Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis in Chinese medicine. Acupuncture for arthritis: effectiveness of the method and patient feedback Treatment of acupuncture in children with arthritis

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Rheumatism- a disease whose name can often be heard in the offices of rheumatologists. Rheumatism occurs as a result of exposure to the human body of a special streptococcal infection. This disease has been known since very ancient times. That is why even since then began to appear various methods treatment of this disease. There are really a lot of them. Most likely, you know or have heard something about many of them. This article will focus on such methods of treating rheumatism as physiotherapy and acupuncture.


With regard to physiotherapy, the physical methods of treating rheumatism are an integral part of complex therapy. It is physiotherapy that helps to increase the overall resistance of the patient's body. It also improves immunity, has anti-inflammatory, absorbable and analgesic effects. Physical procedures improve blood circulation and “kill” foci of rheumatism.

If rheumatism is in the active stage, then the patient is prescribed ultraviolet irradiation to the area of ​​the affected joints. If the patient has a neglected form of rheumatism, which has already led to various consequences, in such cases electrosleep is used. Almost always, medicinal electrophoresis is used in the treatment of rheumatism. The course of physiotherapy may also include irradiation of the joint area with a solar lamp or an infrared ray lamp, paraffin applications on the affected joints and UHF on the area of ​​the joints in an oligothermic dosage. All this is backed up by exercise therapy.

Acupuncture (acupuncture)

As for the treatment of rheumatism with the help of medical acupuncture (acupuncture), this method of treatment is also very popular today. This type of treatment got its name from the Latin word "acupuncture", which means - an injection, a point. More precisely, acupuncture is the treatment of various diseases with the help of acupuncture.

There are more than 1000 points on the human body that can be used to treat various diseases. In the treatment of rheumatism by acupuncture, an individual combination of points is selected for a person, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of rheumatism in him. Treatment by this method involves several courses. Acupuncturists simply use their hands to insert needles into the required places. The needles that are inserted into the patient's body are made of bronze, iron, gold, silver, or stainless steel.

During acupuncture treatment, a total of five types of needles can be used. These are thin short, thin long, needles with a trihedral point, buttons and a hammer, which consists of a large number individual needles.

During the session, the patient should be in the most convenient body position for him, since he will need to maintain this position for a sufficiently long period of time. The main task of the specialist conducting the treatment procedure is the maximum achievement of all the necessary points on the patient's body, which are responsible precisely for the impact on the course of rheumatism. The depth of needle insertion can largely depend on the age and weight of the patient. The nature of such an injection can be either direct or oblique.

Every doctor should feel the limit of permissible needle insertion. The patient, while reaching the target with a needle, feels tension, heaviness, numbness, dull pain at the injection point. Acupuncture treatment is always accompanied by special breathing exercises, massage, a certain diet, cauterization, use medicinal plants and so on.

Both physical therapy and acupuncture are effective methods treatment of rheumatism. Eastern healers consider rheumatism a disease of "cold, humidity and heat." With rheumatism, the patient may feel pain in one or several joints at the same time. Using the methods of treatment of this disease presented in this article will help you get rid of the emerging discomfort very quickly and for quite a long time.

Acupuncture as a method of treatment rheumatoid arthritis. The main conditions that determine the effect of acupuncture are characterized by three factors: the location of irritation, the amount and intensity of irritation, and the patient's state of health.
The effect of the procedure depends on right choice points of irritation, on the strength and methods of insertion of the needle and the nature of the introduction.

Acupuncture is based on two opposite reactions of the body to stimuli - inhibition and excitation.

The inhibition reaction is caused by the method of strong irritation, which is applied for a long time with gradually increasing intensity. At the same time, the patient has feelings of heaviness, numbness, fullness, a feeling of the passage of an electric current. This method is used for increased function of motor, sensory and secretory activity of the body. In addition, the inhibition reaction has a sedative, analgesic, hypotensive and desensitizing effect.

There are two ways to trigger an inhibition response. One of them is more intense and prolonged irritation. It is indicated for adults, contraindicated in children and elderly patients. The number of injected needles is no more than 2-3. The needle is inserted with slow rotational movements with a constant increase in the strength of irritation, puncture is used. The depth of the injection is 1.5--8 cm, depending on the location of the point; needles are left in for 30 minutes to several hours (average 30 to 40 minutes). If the physician deems it appropriate to leave the needle on long time(a day or more), you need to use gold T-shaped needles.

