Congenital herpes in newborns when there will be complications. Herpes infection in newborns

Herpes in infants in the first month after birth poses a serious danger to him, since this viral infection. Infection in a short time can spread throughout the body, affecting the internal organs. In this case, the infection causes irreversible processes that can lead to death. The disease can begin to develop even in the womb, or the baby can become infected with it in the birth canal during birth.

Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The first manifestations of the disease can be observed as early as 1-2 weeks of a newborn's life. Herpes is manifested by a rash on the skin, namely small blisters that are filled with fluid. But not every baby may develop a rash right away. Therefore, in the absence of such a manifestation, treatment may be prescribed with a delay, when by the 10th day more dangerous symptoms associated with deep penetration of the virus. Therefore, baby fluctuations in body temperature, convulsions and constant sleepiness. The child has difficulty breathing, muscle tone decreases, blood clotting begins in the blood vessels.

Herpes in newborns: clinical forms

There are three clinical forms of the disease:

  • localized;
  • generalized;
  • damage to the central nervous system.

The localized form manifests itself as numerous vesicles of the rash that spread throughout the body of the child. At the site of the rash, ulcers form over time, which can heal up to 2-3 weeks. As a result, uveitis, chorioretinitis, corneal erosion and episcleritis may begin to develop. Therefore, it is very important that appropriate treatment be prescribed urgently, otherwise damage to the central nervous system will occur.

The generalized form begins to appear already in the first week of the baby's birth. However, the symptoms of the disease are very non-specific. There is lethargy, fever, frequent regurgitation, the baby may begin to choke.

The defeat of the central nervous system in children occurs in one case out of three. In this case, rashes on the body may not be observed at all. The baby completely loses his appetite, has fever and lethargy, tremors and generalized convulsions.

Herpes can lead to damage to the central nervous system, which occurs in an infant not only on the body, but also on the lips, in oral cavity. Herpetic sore throat and stomatitis can join the CNS lesion.

How do doctors diagnose herpes in a child?

Recognizing the disease is easy if the baby has a characteristic rash with blisters. To finally make sure of the diagnosis, the liquid itself from the vesicles is taken for analysis. This procedure takes 1-2 days.

To diagnose herpes, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis, which allows you to determine the presence of the virus in the child's body.

Also, in addition to such an analysis, urine and blood of the child is given. The doctor, in addition to the external examination, should interview the parent for concomitant manifestations.

Herpetic infection of newborns: treatment and prevention

It is very good if the treatment is prescribed before the appearance of bubbles. Development skin rashes it is possible to stop with the help of ethyl or camphor alcohol. It is also possible to stop the appearance of a rash by alternating water temperatures when washing a child.

Children with herpes are prescribed the antiviral agent Acyclovir.

When rashes appear, they must be dried with brilliant green, iodine, zinc ointment.

If the infection has moved to the area of ​​​​the child's eyes, then the use of drops or ointment Idoxuridin is necessary. If rashes appear in the mouth, then rinsing is prescribed using a solution of furacilin or calendula tincture.

In order for the body of the newborn to cope with the virus faster, immunostimulating medications are prescribed. dosage and the right drug assigned according to the child's birthday.

If the disease occurs with the manifestation of seizures, then anticonvulsant drugs are prescribed, which are usually administered intravenously. The most effective anticonvulsant is Vidarabine.

Candles Viferon based on interferon are necessary in order to quickly eliminate the virus, block its reproduction.

To quickly eliminate the virus, block its reproduction, doctors prescribe drugs based on interferon. Typically, such drugs are available in the form of suppositories, which are administered rectally in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. In total, 3 courses are needed with breaks of 5 days.

Prevention of breast disease in 1 year of life. Prevention begins from the moment of conception and the entire duration of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman in position must avoid colds and viral diseases, STDs.

Antiviral drugs are an excellent prevention for herpes infection in newborns. For this, Acyclovir is prescribed at the rate of 50 g of the drug per 1 kg of the child's weight per day. The course of prevention is 3 weeks.

Hypothermia of the child should not be allowed, therefore he is bathed in water recommended for age by degrees, dressed according to the weather, and drafts are excluded.

