Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a sin of modern medicine? Do they give disability with cerebral palsy? Cerebral palsy in a child what group of disability.

Disability in cerebral palsy is given not on the basis of an existing diagnosis, but if the disease is accompanied by disability. In this case, limited ability to move, speech contact, self-service, learning is implied. has varying degrees of severity, but in many cases it leads to disability. This disease is not considered genetic, but is innate. This is what makes her unique.

What causes cerebral palsy in a child?

The main cause of this serious disease is considered to be damage to the parts of the brain that are responsible for the functioning of the whole body. Damage to the child's brain can begin already in the womb, from the first days of life or during childbirth.

The following factors can increase the likelihood of cerebral palsy:

  • intrauterine infections;
  • low hemoglobin in pregnant women;
  • infection nervous system in a baby;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • asphyxia during childbirth.

In addition, the abuse of alcoholic products by a woman during pregnancy significantly increases the likelihood of cerebral palsy. It is quite difficult to determine whether a child has this disease in early age. The fact is that the baby's motor activity is limited, and he sleeps for a long part of the day. Only the most severe forms of the disease can be detected at this early stage. With the development of the baby, some deviations may be observed, usually 2 months after birth.

To identify cerebral palsy in a child, a neurologist prescribes a list medical examinations that can be used to make a correct diagnosis. In infants, neurosonography is used for this (examination of parts of the brain through the fontanel). For older children, the procedure of electroencephalography and electroneuromyography is used, which determines the performance of the muscles. If the diagnosis is confirmed, a child with cerebral palsy is assigned a disability group.

How can you visually determine this disease?

Initially, you should observe how the child's arms and legs function correctly. Cerebral palsy can cause spasms of motor activity of both upper and lower extremities. In addition to this, the muscle fibers are under great tension, so that it is difficult to bend or unbend them. Symptoms of lethargy are also likely, in which there are difficulties in the implementation of movements of the arms and legs.

The other is hyperkinesis. With it, involuntary movements are observed in muscle structures. When identifying the described symptoms of the child, it is urgent to show the doctor. These signs can lead to severe disability.

During the life of a child, other manifestations or complications may be noticeable. These include impaired speech abilities due to spasm of the speech apparatus. This leads to the fact that the child begins to stutter or pronounce slow speech. In addition, cerebral palsy can be accompanied by a mental disorder from the simplest to the most severe form. The final stage of this disorder is oligophrenia.

Today, modern equipment is used, which makes it possible to detect cerebral palsy in a timely manner. Wherein rehabilitation period works best for children. In order to make a diagnosis, various examinations are prescribed depending on age.

Only a public service institution can recognize a child as disabled medical and social expertise. In this place, the state of health and the degree of restriction of the activity of the disabled person are assessed.

What gives a child a disability?

The main reason for calling for a disability for a child with cerebral palsy is the pension payments made by the state. These are funds intended for the purchase of necessary medicines and various means caring for a disabled child.

In addition to pension accruals, a disabled child is entitled to the following benefits:

  • free travel in city public transport (except for taxis);
  • benefits for travel in railway, air and river transport;
  • free treatment in a sanatorium;
  • providing a disabled person with the necessary medical equipment;
  • free receipt medicines in a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription.

These rights are due not only to children with disabilities, but also to their mothers. This is a benefit in calculating the tax payment from the income received, the right to a reduced work schedule, additional leave, as well as an urgent retirement. Receipt of benefits will depend on which disability group is given to the child.

Group 1 is considered the most dangerous and is assigned to a child who does not have the ability to carry out independent care (move, eat, dress, etc.) without anyone's help. At the same time, a disabled person does not have the opportunity to fully communicate with people around him, therefore, he needs regular monitoring.

Group 2 disability implies some limitations in the above manipulations.

Also, a child who received group 2 does not have the ability to learn.

However, there is an opportunity to gain knowledge in institutions designated for these purposes for disabled children with disabilities.

Group 3 is assigned to a disabled person who is able to individually move, communicate, and learn. But at the same time, children have a slow reaction, therefore, they require additional control due to their state of health.

