Necrotic omphalitis. What is dangerous omphalitis of the navel and how to treat it? Treatment of the phlegmonous form

The cause of inflammation of the navel in an adult can be infection of the body with a fungal or bacterial infection. In these cases, the patient has reddening of the skin and swelling in the navel area, and bloody spots form in the umbilical pit. purulent discharge. In more severe types of the disease, the infection that develops in the body captures the tissues surrounding it, the walls of the arteries, and the umbilical vessels. In this regard, arteritis or phlebitis of the umbilical vessels may appear.

AT at home it is impossible to determine the cause of inflammation of the navel, here you will need to medical examination: do a bacterial culture of the compartments and laboratory research umbilical ring. Depending on the identified cause, the doctor prescribes the methods of treatment. In the presence of a fistula, the intervention of a surgeon is necessary, and in case of omphalitis, a conservative method of treatment is performed.

A simple form of this disease (omphalitis) does not pose a particular threat to the general condition of the patient. It is characterized by the presence of a weeping navel, sometimes together with purulent discharge. Prolonged stay in this state threatens the patient's body with the formation and development of excessive granulations in it or, as another option, a fungal tumor.

Inflammation of the navel: phlegmonous form

The phlegmonous form is a progressive inflammation that spreads to nearby tissues. The patient feels when touched severe pain and his condition changes dramatically for the worse. This is due to the fact that the infection has already captured the anterior abdominal cavity and continues to develop there. In this case, the body temperature rises to 39°C, and sometimes even higher.

The phlegmonous form of inflammation of the navel can develop into a necrotic one if the process begins to grow not only on the sides, but also goes far into the depths. Necrosis of the skin and its fiber is formed, which then gradually exfoliates from the underlying tissue. Thus, the disease flows into another - umbilical sepsis. It is very important to stop this dangerous process as soon as possible in order to prevent the formation of periarteritis of the umbilical vessels.

How to treat inflammation of the navel

Omphalitis is treated by treating the umbilical ring and the navel area with antiseptic solutions and ointments. Physiotherapy is also used and, if necessary, drainage is performed.

The phlegmonous form and the necrotic form following it are treated only in a hospital under strict medical supervision, which occurs until the patient is completely recovered.

Fistulas of the navel are most often a congenital pathology. They get their development due to non-closure of the yolk-intestinal duct. As a result, an entero-umbilical fistula with mucous discharge appears in the navel zone, and sometimes even through the fistulous opening, the omentum or intestinal mucosa prolapses. Often, this disease can provoke a piercing made in this area.

If an adult has an unpleasantly smelling discharge from the navel - what would it mean and what to do? Doctors note two main reasons why the navel gets wet in an adult - this is omphalitis and umbilical fistula. If you notice alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a surgeon for timely treatment.

Omphalitis - an inflammatory lesion subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel, characterized by swelling, redness of the skin of the umbilical zone and discharge from the navel of varying intensity. Often, the infection covers the umbilical vessels, which leads to phlebitis or arteritis of these vessels. The disease can be fungal or bacterial in nature. The most common causative agent of omphalitis is a simple, phlegmonous and necrotic form of the disease, in which the navel becomes wet in an adult.

Most often in adults, simple omphalitis is observed. At the same time, the patient feels generally well, noting only a wet navel and the associated inconvenience. As a rule, the discharge is a serous or purulent-serous liquid, which dries up with a crust near the navel. The causes of such secretions are bacterial or fungal infections associated with the structural features of the navel. So, with a retracted and narrow umbilical canal, the separation of dead epithelial cells and products sebaceous glands difficult, which can lead to infections with poor personal hygiene. Some medical experts consider piercing one of the reasons for the development of omphalitis. If the navel is leaking, then you need to see a doctor. With simple omphalitis, outpatient treatment is carried out, which consists in treating the weeping navel with antiseptic or cauterizing solutions, using antifungal or antimicrobial ointments, depending on the nature of the inflammation, and prescribing physiotherapy. With a simple form of the disease, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Phlegmonous and necrotic omphalitis is much less common in adults.

With the phlegmonous form, the tissues around the navel become inflamed, there is redness, induration, soreness, from the navel, an increase in body temperature. Phlegmon may develop abdominal wall.

Necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis develops very rarely and is a complication of the phlegmonous form. In this form, the infection penetrates abdominal cavity, necrosis and exfoliation of dead tissue occurs. Necrotizing omphalitis is dangerous for the development of umbilical sepsis, peritonitis, hematogenous osteomyelitis.

With phlegmonous and gangrenous omphalitis, complex intensive treatment is carried out. As a rule, treatment of the affected area with antiseptic agents, dressings with wound healing and antibacterial ointments, intramuscular antibiotics, and physiotherapy are prescribed. Sometimes surgical intervention is required - opening abscesses. In the necrotic form, injections of gamma globulin, vitamin therapy,

Another reason why the navel gets wet in an adult is an umbilical fistula. This pathology in most cases is congenital and is characterized by an unclosed urinary or yolk-intestinal duct. With an open urinary duct, a vesico-umbilical fistula forms, through which urine is excreted. If the yolk duct is not overgrown, then an entero-umbilical fistula appears with discharge from the intestine. When inflammation occurs, the discharge becomes purulent.

Sometimes there are acquired fistulas, which are formed during inflammation of the anterior wall of the peritoneum and opening of abscesses through the navel.

Most often, treatment consists in excising the fistula and sewing up holes in the intestinal wall or Bladder. Non-surgical treatment is possible only if there is no discharge from the navel.

If the navel gets wet in an adult, then in no case should you self-medicate, which can lead to only a slight temporary effect.

Inflammation of the navel is rare and can develop in both children and adults.

The medical name for this disease is omphalitis.
Omphalitis (Greek omphalos - navel) - inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel.
Many people know that newborns have problems with the navel. But not everyone is aware that inflammation of the navel also occurs in adults. Let's try to fill this gap and tell why the navel becomes inflamed in adults.
Indeed, most often omphalitis is a disease of newborns in the first weeks of life, which occurs when the umbilical wound is infected and is manifested by reddening of the skin around the navel, swelling, purulent discharge from the wound, abdominal pain, fever.
But what about adults?

The cause of inflammation is most often a bacterial (streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or fungal infection.
But for infection of the navel, there are certain prerequisites:

  • The presence of a fistula at the umbilical ring. Fistulas are usually congenital pathology due to non-closure of the yolk-intestinal or urinary duct.
  • In this case, an entero-umbilical fistula with intestinal discharge is formed in the navel. In the case of non-closure of the urinary duct, a vesico-umbilical fistula is formed, and then the discharge, most often, is urine.
  • However, fistulas are also acquired. This can occur after a long inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess is opened through the navel.
  • Inflammation of the navel may be associated with anatomical features. So if the skin umbilical canal is very narrow and deeply retracted, dying skin cells and secretions of the sebaceous glands can accumulate in it. In this case, if hygiene rules are not followed, an infection can join and cause inflammation.
  • Navel wounds, into which, with improper care, pathogenic microorganisms easily enter, which become the causative agents of the disease.
  • Currently, it is worth knowing that a piercing in the navel can also cause inflammation.

The main symptoms are redness, swelling of the skin in the navel and the appearance of serous discharge in the umbilical fossa. With more severe forms discharge becomes bloody and purulent, and as a result of intoxication of the body, the general condition suffers. The temperature can rise to 38-39°C. The navel changes its shape and becomes more protruding and hot to the touch. Especially hot will be the area of ​​​​the epicenter of inflammation. The wound area is covered with a thick crust, and pus collects under it.

The inflammatory process can also spread to the surrounding tissues and umbilical vessels, resulting in arteritis or phlebitis of the umbilical vessels. This is the most dangerous variant of the development of the disease.

There are 3 forms of omphalitis. each of which is a consequence of the previous one, unless appropriate treatment is carried out.

  1. Simple form (weeping navel). With this form, the general condition does not suffer, and in the navel area there is weeping with serous or purulent secretions, which, when dried, become covered with a thin crust.
    With a long-term process at the bottom of the umbilical wound, pink granulations can form in excess and form mushroom-shaped tumors.
  2. Phlegmonous form. This is a dangerous form of omphalitis, because. with it, the inflammatory process is already spreading to the surrounding tissues. There is a gradual deterioration in the general condition. If phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall develops, the temperature can rise to 39 ° C and above. In this case, the umbilical fossa is an ulcer surrounded by a compacted skin roller. If you press on the umbilical region, pus may be released from the umbilical wound. The tissues around the navel are visibly inflamed and swollen, and palpation causes pain.
  3. Necrotic (gangrenous) form. This is the next very dangerous stage of omphalitis. It is very rare in immunocompromised individuals. With it, inflammation spreads deep into internal organs. If the process affects all layers of the abdominal wall, peritonitis may develop. There is a death of the skin and subcutaneous tissue near the navel, and subsequently their exfoliation from the underlying tissues. The skin becomes dark, like a bruise after a strong blow. Ulcers of various sizes may form. The infection can spread to the umbilical vessels and lead to the development of umbilical sepsis.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of inflammation of the navel. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, and if necessary, bacteriological culture of the discharge.
The method of treatment will depend on the cause of the inflammation.
As a rule, omphalitis is treated conservatively, but in the presence of a fistula, surgical intervention is indispensable.
With timely treatment, omphalitis passes quickly enough and the risk of complications of the disease disappears.

A simple form of omphalitis.
1. Daily washing of the navel area with antiseptic agents - furacilin solution or hydrogen peroxide, as well as lubricating it with 5% potassium permanganate solution, 1% brilliant green solution or 70% alcohol. Ointments are also applied - 1% synthomycin emulsion or tetracycline ointment.
With the formation of granulations of the navel, the wound is washed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and the granulations are cauterized with a 10% solution of silver nitrate (lapis).
2. From physiotherapeutic procedures, ultraviolet irradiation is applied locally.

Phlegmonous and necrotic form of omphalitis.
Treatment of these two forms of omphalitis requires inpatient treatment.
In severe cases and general intoxication, along with local general treatment with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and taking into account the sensitivity to these preparations of microflora, sown from the umbilical discharge.

With purulent inflammation of the navel, surgical intervention is often required. To prevent the spread of infection to nearby organs and tissues, the wound is drained, and pus is removed from the wound using a special probe.

Fistulas of the navel.
In the presence of fistulas, rational treatment is possible only surgical method with excision of fistulas and suturing of defects in the wall of the intestine or bladder.

An unpleasant smell in the navel may be accompanied by other symptoms. Omphalitis is an inflammation of the surface of the skin and tissue under the skin near the navel. In addition to omphalitis, the presence of an umbilical fistula (non-closure of part of the urachus) can enter this condition. The main symptoms are redness, swelling of the skin in the umbilical region and the appearance of serous discharge in the umbilical fossa. Phlegmonous and necrotic form of omphalitis But not everyone is aware that inflammation of the navel also occurs in adults.

The navel changes its shape and becomes more protruding and hot to the touch. Especially hot will be the area of ​​​​the epicenter of inflammation. The method of treatment will depend on the cause of the inflammation. With purulent inflammation of the navel, surgical intervention is often required. Fistulas of the navel. In the presence of fistulas, rational treatment is possible only by surgical excision of fistulas and suturing of defects in the wall of the intestine or bladder.

If the cause of inflammation is omphalitis, then the doctor may prescribe treatment without any surgery. But running and not treating a weeping navel for a long time can lead to the formation of excessive granulations, and sometimes even leads to a tumor in the form of a fungus. Then a necrotic form may occur. With it, inflammation will spread not only to the surrounding surface of the skin, but also inside.

Odor and discharge from the umbilicus

It is necessary to treat the navel and nearby areas with antiseptic ointments and solutions every day. Most often, fistulas of the navel are a congenital pathology. And they occur when the yolk-intestinal or urinary duct does not overgrow. Acquired umbilical fistulas are observed after a prolonged inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess is opened through the navel. There are many reasons for the occurrence of an unpleasant smell from the navel.

