Corset for back posture. Features of the choice and use of a corset for the correct posture of the back Corset for posture alignment

Hello dear readers. Today we have a rather serious topic. Correct posture is the position of a person in a relaxed position, in which there are no clamps and tensions. Unfortunately, our way of life is not always conducive to this. A large number of all kinds of disorders in our days associated with the spine are not uncommon.

In these cases, a variety of posture correctors can help. However, it should be remembered that diseases in this area are of a different nature, and, accordingly, the “posture holder”, in each individual case, a different one will be needed.

How to choose the right corset for posture? This question is far from idle. That is what we will talk about in this article.

Types of posture correctors

Modern manufacturers offer a large number of models of corsets for posture correction. They differ in appearance, tactile sensations, design. However, all of them features can be divided into three groups:

  • elastic;
  • magnetic;
  • electronic.

Each of these has its pros and cons. Which one is best for you is up to you and your doctor to decide.

Let's get to know them in more detail:

  1. The easiest to use, is considered to be an elastic corset. Essentially, it is a set of several elastic stretchable straps that run over the shoulders in front and intersect at the back. In some models, an insert at the level of the shoulder blades is presented, while others can boast of a one-piece back. The principle of operation of these correctors is quite simple and is based on an increase in the tension of the straps when trying to slouch.
  2. The action of magnetic correctors is based on the creation of a field around the spine and the bone frame that creates posture. During movement, the magnets stimulate blood flow, saturating the muscles with oxygen. Due to this, they are able to firmly hold the correct position.
  3. The smallest type of postural reclinators is an electronic corset. This mini-device can be called a corset only conditionally. Rather, it is a signaling device for incorrect body position.
    Types of spinal corsets

The spinal corset is designed to hold the back in a rigid position, it consists of:

  • elastic straps;
  • hard base;
  • external pads to soften the effect on the surface of the skin.

Depending on the disease and the degree of its neglect, vertebral corsets are divided into:

  • semi-rigid bandages that have a preventive and slight corrective effect;
  • rigid corsets designed to directly correct posture.

Orthoreclinators also have their own classification:

  1. Soft corsets for the spine made of elastic materials. They consist solely of elastic stretchable straps. Such correctors are convenient and help to correct minor defects. Often they are used to prevent manifestations of scoliosis. They allow you to unload the thoracolumbar spine, helping it to straighten.
  2. Lumbar bandages do not contain rigid elements and are used to fix the lower back in case of injuries or for warming.
  3. Rigid corsets are used in the presence of severe posture deformities. As a rule, they have two or more stiffening plates, since they are designed to evenly distribute the lateral load.

Indications for wearing a corset

Regular wearing of a corset can correct posture, but cannot eliminate pathologies, so wearing a corrector is prescribed in the following cases:

  • fixing the correct position in the postoperative period;
  • poor posture due to scoliosis;
  • prophylactic wear during age-related changes spinal column.

What to consider when buying a corset

Since the purpose of wearing a corset is to gently correct posture disorders, it will have to be worn for a long time, which means that it should be comfortable and not cause discomfort:

  1. When choosing the size of the corset, use a centimeter tape. The size of the product must match the girth under the bust. Please note that you need to measure yourself at the moment of inhalation, since the corset should not restrict breathing.
  2. Pay special attention to the material from which the supporting device is made. It should: stretch well, not cut into the skin, and its inside should consist of a natural component.
  3. Check that rigid elements are securely surrounded by fabric support. This is important to avoid further deformation of the corset and damage to the skin.

Try all the fixation and adjustment parts of the corset for serviceability.

How to wear a corset

In order for the orthopedic recliner to bring maximum benefit, it should not be worn all the time. Read the instructions carefully to know exactly how to wear orthocorsets.

There are several basic rules for wearing a posture corrector:

  • wearing a corset should be episodic, it should be worn with serious physical exertion or severe pain;
  • it is contraindicated to stay in the reclinator during sleep;
  • the size of the corset must strictly correspond to your parameters;
  • optimum time using the posture "holder", experts call a period of about six hours;
  • during the time without using the orto, one should try to keep the spine in the correct position with the help of the muscles;
  • in addition to wearing a reclinator, experts recommend performing special ones to restore the natural muscle frame.

Summing up, I hope that our article helped you find out what corsets are, and most importantly, how to choose them correctly. Before buying, be sure to consult a specialist.

Numerous reviews of doctors talk about the significant benefits of wearing posture correctors. You just have to find out the correct diagnosis and purchase the appropriate reclinator.

