Calculate the numerical value of the name. Name numerology: calculate for free and find out the meaning of your name online

As we already wrote in one of our articles, numerology was invented by the ancient Greek mathematician and versatile scientist Pythagoras. Possessing many occult and mystical knowledge, he himself was engaged in divination, forming his own club on the island of Croton, where his enthusiastic students and followers came.

It was Pythagoras who compared the letters with their numerical expression. The scientist believed that not only the date of birth has a huge impact on a person, but also his full name.

Why did people believe Pythagoras? Yes, because he was an amazing person with an amazing destiny. Even when he was in the womb, the local soothsayer foretold that the birth of a great child who would have extraordinary wisdom and reveal many discoveries to the world. And so it happened. From childhood, Pythagoras was very inquisitive, received an excellent education, because his family came from a noble family of leaders.

And the father of Pythagoras was engaged in jewelry business. Parents surrounded the little philosopher with love and affection, especially since the child had extraordinary beauty, although he was playful beyond measure.
However, there was something to love him for - already at the age of 3, the baby stood out significantly among his peers not only with his beauty and mischievous character, but also with the art of recitation - already in early age he memorized the entire Iliad and the Odyssey and recited them so expressively that everyone admired him.

Parents hired the son of the most prominent teachers of that time - famous philosophers, sages and priests. The boy also studied music and playing instruments, the art of painting and proper physical development.
Pythagoras himself was aware of his greatness and tried to stand out among his peers by not cutting his beautiful golden curls, which he wore for a very long time.

Name Numerology

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From the time of his childhood, Pythagoras strove for the sciences and mysticism, as well as expressing himself through them. Thus, having a huge store of knowledge and wisdom, being an excellent mathematician, he created a whole science that expresses letters in numbers, and then deciphers their meaning.

This science is called numerology.
Numerologists are sure that if people have the same numbers in their code, then their fate and character traits will be similar to some extent.

Surname Numerology

A surname, for example, carries information that came to a person from his family. The name affects his current life, it is only necessary to turn all the letters in the name and surname into numbers and calculate the result. Generic information is extremely important in the later life of the individual, because we are all a product of our ancestors and accumulate in ourselves not only their advantages, but also their shortcomings.

Having identified the negative qualities of the family, you can begin to eradicate them in yourself, transforming them into virtues, and learn how to use them to your advantage. Having received his generic information, a person acquires unique opportunity make a plan to work on your personality and improve your own life, directing it initially in the right direction.

If the individual takes advantage of the opportunity, he has a chance to achieve high results in life (much higher than his ancestors) and give his children a much more favorable start in life than he himself had.

Numbers are the basis of the universe

Middle name numerology

The patronymic shows what family traits and problems came to you from your father. There is also a huge field for activities to improve their lives and the future fate of their descendants.

Numbers are the code of the future

By date

Pythagoras also understood that the numbers of our birth are not just numbers, they are a special encrypted code by which you can find out almost everything about a person: character, preferences, inclinations, abilities and the whole path of life.
You just need to add up the numbers of your date of birth and calculate the main number that controls your life.

For example, you were born on 09/18/1977. We do not add zero.
We make calculations: 1 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 \u003d 42. Next, we add the two resulting numbers: 4 + 2 \u003d 6. We get 6 - this is the control number of your life.
Next, we bring everything into a special square, and draw conclusions.

Numbers are your destiny

Table calculation

This table shows the correspondence of letters and numbers when calculating the numerical expression of the surname, name and patronymic.

How to calculate?

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What does it mean?

Here you can see the interpretation of the received numbers for calculating your name:

I must say that the formation of a person's character is also influenced by the environment in which he is brought up. If your number is the number of a born diplomat, and your parents are used to "cutting the truth" in the face, then you will most likely do the same. Do not be upset, as soon as you change the environment, the innate qualities themselves will manifest themselves in full.

Many believe that with the help of knowledge of numerology, one can somehow influence fate and events in life. Actually, this is a delusion. Knowing himself, his inclinations and character traits, as well as having the ability to calculate the right time to implement his plans, a person can improve his life by mitigating unpleasant events in it, become more successful, but this also requires high-quality work on himself.

In addition, by calculating the numbers that control your destiny, you can get information about your family as a whole, about similar character traits and problems in the life of your ancestors' families over the centuries. Also, based on this knowledge, you can draw up a work plan for the purification of tribal karma.
Sometimes, in order to obtain additional information, it is required to calculate the number of the week in which a person was born, as well as the number of the apartment number where he lives.

