Fat burning workouts at home. Fat burning workouts at home: lose weight with pleasure

How to exercise at home: helpful tips

The optimal training formula: cardio loading and strength exercises. Cardio load trains the respiratory and cardiovascular system, and strength training gives the muscles relief and elasticity.

To burn subcutaneous fat deposits, it is enough to adjust the diet to destroy internal fat diets are not enough. The complex of classes is compiled individually, taking into account many factors: health status, age, body composition and preferences. However, for exercise to be beneficial, the following must be considered:

  • For maximum efficient combustion fat is better to do in the morning. After sleep, there is no glycogen in the body, so energy reserves from the “depot” will begin to be used faster. Also, visceral fat is released faster after strength training.
  • Fat burning processes occur most intensively after 30 minutes of continuous physical education.
  • The complex is recommended to be compiled in this way: 2 days of strength exercises and 3 days of cardio loads - the alternation of activities is much more effective than mono-sessions.
  • 2 hours before class, do not eat, observe the drinking regimen (water, green tea, unsweetened fruit drink activate metabolism). If you want to additionally take fat burning products, consult your doctor: he will help you choose the type and dosage.
  • Keep track of your heart rate, so you will understand how effective your exercises are. The average load varies between 120 and 150 beats per minute. If the pulse is not fast, then the training is not effective, and if it goes off scale, you can harm your body.
  • You don’t need to buy a lot of sports equipment for the house, it often just gathers dust in the closet. A beginner's set is dumbbells, a bodybar (gymnastic stick) and a soft mat. Optionally, you can purchase a hoop, fitball or step platform and diversify the exercises.
  • Interval training (alternating fast and slow exercises) is always more effective than a monotonous rhythm.
  • Even at home, practice in special clothes and shoes - you will form a suitable mood and be able to observe changes in the figure.
  • Set yourself a goal: a beautiful relief or the desire to lose weight by size is a great motivator.
  • Keep a workout calendar at home, write down your achievements. You can also start a food diary, because only the tandem of food + sports gives the best result.
  • Find yourself a partner: in the end, muscle relief and a thin waist are the dream of many girls, and working out together will not be so boring. Such is the club of interests.

Best Exercises and Daily Workout Program

Recently, the crossfit complex has gained popularity - it appeared at the beginning of the 21st century and includes exercises for all muscle groups. CrossFit is a complex program, but it develops speed, endurance, coordination and respiratory system. After a couple of weeks, you will notice that the muscles acquire a pleasant looking relief and elasticity.

A feature of CrossFit training is its intensity. The lesson lasts 30-35 minutes without rest, sometimes interval variation of exercises is involved. Jerks, rowing, deadlift, squats, bench press, lunges - all this is included in the training program. It is interesting, but in professional crossfit halls you will not find the usual simulators, this is a warehouse of all kinds of dumbbells, horizontal bars, balls, weights, vultures with pancakes. The crossfit program begins with a warm-up (muscles must be warmed up), after which large muscles are worked out (lunges, squats, bench press). Then you can move on to small groups - exercises with dumbbells. The workout ends with exercises for pumping the press or cardio.

The most popular cardio exercises are jumping rope, swimming, cycling, walking, running, moving dance, rowing, skiing, ice skating, etc.

Indicative training program at home:

CrossFit is, of course, wonderful, but it is accessible to physically prepared people. It is better for beginners to limit themselves to traditional complexes:

  • Warm-up 10 minutes (you warm up the muscles and prepare the body for the load).
  • Lunges with dumbbells (10 for each leg). First we do lunges forward, then we rest for a minute and lunges to the side.
  • Kick series. Get into a boxing stance with your legs slightly bent. Swing your arms forward and sideways in turn, repeat the same movements with your legs (20 times from a series for each leg).
  • Reverse push-ups. You will need a chair. Lean on it with your hands, stretch your legs forward and bend your arms. At least 2 sets of 10 reps.
  • Squats (first regular, then with dumbbells or a pancake) - 15 times, 2 sets.
  • We lay down on the mat. We do push-ups (15 times).
  • Press pumping. 20 times twisting, 20 times we lower and raise straightened legs (you can put your hands under the buttocks).
  • We complete the complex with a cardio load (jumps in place, easy running).

