Preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: program, methods and technologies. How to pass the exam

Teaches Russian at Foxford

I teach Russian at Moscow School No. 179. It is considered one of the strongest in the country. Our students pass exams with high scores and win prizes at olympiads. For example, this year my student Ruslan Salimgareev passed four exams with 400 points.

At the same time, we do not focus on preparing for the exam, but try to interest students in the subject. I'll tell you how it works.

Why you should not focus on the exam

The USE is the minimum of what is in the Russian language. In the 179th school, we, first of all, teach children to be literate and help them understand the subject. If a student understands the language, sees a system in it and knows how to write good texts, he will easily pass the exam with a high score.

The only thing you need to prepare the student for is the requirements of the compilers and experts who will check the answers. To do this, we show the scheme of tasks and explain what experts expect from students. Of course, we solve samples and write compositions, but we do not do this to the detriment of other, more significant activities.

How to awaken interest in the Russian language

Fascinating tasks. I give the guys a lot of creative tasks. They write non-fiction texts, official complaints, reasoning texts, blog articles, detective stories and thrillers. They present themselves as editorial staff and writers-philosophers.

My goal is to make them want to write texts and treat it as a solution to an interesting problem. At the beginning of the year, I explain what I want to see in the text: it should be consistent, logical and not contain plagiarism. And then we are working on it.

For example, there is a book "Fascinating dictations" by I. Vinokurova and S. Naumova. There is a text by Jerome K. Jerome, where he talks about the benefits of the stomach for humans. And then the students are invited to write an essay themselves, a reasoning about why a person needs a nose, lungs or heart. And to do it in the style of an Englishman of the XIX - early XX century.

Another example is the science magazine Schrödinger's Cat. Previously, every issue published stories of scientists about the most banal things: a match, a chair, a glass. The chemist described chemical composition matches, the historian told the story of its occurrence, and the linguist explained why the match is called a "match". I asked the students the same problem: take an object and describe it from the point of view of different sciences. So the guys learned to collect material on the Internet and turn it into a scientific and journalistic text.

Stories about banal objects from the magazine "Schrödinger's Cat"

Stories about banal objects from the magazine "Schrödinger's Cat"

Another task is to present yourself as a blogger and write a text for publication. The specifics of the work of a blogger is that they write on topics that concern them personally and at the same time are of interest to a wide audience. Pupils had to choose such a topic and once a week publish a new text on it on Vkontakte or Facebook.

Once they wrote cards like on the Meduza website. This is an article format where you need to ask questions and answer them. At first, they read recommendations on Meduza itself on how to make these cards. Then they chose a topic: someone wrote the text “How to be a successful Santa Claus”, someone wrote “How to write a bestseller”.

One of the article-cards of the Meduza news site

There were also tasks for training logic. I offered a text in which the sentences were placed in the wrong order. And the guys restored the correct course of the text. This skill was then very useful to them in essays on the exam.

I give similar creative tasks to the guys from the External School and the Foxford Home School.

Inquisitiveness. Basically, children from other schools come to us in grades 8-9. Over time, it turns out that there is almost no opportunity to ask questions - there is only the opinion of the teacher.

With us, students can doubt the words of the teacher and defend their point of view. At the same time, they have a good sense of subordination. Also, they are not afraid to say that they do not understand something.

High plank. We always try to give the student tasks a little more difficult than he can solve. If we see that we need to explain more simply, we go down to the level below. But then we raise the bar again. Because the only way to educate a strong student is to set high goals and help him overcome difficulties. The teacher should feel this line well.

How to prepare for the exam

📆 When to start. The first training option is given in the 10th grade. I think this is right: it is better to get acquainted with the specifics of the exam at the very beginning.

Then you can systematically prepare during the year or intensively in the last two months. In the first case, the student takes a practice test once a week and asks questions about it. In the second, we remind about the features of the USE tasks no more than once every three months. Each of these options works.

🛠 What to work out. All the creative tasks that we give at the 179th school teach children to write reasoning texts. They train to find the problem and solve it logically. This is exactly what you need on the essay in part C.

But there are still differences between such essays and examination papers. I ask them to write texts that are not boring and without cliches, but at the exam itself it is better to get away from this and write according to the template. Because it's easier and faster. A high-quality, non-banal text needs to be written for a long time. Usually we go through several revisions: the guys send me texts, and I tell them what is good and what else needs to be worked on. There is no such opportunity in the GCSE.

Therefore, learn to write reasoning texts for the exam. Take topics for essays, write the text and show it to the teacher, who can give sensible comments. The main thing is to work hard and each time take the topic more difficult.

