How to recognize a cat or cat 3 months. How to determine the sex of a kitten in the first days of life: a visual aid, methods

Agree, it is quite difficult to determine the sex of a small kitten, especially a newborn. You have to seek the help of a veterinarian or wait 10-12 weeks (2-3 months) before the sex is obvious. Learn to do it yourself at an earlier stage.

Do's and Don'ts for the First Time You Try to Gender a Newborn Kitten


1. Carefully hold the kitten.

2. Put the kitten on his stomach and raise his tail.

3. If possible, wait until your baby is 3-4 weeks old.

4. Make sure that the mother cat is not against your actions.

5. Keep manipulation time to a minimum to avoid stress.

It is forbidden:

  • carelessly hold the baby
  • do not lift the kitten by the tail
  • if possible, do not pick up a kitten until 3 weeks of age. If you hold the kitten in your hands for a long time, then your smell may appear and the mother cat may refuse the baby. This will result in you having to
  • do not stop feeding
  • thermoregulation in very small pussies (up to 1 month old) is not developed, so do not hold it on your hands for a long time, as this can lead to hypothermia even in a few minutes
  • do not try to press on the genitals

How to tell a boy kitten from a girl

In order to find out the sex of the kitten, you will need to put the baby on a warm towel on the tummy and gently lift the tail. There are several differences that are present in babies from birth. By correctly identifying them, it will not be difficult for you to distinguish a boy from a girl.

Distance between anus and genitals

Consider the photos below. These are approximate photographs of 3 week old kittens (1 month old). On the left is a boy and on the right is a girl.

You need to pay attention to the distance between the anus and the genitals. In males, the distance is greater than in females. For clarity, consider the following picture.

The shape of the genitals

Consider the pictures below. These are approximate photos of 3 week old kittens. On the left is a boy and on the right is a girl.

Still, in this matter it is preferable to look not in the eyes, but under the tail. If you see a conditional colon (“:”) under the tail, then you definitely have a cat in front of you, and if the letter “i” is inverted, then, accordingly, the kitten is a girl.

You need to pay attention to the shape of the genitals. In a kitten-boy, the shape of the genitals resembles a dot, and in girls - a vertical line.

The manifestation of the shape of the testicles in male kittens at 3 months

Part of the genital organs of the male cat are the testicles, which are located between the anus and the penis. At birth, almost imperceptible, they begin to appear and increase in pussies at the age of 10-12 weeks from birth. The photos below will help visually understand this issue.

Tactile probing of the genitals of kittens

Probing the genitals - effective method sex determination almost from birth. This method will help to tactilely determine the presence of testicles in a kitten. Even in a baby a few weeks old, this is feasible.

To determine, you will need to gently hold in the indicated place with two closed fingers (index and middle). If the kitten is male, then you will feel pea-shaped formations (3-5 mm in diameter) in this area.

Video how to distinguish a cat from a cat

Coloring can tell you how to find out the sex of a kitten

Oddly enough, the color of the coat can most likely help and suggest how to distinguish a girl's kitten from a boy.

tortoiseshell(tricolor color - black, white, red) is a 100% indicator that this is a female, that is, a cat. This is because these colors are carried by the X chromosome and 2 X chromosomes are required for the appearance of tricolor. Thus, tortie is only found in cats because females have two X chromosomes, while males have only one X chromosome. Cats cannot have three coat colors at the same time except in rare cases. genetic disease.

Red color- a male marker, so most often these are cats.

They also say that you can find out the sex by the muzzle. However, I do not believe in this method and I urge you to try the 5 above first.

Non-standard folk methods

Some experts determine the sex of a kitten by ... look! Indeed, a wary look is most often found in cats, and self-confident - in cats. But this method is not informative, because everyone can get too self-confident cat.
To consolidate the impression, pay attention to the wool. In male kittens, the hair grows very thickly between the anal and genital openings, but in females, there is no hair between these openings.

There is also a grandmother's method for determining the sex of kittens. Place a saucer of milk in front of the baby - if, while the kitten is drinking milk, its tail is triumphantly raised to the sky, it is definitely a male in front of you. If lowered to the floor - a female.

