You drink pills, the head does not go away, what to do. Choosing the best headache pills: list, instructions and recommendations

Headache is one of the signs of fatigue and ill health, the necessary rest and treatment. Frequent pain and discomfort are witnesses of chronic pathology. Persistent headache is a symptom acute illness, pathological fatigue or exacerbation chronic disease. What to do if the headache does not go away? And how often can you take painkillers?

Why pain occurs

Often a headache occurs due to poisoning of brain cells. Causes of poisoning can be as follows:

  • External poisons and toxins.
  • Internal poisons from foreign microorganisms (viruses, helminths).
  • Internal own poisons - waste products of the cells themselves, which were not removed due to impaired blood circulation.
  • Injuries.

In this case, painful sensations can be aching or strong, constant or periodic, even or pulsating. The nature of the headache and its localization, as well as the time of occurrence of painful sensations (during the day, after sleep or at night in a dream) may be a sign of a particular disease.

Should I take painkillers?

The first remedy for pain is pain medication tablets. They reduce sensitivity and bring relief. But they cannot be taken constantly (for a whole week, month or year). What to do? How to help your body? Let's take a closer look at the causes of headaches.

Discomfort and soreness signal a problem. Pain can be temporary (for example, a person is overworked, the body needs sleep and rest). Then you can take an anesthetic pill and go to bed. There will be no pain after sleep.

Discomfort may be frequent or persistent. For example, when broken cerebral circulation. In this case, the analgin tablet removes external symptoms, and ignores the cause of the disease.

With frequent headaches, taking painkillers hides from the person the need for examination and treatment. A neglected disease will make itself felt later, treatment will be complex, expensive and not always possible.

So what to do if the headache does not go away either after rest or after sleep? Take analgin or endure discomfort?

Medical consultation: why is it necessary?

Even if you are a supporter traditional medicine, a visit to the doctor will help to find out the cause of the pain. After a medical diagnosis, you will know what to deal with. And at your discretion, turn to natural healing or pharmaceutical preparations.

For unhealthy digestion

What to do in case of unhealthy digestion? First aid remedy number 1 - cleansing enema. It removes fecal deposits (a source of toxins) from the intestines. As a result, the headache decreases or completely lets go.


With spasm of blood vessels or their pinching, means for relaxation help:

    Massage of the neck and shoulder area, upper back.

    After the massage: hot shower on the back of the head, neck, upper back.

    Stretching of the spine (hanging, stretching).

Why can't you ignore the pain in your head? In neurology, the nutrition of brain cells is disrupted. If measures are not taken to normalize blood circulation, destructive changes form: some of the brain cells slowly die, memory disappears.


Persistent headache after sleep, accompanied by weakness and nausea, is a sign of low blood pressure. From natural remedies, you can turn to coffee, nuts. In cases low pressure an injection of a drug to increase pressure allows you to forget about a headache for a long time.

High blood pressure and compressive headaches (during wakefulness and sleep) require drugs to reduce pressure. They not only bring relief, but also reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Causes of headache are pathological processes inside human body. If you ignore the pain signals of the body, then the condition will worsen. Therefore, you can not "treat" with painkillers or antipyretic pills. It is necessary to find out the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

Headaches can affect anyone, regardless of age and lifestyle. They can appear due to nervous overstrain, changes in weather conditions, as well as with the appearance of various diseases. Often they pass on their own, it is enough to rest or sleep. In this case, there are situations when the head hurts badly, the pills do not help. Not everyone knows what to do, and it is important to take action in a timely manner. This is the only way to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, and also not to worsen your health.

Before treating a headache, it is important to understand its causes. You should not immediately assume the worst options, there are quite safe factors that cause an intense headache. It is enough to familiarize yourself with possible reasons so that you can roughly guess which one is the case.

For many people, it is stressful situations that lead to headaches. That is why there is nothing strange if a headache occurs after a nervous strain. In such a situation, you must definitely try to calm down, and then the discomfort will subside.

Also, changing weather conditions can lead to intense pain in the head. For example, some people get headaches when it's going to rain. For others, discomfort in the craniocerebral box appears before the snow. Unpleasant symptoms can last all day, and sometimes for several days. Gradually, the headache will subside, you just need to wait or use folk remedies.

In some patients, medication leads to the symptom in question. These are situations where there is side effect from strong drugs. It's even worse if you overdose. In this situation, it is definitely necessary to take timely measures to prevent negative consequences. It would be best to rinse the stomach, as well as call an ambulance.

Changes in blood pressure also lead to an undesirable symptom. Headache can be both low and high blood pressure. Another question is what exactly provoked such a jump. If pressure problems are observed constantly, then you will definitely need to see a doctor.

