First aid for colds: acupressure. Acupuncture points for sore throat Why tonsils in sight

One of the ancient methods of treatment is called acupressure, but can it be used to eliminate the pain in the throat? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Features of acupressure

  • Cough.
  • Cold.
  • Runny nose.
  • Toothache.
  • Numbness of limbs.
  • Problems with digestion.
  • Hemorrhoids.

Features of the


  • tumors.
  • Defeat internal organs.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • Fever.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Ulcers of the stomach.

Throat massage for sore throat

If you or your child often suffer from tonsillitis, your nose is constantly stuffy, and doctors diagnose hypertrophy or an increase in the entire lymphoid tissue of the lymphopharyngeal ring and believe that the only way to treat it is the surgical removal of adenoids and tonsils, then you should think carefully before decide to have surgery.

The tonsils and nasopharynx are accumulations of lymphoid tissue. Its task is to provide protection against infections in the pharynx and nasopharynx. This is a natural barrier to the penetration of infection into the body, and not excess tissue.

Therefore, is it worth doing an operation, because often it does not solve the problem. You may no longer get sore throats, but the pharynx and nasopharynx, deprived of protection, will become vulnerable to bacteria.

For sick, hypertrophied and festering tonsils, there is a reflexogenic zone. You will be surprised how quickly massage works.

We are talking about daily five-minute procedures on each foot. After the massage you will feel better.

The reflexogenic zone of the lymphopharyngeal ring is located at the base of the main phalanx thumb on the right and left foot.

Fasting on water and 4 more ways to detoxify the body

7 signs that something is wrong with your body

Sit comfortably. With the pad of your thumb in a circular motion, begin to massage the corresponding area of ​​the table. Massage in a clockwise direction with a slight painless pressure.published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Angina - acute infection with pronounced inflammatory changes in the pharynx, especially in the region of the palatine tonsils, which are colloquially called tonsils. They are located on the sides of the entrance to the pharynx and are clearly visible if you look into the open mouth. Official medicine calls the inflammation of these tonsils tonsillitis, and tonsillitis is just its variety, which is acute inflammation caused by bacteria (rarely viruses and fungi). Angina is often very difficult and gives dangerous complications.


Perspiration, dryness and pain in the throat, especially when swallowing.

Fever (possible chills).

Pain in joints and muscles.

Enlargement and soreness lymph nodes(feel under the lower jaw).

In children (especially small ones), the following symptoms are also characteristic:

Inability to open teeth.

If you can see the tonsils, then they look like this: red - catarrhal sore throat; covered with pus white-yellow color- lacunar tonsillitis; the entire surface of the tonsils in light yellow "vesicles" - follicular tonsillitis.

The most dangerous complications of angina:

AT early dates- abscesses of the pharynx, the spread of infection into the cranial cavity with the development of inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), sepsis (blood poisoning);

AT late dates(after 2 - 4 weeks) - chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, myocarditis.


Rinsing with warm decoctions of herbs (sage, chamomile), solutions of sodium bicarbonate (soda), boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

Assign heat to the neck area (cotton-gauze bandage or warming compress). With severe lymphadenitis, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, etc.) are effective on the area of ​​​​enlarged lymph nodes.

  • Silver cinquefoil is popularly called "gorlyanka" and "throat grass". Tea from it quickly relieves inflammation and, which is very important, relieves repeated sore throats for a long time. To make tea, take 1 tbsp. l. silver cinquefoil grass, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day.
  • Linden flowers - 5 g, wormwood grass - 10 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection, brew in a glass of boiling water, let it stand for 30

40 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm infusion 3-4 times a day.

  • Peppermint leaves - 10 g, tripartite herb - 15 g, St. John's wort herb - 5 g, valerian root - 5 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection pour 200 ml cold water, bring to a boil and leave for 1 hour. Take the decoction hot 1 cup 1-2 times a day and at bedtime.
  • With angina, you can use a milk decoction of chamomile flowers or elderberry flowers: take 2 tsp for 1 glass of milk. chamomile or elderberry flowers and 1 tsp. natural honey, boil, strain and take hot 2-3 times a day.
  • Ivy-shaped budra decoction (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, insist) is recommended for rinsing and ingestion of 50-100 ml 3-4 times a day for tonsillitis with severe pain and intoxication.
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. dry chamomile flowers pour 2 cups of hot water, boil in a water bath, cool and strain, you can add 1-2 tsp to the decoction. honey. Drink like tea and gargle.
  • Infusion of oregano (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water) is used for rinsing and ingestion as a tea for sore throat.
  • With the onset of sore throat, prolonged chewing of a lemon, especially zest, helps. For children, you can make a honey-lemon mixture using mashed lemon and honey. After applying the lemon, do not eat anything for 3 hours, so as not to interfere with the effect essential oils lemon on the mucous membrane of the throat. Repeat the procedure after 4 hours.
  • Mix carrot juice diluted in half with water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Gargle. It is also recommended to gargle with sage, soda (1/2 teaspoon per glass of warm water), salt and a mixture of salt, soda and boric acid.
    • Inhale the steam of hot baked onions (Be careful!). Once a day, keep 0.3 g of mumiyo under the tongue until completely dissolved, eat with honey.
    • Put a piece of propolis on the cheek at night. High-quality propolis will cause burning and numbness of the tongue, and if this does not happen, then low-quality propolis will have no effect. You can chew after eating pieces of propolis the size of a little finger nail. One day before 5

    For outdoor use

    A warming bandage or compress greatly facilitates the course of a sore throat. The compress is made as follows: a cloth (it is better to use a linen cloth that relieves inflammation) is moistened with a solution of vinegar (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water), or heated vegetable oil, or vodka diluted by half, or the urine of a child, or just warm water and squeeze. The neck is wrapped with a damp cloth, waxed (compressed) paper or cellophane film is placed on top of it, then insulated with a woolen scarf and secured with a bandage or scarf. The duration of the compress is 1.5-2 hours.