More strong smell urine can also serve as an indicator that the kitten is a boy in front of you.

Adult cats are usually distinguished from adult cats without any problems: if a person finds it difficult to tell by the shape of the body and muzzle who is in front of him - a cat-boy or a cat-girl, then, looking at the external genital organs of the animal, everyone's doubts disappear. However, in kittens, all external differences are weakly expressed, and the situation when they wanted to take a cat, but took a cat, is quite common.

Ways to determine the sex of a kitten

In fact, there are several standard and non-standard ways to determine the sex of a kitten.

According to outward appearances

In a newborn kitten, the coat, as a rule, is not thick and does not cover the genitals, so determining the sex of a newly born kitten is very simple.

You need to take the kitten with clean, warm and dry hands, preferably without artificial odors (no smell, for example, cream or perfume) and put it on your palm with your tummy.

In this case, you need to distract the mother cat, for example, with the help of a treat or calm her down with caress (talking to her in a calm and gentle voice, stroking her with her free hand).

Next, the tail of the newborn kitten quickly and gently rises and the anus and urogenital opening are examined.

On a boy's kitten, under the tail, you will see two dots resembling a colon - the dots should be about the same size and the distance between them will be about one centimeter.

In the girl’s kitten, under the tail, you can see an inverted “exclamation mark” - the genital slit is located just below the anus.

It is impossible to feel the genitals of small kittens. Also, you can’t hold a kitten in your hands for more than a couple of minutes - newborn kittens quickly freeze, it should lie near the mother cat.

If a mother cat is nervous, then you can’t take a kitten from her, and you don’t need to tear the kittens away from feeding.

However, if the kittens are 2 weeks old or more, then you will no longer be able to determine the sex of the kitten in this way.

The coat of kittens very quickly becomes thick and closes the external genitalia, which are not yet fully developed. This is especially true for fluffy cats.

By color

Cat owners should be aware that you can determine the sex of a kitten by color.

The fact is that the tortoiseshell coat color occurs only in cats, in cats the tricolor color is extremely rare and such an animal will not be able to reproduce. This is due to the difference in the inheritance of red and black coat color genes in the genome of cats and cats.

Even those cats whose color is solid, still have some hairs of all three colors in their color. you just need to look closely.

In addition, there are actually no red cats, red cats in 99% of cases are cats!

With tactile probing

Around the age of six months, cats and cats begin to differ from each other in body shape, build and muzzle.

Kittens are distinguished by greater elegance and smoothness of the figure, a neat little muzzle, and cats become more wide-mouthed, larger.

By habits

The feline character is formed by 8 months and at this age, after observing the animal, you can easily tell whether a cat or a cat is in front of you.

Cats jealously guard their territory, even mark it. During calm periods, cats sleep more, are more lazy and good-natured. And cats show the first signs of approaching sexual hunting - they bend their backs and caress.

If you observe a female during the absence of estrus, then note that she is more clean - she constantly licks her fur, she demonstrates independence and strangers will not let himself be petted.

Non-standard methods for determining the sex of a kitten

Some connoisseurs and connoisseurs of cats manage to determine the sex of an animal by sight!

In cats, the look is distinguished by self-confidence and even arrogance, while in cats it is rather wary. Of course, this method is not reliable.

Another way is to assess the density of wool in the genitourinary area. Cats have a lot of hair there, but cats have almost none.

The most interesting is the method of observing how the kitten laps milk: at this time, the cats victoriously lift their tails, and the cats lower it to the floor.

Of course, the smell emanating from an animal can also serve as evidence of its gender. From cats comes a sharper and stronger smell, while cats almost do not smell.

Determining the sex of your beloved pet is an extremely important event and, of course, the sooner you can find out who - a cat or a cat - you have adopted into your family, the better.

Because even the rules for caring for cats and cats are slightly different, but different. In addition, it is also better to give the name of the cat immediately and not change it.

The dilemma of how to identify a cat or cat among newborns worries both experienced breeders and lovers of these whiskered animals. Finding out the sex of the pet, in both cases, is important for planning the future of the animal.

