Teaching children with disabilities is essential. Project on the topic: “features of teaching children with mental retardation in a general educational organization


preschooler psychological pedagogical correction

Preschool age is the most important stage in the development of the child. This is the period of his familiarization with the world of universal values, the time of establishing the first relations with people. At the same time, childhood is characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity.

In the period of preschool childhood there is an intensive mental development of the child. During the first 6-7 years of life, a child learns all the main types of human actions, masters a detailed coherent speech, establishes relationships with peers and adults. Cognitive activity is formed in him: voluntary attention is improved, different kinds memory, he gradually masters verbal-logical thinking.

Important feature mental development preschooler is that the knowledge, actions, abilities he acquires are of great importance for his future development, including for successful schooling.

The formation of readiness for learning at school is an important task of all work with preschoolers, aimed at their comprehensive development - physical, mental, moral, aesthetic.

It should be noted that the level of readiness for schooling of children brought up in the same conditions of a preschool institution is not the same. With a large variability of individual indicators of the psychological readiness of preschoolers for the beginning of systematic education, a category of children is singled out, characterized by an insufficient level of so-called school maturity. Among them, children with mental retardation are especially distinguished.

Mental retardation (MPD) is one of the most common forms of mental disorders. ZPR is a special type of mental development of a child, characterized by the immaturity of individual mental and psychomotor functions or the psyche as a whole, formed under the influence of hereditary, social, environmental and psychological factors.

The problem of readiness for schooling is relevant for psychological science in general, and special psychology in particular.

The purpose of the study: to identify the features and justify the conditions that ensure the effective preparation of children with mental retardation for schooling.

Object of study: the state of psychological readiness of children with mental retardation to study at school.

Subject: features and conditions for the formation of the psychological readiness of children with mental retardation to study at school.

Research objectives:

To reveal the essence of the psychological readiness of children with mental retardation to study at school based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature;

Define conditions effective training to the school of preschoolers with mental retardation;

Formulate conclusions.

The work consists of an introduction, six chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The chapter titles reflect their content.

1. Definition of the concept of mental retardation

Most of the contingent of children with learning difficulties is the group that is defined as "children with mental retardation". This is a large group, accounting for about 50% of underachieving junior schoolchildren.

The term "mental retardation" is understood as syndromes of temporary lag in the development of the psyche as a whole or its individual functions, a slow rate of realization of the body's properties encoded in the genotype. The concept of "mental retardation" is used in relation to children with minimal organic damage or functional insufficiency of the central nervous system, as well as those who are in conditions of social deprivation for a long time.

The development of the child's psyche in domestic and foreign psychology is understood as extremely complex, subject to the interaction of many factors. The degree of violation of the rate of maturation of brain structures, and hence the rate of mental development, may be due to a peculiar combination of unfavorable biological, social, psychological and pedagogical factors.

The authors note a clear lag behind children with mental retardation from normally developing peers when analyzing their thought processes. The lag is characterized by an insufficiently high level of formation of all basic mental operations: analysis, generalization, abstraction, transfer (T.P. Artemyeva, T.A. Fotekova, L.V. Kuznetsova, L.I. Peresleni). In the studies of many scientists (I.Yu. Kulagina, T.D. Puskaeva, S.G. Shevchenko), the specifics of the development of the cognitive activity of children with mental retardation are noted. So, S.G. Shevchenko, studying the features of the speech development of children with mental retardation, notes that speech defects in such children are clearly manifested against the background of insufficient formation of cognitive activity. To a much lesser extent, the personal characteristics of children with mental retardation have been studied. In the works of L.V. Kuznetsova, N.L. Belopolskaya reveals the features of the motivational-volitional sphere. N.L. Belopolskaya notes the specifics of the age and individual personality characteristics of children.

Psychologists note the weakness of volitional processes, emotional instability, impulsiveness or lethargy and apathy that are characteristic of these children (L.V. Kuznetsova). The play activity of many children with mental retardation is characterized by the inability (without the help of an adult) to develop a joint game in accordance with the plan. W.V. Ulyanenkova singled out the levels of formation of the general ability to learn, which she correlates with the level of the child's intellectual development. The data of these studies are interesting in that they allow us to see individual differences within groups of children with mental retardation, which relate to the characteristics of their emotional and volitional sphere.

Children with mental retardation have manifestations of syndromes of hyperactivity, impulsivity, as well as an increase in the level of anxiety and aggression (M.S. Pevzner).

The altered dynamics of the formation of self-awareness is manifested in children with mental retardation in a kind of building relationships with adults and peers. Relationships are characterized by emotional instability, instability, the manifestation of childlike features in activity and behavior (G.V. Gribanova).

as others possible causes The ZPR of children can be pedagogical neglect. The category of pedagogically neglected children is also heterogeneous. Neglect can be due to various specific reasons and can take various forms. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the term "pedagogical neglect" is most often used in a narrower sense, considered only as one of the causes of school failure. As an example, we can refer to the joint work of domestic psychologists A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, the work of L.S. Slavina and others.

To determine the factors influencing the formation of mental retardation, and for the subsequent assessment of the psychological adaptation and dynamics of the intellectual development of children with mental retardation, a comprehensive comprehensive assessment of the status being studied is necessary.

After analyzing the multiplicity of approaches in studying the causes of CRA, the complexity of the mechanism of its formation becomes apparent. Specific manifestations of mental retardation in a child depend on the causes and time of its occurrence, the degree of deformation of the affected function, and its significance in the general system of mental development. Thus, it is possible to single out the following most important groups of causes that can cause CRA:

) biological causes that prevent normal and timely maturation of the brain;

) a general lack of communication with others, causing a delay in the child's assimilation of social experience;

) the absence of a full-fledged, age-appropriate activity that gives the child the opportunity to "appropriate" social experience to the best of his ability, the timely formation of internal mental actions;

) social deprivation that prevents timely mental development.

It can be seen from the above classification that three out of four groups of causes of mental retardation have a pronounced socio-psychological character. A child's mental retardation may be due to the action of both a single unfavorable factor and a combination of factors that develop in the process of interaction.

The interdependence of the social and biological causes of mental retardation is considered as the basic basis for the study. The systems approach contributes to overcoming the disunity that still exists to some extent in medical and psychological research, isolating any one of the many aspects of the problem.

Within the framework of the traditional medical approach to the study of children with mental retardation, priority is usually given to biological factors that form the named condition (G.K. Ushakov, M.I. Buyanov, G.E. Sukhareva, etc.). At the same time, the role of social conditions is also reflected in the description of certain forms of ZPR (V.V. Kovalev).

AT favorable conditions the development of the child, due to the adverse effects of biological factors, approaches the age norm over time, while the development, which is also burdened by social factors, regresses. The following groups of socio-psychological factors can be distinguished:

) subjective (diverse, but necessarily super-significant for the development of the child);

) superstrong, acute, sudden (stressful);

) psychogenic trauma underlying post-traumatic disorders;

) psychogenic factors combined with deprivation (emotional or sensory);

) psychogenic trauma during periods of age-related crises (asthenization, crisis psychological complexes);

) socio-psychological factors associated with improper upbringing;

) chronic mental trauma (unfavorable family, closed children's institutions).

The time of occurrence of CRA is associated, as a rule, with early age stages, and the age factor can rather change the nature and dynamics of CRA, aggravating or, conversely, mitigating its manifestation.

Conventionally, three variants of the influence of the family on the formation of the child's personality can be distinguished: fixation by imitation; consolidation of negative reactions; cultivating the reactions of the child.

Incorrect education from the point of view of family pedagogy should be considered as a condition under which changes and disturbances in mental development occur, preparing the "psychological ground" for delayed development. In the literature, there is the concept of a dynamic family diagnosis, which means determining the type of family disorganization and improper upbringing, establishing a causal relationship between the psychological climate in the family and anomalies in the formation of personality in adolescents. Particularly painful consequences are observed in the development of children with developmental delay with a combination of psychogenic, socio-psychological and deprivation influences. The picture of mental retardation becomes much more complicated and can become irreversible when microsocial neglect is combined with mild manifestations of impaired mental development.

In practical psychology, the fact of the appearance of mental retardation is often associated with the negative impact of the school, teachers, the concept of psychological neglect is introduced. The main psycho-traumatic factor is the education system itself (I.V. Dubrovina). In such a situation, when the student's personality is considered as a learning object, various kinds of didactogeny are possible.

Children with mental retardation represent a heterogeneous group in terms of the level of psychophysiological development. In the examined children with mental retardation, as a rule, the following syndromes are manifested: 1) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); 2) syndrome of mental infantilism; 3) cerebrosthenic syndrome; 4) psychoorganic syndrome.

These syndromes can occur both in isolation and in various combinations.

2. The structure of the psychological readiness of children for schooling

Under the psychological readiness for school education is understood the necessary and sufficient level of mental development of the child for mastering the school curriculum in the conditions of learning in a peer group. The psychological readiness of the child for schooling is one of the most important outcomes of psychological development during preschool childhood.

Is not it. Bozhovich singled out several parameters of the child's mental development that most significantly affect the success of schooling: a certain level of the child's motivational development, including cognitive and social motives for learning, sufficient development of voluntary behavior and the intellectual sphere. The motivational plan was recognized as the most important.

A child ready for school wants to learn, both because he already has a need to take a certain position in human society, namely, a position that opens access to the world of adulthood (the social motive for learning), and because he has a cognitive need that he can't satisfy at home. The fusion of these two needs contributes to the emergence of a new attitude of the child to environment, called the internal position of the student.

This neoplasm L.I. Bozhovich attached great importance, believing that the inner position of a student can act as a criterion for readiness for schooling.

It should be noted that it is the school that is the link between childhood and adulthood. Children, reaching school age, understand that school gives them access to adulthood. This is where the desire to learn comes from.