All products are widely used in orthopedic practice, they are most often used in complex therapy diseases of the spine, as well as for preventive purposes. The most popular orthoses today are various posture correctors that relieve stoop and help align the back. The recliner effectively copes with this task. thoracic spine and thoracolumbar corset for posture straightening.

Types of reclinators and their use

The design of these orthoses is very simple: they are made in the shape of a "figure eight", the loops of which cover the shoulder joints in front. The connection of the loops is located at the back at the level of the shoulder blades. Thus, the Posture Recliner promotes the retraction of the shoulders and the alignment of the upper spine. As a result, the balance of the shoulder girdle is restored, the stoop is reduced, and the body gets used to being in the correct position.

Depending on the degree of rigidity, recliners are divided into two types:

  1. Preventive. These products are softer, they are actively used in order to teach a child or an adult to the correct posture. They do not interfere with leading a normal life, but at the same time they do not allow slouching. The most justified is the purchase of a soft reclinator for children during the period of posture formation or with increased loads on the spine - the orthosis helps to acquire the habit of an even position of the shoulders and back. If there are no problems with the spine, such products can be used without a doctor's prescription. But for a competent scheduling of wearing an orthosis, it is better to contact a specialist.
    As a rule, at the initial stage of prevention, a posture corrector for adults and children is recommended to be worn for 30-40 minutes daily. Gradually, this time should be increased to 5-6 hours a day. Prophylactically, orthopedic products are worn only during wakefulness, be sure to remove it before going to bed - night or day. It takes an average of 3-6 months to form a stable habit of maintaining a straight back and the correct turn of the shoulders, after which the reclinator can no longer be worn.
  2. Therapeutic. Such posture correctors are used for scoliosis, kyphosis, stoop, as well as for recovery after traumatic injuries of the spine, pain relief. Therapeutic orthoses are more rigid, they better fix the shoulder girdle and upper thoracic region. You can wear them only on the recommendation of a specialist, strictly in accordance with the regimen developed by the doctor. It is unacceptable to independently determine the duration and intensity of therapy for diseases of the spine!
    The constant wearing of a rigid corrector or corset to correct posture and stoop in some cases can cause the muscles supported by it to stop working at full strength. At the same time, if you stop using the back recliner too quickly, you may not get what you want. therapeutic effect, which is especially dangerous during the rehabilitation period after an injury or surgery.

Types of corsets and their use

A modern back corset is equipped with straps that are worn over the shoulders, and, in most cases, stiffeners - plastic or metal plates located on both sides of the spine. Fixes orthopedic corset for posture, not only the shoulder girdle and upper thoracic region, but also the lumbosacral segment of the back.

There are corsets according to the degree of rigidity:

  • Soft (easy fixation) - fully elastic, without stiffening ribs. They are used in order to ease the load on the back during a long stay in a static position, to avoid stooping. To unload the muscles, soft orthoses are put on from time to time, and to train the correct posture - according to a standard schedule, starting from 30 minutes and ending with 5-6 hours a day.
  • Semi-rigid (medium fixation) are intended for the prevention and treatment of curvature of the spine in the initial stage. They can also be used without a doctor's prescription, gradually increasing the time of daily wearing up to 6 hours a day.
  • Rigid (strong fixation) corsets for correct posture are worn to correct existing disorders: stoop, scoliosis, kyphosis, etc. For maximum effect and avoid possible problems caused by improper use of rigid orthopedic products, you should consult your doctor before using them.

How to choose and where to buy a posture corrector

The first step to buying an orthosis is to consult a doctor. The specialist will diagnose the condition of the spine, skeletal muscles and the body as a whole, determine the degree of posture disorder, its type. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are made on the type of product, as well as its characteristics.

The choice of the appropriate size of an adult corset for posture is based on the following measurements: height, waist, chest, hips (all parameters or only some of them can be taken into account). As a rule, manufacturers do not offer a division of posture correctors and corsets into male or female, focusing only on the corresponding measurements in the size grid.

And in order to buy a children's orthopedic recliner, you need to know the child's age, height, chest volume.

  • If you have taken the necessary measurements and found out that according to the manufacturer's grid they are intermediate, it is better to buy a larger corset to straighten your posture.
  • Pay attention to the material from which the parts of the orthosis adjacent to the body are made. It is better that it be natural - this will avoid irritation and allergies.
  • Trying on the chosen orthopedic product, check how comfortable it is: the stiffeners should not hurt, squeeze the skin. In some cases, the doctor independently checks and models the bending of the metal inserts, achieving maximum straightening of the spine.

