Changes in the normal microflora - intestinal dysbacteriosis: symptoms and treatment in children, recommendations from specialists. Dysbacteriosis in children: treatment regimen Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children 3

Dysbacteriosis is a condition that is accompanied by an imbalance of microflora in the body and on the integument of the body and is a consequence of the disease. Under dysbacteriosis it is customary to mean violations in the work of the intestines.

  • Dysbacteriosis in children
  • Causes of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children under one year old:
  • Causes of dysbacteriosis in children older than 12 months:
  • Causes of dysbacteriosis in adolescents:
  • Etiological classification:
  • Clinical forms of dysbacteriosis according to the degree of compensation:
  • Types of dysbacteriosis depending on the pathogen:
  • The degree of violation of the composition of the microflora:
  • Symptoms of dysbacteriosis:
  • Methods for diagnosing dysbacteriosis:
  • Treatment methods for dysbacteriosis:
  • Possible complications:
  • Prevention measures:
  • Article comments
  • We advise you to read
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children
  • Causes of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Classification of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Prevention of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children - treatment in Moscow
  • Directory of Diseases
  • Childhood diseases
  • Last news
  • Dysbacteriosis in children: symptoms and treatment
  • Dysbacteriosis in children - the main symptoms:
  • The reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Degrees
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Signs and methods of treatment of dysbacteriosis in a child
  • How to recognize the first signs in time
  • Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in a child
  • Non-traditional means for the normalization of microflora
  • Changes in the normal microflora - intestinal dysbacteriosis: symptoms and treatment in children, recommendations from specialists
  • Reasons for the development of dysbacteriosis
  • Symptoms and stages of the disease
  • Analyzes and diagnostics
  • Treatment Methods
  • Drug therapy
  • Diet and nutrition rules
  • Funds traditional medicine
  • Preventive advice

In children it pathological condition occurs due to the use of antibiotics, malnutrition, immaturity of the digestive system and many other reasons. AT international classifications no such disease exists.

Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) is a secondary symptom and a signal of malfunctions in the body. The main changes in this condition occur at the level of microflora. There is an increase in the number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms against the background of a decrease in the number of beneficial ones. At the same time, the former take the place of the latter and gradually displace them.

Such an imbalance leads to disorders of the digestive process, a deficiency of essential trace elements, vitamins, and a decrease in immunity. In some cases, a violation of the microflora is a symptom of serious illness, so parents should be aware of what dysbacteriosis is in children in order to prevent possible complications in time.

According to statistics, about 95% of babies suffer from violations of the composition of the microflora. The intestines of newborns are practically sterile, so the correct formation of microflora should begin from the first minutes of life. Breastfeeding plays an important role in this process.

Adequate treatment is impossible without determining the exact cause of dysbacteriosis in a child. As a rule, therapy consists not only in the appointment bacterial preparations, the main place in the process of recovery is given to the correction of the diet.


There are several classifications of dysbacteriosis.

Etiological classification:

Doctors in their practice actively use the clinical classification, which helps to choose the optimal strategy of action in order to cure dysbacteriosis in children. This systematization includes identifying the degree of deviation, the main pathogen and clinical forms.

Clinical forms of dysbacteriosis according to the degree of compensation:

  • compensated (latent form) - without any clinical manifestations;
  • subcompensated - manifests itself in violation of the diet in the form of local foci of inflammation;
  • decompensated - the body can not cope on its own, the treatment of the generalized form is difficult.

Types of dysbacteriosis depending on the pathogen:

  • staphylococcal;
  • klebsiella;
  • clostridious;
  • candidiasis;
  • protein;
  • bacteroid;
  • associated.

The degree of violation of the composition of the microflora:

  • I degree - there is a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, Escherichia coli and bifidobacteria by more than 10 times, this phase proceeds secretly.
  • II degree - against the background of a normal number of lactobacilli, the number of bifidobacteria is significantly reduced, they are replaced by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes, there are dyspeptic phenomena;
  • III degree - aerobic microflora is aggressive, its numbers reach high titers. In addition to indigestion, the child has lethargy and capriciousness.
  • IV degree - a deep imbalance of microflora and the accumulation of toxic decay products, there are functional disorders in the digestive system.


In children, the symptoms of dysbacteriosis appear at the moment when the compensatory capabilities of their body cannot cope with the violation of metabolic processes. The initial stages of the disease are asymptomatic, but pronounced microbiological changes signal external clinical manifestations.

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis:

  • Dyspeptic syndrome is manifested by frequent diarrhea, the consequence of which is pain in the area anus, itching, burning and cracks. The presence of pathogenic microflora in the feces may be indicated by a putrid odor and a foamy consistency. Sometimes diarrhea alternates with constipation, or there is a tendency to prolonged constipation. Often in patients with dysbacteriosis, bloating appears and the rate of weight gain decreases.
  • Pain syndrome - pain in the abdomen of a different nature, localization, intensity may decrease or disappear after passing gases or defecation. As a rule, it is paroxysmal and appears 1.5–2 hours after a meal.
  • Allergic reactions are detected in more than 95% of children with impaired microflora. They manifest themselves in intolerance to certain foods, the appearance of skin rashes, itching, swelling and bronchospasm.
  • Signs of malabsorption appear as a result of a violation of absorption processes in the intestine, against which there is a shortage of essential substances and fluids. This condition is accompanied by hypovitaminosis, anemia, hypocalcemia, neurotic disorders, dry skin, changes in the nail plates, bleeding gums and pale skin are also possible.
  • Intoxication - loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, headaches, subfebrile temperature body, malaise, violation of the physical development of the child.
  • Decreased immunity. In a child, a symptom of dysbacteriosis may be a tendency to infections of the upper respiratory tract development of viral and fungal infections.