D.B. Elkonin believed that voluntary behavior is born in a collective role-playing game, which allows the child to rise to a higher level of development than playing alone.

The collective corrects violations in imitation of the intended model, while it is still very difficult for the child to independently exercise such control.

The control function is still very weak, and often still requires support from the situation, from the participants in the game. This is the weakness of this emerging function, but the purpose of the game is that this function is born here. That is why the game can be considered a school of arbitrary behavior.

The leading activity of preschool age is a role-playing game, within which cognitive and emotional decentration takes place - one of the mechanisms of development cognitive processes personality, the formation of its moral maturity and the improvement of communication skills, functioning on the basis of the ability to perceive the point of view of another person.

As a result, the position of the child in relation to the world around changes and the coordination of his point of view is formed, which opens the way for the transition to a new level of thinking.

Discussing the problem of readiness for school, D.B. Elkonin singled out the necessary prerequisites for educational activities:

the need for children to consciously subordinate their actions to a rule that generally determines the mode of action;

the ability to focus on a given system of requirements;

the ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately perform tasks offered orally;

the ability to independently perform the required task according to a visually perceived pattern.

In fact, these are the parameters for the development of the student's voluntary behavior. Arbitrariness of actions - conscious formation and execution of intentions and goals.

Almost all authors who study psychological readiness for school give arbitrariness a special place in the problem under study. There is a point of view that the weak development of arbitrariness is the main stumbling block of psychological readiness for school. There are other approaches to determining the psychological readiness of children for school, when, for example, the main emphasis is on the role of communication in the development of the child.

There are three areas: attitude towards an adult, towards a peer and towards oneself, the level of development of which determines the degree of readiness for school and in a certain way correlates with the main structural components of educational activity.

When studying the intellectual component of psychological readiness for school, the emphasis is not on the amount of knowledge acquired by the child, although this is also an important factor, but on the level of development of intellectual processes. For successful learning, the child must be able to highlight the subject of his knowledge.

In addition to these components of psychological readiness for school, another one stands out additionally - the development of speech. Speech is closely related to intelligence and reflects both the general development of the child and the level of his logical thinking. It is necessary that the child be able to find individual sounds in words, i.e. he must have developed phonemic hearing.

Psychological readiness for schooling is a holistic education that implies a fairly high level of development of the motivational, intellectual and productivity spheres.

The lag in the development of one of the components of psychological readiness entails a lag in the development of others, which determines the peculiar options for the transition from preschool childhood to primary school age.

Criteria for the psychological readiness of children for schooling (personal, intellectual and socio-communicative readiness for school of children with mental retardation)

When studying theoretical approaches to considering the structure of readiness for schooling, the following components can be distinguished, each of which has its own specific weight, both in the success of the child's educational activity and in his successful adaptation to new school conditions.

Intellectual readiness for schooling includes:

development of cognitive interests (interest in new knowledge and interest in the process of cognition itself through the application of additional efforts);

development of cognitive activity and mental processes (development of sensory standards; in thinking - the ability to comprehend the main features and relationships between phenomena, the ability to reproduce a pattern, a high level of development of visual-figurative and figurative-schematic thinking; in perception - the ability to systematically examine objects and phenomena and highlight them various properties; logical memory);

formation of arbitrariness of mental processes;

development of speech, the formation of the ability to describe and explain phenomena and events in a coherent, consistent and understandable way for others, the ability to understand and use symbols;

development of fine hand movements and hand-eye coordination.

Intellectual readiness also involves the formation of the child's initial skills in the field of educational activities, in particular, the ability to single out a learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activity in order to achieve a certain result.

Emotional-volitional readiness for schooling includes:

arbitrariness of behavior, which expresses itself in the child's ability to subordinate actions to a given pattern;

the formation of such components of volitional action as setting a goal, making a decision, building an action plan, its implementation and the final assessment of the results;

the beginning of the development of such volitional qualities as discipline, organization and self-control;

a qualitatively new level of development of the emotional sphere of the child, which is manifested in an increase in restraint and awareness of emotions, the stability of his emotional states.

The development of the emotional-volitional sphere is associated with the formation of the regulatory function of the psyche. A typical feature of the development of this type of readiness is such a phenomenon as the subordination of motives, in accordance with which the child has the opportunity to control his behavior. The main components of volitional action (setting a goal, making a decision, drawing up an action plan, its implementation and evaluation of results) have not yet been fully developed and are largely determined by the difficulty and duration of the task. L.S. Vygotsky considered volitional behavior to be social, the source of which he saw in the relationship of the child with the outside world. At the same time, he assigned the leading role in the social conditioning of the will to the verbal communication of the child with adults.

Personal readiness for schooling includes:

the readiness of the child to accept a new "social position" of the student and the desire for a new one that meets his needs social role;

the presence in the behavior of social and moral motives (for example, a sense of duty);

the beginning of the formation of self-consciousness (awareness and generalization of one's experiences) and stable self-esteem, which presuppose an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, results of work and behavior.

In this context, the child's readiness for schooling implies that he has a desire to learn, to take a certain position in the society of people, which gives him access to the world of adults, as well as the presence of a cognitive need that he can no longer satisfy in the existing conditions. It is the fusion of these needs that leads to a new attitude to the environment, defined as the "internal position of the student."

Socio-psychological, or communicative readiness is manifested in following socially acceptable norms of behavior and communication with adults and peers and involves the formation of two forms of communication:

non-situational-personal communication of a child with an adult, which forms in the former the ability to perceive the latter in the role of a “teacher” and take the position of a “student” in relation to him.

In the context of this form of communication, it is assumed that an adult is endowed with authority and becomes a role model. At the same time, the ability to treat an adult as a standard helps to adequately perceive the position of the teacher and his professional role and understand the conventionality of educational communication.

communication with peers and specific relationships with them, which involves the development of business communication skills with each other, the ability to successfully interact and perform joint learning activities.

It is in the joint activities of children that the qualities that are necessary for communicating with each other are formed, and which in the future will assist in entering the class team, finding their place in it and being included in common activities.

Level assessment of the formation of the general ability to learn in children with mental retardation

Children with mental retardation experience learning difficulties, which are aggravated by a weakened state of the nervous system - they experience nervous exhaustion, which results in fatigue and low performance.

Ulyenkova U.V. revealed fundamental differences in the performance of tasks according to the model and according to verbal instructions between normally developing preschoolers and children with mental retardation.

In children with mental retardation, a low ability to learn (compared to the norm), a lack of cognitive interest in classes, self-regulation and control, and a critical attitude to the results of activities were revealed.

Children with mental retardation lack such important indicators of readiness for learning - the formation of a relatively stable attitude to cognitive activity; sufficiency of self-control at all stages of the task; speech self-regulation.

W.V. Ul'enkova developed special diagnostic criteria for the readiness for learning of children with mental retardation and determined the structural components of educational activity: orienting-motivational, operational, and regulatory. Based on these parameters, the author proposed a level assessment of the formation of the general ability to learn in children with mental retardation.

1st level. The child takes an active part in the activity, he is characterized by a stable positive emotional attitude to cognitive activity, is capable of verbalizing the task, regardless of the form of its presentation (objective, figurative, logical), verbally programs the activity, exercises self-control over the course of the operational side.

2nd level. Tasks are performed with the help of an adult, methods of self-control are not formed, the child does not program activities. Based on the characteristics of this level, it is possible to single out areas of pedagogical work with children on the formation of a general ability to assimilate knowledge: the formation of a stable positive attitude towards cognitive activity, ways of self-control in the process of activity.

3rd level. A significant lag behind the optimal age indicators for all structural components. Organizational assistance is not enough for children to complete tasks. Children's behavior is reactive, they are not aware of the task, they do not strive to obtain an objectively given result, they do not program the upcoming activity in verbal form. They try to control and evaluate their practical actions, but in general there is no self-regulation at all stages of activity.

4th level. Psychologically, it expresses an even more significant lag of children from optimal age indicators. Job content is not available.

5th level. The child catches from the adult's instructions only a form of activity - to draw, to tell.

Children with mental retardation correspond to the second and third levels.

R.D. Triger considers orientation in speech activity, mastering the skills of sound analysis to be an important indicator of the readiness of children with mental retardation to learn to read and write.

Important for teaching children with mental retardation is their readiness to master the account. For this, first of all, it is important to teach children to carry out various classifications and groupings of objects according to essential features, to activate mental operations, and the development of spatial representations. An indicator of the readiness of children with mental retardation to learn to write is the development of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, active attention and visual memory.

Special diagnostic techniques help to identify specific qualitative characteristics of learning disabilities in children with mental retardation.

Thus, the psychological and pedagogical readiness of children with mental retardation for schooling is characterized by an average level of planning, the child's activity correlates with the goal only partially; low level of self-control; unformed motivation; underdevelopment of intellectual activity, when a child is capable of performing elementary logical operations, but performing complex ones (analysis and synthesis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships) is difficult.

The dynamics of the mental development of a child with mental retardation depends on the variant of the defect, the level of intellectual and emotional development, the characteristics of mental performance, and timely correction.

Mental retardation lends itself to psychological and pedagogical correction with a properly organized developmental environment within the limits of the psychophysical capabilities of children.

The main conditions for the formation of the psychological readiness of children with mental retardation for school

Many scientists (T.A. Vlasova, M.S. Pevzner, K.S. Lebedinskaya, U.V. Ul’enkova and others) note in children with mental retardation reduced level learning ability, which indicates the need for early correctional and developmental work with such children.

Formation of the general ability to learn in children of 6 years old in conditions kindergarten occurs in the process of all types of activity, but educational activity acquires particular importance at this age. It is in it, according to W.V. Ul'enkova, under certain pedagogical conditions of its organization, which contribute to the realization of the age-related capabilities of the child as a subject of this activity, the prerequisites for mastering school educational activities can be provided.

