Sensory center. Sensory nerve centers


modernization of the subject-developing environment in groups on the topic:

"Centers for the sensory development of the child in the preschool educational institution."

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for children and employees. And you always want to decorate your house, make it cozy, comfortable, unlike others.

Developing subject environmentpreschool is an important component in the development of the child. The activity of the baby depends on what is the subject-spatial organization of his life, what toys, play material, equipment and aids it consists of, what is their developing potential, how they are located, whether they are available for independent activity.

The basis of the child's knowledge of the surrounding world and the first stage of sensory experience issensory development,aimed at a full perception of reality.

The success of physical, mental and aesthetic education and development largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, i.e. on, firstly, how well the child hears, sees, feels the environment; secondly, how well he can operate with this information; thirdly, how accurately he can express this knowledge in speech. Thus, sensory education involves the development of all types of perception of the child (visual, auditory, tactile-motor), on the basis of which a complete idea of ​​the external properties of objects, their shape, size, position in space, smell and taste is formed.

The accumulation of sensory experience by children, the enrichment of their worldview, an increase in emotional tone, the activation of positive knowledge related to the perception of environmental phenomena, the awakening of interests, the formation of needs occurs in the process of all life activity.

The full personal development of the child is ensured by his direct participation in practical activities. On the formation of activity, first of all, the developing environment of a preschool institution is based.

Making an analysis of the concepts of variable design projects of the developing subject environment of preschool institutions, we came to the need to create in groups of primary and secondary preschool agecenters of sensory development.They serve as a place of concentration of various materials, equipment, toys, didactic aids and games, collected to solve the problems of sensory education of children, and are designed to enhance the activities of children, both independently and under the guidance of an adult. In our kindergarten, they occupy part of the group.

Target: creation and equipping of the Centers for sensory development of the child in junior and middle groups kindergarten.

Tasks: activation of independent activity of preschoolers with sensory materials; development of sensory experience, analyzer systems in the course of classes with didactic games and manuals;

formation and development of professional and design skills of teachers.

Expected results of the project implementation.

We were prompted to organize the Centers for Sensory Development of the Child by the desire to put work on one of the basic sections of the program on a higher level. During specially organized training, there is not always enough time for each child to learn the material, and even more so to practice applying their knowledge and skills in the surrounding reality. In addition, the problem of the lack of sensory experience in children, the lack of formation of the processes of perception, thinking, and imagination came to the fore.

As a result of daily classes at the Center for Sensory Development, children create a feeling of calmness, self-confidence, a rich supply of positive emotions is formed, which contributes to the development of internal reserves, especially the creation of new concepts and qualities.

The variety of developing and didactic games provides the child with freedom of choice, the opportunity to realize their ideas, to independently solve the tasks facing them. It is supposed to develop the accuracy and flexibility of perception, improve the development of fine motor skills of the hands and hand-eye coordination, which contributes to effective training to schooling.

Three groups of the kindergarten became participants in the project: I junior group (Educator Chernenko I.V.), II junior group (Educator Belyakova N.P.), middle group(Educator Guleva T.S.).

Developing a project for the modernization of the subject development environment, we relied on the following didactic principles: visibility;

# R "taking into account age and individual characteristics;

^ systematic and consistent;

■‘YAR^ personality-oriented communication;


activity and independence;

"^" strength.

The creation of the Centers for the Sensory Development of Children required a clear organization of the object-spatial environment, saturating it with the necessary equipment, paraphernalia, as well as thinking through the most optimal, universal use of it to enhance the independent play and research activities of children. Let us single out the main principles implemented in the creation of the Centers for the Sensory Development of Children:

*VR ~correspondence of the developing environment to the features of development and self-development of preschoolers;

"in?" static and mobility (the constancy and immutability of the elements of the environment provide the child with security and reliability, and the possibility of changing it allows children to realize the desire for creativity and initiative);

^ "flexibility of zoning (allows children to freely move certain games and toys to any part of the group);

^ “Comfort and safety (reliability and comfort is achieved by a safe and convenient layout;

openness and closeness (involves the organization of a certain order in space); ■^gender approach (creation of conditions stimulating the manifestation of types of activities typical for girls and boys);

When creating a project for a developing environment that ensures the sensory development of children, we relied on a variety of theoretical studies and practical developments.

