Rash on the bridge of the nose in a child. Why did the child have a rash and what to do? Teenage acne

  • Rash
  • On the face
  • On the body
  • On the stomach
  • On the back
  • On the neck
  • On the buttocks
  • On foot

Parents always perceive the appearance of a rash on the skin of a child with anxiety, because everyone knows that the condition of the skin reflects the state of the work of the whole organism. Is a baby rash always a cause for concern, how to understand what is happening with the child and how to help him, we will tell in this article.

Features of children's skin

The skin of children is not like the skin of adults. Babies are born with very thin skin - the dermis of newborns is about two times thinner than the middle skin layer of adults. The outer layer - the epidermis, thickens gradually, as the crumbs grow older.

In the first month of life skin may be red or purple. This is due to the fact that the blood vessels in babies are located close to the surface, and subcutaneous tissue not enough, it can make the skin look "transparent". This is especially noticeable when the newborn is cold - a marble vascular network appears on the skin.

The skin of babies loses moisture faster, it is more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, fungi and mechanical stress. It begins to thicken only at 2-3 years and this process lasts up to 7 years. The skin of younger schoolchildren is already beginning to resemble the skin of adults in terms of its characteristics and functionality. But after 10 years, children's skin is waiting for a new test - this time puberty.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that thin children's skin reacts to any external influence or internal processes with rashes of a very different caliber, color and structure. And not every baby rash can be considered harmless.

It is important to understand that there is no causeless rash in children, any pimple or pigmentation change has a reason, sometimes pathological.

What is a rash?

A rash with medicine is considered to be a variety of rashes on the skin, which in one way or another change the appearance of the skin in color or texture. For parents, the whole rash is about the same, but doctors always distinguish primary rashes that formed first, and secondary ones - those that formed later, in place of the primary ones or nearby.

Different childhood diseases are characterized by different combinations of primary and secondary elements.



The reasons that cause the development of skin rashes can be varied. Much depends on the age and general condition of the child.

In newborns and children up to a year

In newborns and babies of the first year of life, the rash is quite often physiological, which should not cause much concern on the part of adults. The skin of the crumbs adapts to a new habitat for itself - anhydrous, and this process is often given to the baby with great difficulty. Therefore, any adverse effect can cause rashes all over the body.

The most common rash at this age is acne hormonal, in which white or white pimples may appear on the face and neck yellow color. In this phenomenon, the maternal hormones estrogens, which the child got in the last months of the mother's pregnancy, are "guilty". Gradually, their effect on the body decreases, hormones leave the body of the child. By six months, there is no trace of such pimples.

Babies often react allergic rash on unsuitable food products, substances, medicines, and even household chemicals that mother uses to wash clothes and bedding and wash floors and dishes.

Another common cause of rash in infancy is diaper rash and sweating. Rash on the body, head, arms and legs in early age appears in infectious diseases, as well as due to violation of hygiene rules.

Too dry air in the room where the baby lives, heat, excessive diligent washing of the skin with soap and other detergents provoke drying of the skin, which only contributes to the development different types rash.

A slight dryness of the skin in the first 3-4 weeks after birth is a variant of the physiological norm.

The skin of an infant from birth is covered with a lipid "mantle", the so-called fatty protective layer. The "mantle" is gradually washed away and erased. With proper care, this temporary natural dryness is easily compensated by the child's body - sebaceous glands gradually begin to produce the right amount of protective lubricant.

In children older than 1 year

Physiological reasons for the appearance of a rash after a year is not so much. In rare cases, a hormonal imbalance caused by exposure to maternal sex hormones persists. All other cases mostly have pathological causes. At preschool age, children have an increased incidence of viral infections, which are characterized by a rash. These are chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and other childhood diseases.

In a one year old child who has not yet started attending Kindergarten and organized children's groups, the risks of contracting herpes or other viral infections are lower than in children aged 3 to 7 years. Local immunity at this age begins to work better than in infants, for this reason many bacterial skin ailments can be successfully avoided.

Up to 3 years the effect of allergens on the children's body is still strong, and therefore the appearance of a rash on different parts of the body - on the face, head, stomach, elbows and even on the eyelids and ears - is a fairly common phenomenon after eating a product containing an allergen, one or another medicinal product, contact with pollen, animal hair, household chemicals.

But acne at preschool age is rare. And even if it takes place, then we are most likely talking about a metabolic disorder, a lack of vitamins, minerals, a disease of the internal secretion organs.

In children over 10 years old

After 10 years, children have only one type of physiological rash - acne teenage rashes. Under the influence of sex hormones, which begin to be produced in the body of girls and boys, the sebaceous glands are activated.

Excessive production of sebum leads to blockage of the duct of the glands and the gland itself and the hair follicle become inflamed.

The immunity of children is already sufficiently formed, preventive vaccinations have not gone unnoticed for the body, and therefore the risk of getting sick with "childhood diseases" in adolescence is much lower. Many children have already been ill with them before.

A rash in 15-16 year old teenagers can also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, since quite a lot of boys and girls at this age begin to actively sexual life. Rashes on the skin of the face and upper body can also be a consequence of taking steroids, with the help of which young men, and sometimes girls, try to create a “beautiful embossed” body for themselves when doing fitness.

allergic rash in adolescence- a phenomenon not as common as in younger children. Usually, if a teenager is allergic, parents know about it and the appearance of rashes will not surprise or frighten them at all, since they already have a good idea of ​​​​how to deal with it.

At any age, the cause of a rash can be metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins A, E, C, PP, as well as dysbacteriosis, disruption of the stomach and intestines, and kidneys.

Diagnostics and self-diagnosis

A pediatrician, an allergist, a gastroenterologist and an infectious disease specialist can understand the causes of a rash.

For diagnosis, standard methods are used - blood, urine, feces tests. Quite often, skin scrapings, samples of the contents of vesicles and pustules are taken for analysis. This allows you to establish not only an accurate diagnosis, but also the type and type of pathogen, if we are talking about an infection, as well as what drugs the pathogens are sensitive to.

Self-diagnosis includes a set of simple actions to assess the situation.

Parents should undress the child, examine the skin, note the nature of the rash (vesicles, pustules, papules, etc.), its vastness. After that, you should measure the child's body temperature, examine the throat and tonsils, note the remaining symptoms, if any, and decide on calling a doctor.

small red

On the body

A small rash without suppuration on the abdomen, back, buttocks can be a bright and characteristic allergy symptom. In children under one year old, a small red rash under the armpits, on the shoulders, on the buttocks and in the perineum can also indicate the presence of prickly heat, diaper rash.

If red skin rashes capture a large area of ​​the body, it is worth thinking about toxic erythema.

It is important to remember and analyze what preceded the appearance of bodily rashes.

