Training for the prevention of the syndrome of emotional burnout of teachers. A set of classes with elements of the training "prevention of emotional burnout of teachers of institutions of technical and secondary education

Purpose: getting to know the members of the group; teachers' awareness of their emotions and feelings, acceptance of them; development effective ways relieving internal stress, self-regulation techniques.

Equipment: phantom cards, colored pencils, A4 sheets, pens.

The course of the psychologist's training in kindergarten

Exercise "The most valuable children's gift"

Say your name, the most precious child's gift.

Our today's meeting is devoted to the topic: Prevention of emotional burnout of a teacher».

What is " burnout syndrome»?

This is a state of excessive emotional, physical and mental exhaustion of a person, which is caused by a long stay in an emotionally overloaded situation. The main factor in the occurrence of this "disease" is stress. And in the work and life of a teacher, there are more than enough of them. Therefore, we will not dwell on the questions “why?” and “why?”, back to “what to do?”. To begin with, I will offer you an exercise that will show which areas of your life you prefer, and in which you do not realize yourself.

Exercise "Social Roles"

(I am a teacher, wife, mother, daughter, girlfriend, woman, grandmother, colleague, hostess)

Note, from the center, each role according to the measure and amount of time and energy that you give to it. The more you give, the higher you score.

Discussions. On the diagram you received, you can clearly see which social roles stand for you in the first place, and suffering from a lack of your energy.

Implementation of the Living House methodology

Purpose: diagnostics of the client's subjective perception of the psychological space of family relations.


identifying prospects for consulting work;

determining the role of close people in the client's environment;

clarification in the mind of the client of his real relationship with loved ones;

identification of conflict situations in the family.

Inventory: sheet of paper (A-4), colored pencils, pencil, pen.

Work algorithm:

Introduction. We ask you to list in writing or orally those people with whom a person lives together under the same roof.

Main part

On a sheet of A-4 format, draw with a simple pencil a village house, which must have a foundation, walls, windows, roof, attic, chimney, doors, threshold.

Assign each part of the house the name of a specific person, starting with yourself. That is, write directly on the picture which of the people you indicated can be the roof, who can be the windows, walls, etc.

Discuss possible interpretations of the work with the client.

Possible interpretations:

The foundation is the main material and spiritual "provider" of the family, the one on whom everything rests;

Walls - a person who is responsible for the emotional state of the family and the author of the drawing directly;

Windows are the future, people from whom the family expects something, on whom they place their hopes (it is normal when windows are associated with children);

Roof - a person in the family who pities and protects the client, creates a sense of security, or the client would like to receive this from him;

attic - symbolizes a secret relationship, as well as the client's desire to have a more trusting relationship with this person. The attic can also denote a person with whom the client has developed relationships in the past, but is less active at the moment;

Trumpet - a person from whom the client receives or would like to receive special care and support. It can also be interpreted as a symbolic designation of a person who helps to “let off steam”, regulate emotions;

Doors - information portal; the one who taught to build relationships with the world; the one from whom the client learns to interact with other people;

Threshold - a person with whom the client associates the possibility of communication in the future.

Conclusions. The technique allows for enough a short time determine the role for the client of each family member, as well as understand what role he assigns to himself in his family system.

Exercise "We train emotions"

All our work is in communication. Verbal contact gives only 35% of the information, and non-verbal - 65%. Let's see how good you are at recognizing other people's emotions.

Key to the drawing:
















Exercise "No Limits"

Emotional exhaustion and the acquisition of "burnout syndrome" is the inevitable fate of almost every teacher who has worked for more than 15 years in one position. Often we, teachers, have such a character trait as excessive categoricalness, knowing how to do it right, which is the risk of emotional burnout.

In this regard, I suggest you such an experiment.

Each participant has a form on which 9 dots are drawn. They must be combined with four lines without taking your hands off. This exercise shows how we can break away from stereotypes and think unconventionally.

Metaphorical story "The Fourth Tunnel"

A person constructs his reality through his own beliefs and conclusions, often ten years old.

There is a very revealing example with a rat and tunnels.

If we put a rat in a maze with four tunnels and always put cheese in the fourth tunnel, the animal will soon learn to look for cheese in the fourth tunnel. Do you want cheese? Run to the fourth tunnel - here is the cheese! Do you want cheese again? In the fourth tunnel - you get cheese. After a while, the great God in a white coat puts cheese in another tunnel. The rat wanted cheese, ran into the fourth tunnel, but there was no cheese. The rat runs out. Again in the fourth tunnel - no cheese. Runs out. After a while, the rat stops running into the fourth tunnel and looks in another tunnel.

The difference between a rat and a man is simple - a man will run into the fourth tunnel forever! The man believed in the fourth tunnel. Rats don't believe in anything, they need cheese. And a person, believing in the fourth tunnel, considers it right to run there, whether there is cheese there or not. It is more important for a person to feel right than to have cheese. And we will continue to walk the same path, even if we have not received cheese for a long time and our life is not working well. Man tends to believe in his "fourth tunnels".

A person would rather be right and stick to their beliefs than be happy. We can run through the fourth tunnels all our lives" in order not to change our convictions and prove our case. And that's more important to us than being happy. And the great God of life does not forget to shift the cheese.

And you will never be happy trying to get happiness if you are guided by the belief that you know where the cheese is.

Exercise "Phantom"

Emotions, their abundance or their deficiency, occupy a prominent place in the development of the "burnout syndrome" of the teacher, which in turn entails many somatic diseases. (Distribute to all participants leaflets with a drawn human body)

Instruction: “Imagine that you are now very annoyed with someone or something. Try to feel this anger with your whole body. You may find it easier to imagine when you remember a specific time you got angry with someone. Feel where your anger is in your body. How do you feel about it? Perhaps it looks like a fire somewhere in your body? Maybe it's itching in the fists? Shade these areas with a red pencil in your drawing. Now imagine that you are suddenly afraid of something. What can scare you? Where is your fear? What does he look like? Fill in with a black pencil this place in your drawing. Similarly, invite participants to indicate fear with a blue pencil.

Discussion. Pay attention to which parts of the body are shaded. It has already been proven that strong and permanent negative emotions cause certain diseases. In particular, anger, fear, sadness... And looking at your phantom, you can understand what diseases can threaten you if you often experience these emotions.

Support pyramid for emotional exhaustion

What to do if you see symptoms of "emotional burnout" in yourself? And this:

Fast fatiguability;

Increased anxiety;

memory impairment;

Negativism in communication with children and colleagues;


Apathy and passivity;

Depressive state;

Decreased self-esteem;

Increased irritability;

Frequent mistakes in work;

Eating disorders - overeating or refusing to eat;

Somatic diseases - headaches, diseases of the liver, intestines, heart, nervous system, hypertension, etc.

There is a so-called Support Pyramid (with emotional exhaustion)

As you can see, self-support comes first.

There are such ways of self-support:

Physical exercises,

Balanced healthy diet

Rest and sleep

Relaxation and healthy ways to have fun,

The ability to strike a balance between official and private life.

