Getting or extending a disability group without a bribe is becoming more and more difficult every year. Disability registration procedure: all the nuances of the issue What kind of bribe should be given to get a disability

MSEC mock with impunity, humiliate people with disabilities, including children with disabilities, unreasonable removal of disability, demand money and how to deal with it? My child is diagnosed with Congenital malformation of the right upper limb with severe limitation of mobility elbow joint. Malformation of the right hand, after the operated polydactyly formed thumb with limited functionality. For 10 years, my son had the status of a disabled child. MSEC took place almost every year (two times they were given for 2 years). Our problems began at the moment when our commission was closed in Zheleznodorozhny. We were assigned to the bureau of MSEC in Elektrostal. The child had a disability before October 1, 2010. In September, I handed over the documents, and we were assigned MSEC for November 13th. Elektrostal MSEK has always been famous for its exactions. I didn’t give money and the child’s disability was removed. We have filed an appeal against this decision. This has been going on for 6 months now. The child lost his pension and all benefits for treatment, rehabilitation, education, food. We have already been to the commissions 4 times and each time it is a humiliating inspection and interrogation that brings the child to tears. When I tried to stop them, they told me: (I quote) “Mommy, shut your mouth, and generally get out of the office!”. They don’t give us any sensible explanations, but only like “we’ll tell you a big secret - your doctors don’t understand anything - such a diagnosis is not on our list. Your child cannot be disabled, he studies well”, etc. WAIT FOR MONEY!! Now my son is undergoing treatment with a psychologist and a neurologist (restoring nervous system) . I began to study worse. I wanted to quit this fight. But our doctors D.M.S. Professor D.Yu. Vybornov and the chief pediatric orthopedic traumatologist of the Ministry of Health M.o. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor V.I. Tarasov convinced me. Your child is 100% disabled. Our documents have their medical reports and recommendations, but they are not paid attention to. Who is right - the "doctors" who arrange tea parties in the rooms when disabled children are waiting in the corridor or Doctors who conduct unique operations(for example, on the separation of the Siamese twins Zita and Gita) To my words: “I will complain”, the MSEC doctors answer with a smirk: “Yes, how much do you want and what will you achieve with this?” Now I am convinced that they are right. Wrote a complaint to the Ministry of Health and social development RF. I received a written response from the Department of Disability Affairs that they are not authorized to establish disability and prescribe decisions to the above institutions. My complaints about bribes and boorish attitude were not noticed. Those. ITU can safely take bribes, but if they are not allowed to bully people? Please tell me who to complain to, even if it's useless here. And, after all, the Minister of Health T.A. Is Golikova trying to fight this or are these just her excuses? March 15 were at the next consultation. They didn’t give us an answer right away, and only today, on April 16, we received a letter from the Federal State Institution “GB ITU for the Moscow Region.” in which they report that there are no grounds for establishing the category of "disabled child". I will again write an application to appeal this decision. What should I do and how to get the truth?

Response of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to my complaint

Chairman of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on Social Policy Vladimir Slepak appealed on Monday to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to conduct an audit against the Ministry of Labor, which said that it was reducing the number of decisions to establish disability. Slepak notes that against this background, corruption is flourishing in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (ITU), which decide on the establishment of disability, as evidenced by the numerous facts of initiating criminal cases against bureau employees.

I've been trying to get disability for three years now. Despite the medical reports, doctors' certificates, receipts for visiting the ambulance, the ITU refuses me, - says 27-year-old Marina Sinyakova from Volgograd.

Until 2013, she worked as a security inspector in a prison, but one evening she was attacked in the entrance and beaten. Next followed long treatment. Marina was diagnosed with venous angioma and focal epilepsy. The military commission ruled that Marina was unfit for service for health reasons.

When I came to the ITU to apply for disability, they told me that Group II would cost 400 thousand rubles, because at work, when applying for disability, I had to pay insurance of 1.5 million rubles during the year. I refused. I am already ready to agree to the III group, but now they are asking for 100 thousand rubles for it, while I am no longer entitled to any insurance, says Marina.

She notes that she spends about 3,000 rubles a month on pills and injections, but she cannot go to work because she periodically faints and can be unconscious for one to five days.