If the child felt sick, vomited, he had diarrhea, then we can talk about pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, if the rash appeared after the temperature and it is red-pink, then it is probably a herpes virus that causes childhood exanthema.

In most cases, the appearance of a small red rash on the body is a sign of an infectious disease, such as rubella.

On the face

Such a rash on the face may indicate an allergic reaction to food, medicines or cosmetics. The rashes themselves in case of allergies do not have purulent cavities, blisters.

Most often in young children, an allergic rash is localized on the chin, cheeks and behind the ears, and in older children it is on the forehead, in the eyebrows, on the neck, on the nose. Rarely, allergic rashes affect only the face, usually the rash is found on other parts of the body.

A red rash appears on the face with some viral diseases. If the child did not eat anything suspicious and new, did not take medication, led a normal life, then with rashes on the face, it is necessary to measure the temperature and call a doctor. The temperature usually rises, and the doctor diagnoses chickenpox, measles, or another infection.

At the same time, the child has signs of SARS - malaise, headache, runny nose, cough.

On arms and legs

In children of the first year of life, reddish small rash on the limbs can be a sign of allergies (like urticaria), as well as a consequence of overheating and violation of hygiene rules - diaper rash.

The rash is usually located in skin folds- under the knees, on the bend of the elbow from the inside, in the inguinal zone.

A red rash of various sizes and types can affect the arms and legs of a child with viral and bacterial infections, scarlet fever, and leukemia. With measles, the rash appears on the palms and feet. The appearance of red rashes on the limbs is always a reason to call a doctor at home.

On the head

The scalp is usually covered with a red rash in case of allergic reactions, including to hair care products, to soap. In babies, the most likely cause of the rash is different - prickly heat. Since babies carry out thermoregulation with the help of the scalp, it is she who reacts to overheating and sweating. Also, this symptom may indicate a viral infection.


It can be difficult for parents to notice a colorless rash, but this is fixable, since any colorless rash will sooner or later manifest itself more clearly. Most often, a rash without a pronounced color signals the starting stage of an allergy.

    On the body. An almost imperceptible rash without a definite color or very pale, which appeared on the body, can cause a sensation of rough "goosebumps" when touched. It looks like goosebumps that “run” over the skin when frightened or chills. Rashes are located close to each other and sometimes are massive. There is an assumption that such a rash is a consequence of hormonal “bursts”.

    On the head. On the face and head, a rough, colorless rash usually appears with lactose deficiency. This is usually accompanied by intestinal disorders, the child often has a frothy with an unpleasant odor liquid stool greenish color.


A watery rash can be a striking symptom herpetic infection, as well as impetigo, streptococcal angulitis and even sunburn.

    On the body. If fluid-filled blisters appear on the sides and limbs, it is likely that the child has developed bullous impetigo. Long exposure to the sun also causes blistering skin lesions in children, but the skin will look reddened and somewhat swollen. Blisters can appear on the stomach and back with chickenpox.

Often blisters on the body occur due to an allergic reaction, as well as from insect bites.

  • On the face. Watery rashes on the face appear as herpes diseases. In the nasolabial triangle, around the lips, in the nose, the herpes simplex virus appears. Similarly, streptoderma and erysipelas may appear.

Infectious bacterial

A pustular-type rash caused by pathogenic bacteria is treated with antibiotics and antiseptics. Moreover, antibiotics are selected after an analysis for bacteriological culture, when the doctor has clear information about which bacteria caused suppuration and to which antibacterial agents they demonstrate sensitivity.

Children are usually given penicillins, rarely cephalosporins. With a mild infection, local treatment with ointments with antimicrobial action is sufficient - Levomekol, Baneocin, erythromycin ointment, gentamicin ointment, tetracycline ointment.

In some cases, with a large and severe infection, or an infection that is at risk of spreading to internal organs, appoint antibiotics inside - for babies in the form of a suspension, for preschoolers and adolescents - in tablets or injections.

Preference is given to broad-spectrum drugs, usually penicillin group- "Amoxiclav", "Amosin", "Amoxicillin", "Flemoxin Solutab". With the ineffectiveness of this group of drugs, cephalosporin antibiotics or macrolides may be prescribed.

As antiseptics well-known aniline dyes are often used - a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) for staphylococcal infections or Fukortsin for streptococcus. Damaged skin is treated with salicylic alcohol.

Simultaneously with antibiotics, if they are prescribed orally, the child is recommended to take drugs that will help avoid the occurrence of dysbacteriosis - Bifiborm, Bifidumbacterin. It is also useful to start taking vitamin complexes appropriate for the age of the child.

Some purulent eruptions, such as boils and carbuncles, may need surgical intervention, during which the formation is incised crosswise under local anesthesia, the cavity is cleaned and treated with antiseptics and antibiotics. There is no need to be afraid of such a mini-operation.

The consequences of refusing it can be very deplorable, because staph infection can lead to sepsis and death.

Sweating and diaper rash

If the baby has prickly heat, then this is a signal for parents to change the conditions in which the child lives. The temperature regime should be at the level of 20-21 degrees of heat. The heat only makes it worse. Irritation from sweat, although it gives the child a lot of painful sensations and pain, can be treated quite quickly.

The main medicine in this case is cleanliness and fresh air. The child should be washed with warm water without soap and other detergents. cosmetics. Several times a day you need to arrange air baths for the baby naked. You should not wrap the child, and if he still sweats, for example, while walking on the street in warm overalls in winter, then immediately upon returning home, bathe the child in the shower and change into clean and dry clothes.

At severe diaper rash damaged skin is treated 2-3 times a day. Most carefully and thoroughly - after daily evening bathing. After it, Bepanten, Desitin, Sudocrem are applied to still wet skin with signs of prickly heat. You need to use powder with great care, because talc dries the skin very much.

Baby cream or any other greasy creams and ointments should not be applied to the skin of a child with prickly heat, as they moisturize, not dry. You should also avoid getting massage oil on diaper rash during evening restorative procedures.


If the rash is allergic, treatment will be to find and rule out the child's interaction with the allergen that caused the skin rash. To do this, the allegologist conducts a series of special tests using test strips with allergens. If it is possible to find the protein that caused the rash, the doctor makes recommendations to exclude everything that contains such a substance.

If the antigen protein cannot be found (and this happens often), then parents will have to try and exclude from the child’s life everything that poses a potential threat - plant pollen, food (nuts, whole milk, chicken eggs, red berries and fruits, some types of fresh greens and even some types of fish, an abundance of sweets).

Pay special attention to baby skin care products.

Usually, eliminating the allergen is more than enough for the allergy to stop and the rash to disappear without a trace. If this does not happen, as well as in case of severe allergies, the doctor prescribes antihistamines("Tavegil", "Tsetrin", "Suprastin", "Loratadin" and others).