An allergic reaction can also lead to an intense headache. For this reason, it is imperative to avoid contact with allergens. It can be wool, dust or pollen from flowers. Some people get worse during certain seasons allergic reaction. In such a situation, special pills should be taken to alleviate the condition. It is noteworthy that conventional analgesics will not help to overcome a headache. The best effect is noted in cases where a person uses anti-allergic drugs to relieve its symptoms.

Alcohol abuse or smoking in general worsens health. because of bad habits Often there is an intense headache. In order to overcome it, you should reconsider your lifestyle. If a person manages to give up alcohol and tobacco, then he will immediately notice how much his health has improved.

For some people, headaches are caused by intense physical activity. It is possible that this is due to insufficient vascular function, as well as external factors such as a stuffy room or heat outside. It is important not to overwork yourself and exercise in moderation. Then you don't have to suffer from unpleasant symptoms such as headaches. It is noteworthy that in some situations, on the contrary, a lack of physical activity leads to discomfort in the cranial box. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

For some people, it may be enough to stop being nervous, start eating better, and get rid of bad habits in order to feel better. It may take several weeks to get rid of unpleasant manifestations. If even the right lifestyle does not affect the headache, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Possible diseases

If the patient's headache does not go away even after the pills, one can suspect the presence of serious pathologies. Sometimes a person may not even suspect that he has a disease. Moreover, many ailments may not show themselves for a long time, which is why they can only be detected in the later stages. That is why it is useful to undergo a preventive examination, which will allow you to early stages identify diseases.

Migraine is one of the most common causes of headache attacks. They can last from several hours to 2-3 days. It all depends on the personal characteristics of the patient, as well as on the measures taken. The disease is often inherited, or appears due to malnutrition, disruptions in hormonal balance, or due to vascular pathologies.

Before a migraine starts, a person often uses the following alarming symptoms:

  1. Mood swings, in particular, there is increased irritability, or vice versa, apathy.
  2. There may be nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief.
  3. Photophobia is often observed, as well as discomfort from any noise.

The headache itself is intense, often temporarily depriving a person of his ability to work. The pill will only help if the attack is just beginning. At the same time, conventional medicines may not have the desired effect, so you have to take special migraine remedies. In general, it is important to prevent seizures by taking preventive measures. A person should avoid those factors that can cause pain in the head.

Cluster pain is also not uncommon, and in this case, the discomfort is concentrated at one point. Often the disease is observed in men of a dense physique, in children it is not diagnosed. The pain is acute, and there may be increased irritability, nausea, watery eyes, and increased sweating. Often, problems with the hypothalamus lead to the disease.

In some cases, pain in the head may occur due to the appearance of neoplasms. They are either benign or malignant. In the first case, doctors may not take steps to treat if the tumor does not grow. When a malignant process is observed, then therapy is indispensable. The most important thing is not to start the pathology, because in the first stages you can achieve best effect in treatment.

Often, a brain tumor leads to vomiting, dizziness, impaired consciousness, memory loss, numbness of the limbs. Medications alone will not be enough for treatment, more serious measures will need to be used, for example, chemotherapy or surgery. Only a doctor will be able to decide what exactly is necessary for a particular patient.

Methods of treatment

Regardless of the cause, it is important for a person what to do when a headache appears. The sooner you start therapy, the more likely you are to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. It should be understood that pills are not the only way to deal with pain in the head. There are other ways to help eliminate an unpleasant symptom, and they are worth considering.

What to do when pills do not help:

  1. Take a walk in the fresh air and try to calm down. It is not uncommon for people to rest enough to no longer experience an unpleasant symptom.
  2. Drink chamomile tea, cabbage juice, or dilute a pinch of cinnamon in a spoonful of water to relieve discomfort. Of course, in some cases folk remedies may not be enough, but it's worth a try, given the harmlessness of folk remedies.
  3. Usage essential oils. You can try to rub them into the temples, as well as into the forehead area. Peppermint or menthol oil helps well, because they relieve pain and also have a calming effect.
  4. Vinegar compress. It is recommended to mix a glass of vinegar juice, and then dilute it with cool water in the same proportion. Next, you need to wet a rag or towel in a similar solution, then wring out and pull off your head. The compress should be kept for about 15 minutes, during which time the headache should subside a little.
  5. Head massage. Massage is often effective for headaches, and it works even when the pills do not have the desired effect. You will need to massage the temples, the frontal zone, the back of the head. Movements should be stroking, dotted, while you should not rush. Approximately 10 minutes is enough to notice improvements in well-being.

