A small rash on the body does not itch. A very small rash on the body is a sign of the disease

Update: October 2018

Any mother, seeing suspicious rashes on her baby's skin, begins to look for their cause. Some almost always urgently call a doctor, having previously fed the child with unnecessary medicines. Other parents try to ignore the rash, especially if the child feels well. But both of them are wrong. You just need to navigate the main types of rashes in order to make the right decision.

What a rash might look like - basic elements

  • - a limited area of ​​​​skin of a changed color (red, white and others). It does not protrude above the skin, it cannot be felt.
  • - tubercle up to 0.5 cm in diameter, without a cavity inside. The element protrudes above the skin, it can be felt.
  • - a formation with a large area, raised above the skin and having a flattened shape. Large plaques with clear skin patterns are called lichenification.
  • Vesicles and blisters- formations with liquid inside. They differ in size (a vesicle larger than 0.5 cm is called a bubble)
  • - limited cavity with pus inside

Diseases accompanied by a rash

Rash in newborns

Eruptions of toxic erythema affect half of all full-term newborns. The main elements are white-yellow papules or pustules with a diameter of 1-2 mm, surrounded by a red rim. In some cases, only red spots appear, from a few pieces to an almost complete skin lesion (except for the palms and feet). The maximum rash appears on the 2nd day of life, then the rash gradually disappears. The exact causes of toxic erythema are unknown, the rash resolves on its own.

A condition that affects 20% of all babies by the age of three weeks. On the face, less often on the scalp and neck, a rash appears in the form of inflamed papules and pustules. The cause of the rash is the activation sebaceous glands maternal hormones. Most often, newborn acne does not require treatment, careful hygiene and moisturizing with emollients are necessary. Unlike juvenile acne, newborn acne does not leave spots and scars behind, and disappears up to 6 months.

Frequent rash in newborns, especially in the warm season (see). It is associated with a difficult exit of the contents of the sweat glands and increased moisture of the skin during bandaging. typical place appearances consider the head, face and diaper rash areas. Bubbles, spots, and pustules rarely become inflamed, cause no discomfort, and resolve with good care.

A synonym for this disease is atopic eczema or. Every 10th child suffers from this disease, but not everyone develops a typical triad of symptoms. The triad includes allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and eczema itself.

The first signs of the disease appear in the first year of life and more often the rash appears on the face, cheeks, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs. The child is worried about unbearable itching, aggravated at night and with temperature, chemical effects on the skin. AT acute stage rashes have the appearance of red papules with scratching and liquid discharge.

In the subacute period, it is characteristic, sometimes its thickening. This is due to the constant combing of the affected areas.

Most children recover from this disease without consequences.
Only with a hereditary predisposition can the disease become chronic with the addition of asthma and allergic rhinitis(cm. ).

allergic rash

With individual intolerance to drugs and foods, a child may develop allergic rashes. They have different shape and size, the rash can be located throughout the body, on the arms, legs, back, stomach. The main distinguishing feature of an allergic rash is its intensification under the action of an allergen and disappearance after the abolition of the latter. Usually severe itching is the only unpleasant effect of such rashes.

  • Quincke's edema - in rare cases, a severe reaction of the body to an allergen may occur, most often occurs on medicines or products (see more). In this case, the rash lasts for quite a long time, and edema forms on the body up to the inability to breathe due to the overlap of the larynx. With a family predisposition to allergies, it is necessary to exclude intolerable foods and medicines.
  • Urticaria - can also occur on food, medicines and under the influence of temperature factors (,), sometimes the cause of urticaria is not found (see more details).

Very often, insect bite marks horrify parents and force them to look for infectious causes of such rashes. When any skin rashes appear, you need to analyze where and how long the child spent time. Perhaps the weekend in the village with my grandmother was accompanied by a trip to the forest and a massive attack of midges, so most often bite marks appear on open areas of the skin - in the form of a rash on the arms, legs, face, and neck.

Typical bite marks are caused by the following processes:

  • response to toxins
  • mechanical injury to the skin
  • infection in the wound when combing
  • sometimes - infectious diseases transmitted through bites

Bite symptoms:

mosquitoes bedbugs
  • First - red blister
  • Then - a dense papule, remaining for several hours or days
  • Sometimes a blister or extensive redness with swelling
  • Itchy papules arranged in a linear fashion
  • Usually occurs at night
  • In the center of the rash - a small bruise
bees and wasps Scabies mites
  • Pain, redness and swelling at the bite site
  • bees leave a sting
  • Sometimes a bubble forms
  • With an allergic tendency, urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible
  • Severe itching that gets worse at night
  • Red papules and moves
  • Location in the interdigital spaces, on the genitals, between the mammary glands, on the flexion surfaces

A rash in a child that requires immediate medical attention

  • Accompanied by a fever above 40 degrees
  • Covers the entire body, causing unbearable itching
  • Associated with vomiting, headache and confusion
  • Has the appearance of stellate hemorrhages
  • Accompanied by swelling and difficulty breathing

What not to do with a rash in a child

  • Squeeze pustules
  • burst bubbles
  • Allow rashes to comb
  • Lubricate with preparations with a bright color (so as not to complicate the diagnosis)

A rash on the body of a child is an important symptom of many diseases. Some of them do not even require treatment and go away on their own, while others threaten health and life. little man. Therefore, in case of any suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Rash caused by infection

Most common cause a rash on a child's body is a viral or bacterial infection. In turn, among them there are 6 main diseases.

The disease is caused by parvovirus B19, which is common throughout the world. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact transmission is possible in close children's groups. Symptoms of infectious erythema:

The rash forms on the extensor surfaces, the hands and feet are usually not affected. The fading of the spots occurs gradually, within 1-3 weeks. The rash is usually an immune post-infection complication, so children with erythema patches are not contagious and isolation is not required.

