How to be a zookeeper. How to be a zookeeper How to get to the Moscow Zoo by ground transport

I think many of my peers had or have a desire to get a job. So, I want to share with you my first experience, dear readers.

So the first day
I woke up at 7.00. It's summer outside, hot, June. I thought I was the only one who got up so early today. She began to scold herself, because she herself started all this. I really wanted to sleep during the holidays. Having cheered up a little, I decided that I should slowly get used to such a life. I went out, on the street, the subway is full of people. Everyone with suitcases, bags, just go to work, just like me. More precisely, it's me now, like them, all adults. Even though I'm only 15 years old. When I was asked why I came to them, then, without hesitation, I answered: for the sake of money. So many things I wanted! My first job was at the zoo. By position - landscaper. It was quite difficult to get set up. They generally don't take girls. "We need to mow the lawn, water the flowers, the technique is dangerous and difficult for the weaker sex," they told me. Well, I really wanted to get my first work experience this summer. Persuaded. All that was part of my duties was to keep the flower beds clean, pull out weeds and ... probably everything. At first she was happy. But I really wanted someone to appreciate the fruits of my labor. I'm getting paid for this! I don't know where these feelings come from. But our senior landscaper quickly slowed me down, telling me to take care of myself. After all, you feel so good, so be quiet, no one will notice your efforts anyway. He told me this because among them I stood out very much. I had everything according to the Labor Code. Exactly until 13.00 I worked without being distracted, then exactly until 14.00 I rested, and then I went for new assignments. And apparently, I completely got them, or they just took care of me like that. If I had told them that I had a headache or that I was tired, they would not hesitate to send me home. Although I know that you can plow and plow on me. In general, finally, having decided that they didn’t really need me, I hacked for hours (this did not affect my salary in any way). After all, they themselves taught, especially around, after all, there was a lot to see.

Strange Role
negative moment
And the weather in June was wonderful, there were many visitors. Not without acquaintances either. To be honest, at the beginning I felt very uncomfortable. Since I'm an employee, I was given a branded green jumpsuit, T-shirt and cap, and in my hands a hoe, a pruner, and a garbage bag. And I felt like a janitor. A strange little role. And I had to suffer with this role. Questions how to get where were asked endlessly. And if I stood at some cage, there is generally boundless curiosity. What is the name of the animal, how it was brought to the zoo, or what kind of bush it is, could you tear off a branch, plant it at home. You can’t explain to everyone that you are not at all a biologist or a professional botanist, although you didn’t want to look stupid either. I had to remember some names and nicknames.
Good point, or These funny giraffes
But soon I realized all the charm of my appearance. They let me in everywhere for free. I even went to the elephants, which are still kept outside the zoo. But, most importantly, I had favorites, on which I spent all my free time, but there was plenty of it. Once, on a good day, Monday, when the zoo has a day off, and we are working, I was put on a pericellular green lawn with giraffes, which is in the second territory. There are two low barriers. And these animals, seeing that I was alone, began to stretch their long necks towards me. At first I was afraid of their impressive size. But in vain, these are very kind and cute animals. My feeding us soon became friends. For them, I cut off all the nearby trees (landscapers are allowed), and then generally climbed into their enclosure (although there were still rabid zebras and some kind of buffalo, but they were in the houses). It seemed to me that they even remembered me and rejoiced at my arrival. The next day, when there were already visitors, everyone gathered around me and asked to take pictures of giraffes and were surprised how I was not afraid of them. And mothers told their little children, when they also wanted to go beyond the fence, that "this aunt just has the knowledge and experience of working with them, and the giraffe will bite you."

Animals are killed in the zoo!
Yes exactly. Just on a good day, Monday, the shooting of city birds took place. Some sparrows liked to feed on all sorts of crocodiles for free. But it was not there. For this they were killed and fed to predators. I also noticed that people love turtles very much, only at first. And then they drag these giants to the zoo and ask the gardeners to release them into the pond. Where mutant fish of huge sizes are also found and, by the way, many come to look at them, someone feeds them like ducks, and some are not averse to catching them with improvised objects.

small sketch
It was just interesting to walk around the zoo and look at people. They liked to repeat: "I haven't been to the zoo for a long time." There are many more artists who sat for hours and drew little animals. Good practice.