However, although the sex differences seem to be obvious, it is very difficult to determine them in a kitten until the moment when he reaches the age of three months. In order not to rely only on intuition, you should use a few practical recommendations on how to determine the sex of a pet.

Newborn kittens

In this period, the difficulties with specifying the gender of the kitten are due to the fact that in the first few days after its birth, the organs of the newborn male and female look the same. And yet there are some signs of how to identify a cat or a cat, the resulting baby.

Before you begin to "identify" the sex of the animal, you need to remember what to do before that.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands well with mild soap, without strong fragrances. After that, the hands should be treated with a solution of chlorhexidine and, without wiping them with a towel, warm by rubbing against each other.
  2. Make sure that the mother of the kitten is nearby, sees all the manipulations of the owner and does not mind them.
  3. The kitten should be taken carefully and placed on the palm of one hand, belly down.
  4. Then, as carefully as possible, lift the tail of the animal.

It does not follow:

  1. Ignore hygiene.
  2. Rude, violent, and careless with an animal.
  3. Forcibly tear the newborn away from the mother during feeding or sleep, and take the baby away from her into another room.
  4. Take the kitten by the withers and pull the paws or tail.
  5. Press on the location of the genitals.
  6. Examine the kitten by holding it for more than three minutes, because:
  • he can absorb the smell of the owner, and this will repel the mother from him;
  • it can become supercooled, because thermoregulation is still undeveloped in kittens;
  • this can stress the kitten.

In order to understand how to determine the baby turned out to be a cat or a cat, one should be guided by two reasons:

  1. In the event that the kitten is a cat, then the distance between its anus and the urogenital opening is more than 1 centimeter. Details such as testicles are not observed in a newborn kitten, therefore, visually, both holes resemble two points. The photo below will illustrate the difference in the genitals of newborn kittens.
  2. In the event that the kitten is a cat, then its urogenital opening and anus are located at a distance from each other, which is no more than 1 centimeter. Visually, both holes look like a dot and a longitudinal one.

one month old kitten

If the owner of the animal wants to know where the cat is and where the cat is, then you need to wait. This is due to the fact that the testicles in cats do not descend into the scrotum until exactly three months of the animal's life.

But there is an easy way to identify a cat or cat among kittens. Before executing it, you should:

  1. Wash, dry and sanitize the owner's hands. Warm them up.
  2. Place your pet gently, paws up, on your arm or lap.
  3. Slowly, with a finger, with light pressure, draw down the abdomen to the anus. If the kitten is a cat, then in the process of moving the fingers under them, the owner can feel two “peas”, which are the testes. If the kitten is a cat, accordingly, there can be no “peas”. You can clearly see the location of the genital organs in the photo below.

During this examination, do not handle the kitten roughly or press hard on the genital area. Also, palpation should be carried out as carefully as possible around the organs, and not over them.

Photo of the location of the genital organs in kittens:

Habits as a way to determine gender

Another way to recognize where the cat is where the cat is is habits, since a living creature has only its own characteristic features of character. In this regard, it is possible to find out the sex of a pet by the following criteria.

  • Indifferent to the owner.
  • They behave independently.
  • active hunters.
  • Yaro protect their personal space and are active in games.
  • Very clean.
  • If the cat has marked the territory, it can simultaneously scratch the objects surrounding this place.
  • Careless and drawn to the owner, they are happy to make contact with him.
  • Affectionate.
  • They are lazy, and, for the most part, sleep or eat.
  • Spend little time taking care of themselves.
  • Cat . His urine has a strong pungent odor.

These features are generalized, and the animal may have individual character traits.

Coat color as a way to determine the sex of kittens

A medically sound theory will help to recognize where the cat is where the cat is, according to which, if it is a cat, then it has a red coat. Tortoiseshell kittens are usually female.

The color of the coat in kittens directly depends on the number of X chromosomes in the pet's body. Female kittens with 2 X chromosomes are tortoiseshell, and male kittens with 1 X chromosome cannot have this coat color. In the event that a cat was born in a similar three-color "fur coat", then there is a high probability that he will not be able to have offspring.