It happens that if the personal number of an individual and the number of an apartment conflict with each other, then numerology is advised to change their place of residence in order to avoid troubles in life.
Document codes are also calculated: birth certificate (shows how the child will interact with the outside world before he receives his own passport), international passport (will tell all the information about the trips that a person will make), grade book, diploma (these documents will open information about how a person studied and how he related to this process), a work book (will give out all the information about the attitude of a person to work).

All people know they exist lucky numbers that can help a person in a given situation. Some simply know them from their own observations, while others know how to calculate them. Now I want to talk about how you can arm yourself with this knowledge - calculate the number of first and last names.

A bit of history

Such a science as numerology has existed for quite a long time, and people even of ancient times knew how to correctly find out their code. But at that time in the Hebrew, Arabic and Greek alphabets, each letter had its own numerical value and definition. However, Pythagoras decided to simplify this task somewhat by reducing the table to nine numbers, to which he assigned certain letters.

How did he manage to do it? It's simple: using the method of the most simple transformation of complex numbers into simple ones by adding their components. Here's what it looks like: for example, the number 123 will result in a six by adding (1+2+3=6). Such numbers in numerology are called vibrating.

Why is this needed?

Why does a person need information on how to determine the number of a name? This is necessary in order to get to know yourself better, to know your certain type, your hidden capabilities and nuances. In any case, such knowledge will never be superfluous, even if a person does not listen to the conclusions received. An interesting fact is that each of us has two of his own vibrating numbers, which can be calculated not only by name, but also by date of birth. If everything is very clear with the second option, then in order to find out the number of the name, to calculate it, you need to have some tables in which the letters will be assigned a certain number.


Finally, the moment has come when it is already possible to present certain ciphers, thanks to which you can find out your name number. The constituent letters of the full name, i.e. full name, will help to calculate it. This will be the official number, which will turn out to be the person's code. Which numbers are assigned to which letters?

1 - a, i, d, b, s, b.

2 - b, f, k, l, r, w, i.

5 - e, e, n, x.

7 - h, o, h, u.

It is worth noting that you can count not only on the name that the parents named the child on the passport. They also practice calculation by the name that people around call a person. If the boy's name is, for example, George, and he is called Yura, then it is still better to calculate the two numbers of the name and choose what suits the character more and it will still be more reliable. Again, it is important to recall that if a person has a two-digit number, it must be reduced to a single-digit number by simply adding adjacent numbers (as was done for the example a little higher). Having your name number, which is absolutely not a problem to calculate, you can now learn something new about your character and your person as a whole.

1. Sun

If a person eventually got a one, his planet is the Sun. This is the beginning of all living things, all things. The same applies to people: they are luminaries, leaders by nature, people with excellent managerial and business qualities. They are able to lead the crowd, being a signpost for them. However, if you do not correctly use all your qualities, a person may have a conflict with the outside world. You need to be open. Moreover, the ones are generous, kind people, but with a sharp sense of justice and honesty.

2. Moon

Two is the next number of the name, which can be calculated quite simply. So, these are the people of the moon, who are characterized by openness and emotionality. These individuals often seek independence while trying to stand behind a stronger person. It is important to say that deuces are often creative individuals, these people have well-developed intuition. If you do not competently take advantage of all the opportunities, then such persons turn into closed, alienated people who try not to show themselves at all to the eyes of others.

3. Jupiter

Three people are optimists to the roots of their hair. They are cheerful, open, always positive and able to find something good in any situation. It is not surprising that others are always drawn to such people, trying to become infected with their positive attitude. It is important to say that these people often delve into themselves, trying to find what else needs to be improved and developed. They are always in some kind of search, getting more and more new knowledge in various fields.

But apart from all of the above, threes tend to be indecisive. They are not able to defend their point of view in a dispute, they do not get into a conflict at all, and when they witness one, they try to resolve everything peacefully as soon as possible.

4. Uranus

What can tell the next number of the name - four? These people are wayward, with non-standard thinking and decisions. Such persons never live by the rules, they only need them to break them. These are excellent reformers and revolutionaries. They are strong in spirit, have a sense of justice, are always ready to compromise and communicate with the team. Fours are always on good terms with everyone, even with people who, it would seem, should be enemies. They are good organizers and hard workers. A negative character trait is excessive nervousness.

