Drawing my inner world for children. Allows you to reveal the inner world of a person

Using this technique, you can solve the following problems:

Ø Accumulate data on the individual dynamics of the process of forming the image of the goal.

Ø By examining it repeatedly, you can see whether your image of the goal is changing or is stable.

Ø Based on these data, it is possible to make a forecast regarding the prospects for his psychological correction, to formulate the tasks of psychological work with him.

Testing Procedure

materials: a sheet of A4 white paper, colored pencils.


Today we have to go on a journey into our own inner world - into an inner, fantastic country.

You may ask: “How do we go where it is impossible to go, where it is impossible to see everything, touch it with our hands?” And you will be right: this country is not on the world map. True, in fairy tales there is an indication that some heroes have been there and subsequently achieved success. Remember the task: “Go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what”? Now we just have to prepare for such a journey.


Without what an experienced traveler will not go on a journey? Of course, without a map. But tell me, have you seen the Map of the Inner Country for sale? Indeed, such cards are not for sale. What to do? You will have to draw the map yourself.

First, put a sheet of paper in front of you. Now think about the outline that defines the borders of a country. The contour forms, as it were, the silhouette of the country.

Some travelers believe that the contour of the inner country should resemble the silhouette of a person, others draw a symbol of the heart, others trace their palm, others depict a fantastic outline ... The mind will not help here, only the heart and hand of the traveler know the silhouette of his inner country. Please take a pencil and let your hand draw the closed outline of the country.

What is its landscape like? To see this, it is necessary to color the interior of the country, bounded by the contour. The main thing is not to think for a long time, but just give your hand the opportunity to easily select pencils and color the map. Probably, mountains and valleys, lowlands and uplands, rivers, seas, lakes, forests, deserts, swamps will appear there ...

So, the map of the inner country is ready. It's fine. But tell me, can I use this card? It seems to be difficult so far. Why? Perhaps something is missing? In order to "read the map", you need conventions! Conventions are usually placed at the bottom of the page. Or, if your card takes up the entire sheet, you can place them on the back of the sheet.

Please make an inscription: "Symbols". Now we have to make a list of the conventions you used. To do this, enter each color that you used when coloring the map into the legend in the form of a small colored rectangle.

If you used red, a red box will appear in the symbol list; if when coloring the map you used green color, a green rectangle will appear, and so on.

Arrange the colored rectangles one below the other, as cartographers usually do.

If you used special icons to designate rivers, reservoirs, swamps, forests, fields, mountains, they must also be included in the list of symbols.

Now you need to give your name to each colored rectangle, each icon. Since this is a map of the inner country, its landscape will also be associated with your internal processes: thoughts, feelings, desires, states.

Glades of thoughts, forests of desires, caves of fears, seas of love, rivers of wisdom, swamps of misunderstanding, peaks of achievements and so on may appear. What internal process, feeling, thought, desire each colored rectangle will designate is up to you. This is your country, this is your map. Don't think too long, the first thing that comes to mind may be the right one...

So, the map is ready. Now it is easy to navigate along it, especially if you know the direction.

What do travelers do when they travel? They study the map and plot their route. First of all, they set a goal. Otherwise, why go on the road?

Please take a bright pencil or pen, carefully examine the map and check the box for the purpose of the proposed trip. That is, the place on the map where you want to be. Let's call this icon "target flag".

Now consider the borders of the country and mark with a special flag the place where you plan to enter this country. Let's call this icon "login flag".

So, you have two flags: a "destination flag" indicating the place that is the destination of your path, and an "entry flag" indicating the place where your path will begin.

Now you need to lay a route to the goal. See where the "target flag" is and how best to get to it. How do you go from "entry flag" to "goal flag"? Please mark your route with dotted lines or small arrows.

Travel always involves returning home. Having laid a route to the goal of his journey, an experienced traveler considers options for returning home, leaving the country. Please take a good look at your map and mark the place where you plan to leave the country with a special flag. Let's call this icon "exit flag". Sometimes it matches the "login flag", sometimes it doesn't. Make a route from the “target flag” to the “exit flag”.

So, you have a map, there is a goal of the path and a route. So, there is a willingness to travel through their own inland country.

But, they say, if you consider in detail the route of your journey, then as if you will make it. Imagine that you returned from a trip, put a piece of paper in front of you and wrote: “This trip taught me...” Please complete the sentence.

Now take a look at your entire route and mark with some kind of icon the point where you think you are now. Thank you!

Psychological Analysis

Seven Keys to the "Map of the Inner Country"

1. Energy drawing

The energy of the drawing is a special feeling from the drawing; feelings that the card evokes.

