Chronic catarrhal gingivitis: photos, symptoms and treatment. Catarrhal gingivitis, its treatment Catarrhal gingivitis is an inflammatory disease

Greetings, dear site visitors. Many of you know that a disease such as catarrhal gingivitis is very common in dentistry. This is not uncommon - patients with similar symptoms turn to dentists more regularly than we would like. Considering how many bacteria live in the mouth of any person, it is not worth being surprised that at times they can create certain problems for us. Not all microorganisms that live on the teeth, gums, mucous membranes are harmless. They constantly multiply, get from the outside (from dirty hands, objects that we take into our mouths).

What are we dealing with?

Catarrhal gingivitis is one of the most common forms of gingivitis. Like many other diseases, it occurs in acute or chronic forms. The acute form usually affects children, adolescents, people under the age of 30-35 years. After this period, chronic gingivitis is more common.

If you believe that the cause of the disease is exceptionally poor hygiene oral cavity, then it is not.

The etiology of catarrhal gingivitis is well understood. Sometimes this disease can be the result of other disorders in the body. Including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, disorders of the immune system, etc. Even some problems with hormones can lead to such manifestations.

But these reasons are general. Local ones are associated with tartar and abundant plaque, which was not removed in a timely manner. It can also influence malocclusion means of correction not suitable for a particular patient (). Even a dentist who performs prosthetic procedures or installs dental fillings can be to blame.

There are also risk factors, including diabetes, smoking, transferred infectious diseases(flu, tonsillitis, tube infection), immunodeficiency states, including AIDS. Also, similar manifestations occur with heavy metal poisoning. It is also worth paying attention to the amount of vitamin C in the patient's diet. Some people react this way to the use of oral contraceptives. The body is unpredictable, you never know how it will behave in a given situation.

Forms and manifestations

The acute form appears suddenly for the patient and has pronounced symptoms, due to the presence of which he begins to take some action to eliminate the problem.

If a person stubbornly refuses to treat gingivitis, the disease becomes chronic and can manifest itself at any time.

Catarrhal gingivitis may have a small scale - a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gum is affected. Then it is called localized. If the inflammation covers the gum completely, this is already generalized gingivitis of the catarrhal type.

There are only three levels of severity.

  1. In the initial (light) periodontal papilla is affected. It increases in size, soreness, redness appears.
  2. At medium degree severity of inflammation covers the free area of ​​the gums.
  3. In severe cases, the alveolar part.

Catarrhal gingivitis - manifestations in childhood

For parents, any problems in a child always seem more serious than they really are. Nevertheless, it is also not worth underestimating such a phenomenon as catarrhal gingivitis in children. First, gum disease is always dangerous. Secondly, the presence of such a process may indicate other problems in the body or the oral cavity in particular.

It is important to find the source of the problem. After all, inflammation is just the tip of the iceberg.

The disease affects children aged 2 years and older. In most cases, these children do not remove plaque well from the surface of the teeth, which provokes the growth of bacteria. Also, children put dirty hands in their mouths, which often leads to infections.

Catarrhal gingivitis in children

For the formation of inflammation of the gums, it is enough not to remove plaque from the teeth for 1.5-2 days. This leads to a proliferation anaerobic bacteria, which, in turn, provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process. Also, problems cause malocclusion, crowding of teeth, adentia, caries, gum injuries. By the way, hurt soft tissues possible with improper cleaning or if the bristles are excessively stiff.

Another factor that should definitely be taken into account in the diagnosis is both dairy and first constants.

Often the cause is poorly processed edges of fillings. If they overlap the interdental spaces, interfering with normal oral hygiene, this can lead to inflammatory manifestations in the gum area between the filled teeth.

Also, with advanced stomatitis in a child, catarrhal gingivitis becomes a consequence of the fact that the parents of a young patient ignored the need for a timely visit to a doctor or at least the simplest procedures with soda, chlorhexidine and other available means.

If children eat hot or spicy foods, it can cause discomfort and even sore gums. They may itch and bleed visibly. There is usually bad breath. The patient does not feel the taste of food correctly.

Video - Forms of gingivitis in children

Preventive measures

What should be done or not done to avoid such problems? First of all, don't forget to brush your teeth. If you have a stone, see a specialist to have it removed. The sooner you do this, the better.

Methods of treatment in adults and children

Let's move on to the next question, when it's too late to drink Borjomi. That is, the patient did not carry out prophylaxis and it is necessary to deal with the existing causes and consequences.

In different people, the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis is far from the same. First, you need to individually determine the cause.

If there are caries, defects of the lips, frenulum of the tongue, bite, which lead to a problem, you need to eliminate them, so as not to bother with relapses later.