Other employees
There are not so many Muscovites who want to get a permanent physical job for 4,000 rubles. I understood this because the rest of my colleagues were not Muscovites. Only one student and then in the evening after classes. Everything is clear with the students. I'll tell you better about Heraclius, he is also 15 years old. The truth is not great, he came to Moscow with his mother to work, lives right there at the zoo. He is periodically pestered, because of his appearance, he tries not to pay attention to it. In general, he is very good in nature. Responsible and hardworking. But I felt sorry for him. Heraclius liked to say that he needed money, he even got an additional job at dismantling and assembling tents. And then he spent this money on all sorts of nonsense, asked my advice, and he himself bought some unnecessary video cassettes, which for some reason could not be rented, spent all sorts of chocolates, ice cream, etc. He cannot determine his goal in life, but he never complained about his fate. He says he likes it here. Of course, the zoo has already been learned by heart, and yet he does not need more. This is what he says himself. And it seems to me that he has a lot of energy that could be directed to something useful. I advised him to at least go to study in sports (he has good physical fitness), but he thinks that this requires a lot of money, and he cannot save. What can I say, he's even scared to go outside. And how can you live without friends in such similar weekdays?

In general, there were few negative points. Of course, the legs get tired, but it is useful. In the morning I got up and thought with horror that I would have to live like this all the time. True, my parents quickly reassured me, they say, you get used to it quickly and thoughts as stupid as they think no longer arise.
And of course, a pleasant moment to receive money in an envelope, as expected. But if you ask me what I spent it on, I don’t remember - I remember that they were needed, but where did I send them? But I remember very well my favorite giraffes and the joy that I work for the sake of work.

The Moscow Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Europe. It was opened on January 31, 1864 according to the old style and was then called the zoo.
The Moscow Zoo was organized by the Imperial Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants. The beginning of its existence is associated with the wonderful names of professors of Moscow University Karl Frantsevich Rul'e, Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Sergey Alekseevich Usov.
The area where the Old Territory of the Zoo is now located was called Presnensky Ponds. A fairly wide Presnya river flowed here, and it was one of the favorite places for Muscovites to have fun - green hills, flood meadows, flowering gardens adorned the surroundings. To create a zoo by a majority vote of members of the Acclimatization Society, this site was chosen, since it was at an accessible distance for all Muscovites, including the poor. The territory of the Petrovsky Academy, for example, was more convenient and larger, but it would be far and expensive for most potential visitors to travel there.
By the opening of the zoo, it contained 134 specimens of domestic animals, 153 specimens of wild animals and birds, and 7 specimens of reptiles. The Russian fauna was best represented: bears, wolves, foxes, badgers, ferrets, martens, hares, squirrels, hedgehogs, deer, falcons, hawks, owls, owls, bustards, cranes, herons, ducks. The creators of the garden wanted to show the audience, first of all, our native nature. Exotic animals were also on display - 2 lions, a jaguar, 2 tigers, a leopard, a rhinoceros, an alligator.
The creators of the zoo had the goal not only to create a public educational and scientific institution, but meant practical use collections. Many domestic animals of the best breeds for that time were kept here, work was carried out to acclimatize foreign thoroughbred animals to improve domestic breeds, various exhibitions of various domestic animals were constantly held, where Russian owners could not only get acquainted with the best world experience, but also acquire thoroughbred animals.
In the center of a huge bustling city, in the same place, the zoo pleases visitors with a new, modern, beautiful look and is always happy to welcome guests.
Text authors I. Kostina, S. Pereshkolnik, N. Rubinshtein
It is impossible to enumerate all the activities of the Moscow Zoo in one essay. Therefore, we want to refer interested readers to the book “Moscow Zoological Park. History Pages. The book was published in 2004 by Eliis Luck 2000. It most fully covers the history of the creation and development of the zoo, contains rich illustrative material, including unique archival photographs. About the present day of the oldest zoological park in Russia, about his work, which is usually hidden from the eyes of the public, is also described in this book.

Any person, without experience and education, who loves animals and is ready for hard physical work, can come to the zoo to work. I have been working in zoos for over ten years. When in kindergarten we were asked to draw a picture on the topic “What do you want to become”, I drew animals and said that I would take care of them.

A lot of people want to work at the zoo, but basically they spend a couple of days there and leave. Therefore, in fact, there is no competition when applying for a job. From films about foreign zoos, people think that this is almost like an office job: the hardest part is not shown there. Naturally, it is associated with weight lifting, an unpleasant odor. Someone considers this work monotonous, but I think the opposite: for me, being with animals all the time is very exciting.