2. Target flag location

The name of the territory where the "target flag" is located is a metaphor for the unconscious, intuitive desire of the author of the map. In this case, an unconscious goal. Let's say the "goal flag" is on the Hill of Achievement. This means that the author of the drawing is actively striving for certain social achievements, since mountains and hills symbolize social growth and development.

Another example is the "target flag" located in the Glade of Thought. This means that at the moment the process of reflection is relevant for the author, but, probably, he cannot yet devote as much time to this as necessary. Maybe he hesitates to make a decision, or is busy solving some problem, or feels that he needs to stop and think, weigh everything and make an important choice that can become life-changing.

Another example is the "goal flag" located in the Sea of ​​​​Desires on the Island of Love. This means that at the moment, the most important thing for the author is a romantic relationship, finding a partner or improving relations with him. Water (lakes, seas, rivers) symbolizes sensuality, emotionality, sensitivity, femininity, eroticism. Therefore, if the "target flags" fall into the water area, this often indicates that the map maker is sensitive, intuitive, and emotional life is of great importance to him.

The "target flag" can be located at the intersection of two or three territories. This means that the image of the goal combines several processes. Which ones - the names of the territories will tell about it. In order for the author to feel satisfied, he needs a harmonious combination, the unification of these processes.

So, the location of the “goal flag” will tell you what state the author of the card is unconsciously striving for (harmony, relaxation, clarity, satisfaction, success, etc.). This state will refer to a specific group of needs.

3. The location of the "target flag" relative to the center of the map

If the "goal flag" is located in the center of the map, this means that the image of the goal is integrating for the author's personality. That is, the achievement of this goal will make it possible to harmonize his state, attitude, find peace and stability. On the other hand, the central position of the "goal flag" indicates the author's ability to find common ground in various points of view, to coordinate, balance, balance various processes in a team.

The whole map can be conditionally divided into three equal parts vertically and three equal parts horizontally. Each vertical and horizontal has a certain symbolic meaning.


The left, "female" part - symbolizes the past, what a person already has, on which he can rely. The left side can also symbolize the inner world of a person; reflect his deep personal processes. Introversion.

The central part symbolizes the present, processes relevant to a person, what he thinks about, what he strives for, what is significant for him.

The right, "male" part - symbolizes the future, social processes, relationships in society, striving for the future. Extraversion.


The upper part symbolizes mental processes: thoughts, ideas, fantasies, plans, memories.

The central part symbolizes emotional processes.

The lower part symbolizes the sphere of real action. Implementation of plans. The ground, the ground under your feet.

If the “goal flag” is at the top of the map, we can talk about the tendency of the author of the drawing to mental constructions. If the “goal flag” is located in the upper right part, then we have an “idea generator”, a person looking to the future. It is not difficult for him to look for and find new, non-standard solutions.

The shift of the "goal flag" to the right side is characteristic of people who are oriented towards the future, striving for social achievements and innovations.

Fair for righties. For left-handers, the symbolic meaning is determined "mirror".

4. Nature of the route

Now the area of ​​our research is the route from the “entry flag” to the “goal flag”. The line of the route and its character will tell you how and according to what scenario a person is inclined to achieve what he wants, to go towards his goal.

Questions for analyzing the path to the goal:

- Through what territories does the route to the goal pass?

For example, the route to the goal runs first through the Mountains of Obstacles, then through the Valley of Disappointment, then through the Desert of Search, to the Lake of Hope at the Pinnacle of Success. This means that at the beginning of the journey, the author tends to draw himself obstacles, limitations (Mountains of obstacles). This leads him to disappointment, he may lose faith in his strength (Valley of Disappointment). But then he pulls himself together and begins to look for a way out of the situation (Desert of search). Thanks to this, he has hope and energy to achieve his goal (Lake of Hope). And provided that he believes in victory, he will reach the goal (Pinnacle of success).

Route analysis will allow you to understand whether the author is inclined to unconsciously invent obstacles on the way to achieving the goal? Most often, a person invents restrictions and traps for himself. As a well-known satirist said: “We invent difficulties for ourselves, and then courageously overcome them.”

- Is the route laid in a straight line or winding around the whole country?

This observation will determine the strategy for moving towards the goal. There are people who go straight without turning, without being distracted. Remember, in the movie "Wizards" Ivan was taught to pass through the wall? For this it was necessary: ​​to see the goal and believe in yourself. Both of these conditions are for those whose path is laid in a straight line. True, such people have one feature: they can be obsessed with a goal. On the one hand, it's great. But on the other hand, it can prevent them from seeing the small miracles of everyday life.