Exercise "Resource Pouch"

Positive and friendly communication plays an important role in the prevention of emotional burnout.

I have collected a resource bag for each of you. It has invigorating spices that will remind you with their aromas that everything you need is always with you.

Coffee is a delicious drink that brings satisfaction, invigorates, tones. This is one of the most beloved smells of mankind.

cardamom strengthens nervous system relieves fatigue and apathy.

Cinnamon relieves feelings of loneliness and fear.

Closing remarks by host

Memo "Tips for teachers to overcome stressful situations"

Smile more often and be healthy!

  • Nikorchuk Natalya Viktorovna, Head of the Department of Medical and Social Rehabilitation of Children of Senior Preschool and School Age, psychologist of the highest category

Sections: School psychological service

Over the past decades, the problem of maintaining the mental health of a teacher in an educational institution has become especially acute. The transition of the modern school to student-centered models of education causes an increase in the demands on the part of society for the personality of the teacher, his role in the educational process. In the practice of educational institutions, the problem of professional deformation arises as a reflection of personal contradictions between the mobilization required from a teacher and the presence of internal energy resources, causing fairly stable negative mental states, manifested in overstrain and overwork, which leads to the formation of a syndrome of emotional burnout in professional activities, the emergence of neurotic disorders, psychosomatic diseases.

In this regard, the organization of work to preserve the mental health of teachers is one of the most urgent tasks of the modern education system, and the problem of emotional self-regulation is one of the most important psychological and pedagogical problems relevant for the personal and professional development of a modern teacher.

This training is aimed at developing the skills of self-regulation, managing one's own psycho-emotional state, as well as the skills of positive self-perception. All the skills developed in these trainings are necessary in professional activity both teachers, educators, heads of educational institutions, and the educational psychologists themselves.

The training is held for five hours with a group of 10-15 people in a fairly spacious room (better - in a specially designed, for example, training room).

The training consists of three parts. The first (introductory) is aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and acceptance by the training participants of each other, the second (main) is aimed at getting to know and mastering the skills of emotional self-regulation, the third (final) is aimed at developing the skills of positive self-perception and reflection.

I part

Purpose: inclusion in work, removal of accumulated stress; rallying, building group trust and acceptance.

1. Familiarity exercises

Exercise "Echo"

Everyone in a circle calls his name, accompanying him with a gesture or movement of the whole body, and the group, like an echo, repeats it all after him.

Exercise “Our expectations”

Purpose: to identify the expectations of the participants. Request correction.

Each of us expects something from a new business. What do you expect from this training? (Each participant writes down their expectations in the right column on the sheet)

What are you willing to invest in training? (Each participant writes down his contribution to the training on the right side of the sheet)

Participants in a circle read out their expectations from the training and their contribution.

What we have written down, of course, can change throughout the training. You may get something you didn't expect. Much will also depend on your activity. At the end of the training, you and I will have the opportunity to analyze your expectations.

Exercise “Communication carousel”

Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader.

"I love…"

“It pleases me…”

“I feel sad when…”

“I get angry when…”

“I am proud of myself when…”

2. Exercises for group cohesion, building trust

Exercise “Ordinal Counting”

This exercise helps to establish eye contact with all participants. Everyone sits in a circle, one person says “one” and look at any participant in the game, the one he looked at says “two” and looks at the other.

Exercise “Single Rhythm”

The members of the group, one by one, and then all together at the same pace, perform a certain rhythm set by the leader.

Exercise "Confusion"

The facilitator puts 2-3 chairs next to each other and invites the participants everyone sit on them at his command. When everyone sat down (you can sit on each other's knees), it is proposed to raise up left hand and give it to someone else. Now you need to raise your right hand up and extend it to someone else. When all hands, carefully, without disengaging, but without twisting your hands, get up from the chairs, move a little to the side and unravel. The result is one or two circles, or a chain.

Exercise "Hunting passion"

This exercise activates the participants, gives strength and energy.

You need to split into pairs. In this game, you need to catch up with your partner and knock him down. The one who has been taunted turns 360 degrees around its axis before starting to hunt for a partner who has run away in advance.

You can not: 1. run, you can only walk fast;

2. in his impulse to bring down others;

3. forget to turn around 360 degrees.

After 3 minutes, you can stop the game.

Exercise “Emphasing commonality”

The exercise is carried out in a circle with a ball. The participant throwing the ball to another must name the psychological quality that unites him with the person to whom he throws the ball. At the same time, he begins his phrase with the words: “I think that we are united by ...”, and calls this quality, for example: “You and I are equally sociable”; “I think we both tend to be a bit blunt.” The one who receives the ball answers: “I agree”, if he really agrees, or: “I will think”, if he does not agree. The one to whom the ball hit continues the exercise, passing the ball to someone else, and so on until everyone gets the ball.

Exercise “Emphasis of significance”

The exercise is performed in a circle with a ball. Participants are invited to think and find qualities in their colleagues that cause admiration, respect, sympathy. An appeal to a colleague begins with the words: “Tanya, I like you in ...” - and the personal quality that was found is called. Tanya, in turn, should name the feeling that arose in her in response to these words. Then the exercise is continued by one of the other participants. And so on until everyone has spoken.

Exercise "Shanghai"

The participants stand in a line and take each other's hands, then the first one begins to spin around its axis and pulls the others along until a “spiral” is obtained. In this position, participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group at the end of their movement to carefully squat down.

Imagine yourself in some object, depending on the mood in which you are at the moment. Paint it in any color. Describe the mood of this subject.

Participants in a circle describe their objects.

II part

Purpose: awareness and acceptance of one's feelings; dealing with negative feelings mastering effective ways to relieve internal stress, self-regulation techniques.

1. Exercises for awareness and acceptance of your feelings

Exercise "Feeling"

Participants write on sheets of paper any feeling. The cards are collected and shuffled. Then each participant chooses any card. He needs to portray the feeling that is written on it. The display can be mimic or pantomime. The rest speak about the perception of this show.

The host is silent, not revealing the secret immediately after the first guesses made. All participants must speak. Each depicts several feelings.

Issues for discussion:

  • Were you received appropriately?
  • Why was it difficult to define feelings?
  • Tell us about your impressions.

Exercise “List of emotions”

The group is asked to name as many words for emotions as possible. Then someone comes out and depicts the emotion with facial expressions and gestures. Everyone guesses. The first person to guess shows their emotion.

Complication: The exercise is carried out in a circle. One person names an emotion - everyone shows it.

Issues for discussion:

  • Which word was the hardest to show?
  • Did everyone have the same facial expression when showing emotion? Why?
  • Can people experience the same emotions and have completely different facial expressions? When? (Give an example.)

Exercise "Transmission of feelings"

Participants stand in the back of the head one after another. The latter turns the penultimate one and conveys to him some feeling (joy, anger, sadness, surprise, etc.) by facial expressions. The second person must convey the same feeling to the next. The first is asked what feeling he received, and compared with what feeling was sent at the beginning.