It is also worth checking whether everything is in order with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine systems uh, immunity. Might need complex treatment. Often, in addition to the dentist, you have to visit a gastroenterologist, ENT, allergist, etc.

Treatment of catarrhal gingivitis in children

During a visit to the dentist, he will remove plaque and tartar, check the teeth for carious lesions. The fewer such prerequisites for the development of infections in the mouth, the better. The next step is the use of antiseptics. It could be like pharmacy drug like chlorhexidine, and medicinal herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, eucalyptus). Gels are used (, Holisal, etc.).

  1. Children may be prescribed UVI or electrophoresis.
  2. Nutrition is also adjusted (minimum carbohydrates, more vegetables, fruits).
  3. Take courses of vitamins.
A photoRecommendations
Prevent the transition of the disease to an acute stage. Treat chronic diseases
Once every six months, remove plaque with a professional cleaning of the oral cavity
Support immune system organism by healthy lifestyle life. Take a vitamin complex
In order not to injure the gums and not leave food residue in the mouth, you need to brush your teeth with a medium-hard brush.
Properly use cleaning devices, such as thread or irrigators
Constant visits to the dentist will lead to the timely detection of inflammatory processes and stop their development.
Choose a paste on the advice of your dentist. He will be able to choose the right component for you in toothpaste: fluorine, calcium, etc.

In the fight against the manifestations of catarrhal gingivitis, therapy using drugs can be used. local action, including solutions of resorcinol or zinc chloride. Applications can also be applied to the affected areas. Aspirin, butadion and methyluracil ointments are effective for them. Chlorophyllipt, Romazulon and other means are also used.

Does it help? Very individual. It is enough for someone to remove plaque and stone, rinse their mouth for a couple of days and everything goes away. To get the same result, another needs to spend a lot of time and money on restoring immunity in the mouth, eliminating external manifestations, fighting infections, etc. Therefore, do not forget about preventive measures so that you do not suffer from long-term treatment later.

Video - Types and forms of gingivitis

One of the most famous diseases that is diagnosed in both adults and children is catarrhal gingivitis. With this form of pathology, there is no violation of the integrity of the periodontal attachment and there is no exposure of the teeth. However, the failure timely treatment can lead to the transition of catarrhal gingivitis to a more dangerous and complex form.

Medical practice shows that most often gingivitis, and especially catarrhal, is detected in childhood and in young people. Adult patients who are diagnosed with this disease usually suffer from its chronic form. It has been proven that the representatives of the stronger sex are much more likely to develop catarrhal gingivitis than women.

Causes of pathology

The development of the disease can occur both for general and local reasons. The following common causes of the development of the disease in the human body can be distinguished:

  • decrease in the protective functions of the body;
  • progression in the patient's body of various infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • malfunctions in the intestines;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • change in the hormonal background of the body.

Among the local causes of the development of catarrhal gingivitis, the following are especially common:

  • non-observance of hygienic rules for the care of the oral cavity;
  • accumulation on the patient's teeth a large number deposits in the form of plaque or stone;
  • the appearance of itching in the gums;
  • incorrect bite formation;
  • incorrect dental treatment.

Classification of pathology

There is a certain classification of catarrhal gingivitis, in which the division of this disease occurs taking into account the nature of the course of the disease:

  • acute catarrhal gingivitis;
  • chronic catarrhal gingivitis.

Depending on the severity of the pathology in the human body, the following degrees are distinguished:

  • a mild degree of the disease is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the periodontal papillae;
  • the average degree of pathology is characterized by inflammation, the place of localization of which becomes the interdental and free gingival region.
  • The severity of the disease is aggravated by the fact that inflammatory process the entire gum and even its alveolar part is included.

There is a classification of catarrhal gingivitis depending on the focus of localization of the inflammatory process in the gums and the nature of the course of the pathology:

  1. Localized gingivitis develops under the influence of local factors and affects a small area of ​​the gum.
  2. Generalized catarrhal gingivitis develops under the influence of the progression of various diseases in the human body. With the development of this form of gingivitis, most of the teeth of both jaws are affected.

Symptoms of the disease

Each form of catarrhal gingivitis has a peculiar symptomatology, the manifestation of which is determined by the nature and complexity of the course of the disease.

Acute gingivitis

The progression in the human body of an acute form of catarrhal gingivitis leads to the fact that the patient has pain and discomfort. Acute catarrhal gingivitis usually begins unexpectedly and is the first hallmark there is a severe pain in the gums.

In addition, there is a deterioration in the general condition of the patient and a sharp jump in body temperature. The following symptoms can be distinguished, characteristic of the acute form of catarrhal gingivitis:

  • severe pain in the gums;
  • the appearance of a burning sensation in the affected gum;
  • staining of the gum mucosa in a bright red color;
  • the appearance of swelling of the gums with drops of blood;
  • an increase in the size of the gingival papillae;
  • the appearance of a large accumulation of plaque on the teeth and gums;
  • a sharp rise in body temperature;
  • severe headaches;
  • weakness of the whole organism.

