"Speech games and exercises for preschoolers" (by age) presentation on the development of speech on the topic. Presentation-consultation “Playing, we develop speech Presentation of a game for the speech development of children

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 38" "Speech games on the way Home" consultation of the Teacher - speech therapist Cherentaeva Zhanna Sergeevna

Dear parents, I suggest you get acquainted with speech games on the way home.

Many parents feel they don't have time to take care of their children. In fact, you have it! All you need is desire, ingenuity

Many parents feel they don't have time to
In fact, you have it! All you need is a desire
and readiness to spend time together with benefit and pleasure
with your child.
Speech games can be played on the way to Kindergarten, in time
walks while preparing dinner.

The development of speech is closely connected with the development of the child's thinking, with the level of his knowledge about the world around him. The games offered to you develop thinking

The development of speech is closely related to the development of the child's thinking,
with the level of his knowledge about the world around him.
The games offered to you develop thinking, attention,
memory, imagination of the child.
Introduce the properties of objects, the surrounding world,
give invaluable experience of communication of the child and

"What happens?" Start the game with the words: “Bread can be soft, and also a pillow, and it can also be soft ...” and wait until the child comes up with his own

"What happens?"
Start the game with the words: "Bread can be soft, but
pillow, and it can also be soft ... "
and wait for the child to come up with their own version.
Or like this:
What is round?
What is spicy?
What is liquid?
What is long?
What is hard?
What is square?
What is fragrant?
What is fluffy?

"It happens - it doesn't happen." Invite the child to confirm the correctness of the statement with the words “it happens” or “it doesn’t happen”. A cup is fried on skov

"It happens - it doesn't happen."
Invite the child to confirm the correctness of the statement
words "it happens" or "it doesn't happen".
A cup is fried in a pan.
The bear sleeps in a den.
The man is taller than the dog.
A sparrow is not a bird, etc.
This game develops auditory attention, which is necessary
to each
child for successful learning.

“In the store” Together with your child, you ended up in a store, choose products and ask: “I want to cook cabbage soup. What do I need to buy? reben

"In the shop"
Together with the child you were in the store,
products and ask:
“I want to cook cabbage soup. What do I need to buy?
The child is asked to list items.
“We will buy oil with you. Where are we at home
put? I forgot what the butter dish is called.
"Oiler" - the child answers.
“And in this department I bought pears,
oranges and lemon.
How can this be called, in one word?
“Fruits,” says the son or daughter.

As you can see, all the proposed games and exercises for the development of the speech of preschoolers do not require special education and knowledge. The main thing - nah

As you can see, all the proposed games and exercises for
speech development of preschoolers do not require special
education and knowledge.
The main thing is to find time for this and not be lazy.
Play with your baby in games that expand
vocabulary child, teach him to think, reflect and
Prepared based on the materials of the book by S.A. Vasilyeva,
, N.V. Sokolova
"Speech therapy games for preschoolers"
Speech therapist Cherentaeva Zhanna Sergeevna, MBDOU No. 38


Development of fine motor skills


Gorchakova Tatyana Georgievna

MKDOU No. 9 "Fairy Tale"

Mirny, Arkhangelsk region

Target: to develop the speech of preschoolers through exercises for fine motor skills of hands. Tasks:

Working with children:

Working with parents:

1. Develop the strength of the hands, coordination of movements;

1. Involve parents in working with the child to develop micro-coordination of finger movements.

2. To form the correct pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly.

3. Improve memory, attention, the ability to coordinate movements and speech.

2. Increase the competence of parents, teachers in the importance of finger games for children early age

4. Integrate finger games, exercises in the speech activity of children;

5. Encourage cognitive activity (curiosity);

6. To bring up the first strong-willed traits of character (the ability not to be distracted from the task, to bring it to completion, to strive to obtain positive result) etc.

