Early signs of breast cancer in women. Causes, symptoms, stages and treatment of breast cancer

C50 Malignant neoplasm of breast

Symptoms of breast cancer (breast)

Signs of breast cancer are quite variable and can be similar to other diseases of the mammary glands. The main signs of this disease include erosive formations on and around the nipple, discharge from the nipple mixed with blood, violation of the boundaries of the mammary gland, and a permanent hardening in the gland. Nipple retraction and wrinkling skin, swelling of the breast and its deformation can also be signs of the development of a neoplasm. It should be remembered that only a qualified specialist can differentiate the signs and make a diagnosis, therefore, if you have any symptoms that bother you, you should seek the advice of a mammologist.

Typical clinical signs:

  • the tumor is usually unilateral;
  • tumor sizes from a few millimeters to 10 cm or more;
  • the borders of the tumor are fuzzy, the surface is uneven, bumpy, the consistency depends on the histotype;
  • characteristic localization - upper-outer quadrant;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • changes in the skin in the form, "platform", "lemon peel";
  • with Paget's cancer - eczemo-, psoriasis-like changes in the areola and nipple;
  • nipple retraction;
  • bloody issues from the nipple;
  • palpation of axillary, sub- and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Depending on the form and type of the disease, the oncologist-mammologist differentiates breast cancer and distinguishes the following forms:

  • In the nodular form of the disease, palpation can reveal a solid, rounded formation that does not have clear boundaries and, as a rule, does not cause pain. In the future, retraction and wrinkling of the skin, the formation of a lemon peel, inactivity or complete immobility of the neoplasm, change appearance nipple, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the armpits.
  • In the edematous form, the pain syndrome is often not pronounced, the compaction is characterized by rapid growth, the skin and mammary gland tissues swell, redden, become thicker, and early metastases occur in the axillary lymph nodes.
  • The erysipelas-like form is characterized by a pronounced hyperemia of the skin and the appearance of formations on its surface, resembling flames in appearance. On palpation, the tumor is not palpable, redness of the skin may affect the area chest, body temperature can increase up to forty degrees, rapid metastasis to the lymph nodes occurs.
  • With a mastitis-like form, it is noted heat, an increase in the size of the breast or its individual segments, swelling, hyperemia, the rapid course of the disease, the earlier appearance of metastases.
  • Paget's cancer (damage to the nipple and areola around it) is characterized by the separation of cells in the tissues and the formation of ulcers on the nipple. In the process of the development of the disease, the nipple is destroyed and an ulcer formation appears instead.
  • With shell cancer, the breast decreases in size, its mobility is limited, the skin is thickened and uneven, like a shell, both mammary glands can be affected.
  • The latent form can manifest itself as an increase in the lymph nodes in the armpit, while the neoplasm itself, as a rule, is not palpable.


  • The zero stage is characterized by the location of the tumor in the zone of its appearance and not going beyond it.
  • The first stage is characterized by damage to nearby tissues, the size of the neoplasm usually does not exceed two centimeters, the lymph nodes are not affected.
  • At the second stage, the size of the neoplasm can reach five centimeters, the lymph nodes in the armpit are affected by the damaged organ, at this stage The lymph nodes do not grow together with each other and with surrounding tissues.
  • The third stage is divided into two types - A and B. In type A, the size of the tumor exceeds five centimeters, the lymph nodes are greatly enlarged and fused with each other or with nearby tissues. In type B, the tumor affects the skin of the mammary glands, chest, or lymph nodes, and can be of different sizes. There is also hyperemia, wrinkling and redness of the skin, the breast or its individual segments become dense and increase in size. Similar symptoms are also observed with the development of mastitis.
  • In the fourth stage, the tumor affects the lymph nodes in the armpits and inside the chest and extends beyond the boundaries of the chest. There may also be a spread of the neoplasm to the lymph nodes located above the collarbone, as well as damage to the liver, lungs, brain, etc.


Two clinical classifications of breast cancer are currently accepted.

Classification by stages

  • 1 - a small tumor up to 2 cm in diameter is located in the thickness of the affected organ, does not pass to the surrounding tissue and integument, and without a histologically verified lesion of the regional lymphatic system
  • 2a - Tumor diameter not > 5 cm, passing to the fiber, adhesion to the skin is present: a symptom of wrinkling, without metastases
  • 2b - Tumor diameter not > 5 cm, passing to the fiber, adhesion to the skin is present: a symptom of wrinkling, with lesions of single axillary lymph nodes
  • 3a - Size > 5 cm in diameter. Cohesion germination and ulceration of the skin. Penetration of the neoplasm into the underlying fascio-muscular layers, but without regional metastases
  • 3b - Tumors of any size with multiple axillary or subclavian and subscapular metastases
  • 3c - Tumors of any size with metastases to the supraclavicular lymph nodes or identified parasternal metastases
  • 4 - Widespread organ involvement with skin dissemination or extensive ulceration. The size of the tumor node(s) is any, the nodes are tightly fixed to the chest, with or without metastases to regional lymph nodes. The presence of distant metastases.

TNM classification of breast cancer

  • T1 - Tumor less than 2 cm without involvement of the skin, nipple (except Paget's disease) and fixation to the chest wall
  • T2 - Tumor 2-5 cm with limited retraction, wrinkling of the skin, retraction of the nipple with a subarsolar location of the tumor, Paget's disease extending beyond the nipple
  • TK - Tumor 5-10 cm or skin lesions in one form or another or fixation to the pectoral muscle
  • T4 - Tumor more than 10 cm or skin lesions and one form or another, exceeding the size of the tumor, but within the affected organ, or fixation of the mammary gland to the chest wall

Regional lymph nodes

  • N0 - Regional lymph nodes are not palpable
  • N1 - Dense, displaced lymph nodes are palpable
  • N2 - Large axillary lymph nodes, soldered, organically mobile

Distant metastases

  • M0 Unilateral supraclavicular or subclavian lymph nodes or hand edema
  • M1 - No distant metastases

Presence of distant metastases - skin lesions outside the breast, metastases in the opposite axilla, metastases in the other breast, metastases in other organs

WHO classification of breast cancer (1981)

  1. Preinvasive (intraductal and lobular).
  2. Invasive (ductal, lobular, mucous, medullary, tubular, adenoid-cystic, secreting, apocrine, metaplastic).
  3. Paget's disease (cancer of the nipple).

According to the histological structure, there are:

  • Intraductal and intralobular non-infiltrating carcinoma, the so-called cancer in situ;
  • infiltrating carcinoma;
  • Special histological variants of carcinomas:
    • medullary;
    • papillary;
    • lattice;
    • mucous;
    • squamous;
    • Paget's disease.

Clinical forms of breast cancer

Clinical forms of breast cancer are very diverse. It is not uncommon to confuse the symptoms of breast fibroadenoma, which can mimic more serious disease. There are nodular (most common), diffuse forms malignancy and Paget's cancer. With a nodular form, the tumor can be spherical, stellate, or mixed. A tumor node of a dense consistency, usually painless, is displaced only with the breast tissue. Often, already in the early stages, a symptom of skin wrinkling, a symptom of a platform, or a symptom of retraction is determined above it. Significant local spread of the process is evidenced by skin edema (“orange peel” symptom), skin germination, ulceration, intradermal disseminations, and nipple retraction. Knotty limited growing forms of cancer are characterized by a slower course and less intensity of metastasis than diffuse ones.

