The function of the immune cell depends on. How immune system t cells work

The organs of the immune system are the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, appendix, lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue diffusely scattered in the mucosa internal organs, and numerous lymphocytes that are found in the blood, lymph, organs and tissues. AT bone marrow and thymus from stem cells lymphocyte differentiation occurs. They belong to the central organs of the immune system. The remaining organs are peripheral organs of the immune system, where lymphocytes are evicted from the central organs. The total weight of all organs representing the immune system of an adult is not more than 1 kg. Central to the immune system are lymphocytes, white blood cells whose function was a mystery until the 1960s. Lymphocytes normally make up about a quarter of all leukocytes. The body of an adult contains 1 trillion lymphocytes with a total mass of about 1.5 kg. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow. They are round small cells, only 7-9 microns in size. The main part of the cell is occupied by the nucleus, covered with a thin membrane of the cytoplasm. As mentioned above, lymphocytes are found in the blood, lymph, lymph nodes, and spleen. It is lymphocytes that are the organizers of the immune reaction, or "immune response". One of the important organs of the immune system is the thymus gland, or thymus. It is a small organ located behind the breastbone. The thymus is small. It reaches its largest value - approximately 25 g - during puberty, and by the age of 60 it significantly decreases and weighs only 6 g. The thymus is literally filled with lymphocytes that come here from the bone marrow. Such lymphocytes are called thymus-dependent, or T-lymphocytes. The task of T-lymphocytes is to recognize the "foreign" in the body, to detect a gene reaction.

Another type of lymphocytes is also formed in the bone marrow, but then it does not get into the thymus, but into another organ. So far, this organ has not been found in humans and mammals. It is found in birds - it is a collection of lymphoid tissue located near the large intestine. By the name of the researcher who discovered this formation, it is called the bursa of Fabricius (from the Latin bursa - “bag”). If the bursa of Fabricius is removed from the chickens, then they stop producing antibodies. This experience shows that another type of lymphocytes, which produces antibodies, is “learning immunological literacy” here. Such lymphocytes were called B lymphocytes (from the word "bursa"). Although a similar organ has not yet been found in humans, the name of the corresponding type of lymphocytes has taken root - these are B-lymphocytes. T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, as well as macrophages and granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils) are all the main cells of the immune system. In turn, several classes of T-lymphocytes are distinguished: T-killers, T-helpers, T-suppressors. T-killers (from the English kill - “kill”) destroy cancer cells, T-helpers (from the English help - “help”) help produce antibodies - immunoglobulins, and T-suppressors (from the English suppress - “suppress ”), on the contrary, suppress the production of antibodies when it is necessary to stop the immune response. In addition to lymphocytes, the body has large cells - macrophages, located in some tissues. They capture and digest foreign microorganisms. Leukocytes, in addition to invading foreign agents, also destroy malfunctioning, damaged cells that can degenerate into cancerous ones. They produce antibodies that fight specific bacteria and viruses. The circulating lymph picks up toxins and waste products from the tissues and blood and transports them to the kidneys, skin and lungs for removal from the body. The liver and kidneys have the ability to filter toxins and waste products from the blood. In order for the functioning of the immune system to be normal, a certain ratio between all types of cells must be observed. Any violation of this ratio leads to pathology. This is the most general information about the organs of the immune system. They should be considered in more detail.

The state of immunity is associated mainly with the coordinated activity of three types of leukocytes: B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and macrophages. Initially, the formation of them or their precursors (stem cells) occurs in the red bone marrow, then they migrate to the lymphoid organs. There is a peculiar hierarchy of organs of the immune system. They are divided into primary (where lymphocytes are formed) and secondary (where they function). All these organs are connected to each other and to other tissues of the body with the help of blood lymphatic vessels, through which leukocytes move. The primary organs are the thymus (thymus gland) and bursa (in birds), as well as the red bone marrow (possibly the appendix) in humans: hence the T- and B-lymphocytes, respectively. "Training" is aimed at acquiring the ability to differentiate one's own from another's (recognize antigens). To be recognized, body cells synthesize special proteins. Secondary lymphoid organs include the spleen, lymph nodes, adenoids, tonsils, appendix, peripheral lymph follicles. These organs, like the immune cells themselves, are scattered throughout the human body to protect the body from antigens. In the secondary lymphoid organs, the development of an immune response to the antigen occurs. An example would be sharp increase lymph nodes near the affected organ inflammatory diseases. The lymphoid organs at first glance appear to be a small body system, but it has been estimated that their total mass is more than 2.5 kg (which, for example, is more than the mass of the liver). In the bone marrow, cells of the immune system are formed from the progenitor stem cell (the ancestor of all blood cells). B-lymphocytes also undergo differentiation there. The transformation of a stem cell into a B-lymphocyte occurs in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is one of the main sites for antibody synthesis. For example, in an adult mouse, up to 80% of the cells that synthesize immunoglobulins are located in the bone marrow. Restore the immune system in lethally irradiated animals using intravenous administration bone marrow cells.

The thymus is located directly behind the sternum. It is formed earlier than other organs of the immune system (already at the 6th week of pregnancy), but by the age of 15 it undergoes a reverse development, in adults it is almost completely replaced by fatty tissue. Penetrating from the bone marrow into the thymus, the stem cell, under the influence of hormones, first turns into the so-called thymocyte (the cell is the precursor of the T-lymphocyte), and then, penetrating into the spleen or lymph nodes, it turns into a mature, immunologically active T-lymphocyte. Most of the T-lymphocytes become the so-called T-killers (killers). A smaller part performs a regulatory function: T-helpers (helpers) increase immunological reactivity, T-suppressors (suppressors), on the contrary, reduce it. Unlike B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes (mainly T-helpers), with the help of their receptors, are able to recognize not just someone else's, but also their own, that is, a foreign antigen should be presented most often by macrophages in combination with the body's own proteins. AT thymus along with the formation of T-lymphocytes, thymosin and thymopoietin are produced - hormones that ensure the differentiation of T-lymphocytes and play a certain role in cellular immune responses.

2. Lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are peripheral organs of the immune system that are located along the course of the lymphatic vessels. The main functions are the retention and prevention of the spread of antigens, which is carried out by T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. They are a kind of filter for microorganisms carried by the lymph. Microorganisms pass through the skin or mucous membranes, enter the lymphatic vessels. Through them, they penetrate into the lymph nodes, where they linger and are destroyed. Functions of the lymph nodes:

1) barrier - they are the first to react to contact with a damaging agent;

2) filtration - they delay microbes, foreign particles, tumor cells penetrating with lymph current;

3) immune - associated with the production of immunoglobulins and lymphocytes in the lymph nodes;

4) synthetic - the synthesis of a special leukocyte factor, which stimulates the reproduction of blood cells;

5) exchange - lymph nodes are involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

3. Spleen

The spleen has a structure similar to that of the thymus gland. In the spleen, hormone-like substances are formed that are involved in the regulation of the activity of macrophages. In addition, phagocytosis of damaged and old red blood cells occurs here. Functions of the spleen:

1) synthetic - it is in the spleen that the synthesis of immunoglobulins of classes M and J is carried out in response to the entry of an antigen into the blood or lymph. The spleen tissue contains T and B lymphocytes;

2) filtration - in the spleen, the destruction and processing of substances alien to the body, damaged blood cells, coloring compounds and foreign proteins occur.

4. Lymphoid tissue associated with mucous membranes

This type of lymphoid tissue is located under the mucous membrane. These include the appendix, lymphoid ring, intestinal lymph follicles, and adenoids. Accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the intestine - Peyer's patches. This lymphoid tissue is a barrier to the penetration of microbes through the mucous membranes. Functions of lymphoid accumulations in the intestines and tonsils:

1) recognition - the total surface area of ​​​​the tonsils in children is very large (almost 200 cm 2). On this area there is a constant interaction of antigens and cells of the immune system. It is from here that information about a foreign agent follows to the central organs of immunity: thymus and bone marrow;

2) protective - on the mucous membrane of the tonsils and Peyer's patches in the intestine, in the appendix there are T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, lysozyme and other substances that provide protection.

5. Excretory system

Thanks to the excretory system, the body is cleansed of microbes, their waste products and toxins.

Normal microflora of the body

A collection of microorganisms that inhabit the skin and mucous membranes healthy person, is a normal microflora. These microbes have the ability to resist the defense mechanisms of the body itself, but they are not able to penetrate tissues. A great influence on the intensity of the immune response in the digestive organs has normal microflora intestines. Normal microflora inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora. For example, in a woman, the normal microflora of the vagina is represented by lactic acid bacteria, which in the process of life create an acidic environment that prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.

