Comparison of omnic and omnic okas. Distinctive features of the medicine omnic okas Synonyms of nosological groups

Omnic okas and Omnic are drugs that help to effectively deal with the main symptoms that occur against the background of prostate adenoma. Both drugs belong to the same group. They also have the same active substance, but there are still some differences between these drugs. Let us consider in more detail what both drugs are, what is the difference between them and which is better.

Everything is known in comparison Comparison of indications and contraindications Method of use Cost

Everything is relative

Omnic and Omnic okas belong to the group of alpha 1 adrenoreceptor blockers. The main active ingredient is tamsulosin in the form of hydrochloride. Active ingredient the drugs are the same, the difference lies in the form of release.

Omnic okas is produced in the form of brownish-yellow coated tablets. And the Omnic release form is capsules with an orange body and a green cap, inside contains light yellow granules with the active ingredient. Since the drugs have different shape release, one of the differences lies in the various excipients. However, the main point is that Okas tablets are characterized by controlled release. That is, the active substance is released throughout the day and night, providing a uniform concentration throughout the entire period of action. Capsules do not have this ability. Therefore, concentration fluctuations active substance during the day can be significant, especially at night. This is the biggest difference between the two drugs. That is, tablets are better.

The mechanism of action of Omnic okas and Omnic is the same. The difference is only in the release of tamsulosin. The active components of the product affect the smooth muscles of the neck Bladder, namely, the tension of the muscles of this anatomical structure decreases. Against the background of the use of the drug, the process of urination is normalized, including its speed increases and the outflow of urine improves. These effects are due to the blockade of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors, which results in a decrease in the tone of the muscular part of the urinary tract and prostate gland. Thanks to this, Omnic and Omnic okas not only eliminate the main unpleasant symptoms that accompany benign prostatic hyperplasia, but also reduce the risk of developing acute urinary retention. That is, there is no particular difference in the mechanism of action, but in terms of release active substance and at maintaining its constant concentration in the blood, tablets are better than capsules.

Comparison of indications and contraindications

Both Okas tablets and Omnic capsules are indicated for benign prostatic hyperplasia in the following cases:

  • The presence of pain during urination.
  • Feeling of a full bladder even after urinating (incomplete emptying).
  • Difficulty in the outflow of urine during urination and any violations of the process itself (for example, intermittent urination, weakness of the jet).

As for contraindications, they are usually associated with individual intolerance to tamsulosin or any auxiliary components of the drug. In addition, contraindications should include severe pathology of the liver and kidneys, accompanied by a violation of the function of these organs. Also availability arterial hypertension may be a reason to limit the use of the drug.

It should be noted that Omnik okas is characterized by better tolerance. Against the background of its use, such negative phenomena as changes in blood pressure. And when chronic diseases kidneys with a violation of their function, the drug can be used even with a creatinine clearance of less than 10 ml / min. This difference indicates that tablets are better than capsules.

Among the most characteristic side effects arising against the background of the use of the drug - dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. As a rule, this is a decrease in blood pressure and its accompanying symptoms in the form of rapid heartbeat, severe weakness up to loss of consciousness. From the side of the central nervous system headaches, severe weakness and a feeling of fatigue may be observed. Like any drug, the medicine can cause nausea and loose stools. to the rarest negative consequences therapy can include the development of retrograde ejaculation and priapism. All side effects are easily stopped after discontinuation of the drug.

How to use

In tablets and capsules, the dosage of the active substance tamsulosin is 400 mcg. Capsules are recommended to take one piece once a day. It is preferable to drink it in the morning, after eating.

Okas tablets are also taken once. However, in this case, there is no attachment to food intake. This fact is also in favor of tablets.

The duration of treatment can only be determined by a doctor. Therefore, it is not recommended to interrupt therapy or change the dosage of the drug on your own.


There is a price difference between drugs. Tablets with the prefix Okas are significantly more expensive than just Omnic. The table shows this difference well.

In spite of general principle actions, tablets and capsules with tamsulosin have some differences. The difference lies in the fact that, unlike capsules, Omnic okas has a controlled release of the active substance. This makes it an order of magnitude higher and better than capsules, since it provides an almost constant concentration of the active substance throughout the day.

The second important difference is that side effects are more pronounced with capsules than with tablets. Accordingly, the portability of the latter is better.

And the last significant difference lies in the cost. Of course, this fact does not add advantages to the pills and they are no better on this point, but it should be remembered. After it became clear what is the difference between two almost identical drugs, it becomes easier to make a choice in one direction or another.