Exercise “Associations”

What associations does the word “work” evoke in you?

2. Mastering the ways of self-regulation of the emotional state.

Brainstorming “Methods of self-regulation in a stressful situation”

Purpose: to find out ways to manage your emotions.

Participants are divided into groups and answer the question:

  • How do you deal with negative emotions?

During the discussion, a list of ways to deal with negative emotions is compiled. The resulting list is corrected and supplemented by the coach of the group.

Breathing exercises

1. Breathing exercises with a calming effect

Exercise "Rest"

Starting position - standing, straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely to the floor. Breathe deeply, watch your breath. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then slowly straighten up.

Exercise "Respite"

Usually, when we are upset about something, we begin to hold our breath. Releasing the breath is one way to relax. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes. Enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, imagine that all your troubles disappear.

2. Breathing exercises with a tonic effect

Exercise "Mobilizing breath"

Starting position - standing, sitting (back straight). Exhale air from the lungs, then inhale, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale - the same duration as inhalation. Then gradually increase the inhalation phase. Below is a digital recording of a possible implementation of this exercise. The first digit indicates the duration of the inhalation, the pause (holding the breath) is enclosed in brackets, then the exhalation phase:

4 (2) 4, 5 (2) 4; 6 (3) 4; 7 (3) 4; 8 (4) 4;

8 (4) 4, 8 (4) 5; 8 (4) 6; 8 (4) 7; 8 (4) 8;

8 (4) 8; 8 (4) 7; 7 (3) 6; 6 (3) 5; 5 (2) 4.

Breathing is regulated by the account of the teacher conducting the classes, even better with the help of a metronome, and at home - by the mental account of the student himself. Each count is approximately equal to a second; when walking, it is convenient to equate it with the speed of steps.

Exercise "Castle"

Starting position - sitting, body straightened, hands on knees, in the “lock” position. Inhale, at the same time raise your arms above your head, palms forward. Hold your breath (2-3 seconds), exhale sharply through your mouth, hands fall to your knees.

Exhale, then slowly inhale deeply and hold your breath. Then, while exhaling, shout out any words that come to mind, and if there are no words, make a sharp sound, for example, “Wow!”

"Sound Gymnastics"

Purpose: acquaintance with sound gymnastics, strengthening the spirit and body.

Before starting sound gymnastics, the presenter talks about the rules of application: a calm, relaxed state, standing, with a straight back. First, take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound loudly and energetically.

We sing the following sounds:

A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
E - affects thyroid gland;
And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;
O - affects the heart, lungs;
U - affects the organs located in the abdomen;
I - affects the work of the whole organism;
M - affects the work of the whole organism;
X - helps cleanse the body;
HA - helps to improve mood.

Relaxation exercise (tension and relaxation technique)

Purpose: Awareness, finding and removing muscle clamps; determination and removal of excessive stress.

Exercise “Muscle energy” (development of muscle control skills)

Instructions for the participants of the training:

  • Bend and tighten the index finger of your right hand with all your might. Check how muscle energy is distributed, where does tension go? In adjacent fingers. What else? Into the hand. And then goes? It goes to the elbow, to the shoulder, to the neck. And the left hand for some reason strains. Check it out!
  • Try to remove excess stress. Keep your finger tight, but loose your neck. Release the shoulder, then the elbow. The hand needs to move freely. And the finger is tense, as before! Release excess tension from your thumb. From the nameless ... And the index is still tense! Relieve tension.
  • Tighten your left leg - as if you were pressing a nail into the floor with your heel. Check how muscle energy is distributed in the body. Why tense and right leg? Is there any tension in the back?
  • Get up. Bend over. Tighten your back, as if a box with a large load was placed on your back. Check the tension in the body.

Exercise “Tension - relaxation”

Participants are asked to stand up straight and focus on right hand pushing it to the limit. After a few seconds, release the tension, relax the arm. Do the same procedure alternately with the left arm, right and left legs, lower back, neck.

Exercise “Fire - Ice”

The exercise involves alternating tension and relaxation of the whole body. Participants perform the exercise while standing in a circle. At the command of the leader “Fire”, the participants begin intensive movements with the whole body. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements are chosen by each participant arbitrarily. On the command “Ice”, the participants freeze in the position in which they were caught by the team, straining the whole body to the limit. The host alternates both commands several times, arbitrarily changing the execution time of one and the other.

Exercise “Clamps in a circle”

The participants walk in a circle. At the command of the leader, they strain the left arm, left leg, right arm, right leg, both legs, lower back, and the whole body. The tension in each individual case should first be weak, then gradually increase to the limit. In such a state of extreme tension, the participants move for several seconds (15-20), then, at the command of the leader, they relieve tension - they completely relax the tense part of the body.

After the end of this part of the exercise, the facilitator gives the participants the task to listen to the sensations of their body, and at the same time continue to calmly walk in a circle, remember their usual tension (your usual clamp). Gradually straining the body in this place, bring the clamp to the limit, reset it after 15-20 seconds. Tighten any other part of the body to the limit, paying attention to what happens with a regular clamp. Repeat the exercise with your own clamps 3-5 times.

After completing the exercise, participants are advised to repeat it on their own at least 1-2 times a day.

Exercise "Rain"

Participants stand in a circle one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. With light touches, each participant imitates the drops of the beginning rain. Drops fall more often, the rain becomes stronger and turns into a downpour. Large streams flow down the back. Then the streams become smaller, the drops less frequent and completely stop.

Body Oriented Therapy: Tension Relief Exercises

Purpose: The proposed exercises allow you to feel your body, realize the degree of its tension, harmonize psychophysical functions.

Exercise “Brownian movement”

The uniqueness of this exercise lies in the fact that within a short period of time it is really possible to relieve excessive muscle tension, gain freedom and looseness of movements. Participants stand in a circle and begin, at first slowly, and then at an ever-accelerating pace, move towards each other, trying to avoid a collision. Having reached the border of the circle, they turn around and move along the opposite trajectory.

The task has several levels of difficulty: at the first stage, the movement is carried out with open eyes facing each other. Gradually, the movement speeds up and turns into a run; hands are involved in the work, which help the participants to maneuver. At the second stage of the exercise, they move with their backs to each other, occasionally turning their heads to orient themselves in space. On the third - the movement along the trajectory is performed in the process of rotation. On the fourth - all previous tasks are performed with eyes closed.

For the safety of movement, the hands of the group members are slightly pushed forward at chest level, and the movement with closed eyes is carried out in small groups of 3-5 people. The leader determines the choice of the nature of the movement, observing the efficiency of the group and correcting the mistakes of each of the participants. The development of the skill of moving in a chaotic, uncertain, constantly changing environment is carried out over several lessons. The leader's attention should be focused, first of all, on the safety of the movement of the group members.

Exercise “Washer”

All participants stand in two lines facing each other. The first person becomes a “machine”, the last one becomes a “dryer”. The “car” passes between the ranks, everyone is washing it, stroking it, carefully and gently rubbing it. "Dryer" should dry him - hug him. The one who passed the “wash” becomes the “dryer”, the next “car” comes from the beginning of the line.

