How to quickly and easily wake up in the morning - easy and effective tips. How can you learn to get up early in the morning with joy? Strength to get up in the morning

Surely, everyone knows the feeling of lack of sleep, weakness, despondency in the morning. It is especially difficult to get up in rainy, cold weather or when it is still dark outside. But for some, getting up in the morning turns out to be an overwhelming task even in the warm daylight hours, no matter how loudly the birds sing and the sun shines brightly.

Once again, we give ourselves a little reprieve: “Five more minutes and I’m up!” - and wake up. During this period, neither another cup of coffee, nor an invigorating shower, nor the cheerful voice of DJs from the radio will save you.

What are the reasons for such a heavy buildup in the morning?

Why is getting up in the morning so hard?

I can't wake up in the morning, what should I do? We are asking this question more and more. And okay, if you slept for an hour and a half, and before that you unloaded the cars. But no, there was nothing like that. And the morning rise is a feat not otherwise. Why is this happening? It's time to look for an answer. Consider the main factors:

The first reason is a banal lack of sleep.

Eight hours healthy sleep men need for a good rest. Women's and children's bodies need at least nine hours to restore the body. In the constant rush and race to the bottom, we simply do not have enough time to sleep. It takes four, five, six hours to fall. In such conditions, it is naturally difficult to wake up in the morning. What's driving your hectic schedule? Urgent business, blockage at work or inability to turn off the computer and TV in a timely manner?

The second reason is overeating.

But why can't I wake up in the morning if I go to bed on time? This is a fairly common question. And keep track of what time you have dinner? What dishes do you choose for the evening meal? Heavy food and alcohol negatively affect the quality of sleep. It is especially difficult for the body to process carbohydrate-rich foods, smoked and fried foods. Sleeping immediately after dinner is a big burden for the body. Heaviness in the stomach and a heavy morning rise are standard consequences of overeating.

The third reason is the lack of a regime

I can't wake up in the morning, what should I do? First of all, review your daily routine. Some activities force us to stay up at night. A few hours of sleep during the day is not enough for a good rest. But when evening comes, the body actively resists sleep. The whole point is that the regime goes astray. As a result, we spin for a long time, counting sheep, we cannot fall asleep. In the morning, we dream of sleeping for another five minutes, which is always not enough.

Reason #4: Late sleep

It is difficult to get up in the morning if you go to bed after midnight. The most valuable time for relaxation and recovery of the body is the period from 21.00 to 00.00. You can even sleep the required 9-10 hours. But if you stay up late, it becomes hard to get up in the morning. The reason for this is unproductive hours of sleep.

The fifth reason is indiscipline

It’s hard to get up in the morning also because we put off getting up. Turning off the alarm or rearranging it for five to ten minutes is a common mistake. It is easier for the body to wake up in the light sleep phase. By not getting up immediately after waking up, you risk falling into a deep sleep. Getting out of this state will be much more difficult.

Reason six - overvoltage

Mental strain and worsen the quality of sleep. We are prevented from relaxing by obsession with work problems and family circumstances. Thoughts in the head live "their own life", forcing our brain to strain. In this case, relaxation before bedtime is necessary. Take a break from thoughts, do breathing exercises, drink herbal tea. It is essential to calm down before going to bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep, and then it will be difficult to get up in the morning.

Reason seven - pharmacology

Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Maybe you are taking medication? Allergy medications, antidepressants, painkillers, blood pressure medications? Drugs of these groups negatively affect the quality of sleep. The body is not fully restored. Because of this, you do not feel rested.

Reason eight - lack of comfort

Quite often, sleep disturbance occurs due to lack of comfort. Relaxation and recovery of the body can be hindered by too hard or too soft bed. Or maybe you have a high and uncomfortable pillow and bedding that is unpleasant for the body. Dry air and uncomfortable temperature conditions also interfere with proper sleep.

Reason eight - ignoring sleep hygiene

Sometimes it is difficult to get up in the morning because of banal things. Did you watch TV or surf the Internet until midnight? Or maybe you decided to treat yourself to strong tea or aromatic coffee before going to bed? Then you should not be surprised that sleep does not come, and it is so hard to wake up in the morning. Many of us deliberately ruin sleep, watch what you do.

