Application on the theme of animals 2 junior. The theme of the week is “Pets

Synopsis of the open event GCD for applications in the 2nd junior group

TOPIC: "Friends for Chicken"

Purpose: making paper appliqué using the “breaking” technique.

Program tasks:

Continue to learn how to work with paper using the broken appliqué technique - tear off small pieces of paper from a long strip and paste them in a mosaic within a given contour, supplement the image with non-traditional materials - groats.

To promote the development of tactile perception, the formation of fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of form, to fix the primary colors;

To cultivate independence, initiative, accuracy when working with glue, patience, self-confidence; responsiveness, the desire to help, to show attention and care, in relation to game characters.

Material: toy chicken, chicken, tape recorder, phonogram "Chickens", easel.

Applique supplies for each child: half a sheet of colored cardboard with a painted silhouette of a chicken and a plate, strips of yellow paper, glue, glue brushes, brush holders, rag napkins, trays, cereals in cups, felt-tip pen, clothespins.

Integration of educational areas.

Artistic and aesthetic development,

cognitive development,

Socio-communicative development.

Preliminary work:

Role-playing game "Family";

Didactic game"Whose mother?"; "Put it in order"

Reading fiction K. Chukovsky “Chicken”, V. Suteev “Chicken and Duckling”, poems and nursery rhymes “The chicken went out to the garden”, “Our ducks in the morning”

Guessing riddles on the topic "Pets and birds";

Application by the break method: "Sun", "Cloud and rain";

Application using cereals: "Herringbone"

Mobile game "Kite and chickens";

Finger game "Visiting a big finger"

Games for the development of hand motor skills with various objects and materials

GCD progress:

Guys, say hello to our guests.

Do you hear? Someone squeaks and cries?

Let's look for the one who cries? How do you figure out who it might be?

Guys, who is this? Chick.

What is he? Small, yellow, fluffy?

Let's find out what happened? Ask a chicken Children's questions (encourage children to engage in dialogue)

Ts .: My mother has gone somewhere, and I'm bored.

V .: Don't worry, Chicken, we'll play with you while mom is away. Look what I have! (These are clothespins, but what do they look like? Chicken beaks)

Guys, take 1 red and 1 blue clothespin and show the Chicken how he opens his beak and peeps! Let's try together.

Now show how the chickens peck at the grains. (key-key-key) - open and close the clothespin.

But the chickens saw a butterfly and opened their beaks in surprise! (lift up and open the clothespin wide -aaa);

The butterfly flew away and the chickens ran across the grass, jump-jump-jump!

We saw large multi-colored plates and attached ourselves with our beaks!

Now attach the blue clothespins to blue circle, and red - to red. What happened?

Let's give them to the Chicken. He won't be so sad.

C: Thanks guys. But I have no one to play with.

Q: How can we help the Chicken? We have friends for you. Look!

Chicken: But your chickens are not yellow, not fluffy.

Educator: Guys, how to help chickens become both yellow and fluffy? Think!

We have yellow paper, glue.

Let's decorate our chickens and make them fluffy feathers.

The teacher puts the Chicken, flowers on the table.

Look, Chicken, how the guys will work.

Guys, come on, sit down. Look, in front of you are drawings of chickens and strips of yellow paper. Of these, you can make feathers for chickens. Only the strips of paper are long. And the chickens are small, their feathers are short. What should be done?

The teacher shows and explains the process of doing the work.

(Tear the paper into small pieces and put on a tray.

Then we take a brush with 3 fingers above the iron skirt and collect glue on the very tip of the brush, only with a pile. We smear from the center to the edges completely the pattern of the chicken. We put the brush on the stand and quickly glue the pieces of paper along the contour. Then we fill in the middle. It is important not to “get out” of the edges of the contour so that the appliqué is neat.. We press with a finger. We draw an eye with a felt-tip pen). The chicken loves to peck at the grains. We smear the center of the plate with glue and sprinkle with cereal. We work carefully.

independent work of children, individual assistance teacher.

As the work progresses, the teacher can give the children to stick additional materials (flowers, clouds, etc.)

Children lay out finished work near the chicken, which rejoices at new friends.

The croaking of a chicken is heard.

Guys, listen, the Hen is looking for the Chicken. Hello Chicken! Come visit us! We have your Chicken. He was bored, sad. We decided to make him chicken friends so he wouldn't get bored. Look how beautiful they are. The guys worked hard!

