How to prolong the effect of xeomin beauty injections. Xeomin - wrinkle smoothing with purified botulinum toxin

It's no secret that we all want to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. And thanks to the achievements modern medicine it is not some unfulfilled desire. A few, as people say, rejuvenating injections, and now the burden of the past years has disappeared along with smoothed out wrinkles on the face.

Medications based on botulinum toxin can level external signs skin aging for six months after the injection. One of these medicines is Xeomin, a review of which most consumers characterize the drug as highly effective.

The composition of the drug, pharmacodynamics

One bottle of "Xeomin" contains 100 units of botulinum toxin type A. Sucrose and serum albumin (human) act as additional components. The principle of action of almost all drugs based on botulinum toxin is based on the temporary blocking of nerve impulses going to the treated muscle, as a result of which it stops contracting and smoothes out.

The drug contains a muscle relaxant (a substance that lowers the tone of skeletal muscles and reduces motor activity up to immobilization), which suppresses the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is the main "actor" in the processes of neuromuscular transmission. After the injection of "Xeomin" (patient reviews of the procedure itself will be discussed below), the movement of ecovesicles is disrupted at the cellular level, the synthesis and release of acetylcholine stops. Within 4-7 days, relaxation of the treated muscle occurs, i.e., deep relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress. The effect will be maintained for up to 4 months.

The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilisate powder. The medicine is packaged in vials (each in a separate package). The sealed vial has a shelf life of 3 years. Already diluted for injection, botulinum toxin can be stored for the next 24 hours under certain temperature conditions: 2-8 degrees Celsius.

Indications for the use of the drug

According to official instructions on application, "Xeomin" is prescribed for blepharospasm, atrophic changes skin and in nature.

Blepharospasm is understood as involuntary contractions of the circular muscle of the eye, which, as a rule, lead to persistent spasmodic closure of the eyelids. The drug "Xeomin" reviews of medical professionals characterize as effective remedy to treat this problem. With no less positive result, torticollis is being treated (changes in soft tissues, nerve endings and the skeleton of the neck, manifested in the tilt of the head with turning it in the opposite direction), acquired as a result of contraction of the cervical muscles (spastic or reflex torticollis).

However, most often it is a drug that acts mainly on the peripheral nervous system, used for atrophic changes in the skin around the eyes, nasolabial folds, etc.

Methods of application for various diseases

In order to administer Xeomin injections (patient reviews and expert opinion confirm this), you must have certain qualifications and experience with similar medical means. The number of necessary injections and dosage is determined by the specialist.

In the treatment of blepharospasm, the dose of a single injection is 5 units. Therapy can last up to 12 weeks, during which the total maximum dosage should not exceed 100 IU. Injections are made into the circular muscle of the eye, into the lateral part of the circular muscle of the eye of the lower eyelid, into the muscular apparatus of the face.

In the treatment of torticollis, the doctor finds out the points of localization of pain and determines the place of the procedure. When calculating the dosage, the weight of the patient and the volume of the diseased muscle are taken into account. In most cases, the dose for a single application does not exceed 200 IU.

The medication has found the greatest application in aesthetic cosmetology. To correct "crow's feet" or fine wrinkles, "Xeomin" is injected under the eyes.

Patient reviews are mostly positive. In addition, the drug is effective for eliminating wrinkles of any direction on the forehead and between the eyebrows, removes radial wrinkles around the mouth and in the décolleté area. In each case, the dosage of the drug is calculated individually for each patient.

Benefits of Xeomin

If the decision to conduct botulinum therapy is finally made, patients often face the question of which drug to prefer - Botox or Xeomin. What's better? Reviews about both medications are both positive and negative.

The main direction of application of "Xeomin" is still more cosmetology, not medicine. The composition of the drug does not contain a protein part, which practically eliminates the possibility of developing inflammatory processes and allergic manifestations. The smallest molecular weight among all known allows the use of "Xeomin" for the smallest muscles.

Further, it is not at all necessary to store the medication in the cold, which gives the palm to the remedy in question in the event of the following question: "Dysport" or "Xeomin" - which is better? The manufacturer's reviews indicate the impossibility of violating efficiency due to deviations in storage or transportation conditions. Even if the medication is used long time The body does not produce antibodies. The drug molecules have a minimal ability to diffuse, which eliminates the development of any negative effects from the drug in areas adjacent to the treated areas. For the same reason, the minimum diffusion - the dose required to obtain a positive effect - "Xeomin" is much less than "Botox".

In addition to all of the above, Xeomin does not affect the deep layers, which allows the patient to maintain emotional reactions. This advantage is especially valuable for public people.

With regard to finances, it is worth saying that Xeomin is somewhat cheaper than Botox - 250 rubles against 320-330.

