Retake the exam. How to retake the exam

Retaking the exam in 2020 is a severe necessity for those who were not satisfied with the previous result. Any subject can become problematic, and you need to find out everything in advance about the procedure for retaking. The rules for organizing state exams are constantly changing, causing heated discussions. What changes are expected in the coming year?

Government innovations have traditionally raised issues related to passing exams. Innovations are positive - they significantly simplify the lives of graduates who were not satisfied with the previous result. The rules published by the Ministry of Education also regulate the categories of persons who are not allowed to retake. Here are the key points to pay attention to:

  1. You can take any subject (not just the compulsory ones).
  2. Only one discipline is selected for retake.
  3. If the exam is missed by a student for a good reason, he gets the right to two attempts (but “respectfulness” must be documented).
  4. Additional attempts are made on reserve days and in autumn (during the session).
  5. The certificate will be valid for four years.
  6. An applicant can enter a year after receiving a certificate or apply to a faculty suffering from a shortage.

Mathematics has undergone some changes. Let's figure out how to retake the exam in 2020 in this discipline, depending on the basic and profile level. If a graduate does not cope with the profile level, he will not be able to retake. The physical and mathematical profile will become inaccessible for such a person, and the results will be included in the certificate basic level(Grade 9). Both failed levels mean a retake. And here is a list of people who will not be allowed to take the exam at all:

  • missed the exam for an unexcused reason;
  • “failed” over two disciplines;
  • violators of established rules (cheating, incorrect behavior, using a gadget);
  • graduates with low performance that exceeded the lower threshold of acceptable;
  • those who have received low scores for more than two years.

Exam retake dates

In 2020, the retake dates will be very democratic. The Ministry of Education has linked the dates of the re-examination to two periods - the September retakes and the main session. This applies only to compulsory disciplines - you can study the rest of the subjects in the summer (in June-July). For those who are especially concerned about retaking the USE-2019, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the chronological table.

As you can see, September will be the last chance for graduates who failed the exam a year earlier. Russian is the first mandatory exam. Mathematics follows, divided into two levels. Do not miss the right dates, your future depends on it.

Retake the exam in 2020 for graduates of previous years

If you have been gaining unsatisfactory scores for two years in a row, you will not be allowed to take the exam in 2020. But there is good news: graduates of past years can easily apply for certification. The main thing is not to slide below the threshold marks. The order of your actions:

  1. Decide before February with your desires and take the application to the registration point.
  2. Now you need to choose the stage of delivery.
  3. Decide on the subject (then you will not be able to change your mind).
  4. Collect the necessary package of documents (more on this later).
  5. Wait for the notification and go to the exam.
  6. Pass the test with honor and wait for the results.

How to register for the exam retake

The greatest difficulty for graduates is the documentary confirmation of the validity of the reason for which the exam was previously missed. The decision on admission is made by a special commission (SEC) approximately two weeks before the start of the tests. In order for the exam to be retaken in 2020, you need to collect the following papers:

  • the passport;
  • written consent to the use of your personal data;
  • SNILS certificate (if any);
  • school certificate (or college diploma, vocational school, technical school);
  • certificate of training (if it is not completed);
  • medical certificate (if there are special restrictions).

All this must be taken to the registration point. You can choose any region - you have complete freedom of action. The list of addresses is in the public domain. We recommend making copies of all collected documents - in some points they are interested. After writing the application, calmly wait for the decision of the commission. If everything is done correctly, you will be assigned an individual registration number and sent a notification.

Important: admission to the re-examination is carried out exclusively on the passport. Birth certificates, driver's licenses, student cards are not eligible. The start is always made at 10.00. Obviously, you can't be late. We recommend arriving early (40-50 minutes) so as not to miss the briefing. In addition to your passport, you need to have a helium pen and aids (depending on the discipline):

  • physics - a primitive calculator and a ruler;
  • chemistry - calculator (without programming function);
  • geography - ruler, calculator, protractor;
  • math - ruler.

