead to serious complications.

Disease recognition

Medical recognition of the disease with the help of gastroscopy reveals swelling and redness of the stomach lining. The course of the disease passes with petechial hemorrhages and erosions. For a more accurate diagnosis, doctors recommend an electrocardiogram. Under symptoms similar to gastritis, an acute attack of myocardial infarction can occur, which gives pain not in the region of the heart, but in the epigastrium.

Acute Phase Treatment

Treatment of gastritis in the acute phase is carried out by gastric lavage and the introduction of drugs such as "No-shpa", "Platifillin" or "Papaverine". In severe cases, urgent hospitalization and the introduction of saline, which is a liquid with a 5% glucose content, are necessary. The method of treating gastritis with antibiotics should be used only with an obvious bacteriological factor.

Causes of the disease

What is gastritis? What can provoke him? The determining factors for the occurrence of gastritis of the stomach are called:

  1. Food poisoning from low-quality products.
  2. Chemical intoxication with reagents and toxic compounds.
  3. Pathogenic effect of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Physical overstrain of the body, taking into account physiological features.
  5. Non-compliance with the basic principles of proper nutrition, food intake.

There are several main causes of this disease. First of all, a long-term violation can serve as a prerequisite for the occurrence of gastritis. acid balance in the gastric environment. The imbalance of acid and alkali in the stomach occurs under the influence of hydrochloric acid. Any deviation of its composition from the norm leads to dyspeptic disorders and other problems of a motor-secretory nature. The acid-base state of gastric juice can be low, high or within the normal range.

  • bactericidal causes.

A gram-negative spiral-shaped bacterium may be a predisposing factor in the development of gastritis. According to some reports, Helicobacter pylori microbes lead to functional abnormalities. immune system in more than 80% of recorded cases of stomach diseases. Actively moving along the inner surface, the bacteria are fixed on the mucous layer. This is followed by an accelerated synthesis of enzymes of the amidases group. Under the influence of urease, a local change in acidity occurs, which will be discussed later.

  • High level of acidity.

Contrary to popular belief, hyperacidity of the stomach is much less common than hyposensitivity. Hyperactivity of the fundic glands leads to an excess of internal secretion, which threatens the appearance of ulcers not only in the stomach, but also in the alimentary canal. acute pain and heartburn disturb the patient. For the correct diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity and its differentiation, it is necessary to apply an instrumental medical examination. The basic procedures for determining acid-dependent diseases are probing and pH-metry. The most accurate data can be obtained using the second method, when sensors measure the level of acid directly from the stomach.

  • Reflux gastritis.

This is another form of the disease, when the mechanism of digestion deviates from the norm due to the reverse flow of food masses from the duodenum 12 through the pyloric sphincter. Usually this valve has a thickening of the circular layer, which is responsible for regulating the flow of substances from the stomach towards the intestines. Pyloric fibers should prevent the return of food residues.

The main danger of the reverse flow of food into the stomach cavity lies in the bile and enzymatic fluid, which corrodes the mucous layer and the surface of the walls of the stomach. Reflux gastritis can be a pathology of chronic duodenitis, postoperative complication digestive tract, intramuscular disorder of sphincters or side factor after taking certain painkillers.

Duodenal reflux gastritis develops after a retrograde ejection of contents from the initial section small intestine. This is facilitated by various inflammatory processes flowing in this zone, in which the pressure rises. As a result, the reverse sphincters cannot cope, and cardial insufficiency develops, that is, weakness of the lower valve of the stomach.

The causes are often congestion in the duodenum 12. The biliary form of this disease can be triggered by insufficient muscle contraction of the pylorus or a coordination disorder in the sequence of these contractions between the stomach and intestines.

Classification of the degrees of the acute form of the disease

What is acute gastritis, and what are its degrees? This will be discussed further.

  • Catarrhal gastritis.

The catarrhal period of inflammation of the mucosa is due to a systematic violation of the diet or poisoning in mild stage. This form includes all the key signs of gastritis.

  • fibrinous gastritis.

The fibrinous degree of gastritis acts as a secondary disease in more severe infections such as diphtheria or tuberculosis. The lesions are concentrated on the walls of the stomach and look like a protein film. Scar tissue appears due to poorly soluble fibrin.

  • Necrotic gastritis.