At the same time, it is desirable to take calcium preparations and vitamins. Locally, if necessary, the child is used hormonal ointments- "Advantan", for example. severe forms allergies, in which, in addition to a skin rash, there are pronounced respiratory manifestations, as well as internal pathologies, treatment of the child is carried out permanently.

Fungal lesions

Fungal infections are highly contagious, so the child must be isolated. Babies are treated in a hospital. Older children will be admitted to the infectious diseases hospital in case of moderate and severe illness. As a topical treatment, antifungal ointments- Lamisil, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole and others.

With an extensive lesion, when colonies of fungi "settled" not only on the limbs, on the wrist, on the legs or on the neck, but also on the back of the head in the scalp, the child is prescribed, in addition to ointments antifungals in tablets or injections.

At the same time, doctors recommend taking immunomodulators, as well as antihistamines, since the waste products of fungal colonies quite often cause allergic reaction. Treatment for fungi is the longest, after the first course, which lasts from 10 to 14 days, a second, "control" course, which must be carried out after a short break, must be prescribed.

AT at home all things and bedding of a sick child are subject to thorough washing and ironing. It is impossible to bathe him during treatment.

The time has passed when the treatment of such diseases was quite painful. There is no need to sprinkle the head with lice dust or smear the skin with kerosene.

Most children's remedies for lice and nits need only a single application. Most effective in pediatric practice permethrin-based products.

When treating, it is important to observe safety measures. Almost all products are toxic, they should not be allowed to get into the eyes and ears, into the mouth and mucous membranes of the baby.

Worm infestations

What exactly to treat with giardiasis, ascaris or pinworms, the doctor decides. Not all drugs that are effective in adolescence are suitable for treating babies and younger students. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Pirantel, Albendazole, Levamisole and Piperazine.

Acne in teenagers

There is no cure for teenage acne, but it can be alleviated. To do this, parents should explain to the teenage child that it is impossible to squeeze out acne, it is also undesirable to treat them with alcohol or lotions.

They treat pubertal acne in a complex way, changing the diet of the child, excluding fatty, fried, smoked and pickled foods, fast food from it. The skin affected by acne is lubricated twice a day with salicylic alcohol and one of modern means in the form of a cream or ointment.

Very effective zinc ointment, "Zinerit". If acne is complicated by a purulent bacterial infection, antibiotic ointments are used - chloramphenicol, erythromycin.

Baby cream and other oily creams should never be used on acne-prone skin.

Other effective drugs from a teenage rash on the face, back and chest - "Baziron AS", "Adapalen", "Skinoren". In some cases, the doctor may advise hormonal ointments - "Advantan", "Triderm". This is true for deep and very severe rashes.

Simultaneously prescribe vitamins A and E in oil solution or as part of vitamin and mineral complexes. Treatment of pubertal acne takes a very long time. Subject to all the recommendations of a dermatologist, it sometimes takes from 2 to 6 months to achieve the effect.

Neonatal hormonal rash

Newborn acne or a three-week rash does not need treatment. All skin rashes will disappear after the baby's hormonal background returns to normal. It usually takes about a month or two. It is useful for a child to wash with a decoction of chamomile, apply baby cream to pimples on the face and neck, sprinkle them with powder. Trying to squeeze or cauterize with alcohol is strictly prohibited.


Since the skin of a child needs special care and protection, proper hygiene and an understanding of the approach to treating dermatological ailments in children will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of a pathological rash.

    A home microclimate that is favorable for the health of the skin will help to avoid 90% of skin problems. The air temperature should be no higher than 21 degrees Celsius, and air humidity - 50-70%. Such conditions will not allow the child's skin to dry out, crack, which means that there will be less prerequisites for the development of severe bacterial infections. It is especially important to follow this rule if there is a small child in the house.

    It is necessary to do all the preventive vaccinations prescribed for the child by age in a timely manner. This will help protect him from dangerous infectious diseases - measles, diphtheria and a number of others. Vaccination is not a guarantee that the child will not get sick with this infection at all, but it guarantees that in the event of a disease, the disease will proceed more easily and with fewer health consequences.

  • When going to the sea, it is important to make sure that the skin of the child is protected. To do this, you need to buy a sunscreen that is appropriate for your age and skin type. And in order to protect the baby from rotavirus, it makes sense to vaccinate in a paid clinic, which is not included in the list of mandatory ones - a vaccine against rotavirus infection.

    Proper hygiene- the key to the health of children's skin at any age. It is a mistake to wash a baby rarely, but it is equally wrong to wash him too often. Soap for babies should be used no more than once every 4-5 days, it is better not to use shampoos at all for up to a year.

It is important to choose child care products that are designed specifically for childhood and are hypoallergenic. Antibacterial soap kills not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones, and therefore its use without need is not justified at all.

    Children's skin should not be exposed to hard washcloths, bath brushes, brooms. After bathing, the skin should not be wiped, but blotted with a soft towel, this will keep the skin intact and sufficiently moisturized.

    Wash your baby when changing a diaper it is necessary only under running water, and not in a basin or in a bathtub, to avoid getting intestinal microbes on the skin, external genitalia and urinary tract. Girls are washed in the direction from the pubis to the anus.

    When a rash appears cannot self-medicate.

    In the house where the children grow up should never be free chemicals, acids and alkalis, aggressive household cleaners.

    Young children should buy bed linen and clothes only from natural fabrics. Let them look more modest and discreet, but there will be no irritating effect on the skin of synthetic fabrics, seams and textile dyes, which are used to color bright and alluring children's things.

    For skin health in a child's diet, always should be enough vitamins A and E. From childhood, you need to teach your son and daughter to eat orange and red vegetables in fresh, greens, sea fish, lean meat, dairy products with sufficient fat content, butter, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

    The skin of a child from the very early childhood should protect from excessive exposure to strong wind, frost, direct sunlight. All these factors dry it out, dehydrate it, as a result, it becomes more vulnerable and prone to various infections.

    No crusts, pustules and vesicles on the child's skin cannot be mechanically removed and opened at home, far from sterility. Most of the cases with the addition of an infection to a seemingly harmless rash are associated precisely with the attempts of parents to rid the child of pimples or vesicles on their own. On the neck

Rashes on the face of a child, including around the eyes, nose, cheeks, etc., are a fairly common phenomenon that can be triggered by several reasons. The area, symptoms, and their pattern of rash in children can help identify it.

A rash is a skin reaction that can make it red, swollen, and blotchy. In children, including infants, it can occur on the face, chest, abdomen, groin, scalp, back, neck, legs, and other parts of the body.

The reasons



Rashes on the face can be caused by a condition known as impetigo. This is a superficial skin infection caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. Often it is common around the nose of babies, but it can also appear on other parts of the body.

