Trinity a short description of the holiday two three sentences. The Holy Trinity

The Feast of the Trinity is one of the most beautiful holidays in Orthodoxy. It always falls at a time when the first leaves on the trees begin to bloom. Therefore, people decorate houses and churches on this holiday with green branches of birch, maple, mountain ash.

Trinity does not have a fixed date for celebration. It is appointed on the fiftieth day after Easter. The Bible says that it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. Students

received the ability to preach the word of Christ. Therefore, this holiday is otherwise called Pentecost or the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Only in the XIV century did they begin to celebrate the feast of the Trinity in Rus'. Customs and traditions on this day have been observed since ancient times. The founder of the holiday was St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The Old Testament feast of Pentecost is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 50th day after the Jewish Passover. According to legend, on this day the people of Israel received the Law of Sinai. Traditionally, in honor of the celebration, entertainment for the people, mass celebrations, and sacrifices are organized. Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai gave his people the Law of God. This happened on the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Since then, Pentecost (or Shavuot) has been celebrated every year. In Israel, on the same day, the feast of the first harvest and fruits is celebrated.

When did the Trinity appear in Christianity?

The customs and traditions of the celebration originate from the Old Testament Pentecost. The apostles retired to celebrate the Jewish Pentecost. The Savior, before his martyrdom, promised them a miracle - the coming of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, every day they gathered in one of the Zion upper rooms. On the 50th day after the Resurrection, they heard a noise that filled the small space of the house. Flames appeared, and the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. He showed them three hypostases - God the Father (Divine Mind), God the Son (Divine Word), God the Spirit (Holy Spirit). This trinity is the basis of Christianity, on which the Christian faith stands firmly. People who were not far from the upper room heard a strange noise - the apostles spoke different languages. The disciples of Jesus received amazing abilities - to heal, prophesy and preach in different dialects, which allowed them to carry the word of God to all corners of the world. The apostles visited the Middle East, India, Asia Minor. We visited the Crimea and Kyiv. All the disciples, except for John, were martyred - they were executed by opponents of Christianity.

The Holy Trinity is the only God.

The customs of the church holiday began in the morning. The whole family went to church for worship. After that, people returned home. They arranged a gala dinner, went to visit, congratulated acquaintances on a bright holiday, gave gifts.

In our country, the feast of the Trinity began to be celebrated only 300 years after the baptism of Rus'. Prior to this, the Slavs were pagans. But even today there are rituals, signs that originated in those days. Before Trinity, this day was considered the border between spring and summer. Its name is Semik (Green Week), or Triglav. According to pagan religion, three deities ruled over all mankind - Perun, Svarog, Svyatovit. The latter is the keeper of light and human energy. Perun is the defender of truth and warriors. Svarog is the creator of the universe. In Semik, people arranged merry festivities, danced round dances. The houses were decorated with the first greenery, from which medicinal tinctures and decoctions were then prepared. So from the pagan celebration arose a church holiday - the Trinity.

Customs, signs of those ancient times are still relevant among the people. For example, the greenery with which the church was decorated on Pentecost was taken home and dried. It was sewn up in canvas bags. Such a sachet served as a talisman at home .

Celebration traditions

How is the feast of the Trinity? The customs of most holidays begin with cleaning the house. Only after the room sparkled with cleanliness, women decorated the rooms with green branches and flowers. They are a symbol of fertility, wealth. The hostesses cooked festive table- cooked pies and gingerbread, cooked jelly. There is no fasting on this day, so any food is allowed for the Orthodox. In churches on the Trinity is performed Divine Liturgy, and immediately after it - evening.

During it, kneeling prayers are read. The clergy ask for the bestowal of grace on all those present, for the sending down of wisdom and reason to believers.

After the service, people sit down at the festive table, invite guests, give gifts and congratulate each other. According to tradition, it was customary to marry on this day. It was believed that if the matchmaking took place on the Trinity, and the wedding on the Pokrov, a happy life awaited the young family.

How is Trinity celebrated elsewhere in the world?

Traditions, customs, rituals different countries unites the festive worship. And in England, religious processions are even held on this day. In Italy, rose petals are scattered from under the ceiling of the temple. In France, during worship, trumpets are blown, which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Folk customs on Trinity

According to popular legend, mermaids wake up on Pentecost.

In this regard, the villagers have several customs. In the villages they made a stuffed mermaid, danced round dances around him during the festivities. Then it was torn into small pieces and scattered across the field. Before going to bed, women ran through the village with a broom to protect themselves from mermaids. One girl was dressed as a mermaid, taken out into the field and thrown into a rye. Then everyone fled to their homes.

What other folk practices is the Trinity famous for? Traditions, customs, rituals were to drive away evil spirits from the gates of the house. According to legend, on this day the water man woke up, and the villagers burned fires along the coast to ward off evil spirits.

Folk customs on Trinity

Much attention was paid to the decoration of the house. Only branches of maple, birch, mountain ash, oak could protect people, give them strength and health. Another custom was to irrigate with your tears the branches and flowers that were in the temple. Girls and women tried harder to cry so that drops of tears fell on the greenery. This method helped the ancestors to get rid of the summer drought and autumn crop failure. All festivities were divided into 3 days.

The first was called Green Sunday. On this day, the icons were decorated with birch branches, a special prayer was said for the Trinity. Folk festivals were held in forests and fields.

People danced, played, sang songs. The girls wove wreaths and lowered them down the river.

Such fortune-telling helped to find out what fate awaits in the coming year.

People commemorated deceased relatives. At the cemetery, crosses and monuments were swept with a birch broom - to ward off evil spirits. They left treats for the dead on the graves.

That night, according to folk tales, prophetic dreams were dreamed.

Second day Klechalny Monday- the second day of the celebration of Pentecost. People have been rushing to church since morning.

After the service, the priests walked through the fields with blessings. This was done in order to protect the crop from drought, rain and hail.

Third day Bogodukh day girls are the most noted. They arrange festivities, games, fortune-telling. By folk tradition, fun is being held - “Drive the Poplar”. most beautiful girl dressed up, decorated with greenery and wreaths - she played the role of Poplar. Then the youth took Topolya home, and each owner presented her with a delicious treat or a gift. In Rus', it was customary to honor a birch on the feast of the Trinity.