Reason nine - snoring

The scientific name for snoring is apnea. This is a phenomenon that causes discomfort to others. It also negatively affects the body of a sleeping snoring person. Breath holding provokes disturbances in the structure of sleep. This is fraught daytime sleep vivacity, weakness, deterioration of memory quality.

Reason 10: Restless Leg Syndrome

Excessive activity lower extremities causes deterioration in the quality of sleep. Swelling, numbness and cramps make us look for a more comfortable position. Because of what we toss and turn a lot. Morning lethargy is a consequence of this phenomenon.

If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, then your body is not recovering during the night's sleep. Be sure to determine the cause of poor quality sleep. Inadequate sleep is a big stress for the body. It provokes a decrease in efficiency and a bad mood. By addressing the causes of poor sleep, you can improve the quality of your life and make waking up more enjoyable. Still, the day begins in the morning, and it should be joyful.

Getting up early is good. This has been in the headlines of articles for some time now. Tutorials on how successful people start their day at five in the morning, countless. But the question is not only how early to get up and get enough sleep, but is it necessary at all? This article will resolve this dilemma, and not only it.

Modern division of society

From some point in society, it has been an unspoken rule to divide all people into the First, respectively, the birds are nocturnal, and at the late time of the day they are awake, while the latter are clearly early birds. Certainly there is something in it. But does this mean that someone is allowed to sleep until twelve?

If we take as an axiom the assertion that it is harmful to a healthy organism (and even more so to an unhealthy one), then the answer, of course, is negative.

But an axiom is an exceptional thing, so it is better to consider the evidence.

Why get up early?

All nature on Earth is subject to solar influence. It is easy to see that with the first rays of this brightest star, all living things begin to wake up - therefore, the processes in the human body are also activated somewhere around sunrise.

If the activation occurs during sleep, it turns into This leads to a deterioration in health.

Consequences of getting up late

The negative impact is on:

  • normal cell secretion;
  • healthy functioning of the hormonal system.

Leads to:

  • cellular mutation;
  • malignancy - malignancy of cells.

Consequences of getting up early

The consequences are as follows:

  • increase in vitality;
  • improved digestion;
  • stability of the nervous system;
  • less susceptibility to depression, stress, etc.

"Owls" and "larks" - true or false?

V. M. Kovalzon confirms the scientific prerequisites for the emergence of the division of people into early and late "birdies" - this is a genetic predisposition. At the same time, according to him, at present, the vast majority of people who identify themselves as one or another species are not innate "owls" / "larks", but overtrained.

In modern times, the pressure of the social schedule, professional orientation strongly influences. For example, all actors are owls, and doctors are larks.

Genetic predisposition is rare, although it occurs, albeit in a smaller percentage. For real "owls" no instruction on how to get up early and get enough sleep will not help.

Time to get up early

Those who are most inspired by an early rise advise everyone around them to get up at sunrise, but at certain times of the year it can be at 4-5 in the morning. Not everyone is capable of such feats. The ideal time is 6 am. This is not a prerequisite, but in any case, the rise must be no later than nine. But how do you train yourself to get up early? What's the point if the alarm clock is set at the right time, but the body still resists?

The trend is that cheerful and optimistic people do not experience problems with an early rise. They love this world. Not wanting to lose a minute of time to sleep, they themselves strive to get up early and spend the whole day productively and fruitfully. Isn't that the key to success?

How to get up early in the morning?

First of all, recommendations are offered for consideration that make it easier to climb in principle, and in general are good habits:

  • do not eat at night;
  • ventilate the bedroom before going to bed;
  • it is also useful to breathe fresh air - take a walk, go out onto the balcony, or at least look out the open window and stand like that for a couple of minutes;
  • go to bed no later than ten or eleven at night, the deadline is not to stay up until midnight.

"The morning greets us with coolness!"

Tips for getting up early in the morning:

  • music on the alarm clock should not be loud and sudden - such a transition early in the morning will be stressful for the body, on the contrary, it is better to put calm, pleasant sounds, perhaps spiritual classics or sublime voices;
  • you can arrange to get up early in the morning with someone - a sense of responsibility helps;
  • the alarm clock should be put on the other side of the room - so in the morning you have to get up at least in order to turn it off.

Strategic Approach

How to learn to get up early? It is not for nothing that the question is posed in this way - "to learn", "study", "science". This is a long-term deal with the regime of the day, not a one-time need. Therefore, it may be worth developing a whole plan with a real strategy.

