Stodal instructions for use for children. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms

In children, quite often against the background of various diseases respiratory tract a cough occurs, and each parent is trying to find a remedy that is effective and does not harm the health of the crumbs.

Homeopathic medicines do this well, one of which is Stodal. Today, having read the instructions for use, we will take a closer look at information about Stodal syrup for children and find out how to use it correctly so as not to harm the baby.

Stodal- This is a drug that is a homeopathic remedy, and is used in children to treat coughs of various origins. It is available in the form of a light brown syrup for internal use, and has enough pleasant aroma and sweet taste.

Producer - French company "Boiron". This tool Available in brown glass bottles, 200 ml, in a cardboard box. The kit comes with instructions for use and a measuring cap, which allows you to measure the right amount for children of different ages.


The composition of Stodal includes several main components (extracts from plants and insects) in equal amounts (0.95 g each), but with varying degrees of dilution, namely:

  • pulsatilla (grass backache, sleep-grass of the ranunculus family);
  • rumex crispus (curly sorrel);
  • bryonia (herbaceous plant white crime);
  • ipeca (vomit root plant);
  • spongia tosta (dried sea sponge);
  • sticta pulmonaria (lobaria lung, moss);
  • antimonium tartaricum (vomiting stone that contains copper, iron and antimony sulphide);
  • myocarde (expectorant);
  • coccus cacti (Mexican cochineal insect);
  • drosera (dew plant).

As well as excipients:

  • ethanol (97%);
  • Tolu and Polygal syrup;
  • sucrose;
  • caramel;
  • benzoic acid.

Operating principle

Thanks to this composition, Stodal helps to eliminate cough, as one of the symptoms that occurs with various diseases. This is a protective reaction of the body, which allows you to get rid of harmful substances (sputum) from the respiratory tract, so parents should understand that treatment should begin with the correct diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the disease, against which such an unpleasant symptom occurs.

As a rule, these are respiratory tract infections, acute respiratory infections and allergic manifestations. With dry cough Stodal:

  • normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • reduces shortness of breath;
  • reduces inflammation in the airways;
  • contributes to the transition to a wet cough.

For wet cough remedy:

  • reduces the viscosity of accumulated thick mucus;
  • promotes self-purification of the bronchial tree;
  • removes stagnation of sputum, which eventually forms in the bronchi;
  • reduces swelling of the mucosa and inflammatory process.

The instructions for use do not contain data regarding the detailed principle of action of Stodal. Therefore, many are skeptical about homeopathy, because its action cannot be proven.


The main indication for use, as indicated in the instructions, is a cough caused by various diseases, such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions accompanied by such a condition;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • tuberculosis, etc.

At what age is it allowed to take Stodal for children

The instructions for use indicate that Stodal is allowed to be taken from the age of 2 years. However, many parents try to give alcohol-containing substances to their crumbs as late as possible, fearing that even a small amount of alcohol in 1 dose can somehow harm a fragile body.

But this fear is unfounded, because the amount of ethanol is really very small. In order not to harm, it is worth taking Stodal only after consulting a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Stodal should not be taken by children in the following cases:

  • If there is an allergy to the components that make up the composition.
  • If there is a history hereditary pathologies carbohydrate metabolism in the body (fructose, galactose deficiency, etc.).
  • If the crumbs have diabetes, because Stodal contains sucrose.

Given that Stodal is a herbal remedy, the baby may experience an allergic reaction to some of the components in the form of a rash on the skin.

Nothing more is said in the instructions for use, however, if various kinds of ailments occur in the first few days, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this in order to review the treatment.

Instructions for use and dosage

According to the instructions, it must be applied 3-5 times a day, depending on the course of the disease. The minimum dosage is 5 ml, the liquid is measured using a measuring cap (just pour to the bottom mark) and let the baby drink.

In most cases, children drink syrup with pleasure, because it has a pleasant smell and taste.


The instructions for use say that no cases of overdose have been reported, but all children are individual. If after taking the pain in the abdomen or vomiting, it is worth giving the sorbent and carefully monitoring the condition, if the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Interaction with other substances

The instructions do not provide specific information on interactions with other substances. On the contrary, Stodal is used in the composition complex treatment together with other substances, for example, with antipyretics.