In Moscow, you can buy a posture corrector in our specialized salon or order it through an online store. Our main advantages are the presence in the range of products from trusted manufacturers, the opportunity to get competent advice and, of course, the pleasant price of corsets and correctors for posture straightening.

In the 21st century, the problem with posture is quite acute. It comes from our way of life. In the modern high-tech world, everything is automated, and all that remains for a person is to control the equipment.

Sitting in offices for 8-10 hours, sedentary lifestyle and absence physical activity make themselves known. Soon, a person notes the presence of aching pain in the lower back, crepitus (crunch) of the vertebral joints during movement, difficulty in straightening. These are the precursors or the very first manifestations of curvature of the spine.

Posture is the result of human evolution. Since school, everyone knows that the spine is not a straight column. It has four physiological curves. It:

  • 2 lordosis (forward bends) - cervical and lumbar;
  • 2 kyphosis (back bends) - thoracic and sacral.

Posture types

There are several types of curvature of the spine and types of posture. Professor Staffel identified 4 types:

  • Main type: physiological curves are well expressed (healthy posture);
  • Flat back;
  • Round back;
  • Stooped back.

In addition to forward and backward bends, there are left and right bends. They are called scoliosis. And this is already a sign of curvature of the spine, requiring immediate straightening.

In some study groups, the presence of scoliosis exceeded the figure of 75%.

When you see the results of such studies, the question naturally arises: what to do? At the first stages of spinal curvature, it is inappropriate to use medications, and even more so surgical methods treatment. The most adequate impact in the early stages is orthopedic correction of posture.

What is orthopedics?

Orthopedics - section clinical medicine studying methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of deformities of the musculoskeletal system. Traditional orthopedic treatments include:

  • Corseting (wearing a special corset).
  • Stretching (or otherwise traction of the spine).
  • Traction therapy.

The preferred method of correcting posture in the early stages for the patient is bracing.

What corsets are there?

An orthopedic bandage (or corset) helps the spine to be in a physiologically correct position, while relaxing the muscular apparatus of the back. According to their purpose, corsets are divided into two types:

  • Corrective.
  • supportive.

Support bandages are used to unload the spine, due to any surgical interventions, as well as in diseases such as osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. These posture correctors are not suitable.

Corrective corsets

As a rule, such devices have a complex structure and consist of several elements. Some elements, acting on the scoliotic curvature, correct it, while others help to fix the result for a long time.

Types of corrective corsets

Currently, there is a whole variety of different modifications of corrective devices. Here are a few of them:

  1. Elastic belt for scoliosis correction. It mainly affects the lumbar spine. The belt corrects posture deficiencies at an early stage. Very comfortable to wear.
  2. Magnetic belt for the back. Elastic corset with a special built-in magnet, which is designed to eliminate pain.
  3. Elastic waistband with hard plates built into the sides. Thanks to them, the load on the spinal column is distributed evenly.
  4. Rigid plastic bandages. More suitable for advanced curvature. The most inconvenient type of all listed.

Which type of corrective device is right for you should be decided by an experienced orthopedic specialist. Picking up a bandage or belt yourself, you risk exacerbating the problem.

In addition to posture problems, an elastic belt is prescribed to people in postoperative period or as a result of injury. Also, these belts are very popular with heavyweight athletes.

Models of corrective corsets

There are many more models of posture correction devices than their types. We will introduce you to the most common and highly effective:

  1. Chenot. It has the form of a rigid sleeve, made of high-density polymer materials (usually plastic). It puts pressure on curved areas of the back. This device provides correction in 48 zones.
  2. Boston. Just like Chenot, quite firm. Preferably used for scoliosis lumbar spine. Not assigned to early stages. Wearing this corset begins with the 3rd stage of scoliosis.
  3. Ramuni. It has bizarre shapes and complex designs. Is heavy to wear. Corrects the arc of scoliosis over 20 degrees.
  4. Lyons. It is a semi-rigid metal-polymer construction. This model is adjusted depending on the height (to be replaced every 2-4 years), which is convenient in the treatment of children. Able to correct scoliosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

Rigid corsets made of wood, metal or plastic are preferred for children with congenital pathology posture, because high-density devices allow you to completely get rid of the disease. But they are also prescribed to adults for faster results.

Indications for wearing a corrective corset

In which cases do they require immediate therapy, and in which cases can you wait to buy a bandage? Here is a list of absolute indications when wearing a corset is necessary:

  • The fourth type of posture according to Staffel (stooped back).
  • Scoliosis.
  • Pterygoid shoulder blades (when the shoulder blades move away from the back at a large angle).
  • Congenital anomalies of the spine.
  • Acquired scoliosis in schoolchildren.