The appearance in the aggregate of these signs indicates that in the human body there is an intensive development of an acute form of catarrhal gingivitis. Such pathological condition requires immediate seeking help from a specialist who will conduct the appropriate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

In the event that the patient is not provided with qualified assistance and is not assigned effective treatment, then, most likely, there will be a transition from an acute form of catarrhal gingivitis to a chronic one.

Chronic form

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis is a neglected acute form of pathology that has not been diagnosed in a timely manner and appropriate treatment has not been carried out. With this form of the disease, the clinical picture is not bright, since the signs of pathology are not so pronounced.

The main complaint of the patient is that there are discomfort during eating or during hygiene procedures oral cavity. The following symptoms can be distinguished, characteristic of the chronic form of catarrhal gingivitis:

  • eating and brushing teeth are accompanied by the appearance of pain, burning and itching in the gum area;
  • the appearance of blood during brushing of teeth is noted;
  • interdental papillae increase in size and change their color;
  • papillae and teeth loosely adjacent to each other;
  • the affected gum becomes bluish in color;
  • the gingival margin becomes slightly thickened.

For a disease such as gingivitis, it is common to maintain the stability of the teeth and they are not subject to pathological mobility. It is for this reason that the identification of such a pathology as loose teeth is a sign that, most likely, the inflammatory process in the gum area has turned into periodontitis.

Diagnosis of pathology

Most often, the detection of catarrhal gingivitis occurs during the examination, which is carried out by the dentist. To confirm the diagnosis and, if necessary, a specialist may prescribe additional diagnostic measures? the results of which will reveal the factors that caused the development of the inflammatory process in the gum area.

The most informative research methods for catarrhal gingivitis are:

  • reoparodontography;
  • vital microscopy;
  • doppler flowmetry;
  • study of gingival fluid to determine its qualitative and quantitative composition;
  • biopsy;
  • study of gingival tissues of a morphological nature;
  • panoramic radiography
  • orthopantomography.

Features of treatment

Today, the treatment of pathology is carried out using various methods and means that allow you to get rid of catarrhal gingivitis in a short period of time. Most often, the treatment of the disease lasts from 10 to 14 days and includes the following steps:

  • after each brushing of the teeth, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution of chlorhexidine;
  • a good effect is given by treatment with the use of special baths with chlorhexidine for the oral cavity;
  • use of various decoctions based on medicinal herbs mouthwash.

Most often, treatment using such measures allows you to get rid of the acute form of catarrhal gingivitis. However, if the treatment did not bring the desired result and further progression of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity is observed, then the specialist prescribes antibiotics and other drugs with anti-inflammatory effects.

The persistence of signs of catarrhal gingivitis for a long time leads to the fact that the treatment of pathology is carried out using nonsteroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action. good effect gives treatment of the disease with the use of physiotherapy procedures:

  • darsonvalization;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis.

In addition, the treatment of the disease also involves a special massage of the gums, adherence to a certain diet and vitamin therapy.

In the event that the development of catarrhal gingivitis is closely intertwined with the progression of various diseases in the body, then specialists such as:

  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • hematologist and others.

To prevent the development of catarrhal gingivitis and various kinds complications, it is recommended to visit the dentist and carry out hygienic treatment at least once every six months.

Disease prevention

One of the reasons for the development of catarrhal gingivitis in the human body is a violation of cultural and hygienic measures in the oral cavity, therefore, to prevent the development of this disease, it is recommended:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly every day so that there is no plaque left on them;
  • good prophylactic is the use of dental floss to remove stuck pieces of food, as well as rinsing the mouth with antiseptics;
  • if any discomfort occurs in the oral cavity or discomfort it is recommended to consult a dentist;
  • prevent injury to the oral cavity.

During the appointment, the dentist will select the patient's hygiene items necessary for daily oral care. In the event that the patient suffers from a chronic form of catarrhal gingivitis, then you will have to stop using dental floss, since its use can cause an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

To date, thanks to modern therapy you can get rid of catarrhal gingivitis quite quickly, while its prognosis is positive. Despite the unpleasant symptoms of this disease, it is rarely accompanied by the development of any complications with timely treatment. In the event that the patient is not helped in time, the pathology will turn into such types of diseases as periodontitis, periodontitis and even gum abscess.

Diseases of the oral cavity especially reduce the quality of human life. The leading position among such periodontal pathologies is occupied by catarrhal gingivitis.

Remarkably, in most cases, children and men under 35 years of age suffer from the disease. In the older generation, the pathology is chronic, recurrent.