Complications and consequences

Metastases begin to develop virtually from the moment the malignancy appears. Its cells enter the lumen of the blood or lymph vessels and move to other areas, after which they begin to grow and form metastases, which are characterized by rapid or gradual progression. Metastases from breast cancer occur in the armpits, under the collarbones and above the collarbones (lymphogenic metastasis). Hematogenous metastases are often formed in the bones, lungs, liver, kidneys. Breast cancer can cause latent metastases, which can only appear seven to ten years or more after the primary tumor has been removed.

Metastasis occurs primarily via the lymphatic route.

Regional lymph nodes are:

Axillary (on the side of the lesion) and interpectoral (Rotger's lymph nodes); are located along the axillary vein and its tributaries and are divided into the following levels:

  • Level 1 (lower axillary) - lymph nodes located laterally in relation to the lateral border of the pectoralis minor muscle;
  • Level 2 (middle axillary) - lymph nodes located between the medial and lateral edge of the pectoralis minor muscle, and interpectoral (Rotger's lymph nodes);
  • Level 3 (apical axillary) - lymph nodes located medial to the medial border of the pectoralis minor, including subclavian and apical.

The internal lymph nodes of the mammary gland (on the side of the lesion) are located in the endothoracic fascia in the intercostal spaces along the edge of the sternum. Any other lymph nodes affected by metastases, including supraclavicular, cervical or contralateral internal lymph nodes of the mammary gland, are referred to as distant metastases - Ml.

By the time of diagnosis, regional metastases are found in 50% of patients.

Diagnosis of breast cancer (breast)

Breast cancer is diagnosed according to worldwide standards:

  • Inspection, palpation;
  • Biopsy - a study of gland cells, a biopsy can be partial or total (in case of resection of the pathological sector). Done with a tonne needle;
  • Ultrasound - ultrasound scanning of the gland and armpits;
  • Mammography is the main part of diagnostics for determining fibrogenesis, cysts, fibroadenomas, tumor localization. it X-ray examination absolutely painless and very informative;
  • Immunohistochemical analysis - determination of receptors for estrogen, progesterone, that is, the resistance of the neoplasm to hormonal therapy. The material for the study is tumor tissue taken by biopsy;
  • Analysis for tumor markers.

A visit to a mammologist, gynecologist should be mandatory even when self-examination does not reveal alarming symptoms that characterize a malignant neoplasm. Such a prophylactic urgently needs to be taken at least once a year, a woman over 50 years old - once every six months. The consultation must be scheduled between the 5th and 12th day menstrual cycle starting from the first day. Inspection is carried out visually and with the help of palpation. The symmetry of the glands is revealed, the presence of possible changes in the skin, nipples, the armpits, where the lymph nodes are located, are also subject to examination.

X-ray of the glands - mammography. The period between the 5th and 12th day of the cycle is also selected, as a rule, mammography is prescribed on the day of the examination by a doctor. Mammography is mandatory for women over 40.

Ductography, that is, contrast mammography, is often prescribed. This is how the ducts of the gland are examined for hidden pathologies that may be asymptomatic. If breast cancer lurks in the ducts, an x-ray shows it as an area not filled with a contrast agent.

The ultrasonic scanning method helps to concretize the state and structures of the examined seal. This is how cysts, adenomas, benign seals, similar in symptoms to malignant neoplasms, can be differentiated. If the diagnosis is still not clarified using the above methods, a biopsy is prescribed.

A biopsy can definitively either confirm the diagnosis or rule it out. A biopsy involves taking material with a thin needle, the tissue is then subject to microscopic examination. There are cases when it is impossible to take the material with a needle, then the tissue is obtained using an incision or as a result of excision (resection) of the pathological area of ​​the gland.

If a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast is diagnosed, a complex of additional examinations may be prescribed. Depending on the diagnosis of the stage of development of the oncological process, an ultrasound examination of the organs is prescribed. abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, MRI or CT, studies of the skeletal system.

Treatment of breast cancer (breast)

Main therapeutic effects subdivided into local-regnonary (surgical intervention, radiation therapy) and systemic (chemotherapy, hormone therapy).

Treatment of breast cancer includes an integrated approach and involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, hormone treatment. The choice of technique depends on many circumstances, in particular, on the structure of the tumor, the rate of its development, the presence of metastases, the age of the patient, the functioning of the ovaries, etc. The treatment regimen is prescribed only by an experienced specialist after undergoing complete examination. In the early stages, a malignant neoplasm can be completely cured. The following methods are used in the treatment:

  • Lumpectomy. The tumor is removed along with adjacent unaffected tissues, while the mammary gland is partially preserved. This procedure is performed exclusively at the zero stage of a malignant neoplasm and is combined with radiation therapy methods in women at a young age.
  • Sectoral resection of the affected organ implies partial removal mammary gland and complete removal of lymph nodes in the armpits, is carried out at the zero and first stages of the disease, combined with radiation therapy sessions.
  • When performing a mastectomy, the mammary gland and part of the lymph nodes are removed while preserving the pectoral muscle. With an extended mastectomy, along with the gland, the lymph nodes in the subclavian and axillary region are removed. When performing an extended radical mastectomy with the mammary gland and lymph nodes, the ribs, sternum and pectoral muscle are partially removed. This procedure is performed in cases where the tumor grows into the surrounding tissue.
  • Chemotherapy for breast cancer helps eliminate abnormal cells that may have spread to other areas. Such treatment is prescribed, as a rule, in the period from two weeks to two months after surgery for three months to six months.
  • hormone therapy necessary in order to stop the effect on malignant cells of sex hormones (mainly estrogens), which contributes to their development. For these purposes, women are prescribed tamoxifen, in some cases, the removal of the ovaries is performed.
  • Radiation therapy has a local effect and lymph drainage pathways. Before the operation, a session of radiation therapy is prescribed in order for the neoplasm to decrease in size and its most aggressive cells to disappear. In the postoperative period, radiation therapy contributes to the elimination of tumor cells that could remain both in the affected area and outside it. Side effects of radiation therapy are fraught with burns of the skin, the development of pneumonia, fracture of the ribs.

Breast cancer treatment by stage

The choice of treatment method depends mainly on the stage of the disease.

In stages I and IIa, surgical treatment is indicated without the use of additional methods therapy.

Scope of surgical treatment:

  • Radical mastectomy according to Holstel-Meyer.
  • Extended radical mastectomy.
  • Operation Poety is a radical mastectomy with preservation of the pectoralis major muscle.
  • Mastectomy with removal of axillary lymph nodes.
  • Mastectomy.
  • Radical resection of the mammary gland in combination with parasternal lymphadenectomy (in the endoscopic version).

In case of a malignant neoplasm in stage III, IIIa and IIIb, it is indicated combined treatment- radical mastectomy with preoperative radiation or chemotherapy.

During radiation therapy, the mammary gland and areas of regional metastasis are irradiated.

  • CMF (Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, 5-Fluorouracil);
  • AS (Doxorubipine, Cyclophosphamide);
  • RAS (5-Fluorouracil, Doxorubipine, Cyclophosphamide);
  • ICE (ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide);
  • Paclitaxel.

In case of a malignant neoplasm in stage IIIc, complex treatment is used: preoperative radiation therapy, radical mastectomy and hormonal therapy.