Herpes - School Doc. Komarovsky - Inter

What to do about herpes? Children's doctor.

Also, in order to avoid illness, the child needs proper diet rich in essential vitamins.

Herpes is one of the first viruses that children encounter in their lives because the infection almost always comes from the mother. For newborns, herpes infection is considered one of the most dangerous. What to do if the baby has herpes, you will learn by reading this article

Age Features

Herpesviruses are very insidious. They may not cause any harm, existing in the human body all their lives, or they can go from a latent stage to an active one and cause an acute illness, and then “hide” again. Usually in adults, herpes appears when the immune system is weakened due to illness, due to severe stress, nervous strain. In children, herpes develops for exactly the same reasons. However, there is an important nuance - the immunity of the baby is immature, it is always somewhat weakened.

Up to 6 months, the child is protected by maternal antibodies, he has innate immunity. It copes well with some respiratory viruses, opportunistic bacteria. However, it is quite difficult for him to resist the herpes virus.

The nervous system of a child up to a year undergoes constant intensive changes. Almost all varieties of the herpes virus are neurovirulent - they live in the cells of the nervous system, being transmitted and spreading through the bloodstream. This can have extremely negative manifestations for the immature nervous system of an infant - up to death, if we are talking about a severe congenital herpes infection


The most common herpes virus in babies is type 1 virus. It is manifested by the appearance on the lips or in the region of the nasolabial triangle of a noticeable rash that resembles blisters, pimples with watery contents.

Herpesvirus of the second type - genital herpes, babies get it from their mother: either during pregnancy through the uteroplacental blood flow, or during childbirth (through an infected birth canal). It is manifested by a small watery rash in the genital area, anus, as well as on the face, in the region of the lips.

The herpetic virus of the third type in children causes a disease such as chicken pox (chickenpox). In newborns and babies under one year old, chickenpox is rarely diagnosed. Probably, the antibodies that are in the mother's blood provide sufficient temporary protection against the third herpes virus.

If the mother did not have chickenpox, and in a family where there is a newborn, the eldest child fell ill with it, then with a high degree of probability the crumbs will also have characteristic symptoms chicken pox.

A newborn can also become infected during childbirth - from a mother who, for example, suffered this acute infectious disease shortly before childbirth. Such herpes in infants can be very difficult. Hospitalization may be required.

The fourth type of herpes virus (Epstein-Barr virus) causes infectious mononucleosis. The fifth type of herpesvirus has a second name - cytomegalovirus. It is transmitted from mother to fetus, infection is possible during childbirth and after birth. The sixth type becomes the cause of childhood roseola or pseudorubella, the seventh and eighth types of herpetic viruses are not yet well understood. Doctors suggest that there is some connection between the appearance of such viruses in the body and the formation malignant tumors- sarcoma and lymphoma.

All herpetic viruses enter the human body once in a lifetime. They cannot be cured, they cannot be got rid of, they remain forever. After acute illness they go into a latent "sleeping" state and can cause some inconvenience only during periods of adverse effects on the body of factors damaging the immune system.

How does infection occur?

If the expectant mother has the herpes virus, and it is in the "dormant" stage, nothing threatens the fetus during pregnancy - if the woman takes care of her health, to prevent weakening of the immune system. Herpesviruses are dangerous if a woman becomes infected with them for the first time during pregnancy. Primary infection, which is acute, often leads to spontaneous abortion in the early stages.

If the fetus survives, then often significant disturbances and anomalies occur in its intrauterine development. It happens that infection does not occur through the placenta, but only during childbirth - through the mucous membranes of the birth canal. Such an infection develops after the incubation period, usually 1-4 weeks after the baby is born.

Infection with herpes is possible after the birth of a child.

If a child is most often infected through the placenta and birth canal with rubella, cytomegalovirus, genital herpes, less often with the Epstein-Barr virus, then after birth, the baby can become infected with almost any of existing species herpesvirus.

Even viruses of the first and second types can cause severe complications: herpes encephalitis (herpes of the brain), multiple herpetic lesions internal organs. Such conditions are treated in intensive care, wards intensive care. Among the most dangerous complications- epilepsy, paralysis and paresis, lesions of the optic nerve.