Application for retaking the exam

The retake of the Unified State Exam-2019 is usually associated with the absence of an applicant in previous tests. To start the process, you need to fill out the form you received from the secretariat. Please attach proof that you were absent from the exam for a serious reason with your application.

Refused to retake the exam, what to do?

If the commission refused you, do not be discouraged - you can try again in 2020. Certificates in other subjects are valid for four years - nothing will happen to them. Upon admission, the year of receipt of the certificate does not play a role - this equalizes your chances in confrontation with other applicants.

If you want to pass the exam well, do not limit yourself to the school course. Solve the same type of problems, work closely with the tutor. You have a year of preparation - use it to the maximum. Solid knowledge backed by practice is the key to success.

Do graduates of grade 11 who have not scored the minimum scores on the USE in mathematics at the profile level have the right to choose the basic level when retaking the exam?
Yes, there is such a right. Participants who receive an unsatisfactory result on the Unified State Examination in mathematics have the right to change the level they have previously chosen in order to retake mathematics in the Unified State Examination in reserve terms. If the child does not go to university this year, next year Does he need to take the exam again?
This is not necessary if the points obtained suit him, and he does not plan to change the specialty for which he initially chose the subjects, since the results of the USE are valid for four years following the year of obtaining such results. But if there are concerns that the points received will not be enough for admission, it is better to retake the necessary subjects in order to try to improve the result. What compulsory subjects and in what year will be additionally included for passing the exam?
Now 11th grade graduates take two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. From 2022, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is planned to introduce a third compulsory subject - a foreign language. Are the results of the exam of previous years canceled during the retake?
No, the results of the exam will not be canceled during the retake. When entering a university, you can choose the best result from the existing ones. What to do if parents are collecting money for paper and cartridges for printing exam materials? It is legal?
Charging fees from students for passing the state final certification is not allowed (Article 8 of the Law on Education). Accordingly, this is illegal. If such facts take place, it is necessary to contact the regional body exercising control and supervision in the field of education. How many USE points do graduates of the 11th grade need to score to receive a certificate with honors in 2019?
According to the new procedure, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education in December 2018, you need to score at least 70 points in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and in mathematics at the profile level. If the graduate chose the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level, then it is necessary to pass the exam with an “excellent” mark. Is it true that those who will be removed from the exam this year for cheat sheets and other violations will now be able to retake the exams only after two years, and not after a year?
No, if the exam participant violated the Procedure, for example, used mobile phone when passing physics, and his result in physics was canceled, then he will be able to re-participate in the exam in this subject in 2020. That is, in a year. If a child falls ill during the exam, what steps should be taken so that he can pass the exam?
It is necessary to submit to the State Examination Commission (SEC) an application for re-admission to the exam along with a document confirming the validity of the reason for not attending the exam, the SEC will consider the application and the submitted document, and then set a day for re-participation in the exam in the current year in reserve terms. If the participant is being treated in a hospital, but is able to take the exam, the examination point can be organized in a medical institution. What happens if the USE participant forgot his passport? Will he be allowed to take the exam?
Admission of examination participants to the examination point (EPS) is carried out if they have identification documents, and if they are on the distribution lists in this PES. Graduates of the current year, if they do not have identification documents, are admitted to the PES after confirmation of their identity by the accompanying school. To do this, the accompanying person fills out a certain form, which will be issued at the PES. After that, the graduate will be admitted to the examination point. As for graduates of previous years, if they do not have identity documents, they are not allowed in the PES. Does the school have the right to insist that a graduate of the 9th grade take exams in specific subjects (from among elective subjects)?
No, it doesn't. A ninth-grader takes 4 compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate: Russian language and mathematics, as well as two elective subjects that he chooses himself. Will a foreign language be included in the number of compulsory subjects for 9th grade graduates to take?
No. GIA-9 participants take exams in 4 academic subjects, one of which can be a foreign language as an exam of choice. Who and how checks the answers to the USE assignments?
Checking the answers to tasks with a short answer is carried out automatically, but then the experts must review all the uncredited answers and decide which of them can be evaluated positively. The performance of tasks with a detailed answer is checked by experts who are part of the subject commission of the region for the corresponding academic subject. Experts undergo special training and only after passing this training are allowed to check examination papers. Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other. After that, each expert puts his points for each task checked by him. If there is a significant discrepancy between the scores of two experts, then a third expert is invited, his scores will be considered final. Does the complexity of the examination materials of the early and main stages of the exam differ?