5. Mercury

These are definitely smart people. Living persons, initiators in any situation. They are ready to take risks and do everything to get their way. However, often over time they can lose interest and not bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Fives are able to quickly and competently make decisions, cope with problems, and look for ways out of difficult situations. From failures, they can become discouraged and even depressed. They get along well with everyone, but they are not too economic.

6. Venus

Six is ​​the next number of the name. Numerology says that people of this type are sensual, they are always loved by everyone. Probably, thanks to this, they can easily bypass all the pitfalls that happen on the path of life. The problems of the sixes resolve themselves as if by themselves. However, these people need to be careful with money, this is their great weakness.

Sixes are players, they are able to lose everything in an instant. But even despite this, they always have something to live on and, by the way, not very poor. Often sixes are married to a financially secure partner. As for the character, these are enterprising peace-loving people who always get along with everyone, as they are simply unable to notice various stupidities and "inconvenient" details.

7. Neptune

These are people of fine mental organization. Often they are religious or philosophical. They think a lot, have a huge number of great ideas, but very rarely give them life and bring everything to its logical conclusion. As for the financial situation, for sevens it is most often deplorable. Also, they are mostly physically weak people who simply do not accept quarrels or conflicts.

8. Saturn

Knowing how to calculate the number of a name, you can end up with a figure eight. What kind of people are these? So, these are people who are often lonely, although in their hearts they desire love and warmth. It's all to blame for their coldness and outward impregnability. As for prosperity, such people achieve everything by honest work, respecting the rules and laws. By old age, they are often financially secure, but all the benefits are obtained solely thanks to their own strengths. people who love order in everything. They are hardworking and mostly achieve their goals by stubbornly following their dreams.

9. Mars

Nines are conquerors by nature. They are ready to achieve everything by force and their strong-willed qualities. They do not tolerate objections, they are often tyrants. But thanks to these qualities, they also reach the desired heights and mostly occupy high positions. They are excellent organizers and leaders. It is simply impossible to be subordinate to the nine, in such a situation these people become unbearable and often lose their jobs. They are proactive and energetic, but they do not get along with everyone.

The name code is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of the influence of numbers on us. To calculate it, you must first translate the letters of the name into numbers, and then add them, reducing them to a simple number.

1 BUT And FROM Kommersant
2 B Y T S
3 AT To At b
4 G L F E
5 D M X YU
6 E H C I
7 Yo O H
1 A J S
2 B K T
3 C L U
4 D M V
5 E N W
6 F O X
7 G P Y
8 H Q Z
9 I R

For example, let's define the numerical code for the name "Margarita":
M - 5
A - 1
R - 9
G - 4
A - 1
R - 9
I - 1
T - 2
A - 1

And we get the sum - 5 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 33.

We reduce the resulting number to a simple number: 33 \u003d 3 + 3 \u003d 6

So, we learned that the numerical code for the name "Margarita" is 6.

Exactly the same operations are carried out to determine the patronymic code, surname code and the sum of the first name, patronymic and surname.

Name code meaning

The first thing that is important and necessary to know when we talk about a name is that most of us have two such names: full and diminutive. Vladimir, as a rule, is called Volodya or Vova by relatives, Sergey turns into Serezha, and Dima can turn out to be either Dmitry or Vadim. A diminutive name brings chaos into our lives, acts as an obstacle to achieving maturity and is not a conductor of fate.

The full personal name connects us to the future. Its numerical code shows our goal, our independence, our development, the ability to build our own destiny according to our own scenario and correct it. Using our full name, we find a thread in the maze of life.

The full name determines the destiny that a person creates. The name gives us the opportunity to become masters of our destiny. If we change our name, we are actually changing our future, our destiny.

Calculate numerological code:

Name numeric code values:

Let us now suppose that everyone around us calls our Margarita by the diminutive name Rita.

We calculate the numerical code of this name:
R - 9
I - 1
T - 2
A - 1
9 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.

We look at how the “man of the four” differs from the “man of the six”, and draw conclusions about what has changed. Very little has changed in this case, and there is no contradiction here. If the diminutive name of Margarita were the royal name Margot, we would have a completely different picture:
M - 5
A - 1
R - 9
G - 4
0 - 7
5 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 7 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8.