According to Emedicinehealth.com, "rashes are more common during the warmer months." Medical experts have also linked it to secondary infections, eczema, poison ivy reactions, insect bites, or abrasions.

Some of the symptoms of impetigo include small blisters that then form red, open patches on the affected skin. The condition may be accompanied by itching. Although this condition is rarely serious, it is highly contagious.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis)

This is a dermatological disease that is common in many children and is accompanied by dry and itchy skin. The most exposed skin areas in children are the face, neck, back, elbows and knees. Often the skin clears up in adolescence and the disease goes away forever, less often it persists into adulthood. “Eczema cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with proper treatment». .

Symptoms of the disease include dry, itchy sensations, redness, and cracks in the skin, which can sometimes be accompanied by discharge. In addition, it is known that the red rash on the face of a child can be associated with genes. Once infected with eczema, the child/infant may be susceptible to skin infections and exposure to allergens.

Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum)

Fifth disease

The fifth disease is viral infection, most common in infants, but can also affect people of any age. It is usually accompanied by a bright red rash on the child's cheeks.

This is usually a mild infection that clears up in about two weeks. If a child is ill with infectious erythema, he will develop immunity for life.

The condition, although not often, is very severe in some people, especially those who suffer from blood diseases, has a weak immune system or infected with infections.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox (chickenpox)

Nhs.uk explains that “chickenpox is a common illness that mostly affects children and causes a patchy, itchy rash.” Many children suffer from this condition at some point in their lives. They can also become infected and adults who have not been ill in childhood.

Although this is not usually serious illness that resolves within a few weeks, it can be very serious in children with weak immune systems.

Its symptoms include red raised patches on the face or chest that gradually spread to other parts of the body. Also during the course of the disease, blisters, scabs and crusts occur. Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection.

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris (Acne Vulgaris)

Acne can be caused by many factors. Excess sebum production combined with excessive shedding of dead skin cells can lead to clogged hair follicles.

Such a clogged follicle is a good environment for propionibacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), to which the body reacts by sending white blood cells to combat them, resulting in acne in children.

Acne is common on the face, neck, chest and back, i.e. where it is located a large number of sebaceous glands. It appears as blackheads or whiteheads, which can be very severe if an infection is present.



Milia are small white dots that usually appear on a child's face, especially on the cheeks, chins, forehead, around the eyes and nose. They usually look like raised bumps with a smooth texture.

The rash usually appears a few weeks after birth, as the sebaceous glands of young children are still developing. The condition usually improves after about six weeks, otherwise it is necessary to seek medical treatment again.

Toxic erythema

Toxic erythema

it general state skin that newborns may encounter (appears in almost half of them). This disease appears on the skin as red spots, which are accompanied by small yellow or white pustules in the middle. The baby may develop this rash around 4 days after birth. It can happen anywhere on the body, including the baby's face.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a disease caused by an acute streptococcal infection of the throat, which manifests itself as a red, rough rash that begins on the face and neck and is accompanied by high temperature, sore throat. From the face and neck, the rash can spread to other areas of the body.

After about six days, the condition passes, and the baby's skin begins to peel off. An examination by a doctor is necessary to detect the presence of a streptococcal infection. The best medicine in this case, antibiotics will be used.



Urticaria (urticaria) is an outbreak of a pale red, bumpy rash that appears suddenly on any area of ​​the body, including the face, lips, tongue, throat, etc. According to Skinsight.com, urticaria is “a general skin condition with itchy bumps (from pink to red) that appear and disappear anywhere on the skin.

Urticaria can be mild or chronic and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as certain medicines, bacterial, viral and fungal infections, environmental allergies, exposure to heat, cold, water, ultraviolet rays or pressure, among other factors.

Systemic conditions and diseases

Various conditions can affect a child's body, leading to a rash. Conditions such as lupus, autoimmune disorders, and nutritional deficiencies are among the conditions that can lead to rashes in a newborn.

For example, autoimmune diseases often cause a rash on the cheekbones. To control them, more strong methods treatment or remedy.

Other reasons

As we mentioned, many factors or conditions can lead to this problem, including:

  • herpes simplex virus
  • Folliculitis
  • flat wart
  • Phlegmon
  • Insect bites
  • drug rash
  • Follicular keratosis
  • Nevus (mole)
  • Rubella
  • Keloids
  • molluscum contagiosum
  • seborrheic eczema
  • Poison ivy, oak and sumac
  • Psoriasis
  • Sudden exanthema or roseola
  • Vitiligo
  • Shingles.


The symptoms of a baby rash can vary depending on the severity, size, shape, etc. Some of them may be mild, while others may be acute or chronic. But they always depend on the cause.

Some of the symptoms can be effectively treated at home, but more severe ones will require medical attention. Here general symptoms that occur along with the rash:

  • red spots
  • Small red dots on the skin
  • Flat dry white spots
  • Itchy pink or red bumps
  • Fluid-filled blisters.

A rash on a child's face can also be accompanied by more serious symptoms, such as:

  • Cough
  • Constipation
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • muscle pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Cry.

If such concomitant symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the rash from worsening or spreading to other places. It should be noted that some of the symptoms can be life-threatening.

Diagnosing a rash can be a little tricky due to the many triggers that can be localized or generalized (resulting in rashes all over the body).

Itchy rash

A rash on a child's face that is accompanied by itching can cause both parents and child to have sleepless nights. This can cause the child to scratch the broken skin, leading to the spread of an infection that worsens the condition.

Here are some of the causes of rashes that are accompanied by itchy sensations in the baby:

  • Eczema
  • Hives
  • Ringworm
  • allergic reactions
  • Milia
  • Impetigo.

There are many home remedies that can be used to relieve itching in babies. The best ones include cold compresses, antihistamines, and others. A dermatologist should be consulted for more serious treatment.

Treatment and prevention

Treating rash in children is a difficult task. You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the general condition of the child?
  • Is the rash localized or generalized?
  • Are there other symptoms of disease?
  • When did the rash start?
  • Was there any treatment at the time of the problem?
  • Has the baby been exposed to any allergens, such as certain foods, soaps, or skin care products?
  • How serious are the rashes?

These questions will help determine the most effective measure for treatment.

Antiseptic/antibacterial treatments

The use of local therapy may be necessary to treat skin infections leading to the spread of rashes. If a local preparations not enough, sometimes oral medications can also be used.


Antihistamines are ideal for treating allergic reactions. They are especially effective in relieving itching.

This type of medication is best used at bedtime as it can cause drowsiness. Antihistamine creams should be avoided because they can irritate babies' skin, especially if it is sensitive.

Cold compresses

This is very good remedy for the treatment of itching and swelling. However, caution should be exercised when using it. Moisturize your baby's skin after using cold compresses.