Necrotic, severe degree of gastritis is associated with the fibrinous form of the disease directly by the same reasons. However, it is due to the ingress of pronounced chemicals, when some areas become dead as a result of acid poisoning. Colliquation necrosis is characterized by impregnation of the affected area with calcium salts. In this situation, the phenomenon of petrification is observed, when calcium salt deposits appear on the necrotic area. With this condition of the tissues of the digestive tract, surgical medical intervention is required.

  • Phlegmonous gastritis.

A purulent form of gastritis, which affects not only the mucous, submucosal loose tissue, but even the muscular frame of the organ. This type of disease is usually associated with previous injuries, open ulcers or tumor growth. If the serous membrane is affected, the disease is dangerous with serious complications in the form of perigastritis or peritonitis, when food masses penetrate the abdominal cavity. Without urgent medical measures, the victim is at risk of death.

Chronic form of the disease

The chronic form of gastritis is manifested by inflammation of the gastric mucosa for a long time. The course of the disease passes in an undulating way, in the form of sharp exacerbations and subsequent sluggish remissions.

Symptoms of gastritis of the stomach depend on the composition and level of acidity of the gastric juice. With secretory relative insufficiency of the stomach, heaviness in the abdomen and aching pains in the epigastric region are predominantly felt. Do not leave the feeling of fullness and nausea after eating. The patient may complain of constant regurgitation. Due to gastric discomfort, many begin to limit themselves in the amount of food eaten. In turn, this affects the entire body and leads to weight loss. Additional troubles include a tendency to diarrhea. Often the stool becomes liquid, mushy, but without impurities of blood or mucus.

When examining a patient by palpation of the abdomen, chronic gastritis is characterized by moderate pain in the epigastric region. Gastritis with normal or increased acidity of the gastric juice, mainly occurs in young people. In addition to the pain syndrome, the disease is accompanied by heartburn after eating, belching with a sour aftertaste and the likelihood of constipation. Often the surface of the tongue is covered with abundant plaque. white color. Often, along with gastritis, inflammation of the duodenal mucosa (duodenitis) develops. Then the symptoms of gastritis of the stomach are observed in a slightly different quality.

Diagnosis of the chronic form of the disease

The definition occurs in the same way of gastroscopy as in the acute phase of the disease. Based on the data obtained, and relying on information from the patient, a conclusion is made about the state of the mucosa. Changes in the gastric mucosa can be significant - swelling and varying degrees of redness, widespread process (the so-called total lesion) - or partial (only certain areas are affected). The damaged surface of the stomach may become eroded and show signs of atrophy. X-ray examination of the internal structure will help to exclude a number of diseases, including stomach cancer or peptic ulcer. The clinical course of these diseases is very similar. Although its defining value this species I still lost the examination, but it remains relevant in some cases when the patient's condition is unstable and does not allow other procedures to be performed. To determine the adequate treatment of gastritis, it is necessary to know the level of acidity of gastric juice using a probe. Other acid test methods (using tablets) will only give approximate results.

Treatment of chronic gastritis

The chronic form of the disease requires an integrated approach to treatment. A properly selected diet should be combined with a group of drugs drug therapy. Medicines in relation to the mucous membrane and walls of the stomach perform enveloping and restoring functions. As a rule, doctors prescribe antacid and absorbent drugs. It is recommended to take medication some time after eating. Tablets reduce the intensity of inflammation of the mucosa and allow the stomach to resume its normal work. For better functioning of the digestive system, enzymes are used that break down complex food structures into simpler elements.

In no case do not self-treat gastritis. Symptoms of various forms of the disease are quite similar. Before starting therapy, you need to determine the type of disease, and only a specialist can do this.

Atrophic focal gastritis

Focal atrophic gastritis is mildly expressed by slight discomfort and unpleasant feeling burning in the epigastric region. However, a feeling of heaviness and a state of nausea can occur even after eating a light meal. The work of locally affected cells is compensated by healthy epithelial tissues. After ignoring the first signs of atrophic gastritis, heartburn, loss of appetite and a sluggish increase in temperature are added to them.

This disease refers to the chronic form of gastritis, when parietal cells gradually disappear. In other words, the number of parietal cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid decreases. In turn, all this leads to a lack of vitamin B12 and threatens with megaloblastic anemia. Due to the process of destruction of the parietal glands, the mucous layer in the stomach gradually becomes thinner. A progressive disease damages the fundus of the stomach, gradually affecting its walls. started on time, proper treatment can prevent the development of atrophic gastritis into a cancerous tumor.

