Therapeutic reflexology. Reflexology - what is it? Microcurrent reflexology

Reflexology exists for thousands of years. You can say that two, and you can say that a hundred millennia.

Reflexology method overgrown with legends and superstitions, but it is used to treat diseases, chronic and in the acute stage, and hundreds of scientific journals devoted to reflexology are published all over the world.

So what is reflexology and when did it originate? In the 3rd century BC. in the Chinese book Nei Ching, in the form of a dialogue between the emperor and his court physician, zhen-jiu treatment method. It is believed that the method of reflexology is based on five thousand years of experience.

It consists in strengthening and treating the organs and systems of the body by stimulating certain points on the body. The points may have been discovered by the ancients on the basis of their soreness in diseases.

It was believed that skin punctures with needles reveal exit holes pathogenic origins. And when patterns were found in the location of the points, they were combined along lines called channels.

The method is used to treat many diseases. How could the method be born, suggesting that by acting on selected points human body can diseases be cured? Exists ancient legend that once one of the subjects of the Chinese emperor suffered from a headache and, accidentally injuring himself in the leg, got rid of the pain.

And then founder of the method tried to act on various points in various diseases, his followers for thousands of years have accumulated and summarized the experience, recorded it in writing, and now we have clear recommendations for treatment through reflexology.

All these stories and legends are beautiful, but hardly convincing when approached critically. A peasant who cured a headache from accidentally dropping a stone on the right point of the right meridian had to repeatedly drop the stone on the same place, and even pick up other points, because one session and one point are not enough for a cure.

And not the fact that the method was discovered in China. On the active zones of the body and the impact in medicinal purposes on the dots it says in one of ancient Egyptian papyri. Moxibustion was widespread during the time of the ancient Greek healer and physician Hippocrates. The tools of the ancient Greek doctor included a set of needles; however, we do not know their exact purpose.

Merit of China rather in preserving the method and bringing it unchanged to our time. This was facilitated by the preservation of statehood for 30 centuries, the assimilation and transformation into Chinese of all the conquerors, of whom there were many during this time, and, most importantly, the written record of everything that happened and observed.

Reflexology has also reached Russia. After the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century, through the Byzantine healing books came the advice to carry out "point burning" special needles. The method of acupuncture in its developed form came to Europe in the 17th century.

The golden time of reflexology fell on China 10th-14th centuries. Reflexotherapy received state support, were organized state institutions for treatment.

And in times "cultural revolution" When, with a shortage of qualified doctors, “barefoot doctors” were in demand, some skills of acupuncture and cauterization began to be taught to soldiers, high school students and peasants.

In modern times, numerous attempts are being made to substantiate the ancient practice of reflexology with morphological-physiological and other scientific studies. Despite individual successes, no decisive breakthrough was made in the study, and reflexology has always been protested by representatives "chemical" medicine.

So what are the basic concepts of reflexology? Let us immediately make a reservation that these concepts no analogues in modern scientific medicine, or the existing analogies can be traced very weakly. So:

  • the body is a derivative of Chi energy (or prana according to traditional Indian medicine);
  • in a healthy body, Qi circulates correctly, and disease is a violation of circulation;
  • Chi energy moves through 14 channels;
  • active points are located on the channels;
  • energy circulates through the channels rhythmically, in accordance with hourly, daily, monthly, annual and longer cycles;
  • channels are associated with certain organs and functions of the body.

Attempts to translate the above into modern concepts end in failure. And, quite rightly, it is believed that to find answers and analogies within the framework of modern medicine impossible.

Reflexology in its most ancient form- acupuncture, arose on the basis of the ancient philosophical concepts of Wu-Xing and Yin-Yang. The Wu-Sin concept is earlier, arose on the basis of the idea of ​​five elements (wind, heat, humidity, dryness, cold) and five primary elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water).

Relations between five primary elements explain the relationship between the external environment and the body, pathology and physiology human body.

The rule is based on the concept of Wu-Sin mother-son treatment, which allows you to regulate the flow of Chi energy in a channel with disturbed energy. The primary element "mother" transmits energy, and the primary element "son" perceives this energy.

Teaching about Yin and Yang- the most important position of the ancient systems of the world. Literally, Yang means the illuminated part of the mountain, and Yin - its shadow. Everything in the world is conditioned by the constant transformation of Yang and Yin. Yang is masculine, active, and Yin is feminine, passive.

In a person, according to Chinese tradition, there are 6 yang organs(stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gallbladder, bladder, triple heater) and 6 yin organs (liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen-pancreas, ruler of the heart).

