Indexation of pensions for children with disabilities. Pension payments to children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood

Disability-based pensions are paid to many Russian citizens, including, perhaps, the most vulnerable category.

They need special measures of social support and additional types of assistance. Currently this question controlled by the state.

Legislative aspect of the issue

For the regulation of pension provision, including for children with disabilities and people with disabilities childhood answers Federal Law No. 166, dated December 15, 2001 "On state pension provision in Russian Federation».

This group of the population can count not only on a pension, but also on the provision of monthly cash payments and special ones.

The procedure for registration and the list of required documents

In order to receive a pension in accordance with a disability, it is necessary not only to pass the relevant medical expertise, but also provide a properly executed package of documents to a government agency.

Only then can you expect to receive cash payments.

To apply for a social pension (payment of federal significance) in connection with the presence of a disability in a child, it is necessary to collect following papers:

In addition, you may find it useful:

  • parents' passports or other documents indicating that the representative's actions are legal;
  • documents confirming the fact that a person permanently lives in Russia;
  • papers that testify to the causal relationship of disability.

The pension is accrued from the beginning of the month in which the papers were collected, duly executed and transferred to the institution.

Decor, transferred monthly, requires the collection of the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • an application with a refusal to receive “in-kind” services set out in it (filing must be done before October 1 of each year);
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

A legal representative involved in raising a disabled child will not be able to issue payments without:

  • applications for grants;
  • if the child is being cared for by another person, then the legal representative must write consent regarding such actions;
  • certificate confirming the absence of other pension payments;
  • extracts from the certificate of examination, which contains information about the disability of the child;
  • passports of a citizen who cares for a disabled person;
  • work book;
  • papers certifying kinship, adoption or guardianship;
  • information about what was not done.

In the absence of documents proving kinship or guardianship, the Pension Fund provides a time period for their execution.

Size and terms of receipt

Disability involves 3 categories, depending on how seriously the functioning of the body is upset.

Disabled child- is a citizen with limited life activity, who has not reached the age of 18.

Establishment of belonging to the group described above is carried out only on the basis, for which a referral to the appropriate medical institution is required.

Completes the issuance process. certificates of disability and rehabilitation program.

The amount of social pension for a disabled child in 2019 is 12,082 rubles 6 kopecks per month. This value is indexed annually.

Benefit paid until the status of the disabled person is reviewed or until the age of 18.


Every family with a disabled child has the right receive EDV. Its value directly depends on the set social services.

The complete rejection of in-kind assistance allows you to count on maximum monetary compensationRUB 2701.62(the amount of the maximum benefit in case of refusal of the entire set of social services worth 1,121.42 rubles as of 2019). The payment is indexed annually.

Value monthly allowance may vary depending on which services the disabled person chooses to refuse: medications, movement by railway transport, etc.

The procedure for issuing an EDV requires the submission of the following documents to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund:

Together with the monthly cash payment, you can arrange social services in kind. The approved list may be used in full or in part.

The package includes the following social services:

  • medications;
  • allocation of vouchers to the appropriate sanatorium;
  • free travel by commuter train or railway transport to the place of treatment and back.

If a child with a disability cannot take care of himself, then a free ticket and a ticket to and from the destination must also be issued to the accompanying person.

The emergence of the right to receive social services in kind arises at the moment when the legal representative of the child comes to the Pension Fund in order to apply for cash benefits. You can do without writing an additional statement. To receive the required service issued government agency the certificate must simply be presented at the appropriate place - at the railway station, in medical institution etc.

The document usually contains information about the category of the beneficiary, the term for the provision of cash payments and the list of required social services.

Early retirement

Family law states that the unconditional right to raise and daily care for a child is vested in the natural parents who, regardless of the state of his health, take care of him, treat him and worry about his needs.

As practice shows, the burden of the main concerns related to meeting the needs of a domestic nature falls on the mother's shoulders. Of course, it’s not easy for the father either - often you have to get an additional job in order to earn money for treatment.

That is, the upbringing of a disabled child imposes an increased burden on each parent, and one can apply for registration only one face eg mother.

The provision of a pension benefit is due to the fact that a parent is caring for a disabled child, but other conditions must also be met. mandatory conditions:

  • confirmation of the fact of raising a disabled child up to 8 years, during which the disability was properly registered;
  • Availability seniority at least 15 years - official employment and deduction of insurance premiums.

