Why is there rich vegetation on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The topic of the lesson is "The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - the subtropical zone of Russia"

Introduction 1

1. Geographic location of the region 3

2. Natural conditions 5

Climate features and resources 7

Plant and animal life 9

Specially protected natural areas and natural monuments 11

3. Geodemographic characteristics of the region 12

4. History of formation and development of the region 13

5. Ethno-cultural, historical-cultural, historical-architectural and cultural monuments 15

6. World natural and cultural heritage sites 16

7. Types of recreation and tourism 18

8. Assessment of the resort and recreational potential of the region 20

9. Conclusion. 21

10. References 24


recreation- this is the restoration and development of the physical and spiritual forces of a person through rest.

Recreational resources include components of the natural environment: climate, relief, vegetation, surface and ground waters, including mineral waters, etc., used to meet recreational needs. In order to study recreational resources and ways of their use, recreational zoning is carried out.

European zone

Black Sea-Caucasian zone

Siberian-Far Eastern zone

Northern zone


Western DistrictNorth-Western DistrictCentral DistrictSouth-Russky DistrictVolga RegionUralsky District


PriazovyeBlack Sea regionKavkazsky district


Obsko-Altaisky DistrictYeniseisky DistrictBaikalsky DistrictFar East District


Russian North (Europe) Russian North (Asia)

The recreational potential of the territory of Russia is exceptionally large and is able to satisfy all types of recreation: stationary and mobile; medical, health-improving, sports and cognitive; summer, winter and transitional seasons; according to age indicators - preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth, middle and elderly population, as well as family and individual.

The historically established recreational and tourist zoning in Russia does not coincide with the boundaries of the federal districts. Therefore, in the Federal Districts there are either the most significant recreational and tourist zones, or several such zones at once.

According to the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, medical and recreational areas, resorts and natural healing resources are classified as a separate category of specially protected natural objects and territories.

The principles of using the properties of natural objects - mineral waters, mud, etc. for the treatment and prevention of diseases, organization of recreation are determined by the Federal Law “On Natural Medical Resources, Medical and Health Areas and Resorts.”

Government Decrees Russian Federation dated February 3, 2007 (Nos. 67-73), seven subjects of the Federation were identified in which SEZs of a tourist and recreational type are being created. These are the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk and Kaliningrad Regions, the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai.

My work is dedicated to the Krasnodar Territory, and specifically to the Black Sea recreational area. The Black Sea region has the most favorable conditions for health improvement and sports tourism. The 350-kilometer strip of the coast is almost entirely built up with sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist camps and hotels - the density of recreation infrastructure is the highest in Russia.

Favorable climate, warm seas, the presence of mineral and mud springs, mountain and seaside landscapes of unique aesthetic value - all this determined the role of the Krasnodar Territory as one of the largest tourist regions in Russia and the CIS countries. All the main sea resorts of Russia are concentrated here: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, etc.

The region has more than 100 sanatoriums, 450 recreation facilities, about 70 campsites. About 400 thousand people are employed in the resort and tourism industry; more than 6 million people have a rest in the region every year.

The paper considers the geographical position of the Black Sea recreational zone, its recreational opportunities, the state of the tourist infrastructure, as well as the ways of its development.

1. Geographical location of the region

The length of the Black Sea coast of Russia from the Taman Peninsula to Adler (the border with the Republic of Abkhazia) is about 400 km, taking into account the indented coastline. Of these, about 145 km (36.3%) are part of Greater Sochi, including the Sochi beach strip is 118 km - the so-called Russian Riviera. The Russian section of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located in the extreme northern part of the subtropical zone. The Anapa-Tuapse strip of the Black Sea coast of Russia is one of the two dry subtropical regions of Russia, along with the Caspian coast of the Republic of Dagestan. The Tuapse-Sochi strip is the only region in Russia and the world's northernmost region of humid subtropics.

The Krasnodar Territory, of which the Black Sea region is a part, is located in the south of the East European Plain, in the Asian part of the world. However, some authors draw the border between Europe and Asia along the axial divide of the Greater Caucasus. According to this point of view, the territory of the region is located in Europe.

From the Kerch Strait to the border with Abkhazia, along the Black Sea coast stretches the most popular area for recreation, treatment and tourism in Russia - the Black Sea. The coast of the Caucasus is the only place in our country where the warm sea, picturesque palm trees and high mountains coexist. Therefore, here, on the narrow edge of the subtropical sea coast between the mountains and the sea, millions of people annually come together, thirsty sea ​​bathing, hot sun and southern beauties. Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi - these alluring names are always associated with health and the best rest.

The Black Sea region is the southern outpost of Russia. It is located at the same geographical latitude (43 "- 45" north latitude) as the resorts of the Adriatic, the Italian and French Riviera, and in many ways resembles them in its appearance. Administratively, this region includes the Tuapse and Gelendzhik regions of the Krasnodar Territory, the resort cities of Sochi and Anapa.

In landscape terms, one can distinguish here the low-lying steppe Anapa part, the coast in the north of the region and the mountainous coast with subtropical vegetation in the rest of the territory. On the Anapa coast there are extensive (60-400 m wide and 35 km long) sandy beaches. The rest of the territory is dominated by pebbly beaches, their area is limited by mountains that come close to the sea. The height of the mountains of the Western Caucasus located near the coast increases from north to south from 600 to 1100 m.

2. Natural conditions

The shores of the Caucasian Black Sea region are characterized by weak indentation, simplicity and smooth outlines. In many places there are abrasion (eroded) coasts. Such, for example, is the section between Sochi and Matsesta. With the erosion of the coast and landslides, an active struggle is being waged. Breakwaters, protective walls, groins - a distinctive feature of coastal landscapes. In some places, the spurs of the mountain ranges come straight to the shore, forming capes and bizarre rocks protruding into the sea: Utrish, Indokopas, Kodosh, Sail, Kiseleva rock are interesting objects constantly visited by tourists. Between Anapa and Khosta there are many rias bays, which arose as a result of the lowering of the coast and filled with sediment from numerous mountain rivers. Coastal marine pebbly plains, advanced into the sea in the form of wide flat capes (Adlerovsky, Sochi-Bytkh), are also formed as a result of the accumulating activity of rivers, which carry a huge mass of detrital material from the mountains. Life-friendly rias coasts and wide capes are almost entirely built up and occupied by lush evergreen subtropical vegetation.