Our project was based on the concept of the subject developmental environment of the kindergarten developed by the doctor of psychological sciences S.L. When creating such an environment, certain requirements must be followed. Firstly, since all types of the child's activity (communication, subject, play, educational) are present to one degree or another simultaneously, the educator needs, paying tribute to the leading activity, to stimulate the development of those types of activity that are not currently leading. The second requirement is the correspondence of the object environment to the child's capabilities during his transition to the next stage of development, that is, the creation of a zone of proximal development through the object environment (L.S. Vygotsky). Thirdly, the environment must correspond to the structure of the child's cognitive sphere, that is, it must contain both conservative (already known to the child) components, and t and problematic, subject to research, which follows from the theory of N.N. Poddyakov. In addition, the subject environment for the child should be inexhaustible, informative, satisfying the child's need for novelty, transformation and self-affirmation in order to apply already familiar knowledge and methods of action.

The authors of the manual for educators and teachers of the preschool educational institution "Game models of education and training: Object-game developmental environment in a preschool educational institution" employees of the Belarusian Scientific and Methodological Center for Games and Toys A.N. Bryzgalova, O.I. Drozd, M.A. Kalinovskaya , E.I. Smoler, R.A. Tufkreo, E.A. Ustinenko gave detailed recommendations on the creation of a subject developmental environment in all age groups of preschool institutions in accordance with the development of leading children's activities, pointing out the features of the upbringing and education program, the specifics of equipment Preschool education in general, the creative approach of teachers. The manual tells about what toys, play material and equipment kids need so that they can most fully, joyfully and actively explore the world around them.

In a practical guide for the preschool educational institution "Game developmental activities in the sensory room" A.I. Titar, attaching decisive importance to the process of perception for psychological and social development personality offers complexes of games and exercises aimed at stimulating the sensory development of children, the development and formation of sensory impressions, orienting research actions, the perception of objects in terms of their functional purpose, with an emphasis on the properties and qualities of objects: shape, size, color, holistic perception. All work is aimed at the development of visual, auditory, tactile-motor and taste perception, the formation of the relationship between all analyzer systems.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences N.A. Ryzhova did a great deal of work on collecting and analyzing the experience of creating design projects for a subject developing environment in her book “Developing Environment of Preschool Institutions”. The author gives examples of the creation of centers, complexes, offices, canteens, museums, design and use of the territory of preschool educational institutions, group rooms. Our attention was drawn to the section that describes the experience of teachers in creating sensory centers and recommendations for their use. Such centers are equipped with various materials for the development of touch, the perception of the environment through smell, perception by ear, for visual perception and tactile sensations. M.A. Petrova, A.V. Pukhova, G.A. Boytsova, T.A. Khmelnitskaya developed and recommended options for the activities of children in sensory centers.

However, our development was based on recommendations for creating a sensory zone - one of the basic components of the developing environment for preschool educational institutions in groups implementing the "Development" program (Collection of practical materials for preschool educational institutions for the "Development" program "Object environment. Sensory. Ecology", edited by O G. Zhukova) This program as a whole is based on a personality-oriented model of education, which involves the creation of relations of cooperation and partnership between adults and children. Special attention is given to sensory education: toddlers, playing in didactic games, imperceptibly for themselves, they master such properties of surrounding objects as color, shape, size, that is, they master sensory standards.

In order to modernize the subject development environment in our kindergarten, we have carried out a number of methodological activities. The success of the entire pedagogical process is directly dependent on the effectiveness of building methodological work with teachers. The main task of the methodological service today is to create such an educational environment in which the creative potential of each teacher, the entire teaching staff will be fully realized.