🔍 What to pay attention to. It is very useful to watch webinars on preparing for the exam. Not only for schoolchildren but also for teachers. In them, experts talk about useful details of the USE test that schoolchildren do not know about. It is important to find a good webinar with a good teacher. In this regard, the Internet provides amazing opportunities.

It is also worth considering how the child perceives information. If he is a visual, then he needs to read more. If audio - listen to webinars. It is important for kinesthetics to write a lot in order to fill their hand. Memory also works differently for everyone: someone manages to remember a lot, someone only a part. All these features must be taken into account.

👩‍🏫 Understand what the expert wants. In the test part, solve as many tasks as possible from the USE compilers and compare your answers with those given in the demos. This way you will know what the inspectors expect from you.

For writing essays, I advise you to use manuals. For example, in the book N.A. Senina's essay is very competently decomposed into components. The author explains what the compiler takes into account when choosing a text and .

⛔️ Typical mistakes. Most often, schoolchildren make mistakes in tasks for orthoepy - the placement of stress. It is difficult to calculate the pattern here, so you need to remember. There are also many errors in syntax and punctuation. Complex sentences- one of the most difficult topics in the Russian language.

In the essay, speech and logical errors are allowed. Speech related to the fact that our oral speech is ahead of written. In other words, we don't usually speak the way we write. Therefore, students often transfer colloquial speech into an essay.

Logic is generally little worked on in regular schools. Usually they train on theoretical questions and write dictations, but no one teaches to reason and build the logic of the text. That is why there are so many mistakes in writing.

The key to successful preparation

Try to find something in the subject that catches you. You must be motivated to study it and look for your interest in it. So you will begin to understand the subject and see the system, how everything works. And as soon as you begin to understand, you can cope with any task.

It might not work the first time. But it will definitely work from the second or third. Do not be afraid: all this is possible and not so difficult. I am convinced that there are no hopeless and weak students. Any person is able to pass the exam for a high score, especially the exam.

It is not necessary to read all the works from the school curriculum in order to write an essay well within the framework of the unified state exam in the Russian language. The texts proposed by the developers raise "eternal problems", issues related to human behavior in war, as well as the impoverishment of the native language. There are books that, if read carefully, will free you from having to study dozens of creations. Life compiled a list of "saving" literature.

If you really seriously read all 10 books that we are going to talk about, then you will pass the exam - you will select arguments for any problem, but you can also read only a few works from the list, if you have associative thinking, and you can "twist" any fact from the work in your favor. For example, you should choose who is closer to you: Sholokhov or Tolstoy? It is not necessary to read both epic novels (that is, "The Quiet Flows the Don" and "War and Peace"), since the problems in them overlap. It's enough to know really well storylines one of the books.

At the same time, do not forget that there should be two arguments, which means that examples from one work cannot be dispensed with.

1. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy

For example stories of three families against the backdrop of the war with Napoleon, many eternal problems are shown - this is a manifestation of the best (or worst) qualities of a person at critical moments (Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky), the inexperience of a young soul (Natasha Rostova) and the influence of the environment on the formation of personality (Anatole and Helen Kuraginy, Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha, Nikolai, Peter and Vera Rostov), ​​choosing a path or searching for the meaning of life (Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky). Tolstoy also speaks of mercy in the person of, for example, Natasha Rostova, of duty - in the person of the Bolkonskys, of windiness and cowardice - Anatol Kuragin, Natasha Rostova. The author does not forget about the problem of social stratification, the thirst for power - these are two opposite worlds of the Kuragin and Rostov families.

In almost every chapter of the novel, in every episode, one can find arguments for a particular problem in the examination text.

2. Quiet Flows the Don by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov

In the epic novel dedicated to the life of the Cossacks in the period civil war, one of the central themes is female love and its depth (Natalya and Aksinya). Also, the most important problem raised by Sholokhov is the choice of a path by a person. These are the torments of Grigory Melekhov (both in the war and in his personal life). The classic speaks of the endless pursuit of happiness in spite of any obstacles (the love story of the main characters), as well as human lust, the influence of instincts on human life (the wife of the elder brother Gregory). The theme of fate, inevitability, atonement for sins can be traced through the whole work. Sholokhov, talking about the Melekhov family, also speaks of duty to his parents, confrontation different generations and betrayal.