North of Anapa, the coast is different. Low sandy estuary shores are common here. Some of the estuaries managed to lace up with sandy spits and turn into salt lakes. The Blagoveshchenskaya and Bugazskaya spits are unique natural formations in the north of the region. A little further to the north, on the southern steep coast of the Taman Peninsula, capes Panagia, Zhelezny Rog and the ancient Tmutarakan located between them are of great interest to tourists.

The features of the Black Sea beaches are associated with the nature of the coasts. From Adler to Olginka, almost everywhere, gravel and pebble beaches stretch in a strip of 20 to 80 meters. Between Gelendzhik and Anapa, narrow pebble beaches prevail, and to the north of Anapa, yellow sandy and white shell beaches sparkle in the sun, wide and very comfortable for families with children. Where rocks and piles of stone blocks of boulders come straight to the water, there are no natural beaches. But even here, on the Divnomorskoye - Dzhankhot, Dzhubga - Agria, Loo - Dagomys sections, you can always find among the rocks a convenient descent to the sea and hide on a rocky or pebble patch. Such an intimate wild vacation also has its own charm.

A unique feature of the Black Sea region is a dissected relief, combined with greenery and multicolored peculiar vegetation. Green vegetation, bright colors of flowers and fruits, dissected relief together create a unique landscape diversity, have a beneficial, calming effect on a person. The mountains themselves and the natural objects associated with them: rocks, gorges, karst funnels and caves, waterfalls on mountain rivers - attract climbers, speleologists, hikers.

Low narrow leveled areas near the sea are occupied by Colchis chestnut forests with evergreen undergrowth and an abundance of exotic subtropical plants: palms, yucca, acacias, magnolias, lianas. In the north of the region, rich herb steppes approach directly to the sea. Everywhere there are orchards and vineyards, plantations of citrus, tea, tung.

Often, right at the sea coast, among the villages and urban areas, individual low (400 - 800 m) mountains and short ridges rise, covered with majestic oak and hornbeam forests: Plyakho, Flatakh, Mosye, Suetkha, Akhun. At a distance of 10-20 km from the sea, ridges of medium height (800-200 m) stretch: Alek, Iegosh, Amuko, Tkhab, on the slopes of which beech and spruce-fir forests grow. Ridges and individual massifs of high mountains of the Main Caucasian Range rise even further in the east: Chugush (3238 m), Achishkho (2391 m), Fisht (2867 m). From the observation platforms you can see rocky peaks and glaciers located on the slopes. Snow-covered mountain slopes in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana can be used for skiing from November to May.

The diversity of the flora of this region is striking. About 6,000 plant species grow here. Among them there are more than a hundred such plants that are found only in the Black Sea region. Such, for example, are yew, boxwood, and Licund pine. There are also many relic plants here - witnesses of bygone geological eras - laurel-cherry, Pontic rhododendron, Colchis holly. These and many other amazing plants can be admired in numerous parks and squares of coastal cities, during excursions to arboretums and forest parks, to the unique Khosta yew-boxwood grove.

The area has reserves of hydro-mineral resources, which are represented by various types of mineral waters and therapeutic mud. The most common are sulfide waters of the Matsesta type. In the resort areas of Kudepsta, iodine-bromine waters are used, Chvizhepsa - arsenic and carbonic ferrous waters, Anapa - nitrogen methane, which contain iodine and boron.

There are significant deposits of therapeutic mud in the northern part of the region. These are, first of all, silt sulfide muds of the Vityazevsky estuary and lakes Salty, Chumburka, Golubnitsky. The health resorts of the Sochi resort are supplied with healing clayey ferruginous silts from the Imeretinskaya Bay.

  • Climatic features and resources

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the following types of climates are distinguished: in the area from Taman to Anapa, a temperate maritime climate, in the area from Anapa to Tuapse, a Mediterranean climate (close to the South Coast of Crimea, Ukraine), from Tuapse to Adler and further beyond Russia, subtropical humid (close to the humid subtropics of Abkhazia, Colchis, Pontus, Adjara and Georgia). The reason for the formation of these two different types of climate is the relief, more precisely, the height of the mountains. Before Tuapse, their height does not rise above 1,000 m, and they are not a serious orographic barrier to moisture-carrying air mass flows from the southwest; after Tuapse, the height of the mountains reaches 3,000 meters or more; a large number of precipitation.

In the eastern part of the Black Sea, the border between climatic zones runs right along the chains of the Main Caucasian Range, that is, the Greater Caucasus is a natural obstacle, a barrier separating two different air masses. To the north of it - a temperate zone, to the south - subtropical. The mountain system of the Greater Caucasus sharpens the border between them, making it difficult to transfer cold air masses from north to south, in Transcaucasia, and warm ones from south to north, in Ciscaucasia. The mountain barrier in the form of the Greater Caucasus is especially noticeable in winter, when Ciscaucasia is filled with cold air masses coming from the north and northeast, and Transcaucasia is protected from their invasion.

The climatic conditions of the region vary from moderately humid seaside-steppe in the north (near Anapa), seaside-mountainous (near Gelendzhik) to humid subtropical (near Sochi).

The most important resort factor of the Black Sea region is the humid subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type. The period with the most comfortable weather conditions for recreation lasts here from May 7 - 10 to October 20 - 25. During these periods, each month there are more than 20 days with the most favorable weather for rest and treatment: air temperature and humidity, wind speed and precipitation, cloudiness and sunshine are in the optimal ratio for a person: 2200 - 2400 hours a year the sun shines, during the warm period there are only 8-12 cloudy days. The Black Sea chain of ridges of the Greater Caucasus surrounds the coastal strip like an amphitheater, protecting it from the penetration of cold winds from the north and east. On the contrary, moist sea air comes freely from the west, softening the winter cold and summer heat. Along with cyclones, a large amount of precipitation comes here from the sea.

The climate of the Black Sea region is characterized by mild, unstable weather, rainy winters with average monthly air temperatures of +2 + 8 ° С and very warm - with temperatures of +20 + 24 ° С - summer, during which stable clear or slightly cloudy dry weather prevails. Daytime temperatures, even in winter, sometimes rise to +15 +20 ° С, and in summer - up to + 30 + 32 ° С. However, the heat is easily tolerated, thanks to the breezes and the proximity of the mountains. Average annual air temperatures - +12 +14° С - are the highest in Russia.