Disadvantages of Xeomin

Of the negative characteristics, one can single out the fact that the drug is ineffective in the armpits. The reason for this phenomenon lies in weak diffusion. In addition, the analogue of Botox - Xeomin (patient reviews confirm this fact) - gives a stable result for 3-4 months, while Botox itself is effective for six months.

It is also worth mentioning that Xeomin has not yet accumulated a sufficient scientific base (Botox has been more studied in this regard, since it has been used in medicine and cosmetology for a long time).

Contraindications for the use of the drug

Any drug with the simplest formula has contraindications, not to mention botulinum toxins. The unique composition of the drug and the ability to use minimal doses lead to the fact that any negative review about Xeomin is drowning in a sea of ​​positive feedback. Nevertheless, the drug has a number of serious contraindications for use.

Do not prescribe it to those patients who suffer from diseases of the nervous and muscular systems, accompanied by muscle weakness (for example, myasthenia gravis). Hypersensitivity to botulinum toxins, neoplasms of a malignant nature of any localization, glaucoma are also sufficient grounds for refusing to use this drug.

Naturally, patient reviews about Xeomin will be negative if you do not notify the doctor before the procedure that the person is currently suffering from an acute infectious disease, accompanied by fever, and on this occasion takes any antibacterial or some other medications. The reaction of the body in this case to the introduction of botulinum toxin cannot be predicted at all, but it will be present with a high degree of probability.

It is unacceptable to use Xeomin injections for pregnant women and nursing mothers, patients suffering from any diseases of the blood system, accompanied by its poor clotting. The procedure should be postponed until better times if any dermatological, inflammatory, purulent skin problems are observed in the area where the injection is to be made. It is also a contraindication if the patient has severe somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation.

Possible side effects

Patient reviews about Xeomin, as well as medical workers, they say, albeit not about frequent, but taking place development adverse reactions for botulinum toxin injections. In most cases, this happens either due to a violation of the technique of the procedure by the doctor, or due to the patient's non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations after the injection.

Most often, people talk about unpleasant phenomena and sensations in the injection area - these are bruising, swelling, burning. The development of sagging tissues is possible. Sometimes you can hear about the development of flu-like symptoms, the appearance of a headache.

As for the doctor's recommendations after the Xeomin injection procedure, negative reviews are often written by patients who have neglected the doctor's instructions. You need to know that after the injection you can not massage this place on the skin, apply any cosmetics. It is unacceptable to heat facial tissues (solarium, sauna, bath, etc.) and drink alcohol. In addition, you can not expose yourself to great physical exertion, sleep face down, apply some medicines(for example, antibiotics).

If the medication was used to treat blepharospasm, then the Xeomin remedy (reviews on the drug, reviews on injections) can be negative due to the reasons for the manifestation of a much larger number of side effects. These include dry mucous eyeball, lacrimation, paresthesia, lagophthalmos (inability to completely close the eyelids), diplopia (simultaneous vision of two images of the same object, shifted relative to each other horizontally, vertically, diagonally).

Considering the possible negative reactions of the body to the drug "Xeomin" (a review of a small group of patients reported a deterioration in visual perception), it is highly desirable to refrain from performing work after the procedure that requires increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. Health workers give the same recommendations about driving.

Possible consequences of exceeding the permissible dose

The introduction of excessive doses of "Xeomin" can cause paralysis of muscles located at a sufficient distance from the injection zone. The fact that an overdose has occurred may be indicated by such conditions as asthenia (feeling of impotence, manifested by increased fatigue, mood instability, etc.), diplopia, ptosis. If there are difficulties with swallowing, problems with speech, paralysis of the muscles involved in the breathing process, with the parallel formation of pneumonia of an aspiration nature, you need health care in a hospital setting. In especially severe cases of reaction to "Xeomin" (review in this case, as a rule, left by a specialist), it would be advisable to use intubation,

What to prefer - "Xeomin", "Botox" or "Dysport"?

It is quite difficult to make a choice between Botox, Xeomin. Reviews of experts suggest that both medications are made on the basis of one type A botulinum toxin. The only difference is that Xeomin is an improved version of Botox. Both drugs have the same principle of action: the main active ingredient blocks the contractile function of the muscle, as a result of which it relaxes.

The principle of the impact of "Dysport" is also very similar to both of the above means, but to obtain a significant result, its dose is several times higher: if "Botox" or "Xeomin" is needed for the procedure 5-30 IU, then "Dysport" for injection into the same point - 15-90 units.

A significant difference between "Xeomin" and two other medicines is the absence of a protein complex in the first. This factor, as mentioned earlier, gives a lot of advantages to this drug over all the others. Here is the possibility of long-term storage without observing strict temperature restrictions, and a very low probability of developing allergic manifestations, and a minimal risk of addiction and decreased sensitivity. The absence of protein compounds allows the Xeomin molecules to be more densely attracted and adhere to the muscle endings, which practically negates the possibility of shifts in the tissues, i.e., the skin does not sag at the injection site.