Omnic okas is a drug that is primarily used to treat urinary problems associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is an alpha1-blocker. Produced in the form of round biconvex tablets with a shell from yellow to brownish. The active substance of the drug is tamsulosin hydrochloride. Also in the composition there are a number of auxiliary substances. Reviews about the drug onyk okas confirm its high effectiveness in treatment, however, before starting treatment with this drug, it is imperative to consult a doctor in order to exclude the presence of contraindications and avoid possible side effects.

Indications and contraindications for the use of omnic okas

These tablets are used in the treatment of urination disorders that have appeared in a man due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. If you have any difficulties with urination, you should consult a doctor. He will spend necessary examinations and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In the presence of benign hyperplasia, symptoms such as:

  1. Feeling incomplete emptying Bladder.
  2. Difficulty in the beginning of urination.
  3. Weak urine stream, intermittent discharge, etc.

These symptoms should force a man to immediately consult a doctor and undergo the prescribed treatment.

Despite the fact that numerous reviews indicate the high effectiveness of the drug omnic okas, this does not at all exclude the possibility of side effects during its administration. To minimize the likelihood of side effects, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications to the use of omnic okas.

To do this, contact a urologist. The doctor refuses to use this medicine if you have severe liver failure or orthostatic hypotension. Also among the absolute contraindications is individual intolerance to tamsulosin hydrochloride and any other components of the drug.

You need to be very careful with this drug in the presence of various disorders in the liver function, arterial hypotension and chronic kidney failure. Patients with such disorders should be treated exclusively under the strict supervision of a physician.

The mechanism of action of the drug omnic okas

It was noted that this drug is an alpha1-blocker. It blocks the action of receptors that are responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of a number of organs of the urinary system.

Taking the drug contributes to a significant increase in the speed of urination, a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the urinary canal and prostate, an improvement in the outflow of urine and a significant decrease in the intensity of the symptoms of benign hyperplasia.

On the background long-term treatment with the use of the drug noted positive impact on the severity of signs of emptying and filling the bladder, the likelihood of acute urinary retention and the need for surgical treatment are significantly reduced.

Under the influence of the active component of the drug, peripheral resistance decreases, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure in some patients. In most patients, when taking omnic okas at the recommended dose, no problems with blood pressure arose.

Features of the pharmacokinetics of the drug

This drug is available in the form of controlled release tablets. Slow and prolonged release of the active ingredient of the drug is provided by a non-ionic gel. It allows you to evenly release the drug into the body throughout the 24 hours with minor deviations.

The intestine absorbs about 57% of the active substance of the drug. Food does not affect the absorption process in any way. The drug has a linear pharmacokinetics.

With a single dose of the tablet on an empty stomach, the maximum concentration of the active substance will be reached after about 6 hours. The equilibrium state is reached on average on the 4th day of treatment. During this period, the achievement of the maximum concentration is noted after 4-6 hours, regardless of the meal. The value of the maximum concentration varies depending on individual characteristics body of a particular patient.

During the metabolism of the drug, the liver slowly breaks it down into less active components. Most of the active substance remains in the blood plasma in its original form. The drug with decay products is excreted in the urine. It is processed almost completely, usually no more than 6% of the drug is excreted unchanged.

Dosage and overdose

The drug is taken orally. The specific dosage will be advised by the doctor. Individual selection of dosage in the absence of contraindications is not needed. Renal and hepatic insufficiency is not an indication for correction of the dosing regimen. The drug should be taken at the same time, not focusing on food intake. The duration of use is determined by the doctor. It can be unlimited, i.e. the drug is suitable for continuous therapy.

The tablet is taken as a whole. You do not need to chew it, because. this may lead to violation standard order release of the active substance.

It is important to adhere to the concentration recommended by the doctor to avoid overdose. characteristic symptoms overdose is compensatory tachycardia and lowering blood pressure. In the presence of such symptoms, further absorption of the active substance of the drug should be prevented. To do this, the stomach is washed, a laxative and activated charcoal can be prescribed. The patient should be placed in a horizontal position. It is necessary to monitor the function of the kidneys. More specific recommendations for behavior in case of overdose will be given by your doctor, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Possible side effects

Omnic okas, like most other drugs, has side effects. In this case, to indicate the frequency of occurrence of certain side effects, such definitions are used as: extremely rare (less than 0.01% of the total number of patients), rarely (up to 0.1%), infrequently (no more than 1%), often (more than 1%, but not more than 10%).