To develop an innovation in kindergarten, a creative group was created, consisting of teachers working under the Development program and closely dealing with the problem of sensory development of children, who were united by the desire to delve deeply into the problem, to find a common correct solution. First, each member of the group independently studied the theoretical foundations and work experience of each other on the stated topic. Teachers have developed a project for completing the Sensory Development Centers by age groups, and created recommendations for the use of didactic games. In addition, the HR plan included the following:

■ ^consultations for educators "Building a developing environment in kindergarten"; "Games of Voskobovich"; “Montessori frame inserts”, “Children's space in the pedagogy of M. Montessori”;

"VR" review of methodological literature on the creation of sensory zones in preschool educational institutions ";

creative reports of educators: "Sensory development of children 2-L years” (Brezgunova L.V.); "Sensory education of children 3-4 years old through games" (Chernenko I.V.); "Creating conditions for the development of sensory abilities in children aged 3-5 years" (Guleva T.S.), who defended themselves at the highest qualification category and those who presented their work at the Smolensk Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers; workshop "Developing environment in preschool educational institutions";

" ^ ‘Teaching Council “Problems of organizing a developing space”;

seminar "Content and methods of sensory education of children in different age groups";

KVN "World of Games";

review competition of Sensory Development Centers in groups;

"YAR 5 district methodological association of educators “Sharing our experience in organizing Sensory Development Centers”;

" ^ ‘round table with the participation of teachers of the gymnasium on the topic: “Sensory development as the basis for the formation and development of educational activities of children”;

"^ participation and victory of the educator Guleva T.S. in the regional competition of professional skills "Teacher of the Year - 2009" with experience on the topic: "Development of sensory abilities of children 3-5 years old through a system of specially designed games."

Centers for sensory development in different age groups differ in acquisition. In accordance with the tasks of the sensory development of preschool children, the Center is being equipped with games, toys, paraphernalia. Here is a list of the main material and equipment:

"5" * pyramids from a different number of parts, different shapes, sizes, colors;

^■ various inserts, sharply different and close in shape and size: insert frames, voluminous, flat, hollow;

Czech Republic different kinds didactic games: lotto, dominoes, mosaics, folding cubes with split pictures;

soft floor didactic modules;

educational games of industrial production, contributing to the development of fine motor skills of hands, the development of sensory standards;

YAR* 5 various puzzles;

didactic rugs-transformers;

^coordination rugs with traces of hands and feet;

■ ^sets of sand molds for playing with water and sand; game "Fishing";

Ya!®*" sensory containers set with different fillings;

"I^ : for the development of touch: soluble nutritional supplements;

■^*“for the perception of the environment through the sense of smell: incense sticks or candles, perfume bottles, jars with flavored products (vanillin, cinnamon, coffee...);

Yarn for listening to: a tape recorder, noise objects (containers with different fillers - cereals, peas, pebbles, glass balls ...);

R ^ for visual perception: stencils, patterns, scissors, flashlights, kaleidoscope;

for tactile sensations: buttons, beads, multi-colored paper clips, laces, braid, wooden spools, clothespins, cases from kinder surprises, covers from plastic bottles etc.

In addition to the above, a special place in the Center for Sensory Development is given to didactic games developed by us on the basis of the tasks of sensory education and in accordance with the requirements of the "Development" program. At preschool age, direct, sensory knowledge is the main source of knowledge about the environment. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the formation in children of accurate ideas about objects and phenomena, of improving their sensory experience.

In didactic games, children are given the opportunity to:

  • re-perceive cognizable objects and their properties, exercise in their recognition in discrimination;
  • concretize sensory impressions, clarify the names of objects and their characteristic properties (shapes, sizes, colors), learn to navigate not only by appearance objects, but also by their verbal description;
  • make primary generalizations, group objects according to common properties;
  • correlate, compare the properties of objects with existing measurements, sensory standards.

Didactic games perform the following functions:

  1. The educational function is the organization and further improvement of the sensory experience of children, the formation of generalized ideas and methods of action.
  2. Acquaintance with generalized ideas, with socially established sensory standards.
  3. Expansion of the practice of using standards, practical guidelines.
  4. Monitoring the state of sensory development of children.

