Therapeutic exercise for the elderly. Gymnastics for the elderly, or what exercises will help keep joints young Healthy knees: exercises from Tatyana Lisitskaya

As you know, regular exercise is a factor that reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. According to existing regulations, doctors recommend regular exercise. If you haven't been exercising for a long time, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the general rules. Then classes will bring only benefit and pleasure.

Very useful daily physical activity of moderate intensity lasting at least 30 minutes. You need to force yourself to do the exercises at all costs without any concessions, sometimes overcoming the reluctance to move. This reluctance is associated with a decrease in the mobility of nervous processes in old age, a deterioration in the processes of oxidation and metabolism.

The best time to practice daily hygienic gymnastics is in the morning, immediately after sleep. You should not do gymnastics soon after eating. Between meals and gymnastics, at least 1.5–2 hours should pass. It is also useful to do several exercises in the evening, 1–1.5 hours before going to bed.

Morning gymnastics, in addition to general strengthening of the body, development of mobility and strength, creates a feeling of cheerfulness for the whole day, helps to quickly get involved in labor activity. Morning exercises should be more intense, with the inclusion a large number exercises and repetitions of each exercise.

Evening gymnastics creates the best conditions for relaxation, strengthens sleep, especially for people of mental labor. Evening gymnastics is less intense, performed at a more relaxed pace, with fewer repetitions of each exercise. It can be replaced by a walk in the fresh air.

General rules for performing physical exercises in old age

1. You can not reach exhaustion.

2. The program should be pleasant for you. Don't do what makes you uncomfortable.

3. You should not practice earlier than 2 hours after breakfast and 4 hours after dinner.

4. Do not perform intense exercises before bedtime - it is better to do them no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

5. Empty your bowels and bladder before starting classes.

6. It is most useful to exercise in the fresh air.

7. After intense exercise, it is good to take a shower.

8. Eat and drink should be no earlier than 30-40 minutes after class.

9. Do not give up physical training, let it become one of the main priorities in your daily routine.

Walking is highly effective and beneficial, although it is time consuming. It is available to everyone, including the elderly. The walk is a pleasure, it does not require a special suit, it does not cost additional money, it has a healing effect on the whole body.

Walking is a natural and pleasant activity and does not require the creation of any special conditions: a person can walk anywhere, at any time, alone or in a company. For walking to be healthy, it must be aligned with the principles below.

Walking time (in minutes) per week:

1) 1-3rd week - 15-20;

2) 4-6th week - 20-30;

Distance doesn't really matter, what matters is the length of the walk.

Walk at a pace that suits you. During the first weeks, you should not rush forward.

Walk at a constant and comfortable pace. 100 steps per minute is usually considered a comfortable pace, 120 steps per minute is a fast pace, 140 is a very fast pace. Try to choose a route that way to avoid intersections and busy streets.

Silence promotes good mood. At first, a route without ups and downs is preferable. While walking, you should experience a little effort. If you feel a significant heaviness, a fast and strong pulse, sweat a lot and are tired, it means that you were walking too fast.

Signs of proper walking- this is light sweat, accelerated breathing (but not shortness of breath), slight fatigue, pulse slightly faster than usual, cheerful state of health.

Limit yourself to a light drink (such as a glass of water) before walking, even if you are hungry. Walking reduces the feeling of hunger. Do not start walking earlier than 2 hours after eating.

In no case should you continue walking after a stop caused by dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, pain in the lumbar region, etc. Take a long break and then slowly return home. Go slower next time. Remember that walking should be non-stop.

Daily exercise is essential for the elderly. It should firmly enter into everyday life, become an integral part of the whole way of life.

It is very important to choose the right exercises for daily gymnastics. These exercises should be simple and accessible to the forces of the practitioner and at the same time sufficiently influence the strengthening of the activity of various organs. For the elderly, it is also very important that the exercises contribute to the development of correct posture, maintaining the flexibility and mobility of the spine, which weaken with age.

When exercising, do not forget about proper breathing. In old age, due to a decrease in oxidative processes, the setting of breathing becomes especially importance. The breath should be full, calm, mainly through the nose. Exhalation is slightly stronger and longer than inhalation. Avoid rapid short breathing, straining and holding your breath.

A set of exercises for the elderly

Do exercises daily. Do the exercises carefully, repeating each movement 5-10 times, do not hold your breath. Repeat the set of exercises 2-3 times a day.

To exercise in a prone position, you need to lie on your back in a comfortable position and put a pillow under your head. Do your exercises carefully. Try to maintain a natural breathing rhythm during exercise. Take breaks if necessary. Remember that daily gymnastics will achieve the best result.

1. Raise your straight leg up, then slowly lower it down. Do the same exercise with the other leg.

2. Rotate your knees bent to the left and right. Do the exercise slowly.

3. Rotate and lift your upper body alternately to the left and right.

4. Take one arm back and behind your head, then slowly return to the starting position. Do the same exercise with the other hand.

6. Raise the pelvis up, then slowly lower it.

7. Rotate your feet like a bicycle, at the right speed. Bend and unbend at the same time the legs at the ankles. Don't forget to pause.

8. Focus on the condition of the muscles of the hips and back. Raise your upper body by bending at the waist.

9. Lying on your side, lift your straight leg up. Do the same exercise with the other leg.

10. In a sitting position, transfer body weight from one buttock to another. Use a support if necessary.

11. Breathe evenly. While inhaling, try to straighten up.

For implementation sitting exercises , sit on a chair in a comfortable position, keep your back straight. Rest your feet on the floor. Do your exercises carefully. Don't hold your breath. Repeat each exercise several times. Do gymnastics daily.

1. Cheerfully "march" with your feet, moving your hands to the beat.

2. Swing in a chair in a waltz rhythm to the right and left, transferring weight from one buttock to another.

3. Raise your shoulders up and then down.

4. Raise your feet in turn on your toes and heels.

5. Touch the elbow of the right hand to the left knee, then the elbow of the left hand to the right knee.

6. Fold your hands on your stomach without pressing on it. Inflate the stomach, then pull it in, working the muscles. Repeat the exercise several times.

7. Lean on the back of a chair, take one leg back. Raise your leg without bending it at the knee.

8. Make a circular motion with each hand in turn from the forehead to the back of the head.

9. Stretch one leg forward, bending at the ankle, hold for a short while. Do the same exercise with the other leg.

10. Take a deep breath and straighten your back. Lean forward as you exhale. Repeat the exercise 2 times. Then straighten up.

11. In the morning and evening in bed: lying on your back, bend your knees and alternately raise and lower them.

You abuse sports, if after a workout you want to take a nap, you feel tired until the end of the day, your muscles hurt.

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One of the main causes of joint diseases in the elderly is physical inactivity. You want to move as little as possible, and you don’t have to make any special efforts for anything. You don’t have to go to work, shops are nearby, and many people have a car to travel to the country. All these conveniences create serious problems for the joints. The release of joint fluid is significantly reduced, the joint becomes inflamed, arthritis, arthrosis and other extremely unpleasant diseases. And gymnastics for the elderly will help to avoid this. Simple exercises will increase joint mobility and help reduce the risk of most diseases caused by physical inactivity.

Gymnastics for the elderly is a set of simple exercises that help speed up blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes, and make joints more mobile. Class time is no more than an hour, while the exercises are performed slowly, most of them are done sitting or lying down. All this helps to avoid heart problems, severe stress on muscles and joints, increased pressure and others. side effects conventional gymnastic complexes, not intended for people of age.

Gymnastics for the elderly - what you need to know before starting classes

Gymnastics for the elderly is designed for people over 50 years old, as well as for those who have joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and others. People with a weakened heart muscle can also do it, since there are no strong loads, the effect is achieved by the regularity of classes, and not by their intensity.

