Check tablets by series. How to distinguish a real medicine from a fake? Accurate verification data

The pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly a large number of new drugs that do not always correspond to the declared composition, may be of poor quality or even fake. Therefore, it would be useful to know how to check the authenticity of a medicine so as not to pay money for simple chalk or glucose.

Signs of a fake drug

A fake will always have differences from the original, so it can be recognized by the following indicators:

  • the cost of the drug differs sharply from the average price in the city, is too low;
  • the packaging is made of thin cardboard, the colors and inscriptions are pale, fuzzy, possibly blurry;
  • barcode, series and number are hard to read, smeared in several places;
  • the instruction looks more like a photocopy than a sheet printed in a printing house;
  • it is worth paying attention not only to the print quality of the recommendation, but also to how it is complicated: in a fake, the instruction may be located separately from the drug, in a genuine product, the vial or plates with tablets clearly divide it in half;
  • the series, release date, expiration date on the package and the drug do not completely match or differ by one digit.

Methods for verifying the authenticity of a medicine

If in doubt, it has at least one of the listed signs, then you should know how to check the authenticity of the medicine, what methods exist for this. A real remedy or not can be determined by the following methods:

  • Ask the pharmacist for the appropriate product, invoice and declaration for it. According to these documents, on the website of Roszdravnadzor, you can check whether this drug is registered in the system.
  • By barcode - one of effective ways counterfeit detection is made by arithmetic addition of all digits, the sum of which must coincide with the control number.
  • By series, number and name of the drug through the portal "quality.rf" or the website of Roszdravnadzor.

How to check the authenticity of a medicine by a barcode

Any registered and legally produced product has a special barcode, which consists of a set of numbers. This labeling of products allows you to find out the authenticity of the drug. Each digit encodes data about the country of origin, enterprise, product, its properties, color, size, the last number is a control one, it allows you to check the originality of the medicine.

To calculate the check digit, you need to perform the following arithmetic calculations:

  • first add up all the numbers in even positions, i.e. 2, 4 and so on;
  • the amount received from the first paragraph must be multiplied by 3;
  • then add up the numbers in odd places: 1, 3, 5, etc., except for the control number;
  • now it is necessary to summarize the data obtained in points 2 and 3, and discard the tens of this amount;
  • the figure that was obtained in point 5 is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

For a better understanding of how to check the authenticity of a medicine using a barcode, you can give the following example of calculations with the code 4606782066911:

  • 6 + 6 + 8 + 0 + 6 + 1 = 27;
  • 27 x 3 = 81;
  • 4 + 0 + 7 + 2 + 6 + 9 = 28;
  • 81 + 28 = 109;
  • 10 - 9 = 1.

Based on these calculations, the control and end digits matched and equaled 1, therefore, the product is genuine.

The discrepancy between the received data indicates that the product was produced illegally, this is a fake.

How to check the authenticity of a medicine by series and number

Another way to check the drug is to verify its basic data: names, series and numbers. Roszdravnadzor provides the population with the opportunity to control the authenticity medicines through their website, where information is published on the conducted checks of preclinical and clinical trials of drugs, as well as information on the results of this activity.

In addition, you can check the medicine through the quality.rf portal, which contains all the necessary information related to drugs: about manufacturers, important news about government proposals and decisions in the field of medicine, about the quality of products presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market.

There is a section on the quality.rf portal that helps answer the question of how to check the authenticity of a medicine using a series online. To do this, go to the "Quality Control" catalog and enter the necessary data, after which a plate will appear with a decision to allow or prohibit the release of the drug.

How not to buy counterfeit?

In order not to purchase a fake, you must consider the following recommendations:

  • buy medicines only in the pharmacy network, do not take medicines from hands, from distributors, in small kiosks or stalls, on the Internet;
  • do not purchase funds without a doctor's prescription, on the advice of a pharmacist;
  • it is recommended to ask the pharmacist for a quality certificate, compare the information indicated in it with that contained on the drug package;
  • it is better to refrain from buying an advertised product, as there is a high probability of falling for a fake.

Where to contact if a counterfeit is found?

Considering the question of how to check the authenticity of a medicine, it is necessary to tell where to go if the purchased drug is in doubt, it has several pronounced signs of a fake, the remedy has not passed any of the ways to identify the original. In this case, the medicine must be subjected to laboratory tests that can confirm or refute the counterfeit.

There are scientific centers in almost all regions of Russia, you can find out about the location of which on the website of Roszdravnadzor. To do this, go to the "Medications" catalog, select the "Quality control of medicines" section, where the "Reference information" sub-heading lists all accredited laboratories operating in the Russian Federation.

To clarify the conditions for the examination, it is recommended to contact the required laboratory. In addition, it is necessary to bring information about counterfeit medicine to the attention of the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor.

Thus, if any signs of counterfeiting are found, it is important to know how to check the authenticity of a medicine by series, number, barcode, and also where to go if the product has not passed the originality test.

It is well known that various drugs can become not only help for people, but also deadly elements for life. The fact is that certain fraudulent organizations are engaged in the production of drugs from the wrong elements, which leads to the creation of drugs that not only will not be effective, but can even lead to death. Counterfeiting medicines is a criminal act, but the profits that organizations receive for this work are very high, so illegal drugs continue to enter the market. That is why the government is trying to control this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity in order to exclude the possibility of hazardous substances entering the market.

Checking medicines for authenticity

Thanks to the control, it was possible to create a special method by which medicines can be checked for authenticity. Absolutely everyone can carry out a check, since this process is carried out in online mode. To do this, you just need to have access to the Internet, as well as see the serial number of the purchased drug. The fact is that the state has created a whole information service with a huge amount of information and data that quickly recognizes the barcodes of various drugs, and as a result, you can make sure whether they are genuine or fake.

Checking medicines for authenticity in a series online suggests that you will need to enter a barcode in the required form on the website, after which the following information will be received:

  1. type of medicinal product;
  2. its authenticity.

If the medicine is counterfeit, then relevant information is issued.

Unique innovations

Very soon it will be possible to use not only the site, since it is planned to launch a special application for various mobile devices that will easily recognize bar codes, after which it will be possible to quickly obtain reliable and up-to-date information about each drug. Since today almost every person has various modern phones, a large number of people will use this program. It is with the help of the program that medicines will be checked online, and at the same time this can be done directly at the pharmacy or at another place where the drug is purchased.

In the application, you can not only make sure that the medicine is correct and genuine, but additional information will be displayed on how to use it. If a counterfeit is detected, the application will indicate that the drug has been withdrawn from trade or is not in the database at all. In this case, it will be necessary to contact the seller in order to receive all permits for the sale of this drug.

How else can you determine a counterfeit drug

Not all people have the ability to use mobile applications or access the Internet to enter data from the drug to verify its authenticity. In this case, you need to know some rules, following which you can quickly and easily identify a fake. These include:

  • it is important to take a good look at the packaging of the medicine, which must be in good condition, and no dents, sloppiness or other problems are allowed, and all surfaces must be glossy;
  • the paint on the package and on the medicine itself must be of high quality, and to check it, you can try to scratch it with your fingernail, because if it is easily removed, then we can talk about a low-quality drug;
  • the inscriptions should not contain errors;
  • the expiration date should be clearly visible and understandable, and its absence is the basis for refusing to purchase this medicinal product;
  • the reason for doubt is the lack of data on the country of manufacture and on the company that manufactures the drug;
  • if tablets are purchased, they must be even and whole, and their edges must be smooth and without any problems;
  • without fail, the official and genuine medicinal product must be accompanied by instructions for use, and in Russian.

If there is at least one doubt about the authenticity and quality of the medicine, then you should refuse to purchase it, since this is a very important decision. Poor-quality elements that are fakes can not only not bring the desired result of treatment, but simply harm human health.

Thus, checking drugs for authenticity by online series is currently very popular, and it can be performed using the site, and soon through a special mobile application, however, it is additionally recommended to follow certain tips when examining a drug so as not to purchase a fake.

