"Grandma, I flew again in a dream" (c) - Red mood - LiveJournal. I flew again in a dream: What and how affects our dreams Is sleep training effective

As a white person, I finally went to bed "early" last night. At twelve :)) But it was not there. At about one in the morning the phone rang. Of course, the process of getting out from under the covers and jogging half asleep to another room to the phone is akin to a feat, but I did it :)

Are you sleeping? - without any greetings asked a male voice.
"I'm sleeping," I admitted honestly, without opening my eyes.
- Why didn't you come? - hit a male voice.
- Should I have? I asked. I was still too lazy to wake up and try to figure out who it was and what he wanted from me.
But we agreed! exclaimed the midnight interlocutor indignantly. There was so much indignation in his voice that I opened one eye, looked at the clock and slightly came to my senses.
- Were you in agreement? :))
- Lena? .. - hesitantly asked the voice.
“Marusya,” I quipped. - Say good night to Lena from me :)

At two o'clock in the morning I woke up a second time - from a roar. At first, it seemed to me that they were either shooting on the street, or they were exploding something at all, because it was terribly loud, I was even scared. It turned out to be just a thunderstorm, but what! The downpour is a wall, the whole sky is in lightning, the roar is simply deafening. In Stockholm there is a museum "Aquarium", where all sorts of fish and other marine life, and so there is a small room where "tropics" are created - tropical plants, very high humidity, a small lake and a river in which fish swim, a bridge across the river, visitors walk along the paths. Once every 10 minutes, a tropical wonder is arranged in the hall - everything immediately gets dark, streams of water pour from the ceiling (visitors are under a canopy, so they are not afraid :), thunder, lightning and other natural disasters. Impressive :) So today's thunderstorm easily outdid that tropical one. I haven't heard that kind of noise in a long time. It was still impossible to fall asleep under this, I stood at the window and was amazed that absolutely nothing was visible - even the houses opposite. And so much water was pouring from the sky and with such noise that it seemed that some kind of powerful waterfall was staged there :) I was impressed :)

Who knows why, but I didn't hear the alarm in the morning. Those. not like usual - when you translate it endlessly "for another 10 minutes" and then you get up too late, but you just didn't hear it at all. I woke up, was surprised that it was already quite light, decided to see how much more I could sleep, and jumped up like a scalded man - I had to leave the house 10 minutes ago :) I am a meteor :) In 10 minutes I managed to fly into the shower with a bullet, wash my face , iron my trousers, get dressed, remember that I promised one guy at work to bring a disk with a dictionary, find it and put it in my bag and even put on a little makeup :)) Only the keys let me down, which for some reason were not in their usual place, so I had to quite a long time to look for them. "I" m going slightly mad ..." - comrade Freddie Mercury confidentially told me in headphones when I finally found the keys for some reason on the washing machine ("who thought of hanging the jacket in the closet ??" (c). "Apparently, you're not alone," I mentally answered him.

In the mailbox again, an advertisement "husband for an hour" :)) "I"m going slightly maaaad", Freddie continued to insist. "Yeah, you'll move here," I agreed. , will start selling by weight.

I even managed to get into the minibus, I looked through the wet glass into the street and suddenly remembered what I had dreamed about just before waking up. As if it's my birthday already and my friends gave me plastic folding wings :) As if you can buy them in any toy store, it's just not accepted by adults, but they decided to surprise me and give them. The wings were very strange and completely "toy" in appearance, so I was skeptical about them, but I was assured that they were real, that you could fly on them, you just need to act according to the attached instructions. Still not believing in the success of this event, I read the instructions and reproduced the sequence of actions indicated there. Imagine my surprise when I took off :)) Just like in childhood, today I flew in a dream! Long-forgotten amazing sensations when you push off the ground and rise up, but you almost don’t feel your body, you look down and are not afraid. And it’s also strange - the action seemed to take place in St. Petersburg, but from the air it suddenly turned out that I was flying over Paris, in the Bibliotheque Francois Mitterand metro area (the last station on line 14, where there are trains without drivers :)), just where in the very last evening we went to the cinema and before that we walked :) Amazing :)

When children fly in their sleep, they are told that they are growing :) And what about adults who have already grown up? :))

Grandma, I again flew in a dream!
- Firstly, I am not a grandmother, but a grandfather, and secondly, you will fly until the very demobilization!

A soldier runs to the ensign: - Comrade ensign, there they are a bench ..t !!! In the morning the ensign builds a platoon. - Well, well done! You look, everything is e..li, but you are not! What's your last name? - Bench...