The internal environment of our body is delimited from the outside world by the skin and mucous membranes. They are the mechanical barrier. In the epithelial tissue (it is located in the skin and mucous membranes), the cells are very strongly interconnected by intercellular contacts. This obstacle is not easy to overcome. Ciliated epithelium respiratory tract removes bacteria and dust particles thanks to the vibration of the cilia. The skin contains sebaceous and sweat glands. Sweat contains lactic and fatty acids. They lower the pH of the skin, harden it. The reproduction of bacteria is inhibited by hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, urea, bile pigments contained in sweat. The lacrimal, salivary, gastric, intestinal and other glands, whose secrets are secreted on the surface of the mucous membranes, intensively fight microbes. First, they simply wash them off. Second, some fluids secreted by the internal glands have a pH that damages or destroys bacteria (for example, gastric juice). Thirdly, the salivary and lacrimal fluids contain the enzyme lysozyme, which directly destroys bacteria.

6. Cells of the immune system

And now let us dwell in more detail on the consideration of cells that ensure the coordinated work of immunity. Direct executors immune reactions are leukocytes. Their purpose is to recognize foreign substances and microorganisms, to fight them, and to record information about them.

There are the following types of leukocytes:

1) lymphocytes (T-killers, T-helpers, T-suppressors, B-lymphocytes);

2) neutrophils (stab and segmented);

3) eosinophils;

4) basophils.

Lymphocytes are the main figures in immunological surveillance. In the bone marrow, the precursors of lymphocytes are divided into two major branches. One of them (in mammals) ends its development in the bone marrow, and in birds - in a specialized lymphoid organ - the bursa (bursa). These are B-lymphocytes. After B-lymphocytes leave the bone marrow, they a short time circulate in the bloodstream, and then they are introduced into the peripheral organs. They seem to be in a hurry to fulfill their mission, since the lifespan of these lymphocytes is short - only 7-10 days. A variety of B-lymphocytes is formed already during fetal development, and each of them is directed against a specific antigen. Another part of the lymphocytes from the bone marrow migrates to the thymus, the central organ of the immune system. This branch is T-lymphocytes. After completion of development in the thymus, some of the mature T-lymphocytes continue to be in the medulla, and some leave it. A significant part of T-lymphocytes become T-killers, a smaller part performs a regulatory function: T-helpers increase immunological reactivity, and T-suppressors, on the contrary, weaken it. Helpers are able to recognize the antigen and activate the corresponding B-lymphocyte (directly upon contact or at a distance with the help of special substances - lymphokines). The most well-known lymphokine is interferon, which is used in medicine in the treatment of viral diseases (for example, influenza), but it is effective only at the initial stage of the onset of the disease.

Suppressors have the ability to turn off the immune response, which is very important: if the immune system is not suppressed after neutralizing the antigen, the components of the immune system will destroy the body's own healthy cells, which will lead to the development of autoimmune diseases. Killers are the main link of cellular immunity, as they recognize antigens and effectively affect them. Killers act against cells that are affected by viral infections, as well as tumor, mutated, aging cells of the body.

Neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils are types of white blood cells. They got their names for the ability to perceive coloring matter in different ways. Eosinophils react mainly to acidic dyes (Congo red, eosin) and are pink-orange in blood smears; basophils are alkaline (hematoxylin, methyl blue), so they look blue-violet in smears; neutrophils perceive both of them, therefore they stain with a gray-violet color. The nuclei of mature neutrophils are segmented, that is, they have constrictions (therefore they are called segmented), the nuclei of immature cells are called stab. One of the names of neutrophils (microphagocytes) indicates their ability to phagocytize microorganisms, but in smaller quantities than macrophages do. Neutrophils protect against the penetration of bacteria, fungi and protozoa into the body. These cells eliminate dead tissue cells, remove old red blood cells and clean the wound surface. When evaluating a detailed blood test, a sign of an inflammatory process is a shift leukocyte formula to the left with an increase in the number of neutrophils.

Macrophages (aka phagocytes) - "eaters" foreign bodies and the most ancient cells of the immune system. Macrophages are derived from monocytes (a type of white blood cell). They pass the first stages of development in the bone marrow, and then leave it in the form of monocytes (rounded cells) and circulate in the blood for a certain time. From the bloodstream, they enter all tissues and organs, where they change their rounded shape to another, with processes. It is in this form that they acquire mobility and are able to stick to any potentially foreign bodies. They recognize some foreign substances and signal them to T-lymphocytes, and those, in turn, to B-lymphocytes. Then B-lymphocytes begin to produce antibodies - immunoglobulins against the agent, which was "reported" by the phagocyte cell and T-lymphocyte. Sedentary macrophages can be found in almost all human tissues and organs, which provides an equivalent response of the immune system to any antigen that enters the body anywhere. Macrophages eliminate not only microorganisms and foreign chemical poisons that enter the body from outside, but also dead cells or toxins produced by their own body (endotoxins). Millions of macrophages surround them, absorb and dissolve them in order to remove them from the body. A decrease in the phagocytic activity of blood cells contributes to the development of a chronic inflammatory process and the emergence of aggression against the body's own tissues (the appearance of autoimmune processes). With the inhibition of phagocytosis, dysfunction of the destruction and excretion of immune complexes from the body is also observed.

7. Substances with protective complexes

Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are a protein molecule. They combine with a foreign substance and form an immune complex, circulate in the blood and are located on the surface of the mucous membranes. The main feature of antibodies is the ability to bind a strictly defined antigen. For example, with measles, the body begins to produce “anti-measles” immunoglobulin, against influenza - “anti-influenza”, etc. The following classes of immunoglobulins are distinguished: JgM, JgJ, JgA, JgD, JgE. JgM - this type of antibody appears very first upon contact with an antigen (microbe), an increase in their titer in the blood indicates an acute inflammatory process, JgM play an important protective role in the penetration of bacteria into the blood at early stages infections. JgJ - antibodies of this class appear some time after contact with the antigen. They participate in the fight against microbes - they form complexes with antigens on the surface of a bacterial cell. Subsequently, other plasma proteins (the so-called complement) join them, and the bacterial cell is lysed (its membrane is torn). In addition, JgJ are involved in the occurrence of some allergic reactions. They make up 80% of all human immunoglobulins, they are the main protective factor in a child in the first weeks of life, as they have the ability to pass through the placental barrier into the fetal blood serum. With natural feeding, antibodies from mother's milk through the intestinal mucosa of the newborn penetrate into his blood.

JgA - are produced by lymphocytes of the mucous membranes in response to local exposure to a foreign agent, thus they protect the mucous membranes from microorganisms and allergens. JgA inhibit the adhesion of microorganisms to the surface of cells and thereby prevent the penetration of microbes into the internal environment of the body. This is what prevents the development of chronic local inflammation.

JgD is the least studied. Researchers suggest that it is involved in the body's autoimmune processes.

JgE - antibodies of this class interact with receptors that are located on mast cells and basophils. As a result, histamine and other mediators of allergy are released, resulting in an allergic reaction. Upon repeated contact with the allergen, JgE interaction occurs on the surface of blood cells, which leads to the development of an anaphylactic allergic reaction. In addition to allergic reactions, JgE is involved in antihelminthic immunity.

Lysozyme. Lysozyme is present in all body fluids: in tears, saliva, blood serum. This substance is produced by blood cells. Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme that can dissolve the shell of the microbe and cause its death. When exposed to bacteria, lysozyme needs the support of another factor of natural immunity - the complement system.

Complement. This is a group of protein compounds involved in the chain of immune reactions. Complement can participate in the destruction of bacteria, preparing them for absorption by macrophages. The complement system consists of nine complex biochemical compounds. By changing the concentrations of any of them, one can judge the place of a possible pathology in the link of immunity.

Interferons. These substances provide antiviral immunity, increase the resistance of cells to the effects of viruses, thereby preventing their reproduction in cells. These substances are produced mainly by leukocytes and lymphocytes. The result of the action of interferons is the formation of a barrier around the focus of inflammation from cells that are not infected with the virus. Of all the above organs of immunity, only the thymus undergoes reverse development. This process usually occurs after 15 years, but sometimes the thymus gland does not undergo age-related involution. As a rule, this happens with a decrease in the activity of the adrenal cortex and a lack of hormones that are produced in it. Then develop pathological conditions: susceptibility to infections and intoxications, development of tumor processes. Children may have thymomegaly - an increase in the thymus. Often this leads to lingering currents colds and accompanied by allergic reactions.

