What does a chest x-ray show? About preparing for X-ray examinations

Modern transport systems provide many opportunities to quickly and comfortably overcome tens of kilometers of ground space. By plane, you can fly from one end of the country to the other in a matter of hours, or you can travel the same distance in a comfortable bus along convenient modern roads.

One of the most pleasant ways to go on a journey is a railroad. Anyone who has ever visited a compartment car is familiar with the sound of wheels, tea in a glass with a glass holder and unhurried conversations with fellow travelers. However, few people are familiar with its history and some interesting features. Moreover, not everyone can even find their own seats in a compartment car without the help of a conductor.

well-known model

To all of us from childhood, the familiar all-metal compartment car began to be produced at the Ammendorf plant in the GDR specifically for the needs of the USSR. Its manufacture and supply began in the 60s and continued until the mid-80s. This production of wagons was the most massive in the history of the railway. In total, more than 30 thousand of them were produced.

This type is currently vehicle is actively written off in all CIS countries. This is also the case for Russian Railways. The compartment car produced in Ammendorf, although familiar to our fellow citizens, does not meet modern requirements for the transportation of passengers.

Scheme of a compartment car

The ticket is in hand, but where to go with it - is it really a familiar situation? To avoid such questions, it is worth familiarizing yourself in detail with the layout of the compartment car.

Let's start by deciphering the concept of "coupe". It is a type of second class sleeping passenger car. In terms of convenience, it is much better than a reserved seat, but less comfortable than a suite or SV. Depending on the type, compartment cars are divided into 9 or 10 hotel compartments. Each of them is closed by a sliding door and is designed to accommodate four people. It has a folding table, hanger, luggage racks and drawers. There is a mirror on the door. The compartment car of the modern model is usually equipped with air conditioning.

All compartment cars are necessarily equipped with titanium for heating hot water, a compartment for the conductor's rest, a working area for the conductors, two bathrooms and vestibules.

In total, there are 36 or 40 seats in compartment cars. Moreover, they are numbered according to the following principle: all odd places are lower, and all even ones are upper. Seat numbering starts from the conductor's compartment.

Comfort compartment car

The price for carriages in SV and deluxe carriages is at least twice as high as the cost of an ordinary compartment carriage. Why such a difference?

The scheme of the increased comfort car is not much different from the second class we have already studied. But only one or two passengers are accommodated in the NE. All shelves in the car are lower. At the same time, the number of compartments remains the same, that is, there are at least half as many passengers, respectively, there is less noise, fuss and unforeseen situations caused by the human factor.

For the convenience of passengers, each compartment of the first-class carriage is additionally equipped with a wardrobe and a TV. Shelves are softer, always with backs for sitting.

Since there are no upper shelves in this type of carriage, additional luggage compartments are located in their place.

The interior of the car itself is also somewhat different from its second-class counterparts. It contains, albeit minor, but on the whole ennobling details of the minimalist design. And finishing materials are mostly of higher quality.

The best seat in the car

It seems that all the seats of the compartment car are the same. However, among them you can find the best and worst. For example, few people like place number 36, since this is the topmost shelf by the toilet. Its main drawback is the constant noise in the corridor, fuss behind the wall and an unpleasant smell.

Also, experienced travelers do not recommend purchasing seats in compartments closest to the conductor. Luggage compartments in them can be occupied by blankets, parcels with gear and other things. If you are not lucky and such a situation happens, it will be completely pointless to argue and swear - there is not enough space on the train, but all this stuff still needs to be stored somewhere.

According to the majority, the best seats in a compartment car are 9, 11, 13 and 15. Titanium, conductor, toilet and important for smokers) are nearby. And at the same time, they are far enough away not to smell from the toilet and smoke from cigarettes.

Safety or fresh air

Before you start choosing tickets, you need to know about another catch of sleeping passenger cars. In compartments 3 and 6, the windows do not open. And not only in the compartment car. In SV and reserved seat the situation is similar.

It is not possible to open the windows due to the special design of the frames, since it is through these compartments that passengers are supposed to be evacuated in the event of an accident. It is believed that a half-covered window can become a serious obstacle in the way.

So if you like fresh air, these places are not for you.