The principal way to help children with mental retardation in the formation of a general ability to learn is to help them master their own intellectual activity, its main structural components (motivational-orientational, operational, regulatory). Mastering any structural component of intellectual activity is based on the same psychological mechanisms that underlie the formation of any mental action, U.V. Ul'enkov. This is the organization of external actions on a specially organized orienting basis and its gradual transfer to the internal plan. The general direction of the organization of practical actions of children and the formation of a positive emotional attitude towards them may look like this: from group actions, where the initiative in their organization belongs to the teacher, to individual initiative actions of the child; from the goal set by the teacher and the mood created by him to realize it - to collective goal formation and further to individual goal formation with an appropriate emotional attitude to this process, as well as to practical actions and their results; from the assessment of the teacher - to the organization of collective assessment and further to individual self-assessment; from the encouragement of the teacher - to the encouragement of the team and further to personal joy from what has been successfully done.

According to the research of N.V. Babkina, the tasks of training at the preparatory stage are the correction of specific deviations in the development of students' cognitive activity, their thinking (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), filling gaps in elementary knowledge, preparation for mastering basic academic subjects, the formation of intellectual activity in the process of studying program material .

It is very important to form children's interest in lessons, the desire to learn and fulfill the task of the teacher from their stay in the preparatory group. This is facilitated by the attentive attitude of the teacher to the children, readiness to help, calm tone, encouragement of the slightest success. Success forms a child's self-confidence, stimulates his activity. Great importance in the educational process has an individual approach. The educator needs to study the personal files of children, the protocols for their examination upon admission to school, to have an idea of ​​the severity of the main defect, the accompanying deviations, to know about the physical health of everyone, about the social and living conditions of life.

The productivity of teaching children with mental retardation is achieved through the use of a system of specially developed techniques in the educational process.

THOSE. Egorova emphasizes the importance of the diverse and feasible work of children, as well as various observations and experiments with natural material, which provide significant opportunities for expanding, deepening and systematizing children's knowledge of the immediate environment, forming a general idea and the simplest everyday concepts about the world. Mental actions are formed on the basis of practical ones, they are transferred to the internal plan (operating with representations).

Much attention should be paid, according to E.S. Slepovich, the selection of outdoor games with rules, their gradual complication. The complication usually goes in the following directions: the number of rules increases from game to game; their difficulty grows; from the implementation of the rules by each player of the team - to the implementation of the rules only by its representatives, and so on. All this makes it possible to solve the problems of the formation of arbitrary regulation of the behavior of preschoolers with mental retardation.

Considerable attention is paid to productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, design). W.V. Ul'enkova notes that when relying on practical actions, it is easier for children to arouse a desire to fulfill the task of the educator, to help them understand its constituent parts, the rules for fulfillment, and then, on this basis, teach elementary planning of upcoming activities. Reliance on practical actions is also favorable for the simultaneous formation of appropriate skills and abilities in children, as well as self-control based on the rules of the task. At the end of the work, the child receives a specific material result - a favorable environment is created to teach children to evaluate their own work, to compare the result with a given model.

Similar views are held by V.B. Nikishina, who believes that on the basis of practical actions with purposeful pedagogical work, it is possible to form intellectual activity faster based on general ideas and verbal-logical reasoning, which is so necessary in educational activities and at school.

Gradually, the requirements for the speech mediation of children's activities become more complicated. Speech mediation by the child of his own activity is necessary condition understanding the general goal set for him, concretizing it, planning ways and means of implementation, assessing the adequacy of the means of achieving, as well as presenting the finished product, that is, the condition for anticipating the activity in a way mediated by speech.

According to the views of V.A. Permekova, G.I. Zharenkova, the selection of methodological means of forming self-control actions is carried out on the basis of taking into account both their specific purpose and specific psychological content in accordance with the stage of activity, and the level of development of children. At the stage of accepting the task, the self-control action is formed on the following indicative basis: it is necessary to remember what needs to be done and what rules to follow in order to complete the task. E.S. Ivanov draws attention to the fact that work is carried out with children in a certain sequence to teach them an objective assessment of the result obtained - comparing it with the task. An important condition for lesson planning is the implementation of the principles of complex influence on a number of higher mental functions with the allocation of dominant objects of influence that change as cognitive activity and its self-regulation develop in children with mental retardation.

According to the research results of P.Ya. Galperin, L.A. Wenger, the gradual complication of the requirements for the operational side of children's activities in the classroom with productive activities plays a special role in the formation of various sensory actions in them by mastering the appropriate standards. The formation of sensory actions in children is carried out in the process of solving not only perception tasks in their pure form, but also intellectual tasks aimed at establishing logical relationships between certain perceived components.

According to E.S. Slepovich, training sessions on the development of elementary mathematical concepts and classes in the native language are basically subject to the same logic of the formation of a child as a subject of educational activity, which was described above. However, each of these types of training sessions is characterized by its own specific range of tasks. In the classes on the development of elementary mathematical representations on the basis of specially organized practical actions in a certain sequence, children learn to abstract geometric shapes, sizes, quantitative relationships, as well as the verbal designations of these abstractions.

N. Boryakova noted that classes in the native language allow for systematic work with children to develop their active vocabulary, enrich the meanings of commonly used words, dialogic and contextual speech communication. Didactic games are also widely used in these classes. It contributes to the effective formation of many educational activities, including self-control.

Readiness to study at school implies a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, the ability to accept the social position of the student, to arbitrary regulation of cognitive activity and behavior, the insufficient development of which is considered as one of the main causes of difficulties arising in the process of school education.

The formation of readiness for learning at school is an important task of educational work aimed at the comprehensive development of children: mental, physical, moral, aesthetic. By the beginning of systematic learning, children with mental retardation have a lower general learning ability, lack of formation of stable cognitive motivation, low search activity, weak speech regulation of actions, insufficient awareness and control of them, emotional instability, the presence of impulsive reactions, inadequate self-esteem. They are distinguished by pronounced features of cognitive activity (attention is unstable; performance is uneven; the speed of performing perceptual operations is reduced; memory is limited in volume, it is characterized by low memory strength, inaccurate reproduction), which are due to the unformedness of higher mental functions.

The lack of formation of intellectual and personal readiness for schooling in children with mental retardation is often aggravated by the weakened general physical condition and functional state of their central nervous system, leading to low performance, fatigue and easy distractibility.

N.V. Babkina argues that the best results of the correction of mental retardation can give if you start working with children as much as possible. early dates. Experience shows that if 5-6-year-old children with mental retardation are prepared for school in preschool institutions in the conditions of correctional and developmental groups or correctional diagnostic classes, then 80% of them will be able to study normally in the primary classes of a mass general education school.

Naturally, mental retardation leads to underdevelopment of all or some of the factors listed above. Therefore, children with mental retardation require a special approach to themselves, the search for methods not so much of an educational process as a correctional and educational process.

The practice of teaching and educating children with mental retardation allows us to hope for a positive prognosis in terms of their assimilation of the curriculum of a general education school with the appropriate psychological, pedagogical and methodological organization learning process.

In this regard, a differentiated approach to determining the conditions for the education of these children is of particular importance. A competent assessment of the level of a child's psychological readiness for school will allow specialists to recommend the optimal conditions for his education (in the traditional or in the system of correctional and developmental education), as well as to develop a program of psychological support.

Models of correctional and pedagogical work in a preschool educational institution with children with mental retardation

In order to provide special assistance children with mental retardation in our country created a system of correctional and developmental education and compensatory education. This is a qualitatively new level of organization of the educational process, which allows you to meet the interests and educational needs of a particular child, take into account his individual abilities, provide a full education and maintain health.

The current system of correctional and developmental education reflects the concept of correctional and developmental education (CRO) developed in 1993 at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education in a general education school (V.I. Lubovsky, N.A. Nikashina, T.V. Egorova , S.G. Shevchenko, R.D. Rieger, G.M. Kapustina, etc.).

The system of comprehensive care for children with mental retardation includes:

-creation of various models of special educational institutions for children of this category: preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type, special schools and boarding schools for children with mental retardation, classes of correctional and developmental education in the structure of a mass general education school;

- early detection children who are lagging behind in development, meeting their educational needs, ensuring the continuity of forms and methods of correctional work in the system of preschool and school education, primary and basic general education;

-improvement of the system of medical, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics in order to determine the features of the organization of the correctional educational process, the preservation and strengthening of children's health;

-creation of a system of health-improving and preventive work in the conditions of educational institutions;

-normative and educational and methodological support of the practice of educating children with mental retardation;

-determination of the tasks and content of professional orientation, vocational training and social and labor adaptation of graduates;

-creation and application of criteria and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental educational process;

-service model development advisory assistance family;

-training of pedagogical staff in correctional pedagogy for the system of preschool and school education.

For children with mental retardation of school age, there are special (correctional) educational institutions of the VII type, which carry out the educational process in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of two levels of general education: Stage I - primary general education (normative development period - 3-5 years); Stage II - basic general education (5 years). Admission of children to a correctional institution is carried out on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission with the consent of the parents or legal representatives of the child (guardians): in preparatory classes I-II, in class III - as an exception. At the same time, children who began their education in a general education institution from the age of 7 are admitted to the II class of a correctional institution; those who started training at the age of 6 - in the 1st grade. Children who have not previously studied in a general educational institution and who have shown insufficient readiness to master general educational programs are admitted from the age of 7 to the 1st grade of a correctional institution (the standard period for mastering is 4 years); from the age of 6 - to the preparatory class (the standard development period is 5 years).

According to the legal regulations, in a modern general education school for children with learning difficulties, two main types of classes are created - compensatory education classes and leveling classes. In school practice, there are other forms of differentiated education: pedagogical support classes (primarily created in the middle school), adaptation classes, health classes, etc.