According to patients and doctors, when choosing a drug for injection, one should also pay attention to the fact how quickly the result becomes visually noticeable and how long it lasts. According to the duration of exposure (about six months), the palm is for Botox, the other two botulinum toxins will work effectively for 3-4 months. In terms of the speed of manifestation of the result, Xeomin or Dysport have proven themselves better. Reviews of patients and health workers in this matter are the same. The effect will become noticeable after 2-3 days.

Opinion about the drug of patients and health workers

Among consumers, by now there is an opinion that Xeomin has the greatest effect on the mouth, eyes and nose, while Dysport has a better effect on the forehead and bridge of the nose. For some time now, it has been believed that Xeomin is more suitable for young patients, although the drug is also able to solve age-related problems.

The opinions of women are rather ambiguous about the drug "Xeomin". Reviews (before and after the injection - many do not see the difference in appearance) of such content can be read from time to time on women's forums in social networks. Although a certain group of patients liked the medication very much. Further, the effect of "Xeomin" lasts 3-4 months, while "Botox" will be effective for at least 6 months.

However, there is another opinion about "Xeomin" - this is the opinion of cosmetologists. This drug has a more gentle effect on the skin, its formula is much softer than all previously known medicines of this series. The absence of a protein component minimizes the risk of side effects and allergic reactions, but also significantly reduces the period of effective exposure to the skin. Low diffusion - a guarantee that the drug will not affect neighboring areas of the body and will not affect deep-lying muscles.

In any case, the most correct decision when choosing a drug for botulinum therapy would be to consult a doctor. Only a doctor will assess the state of health of his patient, take into account all the associated problems and decide on the use of this or that medication with the lowest risk of developing side effects and allergic manifestations, but with the maximum cosmetic effect possible in terms of duration and attractiveness.

Xeomin is the youngest of the trio of anti-aging injectables, including Botox and Dysport. Its main function is to smooth out wrinkles while maintaining facial expressions. Xeomin has become a worthy competitor to other types of muscle relaxants.

Beauty injections through the administration of botulinum toxin are the most popular rejuvenation procedure. Xeomin is the latest development of the German company Merz. The name of the drug stands for "xeno" - alien, "min" - minimum.

Xeomin is a highly purified second-generation botulinum toxin type A. It has a selective effect on cholinergic peripheral nerve endings, slowing down the synthesis of acetylcholine. The study of the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin led scientists to develop an innovative muscle relaxant formula. Xeomin has the highest biological activity due to the absence of foreign protein, which makes it 100% safe product. The composition of the drug contains components such as sucrose, serum, toxins. Xeomin is produced in bottles with a capacity of 50 or 100 units.

Mechanism of action

After entering the tissues, the toxin binds to the presynaptic membrane (sheath nerve cell) and is embedded in the nerve ending. The botulinum toxin inside the capsule migrates through the vesicle through the cytoplasm of the neuron. Penetrating through the vesicle membrane, it enters the cytoplasm. After that, the toxin begins to selectively cleave SNAP-25, one of the proteins responsible for the release of acetylcholine. So it blocks or slows down the release of acetylcholine into the synoptic gap, resulting in relaxation of the muscle exposed to xeomin.

But the muscle relaxant effect extends only to the treatment sites. The remaining areas of the face retain their mimic activity. The final stage is characterized by the formation of new nerve endings in nearby muscle fibers. The formation of new neuromuscular junctions leads to a gradual restoration of the contractile activity of the muscles, which explains the temporary result from xeomin injections.

Appointment of xeomin

The special properties of xeomin allow it to be used for medical and cosmetic indications:

  • cervical idiopathic dystonia;
  • the consequences of a stroke in the form of spasticity of the muscles of the limbs;
  • blepharospasm;
  • mimic wrinkles.

The main purpose of the drug was associated with the elimination of spasms of the muscular system. Now Xeomin is increasingly associated with an anti-aging drug that is used along with Botox.

The main indications of xeomin for cosmetic purposes:

  • "crow's feet", wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • mimic radial wrinkles around the mouth;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles on the forehead, in the décolleté area;
  • aging skin of the neck;
  • face oval deformity.

The greatest result is achieved with the injection of xeomin at the age of 30 to 40 years. The effectiveness of the drug at an older age, from 50 to 60 years, is somewhat reduced. After the age of 60, injections are carried out only on the recommendations of a specialist.

Xeomin effectively eliminates the first signs of aging. The muscle relaxant shows the greatest effect in the upper third of the face, eliminating shallow wrinkles. It also effectively removes the signs of vertical bands on the neck, one of the most noticeable age-related changes. The results of the session are noticed on the 2nd day after the introduction of xeomin. After 7-12 days, the effect is maximal. The result lasts for 3-6 months. Over time, there is a gradual decrease in muscle spasm. Repeating a course of muscle relaxant injections prolongs the effect from six months to a year. To obtain the most stable effect, the drug is recommended to be administered 2-3 times a year.