How to restore joint flexibility? Exercise for the elderly

Elbow Exercises: in a sitting position on a chair or standing, lower your hands down and relax them. Shoulders parallel to the floor. We clench our hands into a fist (not much) and begin rotation at the elbow. First slowly, then faster. The first two classes we do 5 rotations in different directions, then we increase the number to 20 repetitions.

Shoulder exercises: while standing, rotate the right and left hands alternately. First - clockwise, then - counterclockwise. To perform the exercise correctly, you need to achieve heaviness in the hands. We also do 5 approaches at the beginning of classes, gradually increasing them to 20.

Foot exercises better to do sitting. On a chair, with a straight back, raise the leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Rotate the foot clockwise and counterclockwise, 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other. We do the exercise alternately with the left and right legs. The number of approaches is gradually increased to 20.

Exercises for the knee joints. Standing, we bend our legs a little, put our palms on the kneecaps. Rotate your knees clockwise and counterclockwise. As in previous movements, we start with 5 approaches, gradually bringing them up to 20.

Additionally, you can do spine exercises- stretching lying on the floor, gymnastics for the neck, but these exercises should be carried out only after consulting a doctor. The neck and spine are fragile and painful places, and in some diseases their activity is contraindicated.

Gymnastics ends with stretching. Gently stretch our legs while sitting on the floor, reach our toes with our hands, try to spread our hips as wide as possible. We tilt the body forward with springy movements gradually developing the muscles of the pelvis and stretching the tendons. When we have reached the maximum possible stretching, we freeze for a few seconds, fixing the result.

Performing gymnastics every other day and bringing the time of classes up to an hour, you will get the necessary gentle load on the body, which will help restore life support systems, increase joint mobility, elasticity of tendons and muscles.

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Morning awakening is a gradual transition from sleep to active life. Thus, all organs and organ systems must “wake up” and switch to a new mode of operation. For young people, this process may take only a few minutes, but the older you get, the more time you need to recover. For older people, this transition takes up to an hour and a half. At the same time, such a slowdown of all functions is not very good for the body, and the reduction in the process of “waking up” plays a very important role.

Scientists have found that the long-term adjustment of the main systems of the body, which occurs during the transition from sleep to wakefulness, has a negative effect on a person. At the same time, it is known that the speed of awakening can be increased by activating the nervous system by supplying impulses from the muscles to it. Such signals will help start the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If you include various muscle groups at the same time, then the awakening mechanism will accelerate even more.

It is for these purposes that daily morning health-improving therapeutic exercises for the elderly are used. This is a kind of exercise in order to quickly activate all the processes occurring in the body. With the help of a simple set of exercises, you can strengthen the joints and ligaments, compensate for the lack of movements, remove posture disorders and increase motor abilities. chest and spine. Thus, there are improvements in the connective and bone tissue, which is manifested by an increase in overall strength and muscle tone.

Elderly people must definitely perform morning exercises in order to keep the whole body in good shape. It is worth remembering:

Do not get out of bed abruptly in the morning, stretch well and without sudden movements, slowly;

Drink a glass of warm water - this will start the bowels and help get rid of toxins

Morning exercises should be carried out in a ventilated room;

You must have comfortable clothes appropriate temperature;

Observe the correct measured breathing during gymnastics;

The load should not cause fatigue, but cheerfulness and good mood;

Upon completion of the exercises, it is best to move on to water procedures.

In old age, during gymnastics, it is important to activate all muscle groups. Here is an approximate set of exercises:

1. Sit on a chair. Move your eyes up, down, left, right. After that, make rotational movements with them. In turn, repeat both versions of the exercise with lowered and raised eyelids. Do not hurry. At the end of the repetitions, with light circular movements of the fingers, stroke closed eyes. Blink.

2. In the same position, turn your head in different directions, repeating 5-6 times. It is best to fix your gaze on a certain point in front of you.

3. Also sitting on a chair, do several repetitions of strong clamping and unclenching of the eyelids. Do not rush, repeat ten times.

4. Standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered. Stretch your leg back, put it on your toe, at this time raise your hands up, inhale and bend stretching. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. The total number of repetitions is 4-6 times.

5. With legs wide apart, place your hands in front of your chest. On inspiration - a sharp turn of the body to the side, arms rise up. On the exhale - the starting position. Inhale - tilt back, arms to the sides. Exhale - starting position. Repeat by changing the position of the hands. The total number of repetitions is 4-6.

6. Heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Inhale - rise on your toes, exhale - sit down, stretching your right hand forward, and your left hand back. Return to starting position and repeat, changing hands. Slowly, repeat 4-6 times.

7. Standing, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. On an inhalation, lean to the left, one hand up, the other down. On the exhale - the starting position. Repeat, tilting to the right. The total number of repetitions is 4-6 times.

8. Standing, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your belt. On the inhale - swing the leg to the side, on the exhale - the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. From the beginning - 4-6 times.

9. Take an emphasis on your knees. Inhale - straighten back right leg, on the exhale - the starting position. Repeat on the other leg. At the same time, do not bend your arms, but try to stretch your leg completely. It is imperative to control breathing.

10. Lying on your back, spread your arms and legs to the sides. As you exhale, bring forward left hand, and, turning to the right, slap it on the palm of your left. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other hand.

11. Standing, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered. On an inhale, swing your leg back, arms to the sides. On the exhale - the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

12. Standing, arms raised to the shoulders. On the inhale - spread your arms to the sides and bend well. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

13. Standing, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Walk in place, lifting your hips high. Don't rush, control your breathing.

Since this gymnastics is health-improving, the speed of its implementation is free. Movements should be performed without tension and smoothly. The approximate set of exercises can be adjusted independently. It is important that classes bring you pleasure and give you energy for the whole day.

Professor G. I. Krasnoselsky

Forms of Chinese National Gymnastics

The widespread use of national hygienic gymnastics in the People's Republic of China is organically associated with traditional medicine, which still plays an important role in the healthcare system of modern China.

Gymnastics is widely used in the medical practice of folk doctors, and in the treatment of certain diseases. of cardio-vascular system and nervous diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it occupies no less place than drug therapy. Especially in a large volume, gymnastics is prescribed during the recovery period.

Great importance is attached to gymnastics in the prevention of disorders and disorders associated with old age; in these cases, in fact, gymnastics is the main therapeutic and prophylactic factor.

Folk doctors (mostly elderly people) usually do gymnastics regularly in the mornings and afternoons. They prescribe gymnastics not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for the elimination of certain defects in physical development (physical weakness, posture defects, etc.).

In addition to the ancient Chinese hygienic gymnastics of the do-in system, usually done in the morning while sitting in bed (25 of these exercises are described in the last chapter), two more forms of national gymnastics have survived in China to date. Common name them - wushu, but each of these forms has its own name. The first - solin, or external - is of a pronounced military-applied character. Some of its techniques are borrowed by other peoples, in particular the Japanese, in the jiu-jitsu gymnastics system.

This type of gymnastics (solin), consisting of a complex of imitation of wrestling techniques, exercises with a spear, sword, shield, as well as exercises of the nature of defense and attack - jerks, pushes, jumps, etc., is an excellent means of general physical training of young people, developing a number of valuable physical qualities(dexterity, speed, endurance, strength).

The second form of ancient Chinese gymnastics that has survived to this day is called tai chi, or the mian ch'uan style; its other name is internal. Tai-ji gymnastics has a pronounced hygienic and health-improving character.

The terms "external" and "internal", according to the explanation of some folk doctors, should be associated with the nature of the performance of solin and tai-ji gymnastics exercises. In solin gymnastics, all movements are performed with the maximum tension of all muscles, as if the “outer shell” is being exercised. human body(skeleton, muscles, etc.); in tai-ji gymnastics, all movements are carried out with some relaxation of all muscles and "primarily internal organs are exposed to motor influences."