The coming months are a great time to travel by train in Russia. Beautiful autumn landscapes are combined with minimal seasonal price coefficients. Here is a selection of tips to help make your trips more profitable, comfortable and more fun.

1. How to buy a seat next to an outlet?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee that sockets will work, but the probability is high. In compartment cars, they are located between the third (seats 9,11,10,12) and fourth (13,14,15,16) compartments, as well as between the seventh (25,26,27,28) and eighth (29,30, 31.32).

In the reserved seat there are sockets near places 5,7,8,9,29,30,31,32,41,42,59,60, and also at the end of the car next to the toilet and the dustbin.

On the one hand, it’s cool to ride near a power outlet, as it’s convenient to charge your smartphone. But at the same time, it threatens the round-the-clock running of other passengers to your place.

If possible, you should take a tee with you on a trip so that several people can use one outlet at the same time. Also, Pilot will help protect equipment from power surges. But it’s better to forget about the sockets in the cars and carry a Power Bank with you.

2. Which car is better to choose?

It is optimal to take tickets to the central carriages. There are three main reasons for this:

1. They shake less than in the head car.

2. At stops more than 10 minutes, it is convenient to run to the store.

3. There is a dining car nearby, where you can come and buy a bottle mineral water and enjoy the cool air, few people, the presence of an outlet and, if you're lucky, Wi-Fi.

3. How to buy a ticket directly to the dining car?

So far, such an opportunity is only available on Sapsan trains that run along the Moscow-St. Petersburg route. This is a pretty good deal, if you don't take into account the "bring a protein bar" option.

For example, a ticket for the Sapsan economy class car Moscow-St. Petersburg costs 1428 rubles, and a ticket for the bistro car (No. 5, 2E) 3945 (the exact price depends on the date and time of departure). But passengers of the last car can order food for 2,000 rubles. Price examples:

– Greek salad 220 rub
– pork with new potatoes 500 rubles
– cold borscht 250 rubles
- porridge with nuts 200 rubles.

Not all passengers like the quality of food in dining cars. It is better to spend this money on a normal cafe in St. Petersburg.

4. How to buy two upper or two lower seats in a compartment?

According to paragraph 15 of section II of the "Rules for Passenger Transportation" when selling travel documents (tickets) in cars with numbered seats (hard with places to lie, with 4-seater compartments and with 2-seater compartments (CB)) to passengers purchasing two travel documents (ticket) and more, as a rule, an equal number of upper and lower seats is provided

In practice, this means that if you buy two tickets through the Russian Railways website or the terminal at the station, then it is impossible to purchase the two lower or two upper seats. It's very strange, but it's true.

The OneTwoTrip service comes to the rescue in such situations. When buying tickets with it, you can choose any combination of seats.

OneTwoTrip has two more advantages over the Russian Railways website. First, for the purchase of railway tickets points are awarded, which can be spent on hotels and flights. Secondly, the interface of their application and website is many times more convenient for choosing and buying tickets than the Russian Railways website.

5. How to buy a ticket in a minute?

When buying a ticket online on the Russian Railways website, you need to type a lot of information about passengers on the keyboard: names, surnames, dates of birth, passport numbers, and when paying, indicate your bank card details. And so before each trip. This is one of the many reasons to hate the Russian Railways website

Users of the OneTwoTrip service only need to do this once. All information about yourself and your family members can be saved in a notebook and it will be automatically copied from there when buying tickets.

6. For which date is it more profitable to take a ticket?

When planning a trip, you should pay attention to the seasonal coefficients of Russian Railways. Ticket prices for different dates may vary significantly. Therefore, before buying, you should check the table of annual price changes. Above are the data for compartment and SV-cars.

For example, you can buy a ticket for August 31 for 1200 rubles (06/09 - 08/31 seasonal coefficient +20%). Or you can postpone the trip for a day and buy a ticket for September 1 for 1100 rubles (-10%). After September 18, the ticket will cost 900 rubles (-10%).

7. How many days before the train departure is it better to buy a ticket?

Russian Railways has a dynamic pricing system. The basic principle of its work is simple: "The greater the demand and the fewer seats in the car, the higher the price of tickets." If you plan a trip 60 days in advance, you can save up to 50%.

September 1 - 2585 rubles;
September 11 - 2385 rubles;
October 9 - 1986 rubles;
October 26 - 1298 rubles.