Of course, nature can bestow any color on an animal, but information on how to identify a cat or a cat is based on the most likely color distribution in boys and girls. It should be noted that kittens with white and black hair can be both male and female.

Folk omens as a way to determine gender

Another way to identify a cat or a cat is to rely on the experience gained over the years by cat owners. Some argue that you can determine the sex of kittens by:

  1. Look. Cats look more wary, and cats have a confident look.
  2. Wool. Cats have thick hair between the genitals, cats, on the contrary, practically do not have it.
  3. Urine. The male secret has a strong smell.
  4. tail. When a kitten lowers its tail to the floor when drinking, this indicates that there is a cat in front of the owner, if the tail is raised, then the cat is in front of the owner.
  5. muzzle. Facial expression and facial features can also help the pet owner recognize the animal's gender. Cats, as a rule, have sharp and large features, and cats have soft and smooth lines of features.
  6. General view. Male kittens have a strong and visually large physique, while female kittens are miniature and graceful.

In the photo below, you can see the difference in appearance between cats and cats.

  1. By special period life of cats. When, she rubs against furniture and things around her, does not allow herself to be held on her hands and arches her back strongly. Cats, during the period of sexual desire, meow loudly, become aggressive and mark the territory. In order to save both from "suffering", the animals are brought together for mating. If the owner did not see this process, and he is tormented by the question of how to determine that the cat has covered the cat, then he should follow the animals. If the pets do not observe the behavior that was before mating, or after a while it turns out that, then the answer to this question is yes.

In conclusion, it should be said that it is possible to determine which gender a kitten belongs to before it reaches the age of three months, guided by the above recommendations.

Choosing for yourself pet, regardless of whether it will be a lop-eared "British", "Persian" or a yard cat, the new owners are wondering about its gender. Many give preference to cats, rather than a cat, they say, there are fewer problems with the former: there is no need to sterilize, to attach unwanted offspring. The veterinarian or the owner himself can determine the sex of the kitten, whether it is a “Scotch” or a mongrel animal, based on the methods described below.

How to distinguish a cat from a cat at a young age

If it is a Scottish Fold or even a purebred pet, you can determine its gender in 2-3 months. Although it is possible to pour a boy and a girl earlier.

  • Within a week of newborn kittens, you can visually inspect the genitals. They have not yet had time to descend, and the organ itself is clearly visible. This method of determining the sex of an animal is especially good if the newborn cat does not belong to long-haired breeds, the Persian breed, for example. In this case, the baby gun does not hide the genitals.
  • At 2-4 weeks, a newborn cat or cat is already covered with thick hair, and it can be difficult to see the genitals. But with hairless, hairless breeds like the Sphynx, things are easier. In their case, you can easily view the genitals, determining the sex of the animal.
  • At 2-3 months, it is much easier to determine belonging, since the genital organ is formed, it is clearly visible, so it will be easier to determine the gender.

A veterinarian and a breeder can determine the sex of a kitten if they take into account some nuances.

You can unmistakably see the difference between a cat and a cat at the age of six months. Animals can be distinguished both by the appearance of the genitals and by their behavior: the cat marks the territory, the first estrus may begin in the cat.

How to tell a boy kitten from a girl

Speaking about how to determine the sex of a kitten, it is important to learn the rules of inspection, what can and cannot be done in the process. It is important to observe the following rules:

  • if the kitten is a week old, or even less, you need to keep it carefully, without squeezing the body and, thereby, not provoking injury;
  • put the kitten on its back, gently raising the tail. It is worth doing this without sudden movements;
  • if there is no urgency in determining whether it is a cat or a kitty, it is worth waiting a month when the external sexual characteristics will be clearly visible;
  • when determining the sex of a kitten, in order to recognize a cat or a cat, it is worth doing a minimum of manipulations in order to prevent stress in the pet.