The following side effects are possible:

  1. Orthostatic hypotension, palpitations - infrequently.
  2. Nausea and vomiting, stool disorders - infrequently.
  3. Fainting is rare.
  4. Dizziness and headaches are rare.
  5. Ejaculation disorders - infrequently.
  6. Rhinitis - infrequently.
  7. Edema is rare.
  8. Itching, skin rashes, etc. allergic manifestations- infrequently.
  9. Asthenia - infrequently.

Some patients have visual and hearing impairments.

Special instructions for the use of omnic okas

This drug, like other alpha1-blockers, can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and, in rare cases, fainting. The appearance of weakness, dizziness - all these are signs of a decrease in pressure. When such effects appear, the patient should lie down and remain at rest until the side effects pass.

The drug has no withdrawal syndrome. If necessary and in the absence of individual contraindications, it can be used for an unlimited time, but this decision can only be made by a doctor.

Before treatment using omnic okas, the patient must undergo an examination, during which the probability of the presence of other diseases that can manifest themselves as benign prostatic hyperplasia is excluded. Before and during treatment, the patient regularly undergoes a standard digital examination. If necessary, he may be prescribed a prostate antigen test. The need for this analysis is determined by the doctor.

The negative effect of the drug omnic okas on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms has not been confirmed. However, due to the fact that one of the possible side effects of the drug is dizziness, activities that require quick action and constant concentration of attention should be refrained from until the individual response to the drug is clarified.

Omnic okas should be used carefully and under the supervision of a physician in the presence of severe hepatic and chronic renal failure. You need to be careful with him and in the presence of any other severe violations liver function.

Interaction with other drugs

If the patient is taking any medications, he should tell the doctor who plans to prescribe omnic okas.

Omnic okas does not react with theophylline, enalapril, atenol and nifedipine. Simultaneous use with cimetidine may increase the content of the active substance of the drug omnic okas in the body for some time, and simultaneous use with furosemide leads to its decrease. However, these changes are minor and do not require dose adjustment.

When interacting with warfarin and diclofenac, the rate of excretion of the active substance omnic okas may increase. Against the background of simultaneous administration with other alpha11-blockers, a decrease in blood pressure is possible.

Is omnic okas effective?

The best criterion for evaluating the effectiveness medicinal product are real user reviews.

Most of them confirm that the drug eliminated or significantly reduced the severity of urinary problems that developed against the background of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The vast majority of patients showed an effective decrease in prostate tone and a significant improvement in the outflow process. In addition, thanks to the drug omnic okas, patients showed a significant reduction in the intensity of symptoms of obstruction and irritation of the bladder.

Thus, omnic okas is an effective drug that can improve the quality of life of men with prostate diseases. It is only necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, undergo the prescribed examinations and pay attention to new uncharacteristic symptoms in time, which may be a signal for the development of a disease that requires rapid and effective treatment. Be healthy!

Omnic Okas (tamsulosin) - medicine blocking alpha1-adrenergic receptors. It is used to treat urination disorders in prostate adenoma. Blocks receptors that control the process of relaxation of the smooth muscles of the prostate, cervix and prostatic part of the urethra. Increases the maximum flow rate of urine, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate and urethra, facilitating the outflow of urine and eliminating the symptoms of emptying (difficulty in the beginning of urination, weak and intermittent urine stream, urine leakage after urination, sensation of residual urine in the bladder) and filling (frequent urination during the day and at night, strong urge to urinate, inability to suppress the urge, followed by urinary incontinence). With a long course of medication, the effect on the symptoms of filling and emptying remains at the same level. The drug does not cause clinically significant arterial hypotension. The active component of the drug is dressed in a controlled release dosage form, which ensures a long-term entry of tamsulosin into the bloodstream and a stable concentration in the blood plasma during the day. About 60% of the dose taken is absorbed in the digestive tract. The presence of food content in the intestine does not affect the rate and extent of absorption. The peak concentration of tamsulosin in the blood when taken on an empty stomach is observed after 6 hours.