Differential diagnosis is carried out in order to exclude or confirm malabsorption syndrome, ulcerative colitis and acute intestinal infection.

Treatment methods for dysbacteriosis:

  • Diet therapy. Experts insist that the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children should begin with a diet correction. Diet therapy is individual and depends on the type of feeding of the child. With mixed feeding, it is recommended to diversify the diet with healthy fermented milk products. In the menu of older children, it is advised to limit animal proteins and fast carbohydrates. In order to normalize digestion in sufficient quantities, vegetable fibers and food enriched with biocultures of beneficial microorganisms.
  • Probiotics are products that contain beneficial bacteria.
  • Prebiotics - drugs that promote the growth of normal microflora
  • Symbiotics - combined (probiotic + prebiotic).
  • Bacteriophages - to suppress pathogenic microflora.
  • Enzymes - to regulate digestion.
  • Antifungal drugs in the diagnosis of active reproduction of fungal microflora characteristic of candidiasis.
  • Antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins and macrolides with low activity of antifungal agents.
  • Sorbents reduce the severity of symptoms of intoxication.

Many children of the first year of life have symptoms of microflora disturbance. For most of them, the problem disappears on its own or after nutritional correction. Unfortunately, cases of treatment of dysbacteriosis in a child older than 3 years with such symptoms are not uncommon. A huge role in this process is played by the attention of parents and the correct complex therapy.


Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children can lead to the development of serious pathologies.

Possible complications:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lag in physical development;
  • dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rickets;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • violation of hematopoietic processes;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • dyskinesia of the intestine and biliary tract.


Prevention measures:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • balanced nutrition of the expectant mother;
  • treatment of genital tract infections before delivery;
  • elimination of stress and compliance with the regime;
  • early attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • prolonged breast-feeding;
  • gradual introduction of complementary foods at the recommended time;
  • timely treatment of diseases of the digestive system;
  • prevention of intestinal infections.


Children's dysbacteriosis is treated comprehensively. The result of therapy depends on the timeliness and correctness of the chosen treatment tactics and the severity of the pathological process. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, but long-term maintenance treatment and constant monitoring of the child's nutrition are required.

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Dysbacteriosis is a disorder characterized by an imbalance in the quantitative and qualitative composition of microorganisms that form the human intestinal microflora. Intestinal dysbacteriosis in an adult.

IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Source: intestines in children

Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children is a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora, in which conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to predominate in it. Dysbacteriosis in children early age manifested by regurgitation, low rates of weight gain, impaired stool; in older children - belching, loss of appetite, unstable stools, intestinal colic. Confirmation of dysbacteriosis in children is carried out with the help of bacteriological examination of feces, analysis of the coprogram. Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children includes diet, phage therapy or antibiotic therapy, taking probiotics and prebiotics, immunoregulators, vitamins.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children

Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) in children is characterized by a persistent violation of the intestinal microbiocenosis, a change in the ratio of obligate and facultative intestinal microflora in favor of the latter. The problem of dysbacteriosis in children is the most relevant in pediatrics, since, according to modern studies, a violation of the intestinal biocenosis is detected in 25-50% of healthy infants. Among children with somatic and infectious diseases (intestinal infections, enteritis, colitis, allergic dermatitis, etc.), intestinal dysbacteriosis varying degrees severity is detected in almost 100% of cases.

The birth of a child is associated with its transition from a sterile intrauterine environment to the outside world, populated by a variety of different microorganisms. Almost immediately, the body of the newborn undergoes microbial colonization. The main part of the obligate microflora the child receives from the mother (during the passage through the birth canal, during breastfeeding), which is decisive for his subsequent health. Immune factors present in colostrum and breast milk (secretory IgA, lysozyme, lactoferrin, macrophages, bifidus factor, etc.) block intestinal colonization by opportunistic flora. Therefore, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis in a child, it is extremely important to apply it to the mother's breast early (in the first 30 minutes, but no later than 2 hours after birth).

During the first 3-5 days of life, the microbial landscape of the intestine becomes more diverse, and along with beneficial bacteria, opportunistic microorganisms settle in large numbers in it. As a result, in the first week, newborns develop transient intestinal dysbacteriosis, manifested by regurgitation, unstable watery stools with mucus, and spastic pains. Transient dysbacteriosis in children usually ends in the second week of life, as bifidus and lactobacilli displace other representatives of the intestinal microbiocenosis. However, in the presence of aggravating factors, normal microflora is not formed, and transient dysbacteriosis in children becomes true.

Causes of dysbacteriosis in children

All representatives of the intestinal microflora in gastroenterology are usually divided into 4 groups: obligate, facultative (conditionally pathogenic), transient and pathogenic flora. Transient flora is not typical for the human body, and is temporary, random. Representatives of the pathogenic intestinal flora are pathogens of infectious diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.), which are not normally present in the intestine.

Obligate flora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli) regulates immunity; participates in the process of digestion, metabolism, synthesis of vitamins and enzymes; stimulates gastrointestinal motility. Facultative flora (Staphylococcus aureus and epidermal, Enterobacter, Proteus, Klebsiella, Clostridia, yeast fungi of the Candida genus) normally makes up no more than 0.6% of the total number of microorganisms and does not cause diseases in a normal state of the immune system. However, with a decrease in the body's resistance, a change in the species and quantitative ratio of obligate and facultative microflora, dysbacteriosis develops in children.

The causes leading to dysbacteriosis in children are diverse and begin to act already in the prenatal period or shortly after the birth of a child. Violation of intestinal bacterial homeostasis may be associated with a complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth, late attachment to the breast, prematurity of the child, and the presence of bacterial vaginosis in the mother.

The development of dysbacteriosis in infants may be due to poor nutrition of the nursing mother, the occurrence of mastitis in her, the early transfer of the child to artificial feeding, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, diathesis.