Folk remedies

The following are effective home remedies for treating a child:

  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Lemon juice
  • Tea tree oil
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Egg white.

Folk remedies can be effective for mild or moderate manifestations of the problem, in severe conditions, you should definitely contact your pediatrician for a stronger medication.


Some causes of rashes in newborns can be prevented, but not all. So, below are some of the methods that can be applied so that the child does not suffer:

  • Avoid using products with harsh chemicals e.g. soap, detergents, perfumes that can irritate the skin
  • Do not wear tight clothing on the baby to avoid irritation
  • Moisturize baby's skin to soothe and soften it

How to figure out what kind of rash a child has? Below you will find a photo with explanations of the main skin diseases in children.

Have you been taken by surprise by baby rashes under diapers or red dots on your baby’s palms? Now you will not have any questions about what kind of rash your child has.

Rash in children: photo with explanations

How to distinguish acne with chickenpox from a pustular rash, and atopic dermatitis from allergies - see the photo and read the explanations for them in our material.

Baby acne

Small white pimples usually appear on the cheeks, and sometimes on the forehead, chin and even the back of a newborn. May be surrounded by reddish skin. Acne may appear from the first days up to 4 weeks of age.

Toxic erythema
The rash is characterized by small yellow or white rashes on the reddened area of ​​the skin. It can appear anywhere on the child's body. The rash disappears on its own within two weeks, and is common in newborns, usually on the 2nd to 5th day of their life.

Erythema infectiosum (Fifth disease)
At the initial stage, there is fever, aches and cold symptoms, and in the following days there are bright pink spots on the cheeks and a red, itchy eruption on the chest and feet.

Most often, such a rash occurs in preschoolers and first graders.

Pimples or crusted pustules appear around the hair follicles. They are usually located on the neck, in the armpit or inguinal region. Rarely seen in children under 2 years of age.

Rashes on the hands, feet and around the mouth
They are characterized by fever, lack of appetite, sore throat, and painful blistering wounds in the mouth. The rash may appear on the feet, hands, and sometimes the buttocks. Initially, the rash appears as small, flat, red dots that may develop into bumps or blisters. It occurs at any age, but is most common among preschoolers.

Raised, red patches of skin characterized by itching may come and go on their own. Usually they appear from several hours to several days, but there are cases when they drag on to weeks or months. May appear at any age. The cause of urticaria is an allergic reaction to some allergen.

Small red bumps that may itch. They often appear near the nose and mouth, but can spread to other parts of the body. Over time, the bumps become pustules, which can boil and become covered with a soft yellow-brown crust. As a result, the child may have a fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Most often, impetigo occurs in children from 2 to 6 years old.

The rash in children is characterized by a yellow tint to the skin. In dark-skinned children, jaundice can be identified in the whites of the eyes, on the palms or feet. It is most common in children in the first and second week of life, as well as in premature babies.

This disease begins with fever, runny nose, red watery eyes and cough. A few days later on inside small red dots with a white base appear on the cheeks, and then the rash appears on the face, passes to the chest and back, arms and legs with feet. At the initial stage, the rash has a flat red character, gradually becoming lumpy and itchy. This continues for about 5 days, and then the rash takes on a brown tint, the skin dries up and begins to peel off. Most common among unvaccinated children.

Mile are small white or yellow bumps-balls on the nose, chin and cheeks. Often occurs in newborns. Symptoms go away on their own within a few weeks.

molluscum contagiosum
Rashes have a hemispherical shape. The color matches the normal color of the skin or slightly pinker, having a pinkish-orange hue with a pearly top. In the middle of the hemisphere there is an impression, somewhat reminiscent of a human navel.

Unusual for children under one year old.

papular urticaria
These are small, raised skin rashes that thicken over time and become a reddish-brown hue. They occur at the site of old insect bites and are usually accompanied by severe itching. May appear at any age.

Poison ivy or sumac
Initially, small areas or links of swollen and itchy red spots appear on the skin. The manifestation occurs after 12-48 hours from the moment of contact with a poisonous plant, but there are cases of a rash appearing within a week after contact. Over time, the rash turns into a blister and crusts over. Sumac is uncharacteristic for children under one year old.

As a rule, the first symptom is a sharp rise in temperature (39.4), which does not subside for the first 3-5 days. Then a pink rash appears on the torso and neck, later spreading to the arms, legs and face. The child may be nervous, vomit, or show symptoms of diarrhea. Most often occurs between the ages of 6 months and 3 years.

A rash in the form of one or more red rings, ranging in size from a penny in denominations from 10 to 25 kopecks. The rings are usually dry and scaly at the edges and smooth in the center and may grow over time. It can also appear as dandruff or small bald patches on the scalp. Most common ages 2 and older.

Rubella measles
A bright pink rash that first appears on the face and then spreads to the whole body and lasts 2-3 days. The child may have a fever, swollen lymph nodes behind the ears, a stuffy or runny nose, headache, and sore throat. Vaccination reduces the risk of contracting rubella.

Red rashes that are accompanied by severe itching usually occur between the fingers, around the wrist, under the armpits and under the diaper, around the elbows. May also appear on the kneecap, palms, soles, scalp or face. The rash can cause white or red mesh marks, as well as the appearance of small blisters on areas of the skin around the rash. Itching is most intense after taking a hot bath or at night, preventing the child from sleeping. May occur at any age.

Scarlet fever
The rash begins as hundreds of tiny red dots on the armpits, neck, chest, and groin and quickly spreads throughout the body. The rash feels like sandpaper to the touch and can be itchy. Also, it may be accompanied by fever and redness of the throat. During the initial stage of the infection, the tongue may have a white or yellowish coating that later turns red. Roughness on the tongue increases and gives the impression of a rash. This condition is commonly referred to as strawberry tongue. The child's tonsils may swell and become red. As the rash disappears, peeling of the skin occurs, especially in the groin area and on the hands. Scarlet fever is rare in children under 2 years of age.

Small bumps, like grains, appear singly or in groups, usually on the arms, but can go all over the body. Warts usually have a shade close to skin tone, but may be slightly lighter or darker, with a black dot in the middle. small flat warts can appear all over the body, but in children it most often appears on the face.
There are also plantar warts.

Such defects disappear on their own, but this process can take from several months to several years. Warts are not characteristic of children under 2 years of age.

Update: October 2018

Any mother, seeing suspicious rashes on her baby's skin, begins to look for their cause. Some almost always urgently call a doctor, having previously fed the child with unnecessary medicines. Other parents try to ignore the rash, especially if the child feels well. But both of them are wrong. You just need to navigate the main types of rashes in order to make the right decision.