Consequently, if everyone around us called our Margarita the exotic name for Russia Margo, she would rather have her own business than work hard for “a good uncle”, and in any case she would be much better off materially than the girl who is called Margarita or Rita (here the characteristics of the full and diminutive names are much more similar).

In addition, Margo is a rare name for our country, and rare names give the opportunity to express themselves, but do not give support, make you rely only on yourself. Therefore, the name could help Margo learn to perceive herself as a unique phenomenon, value herself, believe in her exceptional abilities, provided that Margarita in childhood was more often praised than criticized, and accustomed to the idea that she succeeds.

If our Margarita is shy from birth and not very confident in herself, then the diminutive name Margo will “finish her off”, because she will always attract the attention of others to her, for which she is not ready.

  • Threes are comfortable next to threes, sixes and nines.
  • "Fours" find friends among "ones" and "twos" and just as easily find a common language with "sevens" and "eights".
  • "Fives" are looking for their "twins", that is, "fives", and only with them share their innermost experiences. The uniqueness of the "fives" lies in the fact that they manage to find an approach to any person, regardless of his secret number stake, and therefore many consider themselves to be their friends.
  • "Sixes" prefer "fives", but they can also accept "threes", "sixes" and "nines" in the company.
  • "Sevens" are ready to bring only "twos" closer to them.
  • "Eights" prefer their own kind of "eights" and are excellent friends with the "fours".
  • “Nines” put “their own”, that is, “nines”, in the first place, and have nothing against communicating with “triples” and “sixes”.
  • Interesting situations arise when you and a work colleague addressed each other by their first and middle names and got along well, and then switched to “you” and began to call each other only by their first names - and suddenly it was not clear why they became friends. In fact, everything is simple: the numerological numerical code of the combination of your names has changed, and this has caused a change in the relationship.

    Numbers pass through the whole life of a person, are constantly present in his daily activities. Numbers are the basis, the tool. With their help, various calculations are made. Most areas of human activity are based on them: politics and economics, statistics and engineering, science and technology.

    Numerology studies not so much the numbers themselves as their symbolic meaning. In ancient times, the Greeks and Latins did not use numbers for counting, but letters. Modern numerologists have to convert letters to numbers using a simple code.

    Numerology of the name and date of birth will help you learn the basics of personality, the most important life trends, the influences of fate and karmic lessons. Numerological analysis of the surname and name reveals the character traits, hopes and abilities of a person, and also shows the possibilities for their implementation.

    First step: encryption

    The numerology of the name will help to know the depths of your personality, to find out its strengths and weaknesses. You can calculate your number using the table below. Each letter of the alphabet has its own numerical counterpart:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    For the study, the full name and surname given to the person at birth are used. In some teachings, the full name of a person is taken for numerological calculation, but the middle name is not involved in this study.

    • After marriage, women often take their husband's surname, but it is not suitable for numerological analysis. Therefore, to obtain more accurate data, it is necessary to take the woman's maiden name.
    • If a person has a double surname from birth (for example: Ivanov-Sidorov), both should be investigated.
    • There are cases when a person in a family or a group of friends is called by a different name, not the one given to him by his parents. The name given at birth should be taken into account anyway.

    Aliases can also be considered, they can give Additional information, but they will not reveal the essence of a person's personality.

    You need to write in numbers:

    • surname;
    • first and last name together.

    Encryption example.

    Anna Chernova.

    Name: ANNA = 1661

    Last name: CHERNOVA = 7696731

    First name+surname: 1661 7696731

    The second stage: how to find out the number of the first and last name

    Letters converted to digital code, now you need to get numbers from it. To do this, the numbers must be added, counted and brought to a result equal to from 1 to 9.

    Name: ANNA = 1661 = 1+6+6+1 = 14 = 1+4 = 5

    Last name: CHERNOVA = 7696731 = 7+6+9+6+7+3+1 = 39 = 3+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

    First name+last name: 1661 7696731 = 1+6+6+1+7+6+9+6+7+3+1 = 54 = 5+4 = 9

    Having received in the final result 2 out of 11 (1 + 1) or 4 out of 22 (2 + 2), it is important to know that such numbers are called the main ones and are written differently: 2/11 and 4/22. They are also interpreted separately.

    By adding, you get 5 numbers. What are these numbers and what is their meaning?

    • Name - number of activity. It reveals the inner activity of a person, his character and behavior.
    • The surname is the number of heredity. Shows the influence of heredity on a person's personality and reveals his sociality.
    • First name + last name - the number of manifestations. Shows how the individuality of a person is externally manifested.

