What is dermatomycosis in humans. Foot diseases: photo of foot and nail fungus, lichen

Diseases of the foot and legs are the most common among the world's population. This is due to the provision of regular increased load on the lower limbs. The leading place in the list is occupied by diseases of the foot, provoked by the rapid reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Most often, such infections develop due to a weakened immune system and in violation of the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, the cause of the development of an infectious process can be malfunctions in metabolic processes, frequent exposure to stressful situations on the body, violation of the microflora of the skin as a result of the use of antibiotics and not proper nutrition.

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Diseases provoked by the reproduction of pathogenic flora

The most common infections are fungal infection and ringworm.

And the most common ailment of this type is epidermophytosis. This disease is also called ringworm, it can affect the skin and nails on the fingers. For the rapid development of a fungal infection, a humid and warm microclimate on the surface of the body is required.

Another common disease that appears on the skin lower extremities, is lichen.

This term refers to a large group of violations. Each of them is distinguished by the appearance characteristic features and symptoms. Focal formations differ depending on the pathogen.

Mycosis - the main pathogens and its varieties

Mycosis is a fungal infection of the nails and skin. It is very easy to get infected with it - it is enough to use the shoes of a sick person or his other personal belongings. In addition, there is a high risk of infection when visiting a public pool, bath complex and the beach.

The most common mycosis of the skin of the legs is epidermophytosis. In addition, there is an interdigital infection that affects the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers. - one of the most common diseases of the toes.

Typical symptoms of a fungal infection

Very often, a fungal infection occurs as a result of frequent and prolonged wearing of closed and tight shoes, it creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic fungi.

The progression of the process occurs quite quickly and in most cases is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • peeling of the skin, in some cases the skin begins to exfoliate in whole layers;
  • thickening and coarsening of the epidermis;
  • itching and burning in the distribution area;

Additionally, the formation of microcracks is observed on the skin.

A developing interdigital infection is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  1. peeling skin in the interdigital region.
  2. Redness at the site of infection.
  3. Strong burning sensation.
  4. The formation of small blisters containing liquid inside.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, the disease caused by the fungus quickly begins to progress and spreads to other areas of the skin.

The affected areas of the epidermis become loose, weeping areas appear. When the nail plate is damaged, it changes color and becomes cloudy, thick and acquires increased brittleness.

In some cases, detachment of the nail from the soft subungual bed may be observed. The finger affected by the infectious process begins to hurt and creates inconvenience when walking.

Lichen - the main varieties

The development of lichen on the leg provokes the appearance of a focal lesion. Depending on the microflora that caused the pathological process, different kinds differ in external manifestations and characteristic symptoms.

Transmitted by contact. Most often, a person on the skin has the appearance of ringworm, pink, red flat and pityriasis versicolor.

The disease most often occurs in people who have a weak immune system and have had a serious illness. In addition, it can occur in people whose body is subjected to constant and prolonged stress. AT childhood impairment occurs as a result of a lack of ability immune system resist pathogenic microflora. This is due to the fact that the body of the child is not fully formed.

Common signs are:

  • the formation of lesions having a size of 0.5-6 cm;
  • discoloration of the skin and the appearance of hypo- and hyperpigmentation;
  • the appearance of finely and coarsely scaly peeling;
  • the occurrence of a feeling of itching of varying intensity.

The appearance of any sign should alert the person and signal the need to visit a dermatologist.

Ringworm - characteristic symptoms

Ringworm is serious illness, capable of affecting not only the legs, but also other parts of the skin. Children of preschool and school age belong to a special risk group. Doctors distinguish two types of pathology - microsporia and trichophytosis.

Microsporia is characterized by clearly defined foci from the spread of infection, on which pityriasis peeling is observed. In the process of development, the patient does not have a feeling of itching and damage to the hairy and smooth skin of the lower extremities.

When a disease appears on the legs, treatment must be started as soon as possible, this is due to the fact that the lesions can quickly spread throughout the body.

Trichophytosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of rounded and oval formations on smooth skin.
  2. The absence of a feeling of itching, the foci of the spread of infection do not merge and have clearly defined boundaries.
  3. In the center of the distribution area, bran-like desquamation is observed.
  4. The peripheral area of ​​the lesion is characterized by the presence of vesicles containing a purulent mass.

Hurricane spread. In childhood, boys recover quickly, and girls in 80% of cases acquire a chronic form of the disease.

Pink lichen - signs and characteristic symptoms

Pink lichen is an allergic reaction of the body with a weakened immune system, is not contagious and is not transmitted by contact. Most often, pathology is observed after an infectious disease.

At the initial stage of progression, the formation of a maternal plaque is observed, which has an oval shape and a diameter of up to 2 cm. The neoplasm has a pink color, in the center of it there is a scaly and wrinkled area.

After a few days, the foci begin to spread throughout the limb, while new formations can be either larger or smaller than the maternal plaque. Pathology is accompanied by a strong feeling of itching.