Exercise "Growing up"

The participants are in a circle. Starting position - squatting, bend your head to your knees, clasping them with your hands.

Facilitator's instruction: Imagine that you are a small sprout that has just emerged from the ground. You grow, gradually straightening, opening and rushing up. I will help you grow by counting to five. Try to evenly distribute the stages of growth.

Complicating the exercise in the future, the leader can increase the duration of growth to 10-20 stages. After completing the exercise, it is useful to immediately go to the exercise “Pulled - broke”.

Exercise “Stretched - broken”

Starting position - standing, arms and whole body directed upwards, do not tear off the heels from the floor.

Facilitator's instruction: We stretch, we stretch up, higher, higher... Mentally tear off the heels from the floor to become even higher (actually the heels on the floor)... And now our brushes seem to have broken, limply hung. Now the arms broke at the elbows, at the shoulders, the shoulders fell, the head hung, the waist broke, the knees bent, they fell to the floor... We lie relaxed, limp, comfortable... Listen to yourself. Is there any tension left? Dropped it!


Purpose: removal of emotional stress, the ability to stop the flow of thoughts; Meditation is a state in which the highest degree of concentration of attention is achieved or, conversely, its complete dispersal.

The use of meditative techniques leads to the formation of intrapsychic barriers that can deactivate the actions of negative stimuli, contributes to a positive restructuring and strengthening of mental functions associated with the emotional-volitional sphere of a person.

From the point of view of psychology, the leading moment of this state is the temporary shutdown of the complex mental processes, constituting the essence of consciousness, memory. When performing meditation, the following rules are observed: solitude; comfortable but not relaxing posture.

With the group members understand the options for meditation exercises:

One of the exercises (optional) or all exercises in groups are done for 5-10 minutes. After completion - discussion.

Exercise “Concentration on the account”

Teacher's instruction:

Mentally count slowly from 1 to 10 and focus on this slow count. If, at some point, your thoughts begin to dissipate and you become unable to concentrate on the count, start counting from the beginning. Repeat the count for several minutes.

Exercise “Concentration on a neutral object”

For a few minutes, concentrate your attention on some neutral object. Below are four possibilities:

  • Write down 10 names of objects, things, events that give pleasure.
  • Slowly count objects that are not emotionally colored in any way: leaves on a branch, letters on a printed page, etc.
  • Train your memory by remembering 20 actions performed yesterday.
  • Take two minutes to remember the qualities you like most about yourself and give examples of each.

Reflection of sensations:

  • Have you managed to focus your attention on any object for a long time?
  • On what is it easier to keep attention - on an object or a sound?
  • What does it depend on?
  • What properties of attention are necessary for concentration?

Exercise “Focusing on emotions and mood”

Instructor Instructions: Focus on inner speech. Stop inner speech.

Now focus on your emotions, try to imagine yourself in a joyful, cheerful emotional state. Recall the joyful events of your life.

We come out of a state of relaxation.

Reflection on your emotional state.

III part

Goal: development of positive self-perception, awareness of the features of self-perception and self-perception by others

1. Exercises for the development of positive self-perception, for awareness of the features of self-perception and self-perception by others

Exercise “Kinoproba” (to develop a sense of self-worth)

1. List five things in your life that you are proud of.

2. Choose one achievement from your list that you are most proud of.

3. Stand up and say to everyone: “I don’t want to brag, but...”, and complete the phrase with words about your achievement.

Issues for discussion:

  • How did you feel sharing your accomplishments?
  • Do you think that at the time of your speech, others experienced the same thing as you? Why?

Exercise “Virtues”

Participants sit in a circle. Each, clockwise, names his virtues, and then repeats the virtues of the others in the order in which they were named.

Exercise "Suitcase"

One of the members of the group leaves the room, and the rest begin to collect a “suitcase” for him on a long journey. This “suitcase” contains what, according to the group, will help a person in personal and professional growth, all the positive characteristics that the group especially appreciates in him. But it is also necessary to indicate what hinders a person, his negative manifestations, over which he needs to actively work.

The "secretary" is selected. It divides the sheet vertically in half, on one side a “+” sign is placed, on the other “-”. For a good “suitcase” you need at least 5-7 characteristics on both sides. Then a member of the group enters, and this list is read out to him and given to him.

IV part

Purpose: establishing feedback, analyzing the experience gained in the group.

Exercise "Wish in a circle"

Everyone sits in a circle, and everyone in a circle expresses his wishes, first to one, then to another, and so on to all participants in the training.

Reflection “Today I...”

Each member of the group must complete the phrase: “Today I ...”, did your expectations come true?

Summing up the lesson.

List of used literature

  1. Andreeva I. Emotional competence in the work of a teacher // National Education. - No. 2, 2006, - p. 216-222.
  2. Vodopyanova N.E., Starchenkova E.S. Burnout syndrome: diagnosis and prevention. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.
  3. Malkina-Pykh I.G. Age crises: Handbook of a practical psychologist. - M .: Publishing house "Eksmo", 2005.
  4. Semenova E.M. Emotional stability training for a teacher: Tutorial. - M .: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005.





Training for teachers on the prevention of emotional burnout

Target: removal of emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of the teacher.


To acquaint the participants of the training with some methods of psychological self-regulation;

Create favorable conditions for productive work on oneself;

Improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing inner spiritual harmony.

Members psychological training : educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Form of training- a circle, it is possible to move freely around the office, to take a comfortable position of the body during relaxation.

Duration- 90 minutes.

Warm-up game "Interjection"















by God


ha ha ha

Oh oh oh



those times



Ah ah ah


Oh well

Fatigue, tension, dissatisfaction and other negative emotions prevent us from living, working and, among other things, prevent us from perceiving information. Therefore, I will ask you now to get rid of everything unnecessary in this way: try to express fatigue, tension that has accumulated in you, various experiences using interjections.

Imagine that this is some kind of magic word that, when pronounced, will make you feel good. There is only one condition, it must be pronounced so that we all understand that everything that you have accumulated in yourself has come out and it no longer bothers you.

It is no coincidence that I asked you to complete this exercise, because the topic of our conversation today will be about stress, or rather, overstrain, which leads to emotional and professional burnout.

Mini-lecture "Professional burnout of a teacher".

In psychology, there is such a thing as "professional burnout". This syndrome is most typical for representatives of communicative professions, i.e., professions of the "person - person" system.

Representatives of the “man-man” profession, due to intensive communication, sooner or later begin to feel the following symptoms: increased fatigue, reduced self-esteem, poor health, etc. Thus, a person protects himself from psycho-traumatic influences.

Burnout syndrome is the most dangerous occupational disease of those who work with people: teachers, social workers, psychologists, managers, doctors, journalists, businessmen and politicians - all whose activities are impossible without communication. The sad thing is that those people who, on duty, must “give” people the energy and warmth of their souls are especially prone to burnout. Teachers are largely subject to the development of SEV.