The hen examines and praises:

“And the work is amazing!

It's time for me to praise you!

Made everything so beautiful

What a miracle master! »

Now let's play. I will be the mother chicken and you will be my chickens.

(Children go to the center of the group Perform movements to the music.)

The hen went out for a walk to pinch fresh grass,

And behind her are the guys, the yellow chickens… The children are walking, raising their knees high, flapping their “wings”.

“Ko-ko-ko! Don't go far", "Threaten" with the index finger

“Row with your paws, look for grains!” - sit down and rake the grass

They ate a fat beetle, their hands are joined in front of them, showing the "belly"

Earthworm - spread your arms to the sides

They drank a full trough of water - they tilt their heads, raise them, stretch their necks

Whom did we help? What mood was the chicken in the beginning? What now?

Say goodbye to guests.

Target: Consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs.


1. Educational:

Teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs;

Contribute to the education of sound expressiveness of speech, pronunciation of onomatopoeia.

2. Developing:

Develop the speech activity of children;

Develop the ability to answer questions, guess riddles;

Develop visual and auditory perception.

3. Educational:

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions;

Raise love and respect for animals, the desire to take care of them.

"Cognitive Development"

Pets and their cubs.

"Speech development"

The development of coherent speech of children.

"Physical development"

Motor activity of children in the game.




Summary of the GCD in the second junior group "Pets and their cubs"

Target: Consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs.


1. Educational:

Teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs;

Contribute to the education of sound expressiveness of speech, pronunciation of onomatopoeia.

2. Developing:

Develop the speech activity of children;

Develop the ability to answer questions, guess riddles;

Develop visual and auditory perception.

3. Educational:

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions;

Raise love and respect for animals, the desire to take care of them.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive Development"

Pets and their cubs.

"Speech development"

The development of coherent speech of children.

"Physical development"

Motor activity of children in the game.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


Material: layout of the track and barnyard, multimedia, attributes of adult animals and their cubs (cat and kittens, dog and puppies, goat and kids), interactive table for playing onomatopoeia, music center, toy dog ​​for a surprise moment, geometric figures for application of a booth for a dog (square, triangle, circle), glue, napkins, oilcloths.

Preliminary work:conversations about pets, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets”, conducting didactic, outdoor games, observing animals.

GCD progress

1. Organizational moment

The children enter the group. In front of them is the layout of the track.

Educator: Guys, look, we have a path in front of us. Let's follow it and see where it takes us.(Children walk along the path and come to the layout of the barnyard)

Educator: This is a barnyard. Guys, look who we see here? (Children take turns calling animals)

Educator: How can they be called together?

Children: Pets.

Educator: Why are they called pets?

Children: They live next to a person, people take care of them.

2. Surprise moment.

Hidden away from the farmyard mock-up is a basket with a puppy inside.

Educator: Guys, there's a basket here. Let's take a look at the basket and see what's in it. (Guys look in and see a puppy)

Educator: The puppy whispered in my ear that he had left his master, because. the owner did not want to build a kennel for him. Let's take it with us. (Leave the puppy at home)

Educator: Now let's sit on the chairs. I will give you riddles, and you try to guess them. (The teacher makes riddles - the children guess. Pictures - the answers appear on the multimedia screen)

3. Riddles.

1. Mustachioed muzzle,

striped coat,

Often washes, But with water is not known. (Cat) Slide 1

2. He is friends with the owner,
The house guards
Lives under the porch
And a ring tail. (Dog) slide 2

3. Hungry mooing,
Chews full
To all the guys
Gives milk. (Cow) Slide 3

4. Over the mountains, over the valleys,
There is a fur coat, yes a caftan. (Sheep) slide 4

5. There is a beard, wool and legs,
Ears, tail, and horns.
Although I bleat, I do not sing -
I give you milk.
I'm such a jerk!
And I'm butting, I ... (Goat) slide 5

6. Who has a piglet,
Not clamped in a fist?
On the feet are hooves.
He eats and drinks from the trough. (Piglet) Slide 6

4. Didactic game "Who is the child?"

The teacher names adult animals, children - their cubs.

cat - kitten

pig - piglet

horse - foal

dog - puppy

cow - calf

goat - kid

sheep - lamb

5. Mobile game "Find your mom"

Parents put on the attributes of adult animals. Children are their babies. A cat is kittens, a dog is puppies, a goat is kids. To the music, the kids frolic, play. The music stops, the children run to their mothers.