    • For a compress, you can use fresh cabbage leaves, changing them every 2 hours. This compress stops inflammation not only of the tonsils, but also of the cervical lymph nodes.
    • Morse and fresh cranberries with honey are used in the treatment of colds, sore throats. A mixture of honey with cranberry (or lingonberry) juice is lubricated with a sore throat.
    • The celandine contains substances that are active against many microorganisms that cause tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis. Celandine tea is used for rinsing and washing the lacunae of the tonsils. Prepare tea in a water bath at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. plants in a glass of water.
    • Infusion of flowers of calendula officinalis (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water) or drops of 10% alcohol tincture plants per 200 ml of water are used as rinses for follicular and lacunar tonsillitis.
    • With sore throat, it is necessary to gargle with warm decoctions and infusions of herbs (sage, chamomile), solutions of sodium bicarbonate (soda), boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, hypertonic solution (per glass of boiling water - 1 tablet of furacillin, 1 des. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l vodka Rinse every hour for the first 2 days of illness), etc.

    Recipes for internal use

    • Blackcurrant leaves - 5 g, common raspberry leaves - 3 g, chamomile flowers - 2 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 8-10 hours, take 1 cup warm, you can with honey 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks during treatment to prevent exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis.
    • St. John's wort grass - 5 g, nettle leaves - 2 g, black currant leaves - 5 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours and take it hot with honey or jam 1-2 times a day.
    • Wild strawberry leaves - 2 g, common raspberry leaves - 2 g, white birch buds - 1 g, sage herb - 1 g, oregano herb - 1 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 6-8 hours in a thermos, take 1/2 cup warm 3-4 times a day.
    • Chamomile flowers, tripartite herb, blackcurrant leaves, peppermint leaves, calendula officinalis flowers - 1 g each.

    Pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours, take it warm, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

    For outdoor use

    • For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, one of the main methods is washing the palatine tonsils, which, in addition to the mechanical removal of plugs from pus, has a therapeutic effect. Gargle and inhalation are also used. For inhalations in chronic tonsillitis, fresh garlic juice is used, diluted with distilled water 1:10 for adults and 1:50 for children.
    • For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children, it is suggested to lubricate the palatine tonsils with aloe juice mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1:3 for 2 weeks daily and for the next 2 weeks every other day. Procedures should be performed on an empty stomach.
    • In chronic tonsillitis in children, palatine tonsils can be lubricated with black radish juice mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1: 3, daily, and then for the next 2 weeks - every other day. Inside we recommend taking one of the teas fortifying action
    • Medicinal plants can be used in complex treatment and in the prevention of chronic tonsillitis for inhalations, washing the lacunae of the tonsils (10-12 washes per course daily or every other day at a temperature of ° C; the course of inhalations usually includes procedures, the duration of one inhalation is 5 minutes).

    Yoga exercise for the throat muscle "Lion Pose"

    The exercise "pose of a lion" improves blood circulation in the tonsils, helps to cleanse them of purulent deposits and plugs, and reduces sore throat. Exercise also well prevents sore throats and exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, so it should be done at the first manifestations of a cold, and better - constantly.

    Performing the exercise (asana): kneel, then sit on your heels. Place your hands on your knees with your palms up, relax your fingers and slightly spread apart, keep your body straight. With the beginning of the exhalation, stick out the tongue as far forward and down as possible, trying to reach the chin with its tip. Continue the exercise until you feel like you are "choking".

    You should feel tension in the sublingual region of the neck and larynx. At the moment of tension, sharply tighten your fingers and goggle your eyes. Then slowly return to the starting position, relaxing the muscles of the neck, eyes, arms. Perform the exercise for 5-10 seconds, and then rest. Repeat the exercise 7 times.

    Acupressure for angina and tonsillitis.


    1. Localization of points

    The first point is in the depression between the bones

    thumb and index fingers. The second point is located on the outer side of the thumb slightly away from the corner of the nail.

    Massage the points with the thumb of the other hand until redness appears (2-3 minutes).

    With angina with high fever

    2. Localization of points

    The point is located in the area of ​​the elbow joint at the end of the fold formed when the arm is bent at the elbow, on the side of the thumb.

    • Press the point with the pad of the thumb, causing pain, min.

    When a person gets sick with colds, he is interested in everything available ways fast and efficient recovery. Someone immediately goes to the doctor, and someone tries at home folk ways and practices. One of the ancient methods of treatment is called acupressure, but is it possible to eliminate a sore throat with it? We will try to answer this question in this article.

    Features of acupressure

    Acupressure or acupressure is called the most effective method therapy, which came to us from the East. There are biologically active points on the human body, by acting on which, one can influence the state of health, improve overall well-being, restore the functioning of internal organs and systems affected by the disease.

    Acupressure official medicine considered a form of reflexology. Often it is confused with the method of acupuncture (acupuncture), in contrast to which the impact on the points of the human body with the fingers is painless and does not require special medical knowledge.

    You need to know the acupuncture points on the body, and also understand what they are responsible for, what can be treated by clicking on them.