Herpes virus type 6 causes a typical childhood disease- sudden exanthema (roseola). The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 10 months and 2 years, and it is rarely possible to identify contacts with sick children. Transmission usually occurs from adults, by airborne droplets. Symptoms:

Roseola is a very specific disease, but it often goes unrecognized by pediatricians. Since teeth are actively cut at the age of 1 year, fever is attributed to this condition. It must be remembered that from teething there is never a temperature above 38 degrees. In this heat, there is always another reason!

Chicken pox

Chicken pox (chickenpox) is a primary infection with the varicella zoster virus, similar in structure to the herpes simplex virus. Most children become infected before the age of 15. Transmission of the disease occurs through the air or contact (the virus is present in the discharge from the rash). Symptoms:

The varicella-zoster virus in the majority of children who have been ill passes into a latent form, firmly strengthening in nerve cells. Subsequently, a second wave of the disease may occur in the form (Fig. 2.), when bubbles form along the nerve trunk, more often on the lower back.

Complications of the disease are rare, mainly in debilitated children with primary immunodeficiency and AIDS. With congenital chickenpox, there is a possibility of disability and death of the newborn. In 2015, in Russia, the varicella vaccine should be included in the national vaccination schedule.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcus is a bacterium that normally occurs in the nasopharynx in 5-10% of people without causing serious problems. But under certain conditions, this microbe can cause life-threatening conditions, especially in young children. Meningococcus is transmitted by air, settling in the nasal cavity. With viral infections or a decrease in the quality of life, carriage can turn into active disease. If meningococci are detected in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, urgent antibiotic treatment is necessary in an intensive care unit.

After entering the blood, the bacterium can cause:

  • sepsis (blood poisoning)
  • meningitis
  • combination of these conditions

Sepsis - the disease begins with an increase in temperature to 41 degrees, indomitable vomiting. During the first day, against the background of pale gray skin, a characteristic petechial rash appears (small bruises that grow and become star-shaped).

Eruptions are located on the limbs, trunk, may rise above the skin, often ulcerate and form scars. At the same time, purulent foci may appear in organs (heart, pericardium, pleural cavity). In young children, sepsis is often fulminant, leading to shock and death.

Meningitis is a more common manifestation of infection. Patients complain of photophobia, headache, impaired consciousness, tension of the occipital muscles. With isolated meningitis, there is no characteristic rash.


- a previously common viral disease that now occurs in short outbreaks in some regions. AT last years The virus has reared its head again due to massive anti-vaccination agitation. Most people are highly susceptible to the measles virus, so if one child falls ill in the children's team, then 90% of the remaining unvaccinated children are at risk of becoming infected.

The disease proceeds in three stages:

  • Incubation (hidden), which lasts 10-12 days. By the 9th day, a sick child is contagious.
  • Prodromal (general malaise), lasting 3-5 days. It starts acutely, proceeds with fever, dry cough, runny nose, redness of the eyes. Filatov-Koplik spots appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks on the 2nd day: whitish-gray dots with a red rim, disappearing within 12-18 hours.
  • Eruption period. In parallel with an increase in temperature to 40 degrees, maculopapular points appear behind the ears and along the hairline. During the day, the rash covers the face, descends to the upper chest. After 2-3 days, it reaches the feet, and turns pale on the face. Such a staging of rashes (1 day - face, 2 day - torso, 3 day - limbs) is typical for measles. All this is accompanied by mild itching, sometimes small bruises appear at the site of the rash. After the spots disappear, peeling and a brownish mark may remain, which disappears within 7-10 days.

Complications (usually occur in unvaccinated children):

  • otitis media
  • pneumonia
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

Diagnosis is usually based on characteristic symptoms, sometimes blood is taken to determine immunoglobulins. Treatment directly against the virus has not been developed, so you just need to alleviate the child's condition with antipyretics. There is evidence that vitamin A supplementation in children with measles significantly mitigates the course of the infection. Vaccination of children can reduce the incidence of the disease and the risk of severe complications. It must be remembered that on the 6-10th day after the introduction of the vaccine, mild signs of the disease may appear (not heat, a small rash on the body of a child), which pass quickly and do not pose a health hazard.


Acute viral infection, which is ill mainly 5-15 years. Rubella symptoms:

  • The latent period is from 2 to 3 weeks. There are no symptoms at this stage, but the child may already be contagious.
  • prodromal period. There is a slight malaise, a low rise in temperature, very often this stage goes unnoticed. The occipital and posterior cervical lymph nodes are markedly enlarged.
  • Eruption period. A pale pink rash appears on the face, spreads downward quickly, and disappears just as quickly, usually after 3 days. May be accompanied by mild itching. Peeling usually does not remain.

Often, rubella occurs without a rash at all, so it is difficult to distinguish it from other infections. The virus is dangerous mainly for expectant mothers. When infected before the 11th week of pregnancy, most children have congenital malformations. After 16 weeks, the risk of anomalies is low, but there is a possibility of congenital rubella with damage to the brain, skin, eyes. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, all women need to know the level of antibodies to rubella in order to vaccinate in their absence.

Scarlet fever

- a disease caused by group A streptococci. This means that the source of infection is not only patients or carriers of scarlet fever, but also people with any pathology caused by these bacteria (tonsillitis, for example). Scarlet fever is transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms:

  • The hidden period is 2-7 days.
  • The prodromal period begins with a rise in temperature, malaise.
  • Already on the 1-2 day of the disease, a rash appears that does not affect the nasolabial triangle. The appearance of a child with scarlet fever is characteristic: shining eyes, flaming cheeks, a pale nasolabial triangle. On the body, the rash is more intense in the folds. After 3-7 days, all rashes disappear, leaving peeling behind. Another feature of the disease is the "crimson" tongue - bright, with pronounced papillae.