In addition, an unpleasant odor can be accompanied by discharge, discomfort and irritation. An unpleasant smell from the navel in infants may appear at the time of healing of the umbilical ring.

Inflammation of the navel in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment.

Incomplete fistulas appear much more often and with them the navel first gets wet, then irritation appears around it and the fistulas themselves are lined with mucous. It is impossible to try to cure an unpleasant smell in the navel on your own. As a result of this, a fistula appears, which is the cause of the fetid odor. One of the most dangerous diseases, in which there is an unpleasant smell from the navel - this is omphalitis. It is also very important to properly care for the navel.

This phenomenon is often observed in overweight people with a deep navel. Dirt, lint from clothes, skin particles accumulate in the navel - all this can lead to an inflammatory process. Omphalitis is an inflammatory process of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the navel, which develops due to infection of the umbilical wound. Most often this disease occurs in newborns. With a catarrhal form, it will be enough to regularly treat the navel wound with antiseptic solutions (hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, miramistin, and so on).

If the fluid secreted from the navel has become purulent, then antibiotic treatment is supplemented. A hole is made in the area of ​​the wound and a probe is inserted into it, through which pus is removed. After cleansing the navel wound, it is possible to use anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

In young fashionable girls and girls, inflammation of the tissues around the navel can develop with an unsuccessful piercing. The basic principles of the treatment of adult omphalitis coincide with the treatment of children's omphalitis. Age 39, had gastrodeudenitis, often had a sore throat. Redness of the navel, discharge of the ichor.

The cause of inflammation is most often a bacterial (streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or fungal infection. In more severe forms, the discharge becomes bloody and purulent, and as a result of intoxication of the body, the general condition suffers. There are 3 forms of omphalitis, each of which is a consequence of the previous one, if appropriate treatment is not carried out. With timely treatment, omphalitis passes quickly enough and the risk of complications of the disease disappears.

Treatment of these two forms of omphalitis requires inpatient treatment. Such an anomaly appears as a constant weeping of the navel wound). Never try to identify the cause of the disease yourself. It is better to consult a qualified surgeon. The main task is to accurately determine the cause of the disease, because it depends on which treatment method to choose. umbilical sepsis occurs purulent process in the tissues and vessels of the umbilical cord).

To find out the exact cause, it is necessary to examine the surgeon with the obligatory bacterial culture of the discharge and revision of the umbilical ring. The tactics of treatment will depend on what was the cause. If this is omphalitis, the treatment is conservative. When pressing on the umbilical region, pus is released from the umbilical wound. The general condition gradually begins to deteriorate, there is a slight increase in temperature.

The necrotic form of omphalitis is usually the result of a phlegmonous form. The process spreads not only to the sides, as with phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, but also deep into. With phlegmonous and necrotic forms, apply complex treatment in a hospital, for which you need to contact the nearest emergency hospital.

Let's try to fill this gap and tell why the navel becomes inflamed in adults. And few people take care of their navel. Omphalitis is an inflammation of the bottom of the navel. The inflammatory process is provoked by staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. When the yolk-intestinal duct is not closed in the umbilical region, an entero-umbilical fistula with intestinal or mucous discharge is formed.

More on this topic:

Most often, newborns under the age of 1 month suffer, but older children and even adults can sometimes get sick. Among the acquired diseases of the first 3 weeks of life, omphalitis takes the first place, flows quite favorably, is easily treated and passes without consequences.

The reasons

Omphalitis in children is the result of infection entering the umbilical wound, which is caused by insufficiently qualified child care.

Inflammation of the navel is caused by bacterial flora, most often it is staphylococcus or streptococcus, less often E. coli, pneumococcus, Klebsiella, etc. The infection enters the thickness of the skin through the umbilical residue (umbilical cord stump) or an unhealed umbilical wound. The introduction of bacteria occurs with the feces of an infant, as well as through the hands of medical personnel or parents.

In addition to improper care of the newborn, other diseases can be the causes of infection of the navel: diaper dermatitis, pemphigus, pyoderma, etc.

The risk group for this pathology is premature babies, as well as newborns with hypoxia and developmental anomalies, primarily anomalies of the navel itself.


Omphalitis manifestations are general and local.

General - these are nonspecific symptoms of the presence of an infectious process in the body.

  • Lethargy, tearfulness, lack of appetite.
  • Reduction or cessation of weight gain.
  • Increase in body temperature.

Local symptoms - signs of damage directly in the navel.

  • The appearance of discharge from the umbilical wound. The discharge can be of a different color, from light and transparent, to dirty yellow and brown, sometimes with an admixture of fresh blood.
  • Hyperemia (redness) of the skin in the umbilical ring.
  • The reddened skin is hot to the touch.
  • Swelling of the umbilical region.
  • Bad smell from the navel.

In healthy newborns, as a rule, local symptoms predominate, but in preterm infants, local manifestations may be minimal, and the general ones are quite pronounced.

There are primary omphalitis - arising in an unchanged navel, and secondary - developed against the background of congenital anomalies.

According to the severity of manifestations, infectious inflammation of the navel is divided into 3 clinical forms:

Catarrhal omphalitis (simple omphalitis) is the most common and most favorable form. Other name this disease- weeping navel. Normally, the umbilical cord residue falls off on its own in the first week of a baby’s life, after which a small wound remains in its place, which heals (epithelializes) on its own within 10 to 15 days. Until the moment of healing, the wound is covered with a scab, there is no discharge.

If a newborn has catarrhal omphalitis, then the period of epithelization is delayed, and a light, clear or cloudy liquid begins to ooze from the navel. The umbilical ring is hyperemic, slightly edematous, the skin around is not changed. If weeping persists for more than 2 weeks, then at the bottom of the navel there may be an excessive growth of granulation tissue - the fungus of the navel, which makes healing even more difficult.

With this type of omphalitis, the general signs are usually not expressed, sometimes the body temperature may rise slightly (subfebrile condition).

Phlegmonous omphalitis (purulent omphalitis). most often it is a continuation of catarrhal. Increased swelling of the surrounding skin. The area of ​​hyperemia becomes larger. Due to damage to the lymphatic vessels, a red spot around the navel takes on the appearance of a jellyfish or an octopus. The general signs of the disease are getting worse. The discharge from the fart becomes purulent and may have an unpleasant odor.

Necrotic omphalitis (gangrenous omphalitis). Crane is rare. It occurs due to the neglect of phlegmonous omphalitis: a late visit to the doctor, improper treatment, and also in the presence of a very aggressive pathogen, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inflammation extends to the subcutaneous tissue, which dies under the action of microbes. The circumference of the navel acquires a dark purple or cyanotic color. The navel takes the form of an extensive purulent wound. The symptoms of general intoxication are extremely pronounced. This form extremely rarely passes without consequences.


Catarrhal omphalitis is usually well treated and passes without consequences.

Purulent omphalitis can lead to the spread of the process beyond the umbilical region and the formation of phlegmon (suppuration) or an abscess of the anterior abdominal wall.

Gangrenous omphalitis can lead to the spread of infection to the abdominal cavity, which is often fatal. Also this species omphalitis leaves behind rough scars.

Gangrenous and phlegmonous inflammation can cause generalization of infection, that is, the appearance of purulent foci in other places: bones (osteomyelitis), lungs (destructive pneumonia), etc. and also with them, blood poisoning (sepsis) is possible.


Catarrhal omphalitis in newborns is treated on an outpatient basis. Purulent sometimes, and gangrenous usually cause the need to place the child in a surgical hospital.

Simple omphalitis requires only local treatment. Treatment of the umbilical wound with omphalitis is carried out with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or 1-2% alcohol solution of brilliant green. In the presence of purulent discharge, the navel should be washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide before treatment. Processing is carried out 2-3 times a day until the navel is completely epithelized. Bathing a child with omphalitis is possible, but a little potassium permanganate should be added to the water.

Purulent omphalitis of newborns, as well as gangrenous omphalitis, in addition to local treatment, require the use of systemic antibiotic therapy (intramuscularly or intravenously).

Surgery is performed in the following cases.

  • With necrotic omphalitis, to remove dead tissue.
  • In the presence of secondary omphalitis, for example, to eliminate the umbilical-intestinal or umbilical-vesical fistula.
  • With fungus of the navel.
  • With extensive phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall.


Prevention of infection of the fart in newborns consists in careful care of the umbilical wound in the first weeks of life.

  • It is necessary to treat the umbilical wound 2-3 times a day until complete healing.
  • Processing is carried out with a solution of brilliant green or 70% alcohol solution.
  • In no case do not peel off the crusts from the wound, you can’t think of a better bandage than a scab.
  • You can not cover the navel with a diaper, and also stick it with a band-aid or something else.
  • If there is a purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor from the navel, contact your pediatrician or pediatric surgeon immediately.

Omphalitis in adults

Omphalitis in adults in most cases is the result of trauma, namely piercing. It has about the same symptoms as in children. The navel area becomes edematous and hyperemic, mucopurulent or purulent discharges appear, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. The discharge is rarely profuse, most often it is small yellowish marks on clothing. There is pain in the umbilical zone, sometimes itching may occur.

Without treatment, omphalitis in adults can persist for quite a long time, without causing any special problems, and even go away on its own. But under certain conditions (decreased immunity, aggressive bacterial flora, concomitant diseases such as diabetes) an infection in the navel can be a source of complications.

  • Abscess or phlegmon of the skin of the abdomen.
  • Blood poisoning - sepsis.

In addition, some acupuncturists believe that the piercing itself or its complications, due to neuro-reflex effects, can become a source of problems for the female genital area.

Treatment of omphalitis in adults should begin with the elimination of the piercing. The navel is treated in the same way as in children: 2-3 times a day, it is necessary to wash the navel and surrounding tissues with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and then treat with brilliant green. A navel bandage is usually not required, but it is used in cosmetic purposes and so that brilliant green does not spoil clothes.

Only local treatment is not always effective, especially if the inflammation is severely neglected. Therefore, systemic antibiotic therapy (antibiotics orally or intramuscularly) is required.

Surgical treatment is carried out only in the presence of complications.

Inflammation of the navel in adults is well treated, rarely acquires purulent forms and usually goes away without consequences.

Liqmed reminds: the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the more chances you have to maintain your health and reduce the risk of complications.

We rarely pay attention to many parts of our body, if they do not bring us any discomfort. However, in some cases, such areas present us with unpleasant surprises. One of the most inconspicuous parts on the human body is the navel, which is nothing more than a scar left after the umbilical cord falls off. However, in certain situations, such a site can become perfect place for the active reproduction of bacteria, which is fraught with the development of various infectious processes. Let's try to figure out why the navel gets wet in an adult, let's name the reasons for this phenomenon and its treatment.

Why does the navel get wet in an adult, what are the reasons for this?

A weeping navel in an adult is a serious reason for consulting a doctor.


A similar phenomenon may be a symptom of such an inflammatory lesion as omphalitis. This ailment is a lesion of the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the skin near the navel.

In this case, the patient's navel seems to be flowing, there is noticeable redness and swelling in the affected area. In addition, such a disease is accompanied by the appearance of a rather unpleasant odor. Omphalitis also makes itself felt with pain and unpleasant itchy sensations. In addition, with such a pathology, pus begins to collect in the navel along with blood.

In the event that omphalitis is not treated on time, it can spread to new tissues and even go deep into the body. So the infection quite often penetrates into the umbilical vessels, which is fraught with the development of phlebitis or arteritis.

It is believed that omphalitis develops due to the attack of bacteria or fungi. Such pathological condition can be provoked by insufficient hygiene, as well as piercing.