Inflammation of the antrum of the stomach

Antral gastritis is a chronic inflammation of the pyloric stomach. In another way, this disease is called group B gastritis when the causative agent is a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori). The comfortable habitat of this pathogen ranges from 4 to 6 in terms of pH acidity. In aggressive conditions, the bacterium adapts and takes an inactive form. At the onset of a favorable moment, it can again infect healthy cells of the organ. The enzymes produced by the bacterium adversely affect the intragastric environment. Under their influence, urea is converted to ammonia, and the mucous layer loses its usual viscosity. After that, harmful microbes move to the lower, so-called antrum of the stomach (hence the name - antral gastritis). Penetrating into the cells of the epithelium, they actively multiply. The integrity of tissues is violated, which subsequently leads to a complication of the work of the secretion glands.

Diffuse gastritis

The prerequisites for this are dystrophic processes in the tissues of the stomach. Cell division of the secretion glands is defective, so tissue degeneration does not end properly. Over time, healthy cells are increasingly replaced by immature ones. As a clear evidence of this disease, gastric depressions in the form of pits will act.

erosive form of the disease

The appearance of erosive wounds in the gastric mucosa is often the result of stressful situations. The reason for the appearance may also be the change of the spring-autumn seasons, when psychological perception intensifies. Improper and irregular nutrition also contributes to the development of erosive gastritis. Full restoration of the areas affected by erosion depends on the specific case, which has its own characteristics. Sometimes wound healing proceeds slowly, then the treatment is delayed for several months.

With an erosive form of gastritis, the pain component is an order of magnitude higher than with other types of the disease. This fact is directly related to food intake. It happens that this is due to the condition of the walls of the stomach, and is complicated by internal bleeding. Erosive gastritis does not depend on the level of acidity. This diagnosis can be made only by resorting to gastroscopy.

Giant gastritis hypertrophic

A very rare type of gastritis, which is otherwise referred to as Menetrier's disease. Manifested by alimentary dystrophy lower extremities and lumbar, partial anemia of the affected areas. The disease develops against the background of general exhaustion, as a result of a progressive metabolic disorder. The main clinical signs are not only but also ordinary pains in the epigastric region for the disease, nausea, periodic vomiting. There is a decrease in the amount of proteins in the blood due to changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the affected organ. Thanks to gastroscopy, wide swollen folds of the mucosa are recognized. A blood test, in such cases, shows a reduced level of hemoglobin and protein (hypoproteinemia). Treatment should be carried out only in a hospital.

Prevention of gastritis

  1. Striving for proper nutrition and a balanced diet. Try to avoid eating too much, especially at popular fast food establishments. Fragrant meat or fish dishes can have exceptional taste, but at the same time, provoke irritation of the mucous membrane. A large number of additives and spices disrupt the functioning of the tubular glands, which negatively affects the entire epithelium. In addition, nutritionists insist on the obligatory alternation of solid and dry food with liquid dishes.
  2. Pay attention to the quality of water and food consumed. If the quality of the products is in doubt, it is better not to use such products for cooking. Track strictly appearance and the smell of food when you visit public canteens. If possible, ask sellers for quality certificates or declarations of conformity, if they are provided for this type of goods. When shopping for food, focus on natural ingredients and avoid artificial ingredients.
  3. One of effective ways to prevent any manifestations of gastritis is the observance of the diet. Today, food culture is becoming an increasingly relevant topic. An important role is assigned to the schedule of food consumption. By adhering to the established time and regularity in this matter, it is possible to normalize the level of gastric secretion.
  4. It is worth noting that the diet for gastritis is not only relevant. Excessive load on the stomach during overeating contributes not only to the appearance of gastritis, but can lead to obesity. The situation will be aggravated by a feast in the late evening. Control the amount of food you eat.
  5. It is a well-known fact that calm, pleasant music has the best digestion. Doctors recommend not to rush and chew food thoroughly, without being distracted by other processes.
  6. Directly smoking does not affect the condition of the gastric mucosa, but in combination with alcohol or other factors, it indirectly provokes changes in its composition. Counterfeit alcoholic products often caused not only inflammation, but also dangerous chemical burns. The abuse of alcohol-containing drinks leads to irreversible consequences throughout the body. Is no exception and such a disease as gastritis.
  7. Features of working with toxic and chemical compounds require the use of special protective equipment. In case of accidental or intentional ingestion of these substances into the digestive tract, erosive-ulcerative forms of gastritis develop.
  8. For the prevention of gastric abscess, it is necessary to strictly and timely treat purulent-inflammatory processes of an infectious nature.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity

Food intake should be reduced to a fractional way: frequent meals in small doses. In the presence of Helictobacter bacteria, spicy foods and alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the daily diet. Diet for gastritis provides for the predominance of a variety of vegetables and fruits in the diet. Moreover, you can use them both fresh and boiled. Almost any diet for gastritis excludes the consumption of fatty foods. During an exacerbation, the consumption of dishes containing potatoes, boiled rice or oatmeal should be minimized. During a gastritis recession, meat-containing foods can be added to the daily diet the highest category.

Restriction in food with gastritis of low acidity

First of all, a diet for gastritis of the stomach with reduced level acid should be focused on stimulating the proper functioning of the body. Activation of gastric secretion occurs under the biochemical influence of certain substances contained in meat broths, soups, borscht, as well as in products made from whole grain flour. Both fresh vegetables and pickled and pickled foods have a stimulating effect.

Allowed drinks when sick

Diet for gastritis provides not only the right food, but also drinks. Some are well absorbed, reduce the level of acid in the stomach, and partially neutralize it. These include jelly and milk, but in both cases one should not assume that these liquids will replace medicines. They can be used as a supplement to dry food.

Weakly brewed tea is recommended to drink chilled. It is undesirable to use sour juices citrus group. For these purposes, juices interspersed with pulp are suitable: banana, pear or tomato. Juices should be at room temperature. Mineral-alkaline waters will help to cope with the disease faster. A diet for gastritis excludes the use of any kind of sweet sparkling water.

Doctors in their medical practice often encounter patients in whom they diagnose gastritis. This disease is manifested by a huge number of unpleasant symptoms. Can gastritis be cured and what medications, diets and folk remedies can help? This issue should be dealt with by all people, because each person can experience this disease.

What is gastritis and can it be cured?

A huge number of diseases can affect the human gastrointestinal tract. One of the most common ailments is gastritis. In medicine, doctors understand this term as inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can occur due to the influence of certain negative factors on the body. Here is their list:

  • malnutrition (abuse of spicy and too hot dishes, dry food, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages);
  • frequent exposure to stressful situations;
  • long-term medication;
  • ingestion of Helicobacter pylori bacteria into the stomach;
  • smoking;
  • chronic infections in the oral cavity, diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestinal infections.

"Can gastritis be cured?" is a question that worries many people. In order for the treatment to be effective, you just need to consult a doctor in a timely manner for help and lead a healthy lifestyle in the future in order to avoid future exacerbations and the recurrence of all symptoms of the disease.

Varieties of gastritis

Treatment of the disease for each person is prescribed individually. It depends on the type of gastritis that has arisen. This disease can be acute and chronic. Acute gastritis is often called poisoning, a sudden inflammation of the mucous membrane lining digestive system. This type of disease often occurs due to the indiscriminate use of drugs in large quantities. The reason for the development of acute gastritis may also be the use of low-quality food, the presence of individual intolerance to certain foods.

Now let's figure out what long-term inflammation in the stomach is. The disease is characterized by an undulating course. Periods of exacerbations are replaced by periods of remission. chronic form men often suffer because there are a lot more provoking factors in their lifestyle.

Classification of chronic gastritis

In order to understand what chronic gastritis is, you should consider its types:

  1. Gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice. Patients have heartburn, belching with a sour taste, "hungry" pain (at night and in the morning before meals) and burning in the epigastric region.
  2. Gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric juice. This type of disease is characterized by a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid. The disease is manifested by a deterioration in appetite, weight loss, the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth in the morning, after waking up, nausea, and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Medical treatment of acute gastritis

In acute gastritis, as in another type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe an adequate treatment that will really help and will not cause additional harm to the body.

In acute gastritis caused by poisoning, gastric lavage is performed. To cleanse the intestines, absorbent drugs, laxatives (activated charcoal, castor oil, etc.) are prescribed. For infections that provoke acute gastritis, apply antibacterial drugs, and when allergic reactions- antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs.

Medical treatment of chronic gastritis

In chronic gastritis, treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis - probing. This procedure allows specialists to assess the state of gastric secretion, to determine the acidity of the digestive juice produced in the body. If there are contraindications for probing, a gastrotest is used. Its essence lies in taking a special drug, due to which the level of acidity of gastric contents is determined.