Despite the presence of a strong feeling of itching and burning, it is strictly forbidden to comb the affected areas, as this can provoke a bacterial infection, which will greatly complicate the healing process.

The disease resolves on its own within 4-5 weeks after the onset of the first symptoms. In some cases. When the body is especially weakened, the duration of recovery is 5-6 months

Lichen planus - characteristic symptoms

The true cause of this form of the disease is currently unknown. Most experts agree that the pathology is provoked by the process of the body producing antibodies against its own tissues. This variety belongs to autoimmune disorders.

The progression of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of a number of characteristic symptoms, one of which is the formation on the skin of the legs of flat plaques of a fairly bright color, having an irregular shape and size, fluctuating around 0.3 cm.

In addition, the affected areas merge with each other. The surface of the affected areas acquires a waxy sheen. If the neoplasm passes on its own, then a clarified area remains on the surface of the skin.

The disorder is also characterized by the occurrence of a strong feeling of itching and burning.

A characteristic sign of the disease is the appearance in the affected area, after treating it with vegetable oil, lines and white dots. This unique feature allows red lichen planus easy to distinguish from other varieties.

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is a chronic fungal skin infection. The disease is provoked by yeast-like fungi on the soles of the feet and ankles. In some cases, the path process is able to affect the region of the lower leg and thigh.

The affected areas are characterized by the presence of clear boundaries and the color of the affected area in dark red or brown. Symptoms are the appearance of a strong feeling of itching and burning. An additional sign is the absence of changes in the form of a tan on the surface of the skin when exposed to sunlight.

Pityriasis versicolor is a companion of patients with reduced immunity and chronic disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract.

Treatment of fungus and lichen

For treatment, both methods and preparations of conservative and traditional medicine. Their choice largely depends on the stage of progression of the pathological process.

Before using any medicinal product it is required to undergo diagnostics, which includes a whole range of studies. Depending on the type of disease, the dermatologist chooses the tactics of therapy and the corresponding list of drugs.

Self-treatment is strictly prohibited, which is due to the difficulty in carrying out therapeutic measures and the appearance of complications in the patient's body arising under the influence of medical preparations with a long list of side effects.

Skin mycosis treatment

The method of therapy for mycotic infection and the drugs used for this depend on the type of fungus. Most often, drugs are used for this purpose. local action. The most popular forms of antimycotic agents are antifungal and antiseptic ointments, creams, varnishes and gels.

Among the drugs intended for the treatment of fungal skin pathology, Lamisil cream and Stop Active oil are trusted by patients.

When prescribed by a doctor, Lamisil should be applied twice a day. It is recommended to apply the medication on the legs in the evening and in the morning. Side effects from the use of the drug are observed very rarely. In some cases, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Stop Active oil, according to most doctors and patients, is one of the most effective means against fungal infections of the feet.

The use of the drug allows you to remove all three types of fungus.

In addition to topical drugs, if necessary, systemic drugs may be prescribed. Such medicines are medicines in tablet form. Among them, the most common are:

  • Duflucan:
  • Mycomax Zentiva;
  • Flucostat;
  • Duflazon;
  • Fluconazole and some others.

You can take systemic drugs only as directed by your doctor. What is associated with the appearance of a strong negative impact on the body, manifested by side effects.

Treatment for lichen on the legs

For carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at getting rid of the disease, a variety of pathology influences. For each type of ailment, you should select your own list. effective drugs and their scheme of drug treatment.

Dermatomycosis is a condition that belongs to a large group of fungal diseases that affect the skin, nails, body folds, and internal organs.

According to the course, acute and chronic dermatomycosis are distinguished, according to the depth of the lesion - superficial and deep, according to limitation - local and widespread forms.

What it is?

Dermatomycosis belongs to the category infectious diseases developing after fungal infection. The disease spreads throughout the body, and you can get sick even as a result of a short contact. The main danger of mycosis lies in the fact that it often occurs in chronic form, that is, the danger of exacerbation always exists.

Prolonged delay in treatment aggravates the clinical picture and leads to the fact that pathogens will constantly remain on the skin.


Dermatomycosis is classified according to the place of localization:

  • smooth body skin;
  • scalp and beard;
  • nails;
  • inguinal region;
  • stop.

Depending on the causative agent, dermatomycosis is classified into:

  • keratomycosis: nodular microsporia, versicolor;
  • dermatophytosis: inguinal epidermophytosis, epidermophytosis of the feet, trichophytosis, tiled mycosis, favus, rubrophytosis;
  • deep mycoses: aspergillosis, chromomycosis, blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, etc.;
  • candidiasis: superficial, visceral and chronic generalized;
  • pseudomycoses: actinomycosis, trichomycosis, erythrase, etc.


Speaking about the etiology of the disease, it is important to consider that a variety of fungi act as pathogens: microsporum, trichophyton, epidermophyton (the last group includes varieties of this type of fungus, they are all united under the single name "dermatophytes"). It is always extremely difficult to identify pathogens in body tissues, since a specialist must first isolate a pure culture for research.