The practices of Pentecost are closely associated with this tree. Around the birch there were girlish round dances. Houses were decorated with it, the first leaves were dried to protect against the evil eye. Until now, there is a rite of curling birch.

Cumulation on the Semik-Trinity. 19th century

During the process, the girls wished good health to their mother and other relatives. Or, during the curling of the birches, they thought about the young man they fell in love with - thus tying his thoughts and thoughts to themselves. trinity holiday customs signs During the festivities, a small birch was decorated with ribbons, flowers flew into it.

After round dance chants, they cut it down and began a triumphal procession through the village. An elegant birch was carried around the whole village, attracting good luck to its inhabitants. In the evening, ribbons were removed from the tree and a traditional sacrifice was held. The branches were "buried" in the field, and the birch itself was drowned in a pond. So people asked for a plentiful harvest and protection from the spirits. Early dew was collected on Trinity - it was considered a strong medicine against ailments and ailments. Such rituals existed among our ancestors. Some of them can be found even today.

What was forbidden to do on Pentecost

On this holiday, it was strictly forbidden to work in the garden or around the house. Therefore, zealous housewives carried out a general cleaning before the Trinity. And on the holiday itself, they only decorated the house and prepared a plentiful treat.

What other restrictions exist? What can not be done on Trinity? All repairs around the house are best left for another day. Can't sew. Do not wash, cut or dye your head. On this day, you can not think about the bad or talk about someone in a negative way. It is forbidden to swim - otherwise, in the near future, the disobedient will die (according to one of the versions, mermaids will tickle him). And the one who remained alive after swimming on the Trinity was declared a sorcerer. Do not be offended, swear on this day - the Trinity is a bright holiday. Signs and customs (what is not and what can be done) - it all comes down to prayer and kind words. Trinity is a celebration of the renewal of life, so only positive should surround yourself on this day.

parent saturday

The day before Trinity, parental Saturday began. People went to the cemetery, commemorated the deceased relatives.

From ancient times in parent Saturday a memorial dinner was being prepared - cutlery was placed for the deceased. The deceased was invited to a meal. On this day, the bath was heated. And after the whole family had washed, they left water and a broom for the deceased. On Trinity parental Saturday, suicides are commemorated, they ask for repose for their souls. A memorial prayer for the Trinity is read. But the Holy Church claims that this is a delusion - suicides will not be able to find rest after death. Therefore, only in home prayer can you ask for them.

Signs for Pentecost

The Trinity is rich in beliefs and signs. The customs and traditions of the holiday carry many omens that have been proven over the centuries. Rain on Pentecost - to an abundance of mushrooms and close warmth. If the birch is fresh on the third day after the holiday - to a wet hayfield. They marry the Trinity, they marry Pokrov - to love and harmony in the family. To attract wealth to the house, it is necessary to cover several graves in the cemetery. Heat on Trinity - to a dry summer. The whole week of celebration was called Mermaid Week.

Thursday was considered especially important - on this day the mermaids tried to lure people into the water. Therefore, in the evenings, people tried not to leave the house. It was forbidden to swim all week. And you should definitely carry wormwood with you - this grass scared away evil spirits. Today, in nature, with songs and fun, the Trinity holiday is celebrated. Customs, signs of ancient times become irrelevant and gradually disappear. But until now, people decorate their homes with greenery so that peace, tranquility, happiness, health and prosperity reign in it.

And the girls carry the wreaths to the reservoirs and, holding their breath, let them into the water: where the wreath floats, from there they will wait for the betrothed, and if it comes to the shore, it’s not destiny to get married this year ...

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The color of the Trinity holiday is emerald green. This is a shade of fresh juicy grass or foliage that has not had time to get tired and absorb the city's heavy dust. The temples glow from the inside with an emerald cloud - hundreds of birch twigs are carried by parishioners, the floor of the church is densely covered with grass, the rotten smell of June is enhanced by the rays of the sun from the church windows, mixed with subtle notes of incense and wax candles. Candles are no longer red, but honey-yellow - "Easter is given away." Exactly 50 days after the Resurrection of the Lord, Christians celebrate the Holy Trinity. Great Holiday, beautiful Holiday.

… Fifty days after the Jewish Passover, the Jews celebrated the day of Pentecost, dedicated to the legislation of Sinai. The apostles did not take part in mass celebrations, but gathered together with the Mother of God and other disciples in the house of one person. History has not preserved evidence of his name and what he did, it is only known that it was in Jerusalem ... It was about three o'clock in the afternoon according to Jewish time (about 9 o'clock in the morning according to modern accounts). Suddenly, from heaven itself, from a height, there was an incredible noise, reminiscent of a howl and rumble from a rushing strong wind, the noise filled the whole house, in which the disciples of Christ and the Virgin Mary were. People began to pray. Fiery tongues began to play between people and began to stop for a moment on each of the worshipers. Thus, the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, along with which they received an amazing ability to speak and preach in many languages, previously unknown to them ... The promise of the Savior was fulfilled. His disciples received a special grace and gift, strength and ability to carry the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is believed that the Holy Spirit descended in the form of fire as a sign that it has the power to burn sins and purify, sanctify and warm the soul.
On the occasion of the holiday, Jerusalem was full of people, Jews from different countries converged in the city on this day. A strange noise from the house where the disciples of Christ were, made hundreds of people run to this place. Those gathered were amazed and asked each other: “Are they not all Galileans? How do we hear each of our own languages ​​in which we were born? How can they speak with our tongues about the great things of God?” And they said in bewilderment: "They drank sweet wine." Then the apostle Peter, standing up with the other eleven apostles, said that they were not drunk, but that the Holy Spirit had descended on them, as had been predicted by the prophet Joel, and that Jesus Christ, who had been crucified, ascended into heaven and poured out the Holy Spirit on them. Spirit. Many of those who listened to the sermon of the Apostle Peter at that moment believed and were baptized. The apostles initially preached to the Jews, and then dispersed to different countries to preach to all nations.