For the treatment of gastritis with excessive acidity, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  1. "Renny" in the form chewable tablets. During their development, studies were conducted that answered the question of whether gastritis with high acidity can be cured. The medicine helps to relieve symptoms. After using the drug, pain, heartburn, belching, feeling of fullness in the epigastric region disappear.
  2. "Almagel" in the form of a suspension. This drug helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid and reduce the activity of pepsin in gastric juice. Thanks to this action, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is protected from damaging effects.

From gastritis with low acidity, many drugs have been developed. One of them is "Plantaglucid". It's a medication plant origin, made on the basis of extracts of plantain leaves. Experiments have shown that the drug increases the production of gastric juice, increases acidity. At the same time, it protects the mucous membrane from damage, has an antispasmodic effect. "Plantaglucid" has low toxicity, so it is used not only in the treatment of diseases such as gastritis. Prevention is another indication for use.

Diet for gastritis: general rules

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. A gastroenterologist or nutritionist develops a diet for sick people, talks about whether gastritis can be cured. For ailments with high and low acidity, different diets are selected, but at the same time they are based on general rules:

  • meals should be regular - 3 or 4 times a day;
  • food and drinks should not be consumed if they are too hot or cold;
  • you should not starve or overeat - it is better to eat little and often;
  • do not swallow solid food unless it is thoroughly chewed.

Is it possible to drink alcoholic beverages with gastritis? The answer to this question is negative. Alcohol with the disease in question is prohibited, as well as grape juice, kvass. The list of prohibited foods includes fresh baked goods, rye bread, legumes, fried eggs, hard cheeses, canned food, pickles, marinades, spicy seasonings, fatty meats, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, unripe fruits and berries with large grains.

Diet for gastritis with increased secretion

With gastritis with excessive acidity, a diet is needed that would not provoke an increase in the secretion of gastric juice. Experts with exacerbations of this type of disease are advised to adhere to a medical diet - table number 1a. Mucous porridges are allowed (semolina porridge is very useful in such a period), soft-boiled eggs, steam soufflés from low-fat varieties fish. From drinks, non-acidic berry and fruit kissels, carrot juice, rosehip broth are shown.

When the disease subsides, they move to table No. 1b. The above list of allowed foods and dishes is expanded by adding various grated milk porridges, wheat crackers, steamed fish and meat dishes.

Diet with insufficient secretion

With gastritis with reduced secretion during periods of exacerbations, you can eat the following dishes and foods:

  • soups on a low-fat broth with the addition of well-cooked and mashed cereals;
  • inedible bakery products;
  • vegetable purees, which can be prepared from potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini;
  • soft-boiled chicken eggs or an omelet made from egg white;
  • from drinks - cocoa or tea with milk, jelly and pureed compotes from sweet fruits and berries.

What do you eat if you are in remission? During this period, the diet is expanded. At the same time, several rules are followed. First, nutrition is made balanced and healthy. Secondly, they adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition. Thirdly, spices, fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages, muffins, pickles are completely excluded from the diet.

Phytotherapy for gastritis

People suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa often turn to folk healers for help and ask them if gastritis can be cured. Healers advise using herbal medicine, because mother nature has created a huge amount of useful plants able to heal various ailments. With gastritis with excessive acidity, a medicine prepared according to the following recipe can help:

  • take the herb of celandine, comfrey, marshmallow root and licorice (the first ingredient should be taken in proportion to the others in a ratio of 1:2:2:2);
  • all ingredients are crushed and mixed;
  • 1 st. l. the prepared mixture is poured into a glass cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • insist the medicine for a quarter of an hour;
  • filter;
  • take an infusion of 1 glass three times a day for half an hour before meals (treatment - 30 days).

In case of a disease with low acidity, it is advised to use a different recipe. Effective treatment of gastritis folk remedies It is possible if you strictly follow the instructions:

  • 1 tsp crushed calamus rhizome is poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • insist the medicine for 20 minutes;
  • filter;
  • take the infusion half an hour before meals for half a glass, four times a day.

So, we have found answers to questions about whether it is possible to cope with the acute form of the disease, whether it is possible to cure chronic gastritis forever. Summing up, it is worth noting that the disease develops due to the fact that people often neglect simple rules: do not eat at the same time, skip meals, eat too cold, hot and spicy, drink alcohol, smoke. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, then there will be no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, there will be no gastritis. Prevention is just that.