It is worth remembering the following: if the crumbs were prescribed several medications for treatment, it is necessary to maintain an interval between doses of at least 2 hours.

Stodal for children - analogues

Despite the safety and vegetable origin, some means may not be suitable, and in such cases you can choose an analogue. But doing it yourself is not recommended, so you should consult a doctor who can choose such a medicine, given individual characteristics peanut.

  • Syrups "Gerbion". They contain various plant extracts that help to effectively fight cough, and they are allowed to be given to children from 2 years old.

  • Sleep. The main component of this remedy is ivy leaf extract, which has an effective anti- expectorant effect. It is allowed to take syrup from birth, but drops - from 1 year and older. More detailed information about each of them can be found by reading the instructions.
  • Stoptussin Fito. According to the instructions, it contains in its composition extracts of plantain, thyme and thyme, which effectively thin the sputum and facilitate its removal. The drug is also recommended for laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis, and it can be taken from the age of 1 year.

  • . This remedy is available in vials or sachets, it is diluted with warm water and the resulting solution is given to children. According to the instructions for use, such a drug is allowed even for infants.
  • Bronchipret. This tool is available in the form of a syrup, which can be used from 3 months of age, and in the form of drops, allowed from 6 years old, due to the higher concentration of components. It includes ivy and thyme extract, which contribute to the effective liquefaction of sputum.

In addition to these funds, it is possible to prescribe drugs to infants that do not contain bromhexine, ambroxol and acetylcysteine.

Stodal cough syrup for children - reviews

We bring to your attention a few reviews from users who treated children with Stodal.

  • Vitaminka user shares his story: her son had a severe cough, especially at night. Ambroxol inhalations did not give any result. The doctor advised Stodal. Despite the fact that she is skeptical about drugs of this kind, she still bought the syrup, and after the first dose, the night attacks began to pass. After the course of treatment, the baby stopped coughing, she is very pleased with Stodal, even though he is homeopathic.
  • User Gae4ka writes the following: her son is 6 years old, and at night the baby was tormented by a paroxysmal cough. They tried various syrups that helped fight phlegm during the day, but at night the baby continued to cough heavily. After that, we decided to use the drug Stodal, and it turned out to be effective. In addition, the baby drank it with pleasure, because the syrup is sweet and has a pleasant caramel taste.
  • Alla gave this remedy to her 2-year-old son, because he had a strong and moist cough. The result was not long in coming. In addition, she took this remedy when she was pregnant, and it also effectively helped get rid of a debilitating cough. None allergic reactions did not occur in both cases.
  • Mom named Inna also gave her baby Stodal. During a cold, the doctor advised this syrup. Bribed the fact that the remedy is homeopathic. And indeed, the result appeared almost immediately after they started using it, the sputum came out much easier, and the baby coughed easily. Now the whole family is treated with this drug, and Inna herself advises this drug to others.
  • User Marina also shares her impressions about the homeopathic remedy. First, the doctor prescribed it to his eldest son, who has colds accompanied by a strong dry cough, especially overcame him at night. The syrup really helped. Then the same symptoms began in her youngest son and in her, and here Stodal effectively helped. No one had allergies, but the positive effect is obvious.

Most of the reviews are positive, and people confirm that there really is a result, despite the fact that this is a homeopathic remedy.

Video about Stodal for children

We bring to your attention an informative video about why children have such an unpleasant ailment as a cough, how to properly treat it, and in what cases it is really necessary to use drugs.

Useful information

There are a huge number of drugs that experts often recommend to babies, and parents have many questions about these drugs.

For newborns, with certain indications, they may recommend, or another fairly common drug.

If there are problems with the liver, children come to the rescue, and if there are problems with the skin, it is considered a good and proven remedy. After reviewing these articles, you can learn in detail about each drug and in which cases they are really needed.

What remedies do you use when a child has such an unpleasant condition? Have you ever used homeopathic remedies and what was the result? Share your experience and feedback in the comments if you also used Stodal for children for coughing, and do not forget to leave your feedback on the information you read.

Stodal is a homeopathic syrup from the French pharmaceutical company Laboratorie Boiron, used for symptomatic (aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, and not its cause) treatment of cough of various etiologies.