So Saint Andrew, who is also called Andrew the First-Called, set out to preach the Word of God to the eastern countries. He passed through Asia Minor, Thrace, Macedonia, reached the Danube, passed the Black Sea coast, the Crimea, the Black Sea region and climbed along the Dnieper to the place where the city of Kyiv now stands. Here he stopped at the Kyiv mountains for the night. Rising in the morning, he said to his disciples, "Do you see these mountains? The grace of God will shine on these mountains, there will be a great city, and God will build many churches." The apostle climbed the mountains, blessed them and erected a cross. Having prayed, he climbed even higher along the Dnieper and reached the settlements of the Slavs, where Novgorod was founded.

Miraculously, the Apostle Thomas, who believed in Christ, reached the shores of India. Until now, Christians live in the southern states of this country, Kerala and Karnataka, whose ancestors were baptized by St. Thomas.

Peter visited various areas Near East, Asia Minor, and later settled in Rome. There, according to a very reliable tradition of the late 1st and early 2nd centuries, he was executed between 64 and 68 AD. punishment that the Lord endured.

Enlightening the nations with the teachings of Christ, the apostle Paul also undertook long journeys. In addition to his repeated stays in Palestine, he preached about Christ in Phoenicia, Syria, Cappadocia, Lydia, Macedonia, Italy, the islands of Cyprus, Lesbos, Rhodes, Sicily and other lands. The power of his preaching was so great that the Jews could not oppose anything to the power of Paul's teaching, the pagans themselves asked him to preach the word of God and the whole city gathered to listen to him.

That grace of the Holy Spirit, which was clearly given to the apostles in the form of fiery tongues, is now given invisibly in the Orthodox Church - in her holy sacraments through the successors of the apostles - the pastors of the Church - bishops and priests.

The feast of Christian Pentecost includes a double celebration: both in the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, and in the glory of the Most Holy Spirit, who descended on the Apostles and sealed the new eternal covenant of God with man.

On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, established at the end of the 4th century, after the dogma of the Trinity, the trinitarian God, was officially adopted at the church council in Constantinople in 381, we are talking about another important aspect of the Christian faith: the incomprehensible mystery of the trinity of God. God is one in three persons and this mystery is incomprehensible to the human mind, but the essence of the Trinity was revealed to people on this day.

By the way, for a long time, Christian artists did not depict the Trinity, believing that God can only be depicted in the face of Jesus Christ - the son of God. But not God - the father, not God - the Holy Spirit should not be painted .. However, over time, a special iconography of the Holy Trinity was formed, which is now divided into two types. The Old Testament Trinity is familiar to each of us from the well-known icon of Andrei of Radonezh (Rublev), on which God is depicted in the form of three angels who appeared to Abraham. The icons of the New Testament Trinity are images of God the Father in the form of an old man, Jesus Christ as a child in his bosom or an adult husband, according to right hand from him, and the Spirit - above them in the form of a dove.

In Rus', they began to celebrate Holy Pentecost not in the first years after the baptism of Rus', but almost 300 years later, in the 14th century, under St. Sergius of Radonezh.

In our country, this holiday merged with the Slavic national holiday semik, having absorbed many pagan rites, mainly associated with the veneration of the spirits of herbs, trees and flowers. Therefore, on the Trinity it was customary to decorate houses with greenery, to dance around a birch.

In the last week before Trinity, on Thursday, cooking began in peasant houses - they baked pies, flat cakes, kurniki, scrambled eggs, noodles, croutons, cooked poultry stew. Then they went to the forest with these dishes, spread tablecloths under the trees, ate and drank beer. Choosing a branched birch, the youth divided into pairs and curled wreaths without breaking off the branches from the tree.

On Trinity Day, we again went to the forest to develop wreaths. Each couple, finding their wreath, judged their future happiness, which depended on whether the wreath withered or not, faded or still green...

Many rituals were associated with wreaths. Probably the most famous of them, when wreaths were thrown into the river, unraveling their fate by their movement: I will go to the Danube, to the river, I will stand on a steep bank, water? My wreath sank My dear remembered: "O my gentle light, O my friendly light!"

The day after Pentecost, which is always celebrated on Sunday, the Church glorifies the third person of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit. From this day until the next feast of Holy Pascha, they begin to sing the troparion to the Holy Spirit “King of heaven ...” From this moment, for the first time after Pascha, prostrations are allowed.

… The service on the feast of Holy Pentecost is touching and beautiful. The temple is decorated, the priests are dressed in green robes, it smells of grass and fresh greenery, the choir “... renew in our hearts, Almighty, true, right Spirit” solemnly and brightly sounds, the parishioners kneel to read the special prayers of St. Basil the Great. And in the yard, a juicy early summer is a reminder of that beautiful and deep "year of the Lord" that Jesus Christ promised the righteous.

The Christian holiday Trinity is one of the Orthodox twelfth holidays, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday. Churches of the Western tradition celebrate on this day the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, Pentecost, and the Trinity itself on the following Sunday.

The meaning of the feast of the Trinity

The Bible says that the grace given to the apostles by the Holy Spirit descended on them on this very day. Thanks to this, people were shown the third face of God, they joined the sacrament: the unity of God is manifested in three persons - the Father, the Son and the Spirit. From that day on, the message has been preached throughout the earth. In general, the meaning of the Trinity as a holiday is that God is revealed to people in stages, and not immediately. In modern Christianity, the Trinity means that the Father, who created all life, sent the Son, Jesus Christ, and then the Holy Spirit to people. For believers, the meaning of the Holy Trinity is reduced to the praise of God in all his hypostases.

Trinity traditions

The Holy Trinity, whose history of celebration dates back thousands of years, is also widely celebrated today. The people celebrate Trinity for three days. The first day is Klechalny or Green Sunday, when people had to be extremely careful because of the aggressiveness of mermaids, mawks, poterchat and other mythical evil spirits. In the villages, the holiday of the Russian Trinity is celebrated in compliance with traditions and certain rituals. The floor of churches and houses was decorated with grass, icons with birch branches. The green color symbolized the renewing and life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. By the way, in some Orthodox Churches, golden and white colors. Girls on Green Sunday tell fortunes with the help of wicker wreaths. If the wreaths floated on the water converge, then this year the young woman will be betrothed. On this day, deceased relatives were commemorated in cemeteries, leaving treats on the graves. And in the evenings buffoons and mummers entertained the villagers.