ABOUT THE POSSIBLE HARM OF COUNTERWEIGHTS (Darwin story) In the village of Posadnikov Ostrov, Leningrad Region, an incident occurred worthy of entering into the annals of the Darwin Prize. The author and executor of the case - a resident (until 12:30 06.09.14) of the village Stepan Mikhailov was nominated for the laureates of the award for 2014. Until this day and hour, Stepan lived like all his fellow villagers - he worked, celebrated holidays - Soviet, Russian, church, birthdays, tyapnitsy and other days of the week. We know, he stole. Well, not so much on purpose, but if something was bad, he picked it up without asking, the opinion of the muddler-owners was monographic for him. Since Styopa was a thrifty owner, and everything will fit on the farm. Styopa had already turned 34, and he plowed as a tractor driver, his combat vehicle regularly participated in the battle for the harvest. Well, if anything, for loot, fuck, stew or a bottle, he worked for neighbors. To whom the garden will blow up, to whom the woman will refresh the furrow, to which patient he will level the site - he will hang the blade on the tractor and work like a bulldozer. Alas, in this mode the blade outweighed the tractor, and he showed instability. In contrast to the stable owner, who, by Russian standards, hardly drank. And if he drank, he kept his feet firmly. Well, at least he resorted to the help of hands, poles or fences, always looking for his home. So on this ill-fated Saturday morning, Stepan was firm and cheerful - after the post-Tyapnitskaya morning hangover. He decided to give the same stability as his own to the tractor. It was just the right time for the two-pound bomb stored in the shed from the time of the war. Stepan discovered it by chance a couple of weeks ago on the territory of the Vsevolzhsky district of the Leningrad region in the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. And he privatized it under the noses of the sappers called in to defuse the bomb - everything will fit in the economy! And he brought the find to his own, Kirishi district of the same region, to his native village. The first bomb was found by cunning village boys by plumage sticking out of the ground. They raised the alarm, the adults called the sappers. They decided to detonate the bomb on the spot, so as not to wake the dashing. They dug a hole around it and prepared everything for undermining. But in front of him, as expected, they went around the neighborhood - people or pets should not have been in the explosion zone. They fenced off the danger zone with appropriate signs. Returning to the bomb, they discovered it was missing, but since, while walking around the territory, they managed to skimp in the lake and approximately stogram in the still hot August time, the fighters hesitated - was there a bomb finally? We walked around and wisely decided to report on the liquidation of the danger - the bomb really disappeared without permission! The pit was buried, the signs of the fence were taken away - those that the villagers from Posadnikov Island did not have time to steal (everything will do on the farm!). !", he tried to weld the bomb to the tractor as a counterweight. Stepan did the welding work right in the garden. But here an explosion occurred, as a result of which the welder died, leaving behind neither a home nor offspring. The latter is a mandatory condition of the Committee for the award of the Darwin Prize: the nominee must destroy himself in order not to produce his own kind .... and the Darwin story cited has shown that counterbalances are not always useful, and it is necessary to counterbalance carefully and carefully, thinking about the future consequences. For example, a much more resonant case with NATO, created in opposition to the Warsaw Pact and not liquidated at the same time!© Alik, Darwinist

Ensign in the exam: - Stepping tension is the tension that occurs between the legs when approaching the bare end.

The ensign tries to pull the boot on his foot. It doesn’t work out. The private advises: - Comrade ensign, you would have pulled out the tongue.

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Early morning in the village, an ordinary family mother, son and father without legs,

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family mother, son and father without legs, who lost in the war. The son is going hunting, takes a gun, a cartridge, then dad creeps up to him and says:
- Son, take me hunting, I really want to!
- Dad, how can I take you, you don’t have legs, what’s the use of you?
- And you, son, put me in a backpack behind my back, and if you suddenly see a bear, you shoot at him - you won’t hit him, turn your back, and I’ll kill him with one shot, you know - I shoot a squirrel in the eye from 100 meters! So we will bring home the booty, there will be something to eat in the winter.
The son thought and thought and said - Okay, dad, let's go.
They are walking through the forest, their father is sitting in a backpack, and then a bear meets them. The son shoots, misses, shoots again - again a miss, turns his back, dad shoots - also waves, again - another miss. The bear is already rushing at them, well, the son will give a tear, and in the meantime the father is shouting - they say faster, they will catch up! They've been running for an hour, they don't have the strength, the son understands that they won't run so far with dad - both will disappear, he decided to drop his backpack and run on.
He runs all out of breath home and says to his mother:
- Mother, we no longer have a father ... - with tears in his eyes.
The mother calmly puts down the frying pan, turns to him and says:
- How did I get fucked with my hunting, then dad ran in his arms 10 minutes ago, said that we no longer have a son!