Cough, as you know, is a protective reaction of the body, which is expressed in a sharp exhalation and ensures the purification of the bronchial tree from foreign particles, all kinds of pathogens and sputum. At the same time, cough is not an independent disease: in the vast majority (about 90%) of cases, it signals the presence of an infection in the respiratory tract. The latter can be localized in the upper or lower respiratory tract. Another cause of cough is an inflammatory process in the ENT organs (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis). Do not forget about such a formidable etiological factor as bronchial asthma. Treatment of cough (or rather, the disease that caused it) should be carried out under medical supervision and be comprehensive, i.e. aimed at both eliminating the symptoms and eliminating the cause of the pathological process. The key method of treating cough caused by SARS is measures to reduce the viscosity and evacuate sputum from the respiratory tract. To date, clinicians have the widest choice of drugs that help thin sputum (mucolytics) and expectoration. If we talk about a “dry” (without sputum) cough, then, as a rule, it is “strangled in the bud”, i.e. suppress the cough reflex with centrally acting antitussives.

A reasonable alternative to the above groups of drugs can be homeopathic medicines, such as Stodal syrup. Included in its composition pharmacologically active ingredients effective against different types cough in both adults and children, including the "dry" cough characteristic of SARS.

Thus, the emetic root “works” well with a “dry” spastic (to nausea and vomiting) cough, Mexican cochineal is effective for coughing fits with thick sputum that is difficult to separate, curly sorrel and white step are used for “dry” cough, potentiated by talking and being in the frosty air. In the presence of a number of respiratory symptoms (unproductive barking cough, hoarse voice, drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa), dried sea sponge is used - another ingredient of Stodal. Dry cough, inflammation of the trachea, dry mucous membranes, difficulty nasal breathing are treated with lung moss, which also found a place in the plant-animal "punch" of Stodal. The deliberate "naturalness" of the drug excludes clinically significant adverse reactions than traditional antitussives of allopathic medicine often “sin”. In the clinic of ENT diseases of the pediatric faculty of the Russian State medical university a study was conducted on the effectiveness of Stodal in comparison with classical antitussive pharmacotherapy. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that Stodal can be successfully used as monotherapy to eliminate cough. The optimal duration of treatment with Stodal for a normal cough is 5 days, for a chronic one - 9. While taking the drug, no adverse reactions were observed. As a positive factor contributing to increased adherence to treatment, the pleasant taste of the syrup was noted.

Dosing regimen and frequency of the drug: 15 ml 3-5 times a day (adults), 5 ml 3-5 times a day (children). The required amount of syrup is measured using a cap. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. It should be noted that for every 15 ml of syrup there are 206 mg of ethanol. Stodal can be combined with other medicines.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Stodal ® are not provided.

Release form

Homeopathic syrup light yellow with a brownish tint, transparent, with a fragrant smell.

Excipients: Tolu syrup - 19 g, Polygal syrup - 19 g, ethanol 96% - 0.34 g, caramel - 0.125 g, benzoic acid - 0.085 g, sucrose syrup - up to 100 g.

200 ml - brown glass bottles type III (1) - packs of cardboard.


Inside: adults - 15 ml with a measuring cap 3-5 times / day; children - 5 ml with a measuring cap 3-5 times / day. The duration of use should be agreed with the doctor.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.


Use in children

Children - 1 teaspoon 3-5 times / day.

special instructions

If after a few days of treatment there is no improvement, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Patients suffering from diabetes, it should be borne in mind that every 15 ml of syrup contains 0.94 XE, every 5 ml of syrup contains 0.31 XE.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Cough in children often accompanies a cold, SARS or flu. However, this is a symptom that needs to be treated without triggering or allowing it to develop into more serious illness. Modern means allow you to quickly save children from a painful cough. For example, homeopathic syrup "Stodal", which gently affects its cause.

Release form

"Stodal" - homeopathic remedy. Produced in the form of syrup. In production, the drug is poured into glass bottles of 200 ml. The lid is equipped with a first opening control ring. A measuring cap is attached to each vial, with which it is convenient to measure the exact dosage of the medicine.