The main types of didactic games used by children in the Sensory Development Center:

  1. Task games based on children's interest in actions with toys and objects: pick up, fold, lay out, insert, string, etc. Game action coincides with practical action with objects.
  2. Hidden and hidden object games based on children's interest in their unexpected appearance and disappearance, search and finding.
  3. Guessing and guessing games that attract children with the unknown “Find out”, “Guess”, “What is here?”, “What has changed?”.
  4. Role-playing didactic games, the game action of which is to simulate various life situations, in the performance of the roles of adults, animals, etc.
  5. Games-competitions based on the desire to achieve game results faster and win: “Who is the first?”, “Who is faster?”, “Who is more?” etc.
  6. Games of forfeits or a forbidden “penalty” object (picture) with its properties associated with interesting game moments: get rid of unnecessary things, discard a card, not say a forbidden word.

The sensory development center is equipped with the following didactic games and game tasks: n"

"Hide the mouse";

C® 7 "Let's collect a bouquet of autumn leaves";

■‘ ^““Traffic light”;

^^■■ Colored Rooms;

""R"-lotto "Color";

^ "" "Multi-colored pockets";

"Plant butterflies on your flower";

■^“Toy Store”;

■^ "Pick up the dolls for a walk";

Czech Republic "Multi-colored balls";

CR““In the realm of figurines - little men”;

CR - “Who sleeps where”;

■^"""Multi-colored rugs";

CR^Find the same ";


"^■ "Let's collect the beads";

■^"""Let's build towers";

■^““Geometric Lotto”;

"*6^"What does it look like?";

ChR" "Let's Plant the Seeds";

Czech Republic “Three Squares”;

^9^ "Let's try on mittens";

Ch ^ * "Let's decorate the Christmas tree with lanterns";

^■ "Feed the birds";

ChvR "Who is higher?";

■Ch^ "Let's build a pyramid";

CR* - "A bag of surprises";

CR 1 "Water coloring";


^ ""Journey to the land of colors";

"CR "Harvest";

^ "Composite Pictures";

“ ^""Wonderful Pouch";

"Build a ladder";

‘■^"Magic Mugs";

"Hide the chicken";

"Christmas balls";

“ ^""Tree of surprises".

When choosing games and game material, we were guided by the following criteria:

“■ ^ "Social and psychological security. The absence of signs provoking the child to aggression, cruelty, causing fear, anxiety.

■^"Age-appropriate games.

■(^ "Functional attractiveness. The possibility of multifunctional use of games for the development of abilities.

Aesthetic appearance.

"in!? The cultural conformity of the toy and its compliance with the norms and spiritual and moral values ​​accepted in society.

■^“Possibility of using in joint activities.

"^"Strength and durability.

“ ^"Use of environmentally friendly materials.

Classes for children in the Center for Sensory Development in most cases involve independent activities of children with materials, which raises a number of questions regarding the involvement of an adult in the activities of a child. Determining this measure, it must be remembered that the development of a child's abilities occurs in the process of mastering the means of perception, thinking, and imagination. The degree of involvement of an adult depends, first of all, on how accurately he will be able to determine the nature of children's activities. Only after that the teacher himself decides to join it or not. You should not interfere with the child if his activity is productive, balanced, and, conversely, should be included in cases where children cannot find an occupation on their own. The tactic that the educator should follow is cooperation, that is, "not next to, not above, but together." We borrowed this rule as one of the main postulates of the Maria Montessori methodology, where the environment is organized from materials that are not finished objects, but only a set of elements, and manipulations with these materials allow the child to gain sensory experience, which is the basis of the sensory base. To achieve this, the environment must contain the main thing - the equality of the child and the adult. By studying the desires and inner motives of children's activities, the teacher helps him.

During joint activities with the child, the teacher uses certain


P creation of motivation for children's actions (by joining the game or starting actions first);

■^ answers to children's questions;

■^questions of the educator to the children; discussion of children's actions.

Acting as an intermediary between the child and the objective environment surrounding him, the educator becomes not a passive observer, but an active participant, a partner of children. The personal qualities, skills, knowledge of the teacher organize the subject environment in such a way that it ensures the development of children's abilities, so that their experience is an experience of active research into reality, a joyful presence in the kindergarten world.