Infectious mononucleosis

The Epstein-Barr virus, which causes, belongs to a large group of herpes viruses. The disease often affects children and young people, often flows without a rash and other characteristic symptoms. The degree of contagiousness of patients with mononucleosis is low, so there are no outbreaks in children's groups. Symptoms:

  • The main symptom of the disease is an increase lymph nodes, especially posterior cervical, at the same time the liver and spleen increase.
  • From the 3rd day of illness, tonsillitis with a white coating on the tonsils, a rise in temperature is possible.
  • On the 5th-6th day, a rash occurs infrequently, different in shape and size, disappearing without a trace. If a patient with mononucleosis was prescribed ampicillin, then the likelihood of a rash increases.
  • A characteristic feature will appear in the blood test: atypical mononuclear cells, in addition, antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus can be detected.

Differential diagnosis of a rash of infectious origin

hidden period Symptoms Rash Infectious period and vaccination
View Time and order of appearance Traces
Measles 10-12days
  • significant rise in temperature
  • dry cough-conjunctivitis and photophobia
  • rash due to high fever
Large-spotted-papular, bright, may merge After 3-5 days of illness - behind the ears, along the hair. Then it goes down to the feet (for three days) Bruising and peeling 4 days before the first rashes and up to 5 days after they disappear. Vaccination - at 1 year, 6 years
Rubella 2-3 weeks
  • slight rise in temperature
  • malaise - sometimes
  • arthritis
Finely spotted, pale pink On the first day of illness on the face, after 24-48 hours - all over the body, disappears after 3 days. Disappears without a trace Infectious during the period of rashes, a few days before them and after. Vaccination -12 months, 6 years
Scarlet fever 2-7 days
  • intoxication, fever, sore throat
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • bright tongue
Small dots (1-2 mm), bright Simultaneous eruptions, intense eruption in the folds of the body. Pale nasolabial triangle. Leaves peeling contagiousness 10 days from the onset of symptoms, with carriage of streptococcus - constant contagiousness
Infectious mononucleosis unknown
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen
Diverse in shape and size, does not always occur On the 5-6th day of illness, sometimes later. More intense on the face, but also present on the torso Disappears without a trace The virus has a low contagiousness, it is transmitted more often when sharing utensils and kissing
Infectious erythema 4-28 days
  • malaise
  • sometimes arthritis
Spots of red Red spots from the face spread to the whole body, especially to the extensor surfaces. Before disappearing, they take the form of a ring with a white center. Disappear for a long time, may reappear within 3 weeks under adverse conditions Children are usually not contagious once the rash appears.
5-15 days
  • sudden rise in temperature
  • disappearance of fever after 3 days
  • sometimes inflammation in the throat
small-spotted Spots appear after normalization of temperature on the body. Disappear within a few hours or days without a trace Infection most often occurs from adults - carriers of the herpes virus type 6
Chicken pox 10-21 days
  • malaise
  • headache and stomach pain (sometimes)
  • fever up to 38 degrees
Spots, papules, fluid vesicles and crusts. Beginning - on the scalp, face, torso. Then it spreads to the whole body. Different elements of the rash are present at the same time. there are no traces, but if an infection is introduced during combing
-may leave scars
48 hours before rash appears and before crusts form on all elements (up to 2 weeks) Planned to be included in the 2015 vaccination schedule.
Meningo-coccal sepsis
  • a sharp deterioration
  • fever
  • headache and vomiting
  • confusion
From small bruises to extensive hemorrhages More often - lower limbs and torso. Extensive hemorrhages can turn into ulcers and scars. Throughout the disease

The manifestation of a rash on the body is a rather uncomfortable condition. The main danger of an unpleasant symptom is that it does not appear on its own, but only as a manifestation of a certain disease hidden in the bowels of the body. It can be either infectious or chronic, but in both cases, the intervention of a doctor is necessary. Then a small rash on the body will not have time to bring you big trouble.

If you notice that the body is covered with a small rash, which, moreover, causes itching, you must first find out the cause of this phenomenon, because it is often associated with the state of the immune system or can be caused by an allergic reaction. Both in the case of allergies and due to a more serious illness, treatment should not be delayed.

Why does a rash appear?

Any rash, as a rule, is a manifestation of a pathological process in the body. It can be caused by bacteria and viruses, toxins and allergens, which, getting into the skin, cause characteristic rashes.

Causes of a small rash on the body:

  • Skin diseases of various origins (fungal diseases, acne, herpes, insect bites, scabies).
  • Infectious diseases ( chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles).
  • Diseases of the blood and the body as a whole (, HIV infection, typhoid, mononucleosis).
  • Allergic diseases.

Infectious rash

Some infections, as a rule, can occur with characteristic rashes, for example, the chickenpox known to everyone, which can not be confused with anything due to the characteristic transparent blisters with a red border. But with measles and rubella, everything is not so simple, because a similar rash can also be observed with a banal one, so in this case it is necessary not to lose sight of other symptoms of the underlying disease. This can be a runny nose and cough, fear of light, if we are talking about measles, as well as a consistent rash with swollen lymph nodes - with.

Intermittent rash in small dot- a clear sign of a disease such as scarlet fever. And subcutaneous hemorrhages, which begin mainly on the legs and are characterized by the appearance of confluent hemorrhages, are especially common in children and are accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and severe headache.

Dermatological rash

Such a rash is very easy to confuse with an infectious one, so it is necessary to pay attention not only to the rash as such, but also to the general condition of the skin, lymph nodes and mucous membranes. If after the examination it is difficult to make a diagnosis, additional tests may be necessary.

Is characteristic in adolescence, and may also indicate malfunctions endocrine system. Also, a rash can occur with herpes, while it resembles transparent bubbles and often affects a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

allergic rash

Such rashes can be of a diverse nature, so they are often confused with infectious or skin diseases. But in most cases allergic rash resembles urticaria - it rises above the skin and has a pink tint. At the same time, the area of ​​​​the lesion expands literally with lightning speed, and the spots merge with each other, forming edema. It, in turn, is fraught with unhealthy complications.