Xeomin or Botox, which is better?? Despite a similar effect, xeomin has advantageous differences from Botox and Dysport. The active neurotoxin in its composition undergoes a high degree of purification from complex proteins. After all, the antibodies produced by them cause the body to adapt to botulinum toxin, which leads to the disappearance of the muscle reaction to its introduction. Reduced potential immunogenicity is a significant advantage of Xeomin over Botox. Even regular use of the drug is not addictive. The deep degree of purification of xeomin also made it possible to eliminate such an effect characteristic of Botox as an allergic reaction in the form of edema and rash.

Xeomin has the lowest molecular weight among all known botulinum toxins. active substance(150 kDa), which allows it to better penetrate into small muscle fibers. Another advantage of Xeomin is its stability. The duration of its storage at room temperature is 3 years, which compares favorably with Botox and Dysport. Storage of these drugs is possible only in the refrigerator and has a time limit. The long-term preservation of xeomin is explained by the high content of albumin, which makes it more resistant to aggressive environmental influences.

Xeomin, unlike Botox, has a higher tropism for muscle receptors, almost total absence diffusion into adjacent tissues. This eliminates the appearance of asymmetry, ptosis upper eyelid characteristic of botulinum toxin therapy. With the high cost of both muscle relaxants, the required dose of Xeomin is less than that of Botox. But the result from the introduction of the latter lasts twice as long.

If there is a choice - dysport or xeomin, then there is no definite answer, since their value is almost the same. Many prefer the greater safety of xeomin. Xeomin is unpretentious in storage. The result from its use is softer, as the natural facial expressions are preserved. Dysport acts more harshly, but at the same time it is able to eliminate deep wrinkles. Dysport injections cost less, but more are needed. The choice of drug will depend on individual features skin, so it is better to trust the opinion of a beautician.


To achieve the maximum effect from xeomin injections, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations for preliminary preparation. 3-7 days before the scheduled procedure, you need to refrain from intense physical activity. Two days before the start of the session, it is necessary to exclude the use of antibiotics, anticoagulants. On the eve of the procedure, alcohol is not allowed. It is recommended not to sleep face down, to bend over less, avoiding a rush of blood to the head.

Make-up removal and skin cleansing are preliminarily carried out. Then the specialist marks the face with dots corresponding to future injections. The session lasts from 30 to 40 minutes. The doctor may ask the patient to smile or frown for more exact definition wrinkles. Xeomin dilution is carried out through a closed stopper disinfected with alcohol. It is pierced with a sterile needle. The drug is diluted with sodium chloride, after 10 seconds a clear solution should be obtained. Any deviations from this parameter (turbidity, flakes, sediment) are the reason for not using the solution.

The use of the finest needles makes xeomin injections painless. If desired, the treatment area can be lubricated with an anesthetic cream. The patient immediately feels the relaxation of the injected muscle. Xeomin can also reduce sweating by injecting the drug into the sweat gland. But for the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, it is not used due to weak diffusion.

For one place at a time, 5 units are enough. xeomin drug. Average dosages for different areas:

  • around the eyes - about 24 units;
  • crease between the eyebrows, forehead, décolleté - 20 units each;
  • around the lips - up to 4 units;
  • nose - up to 6 units.

About an hour after the procedure, the patient is observed by a specialist. For several hours, you can not cause a rush of blood to the head, so you should not bend the torso or take a horizontal position. You can't touch the skin. The next 3-5 days should be spent refusing massage, makeup, sports and increased physical activity. You should wait a little with a visit to the solarium, saunas, baths. Alcohol consumption is also prohibited.

Contraindications and side effects

Xeomin is a safe and hypoallergenic muscle relaxant. But in some cases, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Xeomin injections are contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. age under 18;
  2. pregnancy, lactation;
  3. the presence of neoplasms;
  4. skin damage in the treatment area;
  5. acute form infectious diseases;
  6. consequences of neurological diseases;
  7. allergy to the components of the drug;
  8. a course of treatment with antibiotics, anticoagulants;
  9. feverish state.

In the presence of eye diseases, it is also necessary to consult a specialist if the injections are carried out in the eye area.

Conducting a course of xeomin injections should be trusted only by a competent specialist. Usually side effects appear slightly and disappear rather quickly. Small microhematomas and painful symptoms at the injection sites disappear within a week. Relaxation of the muscles of nearby areas may indicate facial asymmetry, omission of tissues. An overdose of xeomin manifests itself as the development of muscle paralysis in areas remote from the piercing sites. The following symptoms may appear: difficulty with speech, weakness, paralysis of the respiratory and swallowing muscles. Urgent hospitalization required.

