The immune system of the intestine and its interaction with the microflora. Pills to increase immunity for adults - a list Disease of the intestinal tract weaken immunity

Human immunity depends on the state of his intestines. In a healthy body, the balance of microflora is maintained, which performs the function of protecting against the invasion of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

Literally, "immunity" is translated from Latin as immunity to disease. But it is not only protection from infectious diseases but also from the body's own damaged cells.

Man and the environment are a single ecological system in a state of biological balance. The balance of microorganisms in the human intestine, on its skin and mucous membranes, is maintained constant and performs many functions.

From positions modern science normal can be considered as a set of microorganisms that constantly inhabit the digestive tract and protect it from pathogenic bacteria. They have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, provide anti-infective protection and the immune system.

Under the condition of a normal physiological state, the microorganisms inhabiting the human gastrointestinal tract perform various vital functions, including the processes of digestion and absorption of food, intestinal motility, and the synthesis of vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids.

The human microflora includes more than 500 types of microorganisms. The whole system is in relative equilibrium. Microorganisms are in constant interaction with each other. Populations of microbes cover the intestinal mucosa, they reject strangers who do not belong to their community. They consume those nutrients that could be used by harmful bacteria that have entered the body. Under the influence of normal intestinal flora, the activity of macrophages, monocytes and granulocytes, which protect the body, increases.

Human microorganisms produce enzymes, hormones, antibiotic natural substances, participate in the processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, providing the human body with energy. Therefore, it is very important to keep the microflora in order: do not poison with antibiotics and poor-quality food.

Today, a huge number of "miracle products" with very "beneficial" bacteria are advertised. Manufacturers claim that these "superfoods" will help restore the natural microflora of the intestine, without saying that the body's own flora will fight them like enemies.

It is impossible to regulate all the relationships of hundreds of species of organisms with the help of a "pill". The maximum that we can do is to try to create "comfortable conditions" for our own intestinal bacteria, so that they themselves maintain their numbers and actively work.

It is very important to eat regularly and diversified, avoid constipation, move and drink plenty of fluids. Then the intestines will cope with their functions to the fullest and the health of the body will be ensured.

Normal microflora- These are microorganisms that live in the human intestine and perform a number of functions that have a beneficial effect on the macroorganism. These include a beneficial effect on local and general immunity.

Surprisingly, gut microbes are not foreign and are not considered a threat to the immune system. On the contrary, they are considered part of the immune system. are important objects of study for the "young" cells of the defense system.

Leukocytes, which protect the body from infectious agents, are constantly updated, their "life" is rather short. Therefore, in bone marrow new cells are formed that have no experience with pathogens. Immunocompetent cells must learn to distinguish healthy elements of the body from. To do this, they must make a "file cabinet" of specific proteins that are on the surface of cells - antigens.

In the intestines immune cells can, without harm to the body, come into contact with opportunistic and symbiotic bacteria. Microorganisms are practically unable to penetrate into the blood and other organs, so such cooperation is completely safe for the body. Due to contact with bacteria, “young” leukocytes recognize their antigenic structure and will be able to further distinguish the structure of the microorganism from the normal structures of human cells.

One of the interesting theories about the origin of autoimmune diseases is related to this. If in childhood limit contact with microorganisms (use only "sterile" products), then the immune function may be impaired. Immune cells will not recognize their "enemy" in the form of bacteria and will begin to attack their own body tissues. This once again confirms the important function of intestinal bacteria, which are involved in the differentiation of immunocompetent elements. They restrain the defense system from ill-conceived actions and make the aggression of the immune system more selective.

Additional Functions of Gut Bacteria

  • Influence on the production of immune cells. Constant proximity to microorganisms causes the immune system to always be in a state of full readiness for infection. The formation of leukocyte cells is partly determined by the presence of bacteria in the intestine.
  • Microbiome restriction in the digestive system. Among bacteria there is a strict competition for nutritional resources. Beneficial microorganisms occupy an ecological niche, are fixed on the surface of the mucous membrane of the organ and limit the reproduction of other species. Therefore, even if some pathogens enter the intestines, they simply do not survive under resource-limited conditions. Thus, microflora bacteria help to neutralize a potentially dangerous object even without the intervention of immune cells.