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Fake drugs, at best, simply will not be useful, at worst, they can cause irreparable harm to health, even death. Medicines in pharmacies are checked for quality by the relevant regulatory authorities, but they are able to cover only about 20% of medicines. How to buy a medicine in a pharmacy, avoiding a fake, we will tell in our article.

Types of fake drugs

There are 4 main types of counterfeit drugs in our pharmacies:

  • "pacifiers" - preparations that do not contain substances specified in the instructions. Usually they put chalk, flour, starch, sugar instead. In principle, pacifiers are safe, but only as long as recovery does not depend on their use;
  • medicines in which more expensive and effective ingredients are replaced by less effective cheap analogues. The result from the use of such drugs is many times lower than expected;
  • with low dosage of active ingredients. The positive effect of their use is scanty;
  • made in violation of technology. The composition and dosage in such medicines are within the normal range, but the quality is pretty lame due to non-compliance with the production regime. Such medicines may have a shorter shelf life than indicated on the package, or have a weak effect.

Another case of “wrong” drugs that cannot be attributed to falsification, but from which people suffer, is drug substitution. For example, instead of pills that reduce blood pressure, there may be pills in the blister that increase it.

For more information about drug counterfeiting, see the video:

What drugs are counterfeited most often?

In most cases, drugs are counterfeited:

  • whose cost is in the price range from $4 to $35. It makes no sense to make very cheap ones, since their production simply may not pay off, and it is unprofitable to produce counterfeits of expensive drugs, since consumer demand for them is low;
  • actively advertised. Advertising stimulates demand and guarantees high levels of sales and profits.

In most cases, the following are fake drugs in pharmacies:

Ways to identify counterfeit drugs

Alas, there is no way that would allow with 100% probability to select original pharmaceutical products and screen out counterfeit products. However, there are a number of rules, the observance of which will significantly reduce the chances of buying fake medicines in pharmacies.

According to the law, in Ukraine and the Russian Federation medications are non-refundable. However, you can return a low-quality medicine, but you will have to provide an expert opinion proving that you were sold a counterfeit drug. In Ukraine, laboratory tests will have to be done at their own expense, while in Russia such a service is provided only to legal entities. So it is unlikely that you will be able to defend your right. Therefore, it is better to try to prevent this by checking medicines in pharmacies before buying.

I prepared this memo for myself back in the fall, I decided to publish it after the post poletta about a fake certificate. Perhaps someone will be useful.

How to check the authenticity of Herceptin from Roche/Ortat

First, there is a certificate in the pharmacy. Pharmacies are required to issue a certificate at the request of the buyer and the law sets the period during which the pharmacy is obliged to do this (if my memory serves me, a maximum of three days). If the pharmacy refuses to do this or they answer: we will bring it in 2 weeks (and there were some cases) - you know, this is at least suspicious, but most likely not legal (I didn’t dig deeper into this topic, so there will be no reference to the law). The pharmacy must have either a copy of the certificate or declaration of conformity, or the administration prepares the documents within a few hours (this was the maximum time in a normal pharmacy). But often pharmacies themselves issue documents when buying expensive medicines.

For convenience, I requested data by phone, you can ask to send it by mail, but then everything is still checked when buying. If you check at a pharmacy, it is convenient to open links to sites on your phone from the post below in advance so as not to slow down when checking.

So, to check we need: drug series , number and date of registration of the certificate , in some cases issue a declaration of conformity, which also contains useful information.

In the case of Herceptin, which is sold in the Russian Federation, we get:

  • Herceptin Ortat
  • Series №3715/3 (the serial number may contain letters, in which case it must be remembered that this is Cyrillic)
  • Certificate No. ROSS RU.FM08.A02755
  • Date of registration of the certificate:

What can be done with this information?

  1. Check the series of the drug on the website of Roszdravnadzor . The site has two sections: Medicines for Sale and Seized Medicines. This information will allow you to see when this batch of medicines began to be sold or when it was withdrawn from sale (if it was withdrawn, of course).
  2. Check Certificate Pharmtechexpert website. Pharmtechexpert is the company that certifies Herceptin from Ortat/Roche and is named on the certificate. If you are testing another drug, then most likely another company will certify, and the site address will be different accordingly. The verification takes place by the certificate number and the date of issue, if you do not enter the date or enter it with an error, the certificate will not pass the verification.
  3. Call Ortat for production (in the Kostroma region) and clarify how the real packaging should look like for a given batch of goods . The last item appeared after a conversation with a hotline employee. I asked if it’s not easy to fake a certificate, it’s just a piece of paper, and it’s easy to find out the attributes of a batch of medicine. The employee confirmed the fears and suggested an additional method. As far as I understand, the company changes something in the packaging from time to time, or if the drug is fake, it cannot be copied exactly appearance packaging. Such changes may not be noticeable to an ordinary buyer, but the manufacturer can tell you what to look for. In general, I never got to the last point, so I can’t evaluate the practicality of this advice.

I realized for myself - you need to buy expensive medicine from a pharmacy or a supplier you trust.

Fake: how to recognize?

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of this code has eigenvalue: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product.

girls! how to check the authenticity of purchased drugs?

The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instructions are folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instructions exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • worth paying Special attention for possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of a medicine

If you still bought required drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them.

    Russians will be able to recognize fake medicine in 2 minutes

    With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.

  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in open access, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must definitely go through a series laboratory research. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medicines”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if falsifications are found, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further dissemination such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instructions are folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instructions exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of a medicine

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data.

How to check the authenticity of a medicine

You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in open access, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medicines”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instructions are folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instructions exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of a medicine

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product.

Check the medicine for authenticity according to the Online series in Roszdravnadzor

Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in open access, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medicines”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instructions are folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instructions exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of a medicine

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in open access, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online.

To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medicines”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instructions are folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instructions exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of a medicine

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers.

Rejected medications and medicines. Counterfeit drugs.

Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in open access, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medicines”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.


Buy medicines only in trusted pharmacies that have proven themselves well with you and your friends. In no case do not take medicines from your hands in the market. Now it has become popular to buy medicines -. On the one hand, it is very convenient when you do not need to rush around the city in search of the right product, but on the other hand, the risk of running into a fake is very high. Therefore, it is worth using such services very carefully.

When buying a medicine, carefully consider and study its packaging. It must be intact, undamaged, made of quality material. All inscriptions and colors on it must be clear, distinct and bright. drug name and active substance should exactly match what your doctor ordered. If there is at least one letter, then refuse to buy this drug.

Look at the annotation to the medicine. It must be printed, not photocopied. The text must be clear and easy to read. Again, the drug, the active substance must match what the doctor prescribed. In modern medicines, it is folded in such a way that it is divided in half by a blister or vial. In counterfeit drugs, both the annotation and the medicine itself are separate.

Check the batch, production date and expiration date indicated on the box and on the blister (or bottle). If the data does not match, then you have a fake.

Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity if you doubt the authenticity of the medication. It must contain the trade and international name goods, the company and the country where the medicine was produced, information that this batch has passed quality control and has a Quality Control Department passport, a manufacturer's quality certificate.

Ask your prescribing doctor to show you what it should look like. Manufacturers usually put on the packaging with their medicine various features in the form of a hologram, inscriptions on tablets, etc.

If you do not know the medicine, then study the information about it in the drug reference book (RLS). This handbook has a section called "Drugs Identifier", which contains not only information about all drugs, but also photographs of all dosage forms and packages of those funds that are most often at risk of counterfeiting.

Protect yourself and loved ones.

Due to the increasing number of recalls of medicines, we have created a constantly updated list for you. substandard medicines, based on official information from Roszdravnadzor (the body responsible for controlling drugs sold). Thanks to him, you can avoid buying low-quality goods, as well as maintain the health of yourself and your loved ones. Look for the indication of the manufacturer and lot number on the package of the drug.