Another difficulty is that the causative agents of dermatomycosis are very common, so infection is easy, and in some cases such manifestations may have something in common with epidemic signs. Most often, dermatomycosis is characteristic of countries with a tropical climate, that is, humid and hot, since fungi usually actively multiply at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. The summer season and alkaline environment are ideal for them. At the same time, experts say that children are much more likely than adults to be infected.

As a rule, the pathogen appears on the skin after a person has been in contact with the lesion for some time. Doctors distinguish three main types of pathogens:

  • zoophilic;
  • geophilic;
  • anthropophilic.

In the second case, we are talking about pathogens that live in the soil and soil. A person can work or simply come into contact with the ground without using protective equipment, and as a result become infected.

The development of dermatomycosis is expressed in the fact that conidia and hyphae fragments of pathogens enter the hair, upper layers of the skin, nails (that is, those tissues that contain keratin). The degree of infection ability in dermatophytes is quite low, therefore, in healthy people tissue damage does not appear. However, pathogens differ in a characteristic feature: they can subject keratin to complete destruction and destruction.

The pathogens located in the hair shaft can be divided into two types according to their growth. First: endothrix begin to grow from the skin into hair and follicles, while they do not go beyond the boundaries of the hair shaft itself. Second: ectothrix grow directly into the hair directly from the hair follicle.

Much in the occurrence and development of the disease depends on the characteristics of the organism of the person himself. Some types of dermatomycosis can be characteristic only for an adult, and some - only for a child. In many ways, the disease is provided not only by age, but also by secretion sebaceous glands, composition of sweat and many other characteristic features.

Primary infection with ringworm is a consequence of sensitization, after which it is time for the development of relapse. Immunodeficiency largely determines the level of risk of dermatomycosis. In addition, various metabolic disorders, malnutrition, problems with the hormonal system, beriberi can also become a favorable background for infection. It must also be remembered that the fungus penetrates faster into damaged skin, so people with ulcers, wounds and scratches on the skin are at particular risk.

Conidia, hyphae, spores penetrate the hair, nails and skin. Since the nutrient medium for the fungus is, first of all, keratin, the epidermis after infection begins to break down at a rapid pace. In this case, healthy areas of the skin are also affected.

Symptoms of ringworm

In humans, the symptoms of ringworm (see photo) entirely depend on its shape and location on the body. Dermatomycosis of the scalp is diagnosed more often in children. If it extends to hairy part head, then patients exhibit the following manifestations:

  • pain, peeling and itching;
  • rapid spread of the rash in the form of papules;
  • hair loss and their fragility, which develops from purulent fusion of the bulbs;
  • the appearance of boils.

In the beard area, the phenomena are similar, only pustular lesions are point-like, since the hair follicles are constantly infected. The skin here is also covered with crusts, becomes swollen. This form is highly contagious.

Ringworm of the skin occurs in warm climates, as it is favorable for the rapid reproduction of the trichophyte fungus.

The symptoms of ringworm in humans described below can affect absolutely any area on the body. They have several stages of development:

  1. The appearance of a rash on the epidermis in the form of circles.
  2. In the center, the area brightens - this is the focus of the rash.
  3. The rash becomes moist and scabs begin to form.
  4. A strong peeling occurs around the circumference of the light area, the patient is haunted by excruciating itching.
  5. Hearth takes healthy look, leaving a dark circle around it.

Signs of ringworm of the feet depend entirely on the form of the disease. So, for a dyshidrotic type of pathology, the appearance of a huge number of small bubbles on the fingers and the feet themselves is characteristic, which subsequently open up, forming areas of erosion. The latter are also characteristic of the intertriginous type of the disease, but it is also accompanied by edema and fissures. Symptoms of the squamous form proceed as follows:

  • primary lesion of the skin of the fingers;
  • slight peeling, not accompanied by any other manifestations;
  • aggravation of peeling, itching, the formation of papules, turning into erosion;
  • suppuration of foci;
  • the appearance of scales of dead skin on the lateral side of the foot;
  • confluence of rashes, severe dryness, pain.

It affects the dermatomycosis of the inguinal region, and then it can spread as a result of self-infection to the folds of the body (under the breast, etc.). Primary rashes appear on the inguinal folds, gradually flow to the perineum, thighs, anus. When the stage of the disease flows to peeling, erosion begins to open, which is often complicated by pyoderma. The inflammation subsides, but relapses almost always occur, because fungi remain on the skin for a long time.

Ringworm of the nails is also called onychomycosis. After the transfer of the disease, the nail is destroyed and exfoliated. At the very beginning, the nail thickens and deforms.

Photo of dermatomycosis in humans

In the photo you can see the various manifestations of ringworm in humans:

Depending on the symptoms of ringworm, treatment for a person will also be different. An accurate diagnosis is required.


The diagnosis is established on the basis of the history, clinical picture, results laboratory research. In the treatment of elderly patients, the possible interaction of systemic antimycotic drugs with constantly taken drugs should be taken into account.