Correctional and developmental education in leveling classes and compensatory classes is determined by the regulatory and legal provisions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and is based on the organizational, pedagogical and scientific and methodological provisions of the Concept of Correctional and Developmental Education developed by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, as well as the psychological and pedagogical principles of developmental education. In accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Education, leveling classes are created for teaching children with mental retardation, who, with potentially preserved opportunities for intellectual development, have memory weakness, attention, lack of pace and mobility of mental processes, increased exhaustion, unformed voluntary regulation of activity, emotional instability.

In accordance with the Law on Education and the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia for children of the pedagogical risk group in mass general education schools, classes of compensatory education are opened in order to prevent the maladaptation of children in the conditions of an educational institution. According to the Regulations on the organization of compensatory education classes (pedagogical support), the maximum number of students is 15 people.

According to the Regulations on the organization of compensatory education classes (pedagogical support), the maximum number of students is 15 people. The protection and promotion of the health of students in these classes is given a special role, in connection with which special work is being carried out. The curriculum of compensatory education classes includes special health-improving and correctional-developing classes (rhythm, physiotherapy, classes with a speech therapist, psychological assistance), the time for music and drawing classes is increased, theater classes are introduced, the lessons of the Russian language and reading, and labor training are re-equipped didactically.

Special classes integrated into mainstream schools are one of the most common models. In Russia, these include the organization of differentiated education for students in a general education school. It provides for strengthening individual approach to the child and taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities when choosing the form of organization and methods of education for him: the state of health, readiness for schooling, psychophysical and adaptive capabilities are taken into account. In practice, this is realized in the development of a system of classes in which sparing conditions for education are created and a qualified teacher works. knowledgeable work with these children. The traditional school environment is adjusted to meet the needs of children with learning difficulties.

The creation of special classes for correctional and developmental education makes it possible to provide optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties and problems in physical and neuropsychic health. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the pupil may be in a correctional institution of type VII for one year. The occupancy of a class and an extended day group in a correctional institution is 12 people. Transfer to a general education institution is carried out as developmental deviations are corrected after receiving primary general education. Unlike ordinary schoolchildren and students of compensatory education classes, students in correctional classes (or schools of type VII) are provided with the development of the corresponding standard of special education in a longer period than in ordinary classes. With an appropriate organization of education that creates optimal conditions for personal development and timely identification of difficulties, prompt assistance in overcoming them, about half of children with mental retardation after graduating from primary school are able to continue their education in regular classes with satisfactory academic performance. The second half continues education in the conditions of the correctional class, especially when the mental retardation has more persistent forms (of cerebro-organic origin).

Practice shows that it is advisable to start preventing difficulties in learning and adapting to school in kindergarten. To do this, there is a special model of a preschool educational institution - a preschool educational institution of a compensating type for children with mental retardation, in which correctional work is carried out in three directions: diagnostic and advisory, medical and recreational, and correctional and developmental. Correctional and developmental work with preschoolers is carried out by speech pathologists (speech therapists, oligophrenic teachers), educators with the participation of the child's family. The program takes into account the state and level of development of the child and involves training in various areas: familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech, the formation of correct sound pronunciation, training in game activity and its development, familiarization with fiction, development of elementary mathematical concepts, preparation for literacy, labor, physical and artistic and aesthetic education and development.


The problem of helping children with mental retardation has acquired in last years relevance. According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, among children entering the first grade, over 60% are at risk of school, somatic and psychophysical maladjustment, about 35% of them show obvious disorders of the neuropsychic sphere even in the younger group of kindergarten. A special place among these children is occupied by children with mental retardation, and from year to year there is a tendency to increase their number.

An integral part of the correctional education of children with mental retardation is the normalization of their activities, and in particular educational activities, which are characterized by extreme disorganization, impulsiveness, and low productivity. Research has established that preschoolers in this category do not know how to plan their actions, control them, are not guided in their activities by the ultimate goal, often “jump” from one to another without completing what they started, etc. Flaws and originality were found in the use of visual sample and verbal instructions, i.e. the main arsenal of teaching aids that the teacher uses to explain the educational material.

Disturbances in the activities of children with mental retardation are an essential component in the structure of the defect; they hinder the learning and development of children. Children in this category have potential. However, these possibilities are realized only in conditions when the activity of children is specially stimulated or when they are assisted by an adult.

Therefore, the preparation of children with mental retardation for schooling in the process of correctional and developmental work is one of the main conditions for the successful education of these preschoolers in school.


1. Babkina N.V. Assessment of the psychological readiness of children. manual for psychologists and specialists in correctional and developmental education. [Text] / N.V. Babkin. - M.: Iris-press (Preschool education and development), 2005.

2. Blinova L.N. Diagnosis and correction in the education of children with mental retardation: textbook. allowance. - M.: Publishing house of NTs ENAS, 2003.- 136 p.

Boryakova, N.Yu. Psychological features of preschool children with mental retardation. .[Text]/ N. Boryakova// Education and training of children with developmental disabilities. - 2002. -№1. - from 35 - 42.

Wenger L. A., Wenger A. L. Is your child ready for school? - M., 1994.

Gutkina, N.I. "Psychological readiness for school". M.: Enlightenment, 2008.-143 p.

Children with mental retardation M: Pedagogy, 1984. - 256 p., ill. Ed. T. A. Vlasova, V. I. Lubovsky, N. A. Tsypina.

Zashchirinskaya O.V. Psychology of children with mental retardation Reader: Textbook for students of faculties of psychology. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.

Kravtsov, G.G., Kravtsova E.E. Six year old child. Psychological readiness for school. M.: Knowledge, 2007.-201s.

Mamaychuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help of a psychologist for a child with mental retardation St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. -352 p.

Nemov R.S. Psychology: textbook for students. higher ped. textbook institutions: in 3 books / R.S. Nemov. - 5th edition - M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2005. - Book 1. General foundations of psychology. - 687 p.

Features of the mental development of children 6-7 years of age, ed. D.B. Elkonina, A.L. Wenger. M.: "Pedagogy", 2008.-189 p.

Psychological readiness for school Gutkina N.I. - Peter, 2004.

Shevchenko S.G. Preparation for school of children with mental retardation. Book 1 / Ed. S.G. Shevchenko - M.: School Press, 2003. - 96 p.


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Today, most of the students who have difficulties in mastering knowledge are students with mental retardation. Many of them have certificates of the 7th type, others with existing signs are “protected” by their parents. - - In our school, children with mental retardation do not study according to special programs.

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" 273-FZ, [Chapter 11] [Article 79] General education of students with handicapped Health (HIA) is carried out in organizations that carry out educational activities on adapted basic general education programs. In such organizations, special conditions are created for the education of these students. 3. The special conditions for education by students with disabilities in this Federal Law are understood as the conditions for the education, upbringing and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of training and education, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical means of training for collective and individual use, the provision of services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual remedial classes, providing access to the buildings of organizations engaged in educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult to master educational programs students with disabilities. 4. Education of students with disabilities can be organized both jointly with other students, and in separate classes, groups or in separate organizations engaged in educational activities.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the school is developing the Main Educational Program, the structure of which includes the section “Program of Correctional Work for Children with Disabilities”. For children with mental retardation, conditions must be created that meet their special educational needs. These conditions include, in particular, an individual approach, the use special methods work, changing the planning of educational material, adapting the requirements for tests, etc.

What is a ZPR? Mental retardation is a violation of the normal pace of mental development, as a result of which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool, play interests. Mental retardation is a specific combination of immaturity in the emotional and intellectual spheres.

The term "mental retardation" was proposed by G.E. Sukhareva. The phenomenon under study is characterized, first of all, by a slow pace of mental development, personal immaturity, non-severe cognitive impairment, which differ in structure and quantitative indicators from oligophrenia, with a tendency to compensation and reverse development.

Biological pathology of pregnancy Prematurity Asphyxia and trauma during childbirth Diseases of an infectious, toxic and traumatic nature at the early stages of child development Genetic conditioning Social long-term restriction of the child's life Unfavorable conditions of education, frequent psycho-traumatic situations in the life of the child There are also various combinations of several factors of different origin Causes of mental retardation development:

Characteristic features of children with mental retardation: increased exhaustion and, as a result, increased exhaustion and, as a result, low performance, immaturity of emotions, weakness of will, psychopathic behavior, attention is unstable; attention is unstable; All types of memory suffer All types of memory suffer The basic mental operations are not formed - the main mental operations are not formed - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, they do not know how to navigate the task, do not plan their activities, do not keep the condition of the task. But, unlike mentally, they do not keep the condition of the problem. But, unlike the mentally retarded, they use help better and are able to apply the shown method of action when performing similar tasks. poor vocabulary of words; poor vocabulary of words; low self-control skill; low self-control skill; limited stock of general information and ideas; limited stock of general information and ideas; poor reading technique; poor reading technique;

Persistent dysorphography (failure to assimilate spelling rules) is characteristic persistent dysorphography (failure to assimilate spelling rules) often there is no “main idea” in the reasoning often there is no “main idea” in the reasoning Do they need help?

Thus, children with mental retardation entering school have specific features of a psychological and pedagogical nature. They do not show readiness for schooling, they do not have the stock of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for mastering the program material. Therefore, they are not able to fully master the account, reading and writing without special help. Their difficulties are exacerbated by the weakened state of their nervous system. It is important to note that in the conditions of a mass school, a child with mental retardation for the first time begins to clearly realize his inadequacy, which is expressed primarily in poor progress. This, on the one hand, leads to a feeling of inferiority, and on the other hand, to attempts at personal compensation in some other area, sometimes in various forms of deviant behavior.