    Third stage: interpretation

    The numerology of the name and surname has been calculated, the numbers have been received, it's time to move on to the most interesting part - the analysis of the personality. The most important rule here is to be patient and not rush. You should not tear out information in pieces. Synthesis of all received information is important.

    Number of manifestations

    This number must be investigated first of all, as it reveals the main qualities of the personality, the main traits of character and behavior. By this number, one can understand how a person is perceived by others, how he appears before the public.

    1 - Ambition, determination, willpower, ambition, creativity. A person relies only on himself, wants to achieve everything on his own. Such a person is not easily given the role of a subordinate, he is constrained by the need to keep himself within the established framework. This is a leader, a rebel with a tendency to selfishness and a lust for power. Such people tend to be stubborn and obsessed with themselves.

    2 - Emotionality, sensitivity, tolerance, diplomacy. Strives to connect with other people. For him, self-realization through union or cooperation is important. This is a good listener, always sympathize and help. It is excellently manifested in serving people, in a position of submission. Afraid of difficulties and tries to avoid them, passive. Such a person easily succumbs to other people's influence and easily falls into dependence on someone else's opinion or decision.

    2/11 - Too sensitive and hypersensitive. Solid, demanding, often uncompromising personality. Strong character and the need to gain authority. Strong craving for small details and unimportant details. Great opportunities for the implementation of the plan. A person with the number 2/11 often wastes his energy in vain, trying to do everything and everywhere, trying to control not only his life activity, but also those around him. Sometimes it’s hard for such a person to restrain himself. Can be impatient, short-tempered and aggressive.

    3 - Sociability, enthusiasm and cheerfulness, at the same time distraction and inability to focus on the main thing. A lively mind and a high ability to express oneself. Active life position, propensity for decisive action. Thirst for creativity and contacts with the outside world. A very friendly and sympathetic person with a heightened sense of justice. Can be vulnerable and impulsive. Such a person can be offended by a trifle and even flare up.

    4 - Calm, serious, good-natured and peaceful person. Perseverance, firmness and constancy. Strives for security and security, he needs a solid foundation to stand firmly on the ground. Such a person knows how to find his place and gain a foothold, take root. High level of organization and love for order. Narrowness of mind, lack of imagination and sense of humor may appear.

    4/22 - Reliable and balanced, ambitious and ambitious. Strives to stand out, to occupy a high position in society. In his work, he is energetic, demanding of subordinates and close people. Workaholic, devotes too much time to work to the detriment of the family. Often such people are adherents of firm rules and harsh principles. Due to overload, nervous breakdowns are possible.

    5 - Energy, activity, rationality. Ability to quickly adapt to any situation. Character fickle, prone to mood swings. Charming and attractive person. May be prone to impulsiveness and unreliability, can easily make promises and just as easily forget about them.

    6 - Deep, emotional and passionate personality. Feelings dominate the mind. Developed sense of duty and responsibility. Such a person can be punctual to the point of captiousness. In the first place, such a person has a house and family, success and prosperity are directly related to the well-being of loved ones. Interested in the humanities and art. Good taste, developed sense of beauty. Loves beautiful things. Possessive feelings, envy and jealousy may appear.

    7 - A great tendency to reflect and withdraw into oneself, likes to analyze and sort everything out. He has an excellent sense of humor, sometimes reaching sarcasm. Such people become the most real and devoted friends. They love nature and space. From time to time there is a desire to be alone. Dreaminess and developed imagination. Tendencies towards pessimism and increased caution, seeks to distance himself from people and makes new acquaintances with difficulty.

    8 - Enthusiasm and vigor. Important to find correct application this energy. Straightforwardness, uncompromisingness, exactingness, inflexibility and intractability. Does not recognize half measures. Cannot sit still, needs to be constantly on the move. Striving for power and dominance. The character is combative and violent. Often such a person takes risks and challenges himself. Tendency to stubbornness and aggression.

    9 - Emotions and passion. Thirst for communication and love for learning, knowledge, information exchange. Selflessness and devotion, the desire to help and make life easier for loved ones. Such a person is often inclined to fantasize and dream. Disappointment can lead to nervous breakdown and even mental imbalance. He needs a lot of love and understanding.