Classification of dysbacteriosis in children

Depending on the prevailing opportunistic flora, there are proteus, staphylococcal, candidal, associated forms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children; on clinical course- latent, local and generalized variants.

The severity of dysbacteriosis in children is determined by the species and quantitative composition of the microflora:

  • I degree - anaerobic microflora predominates; the number of bifidobacteria is not less than 107-108; conditionally pathogenic microorganisms no more than two species, 102-104 CFU per 1 g of feces.
  • II degree - an equal amount of anaerobic and aerobic flora; conditionally pathogenic microorganisms 106-107 CFU per 1 g of feces; the usual Escherichia coli is supplanted by hemolyzing and lactose-negative.
  • III degree - aerobic flora predominates, up to the complete suppression of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli; the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is significantly increased.
  • IV degree - associated dysbacteriosis in children; the absolute predominance of opportunistic microflora resistant to antibiotics.

According to clinical and bacteriological criteria, compensated, subcompensated and decompensated dysbacteriosis in children is distinguished.

Compensated dysbacteriosis in children occurs in a latent variant and corresponds to I-II severity. Clinically, the child remains healthy, develops normally and gains weight; Appetite and stool are normal.

Subcompensated dysbacteriosis in children corresponds to the local variant, II-III severity. Moderately pronounced clinical symptoms: lethargy, poor appetite, poor weight gain, dyspeptic disorders.

Decompensated dysbacteriosis in children can have a local or generalized course, III-IV severity. Significantly deteriorating general state child due to vomiting, frequent loose stools, intoxication. Against this background, acute intestinal infections, enterocolitis, bacteremia and sepsis.

AT clinical picture dysbacteriosis in children can be dominated by one or more characteristic syndromes: diarrheal, dyskinetic, digestive and absorption disorders (maldigestion and malabsorption), intoxication, asthenoneurotic, dermointestinal.

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children

In newborns and infants, dysbacteriosis is accompanied by regurgitation, vomiting, flatulence, rumbling and spasms along the intestines. The child is not gaining enough body weight, behaves restlessly, does not sleep well. The stool in a child with dysbacteriosis is usually liquid or mushy, plentiful, frothy with an admixture of lumps or mucus, of an unusual color (white, greenish), with a putrid or sour smell.

Malabsorption syndrome develops diarrhea, steatorrhea, malnutrition, polyhypovitaminosis. Endogenous intoxication with dysbacteriosis in children, it is accompanied by polydeficiency anemia, delayed physical development, and decreased appetite. The processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine cause autoallergization and the development of dermointestinal syndrome (urticaria, atopic dermatitis). The manifestations of asthenoneurotic syndrome are irritability, weakness, sleep disturbance.

At an older age, dysbacteriosis in children can occur with constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation; intestinal colic, belching, bad breath, a feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating. Seizures in the corners of the mouth, stomatitis, furunculosis, acne brittle hair and nails, etc.

Generalized dysbacteriosis usually develops in immunocompromised children and proceeds as candidiasis with symptoms of thrush, glossitis, cheilitis, lesions of smooth skin, vulvitis or balanoposthitis, visceral candidiasis.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis in children

The diagnosis of dysbacteriosis is preceded by an examination of the child by a pediatrician and a pediatric gastroenterologist, laboratory tests and additional instrumental research. With the help of a physical examination of children, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes is assessed; palpation of the abdomen reveals soreness along the intestine.

Laboratory diagnosis usually includes bacteriological or biochemical research feces for dysbacteriosis. Microbiological criteria for dysbacteriosis in children are a decrease in the number of bifidus and lactobacilli, a decrease or increase in the number of normal E. coli, as well as the appearance of their altered strains, the detection of gram-negative bacilli, an increase in the number of cocci, fungi, clostridia. Biochemical analysis is based on determining the level of metabolites of volatile fatty acids (propionic, acetic, butyric) produced by microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract.

To find out the cause of dysbacteriosis in children, ultrasound of the organs can be prescribed. abdominal cavity, gastroscopy, liver biochemical tests, fecal analysis for Giardia and helminth eggs. The study of the coprogram allows you to identify the degree of violation of the breakdown and absorption of food.

If dysbacteriosis is suspected in children, it is important to exclude nonspecific ulcerative colitis, OKI, malabsorption syndrome.

In the human gastrointestinal tract, there is a microflora that plays an important role in the functioning of the body. It is formed from the moment of birth. They are Gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria. They participate in the assimilation of food, synthesize enzymes to improve digestion, help the absorption of trace elements, protect the child's body from various pathogenic microbes and block the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Up to 500 types of beneficial microorganisms live in a healthy intestine.

The balance in their ratio is vital. In a normal state, they protect the body from allergic reactions and support the immune system. With a balance of microorganisms, all processes are balanced.

Changing the ratio of these microorganisms causes dysbacteriosis in children. Partial or complete death of beneficial microflora leads to imbalance.

Reproduction in the body of pathogenic bacteria causes inflammatory reactions. The body of the child is weakened and becomes vulnerable to infections.

Almost always, this violation is the result of any phenomena in the body. At the initial stage, the disease is easily treated with proper nutrition, but in the future it can lead to complications.

For infants, this condition is especially dangerous. The consequences are unpredictable, can lead to different serious illnesses. You should immediately contact medical institution.

The main symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children

Children's dysbacteriosis is manifested by many symptoms. Signs of dysbacteriosis may be as follows:

  1. Lack of appetite, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, stool disorder. Moreover, both diarrhea and is possible.
  2. regurgitation, vomiting, unpleasant odors from oral cavity.
  3. There are residues in the stool undigested food and slime.
  4. Rashes may appear on the skin.
  5. The baby has a constant urge to defecate.