6. Educator: Children, now let's go to the interactive table and playgame "Who is screaming?"


cat meow meow


moo cow,



Each animal is checked on the table.

Educator: Do you know what benefits pets bring to humans?

7. Didactic game "What benefits do pets bring?)

A cat catches mice, a dog guards the house, a cow is milk, a horse carries goods, a goat is milk, a pig is meat, a sheep is wool.

8. Educator: Guys, our puppy realized that we know and love pets and asked us to make a kennel for him. Go to your mothers and together with them each of you will help our puppy.

Application "kennel for a dog"(give a puppy).

caregiver : Well done, guys, you did a good job, everyone called me pets and their cubs correctly. Helped the puppy to build a house. He says thank you. Gives emoticon medals.

Lyudmila Tikhonova

Summary of applications in the second junior group

on the topic " Pets

« Kitten cup» .

Tasks: correctly stick the bowls next to kitten, fix names pets and their babies, hallmarks. Develop orientation in space. Fix primary colors. Exercise in onomatopoeia, imitation of movements. Develop the articulatory apparatus ( "how a cow chews", "how the dog shows teeth", adjust the voice volume (how large the animal makes sounds, but as a baby, develop fine motor skills of the hand; attention, memory.

Cultivate interest in applications, responsiveness, empathy to the characters, accuracy.

Equipment: dog house - doghouse, dog and puppy toy, toy bone, cow and calf toy, artificial grass mat, cat in a basket, toy kitten, napkins, glue, rags, a base with an image kitten.

Brief course of action.

1. Org. Moment (meows Kitty he got lost looking for his mom

2. Children help find a mother for a kitten, meet pets, they ask what they eat, what sounds they make.

3. Showing and explaining the stages of work by the educator.

4. Finger game: "Kittens"

5. Independent work of children.

Activity progress:

1. Org. moment. The teacher pays attention to meowing kitten. (Sits at the door Kitty)

caregiver: - Guys, how do you figure out what happened to kitten? (Children's answers.) They ask him along with the guys what happened to him?

2. Kitty lost and does not know where his mother is. The teacher and the children are looking for their mother. (Meet different pets and ask them. Animals show their babies, draw the attention of the guys to what sounds their cubs make, what they eat, how they look.)

Guys, who is this? (points to the dog at the booth). (Answers)

What is the name of the dog house? (Answers).

Dog (voiced by teacher) asks what happened? Children say that they are lost Kitty Isn't this a dog's son?

Dog: - No, what are you, my puppy, where is he? Help call! (Children help, a toy puppy appears)

Thanks guys, and you know what he likes to chew on? (Answers)

You better ask the cow, maybe it's her baby.

caregiver: - Well, thanks, doggy, treat your baby here. (The puppy growls with a bone, the children show their teeth, imitate a growl. (They treat the bone. The children go to the cow (toy on artificial grass).

caregiver: - Guys, is it really a cow? (answers as determined).

How does a cow moo? (Answers, imitation of sounds).

Cow, isn't this your baby lost?

No, this is not my baby. Here is my baby. Do you know what it's called? (Answers).

He mumbles like this. (Shows, children imitate).

That's right, calf. He also likes weed like me, we chew it like this. (Guys imitate movement).

Cat: - Here you are, prankster. Lost? (Children talk)

My Kitten is such a prankster!

At kitten in a cup

There was a lot of porridge.

Two grouse flew

Two black grouse ate porridge.

And they scream kitten:

Rotozey you, rotozey!

If they gave you porridge,

you need to eat it soon!

Cat: - Kitty upset and accidentally broke his cup, in what will milk lap now?.

3. Children offer to help (blind, draw, etc.) The teacher suggests sticking cup kitten so that she doesn't get lost.

Showing and explaining the stages of work by the educator.

4. Finger game "Kittens".

All kittens washed their paws,

Like this, like this!

(rubbing hands together)

Washed ears, washed bellies

Like this, like this!

(rub with palms ears, then stomach)

And then they got tired

Like this, like this!

