Unilateral submandibular lymphadenitis. Submandibular lymphadenitis: causes, stages and symptoms, treatment, prevention

Acute gangrenous appendicitis is perhaps one of the most dangerous varieties. inflammatory process that are associated with the appendix. Most often, the presented form develops due to a late visit to a specialist and incorrect diagnosis (for example, if the phlegmonous form). In fact, experts evaluate the condition as a continuation of phlegmonous appendicitis, the signs of which are aggravated, they may even correspond to gangrene - which is why treatment is strongly recommended to start as early as possible.

Reasons for the development of the condition

Gangrenous appendicitis is directly associated with the algorithm for the formation of the inflammatory process in the appendix. Mostly it is about the long duration of the state. The main risk factors in terms of the development of the primary gangrenous algorithm should be considered:

  • middle age and related changes in the structure and structure of blood vessels;
  • children's age and genetically determined hypoplasia (displacement) of the arteries in the appendix area;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of the arterial walls in the intestinal region;
  • the formation of blood clots in the arteries and veins of the appendix.

The presented data fully indicate that the direct causes of an acutely formed condition are precisely such disorders that are associated with microcirculatory functions. Their result should be considered the destabilization of the process of blood circulation in the process itself and, as a result, its necrosis (the appearance of necrotic tissue). All the remaining "chains" of development, namely, infection, destabilization of the outflow of contents from the appendix, and much more, will join later, only aggravating the overall course of the process, provoking complications and negative symptoms.

It also happens that the main factor in the development of such a condition as gangrenous appendicitis is the transformation of simple forms of appendicitis into a destructive one. This can happen mainly with an incorrect or late start surgical treatment. In such a situation, the appendix will be prone to purulent fusion when the patient has to lie in the hospital after surgery, which takes a long period of time.

Symptoms of the disease

All types of appendicitis are similar to each other in clinical manifestations.However, each of the varieties is characterized by its own characteristics. This will apply in particular to acute gangrenous appendicitis. If it is a consequence of such a form as phlegmonous inflammation of the appendix, then the subsidence of painful sensations or even their disappearance will be characteristic. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the symptoms and their additional features:

  • the subsidence of symptoms is associated with the death of nerve endings in the walls of the process as a result of necrosis;
  • in patients, repeated vomiting is identified due to increased intoxication of the body. While with other varieties of the disease, it is completely absent or is single;
  • during the examination, the specialist can identify significant dryness in the region of the tongue, tension in the muscles of the peritoneum and its walls;
  • in the process of palpation, the right iliac region can be extremely painful. Recovery will take a long time, even after surgery.

In the blood test, the level of leukocytes is moderately elevated, although the shift of the formula to the left can be significant. It is necessary to pay special attention to what the consequences of such a condition as gangrenous appendicitis may be.

Danger of gangrene of the appendix

In a condition such as gangrenous appendicitis, the most formidable and critical consequence should be considered a diffuse form of peritonitis. It is formed when the outflow of purulent contents from the appendix area directly into the peritoneum is identified. In some situations, peritonitis is limited (localized). This can happen if spikes have time to form, which do not allow the algorithm to spread. For the presented complication, a sudden change in the general clinical picture which can last even longer than usual without appropriate treatment.

Painful sensations no longer have any specific localization. They begin to intensify and spread to the entire surface of the peritoneum. The patient's condition is rapidly aggravated: a serious tachycardia (pulse rate of more than 100-120 beats per minute) can be identified, while a whitish coating forms on the tongue. Also, experts pay close attention to the fact that consciousness is sluggish and inhibited. At the same time, the stomach ceases to take part in the respiratory process, multiple gagging is formed, which does not bring any relief to the patient. After the operation, they stop, but at the same time you need to know exactly how long the pathological condition lasts.

For the gangrenous-perforative form of appendicitis, completely different clinical manifestations should be considered characteristic:

  • lack of peristalsis associated with the intestines and abdominal tension;
  • signs of irritation of the peritoneum are formed;
  • a paralytic form of intestinal obstruction may form;
  • in the analyzes, the number of blood leukocytes increases significantly, the ESR increases to critical levels (40-60 mm per hour).

In the urine, protein and various casts (eg, waxy) are often identified, which is evidence of a toxic form of nephritis. Special attention deserves how gangrenous appendicitis is treated.

Features of the treatment of such inflammation

The leading method of treatment for gangrenous appendicitis is emergency surgery. If there is any suspicion of peritonitis, a so-called open laparotomy is performed under general anesthesia. In this case, the abdominal wall is opened midline, the inflamed appendix or any part of it is removed, a detailed examination is performed abdominal cavity.