Babies get herpes from adults they come into contact with. About 95% of all people on the planet are carriers of one or another herpetic virus, and they are transmitted by contact, through mucous membranes, skin, sometimes by airborne droplets. If mom and dad have herpes on their lips at least once in their lives, they are carriers

Symptoms and Diagnosis

There are many viruses that cause herpetic diseases, but all infections of this type have common symptoms:

  • acute and stormy onset;
  • the appearance of a characteristic herpetic rash;
  • recovery period with complete disappearance of the rash.

The easiest way to recognize the herpes simplex virus in an infant is by the characteristic formations on the lip, which at first look like separate vesicles, and then merge into a round or oval plaque. Rash is usually preceded by fever body.

Genital herpes infection, chickenpox, and infectious mononucleosis begin with high fever, pain in muscles and joints, and headaches. The most difficult to recognize is roseola, which begins with a high fever, and the rash appears on the body only after 3-5 days.

Diagnosis of the first two types of herpes and chickenpox does not cause difficulties.

With regard to other types of herpes, even an experienced doctor may have doubts, because the initial acute stage very similar to SARS or influenza. That is why the called doctor often makes such a diagnosis, the parents fulfill all the appointments, treat the baby.

The true cause of the disease becomes known in the worst case in the hospital, where the baby and mother get, if the infection has a severe course, complications. In the best case, that the baby once suffered a herpes infection, parents will only learn during a large-scale medical examination(for example, when registering a child in a kindergarten or school). The presence of antibodies will show a blood test.

This does not mean that it is impossible in principle to make an accurate diagnosis. For this, only a visual examination of the child is not enough, you need to do a blood test. PCR method(polymerase chain reaction), which will show which virus the detected traces of DNA belong to, whether there are antibodies characteristic of carriage (IgG) - or whether the baby has an acute infectious disease in full swing (IgM).


If we talk about the safety of the child, it is best to undergo treatment for a herpes infection in a newborn in a hospital, where he will be monitored around the clock. Children under one year old who have already passed the age of the newborn, the doctor can leave for home treatment, but only on condition that the infection occurs exclusively in mild form. Moderate and moderate forms, which are allowed for home treatment among children from 1 year old, should also be treated under the supervision of the medical staff of the infectious diseases department.

Almost all types of herpes infection in such small patients are usually treated with Acyclovir, and the drug is administered to newborns intravenously - in the form of an injection solution. Anticonvulsant drugs may be prescribed along with an antiherpetic drug, since the risk of developing seizures in newborns is high.

With the herpes simplex virus (rashes on the lip), children older than 3 months can be prescribed Acyclovir in cream topically.

Especially dangerous for children of the first year of life is the first, acute stage of all herpetic diseases, associated with an increase in temperature - sometimes up to 39-40 degrees. High fever must be reduced with the use of antipyretics. Ibuprofen and preparations containing paracetamol are allowed for children by age. It is preferable for newborns to administer rectal suppositories with paracetamol.

On average, the treatment of a herpes infection in very young children is a rather lengthy process, it takes about 3 weeks.

It should be remembered that it is completely impossible to cure herpes, you can only alleviate the symptoms, prevent complications and put the causative agent of the disease into “sleep mode” for the rest of your life.

Self-medication and treatment folk remedies herpes in newborns and infants is strictly prohibited - serious consequences are possible. You can not treat a child with antibiotics, which do not have the slightest effect on viruses, but at the same time increase the likelihood of complications several times.

  • Throughout the treatment the child should have an enhanced drinking regimen.
  • Remove drying herpetic crusts(especially with chickenpox) is strictly prohibited - a secondary bacterial infection may join, scars may remain on the skin.
  • A child is considered contagious from the first acute symptoms and ceases to pose a danger to other children after the disappearance of the rash.
  • The presence of herpetic infection in the latent stage is not a reason to postpone preventive vaccinations. They are temporarily postponed until recovery in case of acute herpetic disease. After recovery, the child can be vaccinated according to the national vaccination schedule.
  • After recovery, parents should Special attention give to strengthening the immunity of the baby. If the body's defense is strong, then a relapse is unlikely. The baby must eat properly, complementary foods should be introduced at the right time.