8. What can I ask the conductor?

Here are the items that the conductor is free must provide the passenger with:

  • board games (checkers, chess, dominoes);
  • a socket for charging a mobile phone;
  • cold and hot boiled water;
  • seat belts for the upper shelves;
  • cutlery.

If you want to leave a review about the work of the conductor, then call the number 8-800-775-00-00 .

In 2016, 778,000 Russians worked for Russian Railways. This number is greater than the population of Montenegro.

9. How to take a shower on the train?

Many passenger trains have a shower, which is located in the staff car. This applies to all branded and most conventional formulations. To use it, you must agree with the conductor or the head of the train.

The official cost of such a service is 150 rubles. Additionally, you can buy a set of towels for 100 rubles, hygiene products for 100 rubles and disposable slippers for 50 rubles.

It is very convenient to book train and plane tickets in one application. In addition, everyone who bought a train ticket on OneTwoTrip can book a hotel at a special price.

11. How to follow Russian Railways stocks?

Discount messages appear on the OneTwoTrip social media pages and as push notifications in the OneTwoTrip app. For example, now when buying tickets for Sapsan on the day of departure, a 50% discount.

12. How to make money on a late train?

For each hour of delay can receive 3% of the ticket price. To do this, you must submit an application to the Railway Department, which was subordinate to your train, attach a ticket and a certificate confirming the delay or delay.

Just remember that Russian Railways may refuse compensation if the reason for the delay was "force majeure circumstances." What exactly is not mentioned.

13. How can I get a discount on utilities using train tickets?

If in your apartment no counters and the whole family was absent for more than 5 days, then within a month after returning from a trip, you can apply for the recalculation of utilities to the company that provides them to you. It is necessary to attach round-trip tickets to it (they can be replaced with a travel certificate, a certificate from a sanatorium, hotel checks).

Yes, it works, including with electronic tickets. Discount on utility bills while traveling real, our editor-in-chief did this twice last year.

From January 1, 2017, such an application must be accompanied by an "Inspection report to establish the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices."

14. How to lose a minimum of money in case of a ticket return?

The amount that is returned upon return of tickets is tied to the time:

a.) 8 hours before the train departure: the full cost of the ticket plus the full cost of the reserved seat minus the fixed fee for the return (192 rubles 70 kopecks).

b.) Less than 8 hours and more than 2 hours before the train departure: full ticket price plus 50% of the reserved seat price minus a fixed refund fee (192 rubles 70 kopecks)

in.) If less than 2 hours remain before departure, you will be refunded 100% of the ticket price, but the entire cost of the reserved seat will be kept (plus fees).

What part of the ticket price falls on the reserved seat - you can see in the file with information about the order, which comes to the mail after buying the ticket.

If you are late, it is better to return the ticket no more than three hours after the train departure. If you meet the interval from 3 to 12 hours, then in order to return the money you will need to write a claim statement.

To return tickets within a period of 12 hours to 5 days after the departure of the train, you will need to attach a certificate from a doctor or other evidence that the delay was not your fault.

Radiography chest is a non-invasive method for diagnosing the lungs, lymph nodes, heart, vascular and respiratory systems.

During the examination, the human body is exposed to ionizing radiation using special equipment.

The result is a digital image or film images. X-rays pass unhindered through adipose and muscle tissue and linger in dense areas and bones. In the pictures, the bones are light, soft tissues- gray, and air lung fields - black.

Information! Read about MRI - why a study is prescribed

What can be seen on examination

Using scanning, the condition of the elements visible in the images is assessed. Great importance has their transparency, shape, structure. The position of the sites in the pleural cavities, the type of mediastinum, its size, and the localization of the roots are clearly visible. The scan shows:

  • incorrect organ sizes;
  • vascular changes;
  • the presence of growths;
  • tumors;
  • cysts;
  • changes in the lymph nodes;
  • puffiness;
  • heart disease;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • wounds;
  • fractures or cracks in the bones;
  • infections;
  • foreign bodies.

Pleural effusion is visible on the pictures as a darkening of the fissures and sinuses (or parietal). Pathological air cavities look like light zones on the lung tissues. The images show cystic, reticular, or miliary diffuse changes.