The reasons

The cause of dysbacteriosis in a child is an imbalance of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. Not proper nutrition nursing mother and child, replacement breast milk artificial, feeding the baby with food that is not appropriate for age can cause this disease.

Often. The cause of this disease can also be intestinal or cold infections, allergens entering the body, poor environmental conditions, prolonged use hormonal drugs and various surgical interventions. Radiation therapy and the use of immunosuppressants, chronic diseases of the colon can lead to an imbalance in the intestines.


Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children, allowing to determine this disease:

  • stool disorder: diarrhea, constipation (alternation of these disorders);
  • cramping pain and bloating in the abdomen, flatulence;
  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • change in the nature of the stool (admixture of mucus, foam, pungent odor, undigested pieces of food);
  • belching, vomiting, bad breath (in young children - regurgitation after each feeding, colic);
  • lethargy, weakness, tearfulness;
  • growth retardation, weight loss, symptoms of dehydration;
  • allergic reactions: dermatitis, peeling of the skin, rashes;
  • signs of hypovitaminosis (bleeding gums, brittle nails and hair);
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • irritability, sleep disturbance;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

In its symptoms, it is similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not always such symptoms indicate dysbacteriosis. The final diagnosis is made by a specialist on the basis of laboratory tests.


There are 4 degrees of dysbacteriosis in a child.

  1. The first degree is characterized by a decrease in appetite, a delay in gaining, and sometimes weight loss in children, flatulence, constipation, uneven coloring of feces. Anaerobic microflora predominates; bifidobacteria over 107-108; harmful microorganisms no more than two types, 102-104 CFU per 1 g of feces.
  2. The second degree is manifested by pain associated with eating, belching, nausea and heartburn, decreased appetite and insufficient motility in the intestines, and bloating. There are constipation, pain in the epigastric region. The number of aerobic and anaerobic flora is equal, harmful microorganisms 106-107 CFU per 1 g of feces; useful Escherichia coli is replaced by hemolyzing and lactose-negative.
  3. At the third degree appear fever body, chills, headaches, gastrointestinal dyspepsia syndrome. The appearance of bacteria in the urine, bile is characteristic, the formation of foci of infection during internal organs. The predominance of aerobic flora is characteristic, up to the suppression of bifido- and lactobacilli; excessive number of pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. The fourth degree is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of intoxication, stool disorders, weight loss, signs of beriberi. The complete predominance of pathogenic microflora resistant to antibiotics is recorded.

With dysbacteriosis of the first and second degree, treatment started on time will save the child from problems in a short time.


Diagnosis of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children is based on the data of a whole range of laboratory studies:

  1. Bacteriological examination of feces on a special nutrient medium. Sowing of the material is carried out to detect pathogenic flora, to diagnose a reduction in the number of normal symbionts, to identify the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs.
  2. Coprogram to determine the degree of digestion of food components by the intestines of the child and to identify signs of inflammation.
  3. Hydrogen breath test: determination of the concentration of hydrogen in the air exhaled by the child. The advantage of this method is to reduce the time spent on diagnosing the disease.
  4. Gas-liquid chromatography is prescribed to establish the species of anaerobic strains detected during analysis


Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children must be carried out in a complex manner. It depends on the severity and causes of the disease and on changes that have occurred with the intestinal microflora. It is important to identify the underlying causes of this condition and rule them out in the future. A set of measures, depending on the type of pathology detected, can be dealt with by both a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist, an allergist or an infectious disease specialist.

The scheme of treatment of dysbacteriosis in children:

  1. Diet therapy.
  2. Medical.
  3. Symptomatic.

The basis of recovery is proper nutrition. Children need to include in the diet lactic acid products containing bifido- and lactobacilli. These are natural probiotics and a good addition to medical treatment. This has a general strengthening effect on the child's body, increases resistance to infections.

diet therapy

The diet should contain nutrients and have a high energy value. It is necessary to include in the menu products that stimulate microflora: zucchini, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, beets, nuts, rye products, buckwheat and corn.

It is recommended to cook kissels and compotes (from dried fruits and fruit and berries), preferably unsweetened. Meat and fish are lean, not too fatty. Water is only non-carbonated. Use porridge in a pureed form, oatmeal, rice, millet and barley porridge.

Yoghurts and bio-products with a long shelf life are practically useless: bacteria die on the first day after the production of these products. You can cook them yourself from the sourdough purchased at the pharmacy.

Milk should be excluded from the child's diet. Starchy vegetables are best avoided. No fast food or convenience foods.

Medical treatment

Medical treatment consists of two stages.

  • At the first stage, harmful flora is eliminated from the intestines. For this, antibiotics are prescribed or antibacterial drugs, bacteriophages and probiotics. Drugs are prescribed in such a way as to provide a greater effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
  • At the second stage, there is replacement therapy. Useful microflora is restored with the help of probiotics. How to treat dysbacteriosis in a child with drugs, only the attending physician decides.

Symptomatic therapy

For symptomatic therapy, drugs that improve digestion, vitamin complexes are prescribed. It is necessary to exclude overwork and stress. It is recommended to observe the daily routine and take regular walks. These activities help in the fight against the disease, strengthen the immune system.

It would be useful to use the methods of traditional medicine, but only after consulting with your doctor.

In children under one year of age, intestinal dysbacteriosis often develops. The microflora of the baby is formed thanks to the mother. Orphans who are bottle-fed are at risk. The process ends at 2 years, when the composition of the biocenosis strongly resembles the biota of adults. Therefore, the treatment of a child aged 6 years is approached similarly to that of an adult. The only difference is that a small patient often cannot clearly describe the symptoms.