The disability group would give her the right to receive free medicines and a pension of about 8 thousand rubles a month.

border state

Andrey Karpenko, head of the Moscow branch of the Center for Medical Law, said that, while accompanying clients to ITU, he repeatedly observed how the group was underestimated under any pretext.

If the borderline condition is between group III and the absence of disability, then they tend to not give the group. In fact, they are asking for bribes, - says Karpenko. He notes that the procedure for examining a patient ITU experts is formal and often consists only in measuring pressure, asking to sit down, stand up, count the fingers shown by the doctor.

Appeals about extortion of money to ITU are the most frequent in our organization. At least four people come every day,” says Alexander Saversky, president of the League of Patients.

In his opinion, the transfer of the functions of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise to medical commissions, which now issue referrals to the ITU, will help to avoid corruption. Earlier, as Izvestia wrote, he sent his proposals to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. The response he received from the Department of Disability Affairs of the Ministry of Labor states that until 2005, while ITU was under the jurisdiction of the regions, due to decentralization of management and weakening control over compliance with legislation, there was an intensive increase in the number of people with disabilities.

In order to change this trend, the conduct of medical and social expertise was attributed to the federal authorities. As a result, the number of citizens who were first diagnosed with disability has halved. Saversky sent this document to the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Until dismissal

On April 18, Volodymyr Slepak, chairman of the Social Policy Commission of the Public Office, addressed the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to conduct an audit against the Ministry of Labor.

The answer received by Alexander Saversky from the Ministry of Labor goes beyond professional ethics. The question arises: what is a "mass unreasonable decision" and how disinterested was it? The answer is quite simple, and it can only be associated with the violation of the law and the creation of a stable system of corruption, which was confirmed by the situation in the Ulyanovsk region. There, on April 14, a criminal case was initiated against the head of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on suspicion of bribery.

Slepak notes that the Civic Chamber receives numerous complaints from people about illegal ITU refusals to establish or extend disability, depriving them of the right to free drug supply and perks.

In addition to the Ulyanovsk story, there was recently a scandal in the Stavropol Territory. There, the ex-head of the ITU is tried on 50 episodes of abuse of power. According to Slepak, the facts of corruption indicate that changes are needed in the system of work of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

I advocate that decisions on establishing a disability group be made by doctors who treat a person and are responsible for his health, he says.

Representatives of the Ministry of Labor deny that the new classifications and criteria of the ITU have led to a sharp decrease in the number of people with disabilities. In fact, according to the press service of the department, this happens at the expense of disabled people. retirement age, which is becoming less every year, and by reducing the number of applications from citizens for the establishment of disability. At the same time, the number of people who were refused in the group remains at the same level and amounts to 15% of the number of applicants.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia is working to prevent cases of corruption in medical and social expertise. This work includes the objectification and clear regulation of the process of establishing disability. If cases of extortion are revealed, then this is a matter of studying them by law enforcement agencies, - the press service of the Ministry of Labor comments.

According to the department, in case of detection of cases of corruption confirmed by law enforcement agencies in the ITU, measures are taken disciplinary action, up to the dismissal of the chief experts in medical and social expertise.

The Ministry of Labor reported that in order to quickly collect information about the presence of possible facts of corruption, an electronic mailbox was created in 2014 [email protected], information about which should be posted on information stands in all institutions of medical and social expertise.

Corruption in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

In 2016, a criminal case was initiated in Ulyanovsk against the head of the ITU Main Bureau for the Ulyanovsk Region of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF Nina Dolgopolova, who is suspected of large-scale bribery.

In 2015, the Kuntsevskaya Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of Moscow opened a criminal case against the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the city of Moscow, which indefinitely established the II group of disability for a 54-year-old Muscovite who had no health problems.

In 2015, in Yevpatoriya, the ITU Bureau refused to establish the I group of disability for a disabled person of the Great Patriotic War 1925 year of birth. It was possible to restore the right to receive a pension with the help of the prosecutor's office.

In 2014, the prosecutor's office of the Kostroma region restored the pension to a disabled person Group III, who was previously denied disability by the ITU.

In 2013, the Deputy Prosecutor of the Vologda Region approved the indictment in a criminal case against Dmitry Lobachev, a former doctor for medical and social expertise of branch No.