We use two main approaches (we choose which one is more pleasant / effective):

  • it is necessary to fall asleep and wake up every day at the same time (well, at least approximate, an error of 10 minutes is not considered);
  • listen to the body - if he wants to sleep, then it's time to go to the world of dreams.

The second approach is good for trained "owls" - despite the habit of staying up late, the body continues to work according to its biological clock. But it does not fit the true "owls" at all. What then should they do? How to get up early in the morning?

We use psychological tactics

How to learn to get up early? If the most brutal physical methods are still ineffective, then it's time for psychological installations.

  • The principle "I see the goal - I see no obstacles." Learning to get up earlier is easier if you have something to do it for. You need meaning, you need a goal, and then nothing will be an obstacle to an early rise.
  • Love for life and optimism and positivity.
  • Dream and passion.
  • Sports as a way to influence the rhythm of life, maintain body tone, allow the body to get tired during the day and in the evening want to warmly embrace sleep.
  • Motivation as an internal setting of the need to understand how to accustom yourself to get up early.
  • Good morning anticipation. Let this time not be associated with stress, nerves and migraines. Want to learn how to get up early in the morning? It's easy if it's enjoyable. Let the beginning of the day be associated with hot, fragrant and delicious coffee, a cool breeze, the atmosphere of something new, a kiss of a loved one. Really, you don’t want to exchange it for a dream!
  • Self-discipline about what to do in the evening. For example, a book is relaxation, and TV is energetic vampire, a pleasant conversation is useful, and sitting at a computer in social networks is the opposite.

Insomnia is the scourge of modern society

How to get up early in the morning? For this you need to sleep. And in order to get enough sleep, it is required that sleep takes a sufficient number of hours. And for this you need to go to bed earlier. Bingo! So, the important question arising from the original question is: "How early to go to bed and early to rise?"

It would seem as simple as shelling pears - to force yourself not to pass the time until midnight watching TV shows or work. But here the light is turned off, the eyes are closed, there are only blankets and pillows around, and sleep still does not go and does not go. So an hour passes, and two, and three. The clock is almost five in the morning, in an hour to rise. And how do you get up early? Unless you don’t go to bed at all - this is almost what happens.

Unfortunately, this condition is becoming the rule, not the exception. And it's called insomnia.

Causes of the problem and how to deal with it

All causes of insomnia can be divided into two large layers:

  • Mental. These include stress, depression, and nervous breakdowns and sometimes even serious problems.
  • Mental fatigue. Its basis is increasingly information overload, the brain is working for wear and tear, but inefficiently, feverish scraps of data appear and disappear in the head, there is no way to accept or process anything new, not to mention filtering.

Insignificant at first glance, household causes of insomnia:

  • inconvenience of sleeping clothes, bed / sofa;
  • drinking before bedtime drinks that contain caffeine;
  • heavy dinner;
  • medications;
  • factors that irritate the senses: strong lighting, loud noise or unpleasant odors;
  • Availability bad habits(alcohol and cigarettes have a negative effect on sleep patterns).

As you can see, insomnia is a consequence that can only be eliminated by eliminating the cause. Therefore, from the list above, you need to choose the appropriate item.

Folk ways to get rid of insomnia often consist in herbal infusions that must be drunk before bedtime. This really has a positive effect on general condition. Herbs such as mint and chamomile soothe nervous system. Honey has a beneficial and completely harmless effect before going to bed.

Of course, if the cause of insomnia is much more serious, these remedies will not help, you will have to consult a doctor. But these are exceptional cases, the most common reason is currently in modern world- irrational expenditure of forces and distribution of time. People engaged in mental work often overexert themselves, use coffee and energy drinks to wake up, and then suffer because they cannot sleep.

It is worth remembering that proper nutrition and proper sleep patterns are interrelated things, so it is also necessary to monitor both healthy and regular meals.

Get up early - who doesn't need it?

After reviewing the useful tips for getting up early, you can go back to the beginning, to the beginning of the article and what was said in the first headlines.

So, the division into "larks" and "owls", as well as the important fact that they are trained (for the most part) and real.

Real larks didn't need this briefing. Trained - too, because they have already (although, perhaps, with difficulty) mastered the technique of getting up early in the morning.

The owls remain.

How to understand if you are a real "owl"?