    Most often, acupressure is used for:

    • Headaches, dizziness.
    • Pain in the throat.
    • Cough.
    • Cold.
    • Runny nose.
    • Toothache.
    • Numbness of limbs.
    • Problems with digestion.
    • Hemorrhoids.

    Acupressure is also used as emergency care, for example, when a person has heatstroke, fainting, or exhaustion. The procedure is quite simple, no special devices are needed for its implementation, thanks to this and high efficiency in treatment, it has gained such popularity.

    Features of the

    With acupressure, the effect usually occurs on one main point and several additional ones. To begin the procedure, you should sit or lie down comfortably. The masseur determines the points that will be affected and warms the hands.

    There are 3 ways of acupressure, they can be combined:

    1. "Injections". Press the nail of the thumb or index finger with force and wiggle. Nails should not be too long, so as not to injure the skin.
    2. Pressure. Apply with the pads of the thumb and forefinger. A person should feel aches and numbness during these manipulations, which is considered the norm.
    3. Circular movements. Carried out with fingertips in a circle.

    If during the procedure there is dizziness, excessive sweating, a general deterioration in well-being and a change in complexion, you should immediately stop it, drink water and lie down.

    Massage Techniques for Sore Throat

    In inflammatory processes of the pharynx, if angina is diagnosed, the larynx hurts, there is a cough, it is also used this method therapy. It helps to relieve the main symptoms and is used as a pre-medical treatment.

    The performance of acupressure for sore throat involves the impact on the following biological points: behind the ear in the lobe, the center of the sternomastoideus muscle, the dimple above the upper edge of the sternum, 2 cm below the outer edge of the clavicle.

    There are special acupressure techniques for sore throats:

    1. With gentle pressure and circular movements, the lower part of the thumb and the jumper on both hands are massaged (in turn), each for 5 seconds. Next, an “injection” is made with the thumb of one hand at the base of the nail of the finger of the other, the duration is 5-7 seconds. For each hand, do this technique 3 times.
    2. Massage the big toe on both feet, the jumpers between them and other fingers.
    3. Press on the upper part of the edge of the sternum, hold for 10 seconds. Release for the same time and repeat the procedure 3 times.
    4. To relieve a sore throat and warm the body, you need to massage the side and front of the foot of each leg for 15 seconds.
    5. With a combination pain and rhinitis, it is recommended to massage the fingertips on the hands several times a day for 30 seconds.

    It is best to carry out acupressure in the morning, lunch and evening, without reducing the interval between manipulations to 5 hours. Since morning massage movements can be the most active, before going to bed, on the contrary, light and soothing.


    Acupressure has a number of limitations and is not shown to everyone. It is not recommended to carry out this manipulation when:

    • tumors.
    • Damage to internal organs.
    • Diseases of the blood.
    • Fever.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Ulcers of the stomach.

    Do not massage with fingers during the period menstrual cycle, on an empty stomach, with pressure drops. Also, it is not carried out for small children under 1 year old and the elderly. Masseurs do not recommend drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, taking hot baths during acupressure.

    If you treat the throat with acupressure, it is not excluded and adverse reactions after it, for example, chills, weakness, joint pain and hoarseness.

    The number of procedures depends on the type of ENT disease, the severity of its symptoms, the state of health and the individual reaction of the body. Consultation with a doctor before starting a massage is a must.

    Self-treatment of angina with reflex massage

    Angina is an infectious disease that often occurs in humans. different ages, is manifested by inflammation of the elements of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring. There is a wealth of evidence and research supporting the effectiveness of acupressure for sore throats.

    If a sore throat is treated with medicines, then the procedure is delayed for long time entails large financial costs. Foot massage in this case has significant benefits. It is absolutely free, often people do it on their own, without resorting to outside help. Also, massage is a pleasant procedure that improves well-being, improves mood. What could be better than pleasant effective treatment disease, and absolutely free.

    Preparing for a massage will not take much time, during which you need to study the reflex zones of the foot, the points responsible for the respiratory system, and increase the body's resistance to infections. Massage can be done by everyone, without restrictions on age and health status. Contraindications side effects absent in full. Therefore, pregnant women can resort to the help of such treatment, wanting to minimize the negative impact on the body. medicines, Small children.

    Of course, if there is a purulent plaque on the tonsils, one cannot do without drugs. Because, as in this case, a high temperature is characteristic, with which you need to actively fight. But foot massage will help to minimize the list of drugs that you need to take, speed up the recovery process. If a massotherapy used for prevention purposes, then the likelihood of angina is reduced to the very minimum. This is due to the special effectiveness of massage to strengthen the body's immunity. Accordingly, even if the disease occurs, it will pass in mild form limited to redness of the throat.

    In view of all the benefits that characterize acupressure, consider mastering this method of treatment. Familiarize yourself with the thematic literature and start practicing. After all, Chinese massage is a simple, most effective, very pleasant and absolutely safe procedure that can help improve health. A large number of Candidates of Medical Sciences was engaged in writing dissertations on the use of reflexology for the treatment of such a disease as tonsillitis.

    The massage technique is extremely simple and you will need literally 2-3 lessons to master it. You don't need any special medical knowledge. All you really need is your hands, feet and intention!

    Massage should be carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    Video lesson on foot massage in the treatment of angina

    The method of influencing the reflex zones for the treatment of angina:

    • 1 Immune system - stimulating
    • 2 Tonsils - soothing
    • 3 lymphatic system face and brain - stimulating
    • 4 Adrenals - stimulating
    • 5 Colon- stimulating

    The best specialists of our team will be happy to answer all questions regarding the content of the book, help you choose an individual course of reflex massage for you, taking into account your age, medical history and medical indications.