Methods of treatment and preventive measures

Whatever the etymology of the rash on the body, it must be treated. It is necessary to contact either an infectious disease specialist, or an allergist, or a dermatologist. A visit to a therapist will also not be superfluous. No one, except the attending physician, will be able to prescribe a full-fledged treatment. If a small rash on the body is of an allergic nature, then it is extremely important to do tests and determine the allergen. In such situations, you can not get too carried away with self-medication.

You can also alleviate the condition on your own with the help of local remedies. For example, a good remedy are soothing itching ointments based on corticosteroids. Oak bark can also help, which has astringent properties and can slightly reduce discomfort on the skin. A decoction of rye, which must be taken internally several times a day, can also be useful.

After all the necessary healing procedures, it is necessary to follow preventive measures that will help prevent a recurrence of the disease. It:

  • compliance with hygiene standards, regular washing of hands with soap and water when using products with a minimum amount of various additives in the form of preservatives and dyes;
  • avoiding substances that cause allergic reactions, as well as eating fresh foods that are familiar to your diet;
  • refusal to contact with homeless animals, money, public places. If this cannot be avoided, regular use of a sanitary napkin or baby soap is necessary.

By following the basic rules, you can always keep your skin healthy, preventing all sorts of unpleasant rashes and itching.

Any changes in the condition of the skin are the result of a disease. The appearance of rashes on the skin may indicate damage to the body by infectious agents or be a manifestation allergic reaction provoked by its contact with a potential irritant. In addition, the occurrence of a rash is often a specific symptom characteristic of the lesion. internal organs, in particular, the liver, endocrine glands or intestines.

As you know, skin diseases are often accompanied by peeling, the formation of crusts and areas of redness, and also occur with itching, burning, the development of weeping areas and bleeding surfaces. If such disorders appear, the patient should immediately contact a specialist, especially if the rash on the body itches and continues to progress over time. Itchy skin is dangerous by increasing the likelihood of developing large-scale excoriation (scratching) with its further infection and transformation into a common purulent process. What to do if a red rash on the body of an adult itches a lot, how to treat such a condition?

Allergic diseases

A red rash on the body in an adult is most often a symptom of an allergy. This specific reaction of the body can be triggered by numerous allergens that a person encounters in everyday life almost daily. Allergic rashes on the skin often occur after the use of certain foods, medicines or contact with household chemicals, animal hair, metals. Allergies can occur throughout the body or at the site of skin contact with an irritant. It looks like a red rash located on a swollen surface, it itches a lot and, as it develops, begins to peel off.

A common form of skin allergy is hives. It is red blisters of different sizes and with fuzzy contours, located on an elevated surface of the skin. Such a rash itches and is prone to generalization of the pathological process, provided that the irritating factor that provoked the condition was not eliminated in time. Urticaria can occur with or without allergic conjunctivitis.

Fungal infections and ringworm

If a rash appears, then the cause of this may be infection of the skin with pathogens of fungal diseases and lichen. These diseases are not characterized by a certain appearance of rashes. In most clinical cases, red areas (spots) and itching on the skin appear on the body. Over time, in places of infection, such a rash on the body of an adult becomes covered with profuse peeling, sometimes an unpleasant odor comes from it.

Fungal infections and lichen are localized mainly in the natural folds of the body, under the mammary glands and on the neck. They spread rapidly and without adequate treatment can become chronic or generalized. Such diseases are almost never accompanied by an increase in the general body temperature, although there are conflicting cases.

Bacterial infections

If the rash on the body of a red color in an adult itches and gradually increases in size, and also burns and becomes covered with purulent crusts, then you should think about the development of the pathological process provoked by bacteria. In this case, the appearance of such a rash largely depends on the nature of the pathogen. As a rule, all bacterial infections of the skin are accompanied by fever, in which the body temperature can reach 40 degrees. Such pustular rashes quickly mature and burst with the release of a thick purulent yellow exudate.

A purulent rash on the skin and itching are characteristic of furunculosis, streptococcal pyoderma, and the like. It is sometimes associated with cold sores or may be the result of infection of the skin surface after scratching due to itchy sensations caused by another disease of the epidermal tissues.

Rash with intestinal infections

A number of diseases of the intestinal tract manifest itself as a skin rash on the body in an adult, which itches or is not accompanied by itchy sensations. For example, with typhoid fever, red dots or spots appear on the body, which are called roseola. Such rashes are inflammatory in nature and have a mesh surface, they disappear with pressure and reappear after it. Roseola rash is one of the major symptoms typhoid fever, the definition of which is important for confirming the diagnosis.

With other intestinal ailments, skin rashes and itching are not so pronounced. Sometimes in patients with dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections or chronic colitis, small red dots on the body may occur, which disappear on their own without treatment after the manifestations of the underlying ailment are eliminated.

Rash and itching in infectious viral diseases

A rash on the skin in the form of points in infectious viral diseases appears in most cases in stages and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a violation general condition, sore throat. At the same time, each infection is characterized by its own differential features, which make it possible to distinguish one disease from another.


The disease begins with the appearance of catarrhal manifestations (runny nose, lacrimation, accompanied by severe weakness, sweating). Then, red spots appear on the back of the nose and behind the auricles, which in a day spread to the surface of the neck, the rest of the face and shoulders. Such red rashes on the body of an adult are very itchy. For three days, red spots cover the entire body, lower and upper limbs, and then begin to subside, leaving behind pigmentation.