The immune system provides a person with health and active life. The most important link in the complex protection are the cells of the immune system.

The immune system

The immune system is protective mechanisms and reactions to provide the body with stability and resistance to negative factors of the external and internal environment.

Immunity is represented by a number of organs that synthesize, distribute and influence the functioning of immunocompetent cells:

  • Peripheral - liver, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils;
  • Central - thymus, thymus.

The immune system is divided into types:

  • Congenital - the presence of genetically determined protection;
  • Acquired - development and improvement of mechanisms and reactions.

Since immunity is carried out at two levels - humoral and cellular, it is possible to distinguish specific and non-specific types of protection, which depend on the type of immunity.

Also, the totality of the activity of innate and adaptive immunities determines the speed and effectiveness of the onset of the immune response.

The immune response is the reaction of the defense system to the penetration of a foreign object or a change in the body's own cells. It consists of two cycles:

  • Search and recognition of a foreign gene;
  • Coordination of all immunocompetent cells for the neutralization and destruction of the pathogen.

At the same time, immunity has memory functions, that is, cells of a naturally acquired type are able to form immunological memory for a more effective and rapid immune response to re-infection with a pathogen.

immunocompetent cells

Cells of the immune system are mesenchymal in origin, have a single ancestral stem-type cell formed by the red bone marrow. They fall into two main categories. The first category includes immune cells that have specialized functions:

  • Population of lymphocyte cells;
  • A group of dendritic cells.
  • Population of leukocyte cells;
  • Cellular epithelial bodies;
  • Red blood cells;
  • platelets;
  • Vascular endothelium.

Each group of cells is characterized by:

  • A certain place of synthesis;
  • Specialized localization by organs, tissues and systems;
  • Biological active composition;
  • Presence or absence of own morphological features.

Immune cells can also be divided into types:

  • Granular granulocytes are white bodies that have granules in their cytoplasm;
  • Non-granular agranulocytes - white blood cells that do not have granules in their structure, the nucleus does not include any segments.

innate immune cells

Innate immunity is the body's genetic defenses.

Cellular structures are always ready to protect the body from certain types of pathogen, and also provides a barrier function against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. It is carried out by cellular mechanisms and reactions of the same type, which have an identical set of receptors. Due to their specific functions, the cells of innate immunity activate the cellular constructs of the acquired immune system.

The main reactions, the action of which is provided by innate immune cells, are:

  • Opsonization - reactions that stimulate and facilitate phagocytosis;
  • Phagocytosis - the process of capturing and digesting pathogenic particles;
  • Destruction of the pathogen inside the cell;
  • Secretion of cytokine components.

The cell structure has a multi-species colony of leukocytes.


The first most numerous link of protective cells is represented by neutrophils. Their population is about seventy percent of all leukocyte bodies, while young stab-type neutrophils make up one and a half percent, and the rest are mature species.

Neutrophil bodies are polymorphonuclear granulocytic representatives of leukocytes with a nucleus consisting of segments. They are representatives of phagocytes. In the implementation of the phagocytic function, they act like microphages, and are able to recognize, attach and absorb small pathogenic particles. Having completed phagocytosis, neutrophils die, producing degranulation processes and enhancing the migration of immune cells to the site of infection.

A change in the level of neutrophils in the blood indicates the onset of immune reactions to the penetration of bacterial and other infections, but with chronic diseases their level remains within the normal range.


In the blood test in severe allergic processes, the level of eosinophils increases.


Cellular structures of the connective tissue part of the body, which have pronounced properties of the phagocytic function and are characterized by long life activity, are called macrophages. In structure, macrophage cells differ depending on the property of absorbing a pathogenic element. Their structure contains many mitochondria, granules, nuclei, as a rule, of an irregular shape. At the beginning of the phagocyte, lysosomes and phagosomes appear in macrophages.

The main functions of macrophages are:

  • Special processing of antigenic components;
  • Destruction of the pathogen by activating enzymes and lysosomes;
  • Participate in the synthesis of antibodies;
  • Interact in the formation of an immune response with type B and T lymphocytes;
  • Macrophages synthesize transferrins that make up the compliment system, lysozymes, interferons, pyrogens, and other antibacterial substances;
  • Participate in the formation of antibacterial and antiviral immunities;
  • Macrophage bodies help to eliminate and reduce the spread of infection by providing an antibody-antigen connection;
  • Supports the cytotoxic effect of the leukocyte system against oncology of the lymphatic system.


Large leukocyte cells of the mononuclear type are monocytes. After their synthesis by the red bone marrow, they circulate through circulatory system no more than forty hours and go into tissue plexuses, where they become histiocytes of the connective tissue apparatus, hepatic Kupffer bodies, macrophages of the alvioli, spleen, bone marrow, and lymphatic system.

They are characterized by functional properties:

  • Perform phagocytic function;
  • Contribute to the purification of the focal site of inflammation and blood from antigens;
  • Synthesize secretory substances and mediators;
  • Promote the growth of fibroblasts, compliment protein compounds;
  • They create conditions for successful tissue regeneration after the destruction of the pathogen.

epithelial cells

Epitheliocytes are the main structural epithelial tissue, they are of various shapes, depending on their functions, they have one or more nuclei. They can be single-layer and multi-layer. Since they line the surface layers of the skin, cavities of the body and organs, mucous membranes, the nature of the properties depends on the location of the cellular structures.

The main functions are:

  • AT skin- barrier and protective;
  • In the intestine - suction;
  • In the respiratory organs - evacuation;
  • In the kidneys - suction, excretory;
  • In the glandular epithelium - the synthesis of secretory substances.

natural killers

Natural killers are large lymphocytic cells.

This type of cells provides protection of the body from tumor, mutated own cells, and is also part of the antiviral innate defense.

Natural killer bodies have cytotoxic properties and are involved in the synthesis of cytokines. Due to the presence of specific markers on the surface membrane, they are designed to destroy pathogens that do not have signs of first class histocompatibility.

Dendritic cells

Antigen presenting bodies, formed by the bone marrow, distributed throughout the lymphatic system - these are dendritic type cells. These include:

  • Myeloid bodies capable of capturing and presenting antigen, stimulating the activity of T-cells;
  • Plasmacytoid bodies carry out the synthesis of interferon type alpha and beta.

The main functions of cells are:

  • Initiation and maintenance of the inflammatory response;
  • Synthesis of cytokines to activate the activity of T-type Helpers;
  • Participate in the regulation of immunological processes;
  • Activate type T lymphocytes upon first contact with a pathogen;
  • They are a participant in almost all immunological reactions to the invasion of the pathogen.

mast cells

Mastocytes and mastocytes are fat cell bodies located in the connective tissue: on the skin, in the mucous membranes, in the bronchi. They are very small, on the surface there is a huge number of receptors, and inside the granules with active enzymes and biological substances. Their main task is to protect and preserve the internal constancy of the body from the introduction of pathogenic objects, creating conditions for their retention at the point of penetration. At the same time, being activated, mast cells release heparin, histamine, which causes swelling and enhances the migration of immune cells to the focus of the inflammatory process.

Acquired immunity agents

The second largest colony of immune cells is lymphocytes. The lymphocyte population makes up to thirty-five percent of the total number of immunocompetent bodies. Lymphocytes are leukocyte bodies, they are the main cells of the immune system, they play a leading role in the recognition of pathogenic objects and the formation of immunological memory.

There are several types of cells, but the main ones are:

  • T-type lymphocytes;
  • B lymphocytes.

T lymphocytes

These are cellular structures formed by the bone marrow, which continue their formation in the thymus gland with the help of special hormones, and then in the spleen and lymph nodes. In the thymus and organs of the lymphatic system, lymphocytes acquire specific receptors, learn and acquire functions depending on the received immune memory.

Lymphocytes begin to act after the relationship with phagocytes, as a result of which the latter transmit information about the penetration of the pathogen, then they jointly direct their capabilities to destroy the enemy. But, unlike phagocytic cells, lymphocytes remember a foreign object after destruction. When reintroduced, T cells coordinate the rapid onset of an effective immune response.