The principle of hormonal action is to inhibit the development of tumor cells or cause their regression by acting on hormonal receptors. Hormonal therapy can be carried out by the following methods:

  • surgical removal of the source of hormones (ovariectomy, adrenalectomy, hypophysectomy) or suppression of organ function through radiation exposure;
  • the introduction of hormones to suppress the function of the endocrine gland (estrogens, androgens, corticosteroids);
  • the introduction of hormone antagonists that compete at the cellular level (antiestrogens - tamoxifen; bromocriptine).

In stage IV, especially in the presence of multiple distant metastases, treatment includes hormonal and chemotherapy.

AT last years around the world in the treatment of breast cancer began to dominate the trend towards organ-preserving operations.

It is considered proven that patients with the process stage T1-2, N0-1 are suitable for organ-preserving treatment.

The volume of the operation should correspond to the methods of ablation, i.e., sufficient to remove the entire tumor with adjacent tissues. Practice regarding regional lymph nodes remains controversial. Held in postoperative period adjuvant polychemotherapy can increase the chances of a relapse-free course.

Sonomammography should be performed:

  • when examining the mammary glands in women under 30;
  • when detecting radiographically dense formations of the mammary glands and suspecting a malignant neoplasm;
  • according to indications in children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Breast cancer is today one of the most dangerous female diseases, a feature of this pathology is the ability to prevent this disease and stop it if it is diagnosed early. That is why it is necessary to regularly carry out self-palpation of the glands, and even more appropriate are scheduled preventive examinations by a specialist.

Breast tumors, unfortunately, are not always benign. AT modern world every 10 women hear a diagnosis of breast cancer. There are many reasons for the occurrence and development of breast cancer. A malignant neoplasm is so insidious and aggressive that it can affect both glands at the same time.

Cancer stages

Breast cancer - causes:

  • being overweight is a major risk factor for developing breast cancer;
  • smoking and excessive drinking:
  • late menopause;
  • hormonal dependence;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • absence of children;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • nonspecific carcinogenic factors;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy.

Each patient has her own medical history. For example, those detected in the early stages are treated more successfully. If the disease is running, the results can be disastrous.

It's important to know! To minimize the risk of disease, oncologists recommend avoiding abortions. On the contrary, frequent childbirth and a long period of breastfeeding reduce the existing risk of developing a tumor in the breast.

The reasons for breast examination are associated with the appearance of the first signs of breast cancer on early stage. Often, the manifestation of some symptoms gives a woman a reason to be wary and immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of breast cancer at stage 1 of the oncological process:

  • change in the contour, shape, reduction or increase in breast size;
  • discharge from the nipple for no apparent reason;
  • redness of the skin of the nipple or the entire mammary gland;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of a seal;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • pain in the chest and axillary area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • a sharp decrease in weight, loss of appetite, fatigue and general malaise are common symptoms breast cancer.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms, do not be careless. Diagnostics for breast cancer should be carried out regularly to detect oncology in the early stages of its development.

Breast cancer - classification by stages

Oncologists distinguish 4 main stages of breast cancer. Thanks to the classification, it is much easier for specialists to determine the state of the tumor at the moment, how intensively it is progressing. Based on the results already obtained, any predictions should be made and a specific treatment should be selected. After all, the method of treating breast cancer depends precisely on what stage of development of the oncological disease is revealed.
Medicine identifies 4 stages of breast cancer, including stage 0 or precancer stage.

In turn, stages 2 and 3 are divided into:

  • breast cancer stage 2 with substages A, B;
  • Stage 3 breast cancer with substages A, B, C.

stage 0 breast cancer

Stage zero breast cancer is, for the most part, a non-invasive cancer in which the tumor has not spread to nearby tissues.

It could be:

  • lobular. The term "lobular" means that the lesion concerns the lobules of the breast;
  • atypical ductal (ductal) hyperplasia;
  • atypical lobular (lobular) hyperplasia.

The presence of such precancerous conditions in women indicates that their body is predisposed to the development of breast cancer. Such patients should undergo more frequent medical examinations, as well as to do ultrasound and mammography of the mammary glands at least once a year.

stage 1 breast cancer

Oncological diseases in women are very common. In many cases, women suffer from breast cancer. There are several stages this disease. And although they say that it manifests itself at the last incurable stage, this is not always the case. The first stage of breast cancer also has its own symptoms.

At stage 1, it represents an already invasive tumor or. The size of the tumor fluctuates within 2 cm. The process of spreading to nearby tissues has not begun. There are no metastases in the lymph nodes. If the disease is detected at stage 1, the treatment will be most effective, and the prognosis is positive.

How to detect breast cancer at stage 1?

The initial diagnosis consists in passing laboratory research and taking a blood test. One of the fastest methods for diagnosing breast cancer is mammography. However, with the help this method no definitive diagnosis can be confirmed. For this, a special fine-needle biopsy and immunohistochemical study are performed. A biopsy is usually performed on the lymph nodes in order to exclude the possibility of damage to nearby tissues. An additional diagnostic method is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

It is worth noting! At the diagnostic stage, these patients are not shown a thorough radiological examination, including computed tomography lungs and liver, skeletal bone scintigraphy.

Treatment of breast cancer at stage 1

Thanks to professional diagnostics, oncologists have the opportunity to choose the most effective treatment complex. Taking into account the fact that stage 1 breast cancer is considered very early, and accordingly, the treatment will be more gentle than in the later stages of the development of the disease. At this stage in the development of breast oncology, a malignant tumor has just formed and has not yet had time to spread to the entire organ.

Treatment of breast cancer at stage 1 includes traditional therapies:

  • if necessary, hormone therapy.

Surgical treatment of stage 1 breast cancer

Organ-preserving surgery in patients with stage 1 breast cancer is performed from the peri- or para-areolar approach after separation of the skin from the breast tissue using electrocoagulation. We allow access from the submammary fold or over the tumor. If there are signs of skin umbilization over the tumor and with invasive lobular carcinoma, surgical treatment is indicated in a volume not less than segmental resection. Stencinal biopsy and lamphadenectomy can be performed through a separate axillary access. Surgery can be combined with reduction mammoplasty or various types mastopexy. At the same time, it is permissible to perform a corrective operation on the contralateral mammary gland.

Types of organ-preserving resection within healthy tissues with a minimum volume of excision:

  • lumpectomy (sectoral resection) - the tumor is excised to the fascia with at least 1 cm of surrounding tissues;
  • tilectomy (segmental resection) - excision of the tumor with the skin above it to the fascia, with at least 1 cm of surrounding tissues;
  • quadrantectomy - excision of the tumor with removal of the skin above it, with the underlying fascia, within the unchanged surrounding tissues, usually more than 2 cm.
  • mastectomy is a surgical procedure in which the breast is completely removed, and the nearest lymph nodes are also removed.

It is worth noting! All types of organ-preserving operations are carried out with subsequent urgent cytological examination smears of the bed of the removed sector and the sub-mammary space, as well as with a biopsy of the sentinal lymph nodes, followed by radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy for stage 1 breast cancer

Radiation therapy is carried out after complete healing of postoperative wounds. It is aimed at reducing the incidence of recurrence and is indicated for all patients after organ-preserving surgery. Irradiation of the remaining part of the mammary gland ROD 1.8 – 2.5 Gy, SOD 50 Gy; 30 - 37 fractions (5 fractions per week). + Summing up an additional dose on the tumor bed (boost) 10 - 16 Gy. The duration of the course of radiation is 6 - 7 weeks (in the absence of a local radiation reaction).