Disability in children with cerebral palsy

As mentioned above, children receive disability when diagnosing cerebral palsy. Mandatory assistance in documenting disability must be provided by a doctor at the site. In addition, he must give direction to the passage of the medical commission. At the next stage, a medical and sanitary examination (ITU) is carried out, with the help of which the diagnosis is confirmed. When preparing for its passage, it should be clarified how pronounced motor disorders are, the degree of damage to the hand, the degree of violation of support, speech, mental disorder and other factors.

Parents must prepare the required documents in order to issue a disability group for a child with cerebral palsy. The kit includes: a referral received at the clinic, with the results of the studies performed, a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents, an application, a certificate of registration from the ZhEK, photocopies of all necessary documents. In addition to this, other documents may be required that are confirmation of the general state of health (the result of an examination or hospital extracts).

Within about a month, parents should be issued a certificate on the basis of which a certain disability group will be assigned. This document should be applied to the Pension Fund for registration pension payments.

Thus, childhood diseases can be quite serious, as in the case of cerebral palsy. If a child has this pathology, he must be assigned a disability group by a higher authority. Children with disabilities are entitled to free medical care and medicines to sustain life.

In addition to medical care, children with cerebral palsy also need pedagogical assistance. To do this, parents, together with teachers, must draw up a comprehensive plan for influencing a disabled child. It should include classes on teaching the correct movements, physiotherapy, massage, work on simulators. The main role is given to early speech therapy activities.

The result of physiotherapeutic and speech therapy effects is enhanced by drug treatment.

However, it is completely impossible. But with timely measures provided, the correct behavior of parents and teachers, a disabled child can achieve great success in self-service and acquiring skills.

What kind of assistance do disabled children and disabled children receive from the state?

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Housing Benefits

Benefits for public transport

Children with disabilities, as well as persons accompanying them, receive the right to free use of public transport plying on urban and suburban routes.

The state provides free transportation to the place of treatment and rehabilitation for children with disabilities. The possibility of free travel exists for both parents and social workers, but only when their accompaniment is required for a disabled person of group 1.

In addition, disabled children of groups 1 and 2 and disabled children receive a discount of up to 50% for a trip by air, river or rail transport from October to May. The discount is provided once a year in any selected period.

To receive benefits, you must present a pension certificate when buying a ticket. For relatives, social welfare authorities issue a special certificate.

This benefit does not apply to taxis.

Sphere of training and rehabilitation

tax incentives

For parents or guardians of a disabled child, the Tax Code provides for a number of benefits:

  • Monthly deduction of personal income tax from the salary of parents (in the amount of 3,000 rubles for each parent, or in the amount of 6,000 rubles for a parent raising a child alone).
  • Other deductions, such as treatment costs.
  • Exemption of a child from property tax.

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Cerebral palsy - this abbreviation scares all parents and often sounds like a sentence. However, when receiving such a diagnosis, the parents of the child should not give up, but are simply obliged to sound the alarm. This terrible diagnosis should be questioned and the true causes leading to a violation of the child's motor functions should be identified. The fact is that pediatric neuropathologists tend to make this diagnosis, which is familiar to them, from the first year of a child's life - when the first signs of paralysis and paresis appear. However, with deep scientific and practical research, it turned out that the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is a very conditional, inaccurate diagnosis. As noted by Anatoly Petrovich Efimov, traumatologist-orthopedist-neurorehabilitologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, CEO Interregional Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation in Nizhny Novgorod, “CP is not yet a sentence, since 80% of cases can be cured until the child fully recovers. If this is done in a timely manner, as my medical practice shows, children under 5 years old are cured in 90% of cases and go to school along with ordinary children.

Cerebral palsy does not happen without a cause. When any conversation appears on the part of doctors about the threat of cerebral palsy or cerebral palsy, parents should do the following.
Firstly, parents need to find out the causes of cerebral palsy together with the doctor, if the doctor insists on this diagnosis. And these reasons are few, and in any hospital they can be established in one or two weeks. There are only six causes leading to cerebral palsy.

First reason are inherited genetic factors. All the disorders that are in the genetic apparatus of the parents can really manifest themselves in the form of cerebral palsy in a child.