Children under one year old should spend as much time as possible outdoors. The apartment should maintain a certain temperature regime - no higher than 20 degrees. A good prevention of herpes recurrence is hardening, which parents can practice almost immediately after the baby is born.

To date, herpes infection is considered the most common worldwide. Its carriers are 60% of the world's population. You should not think that herpes in infants is a harmless symptom. The virus is considered dangerous and in 85% is fatal. It is especially dangerous for babies under the age of one year. The disease leads to serious complications. That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms in the first stage. Most often they appear in the form of vesicles - herpes on the lip of the baby. This symptom may also appear on the genitals or other parts of the child's body.

Features of primary herpes simplex

This infection manifests itself in a child in the form of stomatitis. Six months after the baby is born, the mother's antibodies can no longer protect him from negative influences. external factors. Herpes simplex appears during the eruption of the first teeth. During this period, the integrity of the gums is violated, so bacteria can easily penetrate the body and spread in it with blood. Against this background, babies develop red spots, itching and redness. If treatment is not started on time, then ulcers form in their place. On closer inspection, a significant increase can be seen. lymph nodes that are on the neck or jaw.

Symptoms of herpes in infants are bright even at the first stage of development.

Mommy should not leave them unattended:

  • Constant moody state.
  • The baby cries regularly.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Sleepy and lethargic state.
  • Periodic seizures.
  • Lack of appetite or complete refusal to eat.

During herpes, the child becomes irritable and cries a lot

Herpetic infection is very dangerous. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the risk of a number of complications increases:

  • Kaposi - dangerous view eczema, which is characterized by the appearance of a large number of vesicles on certain parts of the head. Additionally, the infant has severe itching, the appearance of weeping or dry crusts on the skin. The well-being of a small patient is aggravated by an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. It is possible to eliminate diseases only in the conditions of a stationary infectious diseases department.
  • A feature of primary herpes in newborns is that small blisters can also appear in front of the eyes. The pathology is known as keratitis. She is accompanied severe pain, lacrimation. If treatment is not started on time, the cornea may become completely cloudy.
  • The virus can lead to inflammation of the finger. The disease in medical practice is called panaritium. harmful bacteria get under the skin through cracks or scratches. Additionally, severe swelling, pain and redness can be observed on the limbs.
  • Encephalitis is a serious pathology that occurs against the background of the onset inflammatory process in the brain. The herpes virus has a negative effect on the central nervous system. Infection occurs in utero. The baby has occasional seizures and fever. The disease requires immediate hospitalization. Only timely diagnosis and a properly selected course of treatment give hope for normal life crumbs in the future.

Herpes in children is characterized incubation period from two days to three weeks.

The main causes of the disease

Herpes simplex in newborns is diagnosed before the age of one year. They can get infected from relatives by airborne droplets. The disease can be transmitted to the baby through the placenta or when moving through the birth canal. The risk of infection greatly increases with the transfer of the disease in the second trimester. However, the consequences will be minimized if the woman received good treatment.

When breastfeeding, herpes can also develop if a woman does not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. The virus can remain on dishes, towels, toys and other household items for a long time. In children under one year of age, a relapse is also a great danger, which occurs against the background of re-infection.

Features of the diagnosis

It is possible to decide how to treat the disease only on the basis of the results of the tests. The disease can be recognized by specific rashes on the lip. They can also spread over the skin. Inside each bubble accumulates a large amount of liquid. Additionally, you can also detect violations in the behavior of the child. It is changing for the worse.

On the child's body, the doctor examines visible symptoms and their manifestation. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests will be required:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • in some cases it is impossible to do without the study of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • obtaining the main characteristics of the secreted fluid from the nose and eyes.

Features of therapeutic measures

For a nursing mother, it is important to take her child to an appointment with an infectious disease specialist on time. After a detailed examination, he will be able to choose an adequate course of treatment. Thanks to him, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of developing serious neurological pathologies. We should not forget that the virus can be fatal. Treatment is chosen individually and directly depends on the specification of the immune system.