A set of exercises for each type of figure

There are three main body types: mesomorph, ectomorph and endomorph.

Mesomorphs and ectomorphs can be called lucky: it is difficult for them to gain excess weight and it is easier to get a relief of the press. For the endomorph, burning fat is a priority. This body type is distinguished by rounded shapes: with a short stature, the girl has a wide rib cage, and fat reserves are perfectly placed in the waist, hips and buttocks. By the way, 50% of women have exactly the body structure of the type of endomorph.

Endomorph training should be intense and frequent, prioritizing an interval program with a high number of repetitions and minimal rest. Interval training lasts up to 1.5 hours. Classes with large weights and a small number of approaches are not suitable for an endomorph: they develop strength, give relief, but do not reduce adipose tissue.

As a cardio load for an endomorph, it is recommended: running, rowing, swimming, jumping rope and brisk walking. The interval program is gradually becoming more complicated: the types of activities change, the load on different muscle groups is given. Only with a reasonable load, we burn the accumulated energy, and not muscle mass.

To activate metabolism and fat burning was more successful, you need to adjust the diet. 50% of the menu should be proteins, 35% carbohydrates and 15% fats. The best friends of the endomorph are foods that activate the burning of fat reserves: spices, herbs, fruits, vegetables, green tea, mineral water without gas.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Anyone who wants to give physical activity to the body can perform simple fat-burning exercises at home (lunges, push-ups and squats). An integrated approach with the implementation of cardio training and strength training will make the figure slim, help get rid of extra pounds. It is worth finding out which exercises are suitable for home performance, how to do them correctly for men and women.

Fat Burning Exercises

Fat burning workout at home requires a serious approach, which is best done according to the following rules:

  • exercise for at least half an hour, up to a maximum of 60 minutes - fat begins to be burned only after 20 minutes of medium or high load;
  • monitor the pulse - according to the conditions for beginners, it should be about 100 beats per minute, for pros - 120-130;
  • it is better to train in the morning on an empty stomach, when all glycogen stores are used up in the body, and fat will be burned, not muscles;
  • at the same time, it is necessary to revise the diet - eat more natural plant foods, limit the consumption of sausages and sweets, fried, smoked;
  • combine power and aerobic loads, eat rationally, lead healthy lifestyle life.

The following home fat-burning exercises can be done every other day or include some elements of a medium-intensity daily exercise to work out the main muscle groups of the thigh, buttocks, abdomen and arms:

  • squats with slopes on the sides and simple;
  • burpee;
  • high lunges;
  • "scissors";
  • bridge;
  • push-ups with chest touching the floor;
  • intense running in place with a high knee lift condition;
  • jumping rope.

Jumping Jack

The Jumping Jack exercise has an excellent fat burning effect. Stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulders, lower your hands down. Take a jump - spread your legs to the sides and clap your hands above your head. Return to starting position. A simple and straightforward activity, but great for burning calories, suitable for everyone at home, except for those who have problems with their knees and joints.

Jump out lunge

The second popular exercise for the fat burning process is the jump lunge. Thanks to him, the muscles of the thighs, buttocks are tightened, excess fat is removed. Starting position - stand up straight, take a deep step forward, sit down and immediately jump up, straightening your knee. Without a break, change legs, repeat. Keep jumping until you get a little tired.

