Essay my ideas about the personality of a speech therapist. Essay of a speech therapist teacher "A teacher in the modern world!"

Ludzia Gafizova
Essay "I am a speech pathologist"

As a child, I raised and taught dolls, dreamed of becoming teacher and to be not only a teacher for children, but also a mentor and friend. Often I played with my girlfriends where I was teacher and they are students. I really wanted to become an adult as soon as possible, get a specialty. Years have passed… Remembering my childhood, I realize that my dream has come true. I teacher speech therapist. The only difference is that instead of dolls, friends, I play with children who every day expect something new, interesting and informative from me. Kindergarten is a special world where you need to be interesting and useful for the people around you, give children your energy, knowledge, and ability to learn new things. Here, each child is unique and inimitable in its manifestation and development.

I'm working teacher- speech pathologist with children of senior preschool age. I am engaged in the correction of violations of sound pronunciation, the development of correct speech breathing, the development of phonemic processes, enrichment vocabulary, improving the coherent speech of children. Work is underway on the syllabic structure of the word and the grammatical structure of speech. In my work I use game methods, a variety of visual material, diagrams for making sentences and stories. In the classroom I use exercises to develop general and fine motor skills.

As a novice teacher, as a young specialist, every day I am worried about questions about how to interest a child, to captivate, how to make the first steps into the world of knowledge easy and memorable, how to make children want to come to classes with a speech therapist with a smile? To be interesting for children, I prepare for each lesson, think over game techniques, plots, select bright didactic material, use modern technical teaching aids, Internet resources. A creative pedagogical approach stimulates the development of children and their interests. Encourages independence.

So that each lesson is not similar to the previous one, I come up with various "light fluff", "fun pencils", "funny tongues". We have cute characters in our classes, like "smart bunny", "smart hedgehog", "sly Fox" and many other fairy-tale characters that captivate and lure children with their interesting games. Or children receive letters with messages and requests from forest dwellers (animals, old forest man). To relieve fatigue, I spend physical education sessions (we show how trees rustle, grass rustle, finger games. To correct sound pronunciation, we hiss like snakes, buzz like bugs, ring like mosquitoes, etc.

My profession is very entertaining, every day with the children I experience a feeling of joy, compassion, and other important emotions. I feel useful. Benefiting is a great blessing!

I love working with children interesting: each child is unique and unrepeatable in its manifestation and development. Coming to work, talking with the children, I ask how they are doing, what did they do on the weekends, where did they go? Children are happy to share their experiences interesting stories. My desire is to help every child to open up, to instill confidence in him, to make him feel his self-worth. I see in the eyes of the child a keen interest, to learn something new, yet unknown. The main thing is that this interest does not fade away. I think that the most important thing in the professional activities of educators, teachers, teachers-speech therapists are not only professional, but also their human qualities, because children are drawn to a kind and caring person, and only in this way can a teacher achieve good results.

A speech therapy lesson is not only a school for teaching and educating a child, but also a kind look, affectionate speech, charm and beauty of a teacher who inspires them with confidence that everything succeed. The first success, and then many victories inspire the child and me, contribute to a strong desire to achieve good results. At each lesson, I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that children feel free and comfortable.

Personality teachers The speech pathologist plays an important role in corrective work. When you give a lot to your children, you receive a lot from them. Children, while studying, are happy to communicate with me, rejoice in their successes and achievements, go to classes with a desire and play with pleasure all the games offered. By teaching through play, we achieve positive results in children much earlier than with traditional methods.

My work is not limited to working with children, I include parents in the correctional process. I do educational work, conduct group and individual classes, talks, equip an information stand for parents in the corners of each group, conduct workshops on how to deal with children at home in order to help the child. The active participation of parents in the correctional and developmental educational process can significantly increase the level of speech development. It's nice to talk with parents who are interested in the successful acquisition of speech by children. I am glad when the results of the work are seen not only by me, but also by my parents. Assistants in our joint work are educators, who are held seminars, round tables, consultations. They use speech therapy five-minute sessions in their work (finger gymnastics, articulatory gymnastics, work on automating the delivered sounds.

The child is the main value in society. And we, teachers, are entrusted with the most precious thing - its development, its prospects. The richer and more correct the child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his ability to know reality, his relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and therefore his personality as a whole will be more complete.

Any violation of speech to one degree or another can affect the activities and behavior of the child. Children who speak poorly become silent, shy, indecisive, withdraw into themselves. When teaching a child at school, speech deficiencies can lead to academic failure, give rise to self-doubt. Therefore, it is so important to identify and eliminate existing pronunciation defects in a child even at preschool age, learn children speak beautifully.