It is clear that such an “explanation” is not physiologically justified enough, but to some extent it explains the nature of the performance of solin and tai-ji gymnastics, which are largely similar in form of movements, but different in the nature of execution.

At the direction of the authorities of the Chinese traditional medicine in tai-ji gymnastics, the muscles and joints should be soft, the stomach and chest should not be tense, which makes it possible for the practitioner to breathe easily and deeply, not to stop, not hold his breath, “breathe easily and freely with the stomach.” Semi-relaxed muscles allow for better influence exercises to promote blood in the internal organs, eliminate blood stasis. Semi-relaxed muscles and joints make it possible to perform exercises painlessly, which is essential for certain diseases of the joints and peripheral nervous system.

If in gymnastics every element is salty motor complex is clearly delimited from the previous one by a short shutter speed, a pause (1/2-1 second) and the transition to the next position of the limb or body is made quickly, jerkily, jerkily, then in tai-ji gymnastics, on the contrary, there are no clear delimiting pauses between individual motor elements, one the movement, as it were, imperceptibly passes into another; the nature of the movements is not sharp, not jerky, but slow, smooth, rounded; the whole complex of movements resembles a kind of slow, plastic dance. This softness of movement is also emphasized by semi-relaxed joints and muscles.

Some folk doctors compare tai-ji gymnastics with "a slow, calm, smooth flow of a river", while salt gymnastics is "a fast, rapid river with a rocky bed."

Characteristic of tai-ji gymnastics is the constancy of continuous movements carried out simultaneously by the upper and lower limbs, as well as the muscles of the body; especially a lot of movement is carried out by both upper limbs; the center of gravity of the body is almost continuously transferred to one leg, then to the other, which eliminates the element of static stress lower extremities. In both systems of gymnastics there are no exercises of a symmetrical nature; for example, if the right arm is bent at the elbow joint, then the left arm is moved to the side at the same time. If the student squats on the left leg, then the right one is simultaneously retracted forward.

The hands of both hands in solin gymnastics should always be tightly clenched into fists, or the outstretched fingers of the hand should be tightly clenched, and the thumbs should be bent as much as possible and pressed to the palm. In tai-ji gymnastics, the hands of both hands should be slightly relaxed, all fingers spread apart, half-bent and also slightly relaxed.

Solin and tai-ji gymnastics should be attributed to movements of a complex coordination nature with the simultaneous participation of many joints and large muscle groups in the motor act, which undoubtedly causes great physiological changes in the human body.

In tai-ji gymnastics, the nature of physiological changes in the body is weaker only because elements of significant muscle effort and tension are excluded. Observations of people who regularly engage in this gymnastics allow us to conclude that it has a positive effect on the state of health, on the activity of many human systems and organs. There is good mobility of the chest in people involved in tai chi gymnastics. It is known that good mobility of the chest improves breathing, i.e., increases ventilation of the lungs and increases the supply of oxygen to the body, and also has a direct positive effect on the blood supply to the heart muscle, which significantly increases its performance.

Regular tai chi exercises have a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism.

The complex coordination nature of the movements of this gymnastics requires concentration of attention on the exercises being performed, which undoubtedly entails an increase in the tone of the central nervous system. The different nature of movements, constant and rapid changes in position, regular fluctuations in the states of tension and relaxation of large muscle groups improve the nature of the flow of basic processes in the higher parts of the central nervous system. It is known that in old age there is often some lethargy, inertia of the main processes in the cerebral cortex of the brain, and stimulation of these processes by means of gymnastics should help improve the regulatory function of the central nervous system.

Tai-ji gymnastics provides for a different physiological load depending on the age and state of health of the practitioner. This can be achieved by varying the duration of the session (from 10 minutes to 1 hour), the number of motor elements (from 8-10 exercises to 100 or more), the number of repetitions of the entire cycle of movements (one, five times, etc.), the pace of movements ( very slow or medium pace), the magnitude of the amplitude of each movement.

The costume of the trainee is ordinary, sports: shorts, T-shirt. The suit should be free, without restrictive belts, without suspenders. It is better to wear light, wide trousers with loose rubber and a wide shirt without a belt; you can also practice in a light nightgown. The room must be pre-ventilated; it is better to do gymnastics in the open air, as well as on the veranda, balcony (if the temperature allows). The number of repetitions of each exercise, the duration of the session, the pace of movements, their amplitude should be set depending on the age and health of those involved. We recommend setting the duration of the entire session to 10 minutes at first, and then gradually increase it to 30 minutes. Between individual exercises, pauses should be made for rest lasting from 10-15 to 30-40 seconds or more, depending on the age and state of health of the student. During pauses for rest, you should slowly walk around the room (in the yard or garden); persons old age pause for rest can be spent sitting on a stool. Breathing in all cases, as already mentioned above, is free, without delay, without straining, full, deep, mainly with the stomach; The most suitable and comfortable breathing rhythm is selected individually by each student.

At the beginning of classes, each exercise can be repeated 2-3 times, and subsequently 10-15 times or more. Classes should be carried out 2 times a day.

After a session of gymnastics, water procedures are useful, especially in the morning (washing cold water up to the waist, wiping down, showering up to the waist with a soft shower hose, etc.). After a session of gymnastics done in the afternoon, a 30-40-minute walk in the fresh air is useful. In case of malaise, severe weakness, fever, gymnastics sessions should be temporarily stopped and resumed only with the permission of the doctor.

Description of exercises of gymnastics of the tai-chi system

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing on slightly apart and half-bent legs; the arms are bent at the elbows and put forward, the palms are open, turned towards each other, the fingers are spread apart; head slightly lowered (Fig. 1a).

Performing the exercise: alternate swinging of the torso to the sides with the transfer of the center of gravity of the body from one leg to the other, with simultaneous slow, smooth abduction of one arm in the opposite direction (imitation of repulsion by the palm from an imaginary wall). The second hand makes a smooth, rotational movement in the hand, gradually turning the palm up, as if serving an imaginary dish (Fig. 1b). The movement is repeated rhythmically in one direction or the other. You can move your hand both in the direction of the inclination of the body, and in the opposite direction (Fig. 1c).

Exercise 2

Starting position: standing on slightly apart and half-bent legs; arms are bent at the elbows, slightly spread apart and stretched forward, the hands are unbent, turned palms down, fingers apart; the head is half lowered (Fig. 2a).

Performing the exercise: helical, slow rotation of the body in both directions with the simultaneous smooth movement of both hands behind the back, in the direction of rotation. Rotation occurs predominantly in the lumbar region and resembles the movements of a scythe (Figs. 2b and 2c).

Exercise 3

Starting position: standing on slightly apart and half-bent legs; the arms are bent at the elbows and spread apart, the hands are at shoulder level, the fingers are clenched into a fist, the index fingers are straightened (Fig. 3a).

Performing the exercise: alternating lifting of a half-bent, relaxed leg with a simultaneous rise of the half-bent, half-relaxed arm of the same name. The rising hand, as it were, pulls the leg of the same name behind it; it is, as it were, connected with the leg by an imaginary thread. When the hand is raised upward, the palms, gradually rotating outward, open, turning upward, the fingers spread apart (Fig. 3b and 3c).

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing on slightly apart and half-bent legs; arms bent at the elbows, slightly apart and raised to shoulder level, palms facing down, fingers spread apart; head slightly lowered (Fig. 4a).

Performing the exercise: simultaneous stretching of both arms to the side, up and slightly back with simultaneous rotation of the torso in the same direction and straightening and stretching of the legs. Try to reach with your fingers to the maximum possible point, located at the top, to the side and slightly behind. The movement is carried out first in one direction, then in the other direction (Fig. 4b and 4c).