3. Any book in George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series

Regardless of whether you are a fan of a series or a series of science fiction works, the reality created by the American writer is so global that it embodies all the joys and vices of human life, or, as Balzac would say, "human comedy." The story of the opposition of houses (influential families) for the throne reveals the most terrible sides of the human soul - Martin talks about the rules of fair and dishonest war, the problem of injustice, hatred and self-interest in society, about incest, greed and mercy, about the problem of duty to the family and the state, about dishonor, regardless of social wealth, about swagger, about the presence of a competitive spirit between family members. It doesn't even make sense to list everything and indicate specific heroes - there are many of them, and there are vices and virtues in each of the characters in the cycle. You will find an argument for almost any issue in the history of Westeros. Even the opposition to progress and rejection of the new can be told by the example of the story of the experiments on the Mountain.

4. "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

One of the most important works of the school curriculum is a story about "little people", "trembling creatures". The novel also raises a wide range of issues - the duality of the soul, the presence in each person of two poles - good and evil, atonement for sins, choosing the path (again the main characters, Marmeladov), life priorities and the formation of personality, the role of religion in human life, greed and cynicism (an old pawnbroker, Svidrigailov), a change in the perception of the world depending on the inner experiences of a person (St. Petersburg), guilt, the inevitability of punishment, extremism, etc. Most of the problems of the novel are shown through the personalities of the main characters - Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova.

5. "Thunderstorm" Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky

A play dedicated to social and everyday problems (as well as "Dowry"), shows a dark world in which there is no place for bright emotions. They simply perish under the onslaught of human "simplicity", hatred, conservatism and ignorance. In the work, one can find arguments on the themes of betrayal (Katerina’s betrayal of her husband), restlessness of the human soul, constant search for a new one (also Katerina), social stratification, following traditions and rejection of youth by the old generation (Kabanikha and Katerina, Tikhon), rock (Countess and the omen of death ), feelings of guilt, suppression of the word of reason by the heart, lies in the circle of loved ones, teenage maximalism, theft among the rich class (Wild), power, the vicissitudes of love, relationships between fathers and children, and so on.

6. "Abroad" by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

You can give arguments from the satirical work of the classic on the topics of patriotism (love for the Motherland, rejection of someone else's, albeit better), confrontation between the West and the East, Russia and Europe, the poor and the rich (a conversation between a Russian and a German boy), feelings of the crowd, consumer society, oblivion traditions, the human factor in relationships, professional duty, the peculiarities of the mentality of different peoples, and so on.

7. "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

It is also important to read a small work of our luminary, because this story (by the way, this argument can also be taken from the novel "War and Peace") raises the problem of the role of the individual in history (Emelyan Pugachev and Catherine II). It is also impossible not to say about mercy (again the empress), human behavior in a critical situation, duty to the state, parental strictness (represented by father Pyotr Grinev), betrayal (Shvabrin and Grinev), possessiveness (Shvabrin), social inequality and, of course, about love - the captain's daughter and Grinev.

8. "The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown" by Maxim Anisimovich Krongauz

As with Game of Thrones (the first part), you don't have to read it - you can watch the movie. Not everyone loves The Great Gatsby - for some it's boring, but the film turned out to be very dynamic (especially since some moments from the novel were not realized on the screen - for example, Gatsby's life in his youth, an episode with his family). The classic of the jazz era raises the problems of intolerance of the rich to the problems of people of low "class", the difference between love and falling in love, the thirst for power and money, " little man". The author also talks about true friendship, dreams and hopes. The latter, according to Fitzgerald, are often empty.

10. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

About humility, military duty, the despair of the one who lost loved ones, the inevitability of death, equality before the war and the death of all people (regardless of wealth, pedigree and occupation), friendship and indifference in war to things important in peacetime, says Remarque. In a small work, one can find arguments on almost any military issue.

Most of the students have a rather superficial idea of ​​the exam that they have to take. It is rare to meet graduates or their parents who are fully aware of the procedure for passing the exam, despite the fact that at present a large number of information can be found on the Internet.

You need to treat the exam as a future work. To do this, you should learn as much as possible about this exam and carefully prepare for it.

How to prepare for the exam?

Preparation should begin as early as possible. Reinforced classes are required about a year before delivery. It is not difficult to prepare for the exam in the Russian language, for this it is enough:

  1. Make a lesson schedule. For preparation, it is recommended to devote at least an hour every day;
  2. Study the structure of the CMM that will be presented at the exam;
  3. Purchase several collections with theoretical material, as well as with practical tasks. Having repeated the theory for a certain section of the language, it is recommended to perform a number of tasks for the corresponding section;
  4. Mark for yourself the most difficult tasks, repeat the relevant theoretical material, and then return to them again;
  5. Select examples from literary works to defend your position when writing an essay. It is best to choose examples that cover several issues at once, which may be raised by the authors;
  6. If possible, involve a teacher in the process, visit the OGE / USE courses. This will allow you to get the most complete advice on issues that cause difficulties (as a rule, writing an essay causes the greatest difficulties);
  7. To study: the rules of conduct for the OGE / USE, the rules for filling out forms, the "threshold" score. This will avoid unnecessary errors that are not directly related to the CMM task;
  8. Visit various Internet resources on the preparation and conduct of the OGE / USE, including forums where you can discuss the procedure for the USE / USE;
  9. If possible, write "trial" OGE / USE. Such "probes" allow the student to assess the level of their knowledge throughout the preparation.