Integration of the interaction of project participants

Teacher - psychologist

Music worker

Social teacher




Physical education teacher

Teacher -

Classes with specialists

Teacher -

Teacher - psychologist

Educator for fine arts activities

binary occupation

Stages of work on the project.

Stage 1. Preparatory

At this stage, a survey is carried out, during which the capabilities of children are revealed.

Stage 2. Basic

This work is presented in all activities of children during the entire time that the child is in kindergarten. This work is based on material that is close and accessible to children. All types of exercises are presented from simple to complex.

Stage 3: Stage debriefing.

This stage is designed to generalize, systematize the skills of children obtained during the entire cycle of classes for the development of fine motor skills.

Materials for the development of fine motor skills

Bean baths

natural material

Groats, beads, buttons

Threads, braid, ropes, laces, fabrics

Pencils, counting sticks


Hand and hand massage

Palm massage

The hedgehog pricks our palms, Let's play with him a little. If we play with him, we will develop handles. Fingers will become dexterous, Girls and boys will become smart. The hedgehog pricks our hands, prepares our hands for school.

Plasticine games


Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

More little guys



Constructor, mosaics

We will not buy a gift for mom - Let's cook it ourselves, with our own hands. You can embroider a scarf for her, You can grow a flower You can draw a house, a blue river ... And also kiss my dear mother!

Tactile pouches

We will take the bags

And quietly remember.

A bag with each finger

We will quietly rub.

We'll take the bag to our ear

And shake at the ear.

What lies there?

Well, we don't get it!

We'll catch a pea

We roll between the fingers.

Then change the handle

And we'll get another one!

I am a healing flower

Yellow eye inside

White petals all around

Look at me.

I grow in any garden

I give you my fruits:

green apples,

Red and yellow.

Words for the exercise with the panel "Caterpillar"

The caterpillar was walking along the path. She has her feet in her shoes. A mouth, a nose, and two eyes, And a big head. Yellow, green, red, blue, You are always beautiful with a smile!

Grain games

I'm so cheerful

Business, mischievous,

Instead of peephole holes,

You take me!



The frogs are croaking.

They live well

In a groove on the edge

Cockerel, cockerel, - 1

Golden scallop, - 2

Butter head. - 3

Silk beard, - 4

That you get up early

What are you eating out loud?

Do you let the kids sleep? - 5

Game "Fun"

Two dolphins ACH and Yach

Playing ball all day

Yellow, red, blue...

Choose any

Lacing games

We are always, my friend, useful

We grow on an apple tree.

Rich in vitamins

Eat us day after day.

Journey through the flower field

I will pick flowers

I will take the bouquet to my mother

Clothespin games

Titmouse tinkling


There is no fat in the feeder

A very sad day

Bouquet of flowers

Planted a seed

The sun came out.

Sunshine, shine, shine!

Grain, grow - grow!

leaves appear,

Flowers bloom.

Julia Abronina
Presentation "Didactic games in the development of speech of preschool children"

Presentation on the topic: «»

Didactic games in the development of speech of preschool children Abronina Julia Alekseevna MBDOU Kindergarten No. 2 "Sun"

Good speech is essential child personality development. The richer and more correct a child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in understanding the world around him, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development. But a child's speech is not an innate function. She is develops gradually, along with its growth and development. Speech must be formed develop in combination with the general child development. It is much more successful to do this using games. Since in preschool age gaming activity is leading.

The game teaching method contributes to the creation of an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the process of thinking is faster, new skills are acquired more firmly. Didactic The game is a great learning tool development used in the assimilation of any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to favorably influence all components speeches. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate the vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech to expand knowledge about the environment, develop verbal art, develop communication skills.

The relationship of educational areas through the system developing speech games communication cognition Artistic and aesthetic development socialization Physical Culture Fiction.

Desktop-printed games used as visual aids aimed at development visual memory and attention: "What grows in the garden, forest, garden?","What first, what next?","What does anyone need?", "Lotto"."Logic Train", "Where did I see it?" and etc.