Being a speech therapist is honorable and interesting for me, I teach every day, I study every day, and I hope that my pupils will continue to delight me with their achievements in mastering beautiful and correct speech.

Essay "My Pedagogical Philosophy"

Batina Svetlana Yurievna

"The ability to educate -
it's still art
how to play the violin or piano well,
paint well."
A.S. Makarenko.

There are thousands of professions in the world, all of them are necessary and interesting. But each person must choose the one that best suits his natural abilities, i.e. find your calling. I have always loved children and dreamed of becoming a teacher. I thought that among the many different professions on earth, this profession is the most interesting and attractive.

The most important thing in our profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them your heart.

For me, the profession of a teacher is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. You are especially aware of the importance of the profession of a speech therapist when you see the eyes of children wide open to meet; eyes greedily catching my every word, my look and gesture; eyes ready to embrace the world.

I work in kindergarten teacher-speech therapist, “I teach the word”, I work with children with speech disorders. My task is to gradually, step by step, go through the difficult path from staging sounds to an independent, detailed statement, to prepare preschoolers for the assimilation of school educational programs. And what a joy it is, how happy the eyes of a child shine when we manage to “start the engine”, learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, not confuse them in words, and correctly build sentences! A child “grows wings” when he can express his opinion, say what he thought and dreamed about.

Working in a kindergarten, I saw how difficult it is for children with speech disorders. They were closed, unsure of themselves, irritable, touchy, as a result of which they had difficulties in communicating with others. These children could not fully express their desires, explain, ask, establish contacts with their peers. I really wanted to help such children, so my admission to the pedagogical institute at the faculty of defectology as a teacher-speech therapist was quite conscious.

I work with "special" children. Such children have less compensatory ability to adapt to the outside world, and here my task is to liberate the child, help him accept himself as he is, feel unique, significant in a team, team, society.

Working in a kindergarten, I never doubted the choice of my profession, but every year I am more and more convinced of how difficult it is to educate and educate children. They believe in you, they hope for you, they expect understanding from you. And you must comply with all this, always be on top. After all, it depends on you in many respects how children will go into school life. I can call myself a happy person who gives my knowledge, my energy, my love to children. Children are the greatest value on earth, they are those in whose name we live.

The teacher must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements of pedagogical science and best practice. Gotta go ahead, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods. Working with children, I understood the meaning of Michel Montaigne's saying: "It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself." I agree with this statement, so I try to improve myself: I get acquainted with new discoveries in correctional pedagogy; I use new innovative technologies (ICT, Internet resources); I expand and modernize the means of correctional and speech therapy work. Professor V.M. Lizinsky is right: “A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case he acquires the right to teach.”

I have the main thing - patience, optimism and love for children. The desired result will not be soon, but gradually, in small steps from day to day, we are diligently moving towards it. And how nice it is to see the successes of children achieved by hard, painstaking work, to hear words of gratitude from parents. I am a speech pathologist. I say these words with a sense of pride, I help people become happier!

Essay "I am a speech pathologist"

Presentation on the topic: “Vocation- teacher speech therapist. ”

Torba Elvira Faridovna MADOU CRR d/s No. 17

Reflections on the topic "I - teacher speech therapist» - this is an occasion to look at your profession from the outside, to try to comprehend its importance for yourself, significance for other people. In my case, the profession chose me. From teacher to speech pathologist. Teaching your child the right way, beautiful speech, learning in a fun and engaging way, to give an opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful - this, in my opinion, is the main task of a creative teacher.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that it gives me the opportunity every day to come into contact with the world of childhood, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day. Giving children a piece of your heart, the warmth of your soul, with a sense of deep satisfaction I confess: "I'm in my place".All my knowledge, all my spiritual strength for them. Each time, feeling an incredible sense of joy for the success of children, I am convinced that the profession chosen is important, necessary, necessary!

I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to help children learn right, pronounce the sounds of native speech. Every day, in contact with the world of childhood, I contribute to the future of children. This gives a perspective for successful learning to read, write, and in life in general, because beautiful, pure speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of preschool children, which is the purpose of my work.

Kindergarten is an island of joy, where each child is unique and inimitable, where the world of kindness, the world of health is just as important as the world of knowledge.

Teacher- a speech therapist must certainly be enthusiastic, have something of his own, special, behind his soul. Perhaps that is why my pupils are pleased with their successes, they are engaged with interest. This means that I am not just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. I start all classes with a smile, and there is no greater joy for me than to see children's eyes wide open, to realize that the biggest and most significant thing in the world is being laid here.