What a rash might look like - basic elements

  • - a limited area of ​​​​skin of a changed color (red, white and others). It does not protrude above the skin, it cannot be felt.
  • - tubercle up to 0.5 cm in diameter, without a cavity inside. The element protrudes above the skin, it can be felt.
  • - a formation with a large area, raised above the skin and having a flattened shape. Large plaques with clear skin patterns are called lichenification.
  • Vesicles and blisters- formations with liquid inside. They differ in size (a vesicle larger than 0.5 cm is called a bubble)
  • - limited cavity with pus inside

Diseases accompanied by a rash

Rash in newborns

Eruptions of toxic erythema affect half of all full-term newborns. The main elements are white-yellow papules or pustules with a diameter of 1-2 mm, surrounded by a red rim. In some cases, only red spots appear, from a few pieces to an almost complete skin lesion (except for the palms and feet). The maximum rash appears on the 2nd day of life, then the rash gradually disappears. The exact causes of toxic erythema are unknown, the rash resolves on its own.

A condition that affects 20% of all babies by the age of three weeks. On the face, less often on the scalp and neck, a rash appears in the form of inflamed papules and pustules. The cause of the rash is the activation of the sebaceous glands by maternal hormones. Most often, newborn acne does not require treatment, careful hygiene and moisturizing with emollients are necessary. Unlike juvenile acne, newborn acne does not leave spots and scars behind, and disappears up to 6 months.

Frequent rash in newborns, especially in the warm season (see). It is associated with a difficult exit of the contents of the sweat glands and increased moisture of the skin during bandaging. typical place appearances consider the head, face and diaper rash areas. Bubbles, spots, and pustules rarely become inflamed, cause no discomfort, and resolve with good care.

A synonym for this disease is atopic eczema or. Every 10th child suffers from this disease, but not everyone develops a typical triad of symptoms. The triad includes allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and eczema itself.

The first signs of the disease appear in the first year of life and more often the rash appears on the face, cheeks, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs. The child is worried about unbearable itching, aggravated at night and with temperature, chemical effects on the skin. AT acute stage rashes have the appearance of red papules with scratching and liquid discharge.

In the subacute period, it is characteristic, sometimes its thickening. This is due to the constant combing of the affected areas.

Most children recover from this disease without consequences.
Only with a hereditary predisposition can the disease become chronic with the addition of asthma and allergic rhinitis(cm. ).

allergic rash

With individual intolerance to drugs and foods, a child may develop allergic rashes. They have different shape and size, the rash can be located throughout the body, on the arms, legs, back, stomach. The main distinguishing feature allergic rash is its strengthening under the action of the allergen and disappearance after the abolition of the latter. Usually severe itching is the only unpleasant effect of such rashes.

  • Quincke's edema - in rare cases, a severe reaction of the body to an allergen may occur, most often occurs on medicines or products (see more). In this case, the rash lasts for quite a long time, and edema forms on the body up to the inability to breathe due to the overlap of the larynx. With a family predisposition to allergies, it is necessary to exclude intolerable foods and medicines.
  • Urticaria - can also occur on food, medicines and under the influence of temperature factors (,), sometimes the cause of urticaria is not found (see more details).

Very often, insect bite marks horrify parents and force them to look for infectious causes of such rashes. When any skin rashes appear, you need to analyze where and how long the child spent time. Perhaps the weekend in the village with my grandmother was accompanied by a trip to the forest and a massive attack of midges, so most often bite marks appear on open areas of the skin - in the form of a rash on the arms, legs, face, and neck.

Typical bite marks are caused by the following processes:

  • response to toxins
  • mechanical injury to the skin
  • infection in the wound when combing
  • sometimes - infectious diseases transmitted through bites

Bite symptoms:

mosquitoes bedbugs
  • First - red blister
  • Then - a dense papule, remaining for several hours or days
  • Sometimes a blister or extensive redness with swelling
  • Itchy papules arranged in a linear fashion
  • Usually occurs at night
  • In the center of the rash - a small bruise
bees and wasps Scabies mites
  • Pain, redness and swelling at the bite site
  • bees leave a sting
  • Sometimes a bubble forms
  • With an allergic tendency, urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible
  • Severe itching that gets worse at night
  • Red papules and moves
  • Location in the interdigital spaces, on the genitals, between the mammary glands, on the flexion surfaces

A rash in a child that requires immediate medical attention

  • Accompanied by a fever above 40 degrees
  • Covers the entire body, causing unbearable itching
  • Associated with vomiting, headache and confusion
  • Has the appearance of stellate hemorrhages
  • Accompanied by swelling and difficulty breathing

What not to do with a rash in a child

  • Squeeze pustules
  • burst bubbles
  • Allow rashes to comb
  • Lubricate with preparations with a bright color (so as not to complicate the diagnosis)

Rash on the body of a child - important symptom many diseases. Some of them do not even require treatment and pass on their own, and some threaten health and life. little man. Therefore, in case of any suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Rash caused by infection

Most common cause a rash on a child's body is a viral or bacterial infection. In turn, among them there are 6 main diseases.

The disease is caused by parvovirus B19, which is common throughout the world. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact transmission is possible in close children's groups. Symptoms of infectious erythema:

The rash forms on the extensor surfaces, the hands and feet are usually not affected. The fading of the spots occurs gradually, within 1-3 weeks. The rash is usually an immune post-infection complication, so children with erythema patches are not contagious and isolation is not required.

Herpes virus type 6 causes a typical childhood disease- sudden exanthema (roseola). The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 10 months and 2 years, and it is rarely possible to identify contacts with sick children. Transmission usually occurs from adults, by airborne droplets. Symptoms:

Roseola is a very specific disease, but it often goes unrecognized by pediatricians. Since teeth are actively cut at the age of 1 year, fever is attributed to this condition. It must be remembered that from teething there is never a temperature above 38 degrees. In this heat, there is always another reason!

Chicken pox

Chicken pox (chickenpox) is a primary infection with the varicella zoster virus, similar in structure to the herpes simplex virus. Most children become infected before the age of 15. Transmission of the disease occurs through the air or contact (a virus is present in the discharge from the rash). Symptoms:

Virus chickenpox in the majority of children who have been ill, it passes into a latent form, firmly strengthening in nerve cells. Subsequently, a second wave of the disease may occur in the form (Fig. 2), when bubbles form along the nerve trunk, more often on the lower back.

Complications of the disease are rare, mainly in debilitated children with primary immunodeficiency and AIDS. With congenital chickenpox, there is a possibility of disability and death of the newborn. In 2015, in Russia, the varicella vaccine should be included in the national vaccination schedule.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcus is a bacterium that normally occurs in the nasopharynx in 5-10% of people without causing serious problems. But under certain conditions, this microbe can cause life-threatening conditions, especially in young children. Meningococcus is transmitted by air, settling in the nasal cavity. With viral infections or a decrease in the quality of life, carriage can turn into active disease. If meningococci are detected in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, urgent antibiotic treatment is necessary in an intensive care unit.