    We welcome all your questions and wishes. We guarantee that no question will be left without a careful analysis and answer!

    you have a sore throat

    Undoubtedly, there will be experts among readers who know how tonsillitis differs (by the way, acute tonsillitis is nothing more than a sore throat) from laryngitis and pharyngitis. You don't need it. You woke up - and felt discomfort in the throat area. Something suffocates, tickles, scratches with pain gnawing outward. You have little time; as it should be in your youth, you went to bed after midnight and therefore overslept; it's time to run to lectures, every minute counts; but since no science is useful without health, you reasonably decide to spend about a dozen minutes on this holy cause. And we don't need more.

    So, the first task: remove the symptom. In our case, this means not only 1) bringing the throat to a comfortable state, but also 2) stopping the development of the disease, preserving it until better times, when you, say, have at least half an hour to heal more or less seriously.

    You understand that the removal of a symptom cannot be called a full-fledged treatment. It's just a surrogate. Minimum action for maximum effect. But when there is no time, there is no choice.

    The first point we need is on the thumb, 0.3 centimeters from the outer corner of the nail. Let's follow the advice of colleague Shin - we will influence it with any nail of the other hand. Be careful: we must reach the point absolutely accurately. Therefore, topography and millimeters are only guidelines; the criterion of truth is sensation. Feeling of a sharp prickle. Pain. Touch it with your fingernail: there is nothing nearby, but in this place it is like a needle is being driven in. So it is.

    And you must make at least 50 such injections. The point is called shao-shan. Then do the same procedure on the other hand.

    The second point is in the palm of your hand. There is a pillow on the palm above the thumb. Here in the middle of it is the desired point. It is off-meridian, so you don't need to know its name. It is very sharp for sore throats. Found? Excellent. Now with the thumb of the other hand - with the pad of the thumb - we begin to influence it.

    I recall the main principles.

    1. You act in such a way that not just pain is felt under the working finger, but a point pain - this will allow you to work as accurately as possible (and therefore successfully).

    2. Pain must be mandatory, but the pain is tolerable (the ideal is good).

    3. Your finger makes subtle circular motions in a counterclockwise direction. Diameter - no more than 3 mm.

    4. Attention is more important than effort. This means that the focus on sensation should be maximum.

    At the second point, you work for at least 2 minutes. First on one hand, then on the other.

    And the last place is the jugular notch, the bend of the bone between the collarbones. Here we have three points (also off-meridian): one at the base of the notch, and two on the sides. It is most convenient to work them out with the pad of your index finger. At least a minute per point is already good; but if you still have a minute or two at your disposal, spend them on the treatment of the place of the tenderloin where the pain is most acute. You will not regret.

    Now you can safely run to lectures. I am sure that in minutes you will find that your throat hardly bothers you.

    Unfortunately, lazy people - and the vast majority of them - are usually limited to this. But you don't belong to them; do you remember,

    1) that the symptom (in this case, a sore throat) is only the herald of a disease that is incomparably larger and more dangerous than you imagine;

    2) that any disease is not limited to a piece of the body, but covers the entire body, while the sore spot is only its springboard;

    3) that any disease is associated with a colossal loss of energy that the body spends on fighting the disease. This means that if you do not help the body, the loss of energy will immediately affect all your affairs, including training. (I guess that this is what worries you not very much, but I have no right not to warn about this.)

    So, you have decided to help your body seriously. Get sick. Holy work! In this case, do not put off this work until tomorrow, start it immediately.

    To get started, repeat the mini-program you have already done one more time. An interval between both sessions of, say, half an hour is just what is required. I remember that over time you feel bad, but you don’t need special conditions either! You can also work on the fingers and jugular notch on the bus on the way to the institute; Yes, and at the lecture too - who will stop you?

    I remind you: in the second session, the pain at all points will become aggravated - inflammation flows down to them. This does not oblige you to anything, except for one thing: work delicately. You should not have associations with torture.

    If you carry out the second session successfully, then after it the discomfort will surely leave the throat completely. And yet I will ask the most conscientious in two or three hours to ride the program for the third time. You will not regret!

    By the way, if you have completed a mini-program - and your ardor has not died down, you can add work on your ears to it. Here your main point is at the base of the lobe. You can pinch it with your fingers and press it, causing a feeling of pricks, you can just prick with your fingernail - as you like. This is done - until you get bored (as soon as the slightest boredom from work appears - stop it immediately; boredom is a symptom of growing fatigue; working in spite of it is stupid: there is almost nothing, and the harm can be great; therefore, when boredom is the only way out: immediately change occupation) or until the point becomes numb. Those who wish to continue this exercise can examine the entire curl of the ear (its edge), pinching it on both sides with their fingers. Where you find sore spots - work. Helps well.

    Now consider the case where you are rich in time.

    At the same time, the mini-program remains in force, but it is overgrown with work, which, in addition to 1) relieving discomfort and 2) preserving the focus of the disease, also allows 3) normalizing energy processes in the body, that is, eliminating the disease completely.

    Keep in mind: the throat is treated with points on the hands, so this is where 75 percent of the work is done. The points on the neck - although they are directly adjacent to the throat - can be considered auxiliary. They help to rent a local inflammatory process and block the energy leak. We will assume that they account for (both in terms of effort and time) another 20 percent of the work. Finally, the last 5 percent on points that allow you to cover the entire body with work; means - connecting and points on the legs.