Fitball exercises

Workout at home for burning fat may include special elements. A popular equipment is a fitball - a big ball. It is useful to do exercises with it:

  • put your elbows on the ball, put your feet back, keeping your back straight, roll the fitball with your hands, pull it with a press;
  • squeeze the ball with your feet, lowering yourself onto your back, lift it with your legs, take it with your hands;
  • sit sideways, lean on a fitball, put your hands back, lift your body, working out an oblique press;
  • sit on the ball, spread your legs wide, roll on the fitball with your back, rise;
  • put the ball at the back, sit down on the edge, stretch your leg forward, rise;
  • press the fitball to the floor with your back, fix your legs, lift the dumbbells.

Side transitions

Perfectly works out the whole body exercise lateral transitions. It is considered effective as a fat burner, suitable for home use. Starting position - stand up straight, turn around with your body, put your hands on your waist. Move around the room or stadium for 10-15 minutes by jumping sideways in one direction, then change to the other. In addition to losing weight, the exercise will bring the development of coordination.

Strength exercises

At home, strength exercises for burning fat for women are no less effective. They are carried out with their own weight or additional tools - dumbbells, kettlebells, expander. Due to active muscle contraction, volumes decrease, fat is burned. You can start strength training after being examined by doctors, because they have many contraindications.

If overweight is large, do strength training in combination with cardio - run a little, jump rope, start the elements, finish with a hitch. A circular approach will help you achieve results in a short time- Repeat the exercises without a break for 15 times, take a short rest and start again. Perform the following complex every two days, starting with a warm-up:

  • steps to the side in a squat;
  • dumbbell row, standing on one knee;
  • lunges forward, turning to the sides;
  • plank on the rug;
  • lifting the hip from the bar, steps with the hands from it;
  • squats with dumbbells.

For abdomen and sides

An effective fat-burning workout at home includes the following exercises for the abdomen and sides, which help to remove wrinkles and flabbiness:

  • twisting on the press;
  • lifting legs from a supine position;
  • scissors;
  • "bike";
  • lifting the pelvis from a supine position;
  • slopes on the sides;
  • lifting the body from a supine position, placing the left heel on the opposite knee;
  • raising arms, lying on the floor, bending your knees;
  • lowering the knees to the sides from a prone position to work out the oblique abdominal muscles.

leg workout

The best fat burning exercises at home work out the muscles of the legs, thighs, buttocks of girls, make the figure slim. For a pronounced effect, repeat the fitness complex twice a week, performing each element 10-12 times and 3-4 sets:

  • squats with and without weight;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • deep plie squats with dumbbells, holding the body to the maximum deep point a couple of seconds;
  • gluteal bridge - pushing the pelvis up, keeping the legs on a hill, lying with your back on the floor;
  • climbers - in the plank position, alternately pull your knees to your chest, keeping your buttocks in tension.

Burning arm fat

Among fat-burning exercises at home, women are popular with elements aimed at working out their hands. They should be done at the very end of a workout, after cardio and before a hitch. Include the following exercises in your homework, which have proven their effectiveness according to numerous reviews:

  • swings, arm rotations overhead, working out shoulder joints, brushes, lifts, breeding to the sides - this will be a warm-up start for the main workout;
  • push-ups from the floor on straight arms or knees for beginners;
  • it is useful to wring out from the bench to work out the triceps;
  • stand up straight, take the lock out of your hands behind your back, bend at the waist as you inhale, raise your hands up as you exhale;
  • a similar exercise, only clasp your hands in front of you;
  • plank, straighten your arms from it in turn, return to the place, lift the limbs up, rotate with the brushes;
  • squats with straight arms in front of you;
  • lifting the gymnastic ball in front of you, behind your back;
  • body tilts to the sides with a swing of the opposite hand from dumbbells in the direction of the slope.

Video: fat-burning set of exercises

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For people who set themselves the main goal of achieving a quick effect in losing weight, an excellent option would be fat burning workout at home. But many often have questions such as: "How to quickly and efficiently achieve excellent results?".