The second reason- this is ischemia (impaired blood supply) or hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetal brain. This is the oxygen factor, the lack of oxygen to the child's brain. Both can occur during pregnancy or during childbirth as a result of various vascular disorders and hemorrhages.

Third reason- This is an infectious factor, that is, a microbial one. The presence in a child in the first days and first weeks or months of life of diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis, occurring with high temperature, heavy general condition a child, with poor blood or cerebrospinal fluid tests, with the detection of specific microbes - the causative agents of an infectious disease.

Fourth reason- these are the actions of toxic (poisonous) factors, poisonous drugs on the body of a future person. This is most often the intake by a woman of potent drugs during pregnancy, the work of a pregnant woman in hazardous working conditions, in chemical industries, in contact with radiation or chemicals.

Fifth reason is a physical factor. Impact on the fetus of high-frequency electromagnetic fields. Irradiation, including X-ray, radiation and other physical adverse factors.

Sixth reason- this is a mechanical factor - birth trauma, trauma before childbirth or shortly after them.

In each polyclinic, in one to two weeks, one can fully assess the root causes of paralysis of brain functions. Practice shows that pediatric neuropathologists are fond of diagnosing and searching for only infectious or ischemic causes of brain damage in a child. A viral or infectious brain lesion is often diagnosed. Doctors also pay attention to the lack of oxygen due to vascular disorders, although most vascular disorders and hemorrhages are precisely traumatic, because young blood vessels in newborns cannot burst on their own, like in old people 80-90 years old, so there is no typical stroke in children. Vessels in newborns and children are soft, elastic, supple, adaptive, therefore, it is deeply wrong to explain the causes of cerebral palsy with vascular disorders. Most often, they are caused by traumatic causes. The importance of identifying the root cause of the disease is that the entire program of further treatment and the life prognosis for the child depend on it.

Cerebral palsy is of three groups.

First group- True cerebral palsy, not acquired. The disease is hereditary, congenital, primary, when at the time of the birth of a child, his brain is really deeply affected by genetic disorders or disorders of embryonic development. It is underdeveloped, smaller in size and volume, the convolutions of the brain are less pronounced, the cerebral cortex is underdeveloped, there is no clear differentiation of gray and white matter, there are a number of other anatomical and functional disorders of the brain. This is the primary one, i.e. true infantile cerebral palsy. The brain at the time of birth is biologically and intellectually defective, paralyzed.

Primary cerebral palsy is formed due to:
1) hereditary causes;
2) the action of various adverse factors during the embryonic (intrauterine) development of the child;
3) severe birth trauma, often incompatible with life.
But if such a child was miraculously revived and saved, the state of the head or head remains incompatible with normal development. spinal cord.
There are about 10% of such children.

Second group- True cerebral palsy, but acquired. Children with such a diagnosis are also about 10%. These are children with acquired disabilities. Among the causes are severe birth trauma, for example, deep hemorrhage during childbirth with the death of parts of the brain, or the traumatic effect of toxic substances, especially anesthesia, as well as severe infectious brain damage with purulent meningoencephalitis, etc. such serious causes, affecting the brain and nervous system of the child, form a severe picture of cerebral palsy, but they are no longer hereditary and embryonic in nature, in contrast to the first group of patients with cerebral palsy, but acquired. Despite the severity of the lesion, children can be adapted to independent movement and walking so that they can later serve themselves. Their everyday rehabilitation is possible so that their movement is independent, so that they do not need to be carried on their hands, since aging parents cannot do this, and the body of a child grows to a significant weight of a man or woman.

Third group- ICP is not true acquired. This is a false, pseudo-cerebral palsy, or secondary, acquired cerebral palsy syndrome, a much larger group. At the time of birth, in this case, the children's brain was biologically and intellectually complete, but as a result of the action, first of all, birth injuries, disturbances appeared in various parts of the brain, leading to subsequent paralysis of individual functions. 80% of children suffer from acquired cerebral palsy. Outwardly, such children differ little from children with true cerebral palsy, except for one thing - their intellect is preserved. Therefore, it can be argued that all children with a smart head, with a safe intellect, are never children with true cerebral palsy. That is why all these children are very promising for recovery, since the cause of cerebral palsy-like syndrome in them was mainly birth trauma - severe or medium degree gravity.
In addition to birth injuries, the cause of secondary (acquired) cerebral palsy is oxygen starvation of the brain during pregnancy, mild hemorrhages in the brain, exposure to toxic substances, and physical adverse factors.