In the morning comes Klechalny Monday. After the service in the church, the clergy went to the fields and read prayers, asking the Lord for protection for the future harvest. Children at this time participated in interesting games-amusements.

On the third day, Bogodukh's day, the girls "led Poplar". Her role was played by the most beautiful unmarried girl. She was unrecognizably decorated with wreaths, ribbons, and taken around rural yards so that the owners would generously treat her. The water in the wells on this day was sanctified, getting rid of the unclean spirit.

Christian Western tradition

Lutheranism and Catholicism share the feasts of Trinity and Pentecost. The cycle opens with Pentecost, a week later the Trinity is celebrated, on the 11th day after Pentecost - the feast of the Blood and Body of Christ, on the 19th day - the Sacred Heart of Christ, on the 20th day - the feast of the Immaculate Heart of St. Mary. In Poland and Belarus, Catholic churches in Russia these days, churches are decorated with birch twigs. Trinity is considered a public holiday in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Luxembourg, Latvia, Ukraine, Romania, Switzerland, Norway and France.

Trinity and Modernity

Today, Trinity is especially celebrated in rural areas. Before this day, housewives usually put things in order both in the house and in the courtyard, prepare festive dishes. Flowers and grass collected early in the morning decorate rooms, doors and windows, believing that they will not let evil spirits into the house.

In the morning, festive services are held in churches, and in the evening you can attend concerts, folk festivals, and participate in fun competitions. Most of the traditions, unfortunately, have been lost, but the holiday still remains one of the most important for believers.

Holy Trinity Day - the history of the holiday

Orthodoxy celebrates many holidays. Believers, of course, know about such a holiday as the Day of the Holy Trinity, it has a long history and certain customs.

The Church celebrates this holiday on the Day of Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Easter. Any Orthodox person knows exactly when to celebrate this holiday and what is the history of the Holy Trinity Day. The history of the Trinity holiday dates back to the time of Jesus Christ. Then, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the apostles of the Holy Spirit descended to earth. The apostles understood the role of the third Person of the Trinity and why God is triune.

History of the Holy Trinity

After the Ascension, the apostles were constantly present in the Zion Room and prayed. Suddenly they heard a noise in the sky, and fiery tongues appeared in front of them, which fell on their heads. Thus the Holy Spirit entered the bodies of the apostles. The Holy Spirit gave the apostles knowledge of hitherto unknown languages ​​so that they could spread the Christian faith throughout the world. The Orthodox feast of the Trinity was proclaimed by the apostles, according to history. After the incident described, every Pentecost, Christians began to celebrate this holiday, it is considered one of the most important in the Orthodox world.

Later, Basil the Great compiled certain prayers that needed to be read on this day. This tradition continues to this day. The day of the Holy Trinity throughout the Orthodox world is considered the birth of the Christian church, which was created by God.

In Orthodoxy, the Day of the Holy Trinity and the Day of Pentecost are combined into one, which cannot be said about the Catholic Church. Catholics celebrate Holy Trinity Day on the Sunday after Pentecost.

Icons telling about the descent of the Holy Spirit began to be painted in the 6th century. On them you can usually see the Zion Upper Room and the apostles with books. At the same time, between the apostles Peter and Paul there is an empty space, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. Above the heads of the apostles are flames.

The history of the Trinity holiday is very ancient, it originates from the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Orthodox people know this and therefore celebrate the holiday especially widely - be sure to attend services on the day of Pentecost.

History also tells us about some of the traditions and customs that are observed during the feast of the Trinity to this day. The floors of temples and houses should be covered with freshly cut grass, and the icons should be decorated with birch branches, symbolizing the power of the Holy Spirit. On Saturday before Trinity Day, Orthodox go to the cemetery to honor the memory of deceased relatives, this day is called "parental". Birch branches are used to decorate houses and temples; this tradition has developed historically. Moreover, it is believed that Holy Trinity Day without birch decorations is the same as Christmas without a Christmas tree. Before the Trinity, they must carry out a general cleaning, bake pies, make wreaths (again, from birch and flowers). Since ancient times, this holiday has been especially loved by girls, because they could dress beautifully and go to the bride. Trinity matchmaking is considered a good omen, and the wedding is already played in the fall.

Some of the customs of the feast of the Holy Trinity have migrated from history to our time - churches are decorated with birch branches, girls weave wreaths, Orthodox Christians must go to the cemetery on parental Saturday. This holiday is very joyful and cheerful - in the morning you must visit the temple, and after that they dance and sing songs. One of the traditional dishes for the Trinity is loaf, often invite guests and celebrate this holiday together. Folk festivals on the Trinity do not lose their popularity.

What does the feast of the Holy Trinity mean? When is it celebrated? History of the holiday?

And what's with the trinity? The Bible does not contain the doctrine of the trinity at all. It appeared more than 320 years after the end of the writing of the Bible. Jesus recalled the 1 commandment - ABOUT THE ONE true God, and not about the trinity introduced by pagan religions into Christianity. - 3 years ago


The Trinity is usually celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter and on the tenth day after the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This day can be found in the Bible. On this day, about two thousand years ago (according to historians in May 30 AD), the apostles were sitting in a room in one of the Jerusalem houses on Mount Zion. And suddenly there was a noise from heaven and filled the whole house, and all the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign languages that were not previously known. In Jerusalem at that time there were many pilgrims from different countries, hearing the noise, they hurried to the house of the apostles. They were surprised when they heard that the apostles spoke different languages. For each of them, the sermon of the apostles sounded in his native language. The time has come not only for God the Father (who was at the time Old Testament), not only God the Father and the Son (the times of the New Testament), but the time of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


The feast of the Holy Trinity means that we have the Triune God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And also on this day, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of the church, not the church building, but the people. The church is the believers. And where two or three are gathered in the name of God, there is God among them. In 2016, the feast of the Holy Trinity is on June 19, and in 2017, on June 4. Happy Holidays!

In Orthodoxy The feast of the Trinity falls on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Christ when, according to the Gospel, the Third Person of the Trinity - The Holy Spirit - descended on the Apostles in the form of flames, after which they were able to preach in different languages ​​the Word of God to different nations, not only to the Jews. That's why another name for the holiday is Pentecost.