Quite rarely, weeping of the navel in adults is explained by the development of a phlegmonous form of omphalitis. In this case, the patient has not only purulent discharge and a noticeable redness of the navel itself and the skin around it, patients are still worried about an increase in body temperature, some thickening and noticeable soreness of the affected area. In severe cases, pathological processes lead to inflammation of the abdominal wall, while the patient needs immediate consultation with a surgeon. In the absence of timely correction, the infection can penetrate deep into the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with the development of necrosis, and subsequently - blood poisoning.

Vesical fistula

Another one possible reason the occurrence of a weeping navel in adults - the formation of an umbilical fistula. A similar pathology usually develops in case of non-closure of the bladder or bile duct. In certain situations, fistulas are acquired in nature, so they can appear as a result of an inflammatory lesion of the anterior wall of the peritoneum and as a result of opening an abscess through the navel.

Weeping belly button treatment

If the navel gets wet in an adult, treatment in adults depends, of course, on the reasons for the development of such a pathology. Own, as in other diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe to the patient a laboratory study of the fluid that is released from the navel. Such manipulation helps to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as to determine which pathogen provoked it. With the bacterial nature of the lesion, antibiotics are prescribed, and fungal ailments are corrected, respectively, with antifungal compounds.

A weeping navel can also be cauterized with silver nitrate, washed with hydrogen peroxide, and sometimes treated with iodine, brilliant green, etc. With a purulent form of the disease, doctors usually prescribe the use of ointment formulations, in addition, treatment often involves draining the wound - to ensure a full outflow of pus.

Local treatment may involve applying liniment (a local antibiotic) under the synthomycin bandage, lubricating the site of the lesion with Polymykin-m-sulfate, as well as Baneocin or Bactroban. Most often, such formulations are used from one to four times a day, in accordance with the instructions.

In the event that pathological processes lead to necrosis of a portion of tissues, such areas are subject to prompt removal.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also highly effective in omphalitis and phlegmon, with preference given to ultraviolet irradiation, as well as ultra-high-frequency therapy.

In addition to antibiotics or antifungal compounds, the doctor may prescribe vitamin preparations (provitamin A, ascorbic acid, and B vitamins). Such funds contribute to the activation of the immune system, as well as accelerate the healing process.

In especially severe cases of inflammation is practiced intravenous administration glucose solutions. This procedure helps to reduce intoxication. Immunostimulating compounds are also often used.

As for the appearance of fistulas, such formations are eliminated by the operative method, after which they are carried out antibiotic treatment and antiseptic manipulations according to the scheme described above with possible adjustment by a specialist. In the event that the fistula does not lead to the appearance of discharge from the navel and other negative symptoms, its correction can be carried out by conservative methods.

Thus, do not forget about the navel in adulthood. This part of the body must be carefully looked after, observing hygiene standards. With the appearance of weeping of the navel and other alarming symptoms, you should seek medical help.

If an adult has an unpleasantly smelling discharge from the navel - what would it mean and what to do? Doctors note two main prerequisites for which the navel becomes wet in an adult - this is omphalitis and umbilical fistula. Noticing alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for timely treatment.

Omphalitis is an inflammatory lesion of the subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel, characterized by swelling, redness of the skin of the umbilical zone, and discharge from the navel of varying intensity. Often, the infection covers the umbilical vessels, which leads to phlebitis or arteritis of these vessels. The disease can be fungal or bacterial in nature. In most cases, the causative agent of omphalitis is Staphylococcus aureus. There is a common, phlegmonous and necrotic form of the disease, in which the navel becomes wet in an adult.

In most cases, adults have ordinary omphalitis. With all this, the patient feels generally fine, noting only a wet navel and the inconveniences associated with it. Usually, the discharge is a serous or purulent-serous liquid, which dries up with a crust near the navel. The prerequisites for such secretions are bacterial or fungal infections associated with the structural features of the navel. So, with a retracted and narrow umbilical canal, the separation of dead epithelial cells and products of the sebaceous glands is difficult, which can lead to infections with poor personal hygiene. Some medical experts consider piercing one of the reasons for the development of omphalitis. If the navel is leaking, then you need to see a doctor. With ordinary omphalitis, outpatient treatment is carried out, which consists in treating the weeping navel with disinfectant or cauterizing mixtures, using antifungal or antimicrobial ointments, depending on the nature of the inflammation, and prescribing physiotherapy. With the usual form of the disease, the prognosis is usually good.

Even less often in adults, phlegmonous and necrotic omphalitis occurs.

With the phlegmonous form, the tissues around the navel become inflamed, redness, induration, soreness, purulent discharge from the navel, and an increase in body temperature are observed. Phlegmon of the abdominal wall may develop.

Necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis develops very rarely and is a complication of the phlegmonous form. With this form, the infection seeps into the abdominal cavity, necrosis and exfoliation of dead tissues occur. Necrotic omphalitis is unsafe for the development of umbilical sepsis, peritonitis, hematogenous osteomyelitis.

With phlegmonous and gangrenous omphalitis, an all-encompassing rich treatment is carried out. Usually, treatment of the affected area with disinfectants, dressings with wound healing and bactericidal ointments, intramuscular drugs, and physiotherapy are prescribed. From time to time, surgical intervention is required - opening of abscesses. In the necrotic form, injections of gamma globulin, vitamin therapy, and blood transfusion are carried out.

Another reason why the navel gets wet in an adult is an umbilical fistula. This pathology is almost always congenital and is characterized by an uncovered urinary or yolk-intestinal duct. With an open urinary duct, a vesico-umbilical fistula appears, through which urine is excreted. If the yolk duct is not overgrown, then an entero-umbilical fistula occurs with secretions from the intestinal tract. When inflammation occurs, the discharge becomes purulent.

From time to time there are acquired fistulas, which are formed during inflammation of the frontal wall of the peritoneum and opening of abscesses through the navel.

In most cases, treatment consists in excising the fistula and sewing up holes in the wall of the intestine or bladder. Non-surgical treatment can only be in the absence of discharge from the navel.

If the navel gets wet in an adult, then under no circumstances should you self-medicate, which can only lead to a minor temporary effect.

Such an insignificant organ as the navel is an unnecessary part of the body for nothing. Only during pregnancy does it play an important role in human life and development. But after birth, it becomes unnecessary. If during the period of development a person ate only through the umbilical cord, then this system continues to maintain its connection with all parts of the body.

The inconspicuous navel becomes the main place, the defeat of which can lead to serious sepsis. Consider everything about one disease of the navel on - omphalitis, which can be observed not only in children, but also in adults.

What is omphalitis?

The concept of omphalitis is very simple, but the types and forms of its development are very serious. What it is? Omphalitis is an inflammation of the skin of the umbilical wound.

  1. According to the root cause, there are types:
  • Primary - the penetration of the infection directly into the umbilical wound;
  • Secondary - the attachment of an infection to a fistula (already formed diseases).
  1. According to the nature of inflammation:
    • Catarrhal (simple, serous-purulent, "weeping navel") - the most common type. It develops when the epithelium slowly covers the wound. The liquid is released transparent, granulation and blood crusts are formed.
    • Phlegmonous
    • Necrotic (gangrenous) - this form is very difficult to treat.
    • Purulent - a severe stage of omphalitis, in which ulcers, purulent discharge and bulging of the navel over the abdominal cavity are formed.
  2. By form:
  • Spicy;
  • Chronic.
  1. Has an infectious (bacterial) nature.

go to top Causes of omphalitis of the navel

The cause of omphalitis of the navel is the penetration of an infection (E. coli or staphylococci) into the umbilical wound, which heals after birth. It develops in newborns, but can occur in older children and even adults. Contributing factors that spread the infection are:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards, which often becomes a factor contributing to the infection, due to which not only children, but also adults become infected;
  • Improper wound care;
  • Dirty linen, underwear or bedding, towels;
  • Contamination by faeces or urine;
  • Dirty hands touching an unhealed umbilical wound.

The process of pregnancy, in which infections are transmitted from the mother to the child, becomes very important. If the mother has an infectious disease, then the bacteria can infect the umbilical cord.

go to top Symptoms and signs

Usually the umbilical wound heals within 15 days. If you process it correctly all this time and do not infect, then it is delayed. However, when an infection gets there, a catarrhal form of omphalitis develops, the main symptom and sign of which is the release of a serous-purulent character from a long non-healing wound. A crust forms on top, which then peels off, reopening the wound. There is swelling of the umbilical region. Over time, a fungus is formed if the patient is not treated. These formations are usually cauterized.

In the phlegmonous form, inflammation spreads to neighboring tissues. There is redness, swelling of the skin. When pressing on the umbilical region, pus is released. The venous network is visible. All this is accompanied high temperature, loss of appetite, weight loss.

Necrotizing omphalitis is rare and is determined by a change in skin color, poor health, and fever. Contact peritonitis may develop.

go to top Omphalitis in children

If omphalitis occurs, then most often in children, especially newborns. The above causes and symptoms are typical for children with inflammation of the navel. Therefore, parents should immediately contact the pediatrician for examination and treatment.

go to top Omphalitis in adults

In adults, omphalitis occurs, but is quite rare. common cause inflammation of the navel in women and men is damage to this part of the body. People who are fond of piercing can bring an infection. The risk group includes people who are often injured, especially in the abdomen.

go to top Diagnostics

Diagnosis of omphalitis of the navel is carried out first from the collection of symptoms that torment the patient, as well as a general examination of the skin, measurement of body temperature, examination of the navel. For detailed diagnosis, procedures are carried out:

  • Bacteriological culture of umbilical secretions, which gives a more accurate and detailed picture of what is happening;
  • Ultrasound and radiography of the abdominal cavity;
  • Blood test for infections.

go to top Treatment

Treatment of omphalitis is carried out at home or in a hospital, depending on the stage of development of the disease. In any case, you should be guided by the recommendations of the doctor, and not self-medicate. Even if the patient preferred home treatment, the doctor should control the process.

go to top How to treat omphalitis? Medicines:

  • Antibiotics in the form of ointments and tablets. The umbilical wound is treated with ointments.
  • The navel is treated with antiseptic solutions: alcohol, iodine, brilliant green.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, which can be used to treat the wound at home. Constantly wiped with alcohol, chlorophyllipt, furacillin, dicosidin.
  • Anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulins in injections.

Physiotherapy includes:

  • microwave therapy.

Surgical intervention is prescribed for the formation of purulent elements. With necrotic omphalitis, excision of dead tissue is performed. With a purulent form, drainage of the wound is done.

The main focus is on strengthening immunity, which is carried out in the following areas:

  • Carrying out vitamin therapy A, B, C through drugs. A vitaminized diet is followed by people who have already passed their 6-month-old age.
  • Intravenous administration of glucose.

go to top Forecast of life

How many live with omphalitis? It all depends on the shape and severity of the flow. A simple form is very easy to treat. The prognosis of life worsens significantly with a purulent form, which is difficult to treat. However, nothing compares to the phlegmonous and necrotic form. The prognosis for their manifestation depends on the complications to which they lead:

  • Arteritis is an inflammation of the arteries near the navel.
  • Phlebitis - inflammation of the umbilical vessels.
  • Lymphangitis of the umbilical region.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Phlegmon of the abdominal cavity.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Sepsis.
  • Tumor of the umbilicus.

go to top Prevention:

  • Maintaining hygiene of the navel, which heals, is the best prevention.
  • Treatment with antiseptic preparations.
  • Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

Omphalitis in adults is less common, more often newborns are affected. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the tissues in the umbilical region. In infants, the umbilical wound may fester due to low immunity, some congenital diseases or poor hygiene. In adolescence and age, the disease can occur when an infection is introduced after piercing, in adults due to trauma.

Purulent and phlegmonous omphalitis are considered the most dangerous, since they, in addition to the navel, affect other areas of the skin. Outwardly, the site of the lesion looks like a bruise. The patient's condition may not differ from the usual, deterioration will begin in severe form. With the development of the necrotic form, the tissues begin to die. Outwardly, a protrusion of the navel is observed, the temperature rises, and severe intoxication of the body occurs.