At the first stage, it is necessary to use drugs that will reduce the activity of virus reproduction. In this group, Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerpevir are very popular. Depending on how old the child is, the most appropriate form of the drug is chosen:

  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • gel.

The genital type of the disease is necessarily treated with oral medications. They enhance the effect of the main component. They are also advisable to use to combat lichen, encephalitis or eczema. In some cases it is impossible to do without intravenous administration Acyclovir.

Congenital herpes can be treated with human interferon. The drug is administered as an injection. In this group of drugs, Neovir or Cycloferon is also used. The latter tablets are advisable to use to treat the symptoms and complications of influenza.

It is important to recognize the first symptoms of the disease in time

This type of infection in the mouth and other parts of the body can be easily treated with medication. The course lasts a long time and involves taking pills according to certain patterns. It is impossible to completely get rid of the virus in the body. Thanks to drug treatment can only minimize the likelihood of relapse. To achieve maximum results, you should fully follow all the recommendations of the doctor. In addition, parents should direct their efforts to strengthen the immune system. For this baby should be constantly hardened.

Komarovsky advises starting treatment for this virus only in the most severe cases. Gotta learn to deal with it the immune system without the use of additional medicines. However, the symptoms of infection must be taken under medical supervision. Unfortunately, today there is no remedy that could reduce the risk of infection to zero. In medical practice, only an injection is used for chicken pox, which is also caused by viruses of this group.

If mom noticed the formation of strange bubbles on the child’s skin, then you should immediately get an appointment with a pediatrician. Breastfeeding during this period is allowed. If treatment is not started on time, then the risk of developing serious complications against the background of secondary herpes increases.

Relapses of the secondary form of herpes

The infection process may go unnoticed. However, the virus can lead to the frequent appearance of herpes on the lips and other parts of the body. In a secondary outbreak, the disease manifests itself in the form of sores in the following places:

  • mucous membranes;
  • genitals;
  • damage to the eyeball.

When sores appear on the child's genitals, their parents may experience shock. In this case, the virus entered the child's body during passage through the birth canal. Ulcers are presented in in large numbers not the genitals and other parts lower extremities. With the genital form of the disease, neoplasms may appear in bladder or output channels. However, the disease is dangerous not only because of external signs. The situation is exacerbated by the following complications:

Aciclovir helps to quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease

Unfortunately, the disease often leads to death in infancy. The genital variant of the pathology is prone to recurrence in 50% of cases. According to statistics, this form of the disease is most often manifested in girls. That is why a woman should be attentive to sexual intercourse in the first half of pregnancy. Indeed, in this case, the risk of penetration of the virus to an unformed fetus increases.

Preventive actions

Pregnancy must be planned in advance. Parents should start to lead long before her healthy lifestyle life. The state of the child's immune system directly depends on nutrition and other external and internal factors. If a negative effect on the body is regularly exerted, then the risk of infection of the crumbs with genital herpes increases. The congenital type of the disease affects the baby if the virus enters the body during gestation. Parents should not give a damn about their health and immediately before conception.

Immediately after the baby is born, a woman should carefully examine the condition of his skin. The symptomatology of the disease also manifests itself in the form of deterioration general condition health and behavior of the crumbs. If mommy has found changes, then you should immediately seek advice from your doctor. The pediatrician should take care of the baby. Self-treatment in this issue will not give the desired effect.

As a preventive measure, you should limit the contact of the child with a large number of people immediately after birth. If relatives have rashes on the lip, then the baby should not come into contact with them.

Herpes infection is quite common viral disease that infects most of the adult population. Most often, this disease is associated with us with rashes in the form of bubbles on the mucous membrane of the lips, but it is the herpes virus that is responsible for such diseases as chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, sudden exanthema (pseudo-rubella) and some others. Given that the overwhelming majority of adults are carriers of herpes pathogens, the child will sooner or later face this disease. What threatens a newborn baby with this virus?