Methods for improving local intestinal immunity

Impact on the intestinal microflora is possible with the help of proper nutrition, medicines and the right way of life.


Proper diet is the main component of a healthy digestive tract and, in many ways, the immune system. Rare errors are quite acceptable, it is important to adhere to the rules of rational nutrition.

General principles

Rational nutrition is not a constant tasteless diet, but a system of respect for one's health, accounting individual characteristics, reducing harmful external influences. For example, you can give yourself pleasure in the form of a pack of chips or a can of beer, but once, and not every day.

It would be more correct to say products that are recommended in unlimited quantities, and those whose share should be minimized.


Even in the name itself lies the main thing - these are means for treatment. For prevention, most drugs are not used, since this is not necessary. The additional benefit is doubtful, but if necessary, such drugs may not work properly. The only exception is situations when the intestines are under increased stress, you can help him with the help of medicines.

immunity depends on barrier functions organism. We all need food for sustenance. Many different products enter our gastrointestinal tract, and with them various microorganisms. Food, passing through the stages of digestion, moves through the digestive tract. The food mass that reaches the large intestine undergoes residual absorption functions. Colon Bacteria also “adore” it, because you can settle there and eat end products. Representatives of putrefactive bacteria are various types of anaerobes / aerobes. Eating protein structures, they leave toxic decomposition products of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and various compounds on the surface of the intestine: indole, skatole, phenol.

The more confident a colony of pathogens feels, the faster their population growth and the amount of toxins released. All this may be accompanied various symptoms: bloating, gas formation, stool disorder, lack of appetite, heartburn, weakness, headaches, various skin problems, thrush, frequent colds, allergies, etc. Since microorganisms migrate through the bloodstream to other organs and “love” the mucous membranes, the lungs, the genitourinary system, and the nasopharynx will be the zones of the following foci. In general, guys, if there is trouble with the intestines, you should think about general condition organism!

  • Adsorbents. They bind substances of various nature. Some sponges that take accumulated products from the surface of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have bacteria in your stomach, adsorbents will help you cope with intoxication, but not solve the problem!
  • Probiotics. In the course of studying microorganisms, there are those who love our body and do not “spoil” in it, but rather secrete substances of antibiotic and protective factors that are useful not only to us as a weapon against putrefactive bacteria, but also as an instrument for the synthesis of antibodies, vitamins, antibiotic iron donors, taking it from the pathogen and donating our body (lactofferin). Representatives of strains of bifidobacteria and acidophilus bacillus are the shield of our body! On the shelves in dairy products, you can pay attention to sourdough, what strains the product is made of beef - bifidobacteria, acidophilus. II Mechnikov was the first to propose to colonize the intestinal flora with concentrates of bifido and acido bacteria. And then to introduce parts of the DNA into the circular structure of the bacterium so that it produces a directed bioactive particle. For example: insulin, growth hormone or new antibiotic and protective factors. So new strains began to appear. But more on that next time...
  • Meals. With loss of appetite and malaise, any food that is “crammed” through force will only become a problem! Unload your stomach by the amount of food and feel your appetite. There are a lot of reasons for indigestion and disorders! Food control will be important in the first place!

Listen to your body and watch your gastrointestinal tract - this is our shield and the heart of immunity!

The intestine is not only an organ that digests food. The bacteria that inhabit it play an important role in the process of protecting the body from infections. Human immunity is largely determined by the state of this organ, because it is here that 70% of immune cells are located. MedAboutMe will tell you what factors affect the intestinal microflora, how to maintain its balance and strengthen the body's defenses.

Intestinal microflora refers to a variety of microorganisms living in the human gastrointestinal tract. Most of them are colon bacteria, represented mainly by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These are probiotic microorganisms that are important for human health and perform many functions necessary for normal functioning. The main ones are the following:

  • digestion of food;
  • synthesis of some vitamins (K, B12, PP, etc.);
  • an obstacle to the reproduction of pathogenic (pathogenic) and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms are also present in the intestines, which are normally suppressed by the above-mentioned friendly bacteria. However, many factors related to the daily existence of a person, his habits, environment, diseases and medications taken, can negatively affect the intestinal microflora, disrupting its balance. In this case, conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microorganisms, the normal functioning of the intestine is disturbed, immunity is reduced - the body's ability to resist infections.