With certain information, it is possible to prevent the development of the disease and prevent its transformation into a severe degree of severity.

Catarrhal gingivitis is nothing more than inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is localized in the periodontal tissues, while the integrity of the connection between the gum and the tooth is not violated.

However, prolonged ignorance of the problem can lead to the transformation of the disease into a more complex form, fraught with dangerous complications.

According to statistics, about 70% of the world's population is affected by gingivitis. It can be expressed by several types - ulcerative necrotic, atrophic or hypertrophic inflammation of the mucosa, however, the catarrhal type of pathology has won the primacy in distribution.

The reasons

Sources of inflammation of the oral cavity can be general and local factors.


To common reasons include:

  • concomitant infections;
  • weakened immune system;
  • chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus and some other endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal failure against the background of pathologies of the thyroid gland.


  • lack of quality oral care;
  • bite defects;
  • accumulation of bacterial plaque or tartar on the teeth and in gum pockets;
  • poor-quality prosthetics or dental treatment;
  • mucosal injury;
  • bad habits, in particular - smoking.


Pathology is classified depending on the nature of its course into acute and chronic form.

Based on the severity of the lesion, experts distinguish:

  1. Mild severity of catarrhal gingivitis- the inflammatory process extends only to the gingival papillae.
  2. The average severity of catarrhal gingivitis- symptoms of inflammation are observed in the interdental space and in the free areas of the gums.
  3. Severe severity of gingivitis- advanced pathology is complex clinical picture. The inflammatory process affects the gums and their alveolar areas.

In addition, the disease is distinguished by the degree of its spread:

  • localized- originates under the influence of local factors, develops in a separate area of ​​​​the gum;
  • generalized- occurs against the background of other diseases of the patient and affects significant areas of the gums both on the upper and lower jaws.


Signs of acute and chronic forms are quite similar, however, they differ in severity.


The clinical picture of the acute form develops rather quickly. As a rule, an unbearable condition occurs in the oral cavity. sharp pain accompanied by an increase in temperature.

The entire body is relaxed. The patient has:

  • the appearance of a feeling of itching and burning in the areas of localization of foci of inflammation;
  • change in the color of the gums, they become bright red;
  • the appearance of severe headaches;
  • swelling of the gums and their bleeding;
  • the formation of a significant amount of plaque on the enamel and mucous membrane;
  • change in the parameters of the gingival papillae.

The development of such a serious pathology does not allow ignoring the problem. Therefore, as a rule, patients in the near future rush to see a doctor who diagnoses the oral cavity and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Note! Untimely initiation of therapy with the development of an acute form of the disease can turn into a chronic course.


As mentioned above, the chronic form of pathology occurs due to untimely treated acute gingivitis. The recurrence of the inflammatory process has a less pronounced clinical picture.

As a rule, patients observe:

  • thickening of the gum layer;
  • darkening of the affected areas of the mucosa to a cyanotic hue;
  • discoloration and enlargement of the gingival papillae;
  • the appearance of space between the papillae and teeth;
  • the occurrence of pain, itching, burning, bleeding gums in the process of chewing food and hygiene procedures.

Important! Despite the "bouquet" of unpleasant symptoms, during the development of both acute and chronic forms of gingivitis, the bone organs remain immobile. The appearance of their unsteadiness indicates the transformation of pathology into periodontitis.


An experienced specialist will be able to diagnose catarrhal gingivitis visually. At the same time, attention is paid to the age of the patient, the presence of plaque and tartar, bleeding gums. The dentist carefully examines the integrity of the fastening of the teeth to the mucosa.

If necessary, gingivitis can be confirmed or refuted laboratory methods examinations. Experts take into account indicators:

  • amount of bacteria is the Silnes-Lohe index;
  • intensity of inflammation- Schiller-Pisarev test;
  • profuse bleeding- probe test.


The sooner you start treatment, the easier it will be to rid yourself of the unpleasant symptoms of pathology. In general, the therapy of catarrhal gingivitis is a complex of measures, the number of which depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and its cause.

Help from a specialist

After the diagnosis has been made, the specialist conducts professional cleaning. With the help of a tool, it removes tartar and other pathogenic deposits from the enamel. Only after all the above manipulations, the specialist has the opportunity to examine in detail the state of the oral cavity.

The presence of fillings or prostheses is revealed, which can injure the mucous membrane and, accordingly, be the primary source of pathology. If they are found, they are replaced with products made from gum-safe materials.

Measures at home

With timely access to a specialist, you can do without the use of antibiotic therapy. After dental procedures aimed at eliminating problems of the oral cavity, the patient is recommended:

  1. Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth, which should be done at least twice a day with a solution of chlorhexidine.
  2. Use special rinses based on herbal preparations.
  3. Periodically make baths from products based on chlorhexidine.