For these reasons, it is logical to divide the reported cases into two global categories: before 1 year of age and after one year of age. There is an additional nuance mentioned in the review on infants. Differences in the microflora are observed depending on the method of feeding (artificial or natural). At one year old baby who was fed with milk mixtures, there is an opportunistic flora that is not observed in breastfed infants. The reason is the content of harmful strains in external food (except for women's milk).

Conduct a simple experiment, try to gently push the stomach along the colon (a form of the Greek Omega). The presence of pain is already recognized as a symptom of dysbacteriosis. Doctors say that 90% of the population suffers from the disease. Only one in ten in the family gets a chance to be healthy.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is accompanied by a decrease in the protective functions of the microflora when a pathogenic strain is added. Due to what happened, the obligate part of the microflora ceases to perform the following functions:

  1. Vitamin production.
  2. They act as a catalyst for the absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D.
  3. Participants in the water-salt exchange.
  4. Absorption of toxins.
  5. Production of immunoglobulins.
  6. Deactivation of food enzymes.
  7. Finish the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, RNA, DNA, fats.

Obligate microflora ceases to perform these actions. The most prominent is function number 3. Disturbance of electrolyte metabolism causes diarrhea. Against the background of diarrhea, a lack of vitamins appears, causing a bunch of new symptoms. Signs that are easy to see:

  1. Anemia (especially fingers, lips).
  2. Peeling of the skin on the face.
  3. Bad mood, with differences.
  4. Fatigue, weakness due to lack of calcium.

Violation of the mechanism of production of immunoglobulins undermines the body's defenses. No wonder it was noted that taking bifidobacteria accelerates recovery after colds. Finally, the body begins to become infected with toxins. In addition to the deterioration of absorption in the colon, peristalsis is weakly expressed. feces stagnate, poisoning the body. Malakhov gives startling figures: some stones from excrement rot for years, and the time spent in the large intestine is measured in decades.

It is easy to imagine how many problems are manifested against the background of such unfavorable conditions. Today it is believed that dysbacteriosis provokes cancer. The above symptoms are not the only ones. Let us describe in addition three isolated states, which, due to their peculiarities, have received their own names.


In the literature, dyspepsia is described as a complex of unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Obvious signs:

  1. Heartburn.
  2. Nausea, vomiting.
  3. Belching.
  4. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  5. Constipation or diarrhea.
  6. Flatulence.

Feces of unusual consistency, liquid, reminiscent of sheep's droppings. Often has an unpleasant or sour smell. The color is different, there may be impurities of blood, mucus. Appearance feces depends on the causative agent of the disease. In the case of associated dysbacteriosis, stools are frequent (up to 12 times per day), watery, often accompanied by vomiting.

When infected with Proteus, the stool is relatively rare (up to 8 times), it foams, the color is shifted to green. There is an unpleasant odor. The growth of staphylococcus aureus causes blood impurities. The stool is foamy, mucus is present. The difference between the symptoms caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is in the presence of a similar shade of pus (bluish).

anorectal syndrome

Most commonly provoked by antibiotics. It is characterized by burning and itching around the anus, in the rectum, discharge of blood and mucus, false urge to defecate, dull pain. Signs resemble hemorrhoids. The temperature often rises.

Intestinal malabsorption

Typical signs of beriberi develop (B, PP, K, D) and calcium deficiency. Numb lips, fingers, toes. Flaw nicotinic acid causes depression, apathy, mood swings, increased flow of saliva, red and inflamed tongue. The presence of fatty masses in the stool. Calcium deficiency caused by low intake of phylloquinone leads to general weakness.

Lack of thiamine disrupts sleep, causing neuritis. Riboflavin deficiency worsens the condition of the skin, stomatitis develops. Along with malabsorption, vitamin deficiency can develop independently, since bifidobacteria are involved in the production of PP, K and group B. The symptoms, at first glance, are similar, but the reasons that gave rise to them are different.

Bacteriological background

The causes of the disease lie in the composition of the intestinal microflora. First of all, the pathology is caused by a number of external and internal factors. Dysbacteriosis of children is usually divided into 3 degrees of severity:

  1. A slight decrease or constancy of the anaerobic flora, a change in the size of the Escherichia population. Conditionally pathogenic strains in the amount of 2 species show a maximum population density in the region of 1 million units. This form is called light, corresponds to the first degree.
  2. The number of anaerobes can be sharply reduced, compared with the total number aerobic bacteria. Appear atypical forms coli, the quantitative growth in the number of opportunistic strains continues. The form is called moderate, doctors consider it clinical (you need to see a doctor).
  3. In a severe form, the population of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria suffers damage, disappearing completely. Among Escherichia coli, atypical forms predominate, the density of opportunistic flora is increased to 10 million units.

Before the manifestation of symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children in a pronounced form, the attending physician is able to see the bacteriological picture based on the results of the tests, voicing some of the recommendations. The first step is to find out which antibiotics the pathogenic flora is sensitive to by identifying effective method struggle. If there are two or more pathogens (associated form), one antibiotic may not be able to cope. Then the treatment regimen is complicated.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic is not suitable for treatment. It will kill the already weakened beneficial flora along with the pathogen. It is easier to cure dysbacteriosis in a child with the help of a point, directed effect. This method is considered to be gentle. Especially if the trouble happened to a child at the age of one.

Doctors testify that the signs of dysbacteriosis in children do not correspond to the severity, depend on individual characteristics. Therefore, focus on external signs not worth it. You can not link the symptoms and treatment, often not the same.

The reasons

Causes by nature are divided into endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). The group of external criteria includes:

  • Ecology.
  • Climate.
  • The quality of products in stores and gardens.
  • Hygiene.