There are types of T cells:

  • Killers - have a directed effect on the destruction of the pathogen, their own dead or damaged cells, activates the immune response;
  • Helpers - are designed to enhance the immune adaptive response, increase the activity of B cells, killers, lymphocytes, monocytes, natural killers, produce cytokine synthesis;
  • Regulators are a small population of bodies designed to perform the functions of recognizing lipid antigenic objects.

Also, T lymphocytes are involved in the formation of cytotoxic immunity.

Lymphocytes B

Lymphocyte cells synthesized in the red bone marrow and migrate to the spleen and lymphatic system for further formation through contact with antigens or type T lymphocytes directly involved in the formation of humoral immunity are type B lymphocytes. Until the moment of complete formation, B cells are in the form of "naive" bodies that have not come into contact with a foreign gene or T cells. After the final formation they take the form:

  • Plasma bodies, whose functions are aimed at the production of antibodies, due to the fact that they develop a network of an endoplasmic nature, and the Golgi complex is also acquired. In blood elevated level plasma cells lasts until the complete destruction and elimination of the pathogen;
  • Immune memory cells are a small percentage of type B lymphocyte bodies that have interacted with T cells. After that, "naive" B cells change in their structure and biochemical composition, as a result of which they retain the information received about the causative agent of the disease.

Cells of lymphocytic type B are characterized by the presence on their surface of membrane-bound antibodies in the form of immunoglobulins M, D and surface active substances, which forms a complex capable of recognizing foreign particles.

The typing of B lymphocytes by class is also considered:

  • Class B1 - provides the production of antibodies in the form of protein immunoglobulin compounds M, which is responsible for the formation of an immune response to a foreign object that has recently invaded the body, which could pass the first line of defense of local immunity;
  • Class B2 - able to form antibodies in the form of immunoglobulins G, due to the fact that the infection was quite successful and the pathogen began to spread throughout the body.

Accessory immune cells

Immunocompetent cells include bodies that are not directly involved in the immunological response, but play an important role in the quality, efficiency and timeliness of its onset. These cells include:

  • Platelets - normalize blood composition, erythrocyte flow, help to implement the protective and regenerative functions of internal organs;
  • Red blood cells - erythrocytes, provide biologically active substances to lymphocytes, modulating the immune response of its specific and non-specific parts due to the transfer of antibodies, participate in hemostasis;
  • Vascular endothelium - promotes the synthesis a large number active biological substances, which are an integral part of immune responses at the cellular and humoral levels.

Immunocompetent cells are the basis of the human immune system. Thanks to the combination of their actions, a timely cellular and humoral immunological response occurs, which ensures a full-fledged healthy life of the body.


7. Cells of the immune system

The direct executors of immune reactions are leukocytes. Their purpose is to recognize foreign substances and microorganisms, to fight them, and to record information about them.

There are the following types of leukocytes:

1) lymphocytes (T-killers, T-helpers, T-suppressors, B-lymphocytes);

2) neutrophils (stab and segmented);

3) eosinophils;

4) basophils.

Lymphocytes are the main figures in immunological surveillance. In the bone marrow, the precursors of lymphocytes are divided into two major branches. One of them (mammals) ends its development in the bone marrow, and in birds - in a specialized lymphoid organ - the bursa (bag). These are B-lymphocytes. After B-lymphocytes leave the bone marrow, they circulate in the bloodstream for a short time, and then they are introduced into peripheral organs. They seem to be in a hurry to fulfill their mission, since the lifespan of these lymphocytes is short - only 7-10 days. A variety of B-lymphocytes is formed already during fetal development, and each of them is directed against a specific antigen. Another part of the lymphocytes from the bone marrow migrates to the thymus, the central organ of the immune system. This branch is T-lymphocytes. After completion of development in the thymus, some of the mature T-lymphocytes continue to be in the medulla, and some leave it. A significant part of T-lymphocytes become T-killers, a smaller part performs a regulatory function: T-helpers increase immunological reactivity, and T-suppressors, on the contrary, weaken it. Helpers are able to recognize the antigen and activate the corresponding B-lymphocyte (directly upon contact or at a distance with the help of special substances - lymphokines). The most well-known lymphokine is interferon, which is used in medicine in the treatment of viral diseases (for example, influenza), but it is effective only at the initial stage of the onset of the disease.

Suppressors have the ability to turn off the immune response, which is very important: if the immune system is not suppressed after neutralizing the antigen, the components of the immune system will destroy the body's own healthy cells, which will lead to the development of autoimmune diseases. Killers are the main link of cellular immunity, as they recognize antigens and effectively affect them. Killers act against cells that are affected by viral infections, as well as tumor, mutated, aging cells of the body.

From the book General and Clinical Immunology author N. V. Anokhin

From the book General and Clinical Immunology author N. V. Anokhin

From the book General and Clinical Immunology: lecture notes author N. V. Anokhin

From the book Analyzes. Complete reference author Mikhail Borisovich Ingerleib

From the book Colorpuncture. 40 effective treatment regimens by Ki Sheng Yu

From the book Atlas: human anatomy and physiology. Complete practical guide author Elena Yurievna Zigalova

From the book Therapist. Folk ways. author Nikolay Ivanovich Maznev

From the book Treatment with Healing Oils author Ilya Roshchin

From the book Yod is your home doctor author Anna Vyacheslavovna Shcheglova

From the book Agave from A to Z. The most complete encyclopedia author Alevtina Korzunova

Basic concepts

IMMUNITY (IMMUNITY) is a general biological phenomenon, the essence of which is long-term self-maintenance within an individual organism of a balance between genetically "one's own" and "not one's own" in an alien environment. IMMUNE SYSTEM (IMMUNE SYSTEM) specializes in the implementation of the mechanisms of this phenomenon. In order to understand the fundamentals of the science of IMMUNOLOGY, it is necessary to study the defense mechanisms aimed at eliminating "not one's own" and the regulatory processes that form the internal homeostasis of "one's own" in the body. Immunity can be innate and adaptive (acquired, specific). Failure of one or more components of the immune system can lead to the development of immunodeficiencies and the loss of the ability to defend against infection. Disorders of regulation in the functioning of this system contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases, allergies and the growth of tumors. The importance of the very existence of the immune system is illustrated by the emergence in the last 20 years of a new disease - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), in which all possible variants of disorders of the immune system are observed.

ANTIGEN (ANTIGEN) is a macromolecule containing foreign or self information, which is the basis for triggering a specific immune response; on the other hand, it should be borne in mind that any antigen often serves as an immunobiological marker for researchers. The total number of different antigens is estimated at 10 18 . A complete antigen molecule consists of an information part (low molecular weight antigenic determinants, epitopes, haptens) and a carrier part (macromolecular protein). The isolated informational part is not immunogenic in itself, i.e. unable to induce an immune response.

ANTIBODY or IMMUNOGLOBULIN is a type of immune system molecule. Antibodies and antigen recognition receptors can bind the corresponding antigens.

LYMPHOCYTES are the main cells of the immune system. Essentially, the immune system is a hierarchical collection of lymphoid cells (1013). Exist T-, B- and NK lymphocytes. T cells differentiate in the thymus and play a key role in all aspects of the specific immune response. B-lymphocytes differentiate in the bone marrow and are the precursors of plasma cells - antibody producers. NK cells (natural killers) are involved in non-specific cytotoxicity against intracellularly located pathogens. Other cells (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells, etc.) are also involved in many immune processes, but their participation is rather indirect, i.e. they are attracted by lymphocytes to implement the functions of the immune (lymphoid) system.

strategic function The immune system is the implementation of the genetic program of the individual development of the body from birth to death in a foreign environment.

Tactical features:

1. Protection from "not one's own" (infection, transplant).

2. Elimination of the modified "own" (tumors, damaged, aging cells).

3. Regulation of growth and development of cells and tissues.

The main partners of the immune system are central nervous system, endocrine system and liver, which are most important for ensuring the regulation of homeostasis.

The functional organization of the immune system can be seen in organ, cellular and molecular levels. There are two types of organs of the immune system, central (or primary) and peripheral (or secondary). BONE MARROW(bone marrow) - the central organ in which all cells of the immune system are born and B-lymphocytes mature (B-lymphopoiesis or B-commitment). THYMUS(thymus) - the central organ in which T-lymphocytes differentiate (T-lymphopoiesis or T-commitment) and which is also general coordinating for the entire immune system.

In peripheral organs, lymphocytes encounter antigens and their specific antigen-dependent differentiation occurs. This process is called immune response(immune response), the essence of which is the creation of a whole "army" of specifically reacting lymphocytes and specific antibodies that carry out effector reactions to destroy this particular antigen. There are T-cell and B-cell (humoral) pathways of the immune response.