Pharmaceuticals and physiotherapy

If the above procedures did not bring an effective result and the inflammation continues to progress, specialists resort to prescribing antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Pain, itching and burning can be removed with special topical ointments.

  1. Ultraphonoresis.
  2. Darsonvalization.
  3. Electrophoresis.

Other important events

Provoking the development of the disease by general factors often requires the patient to follow a diet, strengthen immunity by taking vitamins.

In addition, together with the dentist, the pathology can be treated by an endocrinologist, hematologist, gastroenterologist and others, depending on the source of the problem.

Folk recipes

Pharmaceuticals have many side effects, therefore, to eliminate some of the symptoms of pathology, you can use some recipes for alternative medicine.

Infusion of sage and chamomile in milk

Ingredients: chamomile - 1 tbsp. l., sage leaves - 1 tbsp. l., milk - 1 tbsp.

Preparation: mix the described herbs in one container, pour boiled milk and infuse for 15 minutes.

Application: rinse the mouth with infusion up to 6 times a day.

Efficacy: chamomile and sage have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.


Ingredients: dried berries - 1 dess. l.

Preparation: Pour the berries with a glass of water and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

Application: rinse the mouth cavity with decoction 4-5 times a day.

Efficacy: blueberries have astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.

Decoction of oak bark and sage

Ingredients: oak bark - 1 tbsp. l., sage leaves - 1 tsp, water - 250 ml.

Preparation: mix oak bark with water and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Then we filter the resulting broth and add sage to it. We put the resulting mixture back on a slow fire and boil it for 10 minutes.

Application: Rinse your mouth with the resulting decoction after each brushing your teeth.

Efficacy: the mixture has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent properties.


With mild and moderate pathology, the course of treatment of catarrhal gingivitis lasts 10-14 days. The prognosis of therapy, in most cases, is favorable.

However, this statement is valid only for those patients who sought help from a specialist as soon as they discovered a feeling of discomfort and pain.

The effectiveness of treatment depends largely on individual characteristics organism, the primary source of pathology and the patient's compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.


Poor-quality treatment or untimely access to a specialist can result in the transformation of the inflammatory process into more serious diseases:

  • periodontitis - inflammation, which is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the ligaments that hold the tooth;
  • ulcerative necrotic gingivitis - an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the gums;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of periodontal tissues, destroying their structure;
  • gum abscess is an inflammatory process that is in the acute phase of development, which is characterized by the appearance of purulent neoplasms.

Important! When diagnosing a chronic form of gingivitis, patients are prohibited from using dental floss in order to avoid a number of complications.

In the video, the doctor talks about the types of gingivitis, its diagnosis and possible complications.


The leading position of gingivitis among the common diseases of the oral cavity suggests that parents of young children and young people are not informed about the prevention of pathology.

In order to avoid the primary development or recurrent inflammation of the gums, you should:

  • be sure to brush your teeth 2 times a day;
  • enjoy additional funds hygiene - dental floss, rinses, antiseptic solutions;
  • visit the dentist for preventive purposes at least once every six months;
  • avoid injury to the oral mucosa.

Catarrhal gingivitis - damage to the gum tissue under the influence of pathogenic flora. A distinctive feature of the pathology in comparison with other forms of gingivitis is the absence of destruction of periodontal tissues and exposure of the neck of the tooth. In the absence of timely treatment, the problem contributes to serious complications, up to the loss of elements of the dentition.

With the disease, only the superficial layers of the gums are exposed to inflammation. This form of disorder is diagnosed in 90% of cases in young people and children.

The reasons

The main reason for the development of the disease is a systematic violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Due to untimely brushing of teeth, pathogenic microorganisms will accumulate on the enamel and surface of the gums. Food plaque on the teeth remineralizes and turns into stone, which also affects periodontal tissues.

Other factors that provoke catarrhal gingivitis include:

  • caries in the advanced stage;
  • injuries of the dental system;
  • systemic chronic diseases;
  • viral infections;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • poor quality of water consumed;
  • unbalanced diet
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • metabolic disease;
  • eruption of milk elements and wisdom teeth.

A bad habit that provokes gingivitis is smoking. Tobacco products contain nicotine resins that irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and lead to the development of inflammation. Another cause of the problem is the use of potent drugs (immunosuppressants, antibiotics, cytostatics).

During teething, signs of gum inflammation are observed for a short time. Usually the disease disappears immediately after the appearance of the crown on the surface. At this time, it is important to provide competent care for the oral cavity of the baby.


The main symptom of a violation is bleeding and a feeling of fullness in periodontal tissues. During the period of exacerbation, a person may feel bad breath, which is not stopped by rinses and pastes.