Other persons also have the right to draw up the agreed type of pension. So, in accordance with, the guardian of a disabled child can count on early retirement, but only if he personally cared for or hired a nurse, thereby ensuring a comfortable stay for the baby without involving a boarding school.

For an increase in the amount of social benefits for this category of citizens, see the following video:

The disability pension is a state benefit paid monthly to persons with severe health impairments. The program of the state 3-year budget of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019 provides for funds to increase payments to this category of the population.

In the Russian Federation, there are 3 options for payments to persons with handicapped:

  1. Insurance - provided exclusively for people with disabilities with a certain number of years of work experience (who at one time paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund). However, its duration is not taken into account in the calculation.
  2. Social - paid to citizens who do not have a basis for receiving an old-age insurance pension (a sufficient number of years of work experience). They are assigned to disabled people of any group, including children.
  3. State - are appointed to citizens with limited ability to work, who have a length of service established by law, and in some cases - regardless of its duration. Military personnel, cosmonauts, persons who suffered / were engaged in the liquidation of man-made or radiation disasters, participants in the Second World War have the right to receive.

Increasing payouts

According to statistics, about 20% of the total number of people with disabilities can afford to work, and therefore earn an income. For the rest, state benefits remain the only income, so the issue of increasing the disability pension in 2018 is particularly acute.

For the coming year, an increase in the size of pensions for the disabled is planned only through indexation, since additional funds to increase social assistance to citizens in the budget is not. The authorities claim that its coefficient will accurately reflect the rate of inflation in 2017, which fluctuates between 4-5%. At the same time, it should be taken into account that official inflation rates are often lower than real figures, so the premium will have little effect on material well-being and is unlikely to compensate for price increases.

From January 1, 2018, only recipients of insurance payments can count on the increase. The government decided to shift the deadlines a month earlier: previously, the increase was accrued from February 1 after the submission of data on the calculation of inflation rates by Rosstat. The increase factor is planned at the level of 3.7%, which will be equivalent to an additional payment of 300-500 rubles. The average amount of insurance pensions in 2017 is 13,657 rubles, and taking into account indexation, it will increase to 14,045 rubles.

For recipients of social benefits, indexation is scheduled for April 1 at 4.1%. The average amount of payments for 2017 is 8,742 rubles. But keep in mind that for group 1, the average figures are 13,241 rubles, and individuals receive 5,000-6,000 rubles, therefore, in monetary terms, the amount of the benefit paid will be increased by 175-500 rubles.

Payments for children with disabilities

About 617,000 disabled children live in the Russian Federation and receive disability benefits, in addition to payments established for their parents. The pension increase for them is scheduled for April 2018. The indexation coefficient will be about 2.6%, and the average amount will increase to 12,500 rubles, while today it is 12,200 rubles. In addition to the social allowance for disabled children, it is possible to receive a monthly income of 2527.06 rubles (from February 1, 2017). It will also be indexed in due course.

EDV indexing

In addition to pension provision, a monthly cash payment (UDV) is also established for the disabled, which, after contacting the local department of the Pension Fund, can replace the assigned benefits. It is credited to a special account and, as a rule, is paid together with the basic allowance.

For 2017, the amount of the UA is:

  • for group 3 - 2,022.94 rubles;
  • for group 2 - 2,508.08 rubles;
  • for 1 group - 3,538.52 rubles.

From January 1, 2018, these amounts will also be indexed by 4.1%. Along with the revision of the EVD, the cost of a set of benefits that citizens will be able to receive in kind or in cash will also be increased.

On a note! In 2017, pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, which was compensation for the lack of timely indexation of benefits. But such events are not planned for 2018, since pensions will be reviewed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin recalled that there will also be no disabled pensioners in Russia whose monthly income is below the pensioner's subsistence level (PMP) for his region of residence. For these categories of citizens, additional payments are provided in the amount that increases the monthly income to the amount of the PMP.

Video on increasing pensions for disabled children:

A child with birth defects is a special citizen who needs more care and attention than healthy children or adults with disabilities. The state also understands this, and therefore establishes mandatory monetary compensation for this category in a certain amount.

How was the increase in payments in Russia?

Over the past 3 years, there has not been a too large increase in pensions for children with disabilities (read about how much the increase in pensions for people with disabilities will be and when to expect an increase). However, if we trace the latest changes, we can see that the amount of payments increased by almost 1,000 rubles. For example, if in 2014 the amount of pension payments for a child with a disability was 11,445 rubles, now it is 12,082 rubles.