Every day my little friends sit with me in front of the mirror to learn to speak correctly. Self-doubt, complexes make children become isolated. How scary baby nku: "What if I don't have anything? succeed Here on the first plan: to help, caress, sympathize. A speech therapy lesson is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, affectionate speech, the charm of a teacher who inspires them with confidence that everything succeed.

Creating the conditions for mastering speech, I do not forget about the attractive environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and, of course, a secret or a riddle. For this, there is a specially equipped office, more like a room in which there is no place for strict style. Everything in it: wallpapers, curtains, toys, furniture is imbued with the warmth and comfort of home, "friendly" a world where the child does not feel constrained, squeezed.

My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give children and their parents, a kind of "recovery". And every teacher will understand me t: we live in our pupils. A speech pathologist must love his job. I think this is the main and basic condition for successful activity. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most precious value is children, their development and prospects.

My teaching activity is based on individual approach to every child. Yes. they are all different, each of them is unique, each of them has its own palette of moods and emotions. The main components of my pedagogical philosophy are faith in the child, acceptance and understanding of his amazing soul, his actions, his expectations, as well as satisfaction of one of his most important needs - the need for love and approval.

The joy of cooperation with parents, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding of like-minded people, emotional involvement with each other - all this is necessary for the favorable development of the child's personality. Speech therapy classes for moms and dads are no less important than for children. As active participants, they "recharge" energy, draw knowledge on how to emotionally communicate with the child. Building relationships with parents, I am guided by principle: "A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the kindergarten team".

Seeing the result of the work, the emotions of the children, I realized that teacher speech therapist is the best profession for me and my favorite! It is my choice! This is my way!

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Essay "I am a speech pathologist" As a child, I raised and taught dolls, I dreamed of becoming a teacher and being not only a teacher for children, but also a mentor and friend. Often I played.

Essay of the teacher - speech therapist Shadrina Elena Olegovna "500 lines about yourself"

* And they say that life is full of accidents
- Not true. Everything in life is not accidental.
Life is given to us for various things, but which ones are a mystery.
- And they say that everyone has their own way.

I do not argue, perhaps it is.
But the way to the big road is long,
And nothing can be brought back.
After graduating from school, like everyone else, she faced a choice:

Who to be? Where to go to study?
Since then, 20 years have passed...
I got on my way of life
Which I don't want to leave.

And time has shown that the path and directions are correct.
You ask:
Have you dreamed of becoming a speech therapist?
- No, I had other dreams:

I dreamed of being a TV star.
Later, she wanted to become a doctor.
Fate decreed otherwise...
I ended up in a college you all know.

Already in the first year, in the lesson "speech therapy",
I realized that this is new, interesting for me,
And I wanted to go further, I wanted to know more.
That's why I went to college.

And here I am a defectologist, a speech therapist. six years later.
You will say that you could not become what you dreamed of being as a child.
- No, you're wrong. I still wear a robe. And white by the way.
And I have an office.

And children come to me every day.
And what's more, you won't believe
I speak beautifully, clearly, clearly every day
5 days a week, 4 hours in a row without a break for lunch.

You say:
- Stuck in letters, sounds and words
And give preference to the special.
* No, I do not live by one job

I am, was and will be unusual, multifaceted.
Yes, I am a speech pathologist!
But I am both a woman and a mother, I am both a friend and just a person!
I am often told:

"For a woman, work is not important
For a woman, her relatives are more important
No, you are not right.
To kindle hearts with love,

She needs to feel needed.
To someone other than loved ones to fill life with meaning,
Give your skills and care.
Others push horizons.

Soar with your soul over life.
Honor and praise to her!
And respected and loved by loved ones.
A woman needs a job.

It is necessary for a woman.
And with this I agree. Yes.
Can't be divided into before and after.
But I know for sure. I'm in my place.

And I ended up in pedagogy not by chance.
My profession is a special way of life.
And on my way I meet dozens of destinies,
Separate them, and you can not forget.

They are everything in me.
Each separately.
I become a part of their life
Their own problems, worries and hardships.

I know the first minutes of every child's life.
Height, weight, how he screamed when he took the first step,
When you first said "MAMA".
Perhaps someone you know will ask:

How can I work for a year? I'll leave. Find something new, different?
- No, I'll tell you:
I don't need another.
Nowhere will be more interesting than here.