Patients older than 70 years with hormone-dependent tumors and negative resection margins can refuse radiation therapy without compromising survival.

Chemotherapy for stage 2 breast cancer

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is prescribed in the presence of unfavorable prognostic factors:

  • grade G2-3;
  • the presence of peritumoral vascular invasion;
  • lack of expression of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone (PgR), overexpression or amplification of HER-2/neu;
  • high level of proliferation marker Ki-67 > 14% triple-negative basal-like breast cancer.
  • three drugs: 5-fluorouracil + + ;
  • with relapses or metastases - + hydrochloride + Cyclophosphamide;
  • with metastases - Taxol (Paclitaxel) + + Thiophosfamide + Doxorubicin.

The drugs are administered intravenously. The duration of chemotherapy is 4-6 cycles.

Hormone therapy in patients with stage I breast cancer with an expression of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PgR) ≥ 3 points is carried out by prescribing tamoxifen (not taken simultaneously with antidepressants - selective inhibitors of serotonin uptake) 20 mg per day for 5 years.

If you are intolerant to tamoxifen and/or side effects aromatase inhibitors are used in combination with vitamin D, and calcium preparations for (ER+, PR±), (ER±, PR+) and (HER-2 expression 3+):

  • letrozole 2.5 mg per day;
  • anastrozole 1 mg per day;
  • exemestane 25 mg daily.

Stage 1 breast cancer: prognosis

Life expectancy in stage 1 breast cancer shows positive results, since the neoplasm is small in size and in almost 90% it is possible to remove the tumor surgically. After treating breast cancer at such an early stage of its development, a woman recovers quickly. The main thing is to be confident in your recovery and not lose strength of mind.

breast cancer stage 2

What to build on when determining the stage of breast cancer?

The stages are based on:

  • tumor size;
  • the prevalence of the process and germination in the surrounding tissues;
  • the presence of metastases in regional (axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian) lymph nodes;
  • the presence of distant metastases of internal organs and tissues (liver, lungs, brain, bones of the skeleton and spine, etc.).

The diagnosis of cancer, of course, makes most women fall into despair and give up. After such news, I don’t want to do anything, just look for any miraculous remedies from different healers. Out of ignorance and despair, many women engage in “healing” fasting, which in no way has an optimistic effect on the course of the disease, leading the body into a state of weakening and exhaustion.

If we refer to statistics, then about 80% of women triumph over cancer, but only if it is detected at an early stage. Of course, simply identifying is not enough. It is very important that all breast cancer treatment is comprehensive and not interrupted.

What is stage 2 breast cancer and what is the prognosis?

2nd stage of the tumor

Grade 2 breast cancer is considered an early stage of this type of disease. However, this is already a malignant tumor, the size of which reaches 5 cm. Also, in the second stage, the lymph nodes in the armpits are affected. The lesion is characterized by the fact that the lymph nodes do not have adhesions between themselves and other tissues. If there are adhesions, then this indicates inflammation, the focus of the tumor, which is caused by the spread of the tumor itself to other organs. The presence of adhesions is the first sign that the 2nd degree goes into the 3rd.

Among all stages of cancer, only the second and third are divided into subspecies. This is necessary in order to distinguish between patients according to the volume of the required surgical intervention, the type of chemotherapy, and radiation treatment.

Signs and types of stage 2 breast cancer:

  • 2A substage. The size of the tumor exceeds 2 cm. The tumor spreads to the lymph nodes. If the tumor size is up to 5 cm, and the nodes are not affected, in 81% of cases this species ends with patients recovering. Such statistics are provided by the American Cancer Society;
  • 2B substage. Characterized by a tumor diameter of 5 cm or more, with further dissemination for several nodes.

How to recognize the disease?

To begin with, in order to detect breast cancer, you must carefully monitor the condition of the breast, feel and examine it every day. If hardened nodules, seals or an uneven surface become noticeable, this should alert and become a reason for an immediate appeal to oncologists. Next, you should watch for any discharge from the nipple, sudden changes in the shape of the breast or the color of the nipple. The ideal option is to visit a doctor once a year for a diagnosis of the glands, an ultrasound and an examination by a mammologist.

Diagnosis of breast cancer 2nd degree

Tumors that are regarded as breast cancer of the 2nd degree have quite vivid symptoms, which makes it possible to determine the disease quite simply. All that is required is sufficient attention to your body and to the changes that occur in it.

Palpation and examination of the mammary glands is a simple diagnostic procedure, during which nodular formations are found in the thickness of the mammary gland, which in turn becomes the main reason for women to visit a doctor. That is why breast cancer of the 2nd degree, most often, occurs during the initial diagnosis.

At the second stage, cancerous tumors can reach quite large sizes, so they can be diagnosed without the use of additional research methods.

Detailed diagnosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound for patients under 40;
  • mammography of the older generation of women;
  • MRI to determine the presence of metastases;
  • for breast cancer;
  • with subsequent histological examination of the material;
  • a study of the lymph nodes is performed as an additional examination for the presence of metastases;
  • scintigraphy;
  • CT scan of the abdomen;
  • general blood and urine tests.

It's important to know! Histological examination A suspicious area is performed in order to determine the nature of the tumor, namely, whether stage 2 breast cancer is confirmed, or whether the tumor is at a different stage of development.

Stage 2 Breast Cancer Treatment

Depending on the size of the tumor, a course of chemotherapy therapy may be prescribed, both before and after surgery.

It is worth noting! Treatment for stage 2 breast cancer is similar to treatment for stage 1 breast cancer.

Reach positive results treatment is possible with the following therapies:

  • Surgery

Breast cancer grade 2: treatment involves radical operation, the volume of which can only be determined by the attending physician. This can be either a mastectomy or an organ-preserving type of operation (sectoral resection, quadrantectomy of the mammary gland). If the lymph nodes are affected, they are also removed surgically.

  • Chemotherapy

Cancer cells are destroyed by powerful modern drugs. Chemotherapy is used to treat any type of cancer. Therapeutic regimens and the duration of the course may differ depending on the individual features cancer.

  • Radiation therapy

This type of therapy does not always take place. It is used in combination with surgical treatment or as part of a comprehensive treatment program.

Life expectancy for stage 2 breast cancer

Breast cancer in the second stage is a relatively favorable form of the disease, despite the fact that it belongs to the group of malignant tumors, more than 80% of patients overcome the 5-year survival limit. After this period, patients are not monitored, since it is believed that the disease can no longer recur. Breast cancer of the 2nd degree with the right treatment is characterized by a favorable outcome and the survival rate is 80-85%.

breast cancer stage 3

Very often, oncologists attribute it to degree 3 and position it as one of the most serious forms of the disease, occurring in 10% of patients. It is manifested, first of all, by reddening of the skin on the chest. As a rule, it is warm and often covered with orange peel or pimples. Induration may also be observed, but do not confuse the usual induration with mastitis with inflammatory cancer. Very often, not a simple seal is formed, but a clear knot. This indicates the spread of "other" cells to the tissues, which leads to their soldering. Such a tumor has no contour and is often accompanied by a change in the shape of the breast.