Pathogens and causes of omphalitis

Omphalitis occurs due to the penetration of a pathogenic infection, gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella), gram-positive (streptococci, staphylococci), anaerobic flora, candida fungi.

Disposing factors in adults can be:

  • available infectious diseases skin tissues;
  • purulent processes of internal organs;
  • mechanical injuries of the umbilical zone;
  • piercing, scarring, tattooing;
  • inflammation of the sutures after surgery.

Getting into an open wound, the infection penetrates the skin, continuing to live on the walls of blood vessels, microbes cause inflammation of the veins and arteries. The purulent process may persist for some time after the treatment of omphalitis, if the infection has spread deep into the tissues.

Stages and symptoms of omphalitis

The disease begins to manifest itself with catarrhal inflammation, in which redness and swelling are visible in the navel. Then there is a discharge of a liquid with an unpleasant odor, gray in color with purulent inclusions from the navel. On the skin there is the formation of crusts with pus inside. Having taken up the treatment of the initial stage, you can quickly get rid of the disease, if you delay the process, then the lesion rapidly covers large areas of the skin.

The phlegmonous form of the disease is considered more severe and dangerous. In this condition, in addition to the skin, the infection affects the inside of the peritoneum. The person is in pain, the temperature rises. Further, the tissues begin to die, a necrotic process occurs as a result of tissue exfoliation, there is a high probability of infection with sepsis. Medical assistance in this case should be immediate.

Identification of the disease

Omphalitis in adults is diagnosed by a therapist and a surgeon. The speed of treatment depends on the correct determination of the cause of the disease. The patient will be referred for blood donation and examination of the fluid separated from the navel. If peritonitis or phlegmon is suspected, they are sent for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and soft tissues. Omphalitis in children is diagnosed by a pediatrician.

Fungus of the navel in a newborn

Fungus of the navel in newborns - similar disease. Diseases are similar at the initial stage, but with fungus, granulation tissue grows, in fact, there is no infectious process until pathogenic microbes penetrate inside. The disease is less dangerous than omphalitis, however, it also requires timely treatment.


Treatment of omphalitis in adults is chosen depending on the pathogens. With a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed, with fungi - antifungals. The wound also needs regular antiseptic treatment and cauterization with alcohol-containing solutions. In some cases, a gauze bandage with antimicrobial ointment is applied, if fistulas appear, then surgical intervention is required.

The table provides some drugs used in the treatment of omphalitis:

The choice of drugs and dosage is determined by the doctor.

In non-started cases, the treatment time is 5-7 days. Phlegmoid and necrotic forms require hospitalization, recovery lasts longer, depending on the general condition of the patient.

It is important during the treatment period to increase immunity with drugs and use a large number vegetables and fruits.

Are complications possible?

With a purulent and phlegmonous form of omphalitis, the risk of complications is high, so treatment should not be postponed, and the appearance of the first symptoms should be the reason for going to the hospital.

Otherwise, they may become inflamed:

  • lymph nodes (lymphangitis);
  • veins (phlebitis);
  • arteries (arteritis);
  • peritoneum (peritonitis);
  • intestinal mucosa (enterocolitis);
  • bone tissue (osteomyelitis);
  • blood (sepsis).

Lack of treatment leads to death. It is worth being attentive to your own condition, not hoping for self-healing with traditional medicine

In the case of omphalitis alternative methods treatment can only be used in conjunction with medicines and after consulting a doctor.

To avoid the disease, first of all, you need to carefully monitor the hygiene of the navel, wash the umbilical wound when it appears. Be sure to monitor the color of the umbilical ring, in case of any deviations from the norm, see a specialist. It is forbidden to tear off the formed crusts on the wound, cover it with a bandage or adhesive tape, actions provoke infection even more.

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Omphalitis- This is an inflammatory-purulent process of the navel, the surrounding tissue and subcutaneous tissue. The circumstances of the development of this disease are directly related to non-compliance with hygiene standards and requirements for caring for a newborn, and in particular for the umbilical wound. Preterm infants are much more likely to develop the disease. weakened by infection, children with aggravated heredity. If the mother experienced health difficulties during pregnancy, the birth was not easy, then this is also a predisposition to the disease.

The process of development of the disease occurs in most cases in the second week of a baby's life. Now the umbilical wound has not completely healed and is subject to the penetration of pathogenic microflora. The causative agent of omphalitis may be staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, E. coli and other microbes. The clinical picture of the disease begins with manifestations of signs of catarrhal omphalitis. This is the most popular type of omphalitis among the variety of forms. Compared with other forms, it is easily treatable and has a favorable ending of the disease. Catarrhal omphalitis is characterized by the presence of constant weeping in the umbilical ring. From time to time there are serous or serous-hemorrhagic (with an admixture of blood) discharge. The formation of multiple granulations interferes with the healing of the umbilical wound.

Purulent omphalitis includes clinical picture catarrhal omphalitis. With the development of the inflammatory process, purulent discharge begins to stand out from the umbilical wound.

Phlegmonous omphalitis is an inflammatory process that spreads to nearby tissues. It is characterized by edema and tissue infiltration. The skin at the site of inflammation is hyperemic, swelling is formed near the wound, which protrudes above the surface of the abdominal cavity, the edges of the wound are uneven, pitted. If the phlegmonous process occupies a huge area, then the child's condition suffers due to general intoxication.

Necrotic or gangrenous omphalitis is a severe purulent process during which necrosis (tissue necrosis and subsequent rejection) of tissues occurs. The skin near the umbilical wound is purple-light blue. At the site of rejection of dead skin and subcutaneous tissue, ulcers are formed that are not easily treatable.


The condition of the child with catarrhal omphalitis does not change. The disease is manifested only by local transformations in the umbilical wound. The child actively sucks the breast, behaves normally.

Symptoms of purulent omphalitis are characterized by manifestations of a local inflammatory process and a violation of the non-specialized state of the newborn. The umbilical ring and surrounding tissues are hyperemic and edematous. The navel swells and protrudes above the peritoneum. The skin at the site of inflammation is warm to the touch, the pattern of dilated veins is clearly visible. The temperature may be subfebrile or increase to 38 C, which depends on the scale of the process. The symptoms of general intoxication of the body join. The child becomes lethargic, whiny, does not suck well at the breast. Weight gain may decrease. In the blood, leukocytosis, accelerated ESR.

The phlegmonous form of omphalitis is manifested by local lesions of the umbilical ring and surrounding tissues. The wound itself is covered with a dense fibrinous roller, under which pus accumulates. At the end of its removal, an ulcer opens. The child's condition is severe, accompanied by high body temperature. The child is lethargic, lethargic, refuses to breastfeed, loses weight.


The prognosis of catarrhal omphalitis is favorable, because it is easily treatable. Purulent omphalitis is more difficult to treat, but qualified treatment leads to recovery. The prognosis of phlegmonous and necrotic forms depends on the addition of various complications and the resistance of the child's body.

Methods of treatment and possible complications

Omphalitis is complicated by the addition of lymphangitis, which begins with an inflammatory course of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The infectious agent spreads from the focus of infection and moves to the lymph nodes with the movement of the lymph. As a causative agent, streptococcus or staphylococcus is possible, which, getting into lymphatic vessels cause inflammation. It is possible to identify lymphangitis by the characteristic red stripes that appear on the skin. On palpation, a seal is felt and they are easily painful when pressed. With such a complication, the symptoms of intoxication of the body come first.

Being a focus of infection, omphalitis can cause osteomyelitis, enterocolitis. The inflammatory process enters the vessels and leads to arteritis and phlebitis (inflammation of the arteries and veins). Serious complications of the phlegmonous form of omphalitis are: phlegmon of the abdominal wall, contact peritonitis, liver abscesses, sepsis.

Treatment of catarrhal omphalitis performed on an outpatient basis. Disinfectant and antiseptic solutions are prescribed for the treatment of the umbilical wound. Multiple granulations in the umbilical region are cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate.

Specific treatment of purulent omphalitis is carried out by a surgeon. In order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process on nearby tissues and vessels, it is required to drain the purulent contents. This can be achieved through the use of drainage. A probe is inserted into the incision of the umbilical ring, through which pus is released. Such a procedure in a short time allows you to clear the focus of pus, thereby reducing inflammation. For additional cleansing of the wound, hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate are prescribed. After the wound has actually cleared, antibiotic ointments are prescribed. Balsamic liniment, synthomycin liniment, levomekol are used. In addition to local treatment, bactericidal therapy and vitamin therapy are used.

Treatment of necrotic form of omphalitis requires a whole range of necessary measures. Bactericidal therapy is prescribed. For its effectiveness, seeding is carried out for the sensitivity of the microorganism to the antibiotic. In most cases, two broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. Intravenous drip injection of plasma and plasma substitutes, glucose solution is carried out. Gamma globulin, desensitizing agents, immunotherapy and vitamin therapy are used. Specifically, in the wound, excision of necrotic areas is carried out to healthy tissue, and after that, local treatment, as in the case of purulent omphalitis. Of the methods of physiotherapy, UVI (ultraviolet radiation) and UHF (ultra-high-frequency therapy) are used.

Omphalitis is an inflammation of the navel. The disease occurs in both children and adults. In this article, we will consider this pathology in more detail.

General view

Such an insignificant organ as the navel, in fact, is a useless part of the human body. Only during the period of gestation does it play a crucial role in the life and development of the child. After birth, it becomes unnecessary. The navel is a natural scar that appears after excision of the umbilical cord in an infant on the anterior abdominal wall.

The obstetrician cuts and pinches the cord, and ten days later its remnants fall off, forming a wound. After it heals, a neat navel appears on the stomach. However, things don't always go so smoothly. Sometimes mothers notice that the navel begins to get wet. This is due to infection of the umbilical wound, which manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling, purulent discharge, fever, abdominal pain. This phenomenon cannot be ignored.

Inflammation of the navel can also appear in adults. The disease is called "omphalitis". It is characterized by the development of an inflammatory reaction of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel. In advanced stages, there is a threat of development of umbilical sepsis. Pathology is accompanied by a change in the shape of the navel. It becomes convex and hot, especially near the inflammatory focus.

Omphalitis in adults may be complicated by the appearance of an umbilical fistula. In this case, surgical intervention is required. The causes of omphalitis can be different, which determines further treatment tactics. Therefore, with a similar problem, you should immediately contact a specialist. Most often, the development of the disease is provoked by a bacterial and fungal infection.

Omphalitis in adults may appear after piercing or improper wound care after the procedure. Depending on the underlying cause, two main forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • primary - the infection penetrates directly into the umbilical wound;
  • secondary - the infection joins the fistula.

Depending on the form, omphalitis is acute and chronic. And there is also a classification that divides the pathology into categories depending on the nature of the inflammation:

  • catarrhal. This is the most common type of disease. A serous fluid is released. Crusts appear;
  • phlegmonous;
  • gangrenous - difficult to treat;
  • purulent. The navel protrudes above the abdominal wall. Ulcers and purulent discharge are formed. The gangrenous and purulent form is referred to as a necrotic form of omphalitis.

The reasons

The disease develops as a result of infection. Provoking factors that can contribute to the introduction of pathogenic microflora include the following:

  • failure to properly comply with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • improper treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • use of dirty bed or underwear, towels;
  • contamination by urine or faeces;
  • improper treatment of the resulting skin lesions;
  • touching the umbilical wound with dirty hands.

An important role is played by infectious diseases, to which a woman is more susceptible during pregnancy. Pathogenic microflora can easily affect the umbilical cord. The most common causative agents of omphalitis are the following microorganisms:

  • staphylococci,
  • streptococci,
  • coli,
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Peculiarities anatomical structure are also associated with the likelihood of disease. If the umbilical canal is narrow and deeply retracted, dying skin cells and secretions of the sebaceous glands can accumulate in it. Omphalitis in children mainly occurs as a result of improper or insufficient care.