(put palms on face and rub eyes with fists)

Sweet sweet fell asleep

Like this, like this!

(put your palms together, tilt your head to the side, putting it in your palms).

5. Educator Q: How do you start your work... (ask a child with a high level, then with an average one). Independent activity of children.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Pets" for the second junior group Objectives: To introduce children to pets Objectives: Educational: To expand the understanding of pets and their cubs.

Summary of continuous educational activities in the second junior group "Wild and Domestic Animals" Synopsis of continuous educational activities in the second junior group "Sparrows". Theme: "Wild and Domestic Animals". Purpose: reinforcement.

Synopsis of the GCD "Pets" using ICT in the second junior group The melody from the cartoon "Luntik and his friends" sounds, the teacher brings in the toy "Luntik" and a laptop. Speaks on behalf of a toy. Luntik: Hello.

Synopsis of directly educational activities for the development of speech in the second junior group on the topic: "Pets". Purpose: 1. To enrich.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech. Theme: "Pets". Purpose: To systematize the knowledge of children on the topic "Pets". Tasks: Activate.


Lesson progress:

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: guys, today we will talk about animals that live with humans and call them pets. What pets do you know? ( the teacher shows pictures with pets, children name pets and their cubs: cow-calf, goat-goat, dog-puppy)

There is a knock at the door

Educator: guys, hear someone knocking.

The teacher brings a dog toy into the group.

Dog: hello guys, my name is Sharik.

Children: hello Sharik.

Educator: Sharik, what happened? Why are you so sad?

Dog: My owner Petya gave me a lot of different balls with which I really liked to play outside when it was warm. But autumn came, it became cold outside, a strong wind blew and my balls rolled off somewhere and now I can’t find them. And I don't know what to do.

Educator: Do not be sad Sharik, the guys and I will help you find them. Really guys?

Children: yes.

Dog: I will be very happy if you guys help me.

We got up together.
Once! Two! Three!
We are now rich! (Hands to the side.)
We put our hands to our eyes,
Let's set our legs strong.
Turning to the right, (Turning to the right.)
Let's look majestically
And you need to go left too (Turn left.)
Look from under the palms.
And to the right, and another (Turn to the right.)
Over the left shoulder. (Turn left.)

Nomination: application in the younger group kindergarten.

Children go to the tables and sit down. On the tables are: glue, a brush, a napkin, an oilcloth, plates containing blue and yellow circles, a sheet of paper on which a dog is drawn.

The teacher takes out the ball.

Educator: guys, look what I found?

Children: ball.

Educator: right guys, this is the ball that Sharik lost. What shape is the ball?

Children: round.

Educator: Well done. Guys, pay attention to what is on your tables?

Educator: you and I must find the remaining balls. Look, on your tables in plates there are circles of blue and yellow color. What do they look like?

Children: on balls.

Educator: right guys, these are the same balls that Sharik lost. But in order for him to be able to play with them, you and I need to stick them on a piece of paper on which our Ball is drawn. We will glue them with brushes and glue, which is in jars. In order to glue the ball, we need to turn it over with the back, non-colored side, take a brush, lower it with all the pile into a jar of glue, and carefully distribute the glue over the entire ball, if there is not enough glue, you need to draw glue on the brush again and draw all over the ball. Put the brush on the stand. Pick up the ball and attach it to a piece of paper reverse side, and the colored side should be facing us. Take a napkin in your hands and gently blot it all over the ball so that the ball sticks on all sides.

The children are doing the app.

Educator: Well done guys, take your work and bring it to me. Look Sharik, how many of your balls we found

Sharik: Thank you guys for your help. Well, it's time for me to run. Goodbye!

Educator and Children: Goodbye, Sharik.

Educator: guys, who came to visit us? A dog lives with a person, so what kind of animal is it? What did we do in class? What color were the balls? What form? What did you like most about the lesson? Well done guys, class is over.

Nomination: summary of the application lesson in the second junior group.