From 2015 to 2016

From 2016 to 2017

From 2017 to 2018

Disabled child

First (since childhood)

Second (since childhood)

Third (since childhood)

How to apply?

The process of applying for a social pension is the same for all categories. You can apply for a pension at any time, from the moment the child is awarded a disability group.

  1. To do this, you must submit an appropriate application to the Pension Fund. It is submitted to its local branch, but if this is not the case, then you should contact the institution at the place of registration, stay, or simply the regional branch.

    Also, this can be achieved through the Multifunctional Center. The document must be delivered in person or by mail. Also, the participation of a legal representative is possible. However, in the latter case, you will have to provide a power of attorney in his name.

    At the same time, along with the application, the citizen will have to provide the following list of papers:

    • identity card of the person in whose name the pension will be accrued (birth certificate and passport of the child);
    • ITU conclusion.
  2. After submitting the application, the pension will begin to accrue from the 1st day of the next month.


For disabled children and people who have acquired disabilities since childhood, in accordance with the annual. It can be seen that every year the amount by which the amount of payments is increased becomes less and less, and in 2018 citizens will expect the same result. However, in April 2019 they promise to raise the amount of payments by a decent amount.

The provision of pensions to citizens is an obligation incumbent on the state. This is stated in the code of laws of the country - in the Constitution. Among the disabled who need material support, children are considered a special category. They are the most dependent part of society. Children with disabilities may receive cash benefits. This item of expenditure is budgeted in advance. Who belongs to this category of the population? Under what conditions can people receive funds? And what will be the pension for disabled children in 2019? You will learn the answers to these questions from this article.

Children with disabilities due to congenital defects, mutilations or injuries are recognized as disabled and have the right to receive a social pension. Depending on the severity of the state of health, subsidies are paid for one to two years or until adulthood. The term is determined by the medical and social examination.

Help types

The state support package for families with children consists of:

1) pensions (it is received by parents or guardians caring for the child);

2) cash payment received monthly (its size depends on the absence, availability or partial provision of social services; this amount is not indexed);

3) social services:

  • treatment in a sanatorium with a voucher;
  • providing prescription drugs and together with therapeutic nutrition;
  • free travel to different types land transport to the place of treatment and back; if for this it is necessary that an accompanying person be present, then in this case he is paid for a ticket and a round-trip journey.

Under what conditions is social assistance paid, and what documentation is needed for this?

The law of the Russian Federation says that a disability pension, as well as monthly material assistance, are required:

1) children with disabilities living in Russia;

2) able-bodied parents or guardians caring for a child with a disability.

Social payments are made only if a certificate of permanent residence in a particular locality is provided. The pension can be received from the month when the disability was confirmed. Other benefits - in the month you apply for them. To apply for a pension, documents are submitted to the Pension Fund at the place of residence:

  • insurance policies for a child and an adult are provided;
  • certificate confirming disability;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • identification code and passport of the authorized person;
  • statement.

How are these funds allocated and received?

A citizen has the right to bring documentation in person or send it by mail. The issue of appointment must be resolved within ten days from the time the application was submitted, or the date on the envelope. If an incomplete package of documents was submitted, then the term of submission is considered from the day when all the necessary papers were collected. When submitting an application, the authorized person can indicate the method of delivery of funds.

You can use these options:

1) transfers to a bank account;

2) receiving money at home (the postman brings the payment).

Will the pension for disabled children increase in 2019?

Unfortunately, the cost of goods and services is constantly rising, and money is only depreciating. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to increase the size of the pension. The only way to do this is to provide an annual increase. Its size is affected by the rate of inflation.

It is planned to increase the pension for disabled children from January 1, 2019. Many are also interested in the amount of indexation of pensions for disabled children in 2019. Indexation will be carried out as planned in April 2019. The coefficient should be from 2.6 to 4%. The pension will be 12730.82 rubles.

What can be said about the lump sum payment for children with disabilities in 2019? Indeed, in addition to the above payments, the government will provide additional assistance. We are talking about a one-time payment, which will amount to 5,000 rubles. This is the EFA for children in 2019.

Pensions in 2019 will be indexed on time and paid in the prescribed manner.


Social support for children with disabilities and the disabled is regulated at the federal level. This group of the population is entitled to additional benefits, payments and benefits.