In the course of microscopy of biological material taken from lesions (epidermal flakes, hair, horny masses from the nail bed, etc.), mycelium, hyphae or spores of the pathogen are detected. Sowing scrapings from the affected area on nutrient media (universal and selective) allows you to identify the infectious agent and determine its sensitivity to antimycotic drugs. Laboratory determination of antibodies to the pathogen in the patient's blood may be required.

An informative method for diagnosing some dermatomycosis is an examination of the skin under a Wood's lamp - a greenish-blue, reddish, brown or golden-yellow glow of scales in the affected areas is revealed.

Before Appointment systemic therapy with dermatomycosis, especially in patients old age, appoint general analysis blood and urine biochemical analysis blood (hepatic transaminases, bilirubin, creatinine), as well as ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity and kidneys, electrocardiography. This allows you to identify patients for whom systemic therapy is contraindicated.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, seborrhea, syphilitic leukoderma.

How to treat ringworm

The tactics of treating dermatomycosis in humans should be selected individually for each patient. The dermatologist takes into account the following factors:

  • type of fungus-causative agent;
  • the course of the disease;
  • age;
  • general health.

The main method of treating dermatomycosis is the appointment of antifungal agents for external or internal use. Without the use of such drugs, it is impossible to achieve recovery of the patient.

Medical treatment

Pharmacists have developed more than a hundred drugs with antifungal action. Only a specialist can correctly select them for a particular patient. Preparations include:

  1. External means (ointments, creams, spray, gels). They are applied twice a day, only on clean skin, otherwise they will not be able to penetrate deep into the skin and start working. The course lasts an average of 10 days, the first positive results appear on the 4th day. Among the popular drugs are Miconazole, Ketoconazole, Mikoseptin, sulfuric and salicylic ointment.
  2. Antiseptics for the treatment of weeping areas - Chlorhexidine.
  3. Antihistamine medicine - Suprastin.
  4. Antimicrobial agents. They are used orally in severe, advanced cases, and only as directed by a doctor - Griseofulvin.
  5. Vitamin preparations. Accelerate healing processes.

The exact treatment regimen is selected by a specialist. The main thing to remember is that mycosis must be treated for a long time. On average, therapy takes about two weeks, but it is recommended to continue using the remedy prescribed by the doctor for another week after the symptoms disappear.


Prevention of the disease mainly concerns the observance of hygiene standards that exclude infection (including self-infection) with a dangerous fungus. Here are the recommendations given by experts:

  • do not use other people's towels and combs;
  • you should have wet wipes with you (at work, on a trip) to keep your hands and face clean;
  • after swimming in the sea, pool, bath, the skin between the toes should always be wiped;
  • do not wear tight clothes and underwear, preferring a free cut;
  • do not touch stray animals, and regularly show pets to the veterinarian.

Remember that when the first signs of dermatomycosis appear, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Only a doctor can prescribe effective treatment and you will be able to get rid of these unpleasant diseases forever.


In the case of superficial dermatomycosis, subject to the rules of personal hygiene, good nutrition, following the doctor's recommendations, the prognosis is favorable.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, nails, or scalp (Dermatomycosis - ringworm, where derma is skin and mykes is a fungus), is a fungal pathology, affecting the skin human or hair follicles. Pathology, due to the widespread distribution of the pathogen, occurs throughout Russia. But in regions with a humid warm climate, the incidence is much higher. In summer, the number of sick people increases compared to the winter months.

According to statistics, in children and the elderly, the causative agents of dermatomycosis are more common than in persons of the middle age group. The disease is one of the most contagious pathologies. Has a tendency to chronic process, especially in the absence of adequate treatment. So what are the symptoms and treatment of the disease? Is the disease contagious or not?

Modern classification of the disease

The classification of dermatomycosis is quite complicated. Distinguish between superficial and deep types. Superficial dermatomycosis is diagnosed only on the surface layers of the skin. They leave the underlying tissues intact. Deep dermatomycosis of the skin is manifested by a fungal infection internal organs(diagnose aspergillosis, mucorosis, fusariotoxicosis).

Molds migrate to the lymphatic, hematopoietic, respiratory system disrupting their functioning. According to the topographic location of the focus, ringworm occurs on the foot, face, hands, scalp, under the beard. This is the main classification of the disease.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Dermatomycosis is a rather contagious pathology. To transmit the pathogen, hyphae are needed: threads or spores of the fungus. Once on the skin, they begin active reproduction. The highest rate of reproduction occurs at high humidity, high temperature(25-30 gr. Celsius) and acid-base balance. The nutrition of the colonies is due to kerotene.

Acid-base balance changes with age. The lower the acidity of sweat, the higher the risk of getting dermatomycosis. Peak acidity of sweat falls on a period of up to 2 years. At this time, children get sick only occasionally, becoming infected with trichomycosis. Then, until the age of twelve, the acidity decreases slightly.