KIM options for all periods of the USE are collected on the basis of one model: they are identical in the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. The distribution of KIM options for use in a given period of the exam is carried out automatically, so there are no “special” options for a certain period of the USE or a specific region. Starting this year, graduates of grade 11 can choose to take only basic or specialized mathematics for delivery. Can a 10th grade student take the USE in basic mathematics, and in the 11th grade - specialized mathematics?
No. The graduate chooses one level of mathematics, which he plans to take as part of the state final certification. Thus, if a student receives a satisfactory USE result in mathematics (basic or profile level) in the 10th grade, he will be deprived of the right to re-participate in the USE in this subject in the 11th grade in order to increase the points received, because. already has a result in the subject "mathematics". Will the list of allowed and prohibited subjects in the exam change in 2019?
This list has not changed in 2019. Additional equipment that is allowed to be used at the exam: - in mathematics - a ruler; - in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; - in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; - in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator. How to cancel a previously announced exam and when should it be done?
Submission of an application for refusal to participate in the Unified State Examination in certain academic subjects is not provided for by the procedure for conducting the state final certification. You can simply not show up for the exam. Can participants with disabilities choose 3 exams for GIA-9 (Russian, mathematics and one of their choice)?
No. The procedure provides that such participants in the exams pass the GIA-9 either in 4 academic subjects, or in 2 compulsory academic subjects. If in our school, instead of chemistry, physics and biology, the subject is natural science (there are no chemistry, physics and biology as separate subjects), can my child take the exam in chemistry and biology?
Maybe. The procedure defines a list of subjects that can be taken by choice, regardless of whether they studied or not. Elective subjects are taken to provide their results when entering universities. If I took the same subject two years in a row, with a lower score this year, can I use the result from last year?
Yes. When applying to a university, you indicate the result you want. Do the terms for issuing USE results depend on the region in which the exam was taken?
The terms of the centralized inspection at the federal level are the same. After centralized verification and processing at the federal level, the results of the USE are transferred to the SEC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The SEC approves the results within one working day following the day they are received and transfers them within one working day to educational organizations, which, in turn, familiarize participants in the exam within one working day. Thus, the difference in the date of issuance of the results may be, but not more than one day, based on the efficiency of the region's work on the approval of the results and their transfer to schools. Is it possible to use a copy of the education document instead of the original when registering for the USE?
Graduates of previous years, when submitting an application, can present the original documents on education or their certified copies. What to do if passing the exam coincides with passing exams in another country?
In this case, the USE schedule provides for reserve days. It is necessary to provide information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule. What calculator can be used on the exam?
The use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed, which must provide arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and the calculation of trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg, ctg, arcsin, arcсos, arctg). The calculator should not provide the ability to save in its memory databases of examination tasks and their solutions, as well as any other information, the knowledge of which is directly or indirectly tested during the exam. The calculator should not provide the possibility of obtaining information from outside during the exam. The communication capabilities of the calculator must not allow wireless exchange of information with any external sources. The use of a calculator on the math exam is not allowed. Do I have the right to take the exam in Spanish if only English was studied at school?
You have the right to take the exam in a subject that you did not study at school. Who has the right to apply for participation in the Unified State Examination if the participant himself, for some reason, does not have such an opportunity?
There are several ways to apply for participation in the exam: in person; parents (legal representatives); by other persons on the basis of a power of attorney (relevant for foreign citizens, military personnel). Where do I need to go to get a notification for the exam?
You must contact the place of registration for passing the exam, as a rule, notifications are issued directly at the school or at the regional information processing center. What documents do I need to submit to register for the USE for college students who want to take the USE but have not yet received a diploma?
When submitting an application, it is necessary to present a passport and a certificate from the educational organization in which they are studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year. Where can you find USE results previous years?
It is necessary to apply to the RTSOI at the place of registration of the USE with an application for the provision of information on the results of the USE passed in previous years.