Toilet facilities are mandatory internal organs and peritoneum, it is washed with an antiseptic solution. The surgical wound should not be completely sutured, because special tubes remain in it to ensure drainage. They are required to remove accumulated exudate, as well as irrigate the peritoneum with antiseptic items.

Surgical intervention is traditionally complemented by a long drug therapy. To exclude processes associated with intoxication, it is provided intravenous administration infusion solutions, antibiotic formulations may be prescribed.

Can there be complications after the operation?

It must be taken into account that when gangrenous form appendicitis, the period after the completion of the operation will be long and rather difficult. Certain complications may develop, for example:

  • the formation of an infiltrate;
  • suppuration of the surgical wound;
  • external or internal bleeding from the problem area;
  • abscesses in the peritoneum;
  • fistulas in the intestines

Also, a divergence of the sutures of the wound or even the stump of the appendix can be identified in a person. No less serious consequence is peritonitis, which develops before surgery.

Features of recovery after surgery

Speaking about gangrenous appendicitis, the postoperative period of which may be long, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to some features of the process. The fact is that it will differ from a simple form of the condition by the need to provide forced antibiotic therapy. In particular, the use of Cephalosporins, Levofloxacin and other names will be required.

It is highly recommended to consider correct and complete pain relief through the use of various forms analgesics, in particular narcotics. Specific infusion therapy may be required to avoid intoxication. It's about using saline solutions, glucose, albumin and other names.

In addition, for the final relief of gangrenous appendicitis, the exclusion of thromboembolic complications and stress ulcers of the stomach and intestines will be required. It will also be very important to have a daily examination of blood counts, to conduct timely dressings. By the way, they should be carried out daily. Assessment of the healing process and the exclusion of necrotic processes should also be provided with enviable regularity.

Mandatory is exercise therapy, qualified massage and respiratory gymnastics. Their number and frequency of implementation will be determined by the holistic state of the patient and whether he can actually move, how complicated this process is.



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    1. Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No one can be completely safe. But significantly reduce the chances of occurrence malignant tumor everyone can.

    2. How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically ban yourself from smoking. This truth is already tired of everyone. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of cancer deaths. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life is the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3. Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?
    Keep your eyes on the scales! Extra pounds will affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity contributes to the development of tumors in the esophagus, kidneys, and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to store energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases just appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, 26% of all cancer cases are associated with obesity.

    4. Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Set aside at least half an hour a week for exercise. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the US, one third of all deaths associated with the fact that patients did not follow any diet and did not pay attention to physical education. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but more vigorously. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 proves that even 30 minutes is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women in the world) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol is blamed for causing tumors in the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum, and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, passes into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, as it stimulates the production of estrogen - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6. Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables are not only part of a healthy diet, they also help fight cancer. This is why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Especially useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: ordinary white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Which organ cancer is affected by red meat?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Studies have confirmed that people who eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

    8. Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18-36 are particularly susceptible to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both artificial tanning equipment and the sun's rays are blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2010 confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream get melanoma half as often as those who neglect such cosmetics.
    The cream should be chosen with a protection factor of SPF 15, applied even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also do not expose yourself to sunlight from 10 to 16 hours.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    By itself, stress does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Studies have shown that constant worry changes activity immune cells responsible for turning on the "hit and run" mechanism. As a result, the blood constantly circulates a large number of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammation. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


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  1. Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  2. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

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    Does being overweight affect the development of cancer?

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    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  5. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

Inflammation of the appendicitis is considered a dangerous phenomenon. However, the disease has different forms of manifestation. If the patient does not go to the doctor in time, then gangrenous appendicitis develops. The form of the disease occurs as a continuation of phlegmonous inflammation of the appendix. Pathology can be primary if the blood supply to the vessels has been disturbed.

What is gangrenous appendicitis?

Inflammation of the appendix manifests itself in different forms diseases. Gangrenous lesions are characterized by necrotic process of the tissues of the appendix. The disease is classified as a destructive form. This is manifested in the destruction of blood vessels, tissues and all layers of the process wall.

During the diagnosis in the abdominal cavity, the surgeon finds a liquid of purulent or putrefactive content. The course of acute gangrenous appendicitis passes with severe complications. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs to conduct a visual examination of the appendix.