In 2013, the Plavsky District Court of the Tula Region passed a sentence against the former head of Bureau No. 25, a branch of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Tula Region, located in the city of Plavsk, 52-year-old Elena Bochkina, doctors for medical and social expertise, 49-year-old Igor Bochkin and 52-year-old Raisa Znaiko. The court found them guilty of committing crimes under paragraph "a" part 5 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Taking a bribe”) and part 1 of Art. 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Official forgery”).

It is impossible to call the process of registration of disability pleasant and easy. In our country, people have to confirm for a long time with various certificates even such obvious things as disability of the first or second group.

But you have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and documentally seek the assignment of disability in order to be entitled to preferential benefits in the future. medical services, increased pensions and additional social benefits. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of disability registration.

Disability is called a persistent, long-term or permanent impairment of the possibility of socialization and ability to work, which is caused by a congenital or acquired disease, injury or injury.

The right to assign a disability severe violations physical health. But not all sick people are eligible for this status and the corresponding benefits.

The formalization of disability is available only when the disease is a serious impediment to labor activity. This term includes legal and social concepts. The official assignment of the status of a disabled person may entail a change in working conditions or the termination of work, as well as the appointment of state social security in various forms.

Russian ministry health care, certain criteria and classifications have been established on which the recognition of a person as a disabled person is based. Some suffer from serious illnesses and believe that they are entitled to social benefits for disability, but do not take any steps to prove it officially. And just a personal opinion is not enough.

The main criterion is the presence of a persistent pathology that limits the normal life activity (labor activity, independent movement) of people.

A medical specialist who realistically assesses the health and capabilities of the patient can advise a person to apply for disability. For example, the reason for obtaining the above status is a stroke. The disability group will depend on the severity of the course of the disease and its consequences.

The reason for the appointment of a medical examination will be:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Restriction of some body functions (speech, movement).

Some people associatively believe that myocardial infarction is always a reason for assigning a disability group. But this is not so if the patient has fully recovered and can continue working. The truth here much depends on the type of occupation. If it is associated with excessive physical activity, this fact will be taken into account in the conduct of the medical and social examination.

Assignment of disability for oncological diseases is a controversial issue. For example, skin cancer is not such a serious illness, as it does not prevent the continuation of work. The only diseases for which a life-long disability group is given are tumors of the brain and spinal cord, leukemia.

As for the amputation of limbs, there are some nuances here. Factors such as:

  • The state of the stump.
  • Cause of limb loss.
  • Age.
  • Profession.
  • What part of the limb was amputated.

Serious visual impairment, its complete loss necessarily entail the assignment of disability. The group will depend on the degree of low vision.

Mental disorders belong to a separate category of diseases, in the diagnosis of which a person receives a disability group:

  • Mild forms of mental disorders - the first group.
  • Seizures and dementia are the second group.
  • The patient is not able to assess himself adequately and lead a normal life - the first group is assigned.

To obtain the status of a disabled person, a person must apply to the bureau for a medical and social examination at the place of his residence. The patient can do this at the direction of the doctor or at personal discretion.

Required documents

You will need to provide the following documents:

The entire package of documents is submitted to the bureau, after which you can expect an invitation for examination.

A slightly different examination of a bedridden patient is carried out. He does not have the opportunity to come for an examination, so relatives can agree with a doctor on an examination in stationary conditions. There is an option to issue a disability in absentia, having received a power of attorney to perform such actions from a disabled person.

Procedure and procedure

Three representatives from the bureau usually participate in the medical and social examination. On the appointed day, the person is invited to the bureau. The examination itself includes:

  • Study of medical documents.
  • Examination of the patient.
  • Analysis of various (domestic, social, labor) living conditions of a citizen.

Based on the data obtained, the experts make their verdict. To qualify for a disability, the following conditions must be met:

  • Life restriction;
  • The need for rehabilitation;
  • Persistent pathological disorder of body functions.

A person can receive a disability group even if only two of the above conditions are met.

Record keeping is mandatory during the examination. In some cases, a citizen is recognized as disabled without assigning him a disability. The conclusions of the commission are documented in the form of an act that is given to the patient in his hands.

If a person is recognized as disabled, he must be assigned an individual rehabilitation program and issue relevant certificates. These documents are required for applying to the pension fund and social security authorities.

The result will be the registration of a disability pension and preferential payments.


The process of registration of disability takes place in several stages. Collection of documents and passage medical specialists takes about 7-10 days.