Peripheral organs include:

q Lymph nodes, lymphatic ducts and spleen;

q Lymphoid tissue associated with mucous membranes, mucosae (Mucous-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - MALT), which is located at five levels. The first two levels - the Eustachian tube (Tube-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - TALT) and the nasopharynx (Nasal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - NALT) - are represented by various tonsils; the next level is bronchi (Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - BALT) and mammary glands(among women); the fourth level - the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract (Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - GALT) - contain lymphoid tissue of the stomach and Peyer's patches small intestine, the fifth level is the lower sections of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system - the appendix, the solitary follicles of the large intestine and the lymphoid tissue of the genitourinary system;

q Lymphoid tissue associated with the skin (Skin-Associated Lymphoid Tissue - SALT).

A great contribution to the development of immunology from Edward Jenner to the present day was made by such scientists as L.Pasteur, I.I. Mechnikov, P. Ehrlich, N.F. Gamaleya, F.McFarlane Burnet, N.K. .V.Vasiliev, S.Tonegawa and others.

Cells of the immune system

All cells related to the immune system and attracted by it to provide effector reactions can be functionally divided into four groups:


macrophages, dendritic cells types 1 and 2, B-lymphocytes;


T-inductors, T-helpers types 1, 2 and 3, T-regulators type 1;


plasma cells (differentiating from B-lymphocytes);

cytotoxic T cells with the CD8+ phenotype (or T-killers);

inflammatory effector T cells with a CD4+ phenotype (or T lymphocytes responsible for delayed-type hypersensitivity);

neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, natural killer (NK-cells), macrophages.


memory T cells with the CD8+ phenotype; memory T cells with the CD4+ phenotype;

long-lived plasma cells; Memory B cells.

CD nomenclature ("Cluster of Differentiation"), based on monoclonal technology, which was developed Nobel laureates(1984) G.J.F. Kohler (Switzerland) and C. Milstein (Argentina/Great Britain), allows identifying cells with respect to their origin, stage of differentiation, functional state, etc. (see Table 1). This technology has undoubtedly proved to be revolutionary in immunological and related fields of research.



Lymphocytes are the main cells of the immune system. distinctive features:

1. Permanent "patrol" recycling by blood flow, lymph flow, interstitial spaces and secretions.

2. Ability recognize, i.e. interact with "self" and "non-self" according to the "ligand - receptor" principle.

3. Clonal organization(McF. Burnet) and the ability to form network elements (N.K. Jerne).

4. Ability to continuous rearrangements in your genome at any age in connection with the needs of the formation of a specific response to the pathogen.

5. Skill memorize about the fact of meeting with any antigen and provide in the future an express highly effective response to it.

CLONE(a clone) - is a group of lymphocytes committed to a specific antigen. Before encountering this antigen, each lymphocyte clone is called naive. Apparently in human body Initially, there are tens of millions of clones of T- and B-lymphocytes. After encountering the appropriate antigen and as a result of the immune response, the committed lymphocyte becomes primed.

1.3. Molecules of the immune system

To carry out the necessary functions, the cells of the immune system have a complex molecular organization of their receptors and are capable of producing a number of molecules.

1. ANTIGEN PRESENTING, ANTIGEN RECOGNIZING AND ANTIGEN BINDING MOLECULES. The set of these molecules is unique for each organism, for each lymphocyte clone, and for each specific immune response. These include:

Antigen-recognizing immunoglobulin receptors of B-cells (B cellular receptors - BCR);

free immunoglobulins: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD;

antigen-recognizing T-cell receptors (T cellular receptors - TCR);

antigen-presenting molecules: leukocyte antigens of the major histocompatibility complex (Human leukocyte antigens - HLA I and II) and CD1 molecules (a, b, c, d, e).

2. ADHESIVE MOLECULES mediate interactions between cells and ligands in direct contact:

a superfamily of immunoglobulin-like molecules;



mucins (mucin-like vascular addressins);

· a superfamily of receptors for tumor necrosis factors and nerve growth factor - TNF/NGF (or molecules that mediate apoptosis);

Link family (components of the extracellular matrix).

3. IMMUNOCYTOKINES are hormones of the immune system, acting more often with para- and autocrine, less often with endocrine effects:

interleukins (Interleukins - ILs);

colony-stimulating factors (CSFs);

interferons (Interferons - IFNs);

tumor necrosis factors (TNFs);

chemokines (Chemokines), etc.

4. ASSEMBLY GROUP OF VARIOUS IMMUNE INFLAMMATOR MEDIATORS includes complement proteins, "acute phase", prostanoids and leukotrienes, proteolytic enzymes, etc.

Immunoglobulins M, G, A, E and D are effector molecules of the humoral immune response. The immunoglobulin molecule is a glycoprotein; protein chains include hundreds amino acid sequences; the carbohydrate component is 2-12%. The IgG molecule (see Fig. 1) consists of two identical lungs(light-L) and two identical heavy (heavy - H) chains (chains). Light chains are of two types: (light - λ and χ, heavy - five (α, γ, δ, ε, μ) Light and heavy chains contain repeating homologous sequences and form peculiar coils (domains). There are constant (constant) (CL, CH1, CH2 and CH3) and variable domains (VL and vh). The hypervariable regions of the variable domains form antigen-binding sites or active sites. The immunoglobulin molecule can also be divided into Fc fragment (a fragment crystalline), which is responsible for non-specific effector activity , and 2 Fab-fragment (fragment antigen-binding), that contain antigen-binding sites . The chemical nature of antibodies was studied in detail by the Nobel laureates (1972) G.M.Edelman (USA) and R.R.Porter (Great Britain).

Each B-lymphocyte expresses B cell antigen recognition receptor(an antigen-recognizing receptor - BCR), which consists of monomeric immunoglobulins IgM and IgD, has clonal heterogeneity and is associated with CD79a and CD79b molecules necessary for signal transmission into the cell. Along with these molecules, there is also a co-receptor complex (CD19, CD21(CR2), CD81) designed to recognize HLA II.

Each T-lymphocyte expresses T cell antigen recognition receptor(an antigen-recognizing receptor - abTCR), which consists of two chains, a and b, and has one of the co-receptors - CD4 (in T-helpers) or CD8 (in cytotoxic T-lymphocytes). These invariant CD4 and CD8 co-receptors are required for recognition of HLA II or HLA I, respectively. Each TCR chain, like an immunoglobulin molecule, has variable and constant domains, which provides clonal heterogeneity of antigen recognition receptors. Another molecule (CD3) is closely associated with the TCR and serves to conduct the signal into the cell. CD3 consists of 5 invariant proteins (e,g,d,x,h). Another type of antigen recognition receptor, gdTCR, is expressed on a small subset of T cells. These gdT cells, whose role is not yet fully understood, appear to function similarly to NK cells, but they also have some clonal heterogeneity.

Histocompatibility molecules were discovered by Nobel laureates (1980) B.Benacerraf (USA), J.Dausset (France) and G.D.Snell (USA). These molecules play a critical role in many immune processes, including antigenic peptide loading and presentation. HLA molecules are divided into class I (A, B, C, E, F, G) and class II (DR, DP, DQ) depending on their structure and function. The expression of HLA I takes place on almost all cells (with the exception of syncytiotrophoblast), performing the function of mutual information of cells within the body about autologousness; HLA II expression is observed almost exclusively on cells of the immune system: B-lymphocytes, macrophages, endotheliocytes, activated T-cells, etc.

HLA I molecule(see Fig. 2) consists of a 3-domain a-chain and b2-microglobulin (b2 microglobulin), the relationship between which is stabilized by calnexin. Between domains a1 and a2 there is groove for loading the antigen. After the antigen is loaded, b2-microglobulin is released, possibly due to a conformational change. There are about 180 genes with more than 500 alleles (on chromosome 6) encoding the synthesis of HLA I molecules, which ensures their species-specific and individual polymorphism. HLA II molecule consists of two dimers, a and b. The variable domains, a1 and b1, form a groove for antigen loading. In general, the b-chains of HLA-DR, DP, DQ are characterized by less heterogeneity; more than 300 allelic products of HLA II are known (more than 20 genes encoding HLA II are also located on chromosome 6). Special molecules serve to control the folding during synthesis, protection, transport and loading of antigenic peptides on HLA. chaperones(chaperons): calnexin, calreticulin, invariant chain II, etc.