The age of the patient affects the development of gangrene in acute inflammation appendix. According to statistics, in children and adolescents, the disease occurs in 8% of cases. In the elderly, the risk of gangrene increases to 33%.

Inflammation starts with In this case, expansion of the capillaries is observed. As a result, there is an influx of lymphocytes aimed at eliminating the disease. On examination, edema and infiltration of the walls are observed. The disease can turn into acute purulent appendicitis, 6 hours after the onset of an attack of the disease.

During the inflammatory process during the first day, the appendix increases in size. This is due to the filling of purulent exudate, which is presented as phlegmonous appendicitis. If during this time the process is not removed, the result is necrosis of the walls. An increased accumulation of purulent exudate appears in the abdominal cavity. All layers of the process undergo the process of dying off of the epithelium.

Due to the pathological process, the appendix acquires a dirty green color. The process increases, and the wall becomes flabby with foci of bleeding. The development of necrosis in the absence medical care comes up to 3 days. Then gangrene spreads to neighboring tissues and organs.

A plaque of fibrin protein is found on the epithelium, and foci of bleeding are observed. In the future, damage to the caecum and ileum develops, where hyperemia (impaired blood outflow) and infiltration (impregnation of tissues with exudate) occurs.

What causes this condition to develop?

The reasons for the development of gangrenous lesions are considered to be age, disturbances in the structure of blood vessels, atherosclerotic lesions and blood clots in the process area. The appearance of the inflammatory process is associated with problems of microcirculation of the organ. There is a cessation of blood supply, which leads to the appearance of necrotic tissue. Additional lesions of the appendix appear over time.

Sometimes the causes of the development of the inflammatory process are associated with other forms of the disease. This is due to untimely surgical intervention. The patient is in the hospital, and for some time he will be pumped out purulent exudate. Recovery after surgery will take a long time.

Clinical picture of necrosis of the appendix

Gangrenous appendicitis is a disease characterized by necrosis and death of nerve endings. Therefore, the patient does not feel severe pain, as with normal inflammation of the appendix. In acute appendicitis, the main symptom is persistent vomiting. Bouts of nausea and regurgitation do not bring relief.

Additional features are:

  • dry tongue;
  • brown coating on the taste organ;
  • sweating;
  • lethargy;
  • palpitations or tachycardia;
  • pain all over the abdomen.

Temperature is not included. With inflammation of the gangrenous form, the patient's abdomen is in tension. Any touch causes discomfort to the patient. Body temperature is normal, regardless of signs of general malaise.

Consequences of the state

Due to gangrenous inflammation, the appendix is ​​filled with pus. When signs of appendicitis do not cause discomfort, the disease turns into an outpouring of exudate into the peritoneum with perforation of the appendix wall.

In some cases, peritonitis is localized. This happens when adhesions form on the tissues of the appendix. This allows the putrefactive content not to spread.

When the gangrenous form is complicated by peritonitis, the symptoms change. The pain syndrome is not located in one place, but spreads throughout the abdomen. At the same time, additional signs of the consequences of untimely assistance are noted.

The course of gangrenous-perforative appendicitis is characterized by a decrease or absence of intestinal motility. Additionally, abdominal tension and signs of peritoneal irritation are observed.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Establishing a diagnosis with gangrenous lesions of the process is difficult due to atypical signs. When examining and collecting complaints, doctors do not always hospitalize the patient. However, a number of tests and examinations are prescribed for an accurate diagnosis.

To detect gangrenous appendicitis, doctors use the following diagnostic methods:

  • palpation - examination of the muscles of the abdomen;
  • ultrasound examination of the peritoneum;
  • radiography;
  • general blood and urine tests.

In the results of the analyzes, an increase in the number of leukocytes and increase in ESR up to 60 mm/h. This characterizes the course of toxic nephritis. When x-rays are taken, fluid levels in the intestinal loops are observed in the abdominal cavity.

How is the treatment carried out?

Therapy for gangrenous appendicitis is to perform an abdominal operation - appendectomy. In this case, the inflamed area is removed. Surgical intervention is carried out in 2 ways. The traditional method is often used, which consists in removing the process through an incision in the abdominal wall. Any intervention is carried out with the use of general anesthesia.

In some cases, laparoscopy is performed. The operation is performed using special instruments located in the abdominal cavity through microscopic punctures of the peritoneum. In order for the doctor to see the organ along with the instruments, a small camera is inserted.

How is the recovery period?