How do animals get to the zoo?

The zoo's collection is completed according to its material capabilities and location. If the zoo is interested in any animal, it contacts the international organization in charge of zoos. There, according to the studbook, they are looking for a suitable animal - it may be related to the existing animal by distant kinship, or, ideally, have no family ties with it at all. If there is a suitable animal, then the zoos agree among themselves on the purchase or exchange. In addition, animals can be rented for several years.

It happens that people themselves bring animals to the zoo, which they find, for example, in the forest - foxes, beavers. We take care of them - first they are quarantined, and then, when the animal gets stronger and bolder, it is assigned to the appropriate department. However, we do not accept everyone. We do not take birds categorically due to bird flu. This used to be easier. About 15 years ago, quite exotic animals got into the zoo from the hands of ordinary people. Then people very often kept wild animals, which they brought to them from different countries- it was pretty easy. They inflicted injuries either on the owner or his children. So, for example, a lot of monkeys got into the zoo. Among them were dangerous monkeys, which have sharper and larger fangs than even dogs. There were rare species. When a person does not know what to do with a wild animal, he, of course, carries it to the zoo, where else.

There are times when mother porcupine gives birth to three, then the third is take away

Zoo device

The structure of the zoo depends on its size and collection of animals. Sometimes it consists of territories corresponding to departments - rodents, predators, birds, and so on. Also, the zoo can be divided into continents, where the animals living on them are represented.

In zoos, there are often so-called communal apartments- when they live in the same enclosure different types. There are many cases when noses and porcupines or giraffes, ostriches and zebras get along with each other. One of the wide famous stories- the friendship of the cat Dusi and the lynx Linda from the Leningrad Zoo, who were specially placed with each other in childhood. They play with each other, share food, and this is not surprising. Among animals, such coalitions also occur in the wild.

Many zoos in Europe and Asia have aviaria - huge domed structures covered with a net, where animals and birds live. In my opinion, this is the most interesting animal show, but, unfortunately, in the northern zoos it is difficult to perform due to weather conditions.

typical employee day

The working day starts from early morning, about seven, long before the opening of the zoo. The first visitors should enjoy interacting with animals in already clean cages. First, we go around the animals, see if anyone is sick, how they ate, what items - tires, boxes, ropes, barrels or balls - used for games. If the pet gets sick, we immediately call the veterinarian, we report broken decorations to the repair department. If everything is in order, we get to work: we clean the cages and enclosures, feed the animals. After lunch, a small meeting, then the second cleaning and mandatory training with animals.

Changes in the diet of zoo pets are highly undesirable. Everything is calculated to the nearest piece, everyone has a feed card, and it is advisable to strictly adhere to it. That is why in zoos people are forbidden to feed an animal - it can simply die due to the fact that it constantly receives something in excess of the norm. If the feeding is indicative, and the zookeeper is in a good mood, he can serve the animal a beautifully presented meal. For example, polar bear beautifully cover the meat with beets or make a meat cake. A bear eats 10 kilograms of meat a day, ungulates eat hay all year round, and this is also not cheap. Each employee prepares food for the animal in a different way. Even the smell depends on which particular person cuts it, and animals naturally notice this.

Freelance situations mostly happen to negligent visitors: they lose children, put their fingers in cages. Sometimes animals take away the personal belongings of visitors who violate the rules of conduct. Monkeys are especially guilty of this.

old and sick animals continue to live in their enclosures, they are not transferred anywhere. Of course, people are angry: how is it, the poor animal lies, barely breathing

About newborn animals

Parents themselves take care of newborn animals in the zoo, but it happens that they do not cope with their duties. If a moose cow gave birth to two cubs, and not one, you have to feed them. There are cases when a porcupine mother gives birth to three, then we have to take the third one. In nature, he would not have survived, because his mother simply would not have enough milk for him.

The breeding season usually comes in the spring - foxes, raccoons are born, bears show their cubs. Polar bears give birth to cubs in the winter in a den, and the cubs come out to visitors in March-April. Ungulates can give birth in the middle of the day, and visitors sometimes catch the actual birth. If the zoo has the opportunity to keep a bear cub or other animal, then, of course, he does it. Most often, animals are either sold or given to another zoo in exchange for some other animal.