Journal of correctional work of educational activities with students with ZPR in the subject "……". Full name of the student class Sphere, skill, difficulties that require correction Method, technology, exercise Date Result . Two types of assignments: assignments built on non-curricular material and on educational material. Pedagogical testing is carried out once a month. Level 1 - mastered the skill, level 2 - mostly mastered, level 3 - partially mastered, level 4 - did not master. In a number of works, the number of mistakes made is indicated and characteristic ones are emphasized. It is advisable to note the time it took to complete the task.

Throwing the ball game "Add a separating soft sign to the word": Kolya - stakes, seed - family, flight - flight, lute - pour, guest - guest "Remove the separating soft sign": pour - field, dust - dust. Tasks for inserting the letter b. (with words-traps) a) in the words: in ... south, in ... clear, board ... e, street ... b) in phrases: nimble moors ... and, belich ... and next ... food. c) in sentences: The board ... is clean ... with a brush ... with a brush. d) in the texts: April ... spruce. Dream ... it came down, it smelled prel ... yu. Hire ... beat in the n ... thunder in the sky. An ant ... and under the old spruce ... u All ... this is ... they are building a house. The game "Who has whose?" (with a demonstration of pictures of animals): Whose head does the fox have? Fox At the hare? At the wolf? At the squirrel? At the horse? At the cow? At the bear? Have a cat? Have a dog?

Diary of observations of the class teacher. Full name Class Date Sphere of observation (behavior, mood, activity, communication, diligence) Pedagogical measures for development or correction Dynamics (result) class hour, talking about hobbies, talking with parents. Answers monosyllables, not active, still closed. 2. Recordings 1 time in 1-2 weeks, only the most essential and important, revealing the nature of the child, its development, individuality, features. Specific events, circumstances (causes and effects) and manifestations of the student are recorded.

Organization of activities in the classroom. It is good if the child is sitting in the teacher's direct access area. The teacher should approach him from time to time and “set external milestones”, directing his actions: “We are now writing this question, right here, from here and here. Try. External motivating reinforcements are also important: “Here you have gathered and completed the task very well.” It is advisable to compare the child with himself “Yesterday at the third lesson you were calmer and we did everything well with you.” Use the forms of presentation of the material, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the child. The simpler and shorter the phrase of the teacher, the higher the likelihood that the student will understand it. The child should be given more time to memorize and practice learning skills. When planning lessons, it is recommended to use game moments. It is possible to introduce individual elements of the game into training sessions. Children of this category are tireless in the game. Use bright visualization, use ICT. Educational material should be brought in small doses, its complication should be carried out gradually. It is necessary to teach the child to use previously acquired knowledge.

To improve the effectiveness of teaching students with mental retardation, special conditions are created: Individual assistance in cases of difficulty. Additional multiple exercises to consolidate the material. More frequent use of visual didactic aids and individual cards, leading questions, algorithms of action, tasks based on samples Variable teaching methods. Repeat instruction. Plans - algorithms and execution schemes, pictograms (visual, verbal). Alternative choice (of the proposed options is correct) Speech sample or the beginning of a phrase Demonstration of actions. Selection by analogy, by contrast. Alternation of easy and difficult tasks (questions) Joint or imitative actions. Creation of problematic situations. Independent work in triplets, pairs with mutual verification and discussion of the task. Contacting a friend with questions. Working with dictionaries for a while. Comparison (how are they similar and how are they different) Observation and analysis (what has changed and why?) Find the mistake. Encryption (the use of symbols to encrypt letters, words, tasks). The exception is redundant.

The introduction of physical minutes in minutes. Creating a situation of success in the classroom. (Perform a feasible amount of work and get approval, praise) Favorable climate in the classroom. Reliance on emotional perception. Optimal change of types of tasks (cognitive, verbal, gaming and practical). Synchronizing the pace of the lesson with the capabilities of the student. Accuracy and brevity of instructions for completing the task. A step-by-step summary of the work done in the lesson Linking learning to life Continuous attention management

Kinesiology exercises "Ear-nose". Grasp the tip of the nose with your left hand, and the opposite ear with your right hand. Simultaneously release the ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of the hands "exactly the opposite" "Rings". Alternately, as quickly as possible, the child goes through the fingers, connecting the index, middle, etc. “Fist-rib-palm” into a ring with the thumb. The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. The test is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together.

Mental and psychophysical infantilism: infantile body type, children's facial expressions and motor skills, as well as infantilism of the psyche. Emotional motivation of behavior prevails, increased background of mood; at school age, play interests predominate. Children are suggestible and not independent enough, they get tired of learning activities very quickly. ZPR of constitutional origin

Long-term chronic diseases ( chronic infections, congenital and acquired defects internal organs) Physical and mental asthenia (in children there is a great physical and mental exhaustion) Allergic conditions, childhood neuroses of the mental retardation of spontaneous origin Congenital and acquired malformations of the somatic sphere (for example, the heart);

Unfavorable conditions of upbringing (associative family, upbringing by the type of hyper-custody and hypo-custody, unfavorable social conditions) Persistent deviations of the neuro-psychic sphere, which leads to pathological development of the personality. Pathological immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere is combined with an insufficient level of knowledge and poor representations of mental retardation of psychogenic origin

organic defeat CNS in the early stages of ontogenesis (specific causes are: pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, intoxication, infections, CNS injuries in the first years of a child's life). With this form of mental retardation, along with signs of a slowdown in the rate of development, there are also symptoms of CNS damage (hydrocephalus, disorders of craniocerebral innervation, severe vegetative - vascular dystonia). ZPR of cerebro-organic origin

1) in the sensory-perceptual sphere 2) in the psychomotor sphere 3) in the mental sphere 4) in the mnemonic sphere 5) in speech development 6) in the emotional-volitional sphere 7) in the motivational sphere 8) in the characterological sphere In the mental status of a child with mental retardation, a number of significant features can be distinguished:

Risk factors Heredity Pathology of pregnancy or childbirth of the mother Chronic diseases in parents Unfavorable environmental conditions Occupational hazards in parents before the birth of the child Mother smoking during pregnancy Parental alcoholism Incomplete family Unfavorable psychological microclimate in the family and at school

“The question arises whether it is possible to resort to the education of the deaf, blind and backward, to whom, due to a physical defect, it is impossible to adequately instill knowledge? - I answer that no one can be excluded from human education, except for non-humans ”Jan Amos Kamensky

Type I boarding school for deaf children Type II boarding school for hearing-impaired and late deaf children Type III boarding school for blind children Type IV boarding school for visually impaired children Type V boarding school for children with severe speech and speech impairments VI type boarding school for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system VII type school or boarding school for children with learning difficulties - with mental retardation VIII type school or boarding school for children with mental retardation). Currently, there are eight main types of special schools for children with various developmental disabilities. In order to exclude the inclusion of diagnostic characteristics in the details of these schools (as it was before: a school for the mentally retarded, a school for the deaf, etc.), these schools are named in legal and official documents by their species serial number:

Correction classes in the MOU secondary school "Solnechnaya" academic year. 2 b class - 11 people Cl. supervisor: Natalya Sergeevna Manenkova – the highest qualification category, 26 years of teaching experience. 5 b class - 13 people Cl. leader: Lyubkina Lyudmila Andreevna - the first qualification category, 25 years of teaching experience. 4 b class - 9 people Cl. Supervisor: Esina Marina Vladimirovna - the highest qualification category, 18 years of teaching experience. 8 b class - 11 people Cl. leader: Khodus Tamara Semyonovna - the highest qualification category, 15 years of teaching experience.

1. Activation of cognitive activity of students 2. Increasing the level and mental development 3. Normalization of educational activity 4. Correction of emotional deficiencies - personal development 5. Social and labor adaptation The main tasks of correctional and developmental education

The successful and timely identification of children with developmental disabilities requires the complex work of such specialists as a defectologist, speech therapist, and psychologist. For psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, methods of such authors as: A.A. Wenger, S.D. Zabramnaya, I.Yu. Levchenko. IN AND. Lubovsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, S.Ya. Rubinstein and others.

Characteristic features of children with mental retardation: Decreased working capacity; Increased exhaustion; Unsteady attention; Peculiar behavior; Insufficiency of arbitrary memory; Lag in the development of thinking; Defects in sound pronunciation; Poor vocabulary of words; Low self-control skill; Immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere; Limited stock of general information and representations; Weak reading technique; Difficulties in counting and solving problems in mathematics.
Corrective orientation of education Upbringing and developmental education Scientific and accessibility of education Systematic and communicative orientation Communication of education with life Visualization in education Consciousness and activity of students Individual and differentiated approach Strength of mastering knowledge of skills and abilities Principles of teaching a child with intellectual disability

The main tasks of correctional work 1. Enrichment of children with developmental disabilities with a variety of knowledge about the world around them 2. Development of their observation skills and experience in practical generalization 3. Formation of the ability to independently acquire knowledge and use it.

Selection of tasks that maximally excite the activity of the child, awakening his need for cognitive activity Adapting the pace of studying educational material and teaching methods to the level of development of children with mental retardation Individual approach Combining remedial education with medical and recreational activities Repeated explanation of educational material and selection of additional tasks Constant use of visualization , leading questions, analogies The use of multiple instructions, exercises The manifestation of great tact on the part of the teacher The use of incentives, increasing the self-esteem of the child, strengthening his faith in his own strength A phased synthesis of the work done in the lesson The use of tasks based on samples, available instructions The main approaches to organizing the educational process for children with mental retardation

Psychological and pedagogical support Diagnostics Consulting parents Consulting teachers Correctional and developmental work Control over the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities Conducting intermediate and final diagnostics of students Psychological education and education of teachers

FORMULA FOR SUCCESS WHEN WORKING WITH CHILDREN WITH MENTALLY RELATED DEVELOPMENT - general remedial orientation of the learning process, - increase in the duration of training, - low class occupancy, - gentle mode, - appropriate curriculum, - increase in the number of hours for a difficult section of the program, - use of individual and group classes with a speech therapist and psychologist, - creating a positive atmosphere in the classroom, - constantly reducing children's anxiety, eliminating irony and reprimands, - creating a situation of success that creates a sense of confidence in the sky, satisfaction, - relying on the game, - purposeful stimulation of children in the classroom, arousing interest.