Games with objects or toys aimed at development of tactile sensations, the ability to manipulate with various objects and toys, development creative thinking and imagination: "What changed?","Find and Name", "Score","Whose children are these","Who is more likely to collect?" etc. Verbal games help develop auditory memory, attention, communication skills, as well as development of coherent speech. "Who needs what?", "Name three things", "Say one word". "Similar - not similar", "Who will notice the tales more." "And then what?", "Does it happen or not?" and other types didactic games.

Here are desktop printed games we have, and which we use in our work. it board game "Lotto", "Whose baby?", "Confusion".

Slide 7 "Big and small", "Kittens", "Fruit".

Slide 8 - 9

Games with objects.

verbal games: The game "Magic Words".

"Magic Flower"

"Soft Cubes"

Slide 13-14

Benefits that help educators in working with children.

These are Reference pictures for retellings of texts. Issue #1 and 2

Visually - didactic aidsSpeech development with children 3-4 years old», "Right or Wrong", « Development of speech with children 2-4 years old» and others.

Poems and speech exercises topics: "Birds" "Wild animals" And etc.

It is also very efficient in speech development Articulatory gymnastics, gymnastics for the formation of fine motor skills of the hands.

So the use didactic games and exercises provides great opportunities for speech development in preschool children:

Speech motivation increases, successfully develop communication skills;

Providing psychological comfort;

Children remember a large number of speech material;

Higher mental functions are activated (memory, attention, thinking)

Didactic games are universal and their diversity and content depends only on your imagination and desire to work with children in a fun and interesting way.

Thank you for your attention!

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The influence of didactic games on the development of speech in preschool children Prepared by: educator 1 quarter. cat. Eremina O. G. Mastering the native language, speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as a general basis for raising and educating children. Working with older preschoolers Special attention is given to the development of their coherent speech. Speech development should be carried out taking into account the leading activity. At preschool age, the leading activity of the child is the game. In connected speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative. In order to successfully complete the primary education program, the speech of children entering the school must meet the requirements of the modern school. Among them, one can single out the content of children's speech, consistency and experience, accuracy and clarity of the stated thought, expressiveness. Therefore, the development of coherent speech is one of the main tasks posed by preschool education. Types of didactic games as a game teaching method: 1. games - educational activities 2. didactic games Main types of games: - games with objects (toys, natural material), - board games - word games. Games with objects In games with objects, toys and real objects are used. Playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. In games, they solve problems for comparison, classification, establishing a sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the object environment, tasks in games become more complicated: the children practice in identifying an object by any one quality, combine objects according to this feature (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of active vocabulary and speech development of a preschooler. Board and printable games Board and printable games are an interesting activity for children. They are diverse in types: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different. Word games Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them. Since in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental tasks; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess by description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various properties, signs. These didactic games are held in all age groups, but they are especially important in the upbringing and education of older preschool children, as they help prepare children for school. This develops the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, quickly find the answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly formulate one's thoughts, and apply knowledge in accordance with the task. All this develops the speech of a preschool child and contributes to the activation of coherent speech. Didactic task To choose a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of pupils, since in games they must operate with existing knowledge and ideas. Each didactic game has its own learning task, which distinguishes one game from another. It should be borne in mind that in a didactic game, the correct combination of visibility, the words of the educator and the actions of the children themselves with toys is necessary, game aids, items, etc. Visibility includes:

  • objects with which children play and which constitute the material center of the game;
  • pictures depicting objects and actions with them, clearly highlighting the purpose, the main features of objects, the properties of materials;
  • visual demonstration, explanation of game actions in words and implementation of game rules.
The system of modern didactic games for the development of coherent speech is a practical activity with which you can check whether children have mastered speech skills thoroughly or superficially and whether they are able to apply them when necessary. Children learn well-organized speech the more fully, the wider it can be applied in practice in various conditions. Modern speech didactic game are the conditions in which speech practice can be implemented. Thank you for your attention!