The photo shows one of the most common causes of omphalitis - piercing

Inflammation can occur if the baby was bathed under unboiled tap water or the vest was not washed well enough. This can easily cause infection of the umbilical wound. As a result, liquid begins to accumulate in it, on the surface of which a crust appears.

After it dries up and falls off, small sores remain in its place. Such omphalitis is called simple, or catarrhal. If a purulent secret is released from the wound, the skin is redder and swells, the baby's temperature rises, then we are talking about a purulent form. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Omphalitis in adolescents and adults is much less common. And this is understandable, because the umbilical wound has healed for a long time, and the likelihood of a pathological focus is negligible. However, the disease can still occur if a person does not wash the navel area too thoroughly and does not remove the dirt accumulated in it.

Various factors can contribute to the progression of the disease:

  • weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • overwork;
  • prematurity, low weight (children's omphalitis);
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • scratches, cuts, scratching in the navel;
  • the presence of scars or tattoos;
  • rubbing the navel with tight clothing or a belt buckle;
  • inflammation after surgery;
  • excess weight;
  • the presence of diabetes.

Important! At risk are young women who like to decorate their tummies with piercings.

Another reason for infection can be a fistula. It is a channel through which different cavities are connected. Fistulas are congenital and acquired. Of these, a yellow liquid, feces, urine can stand out.

With an incomplete fistula, conservative treatment is prescribed. Baths with potassium permanganate, dressings with a solution of chlorophyllipt will be effective. You can dry the wound with iodine or brilliant green. If the fistula does not heal, an operation is performed.


In newborns, an umbilical wound usually heals within two weeks. When properly processed, it tightens. However, if an infection enters, the wound does not heal for a long time, and serous-purulent fluid is released from it. First, a crust appears, then it peels off, reopening the wound. The main symptoms of omphalitis include redness, swelling, and discharge.

Adults most often develop mild form omphalitis. It manifests itself in the form of swelling, redness and the appearance of discharge. In more severe cases, the secret is bloody and purulent. The navel does not just get wet, an unpleasant smell comes from it. It becomes bulging and hot to the touch. Omphalitis is characterized by the appearance of not only local signs, but also general ones.

A person's body temperature rises, he becomes lethargic and lethargic. At the necrotic stage of the disease, all layers of the abdominal wall are affected. Inflammation even extends to the internal organs. The skin becomes dark blue. The danger of this condition lies in the development of peritonitis and sepsis - complications that can lead to death.


Experts distinguish three forms of omphalitis. Each of them is a consequence of the previous one and occurs in the absence of treatment. So, omphalitis has three stages of development:

  • weeping navel, or simple form;
  • phlegmonous variety;
  • necrotic or gangrenous inflammation.


The general condition of the patient is not disturbed. In the navel area, weeping is observed with secretions of a serous or purulent nature. The pathological secret dries up, becoming covered with a thin crust. At the bottom of the wound, with a long-term pathological process, mushroom-shaped tumors can form.

The child is calm. He has a normal body temperature, restful sleep and a healthy appetite. The edges of the wound usually do not change or may be slightly swollen. The umbilical vessels cannot be palpated.

Important! Catarrhal omphalitis causes exclusively local changes.

The causative agents of the inflammatory process are most often staphylococci. The occurrence of catarrhal form in infants is facilitated by intrauterine hypoxia, a thick umbilical cord, violation of asepsis rules when processing the navel. And also apply tetracycline ointment or synthomycin emulsion.

Despite the fact that this is a mild form of omphalitis, treatment must be started immediately, otherwise the disease will cause serious complications. Therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis. Several times a day, you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic solution. During processing, do not forget to remove the formed crusts. From physiotherapeutic procedures, ultraviolet irradiation is applied locally.

A simple form is manifested only by local signs


This is a dangerous stage of ophmalitis, in which the inflammatory process affects the surrounding tissues. There is a gradual deterioration in the general condition. With the development of phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, the temperature rises above 39 degrees. In this case, the umbilical fossa is an ulcer. When pressed, a purulent secret is released from it.

The discharge has an unpleasant odor. The area around the navel is inflamed and swollen. When pressed, severe pain occurs. Symptoms of intoxication join local manifestations.

The patient becomes lethargic and lethargic. He has no appetite. Children are naughty, they have frequent regurgitation. Phlegmonous omphalitis is an indication for hospitalization.

The child's body in force physiological characteristics not able to fully deal with damaging factors. That is why, from the first days of life, the baby must be carefully cared for. Specific treatment is carried out by the surgeon. The specialist uses drainage to drain purulent contents. To do this, an incision is made in the umbilical ring and a drain is inserted.


It is extremely rare in debilitated patients with impaired immune system functioning. Inflammation spreads deep into, affecting the internal organs. The skin becomes dark. It resembles a bruise after a blow.

There is a high probability of developing peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum, which can be fatal. The spread of infection to the umbilical vessels can lead to sepsis - blood poisoning. Doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics as treatment. Often the patient needs surgery.


It is simply impossible to independently determine the cause of inflammation of the navel. Consultation of the surgeon is necessary. And it will also require a bacteriological culture of the discharge from the umbilical wound. Treatment of omphalitis directly depends on the cause of the disease. Most often, it is treated conservatively, however, with the formation of fistulas, surgery is indispensable.

Important! Maintaining navel hygiene while it heals is the best prevention of omphalitis.

As treatment, antibacterial agents are used in the form of ointments and tablets. If the causative agent of inflammation is a fungal infection, antifungal drugs. Injections also introduce anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin. The main focus is on strengthening the immune system. For this, vitamin therapy is carried out.

Navel piercing should be carried out in a specialized salon by a professional master. The use of exclusively sterile materials, as well as high-quality products, will minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences. After the procedure, there is usually pain and swelling. In this case, a cold compress will help. To prepare it, it is enough to attach a towel moistened with water. And you can also wrap a piece of ice in a cloth.

If bleeding occurs, it is best to use a swab from a bandage. The patch should not be used. The umbilical region should be protected from damage and infection. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching jewelry. And you should also remove dust and dirt from under the nails. Bed linen and personal towels should be changed at least once a week.

The navel area must be treated with disposable wet wipes. You should also limit contact with pets for a while. It is better to use antibacterial soap as a cleanser. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide will not work. For processing, take a cotton swab. The procedure must be carried out carefully. Do not pull the decoration.

Good disinfectant properties saline solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a quarter teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm boiled water. The finished product is used to prepare compresses. After disinfection, lightly lather the piercing and then gently blot it with a disposable cloth.

Until complete healing, you should not change the original decoration. No need to touch it, pull and rotate. Avoid wearing tight clothing and underwear. It is better to replace a hot bath with a shower with moderate temperature water. A jet of water will clean the wound well from dirt and residue detergent preventing them from entering the wound.

Until complete healing, it is forbidden to swim in the pool and open water. In extreme cases, it is better to use a waterproof patch.

The most important

Omphalitis is an inflammation of the navel. In adults, the disease most often occurs after piercing if hygiene rules are not followed. Diabetes mellitus, excess weight can contribute to the onset of the disease. In infants, omphalitis is the result of improper care. The catarrhal stage is the mildest form of the disease, but if left untreated, it can turn into a purulent phase.

If the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, it should be treated with antibiotics. But first, a bacterial culture of the discharge is carried out. Treatment includes treating the wound with antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, surgery will be required.

Omphalitis in newborns: symptoms, treatment, reviews from the forum

Omphalitis in newborns occurs when the basic rules of hygiene are not observed. The skin around the navel begins to redden, get wet and fester, and the baby's well-being gradually worsens.

Omphalitis is an inflammatory lesion of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the region of the umbilical wound in children, which occurs most often at 2-3 weeks of age. The main pathogens are some bacteria (E. coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus) and fungi. There are several forms (stages) of omphalitis:

  1. A simple form, the most common and proceeding without complications. It is characterized by redness and swelling of the umbilical ring, a pronounced increase in skin temperature around the focus of infection, lethargy and anxiety. Detachable wounds are transparent or light yellow, sometimes with a small admixture of blood.
  2. Purulent form. Accompanied feeling unwell child, weakness, lack of appetite, fever up to 38 ° C and above, severe redness and swelling of the skin on the abdomen. Discharge from the navel becomes more viscous and dark, acquire an unpleasant odor.
  3. Phlegmonous form. The condition of the newborn is severe, characterized by persistent fever above 39 °C, cramps in the limbs, vomiting, and refusal to breastfeed. The wound surface increases in size and is an ulcer covered with pus. A venous network appears on the skin of the abdomen, due to which it acquires a bluish tint. Omphalitis quickly spreads to neighboring tissues and vessels of the abdominal cavity.
  4. necrotic form. Occurs in the later stages of the disease and is characterized by the death of the affected tissues. If left untreated, the infection leads to sepsis.

It should be remembered that in premature babies the body is not yet able to adequately fight the infection, so the initial manifestations of the disease can be blurred and mild. At the same time, omphalitis progresses rapidly and becomes severe.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of omphalitis in newborns is a violation of the rules of hygiene, when the umbilical wound becomes infected upon contact with contaminated surfaces or the contents of the diaper. Less often, infection occurs in the maternity hospital with poor-quality clamping or a gross violation of the rules for processing the excised umbilical cord. The prerequisites for the development of omphalitis are the following:

  • the birth of a premature and weakened baby;
  • complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • pathology of the vessels of the abdominal cavity of the child, including fistulas;
  • pustular infections of the skin and hair follicles.

Diagnosis of the disease

A slight discharge from the navel in the first days after discharge from the hospital is considered the norm and should not cause concern to parents. However, if the inflammation persists or worsens within 1-2 weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is unacceptable to ignore the symptoms of omphalitis.

With a pronounced lesion of the surface of the navel, the definition of pathology usually does not present any difficulties. Visible changes in the skin are often accompanied by changes in the composition of the blood: increased ESR and the number of leukocytes.

In some cases, with the ineffectiveness of the prescribed therapy and the manifestation of complications of omphalitis, additional studies are prescribed for a small patient:

  • bacterial culture of the contents of the umbilical wound;
  • analysis of venous blood for the presence of infections;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to exclude the accumulation of pus;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal tissues to exclude damage to the subcutaneous fat.

A simple form of omphalitis is treated with local remedies as prescribed by a doctor: brilliant green, alcohol, potassium permanganate solution, silver nitrate, miramistin. When processing, dried discharge around the navel must be soaked with hydrogen peroxide and carefully removed with a sterile cotton swab.

Purulent omphalitis of newborns often requires a simple surgical procedure: opening the abscess with a special probe and removing its contents. A drain is usually placed in the wound to prevent stagnation of secretions. To the treatment of the umbilical wound with standard means, the application of dressings with antiseptic ointments and gels is added, and in some cases physiotherapy (UVI, UHF procedures).

Phlegmonous and necrotic forms of omphalitis require immediate hospitalization and prolonged systemic treatment. Without fail, the child is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. In severe cases of omphalitis, the removal of dead tissues and the removal of symptoms of intoxication of the body by intravenous infusion of a glucose solution are required. If necessary, anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin is administered. During the entire stay in the hospital and after discharge home, long courses of vitamin therapy (vitamins A, C and group B) are carried out.

Forecasts and prevention

With proper treatment, a simple and purulent form of omphalitis proceeds easily and without consequences for the child's body. In severe and advanced cases, problems are inevitable. To the most dangerous complications should include:

  • inflammation of blood vessels and lymph nodes;
  • phlegmon of the abdominal wall;
  • extensive destructive pneumonia;
  • damage to bone tissue (osteomyelitis);
  • inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • peritonitis;
  • abscesses of the abdominal organs;
  • pathological proliferation of connective tissue around the navel, requiring plastic surgery in future;
  • in advanced cases - blood poisoning up to death.