External causes are as follows:

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of the child, including those of a viral and bacterial nature (dysentery, cholera).
  • Reasons for admission medicines. Predominantly bactericidal, hormones and antibiotics. Preparations based on salicylic acid favor the reproduction of atypical species of Escherichia coli.
  • Hereditary pathologies that violate intestinal absorption.
  • Wrong daily routine, stress, imbalance in the composition of nutrition in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Weakened immunity.

Everyone can name well-known bad habits. It is extremely rare to find children's dysbacteriosis caused by alcoholism, otherwise the causes of the disease are similar to those of the adult population. Try to reduce the use of food containing preservatives - homemade pickles do not count.


Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children is complex.

  1. First of all, the patient's menu is checked. The diet is adjusted towards the content of useful components for the cultivation of normal microflora.
  2. Bacteriophages or antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the causative agent of the disease. The reason is a representative of conditionally pathogenic flora, overgrown. How to treat (name of the drug), the doctor decides based on the results of the analysis for the sensitivity of the strain.
  3. intestines in children is impossible without the use of prebiotics (a nutrient medium for bacteria) and probiotics (strains of live beneficial microflora). Permission to use general recommendations or be guided by analysis (composition of microflora). Usually, the emphasis is on the cultivation of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, Escherichia coli (Esherichia) grows without outside help.
  4. Detoxification is required periodically. Feces poison the body, it would be useful to take sorbents, offer the child activated charcoal.
  5. Reception of immunoglobulins increases immunity. This is an indispensable step, the body “knows” which bacteria are superfluous, but cannot overcome it. Help Wanted.
  6. Enzymes help to break down undigested substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
  7. Vitamins are used against the background of shortage. Emphasis is placed on groups A and B, vitamins PP.


Consideration of 6 drugs is enough to create an idea about the prescription of drugs.


In powder form, it is used to restore the population of bifidobacteria. Sold in ampoules, vials, appointed in a similar way:

  1. 1 year and younger - 2 doses daily during the working week (5 days).
  2. Up to 3 years - it is allowed to give already three times.
  3. At an older age, the treatment period, if necessary, doubles.

Bifidobacteria are part of the obligate flora, the functions of which are described in detail above. This type of bacteria forms desired level pH factor that prevents the reproduction of pathogenic strains, providing an acceptable level of health. Participate in the formation of vitamins, eliminating characteristic symptoms deficit.

The task is to deliver the strain to the intestines. The lion's share of bacteria is destroyed in the stomach by digestive juice. Too high acidity of the environment kills most of the microorganisms. The survivors will be able to reproduce.


The same can be said about the preparation as about the previous one. With the exception of information about the attempt to restore the population of lactobacilli. Sold in ampoules, vials. To treat dysbacteriosis in a child, dilute with water, drink half an hour before meals. Reception scheme:

  1. Children under 1 year - twice a day, for three days.
  2. At an older age - the treatment course increases to 5 days.


It is a mixture of Escherichia coli and bifidocultures. The name comes from the Latin name Escherichia Coli and Bifidobacterium. The purpose is quite clear. Ampoules restore populations of bifidobacteria and E. coli.


One of the purposes of a prebiotic is the prevention of dysbacteriosis. It consists of many metabolites of normal flora (lactobacilli, streptococcus, E. coli), without changes reaching the intestines. It is intended to create an environment conducive to the reproduction of normal microflora, suppressing the growth of pathogenic and putrefactive strains. Suitable for infants.


In nature, this disaccharide (fructose + galactose) does not occur, the gastrointestinal tract is not digested. But bacteria are happy to use the substance as food. In medicine, it is used as a laxative, improves intestinal motility (antispasmodic).


Local antiseptic that inhibits the vital activity of gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. The doctor chooses an antibiotic depending on the manifestations of dysbacteriosis in children. It is quite possible to prescribe nifuroxazide, if pathogens enter the spectrum of the drug.

We emphasize that the choice of antiseptic is made according to the results of the tests. It is not uncommon for mothers to give children Nifuroxazide as a panacea, being surprised that the child's dysbacteriosis does not go away, the symptoms intensify. Remember, the main task complex treatment is to correct the imbalance. Ill-conceived reception medicines exacerbates the situation.

The analysis reveals a pathogenic strain, laboratory assistants determine the degree of sensitivity of the population to many known antibiotics, which allows the doctor to prescribe treatment.

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which is expressed by a deterioration in the child's digestion. Let's see why a child can develop dysbacteriosis, how it manifests itself, is diagnosed and treated.

The reasons

The appearance of dysbacteriosis is possible due to:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • birth trauma;
  • Acute or chronic diseases digestive system;
  • Prolonged use of drugs;
  • Stay in environmentally unfavorable conditions;
  • Stress and frequent colds, as well as passive smoking;
  • Unbalanced nutrition, including early introduction of complementary foods;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Viral infections.

The high incidence of microflora imbalance in young children is due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of infants and a large number of risk factors, ranging from pregnancy complications to infectious lesions of the intestines of the baby.


Dysbacteriosis in children is manifested:

  • regurgitation;
  • Odor from the mouth;
  • vomiting;
  • Sleep disturbances and restless behavior in infancy;
  • Slow rate of weight gain in the first year of life;
  • Abundant stools of mushy or liquid form, with foam, greenery, whitish lumps, putrid or sour smell;
  • Attacks of pain a few hours after eating;
  • Rumbling in the abdomen and bloating;
  • polyhypovitaminosis;
  • Persistent constipation in older children;
  • The appearance of intestinal colic;
  • Feeling of fullness in the abdomen after eating;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • The appearance of thrush, frequent infectious diseases;
  • Eruptions on the skin.

Risk factors

In a child, the composition of the microflora can most often be disturbed due to:

  1. Late attachment to the breast, as a result of which the child does not receive protective factors from colostrum that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  2. Too early or very abrupt transition to feeding with mixtures, when beneficial microorganisms have not yet had time to colonize the intestines.
  3. An unbalanced diet of a grown child, if he consumes little fiber, which is important for the vital activity of bacteria in the intestines.