If the path winds around the country, this means that the author of the map is a creative, enthusiastic, inquisitive person. He wants to go everywhere, see everything. It's fine.

— Are there any areas on the route where “walking in a circle” takes place?

The territory on which one has to walk in circles is either a stumbling block, an unresolved problem, or a resource state that is significant for a person.

5. The location of the "entry flag" and "exit flag"

"Entry flag" and "exit flag" define the beginning and end of the path. They can be arranged in five basic combinations:

1. "Entry flag" and "exit flag" are the same (or are in the same part of the map). A person comes to where he started, but at a new level, with new knowledge. Symbolizes the completion of the "spiral of life" cycle and the transition to the next level. A person knows how to learn from his own experience, harmoniously bring the matter to the end.

2. "Entry flag" is at the bottom, "Exit flag" is at the top. Man tends to go from practice to theory. First acts, tries, then comprehends. Empirical researcher. Business man.

3. "Entry flag" is at the top, "Exit flag" is at the bottom. Man tends to move from theory to practice. He knows how to think everything over, weigh it, then get down to business.

4. The “entry flag” is on the left side, the “exit flag” is on the right. Before making a decision to start any business, a person can worry, think about a strategy, worry. But, having started the movement, it acquires a sense of perspective. Able to use the team's previous achievements in new cases.

5. The “entry flag” is on the right side, the “exit flag” is on the left. A person knows how to subtly feel various new trends, has a scent, a flair for something profitable and promising. Knows how to "embed" innovation in the traditional.

6. Travel Lesson

Here the focus is on the continuation of the phrase: “This journey taught me, first of all...” The statement with which the author continued this phrase will tell about what his inner world is currently “working on”, what he is thinking about, what questions unconsciously decides in which direction to develop.

All these pictures that people unconsciously draw when talking to someone on the phone or in a meeting can tell a lot about the character traits of people, as well as the motivation for their actions. When a person draws, his pencil is guided by his subconscious, which contains his thoughts and secrets, and also controls his behavior. In this article, you will learn what these pictures that people unconsciously draw every day really mean.

little people

If you are drawing little people, most likely you feel insecure and defenseless, or you are trying to avoid responsibility. If you draw primitive stick men, you are emotionally unstable and want to isolate yourself from other people.


Eye drawings represent the inner world of the person who drew them. Big eyes show open person gazing eyes show the feeling that a person is being watched, and closed eyes can symbolize a refusal to look within oneself.


If you draw your signature, then you are self-centered and arrogant. If you do this constantly and without thinking, while talking or trying to solve a problem, then you demonstrate that you are selfish.


Which animals you draw says a lot about your current emotional state and your personality. A tiger or a wolf shows hidden unexpressed anger, a fox means that you want to do something insidious, a squirrel shows that you need care and protection, and lions are most often drawn by people who consider themselves better than others. If you draw the same animal over and over again, this means that you are unconsciously trying to compare yourself with him and trying to imitate his character traits.

Squares, diamonds and other geometric shapes

You have clearly defined your goals and beliefs and never keep your opinions to yourself. You are stubborn and persistent. You are also usually overly cautious.


The arrows symbolize the vector, your direction in life. If the arrow points up, you are people-oriented, down - you are focused on yourself, to the left - you are stuck in the past, to the right - you are looking forward to the future.


You want to be the center of attention, you want everyone to look at you when you enter a room and turn their heads in the direction you are moving. But if the arrows you draw have too many ends, it could be a sign of depression.

Flowers, clouds and sun

If you draw cheerful flowers and the sun while talking on the phone, it means that you are satisfied with what is happening around you, and also fantasize about the good things that can happen to you in the future. Such drawings show that you have a positive attitude towards life and are also in a good mood.


This may mean that you feel guilty about something or that you blame yourself for the mistakes you made earlier.

houses and boxes

Symmetrical shapes demonstrate your love of order, as well as your tendency to carefully plan and calculate everything. You know exactly what you want, your goals in life are set, and you will stick to your opinion no matter what.

chess boards

This may mean that you recently found yourself in an unpleasant and uncomfortable situation. If you get these drawings all the time, chances are that you are dealing with some hidden issues related to your inability to resolve a particular situation, or you are trying to find yourself and your purpose in life, having doubts about the path you are on. are now.


Your main priority is to maintain peace and harmony in your life, you may want to settle down and start a family.


You don't really care about other people's problems. In your head, you usually solve a wide variety of problems and think about different tasks. Perhaps you are a genius?