Acupuncture can be combined with moxibustion lasting 20-60 minutes during or after acupuncture. Indications: spasms, convulsions, pain syndrome.

The second option is applicable at any age. Number of points 2--4. The sensation from the introduction of the needle is weaker than in the first variant. The needle is inserted with rotational movements. In adults, the needle is left for 10-12 minutes, in children, depending on age (about 5 minutes).

In order to achieve an exciting effect, a weak irritation is produced by short, quick irritations applied sequentially to a number of points. The injection is accompanied by a slight pain sensation. The duration of exposure is short.

The excitatory response is also achieved in two ways. In the first case, irritation is caused by simultaneous acupuncture at 5-10 points to a depth of 0.3-0.5 cm. A strong, fast, short irritation lasting 0.5-2 minutes is produced. After the introduction of the needle, it is possible to make dotted movements, as well as to carry out independent or in combination with acupuncture jiu-therapy by the pecking method for 1--3 minutes. In the second case, the stimulating effect is achieved by superficial injections (0.3-1 cm) into a large number of points (10-12), and the irritations must be fast, strong, so that pain occurs. If the patient does not experience sensations or they are mild, it is necessary to apply a short strong irritation in the form of continuous rotation or puncture. If strong sensations immediately arise and the muscle is tense, it is necessary to give a long, growing in intensity irritation, a slow rotation, followed by leaving the needle. It has been established that the rotation of the needle along the meridian has an excitatory effect, and against the course it has an inhibitory effect.

In the treatment of joint diseases, it is recommended to first apply the first version of the inhibitory method at local points until painful sensations form in the area of ​​the affected joint, then move to distant points, using the second version of the inhibitory method until the discomfort previously caused by injections is eliminated. A similar irritation is applied at 2-3 points.

If the joints of the hands are affected, pricking should be done on lower limbs, and vice versa, using the second variant of the braking method. Injections are made with cauterization. Spend three courses of treatment for 10 days, a break of 7 days.

Rules for combining points. The most difficult thing in the practice of acupuncture is the choice of points of influence and their combinations in various diseases.

If the correct methodology and technique of acupuncture are observed, complications, as a rule, do not happen. In some cases, complications are possible in the form of a pronounced vegetative reaction, needle retention in the tissues, hematoma, residual sensation, etc.

In most cases, the autonomic reaction occurs due to too rough manipulation of the needle or excessive fear of the patient undergoing treatment for the first time. The patient becomes pale after insertion of the needle. skin, dizziness, sweating. It is necessary to lay the patient down and remove the needle.

It is generally accepted that rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, most often women are predisposed to it. The disease is aimed at the defeat of the articular tissue and, as a result, its destruction. The second reason for the occurrence, or rather, exacerbation, is fungal or viral infections, reception strong hormonal drugs or stress.

Successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis - watch a video with a patient testimonial.

Complexity this disease that it comes on suddenly. The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are:

  • pain syndrome, in particular, in the morning (usually a person feels stiffness in the joints, which lasts from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • swelling of the joints and tissues around it, sometimes redness;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • slight weight loss
  • muscle pain.

Basically, arthritis affects the joints of the hands (elbow and shoulder), feet.

Doctors recommend treating this disease in a complex way. Namely: anti-inflammatory substances, injections and massage. However, there is no guarantee that taking different medications will give the desired effect. therapeutic effect. Usually, after a long-term use of drugs, the body gets used to them and the effect of such treatment is practically not noticeable.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Today, acupuncture is very popular in the treatment of such diseases. Many patients have already appreciated the positive effect of such treatment. Acupuncture affects the root cause of the disease - immune system. After completing the course, recovery processes are launched in the body.

It is possible to carry out acupuncture treatment at the Doctor AS clinic. Medical Center equipped with equipment from well-known world manufacturers. Professional doctors will prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account all the needs of the patient, and the medical staff will give you the warmest welcome.

In order for the effect of acupuncture to be most successful, three main factors must be followed:

  1. Intensity and amount of stimulation
  2. Place of irritation
  3. The patient's health status

The effect of acupuncture depends on the choice of the location of the irritation point, on the method and force of insertion of the needle, as well as on the nature of the insertion of the needle.