Development of the disease

In healthy children, there are bacteria in the intestines, represented mainly by lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, as well as E. coli. Such bacteria make up to 97% of the total microflora in the intestine. They perform many valuable functions for the body - they remove toxins, regulate immunity, synthesize vitamins, participate in metabolic processes, stimulate peristalsis, help absorb calcium, and synthesize some amino acids.

Also intestinal microflora partly consists of opportunistic microbes, the number of which increases with adverse effects on the body. In addition, there is always a risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the intestines. With dysbacteriosis, the number of bifidus and lactobacilli decreases, and the number of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria increases.

In children, the prevalence of dysbacteriosis is primarily due to the fact that at birth their intestines are completely sterile. It is populated by microflora during childbirth, at the first breastfeeding and feeding in the first months of life. That is why feeding with mother's milk is more preferable, since such nutrition helps to populate the baby's intestines with exactly those bacteria that should live there normally.

When exposed to any factor that causes dysbacteriosis, for example, the absence of breastfeeding or long-term treatment infant with antibiotics, the number of bifidus and lactobacilli in the composition of the intestinal flora decreases. There are more pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to disruption of the digestive tract.

Forms of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis can be classified according to the microflora that currently prevails in the child's gastrointestinal tract, for example, candidal or staphylococcal dysbacteriosis.

Depending on the distribution, the pathology can be:

  • localized;
  • common (also called generalized).

A common form, in addition to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, can be manifested by thrush, pneumonia, tonsillitis. The latent form is manifested by a slightly reduced appetite, frequent infections and low weight compared to peers.

The course of the disease can be represented by phases of decompensation (the child's condition is worsened) and subcompensation (symptoms are moderately expressed), as well as compensation (no clinical manifestations). There is also a division of dysbacteriosis according to severity.

Stages of the disease

  • First stage is a latent dysbacteriosis, which is also called compensated, since the digestive function is little disturbed. The child periodically accumulates gases in the intestines, the appetite worsens. Fecal masses may have an uneven color. Often there are constipation, but they can alternate with the release of liquefied stools. The child is sometimes restless and easily excitable.
  • At the second stage the disease becomes subcompensated. Other symptoms join that make dysbacteriosis similar to other diseases of the digestive tract (enteritis, enterocolitis, colitis). The child may vomit, poor appetite, bloating, frequent regurgitation. The baby begins to show anxiety about 2 hours after eating. He may have trouble sleeping. The doctor may also note that the weight gain is insufficient.
  • Third stage considered severe. The child's condition worsens, he is lethargic, refuses to eat. Frequent manifestations of this stage are diarrhea, cramping pains in the abdomen, periodic fever, constipation. The child suffers from hypovitaminosis and anemia. There is a risk of dehydration and the development of sepsis.

The severity of dysbacteriosis

There are four degrees of severity of this pathology, depending on the results of the study and the identified composition of the microflora:

  • At the first degree violations in the body of the child are minor. Bifidobacteria are determined in an amount of at least 107-8. The predominant species of bacteria are anaerobes. Conditionally pathogenic flora is represented by up to two types of microorganisms, and their number does not exceed 102-4.
  • Second degree disorders is characterized by an increase in the number of aerobic bacteria. Their number is compared with anaerobic flora. The number of conditionally pathogenic bacteria rises to 106-7. Instead of the usual Escherichia coli, lactose-negative and hemolytic ones are determined.
  • Signs of the third degree is the predominance of aerobic bacteria. In the intestine, a large number of opportunistic representatives of the microflora are detected, and lacto- and bifidobacteria are sharply reduced.
  • About the fourth degree they say when there are no bifidobacteria in the child's digestive tract, and coli and lactobacilli are significantly reduced. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms with this degree of disease often show resistance to antibiotic therapy.


It is possible to identify dysbacteriosis on the basis of clinical manifestations after the appointment of additional studies - coprogram, biochemical, as well as bacteriological analysis of feces.


Therapy for dysbacteriosis, if the doctor, after analyzing and evaluating clinical manifestations, concluded that it is necessary, includes the elimination of pathological microflora and intoxication, the restoration of digestion with the help of enzymes, and the treatment of lactase deficiency if it is detected.

First of all, pay attention to the diet of a child with dysbacteriosis, as well as diet. Treatment with antibiotics is possible only after prescription by a doctor if indicated. The child may be prescribed bacteriophages and intestinal antiseptics. Great importance focus on taking probiotics.

At the baby

For an infant, one of the important factors in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis is breastfeeding. If this is not possible for certain reasons, the child should be fed with an adapted formula enriched with protective factors.

Consequences of the disease

Due to dysbacteriosis, the child's immunity decreases, so the baby becomes less protected from various viral and bacterial infections. Dysbacteriosis can also affect absorption useful substances in the intestines, which leads to insufficient intake of mineral compounds and vitamins in the child's body.

Dysbacteriosis can appear at any age, but most often it affects young children. This disease begins its manifestation when the body ceases to cope with disorders in the digestive system. At the first stages of the development of dysbacteriosis, when the number of pathogenic microorganisms does not have such a strong negative effect on the microflora, and their number is slightly increased, the symptoms will be weak or completely absent, which sometimes makes it difficult to diagnose and prescribe timely treatment.

The manifestation of dysbacteriosis in both adults and children is not specific. Symptoms of dysbacteriosis may indicate other diseases of the digestive system, which have various causes.