Note: attending various OGE / USE courses helps:

  • “sort through” existing knowledge;
  • consolidate the existing theoretical and practical material;
  • prepare for tasks of increased complexity, which are not always given without special training.

What else is required to prepare for the OGE / USE in the Russian language?

In addition to developing the ability to cope with tasks from various sections of the language, it is also recommended to work in the following areas:

  • develop motivation to successfully pass the exam (as they say, thoughts are material);
  • develop a positive attitude towards the exam. A good mood will make you feel more comfortable, focus on the task;
  • train a sense of self-control (you can’t force a person to do what he doesn’t want, so you need to learn to control yourself);

This will help the examinees to better cope both with preparing for the exam in Russian, and with passing.

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The Russian language is included in the list of compulsory subjects. Preparation for the exam in the native language should preferably begin in grades 8-9, because. Russian is indeed a difficult subject. All graduates, as native speakers, get confused in cases of correct spelling and pronunciation, when the difference between an erroneous and correct option is only in replacing a couple of letters or signs. The creators of the Unified State Examination, who approve the type of tasks, expect to educate literate citizens who also stand for the beauty and frequency of the Russian language.

What is the USE in the Russian language?

The structure of the exam is made as accessible as possible for students with both a technical and mathematical mindset. For this reason, most of the work is occupied by a test that checks knowledge of the basic rules of modern literary language. It is permissible to spend no more than 1 hour on the test (in total, the examinees are given 3.5 hours, i.e. 210 minutes), the rest should be devoted to writing an essay in task No. 25. As a rule, students encounter difficulties in all parts of written work.

Why is it important to avoid mistakes?

The test form contains 24 tasks. However, for the correct hit in the keys in each of the questions, 24 primary points are not given at all. The fact is that in tasks No. 1, 3, 7, 15, 19, 20-24, several answer options are provided, therefore, additional points are given for the correct numbers in all cells. In total, about 35 primary points are obtained for the entire test. Naturally, the result translated into final scores is much higher. Even without writing, it is possible to pass the threshold, provided that the test is completed almost completely with a small number of errors. This will come out to about 50 secondary points, going as a final grade for admission. This means that for those who apply only for commerce not at a top university, there will be relatively little work.

On the other hand, the ability to learn the rules well for passing the test is good news for those who aim to enter elite schools. At the exam in Russian, you can catch precious points in the face of fierce competition, simply because it is a compulsory subject. Even if Russian is not related to your future specialty, high scores will help in admission, it will be possible not to worry that there will be a shortage of points in “professional” subjects (chemistry, biology for doctors, literature for journalists, etc.).

Analyze the structure of all tasks #1-24. They are not built according to the same algorithms, but they involve testing knowledge on certain topics. Among them, the most important are “Spelling”, “Punctuation”, “Understanding the text”. After solving several probes, observe whether the errors made are systematic. If yes, then pay attention to an integrated approach to a particular topic.

Develop a sense of language. Often the point of tests is not whether you change the letter or the error correctly. The creators of the exam flood the tasks with numerous tricks. Your task is not to fall for them and learn to objectively analyze specific linguistic cases (involve comparisons with exceptions, homophones, similar spellings that can make a mistake in a particular situation).

Pay attention to whether you have errors in numbers where the answer consists of several digits. You must be fully versed in the topic of the assignment, otherwise the gaps in knowledge will become more visible through the prism of stress during the exam itself.

The essay under assignment No. 25 is the most serious concern of graduates. On the one hand, their experiences are unnecessary, because the composition is not at all creative in nature and requires only compliance with a given structure. Even the absence of a delivered speech will not become an obstacle, because. any student will be saved by “cramming” several clichés (it is enough to know about 10-15 exact phrases and expressions). On the other hand, with the definition of a text problem, it can be difficult to get into the keys correctly, this requires a separate training. One way or another, two recommendations for writing in Russian follow from the controversial characterization of this work, which are relevant for all schoolchildren:

  • It is necessary to learn exactly the order of presentation and know what they want to hear from you in each part of the essay.
  • It is necessary to train separately in determining the idea of ​​the text, the author's position and the problem of the text.