You don't have to waste a year on your way to higher education

On June 13, Russian eleventh-graders take the last exam of the main wave of the USE-2019. The vast majority of these guys will pass the final tests, albeit a little worse or a little better, but on the whole successfully. However, some people will still receive an unsatisfactory rating. Or maybe not even one. There is no doubt: it is, of course, a shame. But still, it's not the end of the world. Exams required to obtain a certificate can be retaken this year. Moreover, in the worst case scenario - even twice. And education, so as not to waste time in vain, is easy to continue in college.

First of all, let us clarify: if the minimum threshold of points in the subject of choice, which is necessary not for obtaining a certificate of secondary (general) education, but for entering a university, is not overcome, then such a “fail” can only be retaken for next year- in the USE-2020 campaign.

However, losing a year in this case is not at all necessary. Having received a certificate, this year you can go to college and move to higher education through the system of specialized secondary education. By the way, for enrolling graduates of technical schools, the Unified State Examination is not required at all - they have their own exams. So, if something doesn’t work out with the USE now, you shouldn’t panic: there is an alternative way to the profession, and the big question is which one is more correct.

Now about the failure with compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics. Graduates who managed to get "couples" in both of these subjects will be able to retake them only in September: September 3 - Russian, September 6 - mathematics. There is also a reserve day - September 21, when you can retake both. But this can only be done on the condition that the failure to appear for a retake on September 3 and 6 was for a good reason. For example, due to illness, which must be confirmed by a medical certificate.

However, fortunately, there are very few who failed both mandatory exams. For those who are unlucky with only one of these items, the algorithm of actions is different. You can retake such an “unsuccessful” on the reserve days of the current, summer USE campaign: mathematics - June 24, and Russian - June 26. There is also a "reserve reserve" - ​​July 1, when you can pass both Russian and mathematics. But this is also only for those who missed the retake on the scheduled dates for a good reason.

An important nuance! It is impossible to make two attempts to retake in the summer - for example, you cannot try to retake the Russian language first on June 26, and then on July 1. So the next entry in case of an unsuccessful summer retake will be possible only in September (September 3 - Russian, September 6 - mathematics, September 21 - reserve). At the same time, it must be remembered that the new rules set the deadline for submitting an application for retaking exams in September - two weeks before the start of the exams.

Another important innovation has appeared since this year. In accordance with the new procedure, USE participants can choose to take only one level of the USE in mathematics - basic or profile. However, at the same time, the procedure provides that in case of obtaining an unsatisfactory result in the USE in mathematics, it is possible to change the previously selected USE level in order to retake the exam in reserve terms. For example, instead of profile mathematics, retake basic mathematics, which, of course, is much easier.

And the last. As practice shows, most of the guys who retake the exam in the September wave do it quite successfully. And, therefore, albeit a little later than the rest of classmates, but still receive certificates in the year of graduation. College enrollment takes place in October. So these guys have a solid chance to continue their studies and successfully enter adulthood. Let's remember this!

The last two years have been marked by a number of innovations in the USE, aimed at supporting applicants. Among the changes is the possibility of retaking the exam for a higher grade. This is certainly a positive thing, because before, if a graduate did not score enough points to enter a university for a chosen specialty, he had to apply for faculties with a low passing threshold. And someone completely lost hope of becoming a student of a higher educational institution.