The door to my office is open and class starts promptly at nine.
And you go headlong into new emotions.
Of course, it also happens: enthusiasm is replaced by blues, apathy.
And I want to leave to give up on everything and everyone.

And, only hearing "Date", instead of "Hello",
And, looking into the familiar happy eyes,
You hold out your hand, you say: "Well, hello!"
Come on buddy. I will eloquently tell you a secret.

You ask:
- Why kindergarten?
- It's an amazing world:
There is no moment for idleness and boredom,

Here everyone contributes to the future,
Here we must hurry and change.
Hurry to change, always be interesting.
Change space, images, outfits.

Well, in general, conjure day by day.
You ask:
- Why do I need it?
- Yes, I just wanted to look into my childhood.

Hear children's hearts.
Follow them all the way to the end.
As a teacher, I have to be prepared for everything.
And sing, dance and read poetry.

And for me now "I DON'T KNOW" there is no word.
We have to look everywhere for the answer.
And every day to reveal your secret.
You ask:

But what about life? Is passing by?
Just one job? You same wanted beauty around, love, friends?
- And I will answer you with the words of I. Kant:
"Work - The best way enjoy life"

I keep up with the times. I write, I learn, I study.
You won't believe me 35 and I'm playing.
Children come to me to play.
And we learn with them only by playing.

We growl, hiss, buzz and howl.
And not at all from a hopeless life -
We're just getting into the game.
- Well, and friends?

Friends? I'm nowhere without them.
After all, friendship is everything.
My friends are around me.
I meet with them every day.

We just go to work together.
They are my helpers and support.
They will always understand me.
We are all bound by one goal -

Educate, teach.
- Well, what about love?
- Love is all around me.
Love helps me in life and in work.

Be flexible, wise, patient.
I give a piece of my heart to children.
We learn together, we mourn, we laugh.
We achieve success together.

As someone, remember, said: "Everything begins with love!
And illumination and work."
- Well, what about beauty?
You wanted her to surround you, friends will ask.

* Beauty is everywhere
You just have to learn to see it.
See the world through the eyes of children.
Stand in a puddle in the rain

Wave your arms, jump, smile.
After all, in childhood, the world seemed more beautiful.
The trees are taller and the grass is much softer.
The icicles looked sweet.

And broken glass is a magical prism.
We learn with children to be more beautiful not only externally.
After all, the beauty of the soul is most important.
To be able to speak beautifully is what I teach children.

Be able to argue beautifully, convince, tell.
Be in love beautiful words and hear sounds
After all, a lot can be achieved with a word.
But this talent must be learned!

Well, what about family? - the restless interlocutor will ask.
- My family is always with me, together.
My family helps me.
And I can rely on her.

After all, these are the ones who will listen to me, wipe my tears and support me.
Help in difficult times.
Dispels all my doubts and worries.
She is always by my side, together!

Well, my last answer to your question.
- Tell me, did you choose the right path?
And are you heading in the right direction?
And I will answer:

Yes, it's my path.
And I'm not going to change direction
After all, I am satisfied with my life and I am proud of my profession.
And you learn to enjoy life

We only have one!
Look for a profession
To like her!

Essay "My profession is a teacher-speech therapist"

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d / s No. 3

compensating type

A modern speech therapist is a teacher who, working with children, makes a contribution to their tomorrow, forming the skills of correct speech, which give prospects for a successful life.

Working as a teacher-speech therapist for twenty years, I never cease to be glad that I chose such a humane profession. The development of a child is the path of truth, the search for the amazing beginning of his unique "I". This is the path of becoming an individual.

A speech therapist is more than a specialty, more responsible than a profession.

L - love for children

O - education and self-education

G - pride in the profession

Oh - experience

P - positive

E - unity in working with the family

D - achieving a result

Llove for children

“What was the most important thing in my life? - he asks himself a question in the book “I give my heart to children”, - without hesitation I answer: love for children.

It can be said that the entire pedagogical system still exists only thanks to the selfless love of the best teachers who accept their profession as a service.

In working with children, love, sensitivity are especially necessary, since the speech therapist replaces the mother for pupils in her absence, and, therefore, must behave like a mother, not stinting on attention, kind words, affection, warmth, cordiality.

I - loving person! And this is many times more wonderful than being loved. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And I have great pleasure in bringing it to life, while teaching my children this feeling. As he said: “To love is to live the life of the one you love.” These words contain the meaning of why you go to the children every day.