Of the 12 bodies listed, 10 of us well known, and the triple heater and ruler of the heart (or pericardium) have no analogies in scientific physiology. These two channels are likened to the Sun and the Moon.

The physical health of a person is determined mainly Yin bodies. But in any Ineva organ there is a Yang element, and vice versa. Over time, the concepts of Wu-Xing and Yin-Yang became a single whole. Metal and water were attributed to Yin, fire and wood to Yang, and earth was considered the turning point between Yin and Yang.

Primary elements- symbols of the components of the material world and movement: tree - growth, fire - activity, earth - the center of cyclic movement, metal - decline, water - passive force. The following sequence of stimulation of the primary elements has been established: wood generates fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, metal - water, water - wood.

The method of selecting points of influence and their combinations for treatment within the framework of Wu Xing teachings. Suppose a liver disease needs to be cured. First of all, it is necessary to stimulate the liver canal points with reflexology.

For amplification excitation of the liver channel, you can additionally irritate the points of the channel Bladder(preceding link), and to enhance the inhibitory action - channel points small intestine(subsequent link) or colon canal points.

Developed system helps reflexologists, since when choosing a non-ideal option for choosing points for treatment, the selected option, nevertheless, often turns out to be useful, since errors are extinguished, and positive effects are enhanced by the design of the system.

It is possible to treat on the basis of any principle, but it is better to combine the principles to achieve the greatest effect. Various Methods reflexology at right choice points of influence are successfully used to treat diseases of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory organs, nervous system, organs of movement, ear, throat, nose, eye, skin and gynecological.

The doctrine of points and channels

In classical anatomy and physiology, there has never been a concept points and channels. The classics of reflexology claim that there are 360 ​​points on the human body, or 720 points, taking into account the symmetry of the human body.

These points were discovered 5000 years ago, and it is customary to confirm their existence by the presence of therapeutic effect their applications. But the healing effect can also be explained by time and care.

Quite objectively, a decrease skin electrical resistance at points, some authors insist that a decrease in electrical resistance is also observed along the channels.

A number of authors believe that the system of channels should be abandoned, objectively there are only points. It is also possible that, if desired, using a sensitive device, you can detect at least 10.000 points.

Formation of point systems Reflexology begins in the human fetus and goes in parallel with the formation of internal tissues and organs. At the same time, a connection is established between the points of reflexology and internal organs, which allows, by influencing the points, to influence internal organs. Finally, this relationship is formed by the time of the birth of a new person.

Channels in Chinese are literally called "lines with dots", in the European tradition they are called meridians. Each channel refers to one of the five elements, but each channel contains points related to each of the elements, and these points are located on the hands and feet.

Among the points of any channel there are so-called main points, located from the hand to the elbow and from the foot to the knee. The main points are assigned certain functions - tonic, sedative, stabilizing, "accomplices", "heralds", "successes" and painkillers.

Points "herald", which perform the signaling function, correspond to the Zakharyin-Ged zones discovered at the end of the 19th century in Russia and England.

The number of points on a particular channel looks arbitrary and is not explained by anything. In addition to the points united in channels, there are about 150 out-of-channel points. Such points exist on the auricle, where the correspondence of the points to the projections of all parts of the body is revealed.

Off-channel points found in the nasal cavity and in the oral cavity. Such points and zones of all organs were also found on the foot and hand. Extra-canal points, most likely, are not points, but zones localized around the joints, their purpose is extra-organismal connections.

The method developed if in the 2nd century was made bronze statue with dots, combined into 12 external paired channels, then after another 200 years 2 median channels were added to them. The middle channels belong to the fire system, one of them is Yang, the other is Yin.

On this finding channels not finished, they continued to look for and found. To the 12 main channels (or meridians) were added 8 extraordinary, or "wonderful" channels, and more muscular, diverging and connecting.

Until now, none of the supporters or opponents of the presence or absence of meridians-channels-lines I was not able to definitively confirm my point of view.

Reflexology methods

Reflexology is a collective term for a variety of therapeutic techniques, which include acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, cupping therapy, plate application, electroreflexotherapy, magnetopuncture, laser reflexotherapy, apyreflexotherapy.

Reflexology method modern science refers to alternative medicine, and it is successfully combined with traditional treatment.

Acupuncture (acupuncture)

The usefulness of acupuncture is recognized in almost all countries, and it is used to treat many diseases. With acupuncture needles made of various metals and alloys are inserted into the active points - gold, silver, stainless steel.

The ends of the needles are sharp, burrs are not allowed, but the needles cannot be too sharp, because. in this case, tissues may be injured.