Items that can be returned

Now, applicants can once again pass the exam in any chosen subject that is needed for admission to the university, but it will be possible to retake the exam in only one discipline to improve the score. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education gives applicants two more attempts to improve the result, as it did during the “regular” state final certification.

If until 2017 graduates could retake the exam only in the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), which are necessary to obtain a school certificate, now there is an opportunity to retake the exam in any of the 14 subjects.

The innovation is due to the realities of life: only 3.4% of graduates fail to score the required number of points for a certificate of secondary education, and 57% of eleventh-graders are dissatisfied with their results in core subjects.

Retake the exam in the same year

The following persons are allowed to retake the unified state exam in the current academic year:

The following are not allowed to pass the USE for the second time within the same examination campaign (that is, in the same year):

  • graduates who missed the GIA for an unexcused reason;
  • USE participants who were suspended by the examination committee from doing work due to gross violations of the rules for passing the test (that is, those who were removed from the PES for cheating, talking with friends, using the phone).

Back in 2018, mathematics could be taken at two levels at once (basic and profile), and the order of delivery was as follows:

  • If mathematics gave up immediately on both basic and profile levels, but one of them failed, then it is impossible to retake it in the current academic year, since there is already a passing grade in the subject.
  • If both levels fail, you can retake it once by choosing either a profile or a base.
  • If one of the levels was chosen immediately and the results are unsatisfactory, then you can also retake it in the same year by changing the level (for example, profile to basic).

Since 2019, changes have been made to the procedure for conducting GIA-11: mathematics can only be taken at one of the levels - either basic or profile. If you fail the exam, you can change the selected level when you retake it in reserve terms. Also, according to the new procedure, graduates of previous years who have already received a certificate cannot participate in the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level.

Re-exam next year

If a student is dissatisfied with the results of the exam, but the grades exceed the minimum threshold, then you can retake the exam in specialized subjects only next year. Graduates of previous years who plan to retake the GIA must timely (before February 1) submit an application for participation in the Unified State Examination at the registration point.

Students who do not score the minimum scores in two compulsory subjects are retested in the fall of the same year (one discipline can be retaken on reserve days). If in September they do not receive a satisfactory assessment, a retake is scheduled for the next year.

What you need to retake the exam

To retake the GIA, you must contact the examination committee of the institution that registers participants in the exam. The secretariat will issue an application form. After filling it out, it is sent to the authorized organizers of the state certification.

The application indicates the reason why the graduate could not pass the test, if necessary, a document certifying the right to retake is attached to it. In confirmation of admission, a notification is sent to the exam participant with information about the dates, place and time of the certification.

The final essay for those who were admitted to the GIA, but did not pass or did not pass it in order to qualify for retake the exam, writing is optional.

You can demonstrate the ability to express thoughts if you wish, in order to use the results when entering a university - many universities take into account grades for essays in the competitive selection and charge additional points for it.

Graduates with certificates of study can register to participate in writing the final essay in any educational organizations (in their former school, for example). At the time of passing the GIA, the examinees are restored in an educational institution.


For retaking the exam, special reserve days are allocated in the schedule of the early and main stages - as a rule, at the end of the period:

During the main stage, much more “spare” dates are allotted for re-delivery:

In September, only compulsory subjects can be retaken:

If the exam is retaken not to get a certificate, but to enter a university and overcome a recalcitrant subject with satisfactory scores, it came out only in September, the chances of enrollment, even for the budget, still remain. Quite a few higher educational institutions conduct additional enrollment in the fall for specialties for which the state has allocated large quotas, and there are fewer people willing to master them. In addition, the USE certificate is valid for 4 years, so you can enter the university the next year, having carefully considered the choice of your future profession.

The final test for schoolchildren was introduced in 2009. Obtaining a certificate and entering a university depends on the results of the unified state exam. If the student is not satisfied with the number of points scored, you can retake USE exam. You need to know the features of recertification.

Is it possible to retake the exam

The Service for Supervision in the Field of Education grants such a right to those who have not scored the minimum number of points in the compulsory disciplines - the Russian language and mathematics. Retaking the exam is allowed for students who missed it for good reason.