Exercise 5

Starting position: standing on slightly apart and half-bent legs; the body is relaxed and slightly bent at the waist; head down; the arms are relaxed and hang like whips along the body (Fig. 5a).

Performing the exercise: alternating lifting of a semi-relaxed leg, bent at the knee, with a simultaneous lifting of the relaxed arm of the same name. A relaxed, hanging hand rises to the level of the head, followed by a bent, relaxed leg of the same name. Between the rising hand and the knee there is, as it were, a connecting thread. During the lifting of the arm and leg, the head leans back slightly (Figs. 5b and 5c).

Exercise 6

Starting position: standing on spread and bent legs; the arms are bent at the elbows, set forward, the hands are at the level of the abdomen, the palms are turned downwards, the fingers are spread apart; head slightly lowered (Fig. 6a).

Performing the exercise: bending the torso slightly forward and to the sides while simultaneously stretching the straightened leg, retracting the pelvis to the opposite side and reaching with both hands the area of ​​the knee of the extended leg. The head turns towards the outstretched leg. The movement is repeated alternately on both sides (Fig. 6b and 6c).

Exercise 7

Starting position: standing on a half-bent right leg, leaning back, the left leg is straightened; the arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are pressed to the shoulders, the palms are open outwards, the fingers are slightly apart (Fig. 7a).

Performing the exercise: swinging of the body, followed by transferring the center of gravity of the body forward to the opposite leg (forward lunge). In the phase of movement, lower the hands to the level of the abdomen, turning the palms up, and slowly, smoothly lunge forward, gradually transferring the center of gravity of the body from the right foot to the left. During a lunge forward, the arms bent at the elbows are simultaneously brought forward and rotated gradually during the movement with the palms outward. “Pushing off” with your palms from an imaginary wall, lean back and gradually transfer the center of gravity of the body back to the right leg and do the reverse cycle of movements with your hands to the starting position. Put your left foot to the right, take the starting position. Then repeat the cycle of these movements, but lean back not on the right, but on the left leg, and lunge forward on the right leg (Fig. 7b and 7c).

Exercise 8

Starting position: standing on bent and slightly apart legs; arms bent at the elbows, slightly forward, palms down, fingers spread apart; head slightly lowered (Fig. 8a).

Performing the exercise: circular rotation in the horizontal plane of the pelvis and abdomen with simultaneous circular rotation in the same plane, but in the opposite direction, of both hands. Both semi-relaxed hands, put forward, describe slow circles in a horizontal plane (parallel to the floor); the pelvis and abdomen simultaneously describe slow circles in the same plane, but in the opposite direction. The direction of rotation of the arms and pelvis should be alternated: 6-8 circles in one direction and 6-8 circles in the opposite direction. Due to some difficulty in coordinating this exercise (the opposite direction of rotation of the arms and pelvis), it is recommended to learn this exercise separately at first, i.e., first rotate only one pelvis and only one hand, and then combine these two elements into one, fused (Fig. 8b and 8c).

Exercise 9

Starting position: standing on legs bent and spread apart; both arms are half-bent at the elbows, slightly spread apart, the elbows are raised, the hands are weakly clenched into fists, the ends of the index fingers touch each other; the head is half lowered (Fig. 9a).

Performing the exercise: swinging the joined hands to the sides and up with simultaneous squatting and subsequent straightening of the legs. Semi-relaxed hands, connected by the ends of the index fingers, With the elbows laid aside and slightly forward, swing the pendulum in one direction or the other. When the joined hands pass the center of the described arc, i.e., are at the point closest to the floor, perform the deepest possible squat on both legs. At the moment of maximum throwing of the arms to the sides and upwards, the legs are straightened (Fig. 9b and 9c).

Exercise 10

Starting position: standing on bent and legs apart; arms spread apart, slightly bent and relaxed, palms facing up, fingers spread and half bent; the head is turned in the direction of the intended turn (Fig. 10a).

Performing the exercise: alternating lunges to the sides with the same rotation (turn) of the body by 180 °. When tilting the torso to the side, for example to the left, gradually transfer the center of gravity of the body to the left leg, then take a wide step (lunge) and rotational movement to the left side with the right foot, while simultaneously rotating the body around the vertical axis and throwing the right arm forward. The position of the body by the end of the cycle turns out to be rotated by 180° compared to the initial one.

“Pushing off” with the right hand from an imaginary wall and making a rotational movement with the torso and arms in the opposite direction, take the starting position and make a similar lunge in the opposite direction with the other leg (Fig. 10b and 10c).

Exercise 11

Starting position: sitting on a stool with legs apart and bending forward as much as possible (expiratory phase); both arms are half-bent at the elbows, slightly spread apart, the hands are weakly clenched into fists, the index fingers are extended (Fig. 11a).

Performing the exercise: taking a deep breath, at the same time slowly straighten up, turn slightly to the side, spreading your arms to both sides and raising bent leg to a position parallel to the floor and slightly higher. When spreading the arms to the sides, the palms gradually open, both palms turn outward. Take the starting position (bend) and repeat the exercise with the rise of the other leg, slightly turn to the other side (Fig. 11b and 11c).

After the exercises, get up from the stool and slowly, for 3-5 minutes, walk around the room (garden, veranda), making breathing movements of medium depth.

Hygienic gymnastics system do-in

The costume of those involved is the same as for tai chi gymnastics.

The room must be pre-ventilated. The number of repetitions of exercises, their duration, the pace of movements and amplitude can be individualized depending on the age and health of the student.

The proposed exercises are suitable for both men and women. All exercises, with the exception of No. 24 and 25, are performed in the starting position sitting on the bed, legs crossed in the east. For persons with excessive deposition of fat on the abdomen, this starting position is somewhat difficult; in such cases, the legs are either slightly extended forward (half-bent), or the starting position changes (a sitting position is taken on a chair or stool with legs slightly apart). Breathing in all cases - arbitrary, without delay. Exercises can be repeated in whole or in part in the afternoon, after daytime sleep or rest.

The described exercises are a complex of hygienic movements for all muscle groups in combination with self-massage.

A feature of Chinese gymnastics, used for hygienic and therapeutic purposes, is its wide combination with self-massage techniques. In some cases, it is even difficult to separate massaging manipulations from purely gymnastic movements in the complex of movements of this gymnastics, since in self-massage techniques they are simultaneously given in active action(contractions) large muscle groups of the upper and even lower extremities; the muscles of the trunk do not remain at rest either. In a relatively relaxed state, only the massaged muscle group remains.

The value of exercises lies in the fact that they are not complex in their structure, do not cause a great physiological load, and can be easily individualized. At the same time, these exercises are quite dynamic. During self-massage movements, relatively large muscle groups are involved in the work, although the amplitude of these movements is small. In addition, it is known that self-massage increases the rate of blood and lymph flow, improves metabolism, has positive influence to nerve control centers.

The movements of self-massage of the ears, face, blows-claps on the face, head, exercises for the eyes, etc. are very peculiar. The nature of these movements undoubtedly helps to increase the tone of the central nervous system, which is somewhat reduced after sleep.

A similar physiological effect is achieved by exercises No. 2, 7, 8, 12. Exercises No. 3, 4, 5 and 18 prepare the digestive organs for work, No. 18, 21 and 22 improve blood circulation in abdominal cavity, eliminate congestion in this area, which can be a factor preventing hemorrhoids.

Exercise 1

Sit quietly with your legs crossed, hands on your knees, eyes half closed. Take 15-20 deep breaths and extended exhalations, pulling in the stomach when exhaling and protruding when inhaling. The exercise can be done while sitting on a chair or stool, legs slightly apart, hands on knees (Fig. 12).