In some situations, an unpleasant symptom can only be removed with the help of sleep. You need to take a nap for at least a few hours in a cool room, while no one should interfere. Even if there is a lot to do, you should set aside time for rest. Then the headache will subside significantly and may completely disappear.

There are also situations when an unpleasant symptom does not want to go away. If it lasts more than a day, and the reasons are unknown, then you definitely need to see a doctor. Headache should not be ignored, because it can talk about dangerous diseases. Thanks to the diagnosis, it is possible to identify pathologies in the early stages and begin the correct treatment.

For the future, it can be recommended to implement measures that will prevent the occurrence of headaches. First of all, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours so that the body fully rests. It is important not to forget to walk in the fresh air and eat right. You should tune yourself in a positive way and try to be less nervous, and then the unpleasant symptoms will not bother you.

In general, a headache that does not go away even after a pill should alert a person. When she only appeared once, there is little cause for concern. If a symptom occurs regularly, it is important to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Only qualified medical assistance will avoid serious complications and quickly get rid of headaches.

Name me at least one person who would never have a headache ... This unpleasant sensation is familiar to almost everyone, and some do not even know how it is to live without pain. At the same time, most people are not treated, but simply drink painkillers and live quietly with this problem for years, if not decades. What is the risk? At least the quality of life suffers. However, most often, there is a decrease in the level of daily activity and an increase in the risk of developing depression.

Actually, it's not that scary. There is another circumstance, which was the reason for writing this article. One person can have several types of headaches (cephalgia) at the same time, which greatly complicates diagnosis and thoroughly lubricates clinical picture. Everything will be fine with the doctor, he will understand the situation, but it is more difficult for the patient - against the background of the existing pain that he has had for a long time, he may not notice a new one, which may be a sign of a serious illness.

In other words, if the head hurts for the first time, then the person will go to the doctor; if she was sick from her youth, and now she began to hurt a little more or a little differently, then, most likely, the person will simply start taking another painkiller. And you should see a doctor ... That is why many brain pathologies go unnoticed in the early stages. What to do? We are in favor of an annual medical examination, so our clinic has an examination program focused on identifying the causes of headaches.

Before talking about treatment, I will consider the mechanism of development of the most common diseases. This will help to understand the causes of the pain syndrome and to realize the expediency of all medical appointments.

Tension headache

This condition is based on excessive tension of the pericranial muscles, i.e. muscles around the skull. These include the frontal, temporal, chewing, suboccipital and other muscles. This feature determines the nature of the pain syndrome - the pain, as it were, compresses the head with a ring.

The reasons

Despite the fact that the immediate cause of pain is muscle hypertonicity, the psychogenic factor plays a leading role. However, there is nothing surprising here - emotional tension is automatically transformed into muscle tension.

It would be naive to deny the fact that many of us function under chronic stress. Take any person leading an "office" lifestyle. What catches your eye? Hypodynamia, work with large flows of information, coffee and cigarettes ... A familiar picture, isn't it? At the same time, such factors as the degree of satisfaction with the conditions and remuneration, relationships in the team or the loyalty of the management remain behind the scenes. Why am I? Some patients say at the reception that a painful sensation can arise in them immediately after an unpleasant conversation with one of their colleagues or even at the mere thought of the need to prepare a report and speak to superiors. This is one of many examples, the situation can be absolutely any. It is important to understand that the presence of a long-term unresolved internal or external conflict in a person gives rise to constant emotional stress, which is the cause of this type of headache.


How do they appear? These pains in the truest sense of the word are squeezing in nature. Some people compare them to a tightening hoop, others to a vise; in the medical literature, the term "hard hat pain" is used. The unpleasant sensation is not particularly intense, and does not depend on the level of daily physical activity. However, in many patients there is a direct relationship between the onset of pain and previous stress.


If we talk about treatment, then in addition to the traditional drug therapy non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants (Citramon, Ibuprofen, Mydocalm, Katadolon, etc.) show an osteopathic effect and help from a psychologist. Osteopathy will allow you to relieve painful muscle tension, and psychotherapeutic support is necessary to work with such emotional disorders as increased anxiety, various phobias or depressions, which are common in this condition. Without working through all aspects of the problem, it is almost impossible to achieve any significant results.

Migraine (hemicrania)

Migraine (hemicrania) - one-sided pain of a throbbing nature

This is probably one of the few diseases that holds a special place in the minds of most people - almost everyone who has a severe headache thinks he has a migraine. This is not always the case, since this pathology has very specific features. For example, a typical migraine attack is characterized by a headache so intense that it literally turns the person off from everyday life. It is impossible to do anything, it remains only to crawl under the covers and hide.