A stable concentration is established on the 4th-6th day of the drug course. Elimination from the body is carried out mainly by the kidneys. The half-life is 19 (with a single dose) and 15 (with a course of admission) hours. Omnic Okas should not be used in individuals with individual intolerance to tamsulosin, postural hypotension, severe functional liver failure. Single dose - 1 tablet. Multiplicity of application - 1 time per day. The duration of the drug course is not limited, the drug is taken on an ongoing basis. Due to the peculiarity dosage form The tablet is not intended to be chewed. With the combined use of Omnic Okas with the beta1-blocker atenolol, the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril, the calcium antagonist nifedipine, and the adenosinergic agent theophylline, there are no clinically significant interactions. When combining the drug with furosemide, there is a slight decrease in the concentration of tamsulosin in the blood, but dose adjustment is not required, because. even taking into account the reduction, the concentration remains within therapeutic limits. In rare cases, when taking Omnic Okas, as well as other alpha1-blockers, arterial hypotension, manifested by vertigo and weakness, may be observed. Cancellation of the drug is not required: it is enough to wait out this state in a sitting or lying position.


Alpha 1 is an adrenoblocker. It is a specific competitive blocker of postsynaptic α 1 -adrenergic receptors, especially α 1A and α 1D subtypes, which are responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate, bladder neck, and prostatic urethra.

Omnic Okas at a dose of 400 mcg increases the maximum rate of urination, and also reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate and urethra, improving the outflow of urine and thus reducing the severity of emptying symptoms. Omnic Okas also reduces the severity of filling symptoms, in the development of which detrusor overactivity plays an important role.

With long-term therapy, the effect on the severity of symptoms of filling and emptying remains, reducing the risk of developing acute urinary retention and the need for surgical intervention.

Blockers of α 1A -adrenergic receptors can reduce blood pressure by reducing peripheral resistance. When using the drug Omnic Okas in a daily dose of 400 mcg, there were no cases of clinically significant reduction in blood pressure.



Omnic Okas is a matrix-based controlled release tablet using a non-ionic type gel that provides a long and slow release of tamsulosin and gives a sufficient exposure with slight fluctuations over 24 hours.

Tamsulosin is absorbed in the intestine. Absorption is 57%. Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug. Tamsulosin is characterized by linear pharmacokinetics. After a single oral administration on an empty stomach, C max tamsulosin in plasma is reached after an average of 6 hours. food. Cmax in plasma increases from about 6 ng/ml after the first dose to 11 ng/ml at steady state. There are significant individual differences in plasma concentration values ​​after a single dose and repeated use.


Plasma protein binding is about 99%, V d is small - about 0.2 l / kg.


Tamsulosin is slowly metabolized in the liver to less active metabolites. Most of tamsulosin is present in plasma unchanged. According to experimental studies the ability to induce the activity of microsomal liver enzymes in tamsulosin is practically absent.


Tamsulosin and its metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine, with about 4-6% of the drug excreted unchanged.

When taking Omnic Okas at a dose of 400 mcg once and in an equilibrium state, T 1/2 is 19 hours and 15 hours, respectively.

Release form

Yellow to brownish yellow, film-coated, round, biconvex, film-coated tablets, debossed "04" on one side.

Excipients: macrogol 8000 - 40 mg, macrogol 7,000,000 - 200 mg, magnesium stearate - 1.2 mg.

Shell composition: Opadry yellow 03F22733 - 7.25 mg (hypromellose - 69.536%, macrogol 8000 - 13.024%, iron dye yellow oxide - 17.44%).

10 pieces. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.


Assign inside 400 mcg (1 tab.) 1 time / day, regardless of food intake.

The duration of use is not limited, the drug is prescribed as a continuous therapy.

The tablet should be taken whole, without chewing, to avoid affecting the prolonged release of the active substance.

In hepatic and renal insufficiency, no dosage adjustment is required.


Symptoms: decrease in blood pressure, compensatory tachycardia.

Treatment: to prevent further absorption of the drug, it is advisable to perform gastric lavage, prescribe activated carbon and an osmotic laxative. Blood pressure and heart rate can be restored if the patient is placed in a horizontal position. In the absence of an effect, agents that increase the BCC and, if necessary, vasoconstrictors, can be used. Kidney function should be monitored. It is unlikely that dialysis will be effective because tamsulosin is extensively bound to plasma proteins.


When prescribing tamsulosin concomitantly with atenolol, enalapril, nifedipine or theophylline drug interaction not detected.

With simultaneous use with cimetidine, a slight increase in the concentration of tamsulosin in the blood plasma was noted; with furosemide - a decrease in concentration, however, this does not require a change in the dose of Omnic Okas, since its concentration remains within the normal range.