The following factors adversely affect the intestinal microflora:

  • not proper nutrition;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • diseases of the digestive system: liver, stomach, pancreas;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • stress.

Gastroenterologists consider proper nutrition to be the main condition for maintaining the balance of intestinal microflora. It should be balanced, varied, using mostly natural products (for example, meat, not sausage, fruits, not sweets). When cooking, preference should be given to boiling, stewing, baking. Fats, ready-made store-bought meals, sweet drinks, and rich pastries are subject to restrictions.

The most important component of nutrition that contributes to the maintenance of intestinal microflora in healthy condition, are dairy products low fat content: kefir, yogurt (without additives), fermented baked milk, curdled milk. They contain in their composition the beneficial bacteria necessary for the body and create a favorable environment in the intestine for the suppression of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby helping probiotics to successfully perform their functions of immune defense.

Fiber is another component of proper nutrition, necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. representing vegetable fibers, it performs many functions indispensable for maintaining the health of the intestines, and hence the whole body, functions, including:

  • promoting normal bowel movements;
  • cleansing it of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • participation in metabolic processes, in particular in the regulation of sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria - fiber is nutrition for them.

The largest amount of fiber is found in legumes, bran, cereals (oats, buckwheat, barley), nuts and seeds, cabbage, root crops, pumpkin, eggplant, apples, peaches, apricots, oranges, berries, dried fruits.

Studies on the influence of stress factors on human health have shown that emotional stress has the greatest negative impact on the state of the intestinal microflora. It is emotional and mental stress, to a greater extent than physical stress, that causes an imbalance in the bacterial flora, in which there is a decrease in bifidobacteria and an increase in the number of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Symptoms of this are changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, constipation, pain, flatulence, nausea, belching. Often such phenomena are observed during or on the eve of serious life tests. A long stay in a stressful situation also affects the state of immunity - a person begins to get sick more often, recovers with difficulty, diseases can become chronic.

Stress also leads to dietary changes. The desire to improve one's emotional state with the help of coffee, alcohol, sweets, which create the illusion of replenishing energy losses, exacerbates the imbalance of intestinal microflora. In order to protect digestive system and immunity, it is necessary to learn how to avoid stress or resist it. Depending on the level of impact of stress factors on the body of a particular person, prevention methods can be very different: from doing what you love, communicating with friends, to the help of a psychologist and meditation. in an efficient way relieving emotional stress is playing sports or any other type of physical activity.

Antibiotics and dysbacteriosis

Antibiotics, discovered in the 20th century, have become a miracle cure that has saved many lives, due to the ability of these substances to successfully fight dangerous pathogens that were previously untreatable. However, over time it became clear that the use of antibiotics can bring not only benefits, but also harm, especially if they are used incorrectly.

There are objective reasons that these funds in some cases do not have the expected therapeutic effect. This is primarily due to the mutation of pathogens that have developed ways to protect against antibiotics, the latter, because of this, are less successful in their task. In an individual, such resistance (resistance) of pathogenic bacteria may develop due to improper administration of the prescribed drug: interrupted treatment or frequent and uncontrolled use of the antibiotic.

The negative effect of antibiotics on the body is also due to the fact that by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbes, they inhibit the development of beneficial bacteria, which leads to an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms resistant to this species antibiotic. Such an imbalance various kinds intestinal flora is called dysbacteriosis and manifests itself in the form of disorders in the digestive system.

To protect the intestinal microflora when prescribing antibiotics, you can do the following:

  • With the help of preparations containing probiotics (Linex, Bifidumbacterin, etc.) and prebiotics (Hilak-forte, Dufalac). The former are living microorganisms necessary for the body (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), the latter favor the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Adhering to a diet with the predominant use of lactic acid products, cereals, light soups, vegetables and fruits.

It should also be remembered that antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor, and when using them, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended treatment regimen.

The human microbiota is made up of a huge number of microorganisms: protozoa, viruses, yeast fungi, bacteria and many others. And over the years of evolution, they have been able to develop an amazing ability to regulate the environment in which they live.

Most of the microbiota of the entire body is concentrated in the gut, in the aggregate, the DNA of our intestinal bacteria, perhaps, has a much greater impact on our health than a person's own DNA.