Exercise 2

Ear massage. rub auricles thumbs and forefingers, and then palms. When holding the palms down, the auricles are bent down, when held with the palms up, the auricles take their usual position. Do 20 rubbing of the ears with the fingers and 20 rubbing with the palms (Fig. 13).

Exercise 3

Clenching the teeth of the upper and mandible. Clench your teeth tightly 20-30 times, then tap your teeth 30-40 times.

Exercise 4

Circular movement of the tongue along the front surface of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws - 20 times in one direction and 20 times in the other direction. The saliva produced during this should be swallowed.

Exercise 5

Bloating cheeks. Perform 30-40 cheek puffs at an average pace.

Exercise 6

Self-massage of the side walls of the nose. With the back of the second phalanges of the thumbs, stroke the side walls of the nose. Movements begin at the bridge of the nose, carry out to the corners of the mouth and in the opposite direction. With light pressure, make 15-20 movements at an average pace.

Exercise 7

Self-massage of the head. Stroking the head with the open palm of the right or left hand, starting from the forehead towards the back of the head and back, 10-15 times; after that, with the end of the thumb, index or middle finger, for 10-20 seconds, make vibrating, pressing movements on the point corresponding to the junction of the back of the head with the cervical vertebrae.

Exercise 8

Eyebrow self-massage. With the back of the second phalanges of the thumbs of both hands, stroke the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples and in the opposite direction with a little pressure: the eyes should be closed. Make 20-30 movements in one direction and the other.

Exercise 9

Eye movements. Closing your eyes, make circular movements with them (left, up, right, down), as well as in the opposite direction. Repeat this movement at a slow pace 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other, then lightly stroke your closed eyes with your fingers, open them and make several quick blinking movements.

Exercise 10

Movement with open eyes horizontally to the right and left side. In the starting position, sitting, set your head straight forward, stretch your right arm to the side, unbending it in the hands and spreading your fingers, fix your eyes on the fingertips of the outstretched hand (squint to the right side). Then the outstretched hand must be slowly moved horizontally in front of the face in the direction of the left shoulder, constantly following the moving hand with the gaze and thus the eyes gradually squint in the opposite direction (left). A similar movement of the hand and eyes is carried out in the opposite direction; do 5 times such movements in one direction and 5 times in the other.

The head should not move, it should always be in a straight forward position (Fig. 14).

Exercise 11

Exercise for the eyes (fixing the gaze on the approaching and receding fingers of the hand). Extend the right or left hand forward slightly to the side, unbend the brush and spread the fingers, then slowly bring the brush closer to the nose and also slowly remove it to its original position. The gaze is constantly fixed on the nail of the middle finger of the moving hand. Make 10-15 such movements.

Exercise 12

Self-massage of the face. Movement "washing the face with open palms." With open palms, lightly rub both halves of the face. The palms move up and down, grabbing the cheeks and temples. Make 15-20 such movements up and down.

Exercise 13

Neck exercise. Crossing your fingers, put them on the back of your neck (tilt your head slightly forward) and try to straighten your head back with small swaying movements, overcoming some resistance from the hands. Such movements should be done 15-20, the pace is average.

Exercise 14

Self-massage of the shoulder area. With the right palm, in a circular motion, rub the area of ​​​​the left shoulder, and rub the right shoulder with the left palm in the same way. At first, the movements are light, superficial, and then with some pressure. Make 20 circular movements on each shoulder.

Exercise 15

Hand exercise. Rocking movements with arms bent at the elbows, one arm goes forward and the other back, about the same as when running. The pace is average, 20-30 movements.

Exercise 16

Exercise for the arms and shoulder girdle. Fold the fingers of both hands “in the lock”, then tensely stretch the clasped hands to the right and up, slightly lifting the pelvis from the surface of the bed or stool; make a similar movement with your hands to the left up. In both directions, make alternately 10 movements (Fig. 15).

Exercise 17

Back massage. Slightly lean forward and with the tubercles of both palms rub the lumbar region with up and down movements. Movements start from the possibly highest point on the back and carry out to the sacrum.
Move the right and left hands in opposite directions. Movements begin at the spine and gradually bring them closer to the lateral surfaces of the lumbar region. Do 20-30 movements at an average pace, with a little pressure.

Exercise 18

Self-massage of the abdomen. With the right or left hand, make spiral movements (rubbing) of the abdomen in a clockwise direction. Starting around the navel, circular movements should gradually become wider, reaching the periphery of the abdomen; then the navel area should also narrow, shorten and end again. Perform 30 spiral movements with one hand and 30 with the other. The pace is average, it is necessary to make a light pressure on the abdominal wall with your hand.

Exercise 19

Self-massage of the knee joints. In a seated position, place your palms on knee joints and rub them in circular motions in both directions. The pace is average, the number of movements is from 20 to 30 in each direction, it is necessary to apply light pressure with the hands on the knee joints.

Exercise 20

Foot massage. In a sitting position, spreading your knees to the sides, grab both feet with your hands, rub them with light pressure. The thumbs of the hand grab the sole, and the remaining fingers lie on the front surface of the foot. Movements are made from the toes to the heels, then in the opposite direction. The pace is average. Make 20-30 movements in both directions.

Exercise 21

Leg exercises. In a sitting position, lean back slightly, leaning on your hands. Perform alternate stretching of the legs forward with the toes pulled out and alternately bringing them back to the pelvis 15-20 movements with both legs, at an average pace - 15-20 movements with each leg for a minute (Fig. 16).

Exercise 22

Exercise for the trunk and abdomen. Circular, rotational movements of the body in the lower back (hands on the hips). The amplitude of movements is initially small, and then should gradually increase, become wider and gradually narrow again. The pace of movement is fast at first, then gradually slows down (during the period of the widest amplitude) and accelerates again. Make 15-20 movements in each direction, then make 15-20 rhythmic contractions anus(rectum).

Exercise 23

Breathing exercises. In a sitting position (hands on knees) make 15-20 deep breathing movements (when inhaling, stick out the stomach forward, and retract when exhaling).

Exercise 24

With legs slightly apart, with open palms of both hands, make 10 short, quick blows (claps) on the forehead, cheeks, neck, chest, stomach, buttocks and thighs.

Exercise 25

Walking. 1-2 minutes to move around the room; the pace is slow at first, raise your knees high (if possible, touch the stomach), then the pace accelerates somewhat and slows down again towards the end. Breathing is arbitrary, but without delay, hands move freely and widely.

Krasnoselsky Gleb Iosifovich

Chinese hygienic gymnastics for the elderly

Editor M. I. Neiman

Tech. editor N. A. Buldyaev

Proofreader V. M. Kostitsyna

Cover by artist K. A. Popryadukhin

What are the benefits of gymnastics for the elderly? With what diseases is gymnastics indicated for the elderly? Are there any contraindications and restrictions for gymnastics in the elderly? What exercises are indicated for the elderly? How to practice exercise in old age?

Network of boarding houses for the elderly

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What are the benefits of gymnastics for the elderly
  • With what diseases is gymnastics indicated for the elderly
  • Are there any contraindications and restrictions for gymnastics in the elderly
  • What exercises are shown to the elderly
  • How to exercise properly in old age
  • What are the types of gymnastics for the elderly with special health conditions

In youth, physical activity seems ordinary, but by the age of 50, their intensity gradually decreases, the charge of vivacity decreases, movements become slow. In such a situation, many begin to complain about their problems, doing nothing to solve them. But there are those who do not want to just live out their lives. For such resilient optimists, gymnastics for the elderly is suitable. In this article, we will consider a number of exercises that will allow retirees to keep themselves in good shape and live a full life.