It is well known that the profession of a teacher is one of the most energy-intensive. Its implementation requires huge intellectual, emotional and mental costs.

The profession of a teacher is very difficult, because in the process of work he interacts with children, and with parents, and with colleagues, administration. The professional work of a teacher-educator is characterized by significant loads on his psycho-emotional sphere. Most of his working time takes place in an emotionally intense environment: sensual richness of activity, constant concentration of attention, high responsibility for the life and health of children. Factors of this kind certainly influence the teacher: nervousness, irritability, fatigue, and various kinds of ailments appear. Unfortunately, many representatives of the teaching profession cannot boast of their health, but meanwhile, the activity required from it, endurance, optimism, endurance and a number of other professionally important qualities largely due to his physical, mental and psychological health.

AT last years the problem of maintaining the mental health of teachers has become particularly relevant. Modern world dictates its own rules: the demands on the part of parents to the personality of the teacher, his role in the educational process have grown. Transformations in the education system also raise the bar: a creative approach to work, innovation, project activities, and pedagogical technologies are welcomed.

Not only the load is increasing, along with it, the neuropsychic stress of the personality, overwork is also growing. Various kinds of overload are exacerbated by numerous fears: fear of being abandoned, not finding support; fear of being unprofessional; fear of control.

And very often educators make exorbitantly high demands on themselves. In their view, a real teacher is a model of perfection. Individuals belonging to this category associate their work with a purpose, a mission, so they blur the line between work and personal life.

Thus, the work of a teacher is characterized by high tension, so teachers are more susceptible to the influence of the burnout syndrome.

"Emotionally burnt out" is a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to the depletion of the emotional, energy and personal resources of a working person.

In general, burnout syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

fatigue, exhaustion;

Dissatisfaction with oneself, unwillingness to work;

Strengthening of somatic diseases;

Sleep disturbance;

Bad mood and various negative feelings and emotions: apathy, depression, hopelessness, cynicism, pessimism;

Aggressive feelings (irritability, tension, anger, anxiety);

Negative self-esteem;

Neglect of one's duties;

Decreased enthusiasm;

Lack of job satisfaction;

Negative attitude towards people, frequent conflicts;

The desire for solitude;


Need for stimulants (coffee, alcohol, sweets, tobacco, etc.);

Decreased appetite or overeating.

Three stages of the syndrome

Professional burnout is a gradual process. According to research, three main stages can be distinguished in it.

First stage

Moderate, short-lived, random signs of the process. All signs and symptoms appear in mild form, are expressed in self-care, for example, by relaxing and organizing breaks at work.

It manifests itself at the level of performing functions, voluntary behavior: forgetting some moments, speaking in everyday language, memory lapses (for example, whether the necessary entry was made or not in the documentation, whether the planned question was asked, what answer was received), failures in the execution of any motor actions, etc. Usually, few people pay attention to these initial symptoms, calling it as a joke " girlish memory or sclerosis.

At the second stage

There is a decrease in interest in work, the need for communication (including at home, with friends): “I don’t want to see” those with whom the specialist communicates by occupation (children, parents), “Thursday feels like it’s already Friday,” "the week lasts endlessly", an increase in apathy by the end of the week, the appearance of persistent somatic symptoms (no strength, energy, especially towards the end of the week, headaches in the evenings; " dead dream, dreamless", an increase in the number colds); increased irritability, a person "turns on", as they say, from half a turn, although he had not noticed anything like this before.

Symptoms appear more regularly, are more protracted and more difficult to correct. The person may feel exhausted after good night and even after the weekend. He needs extra effort to take care of himself.

Third stage

Actually personal burnout. chronic symptoms and symptoms. characteristic total loss interest in work and life in general, emotional indifference, dullness, a feeling of constant lack of strength. Cognitive dysfunction (impaired memory and attention), sleep disturbances with difficulty falling asleep and early awakenings, and personality changes are observed. Man seeks solitude. At this stage, it is much more pleasant for him to communicate with animals and nature than with people. Possible development of anxiety depressive disorders, addictions to psychoactive substances. somatic symptoms.

Burnout at the beginning of its development is especially dangerous, since a “burnout” teacher, as a rule, is not aware of its symptoms and changes during this period are easier to notice from the outside. Burnout is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to pay attention to the factors that contribute to the development of this phenomenon.

What should be done to avoid emotional burnout?

The nature of man is such that he seeks comfort, the elimination of discomfort. These are natural methods of regulation that are switched on by themselves, spontaneously, in addition to human consciousness, therefore sometimes they are still unconscious.

You probably intuitively use many of them.

Exercise "Sometimes I indulge myself"

Instructions: Remember and make a list of the things you do to please yourself, take care of your mental health, and treat yourself a little.

When the lists are ready, participants should note how often they do what is written on the sheet. After that, they are invited to discuss and express their opinion about how important it is sometimes to do something nice for yourself.

Therefore, it is desirable to be more sincere, not to look into the sheets of colleagues.

Self-help examples:

It's a long dream tasty food, communication with nature and animals, massage, movement, dancing, music and much more.

Natural methods of regulation of the body:

Laughter, smile, humor;

Reflections on the good, pleasant;

Various movements such as sipping, muscle relaxation;

Observation of the landscape outside the window;

Examination of indoor flowers in the room, photographs and other things that are pleasant or expensive for a person;

Mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);

"bathing" (real or mental) in the sun's rays;

Inhalation of fresh air;

Reading poetry;

Expressing praise, compliments to someone just like that;

  • swimming pool, gym, yoga, sports, etc.
  • relaxation
  • make yourself a small gift (a bouquet of flowers, a ticket to the theater or a sports competition, have dinner at a restaurant).
  • allow yourself some time alone.
  • find time to enjoy doing what you love.
  • allow yourself to spend half a day doing nothing.
  • every evening get up under the shower and “wash off” the events of the past day, since water has long been a powerful universal conductor.
  • films, performances, humorous programs;
  • bath-sauna;
  • aromatherapy, massage;
  • hairdresser, shopping;
  • rest in a sanatorium;
  • shout where no one will hear;
  • cry if you're sad
  • knock out the dust from the carpet, arrange a general cleaning or repair.
  • draw;
  • take a walk, take a quick walk;
  • listen to calm music;
  • picnic, travel (trip to a beautiful place);
  • meet with a friend/friend and discuss the situation with feeling.

And of course, do not forget about SELF-Suggestion and SELF-ENOUNCEMENT

Find an opportunity to praise yourself during the working day at least 3-5 times.

A method for quickly relieving severe mental stress

Of course, you need to be able to relax correctly, master the techniques for managing your psycho-emotional state.

Today I want to give you several techniques, ways to manage your psycho-emotional state, raise your self-esteem, and increase your emotional mood. And so that the word work is associated with you only with joyful and happy moments.

Exercise "Hands".