An examination can be scheduled no later than one month after the submission of documents. True, there is always a possibility that additional examinations and supporting documents will be required. The decision to assign a disability must be made on the day of the examination. With a positive outcome necessary certificates and documents are issued within three days.

Registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and possible problems.

It will take three to four months for a child to be given a disability. It is also carried out medical and social expertise to which the attending physician of the child should refer.

If we are talking about a child with Down syndrome, you will need to obtain a conclusion of a genetic examination. An appropriate entry is made in the outpatient card. The following documents must be submitted to the Bureau:

  • Certificate certified by the clinic doctor.
  • outpatient card from medical institution for kids.
  • Registration information.
  • Documents proving the identity of the guardian or parents.
  • Application filled in the form.
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

When assigning a disability, a specific group is not assigned. The child is registered as a disabled person without a degree of severity. If we are talking about Down syndrome, disability is assigned for an eighteen-year period without the need for a re-examination.

Conditions for applying for a disability

Assignment of disability is carried out under certain conditions depending on the group.

First group:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Lack of self-service capability.
  • The need for the constant presence of an assistant.

Second group:

  • Persistent violations of the vital functions of the body.
  • Lack of normal ability to work (inability to work for a long time).
  • The need to provide specific working conditions.

Third group:

  • The creation of special working conditions is required.
  • The admission to the previous labor activity is prohibited due to the fact that harm to other people may be caused.
  • Lack of opportunity to work at the same place of work and engage in their professional activities.

If it is necessary to assign a certain disability group to a person, the reason must be reflected in the document. Specialists without fail justify why a person received exactly the first, second or third group. The justification of the reason must be detailed.

After a certain period of time, the patient will again have to undergo an examination for re-registration of disability. The terms of re-examination are appointed by specialists of the medical and social bureau.

It is important not to be afraid of possible difficulties. If you clearly know all the rules, paperwork will not take much time, but it will provide an opportunity to receive additional benefits and payments.

The process of obtaining a group has its own difficulties, so many potential holders of this status have pressing questions. For example, not everyone knows where to start, where to go, what points to consider when applying (for example, what papers are required). Within the framework of this material, we will consider the key points regarding the assignment of disability.

Disability: understanding and opportunities

It is clear that the material security, living conditions, features of people's lives are different. Not to mention health. It is also different for everyone. From this point of view, a disabled person can be called a person who needs help from others, as well as from the state. To solve these problems, government officials provided benefits, cash payments and other opportunities to people with disabilities that should improve their lives, allow them to be habilitated, rehabilitated and socialized.

Actually, the state of health in general, as well as the ability to independently perform the necessary tasks (movement, interaction with others, providing for one's own needs, etc.) determine which group, based on the results of the examination, will be assigned by specialists.

Our country is divided into three groups:

It is designated as the easiest, since temporary health difficulties most often occur here, while the ability to work is preserved;

Allows you to designate states moderate when the restrictions are moderate, interfere with normal life, but still leave a chance for employment in specially created conditions;

It makes it clear that its owner needs constant help from the outside, as we are talking about dependence on others and disability.

Note that the material state support directly depends on how low, that is, a complex group is assigned (with group 1, it is the largest when compared with the previous two).

Who gives a disability group?

According to experts, the legislative regulators of the process under consideration are articles seven and eight of the Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ. It is also worth focusing on paragraphs 1, 2 of the Rules, which were enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 N 95.

Members of the MSEC, that is, the Medico-Social Expert Commission, have the right to appoint groups 1, 2 or 3. You can contact this specialist if you are faced with a disability and, in addition, cannot carry out the usual (necessary for normal life) functions.

They can give the appropriate status for a while or permanently (with this option, the group is designated as open-ended). However, for the implementation of the latter option, it is important that there is no positive dynamics in the state of health and rehabilitation does not give the desired effect.

Key Stages of Obtaining a Disability

Within the framework of this process, there is a conditional division into stages:

At the first stage, it is important to visit a therapist and take a letter from him;

The next step will be an assessment of the condition of all specialists who are related to the disease, plus the required tests;

The third stage involves directly receiving a referral to the ITU;

The difference of the fourth stage is that you can take the collected package of documents to the bureau, in order to then have information regarding the date of the examination;

At the final stage, the process itself is carried out, as a result, you are issued a certificate of disability with an IPR and a habilitation program (IPRA).