    Activity number

    1 - A person tends to constantly assert himself, take the initiative and stubbornly insist on his own.

    2 - The tendency to show great interest in society and increased sociability. Patient and diplomatic, adapts easily.

    2/11 - Prone to stubbornness and perseverance. Enterprising and energetic, just as impatient and intolerant.

    3 - Dexterity and skill. Has a practical mind and a creative start. Sometimes such people have talent in art.

    4 - A person is prone to excessive straightforwardness. Possesses organizational skills and high diligence. Likes order and method.

    4/22 - Propensity for enterprise and a heightened sense of duty. Ambitious, often too nervous.

    5 - Such a person constantly needs to learn new things, longs to expand his boundaries. Mobility, variability and impermanence. Able to speak beautifully and has charm.

    6 - A very sincere, open and generous person, at the same time demanding of himself and others. Constant striving for security and harmony.

    7 - Restrained and modest, sometimes even shy. Knows how to make friends. Clear and sober thinking. But the tendency to despondency and pessimism is great.

    8 - Dynamic and agile, sometimes too stubborn. Prone to justice and impulsiveness.

    9 - Altruist and humanist. Knows how to find a common language with every person. He tends to idealize people and the world around him, which often leads to disappointment.

    Heredity number

    1 - Outwardly firm and unshakable. Needs self-affirmation, seeks to prove his superiority.

    2 - Welcoming, friendly and tactful. Inclined to cooperation and partnership. Easily makes contact.

    2/11 - Very sociable, seeks to acquire profitable connections. Tends to be impatient.

    3 - Seeks to take power into his own hands, tends to subdue and conquer. A smart and skilled craftsman.

    4 - Cultural and tactful, always knows what he wants. Respects the orders and principles not only of their own, but also of others.

    4/22 - Ambitious and imperious, stubbornly and persistently goes to his goal. Tends to be repressive.

    5 - Daring and arrogant, but at the same time flexible and accommodating. Inclined to rivalry in everything, always ready to take risks.

    6 - Responsible and decisive, generous and generous. Very sociable, often such people become the soul of the company.

    7 - Reasonable, diligent and diligent. In all actions, common sense and a clear mind prevail. Able to be in the right place at the right time.

    8 - Powerful energy and strength, invincibility. The tendency to emerge victorious in any situation.

    9 - Strives to help everyone and take care of everyone, generous and capable of understanding and forgiveness. Inclined to self-sacrifice.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    In the article:

    What is the secret of the name number?

    The number of the name reveals secrets inner world personality. Experts pay attention to the numbers:

    • name;
    • Surnames;
    • patronymic;
    • All data together.

    Each item reveals certain character traits, human behavior, negative and positive qualities. Numerology tries to calculate the number of first and last names, revealing the features of the human personality. Using its methods, it is possible to determine the need for the development of certain abilities of the child.

    Calculations can be done independently, thanks to a special online calculator. In this case, you only need to follow the desired link, enter the data in certain columns and instantly receive information.

    However, such methods are not always true. Correct information can be obtained by doing it yourself. It is very easy to do this. Next, you will learn the main calculation method that has been popular for several centuries.

    Why numerology?

    There are a huge number of ways. There are both called psychological methods and unrecognized esoteric ones, thanks to which mankind has been receiving secret knowledge for centuries. Among them:

    • Divination;
    • Divination;
    • Palmistry;
    • Numerology.

    It is believed that numerology gives the best result in determining the character, because its knowledge is based on a centuries-old study of numbers. Researchers have found patterns between a certain numerical value and a person's personality. A letter of the alphabet corresponds to a certain number, which gives accurate information about a person. Anyone can read it, using a special table.

    Many scientists note the influence of numbers on a person's personality. Officially, numerology is not a real science, however, when calculating the numerology of a first and last name, it is impossible to deny the veracity of the result.

    The result will attract good luck, change fate for the better. After identifying the options, parents choose an appropriate nickname for their child. Choosing a name according to numerology will help solve many life problems and even change fate.

    Just take a piece of paper

    Numerology of the name, surname, patronymic, is calculated very simply. This can be done on your own, without the need to contact a professional. All you need is a sheet of paper and this article.

    Many use special online resources that offer to get automatic result. Just enter the data recorded in the passport in the specially designated places. After a moment, you will be able to read the information.

    However, this method sometimes does not provide correct information. It is much more interesting and efficient to do the calculations yourself.