Graduates of special (correctional) educational institutions (with the exception of schools of the VIII type) receive a qualified education (that is, corresponding to the levels of education of a mass general education school: for example, basic general education, general secondary education). They are issued a state document confirming the level of education received or a certificate of graduation from a special (correctional) educational institution.

The percentage of preschoolers and schoolchildren suffering from mental retardation (MPD) is growing every year. However, this pathology should not be a reason for refusing to raise a child and receive an education. Modern pediatrics, psychology and pedagogy allow kids and adolescents to acquire the necessary skills, adapt to the social environment of the world around them, and develop their abilities to the maximum.

Features of training patients with mental retardation

The diagnosis of ZPR is made to children under the age of 12-13 years. A delay in mental development is considered a slowdown in the rate of formation of various mental functions (perception, thinking, the ability to remember, process information).

Important! Upon reaching adolescence, the basic indicators come in line with generally accepted norms, provided that upbringing meets certain standards. If the inhibition of mental reactions persists at an older age, they speak of infantilism.

The mental retardation of preschool children also determines the work with them. Teaching age-appropriate skills for such children should begin early enough, which stimulates the formation of psychophysical reactions and prepares preschoolers for the learning process. The teacher must take into account the characteristics of such a child and prepare for the fact that even simple tasks cause him difficulties and their implementation takes a long time.

At the age of 3-6 years, it is possible, but in the future it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and differentiate this deviation from other pathological conditions.

Requirements for the pedagogical process:

  • individual approach and training in small groups;
  • multitasking of the learning process;
  • involvement and participation of close relatives;
  • regular monitoring of the dynamics of the state.

It should be borne in mind that there are different groups of children with mental retardation. Depending on the reasons that caused this deviation, there are:

  • cerebro-organic pathology;
  • somatogenic delay;
  • psychogenic delay;
  • constitutional pathology.

The type of pathology determines the work of the teacher with each group:

Type of pathology Individual characteristics
Cerebral Organic Differs in the most unfavorable prognosis, their training is hampered by psycho-emotional immaturity. Against the background of the pathology of the central nervous system, there is a violation of the perception of information, indifference to the outside world, inhibition of mental reactions. Training in this case includes measures to eliminate the pathology of the nervous system.
Somatogenic The delay is determined. During training, they experience fear and insecurity, possibly a violation of the development of interpersonal relationships. The education of this group is organized taking into account the characteristics of the character, using various incentives, developing confidence and helping in social adaptation. At the same time, strengthening therapy, exercise therapy and other stimulating activities are needed.
psychogenic It is formed as a result of psychological trauma and leads to a violation of mental reactions. The correction is aimed at improving the neuropsychic functions, the assimilation of new knowledge and the development of intelligence.
Constitutional It determines general infantilism in the emotional-volitional sphere, such students are inattentive, suggestible, it is difficult for them to concentrate on a specific task, lesson. Training in this pathology is aimed at training perseverance, attention.

Correctional education of children with mental retardation

Organization of the educational process

In accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the federal legislative framework of the Russian Federation, specialized institutions have been created in order to improve the learning process. These are boarding schools and correction classes based on comprehensive schools.

These specialized institutions are classified as type VII correctional institutions. They provide primary and basic general education (level 1, 2). The enrollment of students in specialized classes is carried out strictly on the basis of a diagnosis and with the permission of the parents.

Children are taken to the preparatory correctional class from the age of 6, to the first class - from the age of 7. If a student began studying at a regular school from the age of seven, then he is admitted to the second grade of a special institution, if he starts studying from the age of six, to the first grade.

The maximum number of students in one group is no more than 12 people. This is due to the need for a personal approach to the education of children with mental retardation. Education on the basis of ordinary schools in special classes takes place using the same textbooks as other children. The material presented in them is reduced and simplified to improve the quality of perception.

The duration of concentration on the topic of classes in children with mental retardation is usually no more than 20 minutes - this is the maximum period of time during which they are able to assimilate new information, then fatigue sets in. For high-quality perception, the teacher during the lesson is recommended to use illustrative examples, analogies, didactic materials, it is important to interest students. It is necessary to pay separate attention to each student, finding out the difficulties that he experiences, concentrating on the topic of the lesson, helping him to cope with the problem that has arisen.

What is specialized training

A feature of correctional developmental education is its versatility and multitasking. In addition to the general education program, doctors and teachers conduct individual classes, the purpose of which is to identify the causes of developmental delays, make corrections and track the dynamics of the process.

Personal work with each student helps in understanding the material and improves the quality of education. In the process of repeating and summarizing the topic covered in the lesson, parents and teachers need to remember that students with special needs are not able to master the entire topic. It is more efficient to break the material into separate subtopics and check how fully and qualitatively the material is mastered. Be sure to praise, encourage the student, show patience and interest. Such assistance to children with mental retardation increases their self-esteem, strengthens faith in their own abilities.

A feature of working with such students are special methods based on repeated repetition and training of memory and thinking. Corrective exercises are carried out in joint-individual lessons, taking into account the category of children with mental retardation.

Depending on violations in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, intelligence or interpersonal perception, teachers are engaged in training intelligence, attention, speech, and correct existing violations.

The number of hours allocated for individual-group lessons does not exceed 3 hours per week for the elementary group, 1 hour for the senior group. It is not recommended to invite more than three people to such a lesson at the same time, students should have similar shortcomings and gaps in terms of education.

During the main and auxiliary lessons, the behavior of children with mental retardation is noted. Some students are characterized by the predominance of inhibition processes - they are distinguished by a slow reaction to what is happening, passivity. Others, on the contrary, are excessive excitability, restlessness, inability to focus on a certain action. All this is taken into account during training.

The educational process is organized in accordance with the characteristics of the psychology of children with mental retardation. It is necessary to have a complex impact on the psycho-emotional and physical state, as well as the elimination of shortcomings in the knowledge of the student.

Correctional education in the diagnosis of mental retardation has several directions:

  • diagnostic;
  • advisory;
  • treatment-and-prophylactic;
  • developing;
  • corrective;
  • social and labor.

Important! During the training, regular monitoring of the dynamics of the psychophysical state of the student, checking the quality of education and readiness for the general school program is recommended. For each student, a separate teachers' council is held, at least once in the fourth period, where the issue of continuing education in a correctional institution is decided.

The pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation is based on assessing the level of knowledge gained, the formation of age-appropriate psychological reactions, and the normalization of the student's psycho-emotional state. In case of successful correction of the backlog, children stop studying in a specialized class and switch to a general education school program in a regular class with peers.


The mental development of a person is no less important than the physical. Each process has its own time for emergence and development. However, it is difficult to say when a person begins to memorize and to what extent. It's just as hard to talk about others mental processes, therefore, children in the ZPR are identified at an early school age, when it is already possible to note academic failure and inability to adapt socially - the main features and characteristics of children with. The education of such children becomes slower and more difficult than that of schoolchildren with normal development.

Psychologists note children with mental retardation more and more often, which is most likely due to the social conditions of life. After all, mental activity should not only manifest itself, but also have its own development. And it happens only due to the external conditions of life. If parents do not create special conditions in which the child will develop on a mental level, then he will lag behind his peers. The same applies to bodily development: if you do not take care of your body, then it will not be strong, hardy, hardened.

It should be understood that mental retardation is not oligophrenia and not infantilism, however, these diagnoses can be made if mental retardation is observed already in adolescence. Usually, this pathology is eliminated at the stage of primary school age, if in fact everything is normal with the child, just no one was involved in his mental development.

If the child is healthy, then he has only two problems: social maladjustment and academic failure. These factors are quickly eliminated when the child begins to engage. At the same time, its physiological parameters in development remain within the normal range.

If the child is unhealthy, then his mental underdevelopment is often the result of various diseases, which can also be noted in terms of physical underdevelopment. For example, oligophrenia has many signs of its manifestation, which are noted not only in mental and emotional development, but also on the physical body.

Who are children with ADHD?

Children with mental retardation (mental retardation), according to the online magazine site, are marked by a delay in the development of mental activity in whole or in part. Yes, they are different:

  1. Immaturity of thinking.
  2. Limited vocabulary.
  3. Dominance of game interests.
  4. Lack of motivation.
  5. Momentary oversaturation with classes.

Depending on what developmental delay is observed, 4 groups of children are distinguished:

  1. The first group includes children of the constitutional type, whose height is not high, and whose facial features remain childish even at school age. Them distinctive feature is emotional immaturity. They seemed to stop in their development. They prefer to play, they are characterized by mood swings, emotional outbursts.
  2. The second group includes children with somatogenic signs of mental retardation. This means that such children often suffer from various disorders of the body, in particular bronchial asthma, stomach diseases and bronchitis. They do not have a lag in the development of the central nervous system, but rather its late maturation.
  3. The third group includes children with psychogenic symptoms that arise in them as a result of an unfavorable situation in the family. So, a child can be brought up with excessive guardianship, neglected or under constant strict control. If a child grows neglected, he loses initiative, intellectual development is delayed, emotional impulsive outbursts are observed. With hyperprotection, the child develops self-centeredness and weak character traits, the inability to be independent.
  4. The fourth group includes children with cerebro-organic signs that develop as a result of poisoning or intoxication of the mother during pregnancy, with asphyxia or difficult childbirth. It can also develop as a result of impaired development of the central nervous system up to 2 years.