The essence of the "owl" is not that she cannot sleep at night. Maybe. And with a special desire, even get up early. The problem is, she doesn't need it. Moreover, it is harmful to her.

At the beginning of the article, it was said that the natural clock sets up the body to stay awake during the daytime and rest in the dark. With Owls, it's the other way around. And just like "larks", if you sleep before 12 - ruin your health, so it is not recommended for real "owls" to force themselves to get up at six in the morning and run to new achievements.

A few signs of a real "owl":

  • regardless of how many hours were spent sleeping, and whether there is a feeling of a well-rested person, productivity is reduced in the first half of the day;
  • moral inclination to start things in the evening - a feeling that spiritual energy wakes up at this time;
  • when trying to live according to the “lark” regime, by 22-23 hours the tired body wants to sleep, but at the same time inspiration sets in, which cannot be caused during daylight hours.

How to live a real "owl"?

Unfortunately, both educational and working time in official institutions it starts around 8 - it is quite inconvenient for the "owl", which, even having slept, is not able to perceive information at such a time. But for her there is another way out (in terms of work), for example, freelancing, in which the worker himself plans his schedule. Freelancing can be done by representatives of such professions as a journalist, programmer, web and graphic designer, illustrator, blogger.

In addition, night shift work is possible - these are security guards, taxi drivers, and various establishments open around the clock. So "owls" will get rid of the need to yawn in the workplace.

Many creative professions involve an irregular work schedule, which in this case can be called a way out. Forcing yourself to do something unnatural for the body is not worth it.

But if the "owl" of you is only imaginary, trained, then take heart and, putting into practice all of the above tips, start new life from the new, early morning.

The physiology of sleep is the same for everyone, but someone easily wakes up early in the morning, and for someone, early awakening becomes a real torture. To create all the conditions for healthy sleep, it is important to understand what time you need to get up in the morning and why it is so difficult to accustom yourself to wake up at the “right” time.

There are generally accepted norms that say that you need to wake up between 6 and 8 in the morning. But larks and owls will not agree with this. Each chronotype has its own boundaries of the optimal awakening time. They are caused by the biological clock, which depends on many factors: lifestyle, genetics and occupation.

What time do you need to wake up?

There is a widespread opinion that best time for the morning rise - summer dawn, 5-6 in the morning. Also, many will agree that you need to wake up only when the body itself wants it. More the best option there will be an individual schedule taking into account sleep phases, chronotype, health status and lifestyle. Rest is needed to restore the body's strength, respectively, this physiological need loses its meaning if a person forces himself to wake up at a certain time through force.

You can use the useful sleep calculator, it calculates right time waking up, taking into account the phases of sleep, the duration and time of falling asleep. But the "smart" device does not take into account the genetic need for sleep, which affects the result.

Some people need 4 hours of sleep and feel good, others need more than 10 hours. It also depends on age: newborns need at least 12 hours a day for normal development, children and adolescents sleep less, the body is full of energy and recovers quickly. In an adult, the sleep regime is getting better as much as possible, and it takes about 8 hours, in the elderly, rest is reduced to 5-6 hours.

To choose optimal time to wake up, you need to calculate the duration of each phase of sleep. The resulting time will correspond to healthy sleep, and this will be enough for good health in the morning. Now it remains to accustom the body to fall asleep at a certain time in order to wake up at the desired morning hours.

Definition of chronotype

There are three human chronotypes - larks, owls and doves. This is determined by the nature of daily activity. The chronotype explains the alternation of activity at night and during the day.

According to the chronotype, it is easy to determine what time you need to get up and when to go to bed correctly.

  • Larks. They wake up on their own with ease in the morning, increased physical and mental activity is observed in the first half of the day with a characteristic decline in the afternoon. They go to bed very early, which surprises owls.
  • Owls. They wake up late on their own, after 10 am. Activity occurs in the evening and at night. They go to bed late when the larks are already going through several phases of slow sleep.
  • Pigeons. This is an intermediate type, the "pigeon man" can periodically show the features of an owl and a lark.

Larks tend to wake up at 5-7, owls - at 10-12, pigeons - at 7-9 in the morning.

Sleep phases

The next important step in determining the best time to wake up is the phases and how they affect a person's well-being at different times of awakening. The main division occurs in slow-wave and REM sleep. Slow has four subphases with different durations.