Non-HLA CD1 molecules (a, b, c, d and e), which, by analogy with HLA I, consist of an a-chain and b2-microglobulin, are also involved in the processes of loading antigens, but of a non-protein nature (phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides).

There is an association between the inheritance of certain HLA genes and a high risk of developing certain diseases. For example, more than 90% of patients with ankylosing spondylitis, a severe autoimmune pathology of the spine, have the HLA-B27 gene.

Since HLA determines histocompatibility, it is necessary that the donor and recipient of an organ or tissue transplant have an HLA match. The HLA patient chart is called "full house" ("full house") and includes data on two alleles of each type of molecule (eg, HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DR, etc.). HLA sensitization in the past (during blood transfusions, transplants or pregnancy) can lead to acute transplant rejection or thrombocytopenia during blood transfusion, so mandatory testing for the presence of anti-HLA antibodies is necessary. HLA typing can serve as an additional criterion for the diagnosis of diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, diabetes, celiac disease, hemochromatosis, psoriasis, and narcolepsy, in which a high degree of association with certain HLA haplotypes is known.

Immune responses are a process of interaction of cells of the immune system, which is induced by an antigen and leads to the formation of effector cells and molecules that destroy this antigen. Immune responses are always specific, but not an isolated process that occurs only in the peripheral organs of the immune system. It is usually accompanied by natural immune response like phagocytosis, complement activation, NK cells, etc.

At least three types of cells are involved in the initial stages of the immune response: a macrophage (as well as a dendritic cell), a T- and a B-lymphocyte. In general, all cells involved in this process can be divided, as mentioned above, into antigen-presenting, regulatory, effector, and memory cells. There are four types of immune responses:

1. T-cell response with the formation of inflammatory T-cells;

2. T-cell response with the formation of cytotoxic T-cells;

3. Simple B-cell (humoral) response with IgM synthesis;

4. Extended B-cell (humoral) response

with sequential formation of antibodies of different classes.

T cell responses are regulated T-helpers type 1 and lead to the formation

1) effector CD4+ T-cells of inflammation

2) cytotoxic CD8+ T-lymphocytes, as well as their corresponding memory T-cells.

With a simple humoral response, only IgM is formed without the formation of immune memory. The extensive humoral response is regulated T-helpers type 2 and ends with the formation of plasma cells (producers of antibodies of classes M, G, A and E) and memory B-lymphocytes. Switching to the synthesis of certain isotypes of antibodies is partially controlled by T helper type 1. With the exception of a latent induction period, immune responses last on average about 3 weeks, with a maximum tension on the 1st week.

There are several main stages of immune responses:

· Antigen endocytosis, its processing and loading onto HLA I or II molecules for presentation to lymphocytes.

· Recognition of antigenic peptide/HLA I or II complex and other stimuli.

· Signal transduction and activation of a cellular clone.

Clonal expansion or proliferation.

Maturation of effector and memory cells.

effector activity.

exogenous antigens are presented in complex with HLA II molecules to naive CD4+ T cells ( HLA II mediated pathway). First, these antigens are endocytosed and fragmented by proteolytic enzymes in endosomes (lysosomes). At the same time, HLA II molecules associated with chaperones (calnexin and invariant chain Ii) are synthesized and assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum. The II chain is required to protect the groove of the HLA molecule until the antigenic peptide is loaded here. Then the HLA II/Ii-chain complex is transported through the Golgi apparatus to endosomes, where the Ii-chain is lost, and additional HLA-DM and, probably, HLA-DO molecules begin to play the role of protecting the groove. Finally, the antigenic peptide is loaded into the groove of the HLA II molecule and this complex is expressed on the cell surface.

Endogenous or intracellular antigens of microbial origin loaded onto HLA I molecules ( HLA I mediated pathway) for presentation to naive CD8+ T cells. First, unlike exogenous antigens, such cytoplasmic antigens migrate to the cytosol, where they are cleaved into a large proteolytic complex, the proteasome. Thereafter, the antigenic peptide is transported through a "tunnel" of TAP-1/TAP-2 molecules into the endoplasmic reticulum. At the same time, the HLA I molecule is assembled here, the groove of which (by analogy with the Ii chain in HLA II) is "protected" by chaperones (first calnexin, then calreticulin), and the folding of the entire HLA I molecule is subsequently stabilized by additional molecules (tapazine, etc.). .). After the antigenic peptide is loaded onto the HLA I groove, this complex is transported to the cell surface.

Non-protein antigens, probably loaded onto non-HLA antigen-presenting CD1 molecules.

In general, macrophages and B cells are involved, respectively, in the T-cell or humoral immune response via the HLA II-mediated pathway, and the two types of dendritic cells are capable of cross-presentation. The type 1 dendritic cell processes endogenous antigens along the HLA I pathway to trigger a T cell response, and the type 2 dendritic cell processes exogenous antigens along the HLA II pathway and triggers a B cell response.

Recognition(recognition) proceeds within a few hours. However, with violations of cell migration and intercellular interactions, it can be longer. This may lead to a slowdown in the overall immune response to the pathogen. Clinical manifestations this stage are fever, muscle weakness, loss of appetite and drowsiness. For the most part, they are due to the systemic effects of cytokines, which will be discussed in more detail below.

In order for a specific immune response to a specific antigen to start, it is necessary that the T- and B-lymphocytes of the corresponding clone meet with the antigen-presenting cell. Some bacterial antigens (T-independent antigens) are recognized by BCR B cells and do not require help from T helpers. Most native antigens (so-called T-dependent antigens) are recognized by " full program"naïve CD4+ T helper type 1 and CD8+ T cells (to trigger a T cell response or T-helper pathways 1), as well as naive CD4+ T-helper type 2 (to trigger a humoral response or T-helper pathways 2). Interestingly, priming of CD8+ T cells requires the participation of CD4+ T helpers 1.

During recognition, lymphocytes perceive three types of obligatory signals, one specific and two non-specific:

1. Antigenic peptide/HLA I or II.

2. Cytokines.

3. Costimulatory molecules.

The antigenic peptide loaded onto HLA I or II as a result of processing serves specific signal. This simultaneous "double" recognition of "self" (HLA proteins) and "non-self" (foreign antigen) was discovered by Nobel laureates (1996) P.C. Doherty (Australia, USA) and R.M. Zinkernagel (Switzerland) and turned out to be a fairly universal phenomenon. Secreted cytokines and expressed costimulatory molecules are two essential non-specific signals. Moreover, to ensure reliable physical contact of cells, the interaction of such adhesive molecules as LFA-1, ICAM-1, ICAM-2, ICAM-3 is also necessary.

Cytokines play one of the key roles in the nonspecific regulation of the immune response. T- and B-lymphocytes receive cytokine signals from antigen-presenting cells, NK cells, mast cells etc. The reverse signal from lymphocytes, for example, secreted IFNg, promotes the reexpression of HLA I/II on antigen-presenting cells. Cytokines acting in the early stages of the immune response can be divided into two groups depending on its direction:

1. IL12, IL2, IL18, IFNg, TNFa/b (for type 1 T-helper pathway).

2.IL4(for T-helper path type 2).

However, at the next stages of the immune response (clonal expansion, maturation of effectors, switching the synthesis of antibody isotypes), other cytokines are involved in the process.

Costimulatory molecules also play an important role in the nonspecific regulation of the immune response (see Table. 2.).


Immunity is understood as a set of biological phenomena aimed at preserving the internal environment and protecting the body from infectious and other genetically alien agents. There are the following types of infectious immunity:






Infectious immunity can be sterile (no pathogen in the body) or non-sterile (pathogen in the body). Innate immunity is present from birth, it can be specific and individual. Species immunity - immunity of one species of animal or person to microorganisms, disease-causing in other species. It is genetically determined in humans as a biological species. Species immunity is always active. Individual immunity is passive (placental immunity). Nonspecific protective factors are as follows: skin and mucous membranes, lymph nodes, lysozyme and other enzymes of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract, normal microflora, inflammation, phagocytic cells, natural killers, complement system, interferons. Phagocytosis.