Homeopathic remedies contain ingredients whose names are unfamiliar to the ear. So, Stodal includes Pulsatilla, Rumex crispus, Bryonia, Ipeca and other substances in equal proportions.

But in fact, Pulsatilla is meadow lumbago, Rumex crispus is curly sorrel, Bryonia is white stepping stone, and Ipeca is vomit. Under the name Spongia tosta hides a sea sponge, under Sticta pulmonaria - pulmonary lobaria, which bears such a name for a reason, having a reputation as a remedy for colds and its symptoms. Therefore, Stodal is a composition medicinal plants and a number of specific homeopathic ingredients.

The following substances are indicated as auxiliary in the instructions: Tolu syrup, Polygal syrup - homeopathic components, benzoic acid and ethanol - preservatives that preserve the effectiveness of the medicinal composition throughout the shelf life, caramel and sucrose - sweeteners, give the medicine a pleasant taste. Tolu and Polygala are homeopathic substances.

7 photos

Operating principle

The manufacturer does not explain the principle of the syrup, however, judging by the composition, the remedy has an expectorant, bactericidal, sedative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Thanks to the knowledge of homeopathy about the interaction of substances, all components of the syrup enhance and complement each other's action.


Thanks to a bouquet of medicinal plants, Stodal treats coughs of various etiologies.

Wet cough - productive, contributing to the removal of sputum from the lungs. In contrast, dry is formed in the larynx and is characterized by long and frequent, sometimes continuous attacks. Both types are harmful to health, and prolonged coughing can cause bronchial asthma. Of course, any kind of cough exhausts the child.

At what age are they prescribed?

The manufacturer does not set a minimum age at which the medicine can be used. "Stodal" is indicated for use in children with early age- up to a year.


The instruction to the drug contains only one restriction. This is intolerance or increased individual sensitivity to the substances used to prepare the medicine.

If parents are aware of a negative reaction that occurs in a child to one of the medicinal plants or another component of the syrup, then the attending physician should be warned about this. It should be borne in mind that the active ingredients are contained in the syrup in microdoses, which are called homeopathic.

Caution should be used to treat infants and children under one year of age. It is best to do this only on the recommendation of a doctor, since the syrup contains ethanol.

It is the presence of this component that limits its use for children who have recently suffered a traumatic brain injury, such as a concussion or contusion of the brain, as well as any surgical intervention into the brain.

Side effects

In the instructions for the use of the drug, it is noted that at present there is no information about its side effects. It's all about small doses. active substances. Even if the child is allergic to one of the components, then its content - 0.95 g per 100 ml of syrup is very small.

However, parents need to be careful. If, after taking the syrup, the child has any symptoms that they consider a side effect of taking it, you need to stop giving the child medicine and consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of the negative reaction, perhaps this is not related to the reception of "Stodal". If the cause is still in the medicine, then the doctor will select a replacement that is adequate to the condition of the child and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

The syrup is also carefully given to children with diabetes, as it contains sucrose syrup.

It is all the more necessary to be careful if the child is small and cannot report disturbing symptoms. If the child cries, worries, refuses the usual food - this is a reason to apply for medical care regardless of what these signs are due to.

Instructions for use

In general, children are given 5 ml of syrup 3 to 5 times a day. Accurate dosage, the frequency of receptions and the duration of treatment will be prescribed by the doctor.

It is necessary to measure the volume of syrup necessary for one dose not by eye, but with the help of a special measuring cup, which is put on the lid of the syrup. After use, it must be washed and dried.

Syrup "Stodal" is sweet, so usually children drink it with pleasure. If necessary, you can give the child to drink it with water. Syrup can be combined with feeding - in young children. For older children, it is given before or after meals.


The medical literature does not describe cases of overdose with syrup. However, if a child has accidentally taken a large enough amount, such as a whole bottle, then parents need to take action.

Firstly, syrup is a medicine containing various substances from plants. And homeopathy is a method of treating “like with like”, that is, homeopathic remedies contain substances that, in large volumes, can be harmful to a child. Secondly, there is ethanol in the syrup, which is also harmful to the child in large quantities.