Phases of slow sleep:

  1. The first phase lasts 15 minutes and is known as the nap.
  2. The second phase lasts 25 minutes, there is a slowdown in the work of internal organs.
  3. The third and fourth phases last about 40 minutes and are the main part of healthy sleep.

In the fast phase, the body is completely relaxed, but begins brain activity. Dreams seen during this phase are well remembered. There is an increase in the pulse eyeballs are actively moving. The fast phase takes about 20% of the total rest time.

Sleep begins with the 1st phase of slow sleep, reaches the 4th, which takes about 2 hours. This is a complete cycle that must be repeated at least 4 times. From this it follows that you need to get up in the morning after 8 hours from the moment you enter the first phase. If a person is used to going to bed between 11-12 pm, you need to get up at 7-8 o'clock.

The relationship of well-being with the awakening phase

Waking up without an alarm clock is accompanied by cheerfulness, a person feels completely rested. Such a dream can be considered complete. The time that a person overslept, subject to good health in the morning, is considered an individual norm. Awakening occurs in the initial slow phase, when the body is ready for wakefulness, but has not yet moved into the fast phase. If you have to wake up in a slow sleep phase, you will feel tired, the body restores muscle activity for a long time.

Waking up at the stage of REM sleep, you can notice a headache and a slight clouding of consciousness, but colorful dreams will be remembered better.

There is a theory that people who are constantly awakened by an alarm clock in the slow deep sleep phase are prone to various neuropsychiatric disorders. Using knowledge about the duration of each phase, you can reduce the rest time, wake up at a certain moment - at the stage when the body is ready for this.

How to sleep in 15 minutes

There are several ways to get enough sleep in a short time. Similar techniques have been practiced for a long time, many famous artists and writers who had to work for a long time practiced short sleep for 20 minutes several times a day or 4 hours 2-3 times a day. This helped to quickly restore strength and begin a new stage of work with "fresh" thoughts. Whether this affected health is difficult to judge, because many other factors must be taken into account.

The proposed methods can adversely affect health, it is recommended to resort to them rarely, when there really is a need.

How to get enough sleep and wake up at the right time?

  1. Rest in 15 minutes. This is the invention of Leonardo da Vinci, which refers to those creative people who managed to get enough sleep in a short time. He rested for 15 minutes every 4 hours. The essence of this method is simple, but not everyone can master it. For many, it is difficult to force yourself to sleep, and this only works when you are very tired. This method is unhealthy, because the minimum time of one phase is at least 1.5 hours. The Da Vinci method completely deprives some of the phases important for the body, which threatens to reduce the protective forces, the appearance chronic diseases and mental disorders.
  2. Rest for 20 minutes. Assumes falling asleep in a certain position. You need to lie on your stomach, turn your head to the left, bend one leg and press it to your stomach, put your hand straight along the body. This method is complemented by a cup of coffee just before bed. Caffeine works after 20 minutes and acts as a natural alarm clock. Those who practice such a dream believe in its positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. soldier method. The alarm clock starts for 30 minutes, after waking up it is rearranged for another half an hour, this is repeated 4 times. People, having tried this method, note a charge of vivacity within 6-7 hours.

To wake up at the right time, it is important to properly organize sleep. You should rest in a ventilated room, before going to bed it is recommended to take a warm shower and have dinner 3-4 hours in advance. It is important that the sun's rays do not enter the room, blinds or curtains should be well protected from street lighting. A person will quickly fall asleep and wake up at the right time if there are no extraneous sounds, and bright light does not irritate the eyes.

When for some reason you have to rest in a lighted room, the resource site recommends using a sleep mask, it will create additional conditions for falling asleep quickly and quality rest.

There are "smart alarm clocks" that know what time to get up. They are able to determine the phase of sleep by movements, heart rate and other indicators. "Smart alarm clock" has an error, but everyone can try it. This device is very sensitive, and its results can be affected by accidental awakening at night, extraneous sounds from the street, barking dogs. It is possible that a smart alarm clock will not work at the most appropriate time, but if a person sleeps calmly and everyone is present characteristics each phase, the instrument can be a good helper.

But no smart alarm clock can calculate the best time to wake up in the morning as accurately as the human brain. The body itself will tell you what time to go to bed and when to wake up, you just need to create the conditions for a healthy sleep. And with diligent training and desire, any lark can turn into an owl - and vice versa.