Other signs characteristic of the acute stage of gingivitis:

  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • strong pain when eating;
  • bleeding gums and their increase in size;
  • swelling of the interdental papillae;
  • permanent gum tooth (not associated with teething);
  • erosions on the mucous membranes.

Even with acute symptoms of the course of the disease, the teeth remain immobile. The interdental papillae change shape and become domed. Chronic forms of the disorder are characterized by the formation of visible plaque on the surface of the teeth, which is difficult to remove at home.

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis develops as a result of illiterate treatment of primary forms of the disease. This form of violation is practically untreatable and recurs during the off-season.

If during the disease there is shakiness of the teeth, then this indicates that catarrhal gingivitis has passed into a more dangerous state - periodontitis

With an exacerbation chronic gingivitis patients complain about:

  • discomfort during eating and hygiene measures;
  • the appearance of blood during pressure on the gums with a tongue or toothbrush;
  • enlargement of interdental papillae;
  • blue gums due to disturbances in their metabolic processes and blood circulation.


The disease is classified into several varieties depending on the form of the course, the extent of inflammation and the severity. According to the first criterion, pathology is divided into acute and chronic. Acute gingivitis progresses rapidly and is accompanied by bright clinical signs, but it is observed only once. The chronic type of disorder is characterized by slow development and blurred symptoms.

Depending on the degree of inflammation, 2 types of disorders are distinguished:

  • Localized - up to 1/3 of the gum is affected.
  • Generalized. Inflammation spreads along the entire length of the periodontal tissues and is noted on both jaws.

According to the severity of the course, gingivitis is divided into:

  • Light degree. Only damage to the intergingival papillae is noted.
  • Medium degree - there is a lesion of the free area of ​​​​soft tissues (marginal zone).
  • Severe degree - the pathological process covers the entire alveolar region.


Only a dentist can make a diagnosis of catarrhal gingivitis after a visual examination of the patient's oral cavity and diagnostic manipulations. To confirm the diagnosis, the dentist uses special tests:

  • oral hygiene index according to Fedorov-Volodina (the presence of pathological processes is evidenced by an index greater than one);
  • RMA index;
  • Kulazhenko test - allows you to determine the areas of development of hematomas in periodontal tissues;
  • Schiller-Pisarev test. You can talk about the development of inflammation in the gums when positive results samples.

For differential diagnosis instrumental examination methods are used:

  • Rheoparodontography and Doppler flowmetry. Methods reveal blood microcirculation in gum tissues.
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the liquid. To identify the causative agent of pathology and its concentration in biological material.
  • Probing of gum pockets. Allows you to determine the degree of tooth mobility.
  • X-ray. Detects damage to the tissues of the teeth and jaw against the background of inflammatory processes.

Treatment tactics

Treatment of catarrhal gingivitis is carried out taking into account the symptoms and severity of its course. On average, treatment measures last 7-14 days and include the following activities:

  • Thorough cleaning of enamel from plaque and tartar. If the deposits on the surface of the teeth are not cleaned, then gingivitis will recur and be more difficult to treat.
  • Evaluation of the dentition for the presence of carious cavities. If defective areas are found, the doctor will reinstall the old filling material. The uneven edges of the teeth, formed as a result of the destructive process, injure the mucous membranes of the mouth and aggravate the course of gingivitis.

Treatment of catarrhal gingivitis begins immediately after its detection. It is possible to eliminate diseases at the beginning of development without antibiotics. In this case, the patient will be prescribed solutions for rinsing the mouth with antiseptic action. To combat the problem, applications with disinfectant impregnation are also used.

If local remedies do not give the desired result, then they resort to antibiotic therapy. Chronic gingivitis requires a comprehensive approach to the problem: regular medication, the use of suitable personal hygiene products, diet, physiotherapy. In addition to the dentist, the patient will need to visit a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or other specialists to eliminate gingivitis that has arisen against a systemic failure in the body.

In adults

For rinsing the mouth and applications, adult patients are prescribed the following types of medications:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Ethonia's solution (1%);
  • calcium permanganate solution.

The therapy is supplemented with Iodo-glycol and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect. During the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis, toothpastes are used, which include triclosan (an antibiotic) and stannous fluoride.

In the acute stage of inflammation, a solution of glucose or calcium chloride is injected into the interdental papillae. Treatment with injections lasts from 3 to 7 days. Atrophied gum tissue is subject to removal by cryosurgical excision and further cauterization

As an aid in the fight against pathology, drugs are used traditional medicine:

  • A mixture of milk and chamomile: add 500 ml of milk and 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of chamomile. The agent is infused for 15 minutes and used to rinse the mouth.
  • Blueberry infusion: 1 dec. l. dried fruits pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. Bird cherry berries can be used instead of blueberries.
  • Applications with green mustache leaves: 1 leaf is crushed to a mushy state and applied to problem areas of the gums for 15 minutes. To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, a pinch of salt is added to the mixture.