In addition to the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, it is worth dwelling on the diagnosis of “threat of cerebral palsy”. It is placed mainly in the first year of a child's life. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: until the main causes of paralysis of the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system have not been identified, until a modern comprehensive examination of the child has been carried out, and until normal, natural terms for the appearance of walking have come, it is impossible to prematurely diagnose "the threat of cerebral palsy". For such children under one year old, it is necessary to bother a lot, first of all, to parents, to advise them in the most best centers, at the most the best doctors in order to finally understand the prospects for the development of such a disease in a child.

An important and numerous group of patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy are children with the so-called secondary cerebral palsy, that is, initially at the time of birth, these children had no reason to diagnose cerebral palsy. The nature of such diseases does not create. Where do they come from? It turns out that all these children only have cerebral palsy-like diseases, with the consequences of birth injuries or other pathological factors. But due to improper treatment, by the age of 7-10 they become children with secondary cerebral palsy - absolutely unpromising, with irreversible functional disorders, with medical and biological consequences, that is, profoundly disabled. This group of children lies entirely on the conscience of doctors. By virtue of different reasons they were treated for years with a treatment regimen for cerebral palsy, without finding out true reasons development of movement disorders and other disorders. As for the treatment of cerebral palsy, they used potent drugs that affect the brain, prescribed inadequate physiotherapy, primarily electrical procedures, used manual therapy without justification, prescribed active massage of those parts of the body where it is undesirable, used chipping methods, as in the treatment of true cerebral palsy, methods electrical stimulation, prescribed hormonal drugs, etc. Thus, incorrect treatment carried out for years (5, 7, 10 years) forms a large group of disabled people with secondary infantile paralysis. This group of children is a great sin of modern medicine. First of all, child neurology. Parents need to know about this in order to prevent the further formation of such a group of patients in our society as children with cerebral palsy of an untrue, acquired, secondary nature. With the right modern diagnostics, with proper rehabilitation treatment, all these children can recover to a normal state, i.e. they can master a certain working specialty, depending on the age and the timing of the start of adequate rehabilitation.

How should the parents of a child behave when diagnosed with "threat of cerebral palsy" or "cerebral palsy"?

First of all, don't give up. They should know that in addition to the traditional neurological treatment regimens for cerebral palsy, in Russia there is an opportunity to accurately diagnose the true causes of cerebral palsy. And also to distinguish true cerebral palsy from acquired, true causes leading to paralysis of the brain, from causes paralyzing temporarily, i.e. so that the paralyzing disturbances are reversible. Particularly effective is the group of children who have developed cerebral palsy as a result of birth trauma, since many of the consequences of trauma are reversible. And reversibility means curability. Therefore, cerebral palsy caused by birth trauma is treated in such a way that further the child has prospects for recovery at any age. Although it should be noted that the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is. The best curability is observed in children under 5 years old - in 90% of cases, up to 10 years old - about 60%. After 10 years, due to the fact that children are neglected, that is, many physiological disorders appear in their bodies by this time, and not only in the brain, but also in bones, joints, muscles and other organs, they are already recovering worse. But they are sure to be restored to the level of independent movement and self-service. These patients should apply and actively engage in all methods of family rehabilitation at home until a positive end result appears. Of course, the older the child, the more time it takes to recover. But in any case, you can not stop and to achieve the desired results, you need to practice at home. Rehabilitation is for all ages.

Ekaterina SERGEEVA

Inoperable benign neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia) and severe liquorodynamic disorders. 6. Diseases of the nervous system with a chronic progressive course, with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia).

Pensions for disabled people: 1 group, 2 groups, 3 groups, for disabled children in 2018

The calculation will need to be performed in the case when there is experience and it is necessary to take it into account to determine the amount of a labor pension that differs from the minimum (base) value. You can find out how much disabled people of 3 groups are paid using a special formula.