In Catholicism and Lutheranism, the holidays of the Trinity and Pentecost do not coincide: Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit is also celebrated on Sunday on the 50th day after Easter; Trinity is celebrated a week later, next Sunday.

In Protestantism, it is Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Christ, that is a great celebration. For example, the Evangelical Pentecostal denomination celebrates this day no less violently than Easter, and usually on this day baptizes neophytes in the reservoirs with the Holy Spirit.


The history of the origin of the feast of the Trinity is set forth in the Acts of the Apostles. On the 50th day after Easter, the apostles were waiting for the fulfillment of the promise given by Christ, which was fulfilled - the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, they were given grace-filled help to preach Christianity throughout the world. Thus the Christian church was born.

It is very symbolic that the first New Testament Pentecost was on the day of the Old Testament Pentecost, that is, on the day when God gave the commandments of God to people, the apostles and all Christians received help to fulfill the commandments, and the apostles received grace to celebrate the sacrament of the Eucharist and other sacraments.

This holiday is always celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday.


The Orthodox feast of the Trinity was proclaimed by the apostles, on the fiftieth day after the Ascension, when the Holy Spirit entered their bodies and bestowed knowledge of many languages ​​so that they could preach Christianity in them and carry it into the hearts and souls of people around the world.

kitsune tenko

Feast of the Holy Trinity, or Pentecost, is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter.

The Orthodox Church refers it to the so-called Twelve Feasts, the meaning of which is the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.

Second name - Pentecost- I received this day because the Holy Spirit descended to the Apostles on the 50th day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the form of fiery tongues. By this sign, the Holy Spirit made it clear that the apostles had the power and ability to preach the teachings of Christ to other peoples. On that day, many people believed in Jesus Christ and were baptized.

On this holiday, it is customary for Orthodox Christians to decorate their homes with fresh green birch branches and fragrant flowers.

Ivan Markin

The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the day of Pentecost is described in the Acts of the Holy Apostles (Acts 2:1-18). On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ (the tenth day after the Ascension), the apostles were in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem, “... suddenly there was a noise from heaven, as if from a rushing strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were. And divided tongues appeared to them, as if of fire, and rested one on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:2-4).

On this day, Jews from different cities and countries were in the city on the occasion of the holiday. Hearing the noise, they gathered in front of the house where the apostles were, and when they heard that inside they were speaking in various dialects, they were amazed. Some of them sneered at the apostles and "said, They have drunk of sweet wine" (Acts 2:13). In response to this response:

The holiday got its first name in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which Jesus Christ promised them before His ascension to heaven. The descent of the Holy Spirit pointed to the trinity of God - "God the Father creates the world, God the Son redeems people from slavery to the devil, God the Holy Spirit sanctifies the world through the dispensation of the Church" [source not specified 311 days]. On the day of Pentecost, the universal apostolic Church was formed (Acts 2:41-47).

The corresponding text in Catholicism is the Veni Sancte Spiritus prayer. Veni per Mariam.

The New Testament does not directly mention that the Mother of God was with the apostles during the descent of the Holy Spirit. The tradition of her presence on the icon-painting images of this event is based on the indication in the Acts of the Apostles that after the Ascension, the disciples of Jesus "with one accord remained in prayer and supplication, with some wives and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with His brothers" (Acts 1:14). On this occasion, Bishop Innokenty (Borisov) writes: “Could the woman who conceived and gave birth through Him not be present at the moment of the coming of the Holy Spirit?”

As a theological term, “charisma” is 9 special gifts of the Holy Spirit, poured out by him on the apostles in the Jerusalem temple on the feast of Pentecost. These gifts are: wisdom, knowledge and the ability to discern spirits; faith, miracles and healing; prophecy, glossolalia, and the interpretation of tongues.

What is the Trinity holiday?

What are they doing? How do they celebrate?


The Trinity is otherwise called Pentecost, because it takes place on the fiftieth day after Easter. This holiday takes place in honor of the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). It is believed that on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. On Trinity Sunday, the Apostle Peter baptized and converted 3,000 people to Christianity. This day is the birthday of the Christian Church, but not only Orthodox, but also Catholic.

These days there is a whole summer cycle of holidays. If after the New Year we celebrate winter Christmas time, then in summer we celebrate “green Christmas time”. In the old days, “green Christmas time” was also dressed up as animals, mermaids, and other evil spirits.

Trinity churches have always been decorated with wild and meadow flowers, birch twigs and other plants. The floor was sprinkled with fresh cut green grass. This herb was believed to have healing properties. Those who kept cattle took this grass home. It was believed that animals fed with church grass would not get sick, and cows would give a lot of high-quality milk.

Everyone went to the church for the Trinity with branches of birches and bunches of flowers. The plants that had been in the church were dried and kept behind the icons.

After the church, the girls put wreaths on their heads and went to a birch tree decorated with ribbons and flowers. The birch was cut down. A procession with a felled tree went around the whole village. Then they stuck the birch into the ground and danced around it. In the evening, they took off all the decorations from the tree and went to the river to drown it.

On the same day, the girls threw their wreaths into the water and thought of something, as a rule, about the grooms. If the wreath sank, then the girl will not marry this year. If the wreath stuck to the shore, then expect happiness.

Many years ago, there was a custom to bury the dead on Trinity, who for some reason were not buried during the year. The reason could be an epidemic or a hungry year. Then all the bodies fell into a common pit. In the week before Trinity and on Trinity itself, the dead were placed in coffins and buried as expected.


Trinity is a holiday with a rolling date, each year the date of the celebration of the Trinity is celebrated on different days, depending on the date of Easter. One thing is invariable, the Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Knowing the date of the celebration of Easter, we can calculate the day of the celebration of the Trinity.

The holiday is celebrated in honor of the Holy Trinity

The first God the Father, the creator of everything living and inanimate, visible and invisible in our world. After the creation of peace on earth, God the Father sent the Son to earth as a messenger of the bright path. Then the Holy Spirit descended to earth, he is next to every person.

The second God is the Son, he is born from God the Father.

The third God is the Holy Spirit, he comes from God the Father.

For unbelievers, the Trinity matters as a symbol of the onset of something new, joyful and bright.

Believers on this day go to church, observe traditions.