Diazepam, propranolol, trichlormethiazide, chlormadinone, amitriptyline, diclofenac, glibenclamide, simvastatin, and warfarin do not alter the free fraction of tamsulosin in human plasma in vitro. In turn, tamsulosin also does not change the free fractions of diazepam, propranolol, trichlormethiazide and chlormadinone.

In vitro studies showed no interaction at the level of hepatic metabolism with amitriptyline, salbutamol, glibenclamide and finasteride.

Diclofenac and warfarin may increase the rate of elimination of tamsulosin.

The simultaneous appointment of other α 1 -adrenergic blockers can lead to a hypotensive effect.

Side effects

Criteria for assessing the incidence of side effects: often (> 1%,<10%); нечасто (>0.1%, <1%); редко (>0.01%, <0.1%); очень редко (<0.01%).

Since the cardiovascular system: infrequently - palpitations, orthostatic hypotension.

From the digestive system: infrequently - constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

From the side of the central nervous system: 1.3% - dizziness; infrequently - headache; rarely - fainting.

From the reproductive system: infrequently - ejaculation disorders; very rarely - priapism.

From the respiratory system: infrequently - rhinitis.

Allergic reactions: infrequently - skin rash, itching, urticaria; rarely - angioedema.

Other: infrequently - asthenia.

Isolated cases of intraoperative instability of the iris (small pupil syndrome) during cataract surgery in patients are described, which increase the risk of complications during and after surgery.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (treatment of urination disorders).


  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • severe liver failure;
  • hypersensitivity to tamsulosin or any other component of the drug.

The drug should be used with caution in chronic renal failure (CC less than 10 ml / min), severe liver dysfunction, arterial hypotension.

Application features

Application for violations of liver function

Contraindicated in severe liver failure. The drug should be used with caution in severe liver dysfunction.

Application for violations of kidney function

The drug should be used with caution in chronic renal failure (CC less than 10 ml / min).

special instructions

When using the drug Omnic Okas (as well as other alpha 1-blockers), in some cases, there may be a decrease in blood pressure, which in rare cases leads to fainting. At the first signs of orthostatic hypotension (dizziness, weakness), the patient should sit or lie down and remain in this position until the signs of this condition disappear.

There is no withdrawal syndrome.

During surgical interventions for cataracts while taking the drug, the syndrome of intraoperative instability of the iris of the eye (small pupil syndrome) may develop, which must be taken into account by the surgeon for preoperative preparation of the patient during the operation.

Before starting therapy with Omnic Okas, the patient should be examined in order to exclude the presence of other diseases that can cause the same symptoms as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Before starting treatment and regularly during therapy, it is necessary to conduct a digital rectal examination and, if necessary, the determination of prostate specific antigen (PSA).

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Data on the negative impact on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in potentially hazardous activities are not available. However, due to the possibility of dizziness, until the individual reaction of the patient is clarified, one should refrain from activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, incl. from driving.

Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. Astellas Pharma Europep B.V./Ortat ZAO Yamanuchi Europep B.V. Yamanouchi Europep B.V./ "ORTAT" CJSC

Country of origin

Netherlands Netherlands/Russia Russia

Product group

genitourinary system

A drug used for urination disorders associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Alpha1-blocker

Release form

  • 10 - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard. 10 - blisters (3) - cardboard packs 10 - blisters (3) - cardboard packs. pack 10 caps

Description of the dosage form

  • Coated tablets, controlled release

pharmachologic effect

Alpha1-blocker. It is a specific competitive blocker of postsynaptic? alpha1-adrenergic receptors, especially alpha1A and alpha1D subtypes, located in the smooth muscles of the prostate, bladder neck, prostatic urethra and detrusor. Reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate and urethra, improves the outflow of urine, reduces the effects of bladder instability. This leads to a reduction in the symptoms of obstruction (emptying) and irritation (filling) associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The described effect on the symptoms of obstruction and irritation persists with prolonged use. Alpha1-adrenergic receptor antagonists can reduce blood pressure by reducing peripheral vascular resistance. When using the drug Omnic® Okas in a daily dose of 400 mcg, there were no cases of clinically significant reduction in blood pressure.