About old and sick animals

Old and sick animals continue to live in their enclosures, they are not transferred anywhere. Of course, people are indignant: how is it that the poor animal is lying, barely breathing. But if we transfer an old animal to another cage, it will be a great stress for him, and, of course, he will die. We must treat this with understanding - you do not put your grandparents to sleep.

In zoos, animals live much longer than in nature. Very often here you can see the oldest animals on earth. Some animals live in the zoo for 30-40 years, birds - for 60 years. Of course, if the animal suffers, we somehow solve this problem, but in most cases it simply lives out its old age. It is interesting when our mothers saw some animals when they were small. The collection of animals in the zoo is rarely updated, and it is very pleasant to come to your favorite animal again and again, to watch how cubs are born to him.

Often people wonder why such expensive tickets but the zoo for this money exists

About circuses and animal exploitation

Seeing the entire kitchen of the zoo from the inside, I always try to refute the assertion that animals do not live well in the zoo. They are wonderfully fed, cared for, entertained in every possible way, because we are with the animals all day long. If they were not well, they would not live so long. And I would not say that animals suffer from a lack of movement in the cells. A good indicator here is that none of them are getting fat. Animals grow up in these enclosures and are used to this way of life. Although no zoo, of course, can not be compared with wildlife. To be honest, I feel more sorry for the animals that are kept in people's homes. The owners are at work all day, they come only in the evening, the animal is left to itself.

Another question is when it comes to menageries at restaurants, gas stations or mobile zoos. Animals there, of course, are not kept in comfort. When the bear cub grows up, he is either killed or released into the wild, and for him this means certain death. I am also against circuses and people who stand with animals on the street and offer to take pictures with them. When people approach such photographers, they only support the demand, which means that these services will continue to exist.

About giraffe Marius

The story of the giraffe Marius is, of course, a glaring case. Firstly, it was impossible to do this with a huge crowd of people, especially children - this is dishonorable on the part of the zoo. On the other hand, adult giraffes are very rarely transported - they move without lying down, they cannot be tied up and laid down. Naturally, this giraffe would have reached the first bridge and that's it. I don’t know how things are with zoos in Denmark, but apparently they did it out of desperation, because they had nowhere to put it. I do not justify them: I am sure that with a strong desire, the giraffe could be relocated to another place.

About Russian and foreign zoos

Abroad, where the territory allows, there are a lot of interesting zoos in terms of collections. I really liked Singapore and Germany. Of those animals that are rarely found in our zoos, I fell in love with hornbills - amazing animals that can be trained. In general, I am very interested in Asian animals, for example binturong. For them, this is an ordinary animal; I have not seen it in Russian zoos. It would be interesting to bring to the zoo great ape, but they require special care and a separate territory.

Of course, the main problem of Russian zoos is funding. Often people wonder why tickets are so expensive, but the zoo exists for this money. All zoos have an option for animal custody, but I don't know how much zoo expenses it covers. When I visit zoos in other cities of Russia, I always look at how animals are kept there, and I can’t say anything bad about them.

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

Animal keepers are professionals who work with animals in zoos, aquariums, and outdoor animal parks. Zoos employ people with different backgrounds, so there is no guarantee that you will get a job in this field. A good education, extensive work experience and determination will help you become an animal caretaker.


Part 1

Getting an education

    Learn more about the animal care profession. Before entering the position of an animal caretaker, it is necessary to learn more about this profession. This is a demanding job both physically and emotionally, and you need to make sure that this profession is right for you.

    Learn about zookeeper job alternatives. Many people love the idea of ​​working in a zoo, but the sheer volume of physical work and the zookeeper's unpredictable schedule thwart their aspirations. But in addition to this profession, the zoo also requires other kinds of employees.

    Look for ways to get an education in educational institutions. There is no special qualification or degree required to become an animal keeper, although the requirements vary from zoo to zoo. However, the more you know about animals, wildlife and biology, the better.

    Part 2

    Gaining experience
    1. Volunteer at the zoo. Experience is very important in any profession, which is especially necessary for obtaining the necessary skills in the field of looking after animals. Volunteer work is a great start to your career, thanks to which you can do student practice and at the same time try yourself in the profession of an animal caretaker.

      Do an internship at the zoo. Student practice is a great addition to the resume, which also gives you the opportunity to gain experience directly in the zoo. Although student practice is a good help in any field of knowledge, it is especially important to gain experience of student practice in a zoo, because this area requires a wide range of skills and abilities from employees.