The annual amount of precipitation increases from 600 - 700 mm in the north to 1500 - 1600 mm in the south of the Black Sea region, and even up to 2500 mm on the slopes of the mountains. But this should not confuse vacationers: most of the precipitation falls during the cold season - from November to March. The driest months are May, June, July. Moreover, in the summer the rain does not cause any particular trouble - 1-2 hours of warm downpour with a thunderstorm, and the sun shines again. After rain, the air is filled with the aroma of refreshed flowers and the tart, healing smell of pine and cypress needles.

The Black Sea, which rolls warm clean salty waters on many kilometers of beaches, is the real wealth of the region. In the resorts of the Black Sea region, the use of thalassotherapy - sun and air baths - in combination with sea bathing is extremely effective. According to physiologists, swimming in the sea is possible at a water temperature of at least +17 °C. Such a favorable period for swimming begins here from May 15 - 25 and lasts for five months, until October 20 - 25. To optimum temperatures, +23 +24° С, the surface layer of water warms up in July - September. During these months, in shallow semi-enclosed areas, the water can heat up even from +26 to +27 ° C. In winter, the temperature sea ​​water off the coast of the Caucasus is +8 +12 ° С; it is higher than the air temperature, and therefore the sea, returning the heat accumulated over the summer, softens the winter.

Sometimes swimming is hindered by stormy weather and strong waves. Usually during the warm period it happens 15-20 days with an excitement of more than 3 points. Especially often it storms in the north of the region - in the vicinity of Anapa. On the contrary, in the Tsemess and Gelendzhik bays, high waves are very rare guests.

In addition to swimming, the Black Sea offers a wide range of entertainment and opportunities for active rest: scuba diving and spearfishing, windsurfing and water skiing, yachting and sea fishing. Most of the beaches of the Black Sea coast are well equipped for a varied holiday. Changing rooms, aerariums, individual trestle beds and awnings, water attractions, rental points are indispensable attributes of any beaches. Many beaches have special zones of strict medical control. On the beaches and near them, vacationers are provided with dozens of services: from the sale of soft drinks to watch repair.

Powerful natural healing factor of the Black Sea - mineral water and silt mud. The resort business in Russia actually began in 1902 with the sulfide sodium chloride waters of Matsesta. In addition to sulfide, there are carbonic mineral waters. Of particular value is carbonic water containing arsenic in Chvizheps - "Sochi Narzan", there are also iodine-bromine waters and waters containing fluorine. Now more than 50 wells raise water from the bowels of the earth for bathing, irrigation, inhalation and drinking, with the help of which diseases of the stomach and intestines, cardiovascular and nervous systems, circulatory organs and skin.

  • Flora and fauna


The modern flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is its most striking distinguishing feature, a kind of calling card, striking with its diversity of colors and species diversity. At the same time, most of the so-called subtropical species acclimatized here quite recently - at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, that is, they are introduced species. Only a small number of the most frost-resistant species are autochthonous. These are mainly undergrowth shrubs: cherry laurel, holly, boxwood, several types of rhododendrons and some others. Most of the moisture-loving heat-loving species died during the first glaciation. Forests before the mass acclimatization of subtropical and tropical species are generally all-Russian deciduous in nature, but as global warming, they take on an increasingly subtropical appearance, corresponding to the modern climate of the region. Artificial evergreen plantations appeared here at the end of the 19th century, initially in parks, botanical gardens and greenhouses. In the second half of the 20th century, many of them went wild and spread beyond parks and greenhouses: fan palms, laurel, Mediterranean viburnum, Chinese privet, prickly goof, eucalyptus, various lianas, tea, citrus and others.

In the northern swampy part near the Kuban Delta, there are numerous folds of reeds and reeds, floodplains. Further south, the altitudinal zonality is more pronounced. The Black Sea lowland, river valleys and mountain slopes of the Caucasus up to a height of 200-300 meters are covered with subtropical evergreen, then mixed and coniferous mountain forests.

The dry Mediterranean climate of the northern half of the Black Sea coast is favorable for growing such heat-loving crops as walnuts, grapes, chestnuts, pomegranates, persimmons, blackberries, rosemary, peaches, apricots, etc.

Closer to the south, in the humid conditions of the Sochi subtropics, citrus fruits (tangerines and lemons), various types of magnolias (common, Japanese, etc.), tulip trees, laurel, agave, yucca, palm trees, acclimatized species of eucalyptus, tea bushes grow, myrtle, rhododendron grow , bamboo, mimosa, azalea, cold-resistant pansies, etc. can bloom all winter. In August, the surface of the Black Sea glows. It is a waste product of a phosphorescent Black Sea algae called noctilyuka (in Russian, night light).


Endemic species: Western Caucasian tour (Severtsov's tour), Promethean mouse, Caucasian snowcock (mountain turkey), Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian viper (Koznakov's snake), etc.

Acclimatized species and invasive species: Altai squirrel and raccoon dog (released in 1937-1940), and later - North American raccoon, muskrat, coypu (1960s-1970s).

In the mountains there are Caucasian bear, lynx, wild boar, wild cat, Caucasian red deer, roe deer, bison, tour. Copperhead and turtles live in the gorges. Minks, otters live in rivers and streams, and among birds - dipper. In the Kuban delta and on the estuaries there are many waterfowl, gulls are found everywhere. Trout is found in mountain rivers and streams. Dolphins are found in the waters of the Black Sea.

Butterflies: mourning, admiral, sailboat, urticaria, nocturnal hawk moth, large praying mantises (up to 10 cm in length). In late May - early June, when the nights on the coast are already quite warm and humid, large fireflies appear on most of the Black Sea coast.

  • Specially protected natural territories and natural monuments

On the slopes of the Greater Caucasus is located Sochi natural national park.

national park"Sochi" was formed by the Decree Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 214 from 5 May 1983 in order to preserve unique natural complexes Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, their use for environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes.

The national park is located in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, north of Sochi, from the borders with the Tuapse region, between the mouths of the Shepsi and Magri rivers in the northwest, in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, to the borders with Georgia. Most of the territory of the park is occupied by mountains, dissected by river valleys. The foothill zone occupies a narrow strip along the Black Sea. About 40 rivers and streams of the Black Sea basin flow through the park.