Congenital pneumonia in newborns

To avoid unpleasant omphalitis and its consequences, a number of rules must be observed:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap before treating the umbilical wound;
  • use only sterile wipes, cotton pads and sticks;
  • often change the diaper and properly carry out all hygiene measures;
  • carry out all prescribed procedures for premature and debilitated babies;
  • If you find any suspicious discharge, contact your doctor immediately.

For the treatment of the umbilical wound, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and a 2% brilliant green solution should be used, unless otherwise prescribed by the pediatrician. Sanitation is carried out 3-4 times a day until the wound is completely healed. To do this, it is necessary to undress the child, remove the diaper and apply a significant amount of peroxide to the wound surface, and then carefully remove the dried discharge with a cotton swab. It is forbidden to immerse cotton swabs deep into the wound and tear off the crusts from the surface of the skin. Then the treated area must be cauterized with brilliant green, capturing not only the umbilical wound from all sides, but also the skin around it. You can talk about wound healing when, when applied to it, hydrogen peroxide stops hissing.


After the birth of a child, you must:

  • Treat the navel area every day until complete healing;
  • First of all, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide, and after drying with any alcohol antiseptic solution;
  • Treat the wound regularly;
  • If pus or bloody fluid appears from the wound, contact your doctor immediately.

  • Interesting to read: treatment of Perthes disease in a child

Prevention of inflammation of the navel in an infant involves hygiene during the processing of the umbilical cord, regular care. It is contraindicated to independently remove the crust from the umbilical wound, use an adhesive plaster. If the place is reddened, swollen, or there is a discharge, do not delay a consultation with a pediatrician and start treatment in a timely manner.


Scientists are not completely clear what directly leads to the appearance of granulation tissue in this area. The main reason is the presence of a wide umbilical ring, which predisposes to the development of fungus. In newborns falling into one of these groups, this phenomenon occurs more often:

  • premature babies;
  • babies, with weak immune system, as a result of which the remainder of the umbilical cord may become inflamed with the subsequent appearance of granulations;
  • overweight kids.

Normally, after separation of the stump, the bottom of the navel becomes clean. Mushroom formation develops when there is an unhealed remnant of the umbilical process.

Fungus begins to grow imperceptibly, gradually increasing in size. It affects children in the first two months of life. The process can stop on its own, without significantly affecting the child's well-being, or continue, causing a cosmetic defect and the risk of complications.


The main symptom of the disease is the presence of a fungal bulge. At the initial stage of its growth, it is practically invisible. When small nodules (or one larger node) increase in size, they can be seen with daily hygiene of the umbilical wound, after bathing. Fungus is characterized by the following features:

  • the color is pale pink, less often - red or burgundy;
  • the consistency is dense, homogeneous;
  • the structure resembles a mushroom (a single node on a thick base) or a bunch of grapes (nodular structure);
  • painless on palpation;
  • slowly growing.

In the uncomplicated course of the disease, common symptoms usually does not happen. The child can react only when the formation is treated or it is injured by clothing (diaper, toy).

With the addition of infection and the development of omphalitis, the following are possible:

  • tearfulness and bad mood;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • bad sleep;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • soreness, swelling, hyperemia and local temperature increase in the umbilical zone;
  • discharge from the navel of a different nature;
  • local vascular changes.

If the inflammatory process is left untreated, bacteria can enter the general circulation and cause sepsis. This condition will endanger the life of the child. To prevent this, it is important to diagnose omphalitis in a timely manner and begin therapeutic measures.


As a rule, the diagnosis of granulation growth is not difficult. What to do if parents suspect this pathology in their baby, the answer is simple: make an appointment with a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon.

The doctor will examine the child. If he has reason to believe that an infection is possible, he will prescribe additional examinations. These include:

  • general clinical tests (blood, urine);
  • bacteriological examination of discharge from the umbilical wound with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the umbilical region to detect complications (subcutaneous abscess, inflamed lymph node etc.).

If non-catarrhal omphalitis is detected, other diagnostic measures may be needed. They will allow differential diagnosis not only with inflammation, but also with other pathologies (lipoma, hernial protrusion, fistula, etc.).

Types of omphalitis

Omphalitis (from other Greek oμφαλός - navel, it - inflammation) is a serious pathology that requires active medical tactics. At the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the umbilical wound of the newborn, parents should show the baby to the doctor. Therefore, it is so important to know what this disease looks like.

There are four clinical forms of the inflammatory process in the navel:


Characterized initial signs infectious injury. There is swelling and redness of the skin around the navel, light mucous discharges appear, sometimes with streaks of blood. There are no general symptoms. This form responds well to treatment and has a favorable prognosis.


During this period of the inflammatory process, purulent exudate appears. At the same time, the navel has an unpleasant odor, a heterogeneous, viscous consistency of yellow or brown color. Allocations irritate the delicate skin near the navel, hyperemia and swelling increase, and local soreness appears.

The general body temperature rises to subfebrile figures. The child's health deteriorates. The baby refuses the breast, cries, worries, sleeps badly. If treatment is not started on time, the process will move to the next stage and the consequences will be serious.


There is a pronounced general symptomatology. The child completely loses interest in food, experiencing severe intoxication. Body temperature ranges from 38.5 to 40°C. The navel is an ulcerative surface that secretes purulent masses.

The infection spreads to the surrounding tissues, penetrating the lymphatic network (red stripes are visible on the abdomen). The prognosis is extremely unfavorable, urgent hospitalization of the baby in the specialized department is required.


The baby is in a very critical condition. In the umbilical region, tissue necrosis is observed, the skin around it may turn black and become covered with blood-purulent mucus. Bacteria affect not only the lymph nodes, but also enter the bloodstream through the umbilical vessels, causing sepsis. Requires emergency medical care and systemic treatment.

Given the danger of this pathology, parents should be aware of their responsibility: do not practice self-medication and consult a doctor if any symptoms appear.

Treatment Methods

The choice of treatment tactics for uncomplicated fungus depends on the size of the formation and the general condition of the child. If the growths are small and do not have a tendency to further growth, then they are observed. At home, parents independently process the navel area every day. After a while everything will be back to normal.

If the formation is large, it is removed. The operation is performed in the department of pediatric surgery, where the baby is hospitalized for preoperative examinations and preparation for manipulation. granulation tissue removed (with a scalpel or laser), after which the wound is washed with a solution of antibiotics.

To surgical intervention resort to the ineffectiveness of conservative measures. Most moms and dads are afraid to expose their baby general anesthesia and operations, so they try to maximize the possibilities of non-invasive techniques. Popular conservative treatments for umbilical fungus in newborns include:

  • classic treatment with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green after bathing the baby;
  • treatment with a 5% solution of iodine (either "Fukortsin", or potassium permanganate, or any other antiseptic) after water procedures;
  • the use of antibacterial ointments;
  • cauterization with a lapis pencil (silver nitrate) twice a day;
  • the use of "Chlorophyllipt" ( herbal preparation based on eucalyptus);
  • application folk method cauterization of fungus with table salt.

According to numerous reviews of parents and the conclusion of a number of foreign doctors, treatment with ordinary table salt gives good results. The technique is simple: twice a day, edible salt is poured into the navel for half an hour. So that she does not get enough sleep, a patch is applied. After 30 minutes, the wound is opened and washed with water. On average, after 12–14 days, granulations completely disappear.

Prevention measures

Umbilical granuloma in newborns, according to doctors, has no specific prevention, since this phenomenon is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. The task of adults caring for a baby is to prevent the development of an infectious process. To do this, follow the rules of hygiene of the child and ensure that the navel is always clean and dry.

Foreign pediatricians and Dr. Komarovsky, popular in Russia, do not recommend abusing local antiseptics when caring for the umbilical wound. In his opinion, in order for the clothespin with the rest of the umbilical cord to fall off faster and the healing process not to be delayed, it is necessary pure water, sterile wipes and fresh air.

However, the Soviet standard for treatment with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green has its place and is used by most parents. The rules for processing the navel are as follows:

  1. Drop a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide on the bottom of the umbilical fossa.
  2. Wait for the reaction to take place.
  3. Remove contents clean cotton swab or with a sterile napkin, being extra careful, slightly stretching the edges of the navel.
  4. Dry the wound with a sterile cloth.
  5. Treat the cleaned area with brilliant green with light touches, starting from the center to the periphery, without pressure, trying not to touch the skin around.

In addition to the direct treatment of the baby, you should thoroughly wash all the toys with laundry (antibacterial) soap, iron clean things, clean and ventilate the nursery. It is very important to exclude contact of the umbilical area with the diaper and clothing.

Prevention of complications and purulent forms of omphalitis is reduced to providing timely medical care. Only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment that will lead to the recovery of the baby.

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Factors causing inflammation of the umbilical wound

Developing omphalitis in newborns is dangerous for its complications, therefore, it is necessary to identify the cause that influenced the occurrence of inflammation of the umbilical ring in a child as soon as possible. Among the negative factors are:

  • poor hygiene on the part of parents and medical staff in the maternity hospital;
  • incorrect fixation of the umbilical cord;
  • infection during the treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • poor genetic predisposition;
  • anomalies in the development of the abdominal walls;
  • causative agents can also be streptococci and staphylococci.

The kids are talking! - Zhenechka, didn't you see, there were money on the shelf here? ..

No. But if you really need it, I can draw for you.

One of the causes of visible inflammation around the navel is Klebsiella or E. coli. Often, it enters the body due to poor immunity of the newborn. Also at risk are children born prematurely or with prolonged difficult childbirth.

Symptoms of a "weeping navel", or omphalitis in newborns

You can determine the presence of an infection in the umbilical wound at home. You should sound the alarm if your baby has the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the tissues around the umbilical wound;
  • redness of the skin;
  • discharge of pus, ichor with an unpleasant odor;
  • "weeping navel";
  • fever, general weakness of the baby;
  • in a complicated form, the skin turns blue and spreads over a large area around the umbilical ring.

Note! Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms of its development may vary, therefore, if you suspect omphalitis in a newborn, consult a doctor immediately.

In our video, you will learn what omphalitis is in newborns and how to treat it. Experts share their opinion.

Types of omphalitis in newborns

Omphalitis in newborns is divided into two groups: the first (catarrhal, purulent, necrotic, phlegmonous) and the second (primary and secondary).

The kids are talking! Pasha (4 years):

Mom, are you going to work again tomorrow?

And the day after tomorrow too?

And let's better send dad there, and you will be with me!

Dad was on vacation at the time.

The first and simplest development is catarrhal omphalitis in newborns. This type of disease occurs on the 2nd-12th day after the birth of the crumbs. With the development of this form in the baby, you can notice a local change in the skin: redness, swelling, hardness on palpation. You can treat a simple form of the disease in a day hospital or at home.

Purulent omphalitis in newborns requires immediate treatment, as there is a risk of developing complications such as sepsis in infants. At this stage, you may notice pus when you press on the baby's umbilical ring. With such symptoms, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric surgeon.

Phlegmonous omphalitis in newborns develops if one of the above forms of the disease is started. characteristic feature at this stage, the child's body temperature rises to critical levels. Also, the skin around the navel becomes hot and has a pronounced red color.

The necrotic form of the disease is considered life-threatening, manifested by symptoms of blue tissue and their separation, protrusion of the umbilical wound. Sometimes fragments of intestinal loops are even visible through it.

How to treat omphalitis in newborns? Basic tricks

Treatment of omphalitis in infants is carried out in stages, and also depends on the stage of the disease. If symptoms of a developing infection are detected, additional medical diagnosis is necessary. Initially, the infant should be examined by a neonatologist and pediatrician. The baby is prescribed tests (bakposev umbilical discharge) in order to determine the necessary therapy and, if necessary, choose the right antibiotics for the baby.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs is mandatory, this is done to exclude the consequences of the disease, namely the development of sepsis in infants.