Once again, sweat becomes acidic during active puberty, making the teenager virtually invulnerable to fungi of any kind. Moreover, the hairline acquires some fatty acids intolerable to infection. As the body ages, especially in tandem with a weakened immune system, hormonal and metabolic disruptions, the protective (barrier) functions of the epidermis also decrease. With diabetes mellitus, severe blood loss, chronic poisoning, work in certain types of production (occupational hazards), the risk of contracting any type of skin dermatomycosis only increases.

The causative agent and ways of transmission of the disease

Causative agents of dermatomycosis: fungi Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Trichophyton capable of assimilating kerotene. Superficial dermatomycosis is also provoked by yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Ways of transmission of infection to humans:

  1. From person to person (anthropophilic fungi are transmitted). Infection occurs through close contact, the use of common household items.
  2. Animals are infected with zoophilic fungi. They come from the wool, excretions of the animal. Often, pets (cats, dogs, hamsters) become sources of infection;
  3. From the soil (geophilic fungi). The infection multiplies in the soil. Infection occurs after contact with the ground: country and garden work, outdoor recreation, severe dust pollution.

Diagnostic methods

Timely, accurate laboratory diagnostics very important if you suspect infection with any type of fungal infection. It is important to accurately conduct microscopy and identify the pathogen. Only after that, adequate treatment is prescribed and the most stable is expected. therapeutic effect. A tissue sample or an imprint on a glass slide is suitable for research. Do the analysis with a microscope.

Dermatomycosis. Symptoms, causes and treatments

DERMATOMYCOSIS, fungal diseases © ringworm

English bulldog. Part 29 - 1. Dermatomycosis or Trichophytosis

To diagnose ringworm of the scalp and beard, a Wood's lamp is sometimes used. The device causes the affected hair to glow, indicating the presence of a fungal infection. This reduces the diagnostic time to several minutes, because there is no need for a laboratory study.


To prevent the disease, you should have individual towels. There should be disposable paper napkins in the public office. Under no circumstances should you wear someone else's shoes, especially shoes and boots. Feet, soles, the area between the toes should be thoroughly wiped until completely dry. This is done immediately after a shower or swimming in the pool, since moisture and heat are a favorite environment for fungal colonies.

Avoid dark, damp rooms. This is very harmful, because you create ideal conditions for the development of symptoms of dermatomycosis. If you are the owner of a pet (cats, dogs), visit the veterinarian with him twice a year. At the first suspicious symptoms, consult a specialist unscheduled. It is especially important to carry out the prevention of the disease if there are children in the house.

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of ringworm depend on the location of the fungal colonies. For example: ringworm of the feet is manifested by lamellar peeling with frequent formation of blisters in the interdigital space. The advanced stage of the disease appears with pain when walking, inflammation of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot. Ringworm of the foot requires the appointment of adequate treatment, without which it almost never disappears on its own.

Symptoms of ringworm of the nails

Ringworm of the nails is more often diagnosed on the legs, but pathologies of the nail phalanges on the hands are formed many times less often. Nails affected by a fungus thicken, quickly bend, change their usual color. The subungual space becomes a receptacle for dead cells, which destroys the nail plate as a whole.

Symptoms of ringworm of the beard and mustache

It develops acutely, the chronic course of the disease is extremely rarely recorded. Papules and pustules appear, leading to the destruction of hair follicles. To general symptoms diseases are accompanied by specific symptoms. This happens due to the settlement of the infection directly in the hair follicle, and not on smooth skin or on the nail plate.

Ringworm of the beard is fraught with cosmetic defects, and the man is forced to go to the doctor. The affected epidermis is covered with granules, crusts. A secondary infection quickly joins, causing local inflammation and swelling.

Symptoms of the scalp

Dermatomycosis in children is more often recorded on the scalp. First, papules appear, rapidly increasing in size. Soon they begin to resemble nodes, resembling a boil. Hair in the place of their growth becomes brittle, when combed, it quickly breaks. The affected area becomes bald, being replaced by scaly areas of the epidermis. At the site of dry peeling, a secondary infection may join, melting the hair follicles.

Dermatomycosis of the scalp is characterized by areas of a part of microsporia or trichophytosis. Microsporia is a symptom when the body of the hair breaks off just a few millimeters near the skin, and trichophytosis is when it falls directly from the hair follicle.

Symptoms of ringworm of smooth skin

Such a pathology is located not only on the lower leg, torso, forearms, but also in the groin area. The groin area with strong sweating is highly moistened, which creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal colonies. Scaly (dry) patches or crusted areas may form. The growths are round in shape, the center of which heals, but the infection does not stop. May join erythema, pyoderma, pustular rashes of varying intensity.

Treatment with oral medications

Treatment of ringworm of the nails, scalp often requires strong antifungal drugs intended for ingestion in the form of tablets. Today it is the most effective type of therapy. Most often prescribed:

  • Nizoral. The drug has been used since the eighties of the 20th century. With long courses of treatment, due to side effects, liver function should be monitored;
  • Diflucan (forkan, mycosyst, flucostat, medoflucan) - antifungal tablets with a wide spectrum of action. Most effective for deep mycoses, fungal infection of the nail plates, microsporia;
  • Introcanazole (irunin, rumikoz, oruni). Drug for bullet therapy. The active substance circulates in the blood plasma for 7 days, therefore it is possible to take introcanazole once, which makes it easier to defeat ringworm.