Xeomin gives the best result in the elimination of medium and small wrinkles. To get rid of deeper folds, xeomin injections are recommended to be combined with

The first signs that can give out our age, and sometimes add a couple of years, are mimic wrinkles. No matter how hard we try, no one can avoid these little troubles, because it is difficult in life not to smile, not to be surprised and not to be sad. Over time, all our emotions are imprinted on the face.

Today, there are many methods of dealing with mimic wrinkles, among which botulinum therapy occupies a worthy place. For a long time, there was only one botulinum toxin preparation on the pharmaceutical market - Botox, but the pharmaceutical industry is developing at a rapid pace, and today there are several Botox competitors on the market, including the German drug Xeomin.

History of the drug

The drug was developed by the German pharmaceutical company Merz Pharma (Frankfurt am Main). Professor Jurgen Freevert is the creator of Xeomin. Botulinum toxin has been produced since 2001. Despite the small experience of its use (compared to Botox, which has been produced since 1989), Xeomin is registered in most European countries, in Russia it has been approved for use since 2008.

Xeomin is a second-generation botulinum therapy drug. This is a highly purified botulinum toxin type A. Conventional botulinum toxin, such as Botox, in its composition, in addition to the toxin itself, has a protein part. It is this foreign protein that causes the main side effects of the drug - allergic reactions or insensitivity to botulinum toxin due to the development of antibodies in the body after several injections.

Xeomin is devoid of such shortcomings, it contains only the toxin itself, the protein part is removed by special methods and technologies. Due to this, the drug is characterized by special safety, good effect and sensitivity, the absence of severe side effects.

Today, more and more patients and doctors prefer this purified botulinum toxin. Xeomin is a worthy competitor to Botox.

Mechanism of action of Xeomin

The basis of Xeomin is botulinum toxin type A, as excipients, the composition of the drug includes human serum albumin and sucrose. Available in bottles of 50 and 100 active units.

After injection into the area of ​​​​the mimic muscle, neurotoxin molecules penetrate the synaptic plaques (the place where the nerve ending and muscle fiber connect).

It causes a blockade of a protein that promotes the release of acetylcholine (a substance due to which neuromuscular transmission of impulses is carried out to reduce muscle cells). As a result, the muscles do not contract, their temporary paralysis develops, and all wrinkles are smoothed out.

Over time (for Xeomin it is 3-4 months), new nerve endings develop, and the impulse transmission resumes, the effect of the drug stops.

Indications for Xeomin injections

The drug is specially designed for aesthetic cosmetology, and not for medical purposes, like Botox. If you read reviews about Xeomin, you can see that it is very effective in the following cases:

  • correction of "crow's feet" or small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • elimination of longitudinal and transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  • allows you to get rid of interbrow wrinkles;
  • radial wrinkles around the mouth;
  • nasolabial folds are not very pronounced;
  • wrinkles in the décolleté area.

The Xeomin injection procedure is practically painless, if you are still very afraid of pain, you can ask the doctor to apply an anesthetic cream or gel. In time, all manipulations do not take more than 30-40 minutes. The action of botulinum toxin can be seen already on the 2-3rd day, the full effect is manifested on the 10-17th day, lasts 3-4 months. After which the injections can be repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you decide on botulinum therapy, but do not know what to choose - Botox or Xeomin, then the following information should help you make a choice.

The drug has the following advantages:

  • the formula of the drug is devoid of the protein part, which makes it safer to use, allergic and local inflammatory reactions are practically absent;
  • the molecular weight is 150 kDa, which is the smallest among all botulinum toxins today, this makes it possible to selectively act on the smallest muscles;
  • does not require cold storage, it can be stored at room temperature, unlike Dysport and Botox, this completely eliminates the inefficiency of the drug due to violations of transportation and storage conditions;
  • the absence of such a phenomenon as insensitivity to the drug, the body does not produce antibodies to Xeomin even with prolonged use;
  • the minimum amount of diffusion into neighboring tissues, which practically eliminates such undesirable effects of botulinum therapy as asymmetry, ptosis of the upper eyelid, sagging tissues, Xeomin molecules have an increased affinity for muscle receptors, which keeps them at the injection site and does not allow them to spread to neighboring muscle fibers;
  • to achieve the desired effect, a lower dose is required than Botox, which is explained by weak diffusion;
  • the price of Xeomin is less than Botox, but more than Dysport (for comparison - 250, 320 and 120 rubles per active unit);
  • after injections of Xeomin, emotional reactions are preserved, all due to the fact that the drug does not affect the deep layers of facial muscles, this advantage was appreciated by people of public professions.

Among the shortcomings, the following can be distinguished:

  • not suitable for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis due to poor diffusion;
  • the result is less stable, lasts for 3-4 months, and with Botox - 6 months;
  • insufficient scientific basis for the use of the drug, Botox is more studied.