In order to effectively use the Center for Sensory Development, children must first familiarize themselves with its content in detail, feel free in it. After the children get used to it, the teacher can show an example of the use of objects, in every possible way encouraging children's attempts to act independently, to find a new use for this or that object. At this time, children actively master new sensations, which stimulates their cognitive activity, motivation, awakens interest, mobility and an exploratory approach. Children's classes are not regulated.

Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment in MBDOU. Center for sensory games.

Main task early development a child at 2-3 years old is the development of sensory fine motor skills and coordination of movements. A cognitive need develops, curiosity appears, perceptual actions are improved.

When creating a sensory development center in the group, the following tasks were set:

Create conditions for enriching the visual sensory experience of children;

Develop games aimed at shaping the tactile, tactile and sensory experience of children;

Organize a center for sensory development, taking into account the ability of children to play both independently and together;

Ensure the accessibility and mobility of the games presented in the center.

The Center for Sensory Development has the following functions:

Stimulation of sensory functions (visual perception, touch, hearing, etc.);

- development of fine motor skills of hands;

Removal of muscular and emotional tension;

Activation of the processes of thinking, attention, perception, memory.

Sensory games help children get acquainted not only with the properties of various objects , but also with ideas about shape, size, color. In addition, during the games, fine motor skills of the hands and fingers develop. Great attention is paid to the pronunciation of all their feelings by children. Many of the games are made by hand, which are of great interest to children.
The center contains materials and games for the development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills. One of the main means of sensory development in children is didactic games and exercises.

Didactic games for sensory development.

Didactic game "Wonderful box"

Didactic game "Find a flower for a ladybug"

Didactic manual "Octopussy"

Didactic manual "Board of tactile sensations"

Didactic games "Collect the harvest of apples", "Collect cones on the Christmas tree". Development board.

Didactic manual "Beads"

Didactic manual "Book of sensations"

Didactic manual "Sensory pyramid"

Didactic game "Glade for mice"

Center "Water - sand"

The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.

Thank you for your attention!

Aida Nikulnikova

Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment in a preschool educational institution. Sensory Play Center.

Educator Nikulnikova A.F., MBDOU d / s No. 49, Stavropol.

The initial stage of cognition of the world is sensory experience, which is most intensively accumulated in early childhood. On the basis of sensations and perceptions, children form presentation of objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Children learn to single out one item from a lot find similarities and differences between them. Sensory development also involves the development of such qualities, as an indicative activity (examining, feeling, etc., and also contributes to the development of the system sensory standards.

When created in a group sensory development center the following tasks:

Create conditions for enriching the visual sensory experience of children;

Develop games aimed at the formation of tactile, tactile and sensory experience of children;

- organize a sensory development center taking into account the ability of children to play both independently and together;

Ensure accessibility and mobility of games, presented in the center.

Sensory Development Center carries the following functions:

Stimulation touch functions(visual perception, touch, hearing, etc.);

-development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Removal of muscular and emotional tension;

Activation of the processes of thinking, attention, perception, memory.

Touch games help children get acquainted not only with the properties of various items, but also with ideas about form, size, color. Also, while playing develops fine motor skills of hands and fingers. Much attention is paid to the children's pronunciation of all their feelings, which is important for children with ODD. Highlighting the similarities of different items, children learn to match one items with others, remember sensory standards, build a series.

Center contains materials and games for development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills. These are various types of lacing, fasteners, clothespins, buttons, beads, labyrinths, abacus, small parts constructors, logic games, tops, weaving bracelets from rubber bands, weaving braids, etc.

For development tactile sensations in center selected items with different textures - smooth, rough, fur, prickly balls, as well as hand massagers and knitted toys.

For the formation of visual perception, games have been developed with clothespins, buttons, chips of different geometric shapes and colors, abacus with colored beads, pyramids.

For development auditory perception, musical instruments and toys with various fillings are used (peas).

For the formation of motor activity, games on development ability to navigate in space (rod and fish with magnets).

To form the ability to build a serial row, pyramids, games with clothespins and buttons, weaving from rubber bands are used.

Relaxation and removal of psycho - emotional stress contribute to the game "Fishing", balls with different textures.

Development fine motor skills of the hands and the formation of the ability to build a serial series are facilitated by logic games - tangram, solitaire, dominoes, checkers, backgammon.