  • "SotaGeksal, tablets 80 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by "Salutas Pharma GmbH", series GA8585.
  • "Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by FKP "Armavir biofactory", series 100716.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 940914.
  • Rinonorm, dosed nasal spray 0.1% 15 ml, manufactured by Merkle GmbH, series S05053.
  • "Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 m g / ml 2 ml", produced by Slavyanskaya Apteka LLC, series 180615.
  • "Lizinopril, tablets 5 mg 30 pcs.", produced by Ozon LLC, series 070715.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 1371214, 540414.
  • "Emend, capsules set 125 mg No. 1 + 80 mg No. 2", manufactured by MSD Pharmaceuticals LLC, series L045274, L038452 with secondary packaging marking in Turkish.
  • Galazolin nasal gel 0.05% 10 g
  • "Hydrogen peroxide solution for local application 3% 100 ml" produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1580816.
  • "Paracetamol-UBF tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 440915.
  • "Alflutop, solution for injection 1 ml", produced by "K.O. Biotechnos S.A., Romania/K.O., Rompharm Company S.R.L., Romania”, series 3450815.
  • "Oxaliplatin - Ebeve lyophilisate for solution for infusion 50 mg", manufactured by ZAO Sandoz, series EY9765, FD6560, FU2598, FX0333.
  • "Oxaliplatin - Ebeve lyophilisate for solution for infusion 100 mg", manufactured by Sandoz CJSC, series EP5828, ES3374, FD8469, FE1438, FG9149, FJ6015, FT5084, FV3353.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 090516.
  • "Ichthyol, ointment for external use 10% 25 g", produced by CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 10416.
  • "Ichthyol, ointment for external use 20% 25 g", produced by CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 10516.
  • Naphthyzinum, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, produced by DAB Pharm LLC, series 711115, 370515.
  • "Folic acid, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs.", manufactured by OJSC "Valenta Pharmaceuticals", series 101015.
  • Nitroxoline-UBF, film-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs., produced by OJSC Uralbiopharm, series 421115.
  • "Streptokinase, lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intra-arterial administration 1500000 ME", produced by RUE "Belmedpreparaty", series 011115.
  • "CardiaSK, enteric film-coated tablets 100 mg 30 pcs.", manufactured by CJSC "Canonfarma products", series 100316.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 070516.
  • "Ofloxacin film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 241214.
  • "Hofitol, coated tablets 30 pcs." production of "Laboratory Roza-Fitopharma", series VN1466.
  • Gliatilin, capsules 400 mg 14 pcs., produced by Italfarmaco S.p.A., series 260716, 270716.
  • "Acecardol enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 400316.
  • "Drotaverin solution for injection 20mg/ml 2ml", produced by FKP "Armavir biofactory", series 070615.
  • "Aerus, aerosol for inhalation dosed 85 CIE / dose 250 doses", produced by "WAKE, spol.s.r.o.", series A08161.
  • "Bifidumbacterin, powder for oral and topical use 500 million CFU of bifidobacteria / package 0.85 g (30)", produced by CJSC "Partner", series 187-30616.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, topical solution 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1970916.
  • "Perindopril-Richter, - tablets 8 mg No. 30", manufactured by Gedeon Richter Poland LLC, series H54012A.
  • Diclofenac enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs., produced by Ozon LLC, series 020315.
  • "BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by PRANAPHARM LLC, series 100616.
  • "Genferon Light nasal spray dosed 50 OOOME + 1 mg / dose 100 doses", produced by CJSC "BIOKAD", series 25070316, 25100316.
  • "Pentoxifylline, a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intraarterial administration 20 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 281214.
  • "Lidocaine solution for injections 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by Slavyanskaya Apteka LLC, series 190615.
  • Lisinopril tablets 5 mg 30 pcs., produced by Ozon LLC, series 070715.
  • "Mucosat, solution for intramuscular injection 100 mg / ml 1 ml, manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 170616, 180616.
  • "Mukosat, solution for intramuscular injection 100 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 190616.
  • "Diclogen gel for external use 1% 30 g", manufactured by "Agio Pharmaceuticals Ltd", series 58245.
  • Strepsils, lozenges (honey-lemon) 12 pcs.
  • "Ampicillin, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "PFC Update", series 60616.
  • "Fukortsin solution for external use 25 ml", produced by CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 40315.
  • "Bifidumbacterin, powder for oral and topical use 500 ml", produced by CJSC "Partner", series 187-30616.
  • "Naphthyzine, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, vials", produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 100216.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 343072015, 162112013.
  • "Sodium chloride, a solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injections 0.9% 10 ml", manufactured by Grotex LLC, series 351214.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 1371214, 540414.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 330715.
  • "Paracetamol-UBF tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 190416.
  • "Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for solution for infusion 440 mg, 440 mg vials (1) / solvent - bacteriostatic water for injection 20 ml", on the packages of which it is indicated "Manufactured by: "Genentek Inc., USA (lyophilisate) / F .Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland”/Packed by ZAO ORTAT, Russia”, series M3680/1/p-l B2092/4.
  • "Lidocaine, injection solution 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by LLC "Slavyanskaya Apteka", series 180615.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 410415.
  • "Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 1990514, 3010813.
  • "Activated charcoal-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 100216.
  • Sotahexal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs., produced by Salutas Pharma GmbH, series FS0662.
  • "Magnesium sulfate, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 250 mg / ml 5 ml", produced by OJSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 600215.
  • "CardiaSK, enteric-coated film-coated tablets 100 mg 30 pcs.", manufactured by Canonpharma Production CJSC, series 100316.
  • "Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml", produced by OJSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. ON THE. Semashko", series 561114.
  • Naphthyzinum, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 721115.
  • "Prozerin, solution for injection 0.5 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by JSC "Novosibkhimfarm", series 590815.
  • "Activated charcoal, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", Produced by JSC "Irbitskiy khimfarmzavod", series 1060715.
  • "Solution of sodium chloride 10% 200 ml", produced by the pharmacy GU ARKOD, series 101.
  • "Activated charcoal-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 650915.
  • "Gepabene capsules 10 pcs.", manufactured by Merkle GmbH, X39470 and X23321 series.
  • Ambrohexal, tablets 30 mg 10 pcs., produced by ZAO Sandoz.
  • Sotahexal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs., manufactured by ZAO Sandoz.
  • "Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution for external use 0.05% 100 ml", produced by Rosbio LLC, series 240616.
  • "Lopedium capsules 2 mg 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "Sandoz".
  • "Solution of sodium chloride 10% 100 ml", produced by the State Unitary Enterprise of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Nenets pharmacy", series 740915.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide solution for topical use 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 370216.
  • "Cough medicine for adults dry, powder for solution for oral administration 1.7 g", produced by CJSC "Vifitech", series 010116.
  • "Indomethacin Sopharma, enteric-coated tablets 25 mg 30 pcs.", manufactured by Sopharma JSC, series 30113.
  • SotaGeksal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs., produced by Salyutas Pharma GmbH, series OV9582.
  • Droverin, injection solution 20 mg/ml 2 ml ON THE. Semashko", series 151115.
  • Kagocel, tablets 12 mg 10 pcs., produced by NEARMEDIC PLUS LLC, series 5040615.
  • Maalox, chewable tablets 10 pcs., produced by Sanofi-Aventis S.P.A., A802 series.
  • "Betahistine, tablets 16 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by PRANAPHARM LLC, series 10216, 40516.
  • "Linkas BSS, syrup 120 ml", manufactured by "Herbio Pakistan Private Limited", series 2715 039.
  • "Magnesium sulfate, solution for intravenous administration 250mg/ml 10ml, manufactured by Shandong Shenlu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Series 140530.
  • "Cough medicine for children, dry, powder for solution for oral administration 1.47 g", produced by CJSC "VIFITECH", series 030216.
  • "Amiodarone, tablets 200 mg 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 3390616.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1780916.
  • "Diazolin, dragee 100 mg 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Marbiopharm", series 90416.
  • "Diclofenac, solution for intramuscular injection 25 mg / ml 3 ml", manufactured by Ellara LLC, series 060616.
  • "Mirena, intrauterine therapeutic system, levonorgestrel 20 mcg/24 hours", series TU01976, indicated on the packages by Bayer Oy, Finland.
  • "Mirena, intrauterine therapeutic system, levonorgestrel 20 mcg / 24 hours", manufactured by BAYER JSC, series TU019TZ with Turkish labeling.
  • "Paracetamol, tablets 200 mg 10 pcs.", produced by JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", series 340715.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by CJSC "R-PHARM", series 59022015.