Stage 3 breast cancer is more serious and dangerous to a woman's life and health. It also has three substages: 3A, 3B, 3C. The third stage can be characterized by the active movement of cells to the nearest tissue areas. The main symptoms of the disease begin to appear. In addition to seals in the areas of the chest and axillary fossa, transparent or bleeding, there is a complete deformation of the breast and a change in the structure and color of the skin.

The third stage can be conditionally divided into types:

  • 3A substage. The tumor can be larger or smaller than 5 cm. In the first case, the tumor begins to spread to the lymph nodes in the chest. The second option is about the same, only on the side of the cancerous process itself;
  • 3B substage. The tumor has already reached the chest wall, or touched the skin. In this case, the cancer has spread to the lymph, as well as to the nodes in the sternum. Inflammatory cancer can also be attributed to this stage, when the breast turns red and swells;
  • 3C substage. The tumor can be of any size. The disease rapidly metastasizes to all groups of lymph nodes (axillary, supraclavicular, neck).

Stage III-A

Stage III-B

Treatment for stage 3 breast cancer

The main treatment for stage 3 breast cancer is a complex attack on the tumor, which includes chemotherapy and hormone therapy. And only after the therapeutic measures taken, a decision is made on surgical intervention. With a positive result of the surgeons, the treatment process is fixed with a course of chemotherapy or targeted ionized radiation.

However, with tumor necrosis, bleeding or abscess formation, treatment begins with surgery (palliative radical mastectomy). And later, after the operation, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used.

Chemotherapy is carried out with the help of cytotoxic drugs that destroy the mechanism of division of cancer cells and thereby destroy them.

These drugs include:

  • platinum preparations (Cytoplastin, Triplatin, etc.);
  • preparations of the group of taxa (, Taxan, Paclitax, Paxen, etc.);
  • drugs of the group of vinca alkaloids (, Vinblastine, Maverex);
  • oxazaphosphorin derivatives (Endoxan, Mafosfamide, Trofosfamide, etc.);
  • fluoropyrimidine carbamate derivatives ( , ), etc.

Chemotherapy for breast cancer can be used as the only treatment, as well as to reduce the size of the tumor before surgical removal and stop the formation of metastases after surgery.

Surgical intervention, consists in removing the tumor and part of the tissues surrounding it (lumpectomy). Mastectomy - performed in most clinical cases of breast cancer - removal of the entire mammary gland.

Radiation therapy for breast cancer, like other therapies, destroys cancer cells under the influence of radioactive irradiation. Radiation therapy can complement chemotherapy and surgical removal of a breast tumor.

Hormone therapy is carried out for patients only with hormone-dependent neoplasms, that is, in the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors in cancer cells. Assign drugs to the group of aromatase inhibitors, which include Anastrozole, Letrozole or Exemestane.

Combined treatment of stages of breast cancer involves individual selection and simultaneous or alternate use of all methods of therapy.

Life expectancy for stage 3 breast cancer

Already at the 3rd stage, cancer is considered incurable. However, it is quite realistic to extend life for more than one dozen years, especially if this is only the initial 3rd degree of development.

It has already been mentioned that at the third stage, cells begin to actively divide and capture the free space of neighboring tissues. The statistics of stage 3 breast cancer suggests that the prognosis for successful treatment can be observed only in 30% of patients. However, it is too early to be afraid. If you properly organize the treatment and follow the recommendations of the oncologist, you can defeat cancer.

breast cancer stage 4

The most serious problem of oncology is the advanced stages of the oncological process, that is, grade 3 or 4. The presence of such forms of neoplasms is alarming, since modern conditions for diagnosing are set at a fairly high level. This is explained by the fact that most patients neglect their health and do not react carefully enough to the presence of signs of the disease.

Stage 4 breast cancer is usually incurable. This is due to the development of the oncological process not only within the mammary glands, the axillary region, nodes and main organs, including the brain, are also affected. Cancer cells (metastases) spread throughout the body and invade the lungs, liver, bones, and other organs. Without a doubt, stage 4 cancer is the most severe form of breast cancer.

What is this cancer and what is the chance of survival?

IV stage

What is meant by stage 4 breast cancer?

  1. The presence of cancer in one or both mammary glands. The tumor is able to germinate throughout the entire thickness of the mammary gland and go beyond it. The neoplasm reaches a very large size and spreads to: bones, muscles, intrathoracic lymph nodes and lymphatic collectors of the axillary region.
  2. Tumor of any size with distant metastases internal organs.
  3. Breast cancer is accompanied.

Reasons for late diagnosis of breast cancer:

  • late seeking medical attention;
  • advanced age (60-80 years;
  • rapid and rapid progression of cancer;
  • cancer recurrence and disease progression after radical treatment. This part of stage 4 cancers has a significant place in overall structure advanced breast cancers. Most often this is possible in the treatment of women with stage 3 cancer, when the tumor has spread beyond the breast or has given large metastases to the axillary lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer is not difficult. You do not need to be a great specialist to identify an obvious tumor in the mammary gland or in the axillary region, which is carried out by enlarged lymph nodes.

At this stage of development of oncology of the mammary glands, symptoms such as:

  • change in the shape of the breast;
  • resizing (enlargement or reduction of the breast);
  • purulent and bloody discharge from the nipple with an unpleasant odor;
  • redness, peeling of the chest;
  • severe pain;
  • yellowness of the skin with metastatic liver damage;
  • headaches, bone pain.

Treatment of metastatic breast cancer stage 4

Unfortunately, at this stage, it is difficult to fight breast cancer, and this struggle does not give positive results, since at stage 4, it is possible to talk only about prolonging life and facilitating it.

There are many types and types of breast cancer, and each differs in its degree of aggressiveness and spread of cancer cells. Some rapidly give metastases, while others, being at stage 4, have single metastases. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on this. It is necessary to treat metastatic breast cancer comprehensively.

The main method of treatment of such a neglected disease remains combined drug therapy, which should include the use of powerful chemotherapy drugs, if necessary, hormone therapy, targeted therapy drugs (of course, only in people who are sensitive to such treatment).

If the tumor is not large and there are single metastases in the lungs and liver, it is possible to perform a combined surgical intervention, after which it is necessary to conduct a course of chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation therapy, if necessary. The operation is performed to remove one or both mammary glands, as well as resection of the segments of the liver or lungs affected by metastases.

Also, surgery to remove the mammary gland is performed to alleviate the symptoms that are caused by the decay of the neoplasm. Before and after surgery, courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed.

There are patients who are not suitable for surgery. They are given pain medications to help reduce pain and improve well-being.

Breast cancer stage 4, what is the prognosis and life expectancy?

It is worth noting that the survival prognosis for stage 4 breast cancer is quite modest. And if at the initial stages of the development of a malignant neoplasm of the breast, the 5th survival rate is about 85% or even 90% of patients, then with the 4th degree of damage to the female body, with a diagnosis of breast cancer, the percentage of five-year survival is negligible and is no more than 10% .

In any case, even with such a terrible diagnosis, sitting with folded arms is not a way out. Many women at this stage of the disease, with the help of chemotherapy and hormone therapy, managed to prolong their lives for many years. The main thing is not to give up!

Informative video

Breast cancer (BC), or breast cancer, is diagnosed in women of all ages. However, most often sick women at the age of menopause and after it - 45-55 years and older. Breast cancer is also extremely rare among men.

Often the development of this type of disease is preceded by benign neoplasms: fibroadenoma or mastopathy.