      Gain qualifications and technical skills. The zookeeper position requires a combination of physical and technical skills and abilities. You can complete your CV by earning a certificate in Field Resuscitation, First Aid and Computer Skills.

    Part 3

    Job search

      Write a resume. A good CV is the first step to a good position, but a CV for the animal caretaker position must include your experience and education and provide references.

      Find out where you can find work. Finding a job is challenging for most people, and many don't even know where to start. Make a strategic plan for finding the right position.

    1. When looking for a job, learn to adapt to new situations. It is possible that you will not find a suitable position right away. Be prepared to deal with current changes and less-than-favorable circumstances. Any job is good, because it will come in handy for you to fill out a resume and gain experience in a particular field.

      • Animal keepers work all day and even on holidays. If you've been offered a job, be prepared to put in the effort.
      • There are zoos all over the country, so the job search is not limited to one region. Consider moving if you really want to work as an animal caretaker. Be prepared financially and emotionally for the possibility of moving.
      • Get ready for a small starting salary. Animal caretakers make relatively low salaries, especially if you are just starting out in your career. Remember that your budget will be limited and be prepared to work for minimal pay.
    • Zookeepers must be strong enough to work with animals. You must be ready for physical activity and always be in shape. Only in this case you will be able to work in this area.
    • Many people choose to work with animals out of embarrassment or embarrassment when interacting with people, but as in any other field of work, communication is a very important factor in the work of an animal caretaker. You must be able to communicate with people working in this field, so be prepared to leave your comfort zone in terms of social relationships.

Entrance to the Moscow Zoo is possible with a Troika card.

The Moscow Zoo is the first zoo in Russia, opened in 1864. The initiator of its creation was the Imperial Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants, and the zoo was largely supported by donations from the imperial family. The Moscow Zoo was built according to the project of the architect Campioni, but most of the pavilions were built later. The work of the Moscow Zoo is to preserve species, research and educational activities.

Now it contains about eight thousand individuals belonging to about one thousand one hundred species of the world fauna. Animals of the Moscow Zoo are kept in several dozen expositions representing a particular region, family, species, etc. For example, in the Australia section, you can admire emus and black swans, and then look into the Giraffe House.

The zoo is a member of the World and European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA, EAZA), the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA). He participates in many international programs for the conservation of endangered species, collaborating with environmental organizations around the world. There are special excursions for children, seminars and lectures.

Animals of the Moscow Zoo

About 8,000 representatives of about 1,100 species of fauna from all over the world (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) live in the Moscow Zoo. Animals are kept in several dozen expositions, which are thematically divided into regions of habitat, families, species.

The favorites of the public in the Moscow Zoo are manuls. This wild cat was even on the emblem of the zoo until 2014.

The real luck for visitors is to visit the zoo while feeding predators and large animals. The site has a feeding schedule for jackals, pelicans, seals and other animals.

Entrance to the Moscow Zoo

You can enter the zoo through several entrances:

  • Main (near the metro station "Barrikadnaya").
  • Additional: from Sadovo-Kudrinskaya Street, between the Terrarium Pavilion and the Moscow Planetarium, this is the entrance to the New Territory (daily from 10:00 to 17:00, except Tuesday).

Two temporary entrances are used when for some reason the passage through the main entrance is limited, otherwise they are closed. Their location:

  • At Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 10 - the entrance to the New Territory;
  • At Krasnaya Presnya, 4 (near the Zoo gallery) - towards the Old Territory.

Prices at the Moscow Zoo in 2020

A regular ticket for an adult is 600 rubles.

The price of a ticket to the Moscow Zoo does not include (admission is paid separately):

  • Exotarium - 150 rubles;
  • Exhibition "The Amazing World of Reptiles" - 250 rubles.

Other additional services: pony riding - 300 rubles, riding in a carriage - 300 rubles.

Visiting a children's lecture hall (one-time):

  • Child - 500 rubles.
  • Child + parent - 800 rubles.
  • Family - 1000 rubles.

Moscow zoo for free

Benefits at the Moscow Zoo (free admission):

  • Children under 17 years old entrance;
  • Full-time students;
  • Soldiers-conscripts and cadets of the military. schools;
  • Pensioners;
  • Disabled people;
  • Participants in hostilities;
  • Liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • Parents of many children.