If no more than two hours have passed after taking it, you need to do a gastric lavage to the child, then give an absorbent medicine, for example, Smektu.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no data on the interaction of Stodal syrup with other drugs. But before you give your child several drugs at the same time, you need to make sure that they are compatible with ethanol.

Terms of sale and storage

In pharmacies, Stodal is sold without a prescription. At home, a bottle of syrup is stored out of the reach of sunlight at room temperature. The bottle must be kept away from children.

The syrup has a shelf life of five years from the date of issue indicated on the package.

Syrup that has expired or has been stored inappropriately should not be used to treat children. In these cases, the manufacturer cannot guarantee its effectiveness and safety.


So, mom writes that the daughter of preschool age syrup helps to quickly cure a cough. The first time the child was given syrup in accordance with the instructions. The unpleasant symptom passed quickly. Another time the girl continued to visit Kindergarten, so she drank syrup only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, but after a week there was no trace of coughing. Mom notes that the child took the syrup with pleasure.

Many mothers write that the doctor prescribed Stodal to them during pregnancy, so they give syrup even to small children without fear. So, my mother described a case of treating cough with Stodal in a child at 5 months old. The cough was the result of an infection that the whole family had. But if adults drank drugs prohibited for children, then the baby was bought Stodal, which her mother drank during pregnancy. The child liked the sweet syrup, it was not difficult to give it 3 times a day. Already on the second day, the cough turned from dry to wet, and after five days of the recommended course of treatment, it practically disappeared.

Parents also write that the volume of one bottle just corresponds to the course of treatment, taking into account the fact that small children sometimes spill syrup and have to be supplemented.

We all wonder how to treat a baby when he has a cough. This unpleasant symptom is not an independent disease, but only accompanies it. Therefore, it is imperative that at the first symptoms of the disease it is necessary to seek medical advice to diagnose the disease.

Most often, cough occurs due to bacterial or viral infections upper respiratory tract. Relieve and cure dry and wet cough will help homeopathic syrup Stodal. It has a pleasant sweetish taste and therefore kids drink it with pleasure.

Dry cough

Dry cough is very painful, hysterical. More often it is a symptom of the influenza virus, laryngitis, pharyngitis, whooping cough and measles. The most dangerous, especially in infants, is a cough caused by " false croup”, as there is swelling of the trachea and larynx. The kid is worried, there is a "barking" dry cough, shortness of breath. An ambulance should be called immediately.

Moist cough

A productive cough is characterized by the expectoration of sputum, resulting in the purification of the bronchi. Such a cough is observed with orvi, bronchitis and pneumonia. A dry cough that turns into a wet one indicates an imminent recovery.

Cough in full health in a baby

Cough without fever and external manifestations of the disease in infants may occur due to inhalation of dust, odors chemical substances and dry indoor air. This is especially true during the heating season.
To eliminate it you should:

  • Ventilate the room 2-3 times a day.
  • Daily wet cleaning.
  • Turn on the humidifier.
  • Moisten the nasal mucosa with an aqueous solution of 0.9% sodium chloride or a solution of sea water.
  • Plentiful drinking or feeding on demand (for babies who are breastfed).
  • Dress the child in cotton single-layer underwear. Don't wrap your baby.

The optimal comfortable temperature in the room where the child is located should be no more than 23 degrees Celsius, humidity 60-70%

Stodal (Stodal) - multi-component homeopathic medicine, intended for the treatment of any kind of cough. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effect. Suitable for children of all ages and adults.

  • Indications: Symptomatic treatment of cough of various etiologies.
  • Release form: Homeopathic syrup light yellow in a bottle of 200 ml.

Instructions for use and composition

Children inside a teaspoon (5 ml.) 3-5 times a day. Babies can be diluted with water, the drug does not lose its properties. Adults inside a tablespoon (15 ml.) 3-5 times a day.

Ingredients: Rumex crispus (Rumex Crispus), Myocarde (Myocardium) Bryonia (Bryonia), Ipeca (Ipeca), Spongia tosta (Spongia toast), Drosera (Drosera), Antimonium tartaricum (Antimonium tartaricum), Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla) Coccus cacti (Coccus cacti) Sticta pulmonaria (stikta pulmonaria)

Side effects and contraindications

At the moment side effects not observed during application.