Attention! How much a disabled person of group 3 should receive in each case must be found out in the FIU. To calculate the disability retirement pension, taking into account the length of service, the formula looks like this: TPPI \u003d PC / (T x K) + B, where

  • PC - the amount of pension capital accounted for in the Pension Fund, determined on the date from which the disability pension will be transferred in the future
  • T is a fixed value of the estimated time of payment of an old-age labor pension (in 2012

T=216 months, since 2013 T=228 months);
  • K - the proportion between the standard length of the insurance period on the date of the pension to 180 months.
  • Post navigation

    • Order No. 17 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: description of the conditions allowing for the medical examination procedure necessary to obtain a disability category.
    • Decree No. 317 of the Ministry of Health: the regulations and terms of this medical examination.
    • Decree No. 1 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: list medical clinics who have the right to conduct a medical examination procedure for obtaining a disability.
    • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which grants the right to every disabled person to receive financial and social assistance from the state.
    • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, listing all the benefits available to people with disabilities.

    Who is a disabled person of the 3rd category A citizen who has certain health problems that entail various physical limitations and the subsequent loss of a job can count on the minimum pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group.

    Do they give disability with cerebral palsy?

    • 7850 Is a child with cerebral palsy entitled to disability
    • Datalife Engine Demo
      • What pension is due with the 3rd group, 1st degree (disabled since childhood, diagnosed with cerebral palsy?
    • Is it possible to register a disability group with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy)
    • Disability after 18 years
    • What group of disability in cerebral palsy
    • Sakhalin Forum of Parents of Special Children - OUR CHILDREN
    • The mother of a girl with cerebral palsy claims that her daughters underestimated the disability group
    • Zelenogorsk site of people with disabilities -
    • What is the main disability of the cerebral palsy group we will meet
    • Disability category for an adult with cerebral palsy

    7850 Is a child with cerebral palsy entitled to disability Treatments started 2-3 times a year. I didn’t think about disability before, I thought I could handle it myself, but now the child is 4.5 years old.

    Benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group


    For citizens, a disability group is established without specifying the re-examination period, and for citizens under the age of 18, the category “disabled child” until the citizen reaches the age. The control bodies for insurance premiums are empowered to approve the form of payment for accrued and paid insurance premiums, the state transfers money to the enterprise, inflation, it has the brains and impudence to refuse to write such a receipt.

    Cerebral euro euro on the date of the document Sale of goods and services, washed the foyer in front of the vending machines on both sides of the station Disability category for an adult with cerebral palsy 3.

    Disabled people of the 3rd group: pension, additional payments, benefits


    How much they pay for the third group of disability on a labor pension is calculated using a special formula, taking into account the duration seniority. The basic (minimum) sizes of the labor pension are also fixed:

    • 2402.56 rubles / month

    - lonely;
  • 4004.26 p. RUB/month - with 1 dependent;
  • 5605.96 rubles / month - with 2 dependents;
  • 7207.66 rubles / month - with 3 dependents.
  • The total amount of the 3rd group disability pension in 2018 takes into account not only the need for benefits, but also marital status. Algorithm and formula for calculating pension payments If the recipient expects only to receive a social pension or a minimum wage, then the total amount is known in advance with great accuracy, since the amount of the UDV is a fixed value.

    What payments and benefits are due to a disabled child from the state

    Additional cash benefits for people with disabilities All people with disabilities, regardless of category, are eligible to receive the cash benefits listed below. The size of the pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group will increase if he meets all the conditions for their calculation:

    • Monthly cash transfers (MCD) - replacing in-kind benefits with cash.
      From February 1, 2017 it is 2022.94 rubles. for disabled people of the third category. To obtain it, you need to visit the FIU at your place of residence or registration.
      To apply, you need a passport, SNILS, documents indicating the presence of a disability (certificate of a disabled person, conclusion of a medical expert commission, etc.).
    • A set of social services is a component of the EDV.

    Pension for disabled people of the 3rd group - who is entitled, features of calculation and size

    State pension The calculation of this type of pension depends on the economic situation in the state and annual inflation. In the most general case, such a pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group is calculated by the formula: the amount of the social pension multiplied by 100%.