They called a man at work for a corporate party, they allowed him to come

They called a man at work to a corporate party, they allowed him to come with his wives, the corporate party was themed - a masquerade, you had to come in costumes, with masks. No sooner said than done, they got together before leaving, and his wife had a headache, she said, "Go without me, and I'll lie down at home for now" - and she herself came up with a cunning plan - to follow the peasant, how he will behave at the masquerade, pester Zinka from the accounting department or even get drunk. Before leaving, she changed her costume, comes and sees how her hubby is dancing with one, then circling the other, guard! She decided to check how far he would go, invited him to dance, they dance and whisper in his ear: - Maybe we’ll retire ...
They retired, did their business, the wife quickly left home. The husband arrived a little later, she decided to ask him:
J - So what? How do you corporate?!
M - Yes, gray boredom, the guys and I decided to go play poker, and before that, Petrovich, our boss asked him to change suits, as he got his dirty, so he was lucky, can you imagine, some kind of woman in f@pu gave!

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, everyone has gathered

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying down, all the animals have gathered in the barnyard and are discussing their future fate.
The bulls were the first to come out, they say: We must leave here while the hooves are intact. The roof has already leaked in the hangar, that it’s not rain, so we swim like ducks. Next come the pigs: they haven’t eaten normal food for 100 years, the straw is all rotten, they give water every three days. You can't live like this, you have to leave. All other animals supported: Yes, yes, enough to endure it and let's go. One Sharik sits still, everyone asks him:
- Sharik, why are you sitting?! Go with us!
Sharik answers:
- No, I won’t go with you, I have a prospect!
- What is the prospect? You will die of hunger here!
- No, guys, I have a prospect here!
- Well, what is your prospect here, you will get sick, pick up fleas and die alone here!
- Not guys, I have a prospect ...
- What is the prospect?!?!?!
- I heard that the hostess said to the owner "... if things go on like this, then we will suck at Sharik's all winter ..."

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at that moment his stomach twirled, he simply no longer had the strength to endure. They come to her apartment and the girl says:
- You come in, do not be shy, go into the room, and now I'm going to the bathroom - I'll powder my nose ...
It was somehow inconvenient for the guy to ask her forward, he decided to be patient, although he already had no strength to endure. Passes into the room, looks - a big dog is sitting. He took it and piled it in the room, and thinks that he will blame everything later on the dog, while he himself, contented at the time, goes to the kitchen to drink tea.
The girl with the bath comes out and asks him:
D: Why don't you go into the room?
P: Yes, there is a big dog, I'm afraid of it.
D: I found someone to be scared, she's plush ...
P: Wow, but shit like a real one!

- Grandma, I flew again in a dream ...

- Firstly, I am not a grandmother, but a grandfather, and secondly, you will fly with me until the end of the demobilization ...

And what a figure she has! 90-60-90! And that's just the face...

- We are reporting from the NHL game. Teams from Florida and Chicago are on the ice today… Bure is picking up speed, passing to Mogilny… Zelepukin.. Kamensky intercepted the puck… beats Fetisov, shot!

This is what American hockey is like...

A man comes to the doctor and says without opening his mouth:

“Doctor, something’s trying to tell me something.”

- Eh, my friend, yes, your penis rested on the chin, now we are ...

Once - and cut off ... A joyful man ran home. The next day he comes back again:

- Doctor, sew my penis back on me - my wife won't let me on the threshold.

- Fuck it, my friend, I blew him away.

The animals fell into the pit, they sit for a day, they sit for the second, they are hungry. Well, the fox, as the most cunning, and says:

- Let's eat one of those present here ... Let's start with the weakest.

Well, everyone, of course, immediately stared at the oblique one, but he was not at a loss, stood in a more abrupt pose and with such a furious look gives out:

- Whoever touches Misha ... TEAR!

A brother comes to the dacha to see the new Russian. He shows him possessions:

- Here I have, like, a platoon of OMON, here are two T-90 tanks, on the roof - air defense, well, even little things, there, guns, anti-aircraft guns.

Leads him to some colossus:

- And this is my, like, pride - the installation for launching ballistic missiles SS-18.

The crazy brother asks:

- And why is it for you, Vovan?

Vovan (thoughtfully):

- What about overseas partners?