The final choice, Xeomin or Botox, will only be made by a specialist. The doctor will take into account all the features of a particular case - the age of the patient, the desired result, the depth of wrinkles, their localization, the presence of contraindications to botulinum toxin injections.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any botulinum toxin, Xeomin has contraindications for use:

  • diseases of the nervous and muscular system, which are manifested by muscle weakness, for example, myasthenia gravis;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • acute infection with an increase in body temperature;
  • pathology of the blood system, which is manifested by its poor clotting;
  • allergic reactions to botulinum toxin in the past;
  • malignant neoplasms of any localization;
  • inflammatory, purulent, dermatological diseases in the injection area;
  • severe somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • glaucoma;
  • taking antibacterial and some other medicines.

Due to the unique formula of the drug, negative reviews about Xeomin are rare. The introduction of purified botulinum toxin at a lower dose, with a small diffusion minimizes the risk of adverse reactions.

Rarely, such side effects can be observed (as a rule, they develop due to a violation of the injection technique by the doctor or if the patient does not follow the recommendations of the specialist after injections):

  • swelling, burning, bruising at the injection site;
  • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • sagging tissues;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • headache;
  • flu-like syndrome.

To prevent unwanted reactions, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist during the first days after botulinum therapy:

  1. it is forbidden to massage the face after injections, apply decorative cosmetics;
  2. use procedures with heating of facial tissues (sauna, solarium, bath);
  3. to exclude the use of alcohol;
  4. do not overstrain physically;
  5. do not sleep face down;
  6. do not use certain medications, such as antibiotics.

The modern cosmetology industry offers many solutions to combat the manifestations of natural skin aging. One of the most modern and effective "rejuvenating" drugs is Xeomin. Read the basic information about Xeomin injections, indications and contraindications for procedures with their use, as well as a detailed review of a real practicing cosmetologist.

Xeomin: what is it?

Xeomin is a new generation drug containing type A butolinic toxin in its composition. Simple butolotoxin, for example, used in the production of Botox, contains additional protein inclusions. It is because of the foreign protein that patients undergoing skin rejuvenation procedures using Botox most often experience allergic reactions and other side effects.

Negative reviews about Xeomin in this regard are absent from both users and cosmetologists. The preparation contains exclusively purified and diluted toxin. The protein is removed from its composition using special technologies and techniques. This made it possible to make the drug as safe, effective and hypoallergenic as possible, minimizing its side effects.

Additionally, Xeomin contains excipients - sucrose and serum albumin. The drug itself is sold in vials containing 50 and 100 units of Xeomin.

After the introduction of the drug into the area of ​​​​the mimic muscle, active substance has a blocking effect on the junction of nerve endings with muscle fibers. As a result of this blockage, the muscles lose their ability to contract, which leads to their temporary paralysis. It is thanks to this that the main effect of Xeomin's action is ensured - smoothing of mimic wrinkles.

Xeomin: indications and contraindications for use

Xeomin injections are used in aesthetic cosmetology, unlike Botox, which is also used for medical purposes. Reviews of cosmetologists about Xeomin indicate that the drug helps:

  • eliminate fine wrinkles in the eye area (get rid of "crow's feet");
  • get rid of forehead wrinkles;
  • eliminate interbrow wrinkles;
  • smooth out radial wrinkles around the lips;
  • remove wrinkles in the neckline;
  • correct the severity of nasolabial folds.

Important! Xeomin is a safe drug that has passed all the necessary research and testing, but before using it, you still need to make sure that there are no contraindications with your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of Xeomin are as follows:

  • muscle weakness or myasthenia gravis;
  • infectious diseases of the skin in an acute form;
  • various chronic and acute diseases;
  • cancerous diseases;
  • prone to allergies.

Important! Xeomin injections should be avoided by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Xeomin: instructions for use

The drug is administered to the patient in the form of injections. Instructions for use Xeomin recommends that you first apply an anesthetic cream to the skin. The first results of using the drug become noticeable 2-3 days after the procedure. The greatest effect is achieved after 1.5-2 weeks. You can re-inject Xeomin no earlier than 4 months later.

Important! Xeomin injections should only be done by a qualified specialist. When used independently, there is a high risk of choosing the wrong place of administration and dosage, which is fraught with extremely adverse consequences.

Injections are made locally and pointwise. A specific scheme is selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin and existing problems. The maximum dosage for one injection site is 5 units.

When diluting Xeomin, it is forbidden to remove the cork. To open the bottle, the plastic cap is removed from it. Before diluting the drug, the central part of the cork must be treated with alcohol.

To prepare a solution of Xeomin, the cork is pierced with a sterile needle and sodium chloride solution is introduced into the vial. The bottle is gently rotated and the contents are mixed until completely dissolved. The result should be a colorless transparent liquid. If there are noticeable particles and flakes in the composition of the solution, it is prohibited to use it. Also, do not use an opaque solution.

Xeomin injections are almost painless. If desired, you can ask the beautician to apply an anesthetic gel to the skin. The duration of all manipulations is usually no more than 30-40 minutes.