Oeducation and self-education

Self-education of a teacher is an indispensable condition for his professional growth. AT modern system education, the improvement of the qualifications of each teacher, mastering the latest pedagogical technologies and methods is an important stage in the continuous education of the teacher during his pedagogical activity. It is known that a teacher can be called a teacher with a capital letter only if he constantly studies and improves his professional level.

There are increased requirements for a speech therapist teacher of a preschool institution, since not only the pedagogical technologies and methods used by him, but also his speech, communication skills should be a standard for children, colleagues, parents, others. That's why continuing education, including self-education, is an integral part of the process of improving the qualification level of a speech therapist.

Gpride in the profession

I am proud of my profession. It is one of the oldest, most complex. It is honorable in that it leaves a good feeling of duty done to the children, allows you to feel your involvement in their fate, and therefore, your usefulness. A person will meet many faces in his life, the face of a teacher will be remembered by him forever. Only a teacher receives the biggest award in the world - a child's smile and children's laughter.

I am convinced that teaching is the best profession in the world. The words of the great Cicero perfectly explain the essence of the profession of a teacher, and especially the profession of a speech therapist: “Our special duty is that if someone especially needs our help, we must make every effort to help this person. ".

A speech therapist is a person who not only corrects speech, gets rid of reading and writing errors, but also one who instills hope and self-confidence in the soul of a child, which will help girls and boys to succeed in the future, to find an interesting and prestigious work.


The modern rhythm of life requires constant professional growth, a creative attitude to work, and dedication from the teacher. The professional experience of a speech therapist teacher provides him with a qualifying professional activity in various teams, social groups- pupils and their parents, pupils, students, colleagues.

The areas of professional, business competence of a speech therapist are: preventive work, pedagogical diagnostics and counseling, special pedagogical education, participation in psychological assistance, educational and socio-pedagogical activities, organization and management of education, research activities in the professional field.

The most important features of the professional character of a speech therapist teacher with extensive experience are kindness, responsibility, optimism, patience, energy, dedication to their work, respect and love for their students, professional honesty and decency.

A speech therapist studies all his life, developing and improving his professional experience and generously sharing it with colleagues, like-minded people, and parents.

Ppositive This is a child at any age!

Is there a positive in the work of a speech therapist? Yes, as much as you like! This is constant communication with children who never cease to amaze, amaze with their perception of the world every day and every hour. It is the joy of achieving results. This is eternal youth - the teacher has no time to grow old, this is constant development - whoever stops is left behind, this is a lot of options for creativity - from writing notes for classes to scientific papers. This is a profession where constant joyful communication is inevitable, where you are never left alone and you certainly will not get bored.

Eunity in family work

Low awareness of parents in matters of pathology and speech correction, their underestimation early detection speech defects and timely impact on them, false and sometimes harmful attitudes of illiterate advisers regarding the speech of children, indicate the need for joint work at all stages of correction. Therefore, I pay great attention to working with parents. I hold consultations, conversations, open classes and holidays, round tables, presentations. I try to make visual information in the parental corners bright, accessible, understandable, inciting to action. I publish articles in the newspapers of our city, I speak on local television.

Only by working in one bundle: speech therapist + parents, I consider it possible to achieve maximum results. Parents always listen to my advice. They know that a whole mechanism has been put into operation, consisting of links: a speech therapist teacher - educators - parents. If at least one link falls out, then the work to eliminate defects is significantly delayed.

In practice, one has to deal with families of different social status and their requirements. It is necessary to find contact with everyone. Some need full clarification, participation and encouragement. For others, it is firmness, insistence on certain requirements, proof that not following the recommendations will make it difficult or delay the achievement of the desired results.

Dachievement of the result

The end result in the work of a speech therapist is a clean, competent, correct speech of the child. I am advancing towards it, satisfied with small victories: Misha has a sound set - good! Sveta introduced sound into speech - excellent! I rejoice like a child, I get physically tangible pleasure from every victory. And the highest reward for me is when my pupils learn to speak beautifully, to express their thoughts correctly. So that speech murmurs like a stream, which, ultimately, connects with the ocean of high thoughts, ideas, and a unique personality. How happy you feel when you hear the grammatically and phonetically correct speech of the children you taught, with whom you went through all the difficulties and achieved what you wanted.

You must believe in your own strength and the strength of those whose eyes look at you with hope every day! Years of work more and more clearly confirm that children deserve respect, trust and friendship, that we are pleased to be with them in this clear atmosphere of affectionate sensations, cheerful laughter, first vigorous efforts and surprise, pure, bright and sweet joys, that this work is alive, fruitful and beautiful.