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MKOU "Yandykovskaya secondary school" s / p No. 1
Location: Astrakhan region, Limansky district, Yandyki village

Summary of GCD in the second junior group on the topic: "Pets"

Description: I present to your attention a lesson on ecology. The material will be of interest to educators of younger groups. At the lesson, children get acquainted with the life of pets, living conditions, and the benefits for humans. In a playful way, children fix the cubs of animals, what sounds they make.
Topic: "Pets"
Educational area: "Knowledge" section "Ecology"
Target: Expand and deepen children's knowledge of pets.
Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of pets. Where they live, what they eat, what benefits they bring, how a person takes care of them. develop speech
children, the ability to name the cubs of animals, the ability to answer the questions of the educator. Raise interest in animals, caring attitude towards them. To instill a love for animals, a desire to take care of them.
Vocabulary work: calf, foal, kennel.
Bilingual component: Mysyk, it,
Motivation-incentive stage:
Veselushka comes, brings with her the pictures that she was given at school. Asks you to help her find an extra picture and explain why?
Posting pictures: horse, cow, cat, dog, bunny.
Children: an extra bunny, because he lives in the forest, he is a wild animal, and all the rest are domestic.

Organizational-search stage:

Educator: Offers to tell where pets live.
Children: Near a man, on a farm, in a village.
Educator: Offers Veselushka, go with them to the farm.
The teacher offers to choose the transport by which they will get to the farm.
Children: They speak out.
They go to the farm by bus.
Educator: Here we are with you. Let's solve riddles and see who will meet us at the farm.
Guesses a riddle.
She grazes in the meadow
Chewing fresh grass
Gives milk.
Educator: Shows a cow. Who is it? What is the name of the house where the cow lives? (cow barn). What does it eat? What can he do? What benefits does it bring to people?
Children: Answer questions and give your opinion.
Educator: makes a generalization. A cow lives in a cowshed, eats grass, hay, knows how to moo, gives milk. What is made from milk?
Children: Yogurt, butter, kefir, sour cream. They boil porridge in milk, drink tea with milk.
Educator: guesses a riddle.
Faster than the wind I ride
"" Tsok-tsok, "" - I knock with my hooves
I loudly "yoke-go" shout,
Sit on your back - I'll ride!
The teacher asks to tell: Where he lives, what he eats, what he knows how to do, what benefits he brings.
Children: They speak out.
The teacher summarizes: The horse is a pet, lives in a stable; eat grass. Able to run, jump, neigh, carry loads; gives milk - koumiss, meat.
Friendly with the owner
The house guards
Lives under the roof
Ring tail.
Educator: Asks to talk about the dog.
What is the name of the dog’s house, what it eats, what it can do, what benefits it brings, how a person takes care of it.
The children are talking.
The teacher makes a generalization: The dog lives in a kennel or in a person's house. A man takes care of her, gives her food, builds a dwelling, and she guards the house. The dog can bark, guard the house, run, wag its tail, gnaw a bone.
Drinks milk, sings songs
Soft paws, and scratches in the paws.
The children solve the riddle.
The teacher asks to tell about the cat.
The children are talking.
The teacher summarizes: A cat lives at a person's house, laps milk, sings songs, scratches, catches mice.
It sounds like a meow. The teacher brings in a cat toy. Says the kitten was crying. She asks why is he crying?
Children speak: Maybe she wants to eat, play, she misses her mother, wants to drink. The teacher offers to take pity on the kitten and play with it.
We are kittens we go, we go, we go.
And we get up on our paws, we get up, we get up.
We clap, clap, clap.
We stomp, we stomp, we stomp.
We're wagging our tail, tail, tail.
We sniff nose, nose, nose.
(perform movements according to the text)
Offers to give milk to a kitten.
Veselushka asks for help, she does not know the names of the baby animals.
D / game "Name the cub"
Veselushka played with animal babies and does not know where whose mother is. Asks for help to breed animals to their mothers.
D / and the game "Whose mother?"
Children take a picture of a baby animal and place it next to their mother.
Sounds like a dog barking in the audio.
Veselushka is frightened, does not know who it is?
The children name the animal. Similarly, the sounds of other animals are made.
D / and "Who shouted"
Veselushka praises the children, thanks that the children told her about the animals.
But she needs to come back.
They return by bus to the kindergarten.
Reflex - corrective stage:
The teacher asks if the children enjoyed the trip to the farm. Whom did they meet? What are all these animals called, in one word? Why?
How a person should treat animals. Thanks the children for helping Veselushka.
Say goodbye to her.

Playback: names domestic animals and their young.
Understand: that animals need human care.
Apply: acquired knowledge in everyday life. Answer questions, engage in conversation.