    So, full program everything starts with the same shao-shan (11-l) the first digit is the number of the point, the second is the number of the meridian) and from a point on the palm above the thumb.

    Then - shang-yang (1-ll). She is on the index finger at the angle of the nail. We tingle it, like shao-shan, at least 50 times.

    Then the er-jian (2-ll), already familiar to you from the previous lesson, is at the base of the index finger.

    Pian-li (6-ll) you also know - on the same line above the wrist.

    But the next one is le-qué. (7-l) - you meet for the first time. Remember it well: it, like hae-gu, is one of the most important and will come in handy more than once. It is easy to find: halfway from the pian-li point to the wrist, only passing through the radius.

    The connecting point is already familiar to you. This is cheng qi (1-Ill) - it is on the lower edge of the eye orbit, just below the pupil.

    On the throat - to work on the jugular tenderloin - you can add three more points. They are located between the thyroid cartilage and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. From top to bottom: jen-ying (9-lll), shui-tu (10-Ill), chi-she (11-lll).

    The points on the legs are also familiar to you. These are nei-ting (44-lll) and li-dui (45-lll) - at the base of the second toe and at the root of his nail.

    These points are more than enough to heal your throat with the guarantee that the next time it will bother you very soon. But I would advise the most conscientious to include two more points in the program:

    qu-chi (11-ll) -on elbow joint outside - and

    chi-chie (5-l) - at the end of the elbow crease, above qu-chi.

    As long as these two points are sensitive, your protection against colds is not worth much. But if they are silent - congratulations: even the insidious flu is not terrible for you.

    I wish you a light hand!

    This lesson seemed simpler to us than the previous one, no one had any questions, and yet the editor-in-chief advised:

    Find Volodya Shin. Let him look with the eye of a master. You never know. In such a case, it is never harmful to err. And then add something smart.

    1. By cutting out your tonsils, you are tearing apart your immune defenses.

    2. A person with normal energy never has a sore throat.

    3. A sore throat is a sign that you have chronic inflammation somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract.

    "Student Meridian" No.

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    Ecology of health: If you or your child often suffer from tonsillitis, your nose is constantly stuffy, and doctors diagnose hypertrophy or an increase in the entire lymphoid tissue of the lymphopharyngeal ring and believe that the only way to treat is the surgical removal of adenoids and tonsils, then you should think carefully before deciding to have surgery.

    If you or your child often suffer from tonsillitis, your nose is constantly stuffy, and doctors diagnose hypertrophy or an increase in the entire lymphoid tissue of the lymphopharyngeal ring and believe that the only way to treat it is the surgical removal of adenoids and tonsils, then you should think carefully before decide to have surgery.

    The tonsils and nasopharynx are accumulations of lymphoid tissue. Its task is to provide protection against infections in the pharynx and nasopharynx. This is a natural barrier to the penetration of infection into the body, and not excess tissue.

    Therefore, is it worth doing an operation, because often it does not solve the problem. You may no longer get sore throats, but the pharynx and nasopharynx, deprived of protection, will become vulnerable to bacteria.

    For sick, hypertrophied and festering tonsils, there is a reflexogenic zone. You will be surprised how quickly massage works.

    We are talking about daily five-minute procedures on each foot. After the massage you will feel better.

    The reflexogenic zone of the lymphopharyngeal ring is located at the base of the main phalanx of the big toe on the right and left foot.

    This will be of interest to you:

    Sit comfortably. With the pad of your thumb in a circular motion, begin to massage the corresponding area of ​​the table. Massage in a clockwise direction with a slight painless pressure. published

    Tonsils are, one might say, the gates of our body.

    It is they who take the blow from the action of various viruses and microbes that can enter our body through oral cavity or nasal passages. They are always involved in the process of otitis media, sinusitis or banal SARS.

    Massage of the tonsils with tonsillitis helps us to activate and cleanse this important organ.

    The main functions of the tonsils- to analyze the bacteria and microorganisms entering the body. Without them, it is impossible to imagine the protection of the body. When eating, breathing, microorganisms settle on the tonsils. The tonsils are also often stressed. This is either cold food, or allergic and infectious diseases.

    Thus, there are inflammatory processes in the palatine tonsils.

    Ways to massage the tonsils with tonsillitis

    You can activate blood circulation in the tonsils and push plugs with pus out of the "pockets" in the tonsils using the methods below.

    1. Relax your neck. Turn your head sharply to the left, to the right, forward, backward. Take a breath so your head doesn't spin. Repeat about 25 times.
    2. in a circular motion massage with index fingers behind the ears and neck under the jaw, and it is easy to press pointwise the same number of times.
    3. Before the massage, it would be better to lubricate the throat with massage cream.. Then, as it were, grasp the trachea with the fingertips, thumb and forefinger. Turn your head slightly to make it easier to feel for the trachea and the tonsils themselves. They will be like two seals under or behind lower jaw. While squeezing, move up the front edge of the muscle, then along the back wall of the tonsils (this will be best). It is done for about a minute, in the morning and in the evening.
    4. Raise your head up, strongly stretching your neck. And with the fingers, or rather with the fingertips of both hands at the same time, draw from top to bottom down the throat five times. At the same time, press hard (of course, without excessiveness). In steps: raise the chin - stretch the neck - run your fingers five times - break (lower the neck). Repeat 3-4 times. This results in muscle tension cervical region, massage is provided inside the throat with its muscles.
    5. You can growl during the massage. The vibrations of the muscles and ligaments will make the throat "shake" and clear in depth. Thus, together you get a deep mechanical massage of the throat.
    6. Grasp your throat with your palm and squeeze your palm, i.e. as if you take your throat in your hand and crumple it. Not too much.