The feast of the Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, but this figure appeared for a reason. For 40 whole days after the Resurrection, Jesus was still on earth with his disciples, and only on the fortieth day did he ascend. But at the same time, he told the disciples that in ten days the Holy Spirit would descend on them, and they would receive knowledge and strength to bring Christianity to the people. And so it happened, exactly 10 days after the Ascension, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they set off to preach the teachings of Christ. This event is celebrated on this day. In fact, this is the beginning of the Christian church, its birth. Therefore, it is one of the greatest holidays in Christianity.

This is the feast of the fiftieth day after Easter ... the day of the indulgence of the holy spirit on the apostles is celebrated, giving them multiple abilities. And it is celebrated from year to year simply - this holiday always happens on Sunday, so on the eve, on Saturday, they visit cemeteries, remembering deceased relatives, then they attend evening service in the church, and on Sunday - morning. The church and the house are decorated with herbs, birch branches preparing a festive stod.

It's all been said

Even in ancient Rus', the feast of the Trinity was celebrated, it was called "green Christmas time", "mermaid week". At that time, it was dedicated to the awakening of mother earth, the beginning of the violent growth of plants, it was dedicated to the Slavic goddess Lada.

After the arrival of Christianity in Rus', two holidays were mixed into one, but in many villages the Trinity is still called "green week" or "suffocating commemoration" (source "Narodnaya Rus", 1901, Apollo of Corinth).

For Orthodox Christians, the feast of the Trinity is celebrated seven weeks after Easter, on the fiftieth day, therefore it is also called "Pentecost". This holiday is dedicated to the Descent of the Holy Spirit:

The Church celebrates two days: the first day on Sunday, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and Monday is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, otherwise the people call it Spirits Day.

As in antiquity, so in our days there is a tradition to decorate everything around with birch branches on this day.

The feast of the Trinity is also called Pentecost in another way, all because it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. This holiday is movable, it does not have a fixed date. People call this holiday "emerald" or "green". Because it symbolizes the renewal of life. It’s nice to decorate your houses with birch, maple or lilac branches for this holiday. Also on the Trinity, it is customary to let wreaths consisting of flowers over the water.


The feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Otherwise, the holiday is called Pentecost. The Trinity is understood as the unity of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. The Trinity has been widespread in Rus' since the fourteenth century thanks to the efforts of St. Sergius of Radonezh. On this day, it is customary to clean houses, decorate the house with green branches, as a symbol of spring and life.

Holy Trinity Day is one of the main Orthodox holidays. It is transitional, associated with the date of the celebration of Easter, as it is always held seven weeks after it on Sunday. On this day, people walk, go to worship and festivals. The service that takes place on this day in Orthodox churches is considered the most beautiful of all held throughout the year.

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important Christian holidays. Orthodox believers celebrate it on Sunday, the 50th day after Easter. This holiday got its name in honor of the great event - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, as Jesus Christ promised them before his ascension to heaven. This descent pointed to the trinity of God.

The Orthodox feast of the Trinity is celebrated 50 days after the church feast of Easter. It is celebrated on Sunday. Also, accordingly, the holiday is called Pentecost. It is believed that on this day the descent of the Holy Spirit took place. On this day, hard work is not recommended, it is better to visit church, devote time to family and spiritual development.

A holiday is celebrated in remembrance of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ. It consists of two days, the first of which is dedicated to the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity and the memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, and therefore is called the Trinity Day (Holy Trinity), and the second day is in honor of the All-Holy Life-Giving Spirit and is called the Spiritual Day (day of the Holy Spirit). On Trinity Day, after the liturgy, vespers are served, at which prayers are read with kneeling that the Lord send us the grace of the Holy Spirit and commemorate all our departed fathers and brothers.

The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles as they all gathered together in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem. Suddenly there was a loud noise from the sky, as if from a rushing strong wind, and this noise filled the whole house in which they were. Then they all saw, as it were, tongues of fire separating, and one fiery tongue rested on each of the apostles. The Holy Spirit descended from heaven gave the apostles the grace of the priesthood for the organization of the Church on earth, strength and intelligence for preaching the Word of God throughout the world. This day is considered the birthday of the New Testament Church and has been solemnly celebrated since ancient times. It was on this day that God showed man the path he should follow. God revealed to people his plan for man and revealed his commandments.
Pentecost is a holiday of nature, a holiday of a joyful future, and what happened on this day speaks of the peace of God and the revelation of the will of God, of man. Victory of good over evil. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the three disciples of Christ marks the day of the establishment of the Church of Christ.

Day of the Holy Trinity. Pentecost. The holiday is called the Day of the Holy Trinity, since, according to Christian doctrine, from the moment the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the third Hypostasis (Person) of the Triune God opened up and the participation of the Three Persons of the Godhead - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the salvation of man began in full. Even in apostolic times, the celebration of the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was established, but the holiday officially entered the Christian calendar only at the end of the fourth century, when the Church adopted the dogma of the Trinity at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 381.

The holiday in remembrance of the great event of the descent of the Holy Spirit was established by the apostles. After the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, they began to celebrate the Day of Pentecost every year and commanded all Christians to remember this event (1 Cor. 16:8; Acts 20:16). In the Apostolic decrees it is commanded to celebrate Pentecost: “Ten days after the Ascension, there is the fiftieth day from the first day of the Lord (Easter); this day shall be a great feast. For at the third hour of this day the Lord sent the gift of the Holy Spirit.” And the feast of Pentecost, called the Day of the Holy Spirit, was solemnly celebrated by the Church from the earliest times. A special triumph was attached to it by the custom of the ancient Church to perform the baptism of the catechumens on this day (hence the singing at the liturgy of the feast of “Elitsy baptized into Christ”). In the 4th century, Saint Basil the Great composed kneeling prayers, which are read to this day at the festive vespers. In the 8th century, Saints John of Damascus and Cosmas of Maium composed many hymns in honor of the feast, which the Church still uses today. In Christian history, the event that took place on the feast of Pentecost was seen as the birth of the church, which is understood as a gathering of people chosen by God, called to keep His word, do His will and do His work in the world and in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The holiday in honor of the Trinity, legalized by the church in the 4th century, was not widespread in ancient Rus' for a long time. In the 14-16 centuries, the cult of the Trinity becomes extremely popular in the Russian lands, and this is due to the activities of Sergius of Radonezh, the most revered saint among the people. He chose the Trinity as his life service, so that by contemplating it "the fear of the hated strife of this world would be overcome." In honor of the Holy Trinity, the Monk Sergius in 1345 consecrated the monastery, founded by him for the monks-schema, who usually lived in seclusion. Starting with the monastery of Sergius of Radonezh, the veneration of the Holy Trinity quickly spread throughout Rus'. From the middle of the 14th century, the feast of Pentecost was more often called the Trinity Day.