During the scan, air can be found in the pleura. This pathology is visible on the image as a thin line, which is separated from the sternum by a light zone that does not have a pulmonary pattern.

The non-informativeness of the method is due to the layering of projections, a shadow on healthy structures, or a slight intensity of the lesion, if inflammatory process is just beginning.

Indications and prohibitions for radiography

X-rays are done to detect diseases of the chest, to identify and monitor cancer and chronic lung disease. Direct contraindications for scanning:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • an increase in the size of the heart;
  • pneumothorax;
  • emphysema;
  • heart and respiratory failure;
  • inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia);
  • changes in tissue density;
  • accumulation of fluid between the walls of the sternum and lungs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • calcification of the heart valve.

Radiography is also prescribed for:

  • severe shortness of breath;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • difficult breathing;
  • coughing up blood;
  • lagging muscles during breathing;
  • pain in the chest;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • prolonged fever;
  • apnea (temporary cessation of breathing).

For children, radiography is prescribed for inflammation of the lungs, tumors in the chest, changes in the KLA. Scanning is necessary for a strong and prolonged cough, if it is accompanied by a high temperature.

X-rays are done to monitor the course of the disease, to check pacemakers, catheters or defibrillators. These devices are wired to the heart, and the examination helps track them. correct location. X-ray is done as a preventive measure.


Relative contraindications include the period of breastfeeding, since it is not known how scanning can affect the quality of milk. An x-ray is not done if there is a scar after the operation, as it will make it difficult to decipher.

X-ray is considered safe method examinations, since one-time exposure is 0.03 m3v on digital equipment, and 3 m3v on film equipment. This is very little.

Compared to air travel, a person receives an exposure of 0.01 m3 per hour. At the same time, the permitted dosage per year is 150 m3v. Therefore, if necessary, x-rays are taken as many times as necessary without harm to health.

Chest X-ray is a research method that makes it possible to assess the state of the body and the presence of pathologies in the chest area. Research is carried out by passing ionizing (X-ray) radiation through the body. Radiography is one of the most common and effective methods for diagnosing a disease and monitoring treatment.

Radiography is widely used in the fields of traumatology and pulmonology. It helps to assess the condition of those organs that are visible on the x-ray, for example:

  • lungs and bronchi;
  • hearts;
  • lymph nodes in the chest area;
  • ribs.

The advantages are high efficiency and the ability to establish the location, size and severity of the onset of the disease. Such properties of the method are provided by the way chest images are taken. Doctors often prescribe x-rays in two projections. What is a chest x-ray in two projections? This is a picture of the chest from the front (or back) and sides. This method establishes the exact size and shape of the deviation.

Patients often have a question about the difference between an X-ray of the ribs of the chest and fluorography, and which research method is better to choose. Both X-ray and fluorography consist in passing an X-ray beam through the area under study and then fixing the image on a special film (with fluorography, sometimes the image appears on the screen).

The difference lies in the following factors:

  1. For fluorography, a higher radiation dose is used (0.5 mSv per procedure for conventional fluorography versus 0.3 mSv for radiography, 0.05 mSv for a digital analogue versus 0.03 mSv for digital radiography). To clarify, the annual maximum exposure dose for an adult is 2-3 mSv, for a child - 1 mSv. For this reason, fluorography is not recommended more than once a year, while x-rays can be prescribed several times.
  2. The price of a fluorography is lower than an x-ray, so hospitals and clinics often prefer the first procedure.
  3. X-ray gives a more accurate picture of the development of the disease, more informative when conducting a directed study of a specific area.

The disadvantages of radiography are as follows:

  1. Static image, which makes it difficult to consider the body completely.
  2. Harmful effects of radiation. A high dose of X-rays passed through the body can increase the risk of cancer.
  3. Lower efficiency compared to and .


X-rays are prescribed to establish the primary diagnosis. If there is a suspicion of a disease of a particular organ, a local image is taken. For preventive testing or need for more general analysis an overview image is assigned.

Indications for radiography are:

  1. Prolonged cough.
  2. Pain in the chest, back, upper limbs.
  3. Isolation of sputum with impurities of pus and blood.
  4. An increase in body temperature of unknown etiology.
  5. Injury to the spine or ribs. Control after operations on these parts of the body.
  6. Incorrect development of the skeleton.
  7. Suspicion of the development of oncological diseases.