    When massaging the tonsils with tonsillitis, most likely, a feeling of tickling will appear. This is normal, this is how pus comes out. The feeling of coughing is also normal. You just need to clear your throat.

    How to make a solution for gargling with tonsillitis:

    • We take a glass of warm water.
    • Add a teaspoon of salt and stir.
    • We do rinsing 10-15 times.

    Thus, with an alkaline solution, we provide the throat with the restoration of the biological environment.


    Remember! To clean the tonsils mechanically - with a finger, cotton buds or other items do not stand alone! There is a danger of damaging the delicate tissue of the tonsils, so the procedure can only be entrusted to a doctor.

    Additionally, after massaging the tonsils with tonsillitis, it is very good to wrap a scarf around the throat after. You can't take it off for a day. Provides excellent warming of the sore throat and neck as a whole. Improves blood circulation and lymph flow.


    Massage of the tonsils with tonsillitis is effective only when the plugs have already formed. If you have catarrhal sore throat without plugs, you should not massage. It is advisable not to massage high temperature- this can worsen the course of the disease.

    Don't forget your tonsils! They produce lymphocytes, gamma globulin, lysozyme, interferon and produce a lot of metabolic processes. They are an integral part immune system people, their work is very important.

    In addition, one should not forget about the anatomical location of the tonsils - they are not far from spinal cord, and are directly related to circulatory system Therefore, inflammation of the pharynx, tonsillitis can lead to problems and inflammation in many other organs.

    Undoubtedly, there will be experts among readers who know how tonsillitis differs (by the way, acute tonsillitis is nothing more than a sore throat) from laryngitis and pharyngitis. You don't need it. You woke up - and felt discomfort in the throat area. Something suffocates, tickles, scratches with pain gnawing outward. You have little time; as it should be in your youth, you went to bed after midnight and therefore overslept; it's time to run to lectures, every minute counts; but since no science is useful without health, you reasonably decide to spend about a dozen minutes on this holy cause. And we don't need more.
    So, the first task: remove the symptom. In our case, this means not only 1) bringing the throat to a comfortable state, but also 2) stopping the development of the disease, preserving it until better times, when you, say, have at least half an hour to heal more or less seriously.
    You understand that the removal of a symptom cannot be called a full-fledged treatment. It's just a surrogate. Minimum action for maximum effect. But when there is no time, there is no choice.
    The first point we need is on the thumb, 0.3 centimeters from the outer corner of the nail. Let's follow the advice of colleague Shin - we will influence it with any nail of the other hand. Be careful: we must reach the point absolutely accurately. Therefore, topography and millimeters are only guidelines; the criterion of truth is sensation. Feeling of a sharp prickle. Pain. Touch it with your fingernail: there is nothing nearby, but in this place it is like a needle is being driven in. So it is.
    And you must make at least 50 such injections. The point is called shao-shan. Then do the same procedure on the other hand.
    The second point is in the palm of your hand. There is a pillow on the palm above the thumb. Here in the middle of it is the desired point. It is off-meridian, so you don't need to know its name. It is very sharp for sore throats. Found? Excellent. Now with the thumb of the other hand - with the pad of the thumb - we begin to influence it.
    I recall the main principles.
    1. You act in such a way that not just pain is felt under the working finger, but a point pain - this will allow you to work as accurately as possible (and therefore successfully).
    2. Pain must be mandatory, but the pain is tolerable (the ideal is good).
    3. Your finger makes subtle circular motions in a counterclockwise direction. Diameter - no more than 3 mm.
    4. Attention is more important than effort. This means that the focus on sensation should be maximum.
    At the second point, you work for at least 2 minutes. First on one hand, then on the other.
    And the last place is the jugular notch, the bend of the bone between the collarbones. Here we have three points (also off-meridian): one at the base of the notch, and two on the sides. It is most convenient to work them out with the pad of your index finger. At least a minute per point is already good; but if you still have a minute or two at your disposal, spend them on the treatment of the place of the tenderloin where the pain is most acute. You will not regret.
    Now you can safely run to lectures. I am sure: after 10-15 minutes you will find that your throat hardly bothers you.
    Unfortunately, lazy people - and the vast majority of them - are usually limited to this. But you don't belong to them; do you remember,
    1) that the symptom (in this case, a sore throat) is only the herald of a disease that is incomparably larger and more dangerous than you imagine;
    2) that any disease is not limited to a piece of the body, but covers the entire body, while the sore spot is only its springboard;