If you are from the squad of those whom no force can get out of bed in the morning, who runs to work at the last minute, and for whom every morning is one big stress, we will try to help you.

First of all, in order to get up early in the morning, two conditions must be met:

  • Come up with a strong motivation for getting up early. It can be urgent work, going to the hairdresser, charging the phone, cooking delicious breakfast for your beloved family or ... well, come up with something, everyone different reasons for parting with Morpheus.
  • To get up earlier, you have to go to bed earlier. This is a simple but very important condition, do not ignore it. The body cannot be fooled. 7-8 hours good night take care of yourself, be kind.

9 best recipes for cheerfulness in the morning - how to learn to get up early, and at the same time - get enough sleep?

  • Walk outside before bed. Usually performed by non-working pensioners and young people in love. Join now!
  • Sleep in a well ventilated room with an open window. Available to everyone.
  • Sleep on a comfortable pillow. With age, the height of the pillow should increase. Special attention give cervical region spine, all its seven vertebrae!

  • Listening to good music before bed , reading your favorite book, watching programs about nature and animals.
  • Don't eat before bed! The body will digest food and will not let you sleep soundly. The heavier the food, the harder it will be to sleep. The inner part of your body also requires rest, at least at night, because in the morning the endless processing of more and more portions of the food you supply will begin again.
  • Avoid discussing difficult issues before bed , including with yourself, do not solve unsolvable problems. Most of the problems, oddly enough, will resolve themselves after a while, and difficult tasks are solved in the early morning: while you sleep, your brain solves this problem. Remember the genius saying "Morning is wiser than evening". Sometimes the most "tricky", the most brilliant ideas come to mind in the early morning, at 4-5 in the morning. That's when the brain clicks problems like a computer!
  • Large bed and clean linen. These are essential conditions for healthy sleep. Do not spare money on this, because in a dream we spend a third of our lives.
  • Quick shower before bed. Works instantly. Just imagine how good it feels to be in a clean bed after a shower under a warm blanket…
  • Come up with a good reward for yourself tomorrow for such a feat
    It can be an interesting business that is waiting for your fulfillment, shopping and buying a long-looked-for thing, it can be a meeting with friends - otherwise you have already begun to forget how they look, everything is a phone, yes a social network.

    Each person has their own reasons for happiness and good mood, and for many people this work is a hobby! But try to add variety to the necessary routine, each time you can do something in a new way, add your own zest. Rearrange the furniture, finally!
  • Towards the rays of the sun
    Getting up early in the summer is quite simple - let the sun's rays into your bed, they will warm you and wake you up.

    Sunlight stimulates the production of an important substance in the human body - serotonin - the hormone of happiness, and also regulates the daily rhythm.
  • Don't waste your precious morning time!
    Schedule the most important things for yourself in the morning. For information: it is most productive to engage in mental activity around 10 am, well, for the sake of objectivity, even at 2 and 6 pm. You can check!
  • We charge with energy and cheerfulness in the morning
    And if possible - run in the morning, preferably with a companion. Well, if there is not enough willpower for this, no one has canceled a couple of squats and sips.

    After all, it is necessary not only to wake up the brain, it is necessary that the whole body wakes up, the muscles work, the blood runs merrily through the veins. “Shut up your shoulder, swing your arm!” After all, during the day we have a lot of things to do. Good and kind.
  • Starting the biological clock
    A person who is too tired during the day falls asleep with difficulty. Having washed himself all night, he gets up in the morning with difficulty. Everyone has a moment during the day when their eyes close by themselves. So close them and sleep, if possible, for 20 minutes. So tell your body: Sleep 20 minutes! You will be surprised, but you will wake up in exactly 20 minutes, like Stirlitz. Our biological clock runs smoothly.

    The biological clock works in the morning too. Many people wake up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off. What happiness - you can lie down for another five minutes! During this time, you can just think about what needs to be done in the morning and during the day, how to do it most expediently and at lower cost, and also think over the logistics of all these actions. Look for non-standard solutions. And the most important thing is to wake up refreshed and well-rested.
  • Pleasant environment for happy early awakenings
    You need to wake up and get up in a pleasant environment: a tidy room, a clean work desk, a good picture on the wall, the anticipation of a cup of good tea with honey, the hope of meeting your loved ones and just good good friends.

    And let the number of pleasant events always outweigh the number of unpleasant ones. All in our hands!