After entering the blood, the bacterium can cause:

  • sepsis (blood poisoning)
  • meningitis
  • combination of these conditions

Sepsis - the disease begins with an increase in temperature to 41 degrees, indomitable vomiting. During the first day, against the background of pale gray skin, a characteristic petechial rash appears (small bruises that grow and become star-shaped).

Eruptions are located on the limbs, trunk, may rise above the skin, often ulcerate and form scars. At the same time, purulent foci may appear in organs (heart, pericardium, pleural cavity). In young children, sepsis is often fulminant, leading to shock and death.

Meningitis is a more common manifestation of infection. Patients complain of photophobia, headache, impaired consciousness, tension of the occipital muscles. With isolated meningitis, there is no characteristic rash.


- previously common viral disease, which now occurs in the form of short flashes in some regions. AT last years The virus has reared its head again due to massive anti-vaccination agitation. Most people have a high susceptibility to the measles virus, so if one child falls ill in the children's team, then 90% of the remaining unvaccinated children are at risk of becoming infected.

The disease proceeds in three stages:

  • Incubation (hidden), which lasts 10-12 days. By the 9th day, a sick child is contagious.
  • Prodromal (general malaise), lasting 3-5 days. It starts acutely, proceeds with fever, dry cough, runny nose, redness of the eyes. Filatov-Koplik spots appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks on the 2nd day: whitish-gray dots with a red rim, disappearing within 12-18 hours.
  • Eruption period. In parallel with an increase in temperature to 40 degrees, maculopapular points appear behind the ears and along the hairline. During the day, the rash covers the face, descends to the upper chest. After 2-3 days, it reaches the feet, and turns pale on the face. Such a staging of rashes (1 day - face, 2 day - torso, 3 day - limbs) is typical for measles. All this is accompanied by mild itching, sometimes small bruises appear at the site of the rash. After the spots disappear, peeling and a brownish mark may remain, which disappears within 7-10 days.

Complications (usually occur in unvaccinated children):

  • otitis media
  • pneumonia
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

Diagnosis is usually based on characteristic symptoms, sometimes blood is taken to determine immunoglobulins. Treatment directly against the virus has not been developed, so you just need to alleviate the child's condition with antipyretics. There is evidence that vitamin A supplementation in children with measles significantly mitigates the course of the infection. Vaccination of children can reduce the incidence of the disease and the risk of severe complications. It must be remembered that on the 6-10th day after the introduction of the vaccine, mild symptoms of the disease may appear (low temperature, a small rash on the child's body), which pass quickly and do not pose a health hazard.


Acute viral infection, which affects mainly 5-15 years. Rubella symptoms:

  • The latent period is from 2 to 3 weeks. There are no symptoms at this stage, but the child may already be contagious.
  • prodromal period. There is a slight malaise, a low rise in temperature, very often this stage goes unnoticed. The occipital and posterior cervical lymph nodes are markedly enlarged.
  • Eruption period. A pale pink rash appears on the face, spreads downward quickly, and disappears just as quickly, usually after 3 days. May be accompanied by mild itching. Peeling usually does not remain.

Often, rubella occurs without a rash at all, so it is difficult to distinguish it from other infections. The virus is dangerous mainly for expectant mothers. When infected before the 11th week of pregnancy, most children have congenital malformations. After 16 weeks, the risk of anomalies is low, but there is a possibility of congenital rubella with damage to the brain, skin, eyes. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, all women need to know the level of antibodies to rubella in order to vaccinate in their absence.

Scarlet fever

- a disease caused by group A streptococci. This means that the source of infection is not only patients or carriers of scarlet fever, but also people with any pathology caused by these bacteria (tonsillitis, for example). Scarlet fever is transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms:

  • The hidden period is 2-7 days.
  • The prodromal period begins with a rise in temperature, malaise.
  • Already on the 1-2 day of the disease, a rash appears that does not affect the nasolabial triangle. The appearance of a child with scarlet fever is characteristic: shining eyes, flaming cheeks, a pale nasolabial triangle. On the body, the rash is more intense in the folds. After 3-7 days, all rashes disappear, leaving peeling behind. Another feature of the disease is the "crimson" tongue - bright, with pronounced papillae.

Infectious mononucleosis

The Epstein-Barr virus, which causes, belongs to a large group of herpes viruses. The disease often affects children and young people, often flows without a rash and other characteristic symptoms. The degree of contagiousness of patients with mononucleosis is low, so there are no outbreaks in children's groups. Symptoms:

  • The main symptom of the disease is an increase lymph nodes, especially posterior cervical, at the same time the liver and spleen increase.
  • From the 3rd day of illness, tonsillitis with a white coating on the tonsils, a rise in temperature is possible.
  • On the 5th-6th day, a rash occurs infrequently, different in shape and size, disappearing without a trace. If a patient with mononucleosis was prescribed ampicillin, then the likelihood of a rash increases.
  • The blood test will show feature: atypical mononuclear cells, in addition, antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus can be detected.

Differential diagnosis of a rash of infectious origin

hidden period Symptoms Rash Infectious period and vaccination
View Time and order of appearance Traces
Measles 10-12days
  • significant rise in temperature
  • dry cough-conjunctivitis and photophobia
  • rash due to high fever
Large-spotted-papular, bright, may merge After 3-5 days of illness - behind the ears, along the hair. Then it goes down to the feet (for three days) Bruising and peeling 4 days before the first rashes and up to 5 days after they disappear. Vaccination - at 1 year, 6 years
Rubella 2-3 weeks
  • slight rise in temperature
  • malaise - sometimes
  • arthritis
Finely spotted, pale pink On the first day of illness on the face, after 24-48 hours - all over the body, disappears after 3 days. Disappears without a trace Infectious during the period of rashes, a few days before them and after. Vaccination -12 months, 6 years
Scarlet fever 2-7 days
  • intoxication, fever, sore throat
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • bright tongue
Small dots (1-2 mm), bright Simultaneous eruptions, intense eruption in the folds of the body. Pale nasolabial triangle. Leaves peeling contagiousness 10 days from the onset of symptoms, with carriage of streptococcus - constant contagiousness
Infectious mononucleosis unknown
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen
Diverse in shape and size, does not always occur On the 5-6th day of illness, sometimes later. More intense on the face, but also present on the torso Disappears without a trace The virus has a low contagiousness, it is transmitted more often when sharing utensils and kissing
Infectious erythema 4-28 days
  • malaise
  • sometimes arthritis
Spots of red Red spots from the face spread to the whole body, especially to the extensor surfaces. Before disappearing, they take the form of a ring with a white center. Disappear for a long time, may reappear within 3 weeks under adverse conditions Children are usually not contagious once the rash appears.
5-15 days
  • sudden rise in temperature
  • disappearance of fever after 3 days
  • sometimes inflammation in the throat
small-spotted Spots appear after normalization of temperature on the body. Disappear within a few hours or days without a trace Infection most often occurs from adults - carriers of the herpes virus type 6
Chicken pox 10-21 days
  • malaise
  • headache and stomach pain (sometimes)
  • fever up to 38 degrees
Spots, papules, fluid vesicles and crusts. Beginning - on the scalp, face, torso. Then it spreads to the whole body. Different elements of the rash are present at the same time. there are no traces, but if an infection is introduced during combing
-may leave scars
48 hours before rash and before crusting on all elements (up to 2 weeks) Planned to be included in the 2015 vaccination schedule.
Meningo-coccal sepsis
  • a sharp deterioration
  • fever
  • headache and vomiting
  • confusion
From small bruises to extensive hemorrhages More often - lower limbs and torso. Extensive hemorrhages can turn into ulcers and scars. Throughout the disease