Discounts at the Moscow Zoo

  • Temporary promotions — up to 50% discount (in the news of the zoo and on partner websites);
  • Special holiday promotions - free of charge to the Moscow Zoo by registration (on the official website).

Excursions in the Moscow Zoo

The cost of a tour of the Moscow Zoo (for groups of up to 15 people) is from 2,500 rubles.

Visitors are offered general overview and various thematic walks (in separate pavilions). Tours are most relevant in the evening and on weekends. You need to register in advance.

Entrance from Sadovo-Kudrinskaya

Buy a ticket to the Moscow Zoo

There are two main ways to purchase tickets to the Moscow Zoo: at the ticket office at the entrance or online, on the official website.

You can also visit the zoo with a Troika card.

Please note: it is impossible to issue an electronic ticket for the current day, only from the next day from the date of purchase.

Opening hours of the Moscow Zoo

Opening hours of the Moscow Zoo: daily from 9:00 to 18:00.

The cash desk of the Moscow Zoo at the main entrance and the cash desk of the Children's Zoo close one hour before the closing of the zoo itself.

The Exatarium and The Amazing World of Reptiles opens at 11:00 am and closes an hour before the zoo closes.

Moscow zoo in winter

As on other days of the year in winter, the Moscow Zoo operates on a daily basis, including receiving visitors on December 31 and January 1. However, the duration of the working day on holidays may vary, you need to check before the visit.

How to get to the Moscow Zoo

The oldest zoo in Moscow is located near the Garden Ring, and it is very convenient to get to it by metro, but you can also use land transport - take buses or trolleybuses.

Metro to the Moscow Zoo

The easiest way for city guests to get to the Moscow Zoo is the metro.

At the central entrance to the zoo, there are two stations of the Moscow Metro at once - Krasnopresnenskaya (Koltsevaya Line) and Barrikadnaya (Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya Line).

How to get to the Moscow Zoo by land transport

The stops at the main entrance are “Metro Krasnopresnenskaya” (buses No. m6, t79, 39, 64, 69, 116, 850, 869, trolleybus No. 66) and “Metro Barrikadnaya” (bus No. 116, trolleybus No. 66 ).

The stop in front of the entrance to Sadovo-Kudrinskaya is called "Malaya Nikitskaya Street", the necessary bus routes are as follows: B, T10, T39, 869.

Pony Club of the Moscow Zoo

The children's "Pony Club" at the stable of the Moscow Zoo was opened in 1996. This is the only pony club in Russia with a sports and theatrical direction. Today, 120 children aged 7 to 14 are engaged here. For 15 years of work in the pony club, more than 1,500 young athletes have received free training. Since 2000, Moscow pony club athletes have regularly become winners of all pony club competitions, holding the title of Russian champion in all types of equestrian sports, including driving.

Pupils of the pony club of the Moscow Zoo perform in theatrical performances at the Olimpiysky Sports Palace, at Equiros international exhibitions in Sokolniki, at the Pradar international equestrian club, at LenExpo exhibitions, at international Akhal-Teke rallies, at the Central Moscow Hippodrome.

Exotarium of the Moscow Zoo

The Exotarium pavilion of the Moscow Zoo occupies the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Animal Island pavilion, which is located on the New Territory. In the twilight of the Exotarium, brightly lit aquariums appear before your eyes, where the world of the coral reef is recreated. The Exotarium of the Moscow Zoo contains about 100 species of reef fish from the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.

In the large reef aquarium of the Exotarium, a variety of coelenterates of the Indo-Malay archipelago are presented. Initially, they were brought into the aquarium in the form of single small specimens, but today, constantly multiplying, coelenterates stuck around all the decorations of the aquarium. Along with corals and sea anemones, the aquarium contains tridacna and a variety of reef fish, of which anemone fish and pseudanthias should be especially noted.

Open lecture hall

The Moscow Zoo holds lectures for children and adults.

Twice a month on Thursdays at 19:30 lectures for adults are given by scientists, environmentalists and science popularizers. Admission is free, pre-registration is required. The schedule is being updated, you can check it on the website.

Children's lecture hall is held on Saturdays at 12:00 and 14:00. Zoologists, oceanologists, ecologists and other scientists talk about the boundless and wonderful world. Most of the lectures include demonstrations of animals and are designed for children from 6 to 12 years old.