Undoubtedly, for those who come to the gym for the first time, or start their workouts at home, it is very difficult to decide what and how to do in order to achieve effective fat burning. But, the whole "zest" is that, in fact, the processes for activating fat burning are nothing supernatural and unusually complex. Moreover, fat burning processes are quite natural for human body, despite the fact that the amount of energy coming out of the food consumed will be less than the amount of energy consumed throughout the day in the processes of human physical activity. Among other things, before you start doing fat-burning exercises at home, you must first familiarize yourself with all the types of loads that help achieve your goals.

The human body always needs a constant source of energy to regularly perform certain processes that are responsible for the life of the whole organism, for example, to maintain the body's thermoregulation, or support breathing. All the energy coming out of the food eaten is reflected in calories.

Please note: In the body of each person there is an individual threshold for the required amount of energy, which is directly affected by age period, body weight, gender and level of physical activity.

Men need to consume a little more high-calorie food than the female half of humanity, which is in the same age category, with the same weight and height. This is due to the fact that the male body has a large muscle mass, the maintenance of which requires eight times more calories than the content of fatty tissues. The human body is designed so that all the fat, protein and carbohydrates that enter it are broken down into the necessary energy. The best resource for obtaining a vital "fuel" is carbohydrates, then fat, but if the body lacks either one or the other, then to obtain the required amount of energy, the body begins to destroy its own muscle tissue.

What success depends on

During exercise, fats are not always split symmetrically. Some exercises burn fat in large percentages, relative to the total amount of energy expended, but their quantitative ratio will be much less than when performing others. And yet, no matter what type of exercise is chosen, the main goal of a losing weight person should be to maximize the level of energy expenditure during training.

Experts say:

  • If the weight loss program is low intensity, then fat is consumed as an energy reserve;
  • When jogging is included in the fat burning program, the same amount of fat and carbohydrates will be consumed at 50%.
  • If the training takes place at a fast intensity, then there is a breakdown of glycogens in a predominant way.

During runs, the overall level of energy expended increases several times.

Fat burning moderate intensity

If this fat burning program will be performed for the first time, or after a long break, then you need to focus on doing exercises, the heart rate at which will be equal to 60-70% of the maximum possible, which is more similar to walking. In this case, fat burning will be greater than carbohydrates, but calories will be reduced in a smaller form than with increased training intensity.

Action Tip: This moderately intense workout will help you recover and get in shape fairly quickly, improving your cardio endurance and muscle endurance, which is essential for more challenging exercises.

Before moving on to a more intense level of training, you should regularly increase the duration of the initial workout by 60 seconds during the first few weeks.

Of the whole range of exercises, the most recommended are:

  • swimming;
  • Riding bicycles or exercise bikes;
  • Walking at a moderate pace.

Other types of exercises can also be used, which can be performed for at least 80 minutes a day, 5 times every 7 days.

Fat burning exercises of medium intensity

By increasing the heart rate during training to 80% of the maximum possible, the level of fat burning will be much increased, as well as the number of calories. This pace of training is characterized by the presence of rapid breathing, but during the training, the ability to maintain the dialogue of the interlocutor should be maintained. For this type of weight loss program, the same exercises can be used as for a moderate level of burning excess calories, but here they can be varied:

  • Shaping;
  • Step anaerobic sessions.

It is necessary to start the exercises with a light warm-up, the duration of which should not exceed 3-4 minutes. After that, it is necessary to slowly increase the physical load, until the pulsation increases to the working level. At the end of the workout, you need to first reduce the intensity at the same slow pace, then move on to a hitch and subsequent stretching. During such a workout, it is recommended to consume fluids as much as possible.

Increased intensity of classes

High-intensity training can only be carried out with developed muscle mass and excellent cardiac endurance. And without even taking into account the fact that during the performance of such exercises up to 85% of calories will be wasted in the form of glycogen, the total amount of fat will be higher than during a moderate workout.

Important! Before starting exercises with a high degree of intensity, you need to find out the opinion of experts on this matter.