RMJ stats:

  • About 18% of all cancers in women are caused by breast cancer.
  • Approximately one in ten women in the world between the ages of 15 and 90 develop breast cancer.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about one million new cases of breast cancer are registered every year.
  • Mortality from breast cancer ranges from 20% in developed countries (USA, Japan, EU countries) to 60% in developing countries.
  • The main cause of high mortality is the neglect of the tumor.
  • The tumor occurs equally often in both the right and left breasts.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment and the better the prognosis.

Unfortunately, the symptoms and signs of breast cancer in most cases are not expressed at an early stage. That is why the tumor is often diagnosed already in advanced form.


This is a multifactorial disease. Its development is associated with a change in the genetic material of breast cells under the influence of some external influences.

Risk factors for breast cancer:

  • Lack of realization of the childbearing function of a woman.
  • Exception breastfeeding after childbirth.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  • The appearance of the first menstruation before the age of 12.
  • The end of menstruation (menopause) after age 55.
  • Gynecological diseases in history - infertility, inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages benign tumors uterus and ovaries.
  • History of breast disease - benign tumors (fibroadenoma, mastitis), mastitis, etc.
  • Long-term use of drugs of female sex hormones - estrogen (contraception, replacement therapy).
  • Obesity.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Some somatic diseases- hypertonic disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis and their combination with other risk factors.

plays an important role in the development of breast cancer heredity. When some genes are mutated, for example, BRCA1, BRCA2, p53 and others, there is a very high probability of developing a disease.


Breast cancer is classified according to several criteria.

According to the histological structure, quite a lot of forms of breast cancer are distinguished, but ductal and lobular types are most often diagnosed.

Types of breast cancer:

  • Ductal - occurs in almost 80% of all cases. Formed in the milk ducts.
  • Lobular.
  • Mastitis - in this case, the symptoms of breast cancer resemble the course of mastitis (inflammation of the breast).
  • Mucous.
  • Cerebral.
  • tubular.
  • Apocrine and others.

According to the prevalence of the tumor process:

  • non-invasive cancer(in-situ).
  • Invasive cancer- the tumor passes from the place of its localization to the chest tissue and adjacent lymph nodes.

Worldwide to assess the prevalence of any tumor process, as well as for the purpose of planning effective treatment and predicting the further course of the disease, the TNM classification is used. Based on it, the stage of the disease is determined.

Stages of breast cancer:

  • "Zero". Used to describe pathological cells. Non-invasive cancer (in situ) is also included in this stage.
  • First (initial). The diameter of the neoplasm is no more than two centimeters, and it does not extend beyond the breast tissue.
  • Second. The size of the tumor varies from two to five centimeters. Metastases are found in the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Third. There are three subspecies of this stage (A, B, C). The diameter of the tumor can be absolutely any, it begins to grow into the chest or into the skin. Metastases spread to the retrosternal, as well as to the sub- and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  • Fourth. Distant metastases appear.


Unfortunately, breast cancer can proceed for a long time without clearly expressed signs. Often the reason for going to the doctor is the discovery by the woman herself of a seal in the mammary gland.

Important symptoms of breast cancer:

  • Neoplasm in the mammary gland. The presence of various nodules, tumor-like growths or seals in the chest tissue should be a reason for immediate medical attention.
  • Discharge from the nipples in the absence of breastfeeding. They come in various colors and textures.
  • Change in the appearance and shape of the breast - asymmetry, shifting to the side, etc.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes. Cancer cells (metastases) in a malignant neoplasm of the mammary gland already in the second stage spread to regional lymph nodes, for example, axillary.
  • Changes in the skin of the gland and nipple - swelling, flattening, retraction, etc.
  • Sores, crusts, scales that appear in the area of ​​the nipple or areola.
  • Discomfort or even chest pain.

If the malignant degeneration of the breast is not diagnosed at the stage of the first symptoms, the disease progresses with the subsequent appearance of distant metastases. They are most commonly found in the liver, bones, lungs, kidneys, spinal cord, and brain.

Sometimes the breast cancer clinic is erased or atypical. So, for example, with a mastitis-like form of the disease, the symptoms of the tumor resemble the course of mastitis, an inflammatory lesion of the mammary gland. At the same time, the body temperature rises, the chest increases, is painful and edematous.

Symptoms and signs of breast cancer are varied and sometimes insidious due to their atypical form of manifestation. Therefore, any changes in general well-being or in the organ itself should force a woman to immediately consult a doctor.


The choice of diagnostic method is made to determine the stage of the pathological process and the treatment option.

Research methods for suspected breast cancer:

  • Inspection and palpation of the mammary glands and peripheral lymph nodes.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Determination of tumor markers (CA 15-3; CA 27-29; CEA; HER2).
  • Various types of biopsy - excision of a site or the entire tumor, followed by histopathological examination.
  • Genetic diagnostics - determines the presence of genes whose mutations are most likely to lead to the development of cancer.
  • Mammography.
  • Radioisotope or contrast method for the study of "signal" lymph nodes, which are the first to be affected by a breast tumor.
  • Immunohistochemical analysis - determination of the sensitivity of organ tissue receptors to hormones (estrogen and progesterone).


The choice of treatment methods for malignant lesions of the breast directly depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of damage to the organ Therefore, it is very important to recognize the symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage. Usually, complex treatment is used, which consists of surgical removal of the focus of a malignant pathological process in combination with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Sometimes hormonal treatment is used.

Methods of surgical intervention:

  • Lumpectomy. It is performed in the treatment of breast cancer of the first or second stage. In this case, the tumor itself is excised with some part of the tissues adjacent to it.
  • Segmentectomy. The neoplasm of the mammary gland with most of the surrounding tissues is removed.
  • Quadrantectomy. A quarter of the mammary gland is removed.
  • Mastectomy. The organ is completely removed. The operation can be total (without removal of regional lymph nodes) or radical - with the removal of lymph nodes and some part of the pectoral muscles.

Other types of breast cancer treatment:

  • essence radiation therapy and with breast cancer it consists in an ionizing effect on tumor cells, which die in this case. This method can be applied to both complex treatment tumors, as well as on their own.
  • Application of special medicines - cytostatics, suppressing the growth of cancer cells, is the principle of chemotherapy.
  • Hormonal treatment produced in the form of direct removal of the source of hormones, such as oophorectomy, or by prescribing certain drugs (antiestrogens, corticosteroids, androgens, etc.).

In recent years, developments have been carried out with the introduction of clinical practice innovative methods for the treatment of malignant lesions of the breast: cryoablation, stem cell or monoclonal antibody therapy, p53 blocker gene activation, etc. However, all these methods are still at the stage of scientific and clinical testing.


Complications in breast cancer can occur both under the influence of the neoplasm itself and its metastases, and as a result of the treatment.

With compression or germination of the tumor of the blood vessels and nerve trunks may occur different intensity bleeding and pain. Sometimes there are trophic lesions of the skin and adjacent tissues, which often leads to the development of inflammation.

Tumor metastasis to distant organs and tissues also disrupts their functions. So, when metastases enter the respiratory organs, their inflammatory lesion develops, in the skeletal system - pain and bone fractures, etc.


The main direction in the prevention of breast cancer is the timely detection and correction of hormonal imbalance and pathology in the female genital area, as well as the exclusion of carcinogenic factors.

Prevention of running forms malignant neoplasms mammary gland is directed to early detection diseases. Therefore, absolutely all women, starting from the age of menarche, are recommended to undergo regular screening for breast cancer.