In the church calendar, the feast of the Trinity is considered great, it is inextricably linked with universal sabbath(Trinity Saturday), celebrated the day before, and followed by Monday - the day of the Holy Spirit. In significance and solemnity, the celebration of the Trinity was second only to.

The Trinity was revered by the people for a great holiday, they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned houses, prepared dishes for the festive table, and harvested greens. Since ancient times, the custom has been preserved on the feast of Pentecost to decorate temples and dwellings with tree branches, plants and flowers. This custom was observed even in the Old Testament Church on the feast of Pentecost (Lev. 23:10-17). Obviously, the Zion Upper Room was also removed in this way, where the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of Pentecost. From the apostles and Christians decorate their temples and houses with green tree branches and flowers. The decoration of temples and houses with green branches also reminds of the sacred oak forest of Mamre, where Patriarch Abraham was honored to receive the Triune God under the guise of three wanderers. The trees and flowers of the renewing spring on this day of Divine grace point to the mysterious renewal of our souls by the power of the Holy Spirit and serve as a call to the spiritual renewal of our whole life in Christ the Lord and Savior. The Church believes that the green branch is a symbol of renewed spring and, at the same time, a symbol of the renewal of people by the power of the descending Holy Spirit. In honor of this holiday, priests often dress in green phelonions, and church utensils are decorated with light green fabrics and ribbons. On the Trinity, as well as on Christmas, Candlemas, Easter, candles are made and consecrated in the church.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
03.03.2019 -
04.03.2019 -
05.03.2019 -

Orthodox holidays:
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AT last years among Russians, interest in Orthodox holidays has noticeably increased. On such days, it is customary to go to church, lay a festive table for your loved ones, and in some cases take part in folk festivals that last until the evening. The Orthodox holiday of the Trinity is especially revered by the people. This day was one of the most important holidays of the year even among our ancestors, who called it "Green Christmas". In the future, the ancient traditions were superimposed on the Orthodox, which even more firmly fixed them in the memory of the people.

The traditions of the Trinity holiday are rooted deep in history, today we will talk about them and everything related to this important day for every Orthodox. Surprisingly, many Russians still have difficulty understanding where this holiday came from, and what is its main meaning. Let's figure it out together.

Trinity: what kind of holiday and meaning

All Christians in the world celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity on a grand scale. It belongs to the list of the most important Orthodox holidays, therefore, in addition to special church services, all kinds of folk festivals are held, during which people should have fun with all their hearts.

Often this day is also called "Pentecost". It is noteworthy that modern church traditions are very closely intertwined with the customs of the Eastern Slavs, who also widely celebrated this day. So what is Trinity? It is difficult to overestimate its significance for every Christian. After all, it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended to earth and Christians received proof of the trinity of God. From that moment on, they carried the message of Christ around the planet, telling everyone and everyone about the Savior of mankind.


The history of the Trinity holiday begins at a time when Christianity was just beginning to emerge. It is believed that on one significant day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, descending from heaven in the form of flames and endowing the apostles with incredible power. She gave them the opportunity to carry the good news throughout the world and preach about Christ to anyone who is ready to hear about the Savior.

It is believed that this day is the day of the founding of the Church on earth. In addition, the holiday symbolizes the fact that God is one in three persons. This truth is one of the most difficult to understand in Orthodoxy. Not every believer can realize from the first days that God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit exist in unity and do good on earth, illuminating all living with divine grace.

It is interesting that the apostles themselves laid the foundations of how the Trinity holiday is celebrated. They annually arranged magnificent celebrations on this occasion and bequeathed to all their followers not to miss this day in any case.

Pagan roots of the holiday

We have already mentioned that the history of the Trinity holiday goes back centuries, when Christianity had not yet come to Rus'. The first week of summer was considered the period when the life-giving forces of nature completely conquer darkness and evil. At this time, hot weather finally set in, which marked the arrival of the best months in the life of the Slavs, when one could forget about the long and cold winter, which takes many souls with it.

It was this deep meaning that gave rise to a number of customs of the Trinity holiday, which are observed to this day. Of course, most of our compatriots no longer remember why it is required to do one way or another, but still clearly adhere to established customs and rituals. We will also talk about them in the following sections of the article.

Holiday date

Every year, all Orthodox discuss what date the feast of the Trinity will be celebrated this year. Indeed, like many other church holidays, it has a floating date. It directly depends on what day Easter falls on.

The fact is that the Trinity comes on the fiftieth day after this bright and great holiday for all Christians. A prerequisite is the day of the week - it is always Sunday. In order to better navigate the dates of Orthodox holidays, many acquire a church calendar, which lists all the important days for Christians.

What date was the feast of the Trinity celebrated on current year? It fell on the fourth of June, and in 2018 we will celebrate it on the twenty-seventh of May. Each time this day is accompanied by an abundance of events held by the city authorities. After all, every mayor strives to do everything so that his residents truly rest during the festivities. But do not forget about the traditions of the Trinity holiday, which must be observed without fail.

When did the holiday begin to be celebrated in Rus'?

It is noteworthy that only three hundred years after the baptism of Rus', the Trinity became a great holiday. For a long time, the traditions of the Trinity holiday were not fixed in any way and did not become familiar and familiar. But thanks to the efforts of Sergius of Radonezh, this day gradually became one of the most significant of the year.

From the fourteenth century, the Trinity was celebrated everywhere, and after some time, the people combined pagan and Orthodox traditions, forming peculiar rituals for the Trinity, which are still observed. I would like to talk about them in more detail.