I. The concept of the immune system

The immune system is the totality of all lymphoid organs and accumulations of lymphoid cells in the body. Lymphoid organs are divided into central ones - thymus, bone marrow, Fabricius' sac (in birds) and its analogue in animals - Peyer's patches; peripheral - spleen, lymph nodes, solitary follicles, blood and others. Its main component is lymphocytes. There are two main classes of lymphocytes: B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. T cells are involved in cellular immunity, regulation of B-cell activity, delayed-type hypersensitivity. The following subpopulations of T-lymphocytes are distinguished: T-helpers (programmed to induce the reproduction and differentiation of other types of cells), suppressor T-cells, T-killers (secrete cytotoxic lymphokines). The main function of B-lymphocytes is that, in response to an antigen, they are able to multiply and differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies. B - lymphocytes are divided into two subpopulations: 15 B1 and B2. B-cells are long-lived B-lymphocytes derived from mature B-cells as a result of antigen stimulation with the participation of T-lymphocytes.

The immune response is a chain of successive complex cooperative processes that occur in the immune system in response to the action of an antigen in the body. There are primary and secondary immune responses, each of which consists of two phases: inductive and productive. Further, the immune response is possible in the form of one of three options: cellular, humoral and immunological tolerance. Antigens by origin: natural, artificial and synthetic; by chemical nature: proteins, carbohydrates (dextran), nucleic acids, conjugated antigens, polypeptides, lipids; by genetic relation: autoantigen, isoantigens, alloantigen, xenoantigens. Antibodies are proteins synthesized under the influence of an antigen.

II. Cells of the immune system

Immunocompetent cells are cells that make up the immune system. All of these cells originate from a single ancestral stem cell in the red bone marrow. All cells are divided into 2 types: granulocytes (granular) and agranulocytes (non-granular).

The granulocytes are:




For agranulocytes:


    lymphocytes (B, T)

Neutrophil granulocytes or neutrophils, segmented neutrophils, neutrophilic leukocytes- a subspecies of granulocytic leukocytes, called neutrophils because, when stained according to Romanovsky, they are intensely stained with both acidic dye eosin and basic dyes, in contrast to eosinophils stained only with eosin, and from basophils stained only with basic dyes.

Mature neutrophils have a segmented nucleus, that is, they belong to polymorphonuclear leukocytes, or polymorphonuclear cells. They are classical phagocytes: they have adhesiveness, mobility, the ability to chemostaxis, as well as the ability to capture particles (for example, bacteria).

Mature segmented neutrophils are normally the main type of leukocytes circulating in human blood, accounting for 47% to 72% of the total number of blood leukocytes. Another 1-5% are normally young, functionally immature neutrophils, which have a rod-shaped solid nucleus and do not have the nuclear segmentation characteristic of mature neutrophils - the so-called stab neutrophils.

Neutrophils are capable of active amoeboid movement, extravasation (emigration outside the blood vessels), and chemotaxis (preferential movement towards sites of inflammation or tissue damage).

Neutrophils are capable of phagocytosis, and they are microphages, that is, they are able to absorb only relatively small foreign particles or cells. After phagocytosis of foreign particles, neutrophils usually die, releasing a large amount of biologically active substances that damage bacteria and fungi, increase inflammation and chemotaxis of immune cells in the focus. Neutrophils contain a large amount of myeloperoxidase, an enzyme that is able to oxidize the chloride anion to hypochlorite, a strong antibacterial agent. Myeloperoxidase, as a heme-containing protein, has a greenish color, which determines the greenish hue of the neutrophils themselves, the color of pus and some other secretions rich in neutrophils. Dead neutrophils, together with cellular debris from tissues destroyed by inflammation and pyogenic microorganisms that caused inflammation, form a mass known as pus.

An increase in the proportion of neutrophils in the blood is called relative neutrophilia, or relative neutrophilic leukocytosis. An increase in the absolute number of neutrophils in the blood is called absolute neutrophilosis. A decrease in the proportion of neutrophils in the blood is called relative neutropenia. A decrease in the absolute number of neutrophils in the blood is referred to as absolute neutropenia.

Neutrophils play a very important role in protecting the body from bacterial and fungal infections, and a relatively lesser role in protecting against viral infections. In antitumor or anthelmintic protection, neutrophils practically do not play a role.

The neutrophil response (infiltration of the focus of inflammation with neutrophils, an increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left with an increase in the proportion of "young" forms, indicating an increase in the production of neutrophils by the bone marrow) is the very first response to bacterial and many other infections. Neutrophil response at acute inflammation and infections are always preceded by a more specific lymphocytic. In chronic inflammations and infections, the role of neutrophils is insignificant and the lymphocytic response predominates (infiltration of the focus of inflammation with lymphocytes, absolute or relative lymphocytosis in the blood).

Eosinophilic granulocytes or eosinophils, segmented eosinophils, eosinophilic leukocytes- a subspecies of granulocytic blood leukocytes.

Eosinophils are so named because, when stained according to Romanovsky, they are intensely stained with the acidic dye eosin and do not stain with basic dyes, unlike basophils (stain only with basic dyes) and neutrophils (they absorb both types of dyes). Also, a distinguishing feature of an eosinophil is a bilobed nucleus (in a neutrophil it has 4-5 lobes, and in a basophil it is not segmented).

Eosinophils are capable of active amoeboid movement, extravasation (penetration beyond the walls of blood vessels) and chemotaxis (predominant movement towards the focus of inflammation or tissue damage).

Also, eosinophils are able to absorb and bind histamine and a number of other mediators of allergy and inflammation. They also have the ability to release these substances when needed, similar to basophils. That is, eosinophils are able to play both pro-allergic and protective anti-allergic roles. The percentage of eosinophils in the blood increases in allergic conditions.

Eosinophils are less numerous than neutrophils. Most of the eosinophils do not remain in the blood for long and, getting into the tissues, stay there for a long time.

The normal level for a person is considered to be 120-350 eosinophils per microliter.

Basophilic granulocytes or basophils, segmented basophils, basophilic leukocytes- a subspecies of granulocytic leukocytes. They contain a basophilic S-shaped nucleus, often not visible due to the overlap of the cytoplasm with histamine granules and other allergomediators. Basophils are so named for the fact that, when stained according to Romanovsky, they intensively absorb the main dye and do not stain with acidic eosin, in contrast to eosinophils that stain only with eosin, and from neutrophils that absorb both dyes.

Basophils are very large granulocytes: they are larger than both neutrophils and eosinophils. Basophil granules contain large amounts of histamine, serotonin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and other mediators of allergy and inflammation.

Basophils are actively involved in the development of immediate-type allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock reactions). There is a misconception that basophils are precursors of mast cells. Mast cells are very similar to basophils. Both cells are granulated and contain histamine and heparin. Both cells also release histamine when bound to IgE. This similarity has led many to speculate that mast cells are the basophils in tissues. In addition, they share a common precursor in the bone marrow. However, basophils leave the bone marrow already mature, while mast cells circulate in an immature form, only eventually entering the tissues. Thanks to basophils, the poisons of insects or animals are immediately blocked in the tissues and do not spread throughout the body. Basophils also regulate blood clotting with the help of heparin. However, the original statement is still true: basophils are direct relatives and analogues of tissue mast cells, or mast cells. Like tissue mast cells, basophils carry immunoglobulin E on the surface and are capable of degranulation (release of the contents of the granules into the external environment) or autolysis (dissolution, cell lysis) upon contact with an allergen antigen. During degranulation or lysis of the basophil, a large amount of histamine, serotonin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins and other biologically active substances are released. This determines the observed manifestations of allergy and inflammation when exposed to allergens.

Basophils are capable of extravasation (emigration outside the blood vessels), and they can live outside the bloodstream, becoming resident tissue mast cells (mast cells).

Basophils have the ability to chemotaxis and phagocytosis. In addition, apparently, phagocytosis is neither the main nor the natural (carried out under natural physiological conditions) activity for basophils. Their only function is instant degranulation, leading to increased blood flow, increased vascular permeability. an increase in the influx of fluid and other granulocytes. In other words, the main function of basophils is to mobilize the remaining granulocytes to the focus of inflammation.

Monocyte - a large mature single-nuclear leukocyte of the agranulocyte group with a diameter of 18-20 microns with an eccentrically located polymorphic nucleus with a loose chromatin network and azurophilic granularity in the cytoplasm. Like lymphocytes, monocytes have an unsegmented nucleus. Monocyte is the most active phagocyte in peripheral blood. An oval-shaped cell with a large, bean-shaped, chromatin-rich nucleus (which makes it possible to distinguish them from lymphocytes that have a rounded dark nucleus) and a large amount of cytoplasm, in which there are many lysosomes.