In children

Inflammation of the gums in children is removed with the help of applications based on Solcoseryl and Cholisal. These funds are characterized by a complex action: antimicrobial, analgesic and regenerating. They are safe if accidentally swallowed.

For rinsing the mouth, children are prescribed:

  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Furacilin.

Antibiotics for babies will be prescribed only if catarrhal gingivitis turns into severe form or spreads to healthy mucous membranes.

From folk remedies for children, it is allowed to use components with low rate allergenicity:

  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • sage.

To prepare tinctures, take 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. Rinse the child's mouth with the resulting product every 2 hours. To strengthen the affected soft tissues and accelerate their healing. Chewing loads are also recommended, which improve the blood supply to the periodontium.

Fighting exacerbations

Treatment of exacerbations of catarrhal gingivitis is aimed at reducing the severity of inflammation and intoxication of the body. The duration of therapy in this case is from 7 to 10 days. To eliminate the symptoms of the disorder, patients are prescribed: anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketarolac, Ibuprofen), antihistamines(Tavegil, Zodak, Zirtek). During treatment, the patient is forbidden to consume food that irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Antiseptic treatment of the gums should be carried out before the removal of plaque and after its removal to prevent toxemia. To reduce pain, it is allowed to use applications based on Lidocaine 5%. For antiseptic treatment of affected areas of the gums, Metronidazole and Chlorhexidine are used.

To prolong the action of painkillers and antimicrobial drugs, Deplendent's medicinal film is applied to the gums.

In the stage of active inflammation, it is forbidden to brush your teeth intensively with a brush. Damage to the soft tissues of the gums exacerbates the course of catarrhal gingivitis. During therapy, instead of hygiene procedures, antiseptic rinses are performed. A thorough cleaning of the teeth is started only after the elimination of acute signs of the disease.


  • Regular brushing of teeth (2 times a day) for 3-4 minutes.
  • Use of prophylactic rinses after completion of standard hygiene procedures.
  • Flossing after every meal.
  • The choice of dental care products after consultation with a doctor.
  • Refusal to consume too hot or cold food.
  • Introduction to the diet of a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. Food rich in fiber naturally removes plaque from the enamel of the teeth.
  • Getting rid of bad habits.

A responsible approach to the health of your smile allows you to keep it for many years. It is also important to seek help in a timely manner, without triggering the disease. A preventive visit to the dentist allows you to detect the problem at an early stage.

One common form of gingivitis that develops in people of all ages is catarrhal gingivitis. This pathology does not lead to exposure of the teeth and does not break the dentogingival connection. If the patient neglects treatment, the disease can provoke serious complications. To identify pathology, it is not enough only a clinical examination. If there are symptoms indicating the development of the disease, the dentist may resort to the use of additional diagnostic measures. Sometimes an X-ray examination is prescribed and dental indices are determined.

Causes of development of catarrhal gingivitis

The risk group for the development of gingivitis includes representatives of all gender and age categories. However, if we turn to the statistics, we can see that most often it is diagnosed in patients under the age of thirty and in children. At the same time, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more susceptible to the occurrence of this disease than men, often women are affected by this disease during childbearing. Experts explain this by the increased vulnerability of the body during the gestational period.

Catarrhal gingivitis develops due to the influence of adverse factors in combination with the influence of pathogens. More often, gingivitis affects people who have reduced gum resistance to the influence of the above causes. This explains the fact that patients suffering from chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems or gastrointestinal tract, as well as people who have recently had infectious diseases, are more likely to suffer from catarrhal gingivitis. These causes of gingivitis are classified as common. There is also a group of local causes:

  • dentoalveolar anomalies or anomalies in the development of the soft tissues of the oral cavity of a congenital nature;
  • in the presence of defects in tooth filling, incorrectly selected or incorrectly installed prostheses;
  • dental injuries (tooth dislocation or crown fracture often provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the gums, that is, gingivitis);
  • neglect of the rules of oral hygiene (soft plaque quickly accumulates on the surface of the tooth enamel, which mineralizes and hardens over time, turning into a full-fledged tartar);
  • microbial deposits (plaque) are constantly present on the gums or on the surface of the tooth enamel.

The group of local factors provoking the manifestation of symptoms in young children characteristic of the disease in question includes the eruption of milk teeth. After the exit of the crown part of the tooth from the gum tissue is completed, discomfort and pain disappear by themselves. Similar symptoms can be observed in an adult - during the eruption of third molars (wisdom teeth).