It is necessary to take the tablets at the prescribed rate. Even after the disappearance of all symptoms, do not stop the use of antifungal agents, because the fungus is an insidious pathogen. Inflammatory process can recur, breaking the skin pattern and bringing a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Additionally, treatment of ringworm of the skin is carried out locally, for which ointments, dressings, patches are used.

Treatment with ointments

With superficial dermatomycosis of the skin, treatment with drugs for local application, is an efficient technique. It begins to be used even before the results of laboratory tests are received. Often used ointments that are detrimental to pathogens. They are produced with an antifungal active ingredient: terbinafine, clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole. The drugs in this group include:

  • Lamisil. Representative of the terbnenofin group. Does not leave a chance for survival of dermatophyte fungi, molds and dimorphic fungi. The ointment is ideal for prevention and local treatment.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Ketoconazole.
  • Econazole.
  • Naftifin.

It is worth using the drugs according to the instructions. But usually the entire affected area is covered with ointment with a slight capture of healthy skin. Apply carefully, completely smearing the entire required surface. The procedure is repeated 2-4 times a day.

Antifungal solutions

Instead of ointments, solutions are suitable that wipe or wash both the affected areas and the areas of greatest contact with potential objects of infection. For example: with unprotected sexual intercourse, the genitals and groin area suffer the maximum “hit”, because many fungi are localized on the human genitals. What will help to better process the vagina? Ointment or solution for douching? Of course, douching is faster and easier than covering the entire inner surface of the genital tract and inguinal region with ointment.

Often added to antifungal solutions active ingredients with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal action. It only exacerbates healing effect making the drug multi-purpose. An alcoholic solution of iodine, Burov's compresses, calcium chloride, 10%, 0.25% silver nitrate with the addition of 1% resorcinol are used. It is convenient to apply an antifungal agent in the form of aerosols, spray. Irrigation of the surface of the skin, mucous membranes in this way is of high quality, with good therapeutic results, including areas of microscopy.

Treatment regimen and additional therapies

If blisters appear and they periodically burst, then be sure to use compresses that dry the medicines. Never open swollen cavities yourself. The internal contents contain a huge amount of material for the reproduction of the fungus, because you will only provoke further distribution illness. If you suffer from dermatomycosis of the feet (epidermophytosis), then be sure to “treat” your shoes as well, sprinkling liberally with clotrimazole powder.

1. Table of regimens for the treatment of dermatomycosis of various localization

N Localization


Pharmacological group Name


1 In the groin Antifungal ointments Mycozolon
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine



Calcium gluconate

To reduce sweating and the threat of maceration Talc
2 Hairy part of the head Antifungal Riseofulvin



Disinfectants Sulfur ointment with salicylic acid

5% iodine solution

3 Feet Antimyotics Sporonox


Anti-edematous and anti-allergic Triderm


4 Smooth Synthetic antimyotics clotrimazole




Alternative treatment

The symptoms of ringworm were known from ancient times, so they learned to treat them at home with the help of traditional medicine. The fungus can be defeated without the use of medicines. Grandma's recipes include many simple, affordable, easy-to-use remedies that have proven their power against disease. Here are a few of them.

Recipe #1

The causative agents of dermatomycosis in children cannot stand the presence of garlic. To prevent burns, we prepare garlic oil, for which we take 2 parts of peeled, finely chopped garlic cloves and 4 parts of any unrefined vegetable oil. We insist for several days, stirring the mixture regularly. Then we filter, preferably through a two-layer gauze. Then lubricate the problem areas 2-4 times a day. Garlic oil is used only in the absence of violations of the integrity of the epidermis. Especially carefully rub the skin around the eyes.

Recipe #2

With dermatosis of the feet, treatment is used with the help of apple cider vinegar and salt baths. We take 8 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar, 400 gr. sea ​​salt (buy at a pharmacy), 6 liters of water. After the salt is completely dissolved in water, add vinegar, mix thoroughly. Do foot baths in the evening before going to bed.

Recipe #3

How to Treat Ringworm in Man and Treat pharmaceutical products greens and iodine. The procedure is repeated several times a day. You can mix plantain juice with birch ash. After treatment with iodine, gently rub the resulting "ointment".

Recipe #4

Another remedy for ringworm, especially for men: in equal quantities we take freshly squeezed beet juice, May honey, apple cider vinegar. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, gently apply the composition to the affected area. Be careful, the ointment can burn a healthy epidermis.

Recipe number 5

Dermatomycosis of the lower leg is an insidious infection (see photo), especially with chronic pathologies. The "grandmother's" advice has proved its effectiveness, which suggests mixing 1 part of freshly collected own urine with 1 part of apple cider vinegar. Apply a compress to the scaly foci of dermatomycosis on the trunk, lower leg, to the smooth skin of the whole body, which will lead to a quick recovery. Should be kept until appearance of a lung itching.