39th year ... Radio broadcast at the request of radio listeners:

"For the young Komsomol member Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, we convey his favorite song "Valenki".

"For the fighter Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, we pass on his favorite song" Valenki ".

"For the honored builder Ivan Ivanych Ivanov, we convey his favorite song "Valenki".

“Pensioner Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov ordered a Mozart symphony. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, we are giving you your favorite song "Valenki". Listen and don't show off."

The taxi driver takes a passenger and brings her to the named address. It's time to pay. The woman rummages in her purse in amazement and discovers that there is no money, offers in kind. And it was at night. Taxi driver in a panic:

- Third nature in a day! Sit, wait, we’ll come up with something in a moment ...

It turns out that he catches a passer-by peasant, explains the situation and offers for the n-th number of rubles ... The peasant agrees, gets into a taxi, the taxi driver leaves to smoke .. A policeman appears. He approached, shone a flashlight into the salon:

– Citizen, what are we doing?

- I'm sorry, what! Making love to my wife!

- And I thought with a prostitute ...

- I thought so too, until you shined a flashlight ...

At the flight school. Planned jumps. Everyone has already jumped off, but one cadet refuses: they say, my mother had a dream, she says, your parachute will not open! The instructor offers to exchange parachutes. Have changed. The cadet jumped, pulled, the parachute opened, descended - beauty ...

And suddenly someone swiftly flies past him:

- Yes, I didn’t give a damn about you, your mother and all your dreams! ..

Attention, land! Board says 13-13!

- Our on-board computer failed. What to do!?

- Board 13-13! Board 13-13! It's the dispatcher! Do you hear me!? Play on backup! I repeat! Play on backup!!!

I like to joke ... That's just a pity for the teeth.

Hello, is this a clinic? Do you accept tests by mail?

Yes, but only by email.

A tourist from France has returned. Friends gathered, asking: what, how, how much, where.

Well, he says:

What an amazing people these French are! Subtle, funny! And what attentive and quick-witted! Once I was sitting in a cafe, on the contrary - a charming Frenchwoman. I want to talk to her, but I don’t speak French. Then I take a napkin, draw a glass, and show it to the girl. She smiled and sat down next to me. We drank. Then I draw a plate with a chicken. She nods. We had dinner. They drank more. And then she - imagine! - takes a napkin and draws a bed! And then I was stunned: how, how could she guess that I work at a furniture factory!

Newlyweds drink champagne. She is:

- I want a boy!

- And I'm a girl!

- Well, call me!

Football player Petrov was disqualified for writing a bad word on a wall built by his opponents during a football match.

A man comes to veterinary clinic.

Doctor, I think my cat is blue.

- Why do you think so?

- When I had him for the last time, he almost did not resist ...

“Honey, your mom fell out of the attic an hour ago!”

Why are you only telling me this now?

“Because I couldn’t speak for an hour because of laughter.

Husband and wife rest after intercourse. Husband (terribly):

Was there an orgasm?

Wife (fearfully):

- Yes-ah-ah-ah ...

Husband (even more menacingly):

- And what should I say?

A pendant in the form of a small golden airplane hangs on a chain around the teacher's neck. Vovochka does not take his eyes off the pendant the whole lesson. Finally, the teacher can't stand it:

- Vovochka, did you like the airplane?

- No, airfield!

“Young man, why are you laughing endlessly?

“I wouldn’t laugh like that forever..!”

A woman runs after the bus, shouting:

- Stop! Please! I'm late for work!

The passengers took pity on the woman and asked the driver to stop. She (with relief):

- Ugh! I did it in time ... And now, citizens, passengers, present your tickets! ...

The motto of Russian football:

“Whoever comes to us with the ball will leave with a victory!”

Two long-livers meet. One says to the other:

- Hey, Sergeyich, do you remember, in 1914 they gave us pills so that we would not run to the village to the girls?

- Well, I remember, but what?

So, yesterday they started to act!

The Egyptian pharaoh had a stomach ache. The name is an Egyptian doctor. He looked and said:

- You have eaten, o lord! You have to give an enema.

- Yes, sir.

The doctor was fed to the crocodiles. Pharaoh's stomach hurt even more. It's called a Persian doctor. He makes the same diagnosis:

- Binge eating. I need an enema!

- What?! Me, pharaoh?! An enema?!

- There is no other way.

This doctor was doomed to terrible death from thirst in the desert. Pharaoh, meanwhile, is completely bent from pain, it’s dark in his eyes, howls ... They spat on everything and called a Jewish doctor.