Symptoms of 2 years are the same as the symptoms of any disease associated with disruption of the digestive tract. From birth to 2 years of age and older, babies can suffer from abdominal pain, colic, constipation, diarrhea, and increased gas. Not always such manifestations indicate a violation of the intestinal microflora. However, if the child has dry skin, there is irritation on the skin, the general condition of the skin and nails is worsened, the appetite has become weak, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Nails and hair can be subjected to peeling and dryness, since an imbalance of harmful and beneficial bacteria has occurred in the intestines, which disrupts the proper and complete absorption of nutrients and vitamins. In addition to useful trace elements, water absorption may be impaired, which leads to drying of the skin. Also, the child becomes lethargic and capricious, despite the lack of energy, he does not sleep well. Dyspeptic disorders may be observed.

Video: Dysbacteriosis and treatment in children

Another distinguishing characteristic of dysbacteriosis in children is an increase in the frequency of stools, even in the absence of diarrhea and constipation. Often parents observe that the child asks for a potty immediately after eating. In the feces, particles of undigested food, mucus and other liquids can be found. A sour or putrid smell of feces may indicate the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines. With the progression of the disease in the baby, the temperature may rise to subfebrile limits. Violation of the intestinal microflora may be associated with the presence of infections that require immediate treatment.

How does dysbacteriosis develop?

Dysbacteriosis can occur as a result of a previous disease or proceed in conjunction with the disease. Usually, a violation of the intestinal microflora can worsen the course of the underlying disease, so the root cause must first be eradicated. The causes of the disease can be conditionally divided into several groups depending on the age of the child.

Dysbacteriosis in newborns

Violation of the microflora in newborns may occur due to provocations of the following factors:

  • if during pregnancy the expectant mother suffered infectious diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • if for some reason the child was not immediately attached to the breast;
  • stress experienced by the baby, including due to birth trauma.

Dysbacteriosis in children under 2-3 years old

This group includes babies who have had a disturbed intestinal microflora due to feeding. dysbacteriosis may develop in the presence of the following factors:

  • artificial feeding;
  • improperly selected mixtures;
  • with frequent changes of mixtures;
  • improper attachment of the baby to the chest, swallowing air;
  • intolerance by the child's body of mixtures or milk;
  • earlier introduction of complementary foods that are not appropriate for age: meat, fruit and vegetable puree, cereals, sweet compotes, etc.;
  • taking antibiotics during breastfeeding or direct treatment of the baby with them;
  • frequent infections and viral diseases;
  • reduced immunity.

Corrective treatment should be started as soon as possible, because at an older age the child may develop serious illness that are difficult to treat.

How to suspect dysbacteriosis?

As already mentioned, dysbacteriosis may be mild or not show itself at all, so parents should pay attention to any manifestations that may be associated with dysbacteriosis or any other gastrointestinal disease:

  • stomach ache;
  • the child presses the legs to the stomach;
  • frequent loose stools with a green tint;
  • frothy stools containing mucus or parts of undigested food;
  • putrid or sour smell of feces;
  • the occurrence of cuts and severe pain in the stomach a few hours after eating;
  • strong gas formation;
  • rumbling;
  • belching;
  • lack of appetite;
  • urge to defecate;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling;
  • lag in weight gain;
  • the occurrence of allergic rashes.

With a more severe course of the disease, the child may experience the development of thrush, tonsillitis, pneumonia and damage to the digestive tract. These diseases are often accompanied by the highest stage of dysbacteriosis, when pathogenic microorganisms are rapidly spreading throughout the body. Often, doctors observe a picture of the course of all diseases at the same time.

The main symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children 2 years old

All of these symptoms may apply to other diseases of the digestive tract. Doctors have identified several main symptoms that indicate that the child has dysbacteriosis:

  1. Dyspeptic manifestations. The child has frequent bowel movements, since the stool is liquid, irritation in the form of burning and itching may begin in the anus due to the cracks that have appeared. A putrid smell, and a foamy consistency of feces is one indicator of the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines. From time to time, diarrhea can be replaced by constipation, bloating and lack of weight gain.
  2. Stomach ache. The nature of the pain may be different, the intensity and localization of it may decrease or even disappear after defecation or gas discharge. Usually the pain occurs in attacks a few hours after eating.
  3. Allergy. In connection with the violation of the intestinal microflora, more than 90% of children develop allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in intolerance to certain foods, may appear skin rashes, bronchial asthma, itching and swelling.
  4. Violation of the absorption of nutrients. Due to development harmful bacteria in the intestine there is a violation of the absorption of vitamins and fluids, which leads to the development of anemia and hypovitaminosis. Parents may notice pale skin and bleeding gums.
  5. Intoxication. The waste products of microorganisms can have an intoxicating effect on the body, which is manifested by nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, insomnia and headaches - this can cause a lag in the physical development of the baby.
  6. Reduced the immune system. Dysbacteriosis can cause frequent viral diseases, as well as fungal infections.

If you have one or more symptoms, you should consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.

Diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis can greatly disturb the child, therefore, first of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms, while at the same time it is necessary to treat the root cause. To properly prescribe treatment, the doctor prescribes diagnostic examination, which includes:

After the examinations, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment, which should include:

  • nutritional adjustment, the exclusion of foods that can provoke allergic reaction, diarrhea or constipation;
  • prescribing drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora (probiotics): Hilak Forte, Laktofiltrum, Acipol, etc .;
  • appointment of bacteriophages;
  • prebiotics;
  • in some cases, the doctor may prescribe symbiotics.

Also, when treating dysbacteriosis in children 2 years old, doctors recommend giving the child sour-milk drinks enriched with bifido- and lactobacilli at the same time as treatment, these include: Bifidok, Bifilin, Aktimel, Activia. These products will not be able to replace the treatment, but they will become helpers for a faster recovery.

Also, do not forget about preventive measures, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it for a long time and hard. If possible, in infancy breastfeeding is necessary - this is one of the first conditions that will later help the child grow and develop healthy.