Recipe #6

Euphorbia is a noble "healer" for dermatomycosis. Lubricate with white juice of the plant all the affected areas. With ringworm of the feet or nails, foot baths are made from a steep decoction of this plant. After manipulation, do not wipe the feet, let them dry in the open air. The causative agents of the disease will not tolerate such a procedure.

Recipe number 7

An excellent remedy for fungal infections of the skin is alcohol tincture from white lilac. For 40 gr. blooming flowers enough 400 ml of ordinary vodka. It is more necessary to insist for at least 10 days, the mixture can not be strained. Use for daily rubbing of stains.

Recipe number 8

We make a salty gruel from freshly picked mint leaves, passing through a meat grinder. For 200 gr. herbal raw materials enough 10 gr. regular kitchen salt. We mix the ingredients - the medicine for application is ready!


Today, medicine in its arsenal has more than 100 antifungal drugs that can effectively cope with the disease. The superficial appearance of ringworm can be cured in just a few weeks, or even days. At the first symptoms of the disease, immediately go to the doctor, preferably a dermatologist. After several tests to identify the pathogen, you will be prescribed a completely adequate and moderately costly treatment.

After the treatment, beware of relapse, performing all methods of preventing the disease. Do not be in close contact with a person with skin pathologies, so you do not "catch" ringworm. If anti-relapse treatment is required, even if there is not a single sign of skin pathology, then by all means take the necessary medications. Stay healthy always!

The most interesting on the topic

Dermatomycoses are called fungal infections of not only superficial skin, but also nails, skin folds and sometimes internal organs. Children become infected through direct contact with sick people, animals or things that are contaminated with a fungus. How longer baby sick, the more difficult, subsequently, to cure him. What is this group of diseases and how to deal with it?

Dermatomycosis in children: causes:

Dermatophyte fungi are:

Spores, conidia or hyphae (the cells by which fungi reproduce) get on the baby's skin, become active and germinate if conditions are favorable for this. The skin area where fungi begin to actively live and multiply is gradually destroyed, changing in appearance.

Children are infected with this group of diseases most often, because. they are more susceptible to adverse factors that weaken the body and reduce its resistance. Pathology is terrible for its chronic course which is very difficult to cure.

Factors contributing to the development of dermatomycosis:

Unfavourable conditions environment(increased dust, humidity or air temperature);
- long-term antibiotic therapy;
- decrease in general immunity;
- any chronic diseases internal organs;
- improper and unbalanced nutrition;
- violation of personal hygiene;
- the presence of sick pets at home (mainly cats and dogs);
- contact with sick people or contaminated things;
- visiting swimming pools without special personal shoes;
- endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes);
- increased sweating, especially if the child is overweight;
- metabolic disorders.

Classification of children's dermatomycosis:

According to the site of the lesion, fungal diseases are classified into:

Mycoses of the feet;
- body (or smooth skin, including face);
- nails (onychomycosis);
- inguinal region;
- scalp.

Classification by pathogen includes:

- dermatophytosis;
- keratomycosis;
- pseudomycosis;
- deep dermatomycosis.

What do skin mycoses look like in children?:

Sometimes mothers believe that the fungus affects only the feet. However, this opinion is erroneous - the fungus can appear on absolutely any part of the body, including the scalp.

Most often, ringworm in children occurs on a smooth skin surface, in the groin and on the scalp under the hair. Feet and nail plates are less commonly affected.

Groin lesion

Inguinal folds itch and become covered small rash. There is local reddening of the affected areas with clear boundaries of a rounded or oval shape.

Dermatophytosis of the smooth skin surface.

Accompanied by moderate itching. It usually has the form of an even ring of a pinkish-red hue with very small bubbles inside. Bubbles, bursting and drying out, form small scales. There may be a peculiar smell.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis).

Children's nail changes color, thickens and deforms. Accumulated dead cells form whitish deposits under the nail. Over time, the nail breaks down and flakes off the surface of the finger.

Fungus of the scalp.

First, a rash with liquid appears between the hairs. Bursting, inflame the hair follicles, which fall out along with the regrown hair. Limited bald spots are formed. It can be accompanied not only by itching, but also by some soreness. It also has an ugly cosmetic effect.

Fungal infection of the feet.

Small blisters appear between the toes, redness and peeling, which at first does not bother anything, except appearance. Then itching is added, and the lesion expands to the feet and ankle. With a long course, the skin becomes dehydrated, it becomes dry to the touch, cracks and painful sensations appear.

Diagnosis of dermatomycosis:

With suspicious symptoms, you need to show the child to a dermatologist or dermatologist-mycologist.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis (medical history, living conditions, other diseases, etc.), clinical signs, as well as laboratory studies of scrapings from the skin.

In some cases, Wood's lamp is used for diagnosis, under which fungal spores glow in a bright color.

If fungal lesions return again and again, then it makes sense to show the child to an immunologist.