Starting a group

Getting a referral to ITU

First of all, you need to make an appointment with your doctor and let him know about your desire to receive a group. A specialist who records your health problems in an outpatient card, in addition, refers to doctors for your illness (the letter should indicate this). Next, go through an examination with all designated specialists, take tests (by the way, it is important to remember that tests have a statute of limitations, so it is important to be on time).

If you really want to get a group, you should talk about your illness, talking about the condition even in small things. The number of complaints about bad feeling in this case is of little importance. Of course, the information should be recorded in the outpatient card, various certificates, that is, the doctor really sees that your working capacity has decreased, there are difficulties in performing ordinary tasks, and so on.

Note that the mailing list for ITU plays a recommendatory role, this includes information not only about your up to date, but also about methods of rehabilitation, treatment (for example, in the future, it is recommended to undergo spa treatment, etc.). It is noteworthy that three seals are placed in the direction: from a medical institution and three doctors. Plus, do not forget to indicate the date of the examination.

But sometimes the doctor refuses to follow up. Then you need to ask for a waiver in writing. If this was denied, you can safely go to court. By the way, there is the possibility of self-appeal directly to the ITU bureau (an application is also written and the required documents are provided in addition to the referral - if possible, it is taken not only from the doctor, but also from the social security or Pension Fund after the provision of medical certificates).

A complete list of documents required for obtaining a disability

So, in order to receive the appropriate status and the benefits due, you need to prepare a package that will include:

Your passport (plus a copy);

Referral to ITU;

Characteristics from the workplace or from the institution where you study;

A copy of the labor (certified) - this is relevant only for employees;

income statement;

Outpatient card with extracts from hospitals (copies of the latter will still be needed);

Application for certification;

Act on occupational disease or injury received at work (form H - 1);

IPR (if a re-examination is to take place and the group is already present);

Disability certificate.

In case of recognition of disability, you will have several documents in your hands - this is an Individual Rehabilitation Program and a certificate.

With these documents, you can go to social security to apply for benefits and to the Pension Fund - to calculate a pension.

ITU Disability Registration Process

Once the paperwork (listed above) has been prepared, you have the right to contact the bureau in person or request a home examination if the condition makes the visit process difficult.

Documents must be submitted to the ITU Regional Office. In this case, it is important for you to come to the examination procedure on the specified day. As a rule, you have to wait in line for about 30 days. In addition to you, there will be three specialists on the commission, and if necessary, they invite an expert of a narrow profile (his opinion is also taken into account when making a decision).

Members expert commission carry out inspection, ask questions about marital status, social status, living conditions. Characteristics must be taken into account. Information about social skills and education is being clarified. In the process, while your condition is being assessed, a protocol is kept where questions with answers are recorded.

The final decision is made as soon as all members of the commission vote. If disagreements and doubts arise, you may be sent for another additional examination in order to obtain the missing amount of information and, based on them, make the final verdict.

All this happens at the next examination, where you must document (not just in words) prove that health problems have become more obvious and interfere with normal life, limit you in many moments, etc. (therefore, it is extremely important to collect as many documents as possible regarding the condition health).

What diseases qualify for disability?

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure, conditions for recognizing a person as disabled” indicates the grounds for obtaining a group. They include:

  • Persistent impairment of health as a result of injury, illness, any defect.
  • The presence of restrictions on one or more functions of the body's vital functions.
  • Citizen's need for social protection measures.
  • The need for habilitation and rehabilitation.

The Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024 indicates the types of dysfunction and severity. The types of persistent disorders include:

  • Various mental disorders.
  • Violation of speech, language and writing.
  • Violation various kinds sensitivity.
  • Violation of the muscles, skeleton.
  • Diseases of all systems of internal organs.
  • Violation of the functions of the skin.
  • Diseases leading to physical deformities.

In 2019, when assessing the patient's condition, the medical and social expertise (ITU) uses 4 degrees of dysfunction. Experts calculate them as a percentage. The table below summarizes the new rules.

What should I do if I am denied a group assignment?

In this scenario, it is recommended that you write a statement stating your desire to appeal the decision taken by ITU members. The paper should be submitted to the bureau where the examination was carried out. From there, the application is forwarded to the main expert bureau within three days, so that the process of assessing health indicators is repeated in the next 30 days.