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What it is?

The goals of support are to provide a disabled child and his family with everything necessary, help in social adaptation and health promotion.
Some entities make additional payments from regional budgets.

So, for example, in Yaroslavl, the parents of a disabled person are paid an additional 2,000 rubles for caring for a child.

Russian legislation provides for several types of pension support, which is due to different categories of the population. Disabled people, depending on their social status, can apply for three types of disability pension.

What is the pension like?

  • - if you have work experience;
  • state - for special merits (military, astronauts, victims of radiation, etc.);
  • - lack of work experience (relies on those who are not able to provide for themselves on their own).

Disabled children can only count on the last group. The social pension accounts for up to 5% of all state pension payments.

Normative base

Pension provision for various categories of citizens (including disabled children) is regulated by federal law - Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001 "On Russian Pension Provision".

This is the main regulatory legal act from which you can get all the information of interest:

  • categories of recipients;
  • terms of appointment;
  • payment procedure, etc.

There are also regional documents that establish additional payments and benefits for people with disabilities within the subject.

Who is eligible to receive?

The procedure for recognizing a person as a disabled person is described in Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation."

In accordance with it, several criteria for disability have been identified:

  • health problems (severe dysfunction of organs that are caused by illness, injury or defect);
  • limited life activity (partial or complete deprivation of the ability to self-service, work, communication, movement and other activity - visual disability, hearing disability, etc.);
  • need for help social protection and rehabilitation.

Children's disability differs from adult disability in that the child is not assigned any group.

The status of a disabled person is assigned until the child reaches the age of majority or until the state of health improves. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, he is recognized as a disabled child of the first, second or third group.

Child disability pension can be issued:

  • one of the parents;
  • official guardian;
  • another citizen on their behalf.


The main payment that is due to children with disabilities is a social pension. In addition, they may receive a monthly financial assistance and a set of social services.


A disabled child is entitled to a social pension. Having reached the age of majority, he can still receive a social pension, but in a different amount.

The amount of the payment is established by Article 18 of Law No. 166. According to the document, the indexation of payments is carried out once a year (from April 1).

To assign a payment, you must officially recognize the fact of disability due to an existing disease.

In general, the terms of appointment of a social pension differ from a labor one.

The insurance coverage of previously working citizens is a kind of compensation for the loss of earnings due to the inability to work, and the social pension is a benefit ( extra help) and allocated directly from the budget.

A social pension is entitled to receive disabled persons without work experience who permanently reside in the Russian Federation:

  • disabled children of various groups;
  • disabled children.

Childhood disabled persons are citizens who, upon reaching the age of majority, are assigned the status of a disabled person based on the nature of the disease, defect or injury received in childhood or infancy.

On the loss of a breadwinner

Additional payments to families of disabled children in the Moscow Region:

  • compensation to a person caring for a disabled person - 5,000 rubles;
  • additional compensation for a disabled child who has lost a breadwinner - 1,450 rubles.

How is it calculated?

No special calculations are used to determine payments to children with disabilities, since the Government has established fixed amounts of payments. However, PFR employees, when calculating payments, must take into account the indexation coefficient.


In general, the formula for calculating the payout looks like this:

Disabled child pension = (Fixed amount * Indexation factor) + Fixed amount

Calculation example

For example, in 2020, the pension for disabled children at the beginning of the year was 11,445.68 rubles. On April 1, 2020, payments were indexed by 4%:
The amount of the increase from 04/01/2016 = 11445.68 * 4% = 457.8 rubles

Thus, the amount of payment from 04/01/2016 is: 11445.68 + 457.8 = 11903 rubles

What number is listed?

There is no fixed transfer date. Terms in different regions vary, but usually the pension is transferred before the tenth day of the current month.


Is the child entitled to temporary registration or without it at all?

To apply for a temporary registration pension, you need to attach the child to the clinic at a temporary address and get a referral for a medical examination.
You cannot apply for a pension without registration.

Is it payable after adulthood?

Adult citizens receive a pension as disabled children. At the same time, they are assigned one of three groups.

What to do if the bailiffs arrested the pension?

If the pension was arrested by the bailiffs, you need to come to the PFR department where the payment was made and order from them a certificate of transferring the social pension to a specific account.

What can the money paid be spent on?

Compensation is not targeted, i.e. the money received can be spent on any personal needs (vacation, trip, treatment, purchase of clothes, etc.).