Related publications:

In order to provide a system of conditions necessary for the development diversified different types activities, correction of deviations in the development of children and.

Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment in the senior group Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment in senior group"Asterisk" Passport of the group Purpose: To promote the development of the child.

Dear colleagues, I am sharing with you the organization of my PPRS in the 2nd junior group. I would like to note that in just 3 months I succeeded.

The developing object-spatial environment of our group is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love.

Developing subject-spatial environment Tasks: improving the professional level of the teacher; creating conditions for quality

sensory development(from lat. sensus - feeling, sensation) involves the formation of the child's perception processes and ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the world. A child is born into the world with sense organs ready for functioning. (Example with a newborn child. From birth, the baby reacts to a rattle - sound, light, touch), then as the child grows and develops, the child begins to explore the world around him).

But these are only prerequisites for the perception of the surrounding reality. A full-fledged sensory development is carried out only in the process of sensory education, when reference ideas are purposefully formed in children. e. mastering the measure of qualities - the standards developed by mankind. This is the first stage in the sensory education of a preschooler.

These are the standards colors(colors of the spectrum), forms(geometric planar and volumetric forms), materials, standards spatial position and directions(top, bottom, left, right, etc.), standards quantities(meter, kilogram, liter, etc.), duration of time(minute, second, hour, day, etc.), standards sounding speech sounds, pitch intervals(tone, semitone), etc.

The effectiveness of analytical and synthetic activity in the process of perception depends on the child's mastery of various perceptual actions, due to which the image of the object becomes differentiated, i.e., properties are distinguished in it.
The second stage of sensory education - teaching children exploratory, perceptual actions and the accumulation of ideas about sensory features.

At the same time, to isolate one group of qualities, simpler actions are required, for example: stroking to highlight smoothness or roughness; squeezing, pressing to determine hardness or softness; weighing on the palm to determine the mass, etc. To highlight more complex qualities, relationships, a system of signs, not a single action is required, but a system of actions performed in a certain sequence. So, in order to find out what this or that object is made of, it is necessary to identify the signs of the material: strength, hardness, transparency, surface features, etc. For example, signs of metal, unlike other materials, will be shine, a feeling of coolness when touched, strength, features of sounding upon impact, etc. To identify them, you need to master the system of actions. A system of investigative actions is also necessary to identify sound-pitch relationships and rhythm, the sound composition of a word (listening, pronunciation, movement that modulates the duration of a sound, visual perception of movements and its kinesthetic reproduction, etc.).

By the end of preschool age, normally developing children should form a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions as a result of properly organized training and practice.

For more than a hundred years, the Montessori pedagogical method has been used in the world, named after the famous Italian doctor and teacher Maria Montessori. Currently, this technique is most often used for the early development of ordinary children, but it was originally intended for children with handicapped. The main goal of this technique is to create sensory space(environment), where the child himself, with minimal adult intervention, will develop. The main motto of the Montessori method: "Help me do it myself."
Maria Montessori noted that in human development there are certain periods of perception of the world, and in childhood there are so-called. sensitive (most favorable) periods that are no longer repeated in adulthood. Sensitive periods in the development of a child are determined by the successive maturation of certain parts of the central nervous system. Knowing these periods allows you to create the necessary environment around the child, which allows you to develop skills that are associated with the development of certain brain structures, which is very effective in teaching children with mental retardation.

So, speech development occurs from 0 to 6 years, sensory development - up to 5.5 years, social skills appear and are approved from 2.5 to 6 years, from 0 to 3 years relations with adults are formed and the perception of order.

Based on the principle of the methodology of Maria Montessori and the developmental features of children with learning problems, we set the following tasks:

Sensory development tasks for children with reduced learning abilities:

1. Improving motor functions (development and improvement of general (large) and manual (fine) motor skills, the formation of graphomotor skills.
2. Tactile-motor perception.

3 . The development of auditory perception.

4 . Development of visual perception

5. Perception of shape, size, color.

6. Perception of special properties of objects (taste, smell, weight).

7. Perception of space and time.

Given the tasks set, the sensory space for these children is organized as follows.