Without movement, muscles become weaker, ligaments and joints lose their elasticity. The nervous system also weakens, which, with age, is more difficult to control the motor apparatus. The gait of the elderly becomes "shuffling", a stoop appears.

Daily morning exercises are the best prevention of many senile diseases. And in terms of benefits to the body, this habit is superior to any medicine. It is enough to adhere to certain rules and practice regularly. This will strengthen the nervous system, blood vessels and heart muscle. You will lose weight, improve metabolism, recover correct posture, there will be cheerfulness and a working mood.

A well-designed gymnastics complex for an elderly person can normalize respiratory functions, improve blood and lymph flow through the vessels, increase immunity.

Some perceive exercise as some kind of rhythmic movement to energetic music. Yes, this option is acceptable if the body is ready for such loads. But we are talking about a more relaxed version of gymnastics, aimed at working out the joints and muscles, which is feasible for any person of advanced age.

In fact, health-improving gymnastics for the elderly is a way to maintain all the functions of our body. It serves as a kind of buffer that slows down aging. The benefits of regular exercise for older people are undeniable:

  • The nervous system is restored.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized (which is important for the elderly).
  • The heart and blood vessels are kept in good shape, the respiratory system is trained.
  • The activity of the musculoskeletal system improves, the likelihood of osteoporosis is reduced.
  • The body becomes less prone to constipation and venous thrombosis.
  • Strengthens immunity, increases overall tone.
  • There is an optimistic mood.

Morning exercises for the elderly is a great way to improve brain function, prevent age-related atrophy and the possible weakening of muscle groups that are rarely involved in everyday life. Also, regular exercise improves the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels, normalizes the work respiratory system and exchange processes.

As a result: the body is full of strength and energy, there is a feeling of satisfaction from the actions performed, depression and anxiety disappear, brain activity improves.

Morning exercises are the most accessible type of physical activity for the body. When compiling a set of exercises for the elderly, it is worth considering some of the nuances.

Gymnastics for the elderly must meet two main criteria:

  1. Only those exercises are performed that are recommended to a particular person by his doctor.
  2. Gymnastics should not be performed through force. Joyful experiences can only be obtained with conscious desire to workouts.

The doctor must prescribe an individual level of load, which must be gradually increased to the maximum possible for given state elderly person. During gymnastics, it is desirable to use all muscle groups, if there are no special requirements for this. The main rule is that no exercises should be accompanied by pain.

Monitor your body's response to each exercise. If a old man feels unwell or his general well-being worsens, then the lesson should be suspended.

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Health-improving gymnastics for the elderly can be active (when the person does the exercises himself) or passive (when someone helps with the exercises, without effort on the part of the practitioner).

There are a few basic rules to remember before you start training:

  1. Gymnastics is not a sport, therefore there is no need to achieve concrete results at all costs. On the contrary, such a desire can only harm older people, since with age, muscles, joints and ligaments change and can no longer cope with excessive stress.
  2. It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the exercise. This will allow the muscles to stay in good shape.
  3. It is worth using all parts of the body in the exercises (back, arms, legs, chest).
  4. Classes must be supervised by an experienced professional.

Regardless of the complex chosen, it is worth stretching before starting classes. Such exercises will be useful in and of themselves, as they allow you to restore the former flexibility of the joints and ligaments.

When an elderly person seeks to lead an active lifestyle, it is necessary to monitor the uniformity of loads during exercise. This is necessary due to some features of the body at this age:

  • there is a slowdown in metabolic processes;
  • the concentration of decay products in the body increases, which causes fatigue;
  • the shape of the skeleton changes;
  • there is a high tone with a simultaneous decrease in muscle mass;
  • gait changes due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • insufficient blood flow can affect the vestibular apparatus;
  • the lungs are not filled enough;
  • the heart muscle is transformed;
  • the range of rotation of the eyeballs narrows.

Each of these age-related changes can work in tandem with different types pathologies. Gymnastics for the elderly should be performed under the supervision of a professional who will control breathing (arbitrary inhalation should alternate with a deep exhalation, without any tension). All exercises are performed smoothly, at a pace convenient for the practitioner. For exercises from a prone position, older people are advised to put a pillow under their heads to prevent blood flow to the brain.

Gymnastics for the elderly should be performed subject to certain rules:

  1. Measured blood pressure and pulse (before and after exercise). If the pulse rate of an elderly person is higher than the maximum allowable value, then an individual load level is selected for him.
  2. Training time should not exceed 20-30 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week.
  3. It is allowed to vary the starting position, but standing exercises should not prevail over the rest.
  4. All movements are recommended to be done smoothly and slowly, excluding fast, sharp bends and turns.
  5. The list of mandatory should include exercises that restore the vestibular apparatus.
  6. Try to avoid exercises that increase the likelihood of falls. In old age, this can lead to fractures of the limbs.
  7. Gymnastics can only be beneficial when a person feels good. In other cases, the training should be rescheduled.

There are also contraindications for recreational physical education:

  • Pathologies internal organs during exacerbation, accompanied by depression of their functionality.
  • Aneurysm of the heart and large blood vessels.
  • Mental disorders, characterized by memory lapses, problems with orientation in space and time, strange reactions to various situations.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Amyotrophy.
  • Dystrophic changes in bone and joint tissues.

In addition, gymnastics should not be done when high temperature, during the period acute pain, in time inflammatory processes in the presence of internal bleeding.

Recreational gymnastics for the elderly aged 70 years and older is performed individually, under the supervision of a health worker.

An active lifestyle and regular exercise contribute to longevity and well-being. Gymnastics in the morning invigorates the body, improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system, normalizes appetite and sleep. The pensioner has muscles and an even posture, he begins to do more things during the day. Gymnastics is recommended even after a stroke, albeit in a simplified form.

Perform exercises in the morning, because at this time they bring maximum benefit, when the body is not yet wasting energy on digesting food. The room should be ventilated and slightly cool. It is advisable to start training with a leisurely walk or step in place (in a cramped room). In the pauses between different exercises, you can walk around the room.

  1. Warm-up of the cervical region: we tilt our head forward and down, alternately rotate it to the right and left, like a pendulum.
  2. We carry out turns of the head to the right and left shoulder, after which we begin to reach for each shoulder.
  3. Rotate your head 4 turns in each direction.
  4. We put our hands on our shoulders and rotate them in a circle back and forth, repeating 6 times in each direction.
  5. We stretch our arms to the sides, bend them at the elbow joints and rotate. Also 6 times in each direction.
  6. On the inhale we spread our arms, and on the exhale we lean forward. After that, we stand in the starting position and perform a deflection, spreading our arms to the sides.
  7. We do half squats. Heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. Half squatting, knees apart.
  8. We perform full squats while rotating our arms.

Such gymnastics for the elderly (video can be viewed at the link below) is traditional and suitable for all age groups.

The best sets of gymnastic exercises for the elderly

The best time to do gymnastics is in the morning. But, if there is an opportunity to train at another time, then you should not restrain yourself. Incorporating traditional walking or stretching exercises into your daily routine will only increase the effect of classes.

There are quite a few types of gymnastics designed for the elderly. They can be aimed at eliminating certain ailments: problems with joint mobility, constipation, recovery in the post-pain period, etc.

For clarity, we will describe some gymnastics complexes for the elderly that can be performed during one workout, in the absence of contraindications.

1. Warm up

When performing exercises, you should “listen” to the body, do not overdo it. Situations where the practitioner experiences discomfort or even pain are unacceptable. As soon as these symptoms appear, training should be stopped. The main thing is that gymnastics become a source of positive impressions for the elderly.