On the basis of the Golovinsky, Lazarevsky, Krasnopolyansky and Verkhnee-Sochi forestries, centers for environmental education have been created. At the beginning of 2005 there were more than 49 recreational objects in the national park. 28 excursion routes were opened, 10 parking lots were organized .

Functional zoning

There are 3 functional zones with different regimes of protection and use on the territory of the national park.

The following functional zoning is currently accepted:

1 . Protected area - 71.7 thousand hectares (37.5% of the total area).

2. The zone with the regime of the reserve - 42.5 thousand hectares (22.2%).

3. The zone of regulated recreational and economic use is 77.1 thousand hectares (40.3%).

the zone of the protected regime included karst areas in the area of ​​Dzykhra and Kepshi, as well as the feeding zone of the Matsesta waters.

3. Geodemographic characteristics of the region

The modern ethnic composition of the population of the coast is quite diverse. Russians predominate (70%), Armenians also live, whose numbers increased significantly due to immigration from Armenia in the 1990s, Ukrainians, Georgians, Greeks, etc. are noticeable. Pontic Greeks were quite numerous after their mass exodus from the Ottoman Empire at the beginning XX century. Stalin's repressions, and then mass repatriation to Greece after the collapse of the USSR, have significantly reduced their number in recent years.

Adygs (Shapsugs, Natukhians, etc.), now not numerous, are aboriginal inhabitants of the region.

The Krasnodar Territory is one of the few regions of Russia whose population has increased significantly in the post-Soviet period: by 0.4 million (almost 10%) of the permanent population recorded in the censuses, and by one million of the actual population. Authorities and experts say that the determining factor of growth is the influx of "economic" migrants from all over the North Caucasian south of Russia, Ukraine and the countries of Transcaucasia.

In recent years, the Krasnodar Territory has also been a place of resettlement not only for people who migrate for the sake of earnings, but also for wealthy citizens who purchase housing from the surrounding regions, the Far North and other regions.

  1. History of formation and development of the region

The Black Sea coast of Russia was inhabited by ancient people for a very long time. The so-called dolmen culture spread here as early as 2-3 thousand years BC. Unusual structures - dolmens - are found in large numbers on the Black Sea coast of Russia. In the times of early antiquity, the Sarmatians came here from the north, and, apparently, the Scythians, the ancient Greeks traded with them on their ships, who, despite their constant presence, still did not form numerous settlements here. The coast was to some extent affected by the ancient Greek colonization, and then by the indirect influence of the Roman Empire during its highest power.

Various Adyghe tribes (Circassians, Shapsugs, Natukhais, etc.), now few in number due to emigration to Turkey, settled the coast in the first millennium of our era. The Christian influence of Byzantium in the early feudal period was replaced by the control of the Muslim Ottoman Empire after the 15th century, which spread Islam among the local population. The Adrianople Peace Treaty of 1829, concluded between the losing Ottoman Empire and the victorious Russian Empire, legalized the transfer of the CPR to the latter, although the Russian army captured Anapa three times during various Russian-Turkish wars in 1791, 1808, 1828. After the 1830s, the settlement of the region by Slavic settlers (Russians, Ukrainians) began, although the first Slavic state (Tmutarakan Principality) was formed in the northern part of the CPR as early as 944-965 and lasted until the beginning of the 12th century.


The first settlements on the territory of the region belong to the Zikhs - the ancestors of the modern Circassians. Starting from the 5th century BC. e. Ancient Greek influence is gradually increasing in the region, however, the region, most likely due to the greater militancy of the indigenous mountain tribes, is less affected by ancient Greek colonization, noticeable in the Southern (Pontus) and Northern Black Sea coast.

Nevertheless, the influence of late antiquity here persists much longer, especially after the entry of Georgian lands into the Byzantine Empire. In the 5th-15th centuries, the bulk of the coastal Circassians and Shapsugs adopted Christianity (Orthodoxy). In the 6th-15th centuries, the region was controlled in turn by the Christian kingdoms (Lazistan, centered in Southern Georgia, and then the more nearby Abkhazian kingdom).

Already at the end of the 16th century, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus fell into the sphere of geopolitical interests of the Ottoman Empire and Russia. As a result of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, the area of ​​modern Sochi formally belongs to the Russian Empire. In fact, only part of the coastal zone was controlled (military posts, etc.). The local population offered fierce resistance to the tsarist troops. Only after 1864 (in connection with the end of the Caucasian War) did the territory of the city of Sochi become part of the Russian Empire. Ubykhs, Sadzes and Shapsugs, due to their political unreliability, were deported to Anatolia. Russian, Ukrainian settlers, as well as Armenian and Greek refugees from Turkey began to settle on the deserted lands.

The city of Sochi was founded in 1838 as Fort Alexandria, in parallel the forts of the Holy Spirit were founded (1837), which laid the foundation for the future district of Adler, Lazarevsky and Golovinsky (1839), which later became the villages of Lazarevskoye and Golovinka. In 1839, Fort Alexandria was renamed the Navaginskoe Fortification, abandoned during the Crimean War, and rebuilt in 1864 as Post Dakhovsky. From 1874 - Dakhovsky Posad, from 1896 - Sochi (after the name of the Sochi River, on the banks of which the village stood). In 1917 Sochi was given the status of a city. Since 1937, Sochi has been part of the Krasnodar Territory.


Previously, on the site of Anapa there was a settlement of Sinds - the ancient city of Sindskaya Harbor (or Sindika). With the accession to the Bosporus state (from the 4th century BC to the 3rd century AD), Gorgippia was called after its ruler Gorgipp. In the XIV century, the Genoese colony of Mapa. In 1475 it was captured by the Ottoman Empire. In 1781-82 a Turkish fortress was built. By the arrival of the Russians at the end of the 18th century, the village had the Adyghe name Anapa.

During the Russian-Turkish war, it was captured by Russian troops three times (1791, 1808, 1828). It was finally annexed to Russia by the Treaty of Adrianople in 1829.

On December 15, 1846, by decree of Tsar Nicholas I, the Anapa fortress received the status of a city. It has been a resort since 1866. The resort construction that began in Anapa then continued in the 1920s and 30s. In the early 1940s, there were 14 sanatoriums and more than 10 pioneer camps in Anapa. During the Great Patriotic War the resort was completely destroyed, finally restored in the 1950s.