Development of children with mental retardation

Mental retardation is not detected before the period when the child begins to teach. Even at preschool age, it is impossible to accurately determine how well a child develops. However, already in primary school it becomes clear that about 50% of all underachieving children are sick with mental retardation. This is noted in:

  1. Personal immaturity.
  2. Lag in intellectual development.
  3. Low speed mental processes.

The child enters school with a limited amount of knowledge. And this is all correctable, what teachers do in special institutions. The child practically does not have any skills of intellectual work, therefore, teachers compensate for all the shortcomings of education. The skill of individual goal-setting and teamwork is also practiced here.

The development of children with mental retardation is carried out through a variety of work activities. The child does not play, but learns real life directly through labor, where he performs actions that are feasible and understandable for his mind. It all starts with minor work and ends with complex tasks, where you already need to think, choose, build an action plan.

In the elimination of ZPR help:

  • Workshops.
  • Creation.

Do not forget that it is creative tasks that allow the child to open up, pacify his emotions, realize them, and also solve various problems. Practical exercises help the child to adapt to the world around him. Through the development of useful skills, the child learns the world.

It should not be thought that children with mental retardation are the final diagnosis. All acquired mental disorders can be made up for, which will allow the child to adolescence reach the level of their peers.

Characteristics of children with mental retardation

Children with mental retardation are very difficult to recognize at preschool age, but they show their characteristics well already in an educational institution, in comparison with their peers. Features of children with mental retardation are:

  1. The lack of the necessary skills and knowledge that would allow the child to be ready to study the school curriculum. Speech in children with mental retardation lags behind the age characteristics. The child has a small number of words, so he is not able to compose a short story. His sentences are often short and even misspelled. At the same time, the articulatory apparatus itself is also quite undeveloped.
  2. They do not know how to write, read, or speak.
  3. They lack the skills of arbitrary activity. The child is not able to motivate himself to perform any activity, because he does not even understand why he needs it.
  4. Failure to adhere to school rules and regulations. Naivety, directness and lack of independence make the child unable to build relationships with other children and teachers. With ZPR, it is quite difficult to adhere to certain frameworks and rules. At the same time, the child runs away with pleasure in the game. However, he cannot play role-playing games that cause him fear.
  5. Difficulties in mastering school material. A child with mental retardation needs repeated repetition, simple knowledge and visual material in order to remember something. And this takes a lot of time.
  6. Low performance compared to peers.
  7. Impulsivity, motor activity, lethargy, disinhibition.
  8. Lack of curiosity and inquisitiveness.
  9. Focusing on minor details, skipping logical connections, inability to reproduce the order of events correctly.
  10. The tendency to jump from topic to topic.
  11. The surface of learning. Usually the child pays attention to what catches the eye first, missing everything else and not getting to the point.
  12. Unwillingness to strain your mind, which makes the child perform habitual actions.
  13. Anxiety about strangers.
  14. Lack of desire to ask questions to adults.
  15. No need for active communication with adults and peers.
  16. Difficulties in adapting to the team, interest in the game, aggressive behavior, emotional instability, fussiness, mood variability, lack of self-control, familiarity, mannerisms, uncertainty.
  17. Fear of everything new and unknown.
  18. failure to long time do work. The maximum amount of time for studying a child can take up to 15 minutes.

Working with children with mental retardation

If a ZPR is detected in a child, specialists who work according to a special program should work with him. There are stages here, which begin with correcting, first of all, all compensatory mechanisms. The teacher Vygotsky proposed giving children work that is understandable and familiar to them, feasible, and within their reach.

Teachers direct their work to the improvement of the child's body, to the stabilization of his nervous processes (emotionality), to the development of sensory motor skills, and then to filling in the missing knowledge. Children with mental retardation can be brought up to the level of their peers, but this will take time and patience.

Practical activity becomes the main thing in the whole process, because only through labor can a child understand why he performs certain actions and receives specific knowledge.

Teaching children with mental retardation

The education of children with mental retardation should take place in specialized schools, since they are not able to absorb school material at the pace offered in educational institutions. In order not to injure the child even more and not to make him an outcast in the class, it is necessary to identify signs of mental retardation in him in time and send him to a specialized institution.

Training will take place according to an easier and different program. At first, children will be taught elementary, and then the knowledge that is given at school. With proper work, the child can be completely cured, unless his condition is associated with congenital or acquired pathologies of the body.


Parents are responsible for the development of their child. However, the problem of many modern parents is that they mainly give birth to children in order to compensate for their shortcomings, solve problems, or “on a flight”. When a baby appears, they may not be dealt with, not given due attention, or, conversely, overprotected. All this leads to the fact that the child becomes mentally unhealthy.

ZPR are not always obvious deviations in development. A child can be quite healthy at all levels, but lag behind in learning and not want to make contact with peers. Often this is due to the lack of an individual approach of adults to a child who can gain knowledge and contact with others.

Sections: Inclusive education

Inclusive(French inclusion- including, from lat. include- I conclude, include) or included education is a term that is used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in general education (mass) schools.

Inclusive education- this is a process of education and upbringing, in which all children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual and other characteristics, are included in the general education system. They attend general education schools in their area of ​​residence with their non-disabled peers, taking into account their special educational needs. In addition, they receive special support. Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination of children - equal treatment of all people is ensured, but special conditions are created for children with special educational needs.

The model of inclusive education is built on the basis of the following social approach - it is necessary to change not people with disabilities, but society and its attitude towards people with disabilities. Inclusion is recognized as a more developed, humane and effective system not only for children with disabilities, but also for healthy students. It gives the right to education to everyone, regardless of the degree to which they meet the criteria of the school system. Through respect and acceptance of the individuality of each of them, the formation of personality occurs. At the same time, children are in a team, learn to interact with each other, build relationships, and creatively solve educational problems together with the teacher.

Principles of inclusive education

Inclusive education involves accepting students with disabilities like any other children in the class, including them in the same activities, engaging in collective forms of education and group problem solving, using a strategy of collective participation - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc. d.

Inclusive education expands the personal opportunities of all children, helps to develop humanity, tolerance, willingness to help their peers.

More L.S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create such a system of education in which it would be possible to organically link special education with the education of children with normal development.

The most important direction in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the development of the psyche and health of each child.

There is a child with mental retardation (MPD) in my class.

Mental retardation (MPD) is a violation of the normal pace of mental development, as a result of which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool, play interests. With mental retardation, children cannot get involved in school activities, perceive school tasks and perform them. They behave in the classroom in the same way as in a play setting in a kindergarten group or in a family. At first glance, a child with mental retardation does not fit into the atmosphere of the school class with his naivety, lack of independence, spontaneity, he often conflicts with peers, does not perceive and does not fulfill school requirements, but at the same time he feels great in the game, resorting to it in in cases where it becomes necessary to get away from difficult educational activities for him, although games with strict rules are not available to children with mental retardation and cause fear or refusal to play.

Not realizing himself as a student and not understanding the motives of educational activity and its goals, such a child finds it difficult to organize purposeful activity.

The student perceives the information coming from the teacher slowly and processes it in the same way, and for a more complete perception, he needs a visual-practical support and the maximum deployment of instructions. Verbal and logical thinking is underdeveloped, so the child cannot master folded mental operations for a long time.

In children with ADHD low level performance, fatigue, the volume and pace of work is lower than that of a normal child.
For them, education is not available under the program of a mass school, the assimilation of which does not correspond to the pace of their individual development.
The adapted educational program of primary general education of the municipal educational institution of secondary general education school No. 53 (hereinafter - AEP IEO) was developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education for students with disabilities (hereinafter - FSES IEO for students with disabilities), imposed on the structure, conditions implementation, the planned results of mastering the AEP IEO for students with mental retardation and taking into account the Approximate adapted basic educational program of primary general education for students with mental retardation (POOP IEO for students with mental retardation).

Adapted educational program of primary general education (option 7.1.) determines the goal, objectives, planned results, content and organization of educational activities in the course of obtaining primary general education by students with mental retardation, approximate conditions for educational activities.

The adapted educational program of primary general education for students with mental retardation (hereinafter - AEP IEO for students with mental retardation) is an educational program adapted for teaching this category of students, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation.

Option 7.1.is intended for the education of students with mental retardation, which are characterized by the level of development slightly below age , backlog may manifest in general or locally in individual functions (slow pace or uneven formation of cognitive activity).

There are violations of attention, memory, perception and other cognitive processes, mental performance and purposefulness of activity, which to one degree or another hinder the assimilation of school norms and school adaptation in general.
Option 7.1. assumes that a student with a mental retardation receives an education, comparable in terms of final achievements by the time of completion of training with the education of students who do not have health limitations.

This option is characterized

  • increased attention to the formation of full-fledged social (life) competencies in students with mental retardation;
  • correction of deficiencies in mental and (or) physical development, assistance in mastering the content of education and the formation of readiness to continue education at the next level of basic general education.

It is mandatory to organize special conditions for the education and upbringing of students with mental retardation, which include the use of an adapted educational program, special methods of training and education, conducting individual and group correctional and developmental classes aimed at correcting deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and the formation of social ( life) competencies.

Achievements of the planned results of the development of AOOP IEO are determined upon completion of education in primary school.
When organizing the learning process, it should be remembered that children with mental retardation solve many practical and intellectual tasks at the level of their age, are able to use the help provided, are able to comprehend the plot of a picture, story, understand the condition of a simple task and perform many other tasks. At the same time, these students have insufficient cognitive activity, which, combined with rapid fatigue and exhaustion, can seriously hamper their learning and development.

Following the recommendations given in this program, together with the teacher-psychologist of the school, an "Individual educational route for the student" was developed. (Attachment 1). Route Implementation Plan ( Appendix 2).

Briefly about the main directions of the teacher's work on this route.

Pedagogical diagnostics of children with mental retardation

To ensure the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, the most complete information about the characteristics and capabilities of each child is necessary. One of the important components in obtaining such information is pedagogical diagnostics. It is a way of studying the nature of the assimilation of program knowledge and skills, the features of the formation of the most important types of activities for the development of the child, individual - personal characteristics.