  • Take a comfortable position, sitting in a chair or on a bed, and stretch your legs forward. Pull your socks towards you and fix them in this position for 8-10 seconds. Then relax your feet. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • In the same starting position, alternately raise and lower your right hand (no more than 10 times), then do the same with your left hand. Movements must be slow.
  • Without changing the position, alternate lifting the legs, fixing them in an elevated position for 2-3 seconds. Perform the exercise 10 times on each leg (or more).
  • The next exercise is best done lying on the bed. This will, among other things, protect against possible injuries. Perform a "bridge": leaning on the limbs, arch your back until it becomes like a bridge. In the event of a fall, you will find yourself on a soft bed, so do not be afraid to hit.

When performing the complex, make sure that the breathing is uniform.

2. The main complex of gymnastics for the elderly

In this case, the lesson can be started with the warm-up described above, or a separate workout, including only the exercises indicated here.

  • Stand in any comfortable position and make sure that your breathing is even, slow. Next, lower your head and, slowly, rotate it clockwise for 1-2 minutes. Take a break of 1 minute and repeat the rotation already in reverse side. It is better to perform 3-4 such approaches.
  • In the same position, gently tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Perform movements without haste. You need to feel how the muscles are stretched. Strive to touch your cheek to your right shoulder. Repeat the exercise, leaning towards the left shoulder. Do about 5-6 sets.
  • In a standing position, lower your hands to your shoulders. Next, bending your elbows, rotate them alternately forward and backward, changing direction every 1-2 minutes.
  • Without changing position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, take a deep breath and lean forward. At the same time, put your hands back. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  • Get into a heels together, toes apart position and do squats. In this case, the hands should be on the belt. No need to strive to do deep squats, a half squat is enough. The main thing is not to feel discomfort. The knees in this exercise are bred to the sides. Do about 10-12 squats.

If your physical form allows, you can try to complicate squats (if there are no contraindications). A deep squat is done, and straightened arms rise up above the head. You can limit yourself to 4 such approaches.

The following set of exercises for the elderly is best performed on a gymnastic rug.

  • Sitting on the floor, spread your legs apart. With an inhalation, stretch alternately to the left leg, center and right leg.
  • Try to stretch your legs in front of you and reach for them without bending your knees.
  • Let's change the position a little: we move the straight leg to the side, and pull the bent knee under us. Next, we perform the slopes, as in the previous exercise. After several approaches, change legs.
  • Next, pulling both knees towards you, tilt them to the right, and then to the left. It is important that the head is turned in the opposite direction.
  • Without changing the starting position, we rest our hands behind us. Raising one leg, we strive to outline an imaginary circle. We do the same with the second leg.
  • In a lying position, alternately raise straightened legs.
  • Remaining in this position, pull your legs towards you and perform exercise number 4.
  • Alternately rotate your upper body in different directions.
  • In a lying position, raise one of your hands in front of you and put it behind your head. Returning to the starting position, change hands.
  • Remaining in a supine position, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, trying to press your sacrum onto the floor.
  • Raise both legs up and bend them at the knees. Simulate the movements of cycling by changing the direction of rotation.
  • Lying on the floor, on one of the sides, lift the straightened leg up. Change position and do the exercise with the other leg.

Such gymnastics (exercises) for the elderly (in the video below) can be an excellent prevention against many diseases.

But what about older people who already have certain health problems? Is it possible to perform some exercises when there are contraindications? For such cases, classes are provided in groups of exercise therapy (LFK), which are held in a sitting position (on a chair). Such gymnastics for the elderly is able to restore the body after an illness and keep physical form at the level reached. Some complexes are prescribed individually, for example: gymnastics for constipation in the elderly.

In what cases and to whom exercise therapy is prescribed for the elderly:

  • during the recovery period after an illness, when a person is prescribed a half-bed rest;
  • as a restorative gymnastics after strokes and heart attacks, during lung diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system, when the disease does not allow you to perform exercises in a standing position or in motion (walking, swimming, exercise bike, etc.);
  • during the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis and gout;
  • for older people with severe diabetes, which gives complications to the legs and heart;
  • for those who move in a wheelchair (permanently or temporarily).

In addition, classes in a sitting position on a chair are recommended for people of very advanced age, for whom movement in itself is difficult. That is, for those who are prescribed bed rest, but a sitting position is not contraindicated. In some cases, gymnastics for osteoporosis of the spine for the elderly may be useful.

Consider a variant of a set of exercise therapy exercises performed in a sitting position:

  1. The hands are on the knees. At the same time, the fists are compressed with little effort. We perform about 15-20 times.
  2. We raise one hand up (through the side), trying to reach the opposite ear. We return to the starting position. We do the same with the other hand. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. We perform inclinations alternately in each direction, sliding our hands along the back legs of the chair. Exercises are done as carefully and smoothly as possible, without sudden movements. Perform 10 tilts in each direction.
  4. Back rotation of the body. To do this, the back of the chair is clasped on one side with hands that kneel. Remaining in this position, we turn, as far as possible, the torso on the other side of the chair. We do the exercise for 10 repetitions.
  5. Tilt your head alternately to one or the other shoulder. Try to move smoothly, gently stretching the muscles of the neck. Do at least 10 repetitions.
  6. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, and as you exhale, hug yourself tightly. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  7. Lower the brushes to your shoulders and perform circular movements back and forth (at least 10 times).
  8. Clasp your hands in the castle and stretch forward from you, straightening your arms at the elbows. Then return the brushes to you and relax. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  9. Leave the brushes closed. Try to press alternately on each brush, straightening your fingers. We also repeat about 15-20 times.
  10. Without opening the brushes, rotate them, changing sides, applying a little effort. Repeat 15-20 times.

Another great way to prevent diseases is Chinese tai chi exercises for the elderly.

The popularity of these ancient sets of exercises is not accidental. Tai chi helps to slow down the aging of the body and prevent age-related diseases. In addition, regular gymnastics can improve all body systems:

  • the normal functioning of the central nervous system is restored;
  • joints become more flexible and mobile;
  • immunity increases;
  • work improves digestive system;
  • coordination is restored.

If you perform exercises on an ongoing basis, then the muscles become stronger, and colds appear less and less frequently. Interestingly, Chinese tai chi gymnastics for the elderly does not imply any serious stress on the body. The workout can also be done while sitting on the bed. The main thing is to wear clothes in which you will feel free. An elderly person chooses the amplitude and number of repetitions of exercises independently.

  1. Sitting on a mat (or bed), cross your legs and place your hands on your knees. Perform about 15-20 breaths. At the same time, you need to exhale longer (in time) than to inhale. With each inhalation, the stomach should protrude, and with exhalation it should retract.
  2. Bloating cheeks. Do about 40 times at an average pace.
  3. Rub your left shoulder with your right hand. Do the same with the other hand. Perform about 20 repetitions for each shoulder, gradually increasing the pressure.
  4. Putting your hands on your hips, rotate your torso in lumbar. The amplitude should gradually increase and then gradually decrease. Perform about 20 turns in each direction.
  5. Move your hand on your stomach in spiral circles clockwise with a little effort. It is recommended to perform this exercise in the direction from the navel, gradually increasing the diameter of an imaginary circle. As soon as you reach the edge of the abdomen, begin to narrow the movements. Repeat the exercise 30 times with each hand.

No less popular is the Chinese gymnastics for the elderly - qigong. It helps to prolong the viability of all body systems. Regular practice of qigong allows you to master control over emotions and breathing. In fact, this type of health-improving gymnastics is a great way to get rid of stress and improve the quality of life for the elderly.

Qigong gymnastics is interesting because it contains a sufficient number of exercises performed in a sitting position, including on the bed. The rest of the movements are performed while standing.