You also have the opportunity to demand the appointment of an independent examination, which should include doctors who are not related to the ITU. Based on the results of all checks, in case of dissatisfaction with the results, you have the right to go to court: this instance will make a decision that is not subject to revision.

Terms of re-examination

A disabled person, depending on the established group, must be re-examined annually or every few years. In particular, for group 1, it is enough to visit the ITU once for several years, and for groups 2 and 3, it will be necessary to do this every year.

As for children with disabilities, the terms differ here, since the present disease plays a role. Old-age pensioners can apply for indefinite disability without the need to undergo a re-commission.

Diseases that do not require re-examination

It is worth knowing that the list of ailments in which ITU members recognize your permanent incapacity is quite large.

For example, without specifying the terms, disability is given when:


Mental conditions due to which the sense organs and various body systems do not work properly;

Malignant tumors of any shape and location;

Benign neoplasms that have developed in the cerebral cortex and are considered inoperable;

Degenerative processes or lesions present in the cerebral cortex;

Complex nerve anomalies;

Complete loss of vision

irreversible deafness;

Defects of the arms, legs or amputation.

What category of disability can you get?

According to experts, for the assignment of a particular group, it is not the diagnosis itself that is important, but how severe the condition is and to what extent it limits your usual life activity. It was briefly mentioned above that there are three groups in total. Now consider them in more detail, taking into account specific anomalies.

Diseases that disrupt the functions of the body are classified into groups such as:

- first group, the most difficult is given if a person is not able to take care of himself, needs systematic supervision, help, care from third parties (here we can talk about bedridden, mentally handicapped, dying, and also not capable of independent living, completely or partially paralyzed , people with tuberculosis in the stage of decompensation, those who do not have arms or legs, their eyesight is completely lost, there are severe mental problems, etc.);

- second group allowed if the condition is assessed as moderately severe, and you do not need constant supervision and assistance, and you are even able to work in special and clearly defined conditions (diseases include, for example, epilepsy with recurrent seizures, partial problems with hearing and vision, repeatedly occurring strokes, absence of a leg or arm, etc.);

- third group suitable for those who do not need constant support in everyday life, but the performance of the previous professional activity has become impossible (in such cases it is often recommended to change the profession and comply with certain requirements).

Form of disability for a child

Before this process, it is better to additionally consult in the clinic with the attending physician or with a specialist from the ITU bureau. Basically, the design of the group is exactly the same as in the examination of adults. At the same time, in addition to the previously listed papers, the passport of the parents, adoptive parents or guardians is attached to the package of documents.

If the child is studying, they take a characteristic from the place of study. By the way, in the presence of mental or genetic abnormalities, it is necessary that the attending physician give the appropriate permission to undergo the ITU. Based on this document, teachers, when compiling a characteristic, can disclose medical secrets.

How to apply for a disability pensioner?

Considering this option, we will write down specific points:

Medical examination in medical institution at the doctor's;

Obtaining a conclusion on the need for additional examination (if this measure is relevant) and further visits to doctors;

If the specialists decide that the condition corresponds to a certain group, a referral is issued to the ITU bureau;

Collection of the necessary documentation and passing the examination with the acquisition of a certificate (the group, the period of the new examination is indicated) and IPR;

Visiting the PF at the place of registration, where the status of a disabled person is assigned;

Receiving a pension, benefits, additional payments, etc., taking into account the group.

Recall that if a pensioner is refused recognition of his right to disability, you can challenge the expert decision or make a request to change the issued group.

Disability for a bedridden pensioner

When a pensioner is not able to go through all these stages himself, he still has the opportunity to write a power of attorney for a person-assistant in the process of disability registration. The document must be certified by a notary, but this is not a problem, since the specialist goes to the house. At the same time, ITU is allowed to be carried out in a hospital or at home (an assistant is present).

Obtaining a disability group in oncology

If sick leave for a disease is extended for four months or more, the doctor must refer his patient for disability registration. Of course, you need to identify the tumor, carry out treatment and surgery. Only after that can we talk about the passage of the ITU.

vision group

For example, in the presence of myopia, which provokes difficulties in everyday life, that is, the degree of the disease limits the work and household process, it is important to think about assigning the appropriate status. But first you should be examined by an ophthalmologist and other specialists (if necessary).