For a long time I was tormented by the question: how to accustom yourself to wake up before 6 in the morning? And not just wake up at such an early time, but get enough sleep faster than usual, for example, 4-6 hours a day, and at the same time maintain health and vigor.

And once again I will draw your attention to not just waking up, but waking up and awake, and in the full sense of the word. And that means being energetic, well-rested, and in every possible way ready for work and defense.

Throughout 2015, I involuntarily put on myself “sleep experiments”. Involuntarily, because I did not plan this as a scientific study, but simply because of some life events, I slept at absolutely different times and for a different number of hours.

But more often than not, I worked at night and slept during the day.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Of course, when I fell asleep like everyone else normal people around 23:00, but getting up at 6 was still very difficult.

Such disordered sleep, and the sleep pattern, when a person works at night and sleeps during the day, as it turned out later, is very harmful to health.

And now, after more than six months, I can boast that I have found the formula effective sleep, which allows me to sleep 4-6 hours (maybe less, but I don’t set such a goal for myself), get enough sleep, and be as productive as possible. I discovered this formula completely by accident.

Once, having worked all night, fiddling with books and documents, and in the morning having engaged in communication and meetings, by 20:00 I was "knocked out". So, I fell asleep at about 20:30 and woke up at 2 (am), without an alarm clock, of course. I didn't want to sleep anymore.

After I realized that I had a great night's sleep, I got up and started doing things.

The next attack (the desire to sleep) arose around lunch, but it took me 20 minutes to lie silently for this desire to sleep to exhaust itself. Then I began to practice a similar sleep schedule every day.

Surprisingly, I noticed: waking up at 2-3 in the morning it is very easy to get up, my head is fresh and my mind is clear, and I also get to the time when you can work very well in absolute silence, because the city is mostly asleep. And from 5 to 9, a rise in creativity was noticed.

It turned out to be very easy to get used to such a regime (much easier than falling asleep at 11 and waking up at 6).

From here I (an inveterate Owl, or even a person with disordered sleep) made a striking conclusion for myself: it’s better to go to bed not just before midnight, but before 21-22 hours. The only negative in this mode is that at 21-22 hours someone is trying to communicate with me.

According to multiple sources and practice, it can be understood that the most effective time for sleep is before midnight. At this time, every hour of sleep can be counted as two, and closer to dawn, the value of sleep is greatly reduced. A long daytime sleep in general can be harmful, and in the period from 15:00 to 19:00, it is better not to go to bed.

Of course, in order to feel cheerful, healthy and generally wonderful, I apply a few more rules to myself:

1) No alcohol. For example, I don't drink at all, even on New Year or a birthday and even wine, although I feel great about wine, but the last time I drank it was a couple of years ago.

2) Sports. Be sure to do some exercises, jogging, stretching. The best thing to do is martial arts. For example, I did Ashihara Karate, now I just run and exercise, and I plan to do Wing Chun.

3) It is advisable to reduce the amount of coffee consumed (it is better not to drink at all) and if you drink, then drink high-quality and good. For example, I love coffee so much that not drinking at all seems to me a rather sad prospect. Therefore, I simply don’t drink garbage coffee from bags, but I drink good boiled coffee, well, less often than before, twice.

4) More fresh vegetables and fruits - my diet consists of 70-80% of them.

5) Pouring cold water in the morning after a run.

6) Drink high-quality Chinese teas, preferably in accordance with all the rules of the tea ceremony (and do not drink bagged dust). For example, Pu-erh is an amazing tea that works wonders, at least for me - relieves fatigue, gives strength, and even cures colds.

7) And the most important rule: do everything with joy. Sleep from 21 00 to 1 am - joy, meet the dawn - joy, running in the morning - joy, pouring - joy.

There is no need to suffer.

Of course, we understand that development comes through pain. As they say: "No pain - no gain".

For example, in karate training from an hour and a half of classes, an hour and twenty minutes is a pain. But those who practice understand what a pleasant pain it is, because it is useful, meaningful and leads to my goals.

The fact is that it is important to share: it hurts does not hurt - this is physics, but "high or not high" is psychology. So, be able to get high from any life situations, even painful ones - this is the most useful psychological art.

The conclusion is this: it’s better to go to sleep immediately after the good night kids are over (the truth was so simple!) And then you will get enough sleep faster, wake up easier, feel much better, and your nerves will be stronger!

I wish you a good night!