In reality, the human genome is not so unique, and yours can be very similar to the genome of your neighbor in the stairwell, only personal settings like hair color, blood type and some personality traits will differ. But the microbiomes of you and your neighbor will be very, very different. And for each gene human body accounts for nearly 360 microbial genes. If you pull them all out, then the volume will be approximately 2 liters, 2 liters of diverse and alien DNA within us. Sounds a little intimidating.

But before we figure out how bacteria affect the brain specifically, let's delve into the anatomy. The central nervous system is located in the brain and spinal cord. But along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, another rather big neural network has spread - the enteric nervous system. Along with the central nervous system, it is formed in the embryonic period of development and consists of the same tissue with it. That is, these systems are practically twin brothers, but the gastric one is mainly engaged in digestion and was created in order to “unload” the brain a little.

During evolution, the intestines have grown too large and now 90% of the information that is sent along the vagus nerve goes from the intestines to the brain, and not vice versa. Just think about this phrase. Therefore, it is not surprising that scientists called the grouping of cells in the gastric mucosa the “second brain”. If we add to this the information that the gastrointestinal tract may well function separately from the brain, or that 95% of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is produced in the stomach, then one might think that our “second” brain is not so second.


So what about bacteria?

First of all, they directly affect the functions of all cells located around vagus nerve. And it depends on their condition how quickly information will spread through the nervous system. Next, the bacteria produce a number of substances that are incredibly important for the brain, such as a protein that helps the formation of new neurons. Another important function of gut bacteria is GABA. This amino acid stabilizes the work of the central nervous system and helps to cope with stress. Bacteria also produce other substances that are similar in their properties to neurotransmitters. For example, the precursor of dopamine, which is responsible for the reactions of aggression, discomfort and satisfaction.

It is through all these reactions that the bacteria in the intestines regulate our mood, the picture of the perception of the world, and even cognitive abilities. Experiments have shown that mice with a sterile microbiota behave much more risky, and their levels of the hormone cortisol just roll over. But if the bacteria of more fearful brothers are transplanted into such individuals, then castling will occur - the daredevils will become cowards. Moreover, if transplanting fecal matter healthy person a patient with Crohn's disease (a severe form of intestinal ulcers), then patients recover in 80% of cases. But in this example, the work of immunity is also partly involved.


It is the immune system that takes care of protecting our body from viruses, bacteria and other attacks. If the immune system is hyperactive, this is manifested by allergies, if it is violated, autoimmune diseases occur. That is, adequate immunity is the key to the correct reaction of the body to the internal and external world.

But few people know that 70-80% of our immunity is again concentrated in the intestine, it's all intestinal-associated lymphoid tissue. This is a very fragile structure and it is she who separates our body from a huge accumulation of microbiota in the intestine. With the right scenario, the intestinal immunity notices in time any inflammation that has begun in the body and solves this problem. But if pathogens are not detected as enemies, then inflammation becomes chronic.

We mentioned the inflammatory process for a reason. Modern neurologists are convinced that in the vast majority of cases, headaches, mental disorders and diseases like cancer, sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease are caused precisely by chronic inflammation. For example, the more inflammatory markers you have in your blood, the more likely you are to be diagnosed with depression. By the way, the effect of antidepressants lies precisely in the fact that they just suppress inflammatory processes in the body.

One of the main reasons inflammation is fatal is its effect on mitochondria. These are simple organelles that convert carbohydrates into energy, but it is they who produce the very free radicals that science has so often scared us of recently (we wrote more about them). Well, mitochondria have another function, discovered relatively recently, they also control apoptosis (the program for the elimination of dead cells).

There are approximately 10 million mitochondria in the human body, and if their functions are not in order, you not only encounter the notorious free radicals, but also the fact that healthy and viable cells are destroyed instead of dead ones. As a result, a lot of neurons die, and cognitive abilities are rapidly declining.

But the bacterial balance in the body is important not only for this reason, the information about threats and any malfunctions in the body, intestinal immune cells receive precisely from bacteria. If the system is disrupted, then the immune system simply cannot fully perform its functions.