Acupuncture affects the human body with two completely opposite reactions to irritation: excitation and inhibition.

The reaction of inhibition of the body occurs with strong irritation, which

should be used for a long time, while gradually increasing its intensity. The patient should have a feeling of numbness, heaviness, a feeling of current passing and bursting. The method is used for secretory and sensitive activity of the body, with an increase in the motor function of the body. Among other things, the inhibition reaction causes analgesic, sedative, desensitizing and hypotensive effects.

The inhibition reaction can be induced in two ways. The first method consists in prolonged and intense irritation. It is intended for adults only and is contraindicated the elderly and children. The number of injected needles should not exceed two or three. The needle must be inserted slowly, with rotating movements and with a constantly increasing force of irritation. Punctuation can be used for these purposes. Depending on the location of the point, the depth of the injection can vary from one and a half to eight centimeters. The time for which the needles are left in the human body can be from thirty minutes to several hours. The average procedure time is about half an hour. If the doctor considers it necessary, then sometimes it is necessary to leave the needle for a longer time, then special gold T-shaped needles are used for this.

With spasms, pain syndromes or convulsions, acupuncture treatment can be combined with cauterization. The duration of such a procedure is from twenty minutes to one hour after or during acupuncture.

The second method is applicable at any age. The number of points should not exceed four. When the needle is inserted, the sensations will be weaker than with the first way. The needle must also be inserted with rotational movements. In adult patients, the needle is left for ten to twelve minutes, in children - for five minutes (depending on the age of the child).

In order to achieve a stimulating effect, it is necessary to apply mild irritation through quick, short actions on the skin, which are applied gradually in a series of points. Injections are accompanied by mild pain. The duration of such exposures should be short.

The excitatory response is also elicited in two ways. In the first variant, irritation occurs during simultaneous pricking at 5-10 points. The depth of acupuncture should be between thirty and fifty millimeters. They make fast, strong and short irritations from thirty seconds to two minutes. Already after the introduction of the needles, dotted movements can be made and carried out in combination with acupuncture or independently jiu-therapy, pecking from 1-3 minutes.

In the second option, the exciting effect will be achieved with the help of superficial injections (from thirty millimeters to three centimeters) and a large number of points. Irritations must be strong, fast in order for pain to occur.

Sometimes the patient does not have this kind of sensation, or it is rather weakly expressed. In such cases, it is necessary to apply short strong irritations in the form of rotation or puncture. If the sensations are very pronounced and the muscle is tense, it is necessary to give an increasing, prolonged irritation - slow, followed by leaving the rotation of the needle. It is certain that the movement of the needle along the meridian affects excitation, and against the meridian - on inhibition.

In rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to first apply the first method of the inhibitory method at local points until painful sensations occur in the affected joint, and then you need to go to distant points and apply the second method of the inhibitory method to eliminate the discomfort caused before by injections. A similar irritation must be applied at two or three points.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the hands, acupuncture is done on the lower extremities. In this case, it is necessary to use the second method of the braking method. 3 courses of treatment are carried out for ten days each, between them it is necessary to take a break of seven days. Injections are done along with cauterization.

Point Combination Rules

The most difficult thing in acupuncture is the selection of points with their combination for various diseases. Subject to the correct technique and methodology, the treatment of arthritis with acupuncture does not give complications. Only in some cases, complications are likely: needle retention in the tissues, autonomic reactions, hematomas, residual sensations, and so on.

In many cases, the autonomic reaction is the result of excessively rough manipulation of the needle or a strong fear of the patient in whom treatment is taking place for the first time. Often after the introduction of the needle appears pallor, sweating, dizziness. If this happens, then it is necessary to lay the patient down and pull out the needle.

After the needle is removed, a drop of blood may appear. If a hematoma appears, then this is a consequence of damage to the vessel. Locally it is necessary to apply cold, light massage, and then a warm compress.

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is a reflex treatment of various diseases by inserting special needles into bioactive points of the body. it alternative method treatment, which is being intensively introduced into pain medicine practice. Therefore, acupuncture can be used in the treatment of arthritis. Moreover, the application of the method has a positive effect.

Method features

Acupuncture is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The method originated more than two and a half thousand years ago. But it was used more actively in the East. In the West, acupuncture has been used only since the seventies of the last century.