People who are actively involved in sports use this type of anaerobic exercise to correct and improve athletic performance and results by alternating the fastest pace for 2 minutes with an alternating 2-3 minute interval for recovery. This training technique is called interval training.

The most effective exercises to eliminate fat

The surest and most rational method that helps to achieve excellent results in burning excess fat is the right combination of a balanced diet and physical activity, among which are:

  • Strength training that allows you to convert body fat into muscle mass. And also strength training can speed up fat metabolism.
  • Riding a bike, or a simulator, included in the best set of fat-burning exercises for the legs. Before starting training on bicycles, it is recommended not to eat for 2-3 hours, which will increase fat burning by 200%.
  • Interval program, which consists in regularly changing the stages of the maximum load with intervals for recovery. One of the clearest examples is a fast run, followed by a leisurely pace of walking. Such a specific approach will help increase the level of endurance and break down as many calories in half an hour as would be wasted in a 60-minute regular workout.
  • Circuit training for burning fat.

Circular training consists in a certain selection of 8-10 exercises for their instant execution in a circle, which is repeated several times. The main task of losing weight is to support the constant movement of the body with an increased rhythm of the heartbeat, while exercises to build muscle mass are performed.

Rules for burning body fat

  • Rule number 1. Training at a high pace, which allows you to spend more fat in the shortest period of time than with moderate exercise.
  • Rule number 2. Careful selection of exercises.
  • Rule number 3. Developing the muscle strength and endurance needed to increase calorie expenditure.
  • Rule number 4. Maintaining the pace of the workout.
  • Rule number 5. The increase in load should be gradual.

Having learned the features various kinds workouts to burn excess fat in the body, you can start exercising at home, in a fitness club, or gym. The main thing is that the desire should be swift, then the result will be obviously fast.

Fat burning workouts at home

If there is a desire to lose weight and bring your body into a beautiful physical shape, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, it is not necessary to go to the gym. Many argue the lack of sports in their lives by the high price of fitness clubs and workouts. But you can do it effectively at home, achieving results that are in no way inferior to achievements in gyms. Special fat burning exercises at home help to improve the physical shape of the body.

Necessary conditions for fat reduction

To reduce the amount of fat in the body, you need to adjust your lifestyle. It is important to follow the following recommendations as much as possible:

  • make physical activity a mandatory part of life. Training 2-3 times a week will significantly improve the physical shape of the body;
  • learn to count the balance of calories. The drying effect can only be achieved with a balanced diet;
  • increase the amount of water you drink per day to two liters;
  • Go to proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition is the basis for the success of any training: at home or in the gym. Failure to follow the basic rules of a moderate diet negatively affects the result of even the most intense workouts. During weight loss, 70% of the result is an established diet, and only 30% is physical activity. But this does not mean that you can only eat right and avoid sports. It is necessary to harmoniously combine in life both physical activity and the rules of proper nutrition, which help to achieve a slender and beautiful body. At home, it is possible to create favorable conditions to dry the body. The basics of a healthy diet include:

  • you need to exclude fatty and fried foods, fast food, fast-digesting carbohydrates (cereals fast food, sweets, chocolate);
  • calculate daily intake and calorie consumption;
  • You need to eat at the same time 4-5 times a day. It is better to organize a full meal than to have a snack with a small chocolate bar;
  • increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • try to maintain a balanced ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

So that proper nutrition brings even more benefits for internal health and external physical form body, reducing the amount of fat, it is necessary to connect moderate physical exercises. Then the burning of calories will be faster. You can organize fat-burning workouts at home by familiarizing yourself with the basic rules for their implementation, compiling a program or choosing a video complex.