Animal safety first

How to cast a cat from a cat in young age? Simply, the main thing is not to do the following, so as not to injure the animal:

  • lift the animal by the tail or hold it inaccurately, this can cause injury;
  • do not tear the animal away from feeding for inspection or hold it in your hands for too long, since by interrupting the smell of the animal, you can provoke the cat to refuse the baby;
  • you should not hold it in your hands for a long time, allowing hypothermia, this is fraught with severe inflammation;
  • do not press hard in the genital area. The genitals from this will not be better viewed, but injure internal organs, provoking their displacement and improper formation, can be easily.

Compliance with the rules will facilitate inspection and will not harm the animal.

Tactile probing of the genitals

How to find out the gender of a kitten? It can be determined by probing the genital area. Until the first sign began to appear visually - the testicles, they are carefully palpated. If the testicle is palpable, it is a boy; if not, it is a girl.

How can a testicle be determined? It is necessary to carefully close the middle and index fingers along the perineum. The presence in the area between the genitals and the anus of a pea-shaped formation of 3-5 mm indicates a boy, if there is none, then this is a girl.

Note! This method of sex determination can be used at any age of the animal.

On the muzzle

How to understand a kitten - a boy or a girl? Look at the face of the animal. Cats are distinguished by wide facial expressions, plus everything, it is thinner and softer, it has a small oval, the cat has wider cheekbones and nose, a rough shape.

Determination of sex by muzzle and habits - too difficult for a novice breeder

By habits

To distinguish a boy kitten from a girl, you can look at the behavior and habits. And here, too, there are rules:

  • even a monthly cat is more active than a female. This is due to the psychology of the animal world and the dominance of the stronger;
  • the cat will always try to lead the game, occupy a dominant position: climb to higher places in the room, be the first to demand food, actively defending a bowl or mother's nipple;
  • a cat is more capricious in character, it can be difficult to find a common language with her, boys are more accommodating in character and behavior;
  • in cats, impudence in behavior prevails, they will be the first to run to food, toys, mothers, in girls - alertness;
  • if you take a pet by the collar, as a cat mother does, the boy will surely hiss. If the animal perceives such a reception calmly and without aggression, it is a cat;
  • girls are more clean: they constantly lick their lips, choose clean places to sleep, boys are less scrupulous in matters of hygiene, they can scratch furniture, thus marking their territory.

These are indirect signs indicating the gender of the kitten; you can accurately recognize a cat or a cat by 3-4 months.

The shape of the genitals

How to identify a cat or a cat more accurately? You can find out by the shape of the genitals. Veterinarians call this method of gender difference the most reliable, after the DNA test. What would a cat's genitals look like?

  • holes have appearance colons;
  • the distance between the penis and the anus is 1-1.5 cm. For large breeds these figures may be slightly higher;
  • the scrotum is clearly visible.

How to determine the sex of a cat by the genitals? It is necessary to pay attention to such anatomical details:

  • the appearance of the anus and the loop resembles a sign - a semicolon or the Ukrainian letter of the alphabet і;
  • the distance between the loop and the anus is 0.5-0.7 cm. in large breeds, these figures may be slightly larger;
  • the hairline in the genital area is less dense than that of a boy.

Both the owner of the mother cat and everyone who wants to have a small kitten in their home can check the presence / absence of such differences.

By voice

One of the methods for determining the sex of a kitten is by voice. It is believed that cats have a lower baritone, a cat has a higher voice tone. Although in reality this method should not be relied upon, as some cats can have quite low voices, especially large breeds. Conversely, cats can have a high timbre.

By body structure

You can also check the complexion of the animal: cats are more fragile and smaller in physique, unlike cats. Also, the skull of a cat, the muzzle itself is smaller than that of cats. Cats have a wider chest and massive paws, but much in this case depends on the breed, individual features the animal itself: if the parents were large, the kitten will inherit their genetics in body structure.

In determining sex by body structure, you can easily make a mistake

Non-standard folk methods

It is possible to determine the sex of an animal in the first month of life using non-traditional non-standard methods. This is not just a flight of fancy, but the experience of grandmothers from the yard, breeders of cats and cats. But these methods, as well as some of those described above, do not give a 100% answer to the question of the animal's gender.