Features of the treatment of children's dermatomycosis:

The more neglected the condition of the disease, the more difficult it will be to cure. The full course of treatment includes:

local therapy antifungal agents;
- systemic treatment;
- combined approach;
Sometimes immunostimulatory therapy may be needed.

For local processing apply:

- shampoos;
- gels;
- lotions;
- aerosols;
- antifungal varnishes or drops for nails;
- creams, etc.

For systemic therapy, antimycotic drugs are used in the form of capsules or tablets.

Combined treatment includes both local treatment of the affected areas, and treatment "from the inside".

The most commonly used drugs are:

- Griseofulvin;
- Ketoconazole;
- Flucytosine;
- Amphotericin B;
- Miconazole;
- Irunin and others.

These medicines are available in various dosage forms and dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. But the scheme of their use and dosage should be determined only by a doctor.

Antifungal agents often cause allergic reactions, so self-medication in children is unacceptable.
There are age restrictions for use: up to 6 years old, from 6 to 12 years old, over 12 years old.
With caution, antifungal drugs should be used if the child has problems with the kidneys and liver.

In the treatment of onychomycosis, in parallel with the treatment of the affected nail, the regrown edge is constantly cut off until the healthy nail covers the nail plate.

For the period of treatment, the child should be limited to:

- flour;
- salty foods;
- unnecessarily fatty foods;
- Excessive consumption of any liquids.

There are a lot of traditional medicine recipes for fighting skin fungus, but it’s better not to use them on children, because. great risk allergic reactions on the components.

Disease prevention:

To prevent infection of the child should:

1. Make sure that he follows the rules of hygiene or follow them yourself if the child is small.

2. Do not allow other people's combs, shoes, towels to be used (this is especially true for kindergartens).

3. Wear clothes for children only from natural fabrics and depending on the ambient temperature to prevent excessive sweating.

4. In summer, make sure that the child does not wear closed shoes for a long time.

6. Strengthen the immune system (healthy enough sleep, vitaminization, proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air).

7. Be sure to show the child to a dermatologist for any neoplasms on the skin of the body, which you cannot give an independent explanation.

Dermatomycosis is an insidious disease that, if left untreated or prolonged, can affect deeper skin layers, leaving deep scars and scars. Be sure to monitor the condition of the skin of your children in order to fight back the “fungal enemy” of their health in time.

In contact with


Currently, the incidence of fungal skin diseases is very high. Almost every fifth person on the planet has some kind of skin lesion or its appendages. With age, these numbers increase, and upon reaching 60-70 years, 80% of people are diagnosed with fungal diseases.

First of all, this is due to concomitant internal diseases, endocrine pathology, which greatly weakens the immune system and negatively affects blood circulation. Dermatomycosis of smooth skin in this pathology takes the third place, giving way to onychomycosis (damage to the nail plate) and mycosis of the feet.

Types of dermatomycosis

Dermatomycosis (superficial lesion of smooth skin) can be a separate disease, but quite often it accompanies others. skin diseases eg pyoderma, herpes, scabies, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, acne, eczema.

The source of infection of superficial mycosis are fungi that feed on skin keratin. There are several varieties of them that pose a danger to humans:

  1. microsporum;
  2. Trichophyton;
  3. epidermophyton.

These mushrooms are divided into several types, depending on their favorite habitat. So, they can live on animals, humans or be in the soil, while the transmission of the pathogen occurs both from the animal and through the soil or from person to person. Dermatophytes are highly contagious, but anthropophilic fungi pose the greatest danger to humans, i.e. transmitted from sick to healthy. Fungi, affecting the skin, can cause diseases such as epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, rubromycosis, favus.

Despite their contagiousness, fungal diseases do not develop in all people. An important role is played by the contact of mycetes with damaged areas of the skin, but if there are no microtraumas, a person may not get sick, but at the same time be a carrier of infection. Also an important role in the development of symptoms of dermatomycosis of smooth skin is the dose of fungi that has fallen on the skin surface and the degree of activity of the body's protective function. Thus, the presence in the blood of sufficient serum factors for suppressing fungal flora, active leukocytes, can prevent the development of the disease.

The main manifestations of dermatomycosis

According to the generally accepted classification, all fungal diseases are divided into:

  • Mycosis stop;
  • Dermatomycosis of the face;
  • Dermatomycosis of the body;
  • Dermatomycosis of the hands;
  • inguinal mycosis;
  • Mycosis of the scalp;
  • Onychomycosis.

Dermatomycosis of the trunk, first of all, is manifested by spots. They can be brown to milky in color, with well-defined contours and a raised ridge around the periphery. The center of the spots is often flattened and scaly. Favorite localization - chest, back, neck and shoulders. The foci tend to enlarge and coalesce by expanding laterally, with the growth of the lesion looking like an expanding ring.

If mycosis was detected on early stages, then therapy can be limited only to external means. Using medications it must be borne in mind that they are all divided into two large groups - fungicidal and fungistatic preparations. Fungicidal agents cause the death of the mycelium, and fungistatics prevent further reproduction of new fungi.