Needles are inserted in the position of patients sitting, lying on their back, lying on their stomach, lying on their side. The needle is inserted both hands at the same timeright hand the needle is held, and pressure is applied to the left.

The needle can be inserted perpendicularly, obliquely at an angle of 45°, or horizontally (introduction angle 10-15° to the surface). After needle insertion to the required depth (in the elderly and weak patients, the pricking is superficial, and in strong patients it is deeper), measures are taken for the “coming of Chi”.

it punctuation(the needle “pecks” the point), rotation, pressure and massage, twitching, scratching, shaking, quick rotation left and right 3 times, shaking.

The needle may be left in the body patient for a period of 10 to 30 minutes, up to two hours. Upon completion of the procedure, the needle is removed, after which pressure is applied to the point to prevent bleeding.


Moxibustion is the effect of heat on the active point. Moxibustion is used in conjunction with acupuncture, they complement each other perfectly. Cautery is used with moxa cones and moxa cigarettes.

moxa cotton- This is a dried powdered powder of wormwood.

Sometimes in moxa cigarettes introduce special additives. There is also a method of warming up already inserted needles.


A massage effect on the points of reflexology is used without violating the integrity of the skin. Massage of individual points is called point, along the course of the channels is called superficial. Traditional massage involves a combination of acupressure with superficial. The therapeutic effect is similar to the effect of segmental massage by Zakharyin-Ged zones.

Vacuum reflexology (cup therapy)

act on acupuncture points through negative atmospheric pressure.

Sometimes banks are combined with bloodletting, the bank is placed after the bloodletting.

Application of metal plates

The method is applied if the patient is afraid of acupuncture, in the treatment of debilitated patients, as well as if the point of impact is near a wound or a large blood vessel. It is used to treat children and pregnant women, the elderly.

Medical plates- these are polished metal mugs with a diameter of 2-15 mm made of gold, silver, stainless steel or red copper. The circles are superimposed on the points and fixed with adhesive tape.

It is believed that the presence of a hole in the plate with a diameter of 0.2-0.7 mm increases the effect of exposure. The plates are superimposed for 3-5 days followed by a break for two days.

Next overlay plates for 3 days from another metal. Instead of the application of metal plates, applications of foil, mustard plaster or pepper plaster are also used.

- this is the effect on active points with an electric current. As early as 1796, it was proposed to enhance the effect of acupuncture with static electricity.

Distinguish between electroacupuncture - the impact of electric current through the inserted needle, and electropuncture - the impact of electric current through the superimposed skin electrode.

Electropuncture is painless, sterile and strictly dosed. The excitatory effect is achieved by passing a current through a selected point for one minute with a change in polarity every 10 seconds.

braking effect achieved by passing current for 3-6 minutes with a change in polarity every 40 seconds. The DC voltage is from 1 to 9 volts, the passed current is about 10-250 μA. Pain reaction with such currents is completely excluded.


With magnetopuncture the impact on the points is carried out by a magnetic field, constant or variable. It is assumed that the south magnetic pole relieves pain, and the north activates the work of the organ.

Laser and apyreflexotherapy

In laser reflexology, the points are affected by pulsed radiation from a low-power laser. And with apyreflexotherapy, the impact on the points occurs bee stings.

Contraindications to the procedure


to reflexology are:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • general depletion of the body;
  • elevated temperature;
  • infancy;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental arousal;
  • state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • venous thrombosis in the acute stage.

Also, exposures are not carried out on days with other procedures(UV-irradiation, X-ray therapy, ultrasound, etc.).

The method of reflexology is effective with the right choice active points of influence. At the same time, the system is protected from some errors in the selection of points, since if the principles of selection of points are observed, the errors are extinguished, and positive effects are enhanced.

How is the treatment with reflexology, look at the video:

Good evening. Today I will introduce you (who still does not know what it is) to such medical term like reflexology. From today's article, you will learn what it is, and also when it is used, how often it can be prescribed by doctors - this post is about all this.

What is reflexology, how does it affect the body

In neurology, reflexology has been used for a long time and rightfully has well-proven methods of treatment.

In fact, this is a medical specialty that involves knowledge and skills in the treatment of chronic and sluggish diseases.

Reflexology has a wide variety of therapeutic techniques and methods of influencing reflexogenic zones with the help of acupuncture, acupressure or cauterization. What specific method of treatment is suitable for a particular disease, only a doctor can determine.

How does it affect the body

In the process of reflexology sessions, the doctor, influencing certain, desired points on the patient's body, triggers the mechanism for restoring the neuro-reflex regulation of the body.