This infectious disease can occur with or without high fever. Most often, the disease is manifested by low-grade fever (37 - 37.9 ° C) and red spots on the skin, which appear first on the face and neck, and then dot the rest of the body. The red rash is retained on the epidermal integument for three days, and then, with an uncomplicated course of the disease, it disappears without a trace. The person is on the mend.

Chickenpox and herpes

Chicken pox or chickenpox is the most common childhood infectious disease. It is a highly contagious disease that is transmitted through the air. After incubation period and after a jump in temperature, a rash appears on the skin in the form of red dots, which is very itchy. The first pimples are located in the scalp, so they are not always possible to determine. The formations are specific papules of small size with clear contours. At the beginning of the disease, they look like a tubercle, but after two days they are filled with a transparent exudate. After another 2-3 days, pimples subside and regress, sometimes leaving behind scars.

Herpetic eruptions are bubbles of different sizes filled with a clear liquid. The disease begins with the appearance of a red itchy spot on the skin, on which a specific vesicle appears after a few hours. The rash remains on the surface of the epithelium for about a week, after which it becomes covered with a rough crust and disappears. A common localization of herpes simplex is the border of the lips and the corners of the mouth.

Scarlet fever

Rashes with this infectious disease appear a day after infection. The areas of typical localization of the rash are the back, the natural folds of the body, the elbow and knee folds. In places where the rash develops, cyanosis (bluish coloration of the skin) occurs. The disease occurs against the background of inflammation of the tonsils, sore throat and dry cough. As a rule, the disease lasts about two weeks.

molluscum contagiosum

This viral disease is relatively rare. It is transmitted hematogenously through wound surfaces and scratches on the skin. Molluscum contagiosum is manifested by the development on the surface of the skin of tubercles with a shiny surface, in the center of which a crater-like depression is determined. Sometimes a small rash itches, but in most clinical cases it is not accompanied by itching, painful sensations or discomfort. The disease does not need correction, since viral formations pass on their own within 6 months.

Other reasons

A small rash on the skin of an adult can appear not only as a result of infectious diseases or allergies. Among other pathological conditions that provoke the development of rashes on the surface of the skin, there are such as:

Drug treatment of itchy skin rashes

Treatment of an itchy rash on the skin depends solely on the etiology of the disease that caused its development. modern medicine has a huge amount medications, effectively eliminating any skin manifestations including allergies and infections. Choice necessary medicine should only be handled by a qualified person after determining the nature pathological condition and holding necessary examinations to clarify the final diagnosis.

  • Bacterial dermatitis caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal microflora requires broad-spectrum antibiotics. Patients are recommended to take macrolides, in particular Azithromycin at a dose of 0.5 g once a day for three days. Ceftriaxone injections may also be prescribed to a sick person. In most clinical cases, pyoderma is treated by treating the affected areas with fucorcin or brilliant green until the traces of infection disappear completely.

  • Allergic rash on the skin is eliminated with the help of antihistamines. They have a pronounced anti-allergic effect, help get rid of itching, local swelling and redness of the skin. In case of hypersensitivity of the body, it is recommended to take tablet forms from this group of drugs, in particular, Diazolin, Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil according to the instructions. In a severe variant of the course of an allergy, hormonal ointments are prescribed to the patient. Prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointment should be rubbed into the rash twice a day for a week.

  • infectious viral diseases usually do not require specific treatment. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients take immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, which can prevent the development of complications and contribute to a quick recovery. With prickly heat, a person is prescribed a number of measures aimed at normalizing sweating. You should be more attentive to personal hygiene of the body, wear clothes made from natural fabrics and use powders. If the rash continues to appear and get wet, then you can use zinc ointment, applying it in a thick layer before going to bed.
  • Fungal lesions of the skin and lichen disappear only after the use of antimycotic therapy. Among the most effective modern antifungal drugs Terbinafine and Exoderil can be distinguished, which are applied to the skin twice a day and after two weeks of use they can completely get rid of an unpleasant problem.

Rash on the body in an adult: treatment with folk methods

Folk methods correction of rashes on the skin of an adult takes place only in exceptional cases. With their help, you can fight allergic problems, prickly heat, bacterial infections provoked by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

  1. When a small red rash appears on the skin, good results in folk treatment can be achieved using decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory and drying effects. Among these medicinal plants especially popular are chamomile and calendula, which in the summer are not difficult to find even in your yard. To prepare the decoction, you will need a tablespoon of dry grass, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After cooling the finished broth, the liquid must be filtered and used as lotions several times a day.
  2. Often, experts recommend internal reception medicinal herbs. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion, pouring a little crushed parts of chamomile pharmacy 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting composition must be covered with a lid and let it steam well. Then clean from solid particles and consume half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  3. Zinc ointment or products based on it help to dry the rashes on the skin. You can also use fresh celandine juice or aloe. To obtain it, it is necessary to grind parts of the plant and crush them in a ceramic container. After that, the resulting slurry must be squeezed out until a liquid is obtained, which should be applied to the affected areas of the skin.

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Skin rashes appear as a sudden phenomenon on skin in any area of ​​the body. The rash is characterized by skin changes, redness or blanching, and itching. A symptom can form as a local reaction to external provoking factors, or it can manifest itself as a sign of the development of a pathological process. There are quite a lot of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes, therefore the etiology of the symptom is diverse.


Rashes on the skin in adults and in a child can be formed under the influence of such factors:

  • infections;
  • allergy;
  • disease of the blood and blood vessels.

The most common cause of the appearance of a symptom is an infectious infection. Doctors refer to such diseases -, etc. These diseases manifest themselves in a characteristic rash, which is accompanied by, in the head, throat and abdomen, and a violation of the stool.

Allergic skin rashes are also often diagnosed by doctors. This form of symptom development can be recognized by the absence of signs of infection, as well as contact with the allergen. Very often, a similar reaction on the body can be noticed by the parents of the child. Provoking factors are food, animals, chemical substances, drugs.