The most common are six types of herpes that a person usually encounters in childhood. These include herpes of the following types:

  • Types 1 and 2 are precisely the form of the disease in which clusters of transparent bubbles appear on the skin. They “jump out” in the place where the infection occurred, which explains their predominant location on the lips: children bring this virus into their body through their mouths;
  • Type 3 is the well-known chickenpox, which most people manage to get sick even at a younger preschool age;
  • EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) - aka herpes type 4. Is the cause of infectious mononucleosis, in some cases leads to quite serious complications;
  • Type 5 - cytomegalovirus. It proceeds without any obvious symptoms and has no consequences, so most people are its carriers without even knowing it;
  • Type 6 - sudden exanthema or pseudorubella. A popular infectious disease similar in symptoms to rubella, which is why it is often misdiagnosed.

It is herpes types 1 and 2 that can bring the greatest number of complications, which will be discussed in the future. In young children, it proceeds quite hard, aggravating the child's condition with the appearance of complications such as stomatitis, meningitis, mental and speech development etc.

Routes of infection and innate immunity

Herpes can enter the child's body in various ways, but the source of the disease is always contact with an infected person. The disease is transmitted to children in one of the following ways:

  • airborne (for example, when kissing or sneezing);
  • at the time of childbirth (the baby becomes infected if there is an active virus in the mother's birth canal);
  • in utero (the virus passes from the mother's body through the placenta);
  • household way (through toys, common utensils, etc.).

The herpes virus can cause the greatest harm when a woman becomes infected with it for the first time during pregnancy. In such a situation, there is a high risk of various complications, from a sudden termination of pregnancy to the birth of a baby with this infection, which affects the central nervous system and internal organs.

Innate immunity to herpes

In the case when the expectant mother "met" the herpes simplex virus even before the onset of conception, with a high degree of probability, this infection does not threaten her newborn baby for about 5-7 months.

The mother's immune system developed antibodies at the time of the first infection. Penetrating through the placenta, they create immunity in the child, and when breastfeeding, the baby is provided with additional protection against herpes. However, this does not mean that the carrier of the virus can come into close contact with the baby (kiss, hug, use baby hygiene items, etc.), especially at the time of relapse.

Innate immunity does not give a 100% guarantee, so do not tempt fate.

Symptoms of herpes in babies

In general, the manifestations of herpes in infants are similar to those in adults, but they are much more pronounced. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the age at which the infection occurred: the younger the child, the more pronounced the signs.

The main symptom is a rash in the form of densely grouped vesicles. preceded by itching, burning, tingling exactly in the place where they will appear soon.

The vesicles contain a clear liquid that becomes cloudy within a couple of days. Then the surface of the bubbles becomes drier, gradually turning into a crust. After the crust falls off, a pigment spot remains on the surface of the skin, which also disappears with time.

Neonatal (congenital) herpes: features and types

Neonatal herpes is spoken of in cases where an infant meets the virus in utero, during childbirth or immediately after them, while signs of infection should appear in the first few days after the baby is born.

The most unfavorable prognosis is for those children who were infected before they were born. In such children, various internal organs are often affected, the nervous system and the brain suffer, which provokes the development of such complications as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, microcephaly, delayed psychoverbal and motor development, etc.

When infected with the virus during childbirth or shortly after birth, the child may develop one of three types of herpes:

  1. localized form. It is characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. Single or grouped bubble elements may appear on the skin. When conducting proper treatment they heal completely within 2-3 weeks.
  2. generalized form. With it, the whole spectrum of signs of a herpes infection is manifested: weakness and lethargy, regurgitation, fever, symptoms characteristic of pneumonia. The liver and adrenal glands are often affected. The child's condition is much worse than in the localized form.
  3. CNS damage. In this form, the virus infects the nervous system, which is fraught with the development of encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, the development of various brain pathologies, and seizures.

Diagnosis of herpes in children

If you suspect herpes in an infant, the doctor must perform a series of procedures, which include:

  • careful examination of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • research physical condition child (lethargy, refusal to eat, anxiety, etc.);
  • conducting laboratory analysis urine, blood, secretions from the nose and eyes, fluid contained in the bubbles, as well as holding enzyme immunoassay for the detection of specific antibodies.