Within 3-5 days after the administration of the drug, it is forbidden to do the following:

  1. Apply makeup.
  2. Massage your face.
  3. Visit the solarium, bath or sauna.
  4. Take alcohol.
  5. Go in for sports and hard physical work.

Xeomin is not commercially available. The drug can only be purchased by representatives of specialized institutions. The price per unit of Xeomin is considered quite high. The average cost of 100 units is about 10-12 thousand rubles. It is better to clarify this point individually in the selected clinic, because. additional factors can strongly influence the final price.

Botox, Dysport or Xeomin: which is better?

All three drugs are actively used in cosmetology to combat the manifestations of natural skin aging. At the same time, each of them is based on butolotoxin. Botox is the most popular in the US. Dysport and Xeomin are widely used in Europe and the CIS. These funds are much cheaper, but in terms of their effectiveness and indications they are not inferior to Botox.

It is impossible to give a definite answer which of the three drugs is better. Each of them is used to achieve approximately the same goals, but some differences in their mechanism of action and indications for use are still present. For clarification, please read the brief comparative characteristic the drugs in question.

Xeomin or Dysport: which is better?

A very important advantage of Xeomin is the absence of complexing proteins in its composition. Such proteins are included in Dysport to ensure its integrity, however, because of them, the stimulation of antibody production slows down noticeably.

In addition, in the absence of complexing proteins, the risk of developing allergies is also reduced, which adds additional points to Xeomin.

Along with this, Xeomin is not as effective for patients with increased sweating. It is better for them to be treated with Dysport, because. it is characterized by higher diffusion properties.

Botox or Xeomin: which is better?

Both Botox and Xeomin are actively used in cosmetology. Both drugs are made on the basis of neurotoxin.

Among the advantages of Xeomin over Botox, the following points should be noted:

  1. No need for mandatory storage at low temperatures.
  2. Smaller dosages.
  3. Lack of addiction in patients.
  4. Extremely rare side effects.
  5. No problems with facial expressions after application.

But Botox also has its positive qualities, namely:

  • it can be used to treat excessive sweating;
  • it is a more studied and time-tested remedy;
  • has a persistent and longer-lasting effect compared to Xeomin.

Thus, each of the considered means has its pros and cons. When choosing a particular product, you need to consider all available information about him, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Xeomin: reviews of cosmetologists and patients

There are practically no negative reviews about Xeomin. They appear only in the case when the procedure is carried out by an unqualified and inexperienced doctor. Most of the reviews testify to the complete safety and high effectiveness of the product. In particular, patients often note the absence of side effects after injections. Unlike the same Botox, after Xeomin, the face does not become like a mask, but retains its normal appearance.

Before and after photos Before and after photos Before and after photos

To complete the picture, read the Xeomin review, compiled by a professional cosmetologist with many years of experience.

"Hello. I have been a professional cosmetologist for over 20 years. At the moment I work in one of the best and most expensive private clinics in the country. Our clinic always tries to respond to industry news in a timely manner, and Xeomin was no exception - I started recommending the drug to my patients and giving injections almost immediately after Xeomin passed the necessary tests and received the appropriate certificates. By the way, we additionally tested Xeomin in our laboratory. The results were a pleasant surprise - the tool turned out to be even safer than the same Botox or Dysport. The absence of a protein component affects, and this cannot but rejoice.

In general, almost all patients tolerate Xeomin injections well. Over the years of practice, there were no more than 1% of sudden manifestations of side effects, but they can hardly be called too terrible. The maximum is a small rash that disappears in 2-3 days.

Before the procedures, I always send the patient for an examination to check for contraindications to the use of Xeomin. If everything is fine, we proceed to the injections.

Some patients positive results are noted immediately after the procedure, on average, the effect appears after 2-5 days. It largely depends on the condition of the human skin and the individual characteristics of his body. The maximum result is usually visible after 2 weeks. During this time, I recommend that my patients visit my office periodically to monitor their condition.

The persistent effect of Xeomin usually lasts up to 4-6 months, then for another 1-2 months a residual effect is noticeable, and after the course, at the request of the patient and in the absence of contraindications, it must be repeated.

In general, Xeomin is a worthy competitor and an excellent alternative to Botox and Dysport.” - Michael, cosmetologist.

Thus, the market of drugs for skin rejuvenation has replenished with another worthy representative. Xeomin has won the recognition of the best specialists and received many positive feedback, which is the best confirmation of its effectiveness.

Video instruction

Good day!

A little background

Everyone wants to be forever young, especially women. And I am no exception. Until the age of 35, I was categorically against any injections in the face. I fukala on those who injected themselves with Botox and said that I would never let myself inject anything in my life. But, as they say, don't worry.