The catarrhal form baby can be treated at home by assistants pharmaceutical products, following the recommendations for the care of the umbilical wound. Treatment of purulent omphalitis in newborns is carried out only under constant supervision in a hospital and provides for local treatment of the navel with antiseptic agents three to four times a day. With purulent omphalitis in a newborn, hydrogen peroxide is initially used topically, and then alcohol solutions of calendula, brilliant green or chlorophyllipt are applied.

Attention parents! It is not necessary to use "brilliant green", treating the site of inflammation in newborns, often and carefully, since this antiseptic is absorbed into the baby's skin for a long time and can hide some of the symptoms of a developing complication.

Be sure to carry out physiotherapy with ultraviolet irradiation, and with an increase in fungus, doctors make it cauterized. Disinfectant dressings with Polymyxin, Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol and Bacitracin are also mandatory.

If conservative treatment does not help and the growth of the abscess is observed, they resort to surgical intervention.

Necrotizing omphalitis in newborns is eliminated with a laser. During this procedure, damaged tissue is removed. Then, in the process of rehabilitation, the baby is prescribed antibiotics, for example, Flemoxin or Amosin. In severe cases, several active drugs are prescribed. Bathing a baby during the treatment of an umbilical wound infection is done with the addition of "potassium permanganate" to the water at the tip of a knife.

Treatment of omphalitis in newborns with herbs, recipes

In the treatment at home can be used and folk remedies: bathing in herbs that relieve inflammation (chamomile decoction, succession), adding solutions from plants that promote wound healing (St. John's wort, celandine).

A decoction of chamomile is done as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers are poured into a liter jar and steamed with a liter of boiling water. Let's insist. The product can be used when cold. If you use succession grass, the decoction is done in the same way, only on water and medicinal plant used 1:1.

To prepare a solution from celandine, it is necessary to collect the plant in fresh in a clean area. We dry the grass and grind, then we collect celandine 1 tbsp. spoon pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, then boil this solution for 15 minutes, cool. Within a week, the product should be stored in a cool place, after which it can be used to wash the baby's navel.

Complications and consequences: what to fear?

Improper treatment or its prolonged absence often entails the development of adverse consequences, for example, in the form of the development of concomitant diseases:

  • arteritis, phlebitis;
  • lymphangitis, enterocolitis;
  • peritonitis, sepsis;
  • an umbilical tumor occurs.

Pi proper treatment omphalitis in newborns disappears without a trace. In the future, the life of the child depends on the form of the disease and the characteristics of its course.

Attention! The purulent form of the disease in a child is more difficult to treat, therefore, problems with the navel may arise in the future. A probable danger to the life of an infant is possible only with the development of accompanying diseases.

Watch a video on how to care for an umbilical wound to prevent omphalitis in a newborn.

Causes of omphalitis in newborns

The cause of omphalitis in children is most often a violation in care. Such violations can lead to a decrease in barrier functions skin in the navel, which can contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.).

Symptoms of omphalitis in children

The disease usually begins at the end of the 1st week of life. Against the background of redness of the umbilical ring, a transparent or yellowish discharge appears from the umbilical fossa. With a mild degree of severity of the disease, the general condition of the child, as a rule, is not disturbed, with a more severe course, the child becomes lethargic, sucking activity decreases, weight gain decreases, and body temperature may rise.

Treatment of omphalitis

When treating neonatal omphalitis, it is important to optimize child care. Medical treatment usually consists in frequent (3-4 times a day) treatment of the wound with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and a 2% brilliant green alcohol solution. Antibacterial ointments are also used; in case of severe disease, oral antibiotics may be recommended.

Navel hygiene rules

  1. Always keep the umbilical wound open until healing.

    Weeping and rotting under clothes and diapers, the wound is a favorable environment for the reproduction and life of bacteria.

  2. Every day, until the navel heals, bathe the baby in boiled water, adding potassium permanganate to it to make a slightly pink solution.
  3. Treat the navel at least and no more than 2 times a day. Treat three times only if the wound bleeds.
  4. Before handling your belly button, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water and wipe with an alcohol wipe or antiseptic. Anything you use to treat the navel should be for the baby only.
  5. Change your baby's diapers and clothes frequently. Even if they are dry and clean.

Use diapers with a special cutout for the navel.

How to properly treat an umbilical wound?

  1. If the umbilical cord has not yet fallen off, the umbilical ring and umbilical cord should be treated with antiseptic solutions. At home, it is better to use Chlorophyllipt. You can also use the usual green, but against its background it is hard to see how the navel is healing.

    In no case do not try to tear off, unscrew or cut off the umbilical cord. You can cause bleeding and infection.

  2. After the umbilical cord falls off, the wound is first treated with hydrogen peroxide, dripping 2-3 drops, then dried with a sterile napkin, removing those crusts that are soaked. At the end, the wound is treated with Chlorophyllipt, trying not to touch the skin around.

What is omphalitis?

Omphalitis in newborns is an inflammatory process of the bottom of the umbilical wound, umbilical vessels, skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel. Through the wound, the infection penetrates into the tissues surrounding the navel, causing inflammation, then spreads to the umbilical vessels and is fixed in them.

The greatest likelihood of developing omphalitis in:

  • premature babies;
  • children who were born prematurely;
  • children born at home;
  • babies with congenital anomalies in the development of the navel;
  • newborns with infectious skin diseases;
  • babies with diaper rash in the umbilical region.

Why does omphalitis occur in children?

The cause of omphalitis is bacteria. Among the bacteria that cause inflammation of the umbilical wound, the first place is occupied by staphylococci and streptococci. Also, other bacteria can become the cause of inflammation, among them Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus. Contributes to the emergence and development of infection, improper care of the umbilical wound and neglect of hygiene rules.

Normal healing of the umbilical wound is considered when the umbilical cord falls off on the 3rd - 5th day of the baby's life, and the navel heals completely within 2 - 4 weeks.

After the umbilical cord falls off, the most dangerous period. The wound is open, and the infection easily penetrates inside. At this time, it is important to pay special attention to the processing of the navel, observing the rules of hygiene.

Factors contributing to the development of inflammation include several conditions:

  1. Violation of the rules for the care of the baby's navel.
  2. Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  3. Prolonged wearing of diapers, a rare change of diapers and children's clothes.
  4. The baby can get the infection from sick family members.

If a family member becomes ill, try to limit the contact of a sick relative with a newborn.

What can be omphalitis?

By the nature of inflammation, the following forms of omphalitis are distinguished:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • phlegmonous;
  • necrotic.

Catarrhal omphalitis

Catarrhal omphalitis is the most favorable form of the disease, the main symptom of which is a long-term non-healing wound at the bottom of the navel with a scanty (in a small amount) watery discharge.

With this form, fluid constantly leaks from the navel, which is why it is often called "weeping navel." Periodically, the wound is covered with a crust. In some cases, there may be slight redness and swelling around the navel. When feeling the umbilical region, the vessels are not palpable (not felt at hand).

Pay your attention to the fact that in the catarrhal form the general condition of the baby is not disturbed. The baby is active, eats well, his body temperature is normal.

This is the only form of omphalitis that can be treated at home. All the rest are being treated in the surgical department of the children's hospital.

Purulent omphalitis

Purulent omphalitis is characterized by the development of edema (swelling) and hyperemia (redness) of the umbilical ring. The skin around the umbilicus is hot to the touch. At the same time, purulent contents are released from the wound. An unpleasant odor may come from the navel. In some cases, when feeling, inflamed umbilical vessels are determined.

The disease may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature of the baby. If at this time you take a blood test from a finger, inflammatory changes will be detected in it.

If the child's well-being is not severely disturbed, you can be treated at home under the constant supervision of your pediatrician. But if your doctor strongly recommends that you be treated in a hospital, do not refuse. It is better to be treated in the department under constant supervision than to earn serious complications.

Phlegmonous omphalitis

Phlegmonous omphalitis occurs when the inflammatory process spreads and captures the umbilical region.

With omphalitis of this form, the edema increases, the skin in the navel area is hyperemic, the umbilical region protrudes, as if towering above the tummy. The vessels of the anterior abdominal wall are dilated, the venous pattern on the abdomen is clearly visible. In some cases (if the crust is not removed during processing), an ulcer with jagged edges and fibrin deposits (white, film-like structures) may form at the bottom of the wound in the navel.

There is a deterioration in the general condition. The child is lethargic, sucks weakly at the breast, often burps. The skin of the baby is pale, or even pale gray. Body temperature rises to high numbers (above 38 degrees). The baby stops gaining body weight, maybe even losing it.

Necrotic omphalitis

Necrotic omphalitis is a complication of the phlegmonous form, which, fortunately, is extremely rare. But still occurs in severely weakened and premature babies.

The inflammation process goes deeper. The skin of the baby becomes purple-bluish. Necrosis (death) of the skin occurs, and it exfoliates from the underlying tissues, forming big wound. Inflammation can spread to the abdominal muscles and even to the intestines. This form is very severe and dangerous because it can lead to sepsis (infection into the blood). The general condition of the child with this form is severe.

How is omphalitis diagnosed?

The doctor can make a diagnosis by examining the baby's navel.

If necessary, he may prescribe a blood test, blood culture and discharge from the navel to determine the pathogen. Ultrasound and a plain x-ray of the abdominal cavity may also be prescribed.

A consultation with a pediatric surgeon is mandatory.

How to treat omphalitis?

At home, only the catarrhal form can be treated. All other forms are treated in the Department of Surgery.

The main task in the treatment of omphalitis is the cleansing of the umbilical wound.

Treatment of the disease is divided into several areas (stages).

Local treatment - treatment of the umbilical wound:

  • wound treatment is carried out 4 times a day, using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • after instillation of hydrogen peroxide, clean the wound with a cotton swab;
  • the final stage is treatment with antiseptic solutions (Chlorophyllipt, propolis, Dioxidin);
  • UVI (physiotherapy using ultraviolet radiation) of the umbilical wound is carried out when prescribed by a doctor;
  • Bathing the baby is a must.

In severe general condition, bathing is contraindicated. In this case, the skin is cleaned with wet wipes.

General treatment is aimed at improving the well-being of the baby.

General treatment includes:

  • antibiotic therapy, which is selected according to the results of bakposev;
  • detoxification (removal of inflammation products from the child's body);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • the appointment of drugs that enhance the protective functions of the immune system.

Surgical treatment is carried out in the department with the development of complications.


Newborn care, especially the treatment of the umbilical wound, should be carried out daily in compliance with all the rules. In order to prevent the development of inflammation, parents need to take care of the baby seriously and follow all the care recommendations given in the maternity hospital and the pediatrician during the first patronage of the newborn.

The prognosis for timely and adequate treatment of mild forms of omphalitis is favorable. So if your belly button doesn't heal two weeks after giving birth, or you see redness and pus coming from your belly button, check with your pediatrician right away.

Omphalitis in adults and children: treatment of inflammation of the navel

This is a multifactorial type of disease that affects the navel, skin and subcutaneous layer. In this case, the lymphatic and blood vessels in the body can be severely affected.

Most often, omphalitis of the navel affects the newborn in the first days of life. As a rule, the disease proceeds with complications. This is due to the transition of the treatment of the umbilical cord stump and the prevention of infection.

Omphalitis in adults, the treatment of its symptoms requires a timely visit to the doctor.

Disease Definition

Enough a rare event umbilical disease in adults. Such a disease proceeds in a mild form, and adequate and modern treatment brings results in a short period of time.

Omphalitis of bacterial origin refers to surgical pathologies, with the development of a more severe pathology, omphalitis sometimes requires surgical intervention.

To avoid the operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the main symptoms and treat inflammation.

Omphalitis is a fairly simple disease, but its main types and forms are quite serious. These are inflammatory processes in the skin that develop a wound as a result.

Due to the origin, two types of lesions can be identified:

  1. Primary - the development of infection directly in the umbilical wound itself;
  2. Secondary - joining the infection to the fistula (due to the progression of the disease).