Home workouts: basic rules

Home workouts are available to everyone. And thanks to the huge number of training videos on the Internet, you can practice at home under the guidance of experienced trainers and instructors. In order for training at home to bring benefits and joy, and also not to tire, you must follow these rules:

  • make a schedule for training, highlighting for them 2-3 times a week for an hour. This will ensure the gradual burning of excess weight. It is advisable to hang the schedule in a visible place so that it motivates and disciplines;
  • decide on a training program. You can make a program yourself by writing all the muscle groups by day. Fat will be burned only about the moderate impact of physical activity on the whole body. You can use the Internet and choose a video complex;
  • fat burning training should last more than 40 minutes, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. Burning calories and drying the body begins only at 25-30 minutes of intense training.

For the success of classes, it is necessary to observe a variety in exercises, periodically change them and supplement them with new ones. This may require additional equipment.

Additional equipment needed for training

For training at home, you can use your own weight with little preparation. But later, when the body gets used to the loads, there will be a need to use additional devices for better calorie burning. For training you may need:

  • dumbbells different weight for pumping arms, chest, back and lunges;
  • leg weights;
  • step platform for those who want to diversify their step aerobics classes;
  • a hula hoop for the waist is an excellent tool for combating fat on the sides;
  • bodybar for squats and leg exercises.

The use of additional devices in training increases the speed of drying the body, accelerates the process of burning fat.

Everyone chooses sports equipment according to their wishes and physical capabilities.

Important! You don't have to buy all the fitness equipment at once. First you need to get used to the pace of physical activity, get involved in the regimen. It is not uncommon for people to buy sports equipment and then never use it.

Some things are mandatory for training at home. To exercise at home you will need:

  • fitness mat;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • sportswear for classes.

On the web you can find a large number of fat burning video workouts for all muscle groups. But there are some exercises that are repeated from complex to complex. They must be included in every workout.

A set of fat burning exercises

Before starting classes, it is necessary to warm up for all muscle groups. These can be such exercises:

  • jumping rope (10 min);
  • running on the spot (10 min);
  • stretching;
  • standard gymnastic exercises.

At the end of a workout, they often forget about its important component - a hitch. It soothes the muscles, allows you to relieve the soreness.

Effective fat burning exercises are the ones that get you moving. Strength training allows you to increase muscle mass, but if the main goal of training is losing weight, they will not be enough. You need to diversify your workouts with moving cardio exercises. You can use the following exercises:

  • diagonal twists in the bar work out the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. The plank is a unique exercise that strikes all the muscles of the body. Twisting technique: in the plank position, it is necessary to stretch the right knee to the left elbow, the left to the right. Perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions;
  • jump squats tighten the inner surface of the thigh, the gluteal muscle. They are performed like regular squats, but during the ascent, a jump is made. This exercise burns more calories than standard squats;
  • lunges - effective exercise for the legs and back of the thigh. For greater efficiency, you can use weights or dumbbells;
  • exercise "bicycle" helps to tighten the abdominal muscles, pumps the inner surface of the thigh and buttocks. Technique: lie on a flat surface, press your back firmly to the floor, make movements with your legs that imitate cycling, keeping them at an angle of no more than 75%. Perform the exercise in intervals for 1 minute in 4 sets.

The more mobile the exercises, the greater the fat-burning effect of them. In training, jumps, lunges, running in place, bending over, lying leg raises must be present.

How to increase the effectiveness of training

The effectiveness of training depends on the systematic and adherence to the technique of performing all exercises. Additional fat-burning supplements (for example, L-carnitine), counting calories in the diet will help achieve the desired effect. Their optimal rate for weight loss is 1600-1800. The main rule when counting calories is to spend more than you consume.

Drying the body also contributes to effective fat burning - a set of measures aimed at reducing the percentage of fat in the body. But it is not suitable for everyone: drying is needed primarily by athletes to increase muscle relief. This is not a type of weight loss, not a diet and not a way of life, but temporary measures to achieve a specific goal. Drying should be carried out after consultation with a qualified trainer.

Important! For those who have been playing sports for a long time and have high endurance and good performance, drying the body is needed to draw muscle relief and minimize the percentage of fat. With little experience in sports, drying the body is not an option!