As a result, there should be a referral for examination on hand. Specialists will decide which group to assign, and also give a certificate. In particular:

Group 1 is for those whose visual acuity does not exceed 0.04 or blindness is total and has affected both eyes;

For group 3, weak (or medium) seeing and persons with acute vision of 0.1-0.3 can count.

Terms of establishing disability

Earlier in this material it was mentioned that the group is given for a certain period or indefinitely. The second option is relevant for the states also discussed above. For most other anomalies, only one rule works - to be re-examined every two years or every 12 months.

Reasons for removing the group

It happens that serious changes occur in the human body. Then they can not only give the group indefinitely, but also refuse to assign it. Also, as a result of the examination, disability is deprived.

Refusal is possible if there are no grounds for issuing the status, that is, for example:

The established diagnosis was not confirmed;

By this disease group is not provided;

The recipient of the perpetual group provided deliberately incorrect health information (we are talking about fraud and forgery of documents).

In general, the removal of the group is carried out both because of a violation of the law by a potential disabled person, and in the presence of positive dynamics regarding health.

How much do people with disabilities of groups 1, 2, 3, as well as people with disabilities from childhood of groups 1 and 2, and children with disabilities receive?

As mentioned earlier, a low disability group allows you to receive more assistance from the state. If we talk about payments for each group, we can name the following figures:

Holders of group 1 receive a pension in the amount of 10,567 rubles plus a monthly income equal to 3,782 rubles;

In group 2, a pension is provided, amounting to 5283 rubles and 2701 rubles - this is the EDV;

Disabled people of the 3rd group receive 4491 rubles ( pension payments) and 2162 rubles (EDV);

1 group of disability from childhood gives the right to a pension equal to 12,681 rubles and a monthly income in the amount of 3,782 rubles;

In group 2, from childhood, they give 10,567 rubles of pensions and plus 2,701 rubles in the form of EDV;

Disabled children should also receive a pension (12,681 rubles) and a monthly allowance (2,701 rubles).

Why apply for disability?

When the group is documented, you immediately go into the category of recipients of various benefits, state preferences. For example, elderly people or bedridden disabled people can be provided with diapers, diapers, catheters, etc. free of charge.

If there is a chronic condition, the state guarantees the free distribution of anti-cancer drugs, insulin and other necessary medicines(you need to look at the approved list and clarify the information on this issue in your region). Plus, disabled people are sent for sanatorium treatment.

This list should include rehabilitation means, for example, wheelchairs, prostheses (in case of injuries and not only). Assistance is quite comprehensive and voluminous, but is provided only with documentary confirmation of the status of a person with disabilities.

What is the IPR (IPRA) of a disabled person?

By this is meant the totality rehabilitation measures intended for a person with health problems. The document discusses and prescribes the necessary forms, types, period, volume, etc., regarding the implementation of professional, medical and other rehabilitation measures. It may also mention the compensatory capabilities of the body, the functions performed, the permissible activities, and much more.

Illegal registration of disability - what is the punishment

As such, the legislation does not provide for liability for registration of a “fake” disability. But in 2012, Article 159.2 was introduced into the Criminal Code, which establishes liability for fraud in receiving payments. If this is done by providing deliberately false documents (certificates of a fake disability) or hiding the necessary information.

In particular, this includes:

    registration of a disability pension;

    obtaining means of rehabilitation for the disabled, prostheses, vouchers for sanatorium treatment, etc.

There are four types of punishment for this kind of violation, which will differ in severity.:

    For a crime committed by one person, liability is established in the form of a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles, or earnings for a period of up to 1 year, compulsory work up to 360 hours, corrective labor up to 1 year, restriction of freedom up to 2 years, forced labor up to 2 years, arrest up to 4 months.

    If the crime was committed by a group of people in collusion - a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, income for a period of up to 2 years, compulsory work up to 480 hours, corrective labor up to 2 years, forced labor up to 5 years with imprisonment up to 1 year, imprisonment up to 4 years with restriction of freedom up to 1 year.

    The crime was committed using one's official position or on a particularly large scale: a fine of 100-500 thousand rubles, earnings for 1-3 years, forced labor up to 5 years with restriction of freedom up to 2 years, imprisonment up to 6 years with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, or income for 6 months and with restriction of freedom up to 1.5 years;

    If the crime is committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale - imprisonment up to 10 years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles or earnings for 3 years and with restriction of freedom up to 2 years.