  • Naphthyzinum, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 510915.
  • Quinax, eye drops 0.015% 15 ml, produced by S.A. Alcon Couvreur n.v., series 14315E, 14328E.
  • "Hofitol, film-coated tablets 30 pcs.", produced by "Laboratory Roza-Fitopharma", series VN1509, VN1466.
  • "Ibuprofen, suspension for oral administration (for children), 100 mg / 5 ml, 100 ml", produced by ECOlab CJSC, series 651115.
  • Lisinopril, tablets 5 mg 30 pcs., produced by Ozon LLC, series 131215.
  • "Bronchipret TP, film-coated tablets 20 pcs.", manufactured by "Bionorica SE", series 0000097824.
  • "Novocaine, solution for injections 5 mg/ml 5 ml, ampoules 5 pcs.", produced by Scientific and Production Concern "ESKOM", series 020116.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", produced by OJSC "Kemerovo Pharmaceutical Factory", series 120616.
  • "Glucose-Eskom, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by JSC Scientific and Production Concern "ESKOM", series 210713.
  • Lisinopril, tablets 5 mg 30 pcs., produced by Ozon LLC, series 100915.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 1621013.
  • “Naphthyzine, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 500915.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 090516, 070516.
  • "BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by PRANAPHARM LLC, series 80316.
  • "Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for solution for infusion 6 mg / ml 50 ml", manufactured by LENS-Pharm LLC, series 10915.
  • "Paclitaxel-LANS, concentrate for solution for infusion 6 mg / ml 17 ml", manufactured by LENS-Pharm LLC, series 20415.
  • "Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for solution for infusion 6 mg / ml 23.3 ml", manufactured by LENS-Pharm LLC, series 10715.
  • Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 20 ml, produced by LENS-Pharm LLC, series 10915.
  • "Synthomycin, liniment 10% 25 g", produced by LLC "Tula Pharmaceutical Factory", series 80516.
  • "Ceftriaxone, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1.0 g, complete with a solvent of 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 0140516/0880516, 0150516/0890516.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml", produced by "Shreya Life Science Pvt. Ltd", SA1463009 series.
  • "Potassium chloride, solution for injection 7.5% 100 ml", produced by the pharmacy GBUZ LO "Tosnenskaya KMB", series An. 793-94.
  • "Sodium chloride, solution 10% 150 ml", produced by the pharmacy GBUZ LO "Kirishskaya KMB", series An. 238-238a.
  • "Sodium chloride, injection 0.9% 300 ml", produced by the pharmacy GBUZ LO "Tosnenskaya KMB", series An. 817-18.
  • "Essentiale forte N, capsules 300 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by "A. Nattermann & Sie. GmbH, Germany", series 4K2291, 4K2721.
  • "Reaferon-ES-Lipint, lyophilisate for suspension for oral administration 250 thousand IU" manufactured by Vector-Medica CJSC, series 01, 02.
  • "Ultracain D-S forte solution for injections, 40 mg/ml + 0.010 mg/ml (cartridge) 1.7 ml x 100 (cardboard pack)”, produced by JSC Sanofi Russia.
  • "Ultracain DS solution for injection, 40 mg/ml + 0.005 mg/ml (cartridge) 1.7 ml x 100 (cardboard pack)", manufactured by Sanofi Russia JSC.
  • "Avastin, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion 100 mg / 4 ml", manufactured by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland / packed by CJSC ORTAT.
  • "Exoderil, solution for external use 1% 10 ml", manufactured by "Sandoz GmbH, Biochemistrasse 10", series 13806.
  • "Cerebrolysin, injection solution 10 ml", manufactured by "EVER Pharma Jena GmbH", series A3HB1 A, A3HD1A, A3NE1A.
  • "Cerebrolysin, solution for injection 2 ml", produced by "EVER Pharma Jena GmbH", series A3HP1A, A3HS1A.
  • "Cerebrolysin, solution for injection 5 ml", produced by "EVER Pharma Jena GmbH", series A3DW1A, A3GH1A, A3DZ1A.
  • "Tax-O-Bid, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 1 g", manufactured by Orchid Healthcare (a division of Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.), series 1 9066003 / r-l C 160115.
  • "Femara, film-coated tablets 2.5 mg", manufactured by Novartis Pharma Stein AG, X0188, X0206 series, labeled and instructions in Turkish.
  • Amlodipine Zentiva, tablets 5 mg 10 pcs., manufactured by Zentiva K.S., series 3161215.
  • Chlorprothixene Zentiva, film-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs., manufactured by Zentiva K.S., series 3590216.
  • "Carvedilol Zentiva, tablets 6.25 mg 15 pcs.", manufactured by "Zentiva ks", series 2081215, 2010216.
  • Lozap plus, film-coated tablets 50 mg + 12.5 mg 15 pcs.
  • "Milgamma solution for intramuscular injection 2 ml", manufactured by "Solupharm Pharmaceutishe Erzeignisse GmbH", series 14006.
  • "Paracetamol-UFB, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 190416.
  • Ruzam, solution for subcutaneous injection 0.2 ml, produced by Ruzam-M LLC, series 040915, 050915, 061215.
  • "Concor film-coated tablets 5 mg 25 pcs.", manufactured by Merck KGaA, series 208059.
  • "Concor film-coated tablets 10 mg 30 pcs.", manufactured by Merck KGaA, series 201982.
  • "Paracetamol, suspension for oral administration 120 mg / 5 ml 100 ml", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 110116, 1881015.
  • "Activated charcoal-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 420615, 240415.
  • "Mexidol, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 50 mg / ml 5 ml", produced by FKP "Armavir biofactory", series 130316.
  • "Mukaltin, tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "VIFITECH", series 240316.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 560815.
  • "Selenox, substance-powder", manufactured by NPK "Medbiopharm", series 01 .1 5Сх-01, 01.1 бСх-01.
  • "FSME-Immun, suspension for intramuscular injection 0.5 ml / dose 0.5 ml", manufactured by Baxter AG, series VNKIP06B, VNR1 P06C, series VNR1 P07C.
  • "Ibuprofen, suspension for oral administration (for children), 100 mg / 5 ml", produced by CJSC "ECOlab", series 651115.
  • "Activated charcoal-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 370515.
  • "Gentamicin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 40 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by RUE "Belmedpreparaty", series 721115.
  • "Ampicillin trihydrate, tablets 0.25 g 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 050115.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by CJSC "R-PHARM", series 509102015.
  • "Paracetamol, suspension for oral administration 120 mg / 5 ml 100 ml", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 50116.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs", manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 522102015.
  • Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.
  • "Eufillin, solution for intravenous administration 24 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by "Shandong Shenglu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., series 140218.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1g + 1g", manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt.Ltd., series JD562.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 1g + 1g, complete with a solvent of 10 ml", manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series T0546 / r-l JD544, 1B547 /r-l JD544.
  • "Activated charcoal - UBF tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 420615.
  • "Longidase, lyophilisate for solution for injection 3000 IU", manufactured by NPO Petrovax Pharm LLC, series 161215.
  • "Vazotenz, coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Actavis JSC, series 166880, 167130.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 130115.
  • Enterodez, powder for oral solution preparation 5 g N.A. Semashko, series 20315.
  • "Griseofulvin, tablets 125 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Biosintez", series 71015.
  • "Concor, film-coated tablets 5 mg 25 pcs.", manufactured by Merck KGaA, series 185787.
  • "Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml", produced by JSC PCPC "Medkhimprom", series 820815.
  • "SotaGeksal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "SANDOZ", series CR8244.
  • "SotaGeksal, tablets 80 mg 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "SANDOZ", series FK0449.
  • "Dopamine, concentrate for solution for infusion 40 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 50414.
  • "Folic acid, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Valenta Pharmaceuticals", series 80915, 90915.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 220215.
  • Naphthyzinum, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 661115.
  • "Pentoxifylline, a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intra-arterial administration 20 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 30116.
  • “Adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT-vaccine), suspension for intramuscular administration” U34 series produced by FSUE “NPO Microgen” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Russia
  • "Trisol, solution for infusions 400 ml", produced by OAO NPK "ESKOM", series 140516.
  • "BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by PRANAPHARM LLC, series 70216.
  • "Dopamine concentrate for solution for infusion 40 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 130614.
  • "Pentoxifylline, solution for injection 20 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by OJSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 2131214.
  • "De-Nol film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by CJSC "R-PHARM", series 365082015.
  • "Coal activated tablets 250 mg 10 pcs., produced by OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod, series 670515.
  • "Suprastin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 20 mg / ml 1 ml" manufactured by JSC "Pharmaceutical Plant", series 31A0214, 45C0514.
  • “Sea buckthorn oil, oil for oral administration, local and external use 50 ml” and “Sea buckthorn oil, oil for oral administration, local and external use 100 ml”, produced by Yantarnoye LLC, series 050216, 070316, 060216, 080316.