- Tek-s, - he said, - everything is clear! I need to give an enema!

- What?! Me, pharaoh? An enema?!

- No, me.

And the doctor was given an enema, and the pharaoh suddenly felt better. Since then, as soon as some pharaoh becomes ill, all Jews are immediately given a BIG enema.

The wife says to her husband:

- Dear, do you know: to recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him?

Text: Anastasia Vedyasheva, Olga Lukinskaya

Dreams are a fragile product of our psyche., is still very little studied. Around them there are many mysteries and hypotheses. While some believe in the magic of dreams and read dream books, others simply wonder why sometimes dreams become exciting, like films, and sometimes it seems that nothing was dreamed at all. Together with Tatyana Surnenkova, head of the Somnology Center of the CDC MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya, we tried to figure out who sleepwalks most often, whether it is possible to watch interrupted sleep and what medications affect our dreams.

What influences our dreams

According to Surnenkova, the content of dreams is influenced by previous events or the current state of a person. For example, if you are thirsty, the dreaming stage may become longer and the dreams themselves more vivid, it is likely that their content will be associated with water. One study reported that the content of dreams is influenced by sounds: birds singing often made people dream of a forest, while seagulls called for a sunny day on a beach. The author of this experiment even invented an application designed to tune the brain to certain dreams - however, the application itself remains experimental.

It is known that the amount of sleep affects the ability to remember negative episodes from life. In 2008, the results of a study were published, according to which neutral scenes were forgotten equally after twelve hours of wakefulness or the same number of hours of night including sleep. However, if the scene was unpleasant, then after the dream the object itself, which caused negative emotions, but the background environment was forgotten. The authors concluded that sleep helps to extract from adverse situations what is most important to remember for one's own safety.

Nightmares can be related to experiences - for example, they are quite common in post-traumatic stress disorder. They can seriously interfere with the quality of sleep, often leading to awakenings - in which case it is worth contacting a doctor. AT international classifications sleep disorders and mental disorders included are nightmares, so-called fear-related sleep disturbances, and night panic attacks- and there are protocols for treating all these unpleasant conditions.

The tendency of people to believe that dreams mean something important is explained by a person’s desire to rationalize everything that happens. It is believed that the first dream book appeared about seven thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. Dreams tried to decipher in Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome - and, according to some polls, most people still believe in their significance. If you start typing “why” in the search bar, the browser will offer popular queries - people are interested in what snakes, spiders, tampons or a white Hammer are dreaming of.

Obsessive, collective and erotic dreams

Most people (up to 70%) have recurring dreams and theoretically speak of some unresolved conflict - however, dreams of a failed exam are often dreamed of by those who have studied long ago, so there is no definitive answer yet. Psychologists are inclined to believe that obsessive dreams reflect our fears - almost everyone is afraid of being late for a plane or forgetting their passport at home - and they recur during periods of stress.

As a rule, sleepwalking is not "long-term" and often disappears by the age of ten, so in most cases it is not treated. However, doctors warn that some diseases (such as epilepsy) can provoke motor activity during sleep, so it is better not to leave such episodes unattended - it may be better to consult a doctor and be examined. In addition, the danger of sleepwalking lies in the potential for injury, so it makes sense to pay attention to additional measures home security.

If a person starts walking in his sleep at about the same time - good option will wake him up about fifteen minutes before, and after a few minutes of being awake, let him fall asleep. There is an opinion that it is dangerous to wake a person right during an episode of sleepwalking - supposedly he can attack in response. There have indeed been such cases, and it is recommended, if possible, to simply help him return to his room and put him to bed, or wake him up with a loud cry. If a person is already in a dangerous situation - on the edge of a roof or on top of a crane - awakening can lead to loss of balance. It is better to do your best to move the person to a safe place - and, of course, try to simply avoid such situations.

Another interesting and sometimes frightening phenomenon is sleep paralysiswhen a person cannot move or speak immediately after waking up or before falling asleep. This occurs when REM sleep occurs at the wrong time while you are still awake. If sleep paralysis occurs frequently, the situation can be improved - we will talk more about this in one of the next publications.

Is it possible to call
lucid dreaming

At the moment, doctors have not yet found the technique that would allow you to return to "overlooked" sleep. In addition, doctors regard the desire to return to yesterday's sleep as an escape from reality and suggest that the appearance of such an opportunity would lead to the abuse of dreams and a loss of interest in life. Perhaps this opinion is unfounded, because watching TV shows and reading books is also a kind of escape from reality, but it is even encouraged, because a person needs to rest.