So, intestinal bacteria not only produce the substances necessary for the brain, but are also directly related to the functioning of our immune system. They also provide us with quite a lot of nutrients that the body cannot produce on its own. For example, vegetarians survive without meat amino acids for this very reason, they are helped by intestinal cells.


The author of the book "Intestine and Brain" talks about the bacterial balance in the body, as the balance of the two main types of bacteria Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, they account for 90% of intestinal bacteria. The former process sugar and carbohydrates into calories and adsorb fats, while the latter process starch and vegetable fibers. The balance of these bacteria is a test of your overall health.

If you lean towards Firmicutes, you will develop an unhealthy addiction to fast food and other harmful products. It has already been proven that obese people have 20% more of these bacteria. The thing is that it is this type of bacteria that controls the genes responsible for metabolism; in people with obesity, they change the expression of DNA so that the brain turns on the calorie accumulation mode. Also, a bias in this direction can threaten diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, and Alzheimer's disease. By the way, the microbiota of the average European is most often contaminated with these bacteria.

Experts identify three main factors that affect your personal microbiota balance - sports, active contact with the environment and, of course, proper nutrition. We are not talking about genetics or the way a child is born, because with some effort, these distortions can be corrected. Just wanting is enough.

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How science fights for our longevity

Dreams of immortality have haunted humanity throughout its history. Healers, sages and magicians fought over this problem. But to this day it still remains unresolved.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, human life expectancy has increased by almost 2.5 times and continues to increase. Some scientists believe that children born after the year 2000 have every chance of living to 100 years, because modern medicine offers more and more new ways to deal with old age. Moreover, scientists in this area are working in several directions at once.


In medicine, there is a rather impressive list of biologically active substances, which are able to activate the work of the body - increase energy and improve brain function. This is how doping works. But the main problem with such drugs is that they have side effects and the longer you take them, the more pronounced they become.

Therefore, today the main task of scientists is to choose a combination of several drugs that will prolong life and neutralize the side effects of each other. The most memorable effect of such experiments was described not so long ago in the journal Nature: in nine volunteers from California who took growth hormone and two drugs for diabetes for a year, the aging process not only slowed down, but literally “went into minus”. For 12 months, the biological age of all volunteers decreased by about 2.5 years.

Another similar experiment was recently conducted by a team of scientists from Germany and the UK. In the laboratory, they injected Drosophila flies with a special drug mixture of three biologically active substances: an immunosuppressant, an insulin-like growth factor, and lithium preparations. The optimal ratio of these substances helped to neutralize their side effects and increase the lifespan of individuals.


Another direction in the fight against old age is to cleanse the body of old cells. Immunity itself is usually responsible for the disposal of unnecessary cells, but with age it performs this function worse, so old cells accumulate in tissues and release toxins, provoking certain diseases.

American scientists are working on the creation of a special class of drugs - senolytics, which are able to purposefully destroy aged cells. The first trials involving 14 volunteers were quite successful.

Genes and DNA

The tendency to longevity can be inherited, but recent work suggests that the role of genes in this process is greatly exaggerated. With age, irreversible changes occur in DNA, for example, their ends - telomeres - are shortened.

But scientists have found that in the process of stem cell division, telomeres are able to maintain their length, and when dividing in a test tube, these “tails” can even be doubled. In this way, scientists from Spain were able to grow "extra-long" mouse embryonic stem cells and transplant them into other embryos. As a result, the born offspring, on average, could live a quarter longer than their relatives, such mice aged more slowly and were less likely to get cancer.

Other experiments involved altering the DNA sequence itself. Scientists from Harvard introduced three new genes into the body of mice, it turned out that even two are enough to protect them from heart problems, kidney problems, diabetes and obesity.

Experts from the University of Missouri are convinced that the key to eternal youth is a special protein - eNAMPT, which controls the process of energy production in mammalian cells. With age, its concentration in the blood decreases. However, if mice were given an additional dose of eNAMPT, they appearance and well-being improve markedly.

Another way to prevent aging is to stimulate the growth of blood vessels. With age, they supply cells and tissues with oxygen much worse, which leads to senile weakness. But a special enzyme invented by Australian scientists stimulates the growth of blood vessels and helps restore muscle and bone tissue in the elderly.