Further treatment of gangrenous inflammation consists in compiling nutrition, prescribing drugs and recovery period after removal of the stem. The doctor prescribes strong antibacterial drugs which are used under the supervision of a specialist. Often in the postoperative period with gangrenous appendicitis, medications containing macrolides and chloramphenicol are prescribed.

In addition to antibiotics, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics are prescribed. These drugs are administered intramuscularly. Treatment of gangrenous inflammation in the postoperative period is to conduct detoxification therapy. In addition, there is a risk of developing diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, enzymatic agents and blockers are prescribed to increase the production of gastric juice.

Doctors prescribe a special diet after surgery. Proper nutrition helps to fix the result of medications and normalizes the work of digestion. After the removal of the appendix on the first day, the patient needs therapeutic starvation. During this period, it is allowed to drink warm water, weak tea and hateful meat broth. The liquid is taken up to 6 times a day in small portions using a teaspoon.

On the second day, if there are no signs of complications, the diet is supplemented with chopped meat. If unpleasant symptoms occur, heavy foods should be excluded from the diet.

The duration of nutrition with liquid dishes will remain until the patient's body gets stronger. In the postoperative period, complications may arise due to the removed appendix, so the patient must adhere to the recommendations of the doctor.

The appearance of gangrenous and perforative inflammation of the appendix has distinctive features. During the development of this form of appendicitis, the patient does not experience an increase in body temperature. Due to cell death, dullness occurs pain. Therefore, often the disease is brought to a dangerous stage with peritonitis.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Appendicitis is a disease characterized by the appearance of inflammation of the appendix of the caecum. The disease manifests itself in various types, one of them is gangrenous appendicitis. Gangrenous form acute appendicitis characterized by tissue necrosis. Signs of appendicitis gangrene are markedly different from other symptoms, so it is important to pay attention to the state of health, consult with specialist doctors in a timely manner and strictly follow their instructions for treatment and nutrition in postoperative period. The consequences of gangrenous appendicitis are very intractable: perforation of the organ wall and the release of purulent and stool into the abdominal cavity.

Inflammation occurs through several stages of development. It can turn into phlegmonous, gangrenous or gangrenous-perforative appendicitis. The appearance of such types of disease occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Appendicitis was not noticed within one day and tissue necrosis began.
  • The formation of the disease in adulthood and old age. Vascular changes that occur in older people can cause accelerated development of the disease.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the intestines.
  • Thrombotic plaques in blood vessels penetrating the appendix.
  • Atherosclerosis of the intestinal vessels.
  • The appearance of infection in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease.
  • Excessive activity of immune cells.
  • Violations of the outflow of the contents of the appendix, stagnation of exudate.


The following signs indicate the appearance of a gangrenous type of appendicitis:

1. The disease is characterized by necrosis and death of nerve endings, so the intensity of pain can be significantly reduced compared to ordinary appendicitis.

2. In acute stage disease, the main symptom will be indomitable vomiting, which does not bring relief.

3. The tongue is dry, sometimes with a brown coating.

4. Possible various symptoms intoxication of the body - nausea, lethargy, cold sweat.

5. Despite the appearance of an inflammatory process, body temperature will remain within normal limits.

6. Pathologically rapid heartbeat (toxic scissors syndrome).

8. Pain, if it appears, is located in the right iliac zone.

Treatment Methods

The treatment of gangrenous disease is to perform an abdominal operation to remove the inflamed area (appendectomy). Surgery is performed in two ways:

1. Traditional - the process is removed by the surgeon through an incision in abdominal wall. The operation is under general anesthesia.

2. Laparoscopy - tools for removing a gangrenous appendix are placed directly into the abdominal cavity through several microscopic punctures. One such tool is a small camera located at the end of the microtube. In the process of performing surgical procedures, the doctor sees the image transmitted by the camera on the monitor screen, which helps to perform the operation as accurately as possible.

Postoperative period

Therapeutic manipulations for the speedy recovery of a patient who has undergone an appendectomy of a disease in a gangrenous form will be as follows:

1. The appointment of a strong, targeted antibiotic therapy, with admission under the strict supervision of a specialist doctor. Most often, the doctor prescribes drugs from the group of Cephalosporins, Macrolides or Levomycetins.

2. Relief of pain syndrome with the help of narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics administered intramuscularly to the patient.

3. Carrying out detoxification therapy using physiological infusion solutions (sodium and potassium chloride, glucose, plasma, albumin).

4. Prevention of blood clots in the operated areas of blood vessels (wearing elastic bandages and stockings, anticoagulant pharmaceuticals) and the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (enzymatic agents, blockers of increased secretion of hydrochloric acid).