The result of such an impact is what is activated:

  • central nervous system
  • endocrine system
  • neurohumoral system
  • the immune system
  • vascular system

And already thanks to this activation, the work of all organs is normalized, as well as the overall working capacity increases, the patient's sleep and his mood noticeably improve, the patient forgets about the headaches that tormented him earlier.

After a course of reflexology, many people simply choke, share their impressions with complete delight and tell everyone they know about their unprecedented cheerfulness. It can be summed up in two words – born again!

But do not think that this is a panacea for all diseases. Of course, this is far from true. It's just that reflexology courses are simply necessary for almost every patient at the stage of early recovery period after an illness.

The frequency of prescribing courses of reflexology and its effectiveness

In general, neurologists prescribe courses of reflexology quite often. This is due to the excellent results from its use in diseases of the nervous system and positive impact on the body.

A variety of methods allow you to influence all organs and systems of the human body, while using the hidden reserves of the body, which many have heard of and which every patient has.

Treatment has many effects, including:

  • anesthetic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • immunomodulatory effect
  • autonomic functions are normalized
  • metabolism
  • treatment has a calming effect
  • increases efficiency

The main and main advantages of reflexology are its fairly simple technical support, complete absence adverse reactions including allergic.

Acupuncture methods can complement or even replace other types of treatment and even the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

What neurological diseases is it used for?

Reflexology in neurology is used in the treatment of many of the most various diseases. Among them:

  1. pain syndrome treatment
  2. sleep disorders
  3. neuroses
  4. neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine ()
  5. treatment of consequences of traumatic brain injury
  6. peripheral neuropathies
  7. cerebral palsy
  8. logoneuroses
  9. and etc.

There are also contraindications. For example, it is contraindicated to conduct courses of reflexology for tumor neoplasms, mental illness, individual intolerance, and also if the patient is over 80 years old.

How long does the course of treatment last and how likely is a positive result

The course of reflexology always consists of 10 procedures, which are prescribed daily or every other day. If you want to re-treatment, then it passes in 4 - 6 months.

The result of acupuncture depends on the professional and competent preparation of an acupuncture prescription and the accuracy of determining the localization of acupuncture points, the technique of placing needles, as well as the experience of the therapist.

In addition to simple acupuncture, micro acupuncture is also used. It is designed for prolonged exposure to certain points.

Microneedles are usually inserted after a course of classical acupuncture from 1-2 to 7 days. This alternation continues throughout the course. Periodic pressure on the microneedles irritates the point and can prevent seizures and relapses in certain diseases, and also reinforces the therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy.

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REFLEXOTHERAPY - a set of therapeutic techniques, which are based on the impact of physical factors on certain point areas of the body surface with special properties (acupuncture points). To influence these points, different in strength, nature and duration of irritation are used. Depending on the place of influence, there are corporal reflexology (impact on the acupuncture points of the body surface), auricular reflexology (impact on the acupuncture points of the auricle), cranial reflexology, or scalpotherapy (impact on the acupuncture points in the head area), nasotherapy (impact in the nose area) , mano- and pedotherapy (impact on the hands and feet), etc. Depending on the type of impact, acupuncture (introduction of special needles), thermopuncture (cauterization, heating with wormwood cigars), vacuum pressopuncture (exposure to medical jars), cryopuncture ( exposure to liquid nitrogen), electroacupuncture (exposure to electric current on acupuncture points through special needles), pharmacoacupuncture (introduction to active points medicines), phonopuncture (exposure to ultrasound), laser puncture (exposure to laser beams), magnetopuncture (exposure to magnetic fields), acupressure. Reflexology is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which for many centuries has used acupuncture and moxibustion (zheng-jiu therapy) to treat a wide range of diseases. From the beginning 2nd floor. 20th century these methods in a modernized form began to be widely used in Europe.

Acupuncture point - a limited area of ​​the body with an area of ​​1-10 mm2 with a high density of nerve endings in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, tendons, muscles, periosteum. At these points, there is a low resistance to direct electric current, a higher tissue metabolism. In total, there are several hundred points. Their concentration is highest in the head region and in the distal extremities. The mechanism of action of reflexology is associated with the activation of local tissue processes, segmental and suprasegmental structures of the center, the nervous system and the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides (in particular, enkephalins and endorphins), which have a regulatory effect on physiological processes in the body and stimulate sanogenetic mechanisms. Therapeutic effect depends on the localization of the irritated points, the strength and nature of the irritation, the reserve capabilities of the body. To plan an individual treatment, in addition to the usual clinical diagnostics, conduct electropuncture diagnostics, which allows assessing the condition of acupuncture points. The mechanisms of action of reflexotherapy as a whole remain hypothetical, and approaches to dosing and choosing a method of exposure are exclusively empirical in nature.