The reasons

It is currently believed that the cause of the disease is associated with an anomaly in the functioning of the trigeminovascular system (a set of certain brain structures), or rather, with its increased sensitivity. Being easily excitable, it can be overly activated and trigger a whole cascade of pathological processes that give rise to painful symptoms. Thus we are dealing with individual feature a person with a chronic illness.

What can trigger migraine attacks? Basically, anything. However, there are a number of established factors that are directly related to episodes of hemicrania in most people. These include the use of certain foods, cyclical changes in the body of women, disruption of the sleep-wake rhythm and fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. Does this include stress? Undoubtedly! Many patients report that pent-up negative emotions are also a kind of trigger. I will say more, in a number of cases, an equal sign can be put between a painful symptom and an unpleasant experience. If you like, the body thus tells us the truth about our true feelings. In any case, so say the supporters of the psychosomatic concept.


As mentioned above, migraine is chronic illness, characterized by the cyclical occurrence of seizures, which are manifested by throbbing pain in the temporal or temporal-fronto-orbital region. The head can alternately hurt on one side or the other (more often on one side). The pain syndrome is often accompanied by dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. It is noteworthy that bright lights, loud noises or strong smells only exacerbate the situation. Another feature is that some people immediately before an attack have a migraine aura - a symptom complex represented by unusual visual sensations (flies before the eyes, loss of visual fields or distortion of the perception of surrounding objects).


It is at such moments that triptans (Amigrenin, Relpax, etc.) should be taken - specific medications that can prevent the occurrence of the symptoms described above. However, everything is not so simple. According to modern ideas, treatment of migraine is a complex process that requires consideration of all provoking factors. It is not enough to relieve an attack, it is necessary to develop a program that allows minimizing irritation of the trigeminovascular system. For example, a complex of therapeutic measures may include drug support (Propranolol, Vasobral, Cinnarizine, Amitriptyline, etc.), correction of postural disorders and psychotherapeutic assistance. Everything is very individual.

Cervicogenic headache (cervicocranialgia)

This is pain associated with structural damage. cervical spine and surrounding soft tissues. We are talking about degenerative-dystrophic processes leading to arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, spasm of the suboccipital muscles and irritation of the sensitive nerve fibers located in this area.

The reasons

Why is this happening? Blame a sedentary lifestyle, curvature of posture (osteochondrosis) or previous spinal injuries (in particular, whiplash). In some cases, the cause of the pain is incorrectly fitted glasses.

We have already dealt with the “office syndrome” earlier. Now let's touch on another aspect of this condition, namely, let's talk about such a postural violation as the forward position of the head. This phenomenon occurs not only in the office. Pay attention to people in public transport - the universal use of smartphones. What does this lead to? Let's do an experiment. Take a filled teapot and try to hold it in front of you at arm's length. Hard? Do you feel tension? The same thing happens with the muscles of the neck, which are trying to keep the head in a tilted position. Being chronically tense, they can block the intervertebral joints and prevent venous outflow from the head, thereby provoking the onset of cephalalgia.


It is worth noting that the head hurts (or hurts more) only on one side, and is not accompanied by pulsation (the pains are rather aching in nature). It is noteworthy that an unpleasant sensation begins in the region of the back of the head or neck, subsequently spreading to the parietal-temporal-frontal region. Some people may experience dizziness and intolerance to bright lights or loud sounds during these moments. The described symptomatology occurs in the morning (in the supine position), after sleep, or during the day, during such types of daily activities as working at a computer or driving a car.


How to treat? In its pure form, analgesics are not particularly effective. Muscle relaxants, microcirculation correctors and venotonics are used. It is now generally accepted that the most reasonable tactics for managing patients with cervicogenic headache is therapy, including manual correction, physiotherapy exercises and lifestyle modification. It is important not only to “correct” the neck and choose exercises, a person needs to monitor his posture himself and maintain good physical shape.

Medicinal abuse

Abusive headache is a complex psychophysiological phenomenon that occurs as a result of long-term use of painkillers. It's about the "habit" of feeling pain.

The reasons

As you already understood, there are several types of cephalgia, each of which has its own characteristics. It is logical that, based on this, it is necessary to develop a treatment program. However, most people do not consider it necessary to see a doctor, but simply use analgesics, without thinking about the fact that the pills do not act on the cause, but only remove the pain. Gradually, the body gets used to them, and the drugs stop helping. This can go on for quite some time. The drugs will change, and the pain will eventually become chronic.