My skin has been thick and oily all my life, therefore, unlike the owners of dry and thin skin, wrinkles began to appear in me only by the age of 33. On the forehead and in the corners of the eyes, because. I squint very often. I intensively smeared them with various creams and massaged them, but all in vain. By the age of 35, the wrinkles became so obvious that I realized that without drastic measures the situation could not be changed for the better.

I signed up for a consultation with the best cosmetologist in our city and began to wait for X day.

The beautician, after questioning and examining me in detail, suggested injections XEOMINA.

So what is Xeomin:

Xeomin is a sterile lyophilized form of botulinum toxin, free from complexing proteins, produced by a strain of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum type A.

If in Russian, then this is just Botox purified from proteins, which should act gently and without side effects, without being rejected by the body. This is how my beautician told me.

Another undeniable priority of Xeomin over Botox and Dysport is that this drug does not require strict storage conditions and a short period of effectiveness in printed form. That is, when you come to the salon in the evening, you can be sure that the drug will work in any case, even though it was not opened in front of you, unlike Botox and Dysport.

Indications for use:

idiopathic cervical dystonia (spastic torticollis) predominantly rotational form;
spasticity of the muscles of the hand after a stroke;
mimic wrinkles


allergy to the components of the drug;
neuromuscular transmission disorders (myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, with caution - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neurological diseases as a result of degeneration of motor neurons and other diseases with impaired neuromuscular transmission);
elevated temperature;
acute infectious or non-infectious diseases;
children's and adolescence under 18

I want to draw your attention to the fact that pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are a contraindication for the use of Xeomin. Moreover, the cosmetologist did not recommend putting Xeomin immediately after the cessation of HB until the woman's hormonal background improves, that is, at least 3 months.

And now I'll tell you directly about the procedure:

First of all, the beautician found out if I had any allergic reactions to anything. After a negative answer, she asked me to make a face: to express surprise, a wide smile and an angry face. During active facial expressions, the cosmetologist put a marker with a marker where injections will be made. Then she treated her face with an antiseptic and applied an anesthetic (did not ask what exactly, but I suspect it was lidocaine)

While I was waiting for the anesthesia to take effect, the cosmetologist gave me a paper - the patient's informed consent to the administration of Xeomin, which briefly describes the drug, duration, contraindications and side effects, the series of the drug, the injection schedule and the number of units.

After signing the consent, the beautician began to act.

The plan was to inject:

In the forehead -4 units,

Interbrow - 18 units,

And the corners of the eyes - 9 units. for each eye.

Only 40 units.

We started with the eyebrows, then the forehead and at the end of the eye. The needle is thin, the drug is punctured quickly. The forehead and between the eyebrows were almost painless, but in the eyes it was noticeably painful. Everything about everything took about 10 minutes. So, at least it seemed to me.

The cosmetologist warned that there may be slight swelling and soreness at the injection sites and that the drug will rise for 5 days. She also refuted the argument that you can’t bend over, take a horizontal position and be sure to grimace. She said that according to the latest studies, all these actions are absolutely safe and will not affect the formation of the drug in any way.

The duration of the drug: 3-4 months.

Price for everything: 10,000 rubles.

On this we said goodbye.

The process of becoming Xeomin and side effects:

On the first day, as the cosmetologist said, the skin at the injection sites was swollen and a little sore. The next day, all these unpleasant moments passed, but new ones appeared. My head started to hurt a lot! Week! In addition, there was periodically a feeling of dizziness and squeezing of the frontal-temporal part of the head, that's just heaviness in this area. A week passed like a zombie, after which the headaches disappeared.

Xeomin got up on the 5th day. Just getting up in the morning, I tried to bring my eyebrows to the bridge of my nose and could not. Very unusual and funny feeling. I walked all day and showed my husband that I was frowning hard, and there was no effect on my face.

Finally, Botox got up about two weeks later. I could raise my eyebrows, but the skin did not fold into an accordion on my forehead.

I smiled, and the skin in the corners of my eyes did not gather into a cluster of small wrinkles. BUT! If I liked the effect with the forehead and between the eyebrows, then with the eyes it was not so rosy. The effect was undoubtedly - the skin smoothed out, but there was a feeling of discomfort. I don't know how to explain it, but I was uncomfortable with the "disconnected" muscle in the corner of my eyes. And appearance has changed. Friends began to ask questions that something was wrong with me, "Did you insert lenses?" To me in the mirror, my facial expression seemed somehow sad, as if I was about to cry, although my husband said that everything was fine and I was making up my mind.

Here are before and after photos:

At the moment, 4 months have passed since the day I gave Xeomin injections and I can say with confidence that its effect has passed. The skin is again collected in a bump with active facial expressions.

Conclusion: Xeomin really effective drug, which smoothes mimic wrinkles by blocking certain facial muscles, but in my case, side effects appeared in the form of a headache and I did not like the feeling of discomfort in the eye area, so I am unlikely to give myself Xeomin injections again.