It is necessary to start treating the disease in young patients as soon as possible, because. in the absence of medical intervention, the degree of damage to the internal organs and nervous system of the child can lead to both death and disability.

Treatment of herpes in children

Treatment of herpes necessarily includes the use of antiviral drugs, which are taken both orally (tablets and solutions) and externally (creams and ointments for treating rashes).

The doctor determines the drugs and their dosages depending on the age and weight of the baby, as well as on the form of the disease and the site of the lesion. For oral administration, Acyclovir is most often prescribed, for the treatment of external rashes - Acyclovir or Zovirax ointment.

In addition to fighting the virus, it is necessary to support the body as a whole, for which vitamins and immunostimulants are prescribed. Especially important is the intake of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Herpes cannot be defeated solely by means traditional medicine, but it is possible to alleviate the condition of the child and speed up his recovery with its help. For this purpose, decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, succession, licorice are usually used. These herbs dry the sores and relieve itching, making the baby's condition easier.

Prevention of herpes

To prevent neonatal herpes, it is necessary to timely detect the presence of the virus in the mother and monitor her health throughout pregnancy. If necessary, the expectant mother can be prescribed antiviral therapy so that the child does not become infected with herpes, passing through the birth canal.

If the symptoms of infection occurred after the 36th week of pregnancy, the doctor may plan C-section, because there is not enough time to completely neutralize the virus with drugs.
Breastfeeding also plays a preventive role, strengthening the child's immunity and supplying him with immunoglobulins and antibodies.

Hardening a child, frequent exposure to fresh air, good nutrition for a nursing mother and breastfeeding - all this contributes to strengthening the protective functions of the baby's body, and, therefore, the prevention of herpes and its relapses. After all, the stronger the immune system, the better it resists viruses and controls their activity.

Herpetic infection can deliver a lot of anxious minutes to the baby and his parents. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the virus forever, it will be in the child's body, periodically subsiding and activating. However, if a number of rules are observed, the risk of complications associated with it and subsequent relapses can be minimized.

Herpes virus in an infant: features, symptoms and treatment

One of the most common pathogens infectious diseases is the herpes virus. It appears in most people early age. It is especially dangerous for small children up to a year.

This virus can be in the human body throughout life, but not manifest itself. Babies do not have an immune system, which explains the special sensitivity to various infections.

This disease can manifest itself from 2 days to 3 weeks from the moment of infection. Herpes in infants can be of 6 types:

  1. With the herpes simplex virus, rashes on the mucous membrane and lips can appear.
  2. When a rash appears, respectively, on the genitals.
  3. Chickenpox occurs if the mother has not had this disease or the baby is no longer breastfed after 6 months.
  4. Epstein-Barr virus leads to viral monoculosis. In children, it appears quite rarely, as it is under protection. immune cells mother.
  5. Danger during pregnancy is cytomegalovirus, which can lead to miscarriage or severe pathologies in the child.
  6. With the roseola virus, a pink rash appears on the baby's skin. The disease is accompanied by severe symptoms.

Expert opinion

Artem Sergeevich Rakov, venereologist, more than 10 years of experience

Both with congenital and acquired virus, it can manifest itself in localized and generalized forms. Complications can affect the nervous system. With a localized form, there are rashes on the mucous membranes. Small bubbles may appear in the mouth and nose, which are filled with liquid.

Eruptions appear all over the body. Blisters with pus can appear anywhere on the body. The temperature rises. There is conjunctivitis. The baby becomes restless, as severe itching causes discomfort.

Herpes and breastfeeding

It is necessary to especially monitor the restriction of contact with the affected areas of the skin. In this way, you can prevent infection with the virus. In this regard, a nursing mother should completely protect her baby from contact with rash zones. In a situation in which there is a herpetic rash in the area of ​​​​the lips, the mother should not kiss her baby.