In medicine, there is such a thing as a body scheme. As an illustration of this phenomenon, one can give an example of phantom pains. Imagine the following situation: a person suffers from pain in the leg for a long time, it is amputated, but “it” continues to hurt ... The leg was cut off, but the feeling that “it” hurts remained! Amazing, isn't it? This happens because there is a body, but there is a scheme of the body (the brain's idea of ​​it), and in some cases these things do not coincide. That's why there is no leg, but "it" hurts - the brain continues to "think" that there is a leg! If pain is built into the scheme of the body, then the real body has no choice but to "recognize" it as its part. This is what characterizes drug abuse.


At first, the symptoms may have features of the primary disease - migraine or tension headache. Subsequently, these features are blurred: the pain becomes constant and non-localized, sleep is disturbed, various emotional disorders appear. To say that in such a state it is impossible to do anything is to say nothing. A person completely loses the ability to enjoy life. All the signs of depression are on the face.


The treatment of chronic pain is a complex task that requires titanic efforts on the part of both the doctor and the patient. All activities are carried out as part of the treatment of the underlying disease. First of all, it is necessary to cancel all painkillers. It is important to normalize brain function, therefore, nootropics, microcirculation correctors and antioxidants are prescribed. One of the priorities is to improve the emotional background and quality of sleep. For this purpose, anxiolytics or antidepressants are selected. However, psychotherapeutic support is crucial, as the temptation to return to pain medication is very strong. However, this is a typical strategy for the behavior of people with chronic pain. Many patients benefit from relaxation treatments and moderate physical activity.

Vegetovascular dystonia

AT modern classification diseases given state referred to as "somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system". In principle, the essence of this does not change.

The reasons

The logic is that the existing vegetative imbalance periodically (for example, when the weather changes) leads to malfunctions in the entire vascular network: when it is necessary to expand, the vessels narrow, and vice versa, when it is necessary to narrow, they expand.


This explains the nature of pain. As a rule, these are throbbing or pressing headaches that do not have a clear localization (the forehead, temples or the whole head may hurt), but are often accompanied by such unpleasant phenomena as dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations or excessive sweating. It is noteworthy that such episodes arise as a response to certain stressful situations, and, often, they themselves proceed against the background of pronounced emotional stress.


These people are helped not by painkillers, but by sedatives.

We have analyzed the most common pathologies that do not have an obvious organic component. That is, they do not change the structure of the brain. That is why in such cases, MR angiography (the most informative diagnostic method) visualizes the absolute norm. However, this does not mean at all that it is pointless to undergo an examination. Examining a person, the doctor builds a hypothesis, which can be verified only in the course of diagnostic measures. Sometimes, not everything is so simple, and only modern equipment can clarify the situation. For example, migraine symptoms often hide much more serious problems.


What characterizes almost all tumors (and there are an extremely large number of them) that can affect the brain? All of them lead to its gradual destruction. At first, this process is asymptomatic, but subsequently, as the disease progresses, pain and various functional disorders come to the fore (visual acuity quickly decreases, swallowing is disturbed, or coordination of movements deteriorates). Treatment is operative. There are also various variations: gamma knife, chemotherapy, etc.

Aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations

A cerebral aneurysm is a pathology characterized by a local expansion of any cerebral artery, which occurs as a result of a protrusion of its wall. As for arteriovenous malformation, it is a tangle of randomly intertwined vessels with an abnormally high blood flow velocity. Increasing in size, both vascular formations can compress the surrounding structures, which gives rise to a variety of symptoms (pain in the projection of the aneurysm, ringing in the ears, epileptic seizures, emotional instability, etc.). That's not all. The seriousness of the situation is that these things are quite fragile, and the probability of their spontaneous rupture is extremely high. Therefore, in order to prevent intracerebral hemorrhage, it is necessary to surgically eliminate its potential source.


Do not believe it, our brain not only “thinks”, but also constantly produces a liquid in which it is itself. It is also called liquor. Since this cerebrospinal fluid is released continuously, it needs to flow somewhere from the cranial cavity (there is simply not enough space for it). What happens if the outflow of CSF is difficult? rises intracranial pressure. This is observed in oncology and inflammatory processes, as well as after hemorrhagic strokes, injuries and operations. In many people, hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome occurs without obvious causes. It manifests itself as bursting pain, which can intensify when the head is tilted down. Sometimes it is possible to cope with it through drugs (using Aescusan or Diakarb), but in some cases, an operation is performed - ventriculoperitoneal shunting.