5. Compliance with a special diet, a special diet.

6. Daily blood sampling.

7. Dressings are made every day, with complete disinfection of wounds, drains, using only sterile dressings. The junior medical staff conducts a daily assessment of mechanical damage and the stage of wound healing. Prevention of purulent complications is carried out.

8. Appointment of simple exercises and complex physiotherapy exercises as the patient recovers. Breathing exercises and walking.


When recovering from an appendectomy, there may be problems with motility and digestive activity of the gastrointestinal tract. If the consequence of the disease is inflammation in the abdominal cavity, then this further exacerbates the painful condition. The surgical intervention proceeds and heals more difficult than with ordinary appendicitis. Of course, this is reflected in the features of postoperative nutrition. Dieting is an important point of treatment:

1. On the first day, it is advisable for the patient to even starve a little. He is allowed to drink warm water without sugar and gas, weak tea, weak meat broth without added salt. It is better to take water or food 6-7 times a day, in small portions of a teaspoon. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition after each meal.

2. Second day. If there are no unpleasant symptoms or complications, you can supplement liquid nutrition with mashed dietary meat, light vegetable or fruit puree causing allergies products. It is permissible to give the patient a little sugar-free yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, or dried fruits soaked in water. In cases of deterioration of the patient's condition, the diet is left at the previous liquid insipid stage.

3. On the third day, the intestines are usually actively restored, digestive and excretory processes are launched. In this case, the menu can be significantly expanded, the list of food products will include small pieces of butter, mashed jam, dairy products and pureed soups.

In the process of compiling the menu for the patient, it must be remembered that the food taken should be free of salt and spices in the first week after the operation. Compliance with the diet and diet agreed with the doctor is essential, as they are fundamental factors in the success of treatment and the speed of recovery.

Possible Complications

Inflammation of the process in the gangrenous form and gangrenous-perforated appendicitis are very dangerous for their consequences, such as:

  • purulent abscesses in the pelvic area;
  • separation of the appendix from the caecum;
  • the formation of a dense infiltrate around gangrenous appendicitis. The appearance of such a neoplasm requires long-term treatment. Only after the infiltrate disappears, you can begin to remove the inflamed appendix;
  • purulent and purulent-fecal inflammation of the peritoneum. If help is not quick, peritonitis is sometimes fatal;
  • an abscess entering the bloodstream.

Any complication of phlegmonous gangrenous appendicitis is very difficult in the body and can cause significant damage to health, so in no case should you take the disease lightly and allow it to develop. When the first symptoms of appendicitis occur, an urgent appeal to a specialist is required.

When there are sharp pains in the abdomen (especially in the right side of the abdominal cavity), you involuntarily begin to think about appendicitis. This disease is widespread. It occurs in both children and adults.

At the first symptoms, it is important to immediately contact a specialist and undergo a complete diagnosis. Otherwise, serious complications may develop. One of them is gangrenous appendicitis. As a rule, it occurs 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. What you need to know about a serious illness, we will tell in today's article.

What is Gangrenous Appendicitis?

Acute gangrenous appendicitis is one of the final stages of this disease. There is a death of the walls of the process and, as a result, necrosis of nearby tissues.

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Appendicitis is a serious disease that requires immediate surgical intervention. The operation is being carried out…

Gangrenous appendicitis does not occur spontaneously. It appears 2-3 days after the onset of the first symptoms. this disease. But there are exceptions:

  • Children. In their case, the disease is acute, the bill goes not for days, but for hours. Symptoms - pain in the abdomen, heat. Sometimes the mark can reach up to 40 degrees.
  • Elderly people. In this case, vomiting and constipation are added to the main symptoms.
  • Changes occurring in vascular cells. May occur due to concomitant chronic diseases.
  • The presence of cholesterol plaques in the body.
  • Attachment of viruses or infection.

But in most cases, gangrenous appendicitis occurs due to untimely removal of the appendix.


The main problem of gangrenous appendicitis is that its symptoms are "floating". For example, sharp pain, which torments the patient, can pass. Doctors attribute this to tissue death. It is these erroneous signs that allow a person to think that everything has passed, there is no need to see a doctor.