Orthodox traditions

Divine service on the Trinity is considered one of the most solemn. The holiday starts on Sunday and lasts for three days. The most beautiful service is performed on the first day, it consists of a liturgy and vespers, when the descent of the Holy Spirit is glorified in every possible way. It is noteworthy that all church ministers dress in green clothes and read prayers on their knees. Traditional prayers for the Church, the salvation of all Christians and the repose of the souls of the dead are considered mandatory during the service on the Trinity. They are read all three days.

In obedience to the ancient tradition of the feast of the Trinity, churches throughout the country are decorated with birch branches, and the floors are covered with fresh grass. All this symbolizes the power of the Holy Spirit, which renews and gives life to every Christian.


The customs of the Trinity holiday were formed in the pagan period. He was especially loved by the girls who celebrated him not for three days, but for five. The first celebrations began two days before Sunday and were accompanied by mass celebrations.

The holiday itself had a deep sacred meaning, the Slavs associated it with the cult of nature and its renewal. All sorts of maiden rituals for the Trinity were also adopted. The holiday could not do without mentioning all the dead, and especially those who died from drowning.

In all the villages and villages of Rus', before the holiday, girls from the age of seven to twelve went in a noisy company to birch grove. There they broke branches with young leaves and decorated the huts with them. The Thursday before Trinity belonged to children and youth. them from the very early morning fed with a traditional dish symbolizing sunlight and the arrival of warm days - scrambled eggs. After a hearty breakfast, the gang of children went to the forest. There they found the most beautiful birch and began to decorate it. The tree was wrapped around with multi-colored ribbons, braids were woven from them, and beads and wreaths of flowers were fixed on top. The children sang songs and danced round dances, the day ended with a joint meal. Usually it consisted of what was taken from home. But every mother tried to give her child something tasty and special, because eating under the ritual tree was a very important part of the holiday.

On Saturday, it was customary to remember the dead relatives, and on Sunday the whole family had to go to the temple, which was decorated in advance with green branches for the holiday. After the end of the service, the young people again went to the forest to remove all decorations from the birch. This action was also accompanied by singing and dancing, after which the children and teenagers again began to eat. At the end of the day, the ritual tree was cut down and shown to the whole village, sometimes it was floated down the river. It was thought that this would help rapid growth crops in the fields.


The Orthodox holiday of the Trinity has a lot of traditions that have come from ancient times. For example, after leaving the church, the people collected grass that fell under their feet and leaves from the trees in the courtyard of the temple. The grass was often mixed with hay to keep livestock healthy, or brewed as a health drink for family members. But wreaths and figurines were woven from leaves and branches. They were considered amulets for the house and hung in different parts of it.

Birch is traditionally used to decorate their homes and temples. It is often compared to a Christmas tree, without which a holiday cannot be imagined. However, branches of other trees are added in different parts of Russia. This is quite acceptable, the main thing is that they are in sufficient quantities. After all, vegetation symbolizes life given to people through their Creator.

The Trinity has always been considered a great holiday, so the hostesses treated it very seriously and responsibly. They put the house in perfect order, decorated it and made dough for various goodies. It was considered especially successful if a lot of guests gathered in your house.

Youth festivities on the Trinity also had their purpose. Girls specially sewed new outfits for this day and decorated themselves with wreaths of flowers and branches. During walks with girlfriends, they were admired by the guys who sent matchmakers to the beauty they liked. It was believed that those who will be married on this day will definitely live a long and happy life.

Housewives baked roes for their unmarried daughters on Trinity. These products made from dough and eggs were wreath-shaped, and it was imperative to take them with you into the forest. Without them, it was hard to imagine a meal under a birch.


Modern people have a rather poor idea of ​​the list of prohibitions characteristic of the Trinity holiday. What can and what can not be done on this day, so as not to frighten off luck? We will reveal these secrets to you now:

  • Among the people there was a ban on work on the most important three days of the Trinity. Any work on the ground was especially forbidden, but cooking was strongly encouraged.
  • In no case should you make brooms from birch branches on this holiday.
  • During the week, you can not repair the fences, according to legend, this contributes to the birth of pets with deformities.
  • The strictest ban existed on swimming in lakes and rivers. It was believed that on the days of the Trinity, mermaids and all kinds of water evil spirits come to land. She lures young people to her and takes them forever. Therefore, they avoided the banks of rivers and lakes, bonfires were lit on them for protection, and wreaths with wormwood sprigs were put on the heads of the guys.

Folk omens

The Slavs came up with a lot of signs that were given to the Trinity great importance. For example, dreams on the night of the holiday were considered prophetic. Therefore, they were a great success for the whole family. Many housewives collected on Trinity healing herbs, on this day they were filled with strength and turned out to be the most useful.

If you want to protect yourself from misfortunes and adversity on this holiday, then pay attention to the poor. Walk and give them change, such an action will be the best protection for you and your loved ones.

Rain on Trinity means a rich harvest of mushrooms, besides, after the holiday, one could no longer wait for a cold snap and enjoy the truly summer warmth.

Holiday in the modern world

How is Trinity celebrated today? Of course, so as to completely immerse yourself in this incredible atmosphere, which is difficult to confuse and compare with something. Naturally, traditions and rituals have not been observed in cities for a long time, but in the villages you can see the holiday in all its glory. Residents of remote corners of Russia carefully keep all the rituals characteristic of the Trinity and pass them on to their children. Therefore, the village holiday is always so different from what is held in the city.

However, here, too, people celebrate the Trinity on a grand scale. Naturally, the morning of every Christian begins with a trip to church. On this day, all Orthodox come here, because the service itself takes place in a surprisingly festive atmosphere.

But after going to the temple, real festivities begin. Some housewives prefer to prepare a delicious table and invite guests to their house. Mandatory dishes are meat pies, pancakes, eggs painted in green color, and wine. Most often it is red, but a white drink is also allowed.

If you do not want to spend the whole day at home, then go to the streets of the city. There will certainly be a lot of interesting and fun. Usually, in honor of the Trinity, festivities are organized with fairs and all kinds of entertainment events. People participate in competitions, buy crafts and delicious pies. Girls and women dress up in the most beautiful outfits, and men compete in strength and dexterity. The holiday lasts until the evening, but the youth does not disperse until dawn. After all, the Trinity is considered a holiday of strength and youth, as well as love. Of course, if you believe folk beliefs and traditions.