  • During the period of growth and development of a kitten, when it is difficult to determine the sex by gender, you can look at his eyes. This method is relevant for sighted kittens: the cat has a more arrogant and tough look, the cat is modest and docile.
  • According to the density of wool in the genital area. In cats, the undercoat in this area is thicker than in cats. But you should not trust the density of infant fluff, because it is so important to apply this method when the animal is one month old.
  • For milk. More like a kitten drinking it from a saucer. This is one of the grandmother's methods, and, according to it, if a kitten runs to a saucer of milk with its tail up, then it's definitely a boy, if with a lowered tail, it's a cat.
  • The boy has a stronger smell of urine, while they are more affectionate than girls.

Note! The color of the animal can also be taken into account. So, a tricolor suit in 9 out of 10 cases is a girl, since the X chromosome is responsible for this color. Males practically do not have a tricolor color, for them it is a rarity, a kind of genetic disease, a failure. For boys, a red or other color is inherent, but not a tricolor.

All this clearly shows how diverse the methods for determining the sex of an animal, the main thing is to be attentive. But these methods do not give an absolute guarantee that a boy is now in her arms, but not a girl at all. Accurately answer this question Can only DNA test. If this is not possible, it is worth showing the animal to a veterinarian who knows everything about anatomical features and body structure of cats.

What are the differences with age?

AT one month old feline representatives are already showing their character, some are still clinging to their mother, others are more confident in their behavior. So, males are more independent, females show their strength to a lesser extent, occupy a dominant position in the family.

At the age of one month, both physiological and psychological changes are manifested: in behavior, games and character. Girls show, like boys, curiosity and persistence, but with regard to the latter, this happens to a greater extent. Although there are exceptions, a lot depends on both the conditions of the animal, the mother cat, and the specific breed.

At the age of three months become noticeable anatomical differences: boys have testicles, which are the main difference from girls. At an older age, animals of different sexes will behave differently, in particular, during puberty and estrus. Although the behavior of the animal may vary depending on whether the animal is neutered or neutered or not. Much depends on the owners themselves, how the latter are ready to deal with the issue of breeding and subsequent placement of kittens. However, regardless of the gender of the kitten, the attention and care of the owner will allow you to raise a beautiful pet.

Many will think that there is nothing easier, because there are obvious gender differences, which make it easy to determine the gender.

But what if you need to find out the gender of small or newborn kittens?

At this age, the primary signs are not as pronounced as in adults.

In this case, the following tips will help determine the sex of the kitten.

The sex of a kitten can be determined by various signs.

Gender difference

The primary sex characteristics of different breeds are the surest way to tell a cat from a cat, even in small kittens.

Before conducting an inspection, you must:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly using unscented products. They must be warm.
  • the kitten should be caressed, thereby reassuring. He must trust you.

Advice! Extend your palm, if the kitten calmly approaches, caresses, you can conduct an examination. If he behaves wary, it is better not to injure the kitten and postpone the examination.

  • the baby must be placed on the stomach on the palm of your hand or a warm diaper.

To determine the sex at the age of three months, you can use the following methods:

  1. Conduct a tactile inspection. To do this, gently with two fingers, index and middle, feel the place where the testicles should be. A small cat will feel small peas, no more than 5 mm in diameter.
  2. In order to determine the sex of a kitten, you need to look under his tail. In a small cat, the anus and the genitals are two points located in parallel. And in a cat, the urinary canal looks like a gap, and a kind of exclamation mark is obtained. This difference can be seen in the photo.

If under the tail "colon" is a cat, "exclamation mark" is a cat

  1. You can also determine the sex by the distance between the anus and the genitals. In cats, it is about 1 cm, in seals it is much larger. Upon reaching the age of three, this place will be occupied by the testicles. In the photo, this difference is clearly visible.
  2. Another sexual sign, how to distinguish a cat from a cat, is the presence of wool between the anus and the genitals. In cats, it is quite thick in this place, but in cats it is not at all.

Sex determination by outward signs

Another way to distinguish a cat from a cat is to carefully look at the muzzle and body of the animal.

However, this method is suitable for avid cat lovers.