Few people know that the settlement in the Gelendzhik Bay has existed for at least 25 centuries. Then, in the IV century BC. e., during the Greek colonization of the Black Sea on the Thin Cape of the Gelendzhik Bay, there was a Greek colony, which was called Torik. Two thousand years passed, and the second wave of colonialists, this time the Genoese, settled on the shores of a convenient, well-protected bay. Italian merchants named their colony Mavrolaco - "Black Bay". But they also disappeared from the hospitable shores, forced out by the Turks. The Turks called the settlement in the bay Kelendchik. Apparently, they paid attention to the extraordinary beauty of the local Adyghe girls, because the name "Kelendchik" can be translated from Turkic as "daughter-in-law". It was this name that was heard by the Russians when, in 1829, after long wars with the Turks, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus passed to Russia. In 1831, Russian troops landed in the bay, and the Gelendzhik fortress was founded. With the construction of a highway connecting Sukhumi and Novorossiysk, life on the coast revived. The end of the XIX century was approaching, there was a third wave of colonization - this time Russian.

  1. Ethno-cultural, historical-cultural, historical-architectural and cultural monuments

The number of picturesque natural monuments in the Black Sea region is truly innumerable: the Karabetova Sopka mud volcano, the Kiziltash estuary, Lake Abrau, the protected groves of Pitsunda pine in Dzhanhot and Divnomorsky, Pshad and Agur waterfalls, deep gorges, Greek and Mamedov cracks, Plakho and Akhun mountains, Eagle rocks and Thab pillars - this is a far from complete list. To many interesting objects, any vacationer can independently make a 2-3-hour walk-excursion.

You can get acquainted with the animal world of this corner of Russia and other regions of the planet in the Adler Arboretum. Tourists are constantly interested in the dolphinarium near Anapa and the newly created Sochi monkey nursery. The Museum of Flora and Fauna of the Caucasus and the Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve are also interesting.

There are many valuable monuments of history and culture on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Many of them are of national and global importance. These are settlements of primitive people and numerous dolmens - ancient burial structures in the form of huge blocks of stone and slabs placed vertically, which are found near Gelendzhik, Augba, Ashe, Adler. Traces of the Hellenistic civilization - the ruins of an ancient fortress of the 11th-111th centuries in Krasnaya Polyana, a settlement of the 6th-5th centuries. in. BC e. in Novomikhailovsky, in Chekon. Monuments of the period of the beginning of Russian colonization - the gates of the Anapa fortress, built in 1783, the Gelendzhik fortification of 1831, etc. There are many monuments in the Black Sea region associated with the revolutionary and military past of this region. The most grandiose of them is the memorial complex to the heroes of World War II on Malaya Zemlya near the hero-city of Novorossiysk. Outstanding people of Russia lived and rested on the shores of the Black Sea. Many buildings in Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Anapa are connected with their life activity. In Dzhanhot there is a house-museum of the writer V. G. Korolenko, in Adler - a monument to the Decembrist A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, a literary memorial museum of N. A. Ostrovsky in Sochi, etc.

  1. World natural and cultural heritage sites

Reserved island in Sochi yew-boxwood grove, it is the Khosta department of the Caucasian Reserve, included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. The uniqueness of this corner is that in the grove, near the center of the resort city, the ancient Colchis forest is preserved. two and a half kilometers from the sea coast, you can see a lot of unusual things, for example, yew trees aged about 2 thousand years. They have been growing here since before the birth of Christ. In general, yew is a contemporary of dinosaurs (18-25 million years ago).

The mysteriousness of the grove is given by thickets of Colchian boxwood - a relic tree, the trunks of which are covered with moss with a green fur coat. In some places, it hangs with fancy emerald strands. Imagine a fern-liana paradise! This is also Khostinsky yew-boxwood grove. There are 16 species of evergreens here. Entire corners are braided with vines, a whole-leaved fern grows, very similar to its tropical counterparts, flower mushrooms, orchids, wild chrysanthemums are amazing.

Grove - a botanical garden created by nature itself, where more than 200 species of herbaceous and 70 species of woody plants have found shelter. More than half of them are relics, 20% are endemic, not found anywhere on the entire globe. The grove is rich in wildlife, bear, roe deer, wild cat, marten, badger, jackal, squirrel. It is easy to breathe here, and what is characteristic is that in summer it is cooler in the grove than in the city, and in winter it is warmer. The ecological path “The Mysterious World of the Ancient Colchis Forest” passes through the grove (1,600 m of concreted path), cozy recreation areas are equipped. In an amazingly beautiful place, a Health Bench has been installed.

The excursion route goes through areas with a smooth relief, then through the beams Opolznevaya and Labyrinthovaya and from there - to two viewing platforms on the White Rocks. You will see Mount Yegosh in a blue haze, and below - a picturesque canyon.

And one more feature of the protected area: it is located on the slopes of Mount Big Akhun with characteristic karst labyrinths. Of great interest is a geological monument - a classic section of the Upper Cretaceous limestones of the Danish stage with local accumulations of fossilized sea ​​urchins, tectonic crack system. One of the objects of the show is the Labyrinth - a stone corridor, the walls of which are polished by time and rain. It was formed as a result of a powerful earthquake, and by its strata one can imagine the processes of formation of the Caucasus Mountains.

The grove amazes visitors with its wild peculiar beauty of untouched nature and leaves a lasting impression. Here, even on a sunny day, green twilight. Knotted tree roots intertwine on the surface of the soil. The mountain river Khosta roars in the picturesque gorge.

there is a Museum of Nature in the grove, the exposition of which presents the flora and fauna of the entire Caucasian Reserve, you can also see stuffed wild animals. Mysteriousness, pacifying silence, clean, positive energy, healing air of the forest have a beneficial effect on the state of mind and people's health. Come to the grove, the phenomenon of the healing power of which has not yet been fully studied. But no doubt, trees and herbs, flowers and birds will help you live happier and longer, and the journey into the depths of centuries will be remembered for a lifetime!