In case of violation of blood circulation and vascular disease, the patient may experience a rash for such reasons:

  • decrease in the number or impaired functionality of platelets;
  • impaired vascular permeability.

Sometimes a symptom develops in non-communicable diseases, these include:

  • senile keratoma;
  • chloasma;
  • flat warts;
  • intertrigo;

Rashes on the skin are formed with liver disease. If the organ malfunctions, the patient's skin tone changes, and a rash appears.

The characteristic red rash may be from insect bites, with acne, psoriasis, fungal diseases and scabies. Also, redness on the skin can be caused by prickly heat.


Clinicians have determined that the types of rashes can be such manifestations:

  • spots - there are red, brown, white maculae;
  • blisters - appear in a dense and rough formation on the skin;
  • papules - an element that looks like nodules in the thickness of the skin;
  • bubbles - they can be large and small, are formed in the cavity of the skin with a clear liquid;
  • erosion and ulcers - during the formation, the integrity of the skin is violated;
  • crusts - appear on the site of former blisters, pustules, ulcers.

All of these types of rashes on the body are divided into primary and secondary. The first type includes nodules, blisters, abscesses, blisters. And the second group of varieties of rash is the appearance of peeling, erosion, abrasions, crusts.


If skin rashes in children and adults have formed against the background of a deterioration in the functioning of the liver, then characteristic symptoms may indicate this:

  • yellow tint of the skin;
  • fetid smell;
  • strong sweating;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • itchy rashes on the body;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • broken stool;
  • brown color of the tongue;
  • bitter taste in oral cavity;
  • the appearance of cracks in the tongue;
  • venous pattern on the abdomen.

If the cause was infectious diseases, then a person's skin rashes can begin on the skin of the hands, move to the face, legs, and the whole body is gradually affected. With rubella, the patient first overcomes the rash on the face and spreads throughout the skin. The first foci of inflammation are localized in places where the surface of the limbs most often bends, near the joints, on the back and buttocks. All rashes can be of different shades - pink, red, pale, brown.

Infectious pathologies often manifest themselves not only in a rash, but also in other signs. You can establish the disease in more detail according to the following clinical picture:

  • elevated temperature;
  • malaise;
  • pain attacks;
  • certain areas on the patient's body become inflamed, for example, eyes, tonsils, etc.;
  • may be ;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • burning.

Rashes on the skin in the form of red spots are characteristic of the development of such infectious diseases - chickenpox, rubella, measles, scarlet fever.


If any manifestations of the above symptoms are detected, the patient should urgently seek the help of a doctor. You can consult about rashes on the skin at,. After an initial physical examination and a minimal examination, the doctor refers the patient to another specialist if the cause of the disease is not inflammation, allergies, or infection.


Treatment of allergic skin rashes is prescribed by the doctor only after the diagnosis has been made. Therapy is based on the elimination of the etiological factor, therefore, appropriate drugs must be selected.

If a person has a rash from mechanical damage or from prickly heat, then there is nothing wrong with such a manifestation. At home, you can anoint the inflamed area with cream or oil to slightly relieve swelling and itching. Over time, the symptom will disappear. Also at home, you can eliminate the symptoms of the disease with such advice from doctors:

  • wear things made of natural cotton so that there is no irritation;
  • wash the body with baby soap or shower gel;
  • exclude from life all things that can cause a rash on the skin.

If the symptoms are more pronounced in the patient, have characteristic indicators, cause discomfort to the patient, then a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

If the appearance of the disease was an allergy, then it is important for the doctor to identify this allergen with the help of a sample, and then prescribe treatment. The patient must definitely move away from this item or remove the product from the diet. You can also cure such a symptom with antihistamine ointments and tablets.

If a outward sign, namely the rash, developed from the virus, and the symptoms of the disease are supplemented elevated temperature, then the patient can be given antipyretic drugs. In case of complications of the disease, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Quite often, skin rashes diabetes, liver disease, infectious diseases or allergies are not very easily recognized by doctors, since the symptom often manifests itself in the same indicators - itching, redness, swelling. In this regard, physicians first prescribe to the patient therapy, which is aimed at getting rid of the signs, and not the causes of the development of the disease.

Skin is litmus paper, a kind of indicator of the state of mind and human health. Remember, when a woman’s life is going well, she is happy, then they say to her as a compliment that it’s nice to look at her, she’s all glowing. On the contrary, the depressing phrase: “What happened to you, you don’t have a face, you’re all black!”.

You can't argue with that - it's true.

The skin "sees" and feels everything. Whatever happens to us - everything is reflected in it. She is, if you will, the mirror of our soul.

Therefore, when a red rash appears on the human body, it causes anxiety, anxiety, and sometimes fear. Unambiguously, no one will undertake to name the reason that gave rise to it. Many factors need to be analyzed.

We will describe the most common causes of a rash, present to your attention a photo with detailed explanations regarding the development of diseases.

Varieties of rashes

Speaking of a rash (rash), it is immediately worth explaining that its appearance may indicate both an independent illness and a serious pathology that has arisen in the body.

A rash on the body can have a different etiology, that is, the cause of the occurrence. Only an experienced specialist can establish a causal relationship.

Medicine has identified several starting points(factors) that can become the root cause of diseases of the dermis, or other manifestations on the body.

Among them, the most typical are:

  • dysfunction of the body's immune structure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic response to irritants;
  • crashes nervous system caused by depression prolonged stress or constant psychological pressure;
  • independent infectious, non-infectious and fungal lesions of the dermis;
  • diseases of the blood, blood vessels.