The second certification takes place in the summer, the third attempt is given in September.

In the same year

Summer and autumn retests are allowed for graduates who:

  • Did not score the minimum number of points in compulsory subjects.
  • They have a valid reason for non-appearance, which is confirmed by a document.
  • We filed a complaint about the violation of the order of the exam, for example, there were not enough forms. Such an application must be satisfied by the appeal commission.
  • Failed to complete the test due to a good reason.

Next academic year

Such recertification is allowed for graduates who received an unsatisfactory grade in compulsory subjects in the fall. To retake the exam for the next year, you need to prepare, submit an application before February 1.

The test is allowed to pass in the selected disciplines.

The student must know that the results of the previous assessment are valid for four years. Upon admission, you can choose points and disciplines that are more suitable for the applicant.

What items can be retaken and how many times

In case of negative exam results, the second attempt in the current year is provided for the Russian language and mathematics. Recertification for selected disciplines is possible only in the following.

Retaking the exam in mathematics takes place under the following conditions:

  • The student only took the exam at one level. If he chose the basic and profile, did not pass any of them, repeated tests in the summer are impossible.
  • The graduate did not score the minimum number of points, the school cannot issue a certificate. In 2019, this threshold is 70 points.

Who will not be allowed to retest

  • Schoolchildren who violated the procedure and rules for conducting the exam (they wrote off, took their phone with them).
  • Graduates who missed an exam without a valid reason.
  • Who violated the order during the test revealed with the help of video after the introductory campaign in universities. If the applicant is enrolled, and then the commission discovered this fact, he will be excluded, sent to retake the exam. The certification will take place next year.

Reserve terms for retaking the exam

Rosobrnadzor has adopted a draft recertification schedule for 2020 (dates may change, but slightly):

  • 19.06 foreign languages, Informatics;
  • 20.06 – biology;
  • 22.06 - Russian language;
  • 23.06 - social science;
  • 29.06 - all things;
  • 24.09 - Compulsory courses.

Reserve days are intended for graduates who could not come to the exam for good reasons or the date of the chosen subject coincided with another exam.

Students who have not scored the minimum score in compulsory disciplines are allowed to retake.

The backup certification should be organized in the same way as the main one. It is under video surveillance, there are representatives of public organizations.

Not enough credits to qualify

When a graduate has not passed only the compulsory disciplines, you can try again in the same year. If it is unsuccessful, it is impossible to enter an institute or university without a certificate. You can take a break for a year, think about choosing a profession. Some students do not need to have a higher education. Another thing is when there are few points in the chosen disciplines, this does not affect the receipt of a certificate.

Absence from the exam for a good reason

Students are allowed to retake the exam if there are the following grounds:

  • Absence due to illness, surgery.
  • Bad feeling during the exam (must have a doctor's note).
  • An accident, such as an accident.
  • An emergency during the exam.
  • Death of a loved one.

Dates to retake the USE exam are subject to change. Often they are appointed at the end of June, beginning of July. Then the applicant has time to participate in the introductory campaign.

Violation of the procedure for conducting the exam

To fix the failure of the test, you need to write an appeal. Compose it during a violation at the examination point. The application is considered by the Appeals Committee. If there are grounds for satisfaction, a retake is scheduled for a reserve day.

A violation of the procedure is considered a discrepancy between the order and organizational issues, for example, the absence of forms, light.

You can only bring things that are approved by the rules to the exam. This is a pen, passport, medicine if necessary. Without an identity document, they will not be allowed into the class. The rules allow people with disabilities to have special means of movement.

What documents are needed and the deadlines for their submission

  • A statement indicating the reason for the re-examination. If it is respectful, you should attach a supporting document (for example, a certificate, sick leave).
  • The passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Certificate of education.
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.
  • Disability document (if any).

Graduates of previous years must register by December 1st. They can participate in the early and main retake periods.