Circles and rings

Round shapes indicate the need for unity. "I feel alone in this world" - that's what these drawings say about you. If you are subconsciously drawing circles, it may mean that you need a friend or at least some attention, which in turn can lead to depression, so you need to pay attention to it. Special attention. Or it could be that you're just an introvert and don't need a lot of communication.

Psychologists are well aware that the easiest way to find out something about a person's personality, character or mood at the moment is to ask him to draw something. We can also use this psychological test and, under some pretext, conduct it with one of our acquaintances or a potential partner.

It is best to ask to draw a human figure. If a piece of paper is drawn a few little people then your partner feels insecure or wants to avoid unpleasant responsibilities. Perhaps he feels discomfort in communicating with you.

The man pictured schematically- “stick, stick, cucumber” - indicates that your counterpart is closed in himself and does not want to let anyone into his soul.

Suppose you are presented with something that looks like a real portrait. Pay attention to the details of the appearance of the drawn person. If a head and body turned full face, then your friend or acquaintance is open for communication. Head turned to profile, and the body full face He has communication problems.

Many people during lectures, meetings and even conversations tend to draw something on paper, if it is at hand, in a notebook, in the margins of notebooks or even books. They do this automatically, but meanwhile such "subconscious" drawings can tell a lot about. By the way, most often this is done by men, not women.

For example, if a man draws cars, then he is most likely obsessed with sex. But he thinks not so much about the pleasure of his partner, but about his own. Decide for yourself if you need such a life partner.

Man painting hearts, has sincerity and spontaneity. He is a romantic at heart, but he tries to hide it carefully. However, his "art" will certainly betray him. Not the worst option, right?

If a man draws trees he is honest, friendly and kind. He will behave towards you as he will never hide his feelings.

Flowers draw men with a romantic and sentimental nature, prone to playfulness. Such a person may sometimes hurt you with his jokes, but he is capable of fidelity and will never make you bored.

If a man portrays fantastic animals and plants he is a dreamer and dreamer. He may turn out to be a good person in general, but he is not easy to bring down from heaven to earth.

It happens that a man in your society persistently draws triangles. It speaks of his strength towards you. But such people have a critical mindset, and they are selfish. It is unlikely that this type will be able to love you wholeheartedly.

Sometimes a man leaves a kiss on paper picture: a house, smoke comes out of the chimney, trees grow around, there is a group of little men, and so on. Such a landscape testifies to the rich inner world of the author. He can turn out to be a very noble person and a wonderful lover, although he is not always easy to understand.

From broken lines and strange shapes they say that you have a complex, perhaps pathological nature in front of you. Either the man is currently experiencing depression or stress. You need to take a closer look at such a potential partner before trying to build a relationship with him.

Finally, drawing helps to look into the inner world of children. If something is bothering your child, then give him a sheet of paper and colored pencils and ask him to draw his family as he imagines it. You can ask to draw an abstract family.

Usually children draw themselves, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, pets (if any).

Pay attention to which colors child uses for drawing. He will most likely portray himself and his beloved family members in bright colors. But if one of the household members calls him negative emotions- for example, fear - they can be depicted in black or gray. In general, if the tones of the picture are bright and warm, then everything is probably fine in the family. If black and white or gray colors predominate, there are definitely problems.

Take a look also at sizes. Did the child portray himself as too small? He, perhaps, in the family does not consider him at all. If he painted himself too big, this indicates his selfishness: such a baby is used to the fact that the whole family “revolves” around him.

How located shapes in the picture? In the center of the sheet, the one whom the child considers the main one in the house is most often placed. On the edges and in the background are less authoritative personalities who do not have "the right to vote."

Are the characters on the sheet holding hands? This means that the family has good, warm, “correct” relations. Are there "hands at the seams"? Bad sign. Something is wrong!

See what eyes the depicted characters. If someone has very large eyes, this person is too restless - perhaps he constantly pulls the baby ... With eyes in the form of dots or slits, children usually supply those who are inclined to forbid something to them or are weak and helpless.

If the kid drew not only members of his own family, but also strangers, then he lacks parental warmth. Subconsciously, he is looking for a person who can satisfy his need for intimacy.

Often in the drawings there is sun. It is subconsciously perceived by children as a symbol of warmth and protection. Those people and objects that are in the picture between the child and the luminary prevent him from feeling confident and harmonious.

Advice for parents

Children's drawing -

the key to the child's inner world

All children, without exception, love to draw. Children draw what they see around them, what they love, what they dream about. Therefore, any children's drawing can be considered, as psychologists say, projective, that is, reflecting the inner world and experiences of the child.