Instructions: Sit on a chair with your legs slightly extended and your arms hanging down. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue “flows” from the hands to the ground - here it flows from the head to the shoulders, flows over the forearms, reaches the elbows, rushes to the hands and seeps down through the fingertips into the ground. You clearly physically feel a warm heaviness sliding down your arms. Sit like this for one or two minutes, and then lightly shake your hands, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Get up easily, springily, smile, walk around.

Exercise "Float in the ocean"

Instructions: Close your eyes and imagine that you are a small float in a vast ocean. You don't have a goal, a compass, a map, a rudder, an oar. You are moving where the wind and ocean waves take you. A large wave may cover you for a while, but you again emerge to the surface. Try to feel these dives and dives. Feel the movement of the wave, the warmth of the sun, the drops of rain, the cushion of water supporting you from below. What other sensations arise when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean?

The ability to relieve muscle clamps allows you to relieve neuropsychic stress. They say they knock out a wedge with a wedge, and we will do the same. To achieve maximum relaxation, you need to strain as much as possible.

Let's do it exercise "Lemon".

Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees (palms up, shoulders and head down. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax "Memorize your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace."

Exercise "Tension-relaxation"

We suggest you use a very simple trick. Starting position - sitting on a chair or armchair. Tighten all your muscles with all your might. Maintain this tension by slowly counting to twenty. Then inhale deeply and with a very slow exhalation release this tension. Let your body go limp. Lean back in an armchair or chair and sit for a few minutes just like that, without thinking about anything, feeling how good and calm you are.


Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees, shoulders and head lowered, eyes closed. Imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task is to drive away the annoying insect without opening your eyes.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward and relax. Head, shoulders and arms hang freely down. Breathing is free. Fix this position for 1-2 minutes, then slowly - attention: very slowly! - raise your head (so that it does not spin).

"Breathe Deep If You're Excited"

When you experience emotional discomfort, just check how you breathe. Breathing consists of three phases inhale - pause - exhale. With increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, you need to breathe like this. Inhale - pause - exhale. Start with 5 seconds. Let's try!

It is not necessary to breathe in such a rhythm for a long time. Follow the result and focus on it. You can increase the duration of each phase. In order to raise the general tone, to gather strength, the alternation of phases should be the following inhale-exhale-pause. Let's try!

"Seven Candles"

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You feel calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, deep breath. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as you can in its direction, exhaling the air completely.

The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You take another slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven ...

Exercise "Breathing at the expense of 7-11"

Instructions: Breathe very slowly and deeply, so that the entire breathing cycle takes about 20 seconds. You may feel uncomfortable at first. But you don't have to stress. Count to 7 on the inhale and 11 on the exhale.

Exercise "Belly Laugh"

Lying on your back, place your hands on the diaphragm. Breathe a little with your belly until your breath is completely calm. Then try to reproduce the body sensations that you usually feel when you laugh. Try to really "laugh with your stomach", while your hands located on the diaphragm should feel the movement. After a few seconds, relax and restore your breath.

Summarizing. Reflection.

Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers"

Target: increasing the efficiency of the work of teachers of the institution through the prevention of emotional burnout.


To acquaint teachers with the concept of "emotional burnout", the symptoms of its manifestation, the stages of formation, the causes and methods of prevention;

Reduce the level of emotional stress;

Contribute to the activation of personal resource states;

To form an attitude towards the preservation and strengthening of the mental


Exercise "Pose of Napoleon"

Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed on the chest, arms extended forward with open palms and hands clenched into fists. At the command of the facilitator: “One, two, three!”, Each participant must show one of three movements at the same time as the others (whichever one they like). The goal is for the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement.

Presenter's comment

This exercise shows how ready you are to work. If the majority showed their palms, then they are ready for work and open enough. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's posture - some closeness or unwillingness to work.

Exercise "Introduction".

Everyone becomes in a circle. Everyone calls his name and one positive or negative quality of his character that begins with the same letter as the name (for example, Tatiana - patient).

Exercise "My image"

Purpose: preparing participants for work, creating a positive atmosphere, good mood, determining the characteristics of each. The facilitator greets the group, distributes to each participant a sheet of A4 paper, on which you need to write your name and draw your own image (this can be a certain symbol, object, anything). Paper, pencils

After the participants have completed the task, the psychologist suggests that they take turns giving their names and presenting their own image. The drawings are attached to the board. This is how the "portrait gallery" of the group members is created

Introductory speech: "The problem of emotional burnout of teachers"

It is well known that the profession of a teacher is one of the most energy-intensive.

Its implementation requires huge intellectual, emotional and mental costs.

In recent years, the problem of maintaining the mental health of teachers has become particularly relevant.

The modern world dictates its own rules: the demands on the part of parents to the personality of the teacher, his role in the educational process have grown.

Transformations in the education system also raise the bar: a creative approach to work, innovation, project activities, and pedagogical technologies are welcomed.

Not only the study load is increasing, along with it, the neuropsychic stress of the individual, overwork, is also growing.

Various kinds of overload are exacerbated by numerous fears: fear of being abandoned, not finding support; fear of being unprofessional; fear of control.

This situation rather quickly leads to emotional exhaustion of teachers, known as "burnout syndrome".

"Emotionally burned out" teachers are characterized by increased anxiety and aggressiveness, categorical and strict self-censorship.

These manifestations significantly limit creativity and freedom, professional growth, and the desire for self-improvement.

As a result, the personality of the teacher undergoes a number of deformations such as

inflexibility of thinking, excessive straightforwardness, instructive manner of speaking, excessive explanations, mental stereotypes, authoritarianism.

The teacher becomes a kind of "walking encyclopedia": he knows what is needed, how it is needed, when, why and why, and how it all ends.

But at the same time, he becomes absolutely closed and immune to any innovations and changes.

Emotional burnout is a kind of mechanism developed by the personality psychological protection in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to psycho-traumatic effects.

The professional activity of teachers is replete with factors that provoke emotional burnout:

high emotional load, a huge number of emotional factors, daily and hourly need for empathy, sympathy, responsibility for the life and health of children

In addition, pedagogical teams, as a rule, are of the same sex, and this is an additional source of conflict.

As a result, the teacher becomes a hostage to the situation of emotional burnout, a prisoner of stereotypes of emotional and professional behavior.

Practical part

There is a Chinese proverb:

"Tell me and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Involve me - and I will understand and learn something"

The person learns:

10% of what he hears

50% of what he sees

70% of what he experiences

90% of what he does.

"What you order is what you get"

An irritated woman rides in a trolleybus and thinks: “Passengers are rude and rude. The husband is a drunken bastard. Children are misfits and hooligans. And I am so poor and unhappy ... "

Behind her is a guardian angel with a notebook and writes down everything according to the fads: “1. Passengers are rude and rude. 2. The husband is a drunken brute…” and so on.

Then I reread it and thought:

And why does she need it? But if he orders, we will fulfill ...

Exercise "Ball" (work with anger)

Purpose: To help you understand how you can control anger.

Inflate the balloon and hold it so that it does not deflate.

Imagine that the balloon is your body, and the air inside the balloon is your anger or anger.

What do you think will happen to the balloon if you let it go now?