  1. Types of recreation and tourism

The Black Sea region is the most popular area for recreation, treatment and tourism in Russia. The 350-kilometer strip of the Black Sea coast is almost entirely built up with sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist centers and hotels. The period with the most favorable weather conditions for recreation begins in early May and continues until October.

The area has a fairly developed recreational network. Along the sea coast there are resort towns and villages. Here you can distinguish 4 resort areas that have formed around Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse and Sochi. Each of these cities is a tourist center.

Anapa has various cultural and entertainment facilities, tour agencies and travel companies, a well-developed transport infrastructure, which includes an airport, railway station, bus station, seaport. The Anapa zone is mainly focused on children and families. About 150 health resorts and recreational institutions are concentrated here.

The resort area of ​​Greater Gelendzhik occupies a 100 km strip of coastline. There are more than 100 recreation facilities, most of which have a recreational character.

Tuapse resort area specializes in both wellness vacation tourists who come from other regions, as well as for short-term vacations of residents of the Krasnodar Territory.

The resort area of ​​Bolshie Sochi stretches for 145 km along the Black Sea coast and is the most popular among tourists. This includes such resorts as Lazarevskoye, Dagomys, Sochi, Matsesta, Khosta, Adler. The recreational network of the zone includes over 220 health resorts and recreation facilities. Sochi is home to the Research Institute of Resort Business and Tourism, the Sputnik International Youth Center, and the city is famous for its annual film and music festivals among cultural events.

Sochi is an important transport center of the Black Sea region. There is a sea port, a railway station, and an airport in Adler.

The Black Sea coast of Russia is the country's largest zone of domestic beach tourism, children's tourism (the pioneer camp "Orlyonok") and sports tourism (the Krasnaya Polyana complex). On the Black Sea coast, all existing species recreation and tourism: family, children, active, extreme, corporate, medical, fact-finding. During the years of Soviet power and in modern times, a developed infrastructure has been created. A significant number of guests from the CIS countries and far abroad are expected to arrive for the 2014 Olympics.

Rocks, gorges, caves and waterfalls of the Black Sea attract climbers, speleologists, hikers. Diving, spearfishing, windsurfing, yachting are very popular in the area.

The unique natural monuments of the region include the mud volcano Karabetova Sopka, Lake Abrau, Pshad and Agur waterfalls, Eagle rocks, Tkhab pillars, etc.

Many monuments of history and culture have been preserved on the territory of the region. Among them are settlements of primitive people, the ruins of an ancient fortress of the II-III centuries. in Krasnaya Polyana, settlements of the VI-V centuries. BC. in Novomikhailovsky, the gates of the Anapa fortress (1783), the Gelendzhik fortification (1831).

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus provides great opportunities for practicing a variety of sports, including extreme ones: mountaineering, rock climbing, swimming, diving, windsurfing, yachting, paragliding, water skiing, kite surfing, jet skiing, parachuting over the sea, riding on all kinds of water attractions , like “banana” or “pills”. In the 90s-2000s, a large number of water parks were built, a large number of children’s camps were repaired. horse riding, catamaran and ship riding, fishing and hunting.In the highlands you can practice winter sports most of the year, and on the coast -

  1. Assessment of the resort and recreational potential of the region

The Black Sea region mainly specializes in health tourism. The main recreational resource can rightfully be considered the warm sea and sandy beaches, which stretch for tens of kilometers. On the Anapa coast there are extensive sandy beaches. The rest of the territory is dominated by pebbly beaches, their area is limited by mountains that come close to the sea.

The height of the mountains of the Western Caucasus located off the coast increases from north to south from 600 to 1100 m. The swimming season lasts about 4 months: from mid-May to mid-late October. The water temperature ranges from +18 to + 24°C, and on especially hot days the water can warm up to + 30°C.

The summer is very warm, the average July temperature is +25°C. The Black Sea region has a fairly developed recreational network. Along the sea coast there are resort towns and villages.

It should be noted that the richest hydro-mineral reserves and favorable landscape and climatic conditions have led to the specialization of the zone in therapeutic recreation on an all-Russian scale.

The cultural and historical potential of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus presents ample opportunities for the development of educational tourism. Ancient fortifications of indigenous peoples have been preserved here, there are many memorable places associated with the stay of prominent cultural figures.

Problems of recreational development of the region:

    insufficient development of the transport network,

    sea ​​pollution, especially on the Novorossiysk-Tuapse section;

    overlaying short-term recreation areas for local residents on resort areas in the vicinity of Sochi, Anapa, etc.,

    fragility of the coastline (destruction of beaches due to sea abrasion);

    the imposition of the interests of viticulture, which provides the Abrau-Dyurso winery with high-grade grapes, on the recreational territories of the Gelendzhik resort area.

  1. Conclusion.

The Black Sea coast is the only subtropical zone on the territory of the Russian Federation. The subtropical climate and unique mountain resorts create favorable opportunities for the development of tourism, including international tourism. Fertile lands, mineral reserves, borders with foreign countries favor the development of economic and foreign economic relations. However, the favorable geographical position has a downside. Due to the favorable location and favorable climate of the region, the population density here is several times higher than the average for the Russian Federation, and human economic activity intensively destroys natural landscapes.

Despite the significant development of the resort economy and tourism in the region, the possibilities are not fully used. This is due to a number of reasons. Often, the sanitary condition of the coasts is critical and the beaches have to be temporarily closed. On the Black Sea coast, hurricane-force winds accompanied by floods are sometimes noted. The instability of the political situation and interethnic conflicts have an even greater negative effect.

In the future, the Black Sea region can increase the number of vacationers, medical patients and tourists by 10 times. This will turn the recreational economy of the region into one of the main sectors of the economy.

Today, state structures are developing plans for the development of recreational areas, some projects for the construction of resort real estate have been approved. The most promising in terms of the development of recreational real estate are the regions that have four main components that determine the potential for development: multi-format (potential for several types of tourism), federal significance, compliance with the stage of market development and the presence of a basis for development in the following stages. Analytical studies have shown that the Black Sea coast is a very promising area for the development of recreational real estate. The main goal of the state policy in the field of tourism is the creation in the Russian Federation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourism complex that provides ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in a variety of tourism services.