Important! For the purpose of prevention, X-rays should be regularly taken by people working in hazardous enterprises, living in adverse environmental conditions, suffering from chronic diseases. lung diseases, as well as smokers with long experience.

During the medical examination, people who have constant contact with children and food, working in medical institutions, must undergo x-rays.


X-rays are contraindicated in pregnant women, especially on early dates. It can lead to a violation in the development of the fetus. After the birth of a child, you can not worry that the x-ray will damage breastfeeding– there is no evidence of the effect of ionizing radiation on the composition of milk.

radiograph thoracic newborns and older children is not prohibited, but should be carried out under the strict supervision of a pediatrician and in the presence of strong indications, since the permissible radiation dose per year for a young organism is lower than for an adult. The child is not prescribed an x-ray as a preventive method. For children of the first year of life, X-rays are used only if there is no alternative. They try to replace it with other non-beam methods. Digital chest x-rays for children under 12 years of age should only be done under the supervision of an adult (parent or guardian).

Contraindications for radiography are as follows:

  1. Severe condition of the patient and severe blood loss.
  2. Hemopoiesis in a patient. x-ray radiation negatively affects red bone marrow cells.
  3. Diseases thyroid gland and genitals.
  4. Sensitivity or previous diseases of the lens of the eye. There is a possibility of cataracts.

In case of emergency, the procedure can be prescribed to people with the above contraindications. Be sure to check with your doctor before doing it!

How often can you do it, and how harmful is it?

Frequent x-rays may affect physical condition health. If it is possible to replace it with non-radiation studies, it is worth doing it. When prescribing fluoroscopy by the attending physician, you can refuse the procedure, then the responsibility for the state of health will lie with the patient.

Reference. An x-ray can start the process of tumor formation. Sex cells, epithelial cells, mucous membranes and red bone marrow cells suffer from exposure to ionizing radiation.

How often you can do a survey x-ray just for you, the attending physician or general practitioner will tell you. People who live in normal environmental conditions, are not exposed to harmful effects at work and do not have contraindications, are recommended to undergo the procedure once a year. If you are at risk, it is worth increasing the amount to 2 times a year. Patients treated in medical institutions, under the strict supervision of doctors, may be exposed to radiation several times a week.


Radiography does not require any preparation from the patient. Sometimes people worry about eating before a lung x-ray. Eating does not affect the completeness of the review.

There are two types of devices: for patients in a standing position and lying down. In the first case, a box with an X-ray tube and film is placed on the wall at a distance of 1.5 meters behind the person. The second case involves a suspended installation and a film under the patient's back.

Before the procedure, the doctor should ask you to undress to the waist, remove all metal objects from yourself and put on protective lead clothing that reflects radiation from all parts of the body except for the one being studied. The area of ​​the genitals and the thyroid gland requires special protection. After that, you need to go to the installation and lean your chest against the plate of the device. At the command of a doctor who is outside the office where the x-ray is performed, you need to breathe deeply, hold your breath for a few seconds, and do not move. In addition to a picture in a direct foreshortening, the doctor can make it in the side.

Sometimes an x-ray is required in an unusual projection: from behind, in the position lying on its side (with hydrothorax), arched back (lordotic x-ray to view the upper part of the lungs. For example, if a Pancoast tumor is suspected), while exhaling (with pneumothorax).

X-ray examination under normal circumstances takes a few seconds. It doesn't bring pain and does not cause discomfort. The doctor is obliged to indicate the dose of radiation received during the procedure in the medical record.

What does a chest x-ray show? How is an image created on film? Different organs and tissues absorb radiation differently. The bones block the rays, while the muscles and adipose tissue pass them well, which makes them invisible on the radiograph. The skeleton appears white in the image, the soft tissues around it are gray, and black airfields of the lungs are visible between the ribs.

Reference. More and more lately medical institutions refuse the image on the film, giving preference to digital files on the computer. This helps to simplify the processing and transmission of the received information.


Deciphering images usually takes a few minutes. In difficult cases, the study can take up to several days. Immediately after the x-ray is taken, the doctor makes a brief report, including a description of the heart, lungs, bronchi, lymph nodes, vessels. The radiologist should note the factors due to which the patient was sent for an x-ray, as well as obvious abnormalities (blackouts, foreign objects, changes in shape and size internal organs, tumors).