Absorption Omnic® Okas is a matrix-based controlled release tablet using a non-ionic gel that provides a long and slow release of tamsulosin and gives a sufficient exposure with slight fluctuations for 24 hours. Tamsulosin in the form of Omnic® Okas is absorbed in the intestine. Absorption is 57%. The absorption of tamsulosin in the form of Omnic® Okas is not affected by food intake. Tamsulosin is characterized by linear pharmacokinetics. After a single oral administration of the drug at a dose of 400 μg on an empty stomach, Cmax of tamsulosin in blood plasma is reached after an average of 6 hours. and after meals. Peak plasma concentration increases from about 6 ng/mL after the first dose to 11 ng/mL at steady state. There are significant individual differences in plasma concentration values ​​after a single dose and repeated use. Distribution Plasma protein binding is about 99%, Vd is small - about 0.2 l / kg. Metabolism Tamsulosin is slowly metabolized in the liver to less active metabolites. Most of tamsulosin is present in plasma unchanged. According to experimental studies, the ability to induce the activity of microsomal liver enzymes in tamsulosin is practically absent. Withdrawal Tamsulosin and its metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine, with about 4-6% of the drug excreted unchanged. When taking Omnic Okas at a dose of 400 mcg once and in an equilibrium state, T1 / 2 is 19 hours and 15 hours, respectively.

Special conditions

When using the drug Omnic® Okas (as well as other alpha1-blockers), in some cases, there may be a decrease in blood pressure, which in rare cases leads to fainting. At the first signs of orthostatic hypotension (dizziness, weakness), the patient should sit or lie down and remain in this position until the signs of this condition disappear. During surgical interventions for cataracts while taking the drug, the syndrome of intraoperative instability of the iris of the eye (small pupil syndrome) may develop, which must be taken into account by the surgeon for preoperative preparation of the patient during the operation. Before starting therapy with Omnic® Okas, the patient should be examined in order to exclude the presence of other diseases that can cause the same symptoms as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Before starting treatment and regularly during therapy, it is necessary to conduct a digital rectal examination and, if necessary, the determination of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Dose adjustment is not required in renal failure. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms During the period of treatment, patients should be careful when driving vehicles and other activities that require a high concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • tamsulosin hydrochloride 400 mcg Excipients: macrogol 8000, macrogol 7,000,000, magnesium stearate, purified water. Shell composition: Opadry yellow 03F22733 (hypromellose, macrogol 8000, yellow iron oxide dye), purified water. tamsulosin hydrochloride 400 mcg Excipients: macrogol 8000, macrogol 7,000,000, magnesium stearate, purified water. Shell composition: Opadry yellow 03F22733 (hypromellose, macrogol 8000, yellow iron oxide dye), purified water. tamsulosin hydrochloride 400 mcg Excipients: macrogol 8000, macrogol 7,000,000, magnesium stearate, purified water. Shell composition: Opadry yellow 03F22733 (hypromellose, macrogol 8000, yellow iron oxide dye), purified water. tamsulosin hydrochloride 400 mcg Excipients: macrogol 8000, macrogol 7,000,000, magnesium stearate, purified water. Shell composition: Opadry yellow 03F22733 (hypromellose, macrogol 8000, yellow iron oxide dye), purified water.

Omnic Okas indications for use

  • - benign prostatic hyperplasia (treatment of dysuria).

Omnic Okas contraindications

  • - orthostatic arterial hypotension; - severe liver failure; - hypersensitivity to tamsulosin or any other component of the drug. The drug should be used with caution in chronic renal failure (CC less than 10 ml / min).

Omnic Okas dosage

  • 0.4 mg 0.4 mg

Omnic Okas side effects

  • Criteria for assessing the incidence of side effects: often -> 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%,

drug interaction

When prescribing tamsulosin simultaneously with atenolol, enalapril, nifedipine or theophylline, no drug interactions were found. With simultaneous use with cimetidine, a slight increase in the concentration of tamsulosin in the blood plasma was noted; with furosemide - a decrease in concentration, however, this does not require a change in the dose of Omnic Okas, since its concentration remains within the normal range. Diazepam, propranolol, trichlormethiazide, chlormadinone, amitriptyline, diclofenac, glibenclamide, simvastatin, and warfarin do not alter the free fraction of tamsulosin in human plasma in vitro. In turn, tamsulosin also does not change the free fractions of diazepam, propranolol, trichlormethiazide and chlormadinone. In vitro studies have not found interactions at the level of hepatic metabolism with amitriptyline, salbutamol, glibenclamide and finasteride. Diclofenac and warfarin may increase the rate of elimination of tamsulosin.