Symptoms of gangrenous appendicitis are as follows:

  1. Severe vomiting that does not stop even after vomiting drugs are taken.
  2. Pain in the abdomen that subsides and resumes. Mostly discomfort arise in the right side of the abdominal cavity, can be given to the coccyx and lower back.
  1. Separately, we need to talk about body temperature. It may be within the normal range. High scores appear after purulent discharge entered the abdominal cavity. As a rule, the thermometer shows a mark of 37.2–37.5 degrees, no more.
  2. Complete refusal to eat. The patient is so ill that, thinking about food, he begins to show a gag reflex.
  3. Dry mouth, constant thirst.
  4. The color of the tongue changes, a white coating appears.
  5. The patient has an increased pulse and blood pressure.

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Phlegmonous appendicitis is the third stage of inflammation that occurs in the vermiform appendix of the caecum ....

In children and the elderly, the symptoms are more pronounced. The following signs can be distinguished:

  1. A sharp rise in body temperature.
  2. Cutting pains in abdomen. The patient cannot accurately determine the location of the pain.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Cold sweat.
  5. Severe fatigue, the child constantly asks to sleep.

If there are such signs, it is necessary to exclude appendicitis. Without a blood test or ultrasound, this will not work. In the gangrenous form, the patient's abdomen is soft, there is no pressure on pressure. severe pain. Only when the situation reaches a critical point, it can be observed that a small protrusion has appeared on the right side of the peritoneum.


Treatment of gangrenous appendicitis is carried out only after complete diagnosis patient. It includes the following steps:

  • External examination of the patient.
  • Palpation of the abdominal cavity. The doctor needs to be extremely careful, one wrong move and strong pressure on the muscles can cause the appendix to rupture.
  • Blood analysis. If the number of leukocytes is increased (several times), the diagnosis is confirmed.
  • Analysis of urine. There may be protein.
  • ultrasound. If tissue necrosis occurs, the appendix is ​​not clearly visible.

It is important! Examination by one therapist will not be enough. Be sure to seek the advice of a surgeon. If the symptoms increase, the patient becomes worse, you need to call ambulance and immediately go to the hospital.

Treatment of gangrenous appendicitis is not carried out with medication, the only way is to remove the appendix.

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The main types of operations are as follows:

  1. Cavitary. It is performed only under general anesthesia. The time lasts about 2-2.5 hours. An incision (10-15 cm) is made in the abdominal cavity, and the process of the caecum is removed through it. The operation is quite complicated, the rehabilitation period takes 7-10 days. The first 2 days the patient is in intensive care under the constant supervision of doctors.
  2. Laparoscopy. Several incisions are made in the abdomen. A special device with a camera is inserted, the doctor cuts off and removes the appendix. The operation takes 40-60 minutes. In this case, the patient can already move around on the first day. The rehabilitation period is 2-3 days. The stitches do not need to be removed.

It is important! If possible, then appendectomy (removal of the appendix) is not performed. In the past few years, doctors have increasingly insisted on laparoscopy. This operation is much easier to carry, can be performed under epidural anesthesia, when the patient is conscious, but does not feel the lower part of his body.

Recovery period

After any operation, the patient needs a period of rehabilitation in order to restore his strength. As a rule, it takes up to 10 days. During this period, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • general malaise;
  • drowsiness;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • constipation.

After removal of gangrenous appendicitis, the following treatment is necessary:

  • Mandatory antibiotics. As a rule, the patient is administered drugs intravenously to achieve the maximum effect.
  • Taking painkillers. Assign on the first day after surgery.
  • Salt solutions, glucose, plasma. Needed to maintain the desired composition of the blood.
  • Daily dressings. If they are not done, the seam may become inflamed. In this case, the installation of drainage is indispensable.
  • special diet. It is an important part of the treatment. As soon as possible after the operation, it is necessary to restore and normalize the work of the stomach and intestines. Constipation is one of serious complications. If such problems are observed, the patient is prescribed gentle enemas of the Microlax type.
  • Possible complications after appendectomy

    The consequences of gangrenous appendicitis can be serious, even fatal. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the lower the risk of complications.

    If there was no rupture of the appendix, the operation is carried out as planned. As a rule, the patient is transferred to the general ward within a day.

    If peritonitis has begun, the risk of complications after surgery is high:

    • Inflammation of nearby tissues and organs. Occurs when the doctor makes a mistake during the operation. As a rule, a second operation is required.
    • Suppuration of the seam. Occurs if the dressing is not changed on time. Often it is necessary to install a drain for the outflow of pus.
    • Attachment of a viral or bacterial infection. It happens if the patient has a weakened immune system. Antiviral, antibacterial and other drugs are added to the main treatment.