  1. In a sitting position, perform 50 slow cycles of inhalation-exhalation through the nose. As you exhale, mentally direct the flow of Chi energy in front of you.
  2. Massage the knees with circular movements of the palms (100 times). It is important to feel the flow of energy. In the same way, massage the chest and abdomen, making 20 movements with each hand.
  3. Stand in a position where your feet are shoulder-width apart and your hands are at your waist. Lean alternately in each direction 10 times, then perform the same number of forward and backward bends.
  4. In the same position, lift the leg bent at the knee and, tensing the thigh muscles, stretch it in front of you. Returning to the starting position, do the same action with the other leg. As a result, you need to perform 10 movements with each leg.

Joint diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis often accompany the elderly. Therefore, articular gymnastics for passive elderly people is performed at a leisurely pace.

Rheumatologists advise developing joints with the following exercises:

  • Walking in place. In this case, the knee joints are raised at an angle of 90 °.
  • Spreading your legs 50 cm wide, try to reach your toes with your hands, performing tilts.
  • Take a few small steps along an imaginary straight line. This exercise has a positive effect on the hip and knee joints.
  • Take a few steps on your heels and toes, increasing the speed of movement. These exercises will help tighten the calf muscles and hips, which will reduce the load on the joints.

Another complex of gymnastics for the elderly is designed specifically for the restoration of the hip joint. It is recommended for arthrosis and coxarthrosis of the hip joint of moderate severity and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

  1. Get into a supine position (preferably on a firm surface) with your knees bent at a 90° angle. Slowly pull them to the hips and spread them apart. Hold this pose for 5 seconds without moving. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
  2. While in the same position, bend your knees and slowly pull them towards your chest. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
  3. Lying on your side, bend your knees at a 90° angle. Keeping your feet apart, lift one knee up. Change sides and repeat the exercise.
  4. Now roll over onto your stomach, bend your right leg at an angle of 30–40 ° and lift it, fixing it for 30 seconds. Repeat the same with the left leg. Do about 7-10 repetitions.
  5. In a standing position, spread your legs about 50 cm wide and squat, bending your knees at a right angle. Keep your back straight. Do the exercise 10 times.

Variant of articular gymnastics for the upper body:

  • turn your head alternately to the right and left;
  • tilt your head from the left shoulder to the right;
  • describe a circle with your head, not throwing it back much;
  • turn shoulder joints forward and backward;
  • do the same with elbow joints;
  • in a standing position, raise your hands up and do the slopes;
  • do a few half-squats, spreading your knees to the sides;
  • Do a full squat cycle.

For each exercise, you need to spend 3-8 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Do not forget that it will be difficult for people of a very advanced age to perform exercises on their own. In such cases, the presence of a loved one is desirable, who can both improve the mood and help with training.

For such people, a special gymnastics complex of 6 exercises has been developed. Do each 10 times, but consider some nuances:

  • a strict sequence of exercises must be observed;
  • after each exercise, perform 2-3 cycles of breathing with the diaphragm (during inhalation, the stomach protrudes, and retracts during exhalation);
  • exercises that are designed for bilateral performance (right and left) are performed in a row (10 times in each direction).

The gymnastics complex itself consists of the following exercises:

  1. Without lifting your heels from the floor, raise your socks towards you.
  2. Without lifting your socks from the floor, raise your heels up.
  3. We bend one knee. You can additionally hang a weighting agent on the ankles.
  4. We pull the knee to the chest.
  5. By tying the hips elastic bandage, we take our legs to the sides.
  6. Take an elastic band with a narrow grip and stretch it in front of you at chest level.

Physical exercise is also needed for those elderly people who are bedridden. Without a load, the body will quickly begin to lose ground. This will inevitably lead to the fact that in addition to the main disease, a whole bunch of complications will appear. Therefore, despite the severity of the disease, together with the attending physician, it is necessary to develop an individual set of exercises and monitor its implementation.

Gymnastics for the elderly should be performed at a leisurely pace, without sudden movements. For exercises in the supine position, it is recommended to put a pillow on it, preventing blood flow to the brain. You should also watch your breathing. It should be calm and even. As a rule, the exhalation is performed longer, without any tension.

It is important to follow your own pace when building up loads. When an exercise seems difficult to complete, it can be temporarily skipped. The same applies to the number of repetitions. Focus on general state and well-being of the elderly. It is enough to start with 3-4 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. If the exercises are performed on both sides, then follow an equal number of repetitions.

Lying on your back, bend and unbend your neck, alternately pressing it to your chest and pulling it back.

Remaining in the same position, tilt your head alternately to the right and left shoulder.

Without changing position, turn your head left and right.

  • Gymnastics for hands:

Bend and unbend each phalanx of your fingers. Approach and move away thumb hands relative to the palm. Bend and straighten the hand completely, trying to spread the fingers as much as possible in the position when they are unbent.

Rotate the brushes in a circle in a clockwise direction. Then the same movements, but already counterclockwise.

Bend and straighten your arms at the elbows. In a supine position (you can also sit), spread your straightened arms to the sides.

  • Gymnastics for the legs:

Alternately squeeze and unclench your toes.

Rotate your feet in a circle, in a clockwise direction.

The same, in the opposite direction.

Stretch your feet, rising on your toes.

Pull your feet forward.

Bend and straighten your knees.

Bend and straighten your legs at the hip joint.

  • Gymnastics for the body:

Sit on the bed from a supine position. Get someone's help for this.

Take a lying position from a sitting position. For this, you can also use the services of an assistant.

In order for gymnastics for the elderly to be effective, control the degree of stress on the body. On the one hand, they should not be excessive so that a person can cope with them, and on the other hand, the exercises are performed for the sake of a certain benefit.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Before starting training, consult with your doctor. It will help you choose the required level of load and the speed of exercise.
  2. Deciding to start doing gymnastics, act immediately. The less you doubt, the faster the result will come.
  3. Before training, walk around the room, raising your legs high. Such a warm-up will be an excellent preparation for the main set of exercises.
  4. Do not immediately perform the maximum number of repetitions. It’s better to start small, like three.
  5. Do not exercise on a full stomach.

By adhering to certain rules, you can achieve maximum results:

  • gymnastics for the elderly is useful not only because it prevents the development of many diseases, it also allows you to get a portion of energy for the whole day;
  • do exercises on an empty stomach, or 2 hours after eating;
  • try, if possible, to replace evening classes with a walk;
  • do not allow training to the limit: when you feel seriously tired, take a break;
  • the best option- exercise outdoors or at least with open windows;
  • it is good to finish the exercises by taking a shower or bath;
  • Strive to exercise regularly.

With age, the human body changes, and there is no escape from this. Every year, the functionality of our internal organs decreases, which also affects the standard of living. The above sets of exercises for the elderly can significantly slow down this process. This happens due to the improvement of blood flow through the vessels, which saturates the organs with oxygen and other beneficial substances. Regularity and portioning physical activity able to strengthen ligaments, joints and various muscle groups in the elderly. Improves mood and overall well-being.

Homes for the elderly in the Moscow region

The network of boarding houses for the elderly offers nursing homes, which are among the best in terms of comfort, coziness and are located in the most beautiful places in the Moscow region.

We are ready to offer:

  • Comfortable boarding houses for the care of the elderly in Moscow and Moscow Region. We will offer all possible options for accommodating a person close to you.
  • A large base of qualified staff for the care of the elderly.
  • Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).
  • If you are looking for a job, we offer vacancies for nurses.
  • 1-2-3-bed accommodation in boarding houses for the elderly (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).
  • 5 meals a day full and diet.
  • Daily leisure: games, books, movies, walks in the fresh air.
  • Individual work of psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.
  • Weekly examination by specialized doctors.
  • Comfortable and safe conditions: comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air.

At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem they are worried about. In this house, all relatives and friends. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.