The geography of tourism in Russia is faced with the task of finding ways to increase the country's competitiveness in the global tourism market, reorienting tourist flows - returning compatriots and attracting foreign tourists to Russian tourist centers, forming a highly efficient tourist complex that provides, on the one hand, ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in a variety of tourism products, and on the other hand, a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy, including through an increase in the number of jobs, tax revenues to the budget, foreign exchange inflows, conservation and rational use of cultural and natural heritage.

  1. Bibliography

    Bulanov, S. “The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Guide." - M.: Ajax-Press. - 2005

    V.G. Ignatov, V.I. Butov, "Southern Russia and its regions" - Rostov-on-Don: March-2007

    Vavilova E. V. Economic geography and regional studies. - M. Gardariki, - 1999

    A.S. Kuskov, V.L. Golubeva, T.N. Odintsova, "Recreational Geography" Study Guide - Flint, MPSI - 2005

    Bagrova L. A., Bagrov N. V., Preobrazhensky V. S. Recreational resources (approaches to the analysis of the concept) - Izvestiya AN SSSR. Ser. geogr. - M., 1997

    Preobrazhensky V.S., Kvartalnov V.A. Basic concepts and models of recreationology // Theoretical problems of recreational geography. - M., 1989

    Erdavletov S.R. To the question of the subject of tourism geography // Tourism and regional development: Proceedings of the III Intern. scientific-practical. conf. Smolensk, 2004

    Ecological and economic problems of the recreational areas of the Bolshoi Sochi resort: Reports of the scientific conference of specialists and young scientists, Sochi, March 2 - 3, 1994 - Sochi: Sochi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995

    Senin V. S. Introduction to tourism. M. B. I., 1993

    Bobrov R. "All about national parks." - M.: Young Guard - 1987

    Materials of the national Internet portal "Nature of Russia" http:// www. nature. en/

    Materials of the Internet portal "Rest in Russia" http:// www. turlog. en/

  1. recreational resources Black Sea coast Russia

    Diploma work >> Physical culture and sports

    Deciduous and coniferous plantations in recreational zones Black Sea coast talk about the suitability of the area for ... numerous wars in the territory Black Sea coast Caucasus. natural recreational Sochi resources and his surroundings (coastal and...

  2. The history of the development of the resort business in Black Sea coast Caucasus

    Coursework >> Physical culture and sports

    ... recreational resources……………………………………………………8 II. The history of the development of the resort business, including Black Sea coast Caucasus………………………………………….11 ... resort zones in the Baltic, in the Carpathians, in the Crimea, on Black Sea coast, most of the Azov coast and...

  3. Tourist- recreational resources of Turkey and resorts Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory

    Abstract >> Physical culture and sports

    Unique Feature Black Sea coast Caucasus- dissected relief ... recreational resources Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory. Sochi resort - Sochi - balneological seaside foothill resort zones

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is the territory that stretches along the Black Sea coast from the Turkish border to the Taman Peninsula. This zone includes Georgia, Abkhazia and the coastal regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

The fauna of the coast is represented by 60 species of inhabitants. Of the predators, one can single out the lynx, the Caucasian bear, the jackal and the leopard. Roe deer, deer, wild boars, otters, chamois and aurochs also live here. There are many bats.

2 Caucasian bear

In these places, there are a large number of interesting birds, in addition to the usual species, there are also such unusual birds: the great buzzard, the eagle-lamb, the dipper, the yellow grouse, the Caucasian black grouse, the white-tailed grouse.

7 lamb eagle

9 woodpecker

10 Caucasian black grouse

11 Vityuten - a large pigeon

Who are few here are amphibians and reptiles, sometimes you can see a turtle, there are lizards, snakes, large toads and newts. And of the rare species - red vipers and boas.

Many beautiful and amazing insects live on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The chirping of cicadas can be heard from afar, sometimes there are incredibly beautiful butterflies, for example, a rare oleander hawk moth. Also living here are fireflies, large beetles called ground beetles, clams and centipedes. There are also pests: fruit moth, grape weevil, worms that destroy wooden buildings.

Of the marine animals in these places, there are dolphins, seahorses, sea needles, various outlandish fish, crabs and jellyfish.

The flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus has more than 6,000 species that grow here, thanks to the mild subtropical climate. There are many relic plants: high juniper, cherry laurel, Colchis holly, rhododendron and others. Rare plants of this region are included in the Red Book of Russia, such as Colchis needle, Colchis boxwood, yew berry.

The woody vegetation that covered the mountains is represented by species such as hornbeam, oak and conifers trees. But in the southern part of the area grow evergreen shrubs, creepers, magnolias and palm trees. The climate favors the cultivation of grapes, citrus fruits, tea and other crops.

In order to preserve rare species of plants and animals characteristic of this region, sanctuaries and reserves have been created in the region. The most famous of them is the Sochi National Park. It preserves the unique nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Video: Beautiful nature of the Caucasus.

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is called the Russian Riviera. It is located on the same geographical latitude as the Italian Riviera, the Cote d'Azur of France and the Golden Sands of Bulgaria. The relatively narrow strip of land between Anapa and Tuapse is located at the extreme point of the northern zone of the subtropical belt.

The mountains and the warm Black Sea have formed the unique nature of this fertile place. The Greater Caucasus influences the climate of the Black Sea coast. Between Taman and Anapa it is closer to temperate sea, in the area between Anapa and Tuapse it is Mediterranean, and from Tuapse towards Adler it is humid subtropical. The further south the coastal areas are located, the more plants and representatives of the animal world, typical of the subtropics, are found.

Flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

The warm climate, a large amount of rain and generous sun have created the most favorable conditions for the growth of plants here, the list of which includes more than 6 thousand plant species.
Rich forests are a characteristic feature of the Caucasus Mountains. Most of the forests of the Krasnodar Territory belong to mountain forests. Broad-leaved oak forests grow up to a height of 600 m, and higher (up to 1300 m above sea level), beech forests occupied a natural niche.

The foothills and middle mountains were occupied by oak, edible chestnut, linden, maple, hornbeam, and evergreen shrubs. Often you can find wild fruit trees with pears, Caucasian blueberries, cherry plums, dogwoods, wild grapes, hazel, cherries, apple trees, walnuts. South of Gelendzhik, typical subtropical plants also appear, including magnolias and palms.

Oriental beech, sycamore, hornbeam, yew, rocky sycamore, maple, mountain ash, low-growing birch, Caucasian fir prefer higher elevations. Even higher is the zone of subalpine meadows with anemones, lilies, cornflowers. Violet, sedge, meadow grass, mosses and lichens climbed to the height of alpine meadows.