In addition to the blood, these cells are always present in large numbers in the lymph nodes, alveolar walls, and sinuses of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

Monocytes are in the blood for 2-3 days, then they go into the surrounding tissues, where, having reached maturity, they turn into tissue macrophages - histiocytes. Monocytes are also precursors of Langerhans cells, microglial cells, and other cells capable of processing and presenting antigen.

Monocytes have a pronounced phagocytic function. These are the largest peripheral blood cells, they are macrophages, that is, they can absorb relatively large particles and cells or a large number of small particles and, as a rule, do not die after phagocytization (the death of monocytes is possible if the phagocytosed material has any cytotoxic properties for the monocyte). In this they differ from microphages - neutrophils and eosinophils, capable of absorbing only relatively small particles and, as a rule, dying after phagocytosis.

Monocytes are able to phagocytize microbes in an acidic environment when neutrophils are inactive. By phagocytizing microbes, dead leukocytes, damaged tissue cells, monocytes cleanse the site of inflammation and prepare it for regeneration. These cells form a delimiting rampart around indestructible foreign bodies.

Activated monocytes and tissue macrophages:

    participate in the regulation of hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis)

    take part in the formation of a specific immune response of the body.

Monocytes, leaving the bloodstream, become macrophages, which, along with neutrophils, are the main "professional phagocytes". Macrophages, however, are much larger and live longer than neutrophils. Macrophage precursor cells, monocytes, after leaving the bone marrow, circulate in the blood for several days, and then migrate to tissues and grow there. At this time, the content of lysosomes and mitochondria increases in them. Near the inflammatory focus, they can multiply by division.

Monocytes are capable, having emigrated to tissues, to turn into resident tissue macrophages. Monocytes are also able, like other macrophages, to process antigens and present antigens to T-lymphocytes for recognition and learning, that is, they are antigen-presenting cells of the immune system.

Macrophages are large cells that actively destroy bacteria. Macrophages in large quantities accumulate in the foci of inflammation. Compared to neutrophils, monocytes are more active against viruses than bacteria, and are not destroyed during the reaction with a foreign antigen, therefore, pus does not form in the foci of inflammation caused by viruses. Also, monocytes accumulate in the foci of chronic inflammation.

Monocytes secrete soluble cytokines that affect the functioning of other parts of the immune system. Cytokines secreted by monocytes are called monokines.

Monocytes synthesize the individual components of the complement system. They recognize an antigen and convert it into an immunogenic form (antigen presentation).

Monocytes produce both factors that enhance blood coagulation (thromboxanes, thromboplastins) and factors that stimulate fibrinolysis (plasminogen activators). Unlike B and T lymphocytes, macrophages and monocytes are not capable of specific antigen recognition.

T-lymphocytes, or T cells- lymphocytes that develop in mammals in the thymus from precursors - prethymocytes, entering it from the red bone marrow. In the thymus, T-lymphocytes differentiate by acquiring T-cell receptors (TCRs) and various co-receptors (surface markers). They play an important role in the acquired immune response. They provide recognition and destruction of cells carrying foreign antigens, enhance the action of monocytes, NK cells, and also take part in switching immunoglobulin isotypes (at the beginning of the immune response, B cells synthesize IgM, later switch to the production of IgG, IgE, IgA).

Types of T-lymphocytes:

T-cell receptors are the main surface protein complexes of T-lymphocytes responsible for the recognition of processed antigens associated with molecules of the major histocompatibility complex on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. The T cell receptor is associated with another polypeptide membrane complex, CD3. The functions of the CD3 complex include signal transduction into the cell, as well as stabilization of the T-cell receptor on the membrane surface. The T cell receptor can be associated with other surface proteins, TCR receptors. Depending on the coreceptor and the functions performed, two main types of T cells are distinguished.


T-helpers - T-lymphocytes, the main function of which is to enhance the adaptive immune response. They activate T-killers, B-lymphocytes, monocytes, NK-cells by direct contact, as well as humorally, releasing cytokines. The main feature of T-helpers is the presence of the CD4 co-receptor molecule on the cell surface. T-helper cells recognize antigens when their T-cell receptor interacts with an antigen associated with molecules of the major histocompatibility complex of class II.


T-helpers and T-killers form a group of effector T-lymphocytes directly responsible for the immune response. At the same time, there is another group of cells, regulatory T-lymphocytes, whose function is to regulate the activity of effector T-lymphocytes. By modulating the strength and duration of the immune response through the regulation of T-effector cell activity, regulatory T-cells maintain tolerance to the body's own antigens and prevent the development of autoimmune diseases. There are several mechanisms of suppression: direct, with direct contact between cells, and distant, carried out at a distance - for example, through soluble cytokines.

    γδ T-lymphocytes

γδ T-lymphocytes are a small population of cells with a modified T-cell receptor. Unlike most other T cells, whose receptor is formed by two α and β subunits, the T cell receptor of γδ lymphocytes is formed by γ and δ subunits. These subunits do not interact with peptide antigens presented by MHC complexes. It is assumed that γδ T-lymphocytes are involved in the recognition of lipid antigens.

B-lymphocytes(B cells, from bursa fabricii birds, where they were first discovered) is a functional type of lymphocytes that play an important role in providing humoral immunity. Upon contact with an antigen or stimulation from T cells, some B lymphocytes transform into plasma cells capable of producing antibodies. Other activated B-lymphocytes turn into memory B-cells. In addition to producing antibodies, B cells perform many other functions: they act as antigen-presenting cells and produce cytokines and exosomes.

In human and other mammalian embryos, B-lymphocytes are formed in the liver and bone marrow from stem cells, while in adult mammals, only in the bone marrow. Differentiation of B-lymphocytes takes place in several stages, each of which is characterized by the presence of certain protein markers and the degree of genetic rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes.

There are the following types of mature B-lymphocytes:

    Actually B-cells (also called "naive" B-lymphocytes) are non-activated B-lymphocytes that have not been in contact with the antigen. They do not contain Gall's bodies, scattered monoribosomes in the cytoplasm. They are polyspecific and have low affinity for many antigens.

    Memory B-cells are activated B-lymphocytes that have again passed into the stage of small lymphocytes as a result of cooperation with T-cells. They are a long-lived clone of B-cells, provide a rapid immune response and produce a large amount of immunoglobulins upon repeated administration of the same antigen. They are called memory cells because they allow the immune system to "remember" the antigen for many years after its action has ceased. Memory B cells provide long-term immunity.

    Plasma cells are the last step in the differentiation of antigen-activated B cells. Unlike other B cells, they carry few membrane antibodies and are able to secrete soluble antibodies. They are large cells with an eccentrically located nucleus and a developed synthetic apparatus - a rough endoplasmic reticulum occupies almost the entire cytoplasm, and the Golgi apparatus is also developed. They are short-lived cells (2-3 days) and are quickly eliminated in the absence of the antigen that caused the immune response.

A characteristic feature of B cells is the presence of surface membrane-bound antibodies related to IgM classes and IgD. In combination with other surface molecules, immunoglobulins form an antigen-recognizing receptor complex responsible for antigen recognition. Also on the surface of B-lymphocytes are MHC class II antigens that are important for interaction with T-cells, and on some clones of B-lymphocytes there is a CD5 marker that is common with T-cells. Receptors for complement components C3b (Cr1, CD35) and C3d (Cr2, CD21) play a role in B cell activation. It should be noted that CD19, CD20 and CD22 markers are used to identify B-lymphocytes. Fc receptors have also been found on the surface of B-lymphocytes.

natural killers- large granular lymphocytes with cytotoxicity against tumor cells and cells infected with viruses. Currently, NK cells are considered as a separate class of lymphocytes. NKs perform cytotoxic and cytokine-producing functions. NK is one of the most important components of cellular innate immunity. NKs are formed as a result of the differentiation of lymphoblasts (common precursors of all lymphocytes). They do not have T-cell receptors, CD3, or surface immunoglobulins, but usually carry CD16 and CD56 markers on their surface in humans, or NK1.1/NK1.2 in some strains of mice. About 80% of NKs carry CD8.

These cells were called natural killer cells because, according to early ideas, they did not require activation to kill cells that did not carry major histocompatibility complex type I markers.

The main function of NK is the destruction of body cells that do not carry MHC1 on their surface and are thus inaccessible to the action of the main component of antiviral immunity - T-killers. A decrease in the amount of MHC1 on the cell surface may be due to the transformation of the cell into a cancer cell or the action of viruses such as papillomavirus and HIV.

Macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and natural killers provide an innate immune response that is non-specific.