(He will fly away.)

Release the ball and follow it. (Participants release the ball. It quickly moves from side to side.)

Did you notice that the ball was completely out of control? It happens with an evil person. He can do things without controlling them. Can offend or even hit someone.

Now inflate another balloon and try to release air from it in small portions.

(Participants complete the task.)

What happens to the ball now? (He blows away)

And what happens to the anger inside the balloon? Can they be controlled? (He comes out of it. And this anger can be controlled.)

So a person must learn to manage his anger in order not to harm others and himself.

And now let's try to learn how to manage anger, and for this we will perform one of the many exercises.

Exercise "Breathing"

Purpose: relaxation of the body.

An effective remedy stress relief is relaxation against the background of yogic breathing: sit freely on a chair, close your eyes and listen to your breathing: calm, even. Breathe in a 4 + 4 + 4 pattern: inhale four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, exhale four seconds. Do this three times, listening to the breath, feeling how the air fills the lungs, runs through the body to the fingertips, frees the lungs. There should be no other thoughts. The pause is over. You are calm. Smile.

Options for finding other resources.

Exercise "Trash Bucket"

Purpose: liberation from negative feelings and emotions.

Materials: sheets of paper, pens, a bucket for "garbage".

In the middle of the room, the psychologist places a symbolic trash can. Participants have the opportunity to reflect on why a person needs a trash can and why it needs to be emptied all the time. Psychologist: “Imagine life without such a bucket: when garbage gradually fills the room, it becomes impossible to breathe, move, people start to get sick. The same thing happens with feelings - each of us accumulates not always necessary destructive feelings, for example, resentment, fear. I suggest everyone throw in the trash old unnecessary resentment, anger, fear.

To do this, write down your negative feelings on sheets of paper: “I am offended by ...”, “I am angry at ...”, and the like. After that, the teachers tear their papers into small pieces and throw them into a bucket, where they are all mixed up and put away..

Exercise “Self-feeling” (only sensations work!)

Show where my "I" is.

Take a place in a room where my "I" is comfortable.

Approach the one with whom my "I" is comfortable. If there is a response, then lend a hand.

What would you like to do together now (movement).

Summary: Work with sensations, self-understanding.

At any moment you can stop, feel like a person, you can always find a like-minded person close in spirit nearby.

"How can the item be used?" (p.57)

Any item (pen) is taken. This item is passed around. Each participant must say how this item can be used in addition to its intended purpose.

5. Exercise "Pleasure"

One of the common stereotypes of everyday mental hygiene is the idea that the best way rest and recovery are our hobbies, favorite activities, hobbies. Their number is usually limited, because most people have no more than 1-2 hobbies. Many of these activities require special conditions, time or the state of the person himself. However, there are many other opportunities to relax and rejuvenate.

The participants of the training are given sheets of paper and are asked to write down 5 types of daily activities that bring them pleasure.

Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure.

Then explain to teachers that this is a resource that can be used as " ambulance"to recuperate.

1. Learn, if possible, to immediately dump negative emotions, and not to force them into psychosomatics. How can this be done in a working environment? kindergarten:

sing loudly;

Get up and walk quickly

Write or draw something quickly and sharply on a board or piece of paper;

Paint a piece of paper, crumple and throw away

2. If you have sleep disorders, try to read poetry at night, not prose. According to research by scientists, poetry and prose differ in energy, poetry is closer to rhythm human body and have a calming effect.

3. Every evening, be sure to get under the shower and pronouncing the events of the past day, "wash off" them, because water has long been a powerful energy conductor.

4. Start recovering now, don't delay!

Gymnastics Jacobson.

Jacobson training.

Exercise "Icicle". Squeeze the hands as much as possible while inhaling (as if you are squeezing an icicle strongly, strongly), while exhaling - unclench (feeling of light heat)

Exercise "Pull". Stretch your arms to the opposite wall while inhaling (as if you want to get something), lower your arms - while exhaling.

Exercise "Butterfly". Bring the shoulder blades together while inhaling (as if a butterfly folded its wings), while exhaling, spread the shoulder blades (the butterfly spread its wings).

Exercise "Turtle". Raise your shoulders to your ears while inhaling (we hide our head like a turtle in a shell), while exhaling, lower our shoulders and relax (the turtle sticks its head out of its shell).

Exercise "Heels". Pull the toes of the legs to the knees as much as possible (show the heels), as you exhale, lower them.

Exercise "Socks". Pull the heels to the calf muscles while inhaling (pull out the socks), while exhaling, relax the legs and lower them.

Exercise "Byaka-Buka". Wrinkle your forehead, nose, bring your eyes together as you exhale, as you exhale, return to the opposite position.

Exercise "Pinocchio". While inhaling, smile as wide as possible (Pinocchio's smile), while exhaling - make your lips a tube and exhale the air with the sounds: "U-tu-tu-tu-tu."

m\f "My life". M \ f "My Life" is about a child's view of life, when everything is taken for granted and you can enjoy everything.

Our critical view of life sometimes makes it very difficult to live.

This is an example of a positive, optimistic view of the world.

Wish Box game

Goal: relieve emotional stress. Creating a positive mood.

Participants are invited to take sheets from the casket on which it is written what awaits them today or what they need to do in the near future.


You will be especially lucky in the near future!

Life is preparing a pleasant surprise for you!

It's time to do what you keep putting off!

Love yourself for who you are - the one and only!

Be sure to give yourself a gift, you deserve it!

Whatever you do, joy and peace will always be there!

The next month is yours! Work or leisure - you decide!

All your desires and dreams come true, believe in it!

Don't believe in fairy tales? But in vain ... winter is preparing something wonderful and magical for you!

You just need to arrange a holiday for yourself, call good friends and good colleagues!

Haven't taken time for yourself? A beauty salon or just a fragrant bath will please you!

Do not be afraid of your desires, their fulfillment gives you new life resources!

How often are you satisfied with what you do? If not, then be sure to find a reason to be proud of yourself!

Look inside yourself, there is everything that impresses you so much in other people!

You are needed, you are loved, you are admired and proud ... cherish it!

Inside every person there is at least one tiny positive quality ... look at it!


Feedback questionnaire.

The relevance of the proposed material

Accessibility of the material for understanding

Your interest in this topic

Your activity in this meeting

The attractiveness of the form of holding.

Your comments about the organization __________________________________________


quick exercises recovery

Exercise "Yes-no" in movements

Olga Knyazeva
Practical exercises for the prevention of professional burnout

Professional burnout is a personal deformation due to emotionally difficult or tense relationships in the "person-to-person" system, which develops over time.

The consequences of burnout can manifest themselves both in psychosomatic disorders and in purely psychological (cognitive, emotional, motivational and attitudinal) personality changes. Both are of direct importance for the social and psychosomatic health of a person, his working capacity and productivity. labor activity. Burnout dulls the sensitivity to the state of not only other people, but also to their own emotions.

Burnout is a relatively stable condition, but with appropriate support, it can be corrected.