Children's skin is especially sensitive. Parents may be concerned about the appearance of a rash or redness. The reasons for this are different. Not always changes in the epidermis signal the presence of diseases.

Often the rash goes away on its own and does not cause discomfort to the child. Despite this, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician. There may be an infectious disease.

What are the causes of rashes? Let's show in the photo what an allergic, caused infectious diseases, and other types of rashes on the face, head and neck, on the body and hands of an older baby or baby, whether and how to treat it.

Varieties and their symptoms

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of a rash on the face of a child. Pimples may appear in different ages. Some of them are localized on the face. Others may affect the head, neck, torso.

An examination by a doctor is required for an accurate diagnosis. The pediatrician will prescribe additional examinations. It is important to pay attention to external manifestations.

An important role is played by:

  • place of localization;
  • the extent of the skin lesion;
  • the presence of concomitant symptoms (itching, burning, pain);
  • rash size;
  • the presence of inflammation or abscess;
  • general well-being.

Experts identify several types of rash that hits the face. Some of them require close monitoring and drug therapy.

O various types rashes will tell the School of Dr. Komarovsky:

Prickly heat

The child's sweat glands are imperfect. Because of this, the processes of thermoregulation in children do not proceed in the same way as in adults. - one of the most common causes of a rash.

It is difficult to distinguish it from other conditions on your own. Difficulties with differentiation are associated with the presence of several varieties.

Red sweatshirt. The surface of the skin changes color. In severe cases, it turns bright pink. Rashes with cloudy contents inside are formed. The red tint of the epidermis indicates inflammation.

Crystal sweat. A large number of bubbles with transparent contents form on the skin. When touched and pressed, they burst easily. There is no redness in this form.

Papular sweating. It is manifested by the appearance of a small punctate rash on the face and body. It can form rather large accumulations on the skin.

Infected prickly heat. This is a complicated option. The diagnosis is made if microbes enter the wound formed during the rupture of the bubble. Bacteria provoke an inflammatory process.

Possible suppuration of the affected area, deterioration of health, rise in temperature.

The rash appears due to problems with the work of the sweat glands. Prickly heat can be provoked by various factors. The main ones among them are:

  • indoor humidity;
  • poor hygiene;
  • excessive warming of the child;
  • use of synthetic underwear and clothing.

Prickly heat affects not only the face. Often the rash appears on the neck, in the armpits, on the shoulders, and then spreads throughout the body.

If the condition is not complicated by infection, the child feels fine. Pimples do not cause inconvenience and do not cause itching.

Sweating is a disease of newborns. What do you need to know? Watch the video about it:

allergic reactions

The baby during the first year of life actively gets acquainted with new food. After 6 months, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods. Until then he gets breast milk or a mixture.

The digestive system continues to develop after birth. Any inappropriate product may cause an allergic reaction. Attentive parents will notice the appearance of a characteristic rash on the face of the baby.

Such rashes are a manifestation immune response body in response to stimuli. Among the allergens:

  • food products;
  • wool;
  • dust;
  • medicines;
  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • pollen.

Symptoms and treatment of acute adenoiditis in a child are discussed in the material.

acne in newborns

Not all facial rashes need treatment. Acne in newborns goes away on its own.

The appearance of a strong small red rash on the face in month old baby, like acne, can scare parents. These rashes are hormonal in nature. Every fifth child is subject to their development.

Acne is localized mainly on the face. Pimples cover the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Some of them are filled with purulent contents. Dermatologists call them pustules. By appearance they are close to teenage acne.

Acne does not cause discomfort. Pimples do not itch. In most children, this phenomenon disappears on its own in 2-3 months. In rare cases, rashes persist for up to 1.5 years. Then talk about acne babies.

Should not cause concern and small nodules white color on the nose or under the eyes of the baby. Many babies are born with milia on their faces.

These rashes associated with blockage of sebaceous ducts. They also go away without treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky's school will talk about rashes in newborns:

Toxic erythema

Newborn babies gradually adapt to environment. In the course of adaptation, a restructuring of all body systems occurs.

The child learns to eat and breathe differently.

During the period of perestroika, red pimples often appear on the face, they have gray heads. The rash affects the face hairy part heads.

Danger toxic erythema is not. The rash goes away in a few days.

infectious diseases

Older children are also prone to rashes. Parents should be careful, as pimples may indicate an infection.

Chicken pox. This is a viral disease, which is characterized by the appearance of red seals on the skin. Rash on face and body.

The spots transform into bubbles. The latter burst, a crust appears. With chickenpox, the body temperature rises. There may be an increase in lymph nodes.

To eliminate peeling, you can use healing non-hormonal ointments. Good feedback in the preparations Bepanten and D-panthenol.

When a rash appears on the background elevated temperature need to see a doctor. In severe cases, hospitalization will be required.

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs, depending on the type of pathogen. Other medicines are designed to relieve symptoms and make the child feel better.

What Not to Do

It seems to parents that it is not easy to cure a rash. Therapy can be really long. However, compliance with a number of requirements significantly speeds up the treatment. The doctor will tell you what not to do when getting rid of the rash.

Appeared pimples are unacceptable to squeeze out. This does not affect the rate of healing, but will open the way for infections.

Rashes in newborns should not be treated with alcohol-containing liquids. Their skin is too sensitive. This may cause a burn.

Overheating must not be allowed. The thermoregulation system is not formed. Therefore, the baby is dressed so that he is not hot. It is better to use undershirts and diapers made from natural fabrics.

These are instructions for parents on what to do if a child is a month old or older and has a rash on the face, around the mouth, or on the head, arms, and abdomen.

When any rash appears, it is better to show the baby to the pediatrician. This will eliminate doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe tests and recommend medications.

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