Classification, appearance and description of the rash:

Types of rashes Description
A spot is a planar formation on the dermis, without a pronounced volume. Macula - the formation of brown color of different saturation. Most often they are formed as a result of age-related mutations.
Roseola is a patch of red-pink color. Manifested with transient fever for 2-3 days, then disappears. The most preferred location is the back, chest, limbs, face.
Vitiligo - Education white color, which is translated from Latin as "skin disease." It refers to pigmentary changes on the body, the nature of which is not fully understood.
Bubbles (bubble) Rash in the form of volumetric formations filled with proteinaceous fluid, sometimes with blood impurities. They can be of different sizes.
Volumetric rough formation protruding on the body.
abscess They are deep and superficial. Appears in the layers of the epidermis and is filled with purulent formations. Most often formed with impetigo, acne, furunculosis and ulcerative pyoderma.
Papule Morphological cavitary element of the rash. Papula is a colored knot (red, pink, purple, brown, burgundy).
Ulcer (erosion) An area with superficial destruction caused by various diseases, and a fluid that is released.

Photos of different types of rash:

Rash on the body with an allergic reaction

They are non-infectious and do not pose a danger to others. The same stimulus manifests itself in different ways, depending on the individual resistance of the patient's immunity.

With a mild allergic reaction, which is manifested by the symptoms of a cold: runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and abundant saliva, you can cope with it at home, taking gentle medications.

However, if you have red skin rashes, in addition complicated by dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting, then do not hesitate, immediately go to medical institution. If the condition continues to worsen, then urgently call an ambulance.

Only in a clinic can they promptly stop negative state, identify the causes of its occurrence, make the correct diagnosis and choose an effective treatment strategy.

Factors provocateurs that can cause a violent reaction of the body:

  1. Pollen from trees and plants. This circumstance is, perhaps, in the first place, especially if it is the time of flowering or ripening of herbs. Trees allergens: poplar, plane tree or plane tree. Herbs dangerous for allergy sufferers: foxtail, bluegrass, timothy, fescue, hedgehog, quinoa, plantain, sunflower, coltsfoot.
  2. Wool and down of domestic animals and birds. But it is not the wool itself that causes allergies, but the protein secreted by the secrets and deposited on it.
  3. . As noted earlier, the same allergen affects people differently. This fully applies to medicines. Before complex procedures the health worker will definitely ask, and it is better to check at small provocative doses how the patient reacts to the drugs.
  4. . Again, not the products themselves, but the allergens contained in them, act as irritants. These include: milk, red fruits and vegetables, various flavors, flavorings.
  5. . Chemical ingredients that manufacturers use in the production of powder, lipstick, creams, mascara, hair dye, varnishes in allergic people can cause a reaction comparable to a chemical burn or poisoning.
  6. Household chemicals. If, after putting things in order in the house where you used washing, cleaning, rinsing or degreasing agents, a red rash appeared on your hands and body that itches, then you should know that this is an allergy. The reason for its occurrence was the use of chemistry without protective equipment: a respirator, gauze bandage or gloves.
  7. Lacquers, paints, technical liquids and metals. People with weak immune system, you need to be extremely careful when using them in repair and construction work. Varnishes, paints, solvents, alkalis, acids, nickel, mercury are dangerous not only in direct contact with the skin, but their vapors can also cause a violent reaction, up to severe swelling and suffocation.
  8. Clothing, wardrobe items. In the production of fabrics, leather substitutes and other materials for the clothing, footwear and textile industries, unscrupulous manufacturers use polymers that are not only of low quality, but also extremely dangerous for human life. Skin rashes, redness, itching - these are the most "harmless" consequences that await the buyer after trying on the "desired" new thing.

The reaction on the body depends not only on the pathogen, but also on the body's immune resistance.

Urticaria on the body

An allergic rash on the body has the following manifestations:

Video about allergens:

Skin diseases

Along with allergic manifestations on the body, it is not uncommon for skin diseases to cause rashes, ulcers, blisters, pustules directly.

Characteristic signs will tell the specialist that the body is affected by internal and external factors negative nature.

Medicine refers to internal causal pathology:

  1. Dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, intestines, lymphatic and immune systems.
  2. Violation against this background of metabolic (exchange) processes.
  3. Malfunctions in the work of the human cardiovascular mechanism.
  4. Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  5. Hypovitaminosis is when individual or whole groups of vitamins are absent in the body. Avitaminosis is a pathology resulting from prolonged improper or unbalanced nutrition.

External provoking factors:

  1. Significant impact of an aggressive environment: long-term temperature anomaly, radioactive exposure, ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
  2. Dermal trauma: burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations.
  3. Various types of infection: bacteria, fungus, viruses.
  4. Unsanitary conditions or violation of personal hygiene rules.
  5. Depression, stress, prolonged psychological pressure.

How do these diseases manifest themselves?

It can be different kinds rashes such as:

  • reddening of the lesions, bruising and various “colored” locations on the body;
  • cracks, peeling;
  • acne, acne, ulcers;
  • itchy rash with pustules.

Each pathology has both characteristic types of skin lesions inherent only to it, and general visual signs.

Pityriasis rosea Zhibera

Another name for this disease is flaky roseola. He or she, as one likes to call it, is distinguished by a peculiar clinical course, as well as the location, the nature of the rash. Moreover, peculiar "ability" to self-healing was noticed.

Ringworm usually occurs after colds. Subjective manifestation long time absent, except that it may be a slight minor itching.


  1. At first, after the incubation period, without itching, a large scaly "mother" spot of a yellowish-pink color appears.
  2. After the peeling has passed, a narrow “collar” remains in its place, in the form of a yellow-brown edging. This form, vaguely resembling a medallion, is pathognomonic, that is, inherent only in this manifestation.
  3. Two weeks later, “children” appear from the main education.

Photo depriving Zhibera:

The image clearly shows the peripheral zone without peeling, as well as the central zone with a collar.

As a rule, a single "maternal" formation appears, but in rare cases their number can grow to 2-3 pieces, which may be evidence of a severe lesion.

Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea)

This ailment occurs as a result of inflammation of the dermis due to a significant release of qualitatively altered fat and excessive negative activity of pathogens. Hairy areas of the skin are subject to such a painful process: chin, mustache, auricles, creases around the nose and cheeks.

The starting triggers of this type of disease is an imbalance of endocrine and immune processes.


Redness and peeling of the skin can occur over a large area, up to erythroderma - a generalized (significant) inflammation of the dermis. Therefore, the treatment and recovery process should occur exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

Fungal infections

The causes of these types of diseases are quite well known - this is the infection of the skin with pathogenic fungi of various groups.

Diseases in which the localization of fungal spores occurs in the stratum corneum, without affecting the skin appendages, are combined into a group of keratomycosis, which includes: pityriasis versicolor, actinomycosis, erythrasma.

Its other name is multi-colored lichen. Perhaps this is the most commonly diagnosed fungal disease.

Clinical manifestations:

The causative agent of this chronic disease, is a radiant mushroom.

Its habitat and reproduction are cereal plants: rye, wheat, barley. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the risk group is “headed” by agricultural workers involved in work on currents, elevators, granaries, and bakeries.

Antinomycosis at different stages has different symptoms, which manifests itself as follows:

  • characteristic location of the lesion: submandibular, sacral region, buttock;
  • occurrence in subcutaneous tissue seals of cyanotic and purple hue;
  • formations have a rounded shape, do not cause pain when probing;
  • after a while they “ripen”, burst, exposing poorly healing fistulas.

Chronic fungal diseases of the dermatophoitia group, as a rule, affect the epidermis (outer protective layer). The most "bright" representatives of dermatophytosis, literally and figuratively, are: trichophytosis, microsporia, favus, foot mycoses.


This is a fungal disease caused by a fungus from the genus Trichophyton.

It can be of two types:

  1. Anthropoly, in it the transmission link is a person.
  2. Zoophilic. The communication channel represents the infected animal.

Another name for this disease is ringworm.


  • multifocal lesion of the scalp;
  • broken hair form bald spots;
  • infected areas are not clearly marked, do not have clearly defined boundaries;
  • whitish bran-like scales are clearly visible inside the infected area;
  • after a while, pustules, pimples and vesicles with slight itching may appear on the border of the lesion.

Non-infectious skin lesions


In the common people, it is also called acne. The cause of the occurrence is dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, in which their characteristic blockage and the formation of follicles are observed.

Conditioning factors:

  • failures of the hormonal component of the body;
  • stress, depression;
  • hereditary factors;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • improper skin care, pollution, poor-quality cleansing.

Acne symptoms:

  • a white rash appears, cysts (comedonoma) in the form of black and white acne;
  • the formation of papules, pustules (deep acne);
  • the skin of the back, face, chest and shoulders is covered with small tuberosity and redness;
  • after a while, purulent acne appears in their place.

Video from an expert:


Previously, any inflammation of the skin can be called. It is like the body's response to mechanical, chemical, biological and natural stimuli.

Causes of manifestation:

  • friction, squeezing, any kind of physical impact, can become provoking circumstances;
  • , high temperature (sauna, baths, steel shops), frost;
  • environmental impact.

Visual signs of dermatitis:

  • itching, burning in the affected areas;
  • blistering on the body;
  • puffiness;
  • redness, scales, peeling, formation of dry crusts.

Acne vulgaris

This is a chronic pathology of the dermis caused by purulent-inflammatory processes of the sebaceous glands. . Location of manifestation: face, back, chest.

Provoking factors (triggers):

  • genetic communication channel, heredity;
  • metabolic processes associated with puberty;
  • hyperandrogenia (excess of male hormones in the body);
  • imbalance of menstrual processes;
  • consequences of previous diseases;
  • reasons of production nature (conditions of the place of work).


  1. The appearance of comedones. This is a cyst that occurs when a hair follicle (root) is blocked. As a rule, it does not itch and appears without fever.
  2. Transformation of comedones into papules and pustules.
  3. Formed scars after the end of the inflammatory process.
  4. Typical location on the back, face and neck.

Keratosis or keratosis is a whole group of non-communicable diseases, it (they) are:

  • follicular;
  • actinic;
  • seborrheic.

In addition, keratosis is divided into two subgroups.


While not contagious, keratosis can occur as a complication of infectious diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea.

Hereditary keratosis is represented by the following diseases:

  1. Ichthyosis is a disease of the type of dermatosis, the external manifestation resembles fish scales.
  2. Hair lichen. This is follicular keratosis or Kirle's disease.
  3. Keratoderma - increased keratinization of the skin.
  4. Congenital Touraine polykeratosis - is characterized by a genetic abnormal dystrophy of the ectoderm, which at the stage of embryo formation is involved in the creation of the skin.

Given the multi-stage cause-and-effect relationships and the multidirectional development of keratoses, each type has its own symptoms. In this regard, in each case, doctors apply exclusive medical tactics of the healing process.


These are the consequences of a long process, as a result of which there is a violation of blood circulation in a local area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, up to deep tissue death.

Reasons for occurrence:

  • one of the main reasons is an indifferent and inattentive attitude towards the patient;
  • physical inability of the patient to change the position of the body on his own;
  • external irritants: plaster cast, prostheses;
  • prolonged contact of the dermis with urine and feces;
  • tissue malnutrition, protein deficiency, dry skin.

Visual manifestation of bedsores:

  • redness at the initial stage;
  • puffiness;
  • exfoliation of the upper dermis;
  • blistering, bleeding ulcers, deep wounds and tissue death.

Leather is more than just an aesthetic element appearance of a person, as some people think, it, first of all, performs protective, buffering functions, protecting the body from all sorts of troubles. Therefore, if necessary, the answer to the question: how and with what to treat, should appear only after consultation with specialists in this field of medicine.