The possibility of developing a burnout syndrome at any stage of professional activity indicates the need to develop preventive measures that would reduce the risk of burnout, neutralize its negative consequences, and also contribute to the restoration of the nervous and mental potential of employees.

Actions that are aimed at overcoming the burnout syndrome involve both self-help and the provision of external professional help. In the first case, "burnout" workers need to learn to recognize the symptoms of psychological stress and manage it, master a wide range of self-regulation techniques and overcome the first symptoms of stress at work. If such help to oneself is insufficient, professional help will be required. In this case, specialists should be involved.

Professional help for burnouts psychological help aimed at restoring psychoenergetic resources and overcoming negative consequences professional stress. This is facilitated different kinds social-psychological and administrative-corporate support, unloading and rehabilitation trainings, corporate holidays, health days, etc.

Those who do not want to suffer from burnout - "mental insensitivity" and cynicism in relation to the events of their lives and the people around them, should take care of increasing and activating their personal resources to overcome life and work stresses.

Prevention programs designed to help workers achieve healthier, more balanced lives do help prevent (prevent) burnout.

Their purpose: create conditions for the prevention of burnout syndrome and mental health support.


Decreased mental and physical tension;

Transformation of negative experiences into positive emotional states;

The development of internal mental strength, the ability to safely survive critical life situations;

Help in finding a state of internal stability, self-confidence;

Formation of skills of self-regulation of psycho-emotional states, correction of personal problems;

Optimize self-esteem;

To form positive thinking (self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality).

Emotional burnout is not a disease or a diagnosis (although there is an opposite point of view, and even more so it’s not a sentence. So the sooner you start fighting it, the more effective and promising it will be. It’s even better to prevent emotional burnout. Interesting communication decorates and enriches life , art, music, literature, nature, humor.

1. Exercise “Trash Bucket”

Purpose: liberation from negative feelings and emotions.

A symbolic trash bin is placed in the middle of the room. Participants reflect on why a person needs a trash can and why it needs to be constantly emptied.

Psychologist: “Imagine life without such a bucket: when garbage gradually fills the room, it becomes impossible to breathe, move, people start to get sick. The same thing happens with feelings - each of us accumulates not always necessary, destructive feelings, for example, resentment, fear. I suggest everyone throw in the trash old unnecessary resentment, anger, fear. To do this, write down your negative feelings on sheets of paper: “I am offended by ...”, “I am angry at ...”, etc.

After that, the teachers tear their papers into small pieces and throw them into a bucket, where they are all mixed up and put away.

2. Exercise "Goodbye tension."

Purpose: Relieve stress

Instruction: “Now we will compete with you. Take a piece of newspaper, crumple it up and put all your stress into it. Throw it away." Analysis: - How do you feel?

Have you let go of your stress?

Feelings before and after exercise.

3. "Method of quickly relieving strong emotional and physical stress"

Purpose: Awareness, finding and removing muscle clamps; identification and removal of excessive stress, mastering the methods of self-regulation.

This method includes exercises for voluntary tension and relaxation of the main muscle groups.

Exercise "Fly"

Purpose: to relieve tension from the facial muscles.

Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees, shoulders and head lowered, eyes closed. Imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect.

Exercise "Lemon"

Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees (palms up, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” the whole juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace.

Exercise "Icicle" ("Ice cream")

Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Stand up, raise your hands up, close your eyes. Imagine that you are an icicle or ice cream. Tighten all the muscles of your body: palms, shoulders, neck, torso, abdomen, buttocks, legs. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this position Freeze yourself. Then imagine that under the influence of the sun's heat you begin to slowly melt. Relax gradually the hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state.

Exercise "Castle"

Clasp your hands behind your back. Since negative emotions “live” on the neck below the back of the head and on the shoulders, tighten your arms and back, stretch, relax your shoulders and arms. Release tension from your hands.

Place your hands in a lock in front of you. Stretch, straining your shoulders and arms, relax, shake your hands (during sipping, the "hormone of happiness" is released).

Smile! Fix a smile on your face for 10-15 seconds. Smiling relaxes many more muscles than normal. Feel the grace that spreads throughout the body from a smile. Save this state.

4. Exercise-self-diagnosis "I am in the sun."

Purpose: to determine the degree of attitude towards oneself (positively-negatively, the search and assertion of one's positive qualities.

Each participant draws a circle on a piece of paper. Write your name in the circle. Next, you need to draw the rays coming from this circle. It turns out the sun. Above each ray is written a quality that characterizes this person. The analysis takes into account the number of rays (clear self-image) and the predominance of positive qualities (positive self-perception).

5. Exercise "Exactly today"

Purpose: development of positive thinking, assistance in gaining a state of internal stability, teaching self-programming.

In many situations, it is advisable to "look back", recall your successes in similar circumstances. Past successes tell a person about his capabilities, about hidden reserves in the spiritual, intellectual, volitional spheres and inspire confidence in his abilities.

Think back to a time when you faced similar challenges.

Formulate the text of the program, to enhance the effect, you can use the words "exactly today":

“Today I will succeed”;

“It is today that I will be the most calm and self-possessed”;

“It is today that I will be resourceful and confident”;

Mentally repeat it several times.

6. Exercise "Magic forest of miracles."

Instruction: “Now we will turn into a magical forest, where various miracles take place and where it is always good and pleasant. We will divide into two groups according to the principle: “forest - grove” and stand in two lines. Our hands are the branches of trees that will gently and tenderly touch a person passing through the “forest”. And now each of you, in turn, let him pass through this magical gentle forest, and the branches will stroke their heads, hands, and backs.

Analysis: What did you experience when you walked through the “forest” and were touched by the members of the group?

How did you feel when you were trees?

Tell us about your condition before and after the exercise

7. Exercise "Well done!"

Purpose: optimization of self-esteem of teachers, removal of emotional stress.

Instruction. Divide into two circles - inner and outer, stand facing each other. Participants standing in the inner circle should talk about their achievements, and in the outer circle they should praise their partner, saying the following phrase: “And you are great - once! And you are a good fellow - two! etc., while bending your fingers. The participants in the outer circle, on command (clap), move one step to the side, and everything repeats. Then the inner and outer circles switch places, and the game is repeated until each participant is in the place of the praising and braggart.

8. Exercise "Friendly palm".

Moderator: Outline your palm and write your name on it. Then pass the palm outline sheet to your colleagues, and have everyone leave their wishes or compliments on one of the fingers of the palm. The message must be positive.

Leading: Let these palms bring warmth and joy of our meeting, remind of this meeting, and maybe help at some difficult moment.

9. Exercise "My affirmation"

Goal: creating a positive attitude, developing a positive self-perception, consolidating the acquired skills of positive thinking. Materials and equipment: cards with positive statements - affirmations.

Instruction. I suggest you pull out cards with positive affirmations. If you do not like some card, you can draw another one that is close to you.

Participants take turns drawing cards and reading them out. After completing the exercise, you can ask how the participants feel about this exercise. Expected result: consolidation of positive experience; positive attitude.