Conditionally, it can be divided into the following routes:

Sensory center group;

Functional zones in different places of the kindergarten.

Purpose sensory center in groups - the development of all types of perception, the creation of conditions for the implementation of sensory-perceptual abilities, speech, mental development children, emotionally positive attitude to objects and actions with them.

Sensory centers in the group are divided into the following types −

Game - developing corner

Educational - developing;

Relaxation corner;

In the game - developing corner there are various games that contribute to the sensory development of children:

mosaics, cubes, constructors of various modalities (lego, wooden, plastic, soft), various types of children's musical instruments (development of auditory perception).

These children have very weak auditory perception, it is difficult to take information by ear. We develop with the help of games with musical instruments: “Guess what I play”, “Play the rhythm »

finger theaters, puppets - bibabo - are not only a means of developing speech, but also a means of psychotherapy, when a child is afraid to talk, but he answers the puppet, because this is a puppet, not a teacher.

In the natural corner there are various natural materials - for sensory and for children's creativity. Children plant onions and garlic in a natural corner. Conduct research activities with teachers. These are games with plants, fruits, vegetables: "Determine by taste", "Determine by touch".

In the educational and developmental corner there are manuals for classes, games and exercises that are carried out under the guidance of adults.

These are trays with various cereals, Su Jok massage balls, trays with semolina, plasticine: different types from ordinary to ball, natural material (some are in the game center, some are here), colored paper clips, various measuring cups, measuring tapes, flat and voluminous geometric figures, aids for orientation in time.

Small objects, an expander, paper clips, a Su-Jok massager are needed for the development of fine motor skills and help to achieve the following result:

- Strengthen muscle tone Hands.

- To develop clear movements and coordination of the child's hands.

- Reduce fatigue and improve performance.

- Avoid problems with handwriting and other writing skills.

Classes with cereals develop not only visual and tactile perception, but also such important functions as self-control, concentration. It is believed that when a child sorts through the cereal, his concentration of attention reaches its highest point, as in accurate writing. .

It is very good to use semolina for the development of visual-motor coordination.

It is good to use paper clips both for the development of fine motor skills, and for visual perception and the development of logical thinking.

Su-Jok - the latest achievement of Oriental medicine Effective, safe and easy to use. In working with children, it is useful to use self-massage of the hands. There are many energy points on the hand. Each point has its own name and purpose. If you act on certain points, then you can achieve healing effects. gentle and effective method- impact on the points of the child's brush with a ball and metal rings. He renders beneficial effect for the whole body. This method causes irritation of the receptors located on the palms of children and causes pleasant sensations.

metal rings

Relaxation corner- a mandatory attribute in a group for children with mental retardation.

In the corners of relaxation, children can take a break from their own experiences, retire, relax and just be alone. They use children's upholstered furniture, imitation stained-glass windows, flowers, a collage with photos of mothers.

Children with developmental problems have an unstable weakened nervous system. Therefore, more than others, they need touch, tactile sensations.

They need to be stroked on the head several times a day, pressed to themselves.

Massage mats are used to develop tactile sensations :

with corks, with sponges, stripes of various textures. Children must walk barefoot on these rugs after sleep. The feet are not inferior to the hands in terms of the number of receptors. We teach children to recognize the smoothness and roughness of their feet.

This is all the sensory space that is in the group where the children are.

Sensory education is not singled out in a special independent section “Education programs in kindergarten”, but is included by type of activity: visual, musical, gaming, labor, speech, etc.

Functional areas- the premises of the kindergarten, in which there are objects for the development of one or another type of perception in the child in an indirect way. In the gym, we have a modular constructor: large geometric shapes, sports equipment for the development of gross motor skills: balls, ring throws, hoops, skittles, flags, gymnastic ribbons.

In the dry pool, children can relax and play on their own. In the psychologist's office there is a sandbox for various sand games. Sand relieves muscle tension, and also helps children with weak fine motor skills. Classes are held in the music room, where children have the opportunity to develop auditory, visual and motor perception.

Readiness of children for school is largely determined by its sensory development. Therefore, everything I told about helps these children achieve the norm in psychological preparation for school.