The drawing that appears on a piece of paper, at the hand of a young creator, reflects his natural desire to express "himself" and his inner world in the outside world. Observe how much your drawing child is passionate about what he is doing. He puts his whole being into what he does. At this moment he is 100% focused on the process itself. His childish creative energy is directed to a sheet of paper. And he does not notice the imperfections that are obvious to us adults. We look at the child's drawing critically, but the child himself does not. He rejoices in the creation itself, he and the sheet of paper are one. The child is not yet separated from his creations, he lives by what he does. Try calling a child to the table at the moment when he is creating, and you will understand how a child differs from an adult. The child is playing a game, and he is all in this game. He is passionate, and it is not easy to snatch him because of some trifle (for example, dinner). At the same time, the child does not need perfect toys, or perfect paints, pencils. He creates with whatever he has at hand. Have you watched a child draw in the sand? You know that it is important for a child to draw, and at the same time wallpaper in your bedroom will do! He creates! He expresses his creativity, and it does not matter to him at a certain stage who will appreciate his work! Then, if there are many critics of his work, he will close, he will develop a thousand complexes with which he will go into adulthood. But before adult critics have time to implant in his pure consciousness “how right” and “how wrong”, he, while creating, flies on the wings of joyful pleasure by the process itself. And it is very important for adults not to interfere with the child. It is important to help him open up even more, to express himself even more emotionally on a piece of paper. Because if a child masters in childhood, the taste of creativity and concentration on what he does, the taste for concentration, then in adulthood he will soar on the wings of the very process of creating his life. The child creates his own world on paper and through games. An adult creates his world through adult games and "adult" drawings on the canvas of reality with his thoughts and emotions.

Help your child grow! How? Do not interfere with him to create his own world. His inner guidance system tells him how to live. Your task, as an adult, is to help him open up, like a bud opens into a flower. Inside the bud there is already the flower itself, only the bud has not yet revealed the potential of the beauty of the flower. So is your child, he, like a bud, contains the entire potential of a Human with a capital letter. And, if he is not interfered with by his adult "limitations" and fears, he will reach the highest potential in his life. Drawing helps him master such processes as focusing and concentrating on the reality of life, which is so lacking for an adult.

Very often, parents criticize the quality of a child's drawing: “it doesn't look like it”, “crooked”, “it doesn't happen like that” - instead of thinking about the invaluable information that any children's drawing carries. The fact is that children do not have the ability to express complex emotions in words. If the baby is afraid of something, he says: “I'm scared,” and if he feels bitterness from injustice, guilt, a feeling of uselessness, and similar emotions, he just cries. And you even stand on your ears, but you won’t get a word from him about this. But if you give a sheet of paper and ask you to draw something, then, quite possibly, you will get an answer to the question.

So, your child has drawn a picture. Focus on the story. Children draw what excites them. If a child draws the characters of his favorite books or films - great. This is his first preference, attachment. Such children are easily carried away, and this can be used in teaching.

If there are a lot of animals in the drawings, this may indicate sensitivity and vulnerability. Children often identify with animals. By the mood of the animal in the picture, one can judge the mental comfort of the baby.

Boys draw technique. And that's completely normal. Drawings of battles may indicate that the child is throwing out his natural male aggression. But the scenes of murders, violence and disasters are more likely to tell about the fears of the child. If the plot is repeated quite often, then the fear can be persistent and you need to consult a psychologist. If episodic, after watching an action movie or a crime story from the news, this is a completely natural manifestation of anxiety.

Pay attention to colors. A mentally healthy child uses a bright range and for its intended purpose: the sun is yellow, the sky is blue, the grass is green. If red prevails, we can say that the child is very active, perhaps even aggressive. Blue - sadness, perhaps the child misses someone close. But the black color and shading, tearing paper, can talk about fear, isolation, depression. If most of the drawings are painted in black, be sure to consult a specialist.

Children's drawing in its development goes through several specific general stages. It is characteristic that children brought up in conditions of different cultures, in their drawings, necessarily go through the stages of “scribing”, “cephalopods”, etc. The drawings of children of different nations, but of the same age, amaze with an amazing similarity.

In this regard, a number of questions arise. First, why and why do children draw? Secondly, why does art flourish at a certain stage, and then interest in drawing (also at a certain age) suddenly fades away? Thirdly, what is the reason for the existence of this time-limited period of children's drawing and the presence of successive stages within it?

According to some experts, visual activity has a special biological meaning. Childhood is a period of intensive development of physiological and mental functions. At the same time, drawing plays the role of one of the mechanisms for implementing the program for improving the body and psyche.