  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Sugar-isomaltase deficiency.
  3. Fructose intolerance.
  4. Glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Analogues and price

Analogues of the drug Stodal include interchangeable drugs related to one pharmacological group with similar indications for use.

  • Flavamed.
  • Bromhexine.
  • Pertussin.
  • Ascoril.
  • Doctor mom.
  • Codelac broncho.

Average price: 312 rubles.

Homeopathy is a branch of naturopathic medicine with a long history of success. Over the past twenty years there has been a significant interest in homeopathy. It is the fastest growing field of integrative medicine in many developed countries, the second most popular form of general medicine worldwide.

Homeopathic medicines are based on microdoses of plant, mineral and other natural substances. They are safe and effective without side effects, do not have unwanted drug interactions, which allows, if necessary, to take conventional remedies along with homeopathic treatment.

With the advent of winter, many children develop a cough that is extremely disturbing, especially during the night's rest. is an extremely pressing issue for most parents. What is the treatment for cough? Perhaps the answer to the most common pathology is the homeopathic preparation Stodal produced by the Boiron Laboratories. For children (reviews of many parents confirm this), Stodal syrup is one of the most effective drugs that provides treatment for coughs of various etiologies.

Its action is due to the multicomponent composition. it active substances- pulsatilla, rumex crispus (curly sorrel), vascular justice, ipecac, spongia toast, stikta pulmonaria, antimonium tartaricum, myocardium, coccus cacti, droser.

Definitely, it will be useful to know the effect of these components included in the complex formula of the drug "Stodal". For children (reviews of pharmacists confirm this), they are safe and are included in the children's homeopathic first aid kit.

Popular herbal ingredient PULSATILLA. Pulsatilla extract is recommended as a sedative in the treatment of dry cough and cough with copious sputum.

RUSEX CRISPUS is an excellent source of vitamin A and proteins, rich in iron and potassium. The remedy is effective in a teasing cough that disturbs sleep.

JUSTICE VASCULAR - a strong stimulant of respiratory activity. Effective drug in the treatment of acute catarrhal diseases respiratory tract - paroxysmal cough with airway obstruction, cough accompanied by sneezing.

ipecacuana (or emetic root). Decoctions, infusion, powders of ipecac are used for shortness of breath, constant squeezing in the chest area. When coughing, it is prescribed in small doses as an expectorant.

SPOGNIA TOAST (dried) is a wonderful remedy for respiratory symptoms with cough and croup.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (or emetic stone) is indicated for a wet "rolling" cough with difficult expectoration.

Expectorant MYOCARDE is used for bronchitis, bronchial catarrhal replenishment.

MEXICAN COCHINEL (Kokkus kakti). In clinical conditions, it is used for spasmodic coughing fits that end in vomiting with thick mucus.

DROSERA is a very important spasmodic remedy.

As an auxiliary in the composition of the formula, TOLU syrup, POLYGALA syrup are used.

Syrup "Stodal" (reviews of experts claim this) alleviates the condition for all types of cough - dry, productive, etc. The drug is approved for use in children and adults with colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Sore throat usually goes away on the second day. It provides 100 percent relief for dry cough.

On the third day, the color of the sputum changes (from greenish to white).

Completely eliminates sneezing with discharge from the nose on the fifth day.

Relief from wheezing associated with cough on the sixth day.

Provides relief from productive cough in 77 percent of cases on the seventh day.

Clinically proven drug "Stodal" for children (reviews of pediatricians based on studies, this is evidenced) turned out to be the best remedy. Curing all types of coughs, it has no contraindications.

Children 1.6 to 15 years of age are recommended to take one teaspoon three to five times daily or as directed by a physician. Adults - one tablespoon three to five times a day. There are also no contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding (however, a preliminary medical consultation is necessary).

In accordance with the instructions, Stodal syrup for children under one year old can also be used, one teaspoon three to four times a day. It has no age restrictions. However, it should be borne in mind that the product as a preservative contains a small amount of alcohol, as well as sugar. Therefore, it is better to consult a pediatrician before taking it.

The international scientific community is interested in research in homeopathy, and the described drug Stodal is no exception. For children (reviews of Russian pediatricians also confirm this), it can be prescribed as an alternative to allopathic therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.