Malformation (anomaly) Arnold-Chiari

Arnold-Chiari malformation - descent of the cerebellar tonsils (red arrow) into the foramen magnum (green line)

No one doubts the fact that the brain is located in the head, and the spinal cord is located in the back (in the spine). The cranial cavity communicates with the spinal cavity through the foramen magnum. This is the place where the brain passes into the spinal cord. In some people, the cerebellum can “fall through” into this hole (called an Arnold-Chiari anomaly), thereby causing a disorder in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). How does it manifest itself? Headache localized in the back of the head. How to treat? In mild cases, medication or osteopathic treatment is sufficient, in severe cases, when there is an infringement spinal cord, requires surgical intervention.

So, we have not yet considered dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints, sinusitis, vasculitis, essential hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, bronchial asthma and many other pathologies accompanied by pain in different parts of the head. And we won't. Understand that the same symptom can occur in various diseases, and only a doctor can figure it out.

Migraine, jumps in blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervical region, circulatory disorders in the brain - all this can provoke a headache. Analgesic drugs - headache pills - help to alleviate the condition.

Pills to help get rid of a headache

How to choose the right headache pills

To choose the right pills from the head, you need to understand its nature, frequency of occurrence and duration:

  1. Determine the intensity pain- squeezing, sharp, blunt, bursting, pulling, paroxysmal or constant.
  2. Find out the place where the discomfort is most pronounced - the frontal part of the head, temples, back of the head, crown.
  3. Determine the conditions under which the headache occurred - weather changes, overexertion at work, stressful situations, the use of drugs.
  4. Emphasize on possible symptoms, which occurs with pain in the head - nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, darkening of the eyes.
  5. Take into account the age of the patient - older patients are more suitable for tablets without caffeine, while young people will benefit from this substance.
When choosing a medicine for head discomfort, one must also remember that its causes can be both external and internal stimuli.

In the first case it is:

  • depressive states, stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • mental or moral strain;
  • prolonged exposure to a computer monitor, as a result of which neck muscles become numb and spasms occur in the head;
  • inadequate sleep, fatigue.

Pain in the head can occur from sitting at the computer for a long time.

Pain caused by such factors does not require special treatment. There are enough ordinary inexpensive pills from the head - analgesics.

Diseases can also provoke pain:

  • hypertension;
  • cold;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • migraine;
  • diseases of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis);
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • problems with normal blood circulation and saturation of the head vessels with oxygen.

In such cases, one anesthesia is not enough. It is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the sources of the pathological condition.

When choosing tablets from the head, it is important to study the composition of the drug and the principle of action of the main component. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and not ignore individual contraindications.

Review of the best headache pills

Pills of several groups help to remove periodic or regular discomfort:

  • analgesics;
  • drugs of the nonsteroidal group;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs.

Each type has its own characteristics and contraindications. This must be taken into account so as not to aggravate the patient's condition.


Tablets of this group are fast-acting drugs. They have not only analgesic, but also antipyretic effect.

Table "List of inexpensive and effective analgesics"

Name Description Instructions for use Contraindications Price
Adults children
Aspirin in the form effervescent tablets fast actionHelps to remove aching, monotonous pain of an inflammatory nature. Reduces elevated temperature bodyThe daily dose is 6 soluble tablets. You can drink no more than 2 pieces at a timeFrom 12 to 15 years - 1 capsule 2 times a day. From 15 years old - adult dosagepeptic ulcer digestive system, bronchial asthma, bleeding disorders, pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age265 rubles
AnalginHelps with severe sinus headaches (discomfort in the forehead and behind the cheekbones). It relieves spasms and removes the initial manifestations of migraine1 tablet 1-3 times a day (do not chew). Take as needed. Relief occurs in 25-35 minutes2 times a day ¼ tabletSevere heart disease, kidney disease, bronchial asthma, pregnancy, childhood up to 8 years75
CitramonCombined preparation containing paracetamol, caffeine, aspirin. Used for moderate headaches caused by colds, migraines, inflammatory processes From the age of 15 - take 1 tablet 1-2 times a dayPeptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, hypertension, renal and hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy (1st and 3rd trimester) and breastfeeding, children under 15 years of ageUp to 90 r.
ParacetamolIt has a pronounced antipyretic effect. Helps reduce pain and fight inflammationFrom 12 years old take 1-2 capsules up to 4 times a dayFrom 6 to 12 years - ½-1 tablet three times a daySevere kidney and liver diseases, children under 6 years of ageUp to 85 p.

Analgesics are taken half an hour after eating. This helps to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and promotes better absorption of the drug.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

For severe headaches associated with inflammatory processes in the body, it is recommended to use non-steroidal tablets. They have a pronounced and long-lasting analgesic effect, which allows you to get rid of discomfort for 6-10 hours. By the best means of this type are drugs on ibuprofen - Nurofen, Imet.