Breast cancer screening includes:

  • Examination by a gynecologist and, if possible, a mammologist (at least once a year).
  • Regular self-examination of the breast. It is performed once a month - on the 7-10th day from the onset of menstruation. And during menopause - any day of the month.
  • Mammography. Often allows you to identify breast cancer even before the first signs appear. Recommended for all women aged 50 to 70 without exception. It is carried out once every two years. If a woman is at high risk for developing breast cancer according to the results of a genetic analysis, then mammography is recommended at a younger age.


The success of treatment and prognosis of life expectancy in breast cancer depends mainly on the stage of the process, the rate of the course of the tumor process, the age of the woman and concomitant diseases.

With a localized form of breast cancer (first or second stages), the five-year survival rate can be 85% or more. And with locally advanced breast cancer - up to 60%.

If distant metastases are already diagnosed, the results of treatment are much worse. With advanced pathology, the life expectancy is an average of two to three years.

Psychological aspect

An early sign of breast cancer may be lumps in the breast, which are very difficult to detect without screening, so a person long time He does not even know that he has such a serious illness. Diagnosis and treatment procedures can adversely affect psychological state patient, cause problems associated with social adaptation, especially in cases where, as a result surgical intervention the woman's breast is removed.

Many modern clinics specializing in the prevention and treatment of such diseases cooperate with rehabilitation groups. The purpose of such interaction is to create supportive conditions with the help of psychotherapeutic methods both for those patients who are just about to undergo treatment, and for those who have already undergone therapy.

There are also online rehabilitation groups. Such communication and help are chosen by insecure or shy people, especially if they have a negative image of themselves due to the disease.

A patient diagnosed with breast cancer should communicate more with professionals - psychologists and psychotherapists, that is, specialists who provide the correct information will help to adapt. Communication with the same patients who are not professionals in medicine can only aggravate the situation.

When making a diagnosis such as breast cancer, do not withdraw into yourself, get information only from reliable sources, that is, from doctors, remember that the disease can be cured only if you believe in healing.

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Signs of breast cancer in the initial stages may not be noticeable. But, if a woman takes care of her health and visits a mammologist and a gynecologist twice a year, then it will not be difficult to recognize him and prescribe treatment. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world. This is very dangerous disease which can lead to the death of the patient.

In developed countries, the percentage of surviving people is quite high and amounts to 80%, which cannot be said about countries that are developing. The risk group includes women who are over 60 years old, childless, gave birth after 30 years, and also have a genetic predisposition to cancer.

In men, it also occurs, but according to the statistics of sick women, it is 100 times more. The problem is that the male half of society often does not even assume that they have breast cancer, because of this, the number of visits in the late stages and in advanced forms is greater. Timely diagnosis is very important, since the disease is characterized by the early appearance of metastases.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

The first signs of breast cancer and the reasons for going to the doctor are the detection of any seals or neoplasms in the woman’s breast. Only a specialist can understand the nature of such a seal with the help of additional studies (for example, cancer is clearly visible during a mammogram).

In addition, to the first external symptoms include:

  1. Changes in the shape, size and appearance of the breast (more often than one).
  2. Change in skin texture (appearance of redness, swelling). Often it becomes like a lemon peel (wrinkled and dense).
  3. The nipple sinks inward or changes location, a rash forms around it and purulent bloody discharge is present.
  4. The formation of ulcers around the areola of the nipple.
  5. Pain in the affected mammary gland or between the shoulder blades (more disturbing at night and does not decrease with a change in body position).
  6. Itching, peeling and variations in skin color (yellowing, cyanosis, redness). The reason is the toxic substances that it produces malignancy. They destroy skin cells and impair blood microcirculation, thereby provoking the death of the outer layer of the epidermis.
  7. Swelling of the shoulder and armpit.
  8. Enlargement of lymph nodes from the side of the affected breast.
  9. Dimples in the chest when a woman raises her arms.

The internal symptoms of breast damage include the formation of a seal, which can be both painless and painful during palpation. Uncured mastopathy is a precursor of such a symptom. Neoplasm can grow, sometimes very rapidly. The faster its size increases, the more malignant the tumor, and the treatment will be more difficult.

The breast also becomes larger in proportion to the growth of the tumor. Basically, it doubles over a period of time from 6 to 12 months.

Forms of breast cancer and their signs

According to the severity of breast cancer is divided into 4 stages:

  • The first stage is the size of the neoplasm up to 2 cm. External changes did not appear. There is still a slight germination in neighboring tissues. The lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • The second stage - the tumor reaches 5 cm in size. Cancer affects the lymph nodes. The skin becomes wrinkled.
  • The third stage - the size of the tumor is more than 5 cm. A "lemon peel" develops on the skin, metastases appear. The tumor affects the muscular system. There is swelling, ulcers, purulent discharge from the nipple and other signs.
  • The fourth stage - metastases are found in any organ or part of the body, more often spread to the bones of the skeleton.

Still sometimes they distinguish the zero stage (non-invasive form) - the very first stage of the disease, the tumor has already formed, but there are no cancer cells outside it yet.

The zero, first and second stages are determined to be early, the percentage of survival with timely treatment is 70%. Cancer detected at the third and fourth stages requires a serious approach to treatment and the survival rate is much lower.

In addition to gradation in severity (stage), there are several more forms of cancer that differ in signs and course of the disease:

  1. Erysipelatous. It is characterized by a sharp reddening of the skin of the breast, the edges of the mammary gland become uneven, often protrude beyond the contours. Present fever body. This form is dangerous in that it is easy to take it for a simple erysipelas and prescribe the wrong treatment.
  2. Mastitis-like. It accounts for 7% of all cases of the disease. It differs from other forms by rapid development. The mammary gland increases rapidly, swelling is observed, the skin becomes red. On palpation, the chest is hot. This type of cancer can develop with or without induration. Seals often have a smooth rounded shape. Symptoms are very similar to acute mastitis, which also often leads to misdiagnosis.
  3. Paget's cancer. This form affects the nipple of the breast. It takes a very long time, in some cases several years. It begins with a slight irritation and peeling of the nipple, which may not cause any anxiety in the patient. Then the symptoms become more pronounced: itching and burning, pain and discharge from the nipple. Often they are confused with eczema, but later the nipple loses its shape and a seal develops, which grows deeper, affects the lymph nodes with metastases and forms cancerous nodes in the mammary gland. Paget's cancer is also common among men, and the signs do not differ from women's.
  4. Armored. It strikes lymphatic system. characteristic symptom- the skin becomes bumpy and becomes like a shell, which can spread to the entire chest. This is the most malignant type of cancer.
  5. ductal. Also called ductal carcinoma. It is dangerous because it does not manifest itself for a long time. A woman may not feel pain or other symptoms of cancer. Most often, it is discovered by chance, during a routine ultrasound or during a mammogram. That's why the annual examination of a woman by a specialist is so necessary. Symptoms of this form become apparent already at the stage of the appearance of metastases. The woman feels pain in the spine and limbs, constant fatigue, irritability, and sometimes convulsions. There is swelling in the armpits and fluid appears in the abdominal cavity. There is an invasive and non-invasive form of ductal carcinoma. A safer non-invasive carcinoma that does not extend beyond the milk duct.