Why scientists grow an artificial brain and how it will help medicine

Artificial organs are no longer a fantasy and are becoming a reality, scientists already know how to grow skin and blood vessels and are actively working to create an artificial heart and lungs. But the most important challenge for the scientific world is to at least partially replicate the complex structure of the brain in order to understand how it functions.

The first steps in this direction have already been taken - these are mini-brains (organelles), which are already being grown from stem cells today. Therefore, when it comes to the brain, it does not necessarily mean a large organ with a large number of convolutions. Organiodes look much more modest, they are "pieces" in laboratory Petri dishes, which are comparable in size to a pea.

What are they needed for? This is a very convenient way to study the human brain, because even despite the development of medicine, it is not so easy to study it in natural conditions. Therefore, scientists are left to look for alternative ways or to conduct experiments on laboratory animals. The main difference between organoids is that they make it possible to work directly with brain tissues. That is, you can “live” notice how various bacteria and viruses act on them, test new drugs, etc.

brain building

But creating even such a small "brain" is not so easy. To do this, you first need to find building material - these are cells similar to neurons and glial cells of the brain. This technique is impossible without the participation of stem cells. Their peculiarity is that they can adapt to the composition of completely different tissues of our body.

Where can you get these cells? They are in the embryos, so the source is often unclaimed embryos grown for the IVF procedure (but this is done only with the permission of the donors). But still, the use of embryos brings with it many ethical problems, so researchers have long been looking for a way to obtain these cells artificially. In 2006, Japanese scientists found a way out - they learned how to obtain pluripotent stem cells from ordinary somatic cells of adults. To do this, a special composition is introduced into the cells, which is called the “magic Yamanaki cocktail”.

But getting the material is only half the battle, then the construction process itself begins. British and Austrian biologists were the first to achieve this. They received pieces of tissue with a structure characteristic of individual parts of our brain and were able to provide them with 3 months of “life”.

But scientists around the world do not stop working on new details that will improve the existing mechanism for growing organoids. The technology itself is still very young, so the specialists still have a lot of problems that they have to solve. The main difficulty today is that organoids live very little, so it is important to extend this period for a longer period.


In what area do scientists use mini-brains? First of all, it is a very successful way of modeling the most various diseases such as microcephaly.

Another promising area is the study of neurodegenerative pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease. It happens that technologies worked out on laboratory rodents are completely useless for humans. But experiments with organoids will help to avoid such mistakes.

They also check medications on mini-models, and not only new ones. Subsequently, this way it will be possible to test the individual effect of the drug for each person, first by growing an organoid from his own cells. It has already been proposed to test chemotherapy agents in this way.

And mini-brains have already been in Earth orbit. Such an experiment was conducted at NASA this summer. About 1,000 organelles were placed on the ISS and monitored for changes in them under gravity. And this is important not only for people who plan to fly into space. The changes that occur in weightlessness are similar to the signs of aging of our body, for example, the walls of blood vessels in space become rigid and thick. On the ISS, organelles age faster than on earth, that is, important processes can be seen as if in "fast motion".

Also, the mini-brain helps in the study of the past of people. Some scientists are working to obtain an organoid from DNA cells with a mutation that is characteristic of the Neanderthal genome. In such a brain, neurons move noticeably faster, and other types of connections are formed between cells. But it is definitely too early to draw conclusions from this about the peculiarities of Neanderthal thinking.

Artificial brain thinking

Research using organoids allows scientists to get a lot of interesting information, but they also leave behind a lot of questions. And more often among them there are ethical moments. They first appeared when science succeeded in extending the “life” of the brain to 10 months. By the nature of its activity, this organoid was similar to the brain of a premature baby.

Then the scientific community stirred up, many started talking about the fact that such experiments are too close to the brink of ethics. After all, no one wonders if the mini-brain itself suffers? And can he eventually acquire a mind of his own? On this wave, skeptics even called on sponsors to refuse to fund such experiments.

But the main disadvantage of organoids is that they are too small compared to the human brain, and besides, they have much less necessary structures. Therefore, it is obvious that, for now, fears about their suffering and their own thinking are meaningless.

Yes, and the scientists themselves admit that all the arguments described will not stop them from researching, rather, it would be reasonable to develop a certain set of rules and carefully observe it.

And we can only observe the results of these entertaining and unusual experiments.