Millions of years ago, the Caucasus was an island cut off from the continent. Relic and endemic trees and shrubs still grow here. Among them there are very unusual ones: strawberry tree, silk acacia, iron tree. The evergreen strawberry tree really bears fruit with delicious red berries that resemble strawberries. Relic pines and junipers make a healing contribution to the fresh sea air on the coastal strip, enriching it with phytoncides.
Cultivated pomegranates, peaches, apricots, figs, walnuts grow in the gardens.
To appreciate the unique natural features of this region, you should definitely visit the Sochi National Park.

Fauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

Two hundred years ago, the fauna of the Caucasus was distinguished by its richness and diversity. But gross human intervention in the life of wildlife had the most negative impact. In 1924, on the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range, the Caucasian State Reserve was created to preserve and restore the populations of the Caucasian deer, bison, tur, chamois, bear and pine marten. In 1983, he was given the status of "biospheric".

Currently, the number of animal species of the Black Sea coast is about 60. Wild boars, lynxes, jackals, snow leopards, roe deer, otters, chamois, tours and other animals live here.

The bird kingdom of the region has about 200 species. Among them there are interesting and endemic ones: dipper, black grouse, great buzzard, lamb eagle, yellow bell, vitiuten, horned lark. Alpine jackdaws, thrushes and larks feel great here. Ular, she is also a mountain turkey, has chosen impregnable rocks for life and nests.

Populations of cicadas, butterflies, praying mantises, large ground beetles, and fireflies are widespread. Reptiles and amphibians are few in number, with the exception of lizards. They are represented by newts, snakes, turtles. Red vipers, large toads and boas are rare species. Marine life - dolphins, jellyfish, rays, seahorses, shrimps.

The climate of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

The inhabitants of the coast joke that their summer turns into a long autumn, and then into spring. You can swim on the Black Sea coast almost 5 months a year. The temperature of sea water in summer is from 20 to 26°C, air - up to 30°C. Rains are frequent, but they are short so most days are sunny.

On average, the temperature in winter in the subtropical zone does not fall below 0 °. January is the time of the most severe storms at sea, but in February, silver acacia (mimosa), Voronov's snowdrop, are already blooming on the shore, and Caucasian cyclamens are already blooming at the end of March. Taking into account the fact that the beach can be replaced by skiing in Krasnaya Polyana, and the winter here is mild, holidays on the Black Sea coast in the winter months have their own attractive sides.

To the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in 1983

A set of postcards published by the "Planet" publishing house, released in 1983, is dedicated to the region, which at that time had a generalized "resort" name - the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Administratively, cities, towns and resorts from Anapa to Batumi belonged to different regions, territories and republics, but for the masses of vacationers it was just the Black Sea coast. They came here and just "on the sea", where they got "what was" a ticket; and those who traveled exclusively to the Caucasian coast. There were, of course, adherents of the Crimea. These two regions replaced Turkey and Egypt for Soviet citizens (Unfortunately, there was no alternative to Thailand in the USSR, and only in the 90s did the charms of a winter beach holiday open up for our fellow citizens). Apart from the rest in the Crimea and the Caucasus, there was "the land of evergreen tomatoes" - the Baltic states with Jurmala.
There will still be posts in Crimea and the Baltic states, and now, in honor of the beginning of summer, there will be postcards from the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. Explanations are original. Photos by V.Panov.

1. View of Cape Pitsunda (photo by R. Ozersky)

2. Anapa. Central alley of the Park of Culture and Leisure named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory


3. Anapa. In the children's town of fairy tales


4. Novorossiysk. Panorama of the city


5. Novorossiysk. Monument-ensemble "In memory of the sunken ships of the Black Sea Fleet on June 18, 1918" Sculptor V. Tsigal, architects Y. Belopolsky, R. Kananin, V. Khavin


6. Janhot. Beach


7. Gelendzhik. Cinema "Yantar"


8. Tuapse. Kiseleva Rock


9. Sochi. Hotel complex "Dagomys"


10. Sochi. Train Station


11. Sochi. Embankment and a new section of the highway in Khost


12. Gagra. Colonnade


13. Gagra. In the park


14. Pitsunda. Pitsunda Temple, an architectural monument of the 11th century


15. New Athos. Panorama

High mountains protect a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from cold winds from the north. The sun rises high above the horizon here. Even in winter, its rays heat the surface of the earth so strongly that the air temperature remains above zero. At a time when frosts are raging in the north, blizzards are raging, roses are blooming in the local gardens.

The sea has a great influence on the weather of the Black Sea coast. How good are you, O night sea, - It is radiant here, there is gray-dark ... In the moonlight, as if alive, It walks, and breathes, and it shines. On the endless, in the free expanse Glitter and movement, roar and thunder ... The sea bathed in a dull radiance, How good you are in the desert of the night! (Tyutchev F.I.)

Indeed, in winter it warms, and in summer it moderates the heat. A lot of water evaporates from the surface of the sea. Water vapor rises and is carried by the winds to the slopes of the mountains. Here it cools and turns into powerful clouds, from which heavy precipitation falls. Heat and moisture create favorable conditions for the development of lush vegetation. Evergreens grow here.

What does the word "subtropics" mean? Translated from Latin, the prefix "sub" means "under". The subtropics are the area under the tropics. More precisely, near the tropical zone. The subtropical zone is located south of Russia, and here, on the Black Sea coast, it is only a small piece. So we need to find out what are distinctive features flora of the subtropics.

favorable conditions- heat and moisture - allow tall trees with large leaves (beech, oak, chestnut) to grow. Beech reaches a height of meters. its trunk is even, the leaves are in the shape of an oblong ellipse, the fruits are nuts, but they cannot be eaten. Beech lives up to 500 years.

Dolphins are toothed whales, only much smaller. These are the most intelligent marine animals, they are wonderful swimmers. Dolphins never leave a relative in white: they support the wounded and sick on the surface so that he can breathe, and help him swim. Dolphins navigate and communicate with each other using sound signals.

The Sochi National Park was created to preserve the unique nature. The plants of these places are listed in the Red Book of Russia (Colchis needle, Colchis boxwood, yew berry)