The nature of the inflammatory process:

  1. Catarrhal (seropurulent, simple and "weeping navel") is the more common form. Occurs when the epithelium begins to slowly cover the wound. In this process, a colorless liquid comes out of the wound, and then granulation and blood crusts appear.
  2. Phlegmonous.
  3. Necrotic (gangrenous) - this type is very difficult to cure.
  4. Purulent lesions are a particularly serious form of omphalitis, which causes severe ulcers, purulent discharge, and the navel protrudes above the abdominal cavity.

The forms are divided into acute, chronic and bacterial nature of origin.

Causes of infection of the navel

A factor in the development of a lesion of the navel is an infection that affects the body (staphylococcal or E. coli), which penetrates the umbilical wound. She heals completely after the baby is born. Pathology affects newborns, as well as older children and even adults. Common factors that provoke the development of infection:

  • not following the basic rules of hygiene, which very often leads to the spread of infection, which infects not only children, but also adults;
  • poor wound care;
  • contamination by urine or feces;
  • dirty bed linen, underwear or towel.

It is also important to consider pregnancy, in which many infections are transmitted from the mother to the newborn child. If she is sick infectious disease bacteria can enter the umbilical cord.

From the first days of life, a newborn needs special attention by the parents.

Children of this age group are characterized by weak immunity and hypersensitivity to bacteria and infections.

Some diseases are caused by adults. Among them is omphalitis in a newborn.

In a broad sense, this pathology is an inflammatory process that affects skin around the umbilical wound. The most common cause of this disease is improper baby care.

Concept and characteristics

Omphalitis in newborns - photo:

Omphalitis is an infectious disease that occurs mainly in newborns. during the first weeks of their lives. The pathological process leads to inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and skin around the umbilical ring.

The disease has characteristic symptoms, due to which the doctor can establish a preliminary diagnosis during a visual examination of the baby.

Treatment of omphalitis should be carried out immediately. Otherwise, inflammation can spread to the internal organs of the child.

How does infection occur?

In most cases, the causative agent of omphalitis is Staphylococcus aureus(almost 80%). Rarely cause disease coli and streptococci.

As a result of the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the umbilical wound, they spread not only over the skin in a certain area, but also into the peritoneum, as well as the internal organs of the baby.

The main factor that increases the risk of infection is lack of treatment of the umbilical wound during the first days of a newborn's life.

ICD 10 code: P38 Neonatal omphalitis with little or no bleeding.

Infection of the umbilical cord can happen in several ways.

The infection can be a consequence of other pathological processes in the body of a newborn or get into it by contact and household contact.

Before treating a wound, wash your hands thoroughly and avoid contamination. Otherwise, the risk of infection increases several times. In addition, the source of infection can be contact with an infected person. In this case, washing your hands will not help to avoid infection.


Omphalitis most often occurs in children with critical immunocompromised.

At risk are premature babies and babies born as a result of complex labor activity.

The organisms of such infants cannot fully resist infections. The reason for the development of the inflammatory process can be the slightest deviation from the mode of treatment of the umbilical wound to accelerate its healing.

Causes Omphalitis can be the following factors:

Classification and forms

Omphalitis in newborns can be primary and secondary. In the first case, the disease develops on the background infection of the umbilical cord.

The cause of secondary omphalitis is the existing pathology of a congenital or acquired nature in a newborn.

Additionally, the disease is divided into simple and launched form depending on the degree of progression of the inflammatory process.

According to the nature of the course, omphalitis is divided into the following types:

Symptoms, signs and clinical picture

Healing of the umbilical wound should occur within a maximum of two weeks. In some cases, this process may be accompanied by the formation of small yellow crusts.

This nuance is not a pathology, but with the appearance of any discharge, there is a risk of infection. This symptom is accompanied by suppuration of the wound. Gradually, additional signs of omphalitis develop.

When they appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms omphalitis manifests itself in the following conditions:

  • redness of the skin around the umbilical ring;
  • too long healing of the umbilical wound;
  • blue skin tone around the navel of a newborn;
  • the appearance of a rash around the umbilical ring;
  • swelling of the tissues around the navel;
  • discharge from the umbilical wound;
  • tearfulness and capriciousness of the child;
  • poor appetite;
  • body.

Complications and consequences

Omphalitis is one of the dangerous diseases.

If the inflammatory process has not been eliminated, as a result of which it has spread throughout the child's body, then any internal organs can disrupt performance.

The infection affects the intestines, lungs, endocrine system, blood and The lymph nodes. Against the background of the disease, the infant increases risk of contracting other diseases infectious nature, including pneumonia.

Some of these diseases are deadly and can cause death in a newborn.

Complications Omphalitis can be the following consequences:

  • inflammation of the bone tissue (osteomyelitis);
  • defeat inflammatory process arteries and veins;
  • abscesses of internal organs;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • lymphangitis ( inflammation);
  • pneumonia (infectious lung disease);
  • peritonitis (development of an inflammatory process in the peritoneum);
  • bowel disease (enterocolitis).


Diagnosis of omphalitis does not involve difficulties for a specialist.

The doctor can recognize the signs of the disease based on external signs inflammatory process.

Additional procedures are prescribed to determine the stage of development of the infection and the degree of damage to the body of the newborn.

The data of such studies are necessary for the preparation of a course of therapy for the disease. If the treatment is carried out incorrectly, then the risk of complications will increase.

Diagnostics omphalitis is carried out by the following procedures:

  • bakposev discharge from the umbilical wound;
  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues and abdominal cavity;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • plain radiography of the abdominal cavity.


How to treat a baby? When treating omphalitis, doctors may use several treatment regimens.

The key role is played by the general condition of the child, the individual characteristics of his body, the stage and degree of development of the disease, as well as the presence of additional diseases, against which the infection of the baby occurred.

Treatment can be carried out in a hospital or at home. To prescribe a certain course of therapy, a preliminary and complete examination of the newborn is necessary.


Local treatment of omphalitis is to eliminate the inflammatory process antiseptic solutions.

This form of therapy is acceptable only in the absence of complications of the disease.

Treatment may be at home, but if there is suspicion of the spread of infection, the newborn is placed in a hospital. The specialist should determine the need for hospitalization of the child.

Local treatment is as follows procedures:

  1. It is necessary to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound (the remaining liquid is carefully removed with a cotton swab or disc).
  2. Treatment of the umbilical wound with drugs from the group of antiseptics (Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, brilliant green solution).
  3. Additionally, you can treat the skin herbal decoctions(for example, a decoction of calendula or chamomile).
  4. With the formation of fungus, cauterization with the use of silver nitrate is recommended.
  5. When bathing a newborn, it is recommended to add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the water.


The need for systemic treatment of omphalitis arises if there are complications inflammatory process.

In this case, the only way to eliminate the infection is to use antibiotics.

Drugs in this category can be prescribed in the form of ointments or other forms of release. Under no circumstances should you select them yourself. The need for antibiotics should be determined only doctor.

Systemic treatment of omphalitis is as follows procedures:


In the treatment of omphalitis are widely used physiotherapy procedures helping to greatly speed up the process of recovery of the child.

A newborn may be prescribed treatment of an umbilical wound with a helium-neon laser, UV radiation, UHF therapy or microwave therapy.

Procedures do not deliver to the baby pain and they are well tolerated. The doctor should determine the need for a particular type of physiotherapy.


In the presence of complications or necrotic tissue damage around the navel, in most cases there is the need for surgery.

This procedure is mandatory in the formation of fungus, umbilical-vesical fistula, extensive phlegmon of the abdominal cavity or the absence of the result of the therapy.

After an operation to open an abscess or removal of dead tissue the child is assigned additional treatment to speed up the wound healing process.

Diseases of the navel during the neonatal period, what to do? Learn about it from the video:

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Purulent omphalitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the bottom of the umbilical wound, umbilical ring and blood vessels, paraumbilical subcutaneous fatty tissue. The cause of the disease is bacteria. The pathological process begins most often in the 2nd week of a baby's life, in many cases with a catarrhal form of omphalitis.

The disease often occurs in the absence of proper care for the newborn. In the first weeks of his life, the skin is very sensitive to various injuries, in addition, there is an open wound in the umbilical region during this period.

The baby's body, due to its physiological characteristics, is not able to fully deal with various damaging factors. Therefore, parents of newborns need to be very careful and careful when caring for their navel and skin.


The disease most often begins with catarrhal omphalitis. At the same time, the navel constantly gets wet, and after a while, suppuration occurs from the umbilical wound.

Purulent omphalitis in newborns is manifested by a local inflammatory process. At the same time, the general condition of the child is disturbed. The umbilical ring, as well as the tissues surrounding it, are edematous and hyperemic. The navel due to edema increases in size and protrudes above the anterior wall of the abdomen.

At the site of inflammation, the skin is hot, dilated veins are visible. Body temperature depends on the prevalence of the process - it can be 38 degrees or subfebrile. Further signs of general intoxication join: the child is lethargic, restless, he has no appetite, weight gain decreases.

With severe purulent omphalitis, the general condition of the newborn suffers even more - the shape of the navel changes, it becomes protruding or ringed. Body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees and more, the child begins to lose weight. A thick crust appears on the umbilical wound, pus accumulates under it. If such a wound is accidentally torn off or injured, then ulcers may appear on the surface of the navel.

Ulceration may cover plaque and surround a dense roller that forms from inflamed skin. In the case of the development of a severe form of the disease, the inflammatory process covers a large part of the umbilical region, purulent discharge becomes abundant.

At the same time, the child is naughty, sleep is disturbed, body temperature rises, frequent regurgitation occurs and appetite decreases. If the baby has such symptoms, he needs urgent hospitalization.

It must be remembered that in a premature baby, with the development of omphalitis, changes around the navel may not occur, or they may be minimal, since the immune system of such babies is not yet able to actively fight the infection. In such children with omphalitis, signs of toxicosis with lethargy, refusal of the breast, high body temperature and other clinical manifestations predominate.

Then a severe form of the disease develops rapidly and there is a high probability of developing complications - metastatic purulent foci (enterocolitis, destructive pneumonia, osteomyelitis), sepsis.


Diagnosis of purulent omphalitis is not difficult. It is based on characteristic local manifestations (purulent discharge from the umbilical wound, hyperemia of the skin around it).

In the general blood test, inflammatory changes are possible - the ESR and the level of leukocytes increase. If the development of phlegmon of the abdominal wall is suspected, an ultrasound of the soft tissues is performed, and if peritonitis is suspected, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed.


To prevent the possibility of developing purulent omphalitis, it is necessary to properly treat the umbilical wound. For this you need:

  • First treat the umbilical wound with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then treat the dry wound with a 2% brilliant green solution or alcohol.
  • The frequency of processing per day is 3-4 times.
  • Processing is carried out daily until complete healing.

In addition, if catarrhal omphalitis occurs, it is necessary to take care of its adequate treatment, since very often purulent omphalitis develops precisely from this form.


Specific treatment for purulent omphalitis is carried out by a surgeon. To prevent the development of inflammation in nearby tissues, an outflow of purulent contents is necessary. This can be achieved using drainage. An incision is made in the umbilical ring and a probe is inserted, so the pus is released.

Using this procedure, you can clear the focus of purulent contents for a short time thereby reducing inflammation. For the purpose of additional cleansing of the wound, hypertonic solutions of magnesium sulfate and common salt are used. After cleaning the wound, the use of antibiotic-based ointments (for example, levomekol or synthomycin ointment) is indicated. In addition to local treatment, antibiotic therapy and vitamin therapy are indicated.

Treatment of purulent omphalitis is quite complicated, but the approach of a qualified specialist to it contributes to the recovery of the child. The prognosis for complex timely therapy is favorable, but sometimes generalization of the process and the occurrence of foci of infection as a result of metastasis are possible.