An anesthetic medicine that relieves a headache of a cold nature (flu, SARS). Tablets eliminate discomfort and with reduced pressure, the initial stages of migraine. Adults and children from 12 years of age should take 1 piece (200 mg) 2-4 times a day. Dissolve effervescent dragees in 200 ml of water (no more than 3 pieces per day).

There are special tablets for children from 6 years old. They need to be given to the child 1 piece no more than 4 times a day.

Imet has analgesic and antipyretic properties

How to use: children from 12 years old and adults - 1-2 tablets several 2-3 times a day.

Price - from 385 to 550 rubles.

Contraindications for ibuprofen drugs

Tablets from the head of a non-steroidal group based on ibuprofen are considered the most effective and safe painkillers.

Among the contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance to ibuprofen or aspirin;
  • disorders in hematopoiesis;
  • late pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years old.

Do not take ibuprofen drugs during pregnancy


Headaches can be accompanied by spasms, have a paroxysmal character. In this case, doctors recommend taking antispasmodic drugs. They eliminate discomfort, remove the feeling of constriction, normalize pressure, as they have a vasodilating effect.

Table "The best antispasmodics from the head"

A drug What kind of headaches are used How to use Contraindications Price
Adults children
No-shpa (inexpensive analogue of Drotaverine)Pain due to cerebrovascular spasm

Impact of changes in weather conditions (headache due to weather dependence)

Early stages of migraine

Pain due to a cold, exacerbation of sinusitis, dental problems

1-2 tablets three times a dayFrom 6 to 12 years - 1 tablet 2 times a day. From 12 years old - adult dosagehigh blood pressure (hypertension), hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, glaucoma, renal and heart failureFrom 70 to 50 rubles. (Drotaverine - from 46 to 90 rubles)
Papaverine2-3 tablets several times a day6 months - 2 years - 5 mg per day

From 3 to 6 years - 5-10 mg

From 7 to 9 years - ½ tablet

From 9 to 14 years old - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day

SpazmalgonOver 15 years - 1-2 tablets per dayFrom 6 to 12 years - ½ tablet 2-3 times a day

From 12 to 15 years - 1 tablet 2 times a day

From 125 to 280 rubles.
took From 50 to 300 rubles.

Antispasmodic drugs should be taken strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the daily dose and duration of treatment. If after a few days of use the pain does not go away, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor tablets

To alleviate the condition during migraine attacks, doctors recommend taking funds with a vasoconstrictor effect. It is enough to drink 2 tablets to feel relief in 20-30 minutes.

by the most effective drugs this group are:

  • Kafergot - (up to 350 rubles) - the initial dose is 2 tablets, no more than 6 tablets can be taken per day;
  • Migrenol - inexpensive remedy for headaches (178 rubles for 10 tablets) - take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours.
  • Such drugs are not allowed to be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 15 years of age. In the case of pathologies of the penis and kidneys, you should consult a specialist before starting treatment.

    Pills from the head during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    During the period of gestation and lactation, the medicine for headaches must be chosen especially carefully. For pregnant women and already established mothers (with breastfeeding) it is important not to harm the child, so it is necessary to give preference to safe pills.

  1. Paracetamol and preparations based on it (Efferalgan, Panadol) are the most harmless pills during pregnancy and lactation. The daily dose should not exceed 3 tablets, and the duration of use should not exceed 3 days.
  2. No-shpa (analogous to Drotaverin) - safe remedy from headaches, if not abused. It can be taken 1 tablet per day.

Efferalgan can be taken during pregnancy

Medicines for the head during pregnancy or lactation are recommended to drink in extreme cases. It is better to take a harmless herbal decoction (chamomile, oregano, mint). Such funds gently relieve spasm, improve blood circulation and produce a sedative effect.

Headache can be the result of both nervous strain and fatigue, and indicate possible problems with health. To decide on painkillers, you need to understand the nature of the pain and the accompanying symptoms. It is important to remember that properly selected medicines help to alleviate the condition and forget about an unpleasant problem for a long time.

Sometimes a person has a severe headache, pills do not help. This is due to the fact that we make our own decisions and use painkillers that are in the home first aid kit. But it is impossible to treat yourself without determining the causes of its occurrence.

Why the headache won't go away

More than half of spastic head pains are due to nervous fatigue. Often the cause of pain is stressful conditions, malnutrition, colds, hypertension or hypotension, alcohol intoxication. In these cases, we take any painkiller, and for hypertension, we start complex treatment. But what if the headache is severe or the pain is chronic? Perhaps this is due to a serious illness.