In addition to the presence of the above pathology, before prescribing the wearing of a corset, the degree of curvature of the spinal column, measured in degrees, is taken into account. For children it is 20 degrees, and for adults - 40.

Rules for wearing a corrective corset

We remind you that the type, model and time of wearing a corset is chosen only by an experienced orthopedist. The process of alignment of the spinal column is time-consuming and complicated, so you can not do without the advice of a specialist. In order to avoid any complications, it is important to follow certain rules for wearing corrective corsets:

  1. A layer of thin fabric is required between the skin and the corset (it is more convenient to use shirts, T-shirts, etc.). An important condition is the absence of seams in the place of pressure.
  2. Avoid increased physical activity.
  3. Don't lift weights.
  4. If you begin to feel discomfort when wearing a corset, this is a reason to contact a specialist. The device will either be corrected or replaced.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the process. To do this, an x-ray is taken every three months.
  6. At the first stage of therapy, the corset is removed daily, but only for 1–1.5 hours.
  7. When the need to wear disappears, the interval between the use of the corset is gradually increased. As a rule, the weaning period starts at 6 months.
  8. After the completion of the brace, the patient must be under the supervision of an orthopedist for at least four years, conducting annual x-rays.

Orthopedists prefer the corseting method in straightening the spinal column. When wearing a bandage, the patient gets rid of back pain, limitation of mobility of the vertebral joints and cosmetic defects.

Thanks to orthopedic straightening of spinal curvatures, the rate of surgical intervention in this pathology is reduced to 15%.

The main thing is to start therapy on time and not start the process!

A posture straightening corset is a unique device that allows you to deal with numerous orthopedic problems. If a posture corset is prescribed in a timely manner, used in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions, then complex diseases of the musculoskeletal system are eliminated by non-surgical methods. The effectiveness of a corrective device depends on a number of factors, including the complexity and stage of development of the disease, the presence of concomitant problems, and the age of the patient.

Various back corsets are prescribed by orthopedic doctors in case of the following diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia and protrusion;
  • pathological lordosis;
  • consequences of spinal injuries.

Straightening your posture is a long process, during which you will have to put up with some inconvenience. Corsets are prescribed not only for adults, but also for children who have back problems. AT childhood their efficiency is high, because the internal organs and systems are not yet fully formed, it is easier to influence them from the outside.

Only one device for straightening your posture is not enough, you need to do it regularly therapeutic gymnastics, follow other recommendations of a specialist.

Fixture Properties

Corset for posture straightening gives all parts of the spine the correct physiological position. Any slight distortion entails disruption in the operation of all internal organs. Human body is under enormous pressure at this time. Nerve endings are pinched, which entails severe pain, feeling numb. If nothing is done, then over time, the roots of the nerve endings die off, the body is deformed, the limbs lose sensitivity and mobility.

Only corsets can prevent all these Negative consequences. Often they are prescribed at the first manifestations of scoliosis. Spinal curvature is diagnosed in cervical region, which bears a huge load. Often an unnatural deflection appears in the thoracic region. Then doctors talk about pathological lordosis. The vertebrae, occupying the wrong position, strongly press on each other, compression occurs, the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs is erased.

Special corsets for the back support the vertebrae in a physiologically correct position. At first, the patient holds his back correctly only while wearing the corrector, over time he gets used to this position. Posture straightening is carried out for a long time, but the effect of wearing it is amazing.

Product varieties

Corsets for the gradual straightening of posture are classified according to different features and factors. Be sure to consider which part of the spine they are intended for. Devices for the cervical and thoracic region are very different from those corsets that hold the lower back in the correct position. The first type is prescribed for scoliosis. The second is designed to combat the consequences of an intervertebral hernia. Posture straightening is the main function of the corset, but in addition to it, there are several other positive factors of its impact:

  • removal of pain;
  • restoration of the normal position of the vertebrae;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of normal blood circulation in damaged areas.

In most cases, a corset designed to straighten posture is prescribed for a certain period of time, but there are also situations when patients are forced to wear them for life. A new corset for posture is periodically assigned, the configuration of which changes. This is due to the fact that the spine gradually returns to its physiological position, so the posture corrector, which was originally prescribed, no longer performs its functions and causes considerable discomfort when used.