  • Propazine, film-coated tablets 25 mg 10 pcs.
  • "Highlander bird (Knotweed) grass, chopped grass 50 g", produced by LLC PFC "Fitopharm", series 010215.
  • "BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by PRANAPHARM LLC, series 60216.
  • "Lazolvan, syrup 30 mg / 5 ml 100 ml", manufactured by "Boehringer Ingelheim Ellas A.E.", series 144947.
  • "Sinaflan, ointment for external use 0.025% 15 g", produced by OJSC "Murom Instrument-Making Plant", series 390316.
  • "Xeloda, film-coated tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", CJSC "Rosh-Moscow", series X3988B03.
  • "Perinorm solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 5 mg / ml 2 ml", manufactured by Inca Laboratories Limited, series E 354OO6.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by CJSC "R-Pharm", series 210052015.
  • "Ofloxacin, film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 210815.
  • "Citramon P, tablets 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 280316.
  • Naphthyzinum, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 260415.
  • "Longidase, lyophilisate for solution for injection 3000 IU vials", produced by NPO Petrovax Pharm LLC, series 161215.
  • "Ethyl alcohol, a concentrate for preparing a solution for external use and preparing dosage forms 95% 100 ml", manufacturer Hippocrates LLC, series 400616.
  • "Flexen, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection 100 mg", manufactured by "Italfarmaco S.p.A." series 15511/15511.
  • "Taxacad, concentrate for solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 35 ml", produced by CJSC "BIOKAD", series 06060316.
  • "Taxacad, concentrate for solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 50 ml", produced by CJSC "BIOKAD", series 06070316.
  • "Benzyl benzoate, ointment for external use 20% 25 g", produced by CJSC "Zelenaya Dubrava", series 040216.
  • "Essentiale forte N, capsules 300 mg 10 pcs.", produced by "A. Natermann & Sie. GmbH, Germany", series 4K1751.
  • "Zoladex, capsule for subcutaneous administration of prolonged action 3.6 mg, syringe applicator with a protective mechanism", AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, series MF862.
  • "Sodium chloride, solution for infusion 0.9% 200 ml", produced by Anzhero-Sudzhensky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant LLC, series 280415.
  • "Potassium permanganate, powder for preparing a solution for external use 3 g", produced by CJSC "PFC Update", series 20416.
  • Nutriflex 70/180 lipid, emulsion for intravenous administration, 650 ml containers, produced by B. Braun Melsungen AG, series 160338052.
  • "Senade tablets 13.5 mg 20 pcs.", manufactured by "Cipla Ltd.", series 485031.
  • “Peppermint leaves, leaves powder 1.5 g, filter bags (20), cardboard packs”, produced by PKF Fitopharm LLC, series 030615, 020216.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 60116.
  • "Latran, solution 2 mg / ml 4 ml", produced by FSUE NPTI "Pharmzashchita", series 170415.
  • "Diara, chewable tablets 2 mg 6 pcs.", produced by CJSC "Pharmaceutical enterprise "Obolenskoye", series 520815.
  • "Aimafix, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 500 IU / ml", manufactured by Kedrion S.p.A., series 611427 / KA2514, 611428 / KA2514.
  • "Yodopyron, solution for external use 1% 250 ml", manufactured by YuzhFarm LLC, series 341115.
  • "Potassium permanganate, powder for the preparation of a solution for external and topical use 3 g", produced by CJSC "PFC Update", series 20416.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, topical solution 3% 100 ml, polyethylene bottles", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 050116, 2041115, 530316, 1350914, 1310914, 2281215, 19021.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 880714.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 020415, 030415.
  • Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g, manufactured by Licht Far East (C) Pte Ltd, series A419NM, A420NM, A462NM, A463NM, A480NM.
  • "Heparin, solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml", produced by RUE "Belmedpreparaty", series 750914.
  • Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml 190515, 200615, 210615, 220615, 230615, 240615, 250615, 261015, 271015, 281015, 291115, 301115, 311115, 321115, 331115, 341215, 351215, 361215, 371215, 411215, 010316, 020316,080215, 090215, 100315.
  • "Marcaine Spinal Heavy, injection 5 mg / ml 4 ml", manufactured by Seneksi series F0128-1.
  • "Eufillin, tablets 150 mg 10 pcs.", produced by JSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 4441015.
  • "Actovegin, solution for injection 40 mg / ml 2 ml", manufactured by CJSC "PharmFirma" Soteks ", series 250316, 280416.
  • "Actovegin, solution for injection 40 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by CJSC "PharmFirma" Soteks ", series 240316.
  • "Dopamine, concentrate for solution for infusion 40 mg / ml, 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 50414.
  • "Ofloxacin, film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 220815.
  • "SotaGeksal, tablets 80 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by "Salutas Pharma GmbH", series FH5486.
  • "Corvalol, drops for oral administration 50 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 100416.
  • « Castor oil, oil for oral administration 30 ml”, produced by LLC “Tula Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 40316.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 1g + 1g", manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series JD564, JD591.
  • "Haloperidol-Ferein, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 5 mg / ml 1 ml", produced by SOAO "Ferein", series 050315.
  • "Dopamine, concentrate for solution for infusion 40 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 70515.
  • "Diclofenac, rectal suppositories 100 mg 5 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Biochemist", series 10116, 20116.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 313062015, 128102013, 449092015.
  • "Ethyl alcohol, a concentrate for preparing a solution for external use and preparing dosage forms 95% 100 ml", manufactured by Hippocrates LLC, series 270516.
  • "Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by FKP "Armavir Biofactory", series 030315.
  • "Zoladex, capsule for subcutaneous administration of prolonged action 10.8 mg", manufactured by Astra3eneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, MS239 series.
  • "Basigen, solution for infusion 2 mg / ml 100 ml", manufactured by Claris Life Sciences Limited, series C442460.
  • Diclogen, gel for external use 1% 30 g, produced by Agio Pharmaceuticals Ltd., series 58259.
  • "Metrolacare, solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml", manufactured by "La Care Pharma Limited", AMT5004 series.
  • "Streptokinase, lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intra-arterial administration 1500000 ME", produced by RUE "Belmedpreparaty", series 061215.
  • "Hofitol, film-coated tablets 30 pcs.", Produced by "Laboratory Rosa-Fitopharma", series VN1495, VN1496, VN1497, VN1498, VN1499, VN1500, VN1507, VN1508, VN1509.
  • "Bravelle, lyophilisate for solution preparation for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration 75 IU", manufactured by Ferring GmbH, series K1 8203C.
  • Suprima-coff, 30 mg tablets 10 pcs., produced by Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., X30021, X30022 series.
  • "Marcain Spinal Heavy, injection 5 mg / ml 4 ml", manufactured by Seneksi, series F0128-1.
  • "Taurine-SOLOpharm, eye drops 4% 1 ml", produced by LLC "Groteks", series 050316, 060316, 070316.
  • "Activated charcoal - UBF tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", produced by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 240415, 420615.
  • "Fluifort, syrup 90 mg / ml 100 ml", produced by "Dompe S.p.A", series 158 0715, 165 0815, 166 0815.
  • "Lidocaine, injection solution 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by LLC "Slavyanskaya Apteka", series 200715.
  • "Paracetamol, suspension for oral administration 120 mg / 5 ml 100 ml", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 110116, 1881015.
  • "Sodium chloride, a solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injections 0.9% 10 ml", produced by Grotex LLC, series 340115.
  • "Diazolin, dragee 50 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Pharmstandard-UfaVITA", series 081215.
  • Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml 160315, 170515, 180515, 190515, 200615, 210615, 220615, 230615, 240615, 250615, 261015, 271015, 281015, 291115, 301115, 311115, 321115, 331115, 341215, 351215, 361215, 371215, 411215, 010316, 020316.
  • Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g, manufactured by Fir Far East (C) Pte Ltd, series A419NM, A420NM, A462NM, A463NM, A480NM.
  • "Amlodipine-Prana tablets 5 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by PRANAPHARM LLC, series 100416.
  • "Novocain solution for injections 5 mg/ml 5 ml, 5 ampoules", produced by Scientific and Production Concern "ESKOM", series 020116.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 401082015, 475102015, 518122014
  • "Ampicillin, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 500 mg", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 940515, 550315.
  • "Benzyl benzoate ointment for external use 20% 25g", produced by CJSC "Zelenaya Dubrava", series 040216.
  • "Sodium thiopental, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 0.5 g" manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 260815.
  • "alpha-Tocopherol acetate solution in oil (vitamin E), oil solution for oral administration 10% 20 ml", produced by JSC "Samaramedprom", series 050416.
  • "Heparin, solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml in 5 ml bottles", produced by RUE "Belmedpreparaty", series 750914.
  • "Dexamethasone solution for injection 4 mg / ml, 1 ml", produced by Elfa Laboratories, series OX-184 dated 10.2014.
  • "Mitomycin-C Kiowa, powder for solution for injection 10 mg", manufactured by "Kowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd", series 651 AEI01.