Experience of using methods of reflexology in modern honey. practice has shown that it is most effective in functional disorders caused by a violation of the neurogenic mechanisms of regulation of the function of certain organs or systems (neurosis, sexual disorders, autonomic dystonia). Reflexology is widely used in the treatment of pain syndromes. various genesis, smoking. In combination with other methods, it is used in the rehabilitation of patients who have had a stroke, traumatic brain injury, in the treatment of endocrine dysfunction, allergic reactions, skin and gynecological diseases. Main Contraindications to reflexology are infectious and oncological diseases. It is not recommended to combine reflexology with radiation therapy, large doses of narcotic, psychotropic, hormonal drugs.

Reflexology is a complex of therapeutic and diagnostic methods impact on active points of the human body surface. Active points on the surface of the body are called acupuncture points. There are more than 800 main acupuncture points on the human body. The physical methods of reflexology are cauterization, the use of special needles, low-voltage electric currents, lasers, leeches, wormwood cigarettes, stones, seeds, metal plates or balls. Reflexology is often used as a additional method to drug therapy.

History of reflexology

The birthplace of this method of treatment is China. The first method of acupressure (Zheng-Jiu) was described in the fifth century BC. In European countries, this direction began to be used only in the seventeenth century AD.

In 1913, the American scientist William Fitzgerald created the basis of modern reflexology. The scientist discovered that it is possible to improve the functioning of various organs, relieve pain and inflammation by pressing on certain areas of the body surface. He outlined the relationship various areas organism, highlighting the ten main lines passing through the human body.

Reflexology methods

Various methods of reflexotherapy influence can slow down or speed up the movement of energy in the energy channel associated with the affected organ. When choosing one or another method of exposure, the state of the affected organ is taken into account.

The method of acupuncture consists in the introduction of steel, silver or gold needles through the skin into the active points of the human body. Acupuncture is the most effective method reflexology. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture directly depends on the way the needle is inserted. Acupuncture can have a stimulating (tonic) or sedative (calming) effect on the organ system. When using microneedling, small needles are left in active points for several days.

Auriculotherapy - impact acupressure or microneedles on the active points of the auricle. On the auricles there are more than 200 active points. Normally, the points are painless, but with a disease in acute form when pressed on them, the patient feels pain. When chronic disease tuberosity, peeling, pallor appear at their location.

Acupressure is a mechanical effect on active points with the help of fingers or special instruments (without damaging the integrity skin). This method allows you to selectively and dosed regulate the work of various organs and systems of the body, as well as influence the restorative and metabolic functions in tissues.

Thermopuncture (heating, cauterization) - exposure to active points with heat. Usually heating is carried out using wormwood cigars.

Electropuncture or microcurrent reflexology - treatment with electrical micropulses. The method of microcurrent reflexology is used to relieve pain or as an independent method of influencing active points. Microcurrent reflexology is used in complex treatment children with cerebral palsy.

The method of vacuum reflexology (cupping therapy) is a local irritation of the skin with rarefied air in the area of ​​reflexogenic zones.

Magnetopuncture - exposure to active points with an alternating or constant magnetic field. It is believed that the south pole of the magnet relieves pain, and the north pole activates blood circulation and makes the organ work harder.

Laser reflexology - exposure to laser pulsed radiation. This method is effective in chronic and acute inflammatory, traumatic, degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

Centimeter-wave reflexotherapy is used for spastic conditions, pain radicular syndromes. It has desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The method of ultrasonic reflexology is based on micromassage of cells and tissues, restructuring of tissue microstructures and changes in microcirculation.

Facial reflexology - impact on biologically active points of the face. The action of facial reflexology is to normalize the tone of facial muscles of the face and improve microcirculation in it. soft tissues. Facial reflexology is especially effective for nephropathy of the facial nerve.

Apyreflexotherapy – impact on acupuncture points bee stings.

Indications for reflexology

Many reviews of reflexology say that this method treatment is used for diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs - neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuroses, neurasthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, epilepsy, enuresis. Reflexology methods are successfully used in diseases of cardio-vascular system, diseases of the eyes, diseases of the ear, diseases of the lungs, skin. Some medical reviews about reflexology say that this method of treatment is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases endocrine system, with gynecological diseases, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with pain syndromes of various origins and localizations.

Contraindications for reflexology

Contraindications to the use of reflexology methods are malignant and benign tumors, acute infectious diseases, severe asthenia and general exhaustion of the body, febrile conditions, infancy, pregnancy, alcohol intoxication, acute mental agitation, active tuberculosis.