    3) that any disease is associated with a colossal loss of energy that the body spends on fighting the disease. This means that if you do not help the body, the loss of energy will immediately affect all your affairs, including training. (I guess that this is what worries you not very much, but I have no right not to warn about this.)
    So, you have decided to help your body seriously. Get sick. Holy work! In this case, do not put off this work until tomorrow, start it immediately.
    To get started, repeat the mini-program you have already done one more time. An interval between both sessions of, say, half an hour is just what is required. I remember that over time you feel bad, but you don’t need special conditions either! You can also work on the fingers and jugular notch on the bus on the way to the institute; Yes, and at the lecture too - who will stop you?
    I remind you: in the second session, the pain at all points will become aggravated - inflammation flows down to them. This does not oblige you to anything, except for one thing: work delicately. You should not have associations with torture.
    If you carry out the second session successfully, then after it the discomfort will surely leave the throat completely. And yet I will ask the most conscientious in two or three hours to ride the program for the third time. You will not regret!
    By the way, if you have completed a mini-program - and your ardor has not died down, you can add work on your ears to it. Here your main point is at the base of the lobe. You can pinch it with your fingers and press it, causing a feeling of pricks, you can just prick with your fingernail - as you like. This is done - until you get bored (as soon as the slightest boredom from work appears - stop it immediately; boredom is a symptom of growing fatigue; working in spite of it is stupid: there is almost nothing, and the harm can be great; therefore, when boredom is the only way out: immediately change occupation) or until the point becomes numb. Those who wish to continue this exercise can examine the entire curl of the ear (its edge), pinching it on both sides with their fingers. Where you find sore spots - work. Helps well.
    Now consider the case where you are rich in time.
    At the same time, the mini-program remains in force, but it is overgrown with work, which, in addition to 1) relieving discomfort and 2) preserving the focus of the disease, also allows 3) normalizing energy processes in the body, that is, eliminating the disease completely.
    Keep in mind: the throat is treated with points on the hands, so this is where 75 percent of the work is done. The points on the neck - although they are directly adjacent to the throat - can be considered auxiliary. They help to remove the local inflammatory process and block the leakage of energy. We will assume that they account for (both in terms of effort and time) another 20 percent of the work. Finally, the last 5 percent on points that allow you to cover the entire body with work; means - connecting and points on the legs.
    So, the full program starts with the same shao-shan (11-l) the first digit is the number of the point, the second is the number of the meridian) and from a point on the palm above the thumb.
    Then - shang-yang (1-ll). She is on the index finger at the angle of the nail. We tingle it, like shao-shan, at least 50 times.
    Then the er-jian (2-ll), already familiar to you from the previous lesson, is at the base of the index finger.
    Further - he-gu (4-ll). We have talked about it so much that, I hope, you are already working on it flawlessly.
    Pian-li (6-ll) you also know - on the same line above the wrist.
    But the next one is le-qué. (7-l) - you meet for the first time. Remember it well: it, like hae-gu, is one of the most important and will come in handy more than once. It is easy to find: halfway from the pian-li point to the wrist, only passing through the radius.
    The connecting point is already familiar to you. This is cheng qi (1-Ill) - it is on the lower edge of the eye orbit, just below the pupil.
    On the throat - to work on the jugular tenderloin - you can add three more points. They are located between the thyroid cartilage and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. From top to bottom: jen-ying (9-lll), shui-tu (10-Ill), chi-she (11-lll).
    The points on the legs are also familiar to you. These are nei-ting (44-lll) and li-dui (45-lll) - at the base of the second toe and at the root of his nail.
    These points are more than enough to heal your throat with the guarantee that the next time it will bother you very soon. But I would advise the most conscientious to include two more points in the program:
    qu-chi (11-ll) - on the elbow joint outside - and
    chi-chie (5-l) - at the end of the elbow crease, above qu-chi.
    As long as these two points are sensitive, your protection against colds is not worth much. But if they are silent - congratulations: even the insidious flu is not terrible for you.
    I wish you a light hand!
    This lesson seemed simpler to us than the previous one, no one had any questions, and yet the editor-in-chief advised:
    - Find Volodya Shin. Let him look with the eye of a master. You never know. In such a case, it is never harmful to err. And then something smart will add ...