The following drugs were recalled in July:

  • "Solution of sodium chloride 0.9%", produced by "Pharmacy GBUZ "City Hospital", series An. 13, An. 5.
  • "Glucose solution 5%", produced by "Pharmacy GBUZ "City Hospital", series An. 21. "Dexamethasone, solution for injection 4 mg / ml, 1 ml", produced by Elfa Laboratories, EX-257 series.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g", manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series 3B1008, 10584, 30546, 30546, 3P563.
  • “Thyme herb, herb powder 1.5 g, filter bags 20 pcs.”, produced by Lek C + LLC, series 021115.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 030415, 020415.
  • "Creon 25000, enteric capsules 25000 IU 20 pcs.", manufacturer "Abbott Products GmbH", series 49476.
  • "Omez, capsules 20 mg 10 pcs.", Manufacturer "Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.", B501420 series.
  • Maalox, chewable tablets 10 pcs., manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis S.p. A., series A792.
  • "Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg / ml 5 ml", produced by JSC "Novosibkhimfarm", series 60415.
  • "Albumin, solution for infusion 10% 100 ml", produced by the Lipetsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station, series 360915, 410915.
  • "Piracetam-Eskom, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by JSC HIcS "ESCOM", series 080416.
  • "Allohol, film-coated tablets 10 pcs.", produced by OAO "Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant", series 420715.
  • Propazine, coated tablets 25 mg 10 pcs.
  • "Alpha-Tocopherol acetate solution in oil (vitamin E), oil solution for oral administration 10% 20 ml", produced by JSC 2 "Samaramedprom", series 050416.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 60116.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 760714, 560414.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 1351214.
  • "Naphthyzinum, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml", produced by Lekar LLC, series 060316.
  • "Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml", produced by OJSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N. A. Semashko, series 380614.
  • "Octreotide-depot, lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action 20 mg", manufactured by LLC COMPANY "DEKO", series 09112015.
  • "Dexamethasone-Vial, solution for injection 4 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by "CSPC Oy Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, series 130804.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml", produced by "Shreya Life Science Pvt. Ltd, series A1563007.
  • "Alka Prim, effervescent tablets 2 pcs.", produced by the Pharmaceutical Plant "POLFARMA", series 40715.
  • "Highlander bird (Knotweed) grass, chopped grass 50 g", produced by LLC PFC "Fitopharm", series 010116.
  • "Lidocaine, injection solution 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by LLC "Slavyanskaya Apteka", series 220815.
  • "Sodium chloride, a solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injections 0.9% 10 ml", manufactured by Grotex LLC, series 111114.
  • "Nexavar, film-coated tablets 200 mg 28 pcs.", manufactured by "Bayer Pharma AG", series VHL4G2 1.
  • "Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion 440 mg", manufactured by "Genentek Inc., USA (lyophilisate) / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland", series N3696 / 1 / r-l B2094 / 2 with the specified index "117105".
  • "Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by FKP "Armavir biofactory", series 030315.
  • "Rifampicin, lyophilisate for solution for infusion 150 mg", manufactured by JSC "Kraspharma", series 60615.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by ORTAT CJSC, series 317072015, 191042015, 395082015.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 151112013.
  • "Ofloxacin, film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 220815.
  • "Magnesium sulfate solution for intravenous administration 250 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by "Shandong Shenglu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., series 140302.
  • "Aminocaproic acid, solution for infusion 5% 100 ml", produced by OAO NPK "ESKOM", series 090615.
  • "Exforge, film-coated tablets 10 mg + 160 mg 14 pcs.", manufactured by Novartis Pharmaceutical S.A., B8699 series.
  • Quinax, eye drops 0.015% 15 ml, produced by S.A. Alcon Couvreur n.v., series 14017B.
  • "Haloperidol-Ferein, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 5 mg / ml 1 ml, ampoules 5 pcs.", Production of JSC "Ferein", series 050315.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, topical solution 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 190216.
  • "Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for solution for infusion 440 mg, vials 440 mg (1) / diluent - bacteriostatic water for injection 20 ml", manufactured by Jenentek Inc., CLHA (lyophilisate) / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. ., Switzerland", series N3704/1 / s-l B2094/3, N3680/ 1 / s-l B2092/4.
  • "Caffeine-sodium benzoate, solution for subcutaneous injection 200 mg / ml 1 ml", produced by OJSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 230315.
  • "Indomethacin Sopharma, enteric-coated tablets 25 mg 30 pcs.", manufactured by "Sopharma AO", series 20114.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by CJSC "ORTAT", series 280062014.
  • "Acyclovir, ointment for local and external use 5% 10 g", produced by Ozon LLC, series 010116.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1310914.
  • "Arimidex, film-coated tablets 1 mg N214", manufactured by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, MB552, MC47 series.
  • "Cardioxipin, solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biosintez", series 11214, 21015.
  • "PERINDOPRIL-RICHTER, tablets 4 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Gedeon Richter Poland LLC, series H44088C.
  • "Kardiket, tablets of prolonged action 40 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by "Aysika Pharmaceuticals GmbH", series 9345401.
  • "Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by OJSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 4971113.
  • "Sodium chloride solution for injection 10% 200 ml", produced by the pharmacy GBUZ "Leningrad Regional clinical Hospital» series An. 277-278.
  • "Potassium chloride solution for injection 8% 100 ml", produced by the pharmacy GBUZ "Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital", series An. 279-280.
  • "Calcium chloride solution for injection 1% 200 ml", produced by the pharmacy GBUZ "Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital" series An. 255-256.
  • "Potassium chloride, concentrate for solution for infusion 40 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by OAO HHK "ESCOM", series 370815.
  • "Sodium thiopental, powder for solution for intravenous administration 0.5 g", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 260815.
  • Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g, manufactured by Licht Far East (C) Pte Ltd, series A462NM, A463NM, A480NM.
  • "Glycerin, solution for local and external use 40 g", produced by JSC "Samaramedprom", series 371015.
  • "Acyclovir, tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.", produced by Ozon LLC, series 060115, 070115.
  • "Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "PFC Update", series 451215.
  • Sanorin-Analergin, nasal drops 10 ml, produced by Teva Czech Enterprises s.r.o., series 3A0601015, 3A0280415, 3C0870115.
  • "Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 mg / ml 2 ml", manufactured by Groteks LLC, series 1271015, 160116.
  • "Lidocaine, injection solution 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by LLC "Slavyanskaya Apteka", series 220815.
  • "Cardioxipin, solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml", manufactured by JSC "Biosintez", series 10715.
  • "Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by Groteks LLC, series 100315.
  • "Biseptol 480, concentrate for solution for infusion (80 mg + 16 mg) / ml 5 ml", manufactured by Warsaw Pharmaceutical Plant Polfa JSC, series O6AE 1213.
  • "Cefbactam, powder for solution preparation for intravenous and intramuscular injection 1 g + 1 g", produced by Protech Biosystems Pvt.Ltd, series RT-1505.
  • "Metrolacare, solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml", manufactured by "La Care Pharma Limited", AMT5001 series.
  • Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.
  • "Suprastin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 20 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by OJSC "Pharmaceutical Plant", series T1A1113, TOA1113, 14A0114, 25A0214, 26C0214, 28A0214, 29A0214.
  • "Guttalax, tablets 5 mg 20 pcs.", Delpharm Reims production, series 150835, 150834.
  • "Guttalax, tablets 5 mg 50 pcs.", Delpharm Reims production, series 150835A, 150835, 150834, 150836, 150731, 150833.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 760714.
  • "Sodium chloride, a solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injections 0.9% 10 ml", produced by Grotex LLC, series 931115.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, topical solution 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 2281215.
  • "Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml", produced by CJSC "RFK", series 010813.
  • "Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml", produced by OJSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N.A. Semashko, series 380614.
  • "De-Nol, film-coated tablets, 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by CJSC "R-PHARM", series 496102015.
  • "Cifran, film-coated tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited, series 2685668.
  • "Simvastatin-SZ, film-coated tablets 10 mg 10 pcs.", produced by Severnaya Zvezda CJSC, series 30415.
  • "Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by Groteks LLC, series 080215.
  • "Fragmin, solution for injection 5000 IU 0.2 ml", produced by "Watter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG", series 54636С51.
  • "Dexamethasone-Vial solution for injection 4 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by "CSPC Oy Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd", series 130804.
  • "Basigen, solution for infusion 2 mg / ml 100 ml", manufactured by Claris Life Sciences Limited, series C442460.
  • "Octreotide-depot, lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action 20 mg", in the kit: solvent - "mannitol solution for injection 0.8% 2 ml", manufactured by DEKO COMPANY LLC, series 09112015 (solvent series 05072015 ).
  • "Cutiveit, ointment for external use 0.005% 15 g", manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals C.A., ZH1880 series.
  • "Apilak Grindeks, ointment for external use 10 mg / g 50 g", manufactured by Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant JSC, series 100915.
  • Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g, manufactured by Fir Far East Pte Ltd, series A419NM, A420NM.
  • "Ruciromab, substance", produced by CJSC "Framon", series 010514.
  • "Articaine hydrochloride, substance-powder", produced by BION LLC, series 050216.
  • "Highlander bird (Knotweed) grass, chopped grass 50 g", produced by LLC PFC "Fitopharm", series 010215, 010116.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 030415, 020415, 34082014
  • "Evasive peony tincture, tincture 25 ml", produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 030216.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, topical solution 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 050116, 2041115, 530316, 1350914.
  • "Doxazosin Zentiva, tablets 2 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Zentiva K.S., series 3570815.
  • "Beloderm, cream for external use 0.05% 15 g", produced by "BELUPO, medicines and cosmetics dd", series 21718104.
  • "Kromoheksal, solution for inhalation 10 mg / ml 2 ml", manufactured by "Pharma Stulln GmbH / Salutas Pharma GmbH", series 415973, 415976, 415977, 415978, 415980, 425985, 425986, 425987, 425988, 525982. 525020, 525021, 525022, 535027, 535030.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 680414, 560414.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide solution for topical use 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 210216.
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid MS, tablets 0.5 g 10 pcs.", produced by CJSC "Medisorb", series 098092014.
  • "Thyme herb, herb powder 1.5 g, filter bags 20 pcs.", produced by Lek C + LLC, Russia, series 021115.
  • Bisacodyl-Nizhpharm, rectal suppositories, 10 mg 5 pcs., manufactured by JSC Nizhpharm, Russia, series 60216.
  • Ketotifen, tablets 1 mg 10 pcs.
  • "Heparin, solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU / ml 5 ml", produced by Elfa Laboratories, series HS-30b.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g", manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series JD584.
  • "Erespal, syrup 2 mg / ml 150 ml", produced by OJSC "Pharmstandard-Leksredstva", series 140316.
  • Betaserc 24mg Tablets 20pcs Abbott Healthcare CAC Series 637972.
  • "Betaserc, 16 mg tablets 15 pcs.", manufactured by Abbott Healthcare CAC, series 638365.
  • "Nitrazepam, substance-powder", produced by JSC "Organika", series 10212.
  • "Potassium chloride, solution for injection 1% 200 ml", manufactured by the pharmacy GBU RME "RKB", series An. 411, An. 412.
  • "Solution of calcium chloride for injection 1% 190 ml", manufacturer of KOGUP "City Pharmacy 206", series An. 541, 545.
  • "Cerecardp solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 50 mg/ml 2 ml", manufactured by EcoFarmPlus CJSC, series 530515.
  • "Sodium thiopental, powder for solution for intravenous administration 1 g, 20 ml bottles", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 230515.
  • "Mexicor, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 50 mg / ml 2 ml", manufactured by LLC Firm "FERMENT", series 431015.
  • "Ketosteril, film-coated tablets 20 pcs.", Produced by "Labesfal Laboratorios Almiro, C.A., Portugal", series 18H3 520.
  • "Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 1351214.
  • "Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", series 300216.
  • "Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by CJSC "VIFITECH", series 250614.
  • "Xylometazoline-SOLOpharm dosed nasal spray 140 mcg / dose 60 doses (10 ml)", manufactured by Grotex LLC, series 100316.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide solution for topical use 3% 100 ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 200216, 230216.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrat LLC, series 010415, 050515.
  • "Trichopol, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", Production of the Pharmaceutical Plant "Polpharma", series 61111.
  • "Beloderm, ointment for external use 0.05% 30 g", produced by "BELUPO, medicines and cosmetics dd", series 21434094.
  • "Iodine, solution for external and local use, alcohol 5% 25 Ml", produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 301015.
  • “Flexen, lyophilisate for solution for intramuscular injection 100 mg”, produced by Italfarmaco S.p.A., series 15511/15511.
  • "Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", Production ZLO "PFC Update", series 451215.
  • "Acyclovir, tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.", produced by Ozon LLC, series 070115, 060115.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g", manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series 3D546, 3D547, JD563.
  • "Sodium chloride, a solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injections 0.9% 10 ml", manufactured by Groteks LLC, series 991115, 1031115.
  • "Jintropin, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration", produced by "Genescience Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.", series 201304012/r-l 20121202, 201406026/r-l 20121202, 201406032/r-l 20121202, 201407042 LE 20121202, 20151001/r-l 20141001, 201506028/r-l 20141001, 201506029/r-l 20141001, 20150603/r-l 20141001, 201506 1/r-l 20141001, 201509044/r-l 20141001.
  • Dikpofenac, rectal suppositories 100 mg 5 pcs., produced by Biochemist OJSC, series 10116, 20116.
  • "Essentiale forte N, capsules 300 mg 10 pcs.", produced by "A. Nattermann & Sie. GmbH, Series 4K1751.
  • "Human immunoglobulin normal solution for intravenous administration 50 mg / ml 25 ml", produced by FSUE "NPO "Microgem" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, series H571.
  • "Chlorhexidine, solution for local and external use 0.05% 100 Ml", produced by JSC NPK "ESKOM", series 320715, 610815.
  • "Castor oil, oral oil 30 g", produced by CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 50815, 61015.
  • "Paracetamol-UBF, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 10115, 220315.
  • "Citramon P, tablets 10 pcs.", produced by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 120115.
  • Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.
  • Levomycetin, eye drops 0.25% 5 ml, produced by OAO Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, series 20515.
  • "Sevoflurane inhalation liquid 250 ml", manufactured by Baxter Healthcare Puerto Rico, series 15L23L51.
  • "Diamerid, tablets 3 mg 10 pcs.", Production of JSC "Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant "AKRIKHIN", series 71215.
  • "Silimar, tablets 100 mg 15 pcs.", produced by CJSC "Pharmcenter VILAR", series 261014.
  • "Dioxidin, solution for intracavitary and external use 10 mg / ml", manufactured by JSC "Novosibkhimfarm", series 421214.
  • "Cefbactam, powder for solution preparation for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g", produced by Protech Biosystems Pvt. Co., Ltd., PT-1501 series.
  • "Aminocaproic acid, solution for infusion 5% 100 ml", produced by OAO NPK "ESKOM", series 090615.
  • "Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml", manufactured by "Grotex" Ltd., series 090215.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical application 3% 100 ml", produced by LLC "Iodine Technologies and Marketing", series 1030615, 150115.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, substance-liquid 35% 10 kg", produced by OAO "Usolye-Sibirskiy khimfarmzavod", series 10216.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, substance-liquid 35% 25 kg”, produced by OAO “Usolye-Sibirskiy khimfarmzavod”, series 371215.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml", manufactured by Hippocrates LLC, series 050515.
  • "Calcium gluconate, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 100 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by Ellara LLC, series 511215.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injections 5 ml", produced by "Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., series A1 563007.
  • "Ambroxol-Viol, syrup 15 mg/5 ml", manufactured by Yangzhou N~3 Pharmaceutical Co. Co., Ltd., series 140828.
  • "Cardioxipin, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml", manufactured by JSC "Biosintez", series 10715.
  • "Polifepan, powder for oral administration 10 g", manufactured by CJSC "Syntec", series 40915.
  • “Solution of sodium chloride 7.2% 200 ml”, manufactured by the pharmacy GBUZ “GB”, Kuvandyk”, series An. 265.
  • "Octretex, solution for infusion and subcutaneous administration 0.1 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by Ellara LLC, series 010315.
  • "Sinaflan, ointment for external use 0.025% 15 g", produced by OJSC "Murom Instrument-Making Plant", series 081014.
  • "Sealex Forte", biologically active additive to food, produced by VIS LLC.
  • "Ali Caps", a biologically active food supplement, produced by VIS LLC.
  • "Glucose-Eskom, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg / ml 10 ml", manufactured by JSC NPK "ESKOM", series 091215.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml", produced by "Shreya Life Science Pvt. Ltd., series SA 1563003.
  • "Ranitidine-AKOS, film-coated tablets 150 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by Sintez OJSC, series 660615.
  • "Guttalax, tablets 5 mg 20 pcs.", Delpharm Reims production, series 150833.
  • Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.
  • "Suprastin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 20 mg / ml 1 ml", manufactured by JSC "EGIS Pharmaceutical Plant", series 14A0114.
  • "Peppermint leaves, leaves powder 1.5 g," production 000 "PKF "Fitopharm", series 030615.
  • "Paracetamol, 500 mg tablets 10 pcs., non-cell contour packs", produced by JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", series 300216.
  • "Paracetamol-UBF, 500 mg tablets 10 pcs., non-cell contour packs", produced by JSC "Uralbiopharm", series 220315.
  • "Citramon P, tablets 10 pcs., packs without cells contour", produced by OJSC "Uralbiopharm", series 120115.
  • "Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml", produced by OJSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N.A. Semashko, series 390614.
  • "Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml", produced by JSC PCPC "Medkhimprom", series 041114.
  • "Cerecard, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 50 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by EcoFarmPlus CJSC, series 610615, 600615, 530515.
  • "Norepinephrine, concentrate for solution for intravenous administration 2 mg / ml 8 ml", produced by EcoFarmPlus CJSC, series 131015.
  • “Mustard plaster package, powder for external use 3.3 g”, produced by LLC “Production and commercial company “Rudaz”, series 10215.
  • "Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg / ml 5 ml", manufactured by OJSC "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", series 1440514.
  • "Thyme herb, chopped herb 50 g", produced by PKF Fitofarm LLC, series 010116.
  • "Folic acid, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs.", manufactured by JSC "Valenta Pharmaceuticals", series 70915.
  • "Trichopolum, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.", Produced by Pharmaceutical plant "Polpharma" C.A., series 61111.
  • "Tsindol, suspension for external use 125 g", produced by CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 140715.
  • "Fukortsin, solution for external use 25 ml", produced by CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 130615, 150615.
  • "Apilak Grindeks, ointment for external use 10 mg/g 50 g", manufactured by JSC "Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant", series 100915.
  • "Biseptol 480, concentrate for solution for infusion (80 mg + 16 mg) / ml 5 ml, ampoules (5), trays (2)", manufactured by Warsaw Pharmaceutical Plant Polfa, O6AE1213 series.
  • "Cardiomagnyl, film-coated tablets 150 mg + 30.39 mg 100 pcs.", manufactured by Nycomed GmbH, series 11026347.
  • "Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 70% 100 ml", produced by JSC "PCPC "Medkhimprom", series 440515.
  • "De-nol, film-coated tablets, 120 mg 8 pcs.", produced by ZLO "R-PHARM", series 377082015, 506102015.
  • "Cerecard, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 50 mg / ml 2 ml", produced by EcoFarmPlus CJSC, series 600615, 610615.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10%" 40 ml, manufactured by Hippocrates LLC, series 010415, 050515, 060515.
  • "Dermatol", substance-powder 5 kg, produced by FSUE "SKTB "Tekhnolog", series 020415.
  • "Dysport, lyophilisate for solution for injection 500 IU", K05752 series, labeled on packages and instructions for use medical use in Turkish.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, solution for local use 3%" 100 ml, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1030615.
  • "Sodium chloride, solution 10%" 200 ml, manufacturer pharmacy GBUZ LO "Priozerskaya MB", An series 381, An. 56.
  • Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for solution for infusion 440 mg, complete with solvent-bacteriostatic water for injection, 20 ml vials, manufactured by Jenentek Inc., CLHA / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., series 3714/1/ solvent B2096/3.
  • "Denol", tablets 120 mg 8 pcs., manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 411082015.
  • "Folic acid", tablets 1 mg 50 pcs., produced by JSC "Valenta Pharmaceuticals", series 60915.
  • "Magnesium sulfate solution for external use 5%" 200 ml, manufactured by the pharmacy GBUZ "Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. N.N. Burdenko", marking AN.1.
  • "Solution of novocaine for external use 5%" 200 ml, manufacturer pharmacy GBUZ "Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. N.N. Burdenko", marking AN.2.
  • "Paracetamol", tablets 500 mg 10 pcs., produced by ZLO Production Pharmaceutical Company Update (Russia), series 160415.
  • Abaktal, 400 mg tablets, 10 pcs., produced by Lek dd, ED9747 series.
  • "Lizinopril" tablets 5 mg 30 pcs., produced by Ozon LLC, series 141214.
  • "Solution of calcium chloride 1%" 200 ml, manufacturer pharmacy BU RK " Republican Hospital them. P.P. Zhemchuev”, series 157/162.
  • "Solution of novocaine 1%" 200 ml P.P. Zhemchuev”, series 158/163.
  • "Solution of novocaine 2%" 200 ml P.P. Zhemchuev”, series 159/164.
  • "Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10%" 40 ml, manufactured by Hippocrates LLC, series 010415.
  • "Eucalyptus tincture", tincture 25 ml, produced by ZLO "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 10715.

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