How to stay motivated and willing to work

When all fitness equipment is purchased, a video for classes, time and days are chosen, it very often happens that the desire to exercise fades. Burning fat is a long process, and many, without noticing the result, give up after a few workouts. But only perseverance and patience will help to achieve results. Here are some tips to keep you motivated:

  • add variety to your workouts. The same exercises tire both physiologically and mentally. The body needs variety;
  • practice in special clothes and shoes. The form creates an appropriate psychological mood. For girls, a good motivator is the purchase of beautiful sports T-shirts or leggings;
  • set yourself a goal. This may be losing weight to a certain point in weight, the desire to look beautiful in jeans two sizes smaller, or to become like your idol. You need to visualize your goal: hang a poster or a bright motivating inscription in the place of training;
  • find a partner. Working with someone is always more effective. A partner helps not to give up, and mutual support always helps out;
  • keep a calendar of results and workouts. Even the smallest result inspires. It is necessary to write down all your achievements and indicators, to fix the dynamics. You can also record your calorie intake and keep a food diary.

In order to notice the effect of fat burning training, you need to work hard for many weeks.

And here is a vivid example of how you worked on yourself

Fat-burning exercises have the property of accelerating metabolism, so it makes it possible to get results faster, unlike strength exercises. The essence of such metabolic exercises is that the burning of excess fat occurs due to the saturation of the body with oxygen, an increase in heart rate and body temperature. Therefore, the breakdown of fats occurs. Fat burning workouts take place at the fastest pace with little to no rest. It is important to train indoors with enough fresh air.

How to burn fat correctly?

Let's look at a few ways to help you lose weight faster. The choice of time for training does not really matter if you train correctly and correctly build exercises. But a great time to instantly burn extra pounds is in the morning. Running or interval complex at this time, performed on an empty stomach, will take energy from subcutaneous fat, and not from the foods eaten for breakfast.

The rest of the day, it is advisable to train one to two hours after eating. But after training for forty minutes, you need to take a small portion of protein and carbohydrate. You don't have to go hungry to lose weight. Everything eaten during this period of time will go to muscle recovery, but not to excess fat.

Fat burning home workout

A set of exercises for weight loss is also available to perform at home. It is not necessary to use special equipment, your own weight will be enough. Workouts should last at least 45 - 50 minutes. Fat burning will begin only twenty minutes after the start of the workout, so it is not advisable to train for only 15 minutes. An important condition for losing weight is the pulse zone. Comfortable for of cardio-vascular system and effective for fat burning is the zone of 120 - 160 beats per minute.

Superset for all muscle groups

The superset is performed non-stop, with a smooth transition from one exercise to another. The number of circles is performed depending on what kind of load you want to get. This complex is desirable to repeat at least five circles. After performing, do a light stretch of all muscles.

Jump squats

This type of squat involves all the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, while jumping in place is added, which increases the heart rate for fat burning. It is undesirable to exercise every day. Unprepared athletes need to restore muscles. This may take 4 - 5 days.

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart;
  2. Inhale: lower the pelvis, thigh parallel to the floor, as if sitting on a chair;
  3. Exhale: jump out from the bottom point, lifting your socks off the floor;
  4. We repeat the squat on the breath. We perform 20 - 30 times.


This type of exercise is very effective for weight loss, because it is performed at the fastest pace and involves absolutely all muscle groups. Depending on the level of training, you can perform from 20 to 40 times.

  1. From a standing position, on a breath, we squat down, put our palms on the floor;
  2. Pushing off with our feet, with an exhalation we jump into the bar on straight arms;
  3. Inhale: jump back to the palms;
  4. Jump up on the exhale and return to the starting position.


This exercise trains the upper shoulder girdle well. You can perform such exercises after 2-3 days, as small muscles recover quickly. Push-ups form correct posture, most importantly, keep the press in tension, preventing sagging of the lower back. Perform 10 - 15 repetitions. Consider the option with a wide setting of the palms.