    1. By cutting out your tonsils, you are tearing apart your immune defenses.
    2. A person with normal energy never has a sore throat.
    3. A sore throat is a sign that you have chronic inflammation somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract.

    "Student Meridian" No. 9 1989

    Undoubtedly, there will be experts among readers who know how tonsillitis differs (by the way, acute tonsillitis is nothing more than a sore throat) from laryngitis and pharyngitis. You don't need it. You woke up - and felt discomfort in the throat area. Something suffocates, tickles, scratches with pain gnawing outward. You have little time; as it should be in your youth, you went to bed after midnight and therefore overslept; it's time to run to lectures, every minute counts; but since no science is useful without health, you reasonably decide to spend about a dozen minutes on this holy cause. And we don't need more.
    So, the first task: remove the symptom. In our case, this means not only 1) bringing the throat to a comfortable state, but also 2) stopping the development of the disease, preserving it until better times, when you, say, have at least half an hour to heal more or less seriously.
    You understand that the removal of a symptom cannot be called a full-fledged treatment. It's just a surrogate. Minimum action for maximum effect. But when there is no time, there is no choice.
    The first point we need is on the thumb, 0.3 centimeters from the outer corner of the nail. Let's follow the advice of colleague Shin - we will influence it with any nail of the other hand. Be careful: we must reach the point absolutely accurately. Therefore, topography and millimeters are only guidelines; the criterion of truth is sensation. Feeling of a sharp prickle. Pain. Touch it with your fingernail: there is nothing nearby, but in this place it is like a needle is being driven in. So it is.
    And you must make at least 50 such injections. The point is called shao-shan. Then do the same procedure on the other hand.
    The second point is in the palm of your hand. There is a pillow on the palm above the thumb. Here in the middle of it is the desired point. It is off-meridian, so you don't need to know its name. It is very sharp for sore throats. Found? Excellent. Now with the thumb of the other hand - with the pad of the thumb - we begin to influence it.
    I recall the main principles.
    1. You act in such a way that not just pain is felt under the working finger, but a point pain - this will allow you to work as accurately as possible (and therefore successfully).
    2. Pain must be mandatory, but the pain is tolerable (the ideal is good).
    3. Your finger makes subtle circular motions in a counterclockwise direction. Diameter - no more than 3 mm.
    4. Attention is more important than effort. This means that the focus on sensation should be maximum.
    At the second point, you work for at least 2 minutes. First on one hand, then on the other.
    And the last place is the jugular notch, the bend of the bone between the collarbones. Here we have three points (also off-meridian): one at the base of the notch, and two on the sides. It is most convenient to work them out with the pad of your index finger. At least a minute per point is already good; but if you still have a minute or two at your disposal, spend them on the treatment of the place of the tenderloin where the pain is most acute. You will not regret.
    Now you can safely run to lectures. I am sure: after 10-15 minutes you will find that your throat hardly bothers you.
    Unfortunately, lazy people - and the vast majority of them - are usually limited to this. But you don't belong to them; do you remember,
    1) that the symptom (in this case, a sore throat) is only the herald of a disease that is incomparably larger and more dangerous than you imagine;
    2) that any disease is not limited to a piece of the body, but covers the entire body, while the sore spot is only its springboard;
    3) that any disease is associated with a colossal loss of energy that the body spends on fighting the disease. This means that if you do not help the body, the loss of energy will immediately affect all your affairs, including training. (I guess that this is what worries you not very much, but I have no right not to warn about this.)
    So, you have decided to help your body seriously. Get sick. Holy work! In this case, do not put off this work until tomorrow, start it immediately.
    To get started, repeat the mini-program you have already done one more time. An interval between both sessions of, say, half an hour is just what is required. I remember that over time you feel bad, but you don’t need special conditions either! You can also work on the fingers and jugular notch on the bus on the way to the institute; Yes, and at the lecture too - who will stop you?
    I remind you: in the second session, the pain at all points will become aggravated - inflammation flows down to them. This does not oblige you to anything, except for one thing: work delicately. You should not have associations with torture.
    If you carry out the second session successfully, then after it the discomfort will surely leave the throat completely. And yet I will ask the most conscientious in two or three hours to ride the program for the third time. You will not regret!
    By the way, if you have completed a mini-program - and your ardor has not died down, you can add work on your ears to it. Here your main point is at the base of the lobe. You can pinch it with your fingers and press it, causing a feeling of pricks, you can just prick with your fingernail - as you like. This is done - until you get bored (as soon as the slightest boredom from work appears - stop it immediately; boredom is a symptom of growing fatigue; working in spite of it is stupid: there is almost nothing, and the harm can be great; therefore, when boredom is the only way out: immediately change occupation) or until the point becomes numb. Those who wish to continue this exercise can examine the entire curl of the ear (its edge), pinching it on both sides with their fingers. Where you find sore spots - work. Helps well.
    Now consider the case where you are rich in time.
    At the same time, the mini-program remains in force, but it is overgrown with work, which, in addition to 1) relieving discomfort and 2) preserving the focus of the disease, also allows 3) normalizing energy processes in the body, that is, eliminating the disease completely.
    Keep in mind: the throat is treated with points on the hands, so this is where 75 percent of the work is done. The points on the neck - although they are directly adjacent to the throat - can be considered auxiliary. They help to remove the local inflammatory process and block the leakage of energy. We will assume that they account for (both in terms of effort and time) another 20 percent of the work. Finally, the last 5 percent on points that allow you to cover the entire body with work; means - connecting and points on the legs.
    So, the full program starts with the same shao-shan (11-l) the first digit is the number of the point, the second is the number of the meridian) and from a point on the palm above the thumb.
    Then - shang-yang (1-ll). She is on the index finger at the angle of the nail. We tingle it, like shao-shan, at least 50 times.
    Then the er-jian (2-ll), already familiar to you from the previous lesson, is at the base of the index finger.
    Further - he-gu (4-ll). We have talked about it so much that, I hope, you are already working on it flawlessly.
    Pian-li (6-ll) you also know - on the same line above the wrist.
    But the next one is le-qué. (7-l) - you meet for the first time. Remember it well: it, like hae-gu, is one of the most important and will come in handy more than once. It is easy to find: halfway from the pian-li point to the wrist, only passing through the radius.
    The connecting point is already familiar to you. This is cheng qi (1-Ill) - it is on the lower edge of the eye orbit, just below the pupil.
    On the throat - to work on the jugular tenderloin - you can add three more points. They are located between the thyroid cartilage and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. From top to bottom: jen-ying (9-lll), shui-tu (10-Ill), chi-she (11-lll).
    The points on the legs are also familiar to you. These are nei-ting (44-lll) and li-dui (45-lll) - at the base of the second toe and at the root of his nail.
    These points are more than enough to heal your throat with the guarantee that the next time it will bother you very soon. But I would advise the most conscientious to include two more points in the program:
    qu-chi (11-ll) - on the elbow joint outside - and
    chi-chie (5-l) - at the end of the elbow crease, above qu-chi.
    As long as these two points are sensitive, your protection against colds is not worth much. But if they are silent - congratulations: even the insidious flu is not terrible for you.
    I wish you a light hand!
    This lesson seemed simpler to us than the previous one, no one had any questions, and yet the editor-in-chief advised:
    - Find Volodya Shin. Let him look with the eye of a master. You never know. In such a case, it is never harmful to err. And then something smart will add ...

    1. By cutting out your tonsils, you are tearing apart your immune defenses.
    2. A person with normal energy never has a sore throat.
    3. A sore throat is a sign that you have chronic inflammation somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract.

    "Student Meridian" No. 9 1989