A person who determines the sex of a cat for the first time is unlikely to be able to do this accurately.

A cat differs from a cat in the following ways:

  • You can determine the sex of a cat by the muzzle and nose. They are quite wide;
  • he has a powerful and large physique;
  • paws are thick;
  • A neutered cat can be distinguished from a cat by its large head and thick skin.

External signs of a cat:

  • has a more graceful body, graceful curves. This is especially noticeable in short-haired breeds like the Oriental, Savannah and Cornish Rex;
  • if you try to find out the sex by the muzzle, then you need to look at its elongation: in cats, it is more elongated in length, and not in width.

This can be seen in the photograph: the muzzle is narrow and elongated.

Gracefulness is the main sign of a cat

Another external sign of how to distinguish a cat from a cat is color:

  • if a kitten at birth has a tricolor or tortoiseshell color, then we can say with full confidence that this is a cat. This is due to a genetic feature. Two X chromosomes are required for the appearance of black, white and red in wool. And only females have them. In a cat, this color can appear only in the case of a genetic disease, which is quite rare.
  • cats also own the color of calico;
  • only cats are red or cinnamon.

The color of the coat can sometimes accurately determine the sex of the cat.

Habits and character

It is possible to distinguish a cat from a cat by habits not earlier than seven months.

Until this time, kittens of both sexes are playful, affectionate and their characters differ little.

In adulthood, the differences become more pronounced:

  1. You can distinguish an adult cat from a cat by habits: he is more lazy, calm. Sleeps most of the day. Unlike a cat, a cat can be safely picked up, most often he does not try to break free and run away. This does not mean that he is more affectionate.
  1. You can determine the sex in adults by external signs. Males are much larger than females. The latter are more elegant. You can also distinguish the sex by the muzzle: in cats, it is already and more elongated.

Sex determination in sphinxes

Perhaps there is no more mysterious and unusual breed than the Don Sphynx or Peterbald.

A magical cat without hair attracts the eye, forcing you to admire yourself.

The main features of the difference between a sphinx cat and a cat are behavior:

  1. Cats of this breed are more independent. Sometimes they choose only one family member and meekly obey him, show their love. Others may be treated with indifference.

Mythical cat behaves majestically

  1. Unlike cats, a cat will prove its superiority by trying to show who is the boss in the house. Males are more lazy, they resignedly recognize dominance.

Knowing how to tell a cat from a cat is important.

Often the owners choose a pet on this basis.

But it is worth remembering that the kitten must choose a person.

And then everyone will find a true friend.

A cute fluffy ball will become a true friend with good care and attitude.

Agree, it is quite difficult to determine the sex of a small kitten, especially a newborn. You have to seek the help of a veterinarian or wait 10-12 weeks (2-3 months) before the sex is obvious. Learn to do it yourself at an earlier stage.

The article contains all the necessary information for the owner of the animal, supported by a photo in order to learn how to distinguish a cat from a cat. It will also be useful to learn how to properly feed a kitten at 10-12 weeks.

Do's and Don'ts for the First Time You Try to Gender a Newborn Kitten

The shape of the genitals

Consider the pictures below. These are approximate photos of 3 week old kittens. On the left is a boy and on the right is a girl.

Still, in this matter it is preferable to look not in the eyes, but under the tail. If you see a conditional colon (“:”) under the tail, then you definitely have a cat in front of you, and if the letter “i” is inverted, then, accordingly, the kitten is a girl.

You need to pay attention to the shape of the genitals. In a kitten-boy, the shape of the genital organs resembles a dot, and in girls - a vertical line.

The manifestation of the shape of the testicles in male kittens at 3 months

Part of the genital organs of the male cat are the testicles, which are located between the anus and the penis. At birth, almost imperceptible, they begin to appear and increase in pussies at the age of 10-12 weeks from birth. The photos below will help visually understand this issue.

Tactile probing of the genitals of kittens

Probing the genitals is an effective method for determining sex almost from birth. This method will help to tactilely determine the presence of testicles in a kitten. Even in a baby a few weeks old, this is feasible.