Forms of the disease

Catarrhal gingivitis can occur in two forms - acute and chronic. The acute form is characterized by pronounced symptoms, sudden and rapid progression of the disease. If acute catarrhal gingivitis is not diagnosed in a timely manner, or the patient neglects treatment, then the pathology is complicated by ulcerative necrotic stomatitis or becomes chronic. The latter is characterized by reduced symptoms, so it is possible to identify chronic catarrhal gingivitis only when preventive examination at the dentist or during an exacerbation.

Catarrhal gingivitis can also be classified according to the severity of damage to the gum tissue. In this case, we can talk about one of the three degrees of development of catarrhal gingivitis. They differ depending on how extensively the inflammatory process has spread, and what percentage of the gum tissue is affected by it.

Symptoms of gingivitis

Deterioration of well-being, sudden and rapid increase in body temperature, sharp pain in the gums - these symptoms characterize the patient with acute catarrhal gingivitis. It can be quite difficult to suspect the development of pathology in oneself, based only on these symptoms. In addition to these signs, this form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a layer of plaque is formed, completely covering the surface of the gums and teeth;
  • gums swell, become bleeding;
  • the mucous membrane of the gums acquires a rich bright red hue;
  • in the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums, severe pain and burning are felt.

Launched acute gingivitis eventually becomes chronic, which is not characterized by pronounced symptoms. Symptoms similar to the symptoms of the acute form occur during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Indolent catarrhal gingivitis in chronic form manifests itself when brushing teeth or in the process of eating. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

Ways to treat the disease

Treatment of catarrhal gingivitis should be comprehensive. The doctor prescribes therapeutic measures, based not only on the form and severity of the disease. He must also take into account general state the health of the patient at the time of treatment, his age and the presence of any concomitant diseases.

In the dentist's office

Before starting the treatment procedure, the doctor evaluates the quality of the oral cavity sanitation. Then carried out professional cleaning teeth in order to eliminate deposits from the surface of the teeth (they are a breeding ground for bacteria). If the development of catarrhal gingivitis was the result of exposure to traumatic factors, they are eliminated. Removal of dental deposits is carried out by one of the methods listed below (depending on the characteristics of the plaque, the qualifications of the doctor and the equipment of a particular dental office).

After cleaning, the surface of the tooth enamel is ground, polished and covered with preparations (resins or varnishes) containing fluorine. After the end of the procedure, the doctor conducts an explanatory conversation with the patient - gives recommendations on brushing teeth at home, choosing a toothbrush and paste, and using floss threads.

Physiotherapy and medications

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe physical therapy. Such methods show high efficiency in the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis of various etiologies. It is permissible to use physiotherapy for a disease caused by traumatic factors and to carry out procedures in combination with orthodontic or orthopedic treatment.

If during the development of catarrhal gingivitis the inflammatory process is pronounced, then applications for gums using antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds are indicated. These include infusions medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, calendula), Furacilin (solution 0.02%), Chlorhexidine (solution 0.06%). Before prescribing antibacterial drugs, it is important to correctly identify the pathogenic microflora and determine its sensitivity.

As part of non-specific therapy aimed at improving the general condition of the patient, stimulating homeostasis processes and increasing the body's resistance during exacerbation of gingivitis, vitamin therapy is actively used. In most cases, a course of vitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes is prescribed, which contain vitamins A, group B, C, E, P. If the inflammatory process is pronounced, then the doctor will conduct desensitizing therapy. It includes taking antihistamine drugs - Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Pulpofen.

The therapeutic regimen presented above is used in the treatment of chronic gingivitis. If the disease is accompanied by general somatic pathologies or other aggravating factors, then the patient will need to undergo an in-depth examination, on the basis of which an individual complex therapy, possibly with the involvement of narrow specialists from other areas of medicine.

Disease prevention

You can supplement the main therapeutic measures with the use of traditional medicine. Of course, they cannot replace the medicines or procedures prescribed by the doctor. However, their use allows you to speed up the healing process, consolidate the result and prevent relapses. Apply the below folk remedies it is possible even in the treatment of gingivitis in children, since they usually do not give side effects:

If a patient has developed catarrhal gingivitis, it is important to diagnose it as early as possible and immediately begin therapy. Then you can avoid complications and cope with the disease quickly and effectively. For those people who have not yet encountered gingivitis or have already successfully coped with it, it is recommended to pay attention to the following measures for the prevention of catarrhal gingivitis:

  1. if possible, avoid injuries of the oral cavity, including microtrauma of the mucous membranes;
  2. visit the dentist regularly, even in the absence of pathologies that cause pain or discomfort;
  3. use antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth;
  4. use dental floss after every meal;
  5. carefully remove all deposits (plaque) from the surface of the tooth enamel.