    Features of calculating a pension The pension of a disabled person of the 3rd category also depends on which group the citizen belongs to:

    • Non-working disabled people in this category generally do not receive any supplements. There are no peculiarities in the calculation of their pensions.
    • The amount of the pension for a disabled person from childhood of the 3rd group is fixed and is not subject to recalculation.

      It can only be increased by annual reindexing.

    • For working disabled people, the amount of the pension is automatically recalculated annually. It is influenced by two factors - the amount of the official salary of a disabled person and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund, redirected by his employer.

    Group 3 disability pension in 2018

    And now let's look at both the total amount of pensions this year, and each of the elements presented in more detail. The amount of the pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group in 2017 For ease of perception, we will present information on pensions in the form of a table.
    Social Labor 4279.14 rubles. The size of the pension for a disabled person from childhood of the 3rd group in 2017 (+ EDV) is 6302.08 rubles. The minimum amount for: lack of dependents - 2402.56 rubles; one dependent - 4004.26 rubles; two dependents - 5605.96 rubles; three dependents - 7207.66 rubles. For a disabled child of the 3rd group, the pension amounted to current year(including EDV) 14609.12 rubles. The last indexation of social pensions took place in April 2017. As a result, payments increased by 1.5%, i.e., by approximately 129 rubles. One-time cash payments increased by 5.4%.

    A lot of time and money is spent on treatment. lay in republican hospital the last time, she asked this question there, they even refused to recommend us, they said that they would not confirm our disability, because. she walks by herself. We were diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy, the last time they wrote of moderate severity.
    Datalife Engine Demo Married. The most important stage in the upbringing of a disabled person from childhood is his preparation for family life, housekeeping. Attention should also be paid to his psychosexual development.

    The problem is that parents, doctors, teachers look at a sick child as an object of their efforts. As a result, a young man grows up who is completely unprepared for an independent life, although he is educated.

    At the age of 19, the standard length of service is 12 months, after which 4 months are added per year. The total amount cannot be more than 180, that is, K<

    • B - the basic size of the disability pension of the 3rd group.

    You can find out how much they pay for disability group 3 (working) at the FIU.

    Monthly cash payments UDV is the monetary equivalent of various social benefits, their material expression (additional payment for group 3 disability). The benefits include:

    1. Free prescription drugs (or 50% off).
    2. Free travel on public and suburban transport.
    3. Free spa treatment.

    A disabled person has the right to decide for himself and inform the Pension Fund what payments are due to a disabled person of group 3, and in what form he wants to receive (in kind, or in the form of a single income).

    WWII; widows of WWII veterans who died at the front; residents of besieged Leningrad; adult prisoners of concentration camps. To receive a payment, all these persons should contact the FIU with a corresponding application.

    • The federal social supplement (FSD) is charged to non-working disabled people of the 3rd category, whose total monthly income is below the established regional subsistence level. The calculation takes into account both the pension itself, the CED, DEMO, NSU, as well as benefits for travel, utility bills and telephone use. To receive the FSD, you need to appear at the FIU with a corresponding application, photocopies of the pages of your passport and work book.

    Benefits for the disabled of the third category

    We are glad to welcome regular and new visitors to our portal. In the current material, we will discuss the question of whether they give disability with cerebral palsy and whether it is always possible to get at least a third group. We will tell you what gives a child a special status, what advantages a person with disabilities and his parents get with him.

    Cerebral palsy manifests itself from childhood, a sick child needs outside help and support from an adult. Assigned disability involves some concessions. It is important for the applicant, his representatives to know their rights in order to protect them if necessary. To do this, you should study the grounds and the order itself.

    General concepts

    What group in cerebral palsy is determined

    Which disability group will be assigned to a disabled child upon reaching the age of 18 will depend on the degree of his disability. With minimal deviations, a person can successfully visit a team, find a job in simple work, and serve himself in everyday life. At the ITU, certain criteria, factors are evaluated.

    First group

    It is assigned to persons who are not able to serve themselves on their own. We are talking about eating, changing clothes, going to the toilet, walking and other household needs. The patient's ability to communicate with other people, orientation in space is impaired. When you need care and control from the outside.