To determine, you will need to gently hold in the indicated place with two closed fingers (index and middle). If the kitten is male, then you will feel pea-shaped formations (3-5 mm in diameter) in this area.

Video how to distinguish a cat from a cat

Coloring can tell you how to find out the sex of a kitten

Oddly enough, the color of the coat can most likely help and suggest how to distinguish a girl's kitten from a boy.

Tortoiseshell (tricolor color - black, white, red) is a 100% indicator that this is a female, that is, a cat. This is because these colors are carried by the X chromosome and 2 X chromosomes are required for the appearance of tricolor. Thus, tortie is only found in cats because females have two X chromosomes, while males have only one X chromosome. Cats cannot have three coat colors at the same time, except in the case of a rare genetic disease.

The red color is a male marker, so most often these are cats.

They also say that you can find out the sex by the muzzle. However, I do not believe in this method and urge you to first try the 5 above.

Non-standard folk methods

Some experts determine the sex of a kitten by ... look! Indeed, a wary look is most often found in cats, and self-confident - in cats. But this method is not informative, because everyone can get too self-confident cat.
To consolidate the impression, pay attention to the wool. In male kittens, the hair grows very thickly between the anal and genital openings, but in females, there is no hair between these openings.

There is also a grandmother's method for determining the sex of kittens. Place a saucer of milk in front of the baby - if, while the kitten is drinking milk, its tail is triumphantly raised to the sky, it is definitely a male in front of you. If lowered to the floor - a female.

If you need to find out the gender of one cat or kitty, it is better to first look at thematic photos or videos.

What can be done

Examine the animal carefully so as not to harm it:

  • the baby is taken with the whole brush, grabbing from above, fingers are closed on the chest and stomach;
  • a person should place the crumbs in the palm of your hand or flat space;
  • carefully raise the tail and examine the cat's organ.

What Not to Do

When visually determining the sex of an animal, it is prohibited:

  • take or pull by the tail, paws, scruff;
  • take a newborn from a cat in an evil state;
  • tear off the crumbs during feeding;
  • take the baby with hands with a smell - the mother may consider him "alien";
  • put pressure on the genitals;
  • damage or break off the remnants of the umbilical cord;
  • keep the animal longer than 1 - 2 minutes - it may freeze, since thermoregulation is not yet developed.

At what age can you determine the sex of a kitten

Outwardly, it is easier to find out the sex of animals when they are 1 week old. They have not yet completely pubescent, and visibility is better. This is especially true for breeds with long hair or thick undercoat: Persian, British and Scottish kittens.

But at this age it is easy to make a mistake. It is even more difficult to understand the sex of 2 - 3-week-old animals: their hair grows and "closes" the view.

Kittens are easiest to identify when they are 3 months old, as the genitals are already well formed. With confidence, boys can be distinguished from girls at six months, when full puberty occurs.

Sexual characteristics in kittens

The main sexual characteristics of cats include:

  • the shape of the genitals;
  • external signs;
  • behavioral factors.

When they appear (1 - 2 months)

The first sexual characteristics between females and males appear at 1 month. At 4-12 weeks, testicles appear in cats: they descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity.

At 3 - 4 months, kittens can already be distinguished by external signs - weight, shape of the muzzle, expression of the eyes. And at 6 - 8 months, in adulthood, behavioral factors appear - cats start estrus, cats mark their territory.

How and how are they different

Newborn cats and cats are similar to each other.

The first external differences appear at 2 months:

  1. Cats grow faster and gain weight, cats are smaller and more elegant.
  2. Females are more playful than males.
  3. The look and expression of the muzzle of the boys is calm, haughty. Girls are alert and searching.
  4. In cats, the chest is powerful and deep, the paws are larger, with large pads.
  5. Both sexes have nipples, but cats have larger nipples.

These differences can be seen both in the photo (above) and in the video.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a kitten by other signs

You can also understand what gender the baby is by external differences: muzzle, voice and color.

On the muzzle

You can tell a cat from a cat by its face. In males, it is massive, with a wide nose, forehead and large cheekbones. They also have thicker necks. The female sign is refined, miniature features.