    How to lift the veil of secrecy

    The numerical values ​​of the letters are the natural result of centuries of development of the alphabet, which led to the creation of the following table:

    1 BUTYTS
    2 BToAtb
    3 BLFE
    4 GMXYU
    5 DHCI
    6 HERPH
    7 ANDOW
    8 WRSCH
    9 AndFROMKommersant

    Each letter value corresponds to a number. To get the desired result, add up all the numbers that mean each letter of the nickname separately. Should be a prime number. For example, counting male name ARTHUR, fold A+R+T+U+R. According to the values ​​presented in the table, it should turn out 1(A)+8(P)+1(T)+2(U)+8(P) = 20 => 2+0= 2 . Altogether, the result is 2 . The same must be done with the surname and patronymic. To interpret the meaning, it is necessary to sum all the letters together and read the result.

    What is the secret of the number of the name?

    Numerologists after the conducted research have revealed the following meanings of each number of the name. Today, this knowledge allows you to discover the innermost secrets of every person. Now you can join them too. Here are the basic meanings of each number:

    • 1 belongs to introverts. Such people strive for superiority in everything. They have courage and bravery. Have personal opinion on any issues and it is impossible to convince them. Others also feel the power unit people and often choose them as their leaders. Negative qualities of the unit: uncontrolled aggression, unwillingness to listen to other people's opinions, self-confidence.
    • 2 - Represents extroverts. Twos have a wonderful ability to resolve any disputes. They are born diplomats. They are distinguished by modesty and peacefulness, easily enter into trust. However, modesty and kindness do not always play into the hands of deuces.
    • 3 - introverts. Such people are optimists in everything. These are creative people who find beauty in everything. They have many talents that can change the world. However, they become touchy and vindictive if they do not meet with understanding and sympathy from others.
    • 4 - extroverts. Decisive people who love practicality. Four people have high moral principles and good manners. They say about such people: "Intellectuals". But they are afraid of change because of their conservatism.
    • 5 - introverts. servants of progress. Possess multilateral interests and ability to sciences. They make good scientists who can change the world with new discoveries and inventions. The negative quality is impatience.
    • 6 - extroverts. It is from the sixes that most religious figures and talented doctors turn out. They agree to serve people without getting anything in return. The disadvantage of this number is excessive altruism, love of flattery.
    • 7 - the number of introverts. They prefer solitude. As a rule - jacks of all trades, talented engineers and inventors. They have self-esteem, as well as unsurpassed charm. Negative qualities of sevens: pride, love of disputes.
    • 8 - the number of extroverts. Purposeful, energetic individuals. They always achieve their goal, they are skillful leaders, and at the same time they are distinguished by their exactingness towards performers. The downside of the character of eights is vanity.
    • 9 - introverts. Very impressionable, religious. These are lucky people who do not have to make efforts to gain wealth. They can be talented artists or writers. They are said to be "terrible pedants". The disadvantage is the habit of imitation, the constant search for idols.

    Now you have learned how to determine the character of a person in another interesting way. It is easy to do it yourself, thanks to a small table and elementary mathematical knowledge. Professionals often resort to this method for personal purposes or to find out the character of another person.

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    1 - belongs to introverts. Such people strive for superiority in everything. They have courage and bravery. They have their own opinion on any issues and it is impossible to convince them. People around also feel the power of individual people and often choose them as their leaders. Negative qualities of the unit: uncontrolled aggression, unwillingness to listen to other people's opinions, self-confidence.

    2 - personifies extroverts. Twos have a wonderful ability to resolve any disputes. They are born diplomats. They are distinguished by modesty and peacefulness, easily enter into trust. However, modesty and kindness do not always play into the hands of deuces.

    3 - introverts. Such people are optimists in everything. These are creative people who find beauty in everything. They have many talents that can change the world. However, they become touchy and vindictive if they do not meet with understanding and sympathy from others.

    4 - extroverts. Decisive people who love practicality. Four people have high moral principles and good manners. They say about such people: "Intellectuals". But they are afraid of change because of their conservatism.

    5 - introverts. servants of progress. Possess multilateral interests and ability to sciences. They make good scientists who can change the world with new discoveries and inventions. The negative quality is impatience.

    6 - extroverts. It is from the sixes that most religious figures and talented doctors turn out. They agree to serve people without getting anything in return. The disadvantage of this number is excessive altruism, love of flattery.