If we talk about the treatment of herpes during breastfeeding, then:

  1. First, a woman needs to stop breastfeeding if there is a rash in the nipple area. Contact of the mucous membrane of the baby's oral cavity with foci of rash can cause infection of the child's body. When there is a blistering rash on one breast, the woman can continue to feed from the second breast.
  2. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Before contact with the newborn, the mother should wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water. The measure taken helps to cleanse the skin from the causative agent of herpes infection.
  3. Medical workers Quite often it is recommended to stop breast-feeding until the woman is completely cured. All this, according to WHO, is unfounded. With this disease, breastfeeding of the baby should be continued. This way the virus is not transmitted.

Do you think it is necessary to stop breastfeeding if the mother is sick with herpes?


Is herpes dangerous for babies

The most dangerous form of the disease is the generalized form. It can only be determined on the basis of laboratory research, as characteristic rashes may not be observed.

In the generalized form, the rash may not appear, but the child's condition is severe, which is caused by: high fever, shortness of breath, frequent regurgitation.

And also the skin can take on a bluish tint, the work of the liver and kidneys is difficult, jaundice occurs. Heat(39-40 degrees) can cause convulsions, be fatal.

Increased danger is congenital herpes. It can cause the death of the fetus even before the birth of the baby, as well as:

  1. When the disease has a minor form of infection that occurs during childbirth, the baby will be healthy. Symptoms of the disease can appear only within 5-7 days.
  2. But if the infection has entered the body of the crumbs in the womb, then the risk of giving birth to a child with various pathologies is increased. These include:
  • cirrhosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Vision problems, stomatitis and skin diseases are no exception.

Effective treatment for mom

How to treat herpes while breastfeeding? Therapy of this disease during breastfeeding should be carried out with extreme caution. Doctors strongly emphasize this, since many medicines can go directly into breast milk. During treatment, you do not need to interrupt the feeding of the baby.

The mother's body can quickly adapt to the activity of the virus:

  1. He responds by producing immune cells.
  2. The antibody complex enters the child's body through the transfer of mother's milk.
  3. If a woman does not stop breastfeeding a baby, then he is provided with stable anti-herpetic immunity.

At the initial stage of herpes, you should use tincture of chamomile or calendula. Periodic rubbing of the wound will dry it out. It is recommended to do this until complete recovery. Doctors do not recommend taking antibiotics to treat the disease.

How to treat herpes in babies

Specialists as means of therapy are prescribed medical preparations, which are aimed at eliminating the pathology. Doctors often prescribe medicines that increase the body's defenses:

  • In this plan effective medicine is acyclovir. It is used for all types of herpetic lesions. The drug is almost not absorbed into breast milk, so it is completely safe for the baby.
  • Interferon and other immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed. The dose is selected depending on the age of the baby.
  • When blisters appear, the affected skin should be lubricated with a solution of Fukortsin or propolis tincture.
  • Penciclovir is available in the form of an ointment. It is used for topical application to the affected skin. During use, the contact of the baby with the ointment should be limited.
  • Valaccilovir is a drug that is fully compatible with breastfeeding.
  • Prevent rashes on skin ethyl and castor alcohol will help. Also, when washing the skin, changing the temperature of the water is effective.
  • If the volume of the lesion is significant, then the bubbles must be dried with iodine.
  • In this plan, a solution of brilliant green or zinc ointment is used.
  • If the eyes are infected, then specially designed Idoxuridin drops are used.
  • Infection of the oral cavity can be removed by rinsing with a furatsilin solution or calendula tincture.

How to prevent infection of the baby with herpes

Future parents long before the birth of a child should lead a healthy lifestyle. In this aspect, it is very important to avoid contact with infected people. To prevent illness in babies, medical workers recommend prophylaxis starting from the time of conception.

You must follow certain rules so that your baby does not get herpes:

If effective measures are taken, the virus will be blocked for a long time.

Regular walks should be taken. They will saturate the body with oxygen. You also need to take time to rest. Sleep should be at least eight hours a day. Effective measures to combat the disease will quickly eliminate it. Prevention is good for the health of both mother and child.


You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you about the features of the development of herpes in a child.

Adhering to all the recommendations of experts, you can effectively cure herpes during breastfeeding. Strict adherence to the instructions of doctors will prevent harm to the baby. Comprehensive actions will make it possible to eliminate the disease at an early stage.