The method of acupuncture is based on knowledge of the structure of the human body, location nerve centers having corresponding points on human body (acupuncture points). There are 361 points in the body. Each of them can block or stimulate special energy channels - meridians (there are twelve pairs of them). The specialist inserts the needle into one or another point and, thereby, directs the energy in the “right direction”.

Plus, acupuncture irritates certain nerve endings. There is an effect on three levels of the central nervous system: the cerebellum, hypothalamus and spinal cord.

The minimum course in the treatment of arthritis is six to eight sessions. The efficiency of the method is 84%.

acupuncture technique for arthritis

The main purpose of acupuncture is to restore health and relieve pain. The patient, having got an appointment with the master of acupuncture, is subjected to the following manipulations:

1. Analysis general condition health (vital energy, balance and energy imbalance). Evaluation of energy flows and their distribution along the meridians.

2. Determination of acupuncture points that need to be acted upon for the treatment of arthritis. They are located along the main meridians that ensure the health of various organs. A complete list of meridians and points is an acupuncture map of the human body.

3. Impact with special needles on acupuncture points.

An acupuncturist inserts acupuncture needles at specific points under the skin to restore normal energy balance. human body.

Increasingly in modern medicine the traditional method is somewhat modified: in order to enhance the stimulation of the bioactive point, small electrical impulses are passed through the needles. They are generated by a small battery-powered device. As needed, you can adjust the frequency and intensity of the pulses.

After inserting the needle, the patient may feel

  • slight tingling (an electrical impulse is acting);
  • numbness in this place;
  • slight tickling;
  • warmth or dull pain.

These feelings are temporary.

As necessary, the doctor rotates the needles manually or by setting up a device that delivers an electrical impulse. After 15-30 minutes, the needles are removed.

Treatment of arthritis through acupuncture

The effectiveness of acupuncture for arthritis depends on three main factors:

  • intensity of exposure, amount of irritation;
  • injection site;
  • the patient's health condition.

The influence of acupuncture is due to two reactions of the human body to irritation: excitation and inhibition. The movement of the needle along the course of the meridian affects excitation, against - on inhibition.

Braking can be achieved in two ways:

1. Prolonged and intense irritation.

The method is contraindicated in the elderly and children. The doctor slowly rotates two or three needles. The strength of irritation is constantly increasing. The depth of insertion is one and a half to eight centimeters (depending on the location of the point). The average exposure time of the needles is half an hour. If you need to leave the needle for a longer time, then use gold T-shaped needles. With convulsions, pain or spasms, acupuncture is combined with cauterization.

2. Short-term and slight irritation.

The method can be used at any age. The number of points is not more than four. The sensations during the introduction of the needle are somewhat weaker than with the first method. Needles are also inserted with rotational movements. The average exposure time is ten to twelve minutes (in adults); five minutes (in children).

The inhibition reaction gives an analgesic, sedative, desensitizing and hypotensive effect. The patient feels numbness, heaviness, fullness at the injection site, current.

Excitation reactions can be achieved by mild irritation with quick, short exposures to the skin. The injections are made gradually in a series of points. In this case, the patient may feel slight pain.

Excitement is achieved in two ways:

1. Simultaneous acupuncture at five to ten points.

The depth of insertion is from three to five centimeters. The doctor's movements are quick, short and strong. Irritation time - from thirty seconds to two minutes. After inserting the needle, the master can make dotted movements.

2. Achieving excitement through superficial injections and a large number of needles.

The irritation must be strong and fast for the patient to feel pain. If a pain no, the doctor makes rotational or dotted movements. If the muscle is tense or the pain is strong enough, then the irritation should be increasing and prolonged.

Possible Complications

Acupuncture for arthritis usually does not cause complications. Of course, if the technique and methodology are observed. If they are violated, the following troubles are possible:

  • needle retention in tissues and its subsequent breakage;
  • vegetative reactions with rough manipulation of the needle or severe fear of the patient (pallor, dizziness, excessive sweating);
  • hematomas at the injection site (as a result of vascular damage);
  • infection (if non-sterile needles, dirty towels, compresses were used; the doctor treats the skin poorly);
  • downgrade blood pressure, cold extremities or fainting (when acupuncture is performed on a patient who is not in a horizontal position).

To reduce the risk of complications, check the qualifications of the master, the availability of a license for the procedure; follow the hygiene rules.