Symptoms: acute arterial hypotension. Treatment: to prevent further absorption of the drug, it is advisable to perform a gastric lavage, prescribe activated charcoal and an osmotic laxative.

Storage conditions

  • keep away from children
Information provided

Omnik and Omnik Okas are used to treat diseases of the urinary system. They help to eliminate dysuria and other symptoms of prostate disease.

Characteristics of the drug Omnik

Omnic is a capsule packed in blisters of 10 pcs. The capsule should be swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of liquid. Thanks to the gelatin shell, the capsule passes through the esophagus and stomach and is absorbed in the intestine. Thus, there is an assimilation of active substances in the most favorable area for influencing the prostate, when maximum efficiency is achieved.

In order for the drug to be better absorbed, it is used at the same time. Doctors recommend taking the medication after breakfast. If there is food in the stomach, this increases the bioavailability of the drug. Assimilation of active ingredients occurs after 5 hours. If the drug was used regularly, then the therapeutic effect is observed already on the 6th day of administration: the required concentration of the active component of tamsulosin is achieved in the body.

Description of the drug Omnic Okas

Omnic Okas has a similar composition, but the instructions for taking the drug are different. Tablets are taken 1 time per day, regardless of food intake. The tablets are coated, they must not be broken, they must be swallowed whole and washed down with boiled water. The drug is characterized by controlled absorption during the day, it dissolves in the intestine, and an equal volume of components is absorbed every hour. The highest concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached after 14 days, when the therapeutic effect is manifested.

When are they appointed?

The indication for the use of both drugs is dysuria, which is considered a consequence of prostatic hyperplasia. This medication is also prescribed to patients before prostate surgery.

Both drugs are prescribed for such pathologies of the genitourinary system:

Both drugs give good results in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia.

Similarities and differences between Omnic and Omnic Okas

Medicines are similar in name, they have the same manufacturer - the Netherlands. Both drugs have the same indications for the appointment. These medicines are used to treat dysuria. The method of taking the funds is the same: tablets and capsules are washed down with boiled water, swallowing whole.

The dosage and course of treatment is prescribed by the urologist, depending on the form of the course of the disease. Both drugs have a small number of contraindications and adverse reactions. With an overdose of the drug, tachycardia, a decrease in pressure may appear. If the dose of the drug is exceeded, the patient is washed with a stomach, then he must take sorbents.

Let's take a look at how the tools differ from each other. If we compare both drugs in terms of the number of adverse reactions, then it is better to choose Okas. The funds differ in the form of release, Omnic is released in capsules, and Okas is in tablets. Also, the difference is that Okas is taken at any time, regardless of food intake.

Omnik is prescribed to patients with an advanced stage of the disease. Okas with adenoma with dysuric manifestations. Medicines also differ in their cost. Omnik in the amount of 10 capsules costs 360 rubles. Okas in a package of 10 tablets costs 600 rubles. Okas has fewer adverse reactions, it lowers blood pressure less often, which is considered an advantage for hypertensive patients.

What is better to choose?

Both drugs are an effective treatment for prostate adenoma, they belong to the same group and have the same active ingredient. Okas tablets are distinguished by controlled dissolution of the active ingredient during the day, which ensures a uniform concentration of the active substance during the entire period of treatment. Capsules do not differ in such capabilities. When they are taken, fluctuations in the concentration of the active substance are significant, especially at night.

Quickly about medicines. Tamsulosin

Thus, Okas has a better therapeutic effect than Omnic. Medicines remove the symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia and reduce the risk of dysuria. There are no differences in the mechanism of action of both drugs, but in terms of releasing the active ingredient and maintaining its concentration in the body, Okas is better than Omnik.


Contraindications to taking medications are:

  • hypertension;
  • kidney disease;
  • intolerance to the active substance.

After taking medications, side reactions may occur:

  • headache;
  • anemia;
  • stool disorder;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • fainting;
  • rhinitis;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a rash, skin irritation, angioedema.

During therapy, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the prostate and take laboratory tests for the presence of an antigen.

The opinion of doctors and patient reviews

Nikolai Sergeevich, urologist, Saratov

Many patients with prostate adenoma are now prescribed drugs Omnic and Omnic Okas. These funds can be recommended only after a thorough diagnosis, examination of the patient, taking into account the form of the disease. Both drugs have contraindications and side effects, so they should be prescribed with caution.

Alexandra Fedorovna, urologist, Kazan