Some “tuning” of dreams is still possible: in one of the studies, patients during anesthesia saw exactly those pictures that they had previously imagined on the basis of prompts. However, truly lucid dreams are called such dreams, during which a person realizes that he is sleeping. There is also a certain scheme for “calling” such dreams, and for the query “how to cause a lucid dream,” the search engine gives out 246,000 links. It is suggested, for example, to plan what exactly you will do in a dream, or "reality testing". This means that you need to ask yourself several times a day whether you are now in reality or sleeping - after some time this question will be repeated in a dream.

True, doctors are still skeptical about lucid dreaming. “So far there are no control methods that would be confirmed by devices or sensors,” explains Tatyana Surnenkova, “and all guesses remain at the level of hypotheses. It is only known that sometimes attempts to practice lucid dreaming have a negative impact on mental health. Experimenting with sleep will most likely lead to sleep deprivation, with all its consequences, such as impaired concentration. And, of course, you should not experiment with substances that “expand consciousness”: they do not guarantee lucid dreams, but cause significant harm.

Is sleep learning effective?

About fifty years ago, scientists suggested that during sleep, the brain is very receptive to learning. A hypothesis was put forward: if you read a sleeping person completely new material, then you can expect it to play when the sleeper wakes up. Sleep learning was called hypnopedia, and scientists who studied it agreed that information can indeed be remembered in a dream. Otherwise, the results of their studies were contradictory: some said that memory works best before waking up and after falling asleep, others that it is most active only during REM sleep, but no final conclusions could be drawn.

German somnologists conducted an experiment in which students were shown pairs of cards on a screen, accompanying visual information with olfactory information: participants inhaled the scent of a rose. After a while, the participants in the experiment fell asleep, and half of them were stimulated in their sleep by the same smell. It turned out that it was this group that remembered the location of the cards better - that is, the memory in a dream was affected by a stimulus that, when awake, was used simultaneously with the data themselves for memorization. Be that as it may, somnologists agree that it is really possible to remember information in a dream more firmly - but only if you study during the day. While we sleep, old knowledge is well absorbed, not new.

Some people say they don't dream at all - but they don't really remember them. One possible explanation is that people who remember dreams are generally more likely to wake up during the night - and waking up right after a dream makes it hard to forget it. In addition, some people ignore their dreams, while others pay attention to them, as if “transferring” from short-term memory to long-term memory and preventing them from being forgotten.

Often dreams-matryoshkas began to dream. This is when you dream that you woke up, then finally woke up and then - well, you definitely woke up completely. And every time I pinch myself in a dream and marvel at the supposedly real events. She flew again tonight. Am I growing? Well, except in breadth. Although I didn’t eat Rastishka at night. These flying (well, not lethal) dreams are similar in plot development. First off the ground and hover. It’s hard for me to keep the weight above the ground, it’s hard to fight gravity, but if I make an effort, I rise higher and higher. Somehow I can adjust the height by inner strength. And every time I show my abilities first to my mother, then I fly out into the street, but passers-by, for some reason, do not really react. I fly and think: why do I need this? I become some kind of rag doll - I throw my legs over my head, grab them with my hands and so I hang in the form of a ball, balancing, in the air. It’s good that I don’t live in the Middle Ages, otherwise they would have been burned at the stake as a witch for wrong dreams. I think it is useful to describe dreams in detail - in the process it can be easier to decipher. For example, I can’t even imagine what this incomprehensible garbage is for - I fly out of the house and see: parrots are sitting in our vineyard. Such bright ones. Approached - and these are crows, black and angry, with long beaks. Big crows and little crows. Everyone is sitting on the branches and waiting for my departure. But I fly past them, circle over the house (such a flight over the nest), then suddenly I find myself in my student hostel. Suddenly, some rat clings to my clothes sticking out of the suitcase with its teeth and tries to drag me away. I run after her, she begins to bite off a piece of prey, so that only I don’t get it - it’s so disgusting that I stop chasing her. And I think, oh, it turns out where my things disappear (in reality, they really disappear, especially in the mornings when I'm in a hurry)! Then another picture - I'm sitting in front of a mirror. On the neck - a pile of gold hanging. What kind of idiocy, I think that gold does not suit me, and I am very worried about who ringed my neck. So in my feelings I flutter over the city. I think the diagnosis is disappointing. But the feeling of flying! That alone is worth enduring crazy dreams. Psychologists say that we only dream of those people whom we once saw. Strangers cannot dream. So how do we know this feeling of flying so much if we have never flown?