  1. From the plank position, palms wider than shoulders, feet the width of the pelvis;
  2. Inhale: lower the chest to the level of the elbows. Elbows look to the sides;
  3. Exhale: push up and return to the starting position.

Effective exercises for the abdominal muscles

You can train the abdominal muscles quite often. Three to four workouts a week is enough. The complex will help burn extra centimeters around the waist. These exercises can end any workout. As far as possible, the complex is performed one circle without rest. Then it repeats three more times.

Warm-up. Exercise "Hundred"

Exercise is fat burning, but at the same time breathing. Improves blood circulation and prepares the body for other exercises.

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. Lower leg in weight parallel to the floor. Hands along the body;
  2. We tear off the shoulder blades from the floor and hold the position due to the abdominal muscles. Chin over collarbones. Hands in front of you, palms down;
  3. We perform five gradual short breaths, with clapping of the palms in the air, as if on water;
  4. Also five short exhalations without lowering the shoulder blades to the floor;
  5. Run ten more such cycles without a pause.

Stretching the legs alternately

The exercise is the beginning of the complex. It trains the deep abdominal muscles and also stretches the back and legs.

  1. Lying on the back, the right knee is pulled up to the chest, the palms hold the knee. The second leg is straight, hold above the floor, at an angle of 30 degrees. The shoulder blades are torn off the floor;
  2. Inhale - pause. With an exhalation, we change legs, pulling the opposite knee;
  3. We repeat the change of legs 20-30 times.

Stretching the legs at the same time

Strengthens the abdominal muscles, stretches the arms and legs.

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, shoulder blades off the floor, legs together above the floor at an angle of 30 degrees. Hands are straightened behind the head, reaching back;
  2. Holding a stable position, while exhaling, we pull both knees to the chest, touching the shins with the palms;
  3. Inhale: return to starting position. We repeat the exercise 20-30 times.

Straight leg raises

Trains the abdominal muscles. Especially works on the lower part of the press.

  1. Lying on your back, palms behind your head, shoulder blades off the floor, legs straight at the top. Feet above the pelvis;
  2. Inhale: lower the legs to an angle of 45 degrees, without lifting the lower back from the floor;
  3. Exhale: raise the legs due to the press to the starting position. We repeat 20 - 30 times.


Strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles, shapes the waist.

  1. Lying on your back, palms behind your head, legs straight at an angle of 45 degrees;
  2. The shoulder blades are constantly on weight. Exhale: the elbow of one hand reaches for the opposite knee;
  3. Inhale: return to the center;
  4. Exhale: twist to the other side. Only 30 repetitions.

Interval training for weight loss

Very simple and effective complex. It is performed without rest, as quickly as possible. It is important to monitor the pulse. Performing this complex every other day, you can quickly reduce weight.

High jumps

Performed using a special pedestal or bench.

  1. Exhale: standing in front of the bench, jump with both feet;
  2. Inhale: slowly return to the floor. Perform 20 to 40 jumps.

jumping rope

Jumping helps speed up fat burning by increasing the heart rate. We perform one minute, immediately proceed to the next exercise.

Body lifts

Exercise trains the abdominal muscles, bringing them into tone. We perform at a fast pace, follow the breath. At the same time, we lower ourselves smoothly, without falling on our backs. Press exercises are performed every other day.

  1. Lying on your back, feet connected to each other, knees apart;
  2. Exhale: raise the body due to the abdominal muscles, hands touch the feet from behind the head;
  3. Inhale: slowly lower.

Repeat jumping rope for one minute. Without rest, we immediately proceed to the first exercise of the complex. We perform at least ten circles.

We bring to your attention a short video lesson with simple but very effective fat burning exercises:

Do not forget, during training you need to drink plenty of water, the liquid also improves metabolism. If you can train only at a later time, try not to have dinner after them, then the burning process that has started will continue at night. Follow the technique of performing exercises and breathing, then training will only benefit.

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