The correctness of the diagnosis will depend on how well the image is taken. During decoding, the doctor describes in detail the state of the organs, the structure of their tissues.

In the picture you can see various deviations in the chest area. Here is a description of the radiograph for some diseases:

  1. Pneumonia: a light spot in the region of the lungs, which stands out strongly against a dark background. This pattern is associated with swelling of the alveoli.
  2. Heart failure: the selection of light lines around the heart, as well as an increase in the size of the organ.
  3. Pneumothorax(excessive accumulation of air in the tissues or the presence of air in those tissues where it should not be. May be caused by mechanical damage, emphysema, etc.): a dark line near the chest wall. When exhaling, the amount of air will not decrease.
  4. Emphysema: an increase in the size and change in the shape of the lungs, an increase in the amount of air.

If these or any other abnormalities were not detected, then the radiography is considered normal, and the conclusion will reflect this. X-ray photo healthy person does not contain extraneous shadows and spots, shows the anatomical structures in the state and size within the normal range.


X-ray is not able to tell about the whole state of the body, about every shortcoming in the work of the body, it is just an additional tool in the collection of study methods human body. During his centuries-old existence, he saved many lives and rendered excellent service to the attending physicians. Do not forget about your health and prevention, regularly undergo examinations and, in case of any deviations, seek the advice of a doctor.

The most common types of diagnostics are x-ray studies. belongs to this group. The advantages are the relatively low cost of the procedure, high speed (takes 3-5 minutes), painlessness, information content.

The only drawback is the harm that radiation can cause to the body. However, performing the study 1-2 times a year is safe for health.
Screening (i.e. mass) method reveals on early stages neoplasms, tuberculosis and other pathology of the respiratory system.

Description of diagnostics

The technique of fluorographic research is based on the attenuation of X-rays when passing through tissues, and fixing the result obtained on a CCD matrix or on a semiconductor linear detector.

Since the tissues of the formations have a different composition and density, the radiation is retarded and scattered, and an image of the organs appears on the sensitive surface in the form of shadows of various intensities. This diagnostic method differs from radiography only in the size of the image - a small picture is formed, which shows:

  • diaphragm dome;
  • heart and adjacent blood vessels;
  • bronchial tree (enhanced pattern);
  • lungs (changes in the structure of the lung tissue, the presence of foci of tuberculosis, neoplasms);
  • pleural cavity (presence of fluid, air);
  • mediastinal region (the space between the right and left lungs);
  • part of the bones of the skeleton (ribs, vertebrae, collarbones, shoulder blades).

Fluorography reveals changes that occur in people with a long history of smoking. Such patients are at risk for the development of lung diseases, they are recommended to undergo an annual fluorography.

Is it possible to eat before fluorography

To answer the question of whether it is possible to eat before fluorography, you need to understand what objects will be visible in the picture, since it is a shadow of organs superimposed on each other. The esophagus connects the pharynx with the stomach, located behind the mediastinal organs. They are protected in front by the sternum, and behind by the spine. Therefore, the esophagus will be hidden behind the shadows of other organs.

The stomach is below the diaphragm and does not fall into the study area. Thus, you can eat, drink, smoke before the procedure. It won't show up in the picture.

What method of examination can not eat

Food restriction and medicines may be required if a contrast agent is introduced into the body during the study, however, fluorography for this group diagnostic methods not applicable.

Depending on the purpose of the examination and the area of ​​its implementation, it may be necessary to administer a radiopaque preparation - barium. Contrast is used in the study of hollow organs in order to assess their location, volume, and functional characteristics. This method is used in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and of cardio-vascular system.

In the case of an examination of the digestive organs, the last meal should be no later than 6-8 hours before the procedure. The patient drinks a contrast agent, then one or a series of images are taken. In this way, the relief of the mucous membrane, tone and peristalsis, the shape and contour of the gastrointestinal tract are evaluated.

Contrast radiography is often performed in the morning, on an empty stomach. In addition, 2-3 days before the study, it is desirable to exclude products that enhance gas formation from the menu, which will improve the quality of the procedure.