Devices for the cervical and thoracic spine

Corset for posture, which is prescribed for scoliosis and pathological chest lordosis, outwardly resembles a wrestling T-shirt. Thanks to special straps, he straightens his shoulders, lowers them if they are raised due to the curvature of the spine. By wearing a posture brace at all times, the excessive deflection in the chest, which without treatment leads to the formation of a hump, is reduced. Headaches, which are the result of pinched nerve roots in the cervical region, disappear. Straightening the spine takes a lot of time. Sometimes a posture corset has to be worn for several years. If, as a result, the patient gets rid of the annoying problem, and the need for surgical intervention disappears, then the treatment can be considered effective.

Such a corset is made to straighten incorrect posture from special elastic materials. In rare cases, it includes special solid inserts that support individual vertebrae. If the corset for posture is chosen correctly, then it does not cause any discomfort, is invisible under clothing, and performs the functions entrusted to it.

Correctors for the lumbar spine

Those corsets for posture, which are designed to correct the pathologies of the development of the lumbar spine, are used in the treatment of intervertebral hernia, pathological lordosis in this area. They tightly wrap around the waist, lower back, so that the vertebrae occupy the correct position. Pain is reduced, it is easier for a person to sit. Such devices are indispensable after surgical interventions to remove the intervertebral hernia. Although they carry therapeutic, restorative function, posture correction is one of the properties of these corsets.

They have special vertical stiffening ribs made in the form of plates. Such a posture corset is fixed with strong Velcro or special hooks. These devices are recommended for patients with spinal injuries. They are also quite elastic, but because of the hard liners, they reduce the mobility of the lumbar vertebrae, positively affecting the entire body.

Selection of posture correctors

To choose a corset for your posture, you must first undergo a diagnosis, visit a narrow specialist who will deal with your treatment. Only after the final correct diagnosis is made, it is possible to proceed with the selection of a corset for posture. You cannot do this on your own. In specialized pharmacies where such products are offered, many varieties of corsets are presented, the action of which is aimed at combating different problems. If the corset for posture is chosen incorrectly, then it will only aggravate the patient's condition.

Corset for posture is selected according to size, method of exposure. In the pharmacy, you should definitely try it on, making sure that you are comfortable in it.

The positive effect of using a corset for posture appears after a couple of months of its constant wearing. Only a specialist can evaluate the result of this rehabilitation. The patient may not see a positive effect at all, but you should not draw any conclusions on your own.

How long to wear a corrective corset

The term of wearing a corset for posture is individual, it depends on many factors that affect this process. For some patients, the doctor recommends not removing the corset during the day. Others only wear it for a few hours. If you experience pain, discomfort when using a posture corset, be sure to focus on this at your next visit to the doctor. He will evaluate the correct fit of this corrective device, if necessary, select a new corset that allows you to align your posture.

Be sure to follow the recommendations of a specialist regarding the time of using a posture brace. If the doctor says that the maximum wearing time is two hours a day, you should not walk in a corset from dawn to dusk. If the specialist recommends removing the corset for posture only at night, follow this advice too.

Individual production of orthopedic correctors

Those posture corsets that are offered in ordinary pharmacies are designed to combat diseases of the musculoskeletal system at the initial stage of their development. If the disease progresses, it was detected at a late stage, when dystrophic irreversible changes began in the vertebrae of different parts of the spine, only a posture corset made individually according to the cast of the spine will help.

Such devices are expensive, requiring time to manufacture, adjust, but their effectiveness is high. The problem is that specialized workshops for the development and creation of such individual corsets for posture function only in large cities. Some orthopedists, surgeons, and other specialists cooperate with such medical research centers. If a patient needs a non-standard corset for posture, he must first find out how to order it, with whom to cooperate in this direction.

These devices are often prescribed for patients with severe spinal injuries. Due to violations of the integrity of the musculoskeletal system, standard corsets are not suitable for such people. To ensure a positive outcome of treatment, effective rehabilitation, first an impression of the spine is made, the main areas of corset impact are determined, and a model is made that is ideal for the patient.

How to increase the effectiveness of a corset

To get rid of problems with the spine, it is necessary to use a whole range of measures. Be sure to listen to the recommendations of experts, follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician. timely pass all the prescribed examinations in order to see the dynamics of treatment. In the fight against bad posture, great attention is paid to exercise therapy. In order to regularly engage in physiotherapy exercises, you must first find a decent instructor you can trust. Ask him if it is possible to practice in a corset.

If you follow simple rules, carefully monitor your health, and do not neglect regular visits to the doctor, then problems with the spine will soon disappear, and an additional corrector will no longer be required.