As noted earlier, the most dangerous manifestation of cancer is the formation of metastases. This significantly complicates treatment and reduces the survival rate of patients. Metastases spread to all organs and tissues human body disrupting their work. Usually they move first through the Milky Ways, and then with the help of lymphatic vessels. First, metastases affect the axillary, subscapular and subclavian zones, and then are localized in the bones (often pelvic) and internal organs (liver, lungs and uterus).

Signs of metastases vary depending on the location:

  • Lungs (cough, shortness of breath, expectoration of sputum streaked with blood);
  • Liver (nausea, yellowing of the skin, an increase in its size);
  • Musculoskeletal system (pain, aching bones, frequent fractures);
  • Brain (severe headaches, mental disorders).

Timely diagnosis of cancer significantly increases the chances of recovery. At the first external signs or suspicions, you should immediately visit a doctor to avoid the terrible consequences of the disease. And do not forget about the visit to the mammologist, especially if the woman belongs to the risk group.

Breast cancer is an oncological disease that, with timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, today can have a favorable prognosis and prolong a woman’s full life for a long time.

However, deceit malignant tumor not only of the breast, but also of any other localization, lies in the fact that just at the zero, first stages of the disease, when treatment is very effective, it is extremely rare for the patient herself to notice the beginning growth of the tumor, since there are no clear symptoms of the initial stage of breast cancer.

If a woman begins to experience pain, notices seals in her chest, soreness of the lymph nodes - this most often indicates an already later stage of oncology. In Russia, the task of early diagnosis of oncological diseases, for some reason, is not a priority in medicine.

Often, outdated equipment, lack of qualified narrow specialists in polyclinics, queues, and as a result, a colossal expenditure of effort, time and money stop many women. The annual examination of the mammary glands is done only by some women who care about their health.

Fear of finding alarming signs of breast cancer, lack of time, lack of attention to your body, not wanting to think about the bad, look for symptoms of diseases in yourself sometimes lead to the fact that a woman turns to medical care too late. It should be scary from the possible risk of finding a tumor at an already advanced stage of the disease, and not from the likelihood of its detection at the very beginning, with a favorable prognosis and the least losses.

Signs of breast cancer

The listed signs are no longer the 1st and most likely not the 2nd stage of the oncoprocess.

Methods for diagnosing breast cancer

  • Medical examination by a gynecologist, mammologist
  • Mammography
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands

To clarify the diagnosis and identify possible distant metastases, chest X-ray, ultrasound of the liver, abdominal organs are shown.

Self-diagnosis is one of the ways to control possible changes in the mammary glands, this is a simple procedure that takes no more than half an hour and should be done only once a month. Feeling anxious every day is definitely not worth it, since it is more difficult to detect the difference in possible changes with frequent examinations.

Inspection of the mammary glands should be carried out on the 7-10th day of the menstrual cycle. To make self-diagnosis more convenient, easier and more effective, it is necessary to keep a diary where you write down your observations, everything suspicious and unusual. Often it is the woman herself who discovers the first signs of breast cancer, but, as a rule, not at the 1st stage of the disease.

How to do a breast self-exam

To conduct a high-quality self-examination of the mammary glands, you should prepare a hand cream, sit on a comfortable bed, take a large mirror, and also provide maximum lighting. Sometimes it is more convenient for a woman to conduct an examination in the bathroom, with soapy hands or special gloves that are sold in pharmacies in breast examination kits.

  • A woman should always carefully examine her bra with inside for finding secretions from the chest, on the fabric of the linen it may remain in the form of dry crusts, yellow or brownish spots.
  • The examination should begin with a visual assessment of the size and shape of the breast in comparison with the previous examination, while standing straight with your hands down.
  • Then put your hand behind your head, carefully monitoring the uniformity of the movement of the gland. If the gland rises with a delay or when both hands are raised, one gland moves to the side, if a depression or bulge forms when the position changes, the nipple changes, discharge appears, etc. deviations are signals that a planned diagnostic examination mammary glands.
  • Carefully consider the condition of the skin of the mammary glands, it should be without any swelling, sores, visible protrusions, any rash and persistent redness, diaper rash and orange peel on the skin should be taken more seriously.
  • With hands smeared with cream or soapy soap, while standing, it is necessary to examine each breast with the opposite hand. Probing should be carried out with fingertips in circular springy movements. At first, you should only lightly probe the surface under the skin, without pressing hard on the gland. After nothing is found in the upper layers, you can increase the pressure, gradually probing the tissues in “layers” to the very ribs. Thus, it is necessary to inspect the entire mammary gland, especially pay attention to the armpit. Here are the lymph nodes, the increase and soreness of which are a symptom of adverse changes in the woman's body.
  • Next, you should conduct a thorough examination of the nipples. Compare the shape, color of the nipples, and carefully examine the nipples in order to detect any spots, wetting, cracks or sores. You need to feel both the nipple itself and the tissues around it, you also need to squeeze the nipple with a gentle movement to make sure that there is no discharge from it. If the selection appeared, then you should determine and write down what they are in terms of consistency, color and in what quantity they appeared when pressed.
  • It is also worth repeating the examination in a supine position, while trying not to miss a single part of the mammary gland.

Self-diagnosis is very important for the timely detection of various violations in female body, signs of breast cancer, and this is not difficult to do, and not long. If, in comparison with the previous examination, a woman has found suspicious areas in the mammary glands, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. A mammologist or gynecologist can differentiate the "find", determine, clarify the diagnosis, refer the patient for additional examinations.

Myths about breast cancer

Every year, over a million cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women worldwide. This leads to the emergence of various panic moods, fear in women, as well as the development of rumors and myths in people who are far from medicine. Some of these beliefs lead women to fear a safe diagnosis and refuse to be tested:

Myth - My relatives have never had breast cancer, so I'm not at risk.

Of course, if there is a family history of breast cancer, the risk of its occurrence in close relatives increases. However, today a lot of cases of oncology development are registered, when no oncological disease was detected in a woman in the family.

Myth - I'm young, so I can't have cancer

Even a very young girl has a risk of developing breast cancer; today, oncology can develop at any age.

Myth - Cancer is preventable

Unfortunately, the causes of cancer are not fully known and the study of this insidious disease is still ongoing. To some extent, hormone-dependent forms of cancer are now trying to prevent the use of antiestrogen drugs. However, there are other forms of cancer that do not depend on hormonal metabolism in the body. Only timely diagnosis may be the only way to prevent early death from cancer.

Myth - There is no point in getting a mammogram because breast cancer is short-lived and still leads to death.

It is imperative for women at risk to do an annual mammogram, there are no serious changes in a year, but such a diagnosis will help to establish the process that has begun in time.

Myth- A large dose of radiation during mammography, especially every year, is very harmful and will inevitably lead to cancer.

The dose of radiation during this procedure is negligible and cannot have a serious negative effect on health, but it can save a life if the tumor is detected in time at an early stage, when the treatment gives a high chance of recovery.

Myth - If nothing hurts, why get examined, I'm healthy

The early stages of breast cancer are completely asymptomatic. If a woman already has benign neoplasms in the breast - lipomas, cysts, fibroadenoma, nodular form of mastopathy - they should be kept under the constant control of a mammologist. You should immediately consult a doctor if you find:

  • brown, bloody, yellow discharge from the chest
  • Any seal - small, large, painful or painless, of any shape
  • If chest pain began to appear not a week before menstruation, but 2 weeks before the expected period
  • Severe pain in one or both breasts