Doctors conditionally divided characteristic headaches into:

  • tension pain;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • intracranial bleeding;

The source of tension pain is a stress factor or injury to the muscle tissue of the head and neck. At the same time, squeezing is felt. These characteristic appear in the afternoon and after the usual application pass within an hour.

Pain that is localized in one part of the head can be caused by migraines. This chronic type of pain is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and aversion to harsh bright lights. In this state, a person can stay up to four hours. This is due to a violation in the work of the blood flow of the head. With migraines, self-treatment is ineffective. It is necessary to treat in a complex way: medicines and medicinal herbs.

Cluster headaches are most common in men. Signs of such pain are similar to functional disorders with a cold: throbbing pains localized in one part of the head, reddened eyes and a runny nose. They occur intermittently and last for 20 minutes. The source of this type of pain has not been established.

Intensively increasing headache, insomnia, depressive states are characteristic of temporal arteritis. This pain symptom most often affects people old age and is associated with uncontrolled use medicines and viral infections. The danger of such pains is that they can lead to loss of vision. Steroids are used as treatment. When characterized by increasing headaches, then nausea appears, speech becomes illegible. The cause of this condition may be injury to the vessels of the brain. With such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

A small number of tumor processes of the head is accompanied by pain (). But if pain occurs, then it is a consequence of an increase in the tumor, which presses on the brain tissue. The pressure in the vessels rises, and pain appears. Naturally, it is impossible to do any therapeutic measures in this case on your own. This functional disorder is associated with a serious oncological disease and is treated in a hospital setting.

Mild functional disorders of the brain cause spasmodic headaches. In this case, the reasons may be nervous disorders and overwork.

If painkillers, traditional medicine and preventive measures do not help, then most likely headaches are associated with serious pathologies.

If no means bring relief, then the patient should be treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

What to take if pills do not help

If the cause of the pain has already been clarified and the pain symptom is associated with slight overwork or unrest, then, in addition to a simple pain reliever, you should take valerian tincture and sleep well. For preventive purposes, airing the room, changing posture after 15-20 minutes during sedentary work, gymnastics for the neck will help. After medication, a light scalp massage may be an additional help.

At high blood pressure the use of medicines prescribed by the doctor and rest for the body will help. In this case, you can lie down with a warm scarf tied around your head. Headaches with reduced pressure can be relieved by drinking coffee. Medicines based on Eleutherococcus and Schisandra can help. A few drops (usually 10) of these products should be diluted in 30 g of water. Massage of the active point under the occiput can also help.

Pain of varying intensity and frequency can be treated with traditional medicine. St. John's wort and cyanosis blue, valerian root are suitable as medicines. To prepare the infusion, take one tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 3 hours. Pharmacy forms of medicines will also help: alcohol tincture peony, motherwort or valerian. The course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks.

A reliable way to treat migraines is to tie the head for pain. So far, medicine cannot offer drugs to completely cure migraines. However, it is worth remembering that there is nothing better as a preventive measure than:

  • leisure;
  • full sleep;
  • physical education;
  • rational nutrition (in this case, migraine provocateurs should be avoided: mayonnaise, cheeses, smoked meats, spicy dishes).

Pain relief from migraine can bring such ways and means:

  • apply the lemon peel to the temples with the wet side;
  • attach a cabbage leaf, drink the juice of freshly squeezed potatoes;
  • prepare an infusion of clover flowers (one tablespoon of dried clover flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour, used 50 g 3 times a day);
  • take blackcurrant juice 30 g 3-4 times a day;
  • rub peppermint oil into the temporal region of the head.

As a preventive measure, you should also drink a glass of yogurt or whey daily on an empty stomach.

With cluster pains and temporal arteritis, flavored pillows made from mint and lemon balm grass, the use of aromatic lamps with oils of lemon, mint and lemon balm help well. These herbs can be brewed together or separately and applied as compresses to the front of the head. To prepare a tincture for a compress, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture of these dry herbs and infuse for 3 hours. The tool is filtered. The solution can be used orally 50 ml 3 times a day for pain.

An excellent effect in the treatment of headaches is given by herbs of hawthorn and oregano with lemon. To prepare such a decoction, take one salt spoonful of herbs and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for an hour and drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Lemon is added to this tincture and, if desired, a little honey.

Useful properties have baths with the use of lemon balm tincture and aromatic herbs. The effect of such a water procedure is enhanced by the use of oriental tea. To make tea, take cumin, half a cinnamon stick and an anise star on the tip of a knife. The components are poured into 200 g of boiling water and infused in a ceramic dish.