To diagnose the formation of educational knowledge, methods of observing the behavior of the student in the lesson, analyzing control and independent written work, oral answers, and talking on the studied material can be used. In order to further use diagnostic data in the selection of differentiated methods of pedagogical influence, it is necessary to carefully consider the criteria for evaluating diagnostic materials.

I enter the results of studying the features of the assimilation of educational knowledge and skills in the "Diary of pedagogical observations of the behavior and educational activities of the student."

As a result of pedagogical diagnostics, it is possible to identify exactly which topics and sections of the curriculum and to what extent each child has mastered, analyze what is the main cause of difficulties in mastering, develop an individual correctional program for the child based on this information, which includes goals and objectives, stages, optimal methods of organizing correctional and developmental work both in the classroom and outside of school hours.

So, high level mastering program information involves providing the child with maximum independence, individual complication of tasks, prompting them to provide explanatory assistance to other children.

Mastery of the program at an above average degree leads to an analysis of the reasons that do not allow to cope with the educational requirements at a higher level. If the child’s difficulties are caused by sensorimotor (group 1 reasons) or cognitive (group 2 reasons) disorders, his psychological and pedagogical support should be aimed at creating a special correctional environment, selecting such didactic games and exercises that are in correctional classes and in free time would allow the child to overcome these disorders.

Educational activity.

Special Educational Needs

  • Organization in an educational institution of a system of psychological and pedagogical support;
  • Accounting for the individual characteristics of students with mental retardation;
  • Conducting individual correctional classes of a general developmental and subject orientation;
  • Creating a situation of success when performing various tasks with a gradual increase in the level of complexity of tasks
  • Activation of family resources of a child with mental retardation.

Organization of activities in the classroom.

  • External motivating reinforcements are important.
  • Educational material should be brought in small doses, its complication should be carried out gradually.
  • Creating a situation of success in the classroom.
  • Favorable climate in the classroom.
  • Reliance on emotional perception.
  • The introduction of physical minutes after 15-20 minutes.
  • Optimal change of types of tasks (cognitive, verbal, gaming and practical).
  • Synchronizing the pace of the lesson with the capabilities of the student.
  • Accuracy and brevity of instructions for completing the task.
  • Step-by-step generalization of the work done in the lesson, the connection of learning with life. Continuous attention management.
  • When planning lessons, use game moments. Use bright visualization, use ICT.

To improve the effectiveness of teaching students with mental retardation, special conditions are created:

  • The child sits in the teacher's direct access area.
  • Give your child more time to memorize and practice learning skills.
  • Individual assistance in cases of difficulty.
  • Additional multiple exercises to consolidate the material.
  • More frequent use of visual didactic aids and individual cards, leading questions, algorithms of action, tasks based on samples.

Variable teaching methods.

  • Repeat instruction.
  • Alternative choice (from the proposed options is correct).
  • A speech pattern or the beginning of a phrase.
  • Action demonstration.
  • Selection by analogy, by contrast.
  • Alternating easy and difficult tasks (questions).
  • Joint or imitative actions.

In the classroom and in extracurricular activities, I actively use the methods and techniques for the formation of universal learning activities in this child. These are regulative universal educational actions, they include the following skills:

Ability to act according to plan;

Overcoming impulsiveness, involuntariness;

The ability to evaluate the correctness of the performed action;

Learning to make adjustments to the result.

Teaching orientation in the task, planning future work.

Learning to perform the upcoming work in accordance with a visual model and (or) verbal instructions from the teacher.

Teaching self-control and self-assessment in activities.

Expanding ideas about the world around and enriching the dictionary, mastering the technique of speech. Circle "Entertaining grammar and speech development."

In the system of training I use various types of assistance:

  • educational;
  • stimulating;
  • guides;
  • educational, etc.

The sensitivity of the child to help, the ability to assimilate it, to transfer the method of activity learned with the help to solving similar educational problems is a reliable way to determine the level of development of the child, his learning ability.

Educational help. O there is a correction in accordance with the level of real school performance, milestone goals and requirements of the lesson, the volume and level of complexity of educational tasks.

Incentive Aid. The need for such assistance arises when the child is not included in the work after receiving the task or when the work is completed, but not done correctly. In the first case, the teacher helps the child organize himself, mobilize attention, encouraging him, reassuring him, instilling confidence in his ability to cope with the task. The teacher asks the child if he understood the task, and if it turns out that he did not, he explains it again. In the second case, the teacher indicates the presence of an error in the work and the need to check the proposed solution.

Guiding help. This type assistance should be provided for cases where there are difficulties in determining the means, methods of activity, planning - in determining the first step and subsequent actions. These difficulties can be discovered by him in the very process of work or after the work is finished, but done incorrectly. In this case, the teacher indirectly directs the child on the right path, helps him take the first step, outline a plan of action.

Teaching aid. The need for educational assistance arises in cases where other types of help are insufficient, when it is necessary to directly indicate or show what and how to do in order to solve the proposed problem or correct the mistake made during the solution.

Development of fine motor skills of the hand, calligraphy skills.

The use of games and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills and graphic skills.

Improvement of movements and sensorimotor development, development of articulatory motor skills.

Scientists from different countries have proven since time immemorial that human hands, having a variety of functions, are a specific organ: the famous German scientist Emmanuel Kant called hands the visible part of the cerebral hemispheres. The human hand is considered a source of information about the outside world. It is through the development of the child's motor skills that the unclaimed qualities of the body are compensated and social adaptation children with mental retardation and intellectual disabilities.

I use in the lessons for all children (I provide individual assistance to a child with mental retardation) plasticineography, origami, working with a designer, working with crumpled paper, and writing.

Children really like logorhythmics and kinesiology exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction. Exercises improve mental activity, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, improve memorization, increase attention span, and facilitate the process of writing.

Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and physical health through certain movement exercises. The origins of this science can be traced to Ancient Greece, in Indian yoga, in folklore finger games in Ancient Russia. All these systems are based on the basics of kinesiology: special movements support and enhance brain activity, with the wear and tear of which begins deviations in all types of health. The results of scientific research have shown that the difficulties of first-graders in mastering reading and writing are due to the insufficient age level of development of the left hemisphere, and the hyperfunction of the right hemisphere hinders the development of logical and analytical abilities of the left.

Modern kinesiology techniques are aimed at activating various parts of the cerebral cortex, its cerebral hemispheres, which allows you to develop a person's abilities or correct problems.

  • Development of interhemispheric connections
  • Synchronization of the hemispheres
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Ability Development
  • Development of memory, attention
  • Development of speech, thinking

The duration of classes depends on age (from 5-10 to 20-35 minutes a day). You need to do it daily, the duration of classes for one set of exercises is 45-60 days. Classes are conducted according to the scheme:

  • A set of exercises for the development of interhemispheric connections (6-8 days);
  • Break 2 weeks;
  • A set of exercises for the development of the right hemisphere (6-8 weeks);
  • Break 2 weeks;
  • A set of exercises for the development of the left hemisphere (6-8 weeks).

Exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction, they improve mental activity, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, improve memorization, increase the stability of attention, and facilitate the process of writing.

"Ears". Straighten and stretch the outer edge of each ear with the same hand in the upward direction - outward from the top to the earlobe (5 times). Massage the ear.

"Ring". Alternately and as quickly as possible to sort out the fingers, connecting the ring with the thumb of the index, middle, etc .; in reverse order - from the little finger to the index finger.

"Fist-rib-palm". The child is shown three positions of the palm on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other: a palm clenched into a fist - a palm with an edge - a straightened palm. The exercise is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands.

"Lezginka". baby squeezes left hand into a fist, the thumb is set aside, the fist turns the fingers towards itself. palm right hand touch the little finger of the left. Change the position of the right and left hands, achieving a high speed of changing positions (6-8 times).

"Frog". Put your hands on the table: one is clenched into a fist, the palm of the other lies on the plane of the table. Change the position of the hands.

"Lock". Cross your arms with your palms facing each other, interlock. Move the finger that the adult points out accurately and clearly. Movement of adjacent fingers is undesirable. You can't touch your finger. All fingers on both hands should participate in the exercise.

"Ear-nose". Grab the tip of the nose with your left hand, the opposite ear with your right hand. At the same time, release your hands, clap your hands, change the position of the hands.

Communicative universal learning activities also play an important role in personality development. These include the ability to establish friendly relations with peers.

I involve the student in research projects, creative activities, sports events, during which she learns to invent, understand and master new things, be open and able to express her own thoughts, be able to make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

In the process of such work, children will learn to understand the meaning and predict the consequences of their own emotional behavior. They realize the importance of an emotional atmosphere of kindness, joy, cooperation for improving both their own well-being and relationships with classmates. Extracurricular activities corresponding direction "Psychology of communication".

I focus on organizing the success of the child in educational activities, by relying on his positive, strong qualities.
I use it in events, for example, dramatizations, dances, artistic creation.

I create a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom.

I conduct thematic conversations, class hours, joint trips, excursions.

I am working on the development of cognitive (cognitive UUD) and creative abilities in a child, as well as on the formation of adequate self-esteem and learning motivation, using developmental exercises, as well as educational games and tasks. Circles "Chess alphabet", "Entertaining mathematics", "GROWTH" (Development. Communication. Self-esteem. Creativity)

Formation of knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health. health days. Outdoor activities.

Relations between teachers and parents play a special role in the process of teaching children with disabilities. Parents know their child better, so the teacher can get valuable advice from them in solving a number of problems. The cooperation of teachers and parents will help to look at the situation from different angles, and, therefore, will allow adults to understand individual characteristics child, to reveal his abilities and form the correct life guidelines.

It is very important to constantly notice and encourage the slightest successes of children, to help each child in a timely and tactful manner, to develop in him faith in his own strengths and capabilities.